A Pint Of Cthulhu

Fallout Episode 25 Barka Barka Woofer Woofer

Broadcast on:
20 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

previously on a pint of Cthulhu ball out Billy Bob fire water dish all right so all we really did last time no no no no joke is we spent an hour in the ball and never left we literally did nothing we we kind of did I mean we got a new guy which is again if you want to read listen to the episode he's you from the UK as well and we're in America so that's kind of odd - also for some weird reason as charming as I am the robot was able to get discount and I wasn't at the dealer and I'm still pretty but heard over it but we all got some good stuff and we should be heading after an exit deck which does involve the sewers if it whether permits I think it did manage to the weather effect is the sure I don't really know anyway as yet okay so just for future reference is probably not a good idea to see a lesson to the last episode and your previously on yeah if you want to know what things are like just listen to the last episode damn it I don't remember everything just listen to the last one yeah fucker what are you doing here this is this season three middle of season what do you what are you doing don't forget the like and subscribe okay let's go on fellas oh let's fucking go the directions that you were given just as a reminder for y'all is that you're looking to head east from the vault cave to the old city rooms outskirts from the outskirts you want to work your way into the city until you find the old Super Dipper Mart from the old Super Dipper Mart and want to then head towards the old hospital from the hospital to the sewers the sewers you should be able to exit the city at the other side and hopefully find the old junkerton and because I know that you've definitely forgot this part you're searching for a man in claimants on the other side of the city and the password for the geek information as the promised land are you being very rude to say you know we forgot that I mean I left it out to make sure you knew that it was still you know that you still knew but I knew the whole time yes so because I know that we didn't talk about it in the last one so I'm pretty certain that you forgot about that speaking of things from the last one we did hear the doctor's name but I have forgotten it yeah I just traditionally like no no no not the hospital doctor the one that is that clemons okay oh no the boss alright I see you're saying yeah yeah that's off in the middle of nowhere famous is kind of straight generously so you'll have to ask Dr. Morin dr. Morin okay I did mean to ask I'm completely forgot okay so these are all the notes that you should have hopefully everything's up today that would keep no notes just here for the values I am I am the notes I'm the one who notes I've got a couple right okay so does I know don't want to start the walk in music pretty much I have to find some random fucking music for that right oh yeah cuz it would copyright strike wait wait the copy straight is just doing that with our voices oh fuck yeah I'm just doing back I'll keep doing this to you for all the only podcast sounds perfect let's get going then we'll be walking off I soon yes the whole team together everybody so we've got our truth we get the belly Bob and his dog good doctor I were rich we've got a nice handy you know doctor Rast as well and a super mean all get out together huddle around and ready to head off wait they're second super meter you said go through it first I never said what I'm saying actually stop guys I'm just chilling in the face don't worry about it pretty good you got something to tell us the biggest plot twist of the entire series yeah super mean the entire time we have no clue this entire time we're gonna get the same exact size and buffness as gourd finishes never give the gym next up to people's names let's talk about 5 minutes so they didn't push you forward towards the old set of rooms the journey takes its toll you'll die right yeah it's rather it's not very a very full game towards the outskirts so y'all just serve walk along the wasteland as I said the journey does take its toll each step feeling heavier than the last despite exhaustion weighing on them doctor Rast remains relentless he's driving the group forward into the depths of the night as the team follows doctor Rast into the city outskirts the landscape becomes increasingly desolate crumbling buildings and twisty metal structures start to loom ominously against the darkening sky a green hue intensifies casting an eerie glow over the abandoned streets so if the very area itself is infused with radiation this is the molten fat can I get you all to just do a quick perception check for me sure what would that be perceptions or perception against survival I would say perception and survival everybody just in the chat section against survival rules they know they don't worry about it succeeded I got a minute twenty on a target as they're walking towards the sea either it's just looking at his feet when the game is actually walking backwards yeah I'm gonna say anything here so I think it managed to really have not I'm sorry I've had a critical feel on that one that I treat her treat is the one that notices that this is the tail tail sightings oh really we have good time I open up hi I said Billy we have good time coming up maybe just move people might want to go inside let's start pretty out here okay what's that dr. Rast looks up at this pace quickens and this name is a going through the silent streets and everybody tries to keep up and since these are all in high layer to the one because it's treacherous terrain suddenly a loud crack of thunder rips through the ear it's followed by this rumbling of an approach Oh to rast curses under his breath