Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #102 - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016

1h 33m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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It's time for our next Star Wars movie. We watched Rogue One: A Star Wars Story from 2016 for this episode, and finally got Ron to finish the movie. But what did he think about it? Let's find out.

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes, Charlie Shaw and Jordan Zeilinger

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. To interview from D.C. to empty you with five more. One down with you. One down with you. One down with you. Oh, it's doing it. Okay, we're good. You good? You're good? Yes, it's actually buying it. So an hour from now, Chuck's going to be looking off to the side and not listening to a thing we're doing. Well, there's the countdown, so I'm already looking at it because Sadie's Monet AKA Sasha Banks or F.A.K. Sasha Banks is on my screen. Oh, and if Jared's there, hell yeah. Okay. Anyway, ladies, gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, brothers, sisters, general resistors. I'm excited about this episode. Uh, while also I've been riddled with anxiety all day because I'm terrified to hear Ron's opinion on this movie. Um, being in my opinion meant that much to you, Chuck. I know I'm kind of like, just Ron's opinion is all I care about. If you had watched, or if you had noticed on my Instagram, over a gig by the hood, um, I posted that this movie still makes me cry. This is now the fourth time that I've watched it. You know what me and this movie will probably have in common by the end of this. I was going to ask, I was going to say, Chuck, what part was that? Was that when Churret is walking out in the gunfire to open up the communications tower? I love that. Uh, yes. So that's specifically the part where I was crying for the third time in the movie. Um, pretty much any time that it's like one rebel dude just gunning down as many like stormtroopers before he gets marked himself. Uh, get like gets me. I don't know why. I'm just like, it's the ultimate story of like a tragic hero trying to just like do the thing it needs to do to get to the next thing. And, oh, I don't know. This movie, for whatever reason, just pulls it pulls in my little heartstrings and gets me. I don't know. This is the fourth time I've watched it now. I counted fourth time. This is the first official time that I've watched it all the way through. So I guess the real question is, did you were able to do it in one sitting? I, okay. Sort of? That's a no. For those of you wondering, brothers, sister, gender, resistance, welcome to another episode of the comic book rundown presents rundown reviews. We watched Star Wars Rogue One. Is it really one of Star Wars story? I love the Star Wars story. Which is funny because we got two Star Wars stories. And that was it. Just two of them. There's only two Star Wars stories out there. That's, that is because the fans didn't like, well, the fans were divisive on Last Jedi and then was very, very divisive on solo. And we talked a little bit about solo last time. But because of all that, they're like, they had to step back and reconsider, which is why they went all in on Disney Plus with the TV shows and why those have been like killer for some of the stuff. Yeah, the subtitle of a Star Wars story. Oh, it never made sense to me, though, because I'm like, aren't all of the Star Wars stories. Every single one of them is a Star Wars story. Well, it's Skywalker saga. Sure. Okay. And then solo and Rogue One are Star Wars. You're right. You're right. The differentiation does make sense. Yes. Yeah, we definitely have skywalkers in this. So we have. We didn't have a Skywalker. Yeah, we did. We have two techniques. We have two. Who's the other one besides Leia? Vader. Oh, Darth Vader. We watched the same movie. Hold on a second. Vader killed Anakin from a certain point of view. Also, actually, if we go, yes. Oh, yeah. From a third point of view, Vader jacked Anakin off too. So I mean, if we're going canonically, Obi-Wan Kenobi in there, he does say that he killed the American Skywalker. So yes. Technically, Jordan, you are right. We got one. Okay. Real quick. I am curious. I'm line wise. When did this come out in comparison to the. The. I don't know. What's the seventy nine trilogy call? So it goes. It goes forth awakens. Yeah. Rogue one. Last Jedi solo. Return to Skywalker. Okay. Rise it. So. Okay. So I saw this in theaters. Jordan, when do you see this? I saw it in theaters. First, yeah. Two or three. Two or three times. I saw the opening weekend and I went with my brother and did IMAX the following weekend. Okay. Joey. I saw it in theaters opening night. I think I saw it. I think on the