Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #105 - Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 1977

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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We have finally reached the original trilogy for Star Wars. It's Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope form 1977, and no matter which version you watch, you will always come away happy.

Twitter: @comicrundown

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes, Charlie Shaw and Jordan Zeilinger

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. This review from D.C. to end the year with time more. One down with you. One down with you. One down with you. What was that mean? No, I work good now. I don't know why it was, uh, taking it forever to start recording, but, uh, Stream yards been weird lately. Uh, yeah, we're good to go. Hold on. Now you're frozen, Chuck. Oh boy. I don't think he's frozen. Is he? No, he's frozen. All right, everybody. I was going to start it since Chuck is frozen. There he is. Oh, there we go. I'm back. Good. Before that. My back. There we go. So real quick, if I can ask the question, um, just because it's been playing me all day, write it in the comments if you're watching the video. Hypothetically speaking. If a, if a corpse comes in, died of natural. Died of natural what? Um, is horror. We got nothing for you, dude. You are. Oh, bye. Uh, ladies and squirrels and gentlemen and girls and stuff. Uh, here we are with the, uh, rundown reviews presented by the comic book rundown. Uh, today we are covering Star Wars, a new hope. And, uh, there we go. There's an introduction. There we go. Uh, minute and 20 seconds into the podcast. Well, I mean, that's actually a record for us. Cause we're usually really, I've been, all the other thing I've been doing. I've been noticing like we bullshit immediately in the beginning. And then eventually we'll get to the far left. That's true. We were actually. We did pretty sure. Before you hit record this time, we tried to. The voices that you're hearing would be Joey. Hello. We've got, well, Chuck was here. Um, we've got Jordan and obviously me. What's that? This is where the fun begins. The black robot thing with a needle arm. Yeah. I believe that's a VT 16, isn't it? Is that what it is? I think scared me so much as a kid. I don't know why I hated that robot when I was younger. Oh, no, that's that. Because they're, they're creepy looking and they stab you with needles. You know, it's, you know, it's, it's one of those things where it's used to torture Leia. Like, and she's the, the heroine in this movie. So you're naturally like, Oh, no, like, that's, that's bad. This is scary. I think it was more of the fact that I'm like this universe has a robot that's specific design is only to torture people. Sure. Sure. That's crazy. Hi, Chuck. Nope. He's frozen again. All right. Bye, Chuck. Hey, if you hear us, watch, uh, use your phone again. I am using my phone. I just switched to a great. Okay. Okay. Okay. Maybe that'll work. Okay. It might be here now. Anyway. Well, that's good. My question originally was if a body comes into a place and it died of natural or accidental causes or natural causes and the people are able to harvest the organs, but there was not room permission that they could harvest the organs. Is that a victimless crime? You're saying they're not an organ donor, but that is. They're not there. They're a force organ donor. Yeah. Right. They're not they have not volunteered to be an organ donor. Then go to the 1800s when they had grave robbers. Yeah. But if they died of natural causes, I mean, are they really like needing those organs? Are they going to? Exactly. Like realistically, if you were dead, they're not doing you any good. Give them to people who can use them. Yeah. Right. Like preserving your body because, you know, you need it to decompose altogether or like it's fucking dumb, but like they sell it on the black martian. They're selling it on the black market. The reason why I was watching a new hope, my mom was watching bones and this was like one of the premises to it. And I was like, this was like the premise of the episode and I was just like, I don't think that's like a bad thing like there's no victims involved in this. Like the, but the, the, uh, the guy who like does the, uh, autopsy was like when the bodies were coming in like still fresh that they could harvest the organs, they were harvesting them and selling them on the black market. The only way. You know what? Hey, you know what you call that? You call that an entrepreneur. Okay. That guy is out there making a difference. He was helping people making money, this is the true tier form of capitalism right there. Side hustle all the way. I mean, victimless crime. It's only a crime of a victim if like that organ was actually going to be used for someone who's been on a waiting list. I don't know. That's if they weren't an organ donor, then it wasn't or, you know, if the person was still alive when you took the organs, in which case, yeah, it might be a, uh, a crime. Yeah, they might not be happy. That's true. I mean, we watched a new hope, other sisters, gender resistors, welcome. This is, all right. All right. Well, I wasn't sure. Don't worry. We include you in it. So we did actually. Yeah. Can't wait to hear that in a month. All right. But yeah. So we, yeah, we watched for a new hope from 1977. Obviously, we've all seen this movie before. Yeah. What's your account? What's the, what's the body count for this movie? Oh, just jumping. Already. He wants to know. No, I'm, no, no. Not many times have you had intercourse to this movie is what I'm asking. Um, see, nobody else wants my luck when this is on just me, my girlfriend loves Star Wars. I'd say, yeah. Emily would be all about jumping Joey's bones during this, been a couple handfuls. Yeah. That is her favorite thing is she wants him to walk in the room, slay in the door. And say there's no escape for the princess this time. It's my, I walk in and say hello there and it's just a universal sign to know what you do. It's my partner, doesn't start saying to me down the shoot fly boy, uh, where he was I'm getting ready to come. I don't really want to put a plate of the camera in the mirror. So hold on a second. I got to set a text real quick. Yes. Oh, man. Oh, yeah. So, yeah. No, okay. Obviously, we've all seen this movie. It's a classic. How many times have you seen it? I've seen this movie, fuck, I don't know. A lot. I watch this movie almost at least once a year because it's Star Wars and I usually have some Star Wars thing going on, plus back when I actually had cable, TNT ran the Star Wars marathon literally all the time, you could, well, I don't have cable anymore. Oh, I watch it at the gym in 30 minute bursts when it's a way to watch something. Thank holiday. Yeah. So it's one of those things where I've seen it so many times that I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to actually watch it today and just have to go by memory. But, uh, I was able to, I've made the time today. I found time. So nice. I have seen it, okay, so specifically this version of it, which is the stupid adapted version version that has all the extra like, uh, computer generated. So the special edition, I've only seen 2005 special edition. It's actually. Well, this is the 2019 special edition with the Disney Plus edition too. I didn't watch it on Disney Plus. Oh, okay. The special edition, uh, when they first released it on DVD after the, uh, prequels, yes, where like they added in all these extra scenes of like CGI and, uh, bantas and, um, the, the plane or the fighters and stuff come. Oh, so yeah, those are in the 99 that that was, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like that's, I'm pretty sure that's where these came in was after the prequels. These ones I have only seen like four times. The old one I have seen probably like 10 to 15 times at least. I still have, I think I talked about this last week. I still have the DVD of the original. Uh, yeah, I might need to borrow that sometime just to wipe this out of my thought. I thought about after watching it pop it in the, the DVD to watch the original, but I, uh, again, ran out of time. Well, it was Simon's first time watching and yeah. He never had any interest and he really wasn't paying attention this time, but I had to keep point. I'm like, okay. This wasn't cause, uh, I was like, yeah, this wasn't originally this wasn't originally in it because you know, it's like, it looks like garbage and the CGI stuff and everything that do backs are awful. Yeah. And I told Simon, I was like, yeah, I was like, the only thing that's in here that's like original CGI stuff are the blasters and the lightsabers because I also had to explain to them how they map the lightsabers on there. And that's why the lightsaber battles suck compared to the newer ones. I wouldn't say suck. They, when this was originally made the fight choreographer, which I can't remember his name, he had had taught Alec, Alec Guinness and David Prowles, uh, power, thank you. Um, the actor in Darth Vader suit, how to fight in like more fencing