Clownfish TV: Audio Edition

The Acolyte: Media Keeps MINING Clicks by BLAMING Fans...

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23 Jun 2024
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Is the media really defending The Acolyte this hard, or just mining it for much-needed clicks like the YouTubers they call "grifters?" Geeky takes another article about the Ki-Adi Mundi fiasco to task. It feels like this is more about views than legit outrage, doesn’t it...? ➡️ Tip Jar and Fan Support: ➡️ Official Merch Store: ➡️ Official Website: ➡️ Audio Edition: About Us: Clownfish TV is an independent, opinionated news and commentary channel that covers Entertainment and Tech from a consumer’s point of view. We talk about Gaming, Comics, Anime, TV, Movies, Animation and more. Hosted by Kneon and Geeky Sparkles. Disclaimer: This series is produced by Clownfish Studios and WebReef Media, and is part of Opinions expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of our guests, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers. is an unofficial news source and has no connection to any company that we may cover. This channel and website and the content made available through this site are for educational, entertainment and informational purposes only. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing. #TheAcolyte #StarWars #Disney #News #Commentary #Reaction #Podcast #Comedy #Entertainment #Hollywood #PopCulture #Tech
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If you guys are unfamiliar with Clownfish TV, please check out the video versions of these episodes on the Clownfish TV YouTube channel. And also on the Clownfish Gaming YouTube channel. Please subscribe for more podcasts. Check out D-Res, that's our other podcast. The episode will begin in a couple of seconds. Thanks for listening. Hello and welcome back to Clownfish TV. It is me, Gigi Sparkles. Unfortunately, it's just me today for this video, Niana's elsewhere. So Paul Tassie's back when Forbes once again to shit on the fandom. Because you know, it's okay when they do it, but it's not okay with other people complaining. A few days ago, we talked about his other article where he was saying that the 15% audience score is embarrassing for the accolade. And he had a hissy about that on the 16th. And then yesterday, no, what day was this, the 20th, 20th. So two days ago, he's also very upset because the controversy about episode four is just too absurd to believe. Because you know, for people, for a minute, as many people call us grifters, Paul Tassie seems to be out there grifting no problem and he thinks he's going to get clicks off of, you know, the other side of the argument. Okay. So episode four came out for those who understand what's going on. And they added this character back into it. They put Keaudi Mundi into it. Now, for those who don't know, Keaudi Mundi was on a Jedi council in the prequels. All right. And the issue is that they retconned him, put him in the, he was in the prequels. It wasn't expanded universe. It wasn't, you know, legends. He was in the prequels. There was a back story about his character that was official. It would be Canon, George Lucas, Canon G. Canon. And they had an age for him. Well, when they retconned that for the new show, for the acolyte, Wookiee Pedia went and changed his information, updated to what the current information is, changed his birth date and age and stuff. Now, do I think people got it way blood on proportion? Yes. But the reason that's happening is because people are just tired of classic Star Wars, you prequel Star Wars, George Lucas Star Wars is being erased and changed really nilly for people at Disney deciding that's the case. They want to pick and choose from legends when they want to, thrawn and such, but they just keep, you know, changing things, retconning things. And I get it. I know George Lucas is the same thing. I've said it before. Yes, he did. I'm not saying he didn't because they were retconned before. This is not the first time stuff's been retconned. I know that. But it got blown way out of proportion because apparently, allegedly, allegedly people were threatening the Wookiee Pedia editor and they're blaming it on Star Wars theory, I think. And he's like same as us. Same thing we said, which is, you know, don't attack people. That's stupid. We've always said, you know, if you don't, you don't like the actor, whatever. Don't go harassing them. It's not their fault. The character sucks. The writing sucks. Don't harass people on social media because what happens is you get one or two people who harass them. And I'm not even convinced it's the people I think it is. It's probably someone on their side trying to start controversy. One or two people harass them, which I'm sure people will do harass them. And then from that, it turns into this whole, oh, the whole, anybody who disagrees, any anti is one of these people. And that's the problem. And it's a load of shit. And I'm so fucking sick and tired of it. If one or two people are assholes, that does not mean everybody who disagrees with you are the same people that harass somebody. Like, I don't agree with harassing somebody harassing the Wikipedia editor and telling them that they hope them and their pets die. Never agree with that ever, ever, ever. We ourselves have gotten harassment. We have ourselves have gotten death threats. We, I've put it on. There's a rape poll about who wants to rape me and watch my husband watch, okay? These people are bad shit. There's always bad shitters. There's always bad shitters. I'm sorry. On both sides. But that's not the majority. And now, of course, everyone who disagrees is as bad as those people. Now, here comes Paul Tassy. This is ridiculous and stupid and you shouldn't be harassing anyone. Yeah. You're right. You shouldn't be harassing anyone. And we're going to talk about that. But before I get into it further, please like and subscribe. If you do, you'll get a woohoo. Woohoo. And we're going to talk about this. So there will not be an episode of the accolade that goes by without some sort of desperate search to see how it breaks canon. It's because the accolade sucks balls. I'm sorry. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. They don't suck balls. I'm sorry. They don't suck balls. when I heard some fans. And of course, they have to put the fans in quotes. That's what I keep doing. If you don't like this, you're a fan in quotes. If you don't agree with what we say, you're not a real fan. If you go out and do things that are shitty, you're not a real fan. But unfortunately, other people who were fans who don't like it or don't agree are all gonna get blamed too, because a couple of people did this. Complaining about this week, it appears, oh, oh, oh, oh. I heard some fans complaining in quotes, because you know, you're only a fan like Paul if you like it. Anybody else doesn't like this shit show and Disney Star Wars, isn't the Star Wars fan? You know, do the air quotes? Do it with me, air quotes? Okay, now, put your pointer finger down. Leave your middle finger up. There you go, Paul. That's what I say to you. They're talking about Ki Avi Mundi and the member of Jetta Council in the prequels who said the set has been extinct for millennium while being presented with direct evidence exactly what was happening. Yeah, that does contradict it. I'm sorry, Paul, it does. The problem here is two parts. The first thing that he's saying that while the Jetta are being blasted off his feet by the parent Sith in his era, except no one ever said Sith or confirmed that the Sith Lord. There's a helmet in a, but the Jetta are simply describing this as a splinter order. Really, that's what "Stretch" are gonna make. And the writer of the episode responded that by saying he doesn't know anything about the Sith, why would he? She's currently being hounded by fans online about the episode, but it's taking it in stride. Okay, fine, he doesn't know about the Sith. So, you know, he's an idiot 100 years later. But again, 100 years later, he shouldn't have, he should have been not born at the time of this show. Okay, but they changed that, don't worry. So then they're going on about, you know, all this stuff and they said the second part is naming it a summer upset that his appearance that given doesn't align with his previous established age or lifespan of his species. However, there's nowhere in Canada described the age or his lifespan, that's their argument. Well, it doesn't say that, so we can do what we want. Instead of owning, oops, shit, we made a mistake, sorry. And we're literally going back and undoing and redoing the stuff on Wikipedia and changing dates to make it fit. No, no, no, it's 'cause you all are dumb and, you know, it fits, but we never said specifically how long he lives. Well, okay, fine. If it didn't specifically say how long it lived, it didn't matter why change his age at all. Why go, oh, because he wouldn't have been there then. So stupid. So they're talking about the Wikipedia article, what we're talking about, we're not gonna mince words, about hate speech, and there's no place for you in our community. Yeah, look, I agree. You shouldn't be out there telling somebody to kill themselves or to die and hoping their pets die. That's never necessary or called forever, which I have said many, many times. And look, people like the show and I don't. And unless they're actively causing problems or hurting other people or doing what I'm gonna talk about in a minute, I don't care if you like it. I mean, I don't, I question your taste, but I don't care if you like it, knock yourselves out. The problem is, is that when one of the people that are behaving badly do this, that everybody gets painted with this broad brush and I also don't think it's right that Wikipedia gets the side with our community. And then I notice that's our community. Well, you know, Wikipedia, I don't like to give a fuck what your community is because your community excludes a lot of people. For your inclusiveness, you're awfully exclusive, okay? I see you constantly blocking people on Twitter for not agreeing with you or questioning things or whatever, and you had a couple of pronouns and everybody's bios and everything else. You know, our community. You don't, you're not the boss of the community. You're not God of the community. But I do agree that you shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff to the person that's the editor there. And of course, here we go. Here comes Paul. The fact here is that this group on the whole simply does not believe Disney Cannon is a thing. They will say the EU content is more canon than Disney content. Yeah, 'cause it's true. Disney content sucks, Paul. Which is why it takes priority to situation like this, choosing to live our life in a bubble. No, no, no, no, no. Takes a priority to a situation like this. No, Paul. The canon was established for years. Dude was in the