WRAL Newscasts

Sunday News on WRAL - Sunday, July 14, 2024

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14 Jul 2024
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What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance. Uncover opportunity, and move upward at Live from WRAL News, headquarters in Raleigh, your number one source for local news. WRAL News, coverage you can cut off. Good evening and thanks for joining us tonight. I'm Julian Grace. Well, this weekend is heating up with even warmer temperatures expected tomorrow. Meteorologist Anthony Baglione is in the WRAL severe weather center in Anthony. How are things looking right now? Julian, we've been seeing temperatures out there mainly in the 90s. Feels like values though, widespread here close to, if not at over 100 degrees. We're at 102 currently is what it feels like in Goldsboro, 106 in Clinton, dropping there to 99 there around the triangle. It was up about 102 here for most of us. That future heat index though, what it will feel like the next couple of hours, even if you're headed out to dinner plans, let's say 8 o'clock this evening, feeling like 100 in some spots right around 95 there in the triangle, 96 there for Rocky Mount. We get into the next couple of days though, our heat is really going to crank back up. It's another one of those patterns here, where we see feels like values in the triple digits. 106 on Monday, 108 on Tuesday, 105 by the time we get into Wednesday, just plain dangerous heat for us the next couple of days, where we start to get a little bit of relief comes in for Friday, Saturday with some rain chances on the way. Those muggy meter chances that force you in the next couple of days, we are squarely in the tropical category for us through the majority of this week. We will talk about those some big time rain chances headed this way that will help to cool us off, Julie, in just a few minutes. Alright, thanks Anthony. Now let's go to some breaking news in Raleigh, where police are still searching for a man accused of shooting someone. That person is recovering in the hospital this evening after the shooting near Cardinal Gibbons High School this afternoon. Let's go right on over to the scene. WRAL's Carly Haynes is live on Amber Ridge Lane. Carly, what else do we know about this shooting? Well, Julian, investigators were here for about three and a half hours. Detectives were focusing their efforts over on that side of the apartment complex for most of the time that they were here, gathering evidence. Listen to this dispatcher on broadcastify radio traffic right after that call went out. We're getting multiple calls about a man with a long gun, so that everybody's running from the pool area. They heard about thousands of shots. When police arrived around two today, they found a man with a gunshot wound. He was taken to the hospital, and he is expected to survive. Our WRAL breaking news tracker saw multiple evidence markers on the grounds near the apartment complex. Forensics also once seen here, and people who live here say this is usually a calm complex. Now they're waiting for more information about who might have been involved. They didn't catch him yet, so we don't know what's going on. They didn't really tell us anything, so we don't know any part of what's happening right now. So we don't know what's going on. This is an NBC News special report. Here's Jose Diaz-Bolard. Good evening, we are coming on the air with breaking news. There has been an incident at Donald Trump's Pennsylvania rally. It appears shots have apparently been fired, and Donald Trump has been injured. I'm going to pause to let you see the video as it played out. That charts a couple of months old, and if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. Who is there? Hold on. So here's what we know with this hour, what sounds like shots rang out. The former president grabbed his ear, and as he fell, was immediately surrounded by security behind the podium, and as you can see in these images, he was surely rushed off the stage. This is an emerging situation. NBC's Dasha Burns is at that Trump rally in the North with Pittsburgh and joins us now. Dasha, what do we know? Jose, we're still waiting to confirm a lot of the details here. A lot of question marks still up in the air. Here's what I can tell you from my vantage point, because I was standing right here as Trump first came onto the stage. He was just a few minutes into his speech at this rally. I was in front of a camera, and I was walking off of the press risers here down below to the ground level, where all of the general attendance are, as we heard what sounded like gunshots ring out. My producer and I ran to take cover, as did several of the people that are in attendance here. Most people ducking down the press that were behind the risers, press that were at our media tables, ducking down under the tables as we weren't sure what was going on. Our crew who was up on the stage captured some of that video that you showed the former president, getting protected by his secret service. They covered him. He looked to have some blood on his face. It looked like his ear was bloody. A lot of chaos and confusion. No one was sure where the gunshots were sounded like gunshots were coming from. The former president, as we know, is now inside the motorcade. He may, at this point, be off-site. The folks here are now evacuating a lot of confusion. Some anger people yelling at the press here, not sure what to make of what has just happened. The former president was just standing on the stage. He was talking about immigration under President Biden when all of this erupted into chaos. Again, just moments into here's appearance here in Butler, Pennsylvania. So far, we're safe. Our crew is safe. We have not seen anyone injured. We have not heard of anyone injured yet, but certainly unexpected, confusing, and we are still waiting to find out what exactly transpired