SEN Tassie

Saturdays in Tassie - Full Show (6.7.24)

On today's show we had Alex Johnston, Mark Radford, Dylan Ford for Tasracing and much more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 18m
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06 Jul 2024
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On today's show we had Alex Johnston, Mark Radford, Dylan Ford for Tasracing and much more!

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And he's looking forward to starting his new job with the Jackie Lammy Network, who have been heavily featured across the news in the last week. So we'll get the opportunity to chat to him about that as he transitions away from what was a phenomenal job with Wind News as the news director, and he did a stellar job at that. Well, he did. And it's an incredible transition that he's going to make. And we're going to talk to Ajay in a few minutes. I'm really excited about Mark Radford, who we've got up early in Texas this morning to speak to. He's on the San Antonio staff for the next couple of weeks in Las Vegas as they do the summer league. What a great opportunity to go into that environment. There won't be any windy there, of course. There won't be any great pop of it, although I do believe he will get to see pop over the next week. The Olympics has happened in the boomers team was announced, terribly, terribly, terribly exciting. But without further ado, it's great to eat your juice. Well, a fellow who's having breast, we can only say one of the great career shifts, not that he hasn't been down this path. It's S.E.N.'s own Alex Johnson. Good morning to you, Ajay. It's getting real now because you're only about a week away starting your new job, which everybody knows, the cat's out of the bag. I've got one week left as a humble news director at Wynn, and then I go back into the political stadium. The cat's out of the bag. I'm going to do my best to assist the three MPs who got elected for the Jackie Lambie Network and obviously play such an important role in this new parliament. It was something that I never thought I'd do again. I didn't particularly love my last time working in politics, especially towards the end. I found it didn't really suit my personality, but this is an opportunity that doesn't come around very often for a number of reasons, which we can expand on. But I'm very excited about it. I'm equally excited about the bombers last night. They were just superb after quarter time. There's a lot to be optimistic about in this world, David. There is. It's been a really rough 20 years for us and supporters, as much as we'd like to go out about this, and we might save that for a little bit later on. Of course, your last thing was, you did three years. You did almost a term with the Labor Party. Yeah, I did the full term there, the Labor's first term in opposition. You were grumpy at the end of that. I remember you mentioned that you didn't love, and I remember you being grumpy by the end of that term. Yeah, and I think a few of those things that I didn't enjoy, I'm going to try and do the opposite of in this role, mostly around communication and trust and being really clear with your colleagues and making sure there's no surprises and taking accountability to when you make a mistake or when you get something right, I think those things are fundamentals in any job, but in politics, particularly so. Why did you take the job? Now, I'm sure there's financial reasons to do in it, which we don't really need to get into. But what was the main motivation? I was motivated by how unique the opportunity is. So you've got three brand new MPs who have been given a golden opportunity to play a really important role in Tasmania, in a balance of power situation. And we saw in the last term things get pretty hairy when the political future is uncertain. I think people want two things at the same time in politics. They want the people they elect to be passionate and to go really hard at the issues they believe in. But at the same time, they want government and the parliament to function, get on with running the state. And the three JLN MPs are going to play a very important role in doing that. And I feel like I can provide some assistance. I've been in Tasmania my whole life. I was born here. I know how the place runs. To some extent, of course, there's things I don't know and you learn every day. But I feel like I can help them navigate that balance between sort of really holding the government to account and going hard on the issues that they believe in their hearts, but also being really constructive. I don't think anyone has time for games or automatums or holding the state to ransom like we've seen in the past. I think they want passionate advocates who will also be constructive and make sure the state moves forward. And that's what I've been. I mean, I haven't officially started yet. But of course, I've had great discussions with the three MPs I'm going to be working with. They're all terrific people. They're all very different. And they've come together in such a unique way because normally, if you get elected for the Labor Party, you know, our mate Luke Edmonds, you know, you get preselected. And then, you know, you know, the people that you're going to be working with and there's a leader and there's there's a different structure. Whereas this is this is new territory. These three MPs didn't know each other before they got elected. They're getting to know each other. They're getting on well, but they're all very different. And I just feel like I can be the glue, I guess. On the outside, looking in during the week, obviously some concerns, a heavy media week for the Jackie Lamming Network, a budget back flip and promise and some some different bits and pieces playing out there. How do you control a situation like that? Oh, I don't want to talk too much about how the sausage is made. But yeah, there was a lot of coverage this week. But at the end of the day, not too much has changed. They're in the same position as they were. I want them. I don't, the reason they got elected, I think, is because they offer a different type of politics. So I don't want to micromanage anyone. I want them to speak their mind. I want them to be really honest and sort of almost sort of have gut reactions to things. Because that's what people like. And Jackie Lambe has made a career out of being a different type of politician. So I don't want to try and put sort of, you know, the old school rules over, because that would be hypocritical. Then you'd defeat the purpose of having new people being elected. But yeah, of course, there'll be things we do about making sure we, you know, work together and don't get too many headlines. You know, you want to pick your spots, I guess. And with the, you know, it's named the Jackie Lambe network. What role does Jackie play in strategic delivery of policy and process in Tasmania? Well, she's very proud of the fact that she's got three people elected. I mean, others have tried and failed in her life. Palmer spent a fortune trying to get people elected down here and failed dismally. And Jackie Lambe has got three people elected and now in a really powerful position. Of course, she'll have a role, but she's also very busy. There could be a federal election sooner rather than later. So she's flat out. I've had a couple of really great conversations with Jackie and she'll obviously provide guidance and support. But not too much of the day to day stuff. She's got a lot of trust in the three MPs and me and we're building a team. We've got other staff coming on as well. So I'm really excited about it. It does feel like, oh, you know, I know this is a sporting show. We probably should talk sport or something. But it does feel like, you know, you're building a club from the ground up. I know it's silly as it sounds. Some of the things that I've learned watching the Jackie set up, you know, treating every part of the state with respect, treating the media with respect as well. You know, they've got an important role to play. I don't think there needs to be an antagonistic relationship between politics and media. You know, occasionally you'll come to blows, but the media plays such an important role. I mean, you know, when people come on your show or, you know, the big show of a very rarely do you think, gee, that was a bad decision to go on and talk about the issue. You always sort of have some empathy once you hear someone speak. So I'll be encouraging my guys to, especially those conversations where you can be yourself, you get a bit more than the 10 second sound bite. You can actually explain why you're passionate about something. So I'm excited about it. It's like, yeah, it's like starting a team from scratch, I guess. And we've got some good people. Remember when we got the mail, Brett, nearly four weeks ago, five weeks ago, instantly, I thought this is awesome. Because I think in many respects, you are coming off a