style. Mm hmm. That's what he thought this was going to be that's what apparently I looked at a little bit of, um, the IMDB because I knew there was going to be a shit ton. So I didn't actually want to go down that rabbit hole, but, um, what was going on with this? Oh, uh, they, nope, lost my shirt, I thought, well, they were, they were taught fencing. They were fencing. They did it. They did it like broad sorts. Wasn't that the change in like their choreography style? Uh, all I know is, is that, uh, you can definitely tell the mapping is there, especially when they're being ignited and, uh, denited, yeah, dis ignited, like that little like blip in the screen. Yeah. It's almost like, you know, they're like, all right, do the thing now, stand there. Don't move. Switch it out and keep filming. And they just, I always, I always notice that whenever they would open up a door. Mm hmm. Oh yeah. Because they have to push the button and then it takes like, there's like a millisecond before anything happens and you're like, where is it going on? They have to be really still while the door is moving except for the door going into the conference room, which was a practical door when, uh, I forget the one general's name who comes in the talk to Tarkin. That's a practical door. It doesn't do the whoosh thing. Nice. Like the other doors do. Nice. Jordan, how many times have you seen this movie? Okay. So people are going to hate me in the sense of this. Okay. So three times. Gotcha. No, the original version, pre 1999, I've seen once in my life. I own it. Once the 99 version over a hundred times because I got the special edition VHSes and I watched it every weekend for three years. I keep forgetting you like 35 years younger than me. My first introduction to this. So this is how this worked. I saw the 99, uh, special edition in theaters and I thought it was a brand new movie and I was like, this is amazing. I can't wait. What was it? Like a month later empire came out and then a month later return came out. So I can't wait. And my next door neighbor's dad said, I have them all on VHS already. I'm like, how do you have blew my mind? I didn't understand concept that like these movies were pre released 20 years ago. Yeah. So then I watched all three of them that day at their house, the originals. That's the only time I've seen the originals. And then all the 99 ones on from there. I've only seen the McClunky version. This is the first time I've seen McClunky version. So I don't know what McClunky is supposed to mean. That whatever nobody knows, nobody knows what that's supposed to mean. Yeah. It just showed up and everybody's like, what the hell? I thought the whole point of them putting McClunky in was that they were going to fix the Han shot first thing and being like, oh, he's the thing that makes him know to shoot is that the dude said McClunky. Like that means like, I'm going to kill you or something and then like you shoot some first. Well, that's the only thing though, because I always watch everything with subtitles. And when he says McClunky, nothing is there. The rest of Greedo speech is all written out, but McClunky, just McClunky, it makes no sense. But anyway, yeah, I've seen the 99 special edition or 98 or whenever it came out over a hundred times easily. Nice. Chuckles. All right. So for me, this is a astronomical number. But I have watched this movie 10 times collectively. That's good. That's very good. Yeah, since I was like eight years old, the only 10 and above group, there are three. It's the Star Wars original trilogy because I always watched all three. Yeah. Toy Story. Randomly. Yeah. I loved Toy Story is a good and men in black. Those are like the three. Yeah. So I was always a bigger fan of a bug for life, but you know, when I was I was I wasn't out yet. Well, yes, I do. But because Toy Story came out in like 93 or 94, like when I was in like 95, I was sick from home and school from school. And I didn't want to get off the couch. So I had put Toy Story in the VHS and instead of taking the movie out and putting something else in, I just re-rounded it and then just watched it again. I think I watched it like three or four times in one day just because I didn't want to get off the couch. Toy Story and Men in Black were like two movies that I watched every day, one summer when I didn't have a baby. Like I was old enough to not have a babysitter. So I could just do whatever I wanted to. And so I would just stay home and watch Toy Story every day. And then I watched Men in Black, like the next summer, every day, those were like my two movies. It was weird. It's funny because I just watched Toy Story two weeks ago and it's been like at least three or four years since I seen it. It's such a good movie. It's still good. Yeah. It's still good. It's somebody who is an avatar collector. That's all I ever wanted was my toys until I come to life so I could play with them like when they were alive. It's cool. Anyway. Okay. Anyway. But I will say this is the first time I've ever, so I've never seen the original cut. So to me, Greedo always shot first and I never knew what Han shot first actually meant. A, this is also the first time I've ever seen the super Disney eyes to like cleaned up version. Oh, like blueberries. Workating. Yeah. Because there are things that they added in addition to the special edition where they added a bunch of bullshit. One of them being is they fix Han in the Greedo shooting him scene. You say fixed? Yeah. I mean, so this is how I remember it. So he moves. He still moves, but I remember it being gumbi level like bendy neck like just like that. And in this, it's just like, he just like, he just slides just a little bit. And I was just like, I was ready for like to laugh at the like egregious like 3d like head rendering, gumbi, like like everybody's rubber in the 2000 special effects. And like, I didn't get that. It was just like, they did, they just like slid him. He did like an electric slide to the side and then back. It was weird. Yeah, but it was like, it was his neck and head, but the rest of his body didn't move. So it's just a lie, man, just stay in place. But like his shoulders stayed and it was weird. So quick though, it's hard to like really catch it. It's just like. Well, yes, but if you know it's there, which we know it's there, I was looking directly at it. You know, it's interesting what you say about like this being cleaned up because one thing that I'm not the last time I watched this movie actually was probably right before Rises Skywalker when I was still living in California, the apartment complex that I lived in had a theater that you could rent out if you were living there. And it was like, you just be like, Hey, yeah. So we, the 12 months leading up to Rises Skywalker, we watched once a month, I had all my friends over and we rented out the movie theater and we watched every single Star Wars film leading up to it. And that was the last time I watched it. And on the theater screen, even though it was a Blu-ray, I still remember it looking like good and everything. But what I realized is this 4K high definition on a 4K television, I used to think that like oh man, all this stuff looks so clean and pure like the Star Destroyers and the Death Stars, everything looks so clean and sleek and futuristic. And I watch it now. I'm like, there are scuff marks everywhere, there are fingerprints everywhere. This does not look like how clean it looks on and they make it look clean now like in the TV shows and newer movies and stuff. It's cleaned up because a lot of it's like not really practical and the practical stuff's a little bit built better than what they had in '77 and all that. But now I watch it and I go, Oh, I need it a little. The resolution just dumbed down a bit like it's too clean now. And so I was watching it and the scene when they come into Moss Isley, which is all CGI. You got those little critters running around. You've got all of them. So much TV. It looks like garbage. Yeah. And I don't know if, because I was talking with Emily about that and she was saying that because I've got, I'm watching this on a brand new TV, I don't think it's 4K, it might be, I don't remember. You got it from my dad and I was, I inherited it when he passed. So I don't remember what I did. Kind of like Luke's lightsaber. Yeah. Both had the same street value. Yeah. But it just, it looked like the shift looked kind of like all of these special edition stuff looked bad. It might be. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. I agree wholeheartedly. It's, it's not. It's a fine edition when we were working off of VHSes. Right. Yes. It was fine. It's not. And even the first DVDs, because again, the TV. 420. Still weren't great. 