C&Whit Podcast

Trolling The Roaches

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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- To see in wit show, I'm watching that for sure. - Oh, 100%. - I'm sorry, I'm a female, I do not do work. - I'm too rich for that. - We don't like vinyl. - Guys, I'm not gonna like brag or anything like that, but like, oh, it's my last shot. - Anyone else? Fuck 'em. (laughing) - Sorry, I'm shawing my fucking teeth. - Welcome back, bitches, to another podcast of seeing wit show. Today, we are actually in a different location. I think we've had 15 different locations in the last month. Big bitch here, eating gluten. As per usual, we're doing the opposite of everything I use, I say. - And we're doing something fun today. Today, we decided to download Reddit and go through what y'all say about us, because I don't get to say shit. I do people like, oh my God, did you see what they said? I'm like, no. - I don't get to say anything like that. - Oh, apparently it only goes back to 56 days. - Damn it. - Can you not go down anymore? Do they delete or something? - Should I do big bitch? Apparently there's topics, so we're just gonna kind of go through and just see what y'all say about us. - I'm gonna scroll. - Like for real, for real. Because I'd be curious. - Oh my God. - I haven't read this, I haven't read this in years, bro. - And if there's like factual things. - I'm gonna give you all credit for that. So this thing of it is like a back check. Before we get started though, we're gonna go ahead and give a life update. I'm still fucking pregnant. It's fine. I might be a little bit over it. - Oh, this one says 56 days too. I guess we're starting there. - The hair's just different in mine. - Yeah, 'cause I'm on big bitch. - What the fuck am I on? - I clicked big bitch, you have to click. - I'm on big bitch and momma number two. - Oh, okay, well so it's about what us. - Mm-hmm. - So you be wrong, oh you're wrong. - All right. All right, that's my life update, I'm still pregnant. - Family's coming soon. - That's so exciting. - What's your life update? - We're going to Gulf Coast Janis weekend. Couldn't tell you if we have tickets to be honest with you because we'd be waiting to like the day before. - And if you're listening to us, so I were eating. - Yeah, we're eating McDonald's so you can go, huh? - Not one fuck could fall from his family. - Big bitch has to feed her mixed. - My kid said he wanted chicken nuggets from McDonald's. So I got them at the fuck. So we don't even know if we got tickets. Can I see one of those napkins by chance? - For sure. - I'm actually feeling a little fruity. - Pershusal, my nasal. - Pershusal, my nasal. Dogs ran away the day, of course. 'Cause I'm a horrible, horrible hunter. - Oh no, they're a dig. So did our dogs, but our dogs are trying to dig, I think underneath my house, to find another house. Her dogs, they're trying to find China. - No, really, they only dig right there, but they easily could run away. - Maybe they're snakes. Snakes? - I think they know that they run away that you're not going to find them. Mine, they know that we're coming to get them. - Well, Finley's the only one that has ever ran away. She was at the end of the street. - Do you call when they come back? Mine don't. - Well, Finley did it for a second and I saw her peeking around the corner and she's jumping. She did her fucking deer jumps. - I saw him. - I saw him, Chris, I found my neighbor, sat me on speed dial for a runaways. This lady pulls up my car yesterday. I've had a dog run away every day for the last week. They're finding this little hole and have a trail and it goes, "I just gotta fix today." This lady pulls up in her car, right? On the side of her car says, "Is a piece of paper taped to the window?" And she pulls up to my driver and she goes, "Can you please tell me if you lost a dog "and what color it was?" It says, "Dog found," and it has her phone number. I was like, "Damn." - You have to pull out your whole, "Damn, she always want me to go look for her car "in order to call her, find my dog." I was like, "Shit, who does she have?" - Who does she have? Luna! I'm looking around, I'm like, "One, two, three, four." I'm like thinking of my Ruby's ear saying, "Who the fuck ran away?" "Yeah, damn, Luna." She found the damn owl. - They were trying to keep that dog, weren't they? - She was trying to keep her too. She's like, "Well, she didn't have a collar." So they're like, "We weren't gonna," I was like, "Yeah, we'll check her chip." I got a chip in there, but I think it's illegal in Florida to keep a dog that's been chipped and stuff. They have to report it first. - They sent, they got Tyler's number. They sent Tyler a message and it said, "Map of the neighborhood." And it's everybody's house with the amount of dogs in their names. It was like Buster, Bagget, Bougie. - So you have to like submit your dog from her? - Yeah, I was