A Pint Of Cthulhu

Fallout Episode 27 All in a Ghouls day

Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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Previously on a pint of Cthulhu Fallout, our intrepid explorers found their way inside the Super Dipper Mart where they activated the fire suppression protector unit before wandering in. Unfortunately Dr. Iver decided to wander a little bit too far and got himself noticed by the shambling ghouls. The ghouls screamed and attacked and started a long battle in which our team was successful. Unfortunately I think it was Billy Bob, with his firearm managed to set off the Super Dipper Mart security system which has brought down the shutters and locked everybody in. So with the battle won and the ghouls vanquished, the team finds themselves standing amidst the aftermath and the grocery section of the Super Dipper Mart. The air is heavy with the same gunpowder and decay. What did you do? I could open up shutters with strength. Alright Gertrude has noticed a lot of shutters and she just wants to go over and try and force them up. Alright, strength analytics. Yeah go over to the shutters and give me you strength. That's like athletics check. Oh that's 1 in a 20. So that is a critical fail. So what's going to happen here? But it's not a critical success. Yeah, critical success. Half it goes in a half it goes in a 20. So Gertrude wanders over to the shutters, tries to get her fingers underneath it and unfortunately can't. Losing purchase with the door she slips back and hits her head as she falls onto the ground. Fortunately with that critical success she doesn't damage her head because she actually lands on one of the ghouls that she has previously killed and gets covered in risera in the back of her pretty anime wig. Gertrude wig! Oh shit. Awesome. So in the meantime while Gertrude was trying to lift the shutters can I essentially search the area and see if I can find any of use? Yes and give me a perception and survival check at the moment. I've been very concerned if you looked for something that was of not use. Can I see something useless? In any way I can like look for that like anything completely and just don't need it. Yeah sure you find a mirror. Damn it you paid me to it. Oh no why do I look like that? What happened? Why was there a message saying God I'd have to tell you stuff? Okay so you're looking for something useful can you be a little bit more specific? Okay I'm trying to find food or something conceivable. Okay so you're trying to find food you do you're in a grocery section of a of a supermarket assuming you're looking to find something that's still edible. Do you know what I fancy a sales mistake? What's my chances? Fancy a sales break steak well you've managed to do a one in the perception there and you float your way down to where the sales break steak might be kept and find that the fridge units in the shop have not worked and don't appear to have worked for a long time. Any refrigerated goods are now spoiled. Just to don't check I did get bleach last time. I forgot to write it down. Yeah I don't mind on bleach but still no food. Maybe we have to go deeper. Well all of the refrigerated for this spoiled. Well I was not for what part? For the week maybe that part of bringers. Hmm. I'm a twinkie. Oh it's twinkie. I'm judging by look there's a box of winky over there. Bruce Springsteen Greatest Hits. You said there's three other doors last time right? I would like to look for some stuff while we're here. Same. I want to find vinegar really. Okay yeah give me a look rule for that one. Well look I just feel like it's all over. Yeah look good do it again survival sorry. I am willing to spend luck to reroll one of those. All right so you're looking for a target of eight here you've rolled a 19 and a 12 so far. So yeah reroll that you got a 17 with your reroll you can reroll one more dice if you want to spend one more luck. Why are you trying to make chlorine gas? Shut up what are you trying to make? Oh wow. I have my own plans okay. I have my own plan. That is not something I would want to be called out on if someone's like that out there. Unfortunately there is no vinegar in this shop. I'm sorry jeez. Also there's ammonia. The ammonia doesn't make. That's chloramine. Surprisingly enough this grocery store does not stock ammonia. Yeah but we pee. Does it have rubbing alcohol? So can I go to door number two and try to get outside? Yeah right because we're not finding anything in the store so we need to move on. Well other than vinegar and food you haven't actually looked for anything in this store. But yes we're now looking for robot parts that's time that's what kicks up other yours. Well there is a robotic section. Yeah we're in the grocery store right now. Yeah this is a grocery section you're in. It's so brilliant we can go to the how about me and the doctor go to the robotic section? All right so either and the doctor starts loading their way up to the right hand side where the robotic section are. We should drive around the nurse I should say not the doctor. We have maps right could you give us a brief reminder on what sections there are? Yes there is a fashion section, a vault tech sales department and a robotic sales department. I'd like to see what the vault tech department