here, Jose. And Dasha, we want to go back to that video, because as you indeed state, it does seem as though what appears to sound like shots, a number of them did ring out, and the former president clutched his right ear. We saw him that after that he was taken towards that motorcade, and just moments afterwards, you can see from what seems to be his ear, blood in his ear, and there's some blood on his cheeks, but he is conscious. He is with his fist raised in the air as there seems to be blood coming from his right ear. He was conscious the entire time, still is conscious in every single one of the frames of the video that we have here on NBC News as he is being taken into that SUV. There were also moments right after those apparent gunshots rang out where we were able to hear the officials, and let's just let's just listen in together. We want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. I counted about eight to eleven what seems to be gunshots, and you will be able to hear now as they are getting ready to transport the former president. And we see now some heavily armed special SWAT team members, but listen to what they say here. What is down is what one said. This was just moments ago in Pennsylvania, and we will see the former president stand up with a help of a few people, he says let me get my shoe. Donald Trump is still speaking as he raises his fist. And there you can see in the middle part of your screens there seems to be blood coming out from his right ear, conscious, shaking and waving that fist as about five people helping down the stairs and towards that SUV. And I could hear about eight to ten or eleven what seems to be gunshots, Dasha. Jose, as we stand here, there are a lot of people yelling at the press pen right now, a lot of anger from the people here, I'll tell you just emotionally there's been a roller coaster just over the last ten minutes or so since this happened. It went from confusion, people not sure what they were hearing was fireworks, but as those sounds continued, as you said, eight to eleven or so consecutively, people realized this might be dangerous, this might be gunshots, people started to get down to hide, to feel that fear, that adrenaline that frankly I felt as we were trying to make sense of the situation and make sure that our team here and our colleagues here were safe. Then when you saw the former president in that video get up and raise his fist, we did hear cheers erupt from the crowd, people chanting USA, USA and the former president was taken into the motorcade, people started to clear out and now as this place is empty littered with water bottles, just looks like a scene of escape right now, very chaotic exit for everyone, the few people that are remaining are very angry with the media, we are feeling a lot of rage from people right now as everyone is trying to process what just happened. Of course, it is not uncommon for the former president at his rallies to point out the media to call them fake news and to target the frustration of his supporters towards the press and that is a little bit of what we are experiencing right now as people are trying to make sense of what happened, what was supposed to be and was just before these sounds rang out, just before this incident, a pretty jovial celebratory mood, music was playing, the former president had just started his speech and then everything changed his head. I want to bring in Tom Winter, a special correspondent, Tom, what we can discern from these images that we have from just moments ago is that the former president was speaking and then as what appeared to be gunshots start ringing out, more than one, Tom, is when he seems to touch his right ear and almost quickly right after that starts dropping and then that is when the security joined him, but Tom, it looks as though from this image that there is blood just from his right ear which may have also grazed his cheek. Jose, I want to stress to everybody that it is preliminary, the information that I am sharing with our audience right now is very early in this investigation. Everything I say is subject to change as law enforcement gathers more information as an investigation continues. I can say with some sense at this time, based upon law enforcement officials have been briefed initially on the events at the ground and reporting along with my colleague Jonathan King at 629 Eastern Time that the president is not expected to survive this incident. I think that is the most important thing for people to know. The former president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, presumptive nominee in the Republican Party is expected to survive this incident. That is the initial indication that we have from the ground. There is an initial indication that either a fragment of a piece of ammunition or ammunition may have struck the president. It is possible it could have been a bullet ricochet. We just don't know. It is very early in this investigation. We do not have any sort of sense of the suspect. We do not have any sort of a sense of it is just one person or two people. We don't know. We don't know the type of weapon that is used. We don't know the motivation, though it appears to be clear to be going after former President Trump. But again, the headline at this time, the initial indications is that Donald Trump is expected to survive this incident. We have a lot more calls to meet, a lot more information to gather. What I may have just said could change entirely in the next five minutes, the next five hours, we don't know. But that is the initial indication that we have all subject to change. Tom Roger, of course, stay on this and thank you for being with us tonight on this rapidly developing news story, former President Donald Trump, appears to have been shot or hit by some either ammunition or fragments in a rally that he was holding in Pennsylvania just moments ago. I want to turn to the moderator of Meet the Press, Chris