third. Watch. Which I saw with me though. He walked out and that is when we heard about. Carrie Fisher passing away. That's right. That happened right around this time. A week. A week after the premiere. Yeah. Yeah. That was insane. The timing. Yeah. So I watched it Friday night on my couch. But you tried to watch it before though, right? Like you, you started the movie. Yeah. Okay. So, and I almost fell asleep in the exact same exact place when I watched through this time. When they go to like kill Galen or whatever. Oh, on that. That part was so fucking boring. What? That like, I started falling asleep as soon as they were like flying out to it. And I'm like, oh, it's this part. And I'm like, you do is not that long of a scene either. That's like. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. And I had to pause it. I had to pause it. I had to get up and get something to drink. Wander around the house for a little bit. Come back and sit down. That was the second time I had to do that. It's the tension of like, is, is, uh, Andor going to actually shoot Galen? Like, there's a lot of tension. Okay. That's another thing. Like, uh, uh, Cassian Cassius Cassian and the Andor. Yeah. Okay. Cassian. I don't like his character in this because we don't know. I mean, like, but in the Andor show. I liked him the whole time, even though he was almost the same person. This has no character development for anybody realistically. You're supposed to be like, it's at the end. Yeah. His development has already happened. You're seeing him in the final days of his life. Like his development's already done. You're not watching him develop. Yeah. This movie set up from one line in New Hope. A lot of good men died to get us these plans. Let's not let them down. This is the ending about the woman that died. Is that because she's not good? The wise. Well, it was the 70s. And the wise. Yeah. In the wise words of professional wrestler. Lance Archer. Slash. Also. Jake to take Roberts. Everybody dies in this fucking movie. Everyone dies. That's the point of it. It's not. It's not the. It's not the. It's not the destination. It's the journey that we go on and the absolute just crushing. Just you. All right. Calm down their shepherd book rebellion is built on hope. And they're going to crush every fucking. I wasn't even there. Hope wasn't even there. You know what? That's the point. You want to have hope and you can't. I feel like this movie. They didn't get hope until Star Wars episode four. And then it was a new one. So a new one. Yeah. They had new hopes there. I feel like this movie wasn't even the journey. This was the destination setting you up to be have to pay to see what the journey was later on. Because I feel like this was just like, okay, we're going to make a movie based off of the opening crawl of a new hope. And then set it up. Although I will say when I was watching this and and or made some statements. I was like, um, I don't think that some because he's like, oh, I've been fighting this fight since I was six. I'm like, I'm pretty sure you weren't even a part of the rebellion until, or like even thinking about it to the end of the Andor series. Well, but yes and no, like there are some things in here that he says that. In a way could contradict the Andor show. His comment on your way since he was six, you stop. Because he was fighting since he was six. He's writing the empire. You oppression. All of that. Correct. Yeah. Yeah, sure. I'm just saying, I feel like they threw a lot of dialogue in their room. Like you're not leaving this open ended enough to be able to do a prequel show. And I don't think they were planning on that. It was just one of those things that I was like, Hey, we actually enjoyed the this movie. Did gangbusters. It got everybody's hype for Star Wars, just like skyrocketed. That ending scene alone. I mean, everybody might be a stretch, but no, seriously. Every next year out there that hated every neck beard out there that hated the prequel series was back on the Star Wars bandwagon. Yeah. With Rogue once and everybody's like, and it just kind of. Hold on, guys. Chuck, Chuck over here, bud. Nope. So I could, so I could just talk about the things I actually liked about this movie. So I was going to wait for Ron to finish shitting all over my hopes. Oh, I get to shoot on it first. Okay. Well, hold on a second. Let's give Ron the floor because I want to hear everything he didn't like about this movie or what because in. So for any fan, all one of you out there who is a wreck my podcast fan, you're welcome for bringing you one listener. Um, this is essentially what our show was with Craiger and parents. He hated the movie parents, but he never watched the whole thing. Yeah. So I feel like I watch the whole thing. So he's now watching the whole