A Pint Of Cthulhu

Fallout Episode 26 Super Duper Ghoul

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

previously on a pint of Cthulhu Fallout. Our team managed to befriend a group of mutated corgis I believe they were if you correct me they're taking what kind of dog were they? They were indeed corgis? Yes, yes. The ravenous pack of mutated corgis were topped down by the charming and they swave Billy Bob. I thought it was drugs. Oh, they ate most of your drugs before they were topped down, yeah. But I was able to talk them down. I did be a friend of one. After a night in a shed or a house hiding from a storm you lost some of your drugs to some dogs befriended the pack and moved on without violence which is really unusual for this crew. So I was very pleased to see some growth from your characters. You can tell you don't following me because directions through the old city ruins to her next point of interest which was the super duper mark. Now on her notes she had put on here that this place is still got some supplies left in it. Apparently people still use this super duper mark in the function that it was created for. So as the players approach they see its weathered exterior looming before them, a relic of the pre-war era now weathered and worn by in time. This round the area is eerily quiet. Only this sound of distant how old the wind as it whips through the abandoned streets. A sense of anticipation fills the air as the players prepare to explore this mysterious what what mysteries are hidden and the marks crumbling walls. So you're all standing outside this super duper mark. How are you feeling? What are you doing? Should we stop off here and give us some supplies? We need to check this place out anyway because it's on our to-do list. We might as well if you think there's been nothing waiting for us inside. Baby there's sludge ammo inside. Does it look like a home base or being cute perhaps Cap? As a very large super duper mark this is one of the flagship stores that you know maybe they're super sludge. So yeah can I turn around the will again and say this is a super duper mark their premiere of shocking experiences in this area. They will sort of everything of your heart desires in a musical, whimsical way. What area is this? There's a little more star singing or something again. Super duper mark. Super duper mark. It's a place to go. It's just super duper mark. Yeah last time in a little song. I've been no doubt that was the jingle well done mate. That's why you know you played that sound but I found that was actually very well done. Good job. Put that in there for something. The robot the robot is going to take a bow. Right I suppose we should be able to be cautious there could be other things in there scavenging for supplies but I don't see why we shouldn't head in. As long as nothing else has been decided has been taken. Oh I love these things back in the day let me tell you I like to get everything from my super duper mark everything. All right then when again it's going to attempt to kind of sneak in a little bit just a scourhead. Quite true to a bundle. Before we go before we go in can I like to activate my perk the mysterious stranger because it has to be done before the encounter so. I like that you just that's been this cold but I'll say to this door. Well just in case he's right. Yeah don't let it all remember that you have the mysterious strange appearance all the way it's. Don't worry guys things are going to go great. Lock it alone. I'm just really nice this pistol yeah. Right so instead of all excitedly walking up to the door when again scouts ahead she decides to sneak up to the very large open doorway of the super duper mark and what you find inside is just a small foyer where all the trolleys and baskets are kept there are two big double doors one to the right of you and one to the left of you both going into the same section and in between the double doors is the map of the store. To the left of you is a large metal housing with a computer next to it. Okay go ahead and take the map. Okay can I have a look at this PC. Yeah I can put it in case. As you get closer to the computer you notice that it is the activation unit for this store's protect throne robot. Give me a perception check. We are doing perception. All of us just Carmen just now he's looking at the robot. Is it what's the skill perception to go for perception and intelligence? No that's two different skills. Sorry perception against a repeater. Science? It's sorry okay. Sorry I gave you two, I gave you two specials there. It's cool we figure it out. So I got two successes. You brought a nine and a six target. Two successes no problem. You recognize this unit. This is the super duper marks fire suppression unit. Inside this box will be a should be a nice brightly colored yellow and red protect throne with fire suppression capabilities. Hmm can I um activate them to follow us as a companion? You can try. Would you ask some of that some help with that my friend? Um I'm trying to activate the um fire suppression unit to aid us in our um plight. Where for? If you'd like to take a look mister doctor man. I'm sorry did this I did this this plate as well. Um yeah go for a flower. Do you want to have a go hack in this thing? Yeah I should use my zit. Science from rolling my crit path. Uh thing. Okay so flower you're going to go out to this computer and activate it. Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep okay um you're gonna want to give me an all intelligence there sees science science that's the one yep yeah okay well you're a little one nice there I'm not sure why but it was as exact so you do manage to successfully build the computer this is nothing new to you this is a computer system you've seen before you boot it up you get into it and you see that that is only the options for the fire suppression system um they protect the protect drone unit um controls are to the bottom right and you go you navigate in your computer you go to the protect drone and you have activate and you also have fire suppression parameters that you can access from here. Oh so what do you like to activate it or active fire suppression or on patrol mode um control that's about patrol yeah patrol mode so you beep beep again again click click click and everything everything activates successfully you start to hear some clicking and whitting from within this box unit and the metal door slides up the way revealing a almost pristine petite drone unit and these fire suppression models and writing off it's nice red and yellow colored it's got some scuffs and some burn marks on it as if it has been used before for its function and successfully um it has managed to get itself back into his box and is fully charged so let me see if i can find a little graphic format but protect your unit god should want to take the map we could use it later on the map is a large it's it's it's a wall map so it's a large map on the wall on of a game on a big sign it's supposed to be it's very big and it's supposed to be easily read for anybody that's walking in and out it's between two massive doors going on to shoot did not start a gertrude one takes a map okay gertrude gets her fingers into the corners of this map this multi onto the wall and she starts to pull