and Welker, who is with us as well tonight. Kristen, these images that we're showing show the President to be conscious, the former President, to be conscious the entire time, shaking and waving his fist in the air. But there does seem to be blood emerging from the right, his right ear, and possibly maybe some injury to the cheek. Jose, that's right. The images are horrifying, the former President with his face bloodied, he's pumping, his fists, he appears to be saying fight, fight as he is ushered off stage by the Secret Service. The political world just starting to absorb what has unfolded in Pennsylvania with just days until the Republican National Convention gets underway. Let me read you some of the reactions so far. Kelly O'Donnell has reached out to the Secret Service, the Secret Service saying they are still gathering information on this incident. So, of course, we will bring that to our viewers as soon as we get that. President Biden, for his part, was at church in Delaware. As he left, he was asked if he'd been briefed on this rally. He said no. He then got back into his motorcade. Undoubtedly, he will be briefed in the coming moments. J.D. Vance, of course, the senator from Ohio, who is a potential contender to be Trump's VP nominee, tweeting out, "Everyone join me in praying for our President Trump and everyone at that rally. I hope everyone is okay." Jose, we cannot overstate this. This will send shockwaves throughout the political world, throughout the country, as everyone absorbs what has happened again. The former president rushed offstage, pumping his fist, appearing to have been injured at this rally in Pennsylvania, Jose. Chris and Walker, thank you so very much. Stay with us. I want to go back to Dasha Burns, who was at that rally. Dasha, if you would describe to us what was set the stage for us, what was happening when the former president was apparently hit with something. So those of us who are just joining, we were on the press risers. We were in front of the camera as the former president came onto the stage, started speaking. He was speaking Jose for maybe three to five minutes, perhaps even less. He was just starting to talk about the issue of immigration under President Biden. He put some slides up on the screens here. As he was starting to get into that issue, we were getting off the press risers here. I'll just tell you from my personal experience, because we were in the middle of all of this as this all transpired. We were getting off of the press riser, getting to the ground level where all of the attendees are on the grass here at this venue. We heard at first what I thought might have been fireworks. I even saw a little bit of smoke, wasn't sure what was going on. My producer Bianca and I then realized this might be something more serious. We then got ourselves behind a barricade for safety, trying to make sure that our colleagues and our peers around us were safe. Everyone ducked down. As you see in that video, the former president ducked down, Secret Service came and protected him. People in the audience here, those who were attending initial confusion, shock. Again, when you first hear those shots, you really do think this might be fireworks just because this is not something that you are expecting when you're at an event like this. We get down on the ground, we hear those continued pop, pop, pop, pops. They kept going. It felt like for a long time, for those of us who were here on site, but as you said, listening to it back, it was about 8 to 11 or so of those popping sounds. As the scene started to quiet down, as we stopped hearing those sounds, the former president started to get up, his Secret Service escorting him off the stage. The crowd went from that initial shock, fear to cheering for him as he stood up and it was clear that he was not unconscious, but he did seem to be bloody. Then the crowd started to disperse, in fact, we're being told right now that they would like the media to exit the premises, so that's what we're going to do as soon as we finish this, Jose. I'll phone in later if we have more information, Jose. Dasha, thank you very much. Do what is needed to do. Stay safe and do exactly what 40s are asking you to do. I want to, and if you're listening to us on radio, I want you to listen as well as watch what happened just short moments ago in Pennsylvania at former president Donald Trump's rally. We're going to start from this part and just go right through the whole incident. We're going to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Hold on, hold on, you're ready, unmute. >> Ready. >> Move, move, move. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Are you ready? >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Shooters down, are we good to move? >> We're clear, we're clear, we're clear, we're clear. >> Come on, let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes. >> Let me get my shoes. >> Let me get my shoes. >> Hold on in your head, hold on. >> So we got to move to the bus. >> Let me get my shoes. >> Okay, actually, go, go, go, go, go. >> Watch out. >> Wait, wait, wait, wait. [BLANK_AUDIO] >> [APPLAUSE] >> What was that mean? >> [APPLAUSE] >> [APPLAUSE] >> This time around, as we play back what happened just a short while ago in Donald Trump's Pennsylvania rally, we, I heard at least 13 shots, what appeared to be shots. And there was some different in the intensity or strength of the shots, which could mean that there were a number of, again, shots fired initially. And then there was some responsive shots. We also heard members of security say the shooter is down. Peter Alexander is with us, our chief White House correspondent. Peter, what do we know as of right now? And understand that President Biden has been informed of what happened. >> Jose, that's right. We have been in touch with senior officials at the White House who tell NBC News that President Biden, who is spending this weekend at his