Clownfish TV: Audio Edition

Disneyland Could SHUT DOWN if Employees Go On Strike?!

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18 Jul 2024
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Disneyland cast members are chanting "Shut It Down!" and intend to strike if their demands aren’t met. Could Disneyland get shut down again soon? From KTLA 5... The unions involved are the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 83, the Service Employees International Union-United Service Workers West, the Teamsters Local 495 and the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 324. “Negotiations between Disneyland Resort and Master Services Council — which represents four major unions and nearly 14,000 cast members at Disneyland Resort including: Attractions, Candy Makers, Costuming, Custodial, Main Entrance, Parking, Resort Transportation, Store Operations, Team Centers, and Anaheim Distribution Center — began in late April 2024 with continued conversations taking place throughout the last few months. The official Disneyland Park Master Services Council contract expired on June 16, with Master Services Council declining to enter into a contract extension,” Disneyland Resort officials previously told KTLA in a statement. “We respect and value our cast members and recognize the important role they play in creating happiness for our guests. With the next meeting scheduled for July 22, we remain committed to continuing discussions and to reaching an agreement with the Master Services Council that focuses on what matters most to our current cast members, helps us attract new cast, and positions Disneyland Resort for growth and the creation of more jobs.” ➡️ Tip Jar and Fan Support: ➡️ Official Merch Store: ➡️ Official Website: ➡️ Audio Edition: Disneyland employees are considering going on strike due to low wages and poor working conditions, potentially leading to the park shutting down and impacting visitors. 00:00 Disneyland employees may go on strike due to low wages and increasing living costs, potentially leading to the park shutting down. 02:19 Four Disneyland unions may strike, potentially shutting down the park and impacting visitors. 04:03 Disneyland employees are negotiating for fair wages and policies, with the potential for a strike if a contract is not reached. 05:11 Disneyland employees filed unfair labor practice charges against Disney for intimidation and surveillance of union members, demanding a living wage. 07:10 Disneyland employees are struggling with economic hardship, with a majority reporting not earning enough to cover basic expenses, experiencing food and housing insecurity, and missing work due to lack of sick leave. 08:09 Disneyland employees are standing up for fair wages and working conditions, considering going on strike due to harassment and fear of retaliation from the corporation with a market cap of over $174 billion. 10:22 Disneyland employees are demanding fair pay and livable wages to prevent a potential shutdown. 12:07 Disneyland employees may go on strike due to poor working conditions and low pay, potentially leading to park closure and negative impact on guest experience. Expand About Us: Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles. Disclaimer: This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing. #Disney #Disneyland #Dis
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So today, we're going to talk about the Disneyland impending strike. We even talked about much on here. We were waiting to see what was happening. But as of yesterday, a bunch of union members were protesting outside of the gates, some of them their Disney outfits or costumes. And now we're looking at strike authorization possibly happening tomorrow. So we're going to talk about that. So please like and subscribe if you do. We'll give you a woohoo. And we're going to talk about this daily dose of dismal Disney. So union protesters are chanting, shut it down ahead of the strike vote. So there's a union coalition that's representing the four unions that basically represent the 14,000 employees and cast members at Disneyland. We're talking across the board from people who take tickets to those who work in the parking, to those who make candy, to those who do different jobs in the parks. They're all deciding what it ought to strike because their complaint has been that while Disney keeps having these record profits for the parks and experiences and they're using it to pretty much bankroll the company for their filling divisions. They keep raising the prices on guests and the cost of living is increasing across the board for people. But those in California and places like New York are especially hard hit and they aren't getting paid enough and Disney doesn't want to give them that much more. And they're like, we can't live on this. What are we going to do? And for those, you know, we've said many times at this channel that the cast members that you see that you interface with at the parks are the ones that bring the magic. They're the ones that bring people back to the parks. The park experience, people go back again and again and again, the reason they go back is for the people that you see, the cast members that work the rides, the cast members that work at the store, the cast members that, you know, clean the parks. Those are the people that make the experience magical for you, the guests. And these are the ones who Disney is not wanting to pay. But of course, you know, they give plenty of money to the higher echelons of people. And Bob Iger isn't doing too terribly because he and his wife just bought a controlling interest in the sports team, but I digress. So yesterday there was a like a protest outside of the gates of Disneyland. Now, according to this article, which is the Orange County Register, they expected like 400 people to show up. They got 700. Okay, so it's a big deal. And then yesterday was the 69th anniversary of the park's opening. So that's why they picked the day. Union members set up a sound system outside the security checkpoint, delivered speeches, while theme guests, theme park guests entered an accident. The movie, the rally moved to Hollywood Boulevard because they put Disneyland drop off and pick up lot. Union