like, "Don't do it, don't do it." Everybody had it and it said, "Wouldn't he run?" Unknown, like literally I was like, "Don't tell him." Don't tell him they have to know that we're at least a dog farm. He told me 15. And they are, I was like, "Oh my God." But I think everybody knows that, I'm like the neighborhood talk of my trash cans they're out front for too long. And I got too many dogs. - You do an HOA, you living? - Uh-uh. They're just, you know, like the rich old people are just like, they get, you're telling me right now, you pull down the street and you get bothered by a trash cans that are outside? No. - Don't you get me started if you're living in HOA, your mailbox cannot be dirty. - What? I got fined for that. - No, you don't. - Yeah. - Ah, dog shit on mailbox, fuck it. - I'm not fucking going outside and scrubbing my mailbox. - They literally gave you a note and said your mailbox suitary? - I got fined for it and I enjoy. - Absolutely not. - Yeah, I didn't get one just for that reason, but dogs ran away today, what else did we do? Got bitch that. - I've just been here, I guess people call it nesting. I've been putting together so much crap. - I'm trying. - You and your back, your back room. - I've been having voice lessons though. - Yeah, you have. - Do you have a concert coming up? - Well, I tell them. - Mm-hmm. - I just found out we're going to do tickets. - Can you find a subtle place? - Oh, okay, but bitch. - It's a bar, the bar that I performed at. - No, you said you're going back and forth because you didn't know if you wanted to. - Yeah, but the capacity is about 204 people. I said I'm going to fill that up with my parents. - So I guess they're trying to move it just for my shell. - The bar people? - The capacity, the bar people. And I was like, oh, that's lit, but you got to tell me now because I got to, these are going to-- - You got to start posting it or you're not going to miss. - Yeah, so. - Yeah, but the capacity with 200 is nothing. Compared to the open to public though, or just take it only. - I don't know, they don't know yet. 'Cause if I sell 200 tickets and there's only 45 left, which I'm bringing 45 people automatically with everybody. And then Tyler's family, my family, everybody. Angie Allen, all them. - Yeah. - But he said they're going to allow a little bit of walk-ins if they raise the capacity, but I guess we'll see. There's not a lot of people going to be there 'cause it's summer for Alabama. - When do they get out of school? - Well, I guess they're probably going to scratch it now. - Yeah. So, yeah, I got shell and then rock the south and Kristin's having your kid. That's, I looked in the mirror today and I go, Kristin's having a baby. - It literally looks fine. - Thinking to myself, I'm like, okay. This shoe went, first of all, went by so fast. It was just the other day that we just found out that you were pregnant. - He's what? - We wake up right now. - Like, we literally looked at each other and we're like, yeah, you're pregnant. I'm like, holy shit, and you already have a baby in like three weeks. - I'm already over it though. - Like that guy, it went by so fast. - Burps. - Excuse me. - It went by really fast. It hasn't felt like it's been long. - Like, it's about to come out. - But now, in the last couple of weeks, I feel long 'cause I'm just over it. - Yeah, I know. - That's my vagina now. - No. - It just looks like it hurts. - It's sort of the touch, especially when you hang out. - Oh, it's sore. Just like hurts, like. - You're like the, mm-hmm. - You were trying to go and walk or anything? Is that help or no? - I'm active. I don't just lay in bed. I'm active, I do stuff. Walking, the thing is with walking with my sciatic nerve. Walking too much, it turns my right leg numb. - Are they gonna say, is it gonna, so once he comes out, that's gonna go away? - Fucking better than that. - Do they say like he's just sitting on a nerve or something? - Yeah, that's usually what it is. He's just sitting on a nerve 'cause he's so bad. - So that's like that the whole time? - No. - You could do it. You just kinda get used to it. I've become immune to it. - I haven't really talked to it. I mean, nobody that I know is like complained about their pregnancy that I know of, but I'm not really around like anybody pregnant. - I only complain because I can. - I'm gonna do that too. - But I'm like actually like physically hurting, like my back hurts, my chest hurts, my ribs hurts, stomach hurts, my vagina hurts, my fingers hurt, my toes hurt because everything's swelling. - Is everything stretching? Oh, I hate that. It's like mopey feeling, like where you just like over it. Like you're just exhausted. You're like, mm-hmm. It'll go down though. - I know, can't wait. - But you're still so little compared to... - I know. - Like you're so little. - I'm grateful for that. But I can't breathe for shit. - Me three. - Anywho. - All right. So, we're gonna go through