has. One go back to robot one and you find a more robot. Better robot. Do you want another handy unit? We can make it better. Yeah make it better. Gertrude follows the nurse handy and the doctor along to the robotics department while wennigan goes in the middle aisle towards the vault tech sales department. Well above and snuffle pop are you up to? I don't know it's not for buff do you think this hat looks good on me? Or do you think this one looks good on me? Well well uh wonder what wennigan's doing. Oh she's going to vault she oh she's going to the vault tech department. Eric come on snuffle buff let's go it's so we follow wennigan. Okay so you two follow wennigan into the vault tech sales department. I'm all right so our team is splitting up for now. Splitting the party is always a good idea. Nothing ever goes wrong for you to do it. It's fine. Like Zolink's man was it's a good idea? All right so who am I going for first then? So is that the robotics department? Robotics though. Yeah go for robotic stuff first. All right let's start with either the nurse and Gertrude. Oh yeah. Fuck it up. We're slowly but surely like having calf plan or murders like Simon like you know one step at a time. Okay just a couple of seconds here. Well he calls the hit man. Okay as you might have seen I have now switched over the map and you're in the robotics sales department. Now the robotics sales department at the super duper mark is a sprawling section dedicated to the display of the pre-war robotic technology machinery. As you're greeted you're sort of you're not greeted. As you walk in you're greeted by the sort of faint homo machinery sort of scent of oil and metal. Isles lined with shells and similarly to the previous room you do see a number of different people shuffling around the isles. Now would you all like to do a quick perception against survival check for me? Yes please. All right from your possessions. Sorry from your possessions you see a number of different people in different isles and as before you notice that they are yes in fact feral ghouls wandering around. Something very very different about these feral ghouls one in particular. One of these feral ghouls appears to have taken his role in the robotics department very very seriously at the point of death. Well they're cool. Dude what did you find? Does that hurt you? It is AI 100%. Yeah totally. Yeah I'm not sitting here drawing these though. That's why it's been marked. No way. All right so at the sales department the sales register you see this um this rather cybernetic looking girl. Like I said he's taking his role at the point of death very seriously and he has been obviously shuffling around taking apart robots and adding them to his person and it also appears that he's adding them to several of the ghouls that are wandering around. Each one of them seems to have been adorned with different robotic parts. You see a feral ghoul with a buzz saw. You see one of them appears to have lasers in its face. The sales rep himself appears to have some some bizarre electrical conduits coming from out out of his skull and has adorned himself with other different pointers that you're unsure what they do yet. Perhaps we should have gone to Ava to bottom up. Um can I like metagame for just a second? If you were to look at that AI photo just look at the robotic supermarket sign behind it. Yeah we're both tittics. We're both tittics. So pop up my. Yeah yeah he doesn't really know what to do at the awards at the moment. And the question that Matt had is is that AI? No why didn't look at that AI? Rupa tittics! Sorry go on. It was freaking me out. Oh my mind was not processing. That's what can't read. That's what I know. Fuck you. Now that's Roboto's girl. He's pretty much just like a patchwork monstrosity. Um wires bridging from flesh. Moments are all jerky and mechanical. And he appears to be waiting at the reception for any would-be customers. Yeah so can I um float up to him as a robot and start talking to him say hello can you help me today? All right so nurse handy floats his way up to the the girl and gets his attention. And the girl appears to be very pleased to see you. It gives a rather disconcerting ho-ho as it looks towards the Miss Handy unit and starts to approach you. Oh you're going to get stripped for parts? Maybe but yes I know that I'm trying to find some new equipment for my model. Could you direct me to the Mr Handy file? As Jay predicted, while the robot was talking it takes out screwdriver and turn other tools and begins to try and take the robot's arms off. No no I'm gonna just gently spread the sword single way and push it away. Gently swat him away. Give me a strength against the colour of playsticks. Well all right yeah so that's a target fight we managed to roll a three there. So yes you managed to gently swat the girl's arm away and float a couple of paces back. The robot continues to walk towards the Miss Handy unit. Okay um this guy is definitely um not playing ball today. I'm gonna I'm gonna lead him out of here to do my friends and they can say hello to him. And I'm going to kind of slowly lead him out of the um robotics area and like to where the other guys are. This appears to be successful so far you've managed to make your way halfway back towards the door and the