Clownfish TV: Audio Edition

Marvel Continuity Doesn’t Matter Anymore...

Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
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Continuity no longer matters in Marvel, apparently. At least, according to one of the comic publisher’s top editors. But we kind of already KNEW this, didn’t we? Then we talk about Jean Grey getting hit with the Sweet Baby Inc. ugly stick in Wolverine, the MCU continuity being in shambles, and more. ➡️ Tip Jar and Fan Support: ➡️ Official Merch Store: ➡️ Official Website: ➡️ Audio Edition: Marvel Comics is no longer concerned with maintaining continuity and character development, leading to a lack of investment from fans and a need for a 10-year reset plan to maintain relevance. 00:00 Marvel Comics continuity and character development no longer matter, as evidenced by changes in characters and the statement from a longtime editor that continuity doesn’t matter anymore, sparking a larger conversation about the direction of the franchise. 03:10 Marvel Comics is no longer important due to frequent reboots and lack of concern for continuity. 05:09 Marvel Comics creators are being lazy and inserting themselves into the books, disregarding continuity and history. 06:25 Marvel Comics no longer cares about maintaining a consistent timeline for their characters, causing confusion and lack of investment from fans. 09:22 Marvel Comics needs a 10-year reset plan to maintain continuity and relevance with a big Galactic event and reboot. 12:58 Marvel Comics didn’t address COVID-19 in their comics to avoid polarizing readers and complicating character storylines. 14:36 Marvel Comics constantly resets and erases events, making stories irrelevant and fans disinterested. 16:48 Disney is only focused on making money, but they’re doing everything wrong and people are losing interest in their products. About Us: Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles. Disclaimer: This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing. #Marvel #Disney #Comics #SweetBabyInc #News #Commentary #Reaction #Podcast #Comedy #Entertainment #Hollywood #PopCulture #Tech
Hey guys this is the audio edition of clownfish tv if you guys are unfamiliar with clownfish tv please check out the video versions of these episodes on the clownfish tv youtube channel and also on the clownfish gaming youtube channel please subscribe for more podcast check out dres that's our other podcast the episode will begin in a couple of seconds thanks for listening hey guys welcome back to clownfish tv this is neon not here with geeky sparkles in this video we're going to talk about marvel comics we're actually going to talk about the comic books we're going to talk about marvel continuity and how apparently it doesn't matter anymore nothing matters when it comes to marvel and that's that's the truth that's the truth across the board right it's not just the marvel comics but also the marvel video games and the mcu there nothing matters we've got a moldy verse and we've got um you know just some weird decisions being made with the video games and now tom brevoort who is a longtime editor at marvel he was the the continuity guy is coming out and saying yeah the continuity in the comics doesn't really matter anymore either we already knew this we already knew this we have characters that have been a certain way for decades all of a sudden getting changed ice man more a mctager you know i'm saying like lots of characters getting changed characters not acting like themselves anymore and just none of it matters and it really feels like tom brevoort is maybe checking out too i i don't know i just don't think um i don't think disney cares i i well we know disney doesn't care but these are just these are just uh corporate ip to them and they will you know reboot the continuity is over and over and over again they'll they'll change things just to you know suit whatever audience they want to suit and i don't think any of it matters none of it matters we know that with star wars nothing matters and we've been talking about the acolyte and how they've been you know breaking continuity over there they don't care sequel trilogy they don't care it doesn't matter it's as long as it makes money throw that throw that on a t-shirt and uh we're gonna make some money and and then uh you know when people get tired of it we'll change it up again and and throw another design on a t-shirt that's really all they care about it disney that's that's what they care about so why why should we care why why should we as consumers care if they don't even care we're gonna talk about this before again to any further please subscribe for more pop culture news views and rans guys know who's in his video i'm not good at it i can be like yay i i don't know i need to come up with a a catch phrase but uh yeah let's talk about this and i got to give a hat tip to west from thinking critical and i think shane davis covered it as well i i miss this it's just part of a uh a bigger conversation about marvel under disney and and we didn't do a separate video on this but uh sweet baby ink has its meat hooks into jin gray it's looking looking a little older um you know she's she's looking pretty rough these days i guess if you've been killed and and you've come back as many times as she has you look a