low base and you touched on Brett's some of those issues this week. And the Labor Party alluded to in winter's attack, which you've said that's okay and nothing to see here in a way. But they do have to work structurally on the business, the party, the company, whatever you want to call it, to get it a little bit more in line with everyday Tasmanian. Do you need to find a bit more of an identity structurally? Have I got, am I making sense? Yeah, I guess. I mean, it's still brand new. I mean, up until now, I know there were two senators under the Lambie network and they worked well together. Now we've got these brand new MPs in the State Parliament who worked well together. For me, I'm just excited about getting out and introducing them to lots and lots of people. You know, I've been very lucky in my roles to created, you know, great friendships across the state. They're in Bratton, Bass and Line. So we're talking, you know, the three biggest electorates from a size point of view. So a lot of territory to cover. Yeah, I think it'll come with time. You know, I'm not going to talk too candidly about the things I have planned, but I can't wait to get face to face with my new colleagues to have a discussion about our priorities and the things that they really want to achieve, because also with the team of three, you can't do everything. So you're going to focus on the things that matter most to you and the things that matter most to Tasmanians and, you know, go to bed every night thinking I've achieved something today. If sometimes small, you know, the best things in politics are sometimes the smallest things, you know, Brett went downstairs to get a heater today because it's freezing cold. But if you can get someone a good heating outcome in their social housing property, I mean, you can sleep well at night knowing you've made someone's life better in politics. Sometimes the little things are just as important as the big reforms. Speaking of big things, where does the Jackie Lambian network sit on the stadium? Well, Jackie Lambia yourself was obviously very skeptical about the stadium, suggested that the Premier not put it at Macquarie Point and put it in a much tighter confined there on one stage, quite famously, the quote on the lawn. So I stick it up your bum, I think. I think that might have been what she said. Yeah. So no, a healthy amount of skepticism. And look, I'm not trying to distract from the fact that the reality is now with Labor supporting the stadium, the crossbenches opinion on it is not as important because on paper it would pass to votes of the House. So, you know, look, I mean, people know what my feeling about the stadium is, but I don't think it's unhealthy to have a crossbench that all put pressure on, especially when the two major parties support it now. I think it's actually quite healthy to have some opposition on the crossbench to keep people on their toes. Opposition in terms of making sure they're accountable rather than we don't want the stadium. Yeah. I think so. I mean, I mean, the plans are going to come out this weekend. And that's exciting. Yeah, it was very exciting. They'll be revealed probably in the paper tomorrow by the look of things. They even Brett's mate or your mate Roland Brown tweeted that they're coming out this weekend. So, his intel is pretty good. So, is this actually, sorry, is it really good? Well, I think in this case it's spot on to be honest flat because I hear that it's happening this weekend. It fits with the timeline. So, on that part, but sorry, that is true. If it is, his actual information of recent times being good, Josh will he pulled him up and knocked him for six a week and a half ago. No, I didn't. Well, I'll let you fight that fight. Sure. As far as the design, that'll be another talking point. Yes, it will. And there'll be obviously lots of, you know, I think the design will look fantastic. But then there'll be questions I'm sure around logistics and access and public transport and parking, all that things. Alex, let's talk sport. Let's wrap this up and give you an opportunity to spook the bombers. What did you say last night and what did you like most? I saw a team that has definitely turned the corner. I know last week they were pretty poor against Geelong. We can go over the umpiring. Forget about that. Last night, when Jack Chris picked three in a row, I reckon the old bombers of a couple of years ago would have said, night, night, sorry, the reigning premier is that too good Q in the rack. But Zach Merritt almost single-handedly got them back into the game. I mean, one of the great second quarters I've ever seen, just phenomenal football. His footy IQ is off the charts, I reckon, and he's kicking as good as anyone. I mean, he's been maligned in the past. I think he's in that, in very elite company. I'm not saying he's the best player in the league, but he deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as bottom Pelley and Patrick when he's up and going and Welsh and Crips maybe. Who am I forgetting? Good day. Butters, pretty good. You're a man at Sydney, Gordon. Amazing. That, he's in that echelon, for sure. And a couple of times last night, just held off giving a handball. So, you know, a player like Martin had more space. And then the kick inside 50 was and potent up forward. I mean, they've got so many options now. You're late for the things again. Oh, Callie's just, just, I don't want to repeat the, you know, the, what they were saying in the commentary box last night, but a natural Ford, you know, and then pick 12, he drifted to it. And then of course the, in the draft, you know, he was predicted to be maybe five or six or seven, he went out to 12. And the sport got him footy last night. Just, sorry, I can't say, as a Hawthorne supporter who we picked Nick Watson at pick five. I watched last night, I cried. Caddy is, Caddy's going to be special. I just like, the way he contested last night gave, and that's why I think Esther was four nine. It's good at the moment, because we've got a nice balance of bigs, mediums like Langford and then Smalls like Guelphy. So if you've got Caddy crashing a pack, I think it gives you such a good opportunity. Like, I can't remember too many times that Darcy Moore or someone came across and plucked an easy mark because Caddy and Wright were contesting so well. So, I mean, I know the skeptics are still there, but I think Esther and Spranda footy holds up pretty well now. Where he Caddy with the Tim Payne circa 2005, 2006 peroxide. It's a little bit brighter and a bit more dangerous than Penny was with the bat during my work. Yes, that's true. There's a bit of confidence there in the young man too. He's got a confident looking get up about him, and that provides you with something different than mighty bombers. Look at his, I'm an absolute innocent hater, but I love the fact that now we do, you know, not 85. What was the fat final figure last night? 81,000. 81. Huge crowds, the blues, the pies, you know, the bombers. Footage pretty healthy, isn't it? Footage pretty healthy, isn't it? Hawke playing good footy. I mean, there's a lot. It's a lot to like about footy at the moment, and even the teams down the bottom, like the ruse, are not the worst team to watch at the moment, because they've got some so many stars as well. I think footy is as healthy as it's been in a long, long time. It's going to get healthier down here too, you know, there's people wearing the short sleeve, Tazzy Guerns, he's all over the world at the moment. It's an exciting time, isn't digressing back to what we've got here in Tazzy in the future. Cheers, there's a lot of optimism about our town. A great place to live. I had a lovely weekend in Melbourne last weekend, and it would be nice to watch more live footy, but you don't get sick at coming home. Hobart's pretty good, especially on these clear, cold mornings, and the weather forecast is good for golf this afternoon, so it could be a great little weekend or round. You're going to still be able to catch up with us here, I believe, in your contract, there's a loophole that you can come and do some sad days with us. I didn't play hardball, but I did negotiate two things. The ability to still do stand-up comedy every Thursday at the Solley Dog, quick plug, and to occasionally come on here, but I realised to that going to a political party, and my worth here is not as valuable as it was. I can't really talk about politics as fearlessly and frankly as I have, so maybe we pick our spots. We're seven mile beach opens. How is that going? Terrific. I heard a long interview with Matt Gogg in the other day, and they want to open 11 holes as a loop by the end of the year, but they're very cautious about not having hundreds of golfers on there at a time because you don't know how that impacts the course until you do. So full course, probably not until March next year, he said. But it's so exciting. Super exciting. What's happening with the South Arm by the