A Pint Of Cthulhu

Fallout Episode 28 Half Made Robot

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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Previously on A Point of Cthulhu, Fallout, a ruggedly handsome ghoul, goes in with, I guess, moderately attractive woman into the Vault-Tech area. She decides to be very mean to the ghoul in there and has decided to kill that sad ghoul. The ruggedly handsome ghoul and the moderately attractive woman take it back and fail miserably in killing said ghoul, now mainly because it was entirely her fault, but all that being said at the same time, the really big anime haired super mutant went with the mad scientist and the robot to the robotic section, and they left the robot to die. So they come back in and see the horrific display that is the moderately attractive woman's fault. Who the fuck are you talking to? He does this a lot. He's like talking to himself in the corner. Yeah, so, um, yeah, that's how we're down. Oh, seriously. Ready to start in Friday. Winnie? Yes. Uh, we broke the robot. Oh, I'll waste your gertrude. Uh, in there. I'm poised to do. I know of sacrifice. Well, I'm more than happy to fix him for you if you're a hired gertrude. I don't care. I don't fucking want it. I thought you might. It was. He's up together afterwards. Did you find anything interesting in there? I can't read these and he holds up the fuse and sells. Fair enough. Now, I will say we should probably fix the robot because they only had one left and this one was in the closet. So we may not be able to get another one. Uh, just just throwing that out there. So probably need to get this robot, but it may be really hard to replace him. Uh, if we just let him die. Let's go then. I'm sure that model is a dammit, doesn't it? Gordon, actually. Okay. So what's everybody doing then? Heading into the robotics department to come get the handy in it. Brilliant. So the team decided to make their way back into the robotics department as a whole this time. There he is. He's like completely disminored now at this point. Like there's nothing left of him. Like, well, we tried. Um, walking into the room, you notice that every single one of the girls has managed to make it to the desk where the nurse hand unit is in the middle of. Each one of them has their own little screwdrivers. And has in the last few minutes been attempting to remove certain parts of the nurse hand unit. No, carting. You have to get this. Am I still on that? My arms are horrific. It's like a horrific, horrific gang bang of some weird kind. Like, Oh God. Well, we tried. Oh, we tried. We're going to leave. Have a good one. You're sure you want this one back? Can you hear all the way to the robot parts? Shall we today? Ladies and gentlemen? So I have got optics. I've got three eyes. I have got two arms, technically, three arms, a processor and a main body to the highest bidder. Do I hear five five five five five six six. Roll me a D five, please. D five. Make a D six. Go for it. If that's easy. I have to have to have to type that one out. All right, you have rolled a three. So they have in the time it's taken for everybody to talk outside. They have managed to successfully remove three of your robot parts. Oh, what? One of your eyes. One of your eyes. The arm with the flamethrower and your thrusters have been removed from your main body. So I can't move. Well, then, at least I'm in the robotic shop. So they'll be plenty of parts around me. I have your voice, but I must scream. Well, he does actually have a voice. He has been reactivated since you've been away. However, he has no thrusters, no flamethrower and only what I. Is anyone going to help me today? I like, you know, don't like these guys in their screwdrivers. They're kind of shelf and pointy. Now, I'm aware that I'm awake. I can talk. Guys, I can't see you guys. I mean, Winnie, it's pretty far gone. I mean, do you think you can get him back to he is, but if I don't bring him back, they take it out from my paycheck. Winnie, I can just not hear you. Remember article 54 of the fall out of the vault tech initiative. Oh, I'm like the idea that they actually called it the fall out initiatives. Oh, that's all I must be returnable. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Actually, these things are basically drawn by sound. Go through it. What? Do you pick up something vaguely heavy and just toss it as far as you can into one of the back corners here? You might just run towards it if we're lucky. Not me. Hey, I'm not a person though. I have a better idea. Can I go through my idea out just for just a second? Of course, pretty well. Well, there's a protectron in the previous room. Could we not just throw this thing in here and then that would give us a lot more time? Wouldn't it just attack us? I mean, it seems like the ghouls like robots so we can kind of just throw a robot in the mix and then they'll focus on that. Oh, what if we take the protectron back? I like it. I like it. Hold on. Yes. I like it. This was a fire protection protectron, so it has more versatility. Oh, happy. It might be a bit more use. We do kind of want to raid this robotics place though. I don't know if the ghouls will let us. Yeah. Well, they are distracted. I mean, if you want to go ahead and raid it, we can do that and they just focus on that thing. Guys, what if we take the... You don't have legs. I don't have legs. You never have. Does it have a brain? Definitely not. Considering the experiences we've had with it, I can verify that's a no. I think we could turn off the