can you give me a strength against um i don't know go for unarmed unarmed strength gertrude take the map with a three one and a seven target of 13 okay so you place the whole thing six six gertrude poos on the map and reps that all the plaster and boarding from the map off of the wall it cracks away from the wall um it just starts cracking all the way along in between the two doors she manages to remove a massive wooden map and just pass the whole thing a big wall map and her hands we got a good loss now can i can i literally like while she's doing that i just go over to this tiny little cubby that says here take a free map and there's like set and i'll be like hey uh hey gertrude um yeah you know what no i'm just gonna leave you to it i just can i get into that can i get into that wall because it rolled please a little bit of a lot of their seeds um we survived before this one just a hole in the wall now oh glory hole that is a two six that i'm at two six sacees excellent so yes you look around and you see that right underneath where gertrude rep this oh it's the ground right underneath it and i actually just had a table with a pile of maps that have lots of all the stores all for us that are on uh it describes where the um weird everything is um special even has descriptions and the special sections in the store all right waiting in do you want one what about you we're about time yes i'll have one for my database all right here here you go can i take one as well there's yeah there's plenty there's plenty uh gertrude seems like you've already got yours uh okay all right that's all all well and good all right looks like we all we're all good so no we lost i have one question i want to ask so if gertrude was new you found map such part of a wall does that technically count as a weapon like you know like a greystone sort of it's literally plaster if that hurts someone a want a plaster hurt someone that person probably shouldn't have been attacked to begin with me because they're probably just a fly that's be worth at least a d6 on the roll i'd say a plaster it just break over that it's like hitting you with confetti well aren't wall maps usually framed with metal uh oh they're classy in this omega bar anyway we've all got a normal sized map and goat just got her gertrude map um yeah it's perfectly sized we've got this uh fire bot that's doing his patrol has the fire bot balance i'm just going to find a very specific fireball potential and we logoed it as well so he's going to join your crew um cool i'm just going to you know admire his parts and see what i could potentially use later it would be like cover he covers his private parts like what are you what are you just looking okay can i roll perception i was like uh i don't do this i want to try it doesn't really give any notice to you he goes on patrol mode and he declares that he is going to inspect the fire safety equipment and off he starts to go towards the towards one of the doors that um the gertrude just removed the map from biting can and off he goes so he's just walking away from you know um and end end to the the store let's see what he shall find what's behind door number one today pain and he's hard use you you'd select bangs well that's right john hit let's come around door number three all right let me just get my here he comes protect trone unit there he goes he goes protect trone yeah i'm trying to change the scene here hold on there we go all right there we go since changed so the protectrone unit moves out into the main floor of the shop it's a store for giants i never checked on his next to that counter it's a species area um it's adorned with dilavity check-outs counters and customer service desk card and dust uh broken shopping cars and discarded items litter the floor remnants of a time this place was bustling with activity there's the entire shelves of the grocery section and you can have and you can see from where you're standing at the doorway to the left hand side as you can see people in about the shelves just sort shuffling around even a couple of people at the cashier desk shuffling around as if they're using this place as a show now can you just get me a quick quick perception check on this please a perception against survival oh joy oh that is a failure on me for both that's a success that's a great fail i thought i got the crit fail then i got two nines nurtured you're holding the map upside down it's the other it's the other way the other way oh just turns it around completely it's such a spiral no issues here it seems that yeah um you're from from where you're standing the protector keeps on walking these way down the down dials checking on the fire suppression units and um you're just all stood at the door to the left hand side of the set and there are people in the store shuffling around dials and at the check stations i don't like how he's saying shuffling can i throw a rocket one's head you can i thought you'd bug it off so um oh flower actually you get two successes in your perception check thanks very much for the late perception check there once everybody else had failed it walks it walks in last yeah flower walks in last and behind all of you just sort of looking around and um he notices the people that are in the aisles and the people that check out this appear not to be alive ah there you are i have an idea can i um because we got this uh you know um fiber game bot and i've got this flamingity can i make a fire why so but then that will you know make the bot interested in them and it will you know beat out the fire he kept for meaning okay only you think you creating a fire will not make the fire bot mad at you but mad at bystanders can can you like do that away from us instead of like starting a fire like i'll draw their attention and just start a fire in front of all of us and like hey guys we're starting to look it off like we're right here hey guys here here we are do you think the sprinkler system this building still works i hope not hmm uh oh question question what's the um fire bot doing right now is he just walking past these people is that true i'm just walking he's just walking around them checking the fire separation systems jerky man is your family does anyone have a model i found that very offensive well hang on they don't seem aggressive yet have they does it look like they've noticed us all um Kevin you've just failed your perception check you can't tell whether or not they've noticed you yeah i got one success all right fair enough say bye far as i know with two failures this morning perfectly fine it just seems like a very normal shock to you yeah yeah from 200 years ago back when i remember like man i wonder if he's still got insta-mash i think we're good i think we're gonna make some winnow i wonder if there's any twinkies left oh twinkies you're right when it gets got it down there's always okay so can i go inside and say hello to one of these guys if i think they're you know it's the live thing surely they're these are customers wanting to find they're um they're merchandise so you shouldn't i going to help them as a as i help with robot remote robot a fucking super duper robot he has aspirations he turned around he turns around and has like a super duper martin named tag that just like appeared on his