420 was like the first DVDs and stuff. Like it was fine. It wasn't scalable. It just wasn't meant to go past. And Lucas should have foreseen that because he was the one wanting to be on the cutting edge of digital. He should have foreseen that like at a certain point your film is going to get too clean for this CGI. But this, but like you said, this is the one of Disney plus is the Disney rerendering. Yes. So you're right. He doesn't care. Like he's already sold it. He sold everything off in 14 or 13. I just mean for the fact of him, his art before. Yeah. Yeah. If he even cares. I don't know. I know. There's Lucas care about that. I don't think so. Yeah. Oh man. I have a question for you guys about this. So starting this movie starting off, we're literally the last movie we watched was Rogue One and this movie literally that they're right into each other. Right. How does Vader catch up to Tanta for like because doesn't the Tanta for going to hyperspace and we see Darth Vader back on his ship or on whatever ship and then like, how do they track them? Like, how does he catch up to them because I thought you can track people in hyperspace until way later on, but no, that's the thing because they're they actually had that technology at that time. If you remember, when Jen is reading out all of the stuff, I can't remember exactly what it was. But there's something on there. They didn't use it until like 10 years later. Yeah. But that's the thing. Maybe maybe they did use it from time to time, but they just didn't overuse it. Well, they knew it was her ship. Yes. Yes. They did. Yes. And they knew that she was going to be going probably back home, but they were near alder on they were intact. I thought, see, I thought that they flew out away from her home. Hold that thought, guys. Do we have to? No, I'll be right back. Okay. That's not good. So you're what you're saying is, is this a good question because they did jump away. So they had to have come out of light speed, hyperspace somewhere. Maybe they just jumped to where like they're just trying to get away. So they didn't actually have a course plotted to alder on. They just, they went to the first open, you know, hyperspace lane that they could grab. Sure. And that's the thing there. Hyperspace lanes. If they could have just sent everyone off into every direction and tried to find them. I don't know. But don't we know that they actually can track them through hyperspace? Are we? Because we've been. Last Jedi. Wait, really? No, we don't see it in solo. Because yeah, aren't they getting chased and they're like jumping in and out of hyperspace? No, that's right. The skywalker. I thought. Yeah. That's the beginning of rise. When they're doing. They are. They're in the cat. They're not. Oh, that's not, that's not hyperspace. That's a, and it's an actual, the mall or whatever. Yeah. That's a mall. I swear they were like jumping in and out. No, they had to jump to hyperspace to get out of the black hole thing. Uh, they jump in and out of hyperspace in. Right. The only one because they were using it as like a method to try and so they were getting tracked in, no, they were, they were tracked in last Jedi. And then they were. Because that's when we found out they had the technology to do that was like Jedi, which is why Finn and Rose went on to the ship to try and like take it down. That was. So they could all jump away without getting caught. The other thing I thought is maybe Darth Vader is a bit of a wayfinder. You know, high repellent kind of stuff or throng kind of stuff. The chis, they were wayfinders. They can use the force to kind of figure, feel out hyperspace lanes and all of that. I don't know. But yeah, other than possibly there being a, like a, then putting a beacon on board, I don't know, maybe they could track the little, what do you call that, the plan, maybe, maybe, but I don't know if we're, that's a good question. I think you're trying to, I think you're trying to place too much scientific logic into a, into a non logical, yeah, you're right. You have to remember this is, this is like what a 70, 70, 70 years removed from when we got real one. Yeah, you're right. Well, but no, not only that, but like nobody was thinking about this, like, like famously Harrison Ford gets in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon and goes to George Lucas and says like, Hey, so how do I fly this thing? Like if I was going to fly, I don't know, he's like, I don't know, do you just hit buttons and flip? Like Harrison Ford was asking questions that George Lucas probably should have had some idea to, but George didn't care about telling that story. George didn't care about putting that shit in there. He just wanted his brother and sister to kiss. That's all he wanted. He just wanted to live that fantasy, live that fantasy. Yeah, you just wanted to check on the chick and this one and this one and the next one, we'll, we'll talk about that there. Hold on. Tongue. So I thought it was interesting too at the beginning. I didn't remember this that we learned that R2D2 and C3P over wedge Antilles, uh, droids before. Yeah. No, Captain Antilles. It wasn't, that's not wedge. Nope, that's not wedge wedge and I can't remember the captain's first name. I don't know if they are actually related. I guarantee there's probably not a lot of Antilles on alderaan, but no, Captain Antilles, the one that Vader chokes out and then wedge at the very end is a. I didn't know that. But here's the question. How do they go from being, um, they're not the captains. They are still so well, they're just part of the ship. I feel like, cause the Tanta four was probably on Yavin when he saw them in Rogue one and they were a part of Captain Antilles crew. And then we see them on once they go into battle, but that's the thing didn't, um, Obi one in the Obi one Kenobi show give R two to Leia. Yeah, but there's also no, because he didn't have our tears. Yes, he did. And the show? Yeah. There's been a mess I've seen the show. I don't remember that. Yeah, I don't remember. Yeah. Because our two is like buried out in front of his house. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, because, uh, bail at the end of, uh, revenge of the Sith tell like he has them. He's the one holding them. Well, holding them. But he has them, he tells Captain Antilles to wipe see three peels mines. Yes. I think Chuck's laughing at us because we finally got to the movies where I'm going to bring up every loose thread that I want to see. They told me he's a fucking loose thread because they rock on everything. That's, that's the thing is like, you know what this movie is a representation of? How fucking terrible capitalism is because they made these three movies and then they go to make prequels to them and they're like, okay, but we have to incorporate these characters so we can sell toys. That's why I see dream pills in there. That's why our two D twos in there. Yeah. I will say this watching this again, I'm starting to kind of like see three people. When you look at him as kind of like a sarcastic dick the entire time from the, from his first or, yeah, like his origin all the way through, like this is, yeah, him and our two are the only characters that we'll see in every single movie. Yeah. They're like kind of the comic relief, like at this point, just like, like art is a dick and I forgot how much of a dick he is. Like I know he is a dick, like that's the whole point, but like, I kind of like rewatching all these. I kind of feel for C3PO now, it's just like, dude, that dude literally can't get rid of this droid, but, but in like, initially loves him and cares for the friendship because he makes sure that he's safe the entire time, despite the fact that whatever reason R2 has this protocol, like code of honor that he has to fulfill the mission, which is like ridiculous. He just wanted to deal with one Kenobi again. Yeah. R2D2 is a narcissist. That's really what we've learned. Yeah. I'll see three P.O. and R2D2. Are they just, is it just pen and teller? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For those of you who are young, that's a reference thing. But like, I'll say, rewind of R2 though. Yeah. Go ahead. Well, I should just say like rewatching this, I forgot kind of how important R2, like C3PO is, because he is literally doing all of the dialogue. Yeah. Like, like this story is kind of told from C3PO's point of view of like telling everybody what everyone is saying, because nobody understands any other language. Originally, everybody lives near each other. Yeah. R2D2 was supposed to be speaking English in the original. So that's why like, he was supposed to be speaking vulgarity, which is why they kept C3PO's responses and then they just changed it to beeps and boops instead. But so we know the R2D2's got to pot him out. Yeah. Yeah. And Chewbacca was supposed to be speaking English as well. Yeah. And so we're seeing the behind the scenes stuff of Peter Mayhew talking, like that was first time I saw that. I'm like, oh, wow, that's interesting. Weird. It makes it so much better, though, that they actually had real dialogue they were going off of. Yes. Yeah, 100%. Um, so we're talking about C3PO and C3PO mentions the spice mines of castle. So we can assume that, um, uh, Jesus Christ, I can't think of his name now, the, um, droid that they had in solo, um, three, seven, three, there we go. Yeah. Oh, three, three, seven. Yeah. Uh, we can assume that the, uh, uh, take over the mines, the rebellion there didn't go well then since it's still, um, but it never goes well. Like, I mean, that a robot uprising or even