girl with its um appears to be pleased noises of grunts and oh ah ah as it follows along the the nurse handy unit with this screwdriver. No sir I'll not be a few today. Follow me I shall show you to my strong friends who shall show you things as well. Has its um has its screwdriver out and is shuffling at pace with the robot. Um robot manages to make its way back to the door. The girl is now in between Gertrude and the good doctor but hasn't yet noticed them. It appears to be quite single-mindedly trying to get his hands on our own friendy unit. Come on now. And um as the girl starts going through your door I can turn around so guys say Wacking boys. Yeah I was more thinking about that. Right then boys. Around neighborhood motherfucker. I want to give him a go with my screwdriver. That's not okay so I have two questions I want to ask to DM quickly so firstly because this is a hidden attack coming out of a um an unseen to the well. Hold on there Carmen just a second. Is either one of these two people actually going to do what you say? That's a good point. I mean I was just cannot hate it with a frying pan. I want them hats. All right so we're just going straight for a hit with a frying pan. Okay so as the as the girl starts to come towards the corner of uh an aisle an incredibly cartoonish comical scene happens where a frying pan comes out of nowhere and yep you got it right the sound effect the bomb against the metal that is currently in the the girl's skull rings out across the robotics department and give me can you actually give me the the frying pan roll please sir. Oh two sixes is very much a success yes so yep as you snuck up on it and hit it directly in the face I guess roll the damage for me. Six! Six physical damage. Can I have a go with my screwdriver as well? Hmm most I can see if it kills it first. No it's great you guys. I'll hope you get a critical because you should count as a sneak. The robot gets knocked back two feet and knocked on its arse. It takes six points of damage and we're going to call that a critical hit so it is currently dazed which is going to give Dr Iber a chance to try to start taking it apart a little bit. You want to start trying to take it apart is there any specific you want to do there sir? Um I want to see what other mechanical parts I can actually like this arm. Okay I appear to have some mechanical parts on its arms and and its head. Dr is there a way you can examine that specimen to find an off switch? I don't think it'd be fast enough to check it. I would need more time. Stap it. Stap it now. Tap. Okay so you go to you try to get in about the wires and it's skull with your screwdriver. You're old two fails so you are unsuccessful. You're only successful in snapping the girl out of its current daze as it starts to get back up onto its feet. Now is there anything that Nurse Handy would like to do before we start? Come back with us Gil. Yeah I'm just gonna buzz saw it to the neck. I'm gonna try and finish it before we start combat. Alright so you can finish it off and roll the bus off army please. Oh that is a success yes so and roll the damage. Everyone got to eat one and a three just nice. Seven physical damage? Nicely done. Jesus. Nurse Handy unit just got flexed out of its buzz saw now with a style in grace that hasn't shown in the campaign so far and indefinitely decapitates the cybernetic feral girl. Does that help your endeavor doctor? You cannot examine the brain. Scrap and specimen. Or maybe we just need the head. Maybe let's see what I can do. Why the fuck did I come with you two creepy bastards? I should have gone with a pervert and a vote lady. Don't worry Gertrude we shall draw another one here to us. Stop. Stop. Go back to pervert. Hold on. Fuck you. You're not here Ben you fuck off. It's almost like he's with us. I feel like someone's freaking out. I come in through the intercom. There's like an intercom. Hey I heard that. Is the shut us off when are they shotgun now? Okay so doctor would you like a hand sort of dragging this project of yours around the corner and maybe me and Gertrude could maybe you know kill some of the girls? He's saying that because you can't hit for shit. Well you said how it is. That's what's good is you guys. I shall focus on the science. All right so doctor Ivers dragged the corpse of the cybernetic girl down behind one of the first aisles while the nurse handy and Gertrude are making their way towards the sales desk where the girl was saturated. Actually can I examine the sales desk please? You can indeed examine the sales desk. Okay one second but I want to find a few things specifically like I want to see if I can find something on the way or like a control switch because you're saying that the other ghouls are sort of integrated with robotics. Maybe they're to control system. Anyway I'll do a roll. One more roll. Yeah give me a perception. Against science please. Perception. So I am rolled out. That's not good. All right so you got much like Gertrude's first role as a success and a critical failure all in the one role. So you do find a couple of different control panels. One of them seems to be bodged together haphazardly. Wires all over the place. A couple of sparks coming out of it. Is it a big red button? There's no big red button no. It's more just a