prequels. They literally added him 'cause they didn't do their homework and then Wikipedia went and retcon the dates. It's not about a priority in this situation. It was canon, dude. It was canon before. And that was G-canon not expanded universe and legends, dude. G-canon. That's what the problem is. They literally have gone back and retconed it and then changed it to Wikipedia. This isn't like a, oh, this takes priority. EU takes priority. No, no, no, no, no. That's not what's going on here, buddy. At all. Choosing to live in a bubble world where none of this is real. Well, you know what, Paul? The acolyte isn't real either. The Disney Star was not real. It's just not. So I don't understand why that's a bubble world but you're not living in one yourself. Why is it the fans and quotes living in a bubble world that you're living in the real world? Okay. Mm-hmm. Of course, this is extra-diculous that this has happened many times before. Yes, I agree and I've said that it has happened before. But the point is, why it's making it worse is the fact that you guys, or this is what you're choosing, how you're choosing to defend it. Instead of saying, oh, you're right. Yeah. We probably weren't thinking or whatever. You know, oh, we don't want to do that. We want to change it. But we're gonna own it. No, no, no, no, no. You're all deflecting like, well, he never, he didn't know that with Seth. He didn't know. And you know, we don't know how long they live. What are you gonna do and how long they live, dude? He wasn't born then. He wasn't there. So it doesn't matter. It has changed. What bubble world are you living in? I'm so tired of this. But it brings me to the point I was gonna make about here. Oh, yes, 'cause he also had a meltdown about the acolytes audience score. This was, 'cause Star Wars holocron put out, I mentioned this other day. The Star Wars holocron said about champion, what you love about Star Wars and spread positivity. And don't let, don't criticize people for enjoying something. Okay, I agree. Don't criticize people. If people like something, they're allowed to like it. But if people don't like it and they have good, I don't care if they don't like it 'cause they don't like the color of something. Doesn't matter. If they don't like it, it has something to do with you. The problem is, is that you're allowed to, you're not allowed to not like this. As soon as you don't like it, and I've seen this across the board, I've seen this on Disney fanboards and stuff too. Someone said, "Oh, I don't like it." Well, you're an insult. You're a bigot. You're a racist. You're a homophobe. You're a massagerist. No, people don't like it and it doesn't mean there are any of those things at all. Just because they don't fucking like it. And you're not a terrible person. And a lot of people who don't like it not straight white male. But you're all, here you come. You're a racist, a bigot. I'm just a homophobe, an insult. It's tiring. You're like saying, you know, don't criticize people for enjoying something. Well, don't criticize people. They don't like it either. Paul. Fans and quotes. You know, I don't ever wanna hear anything from Paul about grifting. 'Cause that's exactly what this is. I'm so fucking tired of it. And like, a couple of people did something shitty, which I truly believe that probably happened 'cause people, that's their go-to and don't do it. I told you before. Everybody tells you before, don't do that. Honestly, women surprised me and people that loved the acolyte went and did it, pretending people were anti just to cause them trouble. And of course, the color you will do something does not mean that the majority of people did it. Okay? And just because they don't think that it's right that they're retconning shit, doesn't mean that they're fans and quotes. And you don't have to like Disney Star Wars to be a Star Wars fan. Disney Star Wars is shit. I'm sorry, except for a couple exceptions. And or the first couple seasons of Mandalorian wrote one, except for a couple exceptions. A lot of people do like The Force Awakens, for whatever reason. Their stuff has been terrible. And it's by choice. Because even things that makes no sense to do it that way, they did it anyway. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Little Leia, why? Because they're trying to push a narrative. And I don't care what Paul says. You're not a fan and quotes if you don't like the acolyte. But don't go harassing people. That being said, you don't have to take harassment either. And that being said, for those of you who like the acolyte, you know, just 'cause you like it, which you're allowed to like it, does not give you a right to harass those that do not. It's just, it is what it is. Sit and spin, I guess. I don't know. What do you think? Comment, let us know, and we'll talk to you later. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Thanks again for listening. More news and videos are available on our website at and on our YouTube channel, ClownfishTV. You can buy official merchandise, clownfish comic books and more at If you like this show, please consider subscribing and leaving us a positive review on iTunes and other podcast platforms. If you're looking to help support this show financially, go to If you'd like to sponsor an episode of this show, send us an email at This podcast is a production of Clownfish Studios LLC and webrief media proudly made in Pittsburgh, USA. 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