way? It's going along. I mean, it's had some twists and turns. They've changed designers and they changed the plan. But there's positivity from people I hear, but there's more hurdles. I mean, there's so many more moving parts to that one. Border is the first thing they got to tickle off, I think. The second you got this new job, as we already touched on four or five weeks ago, I just had the biggest smile on my face. I thought this was an amazing opportunity for, well, I'm with Brett. I reckon they've been a bit of a rabble in many respects, and I haven't had no identity. Is it too far? Also, not quite what I said. No, but I like how it puts effectively. Well, certainly in the break, you said that. In fact, you said much worse than that. But you know what I mean. There's a lot of work to do. You're coming from a bit of a low base, and there's no bit of person that any of us know, certainly Brett and I, to steer this ship in a better direction. Can't wait to see how you go with it. Well, that means a lot flash. And honestly, if anyone's out there, I'm probably the easiest person in Tasmania to get in contact with them on social media and people know my phone number. So I just can't wait to have a lot of really good conversations in the next few months. And if you've got anything that you would like, the good people at the jail in to have on their radar, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Alex Johnson, well done. Thanks for joining us this morning. Thanks, boys. Go, The Dons. David, let's go Brett Jeeves with you on a Saturday morning talking, well, mostly sport, but can't you? And we do cross over into politics in recent times with stadium hogwash. We've had to sift through. We've done a lot of this. Brett, I love that so much. I know you do too. Our mate Alex Johnson in this new role. And I think it's fast. He has, you know, when he even way back when he was selling cross and back in it, I always thought out of everybody I know that in terms of diplomacy and being able to sift through the BS and have some middle ground and understand, you know, prerogatives from both sides of whatever side of politics, he's the best person I've ever met. So for him to come into this circus, which is, it is a bit of a circus. You know, there's a new party. There's people, three people got elected and people didn't know the people were very elected. I thought it was Jackie Landby. You know, he's coming from quite a low base, isn't he? Yeah, I mean, I think it's, I mean, I've said this to Alex plenty of times and I don't talk politics because, you know, I'm kind of, I'm new to it. I'm quite, you know, naive to the inner workings, but certainly the Jamie, the Jamie, the Jackie Lammy network has a lot to like. I personally feel connected to them and particularly Jackie, you know, her story and the way she advocates for people who are disadvantaged, people who are struggling, you know, she, she is out there for the Butler and I, I, I recognize that. I, you know, I kind of feel much the same in terms of social justice and, but I think at times, you know, as we've seen during the week, sometimes they've got it wrong. Absolutely. And, you know, Alex, as you, as you said in the opener there, the Alex has such a great eye for equality across everyone, understanding what liberal, what the liberal government, what, what oppositional labor are keen for, what the Greens is. Yeah, that's right. And that's why he was the news director because he's able to see that and dissect it and, and find the right stories and engage the right people. And that's why I think, you know, he, you, you probably couldn't find a better person at the moment to be able to help with the progression of the Jackie Lammy network. So, yeah, credit to AJ, he's a super intelligent human and, and a great dude, great company. And, you know, we certainly wish him well. We do and, and there is some significant conversations to be had and you touched on it early and the stadium one was a big one with Jackie Lamby party. She said, get stuffed. She did it up. You know what? She did. But then, of course, it was the, not let's call it somewhat of a back flip by the end of it where they almost sort of come around and say, well, we're going to work with the, you know, Mr. Rockcliffe going forward. Then you add the layer of Alex who, who thought this whole thing has been diplomatic, but underneath it all, he's been an advocate for the team and the stadium. So, you know, they're going to have an involvement of it. But I guess it has changed now the Labor Party as he so rightly pushed, came over and said, you know what, we're on board as well. There's no sort of speed humps in the political party somewhat, is there, I guess. Yeah. I mean, the question I was keen to ask, we ran out of time, was the, the, the pause process. So, where does that sit now with full government support? Obviously, the, the project will need to be approved still via that process, but it is helpful that the, that the Labor Party have put their hand up. And so, from a straight vote standpoint, it'll, it'll be approved, but whether there are environmental challenges or whether the costs or, you know, all those things, I guess, are still yet to play out. Having the design released this weekend will be obviously very beneficial. And, and that's been one of the challenges with the, with the stadium, is that we've seen the 2.0 project and it looked awesome and it took up half the river and, you know, no one's, no one's actually broken down. The challenges of that has just been presented to us as magnificent and glorious and it looks amazing. But then Andrew Dillon said, get stuff we don't want to. Yeah, then there was a, you know, obviously the, the, the back room talk was that, hey, we're, we're, we're, we're moving forward with Mac Point. But we, we haven't seen what that looks like outside of the pine crest tough water tank that the opposition green stumped up that this is what it will look like this huge gray cylinder. You know, and that's not what it's going to look like at all. I mean, we know that, we, we know that, we know that, we know that there'll be no water tank placed down at Mac Point. And, and look, I, I was told during the week by someone that has seen the design, that it is mighty impressive. Yeah, I haven't seen them, but I have had a run through of, you know, over the last week of some depth and it sounds amazing. I mean, there's the footprint that's there right next to the river creates a potential, amazing. It could be just a world class. It needs to be. Well, I think it will be. You know, and I guess that's, you know, it's going to have the glass, it sounds like the glass or perspexic glass, I don't know how it works, don't effectively. And you'll be able to look straight down the river when you're walking around the, you know, inside the ground and it's going to be quite amazing. Let's hope it's not perspex. Not perspexic. It gets a little murky to see through perspex. It sort of fogs up a little bit. Listen, we've got heaps to talk about today. We're lucky enough to catch Mark Radford in the early hours of the morning, which you refuse to get out of bed to do with me, but that's okay. You did that yesterday afternoon. Let's not lie while I was hard at work. Yeah, well, I do work too. In fact, I can't support me if I do it, but that's not a conversation. But Mark was brilliant. He's currently in Texas. The NBA Summer League's about to start. So he's working with the with the San Antonio Spurs. Great stuff during the week with the boomers. The 12 players have been announced. You and I might touch on that as well. Let's go to a break. It's a good morning. It's 20 to 9. Great to have you with us all thanks to Harrison Ames to buy, sell or rent in Tasmania. This is Saturday's Intazzy with David Lithgow and Brett Geeves. Merritt, well, he went for the short path of Dersma from 45 out. Will he pull the bow and arrow out? He will. Down is about to pounce, gets it, goes. Langford, come on the square, dropped it, then he was grabbed by France and should have been a free, is a free, bomb of fans going crazy. And Langford kicks the goal. And Colin has got a problem or two here, centering kick off the boot, coming through his shield, took wealthy, wealthy round the body. It's not bad. It's not bad. It's coming around. It started left and came back to the right for a spectacular goal. You're going to have to come from behind. Long's got it for Colin Wood. He was slung the 720 ball. I'm by a slick call, Will, and he laid the tackle. Will he be right now? Oh, he'll be a living now. He'll be slide shy at him right now. I have all the frames and then Markov had to be quick. Got it to side bottom through the middle. He has to be quick. Waits for long to get isolation. He pads it to himself. Then to Kruger, 48 metres, starts it for goal, has to go through and does. Draper and Kruger go at it. Draper's handball back to Stringer. Stringer's handball over the top to know