Clownfish TV: Audio Edition

The Acolyte Makes Star Wars Fans WEIRD, Says Media.

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01 Jul 2024
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According to the media, The Acolyte is making "anti-woke Star Wars fans weird." Maybe you shouldn’t watch it, then? ➡️ Tip Jar and Fan Support: ➡️ Official Merch Store: ➡️ Official Website: ➡️ Audio Edition: The Star Wars community is divided over the controversy surrounding The Acolyte, with fans and media engaging in hypocritical behavior and unfair treatment. 00:00 The media criticizes Star Wars fans for not liking The Acolyte, while also engaging in the same behavior they condemn, causing division and hypocrisy. 03:32 Star Wars fans are split in their opinions about The Acolyte, with media criticizing them for overshadowing valid criticisms with irrelevant issues. 06:36 The Acolyte is causing controversy and backlash in the Star Wars community, with some fans receiving death threats and being targeted by others who disagree with their opinions. 09:32 Star Wars fans are being blocked for questioning pronoun additions, media is creating controversy and making fun of fans. 10:57 The Acolyte makes Star Wars fans weird by discussing unrealistic skills of characters, but new stories within the franchise are not inherently bad. 12:30 Star Wars fans praise Disney Plus for the acolyte’s latest episode and lightsaber battle, while also being criticized for review bombing and unfair treatment by the media. 15:16 Star Wars fans are upset with "The Acolyte" for being anti-woke and bringing on lesbian space witches, and creators are tired of being told to support content just because people worked hard on it. 18:00 Amandela Stenberg calls out racism in Star Wars, but maybe should focus on acting instead of criticizing fans. About Us: Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles. Disclaimer: This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing. #TheAcolyte #StarWars #Disney #News #Commentary #Reaction #Podcast #Comedy #Entertainment #Hollywood #PopCulture #Tech
Hey guys, this is the audio edition of clownfish TV. If you guys are unfamiliar with clownfish TV, please check out the video versions of these episodes on the clownfish TV YouTube channel and also on the clownfish gaming YouTube channel. Please subscribe for more podcast. Check out D-Res, that's our other podcast. The episode will begin in a couple of seconds. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Hello and welcome back to clownfish TV. It is me, Geeky Sparkles. And we're gonna take another look at the Star Wars discussion because it just keeps getting weirder and weirder and crazier and crazier. In the media, you would talk about, I hate using the word cope. I don't like you shouldn't like that. But there's so much coping going on. And it's so funny to me because for all these articles or they're saying about how the audiences are review bombing and the audience is terrible people and all this stuff because they don't like the acolyte. It's ironic because they all keep complaining about how the audience does these things. But they're spending as much time trying to discredit YouTube and the audience as they're claiming the audience is trying to do to the show on Rotten Tomatoes. And it's just funny to me 'cause it's like Potter kettle. Pick a side because you're basically doing the same thing just on the opposite side. So for all you're, we have to stop this, the division's getting out of hand. You yourselves are creating a lot of it. But it's okay when you do it. So before we get into it any further, please like and subscribe. If you do, I'll give you a woohoo woohoo. And we're gonna talk about this. So I have been seeing article after article, just going off on Star Wars fans for not liking it. Or they're like trying to find the silver lining and spit it that they like it even when they don't. And the amount of shilling and the amount of damage control that the media is trying to do for the show is ridiculous. And the thing is at the end of the day, it's the second least watched show. And even by the time it's over, it might be the least watched show. We don't know yet till all the numbers are through. But at least from the start of it, it was like the least watched, second to the last least watched show. Andor was the worst. But Andor was a significantly better show from what people have said in from reviews. And they just keep trying to paint it as this win. Then you have Leslie Headland out there being like, oh, the villain, we weren't hiding the villain because a good story doesn't hide the villain. The good story puts it right in the open. Yes, but a good story is creative and clever in a way they hide it so that you can go back and find all the different evidence that's there, but you don't really see it coming. This one was pretty obvious from the beginning. I mean, people knew right away that he was gonna be the guy. It wasn't, I mean, that doesn't make it a good story. If you make it obvious, that just makes it boring. I mean, you can make it too buried and too convoluted and that's getting confusing and that's frustrating to audiences. But also just handing it to them and making it so obvious that it's ridiculous is not the way to go either, but I digress. So we're gonna start off looking at some of these articles. It's anti-help, it's just creating more division, it's just causing more trouble. It's a website trying to cash in on the drama for clicks. They can't call me a grifter 'cause they're doing it as well. I'm just calling out their bullshit and double standards. You're a misogynist, racist, sexist, if you don't like the show. But meanwhile, these articles demonstrate the same types of things 'cause they're assuming everyone doesn't like it is a certain type of person. And that makes you a sexist, misogynist, racist homophobe too. 