A Pint Of Cthulhu

No Nazis in Valhalla

2h 13m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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[Music] Hello and welcome to a part of Cthulhu. Today we have a very special playtest of "No Nazis in Valhalla" with Wes. You'll probably have heard the interview today as well, if I put them out at the same time. Wes, do you want to say hello? Hello? [Laughs] There it is. Well, that further was you. I'm going to hand it over to you because this is your game. All right. So, "No Nazis in Valhalla", what the mission statement is, is y'all are playing period Vikings or Norsemen in the year 865. They're about the invasion of what is now England. And so happens the Nazis during World War II are losing and they know they're losing so they go back in time to a time in which they think that they will find great allies. They are sorely mistaken. You are all tasked with now removing this new threat from your goal, I guess, your prize as you wanted to take England for yourself. Turns out these guys kind of suck, and yeah, so that's sort of what we're dealing with. It's run on a system known as Grindkor, made by my friend Chris Koger. All we will be rolling are D6s. For the most part, you will be rolling 3d6 and adding an attribute on your character. You will see that you have attributes, body, finesse, wits, intelligence, empathy, and spirit. If at any time you need to know what those do or mean, please let me know. They should be relatively self-explanatory, but in all various games, I know it's hard to say, well, this one's called strength, this one's called might, what those attributes stand for. In addition to those, you will have anywhere between, let's see, 5 and 6 skills, I believe, depending on your weapon loadout and things like that. On the main page, you have basically the cost in stamina, SP, the range, the attribute in which you will roll, and the name of the ability. Now, you're probably wondering what those abilities do on the second page, labeled skills. There's a breakdown of each of these skills, and basically most of them, except for, or all of them except for weapon, you have two sets, B, G, and S, which stands for botch, grind, and surge, those are various results you can get on dice. Basically, the main mechanic that you will need to know, 3d6, plus an attribute, and then on a 9 or less is a botch, which is generally a failure. We tend to fail forward in this game, basically you will probably do what you're set up to do, but you will be at a disadvantageous position. A grind is sort of where you live, that is a 10 to 14. You'll do what you want to do, but at some sort of cost, it'll sort of stay at a neutral position, and then a surge, 15 to 22, you succeed with flying colors. And you generally get some sort of a boon to go along with that. I know I just threw a ton of information your way. Any questions, comments, concerns so far? I would say probably not. Cool, I will take the silence as a no, and then I think... I think we're going to have to sort of play it as it is, and sort of roll with it. I'm reading your system now, and just at a glance it is pretty clear, I think once we roll with it, once we roll with it, we'll grasp it. Yeah, it's mainly 3d6 to do it. Pass the skill. Yeah. So it depends on your pass. Ready when you are, guys? Cool. Then I guess I'll set the stage. So, it is roughly 866 at this point. You have been occupying England for roughly a year, getting set up. The battles have not commenced so far. You have just been on a few raids and things like that. And in the past six months or so, you have seen the arrival of several strange individuals wearing grey uniforms that look as though they are made from material you've never seen before. Most of them are wearing iron or steel helmets and carry these fantastical sticks that seem to shoot fire. Currently, you are attempting to take over Castle Harrell, that is H.A.R.M. It is a small fort, not so much a castle, surrounded by several villagers and farmland. Roughly three days travel from where you are. You are on the northern coast of England and you need to find a way to get there safely. You are currently going to have to traverse an inlet of water in your ship. And across the way you can see many strange small ships that seem to be moving around with great speed and are only manned by a couple people. Which is very unusual for you. Ok, so Goldra turns to the other people and say "Huh, those boats, they could be potential raiding targets. They are out here all alone, only few people on them as possible." What do you say that? They look like easy targets, yes. Yes, that is important. Kermit's back. No, that is not Kermit. Kermit's more like this. Kermit's more like Kermit. Not again. Oh, now it's Kermit. The green gun. Kermit, guys! Are we assuming the board would do each other or do we want to introduce ourselves? You absolutely know each other, but if you would like to, you can sort of introduce yourselves in terms of who you are or who you worship and who you were trained under. My character might know who you are, but I don't. Yeah, one mechanical thing. Where would I be able to see what the skills do? So, on the sheet there are two little tabs down at the bottom. One says "Sheet", one says "Skills". Ah, ok, thank you. I'm just blind. No, you're not. I haven't found that myself actually. There you go. Important question. Joe, I'll roll with it. So, one thing I do, I actually want to ask as well, so on your character sheet, you have your name either busy, but then you've got your leader. And, you know, what is that? Sure. Is that not about your leader of your village or leader of your clan? So, the Great Heathen Army had roughly five great leaders. It is assumed that you trained under or use these leaders as your ideals for your raiding/fighting style. So, each of these are historic figures that existed in real life. Cool. We have a vote. Ok, so, I guess at this point I should really introduce myself. So, I am Goldra. I follow. It's ok. That's second. Take two. That's a G. It's a Norse language. It's a Norse language. It's also Swedish. So, it's incredibly worse than the others. If I were this one tonight, but yes, I was saying, I worshiped the deity of four with mighty hammer and my mighty heavy axe. I threw my axe. And, my job is a Thane. If I correct, Thane is quite high up in the government. Can't remember. Yes. Thanes are military leaders for the most part. You are definitely equipped to lead. So, as I said, saying, we should, you know, go off those boats over there. You know, fight a fit target for plundering. It's going to be really good about this guy being the leader. He's a climatized very fast. What, you were in charge? Yes, I am now. Unless someone's got a better job in the Thane, goddamn it. I will say that while a Thane is normally in charge, not to steal your thunder here, but you all are sort of special operatives. You all have god powers flowing through your veins. This happened to coincide with the new arrival of the strange visitors. So, all of you, while you recognize a Thane as a leader, you all are sort of super heroic now. Can we say they are my brothers or sisters? Yeah. Yeah, yes. My brothers. Thank you. I'm praying that in. Okay, but let's get our game pieces on now. You're praying me to do it about the day. Yes. So, are you suggesting we read the ships? So, guys, what's the plan here? Should we do some raiding? Or should we carry on on a mighty journey to defeat the castle hull? You said? Yeah. So, yeah, what do you think? So, we're in a ship currently. You want to try and take on every single ship out there? Or do you want to see if any of our skills or abilities would let us be a bit stealthier? I can do an issue in animals. An animal? Yes, I think so. Well, I was just mentioning because, like, you said at the beginning, there were a few ships in their thigh and they were, you know, lower crew. Yeah, they were. That's a crew. So, they are. We were there. Believe it or not. I mean, I can turn into an animal and potentially swim or, like, fly over and scout it out. I think so. Who are you, Matt? Yes, you could use yourself, of course. I have. I don't know if you could, you know, say it's more plasma, plasma more. Oh, for God's sake, can't we? Just try and stop saying it. Try and stop saying it. Trying to stop sound smart, but it's all free. Well, I'm the fain. I've got a bit. My name is Lefiere. I feel as legalism involved in becoming this thing. Right. My leader has got from the old. My deity is Lukey. Vocation sculled. Don't actually know what that is. A sculled is like a bard. You tell stories. Ah. There we go. You wear the acronym. [laughter] Swiveling Helga. My leader is either the boneless. My date deity is Odin. And my vocation is Bazarka. Ah, another mighty warrior. An angry motherfucker. And I think perhaps our sculls should take form with something like a seal. And ambush one of the boats. I am partially curved. I'm actually very good at the goldfish. What about a bird? Like a seagull? Nobody asked me. [laughter] Well, to be fair, if it's off the coast, you're probably the wrong. So yeah, grant yourself the shape of any creature or specific person for depending on what success. So can I do that? Absolutely. What so? You are what a ability or attribute doesn't say to rule. Take shape as a wit-froll. It will cost you two stamina points, so your stamina will be reduced to... Make sure you keep track of your maximum stamina, which is 18 currently. And then they will lose two by using that ability. Sorry, is that 18 for everybody? No. Each person's their own. It's 20 plus their spirit at first level. Oh, okay. 18. You can't but it's written that. Wow. So, 16. No, I thought I found it there. Give me a chance. Okay, yeah, I will turn into a... [clears throat] A blue-footed booby thing. Okay. [laughter] [birds chirping] Uh, go ahead and roll me 3d6 and add your wits so that we can see how long. 11, 12, 13, 14. Cool. That gives you a grind. So, that is the middle result. Come on, see you go. So, let's see. Shape. So, you get four minutes of blue-footed booby shape. That's long enough? Yeah. Uh, tell me how you are scouting the area. Are you flying? Are you dipping your head below the water? Is that the combination of their... their own? Yeah, just having to fly around, you know, as a yellow birdhood. Sure. Uh, go ahead and give me another wit roll, if you would. Okay, another 3d6, yeah. Yep. And also, uh, just as a reference, any time you make a roll, um, you will be adding threat to a counter that I have. Uh, and a grind gives one threat to the counter. A botch gives two and a, um, surge gives no threat. Now, what that means is when you get to 6th threat, I will roll over a yet another counter, um, and things will start to get bad. Uh, and then there is a final counter called session threat that if that ever reaches 6, um, you won't necessarily lose, but it will be very hard for you to succeed. So. Oh, I got that on. Oh. So another 3d6. Mm-hmm. Oh, that'd only be a... a 10? No, it'd be a 9. Oh, you only have 3. Oh, uh, yes, that is a, uh, unfortunately your, um, your eyes aren't as keen as you had wished they were in this new form. You are adjusting to the sight of a bird. And really all you notice are the, um, there's about half a dozen, um, small boats. Probably about the third, the size of yours. They have some sort of metal stick protrusion on the front. Uh, us as players would know that that is a gun of some sort. Um, you as, uh, Norseman, uh, you would not know quite what that is yet. Um, but you have an idea. Ah. Well, I guess I land until, uh, everyone would have seen. Mm-hmm. Oh. All right, well. They have a strange weapon, then. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's stick. Well, my name is one blow gunnerson. Mm-hmm. Hello there. Nice to meet you one blow gunnerson. Yeah. It's nice, nice to present it to say hi. Thank you very much. [laughter] Wait, for our fucking response. Jesus Christ. [laughter] I'm a hunter of beasts and men alike. Hell guides my path through the darkness. I have the power to summon the dead and to set traps. Mm-hmm. Got a whole necromancer on the squadron. Yeah. One of the things I can do is set a weapon trap. I recognize these pointed protrusions as weapons, and I can walk them down. Mm-hmm. Oh. Mm-hmm. Apparently. By chance could you trap that boat over there for us and help us intercept it? Before we get too far, uh, I've noticed that I have a, uh, clarified, uh, so sorry. That weapon trap ability is for your shield, uh, specifically if you are in close combat. Ah. So. It wasn't saying I was going to do it from here. I was going to close it up. Oh, okay. Yeah. You can definitely hop onto a boat. You can definitely do that. Uh, that is something you, uh, I just, there are not descriptions of these skills yet. Uh, there's a lot of writing to be done, but I just wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page here. Oh, yeah. I'm trapping that weapon. I'm, I'm getting right up in a boat. Oh. That weapon trap. Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. Yeah. I think I've got that as well. Yes. Anyone with a shield should have a weapon trap. Thank you. I think only two of you. I have blood armor and a spear. Uh, can I ask, uh, when does our SP refresh? So, um, you can take, uh, what's called a take a breath. Um, once per day, essentially. Uh, and you will, um, uh, catch a, catch a breath will be, uh, 2d6. Um, plus your spirit, I should say, in the, in the CAA, but that's okay. Um, you will regain that many, uh, SP, uh, additionally. Uh, there is a mechanic called, uh, call of Valhalla. Now, uh, inevitably you'll end up in a situation where your SP is depleted and you're facing exhaustion or simply need a bit of extra power. Um, uh, and you don't have time to rest or get it back in any other way. Um, the option is to basically call upon the gods, um, to, uh, give you energy and strength. Um, what this does, it will fill your SP back to full. It will clear all levels of exhaustion. Uh, and then you will roll on a chart called the call of Valhalla. Uh, generally something, uh, negative will happen. Um, in addition to adding to, um, the session threat. Uh, but you will also, in addition, add to your glory counter, which all of you should be at zero currently. Um, glory is gained by, um, doing great deeds or using the call of Valhalla ability. Uh, what that will do is, if you ever die, if your HP will ever reach zero, you have a, uh, a chance to become what's called an Ainhariar, which, uh, army of one, uh, basically they are the chosen of Odin himself. Um, you will come back as somewhat of an even more super soldier. Um, and you will gain a bunch of abilities as a result. I feel as if my character would have been born with glory. I'm just wondering if I should just apply that just later. [laughter] Perhaps, perhaps, uh, unfortunately I'm gonna say no for now, but. All right, I'll just give you that down. I'll take it under advisement. Yeah, just put that down. It's just just for this thing, for the game counter. Oh, really? I'll let that go. Did you have a big hat there, mister? All right. So, yes, what are we doing then? I suggest that we attack one of the ships, see if we can take, take it over, kill them. For Death and Glory. For Death and Glory. For the All Father. For Death and Glory. For the All Father. For with my axe. No. Do you even have enough? I do, yes. [laughter] I'm convenient. I like Gimli. Um. [laughter] All right. Okay, sail towards the boat, I guess. All right. Um, so, uh, I will give you all sort of one chance to do something while you're on the water, uh, going towards the boat. The boat seems to have spotted you. They point what appears to be a rather bright, directed torch in your direction. Um, a spotlight for those of us in the modern era. Um, and seemingly they're shouting at you. Um, but you all have sort of a moment before you engage them properly. Uh, how far are we? So, um, there are three range bands in, no Nazis in Valhalla. There is close. There is, um, why can't I remember currently? A good thing I have it written down. This small, medium and large. This isn't far. Uh, so, um, far, you are beyond, um, you're at distant range currently. You are at the furthest range band. Hmm. Nothing I can do. Okay. Maybe so. Uh, a quick note. Uh, if, if there are rules that say you can do something of a certain distance or anything like that. Or honestly, if there's like something you want to do and your skills don't quite allow it, there is a big disclaimer at the beginning of this, uh, book that is, um, creativity trumps everything else. So, if you have something you want to do, just, just ask me. Um, and we'll see if it works out. Worst thing I can do is tell you, no, I don't think you can do that. Um, but, uh, yeah, just, um, remember you are powered by the gods and are trained warriors. So, you do have a bit of leeway in what you can and cannot do. Okay. We are the gods chosen. Content into the Kraken. Um, yes, but it would be very hard. Very small. Um, I'm guessing, okay, so you have what a plus three in spirit. Uh, I'm guessing at least a minus six to that role. So, uh, and you'd have to get a surge. That's a steep pass. But I have, I have one. So I've got a thunder strike part of my skills with range of variable. So could I, you know, strike them with thunder? Uh, absolutely. Um, but thunder strike is considerably powerful. It will be free. SPM. Yes. Absolutely. Uh, SBI. Not probably one before that. So, uh, for thunder strike to hit a distant range, you need to roll a surge. Um, which means that is three D six plus your spirit. So your spirit on, uh, Galdra is a whopping four though. Um, so it's quite possible. Um, okay. Give my guys a free D six. Mm hmm. Look at the four as well. But I need a size. I need a roll plus 15. Yeah, you need a, you need an 11. Or no, you need, yeah, an 11 or better. Yeah, go forward. There you go. All right. The four. Yeah. Very good. Um, so you call down, uh, lightning. Uh, you do. Okay. So Galdra then steps out of the crowd and he rises his mighty, um, war accent and cools upon the mighty four to strike his enemy in front of him. And a mighty crash of thunder blows down. It blows down Michael. All right, very good. Um, so, uh, this is a tier four enemy. Now what that means is, um, kind of do it two ways when you're running it. But just to give you guys a peek behind the curtain. Um, I will be doing the easy way, which is, uh, their tier is equivalent or their HP and their HP are equivalent to as if I rolled 4d6 and took the average. Um, so that they have 14 and HP and 14 SP at any rate. Uh, if you would roll 3d6 for your damage for thunder strike. Excellent. Uh, a mighty blow of thunder or of lightning, uh, crashes down into the control boat. Um, the hole inside it is taking on water currently. Uh, is anyone else have anything they would like to do? How big is the boat? Um, it is probably about, uh, 12 feet long. Um, you, you all are in a, uh, Viking long ship that is about three times as long. I would like to turn into a... Sure. Off the ship first, off of the ship first. It seems the boat. We're going to free we did the bastards. Uh, 3d6, and, uh, yeah, I'd like to, like, then basically jump out of the war and just barely flop onto the deck. And start with, there's been cases of basking sharks then going to killing people by doing exactly that. That is a grind. That is a 12. I heard one way to go. Yeah, 12. All right, so you get to be a whale for, uh, I believe, three minutes. Is that correct? That's long enough. Yep. Uh, and go ahead and roll me. I mean, honestly, you, I'm not going to make you roll damage for this. You're a large whale, and it is a relatively small ship, uh, that is taking on water. You can easily, uh, smash through this. Everyone, the encounter threat has increased by one, which cool thing there. You all do plus one damage. Uh, unfortunately, so do your enemies. Um, and with the massive, uh, explosion, or not explosion, but massive breaching of the whale, uh, out of the water, things are going to get a bit more dicey here, uh, as several boats are going to swarm on your location. Um, also, let's see what gods we have here. Who's, who's everyone's got again? I'm a disciple of hell. Oh, yeah. Uh, yeah, for me. Cool. So, uh, the disciples of Odin and Hell, uh, the one of Hell feels a large amount of death coming in your near future. Uh, and the one of Odin, um, forces some sort of, uh, great, uh, enemy. This pleases the disciple of Hell. That's the death. Uh, now we will roll initiative, which is, uh, 3d6, um, plus, uh, your finesse or your wit. Uh, if you get a surge, uh, you go before the enemies and you take plus one to your first roll. If you get a grind, uh, you roll before enemies in the round, uh, and then, uh, botch go after enemies. All right. So 10. Um, I'll draw a card. I'll plus your finesse or wit. Oh, what? Negative 2 and 0. Good, mate. [laughter] Two, three, up. All of it. Three, two, three, up, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down. Fifteen. Oh, that's funny. Okay. So, uh... So, uh... Actually, tell me if I've actually got negative to the staff. Oh, you can, you can use a 0. You can use that. [laughter] Nah, I got to take a moment to go. Sorry. Uh... Alright. Did anyone get a 15 or better total? Me. No. We all suck. I heard a meme. Me. Got it. Flower. Who is playing... Beyond. Yes, yes. Baby. Beyond. Don't be calm. Baby. Yeah. Can we put it's beyond in the corner? Alright. So, uh... Flower, you will have a +1 to your first role. Nice. Uh... Uh... Did anyone get a 9 or less? I could have named. Oh. Okay. I'm going to keep doing that for us. Yeah. Yeah. It'll help me... It'll help me determine... I mean, honestly, it helps me determine who's who. Uh... [laughter] Sorry, Bob. It's working quite well. So... Initiatives kind of loosey goosey. Um... Other than... Uh... Bjorn will go first. And... Uh... Lefidr will go last. Everyone else can kind of do... You can discuss on... on what you want to do. Um... But... There are... uh... Three of the... Boats. Um... Similar to the one that you all just sunk. Uh... And then... uh... That's all you can see for now. How... What's... What's