mess of wires with different connections all put together very very haphazardly. The second unit you see is actually a very very pristine looking metal case with a key card slot in it. The key card slot the key card itself appears to be missing from the unit and the unit has a label on it which reads an emergency for security. You want Gertrude to open that for you? Doctor by chance does that specimen of yours have a key card on him? Could you check for me? Oh yes I shall examine this one. All right so you want to loot the corpse. I was gonna say I was gonna ask the doctors to have a look at it yeah. All right Ivor give me a perception against science as well. Science for science and you have also been successful in your scientific endeavors and yes it appears that the ghoul and its how to describe this and its bizarre mindless scientific experiments has used the key card as part of its internal wiring inside the head unit. I want to see if I can try and get it out because you've given one piece about using that swamish. Yeah so yeah you want to try and get it out not a problem. This is going to take a science rule so what we're going to make. You find it Doctor. Did you find anything of interest? Well I mean potentially have found something that might help us. Aha well be careful with the procedure. We'll have one anything first. What's going on Cap? Can I have a look around for any weapons? What would you be looking for here? Something that is similar to a sledgehammer. Doesn't have to be a sledgehammer but something that can be used as one. All right other than just the arms of various different robot models or maybe robot legs. About like a half a robot like in just the legs. I mean if I can use it as a stage hammer weapon that's basically what I'm looking for. I like. All right tell you what let me come back to that. Okay we'll deal with the the operation that I was currently engaging in just now. We're a screwdriver. Right so we're going to go into intelligence against science here. Cool. So roll me 2d 20 on that. Cover the level of character will you? All right there we go. So we've got a target at 12 and he's rolled a 13 and a 6 so success. You are able to pry the wires off of this key card. Keeping the key put card in relative condition considering it's been in somebody's brain. It appears to still be working as far as you can tell from from what you've done and nothing else happened. Ah yes I am my my friend I have this now if this could help you. That could be the key I was looking for. Okay so I'm going to obviously take the key from the card doctor. The card doctor is going to go back to his specimen. So okay I'm going to turn to Gertrude and take Gertrude. You may want to join a doctor. I don't know what this key card is going to do. Gertrude. Suit yourself and I'm going to use the car keys on the car key doc thing. Car key. There's a car. We got a broom broom. Yes all right so you put the key card into this slot a little a little light lights up next to it and nothing appears to happen. Can you give me a perception against science again? perception side. All right one success. You realize that this is more than likely just the storage space for the key card that the manager would have. Ah well that was disappointing. Stupid robot. I was hoping sorry what's going dramatic what happened. Oh well what about these jumble of wires next to it. Let's see what I can make of that. Can I? Maybe there's a sledgehammer. Yes yes you um actually that could come in handy. These our friends are getting closer. While the miss handy starts to have a look at this this jumble of wires Gertrude is currently trying to tape together a couple of different robot legs and trying to force them together with duct tape and wood in order to make a variation of a sledgehammer weapon. So I want you to roll for me. Give me a it's going to be a repair roll and we're going to put it against luck so give me luck there she's repair. Oh fuck that's not going to go well. I will use luck to fix this critical fail so no you've not used luck to fix this. Oh fuck um apparently you have used one of the robot legs and which a battery pack resides. As you're duct taping two of them together the connections meet the metal of another robot leg and it explodes in your hands. Who's the keeper now one dumb freaky mutant? Now one? You roll a one D. I just have a stroke. No but they're all about that. It's about folks today quick taking a part. Hey there was a reason I was in the coverage I'm sorry that I'm going to throw me a 1d8 please. Oh right yeah okay um 1d8 4. Yeah you take four points of damage from it and um Karmen can you roll me a 1d4? Oh what? Ah fuck you. Ah where are you asleep next? I'm going to poop on your eye. That's a one so you take one point of damage as well. Oh that may be. No that's not going to be. We're not we're not doing that here. That's a critical fail. It's not your critical fail. You're right. This is not your fault but yep you take one more damage. Why did you have to blow yourself like all the time and I'm getting that made loud noise and made a lot of attention to us as well. Why would you say that Karmen? But I haven't even thought there yet. I'd go to go kill something. Yeah so Gertrude gets blown up a little bit. She gets knocked over and Iber