thing. And I have to say that I was okay. At the beginning, right? When they're on the planet and the empire comes down. The mom ditches her child to go get fucking shot. Trash parent. Okay. Gail is wasn't a great dad, but he wasn't a terrible dad either. He would have been a better dad. If he would have just left instead of having the fucking, you know, having the empire able to find him, like, and knowing that they were going to be able to find him, that was bad move on his part. Uh, the, like, I don't like what they did with saga era either. Hmm, like a little crazy in this one, a little crazy. That'd be what war does to you when you're that, like, when you're that intense in war for so long. It just kind of like, it's the whole, like, he's more machine now than man. It's like they were trying to draw a parallel with Vader, but even the good guy ends up going a little nuts. Well, of course we got Saul in Clone Wars. And that's where he lost his sister when he was trying to fight the. Yeah, yeah, not the resistance. Well, he was a resistance to the Clone Wars, like, to the Alliance. Yeah, there we go. Otherwise, whatever, but you know what I mean. So, like, he, he has been in the fight for a while. So, yeah, you're right, Jordan, he would go crazy. Mm-hmm. Sure. Okay. Yes. But to the point of, like, I don't know, I just, I don't like how they made his character. Go crazy, because nobody would have stayed with him at that point in time. Like other radicalists would have. Absolutely. They would have. What are you talking about? Everybody else who has fucking PTSD from this fucking war that they've been fighting for. God knows how fucking long. And you're going to sit there and tell me a man's going crazy. And they all just are not going to blindly follow him. He has been absolutely fucking trying his goddamn hardest. The man's losing, and he's the only thing that those guys had left. He's the only thing those motherfuckers had left to believe in something. And the man was losing his mind. And it wasn't that they didn't believe in anything. They were there because they were there to take care of him. That's why they were there. Because they still believe in something that he was there. If they really cared about him, they're really going to take care of him. They would have taken care of him by putting a blaster to the back of his head. Okay. No. No. Because he, he's still, he was still an embodiment of something that they believed in. He was ruining their chances of getting anything done. No, he wasn't. He was ruining any chance that they had for the success of what they wanted to do. Because he was so paranoid that he was fucking everything up on every fucking corner of every turn. I would argue though he wasn't messing everything up. He was just making it harder for the Alliance to be able to do what they viewed as the right thing. But he didn't agree with it as the right thing. So he was doing what he viewed to kind of like stop the cog of the Empire. Because he knew that something bigger was coming where the Alliance was going to sit with the red tape. And they were going to wait until it was too late. Like they almost did on Yavin for getting blown to bits. If it wasn't for all of this, they would have, the Alliance would have been stamped out. If it wasn't for Sagarara deciding to do something that brought them in to be like, we need to talk to Sagarara. If that never happened, Yavin for would have been blown up before they even realized the Death Star was a thing. He had the pilot. He almost fucking ruined the pilot's brain. The only reason the pilot went to fall was because Galen and Saul had a familiarity. They worked together. Yeah, but Galen hadn't seen him play in a decade, huh? Correct. Well, 15 years, I think is what they did. Yeah. But anyways, getting back into shitting on the movie, the Alliance is its whole own problem because they're still trying to act like they're the Senate and the Republic. And they never get anything done until somebody else do that. It's all they know? Yeah. Until, until somebody else pushed them into it, they always kill off the droids that would be there fighting for droid rights. We saw it in solo. We saw it in this. There are so many times that it happened in like any of the other fucking movies. It's just like, oh, this droid is actually kind of cool. And you know, K2 is the coolest part of this movie. All right. All right. I was going to say K2 is my favorite character because it was Alan Tudig. If it was someone else, I don't think it would be my favorite character. Because nobody can pull it off like Tudig does. No, that's what happens when you have two dicks. You can pull it all off. But like the stormtroopers, like, could you imagine getting your asses owned by a blind dude? That's not even a Jedi. That doesn't