just a little bit of rebellion works well in the initial happenings, but the, the overlords will just come in with all of their hired guns and just everything back over, that's just what they do. What we learned in Star Wars is the Rebel Alliance takes over the empire just to put it right back in place. Maybe the droids did win and they're like, yeah, let's just put the people back in place because no one in Star Wars has an original idea because that's the only way they know how it works. Yeah. The bureaucracy is all they know how to do in this. Yeah. We'll, we'll see that when we get to, uh, uh, rise or what's that? For some weekends, thank you. Um, all right. So I mentioned this few episodes back and by few, I mean, like, want me to lay in that wearing a brawl. No, not that. Oh. It's actually hilarious. So that is because, you know, George Lucas was like, Oh, by the way, a brawls don't exist in outer space. Uh huh. So thanks for taking that one for us, Luke, because that was a great addition to the show. Um, no, I mentioned way back when that stormtroopers are actually a good shot. And now I'm going to defend why I said that with your theory, though, I totally understand where you're coming from, because all the bad shooting happens in the death star where they were probably, like you said, instructed not to actually hurt them. And because they need the part of the rebel base was that yeah, except when they are taking over Leia's ship in the beginning, the stormtroopers that are in the front, don't shoot. It's the ones behind them that are shooting. They're just walking through the bodies like blaster bolts never come from their guns. Hmm. Yeah, they're the, uh, the wall because those, those two are the only two stormtroopers that get killed. Every other death in there is the rebel alliance guys. So I don't, I heard a theory that not a single stormtrooper actually dies in this. Okay, the reason being that the, well, okay, let me rephrase that, that from blaster fire, not one stormtrooper actually dies, that the armor actually does what it's supposed to do, which is prevent the laser from getting through. But the concussive force is actually what knocks them out. So that's why they fall over and they're injured. But if you look at the armor, there is no bullet hole wound where the laser would be because the laser would go right directly through them. Now I have a theory that they're actually power rangers and here's why. Because when it, because they made a cannon that power rangers always have a force field around them. And that's why the explosions happen when they get hit by like things in the, in the like television show, that wasn't because it was a cheap way to do a blood. Yeah, exactly. That is, that is why there's an explosion when it hits the armor because they got a force field around them at all times. That's what those like the little things on the back of the suit look like. I mean, realistically, they have, they have force fields for everything in this. Why did they never make a personal force field? I think they do. I think I think just like an actual bulletproof vest, it is designed simply to stop the bullet. But the, you're still going to feel the concussive force. Having a bulletproof vest. Yeah. And shot. Yeah. It's like you get knocked on your ass still. Do we find out where they manufacture clone and stormtrooper armor and why doesn't everyone just wear it then? See, I thought the, the clone armor was made there on Camino. It was. Stormtrooper armor because at that time, Camino has already gone. Well, you had to remember they're going from like a republic, right? To an empire, we got a cacao somehow. So then they're going to find the cheapest, you know, planet that has like a child labor that can produce the armor for fraction of the price. It doesn't got to keep them. It doesn't have to keep them up and moving. It just has to make sure that it doesn't kill them. That's all it needs to do. Is that, is that the direct slogan you just heard from Boeing CEO? Pretty much. Yeah. Yeah. Basically. As long as, as long as they're not dead. That's all that. Kill them. And even then just take the armor off and give it to the next swab. You know what I mean? Cause that's, that's all they are. They're just a meat. They're just a meat grinder. Yeah. They have so many that honestly, if they were to get killed off, I don't think the empire would be, you know, at a loss. So. This is where I think Joe, I think you need to defend yourself, not in this movie, but in Empire Strikes Back because that's when we're going to start seeing whether or not these stormtroopers are as accurate as you're saying they are. Right now. It makes sense in your theory, but like, if it continues on, and I don't remember, but if it continues on on like, end or and, you know, and all that and or, and or they are bad shots. But, but I think specifically, people always hear the line that Obi one says, you know, stormtroopers are, you know, actually shots and they, they, they, they're blaster fires more precise than testing. Yeah. That's what it is. So, no, he says they're more precise than Tuscan raiders, which is like, you know, being able to throw a baseball better than a four year old. That's true. I mean, I love Tuscan raiders like you would. Because I was unbelievably terrified of them as a, like, when I first watched this movie when I was eight years old, I had to stop watching this movie for a minute because they terrified me that, or, or, or, like, the, like, walrus, like, growl, oh my god, terrified. I'm not going to do it for you guys, but my signature in high school was the Tuscan Raider call. I would do it all. No, we need to hear it now. You can't just say that shit. Not too loud for in this house. It's too loud. We'll hear from the speaker that's fine. You could also say that, I mean, you could also say the Tuscan Raiders actually are good shots because they were shooting pod racers back and up to one. Those things were moving stupid fast. Oh, no. See, those were actually not real Tuscan raiders. Those were people dressed up as Tuscan raiders that the people that run the race paid to do that because it makes it more exciting for the audience. I love that all of us have called them Tuscan raiders and not by their derogatory names. Any people? Is there a named Tuscan Raider in any of the series or anything? In the book of Boba Fett, I think there are. Yeah. And there might be some of the comics, but I can't think of it. In the novelization of this, I believe, no, it was comics. You're right. It was a comic book. I think we're a haddocks. I'm almost from positive that there was. Was it not Tails of Jabba's Palace? I haven't read that novel, so I don't know. I've been read it in 18 years, but for some reason, I thought there was an actual Tuscan Raider character that had a name. That could be wrong. That could be wrong. Well, I specifically needed to be canon in the mainstream existence because we have never gotten a Tuscan Raider unit for any game like Star Wars miniature game. So Shatterpoint only deals with the named characters and then a bunch of like Jabronys. So for them to have a commander, you have to have the named character. So if there's a named character, we can finally get Tuscan Raiders in like a miniature game and that would be rad. Go look at the Boba Fett. Go look at the Boba Fett. I'd have to go re-watch Boba Fett because it was first like what, three episodes he's doing on a Tuscan Raider camp. Yeah. Okay. Interesting. All right. Don't do that to yourself, man. Don't go re-watch Boba Fett. Yeah. I think I watched the first episode and I tapped out. I was just like, I fucking... I wish I would have been that smart. I was excited for it and to be the episodes of Mando. I got excited at the very end when he wrote a rain core. That was pretty badass. Boba Fett is one of the special effects in this movie. They put him next to Jabba. Yeah. In that scene, the Jabba scene, that whole scene was cut out from the original. That's... And originally Jabba was supposed to be a person. He was a big fan of you. I saw it without the special effect. It was just some... With a furry coat and like... With a big old coat. Yeah. Which is why when Han walks away he says... Walk behind him. No, no. I'm talking about when he walks into the ship and he says, "Hey, that was a pretty human of you or whatever. You're a good human. You're a great human. You're a great human. You're a great human being." Yeah. Yeah. And I love that they left that in there, though, because it's kind of like him being like a dick to Jabba. Yeah. So if you... Would you really fit into that? If you look in the background of that scene. Yep. Boba. Grito's there twice. Yeah. Which is hilarious. Grito is there twice. And I thought... I thought I was being a little like racist. Those were actually like all cool. Every Grito looks the same. Like every Grito race looks the same. It's the same exact outfit and they clearly spliced it. Like they like earned mirrored it because they move and shift at the same time when they're walking away. So it was like they just duplicated the special effect over again. But it's absolutely Grito, which is hilarious. There's Boba Fett who is not scaled appropriately and looks like he was like plastered over kind of like a poster like Ron said. But if you look in the background for like a one clip, like one scene part, the original guy who was supposed to be Jabba the Hutt is in the background. Because I very distinctly remember that he was fat with like a wool vest and he's there in the background for like a second as just like one of Jabba's guys. That was really interesting. Yeah. Can we technically don't get a canonical appearance? The first canonical appearance of Boba Fett is the holiday special. Writing what was supposed to be a mythosaur. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then obviously we get them in official movie-wise in Empire Strikes Back. Did you have we talked where he did us which always just makes me laugh. He has Adidas on. We haven't talked about this is our introduction to the greatest Star Wars character and group in all of Star Wars canon is Figur and Dan and the modal notes. I mean the introduction of jizz music. I love it like sometimes I played on my phone and I keep it in my pocket. So I have jizz in my pants. Exactly. I feel like this is exactly like when people sometimes I wonder how George Lucas stumbled into creating a universe that has lived on the song because that was literally the way he created things was well it sounds like jazz. So we'll call it jizz. What are we doing George like what are we doing back in 77. This was going to be I mean he basically he did make the movie at the very end with potential for a sequel with Vader flying off but he intended for this movie just to be by itself. He thought it was going to flop. He thought this movie. Everybody did. Everybody thought it was going to be bad. The box even was like yeah we're not really going to back this movie as much as we want but they obviously they did and then that kind of paid off for them. But no like I think you think I'm sorry Mark Hamill and Kerry Fisher they I think were the only ones that were like no this movie is going to be good. It was Tony Spielberg too because when George Lucas showed. Yes. Goldberg was there he showed it to a bunch of his director friends and Steven Spielberg was the only one who said this is going to do really well but everyone else is like oh no dude this movie is going to blow like it's not going to do at all and again like I've said this numerous times you could not make this movie today. This movie would flop hard if tried like I feel like what is it like the is a rebel moon movies like don't talk about that with Joey it's a short spot for him his baby boy made those movies and all and all and all and all and I did bring that out purposely and I know it wasn't me that's all thank you very much anyway yep I did just listen to resident evil and I think they were giving you crap about it in that episode look maybe give me crap about it ever since the movie came out so yeah I am I'm happy when they don't when they go a week without make something about it if you head over to casual hit that 301 tier that directly supports the show you can hear Ron and I hit on Joey for 12 straight minutes about rebel moon part one about that I don't know if Tim actually ever put that up oh oh oh I'll ask I haven't seen it I haven't seen it very simply Tim what the fuck I've already erased it so hopefully you have to make sure you have to make sure you're at the 301 tier to hear it I am I did I made sure okay because I want to go I will wait did you sign up for the full year oh no cuz I'm not good I the shirt I know I did I can't first off I don't want you guys to have to waste that money on me oh it's Chuck wasting the money he's going to set it up yeah it's me I'm doing it we do the wasting my money it's well okay I have a story for you guys about a Star Wars story about this a little bit so there's first off Mark Hamill's acting is rough in some of this in most of this movie this is early Mark Hamill so his first appearance in anything isn't it I don't think it is I think he was on some TV show or something yeah he was on something before this but anyway I forget what year it was but they were doing like a 37 probably they're doing the 30 30 30 50 anniversary screening of return of the Jedi in the China the Egyptian theater in Hollywood which is just down the street from the Chinese theater when you don't have anything big enough for the Chinese theater you go to the Egyptian theater so I bought some tickets I went to this screening I went with a coworker mine who is way bigger Star Wars fan than I was to the because he like makes movies and stuff too so he knows like all about like the people on the crew and crap like that that I didn't really know so we watched the movie we get to the end there's like a Q&A thing but we don't know who the Q&A is with but before we do it they're like hey we're gonna do a little bit of a game here we're gonna do we're gonna have five people come up and you're gonna do your best Vader and press or Vader Luke Skywalker impression so people get up and they're kind of saying they're like I'm Luke white Skywalker I'm here to save you that all those things doing their best impressions the rescue whatever so then it gets to the end and they're like we're clapping for who wins and finally like wait we have one more contestant to come in and then walk right by me in the thing is Mark Hamill and he goes but I want to go to Toshi station to get some power converters and then it was Mark Hamill was like the special guest that none of us do is gonna be there that was the greatest thing that's awesome time I hear that that is all it just makes me think of him being like yeah I sucked in that movie like he was like I was awful in that movie so good on you mark Hamill but so I did just look it up he had a bunch of TV roles he started acting in I mean 63 he was in general hospital I don't know for how long but his first like TV guest spot was in 70 and then literally just like guest spots on TV shows one off episodes here and there it looks like yeah a couple TV movies and his first movie was wizards classic yeah I came on 77 as well and then obviously the one actually hit for him was this one so I don't know what the hell was let me click on wizards here is that like a cartoon piece and magic yeah he did a voice it's the same ones that did Lord of the Rings isn't it I also kind of looks like the same ones that may have done oh heavy metal you mean the no that floor of the rings that's where the scary yes but animated movies ever Lord of the Rings very very 70s have a mission it is 70s yeah yeah all right so speaking of more things that retconned into out of oblivion here the fact that Obi-Wan refers to Darth Vader as a young Jedi named Darth Vader and later finding out that only Sith go by Darth so they I mean they did retcon that in Obi-Wan Kenobi finally I guess but they also took 40 years so yeah okay killing sorry maiming Anakin on Mustafar turned Obi-Wan into a sadist because every time somebody gets hurt around him in this movie he just like has the biggest grid on his face every fucking time he's just like like Luke gets zapped by the little pro like the training droid he's just like I think he got a little taste of it and it was just a little too much for him maybe maybe when Luke gets hit with the Tuscan Raiders he's laughing the whole time you know like even that he's just on the sea Nile it's laughing I think he was going to do the cranking dragon sounds oh my gosh is this the first and only time that we see a lightsaber limb come off with blood on it yeah okay yeah I was wondering about that too like why did he not have it up to like full heat was it only like at partial so it didn't quite cauterize it does the wampa also have blood on his arm I don't think the wampa has arm I could we'll we'll see it in that movie okay but I'm pretty sure it didn't have blood on there I don't think it did either because I mean once we get to an empire it's obviously a different director a different theme they had a better understanding what they were doing and so they kind of like I say streamline stuff but you know they improved on things they actually had a show bible probably that's I mean it started obviously so about that particular scene of course he famously says you know they I don't like or he doesn't like you and I don't like you either yeah like several scenes before that c3 pill literally says the same thing to r2d2 like they reuse the exact thing they're talking about when I'm either yeah yeah I just couldn't I don't ever remember that and that like broke my brain for a little bit I was like wait a minute that's not where that line comes from and then it comes up and I was like they just reuse it lazy lazy writing yeah not on subject at all but speaking of being lazy Simon noticed that every time they didn't want to have to deal with the droids they always had some reason why they couldn't be there like very specifically he's like anytime they didn't want to put the droids in the scene they were just like oh you can't come into the bar or you know oh you have to stay back here in the control room yeah yeah what the hell