property in Rohoboth Beach, Delaware, has been informed, has been briefed by aides about the situation currently taking place or that has just taken place at that rally for former President Trump in Pennsylvania. I spoke to another official there who conceded that they are trying to get as much information as they can right now. Clearly, there are a lot of events that are moving very quickly at this time. The President only moments before this took place was in church at Rohoboth. And when he exited the church, reporters asked him if he was aware of it or had been informed about it, at that time he had not been. It's clear at this time he now has. This is clearly a very dramatic moment for this country. Both President Biden and many members of his staff have condemned political violence of all kinds. Nobody anticipated anything of this kind to take place as someone who travels routinely with the President and formally with former President Trump and with Mr. Trump as a candidate. The perimeter is usually very tightly protected from a great distance as well. As you saw the US Secret Service quickly swarming the former President before leading him off, you see the SWAT teams who quickly came into position. And I can tell you, having been in many of these Trump rallies, and here's a new picture from one of our colleagues there on the ground, the photojournalists who were in the front row showing the blood on former President's face and clearly on his ear as well. There he is pumping his fist as he was effectively chanting fight to those members, his supporters who were there. The perimeter is usually quite wide here and having traveled with former President with President Biden recently when he was overseas in Europe. I was struck by how wide that perimeter was with snipers in many areas keeping a very close eye and I suspect many of our colleagues in law enforcement would communicate that for a former President and now the presumptive nominee on the Republican side, there would have been a very wide perimeter. So now that we are told by law enforcement that it's believed that Donald Trump will certainly survive this incident, immediately the questions turned to how this happened, who's responsible for it, and what needs to be done to help better secure any of these political figures over the course of the next several days and weeks. Not the least of which begins with the Republican National Convention that's scheduled to start on Monday in Milwaukee. A giant perimeter has been built around the Milwaukee arena where they're going to be hosting that event. In Washington, a huge perimeter was built for the NATO summit that President Biden was participating in with world leaders as well. But as I'm speaking to you, I'm checking my phone and texting with colleagues, with staff at the White House for any additional information. Jose, as we gather that, we will of course share it with you. Peter Alexander, thank you so very much. Of course, continue monitoring this for us. I want to bring in retired ATF special agent, Jim Kavanaugh. He is with us tonight. Jim, and when we look at these images, there is so much that tells people like you so much about the trajectory, where it seems that these gunshots or whatever came from the president was looking towards his right when he, at least two of what seems to be gunshots rang out. And then he immediately kind of went towards his right ear as he was dropping. It seems later, Jim, that there may be up to two, what appear to be lines, right, one right up above his mouth on his cheek going towards his ear and then one on the lower part of his cheek. What does this tell you, Jim? Yeah, well, you're exactly right, Jose. I mean, he certainly reacted to his right. I mean, he appears to be, he was struck in his right ear. That appears to be where all the blood is. We don't know if that blood on the cheek is a wound or just blood spatter. It's hard to tell, but he certainly reacted to his right. He felt the sting on his right, probably his right ear. There's bleachers behind him that are filled, you know, with supporters, but he kind of looks to his right. Now, it doesn't mean that the shot was directly to his right, that came directly from his right. It's just, he hit him on the- He said, take a look at what happened. Jim, stand by. I want to go to Kristin Walker, who has some very late breaking news. Jose Secret Service spokesperson just posted on Act SAG, an incident occurred the evening of July 13th at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures, and the former president is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation, and further information will be released when available. Again, that is from the Secret Service. Everyone just absorbing what has occurred and unfolded in Pennsylvania. We're also getting reaction from a number of the vice presidential potential picks of former President Trump. Again, just to reiterate, the Republican National Convention is just days away from getting underway set to begin on Monday. Senator Rubio posting Prague for President Trump and all those attending the rally in Pennsylvania today. Senator Vance, everyone join me in praying for our President Trump and everyone at that rally. I hope everyone is okay. North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Please join Catherine in me in praying for President Trump, his family, and everyone attending the rally today. Kerry Lake, of course, Senate candidate posting, please pray for President Trump. So, reaction just beginning to pour in from the political world, of course, as Peter just reported, President Biden has been briefed. This is the scenario that everyone, of course, feared and was trying to protect against, certainly as we head toward the conventions. This summer, security is in the spotlight. The questions, of course, now, how could this have happened at a rally for the presumptive Republican nominee, and the questions, of course, will