past like don't wear it we got pissed it's badly hand-written on a four with a tape i'm Alexa can i help you i forget the fake moustache hey kind sir how can i help you today and super duper mart i run up to the did the um not goal my non-girl okay so carmen uh sorry that nurse handy um floats her way up to one of the girls in the aisle and says hello to it how can i help you today sir to find your produce and just shuffles away hmm okay can i go to the next one and i'll ask the same question sure i think you you you you float your way down to the one that's currently at the cashier's desk you see hello to it and you're you know you see hello to it hello um i'm looking for the um a brack zone have you seen the a brack zone anywhere hmm not very talkative today are you well seems like uh the handiness doesn't have any problems with them suppose we can just join them and shop go true doesn't like this i don't know very suspicious anyway in the meantime can i start losing the place they must be doing the right stuff yes okay so what the race are you doing while he um nurse handy is saying hello to the girls oh i'm just carrying the board out i've got like a shopping basket yeah i was gonna say what a good place i'm a shopping basket i'm just going around hmm that's pretty you know what die 95 for a battle a box of blanco oh my god it's how we elaborate how can you see these prices and products are off chance that one of them stay oh that's just a suggestion when again don't worry about that i'd like to approach the one at the till with the frying pan raised high just in case okay as a when it can go to pick up a basket and um i think dr ranch there is with winnigan is that right uh yeah but i'm keeping an eye in uh all right winnigan and either are currently hanging back and picking up a basket belly bob is at the shells shouting about the the wonderful deals that are going on the girls don't seem to give him any bother um uh the gildos 295 or snicker doodles what the hell yep yeah so gertia just walks up to it with our frying pan raised and the gildos nothing um can i try to actually can i because i am actually searching for stuff in the background can i roll a quick search and check thing because i think i would have found something by now yeah so what i'm going to do here is this is a supermarket an old old supermarket um a lot of this stuff is probably going to be like out of date and stuff by now but if there's something that you want or something that you want to look for let me know and we can do our role to see if you find them okay a nuka kona quantum so you want to find the nuka kola quantum let's call the quantum role for a nuka kola quantum and make it look against barter barter oh sorry and i'm gonna want two successes from you for this one okay that's zero success so yeah you flow your way up to the to the aisle with a nuka kola might be and you find an entirely bloated shelf in fact there's a couple there's a few cases that were just broken and it looks like all the nuka kola had dried up into this sticky awful mess damn nothing for me today okay so what are you doing well they're doing that no nice refreshing drink for the robot maybe it's all from pimms sounds very steep oh i rather than drink the wheel yeah i've got it's um is it pims in the uh up in far harbor it sounds so sasborella yeah sasborella and there's one more that's new vegas yeah that's west coast but there's also the um the stuff that you get in the end in the um far harbor dlc that drink is pims i can't remember pims is a real drinky tibia shit i know it is that's why i don't think it's real name i think it's verm actually thank you vim yeah and figure um when again's going to like is is this just like a grocery section or is there other stuff here so this is the grocery section and if one of you had actually looked at the map i could have actually described what the shorts could be to you oh yeah sure um so we'll look at the map yeah so when again uh well getting her basket decides to take a quick look at her map to see what she's going to expect oh she she sees is it this is a this first area is the main sales area and it's the grocery section so there's lots of signs for all your certain grocery needs be it um food be it cleaning supplies all this or just right um there are three specialist sections leading off from this main section to the towards the north and you can see them listed on the uh on the advertisements they're very excitedly advertised on this map you have a fashion section the vault deck sales department so vault deck has its own sales department here and there's also eight robotics sales unit okay can i can i look for two things potentially what are you going to be looking for i'm looking for a bleach and rubbing alcohol can't be that the first anything strong is the bleaching booze excellent bleaching booze right so do the same thing give me a we're going to go for barter rules here um give me a look to see if there's anything that's not already been looted in the way of alcohol or bleach as you have a suspicion alcohol is more likely to be loaded uh so luck barter right yeah oh one success all right one success um yes you know you managed to find a bottle of bleach nice and i'm taking no alcohol to be found unfortunately as you walk up to the bottle of bleach you start to notice that the closest goo it's it's it's shuffling a little bit strangely now it's sort of moving towards you and it's sniffing the air towards where you are can i pick up the bleach you can pick up the bleach yes i'm going to open the screw tap of it because bleach smells really strong so hopefully it'll get the gall to piss off all right yeah that's it if it's smelling human then bleach might be yeah it's a solid idea go for it i'm not going to pour on it all myself i've not that but i'm going to open it up and just kind of like hold it slightly out towards the gall to ultimate camouflage bleach yeah you know what give me a bottle for that that sounds good survival against uh perception yeah perception that makes sense that's what defaults to uh can i use the luck on that one uh yes you can you can use luck um so that was at target 10 you know the 15 and the 12 you doesn't lock on one of them so one point gets you one dice i'll use how many take me two dice well two like points i get you both the dice yeah i'm gonna do that just in case i'll go one success god i did too hmm yeah you know what yeah that's that's good so the the bleach sort of the smell from the beach bottle wafts out um syringy a little bit it's really really strong in fact you feel a little bit desert yourself because of it but the um the girl just stops what it's doing and shuffles back to his just regular shuffling patterns did he do what was i ever doing while this was happening um he's going to shuffle over to the like we see the robotics area so he's gave her time that he's uh he's one of the girls and he's going to try and shuffle past them okay so to get to the robotics area you're gonna have to go right to the back of the shop and walk past four different girls in that aisle so let's start with the first girl as you're walking past it starts to do the same as the other one it starts twitching sniffing the air starts turning in your direction what do you do turn your