it in particular. Dursma's there with the football at the end. Well, they've made a statement. They have made a statement. It might be time to believe. Texas 3-0-4-3-7, double-5-2-5-3-5. Hamster from Leonard Valley. We're coming, Flash. We're coming. And he's talking about the mighty bombers, of course. I hope he's talking about the footy. I really actually went and watched the game left home, normally in bed by five past seven these days, went home. Left home watched with a couple of Eson supporters last night and Collinwood supporters. They've been horrendous for 20-something years. A bit like Colton, the similarities with the Blues and the Bombers. And I can't stand this and you can't either. But it is cool to have those big referees and their competitive. That was a huge game last night. Both teams needing to win. Collinwood can find himself out of the eight after this week. It's so team. It's tight, isn't it? Yeah. Look, I mean, the Bombers, I thought Alex summed it up quite well, Zach Merritt's... He's having an impact on that game last night was the reason. The one thing Alex missed was the amount of times Merritt chased from behind and impacted the kicker with a tackle or a nudge. There was a period in the last quarter and he found himself to completely dead on his feet. I think he was sprinting and chasing for a good three minutes. And then there was a point kicked and he was on his haunches, got a bit of a breather in, and then went again probably with two minutes to go in the game. But he was just phenomenal. And I think a huge blunder on Collinwood's part to just allow him to run completely free, particularly in that second quarter. He just was out the back of packs and running through and impacting and he's kicking his spine. And there's not one weakness in his game outside of his height, but his tackling as well was just a real feature. So he's a leader. He's elevated on last year, I think, which was difficult to do because he's always been a premium footballer, but his defensive intensity seems to have gone to another level. And I think that in itself is a big reason as to why he's in and upsurging. Collinwood with a few injuries still. Jamie Elliott's not out there, of course. Tom Mitchell's a few weeks away. Damn, it stays not far away, but they have got a lot of fellas back over the last three weeks. So they might be using that as an excuse from last night up. I thought people at the start of the year, well, they were describing Meredith's the best captain in the competition. And this is a revolutionary. And he's s and hyped that I've heard for decades. So I'm always just happy to dismiss little boy that cried wolf. But I think that there is a bit of truth in those conversations about him as a leader. I mean, he's been there club for 10 years and they've been awful for most of it. They've been through the drug culture, the not the drug culture, the drug significant issue, of course, with it back when only 10 years ago since that happened. Yeah. And and and obviously the impact on the lost draft picks, you know, that that carries forward for a while. And you miss out on your caddies and these types of kids that can come in and impact. The one move that that and it was highlighted last night via the commentary was Harrison Jones playing more of a wing floating role than a then a dedicated key for it. And what it did on a couple of occasions was just release him to be able to float into a pack on a on a pose rather than happen to out muscle a defender. And I thought that was a key move and one that if he builds his tank, he can then, you know, run back and do the same thing in defense, which we didn't see an awful amount from. But certainly that forward run and having him float into packs was was important as well. Sam Draper was unbelievable last night. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. He looks like he's it's been a tough year for him. Gold St come in. He's been injured a bit. But he looked back to it. Yeah. It was impressive. No, look, I think I think we can we can believe it was at Matt Hill on the commentary there was, you know, the last comment around is it time to believe it. I think it is with the bombers. They were very impressive last night and the resolve to fight back after that, that initial first quarter onslaught was something that we wouldn't have seen from us in the past. The bad news for Collinwood, it does appear that Brody My Chick might be up for the season with that torn pick, which is pretty crappy. It just a reminder, you know, when you're trying to win flags in our game that this brutal tough game far out you need a lot to go right. You need to be, you can't have more than one or two likes missing them. And that's been the case for decades and decades and decades. All the time your mob, the Hawks won those flags by the end of the year in the finals. They're pretty fit. They're all playing. Now, I'm sure there was a couple of people who were hurt. When my mob have won over the last 20 years and won two flags, I've lost a few, they've been up and going. I remember in 2005, the first one, they played the same team for eight weeks in a row, you know. And I think maybe Collinwood, maybe they're going to just have too many hurdles, a few injuries and they lose another My Chick's pretty critical. Yeah. One thing that stood out for Collinwood last night is that it was at last week of the week before I wacked their kids that had come in Harris and I think I named in particular, he was phenomenal last night. So I owe him an apology and Bear Robinson, he text in and we read that and he wacked me. So I owe an apology to Bear as well. And hopefully he returns my texts and offers for coffee sometime soon. I love what your mob, the hawks are doing. You're slowly coming around, which I'm really, really enjoying the coming around, the scene, your mob that you love so much. Look good again. I'm worried about the sisley injury this week. Every time, you know, maybe they're better that he's missed over the last few years, they're lack. They lack his star that just mops up and he's kicking his from a whole different planet. So he's very important for Hawthorne. I'm still not, I'm still not laying myself to buy in because if I buy in, did you win today? Yeah. But if you had, I said this to you last week, you don't watch your long-year-old man's team, your brother's team, they'll get stuff. If I start buying in, they'll lose. So I'm still off him. You're doing my thing keeping the lid on the swans, aren't you? So you've come over, you understand why I refuse to. I know, if I was a swan supporter, I'd be hanging from the rafters. In just the scarf, singing the song. No one's beating you, David. So there is a... Well, we did some I bet his last work. Oh, yeah. But that was a once-office, a loss you needed. I told you I was nervous last week. I think Colton, Colton are real. I think they're a threat. Essendon, if they play like they did last night, they, you know, Sydney will be better planned for a merit. You know, they've got, they've got some little shutdown offenders that can, well, not shutdown offenders, but shutdown role players who can potentially tag merit, nullify him because merit is Essendon. You know, if you can, if you can keep him in check, you're, you've got a long way to beating them, I think, which didn't happen last night. Just an example of the evenness of the competition. You have the, well, not now because Essendon have won before last night. There was six points between third, where the bombers are now, with 42 points, and 13th, which I find. It's crazy. Remarkable. And today's game sums it up. North and Gold Coast. So, you know, parked that one. But then you've got 50/50s. Port Adelaide at home versus the Western Bulldog, knife edge game. The cats versus the hawks, knife edge game. The giants at home versus the blues, giants got to win. They're all, they're all 50/50s. You know, and then it's, look, it's a brilliant year and the competition is so even. And the people in the AFL must be sitting back and saying, you know what, this game's been pretty good. Well, I was going to ask you about equalization. I mean, the AFL cop a lot of stick for the way they do things. And in many instances, particularly unpiring, has been a huge problem, I think, and the way that they've fiddled with rules and the interpretations impossible. Exactly right. I told you Nick Foote about this journey. Yeah. So it's not, it's not Nick Foote's fault. It's the interpretations. So is the unpiring worse than what was the use of God? I think it is. Well, I think it's harder. It's harder, which means less decisions are perceived correct. And look, I spoke to a Geelong supporter last week after not either of my family members, because they're way too emotional, but a sane Geelong supporter, whose comment about the game was, quote, geez, we got, we got looked after by the umpires. It's really, he's in and got nailed by the refs. It was a bismal. So, you