members chanted if we don't get it, shut it down. But yeah, this is a coalition of four unions, the member service council has been meeting with Disney over this. Tomorrow they're going to vote for strike authorization. Now that doesn't mean the strike would start immediately. That would mean that they would move forward to strike. That would give them the go ahead probably to do so 'cause they're having another meeting, negotiating the 22nd, 23rd. So they'll probably let them have the go ahead to strike if that doesn't go well. All right. And the threat of strike might light a match under Disney's ass, but we all know 'cause it's Disney and they're stupid. So who knows? But it's concerning for people who have trips planned to the parks that, you know, there's a strike, what are we gonna do so much so that Disney even had a FAQ saying, oh, a strike authorization is not usual as part, or is not unusual as part of negotiations and does not indicate a strike is imminent or underway. It's gonna be happening. If you guys don't do what they want, they're gonna strike. I really think that they're going to do so. Now, Disneyland had a contract for covering their employees that ended on June 16th. That's like 9,000 of the employees covered by unions. Disney California Ventures' contract and Downtown Disney's are still in play. They're good to September 30th, but they're negotiating them as well because, you know, they're gonna end soon and they wanna make sure they get a contract in place ideally before the other one ends. And that's about 5,000 employees. So people were down there. Here's some of the pictures of the people that were in some of the signs they had. Bippity, Bobity, Booster, Pay. We deserve more than the bare necessities. Some of these are really good. We get GTA 6 before our back pay. Here's a statement from the Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee. Workers of Disney's largest bargaining unit in California representing a diverse set of classifications from custodians and riot operators to candy makers and merchandise clerks ended in negotiations with the company in April. Yes, they've been trying to get contracts since April 24th and are fighting for fair wages, a fair attendance policy, seniority increases and safe parks for cast members and guests. In June, Disney cast members announced that they filed unfair labor practice charges against Disney on behalf of 14,000 workers at the resort for unlawful discipline, intimidation and surveillance of union members, exercising their right to wear union buttons at work. Yes, so what happened with that is back in May, they filed because over 550 cast members said they were unlawfully disciplined and they were intimidated and surveilled by Disney for wearing union buttons. They said it was unfair labor practices and they pressed charges against Disney. There are people that were intimidated, surveilled and disciplined. Cast members have been at the bargain table for months trying to win a fair contract 'cause we deserve more about the company has been busy breaking the law, surveilling, intimidating and disciplining cast members for exercising their rights. They said, Mitchie Cordell, a fair gomber's apprentice at Bibby Bali Boutique. These unfair labor practices are hindering our ability to get fair contract we deserve and Disney must be held accountable and prevented from further threatening us, the cast members who make the magic for the guests on a daily basis. So what happened was they were wearing their pins and it's like a Mickey with a fist or something and they were wearing their pins and allegedly different managers told them to take it off and they'd be reprimanded. Some claim that they were reprimanded over this wearing their pins and Disney's trying to argue it's not part of the uniform, acceptable uniform, but apparently painted nails for men is but you know, you can't wear that pin, they're saying. And then the cause of it, they actually filed unfair labor practice charges against Disney a couple of months ago. So that's what that's about. Back to this, they said the charges related to over 675 cast members who in the unions maintain have been intimidated, surveilled, disciplined for wearing union buttons in support of their contract campaign. The charges are currently being investigated by the National Labor Relations Board. Here's some more of the pictures. It's from inside the magic they got it from different places. I deserving living away is not just a quarter. Yeah, I guess they want to give them a quarter for $0.50 and that's it. Well, Disneyland itself brands itself as a happiest place on earth. The reality of the for park employees is largely one of economic hardship. According to a survey, 73% of the cast members that make these profits possible report they did not earn enough money to cover basic expenses each month. I keep seeing story after story where I have to live with people and we still can't make it buy. Like, I'm with my dad and we still can't afford to live. People are like, I can't even pay my rent when I make a month and I'm almost making $20 an hour because California is ridiculously expensive. A separate survey of cast members this year found that nearly three in 10 cast members, 28% report experiencing food insecurity. 64% of cast members are rent burdened or spending more than half of their monthly paychecks on rent. 33% of cast members experienced housing and security in the past year. 42% of cast members had to miss work from medical treatment because they didn't have enough sick leave. The contract for cast members of Disneyland expired June 16th, 2024, the contract for California Venture and Downtown Disney. Cast members expire September 30th, 2024. Here's some different videos and stuff they have. This is not going well with the negotiations. The companies have repeatedly been harassing too many workers which talked about decent wage, stand by wait time too long, their posters are great. I mean, they're really good. Various cast members in the Union official described their experiences. Here's some of what the people were saying when they were talking about it at the protest. Jenny Christalis who is a cast member at the Emporium and Candy Palace said, cast members are scared of being retaliated against by Disney for their union activity and that's preventing us from getting a contract that pays us living wages. Interesting they said about retaliation because we just did a video yesterday talking about how Disney World, well Disney World, they were not fixing an air conditioner that they knew was broken for months and months and months and allegedly and it caused cast members to faint and people were afraid to even talk about what happens because everybody's afraid of retaliation. We hear that they're afraid of retaliation that Disney difference, the Disney family you're worried about. Yeah, it sounds like more of like a family like the mob 'cause you're afraid of retaliation if you speak out of line. This rally today on Disneyland's birthday shows Disney that even though we are scared, we're going to stand up and do what it takes. We make the magic happen. We are why Disneyland could celebrate its birthday today and we need a fair contract to represent us and our work. Damascus, I say your name wrong, I'm so sorry, Castellanos, Secretary of Treasure of the local 495, Union members at Disneyland create the magic every day. These workers deserve fair treatment. Disney is a corporation with a market cap of over $174 billion. There is no justification of them pure greed to deny these workers a fair pay and good working conditions. I mean, like I said, the theme parks are literally propping the company up at this point because of bad decisions made by C-suite individuals, mostly Bob Iger. And while he's out buying sports teams, these people are like, am I going to be able to eat today? You keep raising the prices on the guests and you guys aren't the ones that have a deal face to face with the guests when they're mad, these people do, all right? These are the ones who get spit on. These are the ones who get screamed at. These are the ones who have to enforce your stupid decisions like lightning lane and upcharge, up to upcharge. And they're the ones that try to make it a better experience for the guests firsthand. And these are the ones you won't pay. But C-suite people are getting how much money while the company's losing money. I'm just saying. Dee Dee Miranda is a candy maker at Disneyland and a member of the bargaining committee. We're 400 Disney cast members rising up today. They expected 400, but people said the 700 showed up. I don't know if that's true, but that's what other news outlets are reporting, OK? We're 400 Disney cast members rising up today to show Disney that we deserve better from this company. We're making the magic for guests. We are the ones to provide them with a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It's time for Disney to value what we do. Exactly. Y'all want to make the rules, and you want these people to deliver it, but you don't want to pay them fairly. These are full-time jobs we're talking about. You need to pay them like it's a full-time job. You're charging-- yeah, a candy maker. How much are you charging for the candy apples and things? And then they can't pay their people? Yeah. Karina Artega, Disneyland custodian, shop steward, and bargaining committee member said, we are staying together today to demand jobs with dignity and livable wages. We're talking about custodian shop steward. Why isn't this the person not being paid fairly? We, the essential workers at Disney, are the true magic makers, not the corporate executives. That's what I'm saying. It's unjust that the lowest paid cast member would have to go-- to work 550 years straight without a day off to make what Disney CEO Bob Iger makes in one year. Agreed. We're fighting to ensure the happiest place on Earth pays livable wages and treats workers fairly so that this job doesn't become a nightmare. Cast members are not afraid to stand up and demand what is just because we are stronger together. Yeah, this is from inside the magic head combined this. It is not looking good, guys. If they don't reach an agreement next week, they're going to vote to have strike authorization tomorrow, which is probably going to go through, if I were to guess. Because they want to have that lined up. So if next week still doesn't work out, then they're probably going to move forward. And then that's going to be a big problem for Disney, isn't it? Because they have guests coming in who want to go to the parks who paid a shit ton of money to be there. And they're not going to be able to go to the parks if people are striking it and things are shut down and they don't have enough workers to cover it. And then either they keep it open and have enough cast members to cover it. It's not going to be a very good experience for those guests, now is it? Your stocks are already going down. I don't know if right now is a good time. You might be better off paying people more to get your stocks back up and maybe do some damage control for the Disney brand. Because the Disney brand is going down the toilet. Everybody, the Disney difference now is you pay more, get less. The Disney difference is that you treat your people so badly that they're afraid to say anything for fear of retaliation. And those are your family. You call them a Disney family. I don't know if this is a good look right now. You're probably better off to fix the air conditioners in the break room and give people livable working conditions and fair pay. Because you're already charging guests more. I wouldn't charge guests anymore. But then you need this good PR. You need the PR wins. You're losing. You're losing a public opinion. Right now would not be a good time to screw over your cast members. I'm just saying, 'cause they're the reason why people can come back to your parks. And you need the parks to hold off all the other bad decisions you made. So, please like and subscribe. And we'll talk to you later. Bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Thanks again for listening. More news and videos are available on our website at and on our YouTube channel, clownfishtv. You can buy official merchandise, clownfish comic books and more at If you like this show, please consider subscribing and leaving us a positive review on iTunes and other podcast platforms. 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