'Cause you don't appreciate or respect the opinions of people who identify in ways that are not white, straight and male who disagree with you. You just step over them and marginalize them twice. So anyway, anti-woke Star Wars from Forbes, fans are being weird about the acolyte. And this was just yesterday. I mean, how many times do they have articles? And this is what, how many four of us are articles are they doing on this thing? They're like, "The powerful Sith, a powerful Sith, wait." I thought the Sith were gone for a long time. They haven't seen one for, you know, a thousand years. Oh, it's not a Sith, but now it's a Sith? A compelling mystery, known. Headline said she made it pretty obvious on purpose. A thrilling lightsaber battle. And the acolyte is probably one of the strongest stories in the Disney Star Wars era. No? General audiences aren't watching it. It's not just the haters. The anti-woke fans are extremely weird about the show. Not unlike the person who wrote this article who's really obsessed with the fans who don't like it, but it's okay when they do it, right? So they're going about the battle of the lightsabers and all this crap, and they're talking about the story. They go on and on and on about, you know, doing an overview, a review of what happened in the last episode. Many Star Wars fans are loving this series so far. Doesn't seem like it to me. And by the viewership, you can say, well, they're a review bombing it, but the viewership isn't very good either. So no, many Star Wars fans aren't watching it. That's the problem. But the fan base, a segment, a segment, like, you know, 'cause somehow you're the vocal minority yet you're ruining the entire thing single-handedly at the same time. Somehow you are, you know, have all the power and none, all at once, are being overly critical, nitpicking minor details. And review bombing the show. So is this the whole thing you just crafted to get clicks? They're just going about, Star Wars fans have been angry about Star Wars since the prequel trilogy. Well, that's not untrue. The current split in the fandom is even more petty than usual. And then of course, they're, you know, putting on people, you know, who have opinions they don't like, you know, they're just, all they're doing is giving them, you know, people, an audience, people are gonna go watch and see what they said, really is really not smart there. They said, "Some criticisms have improved absurd. "The war of Wikipedia." And they're going to Wikipedia. So this is the Calimary Tran all over again. It's like, even if you have an argument that's valid, argument, like, you know, the Jedi aren't special anymore, you're killing them off like nothing. Your villain was too overt. And you have good, you know, the writing's poor, the acting's not the greatest, whatever. You have actual criticisms that have nothing to do with diversity and inclusion. Actually, you don't hear hardly anybody talking about race or diversity other than the fact that they had the, quote unquote, the space lesbians. No one's mentioning that. Like, it's not a topic that's being brought up very often other than that. And they're like, you know, oh, oh, oh, but that's threats to Wikipedia. 'Cause so we're gonna paint everyone again with the whole death threats narrative. Now, do I think that they got threatened? I am 100% sure they did. You should see this shit where you get sometimes. I have zeroed out they got threatened or probably told to kill themselves. They probably weren't told them to kill you. They probably told they were to kill themselves or something like that. But they do this. They'll call people's places of employment and try to get them fired over not agreeing with them about a movie or a cartoon. It's insane. And I completely believe that happened. But I do, I think it's in the numbers that they're trying to spin it as. No, so what they're trying to use is a couple of people behave badly. And you know what, to be fair, sometimes I think it's their own people doing it to themselves. So I'm not saying that person Wikipedia did it, but like people that are pro Disney Star Wars, well, I'll get them. I'm gonna send death threats. So they blame them for it and say I'm them. We've gotten people coming at us, trying to be like caricatures or what they think our audience would be. And it's clearly like, you know, hey, they're fellow kids and not really somebody who thinks that way, trying to get us mad at other people. So there's some people do that too, just to cause controversy. It's either boost the discussion or to try to say, oh, you can't listen to any of these people because they're bad people. And that's the whole point. They're trying to paint anybody who doesn't like this show as a terrible person. Even if you never review bombed it. Like I never gave the accolade a review. I didn't review mom it. I only talk about the media's reaction to the show, not the show itself. But somehow I'm still part of the problem, even though I had nothing to do with it. And the thing, that's what I'm saying. It's just like you're gonna take one incident, one instance. And you're gonna try to use it as a reason to vilify and dismiss everyone else's opinion 'cause doesn't agree with you. And that's getting old, it's getting tiresome. And the majority of people had nothing to do with that. But a lot of people disagree of the fact that they shouldn't, they do agree of the fact they shouldn't be changing the Wikipedia things 'cause they are retconning some aspects of it. And that's what they're doing. I'm sorry, they