Ba'al Busters Broadcast

PROCOPIUS & Alexander: Khazarian Intrigue Targeting the Goths

Procopius: The Secret History is an account of Justinian and Theodora, and their Khazarian influences that fueled their efforts to exterminate the Goths or Germanic people. There's a common theme running throughout history, isn't there? We are the Target. the Saturn Death Cult of self proclaimed "Chosen" people were and are attempting to murder and enslave us all.
Before someone says, that wasn't the Khazarians in ref. to Procopius, watch the video.  The pirates, traders, spy network, and bank rollers that were behind Theodora and Justinian's motives is a compelling argument regardless if Procopius doesn't mention them by name. That point is also brought up by Asha Logos along the video.  As far as the generic term Bar/Barbarians, it didn't just refer to the Hunns or to Goths.  The very languages and how it sounded to the writers is what categorized these people, in part. I had someone argue as if the there weren't any Js in the empire and interacting with it.  The historical evidence states otherwise. 

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2h 49m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. We are live. Oh, look at this. All of a sudden, all of a sudden. Well, tomorrow it will appear we will be on bration, bration rumble, and FTJ media, which is kind of like the main channel now, because we know that that one's secure and they won't delete anything. But I'm looking at a screen right now that says a premium account on X, which I still call Twitter, is required in order to stream on the platform. You can subscribe on X or stream to a different destination. Well, what do you know? That was never the case. Now they want, I think it's like eight bucks a month or something like that. And now I'm going to have to pay to be on there. After how long have I been putting the videos up on Twitter? I wonder if they know. I wonder if the people who watch on there know that. That's some remarkable crap right there. The fist is tightening. All right, so I'm removing that destination. So we're just rolling with the two today, all right, there we have it. So rumble and FTJ media, which is the new name for speak free radio. We're going to have a little fun to start off and then we're going to get into it. I'm not seeing anybody though. Where'd you go guys? Where'd you go? Where's all my friends? It's Monday. I get it. Well that's really, that's really disappointing. I liked the fact that Twitter was allowing all my stuff up there and not giving me a hard time with it and now all of a sudden that's over. Oh well, things happen. Speaking of things happening, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, an uncorrect screen with the incorrect screen protector on it in no case because this dealer that I went to, it literally took me Friday, Saturday, Sunday and I'm going to have to go back again today to finally be done with this process. It took hours upon hours of my life away. They gave me a bad one. It didn't read my SD card. They put it in an A15, it's a different model. It read it. So they knew there was an issue and they tried to tell me that they weren't going to do anything about it and I had to raise holy hell with them. So then they finally, following, well two days later, got me a replacement, switched everything over, and I had to try to lug into all my accounts again a second time, which is again, pure hell. And each time it like wiped all of my books that I had on my phone and lost all the places that I had set for like where I had finished reading and stuff like that. So that was annoying. Getting into the accounts was nearly impossible. One of them I still can't because they want me to do second tier verification for what do you call it? For Patreon and that account is dead. That account, that email account server doesn't exist anymore and they keep on sending a code to it. So from my phone, I can't get it on the Patreon. So while I'm gone, Friday we're leaving to go to New York for 10 days. My daughter and I, there won't be anything going on in Patreon until I get back, unless I can log in from my laptop. So if I can, then I'll do stuff there, okay? And I would like to try to squeeze in an exclusive to Patreon members only stream one of these days. And I'm going to invite people who are in, you know, in the Patreon, I'm going to give them the stream yard link so they can come in and actually talk. And it would be like a little private session, like where we can discuss stuff and there's a lot to talk about. And as far as that big event that occurred, I'm not going to get too much into it because it's, that's what the whole purpose of an event like that is to draw your attention into it, keep you occupied with it, and you know how the story goes, right? Get you thinking and adding your energy to something that they want you to do. What are they doing in the meantime that you're not seeing? So there's that. And if you don't expect a gun grab coming from one side of the administration or the other, they've never, they've never dropped the ball to do that before. And when Reagan got his little pew-pewing incident, what happened? The Brady bill, right? So it doesn't matter what side of the fence they pretend to be on, it's going to happen. It's going to trickle in. You'll start hearing about it probably this week. Okay, so there's that. Today we're going to discuss some fun, well, how do I phrase this? Last week we touched upon when we were listening to Asha logos or watching Asha logos, Procopius, Procopius, the secret history, right? This particular episode of, in the series of Asha logos that we're going to watch today is directly that, okay? It's going to be the Procopius, I might put this up here. Good morning, Daisy, the blanket lady. You are awesome. I'm glad when you're here, I miss you. Don't see you too much in Telegram anymore, but I'm very happy that you're here. Good morning, ma'am. So anyway, yeah, so the Procopius, I started reading it, got about 36 pages deep in it, and I learned all about the first section and I'm just getting into the Justinian and the Adora. We're going to get kind of like a cliff-noted version of that by watching this video, and before I do that, I'm going to play you a small piece of the Alexander the Great episode, learning with the Gog and Maggog story and Alexander's alleged fortified defense against it because I want that element to be in this video so that you see a pattern and it goes very far back, certain people targeting certain other people that we saw happen with Visigoths, the Ostrigoths, and of course in Germany when they almost exterminated the entire Germanic race from the planet. And who's doing it every time? Okay, so we're going to get into that too. Yeah, so Friday will not be a show because I'll be on the road and we will be flying and it's going to be an hour, three-hour difference when we get there and all that stuff. I've got to settle in, I've got to spend time with the family, this whole point of being there. I'm going to try to... The dates and times will be sporadic at best while I'm gone. If I have a chance to get one in, I will. I'm planning on doing more recording as far as the GoPro, which I totally need to freak an upgrade. For this trip, I wish I had the GoPro 12. I mean, I could order it now, but then I don't pay my car insurance. Not a good trade-off. All right, so, and I have an AC that I desperately need to fix because it's over 110 degrees here in most days and then I pretty much have to wring myself out just to drive down the street, you know? Okay, so let's go for it. Let's go and we'll start off with something a little bit fun. I'd rather do this and talk about, you know, the grassy and old stuff that was going on this week. Oh, what the hell? All right, let's try this again. It breaks you hard to see it. These poor people are dropping like flies through no faults of their own and everybody's blaming it on a coincidence. Well, luckily for you, we here at the Sabotini Protection Agency, we've been in the business of coincidence for over 200 years. Now, we can't make what happened to you who people unhappened, but we can happen to other people some coincidence of their own. Well said, Dominic, coincidence is a two-way street. Coincidence has happened all the time. Yeah. Like, for this person right over here, Maria, Maria wanted a coincidence to happen. They tried to tell Mike Tommy that if he wanted to play school soccer, he had to get the thing. So I picked up the phone and called the Sabotinis and now, coincidentally, he no longer has to get the thing and he's still playing school soccer. Screw those mama looks and God bless the Sabotinis. Didn't she look happy to you? Yeah, you know what, boys? I got a three or four coincidences in the trunk of my car right now. What's your Michael? Do yourself a favor, call the Sabotini Family Protection Agency at the number below. Dominic, what's that number? One hundred gobble go. But do me a favor. Like Uncle Vinny says, you use a burn-off on one time, but you guys calling us on your real numbers. What do you do? A burn-air phone and call the Sabotini Family Protection Agency, because we're going to treat you like family. [laughter] Oddly enough, my grandmother's last name is was, whatever, Sabotino and from what I gather that was the Ellis Island id, if that's a verb, her name, because it used to be 17 from what we gather from whatever little family research that they've done. So it's kind of funny. That was also my family name. Good times. Good times. Yeah, don't mess with the ballbusters. There's one more. I think I could probably get on here. Let's see if it shows on the screen that I got to tell. I cannot tell. Yeah, it's showing it. Cool. All right. So it's not URL specific, but it kind of is. Okay, whatever. That works for me. I'm glad I can do that. Let's see. If you guys don't hear this one, just yell at me. This is kind of interesting. I don't know why he's wearing what looks like a disco ball in his head. I mean, he could do a lot of other things to hide your identity, but I guess he wanted to look like a rib for his pleasure face, I guess. I don't know what's going on with that. Do me a favor and watch this video. Oh, good. I have to read this one. It says, this is what a comment form looks like. Look at all the phones on the wall. All connected. You need to be a suspicious Asian looking pack of a head here. So you know, it's, you know, it's a very, very techie like because there's an Asian involved. So I wanted to show this to you because a lot of the time when you're arguing with someone online, you are arguing with guys like this who run commenting farms that literally exists to make you miserable because at this point, commenting farms like you just saw on screen are confirmed to exist in Russia, in China, all for the purpose of destroying the Western psyche. Even giant Twitter accounts like radio, you know, these accounts only exist for you to start to begin to hate Western society by only posting content that makes you feel like everything around you is burning to the ground. So do me a favor. And that includes my own content commit to yourself right now that you're going to take a week off of social media and go outside and touch some grass. It's the summertime. It's beautiful. And I promise you at the end of that week, you will think to yourself, holy, maybe I should continue to limit the amount of time that I'm online. And once you start to do that, you my friend will begin to really start living once again. Do me a favor and watch this video. Sorry. I had to look at something. So let me just see if I can answer this in a, I guess I could do it over here. Hold on. One second, we'll get started. Excuse me. I guess I have to type one more thing. Something like that. I think it is close. Okay, let's get going to the next one. Oh, oh, oh, oh Riley, that's what I have to go get my art of parts. So we are going to start with Alexander the Great Lion amongst men. We're going to start at the 59 minute mark on national logos. It's part of the series, our subverted history that we've been listening to. There's one that I shared last night in the telegram group that's very, very good. It's called black and white. It's not about race. It's about, you know, there's sometimes there's things are what they are and there's no subjective reality that applies and who does that favor when you think in that manner is what the whole point is and are you eroding yourself by following along and putting your energy to it? Very good. And it's also very inspiring and encouraging to if you're not in the telegram group, just get in there. It's free, right? And if you're looking for all those PDFs from those books that they've been mentioning in the series so far, I put all those in the patreon group, okay? And just so you know, the reason why I haven't been updating since the DuckTales Dan episodes is because I kind of like having the patreon in existence still and I've been just torpedoed once for something that I didn't even post on to patreon. I don't know if somebody did something, but they said that they were scouring the internet for my content. Why do they do that? I don't know. And it was offensive hate speech for some thing or other. And I had one subscriber at that time. This was a while back. This was like years ago and it was $3 a month that the guy was getting me and they said that I was using that money for a hate group. You can't even be slightly miffed for $3. What the hell was I doing with it? Was I forming the... You can't even be mildly disturbed for $3. So they refunded it all the, whatever and then shut it down. And I appealed to this guy named Blair who probably has purple hair and I'm like, nope, now it's a patreon. I'm sure he has a funky look in the last name if you understand what I'm saying there. Alexander great. Here we go. It's gonna work. Come on. Why isn't it? I don't even understand if it works out. Acting weird today was very slow in the response. I'm a little concerned about that. All right. Let's get to it. So this is, remember, I'm starting in the very, like towards the end of the episode. So some of the things that he, there's a great buildup. And we'll go back to this and watch the full thing together with commentary at some point. But this is going to be adding this to what we're about to watch for the full, you know, full length episode. It's just a reinforcing element here and I think we need to listen to it. And a fascinating side story that seems poorly understood to this day. Alexander is given credit for the construction of what's been variously called the Caspian Gates or Alexander's Gates, whose very location even is still debated to this day. The legend has it that the gates were constructed to prevent the passage of what was called unclean hordes depicted in ancient art with beaked noses said to eat worms. That's a, that's a clue right there hooked or beaked noses. And we, you know, we don't want to dismiss right away that this isn't somehow another type of humanoid that actually did exist or still does underneath the surface of the earth, right? And may be related to through, you know, intermingling with a certain chosen people. Dogs, human cadavers and fetuses. It's all. So I cut that off. I'm sorry. Well, tough. See, see what happens. See what happens. The whole thing just missed what I do not like this various. Okay. At least it started here, but that was jacked up, which is happened. All right, so anyway, what you're saying is that the cadavers. So let's go ahead and finish this. They called the Caspian Gates or Alexander's Gates, whose very location even is still debated to this day. The legend has it that the gates were constructed to prevent the passage of what was called unclean hordes depicted in ancient art with beaked noses, said to eat worms, dogs, human cadavers and fetuses. It's all but impossible to separate fact from fiction, but it seems this may have been a reference to a people related to the cause ours and or relatives of the hunish or mongol people. An obscure account of friar Carpini's journey to Mongolia in the 1240s is unique in alleging that these Caspian mountains in Mongolia is quote, where the Jews called Gog and Magog by their fellow countrymen are said to have been shut in by Alexander and that's very important quote in the Borgia map, a copper engraved world map, probably produced in southern Germany and 1430. The most eastern part contains two fortified regions depicting Gog and Magog with the following Latin inscriptions, the province of Gog. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal, enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renter's warehouse offers top notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renter's warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renter's warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. Okay, round two, name something that's not boring. Oh sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right, Chumba has over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Chumba Let me read what's on the screen. Note, the perspective of this map is the inverse of our traditional understanding. Africa is at the top, Europe at the bottom. The easternmost section is depicted on the left, westernmost on the right. In which the Jews were confined during the time of Artaxerxes, king of the Persians. Magog, in these two are large people and giants who are fully. This is an inversion, and I'm sorry I'm cutting him off, but I want to read this that's on the bottom. It says, "intriguingly, it's been suggested by many scholars that the better translation for the term giants in these ancient contexts might be devouvers or consumers, eaters of people." Full of all kinds of bad behaviors, these Jews were collected by Artaxerxes from all parts of Persia. Scholar Peter Golden speculated that the Khazar ethnos was essentially a conglomerate of Turkic nations, including the Sabirs and North Caucasian Huns, as well as elements of the Gok Turks. As Arthur Kessler puts it, the Khazars "claim the status of a chosen race, even though they weren't assented from Abraham's seed," which seems reminiscent of the similar Edomite or Idumean peoples who largely took over the temple in Israel, as well as the label Judite, after their forced conversion by John Harkanus in the 2nd century BC, which has subsequently morphed into the modern term Jew. The author of the fanciful "so we had them pinned down and cornered, and they were released once again upon the world, Alexander the Great was pretty great if you did that." Travels of Sir John Mandeville, a 14th century bestseller, said he had found these Jews in Central Asia, whereas Gog and Magog, they had been imprisoned by Alexander, plotting to escape and join with the Jews of Europe to destroy Christians. One of the works which gave rise to the legend of the Red Jews or wrote to Juden in Middle Ages Germany. In the Alexander romance, another fanciful tale, it simply recounts them as a "race of heathens." What does that look like to you? It appears that he's eating a small thing, and it reminds me of the kindafressor that is in Burn, I believe it's in Burn, Switzerland, the statue of the guy with, it's a fountain, and he's got like a satchel, and he's had his children that are crawling around trying to get away from him, and he's eating one of them by the head first, and it's called the kindafressor or the child eater, and it also is a depiction of Saturn, Saturn devours his children. These are a Saturn cult, and I believe, I mean, I have such a strong suspicion here that when they say they are chosen, I don't disagree, but by whom is the question, because they have a very uncanny ability to get into either the minds of the people in power or into the power itself, and of course, when you structure a world based on money that you control, that makes it all the much easier. So there is an element here that I think does harden back to some sort of cultish religion over these continuous-carryed themes, and then through that you can utilize pattern recognition when you learn the history of it, to understand exactly the modus operandi of these people or of these beings, and again, no matter, depending on how far removed you are from the actual, what do you want to call it, entity of them versus just the name of them, correct, then you would see, oh, yeah, well, yeah, I know John, he's been my friend forever and he's a Jew, and we know we have any problems, and our children play together and all this other stuff, yeah, right, because there's differences there, and those people, just like you, are expendable to the ones who are literally these things, who knows, but also, I think they're, in my opinion, human as human can be, but they may have some intermingled blood with something that's different, or I'm talking about back then, right, because the depictions seem a little off, or it's simply that they are devoted to a certain being that could be flesh or not flesh that is in fact assisting them in strange supernatural ways, supernatural to us because the understanding is off, it could just be high tech, and it seems to always work in their favor, and I would say that weather weapons or geoengineering type stuff is one of those ways, because there's this common theme consistent since the beginning, and I understand this could also just mean because of nature, it would be a force and all this stuff, but the storm God, and we look at things like Germany, and their advancement on Russia, and how they, it was unseasonably frigid cold so much that things were freezing on the weapons of war and not operating right, and it halted their advancement to actually defeat the Bolsheviks in their own territory. Weird things like that, weird things like people in the actual book Hellstorm recounting from experience saying that it appeared as if these Soviets were in unending supply coming from the ground and just appearing on the field. I don't want to just discount that as being battle fatigue, and I think, you know, let's see if there's something to that. That's all I'm saying. Purposefully enclosed behind a great wall. This biblical term of "gog" and "maygog" has become so convoluted and muddled as to be rendered almost useless, but it did seem to be believed that these gates were constructed to keep out a people similar to those famous or infamous groups so responsible for pushing the Germanic peoples ever further west throughout the ages and wreaking havoc on their nations. Not merely through the rampaging. Attila does kind of have that look, doesn't he? He has that look of that first picture with the, they had like birds feet, but they had that really large beaked nose. All the descriptions of him are not flattering for what Attila looked like. Mixed and mercenary armies that seemed endless and numbered, but from inside. Once again, that endless and numbered thing, right? It says, though the Huns and Mongols, even the Khazars, seem to have initially had a ruling cast of Aryan descent, this minority seems to have been absorbed, subsumed through the generations, the Huns that pushed the Germanic and original Scythian peoples westward were described as very different, a very different ethnic type by the Gothic Aryan Christians with Attila even taking pride in being called the scourge of God. Side as well, through schemes, court intrigue, and bribery. The ninth century monk, Christian of Stavila, said the Khazars were "living in the lands of Gog and Magog," and the Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan spoke to the same belief, "Some hold the opinion that Gog and Magog are the Khazars," and "some modern historians have it." No, apply that to Ukraine, right? Because that's where Khazario is, was, and what are we doing? We're funding the mainstay of the Bolsheviks, of course, many generations later, but it's still the same force that's controlling the country. It never was. We did the same thing. We created, not we, but you understand the people, the forces behind our government created the situation of having an Israel in the first place, and the revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, was funded and trained in New York, brought up Switzerland. They came in through, and the rest is a horrible, horrible history of the destruction of the Rus which would also be descendants of Scythians, the same targets nearly every time, and we're doing the same thing, we're building up another one in the Ukraine with an actor, an actor for a president. Attempted to argue that the peoples that Alexander wished to contain were the Scythians, but unless one stretches the definition of Scythians, to the extent that they encompass the Turkic and Mongol and Khazarian forces that moved into their territory after they'd begun their mass migration westward, as some modern historians unfortunately do. This claim seems a bit ridiculous. Additionally, it's recounted that peoples like the Allens and other Scythian relatives and offshoots were always allowed free passage, and Alexander seemed to have a great respect for the Scythians, and their related Gothic and Sakai or Saxon people groups, and this seems to have been largely mutual. Philip married a daughter of the Gothic King Gudilla, it's said that in the east Alexander reformed his army and took into his special forces, mainly peoples belonging to the Sakai and Scythian tribes, and it's said that from an early date Alexander incorporated Scythian horsemen into his famous phalanx, and in fact copied the famous wedge-shaped military formation from the Scythians. As mentioned, the great leaders Poris and Texilla in India, who so earned Alexander's respect, were almost certainly of the direct lineage of the Sakai, and from these ancient Sakai, in turn, almost certainly to send the Saxons and later Anglo-Saxons and related peoples. Two "victor Rydbergs" investigations into Germanic mythology, "From the Longobardians, I now pass to the great Germanic group of peoples comprised in the term "Saxons." Their historian, Widduchind, who wrote his chronicle in the 10th century, begins by telling what he has learned about the origin of the Saxons. Here, he says, "Different opinions are opposed to each other. According to one opinion, held by those who knew the Greeks and Romans, the Saxons are descended from the remnants of Alexander the Great's Macedonian army. According to the other, which is based on native traditions, the Saxons are descended from Danes and Northmen." And speaking personally, I tend to believe both of these opinions are potentially true to varying degrees. The Macedonians themselves were not just geographically near, but seem to have a fair bit in common, with the wilder, non-royal step-cythians on their borderlands, and though they certainly sparred, with Philip, in fact, being one of a few to briefly best them, with the killing of their king, Atius, who apparently took to the field of battle at the impressive age of 92, the mutual respect evidenced throughout the historical record is clear. As the dust settled, and with the passage of time, as nations and empires rise and fall, as populations migrate, and the geopolitical scene changes and evolves, it's this story and legends that best stand this test of time, although there are some intriguing genetic and cultural anomalies worth noting. It's said that this large army of Alexander's, containing both Macedonians and auxiliaries, from several kindred and allied peoples, left several traces along their path, still visible to this day, to the discerning eye. The Hunza people are rumored to be descended from Alexander the Great's army, and are famed for living extremely long, healthy, simple, and happy lives, and for being able to conceive, apparently, well into their 60s and 70s. The Kalash people, because of their higher frequency of fair skin and blue eyes relative to their neighbors, coupled with legends and cultural traditions of significant numbers of Alexander's men settling in the region, as led to a popular hypothesis that several of their descendants were indeed Alexander the Great's soldiers, who followed him on his campaign in India. Fascinatingly, a genetic study by Helenthal in 2014 seems to show a genetic connection between the Kalash and modern Austrians and Germans. Because they're currently landlocked in an Islamic and, thus, fairly hostile region, a religion to which they've steadfastly refused to convert, they're also a rapidly disappearing people, but are said to retain their pride and sense of identity nonetheless. Further proof of the power and mystique of this great conqueror and his seemingly invincible armies, that even the hint of genetic or cultural ancestry might shape of people's notions of themselves across millennia. In 323 BC, at the young age of 32, Alexander fell mysteriously ill and languished in bed, likely in agony for nearly... This is important too, because there's another pattern here, the pattern that he's going to describe, but I'm going to reinforce it when he's finished. Only two weeks. His inability or unwillingness to clearly name a successor shouldn't be surprising. To a personality like Alexander, a quiet death in bed after all he'd been through likely seemed impossible, and the mere discussion of such a possibility, perhaps insulting, defeatist or seen as a bad omen. The phrase "after me the deluge" comes from the French king Louis XIV, but I've always felt this sentiment may have just as well been expressed by Alexander. Chaos would become the defining theme of the coming decades and centuries, as it so often is, when great men leading vast empires pass away without leaving a clear roadmap. And this is going to be another theme that hopefully subconsciously you'll see that justice and order come from a certain lineage of people, and it's brought to other places. This idea that democracy is even a thing that's good in the first place, and this idea, because it's mob rule, and it's not good, because you can hand it over to the mob and you can influence the mob to get them all riled up to do all kinds of dumb things, hence the French Revolution and things of that nature. And you'll always see chaos wherever this certain element comes into play, and it's inverted in the sense that this is supposedly progressive liberation and all this other stuff, and the people are always convinced to tear down their own walls and defenses, which means they're strong leadership in favor of this liberation, which ends up turning into chaos and mass murder every single time. On his deathbed, some historians claim that when he was pressed to name a successor, Alexander muttered that his empire should go "to the strongest." Other sources claim that he passed his signet ring to his general, Hardicus, thereby naming him successor. But whatever his choices were or may have been, one thing is certain, no clear succession plan was followed. Alexander's generals, all of them with the loyalty of their own armies at their back, would proceed to tear each other apart in a vicious internal struggle that lasted almost half a century before four factions emerged victorious. And by then there was an influence there that was aching it onto. This poisoning of people is rampant, and it's a very strong signature to marker. It's like a fingerprint across history that identifies the actions of a certain group. Macedonia, the Seleucid Empire in the East, the Kingdom of Pergamon in Asia Minor, and the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt. During the course of these wars, Alexander's only heir, the posthumously born Alexander III, was murdered, along with his mother, who both fell to poisoning, extinguishing his bloodline forever. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter, renter's warehouse, the pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. renter's warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renter's warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renter's warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months, at no extra cost. 