this snark page. Apparently they haven't categorized. So I'm gonna go through mine, my part I guess. Baby mama number two. - Hold on, what is regretful parent? (laughing) Who? - Are those about our parents? - I don't know. - Okay, 56 days ago, made by Brie. One thing I wish this Reddit page would do, they're so confident themselves. I love it. Just one day. - Just post your fucking phase. - Just do like a profile check. Just so then, so then I feel better about myself. Because I know you all are calling it ugly. But I know half of y'all probably weigh about 600 pounds. (laughing) So, how does I get my cheeseburger? - As we eat our cheeseburgers in a big bitch over here, eating apples. - I'm just saying. - I already ate my cheeseburger and a wrap, and chips. - You can have a chicken nugget if you want. - A couple. - I'll check you out. - Okay, so let's see, I'm gonna find something interesting. Do you already find something on yours? - They just say I'm ugly, in fact. Five months ago, shit was allergic to whiskey. I'm not allergic to physical whiskey. There might be gluten in it. Someone tells me I'm allergic to whiskey and I'm allergic to whiskey. If I'm not, I don't really care, honestly. I don't drink it. That one's not really that fun to talk about. I don't know why that one's a thing, but. - I find one. - Okay. - I'm allergic to gluten. Do I still eat it? Yes. That's all I'm gonna see is gluten in fact. - I'm allergic to avocados and watermelon, but this whole fucking pregnancy, that is all I've been craving. - I literally-- - Avocado was looking at Tyler yesterday. - And I'm sitting there and I'm like, 'cause I remember what you're allergic to, 'cause if I go and get shit, I'll be like, "I can't have that." I'm looking at Tyler yesterday. I'm eating my fruit bowl and I'm cutting out the fruit bowl. And I'm cutting it watermelon. I was like, "Yeah, Christian, you can't have this." And I stopped. And I looked at Tyler and I thought and I was like, she was smoking a whole thing of watermelon on the boat. I'm sitting there thinking I'm like, "Didn't she tell me she's allergic to melon?" - Yeah, my tongue gets itchy and I'll get cold-sourced-- - So you just don't care? - No, I'm just hoping I don't go to an inflected shock. - So do you didn't have any reaction? You know you could grow out of 'em, too. - And that's what I'm thinking with this pregnancy for some reason, because, so remember when my first trimester we went to-- - Avocado, you got itchy. I remember avocado we got itchy, because we had avocado drugs. - Where did we go? Where was our trip? My first trimester, Bahamas. And I wanted nothing but avocado. Like an avocado sandwich, like toast sound is so good. So I finally gave it one day at breakfast and got it. And I didn't have a reaction, like my throat didn't get itchy, I didn't break out sores on my lips and stuff, and I was like, - Mm-hmm. - So I kept eating it, and I haven't had them since I've been pregnant, but maybe I just wanna blow me everything on pregnancy. But I guess maybe you can grow out of it or something, but if I push out this baby and I can't eat an avocado, - I've been better with gluten, too, which is weird to say, 'cause it was like celiac disease, different, blah, blah. When I eat gluten, I don't get sick automatically anymore. It takes me like four days, and then I'll get sick. Like I don't get, my stomach doesn't hurt, I don't get bloated, I don't get itchy, like, it's so weird, like all of a sudden everything like, I mean, you can grow out of shit, so I don't know. But I was diagnosed, so I don't know if it just-- - But you don't also eat it every day, here's the thing. When you don't know you're allergic and you just eat it constant, like gluten's such an easy thing to eat. That's why you're sick, so when you've learned that you were gluten-free, you just learn to cut out most of that out of your fucking diet, and when you have it, it won't have such an effect, because-- - Yeah, 'cause it's like once in a blue moon, but dude, I was having, like I just ate that damn cheeseburger if you're fine, and then it's two hours off, I had to shit, it's fine, it's a constant-- - Okay, so here's one. So I tend to like match people's energy on TikTok or something, if we're gonna talk shit, like I'm gonna make fun of you back, like I'm gonna bully you back, 'cause bring back bullying toward me. - Yeah, people don't understand that, if somebody's gonna say something to us, talking shit, do not get mad and play a victim. - Don't think I'm-- - When we see the same shit back to you, it doesn't make me the bigger person. - No, 'cause I'm not gonna walk away. - I'm not. So apparently some girl made a video about me on TikTok, Ellen Welling, because the same people yelling at this one person about popping her son's hand or the same people laughing at Kristen's repost about spanking her kid, period. I'll spank my kid and yours if they need it. - Pop 'em. - I'll pop 