do they mean they don't serve their cut their joys they're not drinking anyway maybe maybe they didn't have oil at the bar I don't know like maybe they maybe they you know they'll binge some antifreeze and it gives them a little bit of a buzz who knows maybe they're afraid that they're gonna attack his uh his still would maybe it's not even the fact that it's the droids maybe when he says we don't serve your kind here it's loiterers people who aren't buying anything maybe that's hey that could be it yeah but oh we wouldn't buy anything oh we wouldn't bought something yeah we did yeah he flipped the mccoy and said sorry for the mess the only other like weird thing that like kind of broke my brain for a second was when Luke Skywalker Skywalker goes in to save Leia he goes something something Ben Kenobi's here and she jumps up I'm Luke Skywalker I'm here to rescue you I'm with Ben Kenobi yeah and then she jumps up and says Ben Kenobi's here but she's referred to him as Obi-Wan the entire time true so all the things are out there like or maybe that was her being sarcastic like I don't know who the fuck is Ben Kenobi you know but she was trying to be excited like he ran out the doors I was yeah she was free she was getting the fuck out of there I do it is this is that Leia is the smartest one of this whole bunch I mean that's true and two together incorrect she is the most dangerous one of the entire bunch also true way out the really genius idea that she screams at Han and Luke about about going down the garbage shoot was her fucking idea it got a situation but then she's getting crushed and she's just like a typical woman can never know what her problem was that they didn't plan out a good escape their escape plan was come and get her and then hope that something works out and then she had to take the fucking rain then she had to take the fucking rain to be like look you dumbasses this is what we're gonna do and then they're like oh you know sure and then you know she shoves the flyway down the poop shoot and she tells but she decides to do it I don't really understand why they couldn't just keep going down the way that the other way there's no escape they yeah I said there was there was only one because they knew they were there they were in a jail cell there's no other exit to a jail cell like there's one entrance next to a cell block that's it I find that hard to believe particularly in this like setting of the death star because there are just walks and ramps that literally just go around and circle but you gotta remember though you know Darth Vader was there throughout the building of this thing right and how many times credit was the one that was overseeing it all true but how many times has he escaped from someplace so he was probably like no no no that's not gonna work we need to do this and this and this and that's your point alright anyway so then they go down the fucking garbage shoe terrible idea but I did enjoy that they were just like oh we just need to turn on the garbage which when you look at the actual garbage in there what is that from what what is yeah I'm assuming that's why it's their water in there why not drain that well also that motto live there well boy boy where the water come from yeah where's the water how is this we're just now production just now working space station already leaking that much water to accumulate the working part is the laser the is was been working for a while this is the thing I don't think that was a garbage shoe I think that's where all the toilets jump into probably yeah but that's just a nice way of saying a garbage shoot well what do you mean toilets don't they just have the three seashells no that's the earth no this was this was not on earth yeah it's sponsored by Taco Bell yeah but this was in it this was a galaxy far far away in a long ago so actually yeah isn't it like actually this is in the past in comparison to where we are at technically they haven't even had three seashells yet and yet there's that advance Michelle I would argue nobody wipes I think everybody just let's across in in the Star Wars universe or perhaps they just have a day I was gonna say I don't think anyone actually uses the restroom in Star Wars universe that's true they've actually figured out how to never have to go to the bathroom yeah they just I've got I've got two questions first one is why did they have to lie down the trench like they did yeah we saw that we all saw the dark dessert we have like rolling blackouts cuz the heat so bad here why why did they have to fly literally the entire length of the trench to get to the end because there were more guns on the top than there were in the trench it was safer for them to fly through the trench than it was to fly over the top of the Death Star because the the turrets that they have there were more turrets on the outside than there were down in the trench okay okay I'll accept that let's get an answer uh second one where did the shots that Vader shot at Luke go so right there before how comes in yes Vader has got a lock on him he's a hate he had a lock on him earlier and shot end up shooting R2 which I was debating putting that down on the kill count because Luke does say like I've lost R2 but they do get him back by the end so I whatever um which is why you should not count droids and kill counts no I do I count them um but no so he has a lock on on Luke he fires then we see Han blow up the one tie fighter and those shots go nowhere I have I've read novelization I've watched this movie I've listened to the audio version like there was audio drama back in like 79 uh that came out which is actually really really good um no explanation where the shots went he just missed uh the scores absorbed them no where did the X-wing have the deflector shields maybe it just because he shot R2 like not even a minute before but maybe then that's when he put the deflector shields on behind him but he was he was telling R2 to do all that R2 was gone yeah but maybe then he decided to actually do what to himself and yeah so what happens you know as soon as uh like he blows up when Luke looks over his shoulder maybe he just jerked to the side and they just kind of spewed on their shoulder I'm just saying that's a fair point Skywalker should be dead I don't know also the rebellion should have like been destroyed in the very beginning when the um the escape pod flew out and they didn't shoot it down uh that's just a uh you know that that empire employee being very lazy yeah oh don't worry he got choked out afterwards it's like the joking family guy where they're like what are we saving lasers yeah this one this movie is just one lucky coincidence after another like that's what this entire movie is there are no coincidences it is the force which reminds me Chuck you had said something in the group chat earlier about how this was all one kill or something you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah just to make you mad uh this entire movie is one kill yeah well because it's the entire plan uh which develops all the lasers into one long drawn out one bouncing off shot um therefore it is it is actually only one kill man I was really hoping he was actually have a good convincing argument yeah I just wanted to be I was just you know I was just being stupid no I just because I knew George was gonna say it was like three trillion or something like that and I'd just be like no this whole movie is just uh I'll just give you a hint it's less than Batman you know what that is oh it's a shocker I mean if I actually counted every single death it'd be in the million because Obi-Wan even says when all the wrong blown up a million voices just cried out and then required it yeah he says he says it's like no he says it's like a million voices because they didn't have time to cry out okay yeah that planet was gone before they knew what the fuck was going on why exactly does Leia like George Bush 9/11 all they're on here for like a minute like she has to know that they're gonna blow up the planet anyway and she's like hesitant and also then lies to him and then they blow up the planet and she's like shocked by this and she also knew that they were gonna do it whole other planet she's like yeah don't blow up my planet but dantuene go kill dantuene yeah but they did yeah dantuene they get killed off they went to the rebel base that was there and they found remnants they didn't destroy dantuene although it's only to point out yeah I don't understand why they didn't clearly they all trigger happened because like fucking they wanted to blow up yeah they blew up alder on because it was close enough for it to make an example of everybody so they're like we blew up this planet it's just like you know when when you have a dictator that you know shoots the leader of the rebels right in front of everybody because that teaches them that you know hey don't fuck with us because i'm just gonna you know kill you and all of your friends and loved ones and the people you don't like and your dog and your cat and your bird you know like uh so dantuene i assume was around tantuene and tatuene and uh between tween and so it's all the way on the outskirts