SEN Tassie

Gerard Whateley (01/07/24)

SEN's own Gerard Whateley joined Brent to discuss the evenness throughout the AFL, who the Tasmania Devils' first coach should be and covering the Olympics in Paris. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
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SEN's own Gerard Whateley joined Brent to discuss the evenness throughout the AFL, who the Tasmania Devils' first coach should be and covering the Olympics in Paris.

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No Tim Payne this morning. Unfortunately, he's currently flying to London to play some cricket But that hasn't stopped the big name gets from rolling in and it's my pleasure to welcome back to SCN Tassie breakfast SCN zone Jared wait Lee. G'day Jared. Thanks for joining me brand. Hello. What cricket is he playing? It's a it's a washed up players like Jared. I think it's some something over there. I'm not quite sure I'm not sure he might just be on a holiday. I'm not just telling us this but yeah, he's not here unfortunately But we're actually enjoying the peace and quiet Hamish and I'm all producers. So that's okay Hey, we got an exciting time in the AFL at the moment looking at the latter this morning Third to 13th six points separating all those teams. It is extraordinary, isn't it? Incredibly tumultuous and not quite sure I can remember a season like it So Brisbane are in the eight for the first time this season and the Giants are out for the first time But you don't have to cast your mind too far back to when the Giants made a mess of Brisbane You couldn't have believed this would be their trajectories You look at a team by the Bulldogs who are the right side of the ledger for the first time and Hawthorne who might be the league's hot hand. They're both on the outside looking in Melbourne might have played their best game of the season But they're twelfth Essendon hard to know exactly how to pitch that conversation giving the given the umpiring on Saturday night Fremantle's inside the top four they had the win to lift the horizon and this one's art is unbeatable as was forecast and and The Sun's is that was that was a defining night for them against Collinwood to end up winning from behind after surrendering a big lead So the margins are just incredibly narrow the volatility of it the volatility of it is going to be extreme And if you want to make Absolute statements you're going to be proven wrong week to work at the moment Absolutely. So in saying that as we sit here this morning, who's your premiership favorite? Well, so I've got Carlton as my one seed and and Sydney is the premiership favorite So that's I watched Carlton yesterday and that the burst that they turned in in the middle of winter at the MCG in the third Quarter that's formidable the swans are a couple of games clear on top of the table So they've been the best team sustained and the grand final will be played at the the MCG So that that will be the bar that the swans have to make sure they get that far So that they're the two and then it's connoisseurs choices to what you like from there Absolutely. Hey, yeah, as someone who was strong in in your defensive Ken Hinckley after he was booed What did you make of his emotional post game interview with Fox footy after yesterday's game? It's a window into the toll that it all takes So it's easy from the outside to be to be bomb throwers and torchbearers But those at the coalfacer are fighting the fight is put out later. I still very viable You wouldn't want your man in charge giving up at this stage the way some of the supporter base has so They were they were very ordinary yesterday and fell across the line really it would have been It's not hard to imagine what this morning would have been had they lost But you want your guy fighting for all these worth and he is and he's got his team doing that They're striving to be better than they are and right now They're a pretty plain commodity But they got the wind to keep themselves nestled in the eight and with a still a shot at the top four So it keeps the walls from the door just briefly no more than that But I thought it was a telling inside into the toll that it all takes Absolutely. Hey, there's a lot spoken about umpires and rules But do you feel like it's been heightened a little bit this year? There was a lot of people unhappy with how accident and Carlton was officiated. I'm sorry And Carlton officiated on the weekend Yeah, so the Essendon community is up in arms and they they have a right to be on a handful of decisions from the third quarter How much of that excuses of 45 point defeat? I think that I think that's an interesting debate We do this is true across international sport. So it's not an air-filled phenomenon But the tolerance for refereeing and for umpiring is it is that an all-time low and and the the instant belief that the umpire is wrong? In every instance is there. I think they were wrong in a few instances on Saturday night I could make the case that the umpiring in the Port Adelaide St. Kilda game was worse than what happened in the Essendon Jilong game, but bombers fans won't want to hear that And there is a there's a much broader conversation to be had around What the what the game needs from its umpires and what the best way to service it is that that won't happen in Season and it'll be hard to sort of get any rational buying around that But I do think it's a big off-season project and whether that's I think