volume. Oh, just turn off his screams. This thing's loud. Click. It's awful. It's funny. That's an original thing here, but isn't Cartman right next to the card thing that's possibly useful? Yes. So the girls are probably going to piss if we try and go for that anyway. So we don't have to help. Oh, you're putting right in flower. You get it. I can't immediately. What's the question for you to kill these bastards? I mean, what if we loot the place and then kill them? The handy machine might be a little bit too far gone then. I don't know how far gone it can be before that just doesn't work anymore. I don't think I have the skill to build one from scratch. Well, we ask that by far. Yeah, you have the parts, but it's the skill to build it. I think we do need to rescue this one. Can you give me a perception against repair? Sure. I do that. Surely it'd just be duct tape and glue. Four successes? Two crits? Yeah, in fact, you both get two successes there. So that's the success is between the two. Between the two, you are able to realise that the parts have been removed and pretty surprisingly deftly for a bunch of corpses. They've used their screwdrivers in just the right places in order to remove these parts and putting the robot back together as well within your capabilities. So we can just leave it then. It might be better than better than new. We can build it stronger. We can play Build-A-Bear. We can rebuild him. We have to take him on other arm. I like this or arm. But help me, guys, help. I wonder how long it will take for you talking for that other arm to be removed? Yeah. Yeah, I wonder. Hello. Shall we leave? I should go and loot. Yeah, this is not fun. If we go around the back, we can take them by surprise. You're being a wonderful distraction there. Well, I think they have a lot of noise. I think they have a lot of noise. I think they have a lot of noise. I think they have a lot of noise. And all of you as well because it's a fusion core or something. It's predator. No. Don't kill me. Oh, baby. No, no. Okay. We should probably do something about them before it blows us all up then. They haven't noticed us so at least surprised anyway, I don't think we need to move for that. We could just set up a shooting gallery, essentially. Just for your information as well. Self-destruct only does six damage. Takes worth of damage. You say shooting, Gelly. Go through. Just holds up frying pan. You want to go? I can give you a gun. I have a spare if you want. I do have a 10 millimeter pistol too that I don't really do anything with. Do you want it? Go through. Probably can't shoot for shit. Never mind. We can teach you later. Practice. If you want to try and sneak closer, go and shoot to get your melee hit. Send me an oldest line up and wait for them to notice and shoot. Okay. Go through. I mean, can I sneak around to the side as they all start to go off, pick them off on bow on? I'm sure a thing. So where do you want to sneak to? So, like, a hairish. All right. So, what you want to do is you want to sneak past the sales desk in the middle, towards one of the cabinets to the right-hand side. Well, you could probably go like this way. That would work. Yeah, so let's find a little bit. Yeah. Give me a sneak roll. Oh, that's not going to go well. Sneak agility. Yeah. That's two fails. So, instead of sneaking past the robots, Gertrude just walked past them. And they are quite happy taking a while up in front of their face. Just running long going. Stare. How many of us mission impossible to mention to yourself at max for you? Yeah. There was no need to sneak. None of the girls noticed. It took any notice of you. Oh, they have a joke. Wait, what have Gertrude joined them? Maybe we could pull the left over out I think they'd object to that. Also, we should give you, like, a radio. No, I'm just sure we're going to just call it out. Bug it. We're doing this. All right. So, what you doing? I'm not sure. So, you can save me. I don't understand. Yeah, to save up a little shitting gallery, essentially, Gertrude at the side to tell these guys. Okay, let's get Iber's character sheet back on here. Oh, you're tiny. Tiny little Iber. So, you take your possessions at the doorway. I think I actually got the idea with your guns drawn. After all that talking, maybe inventive ways you could use other robots or distractions to do this. I'll just wait for the fucking shoot them all. So, that's fine. Let's just do it. Everybody just roll your guns for me. Those who have them. I want to clean up as the only idea they didn't get shot down. I've got a success there. Yeah, it's, like, shooting, fishing a barrel. They're all in the same area, all hunched over this robot. And for some reason, Billy Bob's still manages to mess. So, he fires off with his real weird rifle. I wasn't ready. All right, it was just for a moment. At the same time as when again, firing off with her laser, she does hit one of them. When again, which one did you hit? I think I'm going to start off with the ones like closest. Next one first. So, one at the left hand side of the Nurse Handy Unit. The closest one to you. You hit it. Can you roll damage for me? There we go. All right, that's it. Four with piercing one. Excellent. That takes four damage. And Dr. Iber was shot his pistol at the same time as we laser pistol. It's a nice little vault take, branded laser pistol, go for it. No, I'm not letting you roll. Hold on. Oh, I'm going to check. Oh, I'll go. Oh, you got it. Thanks. Oh, two successes. Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's you used up all of your critical successes. An accidental rule there. But yeah, you do succeed in hitting. So, roll the damage for me, please. Five damage. Which one did you choose to hit? Um, which one did win again, get? The one on the left closest to you. Uh, go for that one as well, so it's easier to get the numbers down. All right. Yeah. So, um, you luckily managed to shoot the same one as win again, dead, just clearing that one off the board. There are one, two, three, four, five, six, girls left, and they have realized they are being under attack. Another very familiar by this point, scream, the rings out from the center of this robotics department. Um, Gertrude, you do have time to react to this. What? Is there anything you want to do? Ah, I will go, run out, pain train, if I can. The one furthest in the back core is closest to me. Excellent. So, you run into the back corner of them. Um, with your pain train, roll it for me. Straight the athletics. Two successes. Excellent. So, yeah, absolutely. Really run in and you tackle one of them to the ground. Uh, does, uh, knocks it prone and equal to unarmed, normal damage. So, that was three firemen correctly. Excellent. Yeah. So, you've knocked one of them down and done three damage to it. And you still have a tactical technique. And a little bit of bonky with a frying pan. And you're going to get really, get with the frying pan shot. Well, keep on key. Oh, oh, man. That's the third crit fail you've had this. Yeah, all right. That's another crit success and crit fail. So, roll the damage for me, please. Five, I say, you killed the one you knocked over. Yeah. So, that's two off the board. Now, unfortunately, you got a crit fail there. Your trusty frying pan, which means go to attack spares. The handle broke. Go through head spare. Now, I want you to roll Are you able to roll a 1d3 for me or just choosing a number between one and three? One. Excellent. All right. So, the frying pan bounces, no handle is bounces off of the now dead girl and hits the girl next to it. Oh. It does three points of damage to the girl next to it. So, you managed to get, by the way, you were one of those numbers as well. So, it could have done damage to you there. But bad enough. Yep. So, you broke your frying pan, unfortunately, but you did manage to get a little bit of extra damage in the girl next to it. Winnie, did you see that? Good work on two. Yes, wonderful work, good shoot. Truly an inspiration. Now, everybody's rolling there, actually this. Cap, how many frying pans did I do? Do I let you have on me? Because I have said multiple occasions. I'll pick them up as I go along. You only have one other frying pan on you the moment as far as I know. Fair enough. You can look for more in the grocery shop. Oh, I will. Thank spanner. Battle range. Oh, I will. You know, there's no point to us rolling an issue if it's always the same number, right? But it helps to see it. Yeah, it helps to just make sure that I know what's going on with the combat. Although, to be fair, it's just been girls this past couple of things. So, I guess you're kind of right about that. I should just know by this point. Cartman, shall I finish it a little bit? Yes. So, as the girls scream and gertrude just barrels her way into the back of them, Winnigan and Flower both have a chance to react before the girls do. So, Winnigan, would you like to take a shot? Second shot or are you running away? What's going on? Second shot. He just took a shit. I left the same. Winnigan just drops the shit right there smack down in the floor. Like, damn! All right. Two successes. Yeah, good shot. Rule damage. And a good shit. Let's go. What got smelled? Actually, how much? Yeah, Flower success for you as well. So, both of you. And Winnigan with her laser musket and Dr. Range with his laser pistol both hit your chosen gills. Can you choose the gills before you do the damage first? Which ones are you actually firing at? I was going far far right. Whatever's like damaged. Just to get the numbers down. Yeah, so you're going for the one that get hit by the frying pan at the back. Yeah, you both hit. That's excellent. So, roll your damages for me. Six energy damage? Oh, great. So, however you managed to get three damage off that one at the back, it's looking pretty, pretty dicey, but it's still on its feet. And, Jay, you managed to do six damage to this guy at the front. So, that's our pretty big hits. That's a critical hit as well. So, let's find out where you hit them. You hit them in the... Yeah, you have actually shot off its regular leg entirely and it falls to the ground prone. Look, really spares. Spare parts for the robot. Spare parts for firewater. Books are well for everyone. The one that the leg you shot off starts moving itself towards you, but it doesn't have enough momentum in order to do a movement and an attack action. So, it just manages to get, like, crawl its way towards your feet. The gills, two of the gills next to the one that Gertrude killed, have now turned on Gertrude and have started swiping with their now ineffectual robot parts. They are just waving their arms at Gertrude. One of them hits you with success, scratches you quite well for four points of damage and it hits you in the torso. So, what's your first damage? So, you only take one from that accent. Yeah, so, it manages to get you with one of the pointy bits of his. That was now defunct cybernetic augmentation and the other one missed you entirely. Three more to go. One of them runs at Billy Bob and is able to hit him because it doesn't have a leg shot