even have the force. No, he has the force. He was the guy. Him and Bazz were bays, whatever his name is, was. Were they had force wheels? Yeah. They were the guardians of the wheels, which. Yeah. First off, go talk to every person that daredevil just smashed into the ground and ask them how they feel about a blind dude taking about. Right there. They don't know he's blind. They don't know daredevil's blind. Some of them do. Okay. You know, troopers know that sure it is blind either because he's just walking in like he's not. He's like, speaking of, okay, the guardians of the wills. Can I just make it? I want to make a point, bro. Wait, is this something that we have to read books or comics about to know what's going on? No, they say it in the movie. They never. Do we know what they are? He was the wills. Now, this is what that is in reference to. And I love this little fun fact about the trivia here is that it's in reference to the original script that George August was writing was supposed to be a, from the point of view of one of the guardians of the wills. The guardians of the wills telling the story of Luke star killer who turns out to be Luke Skywalker later. And this was the title that George Lucas gave his first script for this movie. It was the adventures of Luke star killer as taken from the journal of the wills saga one the star wars. That is a title to rival a fall out boy title. This is ridiculous. I wish he would have went with it because I think it would have been amazing. Anyway, you can continue. I just love that. Okay, so actually into the movie verse. When when they capture like their little group when the rebel or when it solves people do and they hood the blind dude. I love that part. That was great. Okay. Like the death star. Let's be honest, it's more of a death moon. Okay. That's no moon. We already know this. It's a space station. All right. But no, so the lead up to emo or emo or whatever that planet was called. Yeah, whatever. I couldn't remember. I wrote emo and I knew that wasn't right. So they literally put the name of it on the screen for you. I think I was actually dosing during that part, but it doesn't matter. Oh my God. But it was so boring up to that point. And then you get there and then I'm like, okay, this is going to be exciting. Something awesome is going to happen. There was an okay fight there. All right. But like the fact that gin didn't die. Or get thrown off the edge of that thing or get shot by the countless form troopers that were there. Or their own rebel people that were there like is just. Insane, you might say that too. But will of the force. Yeah. Well, because there is a conspiracy that her mother Lira was a Jedi and the force could be with her. She's force sensitive. It's never explicitly said, but that is a theory. Okay, she's wearing the other thing. He gives Jen a Kyber crystal. Probably from her lightsaber. And if that's the case, then why didn't she have better reflexes? I think it was an Obi-Wan situation. She was going to sacrifice herself for the greater good of the plot. Right. Okay. Yeah. But then, okay, when they're on there and the ship takes off and it like blasts her over the edge. But all the rest of the bodies that were there did not move at all. Oh, it's all about it's all about being close to the ground. It's kind of like, you know, it's. Yeah. Yeah. I get why they had Vader in this, but also I feel like we didn't need the. Can't the cameos of him and. Camio, he was in two scenes. Oh, okay. And Leia, are you going to explain about getting to see Vader's castle on Mustafar and also him just completely destroyed. The destroy rebels, like, come on, there's no way you can complain about that. The only complaint that I had about that is there's no way those guys would have gotten away from him in order to send that away. They didn't. They had to hand it through the thing. He didn't. That's what I'm saying. That guy that was handing it through the thing, Vader would have just been like, boom, and that guy would have been flying back to him. But technically they didn't get away because we know five minutes later they. Exactly. That's fair. Um, I don't know. There's just letting, letting Ron shit on it so that we can. I'm gonna let you guys go up later. I will tell you the good things that I liked about this. Okay. I like K2. Okay. I liked. I thought it was going to be. No, I like the flight, fight scenes with a chlor form. The blind dude. What was his name? There you go. I like the scenes where he was fighting, but it also felt really out of place for a Star Wars movie. No, because all Jedi, like that's even like a thing they do with Luke where they're like, close your eyes and like focus. So like, no, no, no, no. I mean, the actual way that he fights. Oh, Donnie Yen, like him doing his