Good Sleep: Positive Affirmations

WITH MUSIC - Achieve Anxiety-Free Rest with Serene Slumber Affirmations

Welcome to this transformative meditation centered on dissolving anxiety and conquering your fears, especially during the twilight stage - the magical moments before sleep. During this peaceful interlude, allow yourself to set strong intentions, visualize, and bring forth a deep sense of courage and resilience against your anxieties. Unwind now with our positive sleep affirmations podcast. Our soothing affirmations relax the mind and prepare the body for rest. Hit play, and drift into Good Sleep... Listen to more positive sleep affirmations by subscribing to the audio podcast in your favorite podcast app:  Apple Podcasts: Spotify: And start your morning with Optimal Living Daily! Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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Welcome to this transformative meditation centered on dissolving anxiety and conquering your fears, especially during the twilight stage - the magical moments before sleep. During this peaceful interlude, allow yourself to set strong intentions, visualize, and bring forth a deep sense of courage and resilience against your anxieties.

Unwind now with our positive sleep affirmations podcast. Our soothing affirmations relax the mind and prepare the body for rest. Hit play, and drift into Good Sleep...

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And start your morning with Optimal Living Daily!

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The Twilight stage is a powerful conduit between your waking and sleeping mind, creating a gateway to communicate directly with your subconscious. Here you will gently guide your psyche to release its anxieties, face fears and welcome serenity as you drift into rest. In this dimension of endless potential, you are unbounded whether you are actively working to alleviate anxiety or just beginning to confront your fears. Have faith in your inner wisdom. Release the apprehensions that may be chaining you down. Anxiety is about your potential worth or the uncertainty of tomorrow. Recognize that facing and conquering your fears is as significant as any life venture. To delve deep, to identify and engage with what truly aligns with your spirit, grasp that overcoming anxiety isn't merely an act. It is a sincere reflection of your true self. Visualize this ideal tomorrow where your fears are mere whispers drowned by your courage. Relish the tranquility and assurance of rising each day, aware of your resilience and capacity to face any challenge. Your potent belief and vivid visualization will lay down stepping stones on a journey marked by inner peace accomplishment and a resolute sense of courage and strength. The act of setting intentions is more than just forming thoughts. It's about creating a deeply resonant frequency in our consciousness. A commitment that acts as a beacon guiding our thoughts, emotions, and actions. When we are submerged in the turbulent waters of anxiety and fear, this beacon becomes even more crucial. It helps us navigate through the tempest, ensuring that we don't lose our way. The first step towards transformation is acknowledgement. Before setting the intention to calm our anxiety or conquer our fears, we need to understand their roots. Are they a result of past experiences, apprehensions of the future, or a mix of both? Being truly aware of our feelings without judgment helps in grounding our intention in authenticity. Recognizing the presence of anxiety and fear isn't a sign of weakness, it's a testament to our self-awareness. Once we've identified our emotions, we dive deeper into them. It's similar to diving into a river to understand its currents better. This may seem counterintuitive because our natural instinct is to escape pain. However, by feeling deeply, we understand the intensity and triggers of our fears and anxieties. With understanding comes clarity, and with clarity, we can set intentions that are not just superficial desires, but profound needs of our soul. Affirmations act as positive anchors. They have the transformative power to rewire our thought patterns. The affirmation, I am calm, confident, and in control of my feelings, not only acts as a gentle reminder of our strength, but over time embeds this belief deeply within our psyche. Visualization is an influential tool. It is where we build the world we want to inhabit. Close your eyes and picture a version of yourself who is the epitome of confidence and self-esteem. How does this version of you walk, talk, or handle challenging situations? By visualizing, we don't just dream. We set a clear blueprint of who we want to become. Every brick in this blueprint is a testament to our will to transform. With clear visualization and a heart full of affirmation, we are ready to set our intentions. The intention to be free from the chains of anxiety, to rise above our fears, and to embrace a life of confidence and self-esteem. This intention isn't just a fleeting thought, but a firm commitment we make to ourselves. We are manifesting a reality where our fears do not define us. Instead, our courage, resilience, and newfound confidence lead the way. Setting intentions isn't about ignoring or negating our anxieties and fears, but about understanding them and choosing to rise above. By noticing, feeling, affirming, visualizing, and manifesting, we are not just hoping for change. We are actively participating in our metamorphosis, and as we repeat our affirmation and visualize our best selves, we lay down the foundation for a life built on the pillars of confidence and self-esteem, where anxiety and fear find no ground to thrive. Begin by finding