are you still just tinkering around with your your cybernetic corpse there. Yeah see what I can take off this this like mechanical goal. All right can you all give me a wee perception against survival check just now? Oh Joey. Has I heard things rustled around? Oh just me and or just me and Gertrude. Ah yes. No Iber you give me one as well. Oh everybody. See me you know this. Nope. Oh shit. Oh. Oh okay so Gertrude and the nurse hand they notice absolutely nothing from their position as they continue about their business. Yeah Gertrude tries to recover from our explosion and the nurse handy unit goes about trying to tinker with the massive wires. Iber however has noticed that they all of the ghouls seem to have been attracted by a loud noise and are starting to move towards the centre of the room. I think we should go guys. I hear the movement of many bags and many. Oh yes you have to just give me just one second. I think I might have figured out this wiring. I'm going to have literally one. I want to have everyone roll attempts if I can figure it out now. Excellent. That's brilliant. Give me a science intelligence against science role and this is going to need two successes. I need two successes. This is a science intelligence sound. Yep. Not like intelligence science. Okay so I'm probably going to get this wrong off the bat so I'm going to be spending some luck to figure this out but let's see how it goes. Okay right you got one success there so you want to roll a look for the second one? Yes I will. Just roll a d20 on that one. Yeah just roll a d20. Three. It's going to be two successes. Well done. I'm not down by one. So about five. Yes you are able to ascertain that this does appear to be some sort of connection. A bizarrely advanced wireless connection for something that was created by a corpse and you are able to deactivate it which sets off what looks to be a very small EMP blast. Perfect. This affects all of the girls in the area. All of their cybernetic augmentations cease to work. A couple of them fall prone to the floor as they were in their arms, as they were in their legs. Some of them seem to be weighed down now by the ones in their arms and you've managed to successfully save yourself from getting any laser shots from any of these girls. However Narshan day being a robot herself is now disabled. Oh hold a dumb fuck now robot, kiss my green ass. Narshan day turns off and falls to the floor. Well shit we need another one. What happened? A robot number three. Unfortunately for Gertrude and I've heard they hear an awful scream wring out from the rest of the girls as they now start to rush the centre. Of course a couple of them can't quite make it far. Only two of them. Sorry only three of them actually managed to make it to the desk itself in order to investigate the disturbance. Gertrude they appear to have not noticed you as you're on your way back to the door at the time and either is still behind one of the ails tinkering with a corpse. Yeah I think we need to get the others. The robot fell down I think it fucked itself again. This is a common occurrence. Yes this is now this is robot number two they're pretty much I mean Gertrude's supposed to be stupid but that in a kid itself. Narshan turned into a weird naked man and then ran off and touched dips. What the hell am I miss? Gertrude don't go. Let's go find others. Yes um I think you leave the robot and do you just walk out of the room? Fantastic. I mean so does he stays still they'll probably just think he's part of the waves. Yeah that's a funny wheel come back to that and I'll let you know what happened to the robot while you're leaving. Can I try it while they're on the conversation before I try to get something else out of this body? No problem. Because if you alert the horn you would try it out. Gertrude fucking knocked it all behind her if we don't come a little bit. No I went too actively while they were having their little thing just after me handed over the geek out. Yeah you know what give me a locked roll against Repira this time. I just wanted something I wanted. I did one from corpse. What I can get. All right two successes so roll me 2d8. So that was a good roll to success is 2d8. 10 you managed to pilfer 10 fusion sail ammo rounds that were being used to power different various points of the cybernetic augmentations. So that's 10 fusion sail ammo. As you both back out of the room very cautiously. Yep I wouldn't make you dare to stealth roll for that because they're all pretty concerned with the robot at the moment. So away we go back into the supermarket part of the super duper mark. And you know what let's go back in time as well and see what the hell was happening in the vault sales department. Yeah so let's just change over maps here when you get in and bitly bob. That's a very small map sorry there with me a second I'll just get excited. So I'm gonna try to bend the lead bob of ankle height. Miniature people together here in Jesus right there we go. You can write snuffle up as a horse. Where the hell is snuffle puffs character? There is there okay I've got it. Oh it's a new one just kind of size that's great actually. Yeah this is the only thing she's ever looked actually kind of incisive. That isn't amoeba. Okay so you two you've walked in perception checks