'em. - I'll pop 'em once. - Keep your kids out. - Keep your kids out. - Try to film throwing tantrums in the store because they couldn't get a cake hat. Pop 'em. I used to get popped in the mouth. - Me too. - Anyway, so I responded back, apparently this girl I spucked up to you, so I said I'll give you my Invisalign for free. (laughing) - Okay, that's my comment back. - I'm sorry, but looking at your fucking comments are the best. Sometimes I'll literally go in your comments just to read what you say back to people. - You always text me, like, how do you come up with me? - Dude, it's like the funniest shit, 'cause I'd be responding to people and I'm like, I look like I'm but her, but realistically, I'm not as funny as you in the comments. - So I just said, I'll give you my Invisalign for free. And then Reddit said, this toad is such a goddamn bully. Like, sorry, someone's calling out on the hypocrisy, no need to get defensive for this girl's. So what I'm focusing on in this post is this toad is such a goddamn bully. Fine, I'll take toad. Thank you. - Can you just rub it for me? - Rub it. - Did toads rub it? Like, oh no, those are the talkers. Anyways, what I'm going to bring out, 'cause I'm a little concerned in the sentence is, she is such a bully. - I think I have 50,000 people on a page. - Bullying. - Bullying me. So I'll probably say it again to this girl, if she doesn't make a video, like, I paid six grand for my Invisalign, but I'm willing to give it to her for free. I was actually helped, I'll give you my Invisalign for free. You're welcome. - That's what I say. You're going to be rude and I'm still giving you a nice and give you free shit. I chose to be the grown-up there for free. - I can't believe you did that, Kristen. I'm going to clap for you. - But I am a bully, that's fine. But y'all, you're saying that they're calling me out of my hypocris, Chris, whatever. But you're bullying me too. So let's chill it up. All right, you're next. - I wasn't a bad one. - This one really didn't have much to it. It just said dumb piece of shit. And it was a picture of my two dogs. (laughing) - My favorite thing is when they-- - They actually made a great fucking baby, I gotta say. - I didn't go so quickly. - It was actually an accident, but we actually, not to say the least, but I think Penny might be pregnant again, which doesn't make any sense because, - What? - Yeah, Tucker's fixed and Gus is an old enough to have any. I think we're just, I think she's just gaining weight from the pregnancy before. - I'm looking at her, I'm like, she's getting a little weight, but I guess the dogs are a dumb piece of shit. Oh, here we go. I read the comments a little bit. I hate Whitney, I know she shouldn't have, I know I shouldn't have hate in my heart. Wait, hold on, what? I can't even read this shit. I know shouldn't have hate in your heart, especially someone you never met, but I cannot stand this stupid bitch. I would not be friendly if I ever saw her. Let's just say that. - And you know she has a picture of me being honest. (laughing) - She definitely posted us, there's no point. I don't know if this is just proving that like, I'm a dumb piece of shit and I have dogs, but I think I'm doing great. 'Cause my dogs are cute, so that one really didn't give me much of an explanation to, oh, animal hoarding. Okay, I'm gonna get another one after this. Okay, so I got called the pedophile. Talking about my kid, what'd you say? I made a snapshot and said, "Anyone else does prego, does it ever feel "like the baby's tickling your hoo-haw? "Cause it does, it feels like his fingers are down "they're going like this." And they say what the fuck? And then the comments. Honestly, I can't believe she's having a boy. She gives me that weird mom vibe, she's giving me that mother-in-law that wants to date her son. - I don't know if you will though though. - Someone said not the UTI kick. (laughing) - You guys are funny. - It's always like-- - Look at us, you could be funny and bully us, but it comes to a point where you're just straight up and just like, it's fucking like-- - They're literally reaching every single snapshot we take. We make, they literally take something out of it. Like, oh my gosh, her second toe's bigger than her first. Oh my gosh, she's a whale. Oh my gosh. - She's so ugly. - Oh my gosh, she's having a baby. I can't believe they're friends. - Like, okay, no, to be funny. Come up with, there's some stuff here I actually read. - Yeah, me too. Oh my gosh, this is good. - You're fucking funny. Like, please text me, like I've got to get-- - Like the stanky and shit, that's perfect. Who thought of that? - That's funny. - Really, because whoever thought of it needs to be hooked. - Oh shit. Like this is, when you edit this zoom in, this picture of me, will they try to say it's me? That's-- - They said the same thing to me. - That's funny, thank you. - But, my lips look like more of an asshole than an