the distance? Is any... Uh... They are all, um... currently... uh... at the furthest distance. They are distant. Okay. Um... Unfortunately. Um... However... Actually, no. Let's say... I'll say two of them are far... One is distant. Is most of them a will? Yes. Can I stay a will? Uh... Yeah. You are... At least... Yeah, I don't see why not. Um... I will say... You're kind of a big target. Uh... And you only have... Oh, Jesus. So... Action... Action economy is only one action and one movement. Um... So you kind of... In combat, it's a little bit more limited. That's why it's sort of the out-of-combat ability is... I mean, you're definitely going to be quite devastating as a whale. Uh... Don't get me wrong there. Just... There are some... uh... handicaps. Yeah, I can see one of them showing off right now. Uh... Uh... But at any rate, uh... Bjorn, you are first. So I will... Uh... Yeah. Give the floor to you. Oh... Yeah. I'm sorry. I just changed the note. Name it Bjorn. My leader is... Uber. Uber. A deity is a great failure. My vocation is... Uh... Uber. Uber. Uh... You are a wolf warrior. Okay. I'll just say wolf. You are a wolf. You are a wolf. You are a wolf. You are a wolf. You are a wolf. You are a wolf. You are a wolf. Uh... You are in a fursuit. Uh... I'm a giant fur. Yeah. Yeah. I know. We knew that already. Just wish me a tale. I'm just going to picture that now. Um... Don't come trying to fuck me now. Yeah. Uh... So good. Uh... I have a question about the conjure felines thing. How... How distance are we? Uh... You have two... Two that are far one that is distant. Uh... Conjure felines. Uh... Oh. Oh yeah. Uh... Range wise. Uh... You can only summon them close. And then... Um... But as far as summoning the spectral chariot, that just sort of allows you to move... Very fast. All right. Could I... Summon... The... Create the cats. Uh... Mm-hmm. And the chariot. And take... Somebody from my party to into the fight. Into the fight. Yeah, absolutely. Um... I will say, uh... It is... The cool thing is it is a spectral chariot. So like, the water... You're not going to sink immediately. Uh... But you still will move along the water surface. Unless you get a surge in which KSC will be able to fly. But... Absolutely. All right. So I'll... Summon me... I'll say two cats. Um... Flotsam and Jetsam. (Laughter) And whoever wants... Uh... Yeah, I'll jump on. I'll jump on. I'll... I'll jump on. Whoever wants to come away can call me mate. Uh... And we'll fly. They might just jump on that one instead. Honestly, you can all... You can all fit on. (Laughter) We want to fly them on the chariot. Yeah. I can show you the world. Uh... The... I do need a... (Laughter) An empathy role to see how long... Or to see how fast it is. So it's 3v6 plus your empathy. 3v6 plus empathy is... 2. So it's... 10. Cool. Uh... That is a... uh... grind. So... Um... Just so everyone knows, our current threat level is one. Our encounter threat level is one in our sessions. I'll try to keep you updated. Normally, this would be visible, but we've got enough going on. Uh... As far as flipping back and forth that I'll just sort of... Report it at any rate. Um... That means you can move up to three range bands like... Uh... As one action. Um... So if you all want to get up on... Um... Next to the boats, you certainly can. The two that are at... Honestly, you could go all the way to the distant one. Or you can go to the two that are at... Uh... Far... Range. What we're saying, guys? Where are we going? I... I... I went... Closer ones first. Second to that. Yeah, we'll go to the closest one. Cool. As we pull from the closest one, can I use cold to try and get these bastards? Um... Or would I want to specifically try and make an aura of cold that will either freeze the boats in place, or if that's not how this works, just make the crew dive up onto the boats. Don't freeze the boats. I can't come out then. I'm not going to freeze the entire ocean. Or it doesn't give me that much power, but I don't feel like ten fits me in. Um... It can kind of work however you want. Um... But the idea of cold is that you are a cold, combatant, uh, in that you are, um... Making them afraid of you. But at any rate, you're going to attempt to do the first option, which is make some of them flee. Is that correct? Cool. Yes. And I'm going to stand up on the figurehead. [laughter] That's a 3d6+ empathy. Uh... Ooh... Uh... Empathy? Empathy? Bad. Um... Is why it just looked up and realized... Uh... Yeah, that's a 5. I'm a minus 2 for empathy. [laughter] Oh my god. Turns out... Uh... Yeah. [laughter] Uh... But that's alright. Um... Actually, no, that should be... I wrote it down wrong. That should be your wit. So... Oh, thank god. Whiz for... 11. Yeah. Cool. [laughter] That's my mistake. Um... But, uh, yeah. So you... Will make... How many 2 is that? Oh my god. Uh... 2d6... So, what this notation is is 2d6 with an asterisk is... Rolling 2d6 and taking the higher value. Uh... That's how the tiers you will make flee. Okay. So, 2d6... Five? Is that a higher one? Mm-hmm. Nice. So, five tiers of enemies. Um... Unfortunately, I mean... Well, fortunately, this one boat just turns tail and speeds off in a direction. Um, they have some sort of contraption on the back of it that makes a loud noise. Uh, the engine. Uh, but they have left you alone. And, um, we'll give you a wide berth as, uh... They are fearful of Helga and her wrath. All right. Uh, so we have Gunnar or Galdra next. Well, has this chatter brought me close enough? Yes. To one of the boats. You are in close range with, uh, one boat currently in, uh, at far range with the third boat. And can I see how many, how many men this boat holds? Uh, each one will hold, uh, roughly four, uh, soldiers. Nice, nice, nice. So, how about me and Galdra jump onto the boat and start fishing out, but many damage? Is that what you like? Are you talking with me? Yes. All right, yeah, 'cause that's not my name, but that's fine. [laughter] Yeah, that was what was going to suggest. I was going to board and start dealing with some damage. Cool. Awesome. I will join you. Excellent. Right. So, I've got a nice little, um, skill that goes along with my necromancer here called. A knife named Pham. Uh, what I'm going to do with this is I'm going to apply it to my axes blade. And basically, it's like, I'm just covering my blade of a shit. It's, uh, decay, um, charm or curse. Okay, stick on this. Did you say you're going to cover your blade and shit? Basically, yeah. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to make, I'm going to make it a pretty hard fight. We're going to wipe your ass with it. Yeah. You know, make it affect people. Uh, sure. Um, so, uh, are you going to try to just chop someone up or are you going to use a knife named Pham in? Oh, right. So, is that not, is that not just apply to the blade? I actually have a different. Yeah. So, I mean, it can be sort of visually however you want it to be a knife named Pham in just the name of the skill. Uh, you can use your axe as a conduit, uh, or your bare hands or use some in a spectral knife or however you want it to look. Um, but the, the skill itself does very specific things, uh, reducing everyone's stamina or rotting or decaying material of a certain size. Yeah. Well, let me know how this will go then. What I'm going to do is I'm going to speak, um, speak to my, my axe before I jump on. I'm going to tell it, I'm going to tell it, uh, it is now the decay blade and, um, I'm going to do is I'm going to jump onto this boat and I'm going to try and hit as many people as I can with my axe. Cool. Um, very good. Then we'll use the, uh, reduce the target's, uh, stamina, um, section of a knife named Pham in, so I needed the empathy rule. Uh, right. 3d6. It also costs you five stamina. Right, and stamina, so of course that's the, the SP. SP. Yes. Right. And it's an empathy one. So it's 3d6 plus two in my case. Is that right? That is correct. Okay. All right. So that's all 11. Cool. Uh, so that's this, uh, a grind, which means you will reduce, uh, the target's current stamina by 2d6, so go ahead and roll me 2d6. That's the five. All right. Um, so, uh, you are hacking through several of these mortal men and, uh, their bodies are withering and they don't seem to be really taking physical damage so much as spiritual and, um, they're being exhausted. So emotional damage. Yeah. Emotional damage. Emotional damage damage. Emotional damage damage. Uh, yes, about half of them, uh, drop, uh, to their knees and our ineffective combatants at this point, so. All right. Uh, who do we have left? Oh, we, well, La Fier is last. Who's? Me either. I jumped out a cat. I just want to do a straight up melee attack on any of the other guys. He hasn't used the cap, um, demoralized. Sure. Absolutely. So I'm demoralizing them. You go in for the kill. That's it. So that is, uh, 3d6. What's your weapon? Um, raw that. Cool. Yep. Uh, you have raw that. Cool. So 3d6 plus your, uh, body skill. Uh, so that's a 6. Oof. No. Wait. You rolled 1d6. Roll two more. There you go. Uh, so an 11. Uh, yeah. Um, you go ahead and roll. Roll damage for me as well. That is 2d6. So. Uh, yep. That you, just with your, uh, good Viking steel, managed to take down the other remaining, uh, sailors. And you are, that boat is now clear and no longer a threat. Huh. That will surprise me. Easy. Turns out, uh, taking an axe to people who are, um, being terrified and rotting away is, is pretty easy. Uh. Okay. I mean, I will, I will ask, is there anything I, I noticed are, are strange about these soldiers, any, not no French markings or anything like that, just in the quick, you know, for your battle. Yes. One, one really prominent marking, you know, is. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, luckily they don't have any swastikas on them. Uh, they are just standard soldiers currently. Um, but they all are wearing, um, necklaces that have some sort of, sigil on them that you are not familiar with. Huh. Interesting. Could I take one of these necklaces? Just see how I cure it. Of course. Yeah. Absolutely. All right. Take one. That's it. Now that, now that I've calmed down, can I start looting corpses as well? Sure. Um. Uh, I've got another boat to do. Yep. We should do it. No, I'm sorry. We're still. You're fine. I just can't take it. You definitely start looting immediately. But I want a fluke. Cut, cut to the whale, um, under the water. Uh, lay ferry. That's right. The sea. Don't mind me. What was it you said about the first time with a tank? Uh, someone did. Oh, uh, exploded it with lightning. Uh, that was pretty cool. Uh, and it was a U boat. Um, uh, uh, submarine. Uh, speaking of which. Unfortunately. Uh, unfortunately. Uh, you do, uh, spot with your whale as a, um, some sort of massive underwater ship. Uh, that is seemingly coming directly at you. Uh, you do also have the one remaining boat. [Laughter] Well, let's just say I would like to barely follow that second boat. Sure. Uh, again, I'm not going to make you really... Uh, go ahead and give me a roll just so I can see, uh, sort of threat I'm adding here. But, um... 3d6? Yeah. 3d6 plus, uh, stat of your choice. Is the high number better? Yeah, high number is better. So it's intelligent for us, uh... Yes. 11. Alright, uh, another grind. Perfect. Very well. Um, so, uh, you breach the surface and just completely avoid this boat by belly-flopping onto it. However, um, shortly thereafter, uh, the U-boat... The surface, it does have a deck gun, that is aiming at the, uh, other individuals and, um, layfare you recognize that, um, some sort of portal is opening on the, uh, belly side of the, uh, of the U-boat. Probably a torpedo for, for us. I don't know about this. But, uh, luckily we're, you've killed all the, uh, people and initiatives, so we're back up to you. Uh, the U-boat had to use, um, its turn to get to you. So, um, Bjorn is first now. Alright. Um, so we're heading, so we've cleared this one off. Is everyone back on the Chariot? I think, um, me and Garvin are still on the boat that fill the corpses that we, we just liberated. Just found a, uh, shiny, uh, also something, um, hit flask. Shh. Uh... Anyway, shall we jump back on, and, um, onto the Chariot and, uh, maybe take care of this, of this next problem we have, this, uh, Underwater Demon? Just saying it's good to me. [laughs] [sighs] Yeah, basically I'm gonna, I'm gonna, yeah, change basically. [laughs] Um, yeah, so I'd think anybody who's left on the Chariot is on Chariot will just go on to the next one. Yeah, flotsam, jetsam, let's go. Uh, the Chilfer? Sure, uh, so you, it easily get up to the U-boat, um, as several soldiers are running up onto the top deck. Two man guns. Um, that was a movement action, so you still do have an action, uh, to do. Okay, so I'm not just the Chilfer for the- Yeah, luckily you got just the Chilfer the first time, and then- [laughs] Um, yeah, so I think I'll not park it, but hover over the U-boat, and I'll jump down and get my sword and my shield with it. Who's first? Cool. Uh, if you would like to take a sword attack, you're more than welcome to, it is a finesse roll. That's a D6 plus finesse. There you go. Okay, so it'll be 14. Yep, uh, that is a grind. And so, uh, again, 2D6 with an asterisk is, um, 2D6 take the higher of the- of the D6s that you roll. Oh, well, perfect. You pass down, uh, 2 soldiers, no problem, um, and are getting ready to, um, receive an onslaught. Some of them are messing with the weapons, trying to get them going. Can't say these Nazis are probably weak. Oh, yeah. Compared to you all, yes. [laughs] I definitely prefer to receive something, that's true. For our viewers, the group chat is diabolical. Yes, uh, by all means, uh, it is, y'all's podcast being say and do what you would normally do. Um, but yeah. Uh, so, now we have everyone else except for me here. Oh. We're leaving. So, it's me and capsule with on the chair at the moment, isn't it? Watching, um, the- It's everyone except for you, my man. Yeah. [laughs] You just have to watch. [laughs] Oh, you're going to see man made horror. It's beyond your whole pension, my guy. But do you want to go first, or do you want to go after? It's not my turn first. Oh, you guys are first. Leaf hair is last. Yes, match last. Oh, wait. Oh, Matt's leaf hair, I forgot. Yes, it's okay. [laughs] Oh. Oh, I mean, I guess we could just go out and start swinging. Sure. Okay. Swing away. Someone has to be manning that big gun tower thing. Let's go get him. Wait, do we know what guns are? I mean, we're Vikings. We know. I think it was implied that we knew what the sticky thing is. Yeah. You have an idea of how they operate, and at this point you can use them. Okay. Dang. Boomstick. So, I mean- Boomstick and you said a minute ago that there were these Nazis and they were trying to go deep in the weapons, so that's all that's out. Well- So, there are to avoid that. Yeah. [laughs] Do something about that. And shoot them with the big gun that's on the boat that you're on? Yes. Cool. Yeah. I'm going to pretend to be one of my enemies and buy this massive boomstick somewhere. Just don't get a fake mustache that's going to make it happen. [laughs] So, you spin this boat around and aim it towards the e-boat. The cool thing about firearms is you don't need to roll to hit anything. You do need to roll from you just based on the way the mechanics works. So, 3d6 plus finesse. You will hit regardless. It will just be a matter of how good. Zero finesse, but I'll roll the 3d6's. Yeah. 12. Oh, 12. A grind. Quite good. Go ahead and roll the 3d6 worth of damage. Yeah. Unfortunately, the downside to guns is you don't know how to reload them. And it's sort of a one and done type of thing. But 11 damages is significant. Ha ha, I say. The dragon of mystery has achieved its glory. [laughs] The dragon of mystery has achieved its glory. I want that on a t-shirt now. [laughs] Everyone will ask me that means. [laughs] And just like Carmen, you will not know. [laughs] Oh, god. [laughs] All right. We have Flower and Jay, is that? Sure. I'm going to see you run the chariot, right? Mm-hmm. Oh, you're on the chariot. Two of them are on the boat. Okay. Both that they killed everyone on. Yeah, so I'm the one that's still in the boat. Yeah, I jumped down. Oh, on to the boat or on to the U-boat? Yeah, exactly. I took one of the bookies down to that. Yeah. Shall we go to the greatest, the last enemy of the field? And Paul's going to hold our hand towards... Whoops, fire's character, whose name I do not know. I forgot to free as a follower of Freya. Hey, Bjorn. Yeah, Bjorn. How the fuck did I forget Bjorn? [laughs] Because I don't think I can swim over here. You're next to me. I'd much rather take the free ride if possible. Yeah. Yeah, cool. Oh, okay, cool. Then I'm just holding up there and starting swaying. I've got two hammers and... I'm ready to get Howard. Yeah. I'm staying in whatever side of the boat the whale is not circling. [laughs] I'm not going near that. Well, three ice, I think at the moment. [laughs] Whoo! All right. [laughs] Uh, seeing as we're doing this our turn order, I'll do the same. I'll be like, your support for the whole jumping on a boat and swaying on it. Who didn't need a boat? I'm going to sway after this. [laughs] How the hell are they? Uh, do you know what we've got guests for? [laughs] Hang on a minute. [laughs] You need to do it. Uh, very well. So Helga, if you would swing away with your hammer and just go right in. Mighty hablah. Is my axe still causing emotional damage? [laughs] Uh, I mean, I'm sure it is. It is no longer under the effects of your skill. [laughs] All right. [laughs] Regular damage tank. [laughs] Oh, hang on. What do I need to run about? Uh, the hammer? 3D6 plus body. So plus 4. [sighs] 'Cause Helga is strong. Uh, something. Yes. You get a surge. It's mighty here we go. Um, so that is 2D6 damage plus to your body. Uh, plus 4 again. Oh, uh, whoops. I'll just do another one of them. Uh, 7 plus 4, which is 11 again. Yes. Um, your mighty hammer blows are, uh, powered by... [laughs] I just can't say anything. [laughs] Uh, Odin is, uh, um, guiding... [laughs] Do a top apologize. Your mighty hammer blows. [laughs] As they dent the u-boat. [bell dings] Not little with yours, but we smash them in you. [laughs] Uh, very good. Um, you do quite a bit of damage to it. [laughs] All right. Um, Captain, I believe you're... Hey, uh, hold on. There we go. Rolled up. 14. Uh, you even figured out how to add a number. Congratulations. [laughs] Very good. Uh, 14 is a... uh, grind. All right. So we have rolled over to encounter threat. Two. Uh-oh. Uh, but that may not matter much longer, depending on, um, Matt's display. [laughs] Oh, my God. [laughs] Uh, you feel the u-boat shift? Oh, go ahead and roll me damage. Uh, 2D6, please. Eh, eh. Or, it's 2D6 ticked the higher. [laughs] Cap. Yes. Uh, Cap. Right? Oh, sorry. Yeah. Sex. Cool. Uh, all right. With your... Or, what was your name, Cap? You changed it to... Yeah. One blue gunner son. One blue gunner son. One blue. Uh, got it. Get it right. Get it right. Yeah. It's so sorry. [laughs] So sorry. [laughs] You feel the... He's over-respected water. Your government respect. [laughs] He's lack of glue. Uh, your axe brings a mighty blow on to the end of the u-boat as you feel it. The weight shift underneath you. Um, it's beginning to go down. Uh, leaf here. [laughs] You need to avoid dodge as a torpedo is being shot at you. [laughs] [laughs] 3D6. Uh, 3D6 plus, uh, finesse. Or, wit. You can use either. Uh, wit's better, so that's a 14. Oh. Cool. Uh, you'll take the damage. [laughs] It's like... Back to out there. Back to out there. Yeah. Yeah. Luckily, you outright avoid the attack. Um... Can I... Yes. Grab hold of Sid-mid-- Sid Ward. [laughs] [laughs] With Sid-prehensile-pigness. [laughs] [laughs] But it will factly do have... Do have. Yep. [laughs] Is we knuckle? Yeah, it's weird. You want to go for me? Return to send a... Sorry, what was that for? You don't want to go with me? [laughs] Okay. Okay. Shave it out. Absolutely not. [laughs] What? [laughs] [laughs] Wow. I know where I stand. So, yes. May I grab Sid- Torpedo with Sid-pigness and throw back Sid-pigness. Torpedo with Sid-pigness. I'm going to need a finesse roll, but yes, you can do that. [laughs] How many times? Three, two, three, six. Yeah. You do need finesse this time. Oh, no. This is your... [laughs] Oh, no. [laughs] Oh, no. [laughs] It's about to be a real safety. [laughs] He's going to go somewhere. Shut up. [laughs] Oh, shit. [laughs] That's weird. That never seems to have circumcised. We'll live for it. [laughs] [laughs] [claps] [laughs] [claps] Oh. [laughs] Can you all agree? That's what I'm doing. [laughs] [laughs] Um. [laughs] [laughs] [laughs] So, basically, you grasp the warhead. [laughs] Uh, swing around. [laughs] You grasp it firmly. Yeah, firmly. [laughs] Goes up. Goes up. Um. It, basically, you will get too close to the, to the U-boat, and you will also take some damage as the U-boat goes to go down. Um. I'll explode as well, will I? [laughs] Go ahead and take, um... [laughs] Seven. [laughs] [laughs] Well, you weren't lying about encouraging creativity. Yep. [laughs] You know. It is what it is. [laughs] There you go. I'm learning lots of things about my game. [laughs] I have a couple of names. [laughs] [laughs] Oh, God. [laughs] Uh. [sighs] Um. I've always got one option. One, haven't we? [laughs] Of course. Uh, for the sake of time and for, uh, the, uh, enjoyment of the game, uh, the other U-boat that was getting ready to attack you is just appalled at what happened, um, so they do not, they do not engage. Um. You all manage to reach your destination without further harassment, uh, by the Germans. Like, we were the ones who were... [laughs] Good. Uh, yeah, you know. It turns out it was the right cross the entire time. [laughs] [laughs] [laughs] [laughs] Uh. [laughs] Sorry. Very well. [laughs] [sighs] You have now set up camp, uh, on a hill, uh, overlooking the small fort. Uh, the, the place known as Castle Harle. Um, you do also see, uh, several, um, what you would assume to be farmers that are sort of huddled over in a camp. Um, not too far from you, but they seem to be keeping their distance and not engaging with you at