back turn back and enter back all right i want you to make a little still throw for this so you're going to want to creep backwards from that snake hold on it's only going off to winning in either oh we're human so that's like the reason hmm i find it really weird to not go on after me okay all right i've are sorry that is a fail you rolled uh as you started was an eight year old in 19 and at 10 just okay i guess all right is that there if that's the way we're going with it that's fine the the girl the girl snitched the ear it twitches even more and it screams oh and it runs towards you lunges and scrapes at you oh oh girl attack roll here i have one decent roll i can't get any more uh where the hell did this fucking she is got the mess mess no sorry i'm looking for this character actually for those girl sorry bear with me a second that's uh take your time take them take them you don't need to it's fine don't put yourself out mate i'd be very good the girl swipes at either after screaming and trips over a box right in front of either luckily for him and messes him entirely unfortunately let's say it's off a cacophony of screams across the shop as all of the girls all of the girls start sniffing the ear and looking towards either oh back up oh we all screaming now you're just screaming as well is this a scream party i do uh uh flavour what is i vs initiative um this tip is 13 all right so um the combat started between i vs the girls is it any of the else joining them oh sure i'll yeah can i hug it up again cost my hand the right question yes until we attack are they hostile to us you don't know oh they don't know that you're different yeah from them but also that's a lot of goals yeah fuck it gertrude we could use your help you got your draw on the hope gertrude has been summoned you know i'm pretty i'm pretty pissed off that they have no salisbury steak here anymore and that's my favorite damn dish so you know what fuck these people we're about to fuck them up that one stalk it oh my gosh careful remember the one in the weird cowboy outfit's ours gertrude you and i are going to add that word winnigan fruit all right so as the screams wring out winnigan gets to react first nice i'm uh oh shit i'm gonna have to you know i'm just going to take out the one closest to me this one excellent so just to say in the scene uh there's four ails that you can see from where you are and all the checkouts are towards the front of them you're all still towards the front winnigan and billiwell we're in isle one and the protector unit is way up the top of isle one at this point you get gertrude and uh north hand they in between ails two and three near the checkouts and you've got either all the way over in isle four as he tried to sneak past one of the girls and failed on the first one so he's still near the entrance winnigan is going to take a shot of the ones closest to her so she's actually shooting across the isle here um luckily there is a clean shot between the two so just go ahead and make your shot is it with the laser rifle? it is yeah laser musket shot or musket shot go for it that is one success with an eight for a target fourteen yeah there's there's not really much to be a cover for this girl and he's not trying to cover either so yeah you have him excellent give me a damage roll on that one five energy damage there's no one damage excellent so i'm going to have to check and see if we're that hit right at that right leg yes you cripple this boy you actually shoot his right leg off um the right leg just sort of flops into the next isle and the girl hits the deck it's now prone and yep not dead though unfortunately um so winnigan that's you done so who's next in the queue i think that's handy gets to go before the girls do oh um okay so um on our uh fantastic map we've drawn um there's like a row of three goals and they're right in front over like the um doctor man yep that's uh yep aisle four um i'm gonna kind of sort uh spray fire there to try to block them off or or the first goal the um the one with the right crossing it now um yeah i see you if you forgot how to pick things on the map yeah it just click and hold me click and hold that doesn't work excellent i think that's a role to inhale this fucked everybody up no i figured that out it's good but yeah he's the guy i want a seven five i get you i get you all good so yeah you're going to move into position into the fourth aisle in between either and the three goals that are up the aisle um he's still the one that's trying to attack him though and what you're going to do is be doing your sleep with that one i'm just worth i'm going to deal with the bulk of them excellent you see you're going to take three on form aren't you just oh i just look good man that's handy go for a rollier flamethrower shot for me all right so you have a target five year old of 16 and 13 so you have failed to hit the goal and um basically you sort of splattered some some sparks out all over the shells but nothing caught on fire strange okay excellent all the girls turn now uh how luckily for you most of these girls are out of range um so and none of them have ranged wins so a lot of them just sort of run towards you uh oh all right it's real sound front lighting um at the top of the first aisle runs towards wennigan guess out to her but unfortunately has no more actions to use the one that she shot is able to crawl towards her and still from a prone position try and swipe at her so this one's actually biting my ankles yeah this one's going to try and bite your ankles and it is successful so this one that's had his legs show off crawls its way towards you takes it takes your leg in his hands and gives you a wee munch right on it right in your ankle and it helps you for four physical damage plus one radioactive damage so that's one of your max HP as well yeah you don't want to get hit by these girls roll right then a goal in the second sorry a goal in the third aisle starts to run towards the cashiers and is only able to get as far as the cashier desk before it's ran out of turn um the one that was almost set on fire by Nurse Handy attacks the robot swipes at its body and doesn't hit uh apparently the sparks that you've that you've managed to throw off bling that a little bit and it kind of just trips up on your own tentacle arm the one that tried to attack either goes at him again changing sides I guess I'm the old one too oh this one rolled both a success and a critical fail so let's see what we're going to do to this goal it hurts itself yeah so I'm going to say that not only does it manage to hurt you it hurts you for one damage it hurts itself as well in the process it hits you so hard by the overextains trips itself over and I rolled some damage dice for it and it took zero damage shit now i want to actually give it some sort of some sort of detriment from the critical fail there so you take one damage yeah and you know what I'm going to cripple this leg I'm going to say it um we see trips trips falls prone in front of you you take the damage and it's now just lying in the ground okay there's two more goals up in the aisle four there they run towards Nurse Handy only one of the managers to make it within striking range and it hits it smacks the robot for three physical damage no not quite