martial arts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, don't worry. It's badass, but it also just felt really weird. Yeah, because it's be we I was in a different the mall. Yeah, that's really was a light neighbor. Well, but and marks and marks. Sure, it had like sure. It just wasn't a Jedi. So they can't actually have a lightsaber. He used a staff. So it's the closest thing he could do to it. That literally the handle like the center part handle was like crafted like a lightsaber. Like when he was there's a part where he's like holding onto and they zoom up on his hands and it's like a light. It's like a it's like a staff lightsaber and then the rods like just come out of it like it's supposed to be the saber part. Also, why is Stormtrooper armor so fucking pathetic? Oh, that's easy because they need to produce it in mass quantities. It doesn't need to actually protect anything because they're just a fascist me grinder. That's all they care about. You can see boots on the ground. You can do this movie though because I thought that in every single movie that they've been. You can say what you want about Emperor Palpatine being like a fascist dictator, but man, that dude knows how to balance a spreadsheet. He definitely P and L statements. That's a specialty. They are not losing any money on this army. That's because he started as a politician. Exactly. During the scene where Chira is fighting all the Stormtroopers, did you guys see the one Stormtrooper get the nut shot like three times? I didn't see the net shot. I saw him like throw the dirt in one dude's eyes and I'm like, that's a helmet. Yeah, it shouldn't matter. But now like he grabs one Stormtrooper is like using him to block another one, firing at him, get shot in the chest and then the Stormtrooper that's firing nails down because he thinks he can get a better shot and shoots the other guy like three times in the groin. Oh, I mean, that was actually like it's pocket sand. Like even though you have a helmet on your initial reaction is to still like dodge it because it's coming to your face. A hundred percent. It's happened to me when I drive through snow and it like flies at you. Yeah, it was 100% that. Well, that's because usually there's a rock in there and it's going to break your windshield. But you know, but no, the Stormtrooper that shot the other one in the nuts, that was actually because he owed him money and never paid him back and they knew they were going to die. So he was just like, fuck this. Yeah, they'll never know. They'll never know. We always know. But I love how we get introduced to K2. When he just closed lines, you're out of the fucking door and he's like, congratulations, you're being rescued. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. Is your autistic character like representation in this movie because that's all he's just a robot with autism. That's all he's an entire time. He has no like social nuance or anything. He just literally is stating the facts, regardless of whether it actually is like appropriate in the time or not. I thoroughly enjoyed him. I'm with you, Jen. So Cassie, that's what I had to be. So, yeah. It's officially more here that Chuck is saying K2SO is essentially Sheldon Cooper of this universe. Yeah, 100%. He's 100% Sheldon Cooper of this universe, except for he's not a bad character. When he does the grenade catch and toss back. So good. Like he's just so nonchalant about it. He's just like, oh, yeah, I guess I'll go stay with the ship. You know, K2 is, like I said, the saving grace for this movie for me. Oh, yeah. Every line he says is great. It's like, do you want to know the probability that she's going to shoot you with that? It's high. It's a very high. And he was the only sacrifice that actually mattered in this. But other than that, you honestly, I thought all there's that. Jen and Cassie and were actually the two I cared less about. I thought booty getting sacrificed was rough. I thought that it was so cool. Like when Chirrit went out there and then it's his name, Bazz. Bazz, B-A-Z-E, and then Bazz like runs out after him and then like he's finally like, I believe again. And like they die together after. So here's the thing about that. It's like these. The black suited stormtroopers, they're like elite stormtroopers, right? Deathtroopers. Yeah. Okay. Deathtroopers. Who were through smoke and fire and everything else picking off every single one of these resistance guys, right? Until Bazz walks out there standing right in the middle of the place. They don't take one. Okay. Chirrit, I understand because he has like the extra sense of things. But they just completely miss Bazz who is just walking straight towards them shooting at them until he is within like 10 feet of them. And then they become, you know, like actually able to