for the both of you perception against survival. All right and I see shit with it. Well hey bob it's just blunder then and behind wennigan. Wennigan did you see anything before you came in? Oh yes I saw everything. Excellent so yeah you've rolled a seven out of three. You actually have seen absolutely everything this place has to offer just as soon as you walk in. Might be something to do with your familiarity with the vault tech. Then I see all yeah so similar to the robotics department and the grocery department you find yourself in a room full of shambling feral ghouls. And these feral ghouls seem to have a bit of an oddity about them as well. All of them appear to be covered in merchandise. Vault tech merchandise and one of them's got a vault suit on covered in stickers of the vault boy and vault girl and other ones arms are just covered in toy pit boys that just recreations of the the one that you currently wear. And in the middle of the room is a very well dressed vault tech sales go. I'm sure two players there you go. A torn with his vault tech merchandise hat. His vault tech merchandise pins and named tag in a clipboard he is ready. And the clipboard going through his wrist like his fingers are exploding out of it. He has made his arm into a official clipboard holder. Yeah like I say his his wrist has been stripped away at the flesh and the clipboard is currently lodged in it. As he tries desperately to write down whatever the hell as he's trying to write down. With the same hand holding the clipboard this is impressive. Ah I'm impressed. Yes he's supposed to do it anyway. Yes dad he doesn't really know what he's doing. He's trying his best okay. Ah Billy Bob we seem to be a little bit outnumber at the moment. However if that one in the middle is acting like a sales representative perhaps you can go up and distract it. What? What do you do? What are you trying to do? I mean what do you mean outnumber? I mean these are just employees at a hard day's work. What do they have to do? What you act like we have to fight them. Excuse me sir. Do you remember what happened literally? We're looking. We're looking for some specific parts. What are you looking for? Wait again? Again? Well I'm quite interested in any kind of explosive device. Explosive okay so we're just going to say fireworks because that's probably going to fire this guy up. Okay sir do you have fireworks? Okay so Billy Bob walks his way up to the fatal goal with the clipboard and just bear with me. I'm going to change the size of all these because I've just made them on miniature gills. Oh so small. Yeah they're all tiny. Well done. I'm going to give the fact that as a perception check and I have no fucking clue what's going on. These still look like normal fucking people to me. So yeah okay just no fucking clue. All right so you walk up to the guild in the center and you ask for fireworks and the guild just shows you the clipboard and starts pointing to it and says Well that's a that's a weird way to say it but uh yeah mind I look at that clipboard then can I like hold my hand out? He's sorry. He moves the clipboard away from your hand and keeps on pointing at it. Oh oh so oh are you doing inventory? Do I need to ask someone else? Can you point to another employee? Sorry fine sir I didn't mean to bother you while you're doing inventory. Do you have someone else that could help us? He points to the clipboard again. His drone is getting slightly more aggressive. Fair enough I'll find someone else so I'm just going to start walking away. Okay so you start walking away and quite rarely the the guild does start just going about its business trying to write on its clipboard again. As you walk back towards when again I suppose? Where do you we're going? Yeah the wall picture was a win again. All right Winnie we're going to have to try and figure out how to find a good, maybe someone competent. That guy was rude. I am putting in a horrible report on Yelp about this place let me tell you. This is this was a trope that was that was a atrocious customer service but you know what let's see if we can find someone else. So I'm going to go the next closest girl. I'm just wondering around. I'd also like to look for a geck here that's if possible. I know we were said to find one somewhere else but this is Voltech. Sorry can you say that again? What do you look into paint? A geck unit or explosives? All right so I'm giving me a perception check and I suppose I'll do that again science actually. Perception science? Yeah seems you're looking for like that sort of thing. Oh one success in a crack fail. All right well you do not find any explosives you do not find anything anything particularly useful in that regard at all actually. What you do realise is that this is very much just a marketing device for Voltech. None of the stuff in here works in the way that you would expect it to from coming from a vault. You look at the pit boys that are on sale and they're actually just small little video games made for kids. There are a number of different plastic bobble heads. There's a row of lunch boxes posters and memorabilia. There are Voltech jumpsuits but not the jumpsuit that you would wear. This is more like pajamas for children. There are Voltech survival guides which are absolutely useless as they were