to normally confident demeanors faltering and he says we need to find shelter and fast talk about yourself we find fuck you well there's a guy I'm going to get up got him got him got him dr. Rast just puts his hand in his head in his hand and shakes it you came with us you're full shot at right well I have my the attitude get through it I think some of us at least do need to be inside dr. Rast pog dr. Rast points that's how you step ahead look looks mostly intact probably our best chance of weathering the storm fair enough needle when again is gonna unchief like unchief unholster yeah I mean there's nothing they can defeat a storm better than that it's more in case anyone's hiding in the drafts the blend led into actually oh you it's almost as if there might be enemies you should touch in this TTRPG occasionally get the cover on so we get about a grace of no let me just one house on arm I'm sure it's fine go ahead we'll take this damn rat storm out did you see that thing where people try to blow a hurricane away in America with fans that was hilarious yes or I'm just out there in the hurricane with just like naked with the black wave around like yeah all right let's go in there's no rats this time excellent to push you forward dr. Rast leads them towards a looming silhouette of a burnt-out house as you draw closer buildings sort of skeletal frame comes into view its walls are scorched they're crumbling but it's still standing up against the ravages of time um dr. Rast with the radstorm blooming ever closer so our ushers y'all in sides and y'all just go through the doorway inside the the air is thick with this decay being smell of smokes lingering there sections of the house's walls are still like standing amongst the rubble and they're providing some measure of protection against the storm outside which is coming in fast so let's get a little bit more perception checks going on in the chat so give me some more survival perception checks one success seven for ten that's fantastic again recognizes this are a type of house this is she notices it's just like it's just the guy basically a one bed apartment one bed city apartment and you know from this that the league's probably the same as most of those sort of policies that you've seen in books are I don't know it's even the history channel in the vault a cure in between ancient aliens concerns conspiracy yeah there's an alien one's of the best did you know did you know the history channel where you get all your favorite tin foil hot you know you guys talk a lot about history and for some weird reason no one's decided to ask the man that was literally here 300 years ago before this bomb strapped but you know what fuck me I just sit over here in the corner and chew on fuck unless there's something I don't know it's after I started joining today I actually asked spelly both to tell them all about the aliens that build the pediments all right now there's was this thing I don't know if it's still around but it was called the Illuminati now I don't know if you've ever heard of them before were they real oh my god lizard man controlling our governments the Rothschild family controlling everything he's having he never sweats flashbacks from his conspiracy days I'm having a seizure at this point the second one is many days maybe we get Bailey put down some point he may be going Pharaoh you say that you say that you should just hit a boil hat aliens about this is a lesson to you right I suppose we should just it's a small area right so we know so you're just in the angel of the household at the moment and you know that it's probably got a living room a kitchen a bedroom a bathroom and an attic based on what you you know about this type of house or what you've managed to glean from okay this is a small about it might as well check it for supplies or such while we're stuck here waiting at the store anyway all right in some sort of the broken doorway the front it's just the where the intro is it's just a small entry all there's nothing really unusual or anything interesting to find in there floors littered with debris walls are charred crumbling but still standing well what love a situation moving now I'm so glad I stood came up with you guys the storm I'm saying is no fully and it's fully on top of the team so if you leave now you might feel the effects on it I don't know about y'all but man rainy day makes me want to take a nap what do y'all think I'm just gonna lay down in here sleep lay down where in the entry way yep actually outside I'm be on the front porch all right so Billy Bob man just to find a deck chair outside the front and pores and with a parasol that doesn't really have any material left in it so it's just a stick with more snakes pointing from it go to check the house and then probably go and share with Billy okay so what's everybody doing from the entry go and explore yeah I'm gonna go into the kitchen and see if I can find out there are medicine cabinet or some like usable provisions well I'm not gonna look up well George has just said go and explore she hasn't actually said where she's going yeah yeah I'm exploring walk around circle okay I didn't get a whole list of rooms there you can go to and when against the only one that told me that she's going to the kitchen okay okay I'll go to the dining room that we all split up living room dining room in the kitchen taking room was that an option I'm gonna go to the Foyer don't mind me I'll be in the parlor all right don't worry oh oh yeah I'll just go to the pantry look at the wee mott no no I should follow winning it yes let's talk about we're winning I should take the camera to the you see your crashing and banging as Gertrude and Cartman wonder there we into the kitchen which is directly almost the living room it's layout it's barely