all. They appear to be, uh, Saxons, not these weird, uh, new people. [laughs] [laughs] I'd like to say this point, I'm not actually aware of it. Yeah, yeah. [laughs] Can you strike yourself up to the shoreline? Yeah. Okay. Beat yourself. Uh, I'd like to take, do the take a breath thing if we've got the rest time. Yeah, absolutely. [laughs] Yeah. We could do that. We'll take a little break. Get our SP up. Some pic, little picnic sandwiches. [laughs] You've got the cucumber slices. [laughs] Oh, yes. Ice, ice, some of the roger from the depths of the hill to make the half sandwich. [laughs] [laughs] [laughs] Sounds great. [sighs] So take a breath. Catch a breath is, uh, 2d6 plus your spirit. Uh, I mean, I don't-- Do we all roll that? Oh, yes. It's-- Yeah, I mean, everyone who's making-- Ah, do we need to take spirits? Wait, hang on. [laughs] Take a breath. Oh, okay, never mind. I get five. This whole time I've been reading the spirit that I used up with my moves as the, um-- Oh, SP. Uh, the SPI. The SPI, not SP. So I thought I had another-- It was confusing. I might change that. [laughs] Is that health and SP you get back? Or is it just health? Uh, just, uh, just SP, not health. Health is quite hard to get back. Oh, no. So, that's quite interesting. I only spent five. Because you can actually get through your, um, skills quite quickly then. And, yeah. Mm-hmm. Cool. Uh, well, I've got max, uh, max, SP, you can say. So, after our-- I want to make it even so everyone knows this. [laughs] Did it all go-- [laughs] It's not going to take a long night. I can summon more than one. Is he wearing, uh, like a little butler outfit or-- How's he dressed? [laughs] Like, jeez. Shockingly enough, seen as we've never actually seen in France before, it was a French maid. [laughs] Who's like that? All right, then, gang, shall we, uh, thinking about moseying down to this castle and-- Slidey-slidey-dicey-dicey. Is that sex sex? Yes. I think maybe we should. Uh-huh. Or maybe we should check out these, uh, no, common folk saxons first, I saw on the way. Maybe they could-- Yeah, they've been huddled there all night. Yeah, and we can maybe ask them about the, uh, culture and the other part. Maybe they know more about our great enemies. What's a bad idea? They're not having places to stay. Ah, they're common folk. Probably got chased out by the assholes over there with the U-boat. [laughs] I don't know about the asshole or the U-boat, I don't know. I know my asshole hurts after that. [laughs] I ain't hear you, innit? I'm sure it was a traumatic experience for you. I'm sure you're the next fool who you choose shall be better. Someone who better at speaking should go over and ask them. [laughs] You're not the person with the minus two empathy. I'll go ask. You're with the droga. [laughs] No, we're going to have them cute or something. Well, as I hope we're not, like, seriously demeaning things. That's not at all. Uh, I want everyone to enjoy the game as they, uh, so choose. Uh, quick, quick, uh, point of contention. Um, Vikings did, uh, reach Paris, uh, for the first time before this, uh, time period. So, uh, you might know what a French maid looks like. We have French maids back then. [laughs] Well, god, I'm only going to be a little bit. Yeah, there it is. In that case, one blow particularly had not made his way to France yet. Oh, no, it's funnier if the Nazis brought one talk to French maid over. [laughs] The French maid at uniform originated in the early 19th century. Oh, so, yeah, not the Nazis brought one? Yeah, it is. So the Nazis actually did bring one back with them. [laughs] Don't you droga pillage their course. [laughs] So, just for context here, the Nazis brought back a French maid. She unfortunately died, and I summoned her back from the depths of hell in order to make me a sandwich. That's great. [laughs] Oh my god, what's her name? [laughs] Below. I never asked. How about Matilda? That's a good French maid name? Anyway. It's not though. It's a good chauvinistic. Anyway. Are we looking to get some more information about our enemies from this, uh, Saxon town? Yeah. Let's go talk these Saxons and see if we can get some, um, intelligence. Okay, so it is about, uh, half a dozen of them, uh, sort of crutch run a fire. They are not, um, looking very good. Uh, they've clearly been chased away from their homes. Uh, but they see you-- Turns out we did it. [laughs] They see you and don't immediately, uh, run away. So, that's good. [laughs] Yo. Hey there. Saxon, winch. [laughs] Off to a fantastic start. What, what can you tell me about this? New four with strange weapons and garments. Uh, oddly it is, uh, three Saxon, or six Saxon men. Um, so they're not quite-- Yeah, I, I still call them Saxon, winch. I, I said what I said. [laughs] I'm not going to, I'm not going to your apologies. [laughs] Uh, they all sort of, um, look around in hush tones and, um, say, well, it seems these new interlopers, which I'm sure you're quite familiar with, have, uh-- Don't ask strong familiar with anyone. [laughs] I have strong, strong magic that we've ever seen before. Uh, and they're doing horrible rituals with, um, our kinfolk. And it grants them, um, terrible powers and the ability to bring back their soldiers from the dead. All right, so is there any way that you could possibly be a lot of that more vague with those rituals, please? [laughs] The sock has a bunch. [laughs] They all sort of turn around and leave you, uh, give me a empathy roll to see if they, uh, are intimidated by you or just pissed off. [laughs] Right, uh, 3D-6. Um-hmm. 3D-6, and, oh, shit, what's 9-6 again? Oh, two, so, yeah, 9. [laughs] Uh, unfortunately that is a botch, uh, they sort of spit at in your general direction, and, uh, sort of walk away. Well done, Nagana, you've managed to case them off. [laughs] Well, it looks like it's my turn. Stand aside, you fool. [laughs] I don't have a cat, though. Yo, they're, uh, Saxon Man. I must ask, do you know of a, um, a subterfuge way into the castle, a way we won't be seen? Uh, yes, there are drainage, um- Grates towards the rear. Ah, and these drainage gates, I can access them for my, and my full hardy companions? Uh, probably only about two of you at a time could fit through. Mmm. You want us to go up the poop shoot? [laughs] I think you shouldn't be the first time we're told the Norsemen to do that, but yeah. [laughs] Ice, okay, so, yeah, no, that's interesting. Um, thank you, my friend. We shall, um, eradicate this plague upon this land. Go ahead. Yeah, we should be the only plague here. [laughs] Roll me and, uh, they roll, roll to see how, uh, well-liked you are after that conversation. Uh, Free Decid. Not well. Free Decid. Yes, plus other peoples. That's, uh, eleven. [clears throat] Okay, they seem, uh, sorry, I just looked at the, uh, the drawings and the, uh, the French made Drucker. Uh, really got me. [laughs] Uh, anyway, uh, yes, it seems, uh, Galdra is, uh, no, no less liked than the others, but certainly not, um, revered by these sections who still have no home. Um, but they seem to leave you to your business. Awesome. So can I turn around to the other side right then? Who wants to come with me through the sewers? Anyone, any takers going through the sewers of me? Is there- You haven't got swim-finished shit? Well, you've got your magic chariot. Look, all of us have got one of those. [clicking] Actually, and then we just all play our individual. [laughs] Yeah, I've got a magic chariot. What are you talking about? [laughs] Well then, it looks like something a poor person was sick. Yeah, yeah. [laughs] [unintelligible] Fucking poor. [unintelligible] [laughs] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [unintelligible] [laughs] [unintelligible] [laughs] [unintelligible] What we should all say is we'll all go down with you, but you go first. Sure, I don't mind. Yeah. We'll meet you there. Fine. I shall. I shall make my way happening to the shit tube and explore the shit tube. [laughs] [laughs] Cat. I turn into a T-Rex. [unintelligible] No. [laughs] [unintelligible] [laughs] You could turn into mythological creatures that you are familiar with. Not that a T-Rex is a mythological creature. I don't know why I phrased it that way. Anyway, you could turn into a Lindworm or something. The fuck is a Lindworm? A Lindworm is like a dragon without wings and a worm-like. [laughs] I don't see how a T-Rex would get over the water. [laughs] He's got your ass there. [laughs] Don't question it. [laughs] With your tiny little arms, I'm not assuming you're very good at climbing. [groans] How do you know? [laughs] [unintelligible] I mean, why don't you turn into a rat? And you can sleep inside. Like, easy. [laughs] Can't remember for a smart idea. What is this? Yeah. It's actually a pretty clever idea. You gonna do it? [laughs] What about a falcary? I mean, the idea wasn't a falcary. The falcary is like the first? It sounds like an angel. Yeah, like a holiday. [clears throat] Unfortunately, you can't really turn into a falcary. It's sort of one of the... Foundry? Isn't it? You can turn into a big wolf. So, isn't a falcary like an angel Valhalla? It's like a guy you've had at once. Correct. They are the... Oh, oh. They are the ones that take you from the battlefield to Valhalla. That's it. I have no idea how you'd say this, but it's Nidhogar. Nidhogar? No. [laughs] That is... No, you may not. He is a massive... I mean, you could turn into a dragon-ish type thing, but not Nidhog himself. He is the one that gnaws on the dead. Oh, they're a tree. The roots of the trees, yes. Yeah. Yeah, actually a big dragon would be useful, huh? Sure. Okay. Yeah, hug in a second. I mean, you sure you want to go for a big, obvious, big dragon where everyone can now shoot out? I mean, it's a dragon then. It's a big target. You can only ride in my back. What can I do with the runes, by the way? Oh, yes. So... Beneficial effects, apparently, based on my choice of three... Runes, yes. Let me get you a quick little rundown of the assloads of runes. Oh, okay. I have fully opened a cat of worms then. Yeah, honestly... Cat of Lindworms, if you will. Yes. Honestly, you can probably just tell me what you want to do, and there's a ton of stuff that you could do with the runes. This is much more of a... They're there just to be fun for the player rather than be a hindrance of any sort. Okay. I'm wondering if I couldn't... Could like carve runes into a couple pebbles and have to be like illusions... Sure. Vikings, or whatever the fuck that's turning into. You want... Do you flick it so I can do that? Yes. Oh, if you can just do that, then buy only. Wait, you can do it because of yourself? You'd like to flick yourself in two? Like, that one D&D spell, was it called Mirror Image? Yeah. So that they share those instead of sharing it you sometimes? Yes. Like a... Thank you from Yugioh. Create allies willing to do anything out of NPCs on there. That's... Pretty sure I could... Leave here, let's see. I could have done that. I wonder what that is. Do I check on stuff? No. Oh, yeah. Oh, nice. Do you place this somewhere that wrong? Ah. I was like, I don't think I've added