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The idea that this man with the robustness of a Rasputin and a guardian angel that seemed to work over time throughout every moment of his life could simply pass away bedridden in the prime of his life because of too much wine, or the sudden onset of some mystery disease seems to me far less believable and logical than the theory of foul play. To give voice to my own intuitive speculation here, with emphasis on speculation, because these waters are even still as murky as ever, I do believe he was probably murdered. With such an incredibly high percentage of the foremost men all around him, during his lifetime and just after, meeting similar sudden mysterious deaths, and with Alexander being without a doubt the foremost target of the jackals who use such methods to worm their way up the ladders of power and influence, this seems to me the more likely case. After years of dismissing the idea, at least a portion of relevant academia is beginning to come around. A Dr. Shep and a Dr. Pat Wheatley of Otago University published a paper in the medical journal Clinical Toxicology making a plausible case for the type of poison that may have been used, one that produces the physical effects mentioned in the accounts of Alexander's last days, and one known and available to the men of his age, called White Hellborn. This could have been slipped into his line, and with a bit of sweetening to hide the bitterness may have gone largely unnoticed until it was far too late. As history so clearly attests it's not enough for great men to destroy, they must create, have a vision for something new to take the place of the old order or chaos they brought down. I tend to believe Alexander had a plan, and God only knows how the implementation of this vision might have changed the world, not simply in Alexander's day, but all the way up to our own, the cascading butterfly effects would have had an enormous incalculable impact. Perhaps this plan was a threat or a diminution of power to certain hidden hands behind the scenes. As for who might have been behind such a murder and what their specific motive may have been, this stands as a massive looming question mark, perhaps never to be answered to satisfaction. And after all, the very purpose of any successful conspiracy is to covertly accomplish a deed and get away with it. I suspect that the vast majority of conspiracies throughout history remain wholly unknown and undiscovered, but this is a topic for another day, and it doesn't seem fitting when telling the story of a truly great man to focus too intently on the far smaller and lesser net, the envious or parasitic types that nipped at his heels. There's that word again, parasitic, jackals was a nice word for it too, cutthroats, one might even say, until perhaps causing his demise. It seems somehow fitting that this cowardly and scheming final act took place in Babylon. For all of his faults, Alexander the Great was one of the most capable soldiers, leaders, strategicians, conquerors and organizers and unitors of men to ever live, a man magnanimous and just to courageous foes, a despiser and punisher of cowardice and treachery and disloyalty. And this is how you separate out a noble conqueror from a mere scoundrel with an army. History is replete with examples of his opposite type, who, when a great enemy warrior is finally brought to heel after wreaking such havoc, let their emotion and petty anger blind them, but either killed or tortured or otherwise mistreated, the courageous hero or leader, whose only fault was his bravery and competence on the battlefield. Alexander, however, didn't just show courage himself, he genuinely respected it in his foes. He was a man who avoided the blinders and narrow focus of many marshally minded men who came before and after him, who sincerely respected the noble sage, teacher or priest, wherever he found them. His comment to Diogenes, were I not Alexander, I would be Diogenes. Not only strikes me as probably historically accurate and truthful on Alexander's part, but seems to speak to his character and orientation and his innate respect for knowledge and wisdom and the truly wise men and his all-important role. In many ways, Alexander seems to fit the more ancient and lofty definition of "genius", a genius that just happened to choose the martial path in his lifetime, no doubt feeling pushed by necessity and environmental conditions to do so. Despite being typically outnumbered at times by a ratio of two to one or more, he said to have never lost a single battle. Without a doubt, there are lessons to be learned from the life and the death of this lion among men. And one of the most important of these is in just how clearly he contrasted with his opposite type. As Persia began to fall ever further into the hands of lesser men, her leaders, like Xerxes, took to going to war with a massive procession in tow, including dancers and court eunuchs and feasting tables, ensuring the leaders could indulge in every luxury and vice imaginable and live in extreme ease and comfort as they sent their massive bot armies to fight and die. That's an interesting way of putting that to bot armies. Alexander, on the other hand, cultivated a highly trained, highly mobile force capable of rutally effective Blitzkrieg tactics. And Alexander himself not only led the fighting, but quite literally couldn't help himself from personally plunging into the thick of it, perhaps knowing that he could dictate the pace and flow of the fighting by doing so, due to his soldiers' love for him and desire to keep him safe at all costs. While other conquerors used their victories to spitefully punish the most successful individual warriors for the most valiant nations or peoples, and applauded treachery whenever it might benefit them, Alexander had a deep innate respect for the capable warrior and for courage itself, regardless of whether these traits were possessed by friend or foe, and despised treachery and disloyalty, and went out of his way to punish those responsible, even when the treacherous actions stood to benefit him. More than anything, Alexander seemed fundamentally honest and forthright in his approach. While court intrigue and scheming eunuchs made use of poison and conspiracies to work from the shadows, Alexander mounted on his trusty steed at the head of his men, basked in the sunlight in open air, spoke his intent clearly and openly, and followed through on his threats and promises. He would spend a mere thirty-two years on this earth, and yet manage to live every last one of them to its fullest. And in doing so, reoriented our collective vision of what's possible, and left a lasting imprint on the human psyche that will never fade. Much respect may the mortal shell rest in peace, and the spirit of the man, and the legend that left in its wake, live on. I got a little choked up, I hear of a good, positive examples in the world, you know. Alright, let's move on to the next one. We've got... Thank you, first of all, thank you very much, Daisy, that is incredibly amazing, I greatly appreciate it. And yes, thank you, thank you so much. I'm humbled. Thank you. Alright, so this one is called The Secret History, which is the name of Procopius's book, and it's Underground Dungeons, Murder, Demonic Visions, and the Death of the Roman Empire. So, I'm going to let's find it back like that. For this view, I don't know if you guys watched see that, or take a really close look at the beginning of this. Well, it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party, you just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties, on Tuesdays, until 4am. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters Warehouse manages thousands of single-family homes, and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best-in-class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee. Get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. That's For call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumbag Casino. It's the summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait. Dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. The history I'm about to relate uncovered in the Vatican Library in 1623 certainly ranks as one of the most strange and shocking ever written to the extent that it initially struck me just as it did so many others across the last century as nearly unbelievable. It purports to be an account of absolute evil for lack of a better word in human form. Written from the perspective of perhaps the only man in a position to see and hear and experience this evil firsthand, it speaks of mass murder, attempted genocide, the most brazen corruption and leured sexual degeneracy, claimed demonic possession, kidnappings, assassinations, underground dungeons and torture, and a great deal more in a similar vein. And I just want to point this out too since he's bringing up underground dungeons and torture. We know that those boring, that's what they call the big huge drills that bore tunnels because they did the Gotham Tunnel, which obviously is a roadway, but that sound that it makes that you hear is the same sound that is recorded in the early 2010s to 2017-18 of people hearing it and feeling rattling and think that there's earthquakes and all this other stuff in the United States. And there's those videos of these tunnels where there's tons of tractor-tiller trucks going into them and there's a guy like Aston where they're going and they're like, yeah, this goes all the way up to D.C. and they're in Texas or something like that and all these intricate tunnels, whatever, how do we know that there isn't something going on beneath the surface that is absolute pure hell, you know, shale, if you will, S-H-E-O-L or Tartarus, which is the worst part of hell in the Greek mythos going on underneath our feet. And obviously that would be a great way to move troops without being detected because they don't have to move on the surface and spook and alarm people. They can just pop up fully ready to go, full fleets, but also imagine if you correlate this with the amount of children that are missing every year, just in the U.S., understanding what the Jesuits are involved in and that they operate the CIA, it starts to form a picture that's not very good and quite daunting. And if we knew definitively without a shadow of a doubt that this was happening, how would that change the way we perceive this ruling class of politicians and government officials and military who has to be involved in order to pull off something that large they would need that manpower? What would we do? We would have to do something, right? And it's not as easy as simply walking away from it and going and hiding in the woods because that doesn't solve the problem and that doesn't free or save any souls that might be trapped in this torture chamber beneath our feet. I'm sure there's a lot of high-tech things going on down there. I'm sure there's potentially other things that we don't see because they don't come to the surface very often and experimentations, torture, ritual abuse, all that stuff. And if that's happening, then I can't help but think of that book. Well, it's a short story and it's not a very well-written one, but there's a point there. Those who walk away from Amalas, look it up please, O-M-E-L-A-S, if I'm not mistaken. And it talks about a child being kept in almost complete darkness, never shown love, never spoken to, never allowed to be shown tenderness or care, but always constantly put in a state of terror and misery. And according to the story, the reason why the people of that town have such a wonderful life is because of the living sacrifice of this child being tortured. Some reason that's what fuels their society. In some people who witness it, they walk away, which is cowardly because they don't try to save the child, they just walk away and disgust. Well, who does that help? It's a very odd story, but there might be some deeper message there. Unlike most of the historical tales I've told in other videos, this one will contain no heroes or heroism. This is the unfortunate flip side of that coin. It's a tale of what happens when our worst men become our most powerful men, when the foundations and roots of a robustly healthy and strong nation are decimated, and the state becomes not a unified nation of like-minded kin working towards common goals, but a chaotic patchwork of every type of humanity set at one another's throats, each seeking its own immediate benefit. It's a warning. The author's name is Procopius, a man responsible for some of the most thorough, sober, and even handed historical accounts of his age. And his explosive work is titled "The Secret History." So impressive were his other works, displaying that unique, even-keeled intellectual maturity common to the most genuinely aristocratic nature of his day, calling to mind a "tastis" or xenophon, that the secret history was initially thought to be a hoax, or its authorship somehow mistakenly attributed to Procopius. It's only fairly recently in the broad scope of history that these theories have been obliterated by a deeper analysis of the writing style, indicating these words did indeed flow from his own hand. So extreme are the contents that, once again just like others before me, my first instinct was to search for some obviously ignoble incentive or motive behind his words. Something that might cause a man to paint such a picture of the events of his age, for reasons other than a service to truth. And though fear-scholarly debate on this very topic produced a handful of possibilities, none of these have ever struck me as especially convincing. Jay Bagnobiri, a historian I appreciate and have mentioned more than once in the past, was among the doubters of its authenticity, a stance he formalized with a publishing of an argument on the topic in 1889. By 1923, mirroring so many of his peers as new facts came to light, he'd changed his opinion, though he added that Procopius, quote, "must have suffered a brainstorm before writing it." British historian A.H.M. Jones accurately called it a "venomous pamphlet" but goes on to offer the opinion, perhaps formed before its legitimacy was all but 100% confirmed, that it, quote, "doesn't deserve the respect which is often accorded to it." Speaking personally, I've come to lean towards the words of the later translator, who prefaced his work with, quote, "Procopius was unquestionably on the side of right, and the things which are disgusting to us were equally disgusting to him," end quote. "Venomous, yes, yet perhaps equally accurate, necessary and important. If Procopius and those around him did indeed witness and live through what they claimed to have, how could any decent man not be righteously angry as a result?" Anthony Kaldellis opens up his introduction of the secret history, with the words, "Procopius felt that he had been living in a nightmare for most of his adult life." Much like Tacitus, one gets the sense that this is a man cut from the old cloth, with high standards of conduct, decency, and ethics, who was witnessing, first hand, front and center, a complete and total collapse into generation, of not just the Roman Empire, but of the, quote, "civilized world." Kaldellis tells us, "Procopius was unique and courageous not only in that he wrote a neutral and mostly critical history of the wars of Justinian, who was a dangerous man to offend, but also in that he dared to write the secret history when Justinian, the great spider at the center of the vast imperial web, was still alive. This unique quality infuses his works with the suspense of secrets furtively told, and outcomes not yet decided. I believe he was consoled as he watched this darkness all around him, by the fact that one day, if he should be lucky enough to sidestep the arbitrary whims of these two protagonists and remain alive, he might finally share a wealth of knowledge, the vast majority of which could only be known by him, and would die with him and be lost forever if he didn't proceed with caution." The final note of context before we begin, our story takes place in the Eastern Roman Empire, centering around the reign of Emperor Justinian and his Empress Theodora, from 527 to 565 AD. When I say Procopius is a first-hand source, I mean this. This wasn't some scholar writing in a distant library after the events took place, but a man employed by Justinian to carefully document the goings-on of his day, frequently accompanying the third major figure of this work, the Roman general Belisarius, especially during his battles against the Goths. 