actual asshole. - But then here's a comment, no, you're just a horny slut that turns everything sexual. Like, that's just not funny, like that's just weird. (laughing) - I am horny. - Okay, I guess it does make sense. - Here's one, the moment she realized she is the problem. Usually, most of the time we troll on the internet, so that's why you all still follow us. We take things out of proportion just for you guys to feed into it. I don't think we've understand social media yet. We do things so that you guys will progressively watch often, correct? Would you say that? - You're 100%. - So, when you guys say they're the problem, they're this, they're that. In reality, we're sitting back watching everything that we just went on live to talk about, and we're making fun of ourselves, and we're also trolling everything else that you are saying, so. - You got a thing called broke bitch or something like that. No, we actually get paid for me all the way. (laughing) So, imagine the little clot you got in your little clot you had 50,000. Imagine times, I don't know, I got 1.3 mil on TikTok, 400,000 on Snapchat. - Okay, but you know this is making us bigger. - Right. - Talking shit about, I was like, oh my God, they do that. She really does that. I'm gonna go look, I'm gonna go stop. I'm gonna go do this, I'm gonna share. Yeah, y'all are just making it better. - Now, tell us to get a job, but like, if you're paying us. (laughing) Like, ugh, like we make the subscribers in a month. Like, I don't know whatever you wanna do, but. - I can't even read this, this isn't even English. The entire group of people needs to grow up and have moral values check. But all of them is becoming more and more obvious that horsehead. - Continue to see the one. (laughing) God, I wanna horse so bad. I'm not joking, I want one so bad. Continues to be the one that causes division between stank and whoever comes in her life. That is a true fact. Honestly, me and Kristen will plot when people come into our life, all right? We'll plot, not plot, but like, we have this checklist. If you're not checking the checks, we're not hanging out with you. No offense. If you wanna come around, hang out, let's show whatever we buy with you, we instantly like clickin'. But like, me and Kristen are the same. We just have different ways of showing it. - Yes. - One has to be muted on certain occasions. The other has to be muted on the second occasion. But at the same, we think the exact same. Yes. I think it's your turn, Elle. - Thank you. - Someone's up. - I made a Snapchat, you can't take, someone said you can't take financial pregnant. I said you wanna bet. His girl's comment said. - That goes so funny. Maybe Krusty Panies would sleep if she actually got up into something with her. - Krusty Panies? - That's good. - This is such a crazy wall pregnant. - I know, sometimes I think the names they come up with and I just have this image of my head and it ain't you, but it's just some Krusty Panies that I've seen. Oh, please no, these gods stop. This one says I'm in a very-- - Someone said what do you mean? - Oh god, is this the comment? - It's like, yeah, it's true like this, okay. Benitro's actually safe during pregnancy, but she's still a cunt. (laughing) - What is that for, are you to sleep? - Benitro. - Yeah, but it's not like you're gonna go and take it every single night. - Benitro's actually safe to use during pregnancy. I can't take anything else that has melatonin or Benitro. - Yeah, but it's asleep. - It's not like you're going there and drinking it like it's freaking coke. - I actually still never take him and Benitro just pregnancy. - We just talk out of our asses and people believe it. I just don't understand. (laughing) - It's personally giving her whole life story about how she got addicted to Benitro. - No. - And then you aren't supposed to take it. That sounds like a youth fucking problem or how the fuck you got addicted to Benitro. - This one's back to what I was actually out of town for making music and y'all went to the beach. - Oh my God. - Apparently I was the problem, right? That's why nobody could outgo into the beach unless I was out of town. That's not the case at all. We literally were at the beach like the week before with the same exact people. I just wasn't there, but I would've been. I would've been a great time. Now there is about two people that I can't stand. That's there, but am I gonna say anything? No, am I gonna fight them? No, I don't do that anymore. I'm actually being the bigger person. I'm being the bigger person. I believe if shit wasn't always involved in drama she wouldn't be in so much drama. What? I could never read. Stank definitely needs new friends. If she wants this rep on her to dissolve a little bit. You have a rep? What's your rep? - Maybe they've made a reputation? - Yeah, but what is it? - I thought it was crunchy paintings. - I don't. - Mine's big bitch. - I'm not through my