written before the bombs fail and they were clearly written for children as well. All right then may we see if we can raid the cash register and then move? As you move towards the cash register the the girl in the centre notices you. More specifically he notices your arm and seems to have some sort of recognition with it and much like the way that the robotics girl was interested in the nurse handy unit. This girl finds itself very drawn to the pit boy on your arm. Is there a shelf of pit boys on it nearby? Like fake pit boys? Yes there's a shelf of fake pit boys nearby. I wonder if I can't get him like offer him the fake one instead. All right no problem yeah so you want to lead it over to the shelf with the pit boys? You lead it over gently making your way past a couple of other shuffling around pharaoh gills adorned in there in their Voltech merchandise as the as the manager girl follows you along again follows you at pace still fixated on your pit boy. What would you like to do now that you're at the shelf? I'm going to reach behind me grab a fake pit boy and then like kind of essentially lay it on top of my actual pit boy. See if you'll take that one instead. Okay so you take one of the fake pit boys you sort of position it over your arm as if you're trying to present it as the same thing. The girl sort of slaps that pit boy away from your hand that he just bats it out of the road of the actual pit boy. This girl appears to know the difference. Oh the fuck does a girl know that? Is he just a really big Voltech fan boy is there? Is his actual life? Anyway assuming that the ghoul is still pretty pop and slow I'm just gonna leave. There's nothing we need in here. All right yeah so you start walking away from the ghoul and he becomes a little bit more aggressive with his groans again as he follows he keeps keeping pace with you as you're walking towards Billy Bob and he's getting a little bit faster he's he's pawing at your arm. Billy Bob is in his route of hearing range of other ghouls would you mind helping me kill this one? Uh why why would why would you do that why it's not really doing anything? It's going to start doing something that's get pissed off also do you not I'm getting little concerned I know we have this kind of sarcastic irritable friend's report but do you not remember what happened last room if you have amnesia of some sort that's a different concern. I mean I feel like everybody's different I mean just because we killed those ones over there don't mean we have to kill these ones over here I mean come on as when again in Billy Bob are having this conversation the ghoul is just pawing at the pet boy turning a little nose on her arm is she you can't have hey whoa keep your hand piece of equipment get your hands to yourself all right all right I'll help you I'll help you this guy has no fucking manners but hey I don't think you need to be killing people just the grands come on this guy this guy's the asking for it all right we'll go out of range then we'll fuck this guy up all right just say all right so where are you going uh I'm assuming there's a like hallway area between them so we can just duck back into the yes we just need to go okay so groceries yeah but the grocery department outside the door so you're going to take them into the grocery department and assassinate them yeah that sounds fair yeah so um you all move yourselves all right I'm going to take all of you and fire you back quick little assassination there we go back to the grocery department now are we are we gonna shoot him when he I mean if we shoot him we should probably leave the building let alone like leave the the room because shooting is probably going to be pretty loud or do you want to like just stand out I mean if one of us can find something to cover his mouth and the other one just shanks him I think that would work quite well it'll be over soon it'll be over soon yeah I'll allow it that's it that sounds good so so they just discreet the kid to me what's happening so as so as gertrude and the scientists are walking back in they just casually watch gertrude leave the sides of some gertrude at the moment I'll let you know what they say just you tell me what you're saying all right all right I'll I'll pull my hands behind his back I mean I'm pretty good at you know I mean we restraining people I was a cop so I all restrain him covers mouth and you you just step right all right now what I need to roll a cap that is a good question what am I going to make you roll for this good to say we're going to stab it it kind of roll I assume right so that's definitely going to be a I mean you're taking them by surprise so I won't go for strength let's go for agility agility against them athletics okay now since he's focused on winning against arm could I get you know what roll three to d20s for me oh that's an extra that you saw in there and I failed them all I'm just saying we have six action points uh I uh I will can I use them well you can you you then your action points that they get additional days before you roll your left points are what you want if you want to re-roll our days all right I want to re-roll all three dice because I do have oh my god three like times okay I do have I do have a lot of I do have a lot of luck I have ten looks that's why I