Froggy the Gator

The Robot Velociraptors!

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Froggy, Mr. Hummus and Baby the Gator are playing robot dinosaurs. But when they get teleported to the Robot Dinosaur Museum and see a familiar foe, their mission becomes that much more important.

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of your favorite podcast, Froggy the Gator. And like we always say, at the beginning of these shows, if you want to help us grow, the best thing you can do, there's two things. The first thing is to tell all of your friends about Froggy the Gator and about how great he is. And the second thing you can do is make sure you get your parents permission to rate us five stars. Of course, if you think that's what we deserve on your podcast app of choice. And if you do those two things, then we will keep growing nicely thanks to you and thanks to your parents. And remember also, if you want to get in touch with me, whether you've got a joke you want to share or a story idea or a birthday announcement, you can go to and send us a message there. And we've got some birthdays today. First, I want to say happy birthday to Owen, who turned six on July 11th. And happy birthday to you, sir, six was a great year for me. And I know it will be for you. Happy birthday to Ezra, who is turning seven on July 20th, just a couple of days away. Ezra, so happy birthday to you, sir. And our joke today comes from Canon, who will be five on July 22nd. So happy early birthday to you, Canon. Hey, July 22nd, that's my dad's birthday. So you have a great shared birthday with my dad, July 22nd. And Canon's joke goes like this. It's a knock-knock joke, so you know it's going to be good. You ready? Knock-knock. Who's there? Interrupting car. Interrupting car. Honk, honk. Broom, broom, broom. [APPLAUSE] Canon. Nice one, young man. Yeah, you get the joke because the car interrupted, and then it roomed away. And I didn't even get to say interrupting car, who, because it was an interrupting car. It interrupted me. So very nice. And happy birthday to Ezra, Owen, and Canon. And we've got a bunch more birthdays coming up next time, next week, so stay tuned for that. And parents, reminder, you can go to to let me know about your little ones B days. And guess what? I have a bonus joke today. Bonus joke alert. Bonus joke alert from another one of our birthday boys, Owen. And Owen, happy birthday to you again. Here's Owen's joke. It says, I read this because it was so funny. I had to include it. I saw it, and I said, I got to put Owen's joke in here. What did the eye say to the other eye? What did the eye say to the other eye? Are you ready for this answer? So think about it. Think about it. You were thinking eyeballs, like eyes on your head. What did one eye say to the other eye? Something between us smells because they're talking -- it's a nose. They're talking about a nose. There's a nose between your eyes, and that literally functions as a smelling organ on your face. So it smells. But also, you hear it and you think, well, it might be stinky or something in between the eyes. So that's Owen. Great work. Fantastic joke. Thank you for that. The idea was inspired by one of our listeners, Asher, who is five years old, and I'm really excited to do this one because it's about, well, it's about robot dinosaurs, and I don't think anything is cooler than that. So this is Asher's story idea, who's five years old, and it starts right now. Froggy the Gator, Mr. Hummus, and Baby the Gator were playing in Froggy the Gator's room, and they were playing a really fun game. What game were they playing, you ask? Well, of course, they were playing Robot Velociraptors. What else? Okay guys, Froggy said to his friends, here are the rules. We're looking for two magic stones. One of the stones is yellow, and the other stone is purple. And these stones are pretty special because these stones are what give power to the mythical mysterious Robot Velociraptors. And legend has it, Froggy the Gator continued, that there are only two Robot Velociraptors left in the known universe. And whoever has the stones has control over the Robot Velociraptors because they have possession of the stones and the stones are their main power source. Do you get it guys? And Froggy continued on, "We need to find those stones so we can power and control the Robot Velociraptors." Yeah, I think I get it, Mr. Hummus said. One question though, why do we need to get the stones? What's the big rush? What happens if we don't get them? "Well," Froggy said, "I'm glad you asked. You see, we aren't the only ones looking for the stones. There is another seeking their power over the Robot