know, with, with that in mind, that's, that's a huge blemish for the AFL. And they need to sort that out. But when it comes to equalization, if you look at the latter, that's what you want. Yeah, exactly. You want the Western conference in the NBA two weeks ago. Yeah, like you, you want every team getting to round 22, thinking they're a chance of making me perfect supporters from opposition teams saying that we got looked after just doesn't happen. I'm still waiting for a Western Bulldog supporter to come up and say, you know what, Flash, I'm glad we won the grand final in 2016. But geez, I looked after us. That's never going to happen. I don't think that up, but let's go to a break. This is Saturday's Intazzi with David Lithgow and Brett Jeeves. The weekend. And it is the weekend, David Lithgow. Brett Jeeves with you this morning. You know, we're very fortunate here at Harrison Oates and Brett to have one of the best vantage points. It's a beautiful spot here up in the loft. So, it's always quite nice and sunny. Without the haters, it's absolutely right here. I hope you're about to make the points, isn't it? It is cold. My hands still haven't thawed out. My God. The problem with the loft is that it creates so much room. So, it's an impossible spot here to heat. So, good luck to all members of staff in its salamaker place. Absolutely. Trying to stay warm. Hey, listen, real messages come through from Damien from West Hobart. North Launcest and Launceston have officially joined the NTFAs. So, that's official. They've been accepted. Look, I want to know when North Launceston and Scott Star play. Maybe it can be round one, feature round. It's going to be a rivalry round. We'll see if we can get the gut to get us a box. I still think full back for gut one. That's his role. He's fit. Hey, listen, great first day. I will come back with some more groups after this. This is Saturday's Intazzy with David Lithgow and Brett Geeves. Gee, I didn't see that coming. I'm going to fuck the strut. It's not just 18 Clark's normal little routine. There's Brian Johnson. We were the TCA ground. Way back when? Did you go to that? Of course I did. Yeah, living in Bactima. And that was the best ever, they reckon. The Tasmanian music scene? Yeah, they were incredible. I mean, it was probably, I mean, Bond's any old AC fan will tell you that, you know, won't spawn died. It was not quite so. But the Scott Brian Johnson did a pretty good job of it, didn't he, over the last 40 years, with a little bit of axle rows there for two years when Brian's years gave way. But he's back now and they're back touring together, which is cool. Hey, we're going to have Eddie Ocken on this morning, but he's crook as a dog, proper sick. Five Olympics. Well, we hope he's okay. No, he's fine. No, he's fine, but he's bedridden. Text him last night. But that's his fifth Olympic. Well, like this dude, where does he sit on the Tasmanian mount Olympus? Alex Alex. Are you Alex? No, David. It's a compiler opposite. And very funnily, Alex referred to himself as a toffee apple this morning. Yes, he did. I think it was a comment that his partner made to him, which I thought was quite funny, but also rude. Eddie Ocken and Maddy Wells, these guys are in the pointiest end of sporting greatness, Tasmanian sporting greatness, Australian sporting greatness, are phenomenal athletes. And their records stack up against Ricky Ponting. Oh, they do, David Boone. 100%. And it's about the profile of the sport. Obviously, cricket, footy, they're historic, Australian, footy, summer, swapover. Hockey's never really had that enormous profile. So those guys sometimes, and wrongly, get missed. They don't get the exposure that they deserve. So Eddie Ocken is one of the greatest Australian athletes ever. Four hundred and forty four games for his country. So he's run out with the Groningen gold for 440 plus times. He's continued to do it. He is 37 years of age. You know, I think there was a time that he was was Cleo International Top 100 Bachelors of the Year. And could walk around Salamanca almost unknown. Yeah, it's bizarre. He debuted in 2006 just to put a bit of perspective on these. One of the greats. Well, we're seeing, you know, hopefully we can get him on at some point. So we can tell him his sleep against the lack. It's a year for longevity. We saw, you know, LeBron James at 40 with his son coming in, which I find quite remarkable. We're seeing this dude here who's got his fifth Olympics, Lauren Jackson, 43 years of age, not officially in, of course, just yet, but based on those couple of games against China, who top three country in the world, and they demolished them and she played really, really well. She's with that, their WNBA. Yeah, seven, that's right. So they've got seven players to come back into that team. So it's up well. Yeah, they're good. They're the Opels, you know, they had a poor tournament. The last couple tournaments they've been after in amazing 20 years, but yeah, they're going to be right back in the mix. They're not going to beat America. No, they're just the women's. Well, they might beat them up. That's a one thing about Australian basketball teams is that they will scrap in a core. But I'm looking forward to the Opels, but look, the boomers for us, we've been talking about for months and months and months and months. The team came out and we've got a couple of Tasmanian jack jumpers in the team. Firstly, your reflection with Magnae and McVay, boomers going to Paris. Oh, well, incredible, isn't it? Yes. And a great reward for the jack jumpers program as well. Yeah. Identifying. That's right. And also in identifying the right people, the right foundation people, Magnae and McVay in this strong start. Yeah. McVay coming off the bench, the Adelaide, you know, and his transformation as a shooter. Now, I'm going to be like, I watch all the jack jumpers game games. Jack McVay has elevated his three point shooting, which how exciting is that heading in the next year? Like he's been a good three point shooter. Don't get me wrong. What we saw from him across this, you know, two game series against China and the feedback from, you know, this coming out of that camp about Jack McVay shooting is that he's become all worldly. Yes. So exciting from a jack jumpers perspective, but enormous congrats to Jack McVay for his transformation. And I know his Twitter, his Twitter work and he's doing establishing his own little mentor program and different bits and pieces. It's worth looking into. I read some stuff from him, the other night about wanting to be a pro athlete versus being a pro athlete. So, you know, he's kind of reflected that he was in the system. And that was almost enough for him. You know, he was just happy with that celebrating that and, you know, and eating the wrong food and playing too much playstation, not sleeping. And then the transformation to be a pro athlete and do the things that pro athletes do, minimizing sugars, proper sleeping patterns, living and breathing improvement and development. And that's a result of him being selected in a boomer squad. I mean, if you ever want to elevate yourself as an athlete, this stuff is worth reading because it's true and it works. Well, just to put that in perspective, if you look at his chart from his career, what is he now 20? He's just turned 28. Yes, he has turned 28 last week. So he's absolutely in the sweet spot. But if you look at his chart from his three years with the 36ers, where he went eight minutes, 40 minutes, 90 minutes a game, and he went from three points a game back in 2018, 2019 to nine points a game, 2021. And he comes across as a starter six man in the first year, the jack jumpers and elevates the average of 12 points a game, 46% from the field. It goes up again in 2022, 23, he gets up to 15 points a game. His stat sheet from 20 from from last year, 37 games in total, field goal percentage of 52 so efficient. His free throw at 85, 17 and a half points a game, six rebounds a game. He's the finals, MBL finals MVP. He's now an Olympian. And you know what? And this is why we've had, he's been in our team for a long time. He's, I'm not sure he's not going to be the most reliable guy. If you want to bucket to, if we need to, we need some, we need three threes in five minutes. He's the most likely, isn't he? I think, I think more importantly, it's his post work that I love his, love his post work. That is that and that's been the big transformation for him. I think he's always had that, that capability as a shooter even in, you know, in his time in Adelaide, but his, his footwork across the last couple of years, his post play left right. It doesn't matter. Little dirt kind of fade away. Bring it off the glass. Get down over the seven foot four chinese Yeah, he's got, he's got an unbelievable offensive skill set. And, and that is going to be really important for the boomers because that's going to be their struggle. We know defensively they'll scrap and claw and they're always