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The shift in fortunes, enthusiasm, and energy during this period is epitomized by Procopius's writings, and well stated by Avril Cameron in his Procopius and the 6th century. "Indeed, the tone of his narrative changes very strikingly when he writes of the second Italian expedition. From the lively, engaged writing of the first books of the Gothic Wars, the mood changes to one of increasing sadness and disappointment. Belisarius, whose reputation had reached an apogee for Procopius in his masterly handling of the entry into Ravenna in 540, achieved nothing on his second expedition to Italy. And Procopius, while still under the spell of his hero, became steadily more saddened and more and more openly critical. The change shows itself in the texture of his prose. Instead of vigorous descriptions of action, we have short, lapidary sentences, conveying the bare and unflattering facts. The third book of the Gothic Wars is pervaded by amounting gloom and criticism. Procopius was already preparing the full blast of his rhetoric for expression in the secret history, where he writes of the second expedition of Belisarius with extreme bitterness." Belisarius, Rome's greatest general of the age, had become a literal cuck thanks to the machinations of Theodora, a weak and disgraceful shell of a man, and thus a perfect representation of the crumbling Eastern Roman Empire, with the wind utterly removed from its now-flaccid sails, drifting aimlessly, seemingly just waiting to die. Energetic only in the creative looting of its once great and powerful body, swiftly becoming a putrid corpse. One can't help but notice countless parallels in what you're about to hear with our present age and conditions. And it's my hope that Procopius' words might act as a testament, warning, and education. I can't help but feel this is exactly what he intended them to be. That is my intent, too, that we see the parallels. And so, let's begin. Stenion ascended the throne at approximately the age of 45. It's said that even before he officially took power, as he acted as a ruler behind the scenes in place of his increasingly senile and insane Uncle Justin, he was to somehow tear through the entire mass of financial surplus, painstakingly built up over the years by his predecessors, a testament of things to come. When I was reading Procopius, they were saying that Rome was ruled during the time of Justin by a man who his advisors had to hold his hand, and sometimes they had to etch into what he would have to sign his name because he couldn't write, and they would have to guide his hand into the grooves for him to sign things. He was 100% completely illiterate. He was said, by Procopius and others, to bear a striking resemblance to the Emperor Domitian, who was apparently considered quite ugly, and who, ironically, was to become so hated by his subjects that they tore him limb from limb to end his life. He was of middle height with a round face, and though neither physical extreme was "slightly inclined towards fatness." He was, by all accounts, well above average in intelligence, in one of the few complementary passages in the work, Procopius speaks of him as fairly temperate and moderated in his personal life, sleeping and eating little, if at all, tireless and energetic in the pursuit of his aims, a contrast to the completely degenerate gluttons like Caligula, who seemingly gave themselves over entirely to sensory pleasures. He was also said to be fairly soft-spoken, and not the least bit prone to passionate outburst or displays of emotion, and with these few short sentences, we've nearly covered the only neutral or complementary statements Procopius manages to give voice to in the entire work. It's universally agreed that Justinian's style of leadership was one that sought to glorify and strengthen the state at the cost of its citizens. A path that has had its high points in some exceptional cases, but only when a homogeneous citizenry is laboring together in unity towards larger goals that the vast majority agrees are net positives, as opposed to using it as a means of bleeding dry, a multicultural and multi-ethnic population, to flood the coffers of a paper-tiger empire, under the guise that perhaps new buildings and constructions might somehow hide its internal decay. And where to even begin with Theodora? She was low-born by an objective standard, and to a family of entertainers, to a father who was a keeper of wild beasts used in public spectacles, and a mother that seems to have been very much a shrewd, yet largely unsuccessful until Theodora's big break, social climber. Several wives of exceedingly powerful men were low-born, and yet later managed to distinguish themselves with their exceptional grace or virtue or kind-heartedness. Theodora, to put it mildly, was not of this mould. She and her two sisters were "actresses," which, in this period, as perhaps it should be in our own, was directly synonymous with prostitution. This isn't just a say that the public saw the profession of acting as prostitution, but that the women engaged in one were also engaged in the other. That seems especially horrible about the case of Theodora and her two sisters. If you think about casting couch and understand, or if you accept the stories that we hear as to how Hollywood is actually run, it would make sense that the same people would be controlling that as well, because the same system is in place. You don't see on the outside, maybe you saw it more back then, but the way it flows, the process, is the same. Who were encouraged to take to this stage, and other activities, the moment they were old enough to do so, is that privately they seem to have begun prostituting themselves far earlier. Procopius tells us Theodora was still too young to have intercourse with a man after the manner of women, but she satisfied the unnatural passions of certain riches, even the vilest of slaves, who followed their masters to the theater and amused their leisure by this infamy. She remained for some time also in a brothel, where she practiced this hateful form of vice. As soon, however, as she reached the age of puberty as she was handsome, her mother sent her into the theatrical troupe, and she straight away became a simple harlot, as the… It kind of sounds like somebody who pushes their children these days into acting, basically an offering to anyone who will give them higher status. They'll offer their own children up to it to do with what they will, so long as they get what they want. Their children are a bargaining chip. The old-fashioned people called it, for she was neither a musician nor a dancer, but merely prostituted herself to everyone whom she met, giving up every part of her body to debauchery. She associated chiefly with the theatrical pantomimes, and took part in their performances, playing in the comic scenes, for she was exceedingly witty and amusing, so that she soon became well known by her acting. She had no shame, whatever, and no one ever saw her put out of her countenance. But she lent herself to scandalous purposes without the least hesitation. And he goes on to offer further details here, indicating that she became known by anyone and everyone around her who might be interested in knowing her. For she was not only without shame, but especially fond of encouraging others to be shameless. And any respectable man who met her in the public streets turned away and made haste to avoid her, lest his clothes should be soiled with contact with such an abandoned creature. As for her fellow actresses, she always abused them most savagely, for she was exceedingly jealous. She had married up early in her life to a man named Techablus, but "corled with him" and was straight away sent out of the country, and thus reverted, energetically, it seems, to prostitution, first in Alexandria, then to Byzantium, engaging in her profession in every town along the way. Procopius tells us she became one of the best known prostitutes of her time. She was known to have had at least one child, who would later be disappeared after inconveniently re-emerging after she became empress. But Procopius states she had at least one more to his knowledge. She was also said to have had several abortions, using the primitive techniques of the day, and according to more than one account, apparently thought little to nothing these. And this kind of is the first inclination of the types of drugs that were common to Medea, that she would be using for those types of, and that's not always just a device that like a hook or something like that, that's, I know this is an awful way to look at, you know, to think about things, but also the drugs, the borders, the enducers of that were the drug, that was the drug knowledge of people like Medea, and that's not the only thing that eludes back to Medea either. So we'll be hearing more about that. Justinian, despite the strenuous objections of the empress of the time Euphemia, a figure who comes off as the most attractive Paragon of Virtue, relative to her degenerate surroundings, he not only decides to marry the Adora, but prevailed on his increasingly senile uncle, Justin, whom he would soon replace, to permanently change the ancient laws of the land, to allow patricians to marry, quote, stage performers. Nothing more, I conceive, need be said about this creature's character, for all the vices of his heart are thoroughly displayed in the fact of so unworthy a marriage, when a man feels no shame at an act of his kind and braves the loathing of the world, there is thereafter no path of wickedness which may not be trodden by him, but with a face incapable of blushing, he plunges, utterly devoid of scruple into the deepest baseness. This permanent changing of the laws of the land represents a key component of who Justinian was, and that he was said to be a man obsessed with newness and novelty, a, quote, reformer, a mindset that might be equated to today's progressives. Whether this change was to be good or bad for the public in the long term seemed to mean little to him, the mindset certainly granted him immense power. Theodora was very much of the same mind. She despised the upper middle class and the old guard aristocracy, and delighted in profoundly changing court protocol accordingly. We are told that new and abasing forms of etiquette were introduced at court. Under Justinian and Theodora, it became obligatory that all persons, of whatever rank, should prostrate themselves on entering the presence of the emperor and empress alike. The spirit of oriental servility in the palace was shown by the fact that officials and members of the court, who, in talking among themselves, used to speak of the sovereigns as emperor and empress, Basilius and Basilus, now began to designate them as the lord and the lady, despotists and despoina, and describe themselves as their slaves, and anyone who did not adopt these forms was considered to have committed an unpardonable solar system. How strange it must have been for the most noble patricians, unpardonable, unpardonable for that, just a simple, not acknowledging, or he didn't salute your officer today and tell them that you're the slave. So into the dungeon you go, or worse, descended from generations of the most courageous and accomplished men, many of whom had devoted their very lives and livelihoods to the betterment of the empire, to be forced to debase themselves in a servile fashion, before an envious prostitute descended from harlitz and circus performers. Very quickly, all looking on must have realized this empress was unique, and that the coming years may well be difficult ones. Her habits presented a contrast to the temperance and simplicity of Justinian. She spent a long time in her bath, at her meals she indulged in every kind of food and drink. She slept long, both at night and in her daily siesta. She spent many months of the year, in the suburban palaces on the seashore, especially at Herion, on the coast of Bithynia, opposite the islands of the princes, which Justinian enlarged and improved. Sometimes she visited the hot springs of Pithia in Bithynia, where Justinian also built an imperial residence. On these occasions she was attended by an immense retinue of patricians in chamberlands. For Theodora had all a parvenues love of pomp and show, and she was probably encouraged by the emperor, who, though simple in his own tastes, thought much of public splendor and elaborate ceremonial as a means of enhancing the imperial majesty. Those who attempt to defend Justinian and his reign, up to the present day, often laud his building projects as the foremost proof of his successes, though neglecting to mention that so many of these seem to have been built for himself, Theodora, and their small circle of collaborators. Their rise was to mark the ascension of the court eunuch. Collaborators, keep that in mind. And eunuchs are notorious as being little spies who spy on even other eunuchs. Spies who spy on their spies, kind of like Jesuits. To levels of power and influence not seen before, and a dramatic rise in all aspects of court intrigue, which seemed to be consistent hallmarks of all sick or crumbling states or civilizations. Many of these eunuchs seem to have been used as something like intelligence agents, to monitor individuals and groups, and so dissension were caused in fighting among certain factions. And it quickly became known to all that a court eunuch, especially if a friend of Theodora, outranked anyone and everyone in the empire. When this was coupled with the reputation she'd swiftly develop as someone who loved nothing more than punishing real or perceived enemies, these eunuchs must have been treated with the greatest possible deference, bordering on a paralyzing fear. Procopius tells us her husband must have been well aware that she had an intelligence department of her own, and that secret intrigues were carried on, of which he would not have approved. But she was clever enough to calculate just how far she could go. Many modern academics, in what seems an almost comical attempt to scour the record to cherry-pick enough isolated elements to paint Theodora as a strong feminist icon with redeeming qualities, often cite the fact that she'd later direct a significant sum of the public's tax dollars to prostitutes, presumably as a means of helping reform their ways. And this may well have been laudable, but it becomes much more difficult to view it as such, when the totality of context is considered. A running theme in Theodora's reign is her eagerness to fund or assist or otherwise ally with virtually all of the criminal or degenerate elements of the empire, almost exclusively. To the extent that this one redeeming action so praised by our modern, unique adjacent academia might just as well be seen as her wanting to give money to enrich her friends, and be like-minded. However, calling her a feminist certainly seems accurate. To an exceptional degree, here was someone totally allied to their own sex. To the extent that there seemed to exist a permanent and proactive animosity towards all men. Considering her lifelong experience with men, perhaps this shouldn't be surprising, but to witness an emperor and an empire giving her such free license to exercise these demons in the most aggressive manner, without checks and balances, is incredible to behold. J. Bagnell Bury tells us, "Theodora was perhaps too eager to interfere as a sort of beneficent providence in the private affairs of individual persons, and her offices were not always appreciated. She is said to have forced two sisters, who belonged to an old senatorial family and had lost their husbands, to marry against their will vulgar men who were utterly unworthy of them. And her enemies allege that, in her readiness to espouse the cause of women, she committed grave acts of injustice and did considerable harm." 