one second dr or four I think yeah where do you dr on my main body all right excellent so where did that hit you hit you and the left leg how does that translate to your new body i think i have any legs i need to check how that translates and i think you trust us arm three arm three yeah for an three yep so arm three where do you have any dr in your arm three i have two dr on my arm three all right excellent so you take one physical damage okay all right so all the goals are now in the front of the store surrounding you and at as belly bulb and gertrude's terms next it's always one you would like to go first considering how you call these my family i feel like you owe this to me gertrude just gonna go ahead and say go for it all right so i like to buy ankles a little little google i've got an ankle binder for you shovel bus go i choose you stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop that's that's that's that that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's rolled already. I can roll again though since you didn't ask me to do that cap if you want me to. No, it's successful. We were going that way anyway. Okay. All right, there's two successes. I was target of eight and I got three and a six. And I roll the damage. That's too physical damage. All right, so I'll snuff off guess his teeth right into this girl. Unfortunately, not enough to kill it, but it's certainly holding that in place. Spiding his ankle is like he's latched. It's like a it's like a weird centipede. It's like he's latched on to win again on the ankle. His stuff has latched on to his ankle. His only surviving ankle. Some ankle said to be. Oh yeah, I'm gonna shoot the damn thing straight through the chest with my railway rifle. Same one. Aim carefully. Wait again, hold still. Stuffle puff. Don't move. I've got this. I don't even feel smear left. It's a That is failure They're gonna love it at 10 oh See here Like a light a critical failure, so I'm not gonna make him do any damage to his his friends God, I should have drank I should have drank that fifth whiskey for I did this hold still hold Millen again what you win again one and two slow down Just stop Wait, what oh? I really pin hits the floor and ricochets up to the ceiling and it's a lamp We're shattering the light There is there's a loud noise goes off in the shop and alarm sounds and metal shutters The doors that you came into big black shutters come down over the doors trapping you inside I'm gonna say like that was triggered when Gertrude ripped the map off the wall I mean that's that's clearly when this when that occurred, so Don't blame me for your shit. You're the one that ripped the map on the wall right above a table with a bunch of free maps We need it a map, but you can't see small map go to have big map. They're the same size map You're just attached to a wall You hear the protect shown from the other side of the Of the store you hear him say in fact, he's quite far away. So give me a perception check to see if you hear what he says Billy Bob Per perception versus survival. Oh, yeah, go for survival. Yeah That is one success and it's success. You hear an automated voice scene fire on detect teams Security measures security measures activated That's not good. Uh, well, shit No, you miss you miss her Gertrude. He said frying pan detected frying pan detected your fault again My fried bad Um Gertrude whilst mid-screaming along with the goal is going to pull out the machete And try and chop this thing to bits along in front of her Fear enough. Yeah, get me in a shaky streak. Oh That's a great enough for a success is right there 16 you have four and a one which is again, you got that's two crits for you because you're Because you're a melee weapon skill, so you have four successes out of that one rule, which is a better one of the best rules of seeing yet Can I get an extra damage dice for that? No All right, you do three physical damage to this a lot of effects piercing as well I really love how captain isn't wearing any armor, so that doesn't really matter. I really love that cap said No, like the fuck do you think you are? No? No, that's a different damage dice. Fuck you All right, so that's everybody had a turn back to the start when again You currently have a girl rushing you from the north and one hanging onto your ankle by the teeth Whatever I do I'm taking a hit from one of them And I'm yeah, hang on Go what Yeah, cuz it was just him at the start you just asked him he didn't press the button I asked you what you're interested was you didn't press the button, so you weren't on the list. I apologize over. Yes Yeah, you do have your turn to take as well 13 so you should be right after me, so he gets a turn. Yes. Yeah, well, I'll give you a turn And I'll just give you another turn after when again. Okay. Oh I do apologize for this you basically pulls out his screwdriver and one that's on the floor. He's gonna try to Basically bait the spinal cord so it can't move so he's gonna my an action Aim and just try to stab it in the back. It's neck. All right. Okay. Okay. That's gonna be a difficult one to get that one, right? Give me the screwdriver roll Pretty shank Yeah, so you try to shank it. Yeah target for you have a 14 and a 14 to 14, so you have You didn't even didn't even break the skin And poked it a little bit And that's good for the Out of the lab. In fact, the girl feels a little bit better That makes that fight That cracking my neck is all fun. We have a future is a kind of factor Exactly as licensed as every other kind of factor. Ah, interesting. So if I start here the Actually actually it would be a nice price that note down. Ah, I like to think but as he was driving in this route Well, he's only realized a very interesting pattern on the floor like oh the secrets of the universe As you stab in you see the girl To the left to the left a little No penetration And he hit yes and went again Perfect perfect All right, yes, exactly take When against girl like aim her leaves and must get all directly down at her foot to try and get the school I thought she'd buy the say down her throat note the old She's aiming to let's get into her mouth hoping it in Sure that shoots up a handle All right, see if I can't kill this thing. That's one success Yeah, I think that it's close enough that you you don't have any this advantage is there one success I'll do the job you shoot the thing and yeah, you have killed it Success, but they all had one each be left at this point. Oh So yeah, you shoot the girl and it starts moving flops did That's one problem dealt with one left All right, I'm sorry you're sorry I want to try it like I want to get rid of this one at least because everyone else has got my christ, everyone's got like one or two around there I still got this wallet I'm the robot protecting you here. I'm holding off all the ghouls. That's what me is quickly. Yes, you know, finish that guy off and help me out Yeah Did I hear the protector on over kicking off about the fire out? Yeah You did yes And you saw the the blast doors closing and the at the entrance I'd deal with best not to make myself. I'm already a bloody target. So it's either I'm sorry. Just pause out his These little pistol is lazy pistol Me a lazy middle a lazy gun and just try to take this one down Because