so they weren't gonna ever hear about that planet blowing up i mean i want the whole reason they they chose alderaan because dantuene was too remote so yeah uh but also so all of their own gets blown up right Obi-Wan dies i'll get bring us up yep luke is just like this big whiny bitchen lay us like oh hey buddy it's okay let me just pat your little stupid head right there i know it's really sad that one old man died i really wish i had something to compare that to right now but family guy said it best when this scene came up and i don't remember like the exact words but it's Lois Leia being like oh yeah the the guy you just met five hours ago it's not like my whole planet blew up or anything this whatever yeah there's a bit of the it's a bit of like take care of me mom yeah i mean luke is definitely the kind that would have a mommy and dami girlfriend so yeah yeah but like she also doesn't seem that upset about like she brought that on herself she look she is not a really good person for being this like political diplomat she like she got that part from Vader okay yeah i guess yeah it's jesus like Leia has what every 70s writer wanted their women to have moxie that's what she had i thought you're gonna say in her course with her brother well never actually had intercourse we know that we know uh i'm sure it's in the novelization if you there's definitely a comment on it uh anyway there's definitely movies about it i think i've seen those movies yeah yeah officially licensed i believe what it what it make you feel better if i you we went back to pretending i was your sister again or oh jesus anyway guys got anything else yeah i got the metal ceremony is a super weird thing to me because they're like hey even though there's like a hundred million other people that helped out in defeating this thing just they all died you know no uh we know for a very straight about in one other why wing guy made it back yeah very specifically they got those metals for saving Leia not for anything else um but here's why did you get one because he's a dog i mean he finally does get a metal in what rise but right i think yeah anyway um my question is why are there 55 fucking cameras in an attention cell in that one little room i don't think all cameras i think they were uh sensors and last resort sure but regardless like they spent 10 minutes just shooting those things it was so long well i think it was the same exact scene over and over again just pointing the blasters in different directions yeah it was too much um then i've also got uh i was wrong by the way i don't know what the little um uh interrogation droids are called um the vt-16s are perimeter droids because the two uh stormtroopers they're walking through are obi ones that he's like oh man have you seen the new vt-16s and he's like yeah man those are wicked or whatever i had them up note they are and they're perimeter droids droids they're shaped like spiders like they're creepy little fucking little things yeah i know it's droids the one like it job is palace with the brain in it i think so yeah yeah those things are wicked um all right is any of that covered in the cartoon droids do they talk about the other droids and droids i don't know what's droids so i don't even know what droids is though it's fun probably it was a it was a kid's cartoon show from like the 80s or 90s that followed specifically c3p on r2d2 um it's it's on um disney plus if you want to watch but is it any good that's the it's like willow levels okay wow there wow wow i got two trivia things real quick before i got asked me one is that the crate dragon uh skeleton as of 2003 was still out in the Tunisian desert they just left it out there um that's kind of cool and then robert england auditioned for luke skywalker freddy crueger himself could have been luke skywalker how weird would that have been in that i think i don't so the rest of that trivia i i'm not haram says sure of how true that is so it said that england didn't get the part obviously uh that he went back to his apartment and he told his roommate that he should try out for it and his roommate was mark hamill i'm not saying that couldn't be true yeah but it seems a little like it seems a little revisionist history a bit yeah yeah that's all i got well ready then um kill count kill count uh we've got a total of 73 oh and we have two lost limbs c3p o lost his limb his arm and then uh pondo baba they're in the uh the cantina losses are do we know no pondo baba no he had uh 40 feet i had to look it up anyway yes pondo baba i had an actual figure of him um do we know how art uh how c3b o gets the dent in his head that's where the tuscan reader hits him isn't it i thought that was i thought i noticed it before that it couldn't have been when the jaw was like stolen okay maybe i just realized that there was his dent like in his head because like i i also didn't remember him having a different color leg this early mmm here's the silver leg it's over leg i never so what what growing up watching it never realized that until i don't know about like a decade or two ago and i'm like wait what he's got silver leg so uh yeah i noticed when when he was still owned by padme and anakin because anakin would just get pissed off and force throw things at him wow all right um i do i had never noticed the leg change until i had an action figure from the return of the jedi re-release series when he's on the throne because he's like god to the he walks that was the first time i ever realized that his leg was a different color but they retcon then in the prequels right that's when he loses his leg and they give him a new one no they retcon it in an actual comic about how he gets a silver leg without no that was his red leg oh you're right that's his red leg that's right yeah because he has a red leg in the pre or a sequel trilogy you know there's some obscure something out there that's how you guys got his silver leg so all righty uh jordan who's got bad feeling oh man two people luke has a very bad feeling about this when they see the death star and han just has a regular bad feeling about getting squished in a trash compactor which okay real quick the depths of that trash compactor does not make any sense no god because what when they're standing in it it's like barely up to their knees yet luke is just getting pulled way under that would mean that they're literally stepping on this giant monster the entire time um because i think it is this there's probably like greats and there's holes in the greats where luke was getting pulled through like an idiot or what i always thought is there was like more of a deeper area back around somewhere and the thing pulled them back to like the deeper area maybe luke is like little jonnie can't swim i mean me i don't know i'm just a little jon the rapper no like uh robinhood men in tights all i keep going to wait wait why can little jon not swim well okay so in the robinhood prince of view whatever we got it rod what's your bingo all right uh dead parents uh because i consider his aunt uncle his parents parents yeah uh a dying mentor government and it also say uh balogana died so that counts okay that's fair comic logic government interference a scooby-doo chase scene uh where they're going through the uh death star um animal cruelty inability to control powers unexplainable science hero kills misogyny all right you've got the will home scream oh fuck i did yeah yeah didn't there what is that one r2d2 got blown up it was one of the super fell down i think yeah i think yeah uh oh do you realize in this in the disney version of this they add a dong sound when the stormtrooper hit this but i'm a frickin door okay i love they did that this thing you're into it lean into it yeah okay that's what he did that's why i made the dogs down that was the fourth take like they shot it they were like numerous times and that's the one they used why didn't they just get somebody shorter to do the fucking they all got going out i don't know what's going on no idea duck i always forget that no dodge wait not whatever anyway sorry dodge duck dick dodge there you go what's our spawn game oh spawn game uh listen it still doesn't look the stuff that they added still doesn't look good uh this is the kind of quintessentially why this is made i'm going to say one out of five spawncapes uh which would mean i think if we were to have watched the original version i think it would have been a lot better but i think if we watched the original version it would look better but also everything would look really empty like i my assumption is the reason why they added all this special effects in was to fill in all the empty spots that they had trying to sort it so the one now they just had the whole technology and they didn't have the uh will not to use it kind of that honestly that the one scene in particular where they filled in was when han is running after the stormtrooper and he comes across out of around the corner and he does a whole room of stormtroopers in this in the original there's like four eight something like that yeah more than two so that works okay yeah but like the thing i don't understand is han screams at them