off. So, whoa, hey, hey, hey, whoa, hey. Swipes at Billy Bob with success. It hits you for four damage. It hits his horse again. Oh, it gets you in the face, grabs you by the face. Not the money maker. Do you have any physical resistance on your head? I should. I have four physical devicresses. Unbelievable. I'm not kidding. I do. I have a helmet. The Baltic helmet. Can't believe I gave you that. Yeah, so, it actually just, yeah, it scratches at your face play the helmet that you're wearing. Sucks to suck! I can't imagine that as well. I should not have done that. All right, okay. So, yeah, no damage to Billy Bob. The two remaining girls, one of them, is going to work its way around to either. And he's going to go in for a big swipe at you. He's going to succeed. Yeah, he gets you either. So, he hits you three points of damage in the right leg. So, he sort of stumbles on his way over to you. And as he's swiping, he scratches down your right leg for three points of physical damage. I don't think you've got any resistances, do you? Nah. Yeah, so, you take the three points of damage. And the one remaining one actually just starts to beat the robot, though, is currently trying to get parts off of beating it off, so... Yeah, and his anger just starts hitting his previous project, but it does no damage. Which brings us to... In fact, is it your turn, Carmen? Sorry if you want to do it. Um, I thought I was still sort, you know... Well, you've got no thruster, you've got no flamethrower, and I've only got one eye. So, I can still see, I've still got one of my buzzers. Have I got any goals in range, I can maybe take a swipe at? There is one goal in range. Azar! I will try to buzzer. Kind of jumps. And I fail. I've got a 16-19. Yeah, that one eye is his. Yep, I thought I saw his body knot. It's affecting your vision. Yeah, you thought he was where he wasn't, and your buzzer swings away. Next up in the queue, we've got Billy Bob, Gertrude and Snufflepuff all of the same initiative. So, what are you all doing? All right, as a gentleman, I will let the ladies first. So, please, Snufflepuff, you go! Okay, I'm kidding, I'm joking, Gertrude, please. Please, come on. Oh, don't mind if you want to let stuff puff go. Oh, go for it. No, I insist, miss, frying pan. Oh, okay, well, I will take a swipe at the bottom that the old frying pan bounced off and embedded itself into. Yep, just give it a smack. Yeah, go for it. So, I will pull out my second frying pan. And two successes, roll damage. Damage off, eight points. This is shame, I told us that the one that was already injured, because that would have killed the other one out. Yeah, so, yep, you just, that's red missed that girl, you hit it in the torso and Vissar explodes onto the displays next to it. I have Christian Derupa, Billy Bob. You're all right. I've got two that are facing me, so the one that just scratched my helmet, I'm pretty pissed out. I'm going to literally point my railway rifle, square into its face. I'm going to fire, and I say this all dramatically, but there's still a chance that I'm going to miss, and I'm going to just feel like a dumbass. So, here we go, and I do! I'm fired, I'm missed, I'm not pissed again, I picked up the gun and I'm reloaded, and I ate a popsicle, and I passed out, and I woke up. I'm amazed. I love Game Grumps, god, I love Game Grumps! Give me a walk, Vercie's small guns roll, please, Billy Bob. Oh, no! That's two successes. Wait, oh, no, sorry, sorry, one success, the second one does not have. Obviously, I forgot to put it in 2D. That's an open problem, I was only looking for one success from you there. You shoot down towards this ghoul and hit the floor. The ricochet bounces up and hits the ghoul that's currently attacking Nurse Handy. Roll the damage for me, please. Oh, cap! It's being incredibly nice. That's so nice. I ate damage with breaking. As it was, I ricochet it's only half damage. Oh, okay, damn it. But you do take four points of damage off the ghoul that's currently attacking Nurse Handy instead of the one that's right in front of you. All right, I'm mixed. I'm just, I relent. All right, now the dog. The dog is pretty freaked out at how I literally could have the gun point blank into someone's face and still fucking miss, but she's still gonna bite. And she does have one success. Yeah, so Roll the damage she ignites is to clamp her teeth down into the, uh, bite them, get hit location, this one. Into the right arm of the ghoul, she grabs hold of the arm of the ghoul. And she gave physical damage with a vicious effect, so I think that's a four physical damage actually. So yeah, um, she, yes, she just starts shaking that right arm and she doesn't let go. Four damage taken. Okay, so we are back to the start. When again, you're up. This time. Yeah, so the gold is right in front of you. You're going to try a nice wee point blank shot just the same as Billy Bob did. Are you going to succeed? Hopefully. Yeah, execution successful, or is it? Roll the damage. Either get least two points of damage to kill it. Yeah, so when again manages to manage to successfully execute her particular ghoul. Just looking down the barrel and pulling the trigger. Okay, that's true. I mean, I feel like the stank and passive aggressiveness could be from, could be gone from that, uh, from that statement, but okay. Very, very good. Took about all the other stuff. Range, what are you up to? Um, I'll use my minor action because I, with my, like, feely perk of awareness, because if I use me, bump me minor action of this, I potentially can get an extra of 1p at