reputation. - Oh, fuck me. These are insane. Girl, you aren't even there and they never hang out like this when you are. Okay, when have they hung out since then? They haven't. It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You always have to trial an error. I'm gonna move on to the next one. Your turn? I mean, they called me shit nay. Like shit nay, like horse? Is that the... Are you still reading? Actually, I'm not gonna lie to you today before I got here. Me and Tyler looked up the narcissist in the words. I said yes to a few, I'm not gonna lie. I think it's trauma. - Maybe. - Then what I said yes to, let me revise this. The one I said yes to is has no empathy. - We don't give a fuck about you. - I cry when puppies die. I cry when people get married. I cry when family members pass away. I cry when kissing is birth. I'm not going to cry over someone calling me big bitch. So you're gonna call me a narcissist because you wanna tell me that I'm too old to be in drama. I'm too old to do this. I'm a dog hoarder, I'm fat, I'm skinny, I'm broke. But you still want me to cry? 'Cause I won't. I can't. I just can't do it. My Alexa Pro stops all my tears. I don't even have that. I don't know what I'm gonna excuse. Shittney popped up with my suggested on Snap. After seeing someone post about her crying. What? I thought I wasn't empathetic. Now I'm crying. We all know that she stays obsessed with her exes. I've only really dated like maybe three people. The last few I don't claim is exes because I don't. They either cheat or they just suck. But I haven't actually talked about them in a minute. Should we bring it up? Give a little revision. One of her exes beats her. The other one just cheats on her. That's it. That's all to say about that. If you guys have been in that situation and you're listening to this or watching this, that's traumatic. You're all stupid. They're just like screen shot and like zero on my face. They just say we're ugly. That's what I said, stupid. Like, come on, we're so good. They say I'm fat while I'm pregnant. I don't, guys, I don't even claim that I have a fat ass. I don't, I don't sit there and I'm like, I have a fat ass so you guys can suck it. Like, I've never even said like, damn, I've got a donk. I say it though. But there were like screenshots of pictures that are like the worst pictures they zoom in. They're like, where's her ass? Dude, honestly, I don't know. I think Tyler might've hated it. - He might've actually dissolved it. Like, I don't care about who my exes are with. I don't care about who they talk about. I don't care about who they cheat with. I don't care. I don't care. Next. Mommy made milky. Who says that? What is she? Three? - Like, that is just stupid shit. - Okay. - Oh, there's me. Isn't that? (scoffs) - All right, let's-- - I'll pay for these though. They're fake too. - Okay. Says, "We all know gross push reads these." Well, it was actually my first time, so you are correct on this. Probably checks us out every 10 minutes. We know she's gonna read this along with every other comment. So how about we all comment some nice words in motivation to her and her comments? I'll go first. Just know you're the world's worst mom. "Your eaters isn't even safe anymore." You think you're saving Jacob what he did too. He will do to you. What goes wrong comes wrong. Also, she's way prettier than you'll ever be. Jacob thought she was too out of his league. Okay, so let's see what, so let's see what some words of motivation they gave me. Nothing so far, nothing good. They said, "I hope I have the worst post part, I remember." - Wow, that is so nice. - People which I've been books, I'm not fucking reading all this shit. Dear Miss Post-filled pussy. Water-bloom titty, you have an ass-con. Like, that's just weird. Hope you closeted that man. Hope he leaves you. Hope she didn't even fucks your man and your dad. - Oh my God. - I think you get every STD in the book. When you all see this, if you want advice on how to run this page, that makes it actually interesting. Be funny. - Yeah, these are boring. - Weird. Why do you call me a pussy-filled cunt? Like, that's just weird. - That's boring. - That's boring, yeah. Same way, I hope my vagina tears my asshole. But probably will. Mother's Day, don't think you're gonna-- - I wanna know if they actually have questions. Like, they just, like, say things and just assume, like, it ain't-- - Not questions, just, like, be funny or something. - All right, that's gonna be part Unos of the Reddit roaches. Come back for part two, bitches, because we really have to dig deeper, I think, because half of these are just, like, really stupid, and we're not really-- - We're just saying shit, not, like, actually, like, asking. - Not really asking, 'cause we don't expect him to ask me, but sometimes y'all can be funny on this fucking thing. It's just weird. Anyways, love y'all. Have great vagina. We will see y'all next week. Goodbye.