they all start running and han is just blasting his way as he's chasing him what these are supposed to be the most like the best troopers ever or whatever and they're afraid of one crazy guy who they know very realistically though okay you got to think about this you run into somebody in the middle of your stronghold okay he sees you and does not freak out and starts chasing you okay you know there are people like darth vader and the emperor right it's true this dude obviously is all on something where he has some powers and you don't know what the fuck they are so yeah you're gonna run especially when you think about how pitally shit the emperor pays you like you're not willing to die for this thing that's true all right uh let's go ahead and wrap this up jordan what do you give a score for this uh eight even eight point zero okay damn it jordan i know you haven't been here for this but uh we're trying to keep from giving flat scores because then they all smile up you really here for star wars yeah i guess that's true it's fine we're we're for all of them we've got to get all right fine chuk what's your score all right is this a star wars movie yes it's essentially the star wars movie star wars yeah um this is the movie that made me like star wars but it didn't make me fall in love with star wars yet um i i love han solo i think Harrison Ford does a great job all the ad living that he does in this and he gets better as we go um he just is a cool fucking character he's everything i wanted to be eight point one eight nah seven point nine eight i tell but too late i already wrote down eight point one eight seven point nine eight seven point nine eight seven point nine eight i can't score it higher than an eight okay ron i still have a and still have a lot of issues okay so very realistically uh this may be my favorite star wars movie uh it's the first one i ever saw obviously you know because like that's just how it works but like it was it was really what i wanted in a space magic movie like there's fights there's chases there's a hot chick with no brawl on like i mean what more could a little could ask for right um i know i mean obviously there are problems with it especially after the prequels came out and everything in this movie got retcons down to shit but i still like this is the i still like this is the canonical version and everything else is just shit shows um so i'm going to give this an eight point seven five nice what about you joey uh this is up there this is my top five for star wars movies it is essentially i mean it started at all like i said this movie would not be made today it could not be made today however that's true because uh princess lea is dead now well i mean they would have other people i mean literally don't let you alive are are like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo like everybody else is dead oh anthony wait sorry and i think like the the important thing joey is like that jay joe died i ain't still alive jim joe jung's still alive isn't he who uh fair yeah but he was just voice true but the point is yes the voice yes the voice they did try to remake this like they did try to recapture the magic and it it did not work like they tried to do it in seven eight nine sports away it was dark kind of but people complained that oh we want something new and then they got something new with last Jedi and then they complained that they wanted something old it's like we'll get there and i've got a lot i mean yeah yeah fucking star wars fans aren't happy with the thing that they say they always do we start with star wars fans right now they're a bunch of fucking stupid idiots with the whole everything going on with the acolyte but that's a whole uh don't spoil anything i haven't watched it yet i'm not spoiling anything i will punch you through your head fans conservative fans are fucking morons anyway oh yeah yeah no joe what's your score you got a daughter to pick up i know i gotta get her uh i'd love this movie uh like i said top five for me it's actually my number four uh it's eight point three one nope that's what the actual full score is it's eight point five one is when i gave it and we've got the combined score of eight point three one um this movie it's it's essential it's the essential star wars movie it's the first star wars movie this is the one that if you show people star wars this is the one you usually start with almost always you start with especially if they've never seen it before um and then you go back and start with one so there's there's that i love this movie i'm always gonna love this movie it's the whole reason we're doing all of this so with that score eight point three one uh that gives us our new number three nice uh oh knock dick out the knock dick traces number four yep star wars always knocking dick around it's supposed to what happens laia could knock my dick around she was really not in this i realized that even it even at eight years old i think this was like my first sexual awakening between i mean it wasn't my first one but like uh laia is definitely up there well i was age ron i was probably that age too dude actually i might have been younger but yeah well i was a shoulder child ron i didn't know what i was feeling i just knew that i when i became 35 almost 36 i was going to want some type of threesome with han and laia now that makes a lot more sense you know what i mean like there i am okay but all right all right i have Jordan this is Jordan where can they find you hey just don't where can they find me on instagram and tiktok kicked out of the hood knowing and kicked you can find me and uh kicked out of the hobby knowing and kicked for my miniature painting hobby stuff i'm gearing up i know this is releasing in july so i will be in the midst of doing a collaboration to do some pirate stuff so happy birthday buddy oh hey thanks kind of thanks for coming out after your birthday oh it's like japanese not yet yeah we got a little bit of time but that's okay uh but a time of record a time of release thanks buddy pretty good that um i'll be 30 so i'll be 36 i'll feel very old yeah to be fair my mom has been drawing a lot of parallels of her life to my life and how like 36 was not no it's not about how 36 was the year that everything changed for her and if i have to hear this for like another month i'm going to blow my brains out you'll hear for any entire year anyway that's true and you can go hear me over on uh elite age showdown because hopefully it's gonna drop soon um and i'm glad that we heard that right now listen i yelled at him yesterday about it and he was like yeah we actually do have to finish that i do feel bad um and you can hear me i do at least the first three episodes if not more on walk through the multiverse with the boys yeah so he came on on that so with me that was great i really enjoyed that episode that's a really good episode yeah it was really weird being fun and positive and not having to scream at ron for 20 minutes it was really weird i didn't know what was going on it was a good thing for you i haven't watched all the episodes of the boys yet so i couldn't be on that's anyway uh so you can find me on instagram and tiktok at good at this game that's fair uh you can also find my art on instagram at good art this game uh joy where can they find you you guys find me on twitter nope i don't like twitter instagram and threads at comic book rundown you can email us comic grime down at rate and review us on your pocket to have a choice if you do we'll read an upcoming episode our song was done by cam and we've got merch over on rebel and t public our next movie uh i moved this one up because the remake is coming out in a few weeks after the episode dropped uh we're gonna be watching the crow from 1994 oh shit this is actually something i've read i've never i've never i've never seen what i've only seen this movie one time and i have paid attention and i had some hot takes so okay well we'll get to that next week all right buddy get y'all later bye thanks so much for listening if you enjoyed this show check out all the other great shows here at the professional casual network like what danny i'll tell you on monday's we've got the lost omen's podcast our pathfinder 2e actual play hosted by me playing through the extinction curse ap also streaming on slash professional casual network at 7 p.m eastern time you can check out oh yeah the power phase our marvel crisis protocol live battle report show on tuesday's the podcast version of wait did i rule a wild our marvel crisis protocol povlog is available on wednesday's alternating releases on patreon we have settling the southlands our home brew will fork actual play in the slithering a pathfinder second edition actual play and on thursday's live at 7 p.m eastern standard time on slash professional casual network we've got wait did i rule a wild our marvel crisis protocol povlog you can also check out back episodes of lead eight showdown and the first 39 episodes of the lost omen's podcast the first 24 episodes of settling the southlands and the first handful of episodes of the slithering on the youtube a youtube dot com slash the professional casual