Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #103 - Blade Trinity 2004

1h 27m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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We finish up the Blade trilogy with Blade Trinity from 2004. This movie is 100% a product of its time, and both Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds are a big part of that.

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes and Charlie Shaw

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. To the interview from D.C. to empty you with five more. One down the field. One down the field. One down the field. Okay. Great. Wonderful. Brothers. Sisters. Gender resistors. And Scooby-Dooze. Scooby-Dooze. I'm going to try and make that a thing. Scooby-Dooze. You got either one of you guys watched the SNL skit from a few weeks back of the Scooby-Dooze with Sabrina Carpenter and Jake Gyllenhaal. Uh-huh. Yeah, I think I saw a clip of it. Like one of the jokes. But yeah, it wasn't terrible. I mean, it was fun. But I think they were trying to blow it up to be the, like, the next beaves and butt heads skit with Gosling, which it really wasn't. I mean, it was fine. It was funny. But that's, that's always been my gripe with, um, SNL is when they have a joke that lands are really clean and well, like to be with some butt head gimmick. Yep. Um. They hammer in. They then, yeah, they then just walk it into the woods and shoot it dead by trying to get it every single time. Mm-hmm. But. Oh, well. Yeah. Cause, I mean, it's not going to use anymore. Yeah, well, and all that stuff in the 90s and only 2000s, like those hit and they got their own things. You know, neither Roxbury, ladies, man. Um, what's your name with the arms and I can't remember, like. Uh, superstar. There we go. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I also think of like way more. Way more. Way more. Great example. Um, I always think of like the viralness of like when I was in high school, um, celebrity jeopardy, we used to watch the shit out of those groups. Yeah. Those are great. Yeah. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah. And now, and now it's just like, they just, I don't think that's, and I was really the thing that. Oh, take the rapist for 800 out. Yeah. That stuff was definitely a product of its time. It worked then. Yeah. And like, I know they've done like the celebrity, like black celebrity, where, um, uh, what's the name? It's fine. It's fine. Yes. It's not as clever. Yeah. It's good. Anyway, um, speaking of black celebrities, we watch. Why? Oh, what a segue. Uh, we watch bleed Trinity, not bleed. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, um, real quick, can you give me a rundown of movies that we have watched already that came out? I guess I would have been like, Oh, three. And before this, no, well, no, I guess I've been Oh, two or three. All right. So, um, we'll do a two, oh three, we've got blade two, men and black two, spider man, daredevil, Hulk, X-men United, uh, Punisher, Spiderman two, uh, we've also got over here, um, road to position legal league of attorney or gentlemen, Catwoman, uh, the extra cat woman was the last one on DC side and there's a bunch of animated stuff. Yeah. That's really all we've watched in the early 2000s for live action. Wasn't evil. Was that by now? Yeah. Okay. I've got to the list and moved it up. Um, but. So what, why do you ask? Is it? So because I, uh, yeah. Um, to start with, um, I paid $10 to watch this movie. Why? Yeah. Yeah. I paid $10. I saw it on, uh, I had the Blu-ray, but I mean, I saw it on Amazon for like four something. Sure. Yep. It was for rent. Um, but I have never seen the unrated version of it. Um, so I got the unrated version, which was not for rental. You could only buy it. And I remember thinking to myself, I think I remember liking this movie minus Ryan Reynolds because this is, this is peak hit Lord Ryan Reynolds hot off of Van Wilder. See, I disagree. I disagree. I think this is, I think this is, we're seeing proto peak Ryan Reynolds because yes, Van Wilder came up two years prior, right a few years prior to that. He was on the TV show to guys to grow him a pizza place, which was a great show. Love that show. Never. Wonderful show. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Two guys, a girl on the pizza place, they had him, um, the, I can't remember her name, but she was the, uh, one of the stars of monk. She was monks, uh, like friends that they worked with all the time. Um, his, like yeah, yes, that her. Okay. And then also Nathan Fillion came in, like midway through season one, maybe season, like beginning season two. Uh, the problem with that show is that it started out being like a fun little comedy, and then they tried to make it friends. And that's where it started to fall off because I think midway through season two, they just dropped the pizza place and they called it two guys were the girl. Yep. Um, it was comedy. It was a fun show, really loved the show, really got me to know Ryan Reynolds at that time. That comes in Wilder, which I would say like started his, his stardom, if you will. I love a Wilder. I think that movie is hilarious. Good. Well, it's great. Cause it's so stupid. Yeah. Very realistically, like van Wilder, if you grew up in that era, that is a fucking hilarious movie. Yes. It's a movie. It is a product of its time. It does not age well in the slightest. Also, I think Terry is very overrated and always have. But we're 100%. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why she's in the movie. Um, but he is like, he is. Cause it was a lamppage movie. And they needed that to keep actors to do it. Oh, yeah. Pretty much. Oh, you're not wrong. Um, but like him in that movie, he is just like such a bit Lord college bro. Yeah. Which was like the thing to be in like the early to mid 2000s, well, early 2000s in this case, like he, he just reminded me of like every college guy that I knew in 2002 because I live in a place where there was two, um, colleges. So I saw a lot of them, like frapples and stuff. I mean, literally he's a frappo in the movie. So, but like, I think he is a prototype. I, I also see a lot of daredevil or not daredevil, sorry, Deadpool in this as well. But worse, here's like the night, you look like he, it felt like maybe he's Deadpool. Not cool. And so that's the thing. Like this is why I say it's proto Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds. There are a lot of hints here to it. There's a lot of like jokes that he's making that is very, I'm not like, it's a slapstick you, but very like one, no, they sometimes they hit, sometimes they don't. But after this, what, I think both are on our agreement, like most of them didn't hit. Yeah. I mean, like 90% of his jokes fell flat, but this is also this, this is why I say it's proto what he became because he also, there's a movie that he just did before this called foolproof where he and two friends are making these plans, these foolproof plans to rob banks. And that's just there, that they're fun gimmick. And then this guy, this like, this actual thief like comes upon these guys and sees what they're doing and basically threatens them to rob a bank with a foolproof plan. Um, there's that we've got Amyville horror, the remix that he did shortly after this. And then we get into where I think starts the Ryan Reynolds era with waiting, because then it goes, it goes waiting just friends, the nines, which I really did like, that was a, that was a fun little like horror issue movie. And then definitely maybe, which is a really good romcom. But then after that is X-Men Origins Wolverine. And then it's like Ryan Reynolds deadpool all the time, because Green Lantern definitely had a bunch of like jokes in there, again, similar to this that didn't need to happen and didn't really land, but I love that Green Lantern was just a joke. I mean, it kind of is. But like, okay, but that's kind of the thing is like him being in Van Wilder is the prototype for him being in like weight, because like him as like Van waiting is just him in Van Wilder, but it's in a restaurant of a college. It is literally the same character. So like watching this is just like, wow, is he just a one-note actor? Or is he just, does he keep being given the same roles? Are we hiring him because this is the guy that we want granted? I don't think I've ever really seen him in something that isn't this like, I, okay, I guess even evil horrors, like the one exception, but that's a serious movie. Buried? He was in Buried. That was another serious horror movie. And like I said, proposals the comedy, obviously, but with Sandra Bullock definitely maybe is the rom-com thing. The nines is another, like I said, action, I've seen that one. I actually did enjoy that one, where it's him, and from what I can remember, it sees different scenarios that his character goes through, but like by the end of every scenario, his character has killed off some somehow. And it's all connected, it's also been a loss, I've seen that one, but like he had a few serious roles, but then like there's the one little cameo in Harold DeKurmar, Go to White Castle, you know, where that really was, could have been anybody, but it was just him. I end up off of the Van Walber fame, because he had, what's his name, Kel Penn, does that name? No. He's been held in Kilmer? Who do I never remember this? Yeah, Kel Penn. Yeah, he's a Kumar, I believe. Oh, you mean Ryan Reynolds? Yeah, he's a doctor. He's like one of like the doctor in the hospital. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's because there's a gift of like, but why? Yeah. I do remember that. Yeah. So like he's, he's definitely has his niche, and it's the comedy. Now we're getting a lot more of his comedy action stuff recently, Deadpool obviously. I really did enjoy him in the Adam Project on Netflix, not Fall Guy, what's the free guy? Free Guy is a really fun movie, but it's action comedy. But he's, he's become who he is now, and it started, you know, back here. Yeah. So this movie does not hit like, I remember a hit, I remember like, yeah, I remember thinking that this was, that this was a good sequel to the other two, and I remember really liking it. Yep. And I don't know if it's like a glass break moment for me because like now I know the behind the scenes stuff of like Wesley Snipes couldn't fucking stand Ryan Reynolds during the shooting of this movie. From my understanding, Wesley Snipes was a terror on set, not just Reynolds. Yeah. He hated the script. He hated the director and writer David S. Goyer. Obviously you had Chris Costoff's in here, but barely, like he was in the movie for all of like 15 minutes. Well, yeah, he got killed also, he didn't have to deal with the rest of the movie kind of like he did in the first movie. Yeah. But like, yeah, and it's, and it's interesting because like what, what were they trying to do with this? But first and foremost, it doesn't feel like a blade movie anymore. Correct. This feels like a super, like they were trying to do a superhero movie because we just, we would have had Spider-Man by now and Spider-Man two. Yep. Yeah. We had a movie. We had to run a superhero movie. Yeah. Like this was, because this is also the first blade movie that had the Marvel logo at the very beginning. Like it had the Marvel rolling thing. Great. So like they finally acknowledged, oh, hey, blades actually part of Marvel. Right. And it does feel like when we look at the first movie of Blade, it feels like it is a capturing moment of what 1999 vampire goth culture actually was trying to be and like felt like and, and they kind of paid true like homage to that almost like when I, when I used to think like techno vampire goth era stuff in the 90s, I very much used to think of like what I, of like the bloodbath scene, right? In the, in the very beginning, like in the rave and stuff like that, like that was not because of this, not because of that movie, but because that's what I've always been told and my friends who were like in that community and stuff like that. And this just felt like they were trying to make a cash grab of a title that had been successful that now we can slap the Marvel label on. Well, I think the only reason why Wesley Snipes did it was because he needed money for his tax fraud thing, didn't he? Yeah. Oh, by the way, Wesley Snipes did nothing. But I didn't think that happened until like mid 2000s. This is, I don't remember when it was. Yeah. Feel. Don't you say he still, he still wasn't paying taxes at this point in time. Yes, that's kind of what I'm saying. No, I didn't, he get busted a demolition man. Wasn't that the movie that like got him busted for not paying taxes in 1994? Yeah, like that's what I initially opened like the questioning. Oh, I have no idea because the justice I don't know that's true. I just feel like that's something I had heard. So don't, I mean, I said it in the show, it's what's canon, but, but I do feel like I do remember other people saying that like, yeah, he only, he didn't even want to do this movie. He literally only took it because he needed the money to help the tax evasion stuff. I thought they were saying that about when he was in the expendables too. That makes more sense. Yeah. Or maybe it was expendables three, I don't remember which one it was. It was one of the embedbables movies though. I think he was in three, he was in interior, I don't remember. But I, cause I also remember when, so I remember when this movie got released, one of my adult friends that I shouldn't have been hanging out with when I was such a young child had a wizard magazine that was like covering this, I think or something. And original. Yeah. And I don't even know if he was originally, I felt like they also wanted, there was a television show, Blade. Yes. Which came out after this. Oh, it came out after? Okay. Okay. Cause I know at one point he was getting looked at to actually step in for this role. Funny enough, the actor that does the TV show was Blade, was Wesley Snipes double for these movies. That's funny. That's hilarious. All right. That makes sense. Um, also Jessica Beal has the personality of a popcorn fart. If I could just real quick, I cannot believe how fucking boring I found her in this movie. That was my other like big note was nobody, it feels like nobody likes each other. She feels like she is showcased to be a separate existing thing. And then the rest of the movie is happening around her almost. At least that was the impression that I got. What? And I think partially because there, there is an end credit scene, like a, oh, well, there's an end credit scene, but it's just blade driving. There's an alternate ending. That's why I was getting that. Those are also the endings to this movie with Hannibal, with Abigail and with, uh, what's his name? The driver. Claude. Right. So they had, I, I think they were going to have them, they were supposed to be a sequel to this with those three, or at least those two with Abigail and, and Hannibal, um, and well, you say that, however, it was supposed to be a crossover with underworld. Ooh, because the alternate ending is those three coming into a casino and biting a werewolf, but literally one of the werewolves from underworld. So is that underworld, uh, Marvel? Marvel? No, not that I'm aware of interest, but that's, that would have been interesting IP crossover. Exactly. Which isn't unheard of, but I believe it never happened, which is weird because they like, they have werewolf by night just like right there for the taking, like they could have demonite sons, like, but this is also pre any of that stuff being popular. Yeah. It was good in the comics, but like we didn't get werewolf by night until 2021, you know? Can you imagine? Good adaptation. Could you imagine if they did that? And then they also brought in Nick Cage as ghostwriter into this universe, and they had a Wesley Snipes, Nick Cage interaction on screen with, what a fucking mess. So hold the out hope that Nick Cage shows up for, uh, ticker Wars Avengers. He got, he got for, uh, he got in a role for something, isn't he? Is he playing the live action version of noir? Yes. Yeah. Yep, that's weird. So that'd be, well, I mean, he did the, did the voice for him. So yeah, but it's animated. That's different. Like, look and act any way that they want to make it actually look cool unless they never take his mask off and they just use a body double the entire time, but still uses the voice. I mean, that's what they did with, uh, Pedro Pascal for Mandalorian. Yeah, sure. Literally all of season three was, um, the other, oh, uh, what's his name's John Wayne's kid, which I came over with first name. Something Wayne. Obviously. Um, but yeah, he's, he's the one. In the suit the entire time and Pedro Pascal just as a voice. Makes sense. Interesting. Uh, anyway, so yeah, so like watching this movie, I was just like, man, this, oh, I had rented. So I bought the $10 version because I wanted to see the alternate scene because I looked it up to see what the difference was. I was like, oh, there's like an alternate ending to this. And also, uh, in, in the version that you guys watch when they, when he kills not Dracula Dracula, um, does he turn back into a human