that ability for Loki yet, but maybe I didn't remember. Oh, yes. Yes. All the gods will have at least four abilities. I only have some of them with four currently, so... And you only get two when you're created, but you can get more when you level up. I can create a supernatural fog. Vog, yes. That would give us some cover, lost weight, going in. That would be how sure? Yeah. Can I fart some fog out? Yeah. Release the fog. What would you like me to roll? It is a finesse roll, so 3d6 plus finesse. And finesse is two, so that's a 13. Very cool. Oh, this is written completely wrong, but you're fine. You get... Basically, you surround the... Fort in fog, and then up to another range band beyond it is also in fog. So, it's pretty unlikely that they'll see you unless you come running out from very far away. Cool. So, we would... Big fucking dragon, not a good idea. We'd use that... Probably not. At this point. I'm sorry? We reduced their visibility. They can't see for shit. So, then we can sneak up to the poop chute, and we won't be seeing. Poop chute fits too at the time, that Macs. Even with oil. I was hoping to bring someone with me. One person, the other guy is... You know, Mac can always just fly over. The other guys can get fogged. Yeah, the other guy's got his chariot. You can just levitate if you really wanted to. So, yeah. Me and Gunna here are going to go down the poop chute. Did Gunna agree to this? No, he's going to need to agree to this. And I'm just going to pick him up and just be walking with me. Alright, we're going to do some sort of a challenge to that, especially right here. It's PVP. Yeah. I'm rolling this one. Yeah, no, I'm going to try to pick the guy up. So, you're coming with me Gunna. We shall claim this mighty poop chute for ourselves. Gunna just... Set the poop chute. Firstly, it's a one blow Gunnarsson. And secondly, no. Just for funsies, go ahead and both of you give me body rolls. So, 3d6 plus body. Erm, that's... 16 for me. Okay, I've got 18. So, come on now Gunnar. It's okay. I'm just going to start cutting on the head. We shall enjoy the poop chute together. We'll be fine. Skipping all the lights. Luckily, he cannot force you into the poop chute. You do have somebody to see it. But, you are brought to the edge of the drain. And it looks rather large. Two of you can fit side by side at a time. Ah! We have found our cunning plan. Um, I'm assuming this is like covered by like a metal grate or something like a door. Mm-hmm. Okay, so... Metal grate. Okay, no grate. Can I... This is metal grate. Is it locked? What do you think? It is. Completely built into the wall. Erm... It's not removable in any way. At least by normal means. Er, ha. No, got a spanner. Well, I have a lightning bolt. Can I, you know, lightning bolt this thing open? Carmen. What if you lightning bolt your way... Focus your bolt up in the poop chute. So it bounces off the wall and then hits an arse in the arse. Yeah, but I want to get into the poop chute. You get into the face. You will be getting into the poop chute. It's a difference. So the cool thing about lightning strike is you can use it to manipulate terrain. That's... Er, the very... The other cool thing is, since you're so close, you don't have to really roll very well. Erm... It will matter as far as... Threat is concerned, but not much else. See, those gates are great that you're talking about. Would you never class it as a trap? No? Why are you trying to use your ability to... I can disarm the gates. Sorry, Jack. Not exactly a trap, but... Yeah, I like the idea. I'm sorry. Okay, that's cool. So, yeah, I'm going to... Amaya, this mighty... This is a mighty obstacle for a mighty problem, things like that. I know what to do. I'm going to believe the problem thinking to you then in that case. Just so we can move a little bit forward, is anyone going to stop him from doing so? I think I'm just going to... Have you got the smoke screen up, Matt? Yeah, the fog is... So, yeah. Can I punch through the wall? With your fist? Yeah. I can use my hammer, actually. That's what happens before. It would be very difficult. I have blood trans, which lets me do extraordinary theatre strips. Then yes, you can. Hang on a second, hang on. I'm going over this thing open, so... I know. Go ahead and give me a roll, Carmen. 3D6? Yes, plus spirit. You're shooting at me. Specifically, I'm not punching the poop shoot, I'm punching like a regular edible. What if we just stopped on the door? I mean, I wrote a 13. That's kind of how good you turned back, Seth. Cool. So, while everyone is sort of squabbling as to how... Well, everyone's squabbling against Galdra as to what to do, they don't want to go into the poop shoot. Well, to that night. It calls down a mighty bolt of lightning. Completely obliterating a good chunk of the wall. And you hear sort of these air raid sirens start to go off. Unfortunately, you can't really see your attackers or the defenders of the fort. I will have your role initiative, though. You hear that, my brothers? The Songs of Retrobucia. So, initiative is, again, 3D6 plus finesse or wit. Oh, 13. That'd be a 16. We all got 13. Yeah. In which case, I am going to turn it to a gator. Oh, that's so good. Exactly. Hold on. They're going to bop me some Nazi bombs off. 16. I'll go 15. I'll go 15 again. All right. Well, everyone except for Cartman gets to go before the Nazis. Actually, everyone gets to go before, but everyone but Cartman gets a plus one to their first boss. I didn't know you got up on it. Yeah. Only one person did it. So, the shoot's pretty narrow. Oh, the shoot's, the shoot is certainly a point. So, the rest of us... Yeah, the lightning bolt, like, destroyed most of that section of the wall. That's why the air raid sirens are off and you hear lots of shouting. To victory. Fair enough. I'm going to... I think I'm going to run in and find some Nazis. Okay. You charge into the main courtyard of the fort and you see probably about 18. What appear to be the same sorts of people as you've been fighting. However, they're kind of rather ragged and sport. Lots of sword wounds and arrow wounds and things like that. And they're sort of shuffling towards you. They're not running. And they're not wielding any weapons. Yes. Okay. Allow me, I think this is one blow's time to shine here. I'm kind of wearing these like, prisoners of war or something. Oh, no, they're definitely dressed like Nazis. Okay. We're not wearing a strapper job wearing this one then. Yeah. Easy kills. Okay. Let's go. Alright. Just put the damn music on. One blow walks in and cries down some sort of like incantation to hell. Keeper of the Dead and casts Destroy Undead on these creatures that are clearly shuffling corpses. Go ahead and roll that trophy. That's just a 3d6 on that. 3d6 plus Spirit. Let's spread it to the exit in case it works. Alright. Ah, that's not good for the last second. What's your spirit? Ah, he doesn't have any. Oh. What's going to happen? Yeah, there's a minus one on there, so. That's what's a 3d6 plus Spirit. Okay. Anyway. Unfortunately, that is a bunch, but what that does means is you get to Destroy 1d6 tiers worth of Undead. Luckily, all these Undead are Tier 1, so roll the 3d6. Alright. That's good. So 1d6. Oh, great. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] It was a very specifically target with 1d6. Yeah. What is this name? Wombler Gunnerson? Wombler. Wombler. Got it. [LAUGHTER] Charges up and shouts. Hell guides my hand. As one zombie just sort of slaps into a puddle of you. Wombler turns around to the group, smiling. I'm very pleased with myself. [LAUGHTER] See what damage, see what, see what, see what wrath I can cause. [MUSIC PLAYING] I would like to turn into an elephant. Where are Gator? May I check for that? [LAUGHTER] How many times can you get a mortgage? Not much. There's many times you would like, honestly. Either an elephant or a honey badger. [LAUGHTER] I feel it was a very different fight. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] Good job. Not any badger. Don't give no shit. [LAUGHTER] All right, lay fair. Go ahead and hold me. Take shape. [LAUGHTER] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] If my things would have left questions at this point, can you turn into Jesus Christ? [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] That's a 20. Oh, yeah. Incredible. [LAUGHTER] So pretty much you can be-- I'm going to say, so you can't be an elephant or a honey badger, but you can be some sort of-- [LAUGHTER] You know, creature that emulates those ideals. [LAUGHTER] Oh, good. [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGHTER] Not to be a complete bummer, but you have no idea what an elephant is. [LAUGHTER] So at any rate-- I feel one of the day doesn't look like a dragon. [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] That'd be fun. Sure. But that is your action. You look how wind this is. That is your action for-- yeah. You're a big wingless dragon. Yeah, that'll do. But unfortunately that is your action for the turn. Fair enough. So I've got questions. I've lost in this role at all. Dragon Man, could I ride you into mighty battle on the back on your back? It fucked. [LAUGHTER] How do I know that that would be the answer? That's I know. [LAUGHTER] It's more than a door. You can go against-- go against folks. Yeah, I imagine the first time. Damn it, dragon. Can you actually speak as a dragon? I can say yes. That's right. I don't see why not. [LAUGHTER] Oh, good. He's only changed his bodies. He's going to speak, surely. OK, then, yeah. I mean, there are still enemies in front of us about like 10 of them, right? Yeah. 17. [LAUGHTER] Good to know. So I need to ask. So I have the natural boundary skill. Does that give a buff to all my allies around me if I activate it? It does. Unfortunately, they all get to go before you, so kind of-- [LAUGHTER] Not useful at the next turn. Yes. Yes. But we still have-- Jay, what did you do? You ran in there. I ran in and then kept liquefied as well. Yeah. Yeah, but what action would you like to do? Because you get a movement and an action on your turn. In combat, is golden action separate from attacking? Or is it an attack? So everything is an action. Attacking is an action. Everything butt moving is an action. You get one thing that you can do. Yeah. But before, it's not your turn anymore. And what is-- oh, EMP is empathy damage. OK. I was like, EMP? [LAUGHTER] Like a magnetic pulse. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] I'm sure it'd be useful, but I don't know what the Vikings would know. [LAUGHTER] How'd they do that? Shut down, you won't want to hit. So I'd like to cross my hammers over in front of myself and use coal to start smacking with the PD6 damage. Cool. And that nice damage reduction. Yes. So go ahead and give me an empathy roll? Oh, yeah. That's as fun as empathy. 