go on from there? How to prevent this from ever happening again? But again, the political world just beginning to absorb what has transpired at this rally in Pennsylvania, sources, of course, on both sides of the aisle, reaching out to say how horrified, how shocked, how in disbelief they are at what has unfolded, Jose. Andy, Chris and Walker, please stay with us. I want to go back to our investigative correspondent, Tom Winter, with us on the phone. Tom, an update? Those days still gathering details of this hour, as you can imagine, things are very fluid. But the initial indications that we have from two senior U.S. law enforcement officials have been briefed on the matter, is first and foremost, former President Donald J. Trump is expected to survive whatever incident this is. So that's the first thing. As far as what this was, what type of incident it is, what might have happened, those are all details that law enforcement is trying to get a handle on. Please see something. Was this a projectile? Was it a ricochet? Was it something that's not a gun? Could have been some other sort of device? Could have been anything else. We just don't know. It's just far too soon to say. And if anybody is in custody, who that person or persons might be, and why they did this, all very much a question at this hour, as I talk to you, in 647 Eastern times. So we're doing a lot of reporting, law enforcement, U.S. Secret Service trying to get a handle on it, as you can imagine, federal law enforcement agencies. And I'm including my reporting with my colleague, Jonathan Deinst on this, federal law enforcement agencies are all acutely aware of what's going on, and are standing by to provide any sort of information or do any sort of investigative work, depending upon what they might find. Of course, there'll be questions about security, if this was in fact an intentional act, there'll be questions about the what and the why. But right now, I think folks are still trying to get a handle on the details. The most important of which, just so people understand the current condition of the former president, is that he is expected to survive. So I want to thank you very much, stay with us. I want to go to Hallie Jackson, who has an update from the Trump campaign. Hallie? Yeah, for a campaign spokesperson, I'm going to read you this statement in full as obtained by our colleague, Garrett Hake. The President Trump, thanks, law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act. The spokesperson goes on to say he is fine and being checked out at a local medical facility. That is it for now. We do expect more details to follow. But obviously significant now, as we're looking at some of these images here, Jose, of the president, former president being escorted off stage, that he is, in the words of the campaign, he is fine. He is apparently not seriously injured, based on what they are telling us, and is obviously being looked at now by doctors. It is an extraordinary moment to say the least here, that we are on the eve of the Republican National Convention, that for the presumptive Republican nominee, this has occurred, whatever this is, at a campaign rally just days before he is set to officially accept the nomination. We want to be super careful here, because there's still a lot we don't know about motivation, but I will just echo what some of my colleagues have said here, having been to many of these kinds of rallies. There is a security perimeter in place for any time you go to an event with any current or former president. There are mags, there is security, there's a perimeter, and it is usually, obviously, always, pretty intense. And so there are going to be a lot of questions here moving forward as to how this could have happened as we're looking at these very dramatic visuals now from photographers who are lined up right there on stage in Butler, Pennsylvania. We have seen a lot of reaction coming in. I know that Kristen just went through some of it from people like Mike Pence, from others in the party saying that they are praying for the former president. As you see there, the blood on his face, as he's holding up his hand, that shot that we have been replaying here, Jose. But again, the word from the Trump campaign, he is fine, they say, and currently being checked out. We're going to update you the second we get anything more. Hello, Jackson. Thank you very much. I want to go back to Dasha Burns, who was at that Trump rally north of Pittsburgh and has new reporting. She joins us on the phone. She was asked to leave the area as it is considered a crime scene. Yeah, Jose, that's right. Everyone has now been in that way. That includes that and includes the press. And so we have our crew as we can be brought together. Okay. Okay, we're working with our sources. What our people tell you to help you to help experience these things. To bring people properly that I have been to many. Here is her report, it's very intact. You are a member of the media or a member of the public or even a member who is an elected official. Dasha. I'm so sorry. I just can't. We're not able to make out exactly what you're saying. It is a very chaotic scene where you are. The communications are difficult. We're going to try to reestablish a better line of communication with Dasha Burns. I want to go back to Peter Alexander. Peter, any word from the White House? Jose, no new information from the White House right now. But I do want to share some information we are receiving from the Democratic governor of the state of Pennsylvania where this incident is shooting appears to have taken place only a short time ago. Governor Josh Shapiro writes violence targeted at any political party or political leader is absolutely unacceptable. He says it has no place in Pennsylvania or the United States. He says he has been briefed on the situation by Pennsylvania State Police. He says he's been briefed on the situation, says that Pennsylvania State