recognizable almost the wreckage sort of sagging countertop stands against one wall surface is more by scotch marks and all the remains of good containers shattered dishes and utensils in the floor and give me a perception check when again section against survival that's a good good let's not make it survival this time you're just in a kitchen you're having a little wonder around give me perception against actually yeah I'll just go sorry can't really think about good one for this role you notice a faded note pinned to the refrigerator door it's surprisingly still legible and after all this time despite being kind of rotten test to my dearest love no matter what happens we'll face it together forever yours all right so am are you looking anywhere else in the kitchen I'm gonna see if they have a medicine cabinet maybe all right and there isn't any specific medicine cabinet so when again just starts rooting around in the cabinets of the kitchen and all you're finding at the moment is there some decomposed food supplies so give me a look role role look against survival this time sure thing one success nice one we'll look success so and you you get your hands dirty you get right in there and the monster's decomposing food start moving it all out of the way trying to find something useful to you and what you find is a sealed bottle of vintage wine it's label is worn but it's still intact or still on it now might not be the best tasting wine after all this time you don't know but it's definitely still a sealed so add yourself a wee bottle of wine to your inventory okay can I look under the sink can you have a look under the sink yeah no I've got a cupboard is in here yeah no problem in fact and you give me the same role give me another what role I mean what versus survival look there you go one there but it was at a 20 so that's a crypto so you and I'm sorry open up the covered underneath the sink and you just get a puff of dust like all decompose cleaning products in your face yeah you cut off you cut off your splatter and I'm gonna actually make you take some damage from this yay yeah you know what give me role one damage that he said I'll do that I'm gonna roll a damage day sign off strong guys I'm not strong all right so you take one point of radiation damage so what that says take one point off of your max HP max explain okay go to would like to check under the fridge under the French okay give me a strange role strange what against athletics okay doggy so max HP is 12 oh yeah that's not 20 nice oh really 20 Jesus okay so you're a shoot just left the fridge off of the off of the floor entirely hopefully it doesn't hit carbon I've our and his coughing fat bumps into your truth causing her to slip she slides over and the wrench comes down on top of her oh god damn it I do apologize I didn't let me die she takes it off wow is she actually takes no damage from it just off of her and starve sorry I'm sees off of her and opens up in front of them and a radroach pops out and bites her all calls me so hang on is it just these red broaches it's just one radroach what do you do you go shoot stab it don't you have your side of face if I'm on the floor I'm not gonna use a fucking sleet hammer am I now if I'm neighbor I stab it is like me to go let me see if the Radroach doesn't damage the force yeah he does one but yeah it doesn't do any damage to you at all so you managed to get to encounters of damage here and you've took zero damage yeah so I'm just gonna say you squashed out I'm trying to get some acid in the damage off of that field thereby absolutely field all right so after clarin about and trying to just destroying the kitchen what's everybody I mean there appears to be a radroach together oh yeah okay really Bob was I squashed you with my oh that wasn't okay that was just one really Bob was enjoying his nap having a real good time with the red store just going crazy around him but then he smelled something and it's not like he want felt like someone had got in his already hit get Gideon fucking hell winning in his already hidden the white bowl she's still it was just a long enough soon as she took it out it was like I smell something and he runs back in the house he's like I smell it where's the nose not cooking to our I smell I'll go but I smell it would you something would you like our approach I suppose there might be some rubbing alcohol maybe nail polish remover in the bathroom or something might be smelly hand sanitizer perhaps I know that I'll go I'll find it no do you worry go ahead and hand that is it all right so are you heading to the bathroom what's going on all right so across to the living room your tube windows across to the living room and this is the entryway I don't mean the spacious but cluttered all furniture is really just been overturned some of the ceiling beams are a bit collapsed there's a large rusty fire place it don't use one wall its mantles adorned with like broken picture frames and ash covered trinkets and gertrude give me one of those perception checks oh survival perception it's not gonna be good yeah there fail I have a forward perception in the three and survival this you're trying to trip over one of these ceiling beams this fall into the floor or you know what seen as this year and I'm actually just gonna make you trip over like an overturned sofa that you managed to not see because you're joking size and yeah we're not gonna be taking any damage from that it's just embarrassing for you hi do we like do we like just the ground play that it's all you just going to see I in the ground like shake the ground like oh earthquake - what the hell is going we got the red storm added earthquake no I got you just fell over oh the fat ass hit the floor all right all right gertrude yeah I got you good good to hear let's drink