a strong defensive team. Can they put the ball in the basket? That's going to be the big challenge. And, you know, and it's a reason why they've left Matisse Thiebel out of the squad. So Thiebel cooks, Gordon Vassilovich and Jack White with a, with a five omitted from the 17 man squad. Thiebel, Thiebel's ability to shoot dribble pass has been a problem. Not so much of a problem in the NBA because his impact offensively is, is enormous. And, and, and because the court is bigger, there's more space and his ability to impact defense in space is, you know, passing lanes. And, you know, he's got speed. So he, he makes an enormous impact. But from a, from a fevers standpoint, I think, you know, some of the question marks around his ability to impact defense with a great on ball defender. But it's the, the, the, the space for passing lanes is shorter. You know, so you've got less time to actually impact that. So that, that was something that I, I read from some, some key, um, analyst, I think Sam Vassini, who's a prominent Twitter smart basketball person made that point. Um, so, you know, that, that kind of sacrificed a defensive specialist, um, to, you know, promote maybe, you know, with Ingalls and Thiebel for that last spot. And Ingalls offense is passing in particular as his transition to be a little older, a little slower. I mean, we saw it against China. He could play a valuable 12 minutes, you know, pick and roll, um, with Magnaive and especially. We talked about a couple of days ago, you and I before the team was announced and I said, Thiebel's first game summed up his situation. He had four steals and he was all worldly and, you know, they got a couple of runouts, et cetera. But then he went one from the six from the field and he's bricking everything. Like there was not one of his shots or a close. One went in, but, um, but then with Goldin, they've gone the other way. They've said, look, we respect you. You light it out. You can do this. Um, but clearly Brian Gorgen has never rated his work on the defensive end. And that's why he's always been a fringe part of the boomers. Look, he, he, hi, that, that was the one that surprised me. You want him in. So you, you've got him in. So you, so if you, they said, do you breast, you've got, you've got a 30 second window here. Yeah. So you're going to put Goldin in for Dela Verdova. Wow. Yeah. And, and purely from the, from the perspective that you've got Giddy, you've got Exum, you've got Mills, you've got Daniels who can all play the point. Yeah. Daniels, uh, impact offensively is minimal. He's, he's still a work in progress and, well, I spoke to about this. Yes. I've been really surprised by the lack of development from him offensively. That was quite, um, quite profound in that, in that China series. Like he, it was, he, it just has minimal skills. He does. You know, like in terms of finishing or breaking down the fender and being able to, you know, get to the cup and, and finish. And, and look, you know, the NBA, we just spoke about it for the space is massive. The, the core is, is, is bigger. So you've got a little bit more room to operate in the, in the fever world. It's, it's smaller. And you can also have that defensive anchor sit under the basket for as long as they want. So there's no defensive three seconds. That's right. Which means you need a mid range and you need to be able to impact from the three point line because getting to the basket and impacting, you know, um, via layups is not as easy as it is in, in the NBA. But yeah, I'd be, I'd, I'd be looking at Gooding for Delvedova. Um, you know, Daniels is obviously unbelievable from a defensive standpoint. And look in my squad, I didn't have, I had Thiable and, and Gooding in you and I, you know, sent a squad to each other. I didn't have Magnaean. Um, I felt like, um, you know, Nick K wreath and Landale, you know, it can kind of rotate through the center position. Um, wreath and K can play some four as well. A little bit more versatility. Um, I'm excited. Magna is in. I think he'll, he'll impact and any does impact defensive. Great story. Different to, uh, Landale wreath and K who are not shop like this. Right. Yeah. You know, um, and we'll hear a bit of this with Mark Radford's talk for a lot of hoops this morning. A lot of hoops for, for good reason. But you know, he's getting his tank up to a level now. Like with his team out there attacking the double team, um, again, the China series and, you know, darting back into the line. And he's just tough as tough. He has a role in this team because they're clearly going to start with death with wreath and Landale. And then it's, he's, he's the only other big. I think what we said and McVey, then that window opens for him too, because he can play some four and some three. Well, I think McVey will play the four off the bench. I mean, I will. I kind of think that they'll, and we didn't see this throughout the, the China, uh, two game series, but Landale and wreath will complement each other quite well. Like wreath isn't, I wasn't sure about that, but maybe it will. I think, well, they're, they're shooting, you know, so their, their ability to space a floor, which provides room for a giddy in particular to be able to, you know, access the lane. So I think that's how they start McVey and, um, uh, I, the McNay, okay. Mills might be subbed early. Maybe they're trying to split up the giddy meals a bit. I'm not sure you start patty meals. I saw Shane Hildre and made a, made a similar observation that, yeah, you know, giddy, green, exome, wreath, Landale is, you know, probably the best five man line up. Mills off the bench. He can, he can be a heater off the bench, you know, completely control the offense and, and shoot as much as he wants. Um, I think with him out there to start defensively there become some problems because you, you would be relying on Landale wreath to be the, the, the rim protector. So you really, you want to be perimeter heavy and to ensure that there is no penetration. I think while whilst you've got wreath and Landale on the floor, Texas coming through tickets from West Tybart, keep pumping up the bombers flash their fall on their face very shortly. Sure. The wouldn't say that tickets, I wouldn't enjoy if that did happen. But I've got to say the game. Well, as you said, lots more hoops talk to the rest of the afternoon. Great chat with Mark Radford coming up after us nine. But we're going to talk to Dylan Ford, the star driver coming up after the break. This is Saturday's in Tassie with David Lithgow and Brett Jeeves. Great to have you with us, David Lithgow, Brett Jeeves with you on a Saturday morning. We've just hit five degrees Brett. So we're starting to thaw out well somewhat. This wretched heat is doing nothing here to my left. Probably. I am. I've been wondering if we can hear that in the backdrop, the wearing of that heater. I will turn that off just in case. Dylan Ford is a synonymous name down here in Tasmania. He's in the footy and training and driving horses, and he's having a fabulous year. He's second on the premiership with 33 winners. He's been kind enough to join us this morning. Dylan, good morning. Good morning, boys. Great to have you with us, mate. I love how you have found a spot in your life, Dylan, where you could combine two of your great loves, your coaching in the footy still, then your wet lawn system tomorrow afternoon driving. How does that work for you? Does it become too much in your life, in your family life, in your or is it, you know, or do you find the mix perfect and you get to, you know, do all the fun things? Oh, it's challenging, but I find a way to make a perfect balance. I see it is now that it's made a trouble these days. Well, that's a great way to put it. And look, you're not suffering in certain in terms of your the premiership table. You're 16 behind, Roni. Hillier, but you're having a good year. How's your form? You're feeling pretty good. I mean, form is a fluctuating thing with anything in confidence, I guess, when you're when you're a driver, is that fair to say? Yeah, it is. You've got to have the horses in form around you, and I'm lucky that our table is pretty consistent. We're on base. We've found a challenge to meet a few footy injuries. That's the down part of it, but overall form is pretty good. You know, with that, David made the point around, you know, driving form. I was thinking, as he was saying that, well, it wouldn't largely depend on having a decent horse pulling you around as well. It does, but you can make a lot of errors. You've got to be switched on at all times. We're pretty lucky we don't race as often as other states, so doing forms pretty easy. Yeah, if you've got to be switched on and know what you're doing. Sorry, speaking of good horses, smooth, machete, it's the top two-year-old Colt. Last year, you've been you're having some success there? Yeah, he's a nice horse. He was pretty dominant in his two-year-old season. He's at four or