Police are on the scene in Butler County where this took place and are working with our federal and local partners. Again, those are the words of Governor Josh Shapiro, the Democratic governor of the state of Pennsylvania. So that's just the latest information we're getting from there again. We are reaching out to the staff at the White House right now. President Biden, as we noted earlier, is traveling. He is in Delaware right now. The reporters, the pool that travels with them, we are told by reporters they are being kept inside the vans that they normally travel in a safe distance away from his home. But that is the latest in terms of the information that we have, Jose. Peter Alexander, thank you so very much as we continue our coverage. Lester Holt continues with our breaking news. Jose, thank you very much. We continue to cover the events here. I want to go to Dasha Burns. Dasha was in the crowd covering this event. I think we've reestablished her signal. Dasha, do you hear us okay? Yeah, Lester, I'm on a better line I think. Can you hear me okay? Yeah, you sound great. Lester, I will tell you that what transpired is the former president was just starting rally. He was only a few minutes into his speech. He was talking about immigration under President Biden. I and our team were up on the press risers as he first started speaking. We were just taking our way off of those rosters. We were heading to the ground level where all of the attendees were on the grass in the field at this venue when we heard what initially I thought might have been fireworks. The route is often involved. I don't think sometimes there is smoke for effect. So initially there was confusion shock surprise for myself being there personally. But also as I looked around to the crowd and everyone around us, my producer Bianca and I then realized that it might be something more serious as we heard those consecutive pop pop pop that you can hear on the video. We took cover behind some state equipment. We looked around to make sure that our colleagues were in a safe position. As we saw the entire audience, all of the attendees get down on the ground. You can of course see in that video the former president also getting down his secret service covering him. So from confusion to sudden fear. Then when the former president you see him in that video rising up. He holds his hand up in the air. The audience started to cheer. There were some chance of USA. The USA still a lot of chaos, a lot of confusion. Attendees started to evacuate. Eventually present on the phone with you. We were evacuated as well to Lester at this point. I will tell you that venue is empty aside from law enforcement. Secret Trump's never gone. Attendees are gone. The press is gone. My team and I are now in a safe location. The security at these events. One of the reasons that this was so confusing is surprising and shocking for us all. Of course this is what everyone fears when it comes to the heated political environment that we are in. We don't know what exactly happens to us transpire but your political violence. So this was an area for all of us who were there. But every rally that I have ever been to Lester because of that concern is thoroughly protected. There are security mags whether you're a member of the press or you're a member of the public. Even like officials are screening every item that you are carrying is looked at by a member of security. There is a pretty strict protocol about what you can and cannot bring in which is why there was so much confusion when it started because there are so many crimes taken to prevent any sort of violence any sort of unsafe situation and we are now faced with this moment into this rally. I shall let me ask you you and others I think have described multiple shots fired. First of all do we know anyone of the crowd anyone who was there has anyone been hit and also what do we know about the shooter? We don't know as far as from my vantage point where those shots came from it's really large that move Lester and it was hard on telling Zach where the shoot was coming from. I thought I saw some smoke on the right hand side of the stage but again the the Trump rally often is of those sorts of stuff so nothing clear that had to do with those shots or not. I talked to in that chaotic moment asked the people around me the people in the audience the attendees that were near me once we all sort of came up for for air. If everyone was okay I did not hear of anyone who was injured even worse. Save big this summer with great deals all in the King Supers app get delicious half gallons of King Supers City Market brand milk for $129 each with your card and a digital coupon then get juicy two pound packages of strawberries for $299 each with your card. Shop these deals at your local Kroger today or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers fresh for everyone prices and product availability subject to change restrictions apply see site for details. 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Thank you for joining us I'm Gerald Owens and I'm Lina Tolett in the last few hours we've learned the names of the three Trump supporters who were also shot one of whom died we now know local law enforcement encountered the shooter on the roof just moments before he fired shots and the FBI says they're investigating the shooting as an act of terrorism already they say they've received more than 2,600 tips. We have team coverage more reaction analysis tonight as the focus turns to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and how yesterday's shooting could impact the four-day event. We begin with Julia Benbrook who's digging into the details of yesterday's tragic shooting and shares how convention leaders plan to ramp up security. Take a look what happened. 