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The result was that men put up with the infidelity of their wives rather than run such risks. Procopius mentions several times, intriguingly, that she seemed to exercise a wholly unique influence over Justinian and credits her "enchantments". Further context on what he means here is given when he speaks of other women in Theodorus Circle, who almost seemed to operate in a covert, yet extremely organized and efficient unified faction. Speaking of the aforementioned General Belisarius' wife, Antonina, who was also an actress, also descended from prostitutes and entertainers, Procopius tells us, "She herself at first lived a lewd life, giving herself up to unbridled debauchery. Besides this, she devoted herself to the study of the drugs which had long been used in her family." So there's another connection there. Ammon filled this in quite heavily with the drugs of the Hellenistic period and before that. Talking like way before that, but this is one of those things that still carries on throughout the historical thread, and there's something to this that we want to make sure that we keep in mind here, because it's going to manifest itself here, and learn the properties of those that were essential for carrying out her plans. This last line is made all the more intriguing by repeated references to the sudden unexpected deaths of otherwise healthy individuals who happen to be on the bad side of this coven of women and others. This is the poisonings, right? We're talking about the poisonings, and this is an M.O., so we've got to think about this because there's going to be, if you read my book and if you understand the history and you understand the venom aspect and all this, this is the greatest defining signature of who's behind what, and it's completely obvious when you start to actually see it. There's pushed into madness or near vegetative states or a mindset of completely unthinking compliance. Recopious, or at least the translators of his work, even used the term "intelligence agent." In fact, there's a strange reference regarding Theodora herself before she met Justinian and presumably in between sex work jobs as being employed to create confidential reports about factions in the region of Antioch. Where these reports ultimately landed is anyone's guess, and may forever remain an unsolved mystery. But what it suggests is explosive, and something I've not seen any modern writer's reference, and Prokopious himself only vaguely alludes to, and he even seems to do so carefully, namely that arguably the two most important women in the Eastern Roman Empire, both of whom were to develop dominating influences over their powerful husbands, at least potentially seemed to have been working for unseen forces, or as members of a secret faction. And factions indeed were the name of the game in this era, in this region and environment. The leaders of Eastern Rome, even before Justinian, were becoming masters of manipulation and control, and had long fostered not merely bread and circuses as a means to this end, but a contrived, and theatrically managed, split, a bit similar to our own Republicans and Democrats in the United States, in this case called the Blues and the Greens. These were less exclusively political, and more of an element of popular culture, but this split definitely had both political and philosophical undertones. They'd largely sprung from the chariot races, a central event and tradition which had become far more than a mere game or sporting contest. The blue faction contained the establishment and bootlicker sorts, those seeking imperial favor, merchants, eunuchs, and members of the imperial court and their relatives, and the vast majority of the Jewish population. And around this time had taken to mimicking the fashions of foreign elements, such as the Huns. The Greens seemed to be a rougher sort, working men, athletes, men of the middle class, and perhaps those who lacked connections or simply despised the social climbing game. Though my descriptions here are almost certainly inaccurate and unfair, if for no other reason than that they freely evolved and changed shape over time, again much like our own Republican and Democrat notions, and had no permanently rigid, fixed characters. Neither side seems to have been very admirable, but especially in an increasingly corrupt state, it's easier to feel some sympathy for the Greens. In an extremely strange back and forth, saved for posterity and tucked away in an appendix of Jay Baknell-Bieri's History of the Later Roman Empire. If you wanted to curse somebody with some kind of illness, you used a blue string on your little idol, blue, blue, blue, blue, and this faction of the blues and the Greens, is this a marker, is this an identifying marker, is this like a gang color when we see it appear? Everything's coded in blue when it comes to the medical and this group of people are heavily into the drugs and the sorcery, the poisons. From the death of Theodosius to the death of Justinian, notes a heated discussion between the Emperor and an angry mom, thought to be from the period of the Mica Revolt, later in Justinian's reign. The men from the Greens faction protest injustice and mistreatment, to which the Emperor is noted to have exclaimed, "A cursed blasphemers, when will ye hold your peace?" The leader of the Greens responds, "If it is the pleasure of your majesty, I hold my peace. I know all, all but I say nothing. Goodbye, Justice, you are no longer in fashion. I shall turn and become a Jew." The anti-Jewish sentiment in the Greens seemed a fairly consistent theme, the most famous warrior and sheriff. And if they were, then that would imply that the blues represented the Jews and Caesarians. I mean, I say this as an and because there are differences, right? But the Yatosebeoth or Saturn cult, in essence, is what we're talking about here. Eurea Tier of his age, Porphyrius, who was once a member of the blue faction, but stated that he left due to their "idiously" was to at one point lead his supporters in violent reprisals against the Jews, after a signal victory on the track. The warring between these factions seems to have been designed and stoked to prevent full-scale rebellion. And for many decades, it seemed to have worked very well. The masses would attend chariot races, yell and scream at one another, occasionally have fights or brawls in the streets, but the focus of their rage would be one another, helping forestall that type of introspection and critical thinking that might cause them all to realize the corrupt games being played just behind the scenes. According to Procopius and others, so much of the energy of Justinian's reign seems to have been devoted to maintaining this delicate balance, allowing him to take in and spend enormous amounts of money and completely reshape the leadership hierarchy to ensure he might continue to do so without any one effectively sounding the alarm. Even his relationship with Theodora, from the start, seems to have had a calculated public aspect. For a long time, they appeared at all to be at variants, both in their characters and in their actions, but afterwards this disagreement was seen to have been purposefully arranged between them, in order that their subjects might not come to an agreement and rise against them, but might all be divided in their opinion. The truth of the matter was that Justinian seemed unable or unwilling to ever tell his unprecedentedly powerful wife, no, "custom was strained to permit her unusual privileges. For instance, she is said to have received foreign invoice and presented them with gifts, as if the Roman Empire were under her rule. Cosroyce was amazed when his minister, Zabirgan, showed him a letter which he had received from Theodora, urging him to press his master to make peace. Such incidents might well give the impression that the Empire was ruled by two co-equal concerns, and some thought that Theodora had the greater power than Justinian himself. Such power as she possessed, she owed to her personal influence over her husband and to his toleration of her intervention in public affairs. And her influence, her power, being higher than Justinian isn't just because he was, you know, subservient to him, but as because she had deeper roots with the criminal element that they've been talking about since her early days as a prostitute and an actress. And a spy. They seem to have mastered the powerful political magic of accusing others of precisely what they were guilty of themselves, having the dual effect of reducing the suspicions directed towards themselves. Think of Germany, right, the projection of the atrocities against mankind, all falling on Germans' shoulders instead of who was actually the victim being accused of the crimes of the actual murders. Those. After all, how could a person be corrupt if they were so aggressively prosecuting corruption, as well as providing an ultra-efficient means of legally destroying all of their opponents. Much like racism in our day is used by many of those filled with the most racial hatred and animus to prosecute and destroy their opponents behind illegal facade, this stunningly corrupt Byzantine court, seemingly composed of prostitutes and thieves and degenerates and sexual predators of every stripe, ironically chose peterasty as their issued du jour. Presumably, knowing the green faction's hatred of pedophiles. Laws were changed to allow a single accusation even from a slave. Does this not sound like what they're trying to manufacture through our society, through our culture right now, knowing that we're going to be, you know, be pulsed by that? Provided it was made by someone in the court's favor to be sufficient for prosecution. And one by one, the most wealthy and powerful green faction members were accused, convicted, and not only lost all of their possessions virtually overnight, but would often have their genitals cut off before being publicly paraded through the city. And I presume that means the person was paraded, not the genitals. Could be a little bit of both. They paraded genitals around in the French Revolution. But here you go, place the crimes that you commit on the shoulders of your enemies and get the mob. This is why democracy, this mob rule is such a dangerous thing. As the public began to realize what was going on, a complete demographic shift began to take place accordingly. There was a continual stream of immigration, not only to the lands of the barbarians, but also to the nation's most remote from Rome. And one saw a very great number of foreigners, both in the country and in each city of the empire. For men lightly exchanged their native land for another, as though their own country had been captured by an enemy. Justinian seems to have had a fascinating relationship with these barbarians, a relationship all but completely ignored by modern academics, who perhaps fail to connect the dots and make the logical deductions based on the larger context picture. Dots even I won't fully and directly connect within the scope of this video, but will certainly cover in the future. Despite his most elite military forces being small bands of Germanic mercenaries, especially heralds, in a time-honored tradition that would continue for countless generations, extending from the Scythians to Alexander to the earliest Caesars of Rome to the famed Verengian Guard and beyond, Justinian and Theodora seem to hold a special hatred for the Goths and their Germanic kin. And that may also be because of the influence of those who are really giving them the power. If we're talking about in this particular case, I guess the Khazars, but they're talking about the Jews here too with the blue faction, their hatred for the Goths represented by those who they manipulate, which would be the ruling class, the emperor and the empress. Modern academics often write this animosity off as if due wholly to the fact that they were Aryan Christians, but this seems to be only part of the larger story. In strange actions which have been scarcely mentioned to this very day as far as I'm aware, Justinian would proceed to find creative ways to send vast amounts of wealth to Hunnic and Caesarian and related forces outside of his borders, and even seemingly aid in some of their military campaigns, while simultaneously working energetically against the Goths and Aryan Christians. This is Ukraine right now, what we're doing there. As covertly as was the Byzantine Way. In a fascinating story for another time, a successor in the collapsing chaos that was the Byzantine Empire, Justinian II, approximately 150 years after the Justinian of our story, so infuriated his people with his incompetent and corrupt rule that he was mutilated and banished. It's mentioned that even this mutilation, the removal of his nose and tongue, similar to many of the attempted hangings and executions of this period, was incompetently performed, a little fact which seems to speak volumes about the caliber of humanity overseeing the fall of this empire. Immediately, Justinian II runs to the Caesars, whom he seems to have already known well somehow, and marries the sister of the Kagan, their leader, whose name happens fittingly to be Theodora, and immediately begins to plot means of restoring himself to power on the Byzantine throne. What follows is a disgusting series of chaotic backstabbing and intrigue, leading to another and even more bloody reign of Justinian II, which again is beyond the scope of this video, but I mentioned this to hint at a strong and seemingly covert relationship with barbarians beyond the border, beginning almost certainly with the original Justinian and Theodora, if not before, and to hint at the increasingly aggressive and powerful role played by the Caesars as kingmakers behind the scenes. The late professor Dunlop of Columbia University tells us, "It does not seem an exaggeration to say at this juncture the Kagan was able practically to give a new ruler to the Greek empire." During the excavation of the Caesarian settlement circle, the well-known Jewish author Arthur Kessler mentions the discovery of the repurposing of Byzantine buildings, which somehow feels appropriate. "The builders also used marble columns of Byzantine origin, dating from the 6th century, and probably salvaged from some Byzantine ruin, a nice example of imperial thrift," says Arthur Kessler. It was just two centuries after the Justinian and Theodora of our story that the Byzantine Empire would officially have Caesarian leadership with Leo the Caesars. Returning to Procopius and the period at hand, Theodora seemed to hold a special hatred for Amalusinta, the last surviving Gothic princess of the illustrious Amal lineage, who made the mistake so common to Germanic peoples as they increasingly began to interact with foreign courts and cultures of being overly trusting. To pull back for a moment and view things from "That's virtuous, but not when you're among jackals." From a psychological perspective, it might be fairly said that all of our thinking as human beings is projection, and that we're only able to see or understand what we have within us. Like a cheating spouse who suddenly begins accusing their partner of the same, those who inhabit a psychological world of deceit and manipulation and subterfuge, naturally suspect others of harboring the same mindsets. And on the reverse side of that, if you are incapable of thinking in such treacherous ways, you wouldn't suspect other people of even being capable of that, and that's, seemingly, what happens to the Goths, the Scythians, the Germanic people, is that they can't conceive of such treachery, and therefore they don't see it coming. And the reverse is equally true. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renters warehouse, the pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. 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So sign up now for reels of fun and reels of prizes right here at Chumba Casino. With yours truly, join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun. Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Forward, we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Amala Sunta, daughter of the truly admirable Theodoric, dealt with in previous videos, emerged from a world in which character and loyalty and nobility was of paramount importance, in which leaders tended to be chosen accordingly. With the sudden death of so many around her, finding herself nearly alone in a world of Byzantine court intrigue, lacking the contextual reference points as to how it truly functioned and the vast difference in moral and ethical caliber of those involved, she grew so enamored with the most positive aspects of this new Roman world, especially the libraries and learned men, that she allowed herself to be ever more drawn in. Though she was said to have been brilliant and capable, because she was less familiar with this new human type, she still would have been very much a lamb amongst wolves. And the foremost wolf, of course, was Theodora. As Amala Sunta made the fateful decision to trust her new friends, and "resolve to change her manner of life and to retire to Byzantium," Theodora, considering that she was of illustrious dissent and a princess, that she was of singular beauty and exceedingly active and forming plans to carry out her wishes, was seized with suspicion of her distinguished qualities and imminent courage, and at the same time with apprehensions on the account of her husband's illness. This made her exceedingly jealous, and she determined to compass the death of her rival by intrigue. She immediately persuaded the emperor to send a man named Peter by himself to Italy as ambassador to her. On his setting out, the emperor gave him the instructions which I have mentioned in the proper place, where it was impossible for me to inform my readers of the truth, for fear of the empress. The only order she gave the ambassador was to compass the death of Amala Sunta with all possible dispatch, having bribed him with the promise of great rewards if he successfully carried out his instructions. This Peter Barzaimis was fittingly one of the most foul creatures of his day. Described as obese, gluttonous, and conniving, he was a leading banker and usurer who was to later work with Justinian and Theodora to establish an extremely significant silk monopoly among them. Surprise, surprise. Others. And all but ruin the farmers and middle classes of the empire. Ruining the farmers and middle classes of the empire, another target, another Marxist plank with earlier roots. Stoking the deep-seated anger which would finally burst forth in open revolt. And of course, Peter was a special favorite of Theodoras, a man after her own heart, seemingly willing to do anything under the sun if it led to greater personal enrichment. It's not detailed how he accomplished the murder, and perhaps the details weren't even clearly known in their day. But it seems he may have sought the help of some compromised goths, already angry at Amala Sunta for so embracing women's ways. It literally looks like they're cutting up a small dog here. I mean, look at the face on that. And raising her son Theodontas in an overly soft Roman bookish fashion. Though we may not know the details, it's not difficult to understand the broad strokes. And thus Amala Sunta, like her father, and so many prominent and powerful goths before her was to die early under mysterious circumstances. At the hand, albeit indirectly, of a woman whose body count was to grow so vast that it became, ironically, a point of defense among some modern academics, especially before the secret history was proven to be a legitimate work of Procopius' hand, with the claim that such a laundry list of murders surely must be invention. This reasoning strikes me as ridiculous, especially considering it's not merely one or two accounts that support Procopius here, but nearly every extent account that in some way supports, or at least fails to contradict in any way, Procopius' versions of events. The idea that we might let such an individual off the hook precisely because the actions seem so incredibly foul strikes me as the worst of reasoning mistakes. And we haven't yet begun to cover her crimes, nor is it even possible to do so within this video. But I'd like to quote Procopius at length for a moment to give greater context here, and a more comprehensive summation of her character and mindset. Theodora had become suspicious of one of her servants named Eryobendus, a barbarian by birth, but a youth of great comeliness whom she'd appointed her steward, wishing to purge the imagined offense, although as was said she was violently enamored of him. She caused him to be cruelly beaten with rods, for no apparent reason. What became of him afterwards, we do not know, nor has anyone seen him up to the present day. For when Theodora desired to keep any of her actions secret, she took care to prevent their being talked about, or remembered. None of those who were privy to them were permitted to disclose them, even to their nearest relations, or to any who desired to obtain information on the subject, however curious they might be. No tyrant had ever yet inspired such fear, since it was impossible for any word or deed of her opponents to pass unnoticed, for she had a number of spies in her employ who informed her of everything that was said and done in public places and private houses. When she desired to punish anyone who offended her, she adopted the following plan. If he were a patrician, she sent for him privately and handed him over to one of her confidential attendants, with instructions to carry him to the furthest boundaries of the empire. In the dead of night, her agent, having bound the unfortunate man and muffled his face, put him on board a ship, and having accompanied him to the place whether he had been instructed to convey him, departed, having first delivered him secretly to another who was experienced in this kind of service, with orders that he was to be kept under the strictest watch, and that no one should be informed of it, until either the Empress took pity on the unfortunate man, or worn out by his sufferings, he at length succumbed and died a miserable death. A youth of distinguished family belonging to the Green Faction, named Bessianus, had incurred the Empress's displeasure by speaking of her in sarcastic terms. Hearing that she was incensed against him, he fled for refuge to the search of St. Michael the Archangel. Theodora immediately sent the Praetor of the people to seize him, bidding him charge him, however, not with insolence towards herself, but with the crime of sodomy. The magistrate, having dragged him in front of the church, subjected him to such intolerable torments that the whole assembled people, deeply moved at seeing a person of such noble mean, and one who had been so delicately brought up, exposed to such shameful treatment, immediately commiserated his sufferings, and cried out with loud lamentations that reached the heavens, imploring pardon for the young man. But Theodora persisted in her work of punishment, and caused his death by ordering him to be castrated, although he had been neither tried nor condemned. His property is confiscated by the Emperor. Thus, this woman, when infuriated, respected neither the sanction. Now let's consider technology. I hate to use the word deep fake because we have been conditioned for the last four years to believe that anytime there's something that comes about that is unfavorable, that comes to light of this disgusting ruling class that we have, that they can write it off as being a deep fake. But just consider this. Their ability to just accuse you of something like sodomy here and have all that done to you just shows the power and the corruption. But imagine if they can convince the people, the mob that you actually did something, and they can utilize, they can use your voice, they can use your likeness, they can probably use your fingerprint in your DNA. A lot of people gave up their DNA for their swabs, and every time you go to the doctor, you get blood drawn for just about everything. I have a sniffle here. Let's take some blood. They can do all kinds of things, and now you have the technology for the facial aspects of that. I've been watching videos where Joe Rogan saying things he's never said, and it's an advertisement for products that they probably don't know that they're involved in because it's all AI. And just imagine the level that they're going to take this to get rid of people who just think for themselves. Forget about having any kind of crime or any kind of the M word when it comes to Milly Isha, if you know what I mean, that I get you flagged. Just anything, just talking about the stuff that we talk about here, anything. You just don't vote correctly, even though voting's a fraud. They've been putting things on people's computers to blackmail them and to bring them to an unjust justice just by simply the people who create this software and stuff like that know how to get into it, and they can put things on your computer that would just disgust yourself. But also people who would see this as evidence that you're guilty of watching certain types of pornography that involves younger, all that stuff. But this is escalating. If we think that they're just going to come barging through our doors at 3 a.m., no knock style, well, that's going to happen too. But the pretense to get there, I think we're seeing it being a being of a technological nature so that they can get the garner the support of the public to do so by painting you out to be something that you're not. And that's where it gets really scary. Shwari of the church, nor the prohibitive authority of the laws, nor the intercession of the people, nor any other obstacle whatsoever. Nothing was able to say from her vengeance anyone who had given her offense. She conceived a hatred on the ground of his belonging to the green faction for a certain diogenes, a native of Constantinople, an agreeable person who was liked by the Emperor and everyone else. In her wrath, she accused him in like manner of sodomy, and having suborned two of his servants, put them up to give evidence against and to accuse their master. But as he was not tried secretly and in private as was the usual custom, but in public, owing to the reputation he enjoyed, a number of distinguished persons were selected as judges, and they, scrupulous in the discharge of their duties, rejected the testimony of his servants as insufficient, especially on the ground of their not being of legal age. The Empress thereupon caused one of the intimate friends of diogenes, named Theodorus, to be shut up in one of her ordinary prisons, and endeavored to win him over at one time by flattery at another by ill treatment. When none of these measures proved successful, she ordered a cord of oxide to be bound around his head, over his forehead and ears, and then to be twisted and tightened. She expected that under this treatment, his eyes would have started from their sockets, and then he would have lost his sight. But Theodorus refused to tell a lie. The judges, for want of proof, acquitted him, and his acquittal was made the occasion of public rejoicing. This was one of the extremely rare victories for justice and the public, against the increasingly unjust designs at Theodora, and it seems to have taught her a lesson. From this point forward, she'd never leave punishment in the hands of the public if she could avoid it, which leads us to one of the darkest chapters in this history. I've spoken of the vast amounts of money spent on new building projects, one of the foremost of these, unknown to all but those in the innermost circle of the court, were vast underground dungeons under the palace. It's anyone's guess how many spent their final days in this pitch-black hill, as complicated as a labyrinth, and which might be compared to the netherworld wherein she kept imprisoned most of those who had offended her. Into this pit, she cast viewsis, and although he "and this is what we're looking at, potentially," ran underneath our feet here. It was of consular family, nothing was known for something similar, or certain concerning him. As he sat in the darkness, he could not tell day from night, nor could he ask, for he who flung him his daily food never spoke, but acted like one dumb beast with another. And this is exactly how they tell the tale and those who walk away from Amelus. All thought him dead, but none dared mention him, or allude to him. No one, not even senators and patricians, seems to have been safe from being "disappeared" in these years. One of those who accompanied Phodias to Ephesus, theodosius by name, although he had attained the rank of Senator, was deprived of all of his property and imprisoned by Theodora in an underground dungeon, where she kept him fastened to a kind of manger by a rope around his neck, which was so short that it was always quite tense and never slack. The wretched man was always forced to stand upright at this manger, and there to eat and sleep and do all of his other needs. There was no difference between him and an ass, say that he did not braid. No less than four months were passed by him in this condition, until he was seized with melancholy and became violently mad, upon which he was released from his prison and soon afterwards died. And it wasn't just Theodoras enemies who met this fate. The Roman general Belisarius' wife, Antonina, apparently used them just as often to destroy her own enemies. Belisarius, who once caught Antonina in the act of cheating in this very dungeon, allowed himself to be talked out of believing his own eyes, though all around him apparently knew the obvious truth, and many of his generals and peers began to despise him for it. Things came to a head when Antonina's son, Fotius, from a different father than Belisarius, began to be an obstacle to her free enjoyment of her lovers, and she contrived to destroy him, using agents to set all others against him to the point where he finally exploded, and used his power to drag Antonina's lover to Belisarius to tell the whole sordid tale directly. Belisarius had to have long known most of these revelations, but at this point his denial of the obvious finally broke down. When Belisarius learned this, he flew into a furious rage, fell at Fotius' feet, and besought him to avenge him for the cruel wrongs which he had received at the hands of those who should have been the last to treat him in such manner. "My dearest boy," he exclaimed, "you have never known your father, whomever he may have been, for he ended his life while you were still in your nurse's arms. His property has been of little or no assistance to you, for he was by no means wealthy. Bread under my care, though I was but your stepfather, you have now reached an age when you were capable of assisting me to avenge the wrongs from which I suffered. I have raised you to the consulship, and have heaped riches upon you, so that I may justly be regarded by you as your father, your mother, and your whole family, for it is not by the ties of blood but by deeds that men are accustomed to measure their attachment to each other. The hour has now come when you must not remain an indifferent spectator of the ruin of my house, and of the loss with which I am threatened, of so large a sum of money, nor the immeasurable shame which your mother has incurred in the sight of all men. Remember that the sins of women reflect disgrace not only on their husbands, but also upon their children, whose honor suffers all the more because of their natural likeness to their mothers. Be well assured that, for my own part, I love my wife with all my heart, and should it be granted to me to punish the dishonor of my house, I will do her no hurt; but as long as Theodosius remains alive, I cannot condone her misconduct. On hearing these words, Vodius replied that he would do all he could to aid his stepfather, but at the same time he feared that he himself might come to some harm by so doing, for he was unable to feel any confidence in Belisarius because of his weakness of character, especially where his wife was concerned. He dreaded the fate of Macedonia and of many other victims. For this reason, he insisted that Belisarius should swear fidelity to him by the most sacred oaths known to Christians, and they bound themselves never to abandon each other, even at the cost of their lives. You'll notice even here Belisarius refuses to place blame at his wife's doorstep, and instead largely blames her lover Theodosius, who, by all accounts, was something of a terrified victim of her intrigues, who knew if he stepped out of line or seriously protested Antonina's obsession with him, his life was over. Vodius and Belisarius had to know they were playing with fire here, and that Antonina and Theodora had eyes and ears everywhere. Shortly after, Theodora was able to essentially kidnap Theodosius back to the palace, and triumphantly presented him as a surprise to Antonina. She's said to have stated, "Dearest lady, a pearl fell into my hands yesterday, so beautiful that I think no one has ever seen its like. If you would like to see it, I will not grudge you the sight of it, but will gladly show it to you." Before leading him out by the hand, like a kept man and slave, back into Antonina's control, Vodius was thrown into the dungeons to die, it seems, by the women. Somehow he managed to escape, and took refuge in one of the most sacred churches in Byzantium, a practice which may sound strange to our ears, but was a sacred and inviolable custom throughout most of history. I mean, I don't know how much I'm going to trust the story of whether or not he's a good guy or not, but didn't Mr. Wicky leaks himself, go to Ecuador, and wasn't he in a church? Well it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties, on Tuesdays, until 4 a.m. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters Warehouse manages thousands of single family homes, and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best-in-class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee. Get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. Let's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? I'd my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car, before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No, producers necessary. Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, by law, 18 plus terms and conditions policy, what's every details. Those who took sanctuary on what was considered such holy ground and who were willing to remain could not be touched. Theadora, true to form, quote, "was able to drag him even from the vents, for to her no place was ever sacred or unsalable, and she thought nothing of violating the holiest of sanctuaries. The Christian priests and people were struck with whore at her impiety, but nevertheless yielded and submitted to her in everything." Okay, so it's 957 right now. There's a little bit left here, about 25 minutes or so. So we're going to, oh, not that much, but we're going to go ahead and finish this off. So people over there on FDJ Media, I believe the sane asylum with Giuseppe follows me in about two minutes, so feel free to go check that out and then you can circle back to that when you want to finish watching this where you can continue here and go over there afterward. He's got about a 10-minute intro, so you might not miss too much of that. Just real quick, though, I have to drop this and show you guys something. So give me a moment. All right, hi, how are you? Let's see, I'll put this up real quick. Thank you, Daniel. The information you share is always appreciated. Thank you. Thank you for showing up. Let's see. Again, Daisy, my God, Daisy, that's very kind of you. And on that note, I just want to share this because this is how things keep on trucking here. And so this is the give send go, give send, B-U-S-T-E-R-S, okay? You see it there? It's in the description. You can find it there as well. In the Patreon, is called Disguise, D-I-S-G-U-I-S-E, the limits, all right? And we are the historical investigators, right? We need to learn the past so we can understand the present. Now this is also where I've been dropping all the books that have been mentioned in these last few episodes. And also I put in, there's Procopius right here. This is one that we're, he's reading from and referencing at the moment, okay? There's the PDF is attached to this right there. And Tacticus Germania, that's another one you probably want to catch. Tatica, the history of the Germanic people by Gerdanus. And if you scroll down a little bit further, you'll see, oops, Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series transcribed, Behold the Pale Horse, and that's the full version I believe. I think that also has the protocols in it which are removed from the newer versions. Transhumidism, the history of the dangerous idea, and the world in the book, all right? And also, like I said before, there are, all right, bye everybody on a FTJ media unless you decided to stay. There are also commercial free, podcast versions of the show. So if you're tired of, I have to monetize because I have to, you know, justify the time and all that stuff. And it trusts me, it's not a lot, but it's something if they do the monetizations. And I don't have control over what they're advertising, which I don't like either because they could be saying things that are a complete opposition of what I believe in. So that sucks. And it costs you more money in order to make that so that you get to choose. So it's just, it's counterintuitive to do so at the moment, because we're not that big yet. But anyway, so if you want the commercial free podcast, the last few episodes I have not put up here, because I don't think that the Patreon will, will keep itself going if I do because they do check, um, TippyStream is right here. is T-I-P-E-E-E, ballbusters. That's for people who are out there in the UK. It's in Europe. So it's easier for you. I think five is like 545 in America and whatever. So there's also that, all right. You know where the book is? You know what a lot of stuff is? Then you have MoneyTree where you can get interesting things. And if you want 10% off, you use code B-A-A-L, all right? Now back to the show. Let's go to it. Oops. They need to do some more customization to this stream yard business here. Belisarius, a weak and now likely terrified man, took no account of the oaths which he had sworn, and made no effort to avenge Fortius' sufferings, in spite of the solemn vows which he had made to do so. Hereafter. Coward and jerkoff is what you call that. Probably by God's will, all his warlike enterprises failed. If your word means nothing, then what are you? End quote. Regardless of the reasoning one chooses to embrace, it's true that his exceptional few successes against the Goths in earlier battles were never to be repeated. Theodora may well have been something of a disgusting and disreputable monster, but it'd be unfair to paint the picture that her actions were the most destructive of this leading pair. She killed individuals, individually, and while she may have engaged in diplomatic projects leading to a great more death and destruction, this was largely Justinian's field of operation. And according to Prokopius, the man may have been responsible for death on a larger scale than nearly any other in all of history. Before we move to this, a quick… Of course, until you get to the allies in World War II and the Bolsheviks, then the… You know, his record is defeated. The point of aggression I found fascinating and that I've never seen discussed elsewhere. During the time of the plague, Justinian fell so ill that it was somehow reported that he died. And let me just clarify what I mean by that is the terror bombing of the German people, the starvation of them after the war, and the constant instill ongoing attempt to exterminate them all by a certain group of people, not talking about the other thing that they claim happened and had Nuremberg trials over, which was oddly done during Perim, which is a celebration of being able to kill a bunch of Gentiles. His leading generals, apparently including Belisarius, made the strange statement that if the Romans set any leader in his place, they'd not acknowledge him. Theodora was so sure that this was in reference to her that she proceeded to summon the general staff and again make use of her dungeons. This is entirely my own speculation. I can't help but suspect the potentiality that the generals made this comment so publicly because they suspected foul play. After all, if even the smallest faction of the stories about Theodora and her character are accurate, does anyone think she'd not consider the possibility of assuming total power at some stage by finding some publicly acceptable means and excuse of making her husband disappear? Just in in, after these strange comments by his generals, was to suddenly recover and resume his duties. Is it possible that things might have been otherwise if the generals' intentions hadn't been made clear? Procopius makes a surprising comment with regard to the Goths and their Aryan churches. I've mentioned in the past how incredibly wealthy the Visigothic element apparently was, to an extent we'll probably never truly know, as the vast majority of this disappeared into Muslim and Jewish hands after the conquest of Spain, or remains buried along their paths of escape. The Ostrogoths were apparently no less wealthy, and in fact seemed to have been possibly the wealthiest people in the known world. But Justinian ordered all these beliefs to be abandoned in favor of the old religion, and threatened the recusants with legal disability to transmit their property to their wives and children by whitt. Does that not sound like a Saturn cult takeover? The complete abolishment of the Ashagoths and the Visigoths, a very ancient battle between these people? The churches of these so-called heretics, especially those belonging to the Aryan heresy, were rich beyond belief. Neither the whole of the synod or any other of the greatest corporations of the Roman Empire could be compared with these churches in wealth. They had gold and silver plate and jewels more than any man could count or describe. They owned many mansions and villages and largest states everywhere, and everything else which is reckoned and called wealth among men. And none of the previous emperors had interfered with them. Many people, even of the Orthodox faith, procured through this wealth, work and the means of livelihood. But the emperor Justinian, first of all, sequestrated all the property of these churches and suddenly took away all that they possessed, by which many people lost the means of subsistence. Justinian was likely looting and a crude fortune built up over generations of the near total dominance of vast swaths of territory, as part of a gothic history that still remains to be properly told. He goes on to speak of Justinian's methods. "Many agents were sent straight away to all parts of the empire to force whosoever they met to change the faith of his forefathers. These homely people, considering this an act of impiety, decided to oppose the inverse agents. Further upon, many were put to death by the persecuting faction, and many made an end of themselves, thinking in their superstitious folly that this course best satisfied the claims of religion, but the greater part of them voluntarily quitted the land of their forefathers and went into exile. The Montanists, who were settled in Phrygia, shut themselves up in their churches, set them on fire, and perished in the flames. And from this time forth, nothing was to be seen in the Roman Empire, except massacres and flight." As the precursor, the first wave of the complete decimation of the old justice, the old nobility, the Germanic, the goth, the sifting descendants, it's pretty sick. It was behind all that, it was behind the Yudhura and Justinian, it was a criminal element that they worked with. Never before in history was so much wealth and power transferred in such a short period of time from one human type to another, nearly all of those who most closely cooperated with Justinian and Theodora, especially with regard to actions like these, or taxation, or usury or legal prosecution, seem to have been the most disreputable and unethical scoundrels. And I say this as someone that makes a conscious effort to maintain objectivity in cases like these. It's almost always possible to easily find two sides to every story if one cares to look hard enough. Sorry to interrupt him again, but when you hear the word "usery," that should be alarm bells that imply a certain type of people, the actions are what you say, "Oh, there's a pattern. Wonder who was behind that. I wonder if we controlled that." Let's walk away embracing some middle ground as the likely truth. In this case, it seems to be an alliance of human beings fueled by unrestrained, practically demonic greed, a grasping and insatiable lust for power and pleasure and material wealth. Grasping, kind of like the happy merchant. It makes the blood boil. The secret history outlines how this ruling pair became expert, along with carefully chosen collaborators with relevant skill sets of not merely causing the death of the wealthiest citizens in the empire, but of ensuring their last will and testament as of their death granted their assets to the emperor. Procopius flatly claims they secretly employed forgers to create these wills. He mentions a scheme they'd apparently devised whereby any individual in a legal battle with another citizen and on the brink of losing his own property could simply grant it to the emperor, thereby earning his favor, meaning those who sought legal redress for justified wrongs and the reinstatement of their property or assets, even if they were to win their strong case in court, might then watch helplessly as what was rightfully theirs was spitefully handed over to Justinian. It's said and not just by Procopius that suicide was rampant across this period of time, specifically among this unfortunate demographic that lost everything and knew they had absolutely no recourse to right these wrongs. The non-Germanic barbarians, however, seem to have been everywhere rewarded. He says non-Germanic barbarians, he's using clever language to describe something without having to say what he needs to say on YouTube, but you can see what we're looking at here. He took a pride in lavishing great sums of money upon them, under the pretext of securing their friendship, just as he did in the time of Emperor Justin, as I've already told you. These Huns, when they got the money, sent to some of their fellow chieftains with their retainers and bade them make inroads into the Emperor's territory, that they also might make a bargain with him for the peace which he was so ready to purchase. And these don't seem to be the "white Huns", many of whom had already pushed into the West, into the "heftalites" or the "allens", and which seemed to have been the fairly direct outgrowth of the Scythians, and to varying degrees maintaining their ancient traditional sense of justice, magnanimity, and decency. Rather, these people seem to be the element much closer to the "causears", if not one and the same, as Procopius fails to even mention the word "causear", possibly just due to translation issues. Despite so many other authors, speaking to the increasingly close connection between Eastern Rome and the "causear" people in its latter days. Essentially, Finn, Justinian was robbing the Goth's blind, and enriching their bastardized distant cousins on a practically unbelievable scale. It's interesting to note, in the centuries after the mass migration of the Scythian and Goth into Europe takes place, those who remained in or flooded into their territories came to be known as the "white" or "blackhuns", the "white" or "black bulgars", the "white" or "black russians", a naming scheme that denotes exactly what it appears to, and seems to indicate two separate groups that would increasingly mix and merge over the generations. Even the "causears" at one point were said by some to have a fair-haired element, according to the Arab geographer Istikri, "the causears do not resemble the Turks, they are black-haired, and are of two kinds, one called the kara-ka-zars, black-ka-zars, who are swarthy, verging on a deep black as if they were a kind of Indian, and a white kind, Akh-ka-zars, who are strikingly handsome." So it seems likely that even at this late date, with these words written around 940 AD, there was still a small minority, albeit rapidly disappearing due to inevitable racial admixture of the genetic descendants or relatives of the Scythian tribes. Genetic admixture means not an ethnic, it's not a race. There might be a racial element that is there, but it's like saying a mutt is a purebred, and it isn't. These people are bound by their oath to something else, and that something else might assist them to become as successful as they are in this intrigue and treachery that they've brought upon the noble people of the world. And finally, we can't ignore the most extreme and fantastical portion of Procopius' "The Secret History," the elements which, no doubt, played the leading role in this work being received with skepticism and dismissed by so many. Procopius seems to have come to believe that Justinian and Theodora were, quite literally, demonic. I'll present his words here. This parasitically possessed potentially an after-effect or a result of magic, of working with this type of evil. Well it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties, on Tuesdays, until 4am. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. 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Introducing The Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of The Godfather Slodge. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play The Godfather. Now at, welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. VDW Group, boy we're prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms and conditions apply. That is a comms that it takes over, that it possesses, and I think there's a very strong case for that. Largely without comment, make of them what you will. I'll only add this. If such beliefs were held so strongly by an increasing number of individuals throughout their reign. At the very least, this is a telling testament to how these two were perceived by those in positions to best truly know them. "For the reasons which I have stated, I and many of my position never believed they were really two human beings, but evil demons. And what the poets call "scorches of mankind," who laid their heads together to see how they could fastest and most easily destroy the race and works of men, but who had assumed human forms, and become something between men and demons, and thus convulsed the whole world. One can find proofs of his theory, more particularly in the superhuman power with which they acted. He goes on to elaborate, calling these two exceptional in that, over time, he gradually came to believe their very goal was to destroy and cause chaos, death and disorder. And it gets much, much stranger. It is said that Justinian's mother told some of her intimates that Justinian was not the son of Sabatius, her husband, or of any human being, but that at the time when she became pregnant, an unseen demon accompanied with her, whom she only felt as when a man has connection with a woman, and who then vanished away as in a dream. Some who have been in Justinian's company in the palace very late at night, men with a clear conscience, have thought that in his place they have beheld a strange and devilish form. One of them said that Justinian suddenly arose from his royal throne and walked about, although indeed he could never sit still for long, and at that moment his head disappeared, while the rest of his body still seemed to move to and fro. The man who beheld this stood trembling and troubled in mind, not knowing how to believe his eyes, afterwards they had joined the body again and united itself to the parts from which it had so strangely been severed. Another declared that as he stood beside Justinian, as he sat, and of a sudden his face turned into a shapeless mass of flesh, without either eyebrows or eyes in their proper places, or anything else which makes a man recognizable, but after a while he saw the form of his face come back again. But I write here I did not see myself when I heard it told by men who were positive that they had seen it. He relates the tale of a monk seeking audience with Justinian, who suddenly stopped in his tracks in the palace as if stricken with palsy and refused to take another step. Only later, after he regained the power of speech, did he explain himself. They say that he distinctly stated that he saw the chief of the devils sitting on his throne in the midst of the palace, "He goes on to relate the tales of Theodora's former lovers who'd spoke of demonic visions, and an anecdote from Theodora's friends. She had a dream which bade her, take no thought about money, for that when she came to Byzantium she would share the bed of the chief of the demons, that she must manage by all means to become his wedded wife, and that afterwards she would have all the wealth of the world at her disposal." Assuming such stories are purely baseless slander, I don't think Procopius deserves exclusive blame as slanderer. Considering these were claims not just from sources he trusted, but often from those who had seemingly held no ill will toward the pair. Considering the emperor and empress may well have been both directly and indirectly responsible for a greater amount of death and suffering of innocence than nearly any who came before them, it's not difficult to understand how such stories or attitudes might have developed. The Church, unaware or uninterested in her history beyond the facade of her claimed Christianity and her assistance to prostitutes, would later go on to make Theodora a saint in one of the most disgusting and blasphemous judgment errors in ecclesiastical history, and a testament to the direction the church leadership would choose to take up to the present day. One of the best known stories about her, in our age, perfectly epitomizes the dishonest caricature of her via sympathetic modern academics. At the lowest point of the revolt against Justinian's rule, when the empire was in shambles and most of the court was considering fleeing, she is said to have given something of a stirring speech, "whether it is shocking for a woman to speak in the presence of men or to urge on those who are cringing in fear, I think it is not a matter for discussion at the present time whatever one may think, for those whose affairs have come into the greatest danger, there is no other best choice than to look for what is somehow best. I believe that flight is not in our interest even if it should be possible, as now, for it is not possible for a person who has come forth into life to avoid death, but it is not possible for one who has ruled to become a fugitive. I shall never be separated from this purple, nor shall I live for a singer." "From this purple, I know that means royalty, but it also has, I mean, we're talking about translations here, right? I just find that interesting. I'll never be separated from this purple." "Well, day, if those who encounter me do not call me mistress, if you wish to be saved, my Lord, that is not a problem. We have a great deal of money, the sea is at hand, and there are ships. But consider if it will benefit you when you have been saved, or if safety would be exchanged happily for death. For me, the old saying is best, that power is a splendid shroud." Completely devoid of additional context, this may be viewed as somehow courageous or admirable, however knowing what we know now from all surviving sources about her character and personality, this seems to be very much the opposite. She seems to be stating, quite directly, that she doesn't care if everyone around her dies and the empire burns to the ground, she'll not ever relinquish her own personal power, and the enjoyment she receives from the absolute servility of all around her, under any circumstances. As the final line so clearly states, power to her was everything, not the improvement or well-being of the people or the empire, but rather her own personal power. Considering all I just shared, one can't help but wonder, looking at our present political leadership, financial powers, and intelligence services, how many of those in foremost positions might be the genetic, cultural, or spiritual descendants of these two and their broader inner circle. Procopius seems to have mentioned more than once, with hope in his heart, that after their deaths, the truth would come to light. In fact, this seems to have been a leading reason he wrote this work. This never happened, calling to mind that all important souls in its end quote regarding the mass human slaughter committed by the Bolsheviks, which was to even far exceed Justinian and Theodora's toll, specifically the last line. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators. And perhaps it's never been otherwise. It's worth noting that our term media comes from the literal location of media in ancient Persia, and Hollywood is derived from the Hollywood, you also have Medea, Medea, right? The magic, the drugs and that conjuring that goes along with those rituals, bringing entities into you and could very well have something to do with what those people had witnessed. And knowing who they affiliated with themselves with, they would have full knowledge if they were also in service to that type of evil, and they had been since pre-Babylon times, they knew the forces, and that's why they played with them, at their own spiritual or soul's detriment, that to them gave them favor in the material world. So that's what they ran with. Oh, here, let me read this to you, it says, "The druids seem to be connected to the gradually corrupted Magi, likely cognate with the Rabbi and Magid, priestly teacher class, so prominent in ancient Medea, and later spread with the help of Phoenician trade routes throughout much of the world, the druids were not initially corrupted, but they were gradually corrupted, Magi. That's a distinction to be made there." Used by druids in their rituals, magic, and quote, enchantments, a word Prokopius himself uses several times in reference to the actions of Theodora and her circle. The Medes seem to have been, at one point long ago, a variant stuck, as was the vast majority of what we today call Iran. The historian Justin tells us the Parthians, in whose hands the empire of the East now is, having divided the world, as it were, with the Romans, were originally exiles from Scythia. This is apparent from their very name, for in the Scythian language exiles are called Parthi. Let me get this before it changes, the Scythians were later to conquer and rule Medea until approximately 620 BC, when Syaxares, treacherously slew all of their leading chieftains at a feast, and that happened about two to three hundred years before the Hellenistic period where you have, you know, Ammon, supporting and promoting this type of treachery, but trying to basically murky the waters, muddle the comprehension to kind of conflate things that are complete opposition to one another, basically dragging the Scythian culture into this type of corrupted aspect, and that's not a just way to do that. He goes on to describe them as faithless, insolent, rough, and quarrelsome, and a relatively lawless survival of the fittest environment. This may have been a bit harsh, and keep in mind he's writing in the 3rd century AD after the region truly had devolved into chaos, in what I believe to be a testament to the dangers of strong men living divorced from the higher laws capable of channeling such energy towards noble ends. The practice of slavery became rampant, and the specter of incessant court intrigues, poisoning and assassinations reared its ugly head, and something very strange occurs. The coin struck in these eras, showing the ruling kings and princes and leaders, shift from showing a relatively consistent and uniform human type, to suddenly a very different type entirely, as we enter what's now been termed the Parthian Dark Age, in which our understanding becomes so muddled that even today it's incredibly difficult to properly sort out. This shift seems to mirror what seems to have occurred in India, Egypt, and much of Mesopotamia, the Caucasus, and Scythia, and finally Greece and the Eastern Roman Empire. And some might argue, a shift that then spread throughout Europe, with the help of the Venetian and Phoenician elements, and an increasingly corrupt church, led by men who, like the Pharisees of old, seem to everywhere neglect the spirit of the law and embrace only its letter, and then seek to everywhere install themselves as masters of this letter to subjectively interpret or reinterpret and impose this new law to their own benefit. I've come to believe Procopius was a good man, with noble mindset, and a personality that couldn't help but feel disgust at what he seems to have viewed as a covertly spreading cancer. Having a sense for history, I believe he understood the ramifications of this unchecked degenerative chaos, and his work seems to have been an attempt to sound the alarm. Considering the work was buried away in the Vatican Library, until recently, and since its discovery has largely been passed only between modern academics attempting to find reasons to dismiss or minimize it, one might say it was a failed attempt. So, this video is something of a tribute to the man, his work, and what I believe to be his warning. The names and faces of the specific actors on the stage may have changed, as they always will with time. But if we pull back and view things in the broad, it's easy to see. His warning is just as valid today as it's ever been, and that this very same battle rages on. I've read about the creation of evil spirits in one e-knock, or these the same as demons, I don't know if the books that they write encapsulate it correctly, and if they do, I don't think they would present it in that straightforward form, because that's part of their power, right? So whatever they tell you in the literal translation or whatever, there might be something that's encrypted with geometry or some kind of mysticism or some kind of code that would inform those who are initiated as to if those are even the books that they truly use themselves to carry on that type of practice, but I doubt that it's straightforward. And I think a lot of it's misleading to keep us in this little tiny box of understanding and comprehension of it as to what they actually are and what they do. That would be my guess, especially if it's coming out of something that's so widespread and known to all that e-knock and just very questionable testament and even more questionable New Testament. And I'm going to say one more thing on the whole thing on Ammon. By the time you get around to the talking about how the New Testament translation of the ancient Greek is the primary source or whatever, well, given the time that it took for that to be written, what was going on during the actual present time of the Christ era and for the 50 or so years afterward or more where nothing was spoken about it, at least if that's the first thing that came about, was it something that was latched onto you by something that would co-opt it and present it in a way that they wanted to carry on their own Bakken Saturn elements, but draw in people who they knew and then give them a different character, give them different words to put in their mouth because if that's the case and you say that this is the primary source and this is what Jesus or whoever is about, well, then you're falling into the same trap that this is the propaganda that is being told and I don't know, I don't know if how we can verify that that's not the case. I just think that this kind of serves a really dark purpose if you go into the mindset of Ammon and take that as being the gospel truth. I mean, I think it's important maybe to, of course, learn ancient Greek and read these things yourself, but I also would caution that even if you do, how does that mean that that's the, what really transpired, if anything transpired, or if it's just the first attempt, a very strange way of depicting something and then subsequent retellings made it more malleable for more people as the culture changed throughout history to appeal to more people of that era, I don't know. It's interesting, I would personally say anything that comes from the roots of the same people who lie about everything else. I don't really think that I would stake my claim on there, plus, in all respects, it's not my culture and it's not my people, so why would I adopt their religion or their gods or their God, but really their gods? You know what I mean? I'm just going to go ahead one last time and say, in Ralda, we trust. That's a benevolent creator. That one is not capable of doing wrong, unlike Saturn, unlike Yahweh, unlike Ball, whom if you even look at the Eugritic text, you don't really see a whole lot of negativity there. Human characteristics, but not really so much a, and that maybe, and that kind of has a little bloodthirstyness to her, but that's going to just be the worst period for people who are trying to take down her beloved ball. But that's it. That's it for today. I have to go get some stuff done and finish my house off the water so I can go to San Diego. Wednesday might not be a show because of that trip to San Diego. I'll see what's going on, but tomorrow for sure, we'll be here at 8 a.m. And I will be presenting you the first part. There's going to be two different things. We're going to go through this series, but I'm doing it in a specific order. So it also helps to encapsulate what we've been going out about in our research path so that it fits in the place better. There's two more videos that I'm going to play. It's going to be the French Revolution, two-parter that #Logos presented through this series. One called Black and White that if you want to go into the Telegram group is already presented. One he did like three months ago, it's this last video that has been posted. I think there's one little other thing too, like another snippet that I'm going to add to it, if I remember correctly, but we'll address all that tomorrow. And thank you so much. You know how to support the show, if you'd like to. Thank you again, Daisy, so much for what you did there. And if anybody else wants to do the little things out the bottom of the chat, thank you so much. Have a good day. And you are all appreciated. Remember that and you are all strong and you have good, strong roots of nobility. 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