shoot again. It's because they were one with the force, the forces with me. They were calling on the force. And that's exactly what I was going to say, every single road one member in this final app, the final scene, they have the force on their side. The force was helping them get to the spot they need to be at, get to what they had to do. And then as soon as they had it, like they did their thing, the force moved on to the next person. Like with the, he got, he got, he got, he had a problem with the cord. He went out there. He was getting attacked. He ran for it, got plugged in. I think I'm going to be able to get the signal up and then yeah, got blown up. Chirrit. He was able to get out there to pull the trigger. The whole thing blew up. He got killed. Bazz. As soon as he's like, all right, yeah, I'm, I'm a sad that my friend is dead. And I, I'm gonna go, you know, say, you know, so you're saying that he was using the dark side of the force. No, they're all using the good, the right side. He was definitely angry when, uh, he was sad. Shiro died. No, because Chirrit is like, Hey, you know, he, he even said like he believes he started believing it again. Very, very first time we see him. Very first time we see him. He's like, Bazz was the most devout of us all. And once the empire moved in and started taking all the Kyber crystals out of the temple on Jenna, they're like, well, what's the point? So he became, they kind of became not going to say mercenaries, but definitely became like, you know, rogue-ish types. Sure. Uh, the only other thing that I've gotten noted here, why in the seven hells. Are there two separate sets of controls for the satellite on top of the thing? Like that doesn't even make any sense. Because it's a empire built machine. That too. Yeah, it's not efficient. It's not efficient. It's never efficient. It's the reason why they also disturb the, to have the star destroyer or the death star do something. There's like people have to actually be in the laser tunnel. That makes sense. Not only that, but realistically, that last part is the most unrealistic Star Wars related thing because that walkway that she goes across has a railing. There's no railings in Star Wars. This is like the most inaccurate cannon like thing. So see what happened there was they were actually filming on top of something and they were afraid one of the actors was going to fall off of there. So they had to build the rail because, uh, while Star Wars doesn't have OSHA, uh, modern ones. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Also, if they could put a force field around a planet. I mean, I know we kind of get that. Well, we get one around the base on, um, uh, Hoth in, um, Empire Strikes Back. Right where they have the, they have the force field with the generators around their base. Sure. Yes. It's just for laser fire though, not for ships coming in. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. So we have this big ass thing that they could put around planets. Right. But every planet that's important doesn't have one of those. Oh, what you don't know is in the novelization of this movie. Um, they, uh, they talk about the fact that this is the prototype that they built. This is the first version of it because this sitting in the movie and I'm not taking a time out to read a book. They need to tell me these things in the movie because I don't have, it should be a whole story encapsulated inside of itself. And I shouldn't have to spend a bunch of extra time looking up a bunch of obscure shit. To be fair, probably is a book that has an explanation for this, but I don't actually know. Uh, I think Kelly Callist is a really good book. It's the prequel to this. Uh, I definitely recommend it. It might have been in there. I don't remember. It's been a while since I read Callist. Um, but the, that's the other problem is that because this is a giant universe, a lot of information in the books is actually relevant to these movies. And that's only because the movies came out and then they like, yeah, kind of everything. And then, yeah. But sure, but then Jen, Jen is also just a boring character. To be fair, she is my, I agree with you. I think you're going to say she was a woman written by, uh, Dr. Lucas. Honestly, though, I mean, I'm trying to think Gareth Edwards. He directed. He write this movie to you. Uh, because I believe so. I think I remember seeing his name pop up because Gareth Edward is great. And he didn't really write any good female characters in that movie. I don't know his track record on writing female characters. The name is a god, or the 20,000 feet. Yeah. Don't want to like the one with a kick down. So. Uh, really, right? There's Chris White weeks. Tony Gilroy, John. Noel and Gary Whiter is Tony Gilroy, the guy who wrote 12 monkeys. That's not