then I'm right up on the tracks on there There's a little vault take colored laser gun and he gives it the wee execution show if he can Go on and roll the the laser gun for me, and you can. Excellent. So target 10 You're up 14 and a 5 that is a successful hit. So roll the damage for me there All right, and you do three points of damage to this go It's currently lying in front of you pew just a shame to do it to a specimen All right, next up Yeah, North handy before the girls go so Carmen what are you doing? You've got three surrounding you at the moment. Yeah My kind of work set them alike with my flamethrower Excellent another flamethrower shot go for it Yeah One success fabulous. Yes. So you managed to fire up the flamethrower successfully And all three have gathered in front of you in order to take the damage which one is it you're aiming for. Oh I like to Try to set them alight. So I was hoping I could maybe try to set them all alight as they're all gathered quite close by Yeah, so what you're in I don't want to get in the damages, but I like to set them all alight Yes, what will happen is this will rely on your fix you go you choose one to target Yeah, and because the other two are close enough they will be affected if you roll one of your effect damages, which is a worst, I believe Okay, so what have to roll first? So you just have to roll the damage. Oh Just let me know which one you're aiming at The one in front, but yeah, the middle one. Oh, they're all in front the middle one. Excellent. Yeah, so go for the one in the middle Okay, that makes most sense Four and you have so yes, because you've got burst and the process in the spread Effects you do actually manage to hit all three of them Because you see because you rolled the way that we faced ice there for the I see you I didn't know I thought I always get them. I didn't know you were math a roll for them. That's cool Excellent. So you hit the one in the middle now roll that is what takes the it takes the full four points of damage plus it is now set on fire And so I'm just giving you fire icon on that one Yeah, there we go. That one's set on fire. So it's going to have to roll a burn roll on its turn The other two let me just check and see what kind of damage they take for the burst damage and the spread Alright, so the spread actually hits it for another two damage that one in the middle has actually took another two points of damage So it actually takes six points of damage The two on either side of it take two points of damage each Okay, do they get set a light They take the damage but they you know what? Yeah, I'm gonna say that they're all set on fire The other two only take half the damage. So they only take two points of damage each just now However, they are both set on fire. So you set three girls on fire in front of you One of them is to HP left the other to have six HP left Cool Excellent. So there's handy's now. So I've got a three screaming on fire ghouls in front of her at the cashew's desk bad And I believe that actually moves on to the ghouls turns now so Let me just quickly rule the burn damage for the home Could I potentially move move out the way here like move a bit closer to the doctor because I didn't take a move turn Oh, you can't yeah, so when we move back to the words of doctor Yeah, don't be slightly out on the way making it slightly harder for the ghouls. Just you know, you know do me Well the first one that you say on fire actually just flops the floor burns out and dies Oh, so sad. Yeah, like I'm melting candle Yeah, like I'm held candle. He just goes down and the other two One takes one damage And the other one doesn't actually take any damage Yeah, so that's another we point the damage off for one of them. They're both still on fire though I like to think that he didn't take any damage, but he's close just burnt off And he's just standing there in the light of God nude on fire Yeah, I would say that the elastic line of his box was just burnt off and this massive piece just falls down to his knee That's rotten off of it All right, so these two own fire ghouls decide to chase Nurse handy and come at you with another couple of sweeps It's claiming Why is that oh no Matthew One of them distracted by the fact these own fire manages to just miss you entirely The second one Leaves this That's that's a new bludgeoning weapon For three physical damage Given that zombies, I think I'd be snuffed Why is this soundboard shit that I've said Some kind of aggravating out this point Jesus You're right arm as well, so you take the you take one point of damage One point of damage and no radiation cuz I'm immune to that. Yeah, you're immune to that Awesome That was a long attack and a half Yeah, the rest of the ghouls are all currently in fights as well. So you've got two of them fighting with Gertrude They both just start wailing in and you trying to trying to hit you as best they can One of them you manage to block deftly and the second one gets ahead of you The second one does One point damage. So let's just see what kind of location it hits you in a right leg. I think anyway I have 2 dr minimum on everything fantastic. So yeah, they're just they're just sort of limply Smacking you as best they can with their rotten arms and doing absolutely no damage to you The other one that's still alive is currently attacking winnigan So it's going to hit you for Yep, it's successful. So it's doing the same except it's actually doing some damage one damage one plus one radio active damage So you take another radio active fit Another another one off of your your max health Plus one physical damage to your To your left arm. Do you have any damage resistance on your left arm? Only energy resistance. That's all they kind of have anywhere. Yeah, so you take one point of damage plus one More point in a radio active damage off your max health Is that just off my max health or is that regular damage to one of each? Oh Nice, okay Well, I'm not nice, but I could be all right and the final goal still to attack is that one this being getting poked by either It decides to it decides to lash out and it has him For two damage plus radio active, so this is actually two radio active boys of damage Do you take two off your max health plus two off your current health? Oh Yeah, so it scratches you from this prone position All right, so that's all the girls had their turns all their positions are sorted and you've managed to kill two of them so far All right, so next up on their is your tune Billy Bob Yeah, it's even a stiff so who's first house is I took you last time. I'll let you take it this Okay And yeah, just Mr. T again really mr. T try to cut it down the middle I don't know for successes. Yeah. Yeah, you're pretty good at getting the head something on my shit. He's It's a damage that you're not good to get in the heart of three. Gee You're saying damage, so you try to cut it in half. Unfortunately, your machete gets sort of stuck Maybe like a quarter of the way into the the girl and you resigned to the fact You're not going to cut in half. You just take the machete back out and it is still standing God damn it Your time Bailey Alright snuffle buff let go of the day. It's dead. It's it you can let it let it go So she's like I thought she still got the foot in the