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Learn more at And back here in the live center where we continue to follow the latest coming out of Milwaukee ahead of the Republican National Convention my reporting tonight has found that there is a message of unity being discussed in Milwaukee ahead of the RNC full on your screen is a quote from a Republican strategist I spoke with he says there is a recognition that what happened is dangerously close to igniting something that no one wants to see happen I'm told by a delegate that there is a reception happening tonight where they plan on firming up some messaging I also spoke today with representative North Carolina House representative Jared Lowry who tells me that he is hopeful for a message of unity this week. You know of course we do have a platform and we have policies and things that we want to put forward but I my hope is that every speaker will have at least one moment to say look at the end of the day we need to put everything that that that divides us aside because what unites us is there's more things that you notice than divide us and as we have been reporting president former president Trump is on his way to Milwaukee back to you. Thank you. Messages of encouragement have come in from both sides of the aisle after former president Trump and three of his supporters were shot yesterday. North Carolina lawmakers are sharing their shock and dismay about the attempted assassination. WRO's Julian Greystone just live tonight from the legislative building with what they're saying leading up to the convention Julian. Well, Joe, some GOP lawmakers have already made that 900 mile commute to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, including Senator Jim Bergen from the 12th District. He sat down with us earlier today in a 101 Zoom call interview and he had a lot to say. He shared his thoughts on the shooting and his concerns for the overall political climate and during our interview he also talked about the future of politics. Where do we go from here? I think we pray about it. I think there's been more prayers lifted up for politics and politicians in this country over the last 24 hours than probably any time in our history. Now that interview with Senator Bergen lasted about 10 minutes, but he had plenty to say, including this, he believes the country will see a change in Donald Trump. What type of change is he talking about? I'll have that for you all new tonight at 10 and 11. Thank you, Julian. We also reached out to Democrats today. North Carolina representative Marcia Marsha Marsha, more excuse me of Durham, says a major part of the problem is the tone and character of political discourse. This rhetoric of fighting and violence has got to stop. We have to be civil. We have to engage in good discussions and debates and never resort to violence. It's intolerable. I think it feeds people. It feeds people and crowds. It ramps up the energy. It ramps up the anger and there's no need for that and political leaders should know that. More you also use the opportunity to call for restrictions on assault weapons. About an hour ago, I talked to former state Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr, the former Republican now independent said both political parties owe it to their voters to now tamp down the rhetoric. You have this incredible protective envelope around the candidate and yet this still happens. You know, you think about the risk that our communities face of political violence where you don't have this kind of immediate protection. He said Republicans have an opportunity at the convention to strike a different tone. He said this incident could be what makes that happen. It is another blazing hot day. Meteorologist Anthony Baglione in the WRL civil weather center Anthony. Some people seeing some rain and showers today. Yeah, that heat Gerald is sparking some of these storms out there. It acts to have some fuel for them to get going. Let's get us over to radar because you can see there are a couple severe thunderstorm warnings showing up as you get closer to the coast. That's going to remain out of our viewing area. We do not anticipate any severe weather tonight, but you can see certainly some inconvenient showers if you're out there this evening. Let's take you to this one. No lightning or anything showing up right now, but you can see just south of spring hope right around Bailey Elm City. It's not moving much. So that cell could definitely provide some rainfall here that's coming down at a moderate clip for us in that direction. Just to the east of southern Pines around vast. You can see this is also a decent cell. Again, they're not moving much though. So it's going to drop some decent rainfall in a short period of time. Our temperatures though are big story here for us today and over the next couple of days. 104 is what it currently feels like around the triangle. We hit 100 on the dot here at RDU today for an actual high temperature. Feels like values were close to 110 for us today. It currently feels like 106 and Clinton 102 in Goldsboro. Some of that rain cooled. They are really helping us out there in Rocky Mount 84 is a little bit cooler compared to where we were earlier today. Heat advisory continues until seven o'clock this evening. What that's saying is kind of like what we're seeing out there right now 105 to 109 is what it may feel like. And then we rinse and repeat again tomorrow. Check that out. We have another heat advisory on the way. Feels like values 105 to 109. We are used to this pattern, but it just is a dangerous kind of heat setup for us, if you will. 11 a.m. tomorrow morning till about 8 p.m. tomorrow evening is when that one sets up. We do have a couple more days of this. So our Monday our Tuesday even into Wednesday feels like temps in the low 100s. 107 tomorrow 105 on Wednesday. We then start to get a bit of a pattern change as we head later on into this week. It's due to more cloud cover and many rain chances headed this way, which I'll show you here in just a second. Our Monday though holds kind of that first shot