it starts with the the laws and then The interpretations the implementation and then what the umpires are doing themselves I think it would be absolutely worthwhile to delve in deep in the off-season there Let's go to some Tazzy stuff because there's a lot of talk about the Tazzy coaching job recently and and the people that should be in Contention do you have an opinion on who you'd like to see and what sort of coach Tazzy should approach not really? I think they'll want one of the best coaches and one of the more experienced coaches I think and and it'll be a I think it'll be a very attractive job, but 2028 is still a long way away And Brendan Gail is not in the chair yet So my guess would be that once Brendan gets in the chair He would then take aim at at the GM of footy role That could very well be a figure like Chris Fagan or Ken Hinckley should they be interested in it and should they believe that that marries up with where the natural end of their coaching days would be and Then you find a figure after that so yeah, I'm I would be all in for Chris Scott is Nathan Buckley makes a lot of sense But it doesn't begin in there either. I think it'd be I think it'd be a fantastic job to take up So you have to take aim at the coaches who might be near in the end of the run And hopefully a successful run at the clubs that they've been at or maybe you know in in a gap year So I my gut feeling is if Buckley coaches again, it'll be before Tasmania It'll probably be sooner rather than later If he's still on the open market then those you have to make the assessment of how many years has he been out? And how many years would you like him in the job before they play their first game? So yeah, I actually I think it's a fertile market for Tazzy, but I wouldn't be rushing to a decision in July 2024 for a first game in in March 2028 Yeah, that's it. That's really interesting because you sit across the desk from bucks each each Tuesday So yeah, you think you might be back in the business before then I hope he does That's I enjoy my conversations with him enormously and always have done that he's a coach through and through I hope he does it again And I think once he decides that he is open to it. I think there'll be offers. There'll be offers immediately So that's for him to get to that point But yeah, there's there's going to be job vacancies in 2025 26 27 before Taz manor even Becomes a real thought. So my gut feeling this if he wants to return to coaching He'll be well in a job before before Taz manor starts Got a text in here on the hardcore It's open line for you Jared from Nick one of our regular contributors here on the show and he wants to know Do you like the idea of Gary Ablet's senior being inducted as a legend of the Hall of Fame on the same night Gary Ablet Junior enters the Hall of Fame in brackets 2026 Possibly the only chance that senior would go and possibly the only time you could have a unique combination like that occur Yeah, I love the romance of it. I'm a bit of a no on that. So I try to be careful I don't have any influence in the Hall of Fame, but but I am obviously part of the night But the Hall of Fame has never meant anything to Gary Ablet senior. He's never been he wasn't there when he was first inducted I think it all mean a lot to his son and The Gary Ablet senior conversation is is very complicated separate to football So I don't see him as a legend of the game for a few reasons But there's an obvious romance to that moment. Yes Jeri Whiteley is my special guest on SC and Tazzy breakfast this morning just back to the devil's Jeri, what do you think about the list building when it comes to draft picks and things like that? Obviously GWS and Gold Coast were pretty well compensated when they were building their list Do you think the same thing will happen with Tasmanian? There's a bit of talk it won't but how do you see it being fair for all? I think there'll be a blend I think the lessons of the sons and the Giants should be well-heated as you need your collection of young talent You need players in their in their primes in their mid 20s And I I would hope that the rules around recruiting and that are Confected to allow them to be able to do that and then to compensate richly the clubs that they're taking players from and then you need Established veterans to be able to lead and show the way so I would hope that we don't bring in another team That's got no prospect of winning games for the first two seasons I think there's clearly a better way to do that and you stock with picks that that must be traded which Sort of hypercharges what can happen in the middle of the competition if you're able to pick out talented players in their 20s And those teams are getting new high draft picks to use I think that's a good stimulus for the competition. So yeah, I would hope that the lessons have been well-heated And we don't do what we have that like cautionary towers are pretty fresh They as we shouldn't be bringing a team in that has no prospect of winning games in its first couple of seasons So that that would be my guiding principle on the laws that are put in place Now very big month for you coming up and another text in here on the harkorts open line says hi Brent Can you ask Jared his best ever olympics moment and about his upcoming commentary stint? That's from Robin Hobart Yeah, so my favorite the favorite moment that I've called is Kyle Chalmers won the hundred meters freestyle in Rio Which has been a