one pace and damage effect to it. Okay, what are you looking to do? Shoot, the one that's pulling my grip. Okay, he managed to execute his shot as well, you know, go right in front of him and he shot it and succeeded well down there. Okay, you know what, all right, all right, all right, all right. All right, just to let you know what happened there, that was, um, the minor action was the aim action and you have awareness as one of your perks. So, the target within close range, you can spot their weaknesses and type more efficiently, which means that a type gains a piercing effect. Um, proves they're anything, writing about any other piercing effect by one as well. So, yes, you applied some piercing effect to your damage, but you haven't rolled the damage yet, so go for it. There we go. So, four damage. Three energy damage plus the piercing effect. Now, it doesn't actually have any armor, so it is only three physical damage you're getting. Oh, okay. I probably might actually do a bit of damage, but that's cool. One of the, a little bit of damage goes right through it. Now, nurse handy. Are you going to do anything before these girls start taking their turns? No. Excellent. So, it's the girls turn and yeah, we currently have on the board one, two, three, four left. You've managed to kill four girls in the last turn. Excellent work. And one of them is still attacking Gertrude at the moment. So, the second one is attacking Gertrude, goes in and it just flops its useless arms all over her and does nothing to her. And basically just groups her. And the second one, the one that was currently attacking the nurse handy unit, took the ricochet shot from Billy Bob, is now turned its attention to Billy Bob. Similar to its friend, it's ran up and attacked Billy Bob. And it tripped over the corpse of the one that when again killed before it got to you and missed completely. The one that is currently attacking Billy Bob, however, also tries again, but for some reason, this is a terrible run for these girls that are always messing their heads up. See, it was useful for you to miss. Like, now they're freaked out. They don't understand. Full on God who get ahead with that move. Yeah, they do not understand how somebody could miss from point blank range and just confuse them to no end. They are now hurting themselves in their own confusion. And the final one that's attacking Ivar continues to attack and also how the hell did all of them miss Jesus. I'm a doctor of dance. That was the worst role for Billy Bob used confusion. Super effective. Yeah, so well done girls on that round. Fucking hell. I guess it's back to Gertrude and Billy Bob then. All right, big girl. I will relent to you. Oh, well, Gertrude is frying pan. Seems to be working so far. Yeah, it sounds like a fucking work to me. Smack that shit. Oh, three successes. All that damage. Five. All right, that is a crit hit. So you hit it in the right leg. Yeah, you just swiped the right leg straight off of this bill. Smushed it completely where your frying pan is now prone in front of you. Oh, can I paint train it as well? I haven't moved yet. You haven't moved, but it is right in front of you. Yeah, you know what, roll the pain train for me and we'll just see that you kick it when it's down. Yeah, stomp it. Two successes. We'll just give that the the young armed one. So that's another. So yeah, you've killed it. Yeah, you finished this leg with the frying pan and kicked it when it's down. So you have killed that cub, stop bitch. Valley Bob, you've got two girls attacking you. What are you going to do? Oh, I'm going to go for now. See the railway rifle didn't work. So the obvious choice would be to use the railway rifle again. All right, so I'm going to go ahead and use it again. It's too successful. Excellent. Yo, so the CD to hit one of the girls is at point blank range. All right, go ahead and roll your damage. And it's 10 physical damage. Yeah, kiss me. Can hit with like right now, bitch. You have to let's rate one of them. Holy shit. This is where Billy Bob like teabags the corpse. Yeah, fuck that. Yeah, what's your minor action? You are able to move and teabag causes psychic damage to the rest of the group. Yeah, and the snuffled off doing while you're teabagging. Tea axles. 100% bites the ankle, the one I'm cheating. No bites the one in the life. Sorry, so snuffled off continues to attack the goal. It has been attacking and ignoring its master's teabagging. It is in awe of my tea bagging and it fails, but it's incomplete. Every gets bouncy off a dead goose face. All right. All right, that's good. Is that what you say it character? Yeah, it's a snuffled back. Keep swimming onto the dog's arm and doesn't do any damage to it. All right. When again, however you react into the scene in front of you. With the regular amount of disappointments. Okay, no. Saying this shit has always. It's another day. Same shit. Oh, you can hear it's just no. It's from the earth. He's undead. I mean, he's, he's double dead at the moment. Right. Take it to the head. I still want to lie here. I just want to take care of that. Okay, so shoot the, shoot the girl then. Go for it. Yeah, to success. Yeah, roll your damage. With the one that's drinking the dead by the end of this. Six plus one, six and one here. Yeah, so you've killed the other girl that's in front of Billy Bull. Leaving only one left on the field currently attacking Ivar. Before that girl gets to take out his turn, Ivar gets to turn him his own. So are you going to be able to finish this one off in front of you and win the