blade or drink, drink, because he's in his like regular form. Yeah. He turns back into, uh, Dominic Purcell. Oh, he does in that version. I mean, he does like in the version you watched when, because I watched the unrated version because that, that's what my blue ray was. Oh, really? Yeah, I think that did cut. Okay. Well, no, because it said the big difference was that he doesn't turn back, I thought. Maybe I read it wrong. Maybe I dyslexia that and in the original version, he doesn't turn back after he gets killed. I don't know. Like he just stays in the monster form that he is. So here's what I remember and this and I've watched this movie dozens of times after, you know, after I got on DVD, I mean, I also haven't watched it in a decade and a half. But what, from what I actually remember, like, Drake turns into blade. Yeah, that's what I thought happened to him, like that's who they pick up. So is that in the very end in the morgue, is that Drake or is that that's what I took it as was that that was a great, uh, attacking them. Okay. So Drake's not dead, so, uh, nothing worked. I don't know. Either way, they don't explain the end of it in the unrated version either. So yeah, no, they don't also, but how do you release a new, how do you release an unrated version and now show me one boob? I think this is, this is the closest we got obviously was, uh, Jessica Beale in the shower. And this is fresh off her seventh heaven run. So I think she was still in the, I don't want to say good and good because she is still not going to say a great act. I don't think she's acting anymore. I don't know. I haven't seen anything. She's been in since this movie, she was in so much, she got completely naked for one movie, I think. Oh, no, she was in, uh, what's the name, uh, Larry and Chuck, where she was, where we're all are in, uh, uh, bra and paint now pronounce who Larry and Chuck or Chuck and Larry is called. Yeah. Yeah. And Kevin James. Yep. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I do remember that. Cause she was probably the last one. I think so. Cause that's the last thing I could remember. Right. That was late 2000s. Pre-2000. I don't remember. Yeah. I feel like she was in something fairly recently was like a little indie thing, not anything, but like a small studio. Is she still married to Timberlake or they, not together anymore? No, I had no, they were ever married. Justin Timberlake, I'm pretty sure they, she married her. No, JT, JT belongs to the streets. There's no way he's locked down with anybody. They're refusing to believe that. Okay. Was he part of the, wasn't he part of the posse? Like, um, with like, uh, Jellen Hall and, uh, Toby Maguire and everybody where they were just like, we only date 20 year olds. Um, really like the most of like new, new version of like the rap act kind of thing. I don't know. Listen, I don't know, man. I'm just going off a wide thing. I know. Um, while you're waking that up, uh, Ron, candy, mini series, whatever. What did you, how did you feel about blade having a whip? He has a whip in the, uh, like opening fight scene. God, I must not have been paying attention for that. No, okay. Like cool. I thought that was cool. I thought that was cool. He has like a retractable whip made a silver, I think is the idea or it's like silver and crushed in. Yeah. So would nitrate or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Honestly, it's used with her out to kill the vampires. Oh, is that what that was supposed to be? Like a garriting wire that he had like pulled out and just like, no, it's like a retractable like silver whip. I don't know. I do think this is the best, like this is, I feel like for a man who hated this movie and didn't want to be a part of it, Wesley Snipes did try to act his ass off as blade and really, it's just like, at least night, I know, but like, I have this blade and blade is Wesley, Wesley Snipes, you know what I'm looking at. Yeah. The other thing is he didn't have a lot of speaking roles because according to IMDB, he had less than a hundred sentences in the movie because they were promoting Abigail, Hannibal. They were definitely pushing the Hannibal. Basically all these new characters. And so do you think it's, do you think it's a, he got annoyed that they were essentially like they came to him with a script and then also like he read and he realizes like he's getting replaced and that he won't be playing blade anymore? He's only the main character because the movie's named after him type of thing. Yeah. Well, especially he's about to get scorpion kinged pretty much like they're just going to use them for about two minutes in the beginning and then three minutes at the end. Oh, speaking of actors, speaking of other movie for that, speaking of wrestlers acting. God damn it Triple H. I like it. You can't act though. I understand that. I still like them. It was terrible. Yeah. Every time you're on stage, I'm just like, what do they do? Hold up a cue card behind, like behind wherever he was looking. So he knew what to read to is like, yeah, probably King to be fair. In the Triple H, I'm going to say something right about now, like that cadence. That was how he got every promo in the 90s and mid to like early mid 2000s. So like he was just being in Triple H. Like he wasn't, it was not Paul LaVac. He was Triple H, they don't even call him Paul LaVac in the credits. They call him. He's hilarious. Because everything I was looking through on 90B, they kept saying Paul LaVac, they never called them, but then the parentheses also known as Triple H. Yeah. Well, he's not a Triple H. And so he had like he officially retired, and now he is just Paul LaVac who essentially runs WWE now after the allegations stuff. So like, so it's the Paul LaVac era. Like everybody calls him Paul LaVac. That's the whole thing. I didn't even realize that Triple H had a real name. Yeah, it's Hunter Hurst Honesley, but yeah, that name I knew. Yeah. Oh, no, I mean, Paul LaVac is a character he plays. He will always be the storyable assassin, don't you know? So it works. Now he's just playing the character, Paul LaVac owner and runner of WWE. That's how it works. Anyway, the point being terrible, terrible in this, the level of I'm not gay, your gay jokes was pretty on par for his character. 2004. Well, yeah, and just like very like that, it's almost like he got to write his own lines because that's what a lot of his like jokes were in professional wrestling and a lot of his promos too, was I'm not gay. Like him and Shawn Michaels, like back in the day. Yeah, like the whole thing where they wanted, they wanted Brett to make comments about the fact that they were gay together. So they could be like, well, we're not gay, you're gay. It was so weird. It was so weird. Anyway, but it does just like reap of like, this is such a product of its time, like 2000. I just looked it up because thinking, yeah, we've had in the past wrestlers who've moved over from wrestling into acting, obviously we mentioned Mummy or Scorpion King, which Mummy too, Scorpion King both came out in 2002. Now, they both made Mummy, which makes me think that that's why they were looking at other wrestlers to come in to try and be, well, sure, in the 80s, you know, Hulk Hogan act. Yeah. I mean, acted. Yeah. Rock and wrestling was like a huge deal. WWE in the 80s or WF the time was humongous. Like it was part of MTV's like rock and wrestling. And he was Thunderlips in Roberta, commando. Yeah. The Hulk's board. One of the greatest. Mr. Nanny. Mr. Nanny. Yeah. Mr. Mom was a. What's the matter? What's the matter? He's an alien. Yeah. Somewhere he's an alien. That's Irving, suburban commando. Is that suburban commando? Okay. Okay. Yeah. God, they're fucking terrible. Anyway, yeah, they're all bad. He's the worst. Fuck Hulk Hogan. Anyway. Yeah. So Triple H has this movie and then he's in a Disney movie where he plays the bus driver. Really? Does that one is calm? Is that what it's calm? Hold on. Because I always can. I always confuse it with the pacifier, but that was Vin Diesel. Yes. Yeah. And I feel like he's like a school bus driver or something is like the joke. Well, I see a lot of wrestling stuff on here. Yeah, they put it on there so that they can potentially get Grammy nominated or not Grammy Oscar nominated daytime Oscar or not daytime Oscar. Oh, he was in the secret life of pets too. That's funny. That's what the I just saw it. Oh, TV series. TV series. What? Not the animal. I don't know. It was a Disney movie. It was a Disney movie. Oh my God. Look at them. He's been a ton of Scooby-Doo movies. Shocker. They did. They did a lot of wrestling crossovers. Yes. Exactly. That's why I was. Let's see. Inside. Out. Not too sad. Not the cartoon. No, okay. 2001 or 2011 inside out. He looks like he is some guy with a gun. The chaperone. The chaperone. That's what it's called. Yeah. It's a movie. I just thought it was. I mean, it looks like it could be, but no. It's a kid's logo. Is that one? Yes. The chaperone. I don't think I've ever heard that one. Well, he's driving a school bus because that's literally what the front of the DVD case looks like. I feel like he even has a, maybe like a baby Stratos chest or something like that. No. Because it looks almost like that's the one that you're thinking of. Yeah. Very similar. I thought. But I don't know. Anyway. Yeah. Because he does, he does the chaperone. Dwayne does the tooth fairy at this point. Yeah. They just started trying to get into like kid movies and football game, he had the game plan. He had the game plan, which was also, I actually enjoyed that one wasn't. Wasn't Cain in something? See no evil. See no evil. And see, he's, he's, he's, he's dick in that movie. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Joe, you should watch that for your horror podcast. See no evil. Um, may 19th, unless we'll see, see, I wish watch over this. Um, they made a comic book on it. They did. They did a one, they did a one shot comic. Mm. Listen, if I had to watch the watch, Cain, hang dong again, you can't, no, the joke is that you can't see it. That's the whole thing. Oh, it's very good. Um, I think he was also in the longest yard. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was one of the guys in the longest yard. Anyway. No, that was a, was that just for Chira? No. Well, Stone Cold was in there. Did the, the M, Sandler, the longest, longest yard? Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. There was like a, there was like a billion wrestlers. Stone Cold was in it and great colleagues in it. I thought it was a couple of other guys. I thought it was a triple agent on a tube. I mean, maybe. I don't know. There's a bunch of guys in it. But. Yeah. Anyway, this movie, um, well, it does pretty much, this movie. Yeah. Yeah. So my pretty much my takeaway from this was I was bummed that I had to spend $10 to watch a movie that didn't. That's fair. So the, the guy that plays the doctor looks just like my boss. Oh, yeah. So as soon as he was on screen, I was already annoyed and I just couldn't get that like image out of my head because that's what my, my boss looks like the wish version of that guy. I can't remember his name, but, uh, the actor's name, yeah, but it just annoys me every time I see him on the screen. That would be John Michael Higgins, because he didn't like, um, oh, the singing movie, um, it's perfect. There we go. Yeah. Yeah. He's one of those guys that I see him and I'm like, Oh, he's in this movie, but I don't ever remember his name or who he is. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. There's other comedy shows, movies, but like it's not a draw for me. Yeah. I don't get it. Don't get it. I totally forgot that, um, Pat, that was what was in this movie. Yeah. There was a lot of like, I, were they big at the time? Maybe? I don't know. But like there was a couple like the, the blind, the blind girl. Yeah. She's from the American pie movies. Yeah. The American pie and somebody else that had just like more recently, no more, well, she's in, um, Russian dolls. Let's see. Yeah. Um, she's going to be in the new fantasy, the new fantasy for movie. Why probably as Alicia, I don't know, don't quote me on that, Ben Graham's blind girlfriend. She's not actually blind. No, I know. I know. I can't. Hollywood hire. Hire a blind actor. I'm assuming that I don't know what she's going to be. I did. She's not one. The main four. I can tell you that right now. Um, can, can, by the way, the Pedro Pascal's playing, uh, Miss Francesca, they stop just hiring the same people to do different roles for Disney. Like it's gonna, no, it's just annoying. Anyway, it just, there's other actors. You could find somebody else. I don't think he's, I don't think Pedro's all that great. Personally. Yeah, I don't mind him, but I don't think he's Mr. Fantastic either. I like John Krasinski. I thought he did a great job, but he would work really well. Agreed. But that was all fan cast and I don't think he has the time. I think he's got other projects going on. So that's why he was never, I'm sure if the mouse wanted, I'm sure if the mouse wanted him, they would have thrown enough money at him to make him available. You're not wrong. Yeah. Anyway, um, but this movie, um, anyway, that's all I had to say about it. I was really disappointed. Yeah, this is the one where I remembered it better than what we got. So one thing that didn't change from my watching the movie originally to this is I fucking hate Parker Posey in this, like it's a second movie with her. She's fucking got awful in it. Just I can't stand her funny enough. I said during Superman returns that I enjoy her character in this in bat and in this rewatching it. You know, you're on my side. She wasn't knowing. She was fucking cleanly after this. Yeah. What was she supposed to be? Was she supposed to be comic relief? What? I think she's just like, honey, like forever angsty, like teenage vampire, except she wasn't a teenager or, you know, they had, they had no real like she had no real character and that was what drove me crazy is like, yeah, they're like times where she was like trying to joke around or something and then like the penis envy thing and there's, there is nothing of her character that was. To apologize. Yeah. They should have had this whole movie without her. Well, technically she was there because she, Ryan Reynolds was her familiar originally, right? Uh, no, I think he was actually turned, but she, he was her like, play toy. I think, I think he was a familiar at times. She turned them to a vampire and then, um, summer, cold summer fast, wherever her, her name was the blonde swine summer field. Thank you. Um, because I thought made a, I got her last name was summer field, but her name was summer fields. I was just, anyways, okay, um, yeah, so he was a vampire. See, that's the thing, like if she cured, because the whole point of the day star was to cure vaporism, right? Not eliminated. I believe so. So then, I thought it was supposed to eliminate it, which, which, so like eliminate them or cure. Yeah. No, eliminate the, because it kills all the vampires that are in the, uh, you see, it, they don't die until the sun hits them. They just like get knocked out. So then I didn't cure shit. They also said, they also said that because all of the strands are, have been bastardized since Drake says Dracula, like that's why they hit him because he is the pure bloodline that then could spread it to everybody else. Yeah. It's a, it's the same vampire stroke where if you kill the master, you kill the thralls. Hmm. Like, that's always been a vampire thing. Yes, but you know, this is just a different way of them, uh, but I'm trying to figure out like, what's this supposed to be a commentary of inbreeding was like, maybe that they were trying to go for here. I mean, I didn't pick up on that, but okay. I don't know where you just explained it made me think it was like, oh, maybe, maybe they were trying to do some inbreeding stuff. That's weird. Yeah. Well, he did, you know, bite the one head off of the one vampire in the beginning and then was sucking on Danica's blood at one point. So maybe, which I'll also say, I do like Dominic Purcell. I like him as an actor. This is the first movie I present break was after this. That was his big breakout. Wasn't he an, um, he was heat wave in the flash. Yeah. Um, but like this was the first thing I saw him in and then I, I, I think after this, I went and I watched a John Doe that he would, he would lead for that series, really enjoyed that series. He's really sad. And only got one season. Um, I think that exactly remember that. So it's like he knows everything. He's got like a, a psychopedic knowledge of everything, but he doesn't know who he is. Yeah. Plus he's also like all he sees is black and white, but if he comes across the color, like if he sees something with color, that's like, uh, a thing he has to go like follow and because it's a sign that something needs taken care of. I don't know. It was a, it was a really fun, fun show. I really enjoyed it. And like I said, I only got one season, um, but like I went back to saw that, watched that. Obviously I loved him as, as heat wave, McRory in the Arrowverse. I mean, obviously he came into his own