five runs back now. He's first up. It was pretty good, and then he was playing in between. Last start, he was much better. I'd probably didn't find him confident enough. He's still one on 38, but he found his best form after. You've got some good drives tomorrow. You've got one for your mum, too. Is that right? I've got a couple for mum. I don't think they're that good a host, but the wrong one. Tammy, I hope you were. Oh, mum, just shut it now. Yeah, it's a strong, strong card, it's right and I, there's a lot of good horses, but that's good. I've got the bow ties in a month or so, so a lot of good horses. That's about it to get the trust. Hey, how does a week set up for you? So, for you, you know, from a Monday morning, obviously you've got your coaching commitments down the valley. How does it look for you? Like your early mornings, you know, there's only generally a metre a week. How does it work? So, Mondays, I'm pretty lucky. We have races, Sunday, and get home late. So, I have Mondays off, some bit of sleeping before work, and then Tuesday that sort of darts off with a 350 for a clock wake-up, head of the stables, and do the horses, and then head off to my full-time job at class of lives, and then I venture up to need off over, which is 40 to 50 minutes away from where I'm located to do training over Tuesday and Thursday, and Saturdays were normally done pretty early, so I venture back home and freshen up for 40. And how's it going? Yeah, good. We've over-achieved, I believe, in the position this club was in last season's where it is now. I'm going to take a big stride, and I'm starting to re-sign guys for next season, and I'm currently in conversation to re-sign myself, so they're so good. Thanks for jumping on this morning, mate. You've got a full book literally, not only on the training, on the driving track, but full-time work. I wasn't expecting the full-time work piece in all that, Dylan, that hit me in the face that you're up at three on the horses, full-time work, up to New Norfolk. Credit to you, mate, doing a great job. Have a good day tomorrow, mate. Hope you drive a couple winners. Cheers, guys. Thank you. Dylan Ford, join us. Time now for the news. Great to have you with us, David. Let's go, Brett Jeaves with you talking sports. Jackie Lambie party. It all happened this morning. Finally, our hands starting to thaw out here on my side of the fence here at the loft at Harrison Age and Brett Jeaves. Just a few tippets. The windwood and zonn, if you didn't realise, I know you're not a monster tennis fan. Dominion was through to the third round. The great Cristiano Ronaldo nearly 40 years of age, about out spawn in the euros and the quarter finals. Do we see him again? Not for Portugal. No, he won't. He's done. He won't play in his country again. Four more. I think it's just not. I think it's none. He's been playing in Saudi Arabia in the last couple of years for about $10 million a minute on this ridiculous contract, but I couldn't get it done. I lost 5-3 in the penalties this morning to France. So it'd be Spain versus France to great rivals in that side of the draw. In the Euro, SCN stadium has arrived in Tasmania. It's available at UTAS and Bluntston Arena for all AFL matches to listen to the SCN call. With zero delay, no Wi-Fi required for the ultimate game day experience. Just go to the SCN app like we'll do. Next week, we're back with a local game, footy. Next week, Freo and Hawkes. I know you're keeping a lid on things, but I'm darn excited. There's a good one for you. If you're going to the game, turn on SCN stadium and you can hear myself and Brent Castello and Brent Gaep and waffle in the way about the footy. I know, you don't want to talk about Hawkes, just one week at a time. I wasn't sure if there was a question or there was a statement or I had to sing or tell the joke. We definitely don't want you to sing, but maybe you can play some drums or something in front of us. Well, we've got to get to our break because we are we're very open about it in the opener that we had a pre-record with Mark Radford. Fantastic. Let's go stop working at about 12 o'clock yesterday. I hope his boss is listening to get the pre-record in. So we did chat about the boomers and look, Mark Radford is on a high right now. He's offered the Spurs, Summer League. He's a assistant coach to Scott Roth, champion with the Jack Jones NBA. He's a man that would be pinching himself. From where was he? Assistant footy coach? The head coach. The Rosebury Tourak footy club and what an absolute legend. So we'll catch up with him from the pre-record. We will. It was brilliant, a little bit emotional, almost reflective and all those things. Mark Radford to join us after the break. Stay with us. This is Saturday's Entasi with David Lithgow and Brett Jeeves. Great to be broadcasting again from Harrison Agents to buy, sell or rent Harrison down here in Salamanca and without further ado, on the line. I think in Texas, but maybe Los Angels, I was a little confused. It's a good morning to Mark Radford. How are you, young man? It's San Antonio, Texas and it's late at night. I'm very good, very, very happy. An amazing, well, it's an amazing journey and we'll really want to touch on this in a bit of depth. The McVeigh magnate stories and we've been on the outside watching in and I've been lucky enough to chat to you about these topics for a long time to actually see at the end of all this, those two fine young men, Jack Jumper's championship players in this team is quite remarkable. How are you feeling? I just feel really pleased for those two slads. The amount of work and every player would say the same thing, the amount of work that they put in and everyone worked hard and they're no doubt at that level they do. But when you see it firsthand and see things that Jack McVeigh has put himself through and the focus that he has had over the last two years or three years with us, but he's really kicked in this last 12-18 month, taking it to a whole other level. The focus that he's had with his training, his preparation, the work that he does off the floor, but probably most don't see, even around the group, has been nothing short of amazing and he goes out and has an unbelievable camp and performs and gets himself selected. Then the Will McVeigh story that's been really challenging from his standpoint with injuries and being able to get himself back on the floor and then he went to Spain and was in great form and had that unfortunate foot injury and then his ability to stay focused and on pass back through his rehab and preparation that put him back on the floor. I'm not sure how many games into our season, maybe eight or 10 games into our season. And then he changed the way we played. The change the way we played and he's working and in the championship series was like nothing short of sensational and he continued up with his off season and had an outstanding camp and he's formed selected him. You can't ask for any more, you go into those camps and you put up your best performance and you get selected like it's just great validation for your work. We'll stick with mags for the moment and in isolation those last couple of games over this week which was obviously a small part of this selection but don't for anyone who thinks that it never matters. Of course it matters when you're up against a proud country regardless of the standing of China at the moment. I watched his defense again the other night and he was not scoring heavily missed a couple of dunks that an alloyo didn't go his way. I love the fact that he's 35 feet away from the basket, double teaming and harassing the guards and then hustling back to get on the big dirt who's seven foot four and providing just a contest you look at the make up now with the team Landale is clearly going to be the starting five. I assume Ruth then is the starting four and that probably meant in the wash up that magnate had to go but that ability to get his tank up to a level when he could do that. We're not having this conversation nine months and saying he could do that at that level. Is that fair to say? Oh without a doubt and I think he'd be the first one to say that and had talked about I've got to keep improving my fitness my tank's got a greater I've got to be able to play more than 18 to 22 minutes of Jackie's basketball I've got to be able to play longer than four or five minutes since and his work extremely hard on that side of it, you know, let alone all the basketball stuff. His conditioning has been very important for him and that's probably that come to fruition at the right time and you know his ability to defend the pick and roll um see a rim protector he does that at a elite level not just good in the MBL. He can do that at any level in the world. His pick and roll defenses is uh right up there with the best of them and and that's what's got him selected and he'll do other things I'm sure offensively and he'll have a different role obviously with this