SEN Tassie

The Friday Preamble (21/06/24)

Brent and Painey opened the show by discussing today's Dark Mofo naked winter solstice swim, Tim's big move to Noosa and Brent's hamstring injury. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Broadcast on:
20 Jun 2024
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Brent and Painey opened the show by discussing today's Dark Mofo naked winter solstice swim, Tim's big move to Noosa and Brent's hamstring injury.

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[MUSIC] >> This episode is brought to you by Microsoft Azure. Turn your ideas into reality with an Azure free account. Get everything you need to develop apps across Cloud and hybrid environments, scale workloads, create Cloud-connected mobile experiences and so much more. Discover what you can create with popular services free for 12 months. Learn more at That's, and sign up for a free account to start building in the Cloud today. Breakfast with Tim Payne and Brent Costello. [MUSIC] >> Great to have you come here for a filled with Friday here in SCN. Tazzy breakfast, Brent Costello here alongside Tim Payne. How are you, T-P? >> Hey, Brento, very well, thank you. >> That is good. What are you doing here, actually? >> Why wouldn't I be here? >> Well, Hamish gave me a heads up that you may not be here this morning. And confused me when you're old through the door. And I thought, what did he tell me he wasn't going to be here for what was it again? >> Ah, it's the shortest day of the year, which means it's the nude swim day. >> Ah, yeah, no, I've got it done. >> Oh, you've done it. >> Got it done. >> Did it on your own this morning? >> Well, go in the cold tub every morning, nude. >> You don't, every morning, except for Sundays at home. Yep, straight down the back stairs, turn left into the cold tub, plunge in, nude. I did, at one point, I was wearing bathers and I just saw, why am I wasting this time? >> Yeah, why does it add something if you nude, or I can quick out? >> No, because I have to stop, find them, watch them. And now, particularly now, at the time I'm doing it, Brandon, it's dark, no one can see. Jump in, get it done. >> Good luck to everyone, doing the nude swim this morning. Have you ever thought about it, Tim? >> Nude swimming. >> Yeah, the one down at Long Beach. >> No, I don't want to be nude swimming with other people without. >> Close to me, I'd find that very strange. I find that very weird. >> A lot of people do it. >> I know, why? >> 3,000, I think, you're down there. >> But why? Except for, are we raising money, are we raising awareness? >> The thrill of it, isn't it? >> I can't say it. >> I might get that, because I'm addicted to the cold plunge and the rush that it gets you. But I am not that addicted to being nude around 3,000 people that I don't know. >> We probably should leave this conversation. >> Why? >> Anyone is going to do the nude swim this morning, let us know why. >> Texas Inn, 0437, 552535 on the Harcourt's open line. >> I think it's something that you should do, Brent. >> If you're down there, can we give you a call after you've done it? See how you went? That'd be good. How cold was it? >> I wouldn't be that bad, be 19 degrees in, wouldn't it? >> I think you should do it next year, Tim. We can cross down to you. >> Wouldn't have thought so. >> Live, as you did. >> Very cold. >> And you're on the phone. >> You're brilliant. >> Hey, what would I just put my phone in my pocket while I'm in there or? >> Yeah, true. >> Hey, speaking of the shortest day of the year, Speak Up Stace, chatty, short stay today, Tim. >> We've got the shorts on, Brent, aren't we? >> Well, we do. >> We do, and we'll, actually, there it is. >> There's those pins, Tim. >> Well, they're ready to go, are they? They can't be far off entering a gym facility. >> Oh, I'm still injured. >> I know that, you're permanently injured. >> I'm 40 now. I actually am. It sucks. >> I'll tell you what, though, it is shorts for shorts day. But, haven't you just cashed in on the free kit? >> Well, Mitchie McPherson, who does a wonderful job. >> Well, Mitchie, where's mine for you? >> Oh, I love it for you. >> You're giving me a beanie. >> Yeah, I know what I've done, Brent. He's presented it beautifully on our set here this morning. So, everything that goes out on social media today will have Speak Up, Stay Chatty, Shorts for Shorts, Beanie, Front and Center. >> What you have got on it, you look like an absolute fool. For those that can't see Tim, which is all of you right now, he has got the Tasmania map jumper on, which is magnificent. He's got the wide-brimmed KFC hat as well. I'm not actually... >> Son's smart. >> We need to put a fight up with that. 