Velociraptors. And his name is... Robot Stone Thief Gershwin! Robot Stone Thief Gershwin, Mr. Hummus, said, "Oh boy, that's it. I'm on it Froggy. Let's do this." And just like that, in their imaginations, the guys noticed something incredible. In Froggy the Gators room, where his closet normally stood, they saw a secret door. It was metallic like on a spaceship or something and it whooshed open every time they looked at it. And there before them, they saw above the door a sign that said, "Welcome." "Oh man, this is it," Mr. Hummus said, "Come on guys, we've got to go through that door. And as soon as the guys made it through the door, they could not believe what they saw." Suddenly, all at once, they found themselves in a robot dinosaur museum! What in the world, Mr. Hummus said, "Are we in a robot dinosaur museum?" Sure looks like it, Froggy the Gator responded, "Googoo," Baby the Gator said, and nobody really knew what he meant, but they all nodded along just to let him know that they were listening to him. And as they looked ahead, they saw a huge atrium, which is like a large open room. A lot of times it has windows on all sides of it, which this one did have windows on all sides of it. And there were huge statues of robot dinosaurs everywhere they looked, and then they looked up high toward the domed ceiling of the atrium, and they saw a real robot pterodactyl. "Hey, just like Terra," Mr. Hummus said. Then they saw the robot pterodactyl use its jetpack wings and soar down toward the floor, where there was a robot tank, Anglia Saurus, with huge robot bazookas on either side of its body, as it roared and stomped as the bazookas got ready to fire. Then, they saw a robot Brontosaurus, and its interesting robot facet was that it had an extendo neck, like a cherry picker, that it was electronically moving back and forth to bang its head against the ceiling of the atrium. "Oh my gosh," Froggy, Mr. Hummus said, "look at all these robot dinosaurs. They are completely out of control." "I know," Froggy said, "that Brontosaurus looks like he wants to tear the building down, and the Anglia Saurus could let his bazookas go at any minute." And there were a bunch of other wild crazy robot dinosaurs causing havoc, too, and then things got even more serious for the boys. Because right across the other side of the atrium, standing in front of a huge machine with remote controls that controlled all the robots in the museum, was none other than "Robot Stone Thief Gershwin." "Wow," Robot Stone Thief Gershwin said, "I see you boys have found my dinosaur robot museum." "Well, you're too late. I have control over all of the dinosaurs." "Well, almost all of the dinosaurs. If it wasn't for those pesky Velociraptors and those magic stones, but as soon as I get those magic stones, I will surely be able to free all of these dinosaurs from this museum and use them as my personal dinosaur robot, Army." "Oh boy, did you hear that, guys?" Froggy the Gator said, "Babble, babble," said Baby the Gator. "That's right," said Froggy. "We got to find those gemstones and take control of the robot Velociraptors. We got to help preserve all of the great technology and history in this museum, or else Gershwin will surely destroy it all." And then they saw them, floating in the air, a few feet off the ground, right in between the boys and Gershwin, the yellow and the purple stone. They ran toward the stones, but Gershwin ran too, and the boys managed to capture the purple stone while Gershwin managed to capture the yellow stone. And then a huge green robot Velociraptor came roaring through the doors, roar, he said. Froggy put the purple stone into his power pack, and the green Velociraptor was ready for action. And then a red robot Velociraptor came charging in, and Gershwin gave him the yellow stone, and all of a sudden it was a Velociraptor battle. They scratched each other, they did robot screeches at each other, they used their dinosaur robot lasers to shoot bolts of blinding energy at each other, and then suddenly, as if they had a secret psychic type of communication, they stopped fighting, and they turned to the boys. We just realized that this is exactly what Gershwin wants. They said to Froggy, Mr. Hummus and Baby the Gator, "We don't want to destroy the museum, but that's exactly what we're doing. From now on, we're on your side, Froggy." No, dinosaur Jim Thief Gershwin said, "Foiled again by you boys. I wanted to destroy the museum and use these robots as my personal army, but you guys wanted to preserve the technology and the history and to keep it safe. So I guess it's true what they say. Doing the right thing is always the right thing. The end." You