3D6 plus empathy. Yeah. Yeah. That's not good. Well, 3D6 is-- no, that's an 8. That is an 8. Luckily, you still do-- Oh, actually a 7, sorry. Still good. You do 1D6 plus your empathy's worth of damage, and you will reduce your damage. Do I have to add the plus? No. OK, 1D6. Yeah, sounds good. [MUSIC PLAYING] Because the plus is minus 2 as well. [LAUGHTER] So 1D6 damage, yeah? Uh-huh. 5 damage. Cool. If you go down two zombies, you're quickly being surrounded by them, however. But I do also need to-- I still get the damage reduction rate by 2D6. So it's actually 2D6 double asterisks, which is roll 2D6 ticked the lower of the two. OK. Oh, 1. 1. All right. Doing great. Anyway, so Captain has gone-- Jay has gone-- Just made of the-- Yeah. Floured? Yeah. Um, I want to use the battle for harvest, but I think it only works for one enemy. No, it's everyone in a range band. OK. Oh, OK. Go, go, go, go, go, go. So I'm going to see if I can walk up front, hold my hands up towards Mother Faire. I'll say, please. Please, Mother Faire. That's sort of a bountiful harvest. And just try to grow a load of vines. Excellent. 3D6 plus int. Yeah. That's what I meant. Nice. Plus intelligence. Plus 1 plus 2 intelligence. 13? 14. 14. Cool. Cool. Yep. You create a massive thorny rainbow patch as it were. Which will make it pretty much impossible for these zombies to move, because they're quite slow already. But they're going to try to struggle against it. So go ahead and roll me the damage for it, because when they get to their turn, they're going to take this damage, basically, because they're going to try to struggle out of it. So it's 2D6 take the lower of the 2, so 3 damage, which is honestly perfect for these zombies. They are tier 1, so they only have 3 health. So it's going to shred pretty much all of them. A little bit less than needed. But don't you worry, there's quite more enemies coming your way. So, now it is Cartman's turn. Cool. So I want to ask about this natural horneder skill. I know I'm last in the role, but necessarily I want to activate it now for the rest of the encounter. So, yes, you can forego your turn to give... So basically you're foregoing your next turn to give your allies either 1, 2, or 3... or, I mean, 1, 2, or 3 allies an additional action on their turn. Yeah. Oh. Oh, so I said you'd work at that. Up to 3 people, well, but yes. Okay. Question. Can I hop this get off as well as for one of my broad actors? Unfortunately, you cannot attack and do that. You can move to a place where you're not going to get mauled by zombies, but... Yeah, actually, I'll go for that. So I want to move to a place, but I can avoid this on the east, and I want to cast natural ball either. I want to give my squad a pep tool. So, here we go lads. My brothers, I command thee to slay these beasts in front of die until they are no more front of die. The queen's face there. Oh, that was painful. Plus spirit. I'll take it there. So, 11 of the figures. Cool. So I've got two people that will get an extra action on their turn. So that'll be one bus and Frasier, because they're two are, like, right in front of the zombies. So... Frasier. Sure, did I get that one? No, even a little bit. So Bjorn, and... Yeah, there you go, okay, cool. How many zombies are left? Oh, gosh. A ton, but they're all going to go. They should leave it. Yeah, did you sleep? No, they are... So, some of them are just going to not act because they are... They manage to realize that they're probably going to die if they try to struggle too much. But, I do need... So there are four of you within range. I need everyone to make two defense rolls, essentially. I dig out of the way in my mood. Yes, correct. Everyone but you. That's all I do. How many times would we need to roll something with? Twice. So, 3d6 plus either finesse or wind. So that's 15 and 12 and... I accidentally exited the roll 20 page. Yep, you know in there. I think in a second. Plus 2. Check on the front. You're good. I saw that your first two rolls you were actually fine on both of them. Is that 3d6 or 3d6? 3d6 plus finesse or wind. 3d6 plus... I'm going to do this twice. So that's 14 on the first one and 12 on the other one. Mm-hmm. Everyone manages to dodge these zombies as they get torn to shreds by the massive thorns that force by Bjorn's bountiful harvest. Yep, now we are back at the top of the round. Bjorn and Bombus Garret. So that's everyone but Carmen. And... Well, there's not much point in me trying to undead beyond dead here. I thought I was just leaving or getting tied up with thorns. Correct. Mm-hmm. You do manage to see some Nazis going into the fort. They're sort of leaving the zombies to do whatever they need to do. And seemingly going inside to do something else. Yeah, like follow them into the fort. I don't even know what the hell's going on there. Okay. As you round the... We're going to call this combat good, honestly, and then we'll... I mean, because there's no real need to. Oh, good. Yeah, I was about to have a waste of my skills then. No, everyone... So keep what you have, and Matt, you will still definitely be a dragon as you've got... You've got the 20s and you have like four hours of being a dragon. But you all see Womblow, Gunnarsson, go inside the fort. Do you all follow him? Yeah, can I? Yes. Can you physically fit? You can probably be last. Terry, how does it go in? Yeah, pretty much. Excuse me. Hey, what's up, Cam? Fair enough. Okay, so we all run inside for a really natural, like, alive zombies? Well, no, alive zombies. Alive people? Alive zombies, yeah. Alive zombies, yes. That's what I call people. These living, not dead. I'm dead. As you enter, you kind of find yourself in somewhat of a maze complex. The opening is big enough for Matt to take through as well and not really destroy anything. You get kind of turned around and it takes you some time to find what appears to be some sort of laboratory. Now, within this laboratory, there are several bits of horrific experiments going on, several disembodied heads that still seem to be alive, begging to set free. Sort of sacks of goo that are pulsating and moving around as well as zombies in various states of decomposition, sort of lashing out as you walk by them. And in the far end of the corridor, you see what appears to be a massive wolf about the size of a horse. It has been split into its torso and head are one section and then each of its limbs are another section. And between those are these tombs running. It seems to still be alive. Henry, not you. You good buddy. This is not Fenrir. It is possibly a spawn of Fenrir or another giant wolf or something. It is radiating sort of magical energy that you all, as God touched, can feel. I think we should maybe talk to this guy first and then decide if you kill him. I mean, it is a wolf. I shall do the talking and I walk up to the wolf as a wolf man. Can you talk? It is snarls and snaps out in pain. But you do get some sort of psychic link as you are feeling that its pain rather acutely will tell you that it wants to be set free. They are using its magic to pervert the corpses of the Saxons and that the quicker you are done with this. Okay. So that is interesting. So I am going to then, upon getting this psychic tendril onto me and the psychic feeling, I realise, yeah, I want to save this animal to hopefully release him from the torment he is in. And hopefully as well save the not kill all the zombies because that is where they get the energy from. Am I right? Oh. You are seeing the sinner. We do this the sinner. I should know. I should turn around to my fellow and say, guys, this is not an enemy of ours. He is a trapped, imprisoned beryl, imprisoned beast and he needs our help. Are you sure? Are you sure? No, I am not. I am just a mighty warrior. I am no. You are not even that. Hey. I got my axe. I am my axe. Like all the other. Sure, Daddy, do you want to take some punch? You are seeing the sinner. We do something with the wolf, the sinner, something else. But yeah, come with us. The sinner. Do you want to give me a hand to get this wolf free from the end? Harman shot. Firefulness. And let the DM speak. The sinner that you put the wolf out of its misery, the sinner, its energy will be released and no longer being perverted. Thank you very much. No. Oh. All right. Yeah, nothing stopping you from doing that. Isn't it sad already to die? No. It tends to attach to its torso. Oh, and of course, sorry. Yeah. Doing so, Matt, though, you get sort of this bile taste in your mouth and you will take seven points of damage. He says sort of this rotting fluid fills your gullet. Unfortunately, taking the shape of a dragon does not warrant you the hardiness of a dragon. Well, okay. Yeah. In the meantime, I was down in the right in front of this, you know, this beast. And I wanted to save him and all of a sudden he's now missing a fucking head. Yeah, he's super dead. Super dead. I just spit the head on guard. Why did you do that? I wasn't the same because Grace was animal. How could you just, you know, get him like that. Interrupting the discourse, you hear some shouting in German and spin around. Roughly a dozen Nazi soldiers wielding submachine guns and what appears to be their leader or the leader of this group is dressed in all black leather uniform with a hat that has a instead of a swastika has a sigil that is similar to the, or not similar, it is exactly the same as the one that the other soldiers were wearing on their necklaces. Ah, I knew there's a reason why I collected this. I look at the strange likeness I have in my pockets. You are part of the evil group. Sorry, I shut up. Well, maybe. I don't know. You can affect our gnats, he's my inclusion. Yeah, yeah. Because, you know, me being a Viking knows actually what Nazis are. Sorry, J. They've been here for quite some time. I think you've got the gist. You don't finish my tone. I think I should, I'm going to touch myself and let the DM DM. Yeah, Frank. Maybe. Is that my dear? You have it? Is that just, you know, landing? At any rate, I think I found the outfit you wanted out. Yeah, I mean, it's, it's pretty, um, typical SS uniform type of deal. Um, take a walk. [laughs] Whoops. At any rate, initiative please, before you all get shot full of holes. Sure, thank you. Twelve. Last fit nest, wasn't it? Twelve. Sixteen. Uh, nine. [laughs] Ooh, ooh, I didn't rate well. It was, um, it was a finesse. Uh, finesse or wit, whichever. Wit, okay, so 20 for me. Dang. Alright. Uh, so who, who got? Uh, who got above a, uh, a 15? I did. I did. I did. I did not say that. Uh, and then, did anyone get, someone got a nine, right? Me. Flowers. Thank you. I'm young. I was like, I think I know who that was, but, yeah. Uh, alright. Y'all, y'all aren't. And then everyone else got in the middle. By everyone else, I mean, captain. And, uh, captain. Alright. Yeah. Uh, so I'm gonna let Jay go first. Um, because she got, uh, fucking 20. Uh, okay. Is there any, like, large? Because these dudes are in, like, kind of like, just one in the corner, yeah. Is there any, like, large, tank, or metal thing that is in the room? I'm sure there would be, uh, like, like a... Uh, yeah, some of that. Uh, I want to grab that, pick it up with blood trance and use tool Nazi bowling. Yeah. Uh, that's so fucking rad. Okay. Um, go ahead and, uh, take your, you know, cost five and then make me a spirit role, please. Alright. Cool