Teen Bible Study Taught 'N Ten Minutes

Who Do You Say, Am I? Jesus Is Him

In this week’s episode we will be discussing, “Who Do You Say, Am I? Jesus Is Him” according to God’s Word. Scriptures: Hebrews 1:3-4, Mark 3:27-29, John 13:3-5, Luke 2:49, 1 Corinthians 9:22-23

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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In this week’s episode we will be discussing, “Who Do You Say, Am I? Jesus Is Him” according to God’s Word. Scriptures: Hebrews 1:3-4, Mark 3:27-29, John 13:3-5, Luke 2:49, 1 Corinthians 9:22-23

"Yeah, come on, it's like that, it's like that." Hello and welcome to my young loyal listeners of Teen Bible Study Talk in 10 minutes. So what do you know? Word on the go. This podcast is brought to you by and produced by Real Time with the Bennett, where real talk happens all the time. I'm your host, Minister Bennett of today's episode, and my co-host is the lovely sister Bennett as my husband affectionately calls me. Thank you for allowing and trusting us to be a part of your Christian walk. In this week's episode, we will be discussing who do you say I am? Jesus is him according to God's word. We are back live in a P&T podcast studio with another great lesson for another great week. And yep, you guys are smart as always. We're going to talk about superiority. So let's dive right down into this lesson. The world and biblical meaning of superiority. The belief that you are better than other people. We can find this biblically in Hebrews 1, 3, 3, 4. The sun is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he provided purification for sin, he sat down at the right hand of the majesty in heaven. So he became as much a superior to the angels as a name. He has inherited his superior to theirs. I know this is kind of hard to digest as I read it. It doesn't really make sense. It's a lot of words. It's a lot of history and a lot of not so easy words to kind of comprehend when you read it. Because we used to like loop Matthew, those easy books to read, but hey, someday we got to get up off that milk and get on real meat and this is real meaty stuff here. So I found another scripture that fits this perfectly to kick off this week's Bob study to make it easier. Mark chapter 3 verses 27 and 29 says something kind of the same. Jesus and his disciples went on to the village around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, "Who do people say I am?" He replied, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and still others one of the prophets. But what about you?" He asked, "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Messiah." Okay, here's another definition for you. Need it right here to kind of describe where we are again. What is the Messiah, a leader or a savior of a particular group or cause? It's really hard for us to share Christ with people if we ourselves are struggling with who He is, where His identity is. If you don't truly know who He is, how can you share Him? It's no different when you know where someone lives or where a story is. If you don't exactly know where it is, you can't tell a person how to get there. We must be as confident as Peter was when Jesus asked Him. Let me ask you, who do you believe Him to be? Not this who you think He is, who do you believe Him to be? This may be even more important than what a person says. It's our actions that tell the truth, okay? It's the impression you lead people with leading them to Christ or from Christ. See, I guess you have to identify who He is in order to know where to lead people. We can try our best to go through life as Christians as if we are better or superior to everyone else around us, just because we know Him. And only Jesus can make that claim. Only Jesus can do that. But actually Jesus didn't do that. But here's the awesome thing about Jesus we can all learn from. As superior as Jesus was and is, He led by example through Him melody. Let's keep it a band. A buck. Let's keep it real. There's no way if you were Jesus for a day that you would reduce yourself to washing the feet of those beneath you. We can find this in John 13, 3 through 5. Jesus knew that the Father had to put all things under His power and that He had to come from God and He was returning to God. So He got it from the mill, took off His outer clothing and wrapped a towel around His waist. After that He poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around Him. Imagine that at the last supper, this is what Jesus was doing. He thought more about the people around Him than the people above Him. He was doing the will of His Father. Did I add that, while you were doing Jesus for a day, that you were going to be spending those last moments that last day doing something not so much like living it up, but spending those last moments doing such things such as washing people's feet, not having a good time. He knew He was on His way to the cross, but instead He chose to spend that time instead of living it up, living it out. As much as I would love to tell you that even Jesus let loose every now and then, I can't. Jesus was always about His Father's business, Luke 2, 49. This is at the end of the world for you once you decide to live and follow Christ, or even leading your friends toward the Christ that did it all for you. It's not the end of the world. It's not fun. It's over. It's not time to give up everything. Well, it kind of is, but it doesn't mean that you can't have fun in Christ. Here's an old one for you. You may not have heard it. Maybe you have. I think you have to watch this, but it's still relevant here today. What would Jesus do? Each morning you start your day. I'm challenging you. Each morning you start your day. Think about what would Jesus want you to do? Is it to carry yourselves above all others or to serve them as Jesus would? Father God, we come to you right now and give you thanks for this great and awesome day. A day that we have yet to see all of it, that we will rise in Lord God. We ask that you forgive us for every sin, thought, data, action that we may come boldly before your throne of grace, Lord God, that you may allow us to meditate and supple on this bread of life, this bread of word, the word that you have given us here, Lord God, in Hebrews, that while Jesus was superior, that even though we're joint heirs, that we don't thank ourselves as superior as him because Jesus in his superiority, he humbled himself to serve others, to serve others that he may lead them to his father's house and all that he did, Lord God. So I pray right now for humility and just allowing you to use them in any situation and not finding it robbery, to serve those that may not be as fortunate as them because they don't know Christ as they do, Lord God. So lift up our young Lord and this is Lord God, that they may have a spirit of serving her Lord God and have your way in their lives, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen. In summary, the importance of knowing that superiority is not the way of Christianity. We will close with this and a quote, "Christianity isn't about big or small. No affairs, happy or sad. It's about living out your purpose in God no matter what the world throws at you. It's about representing God in a way that says, "I'm in it for God to the end." First Corinthians 9, 22, and 23 sums it up, "To the weak, I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel that I may share in its blessing." Romans make you feel superior or inferior, neither serve a useful purpose. As always, please don't forget to subscribe and share so that you and your friends will get all future notifications when new and exciting episodes are uploaded and posted. Until next time, stay safe and live a life wholly and acceptable to God after all its your reasonable service. With this special thank you to L.J. Productions for post-reductions editing techniques that is used for this podcast. This podcast was sponsored in part 5, The Body of Christ Church in Waldorf, Merlin, Pastor Kenneth E. Stewart, its Christian education ministry in association with Real Time with the Bennetts. But real talk, what? You got it. Happens all the time. Yeah! - Yeah, it's like that.