it's on the fire police yeah all right you're gonna have a look over at the trinkets sure yeah so you notice framed photographs in the mantle of the fireplace upon closer inspection you see the pics a young couple smiling together their arms are wrapped around each other we're gonna find these guys deadly here aren't we undoubtedly huh boy surprise surprise is Billy looks like my grand-end fill us and that's not my great uncle Jim how's it running that's concerning yeah I watched it for other jam they made jelly surprisingly weird they've been having a fair oh what if Jim doesn't know I had a father did his prayer yeah well all right we're going to head off to the bathroom if there's nothing else interesting here oh yeah and your followed quickly by a Billy Bob following the code so the bathrooms is adjacent to the bedroom and its pictures are tarnished corroded from using the black tub sits empty and cracked sorry about shards of broken tiles a rusty sink and a toilet completely seen and their surfaces are all coated with just a little dust and green you know it ain't too bad with a little bit of a fixer up this may be great Airbnb can I do a check to see if there's anything useful in the bathroom no problem just do another one of those re-perception checks for us please survival perception one success all right so you find a medium-sized container of a braxle cleaner so he found a bottle of bleach oh neat now all I need is another cleaner I can make chlorine glat chlorine gas I'm halfway well I would say it's not a war crime it's the first right so first time but this is technically after World War 3 so that shit's already happened personally has committed several war crimes I'm gonna come back various war crimes when again as a warm cream he's talking about sorry I'm excellent names again Gertrude as a war cream that is quite good okay I do a nice war crime Gertrude Gertrude that's depending on if you know the lore of how they're made yes I do I do not anyway you're just huddled and oh Billy bulb and when again are huddled in the bathroom at the moment looking at looking at a bleach bowl I don't know do that we can drink it I think I have a fairly bad effect I mean weaponize it though I mean I still smell alcohol though you really think it's bleach in there maybe it's good wait you have alcohol on you maybe empty maybe it's in the toilet toilet wine it's my favorite kind I had to be made by fat and toilet tanks but I'm not that's the experience as a former law enforcement officer let me tell you toilet wine is surprisingly a good thing well you can check it if you'd like I do think this is just bleach but you have a sip if you want oh the water's brown do I need to be able to try it how long has been in here I was just a water in here okay I'm so I'm scared when he's when he can we try some to it's my my nose hasn't worked in a while well how does it smell it's not working it's not white alcohol for like I mean it says he wanted his math so bad knows I can't breathe no I'm not trying not to advise you against it but I'm going to move on and see if there's anything else in the house you have the bleach if you want to do it I take a jar I take a jar of scuba cap it's like scuba bar I do a jar lump it so what you take the bleach and I'm not I may not drink it later but it may be a good like bomb or something I don't know like this thing's pretty pretty irradiated this would be a great little bomb I don't know we'll do something with it 300 year old irradiated shit I will I live it we'll just assume that he has a jar you found a jar and the kitchen when you were tearing up are so powerful horse decoration inside and yeah go for it why why the fuck not right well I'm gonna put this it went when it gets bag just make sure no you are no we're gonna we'll shoot you if you have to my job kind of like shit her have bag can I do slide it to me if I can get it in her bag absolutely not all right all right all right yes yes alright hold on give me let me pull it up roll a stealth check for me please I am gonna like this I'm gonna allow you to roll against it yes what would I be rolling against two pills never mind dude dude dude dude dude dude I never expected them to pass that check absolutely not really become Scottish for a disgusting neither you know how to flush a shoulder pack the bathroom with bleach in hand is it all converges on the bedroom they back in the house that narrow hallway leads to the bedroom and the door hangs a skew on its hinges reveals a small ram space clotted with debris tattered mattress lies in one corner and a dracer stands against the opposite wall straws are empty safe for a few muffin garments everybody that's in the room get me a perception check what the handcuffs of the bed go ahead you're gonna fuck the green giant but you're not gonna hold my jar what damn well why are you rolling one yeah I mean you succeeded with that one problem you don't have to roll another one but yeah so we're gonna swap a few different successes there and what I mean Gertrude has had better success on that one so what's gonna happen is Gertrude is going to stand on a floorboard that cracks under her main suite revealing a secret hidden compartment and say the compartment corruption in there and say the compartment is a small later ledger and a stack of letters we have firewood we also have potential information what if it's any useful you can read yes I can read Gertrude oh there you go then oh interesting in the ledger all right so the ledger you open the ledger now appears to be in whether the journal it's floppy leafing through his pages he discovered entries he discovered entries detailing a couple's growing despair in the face of the impending war and it ends with their ultimate decision to end their lives together yeah would you like