little haggard too but god wolverine looks like he's about 25 and she looks like she's about 55 you know god mom bod going on there uh yeah so let's um it doesn't matter does it it doesn't matter they're gonna reboot it anyway so let's uh let's talk about this right there's a couple of things going on here tom brevoort has a sub stack he's been posted on sub stack and uh he's been talking about the continuity of marvel now when i read marvel uh heavily back in the day when i was a a kid and a teenager and or into my early 20s i was very big into marvel comics a lot more than d.c i would pick up batman occasionally superman if something major was going on remember the red and blue superman thing yeah that was that was weird but for the most part i was definitely marvel and uh indies and also batman that's that's what i read so back in the day we had a sliding timeline with marvel that basically the marvel universe started about eight to ten years before whatever the most current issue was and they were pretty good about it and i mean i guess it's easy to keep track of continuity when your universe is only 20 30 years old and then the 80s that would have been you know 20 30 years old 90s and it's easier then now that we're we're creeping up on you know 50 60 years it's getting harder i think to keep track of that that being said i don't think they should just throw it all out and say screw it and that's kind of what they're doing but again you know i've seen a change in marvel comics since they started the re re re reboots and the soft resets and all this stuff yeah about 2015 2016 seems like when they stopped caring they stopped keeping track and then just anything goes you know we're gonna tell a story with this character doesn't matter if it fits with continuity or not anything goes and look to be honest some of the people they're getting in to write marvel comics to draw marvel comics they're getting what they can get and these people aren't real concerned about the history of marvel comics because a lot of them are being handed the reins to write books that they've never heard of to work with characters they've never read about and it's very obvious so what they do it's kind of like what they're doing with disney star wars too where they're like well it's too much trouble to look into this character and to read like you know 40 years of of history so we'll just start over and this will be my take on this character this will be this will be the character if if i was this character and that's that's what we see more more and more of and i think a lot of it just comes down to laziness i think a lot of it is just these you know creators want to insert themselves into these books and again this none of this would have stood even 10 years ago i don't think but now they just don't care and i hit the feeling that tom breivort is like getting ready to check out to cash in his chips and he was kind of the last uh i guess the last hurrah of old old marvel it feels like he was you know one of the last um guards against just everything coming off the rails because he was a stickler for continuity and he was the guy they always asked uh and he's been doing this for a long time his name was in the books when i was reading as a teenager i mean i don't know how long he's been doing this but it's been a very long time yeah i'm guessing at least late 80s early 90s but this come from pop verse uh marvel's official timeline of his canon comic universe is maybe not as important as the fans might think says the top editor marvel's executive editor tom breivort uh tells fans who keep worrying about the timeline it's fiction well yeah it is fiction but if it doesn't matter if there are no stakes why should we care why should any of us care about anything because it doesn't matter we get invested in a story we get invested in characters it can just be changed next week as soon as a new writer comes in we just change everything we change everything about the character and there are so many marvel characters now that are not themselves they're not historically accurate they do not behave like themselves why why should we care it's just disposable entertainment which i mean to some degree comics have always been but there at least was some give a shit and it feels like there there's no give a shit marvel doesn't care why should we uh anyway the article says how old is peter parker when did the x-men form did civil war happen under the bush administration these are all questions they've been asked by regular marvel comics readers to reconcile their favorite mid 30s super heroes with 60 plus years of comic history recently one of marvel's top editors offered some advice for folks trying to keep a timeline in their head stop trying marvel doesn't care why should we question came up on a sub-stack post by tom breivort breivort who is currently heading up the x-men relaunch has been contending with the comic industry sliding timeline for longer than some fans have been alive that's true a few years ago writes this reader joe zorba you talked about the character's ages so what would be the current age of the characters considering there at least six or seven generations of new mutants nowadays i think trying to nail the stuff down is almost always a mistake answers breivort honestly and one that just causes