show. Okay. So, alright. Yeah. Thirty-six. Uh, that is a 13. Alright, good enough. Um, so. About, uh, a third of them just get completely crushed as you rip this massive, uh, steel, um, hold and take off the wall and just, uh, roll it down and crush the other. Nice. Alright, Matt. You were a big dragon boy, go ahead and... I'll be dragging it. Um, I'd like to breathe fire. If I can. Sure. Cool. Um, give me a... Let's see. Give me, uh, a wit role. Uh, that's plus three, so that's fourteen. Very good. Alright. Uh, encounter threat has gone up by one. Um, which means something's coming. Um, but your, uh, fire... Two more Nazis in a horrific, uh, conflagration. Uh, Captain and Cartman. Oh, well, it's taken together dead back in the game, I think. Let's turn their tracks against them and, yeah, a big bunch of throwers out of the ground to help us out where they say it. Let's see. Yeah, that is a, uh, spiritual as well. Excellent, so that's just not easy to get. Uh, it was... It was for sixty. Nice. Uh, that is... So, roll 2d6 and take the higher value. Two. Oh, wait, actually, that is two ones. That is a one. Oh, no! Again, uh, a great, um, speech by the follower of Hell. That is one zombie rises up, um, but... That's one more is open than anyone else raised. Yeah, uh, he does, in fact, still, um, is able to attack, so go ahead and roll me, uh, 1d6 plus spirit for his damage. So, he gets 1d6 damage. Yeah, he just automatically hits 'cause you right hit with the spell. And the tail wheeled rest is the thrower that I just raised. I mean, he's dressed like a Nazi, so... He used that. For what you will. Drawer-wearing Hugo Boss. Yeah. Right, so the Hugo Boss, this speckled thrower, rises from the ground and attacks the Nazis for one damage. Whoo! All right, uh, yeah, the common dot just sort of, like, pushes this drug away as it, like, claws at him. Uh, he's more bothered than anything. Um, one blue counters and is rather disappointed with his creation. It's truly incredible. Um, but, uh, next we got, uh, cartman. Cool. So, I need to ask. I've got one more, um, skill left, and I want to know what it does. I know it's surfing, so, it could be eight. I want to know what it does. Uh, so it kind of does what it says on the tin there. It does, uh, a massive amount of damage to one, uh, individual. Ah, that's awful. Yes, so you can either do 2D6, 46, or 66, uh, to a single target. Okay, cool. I have one last. Or you can make a bunch of them run. Yeah, but I get that. So, that's how you sort of a massive one-off hit. So, that's good. That's good for boss fights. I've got one more, um, skill, uh, Sander. It's part of my, uh, my weapons. Yes, so Sander, uh, somehow got deleted. Sander will reduce the armor of a target. Uh, okay, so. By one, two, or three. Also, I've got my last one, it's spiritual. Well, I'm assuming I can, I don't know, videotape. Yeah, um, the out of combat ability of spiritual is, uh, kind of hard to use. You can't really use it in combat. Yeah, I, I see that as well. I like it. It'd take too long. Meditate during battle, and you came some more FBI. Yeah, this. Yeah, so this, this second one, uh, has the ability to reduce the cost of your next God skill, so if either thunder strike or separate the slayer. Oh, fuck, see how that works. Okay, so, yeah, there's no real skills I really want to do at the moment. I want to try and save my SP to do it longer. So I'm just going to go in for a, um, it's standard, sort of heavy, uh, heavy, no, a broad axe swing, that's it. Just melee. Hmm. Sounds good. Uh, 3d6 plus body. That's 16. So yeah, 4 body. Uh, so that is 2d6 plus body because you searched. Uh, so 2d6. Mm-hmm. Yes, 10 plus I think 4 body. Yeah, 4. Mm-hmm. 14. Uh, you decapitate, uh, to, um, Nazis before they're able to, uh, shoot at you. Two more down. There are, unfortunately, 6 that are going to go before, uh, flower goes. So, I need everyone to make a dodge attack, and then the commandant is going to try to start summoning. So, what's my role for that then? That is 3d6 plus finesse or wit. Does a mean flower still get that extra move at the end of that start? All right. Oh, yes. So sorry. Um. Uh-oh. [laughs] Looks like you're a trot for the holes. Quite high, continually, they've got guesses. [laughs] Uh, all right, so luckily anyone who got above a 9 is fine. [laughs] Uh, it's orange. Yeah, it's orange, eh, sorry. How about that? You're going to take, uh, 7 points of damage as you are just riddled with bullets. It could be way worse, but yeah. Um, and then, and then, uh, as the, uh, the gun smoke clears, you all see a hulking figure with, uh, sort of purple colored skin that's modeled with greens, blotches. Uh, it has massive horns and fangs that are about the size of, uh, swords. Uh, it rivals, uh, leaf here in size. Uh, it looks quite formidable. [laughs] [laughs] Ah, I saw a 7 piece from the depths of the underworld, which I'll smite into where you carry. Yeah. [laughs] Uh, all right. Uh, now we have a flower and actually, uh, Captain, you get one more action because I forgot about cartments. So everyone gets one. Yeah. Even Cal, gets one. Sorry, he says something. [laughs] All right. I'm going to throw down some traps in that case. Sounds good. Um, eggs be a trapper. What I do here is I can set up traps in the area to remove up to, well, depending on the rule, there are tiers of enemies. Mm-hmm. Let's go for our 3B6 and it's from the wet. So that's 3D6 plus the 18. All right. So that is a surge. You are basically doing the combat version, so it is the, you're setting off a trap that locks up to 9 tiers worth of enemies in place for one turn. Yeah, so I'm looking for one turn? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, that's cool in that case. What happens is he does a cool spin and throws out a bunch of rapidly expanding beer traps. Hell yeah. And they just clamp on to all the Nazis. Got it. Uh, 9 tier. So yeah, let's see. I just did, um, clamp one in and come to the purple people here. Uh, unfortunately no, but all of the other Nazis are incapacitated. Fabulous. Let's see this, that was an S-tier one. And you actually have another action, so you can do another. In that case, I'm just going to, let's just go in front of our regular old Hugh. Just sure. Yep. I'm going to axe attack the purple people here. Sounds good. So, trap to all the Nazis. And I may take you to the beast. And that's a body once, that's a plus four, that's tight. That's a 15. Hell yeah. Uh, so 2d6 plus body for this one. So 2d6 plus four, that's a nine. All right. Uh, you take a good, you're attacking the demon direct, the big purple thing. Yes. Come on. You hack a hunk out of one of its forearms. Uh, it doesn't seem to feel pain, but it is definitely having trouble moving that arm now with your accent better than that. Uh, flower. Yep. Um, he will look from the decapitated wolf, unlike the Nazis, and say, "You're a virgin, such an amazing creature. That's creatures. Come for you." As he, um, basically produces, he uses what you want. He... Yeah. Summon the conjure felines and brings up the relics and shouts as the start to repair of... Rise. Help us. Send us your, send us face anger. Finger me. Get rid and robin and attack! Oh no, he's gonna drink some kittens. Uh, go ahead and roll me 3d6 plus empathy, please. Eleven. Eleven. Uh, as I deleted the skillex going on, you get nothing now. Uh, so you get, um, two cats that have 2d6 HP each, so if you would roll me... 2d6? Nine. Nine? That's so much health there. 2d9 is all 15, so... Uh, and then go ahead and roll their damage as these two spectral felines come claws out. Uh, what would you like to attack the trapped zombies, or, or the trapped Nazis, or the big purple demon? Uh, the big purple... Okay. Uh, cool. So you will do some roll 2d6 and take the higher as far as damage goes, and then we'll double it. I'll double it. Oh, cool. So ten points of damage to the demon. The claws take purchase and the, uh, rippling flesh of the demon as it roars in pain. Uh, it is now its turn. So I need, uh, it has two attacks. I need a dodge from Flower and Captain. Sorry. What do we get? Is that an attribute for dodge, or is it just duty sets? It's, uh, finesse or, uh, whip. Oh, I got an extra attack as well, Johnson. Mm-hmm. I think for that one he's just gonna take his sword to the big beanie sword again. Sounds good. I got 12 from a dodge roll. Nice. You just need to not get a nine. Oh, I got nine. Uh, well that's for your attack though, right? Not for your dodge. Uh, um, my dodge was your 14. Yeah, cool. Uh, so you do, um, oh wait, no, you failed your attack roll. That's, uh, but you, you, basically you don't get a good enough strike and aren't able to, uh, penetrate, uh, the, uh, things skin. Uh, and then we're back up to the top of the round with Jay. Jay there. Oh, sorry. Taste it. Uh, attack type? Yeah. There's a big purple demon and a bunch of incapacitated Nazis. Might as well just use code again. Okay. Well, the same doing less damage since it's probably a heavy fucking half. What? 12? Not terrible. Yep. Uh, so that is, uh, middle result. The cold is 2D, so we're, well 2D6, take the higher plus, oh, your empathy is crap. But anyways. Uh, yeah. Yeah. Ignoring that. 2D6 plus the, or 2D6, take the higher. So 4? And reduce any damage by 1D6. I'm happy with that. And you're attacking the demon, I'm so sorry. Okay, cool. Yeah, the demon. The big boy. Unfortunately, uh, or, or fortunately, um, doesn't seem very phased by the fear aspect of it, but is definitely now focused on you. Um, and we'll be doing less damage as a result. Um, Matt. All right, I'd like to be fired down. Good. Go ahead and give me a second. Spirit roll. Or no, I'm sorry. Whit. That's what it's doing. That's amazing. So that's a 14. That's a 14. Uh, basically all of your low gear or, so your take shape abilities are always going to be win because it's a 14. Yes. Cool. Uh, go ahead and roll me 3D6. 3D6. 12. Damn. All right. Uh, how do you kill this fucker? Well, as I say, I go out to it and, uh, embrace it and start a bit of Frenching and, uh, burst fire through it until it comes out the other end. Excellent. Uh, the ensuing, uh, inferno manages to burn up all the other Nazis and the Commodont. Um, who says, coming back, um, more powerful than you could ever imagine. [laughter] Turn to, to charcoal. Um, basically the information you get after, uh, clearing out the rest of the, uh, fort is that the, not for doing experiments on the local Saxon population before, um, using it to, uh, perfect their undead soldier serum, um, to create basically an infinite amount of soldiers. Nice. Oh, yeah. Uh, so that's no Nazis in Valhalla. I would normally have a much more, uh, um, flowery ending than that, but, uh, we were kind of running over on time, so. That's a great group. We very much appreciate you for running. That was a good game. Yep. Cheers. Yeah. I'm sorry we professed it so much. Oh, that's quite right. [laughter] Well, yes, that's been, uh, no Nazis in Valhalla. We're best the creator. Thank you very much again, and, uh, yeah. Goodbye everyone. Turn to me. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [BLANK_AUDIO]