him, is it? Oh, I'm checking. Oh, you want some answers in my and door? Nice. Uh, born legacy, ultimatum supremacy, identity. Oh, wow, the born movies. Oh, his first writing was the cutting edge. From 1992. I've never heard of that movie. That's the, uh, the skating movie, the figure skating movie. Oh, did you say the cutting edge? Yeah. Yeah, I remember the hockey player who, uh, heard himself and. Yeah. Would, would Jen Urso actually pass the, what is that, the back tilt test or whatever? No. Talk to. I don't think she would ever. Does she ever talk to another woman? Yeah, my mom and the other, like, Sandra. But they brought up her dad and, uh. Yeah. Were they only talking about her dad or were they talking about something else in one scene? I mean, if it passes, it passes it barely. Hmm. I don't know. Yeah, I, I'm pretty sure that a man was always talking about her. I wouldn't be like, she tells them like a rebellion's are built on hope or whatever. Doesn't that like count. That's one line. That's just the giant, just group of people talking. Yeah, but there's no women in that group. Yeah, there's like four. What's there? Oh, you're talking. Yeah, there's the only black lady in this movie too. At that moment too. Yeah. Yeah. You're talking about when they were on the ship and she was given like a speech to the people like, you know, no, no, no, no, no, no. And still the female characters. That one. Yeah. Plus, we also have the variance. Yeah. I wasn't to be, to be honest, I didn't really care for Jenner so that much either. But I just think because it's just poorly written. That's all I thought it was. I also hate. Tarkin's face and Leia's face. I disagree. Well, I have to have with this great. I really liked the way they did Tarkin. I think he looked great in this one. See, I didn't because every time he would talk, his mouth was not moving with what he was saying. See, it wasn't the mouth that bothered me. It was like the weird light shading on him that kind of bothered me a little bit. Yeah, that too. He looked like he had some kind of skin to these. Well, he looked at me like he was way too smooth compared to Crenic when they were talking to each other. Like, I can tell Crenic is real, but this looks like ready player one going on right now. Like it was, you could tell the slight disparity between them. And Leia's just didn't look good at all. No, I agree with that one. Yeah, Leia's was not great. But I would say like maybe because I like Tarkin's because he was never really in any light. Like his every single scene he was either on the Death Star or on a ship where it was a little bit darker. So it because he was throughout the whole entire movie, I feel like they might have done that. That's how he keeps his people complexion. Exactly. And then you've got Leia. I will go to a system that's got a star in it. Why he won't go down on Tatooine ever. I would get a light on fire. Yeah. So anything else you want to talk about around? Is that all your notes? No, I'm pretty sure I'm done shitting on it. All right, cool. And the council was a bunch of bitches. Well, yeah, that's 100%. You're definitely right on the whole like they they were still living in the past because even when they win in return to Jedi, we'll talk about it when we get to. For like, they they literally just like, all right, we're gonna go back to the way it was. And yeah, I also think that I shouldn't have watched Andor before I watched this. No, because in Andor they are nothing but fucking risk takers and like fucking pushing the envelope. And in this, they're all just like, but what if we just never did anything except argued about doing things. But also in Andor, they were still separate cells. They weren't the first time that they had gotten everybody together, finally. So that could be why they weren't taking as much risk. They didn't want to lose what rebellion they had. There's no rebellion if you're not doing anything. You're not wrong. All right, it's right. I'm done. They should take their toys out of their packaging, stop displaying them Chuck play with your toys. I've opened enough of them. That's what that helps for. Yeah, there's a ratio, right? It's large ratio. It's a carter. It's cool. Then I don't open it. That's my role. I don't I don't think I've ever not opened a toy that I've gotten. Oh, I don't know. I'm calling myself a two because there's a lot I don't know. This wall I bought because I liked the card art, not so much the figures. So that's where I exist. All right. I love this movie. This movie is my favorite stories movie. Well, while you guys talk about it, I'm not taking a nap. Let me tell you why Edo is the best scene. Edo is the best scene. You don't even know what the fuck it's called. It was really big written across the screen. They put it right