in, um, ledges tomorrow versus the five or six episodes he was on in the flash, but, um, like, and then, yeah, prison break was him and Wentworth Miller, like that was their breakout. Well, I don't know about Wentworth, but that was the roles that kind of got people to know them. And that was a show that, you know, lasted, how many years they broke out of prison. I don't know how many times and they're, they still broke out of prison. Like years later when they had a, you know, the show came back, for whatever reason. Yeah, I've never seen it. I think I watched the first season, but then it kind of fell out. Like once, okay, the show's called prison break, breaking out season one makes sense. Maybe breaking out of season two. Okay. Maybe also makes sense. Those five seasons and they're still trying to break out of a prison. Oh, you're telling me they never actually broke out. No, they did, but then they got back in for some reason. I don't know. I don't know. I don't watch the movie. They would get at the end of every season in a fair amount of encouragement. They would get out, but then there was some reason that they had to go back in. So it's very supernatural where the Winchester's are one of them is dying at the end of every season. And the other one will bring it back. Oh, it makes more attention you put it that way. Yeah. So there is one scene in this that I found to layers. I found out about this. I think actually feel like an Instagram real a couple years back. But apparently Jessica Alba became such a like crack shot with the bow and arrow like her training. She became really good. Nope. Jessica Biel. Sorry. There you go. Okay. So side tangent. Apparently the first trailer for this movie, they actually credit to Jessica Alba. So they had to like pull that immediately and correct. That's hilarious. Anyway, so apparently Jessica Biel did such a great job with her archery training that the scene at the end where she has to shoot at Drake, it's a shot straight on shot at the camera. They put this like protective plexiglass around the camera minus like a three inch square so that they can actually get a good shot and it's not, you know, have a glass in the way. Jessica Biel shot the arrow at the camera like she's supposed to and shot it through that hole and broke a $300,000 camera. What you're saying is she got blacklisted and then followed her true passion of being a competitive archery shooter. I mean, she probably shouldn't have said no, I don't think she did. No, that's a shame. She sounds like she did get blacklisted though like because we don't see her pretty much ever again. Well, I would say ever again, she just like a lot of people that, you know, were kind of done with their, I don't say done with their career, but they kind of moved on to other roles like they started doing projects they wanted to like she was in the illusionist in 2006. Total recall. 2012. I actually remember told recall. I remember next with Paul recall was Colin Farrell. Yeah. I always want to say Russell Crow. She was in next with Nicholas Cage. His hair in that movie is painful. Well, worse than I was, I remember the line town. It's the same vibe, Ron. It's the same vibe. He does a front bang swoosh. Not a swoop. Oh, yeah. She did the, she was in the 18th. I forgot. I'm okay. Oh, the rampage Jackson. Oh shit. Are you still going through her movie list? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Still. You know, none of us gave a shit about the movie. That's so, that's a bad thing because I actually, so I enjoyed this movie back then. I still, for as bad as this movie is, and this movie is objectively bad, I still enjoyed it. Like it's not, there's no blade or blade to the hands down, like those two are leagues over this one, but there still is a movie that I could, if it was on TV and there was a certain scene on, I'd be like, oh, this is fun. Watch that scene and then walk away. Like I wouldn't sit down and finish the movie. I'd watch us, the scene and be like, okay, cool. I've got my fix and we, okay. So did anybody else find it weird that this like the, so at the beginning of the movie, you know, blade kills a person instead of a, a vampire because he couldn't tell the difference, even though he's been, you know, dealing with them for decades. Well, he's never had a shit killing familiar. He's, we saw that in the first two movies, right? But then we get the FBI and like their whole SWAT team and shit breaking into their like base. Yeah. And, and Whistler, the old crippled man takes on this whole army of age and goes through and does like the reverse damn from Ninja Turtles, the game. Like instead of, you know, stopping the bombs. He's starting the bombs for all the computers running through here. And like, well, one person gets a good shot on him and that's it. And that whole time that he's running through there, like shoots his leg, doesn't he? Yeah, but like, I also was kind of upset, but I found it interesting that he is literally shotgunning all of these FBI agents and blade tactical armor. Yes. But also blade with his sword, she is attacking, like you've got no problem killing humans. Why are you not killing humans? Because, no, I mean, it's not lethal damage show here, me knows that what I don't understand is the FBI guys, when they find out where blades or blades thing, is that right? Yeah, the super hidden conspicuous, gigantic, yeah, they got they got to take these cowboys down. But the only one that was a cowboy was Chris Kristofferson. And so they should have just let blade go, right? Because he's not a cowboy. I also am intrigued on how they got info on blade, how they were tracking him down. I'm pretty sure that they got it from the vampires that gave them the movie because that was once their face filming it, wasn't it? Yes. But they've been chasing after him for what they said years, also her filming. We see her filming him filming blade and the familiar. And then we see her like take the camera down and walk away. But the video that was shown kind of kept going after, like there's some terrible editing in this movie, and a lot of that right away, and that was not good. But like the FBI had a case on him saying that they were following the bodies. And I could have remembered I could have sworn one of those FBI agents was familiar. Now obviously the doctor and the police chief of police were that I remembered, but I could have sworn one of the FBI agents was as well. Yeah, obviously, but yeah. But did both the guys that were being the FBI agents were just terrible actors. Like even throughout the interrogation scene, like all it was was a bunch of cliche shit that they had pulled from like every buddy cop movie from, you know, 1970 until 2004 when this came out. And they were just like, let's just remember that one time when they had the line like, Oh, you know, you're, you're not getting your phone call now or blah, like it was those, those typical cliche things that you expect every bad show or movie to have a cop say they say it. Yeah. Yeah. It wasn't great. It's your major part of the time, like this, like these lines and like the humor in its crude and it's dick jokes and it's gay jokes and it's, I just remember watching anything and just like, this was, this was not made for blade fans. This was made for douche edge lords who have money who are going to talk about this on the internet. That's, that's who this movie was made for. What did it come back? Mainly complaining. Mainly complaining that just could be a wasn't naked enough for that, but I didn't complain about that. I know I didn't complain about her. I would have taken very specifically, I guess I would just say you want to see titties. Yeah, I just want to see the unrelated version. I expect a tit that's, you know, so, ironically enough, Gilmore del Toro was going to come back to direct this one, but he read the script and he did not like script and apparently it was a couple of other people that was tapped to either direct or come in to be in the movie did not like the script at all in del Toro's case. So he passed this up because Hellboy was finally available to him and so he went over and did Hellboy instead, which I'm actually happy he did because I remember Hellboy being a good movie. I can't wait to watch it again to see. Yeah, we'll we'll get that finish. So I know that we've covered Ryan Reynolds jokes falling short. His dog joke also didn't land at the end of the movie when it spots on the car sidewalk, but let me check the lobby. Yeah. That that's, yeah, that one, that one was the only joke that actually landed even though the dog didn't, but well, the excessive fuck use and flipping off and like that shit was just annoying. It was like a childish level of like, I don't know, it just it didn't like that was my first watch. I thought it was stupid. That was made for 2004 college dude, bros, who just want to who think that's cool. Like I 100% know the guy who would have thought that was cool. Shout out to my shout out to my old coworker, Matt, who would have been like, yeah, you know, it's just like Ryan Reynolds is in there. She's body. Looked rad, right? It looked really good. He did a he did a feature immense health about like getting in the tree of this movie. He's just in there. It's like cool guys. Fuck you. Like how many people do you think wrote there had at least be one in every like office meeting after this movie came out that wrote, hello, my name is fuck you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the name tag. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure I remember I remember them. I don't know if it was the merchandise, but I definitely remember Spencer's having that shirt. Yeah, literally it was a black shirt and it had the like, hello, my name is like fuck you, but the you was like scribbled out or something. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that. I actually think I know what you're talking about. Yeah. I did, however, like the classic baby full of garlic, you know, attack there when they pulled the crying baby out of the thing like again, vampires are supposed to have some kind of like extra sensory where they can tell, you know, like where warm bodies are at and stuff, they should have known that baby wasn't a real baby as soon as they picked it up. Yeah. Those four guys seemed like junkies, like they were kind of stupid. Sure. I mean, so, but it's like the cares. I guess. I don't know. Also, did is it just me or did Blade seem like he was rocking some fucking boomer energy in this fucking movie? Oh yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like crazy, crazy like Jen, like Gen X vibes from out of out of curiosity. So, when they're interrogating that one familiar to find out like who his handler was, right? Yeah. When they drop him off the building and don't catch him, does that count as him being Gwen Stacy, or yes, needed for the bingo. Well, yeah, I'm asking for a friend. Okay. Not Gwen Stacy? There we go. I can't ask very much of anything, can we? Because she's not real Ron, despite what you think and feel and want and have written in your journal. She's not real. Actually, I was ever a big fan of Gwen Stacy. She was a, well, she was just like in the comics, she was, she was that typical trope of a, you know, she's only there for the main characters, like love interest needs. I don't think she doesn't really have much character outside of it. I will say I do like the current Gwen Stacy, the spider Gwen Gwen Stacy. She's there for her own person, ghost spider now. Okay. Apologies. Ghost spider. Yes, you're correct. Listen, I get corrected when I call her spider Gwen. You have to know too. See, that's the funny thing though, the comic, she is spider woman in the comics. I think she actually does go by ghost spider now, but she started out as being spider woman. The comics called her Gwen Stacy, like the actual title for the run was, or spider Gwen. So yeah, I have the first issue of like spider Gwen. Yeah. Like the, yeah, it's spider Gwen on the, on the cover. Yeah. It got from all the other spider woman comics. Yeah. Yeah. Because they like ended that title and then they like restarted it back up with an issue one and called her ghost spider. Yeah. But I think they ended that one too and called it something else now. Trumbly. No, this Marvel has comics and comics. But funny enough, her symbiote version is of course called Gwenum, as we all, yeah. Like they just can't get away from it. Anyway, I will say so what did you guys think of? The repurposing of Whistler's story to then sit, like he's, because the first one, he's telling the doctor lady about his past. And this one is literally just the exact same scene only at the very end, it switches it to Abigail. Like I didn't like that, I thought that was, yeah, it was dumb and like her being his like bi-blower or whatever, sure, but we didn't need the whole scene again. Yeah, nope. So when Blade and Drake are fighting at the end of the movie, right? And they get slammed into the floor and the floor like crushes around them. They're like 50 stories up in this building. How do they not do the fucking boom, boom, boom, through the levels of the floor when they crashed into it so hard that it shattered the entire floor around them? It's a very well-reinforced building. I feel like that's actually more accurate. I feel like that was probably a more realistic response. They still would have fallen through at least one floor of that. There's no way that floor would have tracked like that and got hit and everything else in that building. We would have stayed together. Well, I don't know if you guys know this and we'll get into it when we get to Sponkate. But right about, let's say the last quarter of this movie, you can tell that they ran out of money because you should start to fucking come apart. Not good. In the last quarter of this, I don't know what happened if they're like sim card broke or something on their graphics shit fall apart. I don't know. I mean, yeah, specifically that scene that Ron, you brought up when they slam into it, both of that, that CGI for those two looked terrible. Yeah. Yeah. Super rubber. Oh, it was terrible. And this would have been, when does Spider-Man 3 come out in comparison to this? 2007. So we've got three years. Okay. Three years. I cannot wait to get to that and talk about that because I just very specifically remember a whole thing. Right. 2007, we had Fantastic Four, Rise of the Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider, and Spider-Man 3. Oof. Yeah. Yeech. What a year for comic movies. Time to surprise. We made it past that, to be honest with you. Yeah, because the next, very next year is Iron Man, Punisher, Warzone, and X-Men, the words of Wolverine. No, that's on that, not mine, but I mean, we had the beginning of the MCU in 2008, so. I do feel like we're kind of hitting that arc again of like, things are too bloated now, and we need it to go away for a little bit, but I mean, COVID didn't help, that kind of, not only did it push everything back, but it, for MCU in particular, we had 40, 20 projects in two years. So it just kind of, I think, including the movies and TV shows, like it's even worse now, because now they have the TV shows that they can literally just rip off. They pop out. Yeah. Yeah. So they're killing their own mark. They're, they are beanie-bating themselves at this point, but anyway, all right, is that all the notes you guys have? I think I've got, so they introduced Calder. Like they had said earlier that they, the night stalkers all work in sleeper cells, and when one goes down, they activate the next one. And my thought was, all right, so who's, if they're sleeper cells, does that mean that they don't know or that they, they do know? Yeah. The sleeper cells are activated by a code word usually. Yeah. Okay. But then Calder shows up, which the actor, I really enjoy the actor, although he's only in this for literally this one scene, minus the ultimate ending. But he's like, "Hey, I'm gonna be your driver," and then blade and Abigail hop on bikes and drive away. Like, what's, what's the point of him showing up then? He had to carry their equipment so they could ride the motorcycles and be cool. Okay. I mean, honestly, if the point was he had the, the virus, but still, now other than that, I don't really have anything else. Oh, Abigail being this amazing archer, but she only had like five arrows in the quiver, the entire fight. So, yeah, she, she was a Hawkeye at the end of her turn. Yeah, the Hawkeye has like at least 30 quivers or 30 arrows in his quiver. Yeah. I have a recording error. Do you guys have a recording error? No. What do you mean by recording error? Rayward number says like, we're recording, it says recording error. Open the recording tab to learn more. I'll see you guys have frozen. So your frozen on my end. Yeah, your frozen over here too. There you go. Nope. I mean, there he went. Yeah. He's gone. Yeah. Good amazing. Okay. And thanks Chuck. Got the extra work. All right. We're going to pause this room. Wow. We're back. That was the same thing that just happened. Apparently, I don't know. It just like stopped working on my computer. Anyway, we're talking about. We're basically at the end. I