combat? I shall hope because there's no pressure. Everybody else has done theirs. Except for mine. I've done three. I'd have to do one, but I shall just second this one and take a shot with my lead. Pupio. Nice success, XA. A couple of successes. There are no problem. Pupio can do four points of damage, which just so happens to be one less than what you need in order to kill. Yep, the girl is stunned, steps back and does not fall. It regains its composure, ready to attack you again. And just before you get to attack it though, Carmen, is there anything you'd like to do from your position? Can I take a swipe in my bustle? There is no gill and range. Hmm. Well then, I'm just going to, you know, lie back and just lie on it, but maniacally, that's the word. That's maniacally. Okay. I think you'd book. We might need any one after all. That made me a good idea. I kind of like the darker second. As Ivar is ruminating on whether or not we're going to need a new robot, the girl attacks him. Done, done. For one physical damage, plus one radioactive damage. So you actually have to take one off of your max health as well as one off of your current health. I love it. So I don't know, maybe it just spat in your face or something, it is. You take one point of damage. Lovely. Billy Bob snuffled off and Gertrude, what would you like to do about this one gill that has one HP lift and is currently attacking Ivar? Gertrude, I feel like I have given you all the firsties, but I hold up my railway rifle and I go, I feel like I'm owed this. Do it really. You got it. Don't fuck it up. You got it. Let the rage move. That's one success. Is it enough? He succeeds. I'm just waiting to see that zero damage. Oh yeah, there's one point of damage here. That is seven damage with breaking. I obliterate what's left. You've pinned his head onto the display of the opposite wall and the body crumbles to the ground, ending the combat encounter, success, well done lads, everything in the room is dead. But not me, I'm still going. New hope. New time. Winnie, is there a thing in there for like accidental death of Voltech products and that like whatever initiative thing? Because I can promise you, we'll stand by you if you say we kind of just lost it. I mean, I think it does still just come out. Although I do think I get a bonus of everything back to something better, so we might grab the protector board thing and the way back out. Okay. Yeah. Still, while we're here, we might as well repair the one we have. How many we can bring back? We can bring back its corpse though too, if they want to like try to repair it or anything like that alongside it, you know, parts, things like that. Perhaps? That'll take supplies from the Lord, but you just take them from here, be more efficient. But I do like your own effecting. Can we go on a super duper looting spree in this room? Can we go on a trolley dash? Exactly. Can you repair me if you have Simon, you know, if eating party? Can we not do what you were buying? Can we find off pieces first? I mean, we'll see if we can give you an upgrade as well. Now, can we say upgrade as in like remove the mouthpiece? He mentioned singing now it's definitely gonna remove the mouthpiece. I don't want to hear him saying anything. I keep technically it's not a mouth. It's a voice modulator. Inside is a cranium. I could alter him to constantly sound like Hatsune Miku, but I'm not sure I could remove it. Oh, Hatsune Miku. All right. Can we do that? That'd be great. That's Gertrude, you've been lovely. Gertrude, we could find it. Have you smoked to make it mute whenever we want. That's like the only thing from the previous old world that everybody's obsessed with is Hatsune Miku. Oh, Hatsune Miku! Yes! She's thought to be a god. I'll be the god of this new world! Yes, Hatsune, yes! All right, I assume we're all gonna like look the general area. All right, so ignoring the robot in the middle at the sales desk, everybody starts looking around. The robot parts scattered throughout the department appear to be salvation scavenged from various sources by the previous owners or the ghouls. The ones that aren't good condition appear to have been the ones that have been almost or partly merged with human parts rendering them useless. Many of the robot parts are dismantled and disconnected. Limbs and secretries are thrown across workbenchies and repair stations. It's evident that times were made to try and repurpose all the parts that are currently still available here. Many of the robot parts appear to be technology from a bag going to era as well. What's about dating models and obsolete designs? As you're looking through it, you do find some... You actually find a robotics magazine. So let's get yah wee magazine encounter there. It's the one the Tesla science magazine issue. So you manage to find well robots rule the world. So this gives the holder of this magazine a plus two to physical and energy damage resistances versus robots. So the next thing you get in fights with robots, the person who's holding this magazine, you're going to have to remember you get plus two physical and energy damage resistances from it. So who's taking that? Yeah, who found the magazine? That's the question. Oh, you get it despite holding it? You don't need to do anything with it? Well, I mean, you get it by holding it. Yes, assuming that you're reading it and you're down time. It's a bonus for having the magazine. Yeah, I'm good. I am quite squished all over the side. Right, yeah. So you found a magazine. Now, are there any specific robot parts that