to look through the letters yes actually because they can be sending it to each other oh you can do a wee perception check on this one as well sure nope no successes for that that's a shame yeah so the letters they are just a stack of love letters that were exchanged between the couple they appear to be from when they both lived in different addresses the addresses don't match the Hugs that you're currently in and they must have kept them just for nostalgic reasons and the letters then they're yellowed with age speak of loin devotion and ultimately despair I don't know how to purchase swing with the if purchase on it yeah voice it's many different adverse for many different accoutrements is there anything else noble in the bedroom and that is it good it's hand comes under bed any bit under the bed all right so the only room that you haven't explored yet is the attic up we go and Gertrude notices the the attic hatch is sort of just hanging off of its hinge a little bit and she pulls at it and drops down a set of stairs and the players make their way up to the attic and noticing that the dilapidated state of the attic is both however there were signs that it was once made comfortable almost as if it served as a romantic retreat big shift bed from blankets and pillows laid out in one corner certainly by what was the post left of candles that were there long since burned out small table in the centre of the room holds two empty glasses and a decanter emptying a final toast share between the lovers do you find as skeletons on the big shift bed two skeletons seated side by side in the makeshift bed still clad in their tattered remains of the clothing the women wears a delicate dress and beside her the managers in the suit and between them their skeleton hands are classed tightly together fingers intertwined and clutching the bony fingers of each skeletons of others are revolvers with their chambers empty the weapons are worn and tarnished the cancer doesn't have anything in it except from the residue of the lung and evaporated wine that used to be on a god damn it it keeps the hoop water but it doesn't keep wine look at the world we live in alright so let's do a little check on the revolvers and who wants a look at the revolvers I'll have a look really well we were interested in perhaps getting a different gun abs fucking totally what do we got here all right Valley Bob get me a lock roll against small guns okay I should be good at you pick up you pick up the first revolver and you brush it off a well but you realize it's not actually rusty does it look when it was lying in the skeleton's hands and what I like cleaning this will be perfectly usable revolver not only that it looks like and this is the man's revolver it looks like he actually felt it full of ammo it's not as empty as it once looked near to sign the way from it you can see that that's yeah you can see that Estelle has four rounds of ammo in it hey oh yeah this is this is what Billy Bob likes right here oh well again get me a lock against small guns roll much worse this by well oh two successes nevermind oh yeah so you're wasting it to success is there so you're gonna go with the women's revolver and you're gonna get discovery exactly the same as it's barely well discovered appears that it looked worse than it once did and amongst the rotting remains of the poor woman and it seems that this with a little bit of cleaning a lot of our maintenance and this one contains three rounds of ammo this is a revolver yeah yeah so you both now have a 0.44 revolver pistol and let me just tell you what the stats are on that so 0.44 pistol their revolts were small guns they give a damage rating of six six things based on that they are well guns it's physical damage they come with the vicious damage effect and if you're wondering they are worth their end of it 19 in caps each oh wow Spencer be guns the fiery on them what is it what well these are strange guns what do our house is hidden bound here all right so you're having we look to see ven's head and we'll check note the guns you give me a representation against survival check either okay okay yeah so you just look around there you don't even see the skeletons you just looking at the walls at the outsides you don't even look in the middle of the room just checking out what the insulation just turn it to be yeah yeah the barn off and the rotating insulation has got you fascinated for some reason yeah flash back all right engineers they're doing the attic they've been a couple of guns and the remains of our maybe if we can put strings on skeleton attach them to a robot and play hamlet no that's not good interesting it's a little bit more but so we've got the guns the account is empty I've seen the skeletons that's a great start I think that's it it's the storm past yet let me know all right yeah so you've explored the rest of the house the storm hasn't passed yet the storms have filled effect all over you and dr. Ross suggests that you're probably just gonna have to hunker down for the night in here oh yeah he's doing yeah well sounds good to me this is placed with a bed for once dibs all right so you leave the attic you go back into the the lore parts of the house and everybody just wonders that follows when they get into the bedroom I guess how how are we debuting this up then he was getting walked again I think you're just a bit to fit on anything except the bed I don't think she'll fit on the couch no that's how he's just gonna back into a cooler I just yeah turn off right go to go to sleep all right so everyone is just finding a place to sleep yeah I'm heading back to the park it's pretty damn nice let me do it I'll stay up in the attic sleep in there with the corpses isn't it just let's just roll the skeletons down except in the red cages you find