SEN Tassie

The Friday Preamble (12/07/24)

Brent and Painey discussed Tim's time over in England and Sam McClure’s response to Painey on the Tradies' podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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11 Jul 2024
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Brent and Painey discussed Tim's time over in England and Sam McClure’s response to Painey on the Tradies' podcast.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] Bring Glory Home in EA Sports College Football 25. Experience the decibel-shaking soundscape of college football, putting you inside the stadium, alongside iconic rituals and traditions, test your strategic decision-making with an all-new composure system, player wear and tear, and screen-shaking home field advantages. Learn more about the MVP bundle, which also includes EA Sports Madden NFL 25 and can't miss rewards at We're back, and we're firing on all cylinders here on SCN. Tazzy breakfast, a lot to welcome in the former test captain of this country, Tim Payne. Have you got us, TP? Hey, Brenna. How are you, pal? Well, I'm good now. We tested this all before the show, and then I see you in the news, and you're moving your chair, and you're moving cables, and I thought, oh, goodness, gracious me. And true to form, I crossed to you, and you weren't there. But now we've got you, and I'm very pleased about that. How are you? I'm fantastic. Thank you, Brenna. All I did do is move. I swapped chairs. Yes. And you must have knocked the cable, or something. I didn't touch a cable. I didn't do anything wrong, and I just didn't come back. And I could see you talking, and I thought, oh, Brett, must be doing a solo library or something. But then I saw your face go. The same color as that master camera top you've got on, which I've asked you not to wear before. Too bad. You brought it back again. Nothing wrong with it, Tim. That's magnificent. Now, how's your week been? You're flying the Australian champion legends through to the semifinals. Big semi tomorrow morning, Brenna. Actually, tomorrow afternoon, we are the afternoon game, because we are playing against India. In the semi-final, obviously, we want to beam that into India in prime time. So we've been swapped around. We're going the second game. So the gazillions of people in India can watch me get out, get off to X, and abuse me, like they always do. So I'm looking forward to it. It'll be a usual pretty standard weekend. Well, I'm pleased you brought that up, because I didn't bring this to the table. This is something Hamish has popped into the rundown. But it says here, is the Australia legends owner getting his money's worth from Tim? Last three games, and here's the stats. Three catches did not bat him. One catch, four runs, one catch, five runs. Four not out, yeah, that's important, Hamish. The innings. And yes, I've got out what Nathan Colton and I went in for zero ball, he didn't face a ball. So has he got his money's worth out of me, Brent? I can tell you that there's probably three or four of us over here that, regardless of performance, have earned their money via TV interviews, live on Instagrams. And can you imagine how many channels are in India? If I haven't done a million interviews in the last two weeks, Brenton, I'm not here. So yes, they have got their money's worth. And as I said to you, right at the start, I think in the finals, the games might get a little bit closer, and I might actually have to do something. So far, I have been surplus to requirements. OK. I did see something that did come across my desk was you being mobbed by Indian fans over there. You've still got your touch, haven't you? Yes, yes, no. Well, it's either love or hate with the Indian fans. And there's actually been quite a bit of love, which has been nice. Yeah, I don't know. I think it seems to be-- all they want to talk about is Richard Pant and the babysitter. So that one seems to hit a note with them. I get less and less about Perviraat Coley abusing me, which is good. But no, all in all, it's actually been a really good tournament. Actually, it's been really good fun. I'm not sure if you've watched a hell of a lot of it, but-- I've watched every bowl, Tim. Probably. Yeah, it's probably. Well, how would you describe it? It's a glorified-- Hidden giggle. Clarified charity game? Some of the-- obviously, once bowlers retire, it is a little bit difficult to come back and bowl at any sort of pace. So it has been funny watching some past legends getting absolutely pasted. It's been hilarious. I don't know if you caught wind of Xavier Doherty's figures yesterday. But in the T20 game, he bowled four overs for 74. Oh, I didn't say that late. I did what I did see. Oh, literally. Paced it. What I did see was Benny Dunk hitting at 100 or 35, I think it was. Wow. And as I said, the bowl is a glorified heated beast. But some of the strip ball striking from Ben Dunk and Dan Christian in the last few games has been extraordinary. He actually feels sorry for them. But we did have a bit of a funny story yesterday. I don't know if you guys remember-- some of our listeners will remember Tino Best, who used to play for the Western. He used to run in the bowl as fast as he possibly could. And he probably bowled about 145. If you ask Tino, he bowled 190. But he was carrying on yesterday when Christo and Dunkie were spanking them around the park. Because there's been a bit of a gentleman's agreement where the quicks-- we've got Nathan Corden isle and Sittle and Dale Steins here. And obviously, being there, there's a few that can still let it go a little bit. And they've had a bit of a gentleman's agreement that you can't ball bounces. So you can't go over the shoulder at all. And Dunkie