mouth of the one that winning in shot I could like hey hey Hey, I'll let you have it afterwards. We got another angle to bite that one right there right to see it It's over there. It's only about a couple feet away. Shoot get that one get that one and she reluctantly. Let's go But she goes Just I suppose to have the knife that you gave her in the fall. She does don't have a knife I've actually already rolled that bait run. I actually well, I don't have Do we have a name today? I guess I just have bite You actually let them have it as an extra damage roll. Yeah But like an extra dice or what? I think it was yeah. Oh, it's quite sure that I need that one to snuggle buff sheet The knife what's that I'm gonna check that. Yeah Don't worry. We'll sort that out for you But yeah, it was a failed attack enemy. So in target eight you got 12 and an 11 So sniffle puff jumps over the dead goal tries to bite the other goal, but mistakes the arm of the goal for the dead one for the with a live one and just bites the dead goal again Oh, man, it's not snuff snuffle puff snuffle puff. Oh my god. Okay. All right. All right. Don't worry Daddy'll take care of it. Daddy'll take care of it. So I'll I'm a railway shot a railway rifle up to shoot it Go That is one success Go-go gadget railway rifle as a success target seven you managed to get one rule the damage for me, please That is 12 damage Rule for the average there. Yeah, that's yeah That's got a breaking effect as well So see what happens if you actually managed to hit it dead center Sane our mass in the torso and the torso Just flies back into one of the shelves and pins itself to the shelf and it's head arms and legs All just sort of float there for a couple of seconds until they realize that the torso is not there anymore Oh, and the entire thing just collapses to the floor right at that that that that is There in the red mess right? Yeah, what again is covered in red mess Just like well at least I have bleached to clean it up That's weird smell of blood and bleach going on do you taste copper Kinky Okay, so we're I don't want to know what kind of kink has bleached involved even a little bit That stuff dies your hair's white now and your pubic hair Don't call me I'll be never known Right When again gets to react to this incident like is it's hard to do Yeah, disgusted but relieved that I don't think we're going to die when it's gonna take a shot at the goals surrounding Gertrude. Yeah, it looks like it's a straight shot to get one of the ones that's um Yeah, you can get at least one of them. It's between the cashier and the aisle the middle aisle So you should be able to shoot that from where you are unless you want to move I can move to like maybe here a bit here. Yeah, so you take a couple of steps forward in between the Second aisle and the first cashier you aim with your Laser musket the one that's currently attacking Gertrude and you fire so give me the shot That's one success for 14 for 14 14 for 14 happy to think that has a success. No problem give me the damage Six it was one you're saying nice. So that's gonna be a crippling shot. So let's find out where you hit it Another removed limb from winnigan fantastic so you Crank your musket you shoot the go you hit it in the right arm and the arm just flies off and In the direction you actually it's the gold that you're shooting is right in between you and either So when you shoot this right arm it flies all the way past this They can cashier here and slaps either across the face Sorry, I've only meant to give you a hand. Oh, it just bitch laughs in Yeah Ah You broke Matt Matt's been broken I Is going to let you just go and try to execute execute this one on the floor Excellent you using the pistol again, are you? Yes is basically the two men to think about being Being everybody using the gun as well. So The absolute recovery from being slapped in the face by a flying Arnold You feel like your pistol and aim it at the gully your feet Apparently that's slapped the face really distracting you because you have to miss a point blank shot He locks his glasses off you're all the 15 and a 16 on that one Oh well It's just like you suck. I were just shrugs and accept his feet Yeah, take me down take me There's handy. What would you like to do? Well, I've got these two goals on fire in front of me I'm gonna try and I'm gonna use my buzz for this. I'm gonna try to cut one up Yeah, you like cutting them down and if only I had a mysterious stranger, I could take care of the second one If only I can't do anything about that Hmm, I didn't get the hit or 10 to 15, I'm only at five. I'm wondering if I should give him that Do it Okay The shadows start to move to the side of the the aisle and it's almost as if they make the shape of a man I'm ahead of that strange cool and I sure rings a as a friend over here Who the fuck is that? And just as quickly as he appeared in the shadows he disappears All right, I'm done drinking I've died officially done drinking you can go ahead and take this whiskey off me now I'm seeing shit One of the girls just falls dead You're gonna have to find the way you have to find out we Using fall out for the mysterious stranger that we musical sting Play backwards or something so we don't get like It's like a mistake. It's like a second one. You should be should be able to use I Don't like to do it because they suggested that I do then but it was a good time Yeah, it's a lot going to go on it's a random skill I'm not gonna do every episode for you Anyway, it is the girls turn again and one of them is on fire. Are they still on fire? Yes, they are. Are they taking damage? Yes, they are it takes three points of damage Unfortunately, it's not enough to kill it. It swipes out at the nurse handy unit with its burning hand And it hits you For two physical damage in the head, so it managed to hit your little eye stock. Do you have any damage resistance on that? All right, so you take two points of damage The one that either is fiddling with tries to hit them again Oh god, but And it feels entirely that's going to hold Wow 20s two critical feels and You know what I'm gonna see that it rises to its feet. It swipes over either And it's same during his head backs up into the cashier's desk and that screwdriver is still stuck in its skin It backs up so hard that it actually breaks his own spine and falls dead Wow To all of them apart in Gertrude good, they just keep on wiring in and trying to take her down with their floppy dead hands And do they do any damage to her? Where's it What do you have in your right leg for damage resistance to set this one all right So one of them manages to do at least one point of damage to you this time and they are just flopping their Run hands all over you the moment just trying their best Yes, so that is all the girls that are currently left alive. So they've all had their turns Gertrude and Billy Bob are up next Billy your turn first. Hell yeah All right, so the one I'm gonna take the one right here if you can see on the map It is two Gertrude's a little left I believe and I'm just gonna shoot the damn thing straight in the face with the railway rival So you have a cashier and some shells I hit in front of you and if you're going to go straight for it So in between you and that's goo are some shells