'Cause I like both items, but together, I'm not sure. >> No, I'm not quite sure. >> No, you're coordinated for us today, so... >> Yes, yes. >> How's your week been? What have you been up to? >> Oh, Brent, what have I been... >> Honestly, I've been so busy. >> Oh, Tim, it's so loose every week. >> I know, and most of the time, I'm lying. >> Most of the time, I'm busy, like, "How am I going to fit a couple of rounds of golfing?" But this week, with the move coming up, there's so much stuff to do when you're moving houses. When was the last time you moved house? >> 10 years ago? >> Yeah. >> So, I've moved house quite a bit. But what I was excellent at doing was making sure the move was when I was away. >> [laughs] >> And since I've retired, I've run out of excuses. Like, how do I get away? So, I've had to be quite heavily involved in this one. >> [laughs] These hats distracted me. >> That's crazy. >> It's wobbly up in there while I talk to you anyway, yes. Sorry. >> Yes, I've just been trying to get everything sorted. I've been tidying gardens. >> But, but, hang on. Why are you tidying the garden if no one's using your home when you're away? >> Well, 'cause what am I going to do, Brent? Get my gardens all landscaped and looking smicked and then just let them go. >> Yeah, fair enough. >> No, I get it to a position that it is looking A1, then I rang Pete, who's the best gardener in Tasmania and I said, Pete, the garden at the moment looks an absolute treat. Can you please pop up once every week or fortnight and just keep it as is? And he said, Tim, I've love to do that for you. >> There you go. >> So, we're sorted. But I wanted to get it to a standard where I was happy with. And so, I've been doing that at home and now today I'll drive down to a possum bay and do the same thing. Take the hat off place. It's really distracting me. It's wobbling up and energy at all. >> Apart from annoying Mitchie and trying to get free kit from everyone, what have you been doing for the week? >> Not much, just working hard, Tim, as always. >> Yeah, no, nothing to report mine that I think. >> Mm-hmm. >> No, that's just been it. I'll tell you what though, the weeks have fallen by. >> They are. >> They are falling by. I have a physio appointment every week and it feels like I'm there for what? >> From my leg, how old are you about this? >> Well, what's the prognosis? >> It feels like it's a hammy. So, I've had this dry needling. >> It feels like. >> Yeah. >> You must have really strong pain threshold, I reckon. >> I do. >> Well, is your hamstring torn? >> I don't know. I don't know what's wrong with it. >> It's aggravating, Tim. >> Okay. >> Oh, that's no good. >> Just like you. >> Oh. >> I didn't having to play sport or do something with something that was aggravating a little bit. >> Well, I'm just trying to get it. >> It's awesome complaining. I'm just trying to get it fixed. >> No, you openly complaining on air in front of our listeners. >> Anyway, what do you got? >> Well, it actually explains now why you weren't there yesterday because yesterday, obviously, with the Mavericks in town. >> Next week? >> Next week? >> I had to go out and do a bit of a promo and get taken through a bit of a skills challenge for netborn. I turned up thinking this would be good, I'll, you know, Brent will be here and just me. >> Doing what? >> I thought, well, there we go again. So, Brent just off doing his own thing. Didn't get invited to problems at all. That was the first thing. And we pride ourselves on being a strong team and a strong unit in here. And I thought, just leaving me out in the lurch to do that. That was one thing. >> Do you want to say too? >> But not the most disappointing thing of the week. Because on Tuesday night, Brent and I came in here with Hamish and we did a few promotional videos for KFC who partnered with us for around the state, one of our most popular segments. It's got to be said, Brent. >> People of KFC. >> Terrific. >> And they brought in enough food to feed an army. >> Oh, come on. >> Now, firstly, Brent ate most of it, which is fine. I have no issue with that. And you've never, I hope we've got some footage of him when he was devouring buckets of KFC. Because I've never seen a happy amount. That was the first thing. And that was fine. And we had a bit of fun and we shot a few videos. >> Oh, that's why you were going with this one. >> Now, he's going there. >> It made a bit of a mess. It's fair to say. And there was a lot of stuff from thongs to this hat to umbrellas. We got a lot of KFC. >> Paraffenalia. >> Paraffenalia. Videos finished. >> Yep. >> Brent leaves. >> No, hang on. >> Brent leaves. Hamish and I are here for what, Hamish? 45 minutes after the show. Cleaning up. Packing away buckets, picking up chicken off the floor. >> No. >> Getting all sorts of things sorted. >> No. >> And you had just walked. >> No. >> You looked at that door. >> No. >> And left us high and dry. And I wasn't happy and did not appreciate it. It is not how you treat your teammates. And I think-- >> Absolute loss. >> Oh, I'm still here next Monday. It might be a good time. And again, this is Hamish's idea, not mine. He wanted me to bring this up. That you left without helping us clean at all. You picked up a few little bits off the floor. But Hamish's other idea is maybe it's time to revisit our 360 degree feedback because I think you took it on board for a while and you were very good. This week, I've seen a couple little slips. And I wonder if it's just you getting a little bit comfortable. And obviously, you were a bit full and you felt a bit sick after you ate maybe five buckets of chicken, some chips, popcorn chicken. >> Tim, it's a little absolute lie. Is that Hamish? >> Hamish, blatantly lie. >> You left, you picked up a few scraps off the floor and then you left. >> Can I tell you more about him? >> I had to pack up the whole studio. I got the vacuum out from the horn curtain. There was boxes of stuff that had to go everywhere. We packed it into the big bags, took it down to the bins. And you, Brent, were nowhere to be seen. >> I'm not even going to respond because it's lies. It's blatant lies. So I'm not even going to worry about replying to it, Tim, because we walked out at the same time. You had to door it was here. >> Hamish, can you please come over here? >> Did Brent leave and we were packing all the stuff into those big bags? >> No, so he's shaking the head. >> Excuse me? >> Are you going to lie on national radio? >> No one can hear him, Tim. This is bad, bad radio. 