a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes gently and take a deep breath in, allowing the air to fill your lungs, and then exhale slowly. Imagine a warm, soft light at the top of your head. This light is gentle, soothing, and radiates tranquility. Feel this light scanning your forehead, releasing any tension. Let it move slowly, down to your neck and shoulders, melting away any stiffness. As it continues, let this comforting light glide down your arms, all the way to your fingertips, then back to your chest, down to your spine, and into your hips, with each sweep, any weight you carry dissolves, replaced by a serene lightness. The light moves over your thighs, knees, down to your calves, and finally reaches your toes. Feel your entire body bathed in calm, every cell rejuvenated. Now, with your body fully relaxed, let's journey into a deep, restful sleep. Imagine standing at the top of a staircase, each step representing a deeper level of sleep and relaxation. With every breath, take a step down, sinking further into a serene state of mind. As you descend, let any remaining thoughts from the day gently float away like leaves carried by a soft breeze. You're now halfway down, feeling twice as relaxed and sleepy. Your body feels weightless, almost as if you're floating, reaching the bottom, a beautiful comfortable bed awaits. As you lie down, feel the embrace of the softest blankets, lulling you deeper into sleep. As we begin our affirmation, every day I grow stronger and more resilient, embracing life's journey with grace and determination. I am deserving of love, peace, and all the wonders the universe has to offer. In every challenge, I see an opportunity to learn and evolve. I trust the timing of my life, understanding that every moment unfolds for my highest good. With each sunrise, I am reborn, ready to manifest my dreams and desires. I am surrounded by abundance in all forms, and I open my heart to receive it. My intuition guides me, always leading me to places of growth and enlightenment. I am a beacon of light and love, impacting the world positively with my unique energy. I recognize my fears, but I do not let them define me. I am bigger than any anxiety that tries to hold me back. Each deep breath I take fills me with calm, pushing out worry and filling me with strength. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and hope over anxiety every time. Fear is just an emotion, transient and fleeting, and I possess the power to overcome it with love and understanding. With every challenging situation, I grow stronger, turning my anxieties into stepping stones towards resilience. The universe supports and guides me, ensuring I am always on the path of light, even in moments of doubt. I am surrounded by a protective energy shield, guarding me against unnecessary fears and worries. When anxiety knocks, I answer with affirmations of strength, courage and undying hope. I constantly feed my mind with positive thoughts, which act as a barrier against any fears trying to creep in. The strength within me is greater than any fear I face. I stand tall, deeply rooted in my convictions and faith. My past experiences, both good and challenging, have shaped me, but do not confine me. I move forward fearlessly. Every time I conquer a fear, I unlock a new door to limitless possibilities and strength. I radiate confidence, pushing away any cloud of anxiety that tries to overshadow my shine. I embrace the unknown, trusting that even in uncertainty, there is magic waiting to unfold. Every day I grow stronger and more resilient, embracing life's journey with grace and determination. I am deserving of love, peace and all the wonders the universe has to offer. In every challenge, I see an opportunity to learn and evolve. Trust the timing of my life, understanding that every moment unfolds for my highest good. With each sunrise, I am reborn, ready to manifest my dreams and desires. I am surrounded by abundance in all forms, and I hope in my heart to receive it. My intuition guides me, always leading me to places of growth and enlightenment. I am a beacon of light and love, impacting the world positively with my unique energy. I recognize my fears, but I do not let them define me. I am bigger than any anxiety that tries to hold me back. Each deep breath I take fills me with calm, pushing out worry and filling me with strength. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and hope over anxiety every time. Fear is just an emotion, transient and fleeting, and I possess the power to overcome it with love and understanding. With every challenging situation, I grow stronger, turning my anxieties into stepping stones towards resilience. The universe supports and guides me, ensuring I am always on the path of light, even in moments of doubt. I am surrounded by a protective energy shield, guarding me against unnecessary fears and worries. When anxiety knocks, I answer with affirmations of strength, courage and undying hope. I constantly feed my mind with positive thoughts, which act as a barrier against any fears trying to creep in. The strength within me is greater than any fear I face. I stand tall, deeply rooted in my convictions and faith. My past experiences, both good and challenging, have shaped me, but do not confine me. I move forward fearlessly. Every time I conquer a fear, I unlock a new door to limitless possibilities and strength. I radiate confidence, pushing away any cloud of anxiety that tries to overshadow my shine. I embrace the unknown, trusting that even in uncertainty, there is magic waiting to unfold. Every day, I grow stronger and more resilient, embracing life's journey with grace and determination. I am deserving of love, peace and all the wonders the universe has to offer. In every challenge, I see an opportunity to learn and evolve. I trust the timing of my life, understanding that every moment unfolds for my highest good. With each sunrise, I am reborn, ready to manifest my dreams and desires. I am surrounded by abundance in all forms, and I hope in my heart to receive it. My intuition guides me, always leading me to places of growth and enlightenment. I am a beacon of light and love, impacting the world positively with my unique energy. I recognize my fears, but I do not let them define me, I am bigger than any anxiety that tries to hold me back. Each deep breath I take fills me with calm, pushing out worry and filling me with strength. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and hope over anxiety every time. Fear is just an emotion, transient and fleeting, and I possess the power to overcome it with love and understanding. With every challenging situation, I grow stronger, turning my anxieties into stepping stones towards resilience. The universe supports and guides me, ensuring I am always on the path of light, even in moments of doubt. I am surrounded by a protective energy shield, guarding me against unnecessary fears and worries. When anxiety knocks, I answer with affirmations of strength, courage and undying hope. I constantly feed my mind with positive thoughts, which act as a barrier against any fears trying to creep in. The strength within me is greater than any fear I face. I stand tall, deeply rooted in my convictions and faith. My past experiences, both good and challenging, have shaped me, but do not confine me. I move forward fearlessly. Every time I conquer a fear, I unlock a new door to limitless possibilities and strength. I radiate confidence, pushing away any cloud of anxiety that tries to overshadow my shine. I embrace the unknown, trusting that even in uncertainty, there is magic waiting to unfold. Every day, I grow stronger and more resilient, embracing life's journey with grace and determination. I am deserving of love, peace and all the wonders the universe has to offer. In every challenge, I see an opportunity to learn and evolve. I trust the timing of my life, understanding that every moment unfolds for my highest good. With each sunrise, I am reborn, ready to manifest my dreams and desires. I am surrounded by abundance in all forms, and I hope in my heart to receive it. My intuition guides me, always leading me to places of growth and enlightenment. I am a beacon of light and love, impacting the world positively with my unique energy. I recognize my fears, but I do not let them define me. I am bigger than any anxiety that tries to hold me back. Each deep breath I take fills me with calm, pushing out worry and filling me with strength. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and hope over anxiety every time. Fear is just an emotion, transient and fleeting, and I possess the power to overcome it with love and understanding. With every challenging situation, I grow stronger, turning my anxieties into stepping stones towards resilience. The universe supports and guides me, ensuring I am always on the path of light, even in moments of doubt. I am surrounded by a protective energy shield, guarding me against unnecessary fears and worries. When anxiety knocks, I answer with affirmations of strength, courage and undying hope. I constantly feed my mind with positive thoughts, which act as a barrier against any fears trying to creep in. The strength within me is greater than any fear I face. I stand tall, deeply rooted in my convictions and faith. My past experiences, both good and challenging, have shaped me, but do not confine me. I move forward fearlessly. Every time I conquer a fear, I unlock a new door to limitless possibilities and strength. I radiate confidence, pushing away any cloud of anxiety that tries to overshadow my shine. I embrace the unknown, trusting that even in uncertainty, there is magic waiting to unfold. Every day, I grow stronger and more resilient, embracing life's journey with grace and determination. I am deserving of love, peace and all the wonders the universe has to offer. In every challenge, I see an opportunity to learn and evolve. I trust the timing of my life, understanding that every moment unfolds for my highest good. With each sunrise, I am reborn, ready to manifest my dreams and desires. I am surrounded by abundance in all forms, and I hope in my heart to receive it. My intuition guides me, always leading me to places of growth and enlightenment. I am a beacon of light and love, impacting the world positively with my unique energy. I recognize my fears, but I do not let them define me. I am bigger than any anxiety that tries to hold me back. This deep breath I take fills me with calm, pushing out worry and filling me with strength. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and hope over anxiety every time. Fear is just an emotion, transient and fleeting, and I possess the power to overcome it with love and understanding. With every challenging situation, I grow stronger, turning my anxieties into stepping stones towards resilience. The universe supports and guides me, ensuring I am always on the path of light, even in moments of doubt. I am surrounded by a protective energy shield, guarding me against unnecessary fears and worries. When anxiety knocks, I answer with affirmations of strength, courage and undying hope. I constantly feed my mind with positive thoughts, which act as a barrier against any fears trying to creep in. The strength within me is greater than any fear I face. I stand tall, deeply rooted in my convictions and faith. My past experiences, both good and challenging, have shaped