you think you would like? Yeah, we've already done that in this round. Joe, I was really loved is a new arm. I'm thinking, I'm really hoping I can get a new arm. Yeah, sure. I'm not the one looking around. No, I really like Billy Bob's like a steam rifle or love an arm if you do the same. That's the one. Come on, Matt. Come on, buddy. Piston Dale, though. Matt, who decides this? That's what I said. That's a cat. No, you don't know. You have now just doomed your chances to get that. This is now, this is now cool. Matt, are you gonna find one for him? Well, you're fucked, Carmen. Good luck! Yeah, he's such a round. Yeah, Joe, okay. I'll have a look, shall I? What would you like me to roll? Yeah, so roll one. There she's repair for me, and I want you to get the new successes. The second you said Gertrude would repair, you were fucked, Carmen. I just, there was no, yeah. I don't have one success. Maybe Gertrude would find room. Yes, Gertrude was unable to find a railway rifle that she could attach to your arm, unfortunately. I find Hoover, maybe put that on instead. You know what, I will allow that. I will say that you found a robot version of a house cleaning unit, and yeah, you successfully removed the robot Hoover attachment from that. Now, would you like to put that onto the Nurse Handy? Yes. No, that's like that. That's a roll. You can't just put it on. You let him take it off the machine. You can't just put it on me, and he's threatening. Wait again, could you put that thing on there? Actually, I don't know, Gertrude. That's Gertrude, but can you roll me a perception, please, first of all, Gertrude? Perception. Perception, what? So, perception against, let's see. I mean, repair may make sense. It hurts. Do you want me to fail, Carla? I don't want a vacuum hand. Perception strength, perhaps, to try and pull out. Yeah, because Gertrude's not going to be like, delicately. Just imagine the whole, it's fine. Yeah, perception survival, this is before we actually put it onto Garmin. No successes. Yeah, that's a shame. All right, so yeah, we are going to have to roll in order to put that onto, onto Carmin. So, there's a Gertrude that's going to do this. Gertrude, go to do it. Gertrude, go to do it. He knows how I work. Whilst the robot's complaining, I'll just hit the button for the EMP again. Unfortunately, the unit, the robot, used to set off that EMP has been damaged beyond repair. Would you just try to kill me again? Knack him out. I mean, Gertrude, give me an intelligence against repair. Let's see how bad this is going to go, shall we? So, Gertrude was scratching her ass. We'll get two fails. Unfortunately, you have failed to, you just sort of bonk the robot a few times with this Hoover and wonder why it's not attaching itself. Partly wants to get frustrated and hate it. I don't know if that's too evil or not. Oh, Jesus, I have one. I've seen some of the worst. Okay, Gertrude, not be able to attach Hoover then. All right, so, I mean, other than the magazine and the array of broken and vista-covered parts of robots, is there anything else anyone would like to try and find before I would decide that we've not found anything useful? More weapons? Is there weapon mods? Weapon mods, all right, so what you think in here? I want some weapon mods, potentially, that are harder for me to get because of perk requirements like gunnet or science. Is there a knife vision scope? I'm looking for some sort of scope. Yep, I want a long night vision scope for my Ruby rifle. Great, give me a luck versus repair skill. You got it. I'm going to fail, but let's see this. That is a one success. All right, you have an idea. You find an old dish used, a sultron head. Every part of it appears to be broken, however, it does have a laser pointer eye. You cannot make a long-range scope out of this, however, you can make a laser sight out of it. Well, would you like to add a laser pointer, a sight to your rifle? I can't. The railway rifle can only take a bayonet as a muzzle. Damn it. Look at the real list here. I've been wanting to upgrade my railway rifle, so I looked at the list made by Morpheus. And a holy can have as a bayonet. Damn it. All right, well, anybody else want a laser pointer? Well, yeah. I mean, that guy doesn't get disabled what happens in my game. All right. Well, what does it give me, Mr. DM? If I put this on my railway rifle. Really, really for what you go here, sights, reflex, sights, short scope, long scope, short let's go for. I have a short sight. I have a short scope on this railway rifle. Yeah, you have a short scope on it already. Can I put it on my short scope and make it a short night vision scope? You know what? If you add this laser pointer to your short scope, what I'm going to allow you to do is at short range, you can roll on additional attack dice. Additional attack dice. All right. Only short range. Short range only. All right. So you've increased your accuracy so that if you're shooting at point, blank range, you have a better chance in hitting. You got it. I like it. So while Billy Bob is screwing up his upgrade for his gun in the robotics department, what's everybody else doing? I think I'd like to look for microfusion cells to fuel my laser rifle. No problem. Let's go for a look versus energy weapons. And this is a look. Jesus Christ, two veils, one of the correct... Yeah, that was a correct feel. You do find a box of fusion core cells. Unfortunately, on your way back to the desk, you trip over. You trip over one of the ghouls that you killed previously. And the entire box spills into the