0437 555 2535 is the Harcourt's open line that take in Texas. You can also give us a call if you're at the nude swim. Give us a call, 1342 1533. Also hit us up on social media at S.E. and Tassie Catler, early text here. On the Harcourt's open line, first one's from Nick in Hobart. Hey, fellas, I missed the Gazy tribute. >> I did too, I really want to watch it. >> But thankfully I've got long service leave coming up, so I should be able to knock it over. >> Was that on Netflix? >> No, it was on nine last night. >> Was it? >> Mm. >> So I did it though. >> Nicky pointed it. >> Yeah, I think it was produced by the MBL broadcast on nine. But I think Nick's employing it went a little long, Tim. >> Oh, really? >> Oh, I'm definitely going to watch that. >> It was a family tribute though, wasn't it? It wasn't just Gazy. >> Yeah, it was Lindsey. >> Yeah, the whole crew, I think. David of Launceston, with the MBL fixture being released this morning, will there be jack jumpers games allocated to the Launceston silver dome, given Larry Kesselman's concerns about the venue? Yes, there will be David. >> How many Brenna, two? >> Do you go up for them? >> Yep. >> Are you okay with the sound up there? >> Yes. >> Okay. >> Yep, no, it's got better last year. It was a bit low, I thought the first year, but I think we fixed it up last year. >> You want to bet this one through, Brad? Morning gents, can we get a full description of Brent's leg injury so we can get it diagnosed correctly by nine o'clock? >> No, it's a-- >> If there's any physios in the Salamanca area who would like to come and check Brent's hamstring out and give us a diagnosis before nine o'clock, please swing by. >> That's something to do with my bursar. >> No, the bursar is too? >> Yeah, it's something to do with that. It's all related to that. >> What's this fluid, isn't it, a bursar? >> I don't think so, no. >> Can't you inject a bursar? >> No, not that I'm aware of. I could be wrong though. >> I'll get on Google. >> I'm not good at retaining information. >> No, obviously. >> Or helping your teammates clean up. >> Do you clean up at home? Do you help clean up at home? >> When do you leave again? >> Do you help clean up at home? >> Of course I do, after being honest and in the break and with me, I absolutely clean up at home. >> Well, I didn't do it now and else it was like she does, but the kids don't help. >> The two things I thought were you either don't do anything at home and you did the same thing, or you do so much at home, you're exhausted and couldn't help us. But either way, it was very, very ordinary form. >> Oh, Tim. >> When do you go? >> Wednesday. >> And how about this, everybody's got a drive from Hobart to Nusa sucked in. >> I can't wait. >> Sucked in. That's what you were saying off air. >> Personal time. >> You can't wait. >> And you can't even do the show next Friday. >> Friday. >> I'll ring in. >> No, thanks. >> No, I'll ring in. >> No, Hamish wants me. >> Oh, four, three, seven, double five, two, five, three, five. Is the hardcore, it's open line hardcore, it's more than just real estate professionals, of course. Big show coming up this morning, as David alluded to the Jack Jumper's fixture, drops at eight a.m. this morning. In fact, it's already out in the paper. So you can see for yourself, David, there's a couple of games there in Launceston this year. I think the Sydney Kings are rolling into Launceston. That's going to be a noise. >> Really? I love that. >> Yes. Massive. >> Make him flying to Hobart and drive up too. >> Darren Smith. >> Turn the cold. Turn the hot showers off up at the silver dome as well. >> So yeah, the Jack Jumper's Darren Smith will join us. Melbourne Mavericks head coach Tracey Neville will join us as well with the Mavs coming to town next week, which is huge. And also, we're going to have Aaron Cornelius as well to preview the state game. Maddy Snapper Reed will be in. We'll preview Australia's game, which is coming up this morning at the T20 World Cup. Is this, we've got a text in here on the hardware. >> Hold on, Rene, because I've just done a little bit of googling. >> The burcer works to allow the gluteal and hamstring muscles to slide smoothly and without friction. So you must be getting a little bit of friction between the gluteal muscle and the hamstring muscle, because your burcer is what, inflamed? >> Oh, this is huge. Look at this. It looks like my man Josh Giddy is off to the Chicago Bulls. >> Well, that's great. You'll want to have NBA time as well with the devil's advocate on a Tuesday. >> Thanks for texting in. Whoever texts that in breaking news, Josh Giddy traded the Chicago Bulls, and it's being reported on Twitter that the Chicago Bulls are trading two-time all-defensive guard Alex Caruso to the Oklahoma City Thunder for guard Josh Giddy. >> Mm-hmm. >> Well, there you go. >> In bigger news, I've got a text through from Flash, from La Trobe, who said, "Brent's leg issue sounds like gout." >> It's not gout, not that old. That's an old thing, isn't it? >> Oh, I don't know. >> We're going to get to a break, anyway, because on the other side of it, we're coming back with around the state here on SCN, and Tazzy Breakfast, where powered by Kubota, take on any job with Kubota's range of tractors, mowers, and utility vehicles.