me, but do not confine me. I move forward fearlessly. Every time I conquer a fear, I unlock a new door to limitless possibilities and strength. I radiate confidence, pushing away any cloud of anxiety that tries to overshadow my shine. I embrace the unknown, trusting that even in uncertainty, there is magic waiting to unfold. Today, I grow stronger and more resilient, embracing life's journey with grace and determination. I am deserving of love, peace and all the wonders the universe has to offer. Every challenge, I see an opportunity to learn and evolve. I trust the timing of my life, understanding that every moment unfolds for my highest good. With each sunrise, I am reborn, ready to manifest my dreams and desires. I am surrounded by abundance in all forms, and I hope in my heart to receive it. Intuition guides me, always leading me to places of growth and enlightenment. I am a beacon of light and love, impacting the world positively with my unique energy. I recognize my fears, but I do not let them define me. I am bigger than any anxiety that tries to hold me back. Each deep breath I take fills me with calm, pushing out worry and filling me with strength. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and hope over anxiety every time. Here is just an emotion, transient and fleeting, and I possess the power to overcome it with love and understanding. With every challenging situation, I grow stronger, turning my anxieties into stepping stones towards resilience. The universe supports and guides me, ensuring I am always on the path of light, even in moments of doubt. I am surrounded by a protective energy shield, guarding me against unnecessary fears and worries. When anxiety knocks, I answer with affirmations of strength, courage and undying hope. I constantly feed my mind with positive thoughts, which act as a barrier against any fears trying to creep in. The strength within me is greater than any fear I face. I stand tall, deeply rooted in my convictions and faith. My past experiences, both good and challenging, have shaped me, but do not confine me. I move forward fearlessly. Every time I conquer a fear, I unlock a new door to limitless possibilities and strength. I radiate confidence, pushing away any cloud of anxiety that tries to overshadow my shine. I embrace the unknown, trusting that even in uncertainty, there is magic waiting to unfold. Today, I grow stronger and more resilient, embracing life's journey with grace and determination. I am deserving of love, peace and all the wonders the universe has to offer. In every challenge, I see an opportunity to learn and evolve. I trust the timing of my life, understanding that every moment unfolds for my highest good. With each sunrise, I am reborn, ready to manifest my dreams and desires. I am surrounded by abundance in all forms, and I open my heart to receive it. My intuition guides me, always leading me to places of growth and enlightenment. I am a beacon of light and love, impacting the world positively with my unique energy. I recognize my fears, but I do not let them define me. Each deep breath I take fills me with calm, pushing out worry and filling me with strength. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and hope over anxiety every time. Fear is just an emotion, transient and fleeting, and I possess the power to overcome it with love and understanding. With every challenging situation, I grow stronger, turning my anxieties into stepping stones towards resilience. The universe supports and guides me, ensuring I am always on the path of light, even in moments of doubt. I am surrounded by a protective energy shield, guarding me against unnecessary fears and worries. When anxiety knocks, I answer with affirmations of strength, courage and undying hope. I constantly feed my mind with positive thoughts, which act as a barrier against any fears trying to creep in. The strength within me is greater than any fear I face. I stand tall, deeply rooted in my convictions and faith. My past experiences, both good and challenging, have shaped me, but do not confine me. I move forward fearlessly. Every time I conquer a fear, I unlock a new door to limitless possibilities and strength. I radiate confidence, pushing away any cloud of anxiety that tries to overshadow my shine. I embrace the unknown, trusting that even in uncertainty, there is magic waiting to unfold. Every day, I grow stronger and more resilient, embracing life's journey with grace and determination. I am deserving of love, peace and all the wonders the universe has to offer. In every challenge, I see an opportunity to learn and evolve. Trust the timing of my life, understanding that every moment unfolds for my highest good. With each sunrise, I am reborn, ready to manifest my dreams and desires. I am surrounded by abundance in all forms, and I hope in my heart to receive it. My intuition guides me, always leading me to places of growth and enlightenment. I am a beacon of light and love, impacting the world positively with my unique energy. I recognize my fears, but I do not let them define me, I am bigger than any anxiety that tries to hold me back. Each deep breath I take fills me with calm, pushing out worry and filling me with strength. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and hope over anxiety every time. My fear is just an emotion, transient and fleeting, and I possess the power to overcome it with love and understanding. With every challenging situation, I grow stronger, turning my anxieties into stepping stones towards resilience. The universe supports and guides me, ensuring I am always on the path of light, even in moments of doubt. I am always on the path of light, and I am always on the path of light. [Music]