open chest cavity of another one of the ghouls that Gertrude had pulverized. All of diffusion cells are now covered in investor-owned body parts and are unable to be used by anyone. Well, shit. So he reactivates the ghouls. So, hello, medized. Carry on. Can I try to find something from where I'm lying? Like, an upgrade to my body? I can, I'll happily take... You're a current, you're in a sales desk. There isn't anything there. My car like, you know, look around with my one guitar, a little bit. Yeah, I mean, you can certainly look around. That's what I'm going to do. I can't, I can't, I can't, you can see maybe three or four different, different sales, different cabinets for... But, you know, that's the original ghouls behind behind this desk. Maybe he would have started something underneath. All of your current, all of your parts that you came in with are still lying next to you. Ah, but essentially, I can't see anything of, like, better value around me, he's like he's saying. No, the best value ones you can see are the parts that they were just removed from you. Okay, I'll, um, leave that one there then. All right, so Billy Bob's currently, um, making his gun better. When again, it's tripping over dead bodies, um, either, what you up to? Um, I want to take a, was it like a humanoid arms and legs? You want to take a corpse, a corpse's arms? And you notice, like, one was like a mechanical? Yeah, so the boss one, um, he had some mechanical enhancements on his arm, yeah? Okay. Oh, um, like, another energy weapon I can use instead of the pistol. Hey, hey, when again, can we have like a team meeting here, excluding this, the, the scientist? If you, if you need to. Yeah, yeah, can we leave him here? I mean, he's like, anyway, we can just like, you see him, like, ripping apart that fucking cool, like, come on. You really want to bring that with you? Come on. I mean, Gertrude would be eating it by now, so I can't really-- I mean, you, you think she would, but she hasn't. I mean, we, I mean, Gertrude's a little bit, I mean, Gertrude's big, look at her. You really want to leave that behind as a potential, like, within, and then there's that guy. Do you have any idea if I were to help tired? I am being tech support in this fucking team. I mean, if I can make him do it, then of course-- Wait, did you want me to be tech? See, we're going to leave that. We're already leaving that behind. Oh, that's fine. So don't worry about that thing. Lie here in pieces and wait for you. Just, you know, if you just carry a whispering, see that guy. Yes, yes, you will. You will lie there until I see fit to him. Okay, okay, I'll just, um, lie here. I mean, we're moving, we're moving the, uh, we're moving the mouth box is still an option. I'm just going to go ahead and throw that out. It is, and I'm considering it, but we do need to keep the same together. I agree, but I mean, I mean, just to throw it out there, we can leave him here. That's all. See, he's ripping it apart. Have you seen it? Like, look, look at blood everywhere. Oh, what are you doing? I have no problem. What he's doing, I find it quite interesting. Oh, okay, well, I'm going to back away now. All right. Okay, all right, all right, have a good one. You want a hand with that monkey wrench? Ah, yes, um, just hold that, would you? Get rid? Oh. Coach, you're scaring me. Coach, we're supposed to be, you know, we're supposed to be together on this. What? Coach, what a funny part. Well, unfortunately, I guess I'd be able to find there's no laser weapons within these arms. All right, guys. Perhaps good doctor. We should do a visit with a section next time. Ah, yes. Can catch you with one of the arms. Just go out to win it. Look, Coach would give a hand. Thank you very much, Coach. Billy Bob is vomiting over in the corner. What if we put robot bit on Billy? Dear God, no, no, no. We can make him stronger. Where do you see what you've done? I mean, doctor, we did just move the girls out a little farther. Quick, get him. Did you do it to a live specimen? We can try. I want to get a gertrude in there. The doctor knows it's Turin and the look at Billy. Billy Bob's like running out the door. In full panic. He's like trying to clamber out the wind. Like, "Yeah, help!" Oh, that reminds me of robot arms. We should probably fix the idiot robot in the center. Oh, yeah, Josh. We should kind of find a way out of this place, because it's still locked down. I just want to go and let you know, and I'm trying to escape. There's still security shutters on the doors. If anybody have noticed that, because I did. We have, we just don't care. Right, so, uh, Winnegan's going to try fixing, invite the doctor over to help. Yeah, I'll do it again. All right, both of you gave me a repair against intelligent skill. Check. In your mouth. You think with a BNF, I'll split a quarter. I'd find them easier. It's all right. One success. Yeah, Winnegan starts tinkering with one of the arms, and Oliver comes up, cracks his fingers, and gets to work. Double speed with his double successes, and fixes the remainder of the North Handy's thrusters and eye sockets, while Winnegan puts back on the flamethrower arm. Everything takes, I don't know, roughly 15, 20 minutes. Billy Bob continues to stick the laser point onto his gun. And Gertrude just claps to savour Gull's hands together. Yay! And cheers to herself as the episode ends. Thank you very much for joining us today, and we'll see you again next time. Thank you for listening to this episode of a Pin of Cthulhu. 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