and Christo will go on berserk yesterday. And Tino, for some reason, took a disliking to Dunkie. And so he ripped into him and he said, "These games like this, these competitions are set up for S-H-I-T cricketers like you." [LAUGHTER] And Dunkie was like, "Oh, thanks, mate. I'm out here playing a, you know, or a tied legend's game. I'm getting absolutely ripped by one of the blokes." And he said he was relentless on him, like, every single ball. So some of it's been quite comical. And then Brett Lee bolder, sort of a ball that was about shoulder high. And we got a wicket. And Tino was singing out from up in the viewing room. So we gave him a few verbles back and he nearly lost his mind. But it has been-- that's been very, very funny at times. What have you been up to, Brett? And what have I been missing? Yeah, the Prince of Hobart. Yeah, not too much. Not too much, actually. Been a pretty quiet week. So no, nothing to report. I don't think what I do have for you, though, Tim, is something we didn't get to on Monday. And at 851, a text came through from Sally P, which is your mum. And it says, "Brent, please ask Timothy why he's not wearing pads, especially after copying one on the knee." And that emoji where you put your hands up like that, no one can see me at the moment, the sort of confused emoji for your those. Yeah. Well, Brent, again, the Legends League being the Legends League. It's not the smoothest running competition. And logistics haven't always been great. But what hasn't arrived a couple of things. We've got about five helmets between us. Why are they blue? Why are they blue? Of those helmets, they are blue. Why? They look ridiculous. They look silly. I know. I know. You don't have to preach to the courts. So we had to go get the covers for them these days. Just get a green cover and check it on. Well, I have a look at the helmet I walk out the other way. I put a big, huge badge on it and stuck it up. But we had about five helmets arrive, navy blue in colour. And no, we were keeping pads. So I just said, look, I'll be fine. I took it on, and then wouldn't you know it? Second game, someone chopped up the inside of my knee. But so far, so good. So hopefully I get through it without getting smacked in the shin. All day yesterday's pitch was starting to stay a little bit low. So we will wait and see, Brenna. But otherwise, I would have them on. Now, just quickly, because we're going to get to around the state, did you catch up with Sam McClure's response to you on the tradies podcast? OK. Well, I'm going to come. Yes, here it comes for you now. Before I hear it, I just want to say I hope you agreed. Let's have a listen. OK, so the first time we're hearing that, a couple of things. Firstly, whenever someone qualifies that they're a big fan of yours, but it's never a good thing. It's like the Jeff Kennet. I don't want to sound racist, but the next 20 seconds usually sounds racist. Yeah. Having said that, I am a big fan of Tim Pais. We haven't clipped him yet. I'm not going to clip him, because I've got just a bucket loads of respect for what he's done for our country and for cricket. But I would disagree on that. So I've lived in both. And it is in my experience, in my experience, it is substantially colder in Hobart than it is in Melbourne, just because of the windshield factor, because that it is an island that's closer to Antarctica. I think it's colder. Maybe I went a little bit hard on the rain and maybe I went a little bit hard on Bass Strait tipping over into Belred, given that it's the wrong side of the actual island. It's not even vaguely close. And I'm glad that Tim agrees with me on the other stuff. Maybe Tim. And I'm also glad that this podcast is having that much cut through that we're getting played on mainstream radio. There you go, Tim. Thoughts? Happy with that, Bredo. No, I think he was right. I do agree with him. I do like Sam. I don't know him, but I like his work, as I've said. But he was wrong. And that's OK. He didn't quite admit it, but he said he's lived in them both. And in his opinion, it's a hell of a lot colder. I've obviously done a bit of research on this, Bredo. And I can tell you, particularly in the winter months, from sort of May through to the end of September, there is exactly, on average, over the last 50, something years, one degree difference. Yep. So I reckon I had this debate with Sam on sports day quite a few times. And I think my memory serves me right in saying that he lived here till he was two, or something, quite young. So how he remembers, I don't know, between. And I'm sure he may have come down to one of the games at Bellery, but it was one of those four or five degree nights. And it is freezing, but that happens in a lot of states. Yes, it does. Australia, but it is. I had a look, because I want to double check, because I can remember someone sent through a table once to us on Twitter, and it had all the thing, and I found it. And it was like literally 50 years of data on whether, in his fairness to him, no brain, in the summer months, there is sometimes three to four degrees difference over that 50 years. So they do have slightly warmer summers, but the winters are virtually identical. We've got some tickets to give away to Hawthorne versus Fremantle tomorrow, thanks to Bank West to appreciate their support of the show. Let's hear it for the fans. Thanks to Bank West, and we want your favorite memories of Hawthorne in Tasmania. Got one here from Daniel O'Brien on X. He says, "Surely, Syringate is the clubhouse leader." That's hard to argue. Another one here on the Harkle's Open line. I'm a massive Hawks fan. I love watching my Hawks win at Utah's. I'm not sure who that one's from, but thanks for texting in your Hawks memory here.