jinx event for Australia and Chalmers was a teenager who was a virtual unknown? Heading into the the rounds He he had a storming victory from last in a semi final which just sort of piqued the interest to go Okay, so what's Australia got here at the halfway mark of that final? He was in seventh place and his father was in the stands we spoke to him afterwards And he said he's single crystallizing thought was just don't finish last and in the next 25 seconds Kyle Chalmers swum his way into folklore and to become a household name and that encapsulated everything that the Olympics can be For me youngster roars onto the scene Australia falls in love with him instantly and then his career Grows from there plus it was absolutely thrilling. So rarely do you see that in the pool in an Olympic final? So that's my standout moment there and yes I'm deep in preparation now to to call the track for channel 9 which I feel incredibly Fortunate to have been put on loan by by SCM and Fox to be able to do that. It's an incredible honor It's a little bit daunting in prospect, but yeah, the the track and field around the world is It's just at such a point at the moment is what's happening in Jamaica in their Olympic trials and the Americans are on their last day of their trials today Australia's cut off date for performance was yesterday So the team will be privately selected today and then announced I imagine in the next week or so There's there's great possibilities there There's there's a great futures market through the likes of Tory Lewis and cloudy a Hollingsworth Who will will meet for the first time on the Olympic journey and that's a journey? That's likely to take us through LA and then to Brisbane as the culmination of it. So yeah, it's absolutely thrilling in Prospect and I've thoroughly enjoyed the work so far How exciting from a Tazzy perspective. We're keeping a close eye on Stewie McSwayne. Of course So you got big hopes for him over in Paris. So that's I think we're just waiting on There's a glut of 1500 meter runners. So will he be in the five thousand? he's He's an international veteran now watching him run at diamond leagues and the like so yeah The selection of event will be really interesting for him with Ollie Hawes the Commonwealth champion at 1500 And there's a couple of young tyros, so yeah I'd be I'd be fascinated to know in the in the next week or so what the conversations have been like behind the scenes as to Which event he's going to run and he's when you watch the international races that he's part of he's revered for the work that He does within these races and the chances that he gives himself. So he's his Olympic journey continues and it'll be great to see him And just quickly because we've got to get to a break But I think people will be fascinated to know just how much work you're putting into this, you know It's such a big job I suppose but you've got your footy commitments and you you show you do here as well You must just be in the books at the moment watching a lot of vision and things like that. Yeah, so the beauty of modern research is it's it's all Accessible, it's all on YouTube your diamond league meetings So my Sundays have been put aside strictly for track and field over the past couple of months The you sort of chase around the internet for the the illegal feeds of the US trials So you can get the audio well enough and from time to time you can grab the pictures as well What happens at Jamaica looks like it gets filmed from iPhones in the stands and then posted online, but once He's Shane Thompson runs his world's best to top 10 all time. It's straight up online Yeah, following the the Kenyan and the Ethiopian Olympic trials it's it's an incredible project actually and and Testament to the Technological world that we live in that's so much of it is available if not in real time Then immediately afterwards to be able to to take in so it's less research on paper and out of books and and much more On screens and what's happening on the track, which is which has been wonderful to learn Well, it's not too far away now We're all excited for Paris all excited for your show coming up right after us to this morning here on SCN. Tazijer. What have you got for us? No, there's gonna be snap judgments all over the place I imagine deep deep in the footy there'd be a little bit of cricket with India beating South Africa in the T20 World Cup If you're in English football found this morning, you've been through the wringer with the euros And then we'll do the the means test with David King and the wisdom and experience of Robert Craddock Fantastic Jeremy really appreciate your time always very generous for us here on SCN Tazijer. Good luck over in Paris We can't wait to hear your dolce at tones on Channel 9 terrific Brent good on you. Have a great day Thanks, Jared. Jared lately there. What a start he is it's breakfast powered by Kubota take on any job with Kubota's range of tractors mowers And utility vehicles still time to get us on the hard courts open line just like kick a colon test He says love Jared's segment with Ray Chamberlain every second Wednesday It's a must listen to understand the intricacies to umpiring and what drives the decisions They make thanks kick it for your message this morning. You can send us a text as well Oh four three seven double five two five three five But now we're off to a break coming back after this with net ball Tasmanian CEO Mitch Colson here on SCN Tazijer breakfast