like one of the skeletons is gone but it's morning rolls okay yes so everybody just hunters down for the night and you'll have a have a long rest you wait out the storm by having a sleep and yes so we start off with the morning music I guess that as the sun rises in the distance and you all awake to the sound of some rustling out of your supplies brings a scream you see a feral dog has been rooting through your supplies in the night and eating everything that it can and either you've lost your main taps so that's it from your inventory dog is at them they'll evolve now no drugs on him this is a drug seeking dog um when again I had a lot of me a lot yeah not handy unfortunately it's got all your radiative blood packs in your main tasks now but Friday night yep um when again your dad you and your psycho are going rather than what is wrong with this dog that he's eating specifically yeah it's going to your it's going to your packs and it is it's really through it and it's all your drugs is this like a retired like police dog that's just what it really wrong yeah is this a monkey mangy feral wild dog it's one of those dogs that tries to get trained for drugs nothing but just cannot get right when I was just rotating all right so you wake up and find your your packs are in this array this dog is in amongst all the drugs is it a bunch of drugs and food from your past is that why is that why oh it's a life is still going how that Billy Bob's it Billy Bob did you adopt a second stray I don't know but from looking at all the drugs I think I may lock him I think of me I make him I may keep him I may keep him what do you think what do you think what do you think I'm happy enough to have another one around Snufflepuff could always use compare you know I suppose all right now I get a second dog me going give me to a whole nother whole nother character she can't have to get it all right so Billy Bob wants to and wants to commune with the dog yeah it's like good thing he took an animal handling very good okay Billy Bob get me a check then so what we're gonna check here it's gonna be charisma I don't really have a specific animal handling one here so get me against speech that is three successes yeah 14 years old and 94 that's an excellent success right there so go on talk to the dog for me alright little buddy I love what you do with the drugs now you are probably high as balls right now and I don't even want to know what I'm looking like right now but let me tell you you definitely got the stuff Snufflepuff inside like your vibe from across the bar all right so we want to see if you're willing to join our group what do you think it I have some preserves very steak right here the dog knows as we up to up to Billy bulb starts like in these hand I'm like in the idea this is clearly a corgi just have a menu of small horrible little bucks yeah corgi it's about the same size as Snufflepuff nothing bigger than Snufflepuff they're all like tiny itty-bitty thing okay tell you what I'm gonna give you it's a corgi it's also it's also a manji corgi that's about the height of them it's about half the height of you as well it's a really really large good the large gorgi oh god yeah this is a man's a corgi shots to relax but a long body it knows it's way into belly bulb it's it's quite taken with belly bulb and it's like in his hands hell yes Christ all right guys what do you think I got my monster dog and my time it up let's just point you start to hear howling from outside the house more buddies I get howling from outside the house hey what if we get what do you think guys real quick what do we get named what we can name oh giant corgi death it has to be so can you make it like a human person name that's big terry terry terry terry the corgi terry terry terry terry terry terry terry the corgi terry terry uh is that what you're afraid of there do they also once has very state because I've got a lady and the dog just starts to walk out the house towards the other dogs I'd work maybe terry's leading the way let's go guys I'm good for staying in here okay so belly bulb follows the dog outside and finds seven snarling wild mangy dogs out waiting are they all corgi no they're all they're not all corgi's they're all different versions of like they're all big versions of different cute dogs so one of them is like a massive sausage dog yeah one of them is a really big pomeranian arrested I may need some help guys this is my weakness oh God was this is actually more terrifying than like a massive tiny dog started the world storm is a big attack belly bulb all right all right let me tell you I've got plenty of love to go around you all have come to the right man let me tell you they go for the attack can I get on down wait I'm down at least I'm not gonna try it like to bite belly bulb he's unsuccessful in calming them down but the corgi dog steps in front of me no they start barking and selling each other it's almost as if they're having a very good conversation about eating with a barker barker eventually with a snarling in the snapping stuff with a park the dog has managed to convince its compatriots not to eat belly bulb they started wandering off down the street and the dog looks back at belly bulb gives him a note and they used to join his pack it gives me pause up you have avoided the combat encounter with the right massive massive dogs a massive car we all done team there's now a new day and you can start back on your adventure through the old city ruins thank you for listening to this episode of a pint of Cthulhu you want to get in touch you can find us on X and on loose guy at the pint of Cthulhu or there more if you'd like to help out the podcast go over to our cool 5 page link in the description so what it be you (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]