and I mean years What it be like this is a countertop right here? You can see in the map I'm kind of like Actually could be to my benefit because then kind of like run up to the countertop and use it as a brace and lean myself over the countertop I'll give you that yeah, so you brace yourself on the countertop you take your shot That is Damn it. That's a fails Alright, so unfortunately despite bracing yourself against the counter you managed to miss the goo You didn't hit anything else though the the railway pin just pins itself against the wall on the other side Well Gertrude you're on your own good luck off to anything A bit snuffle puffs. Oh snuffle puffs. Oh well depends is it is it too far away to be able to run up to the same the same goal I was attacking No, no, that's that's that's close enough. Okay. It's just on the other side of that counter Well snuffle puffs sees that I'm attacking that cool and knows and like that's my girl snuffle puffs. You come sick them And that's fail - we are I mean I want to say we're drunk I don't know what's going on they're both snuffle puff and Billy bobber drunk, especially at sitting at snuffle puff It's so close that it's hard to miss, but we're still missing So yeah, we we have failed miserably both times. All right, so both of you just sort of Yeah, I am snuffle puffs kind of just scratchy's of his leg a little bit and doesn't bring the skin All right, snuffle puff. I'm I'm very very disappointed, but you know what? I can't say anything because I've kind of fucked myself Shitty again, I'm we'll cut this thing in half Successes there we go. That's the that's the one you're looking for You see six physical damage. It's only two HP left So yeah, you managed to hit it right in the groove where you hit it last time this time by setting it completely The goal falls to the floor dead Did it Back you there are Two girls left one attacking Gertrude and one attacking the nurse handy unit and that one's currently on fire. What do you do? Well, I can hear you're clicking every day You could really see the things It's just the face they pull look at the face on the actual picture. It just looks at fucking sex fights I love me always look at really agitated Yeah, yeah, I think that's already taking a shot Yeah, so that's one success some damaging oh One energy damage Jesus. Yeah, so yeah, you managed to shoot off. I don't know. Maybe it was like a finger The the musket just sort of squeal cheese out a shot rather than the usual and Fortunately for you this girl has one HP left I had to put it on You think you can take the drudges and to Technically damage because it's one energy damage plus piercing one that doesn't have any armor though So yes, okay fine that one's still alive really Next up is either what you didn't I'm gonna come on basically help Pick in the robot and try to take a shot at this All right, so I'm gonna try and shoot the one that's on fire over it. Yeah Quick question laser pistol leave Quick question as well. I might I do paralyzed this. What are the two protectons doing as well? Well, the potential and there's only one of them and it's still just currently wandering around the dales It's managed to make it as we don't but halfway down the second day or so far Okay, they don't realize the girls will buy it. Yeah It's not it doesn't have a doesn't have a slight range on the on fire girls in the moment Okay I'm going to take a shot trying to help my basic my savior Handy, okay, all right, so you managed to successfully shoot the one that's on fire One success go for that. Let's see what I get And they worse the damage roll ever you managed to hit it but you managed to do no damage how Doctor I told you that's stammo not shoot mode This whatever mode you had on I don't know if you may be pressed the wrong button despite the fact it's only got one button But yes, so you managed to do without I don't know how to explain this one. How do you explain this one? It is a zombie so we could go with the fact that it already has a hole in it and he literally shot the already Hope already created Take your take your advice on this one here and say that you shoot through a hole in its torso Ten points that was a pretty I'm good shot. I'll give you that but we just not really what we're going for all right I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go. I say we're gonna need to shoot it somewhere else Kill me now. Yeah, all right Yeah So he's on fire he's getting slashed with a buzz so So you just again you buy sick this this thing you come from top to bottom rather than side to side and you just slice this This goo in half Both pieces fall towards the floor and it is at this time that the very useful Dectron is actually good close enough to see that there's a fire in the soil and it comes and it starts putting out all the fires And all the dead ghouls that's spraying them with its weak Yeah, because you've been so handy this last this last while Made that has been an in-year benefit that I didn't see those fires Hmm, so don't you go insulting it Anyway, the ghouls turn so this one's dead That's when in fact, there's only one left alive and it's got one HP and it's currently attacking Gertrude This is the one that's just been flopping it It's done no damage so far so let's see if If I can do any damage on his last roll and it does successfully manage to hit Gertrude And no it just breaks its wrist off of one of her one of her massive abs God that core what kind of crunches do you do Gertrude Give left guy Trust you frying pan you think you're just getting frying pan at fantastic. Yep. Yeah rule the successful rule there Fuck you I'd like to say maybe it's head just goes soaring down the fucking hole Yeah, it doesn't even actually make content around it goes towards one of the shells it hits a shelf and it Explodes into the shelf Just covering the shelf and brave investor and not one single part of this head. That's the floor I'm sure I'm just happy With that the whole team takes a breath Takes in their surroundings all the girls are dead and I was quite a young unit is just Just firing some fire extinguishers at the dead bodies in the ground And lastly I turn around to the grooms head right then Who's up for some healing time when I raise my syringes to impact? All right. Yeah, so we're in the supermarket We've got ourselves three doors to the to the north you you have a blast doors that have locked you in from where you came from And what you hear just before it ends is some banging on the other side of the the steel doors that shut down Don't rush to say Whatever you're selling we're not interested He was the entire time Rings maybe rings a bell. I mean hold on right. Yeah, what's your name again? Reheen feel like I'm getting when he took his mask off. He okay, remember that Anyway, so I'm gonna go to the front door Right you can't because let's leave that for the next episode So, yes, you've completed the last reason everybody's dead. We're all good Thank you for listening to this episode of a pain of Cthulhu You want to get in touch? You can find us on X and on loose guy at Right of Cthulhu Furthermore, if you'd like to help out the podcast go over to our co-fi page link in the description So what would it be? 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