think we're getting ready for the kill count actually. Yeah. So unless you had any other notes, I'm good on that. And I think Chuck is good. Ron, you're good. I've got no other notes. I went through all my notes in a very quick fashion. So I didn't have to remember to do any of them. Nice. Yeah. I got a kill count of 74, which a fire recall is still less than Batman. I'm tired of Batman. Batman was 78. Was it 78? Yep. Because I thought it was 86. Chuck thought it was 68. The only thing we had to write was the eight and it was 78 because it was like right in the middle of us. Yep. You're right. Sorry. You're right. I really don't do a vampire's count as a kill. Yes. Are they they're not technically alive? They've already died once. Yeah, it's the count. Perhaps you're watching this on YouTube. Put it down in the comments. Do vampires count towards the kill count because I think we've already established that once you've killed something and it comes back to life, you don't get to kill it again for a point, correct? Uh, no, because I'm pretty sure I've counted Resident Evil. We had multiple people die twice. Yeah, because everybody counted as one kill when the, um, the, the high kill them and then when they were reanimated, we counted being killed off again. Yeah. Technically, do we have to then double these numbers because the Vamps because they're right. No, it was all one. It was all one kill. And we didn't see those on screen. Therefore, they don't count. Oh, is that what we're doing here? That's what we're always done. Have to be on screen or at least in the movie because like I definitely counted, um, uh, bat nose bolts and, uh, the other, actually those three, uh, nice talkers being killed off. We didn't see them die per se, but we saw them alive. And then we hear like summer field screaming. We see, I think it's hedge and decks. I think their names work. We said those two dead on the basketball court. So I counted them. Anyway, yeah, 74. Nice. All right, Ron. Uh, so we have a dying mentor, uh, government interference, comic logic, unexplainable science, um, training montage, dead parent, um, uh, implied nudity, sexual and you end those product placement, though in monologue hero kills, um, I put it reform bad guy because I feel like when Drake turns into blade at the end of it to cover for Blake, blade's asked, uh, you know, where he's dead now ever like that's kind of like a, uh, uh, you know, transformation there, uh, we have an origin flashback and we have, uh, Gwen Stacy as we, uh, uh, found out earlier that 14 or 15 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, okay. You have product placement, right? Yeah. Yeah. I did love the count Dracula. I thought that was fun. They can't chocula. And you can definitely tell that, uh, the Apple iPad, uh, like iPod of like, yeah, right. Because everything is her, like her music and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. The shuffle. Yeah. Yeah. That was brutal. Uh, and then there's also like the cars and all that other shit. Like there's so much product placement. I outside of it actually having a car, like billboard, like you really can't count cars 100% you can because they will hide like if they are, if they are not, uh, using those cars for product placement in a movie, they will not show you the, uh, branding of the cars. Yeah. Okay. That's fair. That's fair. They do not let it look good. And, uh, I always think of bad boys too, when, uh, they're in the chase scene on the highway, the cars that you can tell didn't get sponsorship get launched off and they hide the making model of it. Yeah. That's true. Okay. Yeah. I don't remember either. It's some rich bitch car or whatever it was. Only arrogant. Can't straight it. Well, it was full Smith. That's what I said. Didn't I? Yeah. Anyway, Chuck, what did you have for this fun Cape there bud? All right. Uh, who, um, none of this actually looks great. I'll agree a hundred percent of that, um, yeah, huh. It doesn't hold up. It somehow it looks worse than blade two and blade two, I remember us talking and saying like, this was like, that was peak rubber people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was somehow looked worse. I'm going to say like four out of, uh, six hundred and thirty seven spawn caves. No, wait, it did the wrong way. It would be four, four out of ten spawn caves. I thought the farther apart was. No, no, no, no, no, no, the closer they are together, they used to be the farther the part now. No. Yeah. But now I've changed it. They're closer together, but lower on the scale because you have to, because you have to get it as close to the spawn Cape, spawn Cape when we get there is one of one. One of one. Yeah. Okay. So it's, it's four of ten. It looks really fucking bad. It's my point. True. Very true. I mentioned to see when we get to spawn how well that holds up. Can I know it won't? Yeah. It's not good. It's not good. I watched that like a couple of years ago. It's real bad. Lovely. All right, Chuck, we got for your score. All right. Is this a blade movie? Not really. Not really. Yeah. I mean, blades in it. So I guess that's like saying, that's like saying, uh, is this a Star Wars movie because there was a Jedi in the background, um, I'm going to look, I remember this being a lot better than it was. I remember Ryan Reynolds not being as just fucking awful. I really didn't like him in this movie. I don't think Jessica Beale does a good job in this movie. She's definitely the like hot girl for the movie that they like needed. They just wanted somebody and they got Jessica Beale. I think even Triple H's stuff like that was something that I probably would have been like a huge mark for when I was a kid and did not like it now. It's bad. It looks really bad. He's awful in this. I also don't like the prison break dude. I don't think he's a terribly good actor. He plays the same thing and like everything he plays and his haircut has always bothered me. I'm going to say I'm trying to break it up from how I usually score these. I'm going to say a three point two three, okay. I really did not have fun and the fact that I had to pay ten dollars to then not see any difference in my opinion really sucked. That's fair. Yeah. That's fair. Ryan, what's your name? I keep telling you Chuck every time you want to watch a movie that you don't have and I've got it. I will put it on the TV. I'll put my phone up so you can watch it through my phone onto your phone. We got some popcorn, you know, whatever, man. Yeah. You should try that one at times. Yeah. One of us. I think I watched this though at like two o'clock in the afternoon. Okay. That's fair. Yeah. I just still didn't work. But I had to stop work to watch it with you. All right. I love you so that I feel pretty much the same as Chuck does about this. Like it had bad acting. It had that. And see, I don't even know if it's necessarily the actors fault or if they just didn't have very good writing to act out. But they definitely leaned a lot on like the, you know, childish humor and like stupid little like jokes like that that were just didn't didn't land. So Ryan Reynolds, like head area said white trash, but then his body said like ripped, you know, bodybuilder dudes. So that was also a little weird. He had the weird like beard with like the cuts in it and stuff and his facial hair looks like a prosthetic now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was my other takeaway. Cause like he definitely has a beard in, um, Amnavel horror and it looks like he better way. Yeah. So that's it. Yeah. Okay. But, uh, the, the storyline was kind of dumb. Uh, the vampires in this were not vampirey enough for me, I guess. Like in the first movie, you know, they are, you know, Oh, we're trying to, you know, bring back a blood God, you know, in the second movie, it's like, Oh, we are making ourselves better to, you know, so we can be better vampires in the third movie. It's like, Oh, we, uh, dug up Dracula because we thought it'd be cool if we, uh, you know, brought him out here to fight played, uh, I gave it a three point four, five. What about you, Joey? Yeah. Like I said, this is a movie that I enjoyed back in the day, but it doesn't hold up. No. Not at all. So that's not, um, not great to start out with. I, the actors in it, I like all of the actors, you know, Wesley Stipes, you know, the first two were great. Obviously I've, you know, he's loved him in demolition, man. Yeah. Really enjoy them. Patrick 57. But like this was not one of his better works, um, especially for a blade movies like this was the worst blade, better, like, yeah, exactly. The first, the first blade movie, actually, I think I gave the second one better score, but like the first blade movie was his peak blade. It was wonderful. Um, this was not it. Like he, especially when the very beginning, when whistlers talk, talk to him is like, Hey, we got to watch out your, you're doing all this. You're getting on the radar and the entire time he's like, just blowing him off like, Oh, it's just a regular Sunday. It's whatever whistler, ha, ha, ha. I'm going to be whatever like it terrible, that was terrible. I do like Jessica Beale. I think like I watched him as having him back in the day. I really enjoyed the character on there. And then when she went to the movies, there was a few movies I enjoyed her in. I, I remember 18 being good and her role in that was good. Didn't like her in stealth, but I also, I don't remember stealth from when I watched it way back when, uh, it was on TV like a week to her ago and I happened to turn it on. I'm like, Oh yeah, this was a movie. That was the movie. I didn't like the bomber or whatever. Yep. Yeah. It's a really funny robot. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Like the AI program took over this new stealth bomber that hit her, uh, the wannabe magic from a comma, Hey, and Jamie Foxx had to go fight, um, not a great movie. I haven't thought about that movie in so long. But then again, like, and then that I was looking up her other stuff. Like, there really isn't anything in there that I remembered, like anything good. So there's that. And then I, I haven't hidden the fact that I'm a big Ryan Reynolds fan. I've seen a ton of his movies, your D&D character is based on Ryan Reynolds. I mean, he looks like Ryan Reynolds. Yeah. Based on Ryan Reynolds. Uh, sometimes you act like I needed. I needed something when we made it five, seven years ago. How long we made it eight years now. God damn, it's been so long. Oh, did you base him off of Dan Wilder? No, my, my backstory is based off of the beginning of the black parade by my chemical man's basically my, yep, yeah, basically when he was a young boy, his father took him into the city to see a marching band. All right. Anyway, um, but that being said, like I enjoy these actors. This movie did not do them any justice, any of them, which sucks. But like I said before, like there are parts of the movie I enjoyed. I, even though Triple H was terrible, I still found some of this stuff funny. Like it was fine. Like not like great funny, but like I chapel, um, and like I said earlier, if I would be watching this, uh, if it watched a TV and it's on, I would watch a scene. They're like, all right, cool. I got my fix and turn, turn it off. Like I'm not going to sit down and finish this movie start to finish probably ever again. If I'm being honest. So that being said, I gave it a 3.55, which gives us a combined score of 3.41, which dropped it in at, who kind of love here, out of 103 movies, uh, it drops it in at number 84. Just behind Hellboy animated blood and iron and just above Superman three, damn. I think I would watch Superman three again before I watch this, if I'm being honest. I don't know, I don't think I'd probably watch, well, no, I don't think I'd watch Buckaroo Bonsai over this, I'd watch Buckaroo Bonsai over this, I don't know, only because it was, you know, just so stupid, like, any who, yeah, yeah, there we go. That's the score. So, uh, Chuck, where can they find you, bud? You can find me on Instagram and TikTok, kicked out of the head knowing kick. You can follow my hobby page where I will be chronicling me making my very own miniature game called Death to False Wrestling, a post apocalyptic, uh, post apocalyptic skirmish game set or if, uh, something of the one true, I forgot, I came up with something. Probably it's going to be, uh, like a Wasteland meets, uh, Masters of the Universe meets kind of whatever. So, but it's all going to be based around kind of like, pit fighting, contender stuff. There's going to be a grapple system in it and you get to customize your character, um, or your, your miniature and your fighter. I'm very excited about it, um, because it's all going to be based around Deathmatch stuff. It's also at time of, probably not time to release, um, anyway, I have other announcements coming out once they actually get published and released, but, uh, I helped develop a game recently. So I'm pretty excited about it. Very cool. I thought that Ronald, uh, you can find me on Instagram at and TikTok at good at this game. You can find my art on Instagram at good art this game and you can find me here on this podcast, Joey, uh, you guys can find the, the myself and the show on Instagram and threads at comic book rundown email us combo crumb down at We've also got a YouTube page and I do want to point out if you haven't already, go check out, uh, our release of our rundown rankings because I put a lot of, uh, a lot of time never into the video for that one, uh, a lot more than I probably should have, but I also wanted that one to actually be good. So, um, go check that out on YouTube, uh, comic book rundown on YouTube, um, we've got merch over on Redbubble and Tea Public, uh, you can rate and review us on your podcast and have a choice. We'll read it on an upcoming episode and our song was done by Cam. Our next movie from 2008 will be watching The Dark Knight. So, oof. Okay. Oof. I, I think. Is that one of the Batman movies? Yes. It's the, yes, this is the arguably the most infamous. This is the Batman movie, if you will, yeah. This defined, actually it's not the Batman movie that came out in 2022. Anyway. This is, would you argue that this is like the, this is the movie that saved Batman, like kind of launched him, relaunched him. I would say Batman begins, did that this helped? See, I always thought that this was more popular. We'll get into it next week, but we're probably more popular. Yeah. But yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll get into it, but I'm very afraid of watching this because I'm afraid it's not going to hold up. So we guess we'll find out. But until then, make sure that you head over to as little as $1 you get access to the discord, but fuck that nonsense. All right. That's ridiculous and stupid. What you want to do is hit the 301 tier that specifically will help you support this show directly and more importantly, reminder that if you sign up for the one year annual, the first five people that sign up for the annual will receive a shirt of Joe Cool's shooting Batman's parents. Hey, and quite possibly, quite possibly, I might even have, um, um, rogan the hut done by that time too. Oh my God. I was talking about that this weekend, how we were talking about, yeah, how his laugh sounds like a hut. And I can't get the laugh like Chuck gets the laugh, but as soon as I did it, everybody that I was standing around talking to was like, Oh my God, I will never not hear that every time Seth Rogen laughs now. So good job on that one. Thank you. You should have been like, yeah, you should buy the shirt when it comes out. Oh, I told him that. Okay. Don't worry. If there is, if there was a thing that Seth Rogen would send us season to sister over, I, you know what, I, I would be happy if now we're that would be still worth it. You know, many followers we get listening to the show just to hear that. Uh huh. That's true. Oh, shit. That's going to be good. All right, everybody, thank you all for listening. We'll catch you next time. Bye. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this show, check out all the other great shows here at the Professional Casual Network. Like what, Danny? I'll tell you, on Mondays, we've got the Lost Omen's podcast, our Pathfinder 2e actual play, hosted by me playing through the extinction curse AP, also streaming on slash professional casual network at seven PM Eastern time. You can check out. Oh yeah. The power phase, our Marvel crisis protocol live battle report show on Tuesdays, the podcast version of, wait, did I roll a wild, our Marvel crisis protocol Povlog is available? On Wednesdays, alternating releases on Patreon, we have settling the Southlands, our homebrew wolf warp actual play in the slithering, a Pathfinder second edition actual play. And on Thursdays, live at seven PM Eastern standard time on slash professional casual network, we've got, wait, did I roll a wild, our Marvel crisis protocol Povlog? You can also check out back episodes of Elite Eight Showdown and the first 39 episodes of the Lost Omen's podcast, the first 24 episodes of settling the Southlands, and the first handful of episodes of the slithering on the YouTube, a slash the professional