team at that end of the floor than what he had with the Jackie's and could become quite a focus point in the post for us um late in the season and I think we'll see that grow over the next 12 18 months even more but his ability to he can come out and show and pick and roll as he can get up before and defend he can switch late o'clock he can sit back at the rim and protect it like he's very multi-dimensional defensively and and that this firm has team needed it he's got to provide it. And then with McVose game and you and I the other night were just texting about a couple of things and observation I had he didn't quite have the radar on not that any of his shots are far away it was just a bit long on two or three occasions and I love the fact that he's rounded off his passing. We saw his rebounding you know you know in a championship series just go to another level and his ability to move his feet just a bit quicker than what they used to be. Tomorrow is been also significant development at 27 you know now 28 years of age. Well I think it comes with the willingness and openness to be coached and Magna is exactly the same way and he identified as I just said like my conditioning is going to get better he identifies it he has the support of the you know his network that's around him and he goes and improves it and Jack is exactly the same you know identified defensively I've got to be better in these situations he's prepared a little bit of three at different times than he was in camp and I need to be able to defend pick and rolls better you know because it's just not something that he did for us at the Jack Jumpers and so identifying okay what are some of the areas that I need to improve in to be able to impact at this level and not be a liability and as soon as you identify them and you accept them you have a lot better chance of improving them and he's certainly he's done that throughout this little campaign so far and we all know the offensive and what Jack can do and there'll be nights or games where you just shoot it great but there'll be games like he did against China where he'll go six-rate and he can win us a game somewhere in that campaign he'll win us a game and with his shooting and and for the greatest school you can have and he hasn't no doubt about that by the way do thank Greg your coach popovich for giving you half an hour to speak to me here is the the newly endorsed assistant coach with the San Antonio Spurs well done to you on this ride I'm embellishing that just slightly of course but you must be super excited about the next couple of weeks you've got on your plate yeah no question I'm very fortunate to get this opportunity and just to be here and just watch how this organization goes about it so they're amazing they have amazing facilities as most NBA teams do but this one is a very freshly built you want for nothing there's no excuses everything is provided there for you to be the best basketball player you can be and just see that firsthand and see some of their younger coaches that are in development and and how they go about it and see them get opportunities to coach in the summer league is is really really good to see and got a bunch of 15 guys in here that are trying to make an impact in their young careers to to make you know the Spurs main team and so it's got to be a fun couple of couple of weeks ahead and head off to Sacramento tomorrow for some games there and then we head to Vegas for the main summer league period and have you had a chance yet maybe a bit early to to say hello to the legendary coach he's actually not in town he's with the he's with the USA team oh and we'll stay there but he will stay there but there was talk that he will pop his head in in Vegas to connect with the the guys that are here though there's actually all guys on the summer league team that are Spurs team players so he'll he'll pop in and see those guys along with everybody else on on the Vegas trip for a day before he heads off to the Olympics and you get to work with some of the some of the new young stars of course the I mean you're not gonna see when he's gonna he's gonna be in Paris with his seven foot four standing next Rudy Gobi trying to win a gold medal of course which is a brilliant story but you're obviously gonna hear some stories etc but they've just got a couple of new good kids and the key to point guard castle and you're gonna get a fresh look as they put on a goonsie in the you know the famous Spurs colors for the first time that's fun yeah most definitely those those boys have been in camp and you wouldn't know they've been first round draft picks or whether they know like some of the other guys just you know fighting to make an impact in their basketball career very humble kids they're just trying in here trying to get better too like they're they're one year removed you know they're freshman in college and they're just young kids and trying to find their way and figure it out and I'm just there to rebound for them and throw some balls back to them and support them and encourage them not too much coaching that that's left up to the guys that you know work with them on a daily basis here but just to see how they go about it and how they support their players like it's a good opportunity for what can we glean from this or what can I glean from this that we can bring back to the jackies and might only be one or two things that we find that we can implement to make our team better or our club better and that's part of the trip and then of course just read it right in a previous conversation you're now off to take on the world in this club championship um in your little bit of research that you've you've probably seen I'm sure it's quite scarce you're a bit of time away before that happens but what sort of opportunity do you see that being for this group of young men most of them you know winners of the title can that be a real benefit as well to the next season oh most definitely I think the exciting thing is um for the players and definitely for the coaches you just get to play against different styles of play yes with that um you can learn from you might take some things from my notes jack Fleming was was just away with the Australian um team that played against Japan and you know he gleaned some things from how Japan played like how can the implement a couple of these concepts into our system that we have that he felt that they were really good at and there'll be no different we've gone play these these teams in singapore and there'll be some stuff like you we haven't seen that before you know on a regular basis or we haven't seen this concept or do you would like the way they they taught or they coached that aspect of the game missing take some things away from that but that's got to make us better then that's fantastic and just just a brand new concept that's great to be involved in that and representing the MBL that's great for our club and I know you're on a world stage so that it's great for our brand and great for the state you know could you get recognized uh mark redford i'd love to keep chatting to you all night about this it's such a fun thing and in your world you've got so much joy and excitement around you coming off the the title you know the stuff obviously during the week now with with the two jack jumbles in olympics teams san Antonio spurs it's a pretty fun period you've got a lot can you bottle this few months that you're about to continue on it's pretty good the very i just five is very fortunate like i'm humbled by the opportunity the basketball has given me and i don't say that lightly the young boy from bernie and i love tat mania and love what the jack jumpers and the basketball club has given to the state and you know you got to make haywire the sunshine because things can turn very quickly in this game and you know we've got a great basketball club that's doing great things and we should all just hang on and keep riding and target as far as we possibly can in the in the period that we're going to be in you know at the helm of this um this organization so it's fun for all of us and don't forget a dirty hawk supporter which will burn them in a heartbeat when the devils start in a few years time mark redford great to have you with us and enjoy your next couple of weeks good on your mate appreciate your time thanks mate this is saturday's intasi with david lifko and brat jeeves great to have you come here for another weekend it's a beautiful winter's day i'm off to the footy i hope whatever you're doing this weekend you have a splendid time far out what a nice winter we're having blue sky a little bit chilly but salamik today it was beautiful looking for the footy today jackie revolt is back in town so i'm going to head over and watch well what should be an excellent game of footy although you'd imagine clients are going to smack north over but great to see the three-time premiership star back enjoy your weekend whatever you're doing