for us. We start off completely dry. No problems there even as we go closer to lunchtime. You can see as that timestamp it plays along. Maybe a few clouds floating on by, but I think we're looking pretty good. We go into the afternoon like we're seeing out there today with that heat and humidity. We could see some storms starting to bubble up there mainly south of the triangle. It's not a lot of rainfall, but then as we get later on this week, it's going to be similar to actually what we saw this past Thursday, where we get some storms bubbling up and it's going to be some decent widespread rainfall. I know there's a lot of percentages on this map, so I want to kind of clarify a little bit of where we're talking about those best chances. So 100 degrees tomorrow, yet again, very, very hot temperatures 98 on Tuesday. We slowly start to go down there. You see that little bit of a break as we get into our even Thursday feeling a little bit better. 80 on Friday, 83 on Saturday. The best rain chances they'll coming in for this week, probably setting up their Thursday and Friday, where it's going to be pretty likely across the area, Gerald and Lena. So it's going to be some decent rainfall for us, and thankfully, some are relatively milder weather heading into next weekend. That delights me to no end. Thank you. No end. All right. Casey Hens is here with sports at Casey. Welcome in on a weekend, by the way. Former Southeast Raleigh standout was back in town this weekend looking to make a difference in the community. Plus it's a draft day. The names you should be watching for on night one of the MLB draft next. Carrie, get ready for the exciting new go-carry downtown loop. Enjoy easy access to downtown destinations like downtown Carrie Park, Carrie Regional Library, the Carrie Theater, and more. The loop operates Thursday through Sunday every 25 minutes, and it's free to ride. Driving downtown, park at the town hall parking deck, and hop on the downtown loop. With the new go-carry app, you can effortlessly plan your trip and track your bus in real time. The app is free to download and use. Visit to learn more and start your journey today. Save big this summer with great deals. 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Now as for North Carolina's Honeycutt, he's projected to go mid-first round which would make him the first Tarhill to be selected in the first round since Aaron Sabata was selected 27th overall by the Minnesota Twins back in 2020. That was a golden glove winner. He's arguably one of the most dynamic and talented outfielders at the plate. Decide from his late-game heroics. This season he had 70 RBIs, 28 stolen bases. Now the knock on Honeycutt did his strike outs which increased this season but no doubt he certainly has the explosive tools. We'll find out tonight if analytics or athleticism will win. Now Honeycutt not the only name we're watching tonight. Duke says Jonathan Santucci could join him in the first round. Currently ranked at number 37 among all prospects. He left-handed pitcher with six and one last season for the Blue Devils with 90 strikeouts. It's his state catcher Jacob Kozart also projected to go a 40 second overall. He shines behind the plate as one of the best offensive catchers in the country. Meanwhile at the plate he had a 305 batting average with 19 home runs. UNC's Casey Cook and state's Eli Serrano also in the top 250 of players ranked in this year's draft. Well Gabe Henderson is a member of the class of 2010 for Southeast Raleigh and he's one of the most successful quarterback in school history. Last August he returned home for the Bulldogs as they retired his number 10 jersey but shortly after this ceremony Henderson said they heard gunshots near the school. From that moment he decided he had to do something for his community and on January 1st of this year he rode on the whiteboard football camp July 13th. Well Henderson stuck to the plan and held his camp yesterday on the field at Southeast Raleigh over 50 kids participated learning some fundamentals from Henderson along with some of his former coaches and teammates. Now Henderson has made a career of football not only on the field but now as a member of the on-air team for the Minnesota Vikings. Now he says speed up position to give back to the community that helped him succeed in football means a lot. For me living in Minneapolis and loving where I come from I wear Raleigh loud and proud wherever I go and I having an opportunity to do this and bring back some of my old coaches some of my old teammates and I have it on my the field that that pretty much I gave you the opportunity that I have today. It's a dream come true man and I can't I can't be more thankful for how things turned out. To see Gabe and some of the other players and coaches come back and give to the community you know like a proud papa you know just to see these guys give back you know unselfish and you know the things that they do and they take the time out of their day to come and you know be with Gabe and support him and I'm so proud to even be a part of this. Well the Kayla and her canes have inked a defenseman at Dominic Badenka to a three-year entry level contract. The blue liner was the cane's first pick in this year's NHL draft which came in the second round 34th overall. Badenka will receive at $775,000 at the NHL level and 85,000 at the American Hockey League level for all three seasons. The deal will also include a signing bonus worth over $282,000. I just want to eat up those kids they were so cute out there. They should have been practicing on the ice that would have been a little bit more comfortable for those kids. Kaycey thanks so much and thank you for joining us we'll have much more on the Trump assassination attempt coming up. Nightly news is next. Have a good night. What's next? At Moss Adams that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. 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