arguments among the fan base so i think it's best to be avoided to be fair causing arguments among fan bases is pretty much given for any comic book decision oh my god yes but back in the day you weren't called a literal nazi if you didn't agree with something um he says but we hear what you're saying tom to be fair the editor did try to set things straightish regarding some ages and a rough timeline claiming that the modern modern the modern marvel universe start started started sorry started on 15 years ago so yeah they've they've changed it they've doubled it it used to be eight years now it's like like 15 years um that's to say he continues fantastic for his origin always happened about 15 years ago regardless of what year it happens to be the x-men magneto it's by far the oldest almost double the age of anybody else because of his origin has been linked to the concentration camps of world war two uh with that out of the way breivort dies into the real confusion behind character ages and really one of the biggest issues in modern superhero comic book storytelling what you're asking he concludes is how can we possibly fit so many stories into such a limited space and the answer is it's fiction we can do whatever the hell we like provided the readership goes along with it provided that the readership goes along with it but they're not are they they're not the most popular spider-man comic was uh ultimate spider-man which took place outside the main continuity readers are not going along with it so i have a suggestion uh you know this is something i've thought about for years i'm like if i if i were in charge of marvel or dc comics which will never happen but let's just let's just pretend if i were in charge of marvel and dc comics i would say there's a reset every ten years and you try to get the same creators on board to commit to a ten-year plan these characters have a beginning and middle and an end kind of like the the initial phases of the mcu and in ten years time you're going to get you know 120 issues or whatever and possibly you know some annuals and but you you lay the you lay the plan out for 10 years and then you'll lead up to you do your big event at the end of 10 years and then you reset the universe and that's how you stay relevant so you could always be like oh yeah well spider-man you know peter parker got bit by that spider just you know a couple of years ago it'd be accurate but you do what you can do and you tell the story you can tell within 120 issues and that's that's a definite timeline on things and and then you can say hey you know last uh last reset we did this uh and that didn't work out as well as we'd hope so next time when we reset it we're going to try something a little bit different maybe throw some new characters into it whatever but that's how you keep it fresh and you also make sure that the continuity is intact and you again try to keep the same creators on that book you know i'm looking at the original ultimate spider-man with uh bendess and bagley on it for a long time and i i think that that actually would work just say let's do that but let's do it all over the place let's do it for you know we're going to have 20 different comics a month main comics and we'll do many series and spin-offs or whatever but this is the story we have to tell and this is the 617 and then maybe we'll reset to the 618 or however we're going to do it and just be like look we're going to hit you know hit the reset button on the universe uh we can have a big galactic uh hoe down at the end and then we reset everything and maybe some of those characters maybe at the end of that that particular phase of marvel maybe they do get their happy ending or whatever and we just kind of move on to another universe and and hit the reset button again but that's when we do our reboot it's once every 10 years and you know readers know you can get invested in this timeline you can collect this entire timeline because we're only going to have 20 books for the next 10 years and that's it that's what we're going to do you can collect everything you can read everything and uh you might decide you don't want to come with us next time around but it also gives people a chance to to hop on that that would be how i would do it and again you've got you know big corporations making those decisions and they're not going to agree with that but uh i think that would be the easiest way to do it and it's nice and clean everybody understands what's going on you don't have to reset the numbering you know it's just every every 10 years 20 25 books we're going to have a 10-year plan and then then we'll hit the reset button then we'll have the big crossover event and then we we just start over that's how i'd do it but i'm not in charge so whatever um yeah he talked about um covid too apparently um why did they address covid well because it would age very badly but i think they were also trying to stay away from it because well they didn't really stay away from it did they they had that that one pro vaccine pamphlet that they were handing out that was like you know be a superhero get your shot but they also do it was very polarizing plus you know people don't want to they don't want to read about covid when we're going through it plus it shut down a bunch of comic shops yeah it's not good for business