there. Just I do what it's called, don't know how to pronounce it. So we don't get a scroll unless my thing fucked up. We didn't have a scroll. We don't get a galaxy far far away. Yeah, so we did get that, which makes sense because it is. It does still line up with like the Skywalker saga, right? Like it falls into that place. Yeah, it's separate, but it does. Right. I mean, it's immediately before New Hope. So it would make sense that this happened in a galaxy far far away. But are we saying that if it's a Star Wars story, then we don't get scrolling? That's the whole thing, because we didn't get a. We don't need the setup because this is part of this is the scroll for a new hope. Yeah, so we don't need the scroll for this one because it's already a scroll. Now, if the movie if a movie comes out that's set in the High Republic, is it going to be a galaxy far far away a long time ago? Wait, no, is it going to be a long, long, long time ago in a galaxy far away? A longer, long time ago in a galaxy far away. Yeah, I'll be used to see what. Which by the time people listen to this, it's like four episodes in. Be interested to see what that says. We are, we are like a week away from that. At timers holding a brain bleed thinking about that. Look, I've been doing that to Ron for years now. That's right. I don't know, I'm sure you know this, but they had references to rebels. They had ghost, the, the actual ship, they. Yeah, I did not. I did recognize ghost. Okay. Yeah, because I play Star Wars X wing, the miniature game. Yeah. And they have ghost was stupid broken in that game. Dan, the enemy of the network Dan Cole regularly ran the ghost. Like there was like a meta ghost list and he ran that all the time, or it's not that broken. Remember, remember, remember. That's what people say when they have stuff like that because they're winning. Yeah, the only thing that would beat him was Taylor who would bring tie bombers and a lambda shuttle. It was the only thing that could like, and would just wreck Dan hard and then would cry. It was really funny, but they also they call out in general said, Dula over the, or the account. And then you do see chopper the droid. Oh, I don't remember seeing chopper. What scene was that? It's a really quick and you blink. You miss it scene. I believe it is when it's either when the rebels are. Or rogue ones getting ready to leave like they're going up to the ship and you see him like in a corner. Okay. Or it's when the one general is telling Cassian, which actually guesses. No, yeah. We're telling Cassian's like, Hey, we need to kill. So it's one of those two scenes, a camera switch. So yeah, I didn't know that one about chopper, but I knew the other two. Yeah, it's fun. I love it. Pretty cool stuff. Yeah. We also we also see the death of red five. You know, I was going to say, we see why five opened up. If the, so when you see red leader and gold leader, those are the footage not used in the original movie that Garrett Edwards found at Skywalker range. It's a mix. It's actually footage from the movie and most footage. So a really good job of like trying to cover it up, but still like, like people who know, no. It doesn't fit in like it looks aged, but I still really. I loved it. I think the world really. Yeah, I think this is probably the best. Like space battle. I think it's pretty cool. It's pretty good. Yeah. It's kind of like at the same thing and return to the jet. I just more well done, right? Like you got the boots on the ground going at the same time as a space battle and cutting back and forth and it's just done really well. Yeah. And this and this space battle feels like I feel like Endor feels really like it's too spread out and everything's kind of like not really on each other and they're just like standing really far away shooting at each other over time. They get close kind of thing unless you watch the like the remaster version, then they edited a lot of extra stuff in. But this feels like they are fighting over is feels like King of the Hill. Like it's it's right. They are fighting over one objective to try to hold it as long as possible. And like the Empire, they have one fucking job to get rid of those rebels that rebel lines as quickly as possible and they are just dropping in everywhere. And then the rebel is like, we got to bring down that shield. Like that is our job. It does not matter how many more people have to die. If we don't do this, like we've lost before this thing even gets started. And here's another thing. So they have those like EMP grenades they use against the one star destroyer. Oh, the amps. Yeah. Yes. Which I love. I actually really liked that part. They fucking blast it out. They knock out all of its controls and then they use another ship to just hammer it into the other star. Right. I only use