just make it out with it and I failed them all again wow I've down to five luck and I've really fucked this on this one sorry guys so what Billy Bob does instead of just grabbing the arms at the back and covering the mouth of the ghoul what he actually does is he grabs one of the ghoul's arms and grabs the ghoul by the hair and just shakes them both get out of your shit get quiet be quiet I'm being louder than he is I'm just going to get down quickly roll and knife roll for me oh geez that's what no that 20s are Billy Bob's getting shit hit them on ghoul that's a crit it's three successes excellent um when again realizing things are going to shit here um takes out her knife and very deftly stabs the ghoul and roll the damage for me there uh it's not very much oh you mean zero damage you stab at the eye socket where it's gone no I shave it you actually managed to stab it and the and the clip board so as the as Billy Bob is shaking this quill um when again stabs the clip board that he's carrying as a gertrid and I ever walk out to see this scene what the fuck you two doing all right when you get I don't mean to point blame I don't really mean I feel like this is your fault I mean I'm just gonna go ahead and say I mean I feel like you could have stabbed a little bit better on that one but hey that's all right my mistake for not properly stabbing and obviously fully restrained it was restrained can't you tell come on me molly's getting stinking right Dr. French is this what is good lovers tiff I presume so this got me more specimens the feral gill strikes belly bob and releases him that releases the the restraint that he has on him stops him from shaking him impossible that was completely restrained oh we're talking about a super mutant now all right damn it there's no way five physical damage to you oh oh god how's she in the left leg do you have any resistances on your left leg uh oh yeah I have two physical damage resistance right so you'll only take three points of damage but it it smags you in the leg and um it's attempting to make it sweet back into the vault take unit um so can everybody please roll initiative for me oh my god not everyone that is yep that is one fast goal so yeah it's smacked belly bob it's trying to get back into the yeah hang on we're missing someone karben's dead yeah karben's currently not scientist flower initiative now where's initiative 13 nice fantastic right so um you win again and flower sorry win again and either you both noticed that this goal is starting to walk away from you and go towards the vault take sales department win again gets to react first what do you do well we still want this to be a little bit quiet so i'm going to attempt to use this fucking knife again all right you go for another stab i might have to upgrade this to mache or something if i can yep but nope nuh uh yeah so you again as it's walking away you swipe with your knife and mess it's entirely hitting the clipboard hitting the clipboard flower what would you like to do oh the dr ever what i want to do is just think to me like is there any point is it knows anything like bag to flower or about like anything like that all right tell me what's your idea what would you be looking for whatever i can just try to because i don't you're in a grocery shop what ideally would you like to pick up in order to help you in this situation to the beans beans all right um roll for me please a luck roll against survival look in fact luck against barter that's probably a better one to go for rule luck against barter because you're in a shop oh look what there are no beans beans so what's wrong now i'm unarmed there's nothing i can possibly do at this point do you have any other ideas there either i i'm gonna be with this follow me helmet at the fucking thing you can use throw your own helmet at the thing yeah i i assume like they want it here for a reason so i'm gonna try to no problem you take off your helmet and there is a throwing ability so it's throwing against agility if you could roll that for me please yeah i'm gonna regret this but these times you can't see can i spend my book you can spend a lot of point if you want yes so you feel that rule so just roll 1d 20 for me here and you've managed to crit fail with your luck roll so um this is going to be let's see i'm gonna give you all that's fine give me a number between one and three please flower wait okay so you managed to take off your you took off your bolt tech security helmet and you just loved it into the crowd and it bonks wennigan right in the cross wennigan please roll a 1d 4 oh dear yeah the bolt tech security helmet has bonked wennigan in the face for two points of damage it's out here the gill has now successfully made his way back into the vault tech seals department and closed the door as do not disturb come around the corner it's like closed it's a closed sign we're closed and i think that's a perfect place to end the episode it's my end of this time it's my helmet gone thank you for listening to this episode of a pint of Cthulhu you want to get in touch you can find us on x and on loose guy at pint of Cthulhu furthermore if you'd like to help out the podcast go over to our cool 5 page link in the description so what it be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ Silence ]