to be dealing with with that yeah so um according to tom breivort on sub-stack again there was actually reason for omitting covid from the marvel universe can i say that in this video because we're just talking about it objectively here he says that given how the virus was going to last for a long time there's no way to reasonably assure that every everything was going to be okay introducing one story about it runs the risk of needing to address it across the entire line is that the big crossover event this would lead to situations where characters are sheltering in place and streets are completely abandoned just like how the pandemic took hold of the real world well wolverines immune isn't he he's immune to it bringing covid into the marvel universe with alter character motivations they said spider-man can you imagine spider-man peter parker hesitated to go after the scorpion or somebody because he's afraid he might catch covid and infected daily bugle with it that's weird i mean could you imagine that though but they they dealt with aids and stuff back in the day they did but it does date it i mean again if you're you're dealing with um you're concerned about these stories aging badly dealing with something that is very topical or dealing with like current politics that yeah definitely ages the comic but it doesn't matter anyway right so you could have done all the covid stories you want to do and then just you get the reset button so yeah it never happened it never happened whatever whatever nothing matters clearly nothing matters at the end nothing matters not even money money doesn't even matter money doesn't even matter anymore because if they were concerned about money they'd be doing what they could do to make fans as happy as possible and and they've actually gone on the offensive they'd be doing what they could do to make retailers as happy as possible and they're not doing that they'd be doing everything they could do to handle these characters with kid gloves to make sure that uh they're intact for the next generation and they're not doing that so nothing matters anymore with marble so why why should we care why should we get invested i mean that's like i don't even have any interest in reading more ultimate spider man because i've heard they've they've destroyed it already and it looks like the energon universe is already coming off the rails too so why should we care at least with manga i think this is what a lot of people are thinking at least with manga you're usually dealing with the the uh the same creator who has a plan and the stuff is not going to come off the rails i mean you're not going to have six issues and then this this uh writer dips out and then somebody else comes in and completely retcons everything or meanders about or you know five years on creco or whatever why the hell should anybody get invested in marble if there are no stakes and nothing matters and we're seeing this with the MCU too there are no stakes we have a multiverse we kill off captain america we just go get a spare we just go get a variant from another multiverse it doesn't matter nothing matters there are no stakes and again the money doesn't even matter or they would give people a reason to buy these books every month and they're not they're not doing that anymore go see every movie it doesn't matter none of it matters it just all the matters of disney is is just siphoning as much money out of people's pockets as they can but they're actually uh you know creating anti anti money an anti money scenario where you're doing everything wrong and so people aren't giving you their money anymore like they they were and you could be making a lot more money on your comics and you'd be making a lot more money on the MCU and you'd be making a lot more money on your video games but nothing matters so why should we care that's that's kind of where i think people are out with a lot of things you know star wars and all that they're just like yeah why should we care because nothing matters there are no stakes and uh yeah i'm gonna go find something else to do i'm gonna go touch grass you told me to go touch grass right that's what we're gonna do so i'm gonna wrap it up please subscribe we will talk later thanks again for listening more news and videos are available on our website at and on our youtube channel clownfishtv you can buy official merchandise clownfish comic books and more at shop if you like this show please consider subscribing and leaving us positive review on iTunes and other podcast platforms if you're looking to help support this show financially go to if you'd like to sponsor an episode of this show send us an email at business at web this podcast is a production of clownfish studios LLC and web reef media proudly made in Pittsburgh USA so have you ever done a show in pvc yeah a month you did a tour in pvc and i i regret it a little bit i do want to regret it a little bit so it's just like it went very flattered on the top and i mean knob was showing the whole time moving right away moving along mum's like i don't want to talk about your knob i don't want to talk about your not not right now not right now we'll do it after the cameras are off yes you want billboard chart topping singer and songwriter youngblood joins the ozborn's podcast listen now wherever you get podcasts