did. It doesn't deserve death threats, but it doesn't change the fact that they did make changes. You're talking about that, of course, because it's the same talking points over and over and over again. If you don't know who Kiyadi Mundi is, you're not allowed, the Jedi is a background character with a handful of lines. The character appears in the act like an ascension before his introduction of the feminist and the date of his birth was changed reflects the cameo. What translation? The date of his birth was changed because you retconned it. And that was the argument. But then you just basically admitted it. It was retconned. They changed the date to reflect the cameo 'cause you retconned the date. That was a change. It was a retcon, so yes, they're correct. The reaction to it is a little bit over the top, especially if they're setting death threats, but it does not change the fact that it was in fact true. It was retconned. Following the edit, Wikipedia editors were startled by the viciousness of the backlash with some reportedly receiving death threats. Wikipedia, okay, I wanna point out, blocks people all the time. If you don't like what they say, if you question them in any way, if you're like, why are you adding pronouns to characters? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing that? They block you. And then they tell you that they don't need your negativity in their community, all right? Which I guess 'cause they own it, they're allowed to say that and do that. But they also just can't take no dissent. Like if you have a different opinion, they block you. If you comment and say you disagree, they block you. That's what they've been doing. So, you know, potter cattle once again, except there's a lot more proof of Wikipedia does that than there is about people supposedly giving death threats. The absurdity of this controversy inspired memes, blah, blah, blah. Of course, they're gonna make fun of people. The Conan character managed to spark controversy again, being judded, being extinct. Yes, 'cause that's what they said, blah, blah, blah. Oh my God, this whole article is about the same thing. This happened like days ago. This isn't even recent. This article is yesterday over something that happened quite a while ago. Some of the criticisms from anti-woke influencers were openly hostile and clearly made in bad faith because, you know, this person says so. They're like, "May cutting your hair "wise it was criticized as a woke plot to it to it." I don't know, I don't watch the episodes. I just know what, I just call out the media doing exactly what they're doing here. Oh yeah, 'cause the same right night cutting their hair. They're talking about padawans being too skilled, which is a common Star Wars trope. No, no, they weren't overly skilled until, well maybe for the prequels, but for the originals, it didn't get like the whole Mary Sue stuff so much. I mean, Anakin was a little bit, but he was also a kid and he'd been racing. That's what he did, he raced. So of course he knew how to fly. So it made sense, he might've got a little accident locked in the ship and blew something up. It made sense. Ray never left the planet yet. Somehow she knows how to fly the Falcon better than Han, knows how to fix it better than Han. Never has used the lightsaber and trained the Force in any way yet. It can stop a dark jedi's, Sith jedi's, mind control out there, years of training with no effort whatsoever. That's the difference, okay? That's the difference. The barrage of bad faith critiques implies that some Star Wars fans would probably hate the original trilogy. If it was released today, they always go with this to, if you were, you, people hated Regina when it was out. If you, I saw it now, you'd hate it because of the same retcons and mistakes and awkward dialogue. They just cannot stand it. There has been much criticize, much to criticize about Disney's handling of Star Wars, excessive use of nostalgia, me adding storylines and too many spin-offs, but they act like it's an attempt to tell a news story. You know, I like the idea that we can tell some news stories within Star Wars. I have no problem with that. Like, I like Rogue One. I like Andor. I know what I've seen of it. I have to see the rest. I just ran out of time. I kind of got a little bored, but I hear it got really good. But what I saw wasn't bad. People have a problem with that. Mandalorian was something completely different too. I brought Luke into it, but I think to try to, you know, redeem themselves. You can tell them different stories and you can find ways to do a good job of it. The thing is you're not doing a good job. That's the problem. It has something to do with the stuff you're complaining about. So anyway, they go on. It goes, oh my God, it just goes on and on and on and on. So let me have this one. Star Wars fans backtrack. I say praise Disney Plus for the accolades latest episode, after worst ever claims. And what are they talking about? The lightsaber battle. The lightsaber battle that they keep saying was the coolest, that the headbudding of lightsaber was the coolest thing I've ever seen. And, you know, this is the best battle ever in all of Star Wars. And it's a few people saying it. And when you go to the comments, that's not what people are going on. They're here ripping giant holes in the world. Lore is so cool. I'm starting to see where haters are coming from. And, of course, this person asks every time. Like, you better explain yourself. No one has to explain anything, you know? This is ridiculous and makes no sense. Unfortunately, the existence of this is yet another thing that kind of makes the future stuff worse now. Why wasn't everyone using this, you know, material then? You know, I guess it's the stuff. It was in legends. And they said, why weren't they using it then? Crazy, this armor exists as long ago, but no one in the entire galaxy ever used it. When you're a lightsaber's order from Timu. It's not cool to rip the lore apart for cheap things like this. And they go on, you know, this is the coolest thing you've ever seen in the US have just woken up out of a coma and never seen TV before. How come Vader's helmet isn't made out of this? You people need higher standards. And it goes on and on. It's not the win. Like they're trying to be like, oh, everybody's loving this. But they're not. You're full of shit. And I'll understand why you're trying so hard to, you know, for as much as you're saying about Star Wars fans or trying hard to review bomb and dismiss the acolyte, you're doing the exact same thing. You're trying to show for the acolyte and you're trying to dismiss fans really, really hard. Why? Why is it okay when, why is it this not okay? This is not, especially not okay. Which isn't, this is not all just review bombing. And of course, the critical score is also going down. And this one up a point. So does that review, you know, are people reviewing it to boost it now? I mean, how come that's okay? But the critical score keeps dropping. This is not fine. But, you know, saying that fans backtrack, Star Wars fans are ridiculous. Oh, this one, open letters, Star Wars fandom. This is always, always the other go to the use. They're talking about, you know, well, you're allowed to not like it. And you can't find, you can't like everything. I get that. But what we can do though is have some respect. The time and effort that goes into these projects, regardless of content. Basically, you should respect that they did this. You should like it anyway. You should not be so mean to it because people worked hard. Just 'cause you worked hard doesn't mean it's not shit. I'm tired of this, I'm tired of hearing that. Well, some of them worked hard on it. I am sure they did. And I am sure some people are given some really crappy things to work with. And, you know, there's actors who are doing their best with what they're given. And there are people that are on the set, they're doing the best of what they're given and costumers and everything else, doing the best of what they're given. The point is it shouldn't have been green light. It shouldn't have been green light in the first place 'cause what they were given was crap. So you're supposed, you're supposed to just like it 'cause if you would go and like it and give it praise when it's crap, then Disney and Star Wars and the Headland and Catherine Kennedy and all those people are gonna be like, "Oh, it's a win. I'll give you more of this." If you go to McDonald's and order a burger and they give you an undercooked crap burger or they give you, you know, fish instead or they give you, you know, a taco, you're gonna be like, "What the hell is this?" Well, someone works really hard to make it so you better like it. Someone, that burger's not cooked, you know, we gave you a raw patty and you can get sick from it, but you know what? You better enjoy it 'cause someone works really hard to put that together. That logic is bullshit and I'm really tired of hearing it. It's like the same talking points over and over and over. The people who make these shows and films are just like you and me going to work each day to earn a living, they do the best they can. So you better like, you better support it because they're trying to earn a living. You know what? I'm sorry that you're trying to earn a living and you're working on that shitty show, but it's still not a good show and this is not helping. You know, they're all like basically, you've, you know, just support it because they're working hard. No, no. I work really hard during these videos, but you're all pissed at me. I don't see you talking to your friends support watching my videos because I work hard. Neon works hard. No, you're gonna be like, "You're just a bunch of grafters and blah, blah, blah." Yeah, no. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the same arguments. I'm tired of the same bullshit. I'm tired of the double standards. You know, these are the articles. No one hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans. The accolades have Star Wars fans complaining online about one thing. It literally happens in all the franchises. This open letter to Star Wars fandom. What every angry man's saying the same thing about Star Wars. Why do Star Wars fans dislike the accolades so much? Star Wars fans abandon ship as Disney Plus brings on the lesbian space witches. Why are space fans, Star Wars fans so upset with Dizzy's new series Acolyte? Anti-boke Star Wars fans are being weird about the Acolyte. The Acolyte of Mandala said, that's such a weird name, sorry. I said that Stenberg made the song about racist Star Wars fans. The Mandala of Stenberg calls out racism and Star Wars. Well, maybe spend more time working on your acting, I guess. It goes on and on and on. It's just ridiculous. Get a new line. This isn't okay. Neither's all this shit. This is divisive. So is this shit. So potter cattle, take your ownership of your own shit. Your shit smells too, and call it a day. Get bet. Anyway, please like and subscribe. We'll talk to you later. Bye. (upbeat rock music) - Thanks again for listening. More news and videos are available on our website at and on our YouTube channel, clownfishtv. You can buy official merchandise, clownfish, comic books and more at If you like this show, please consider subscribing and leaving us a positive review on iTunes and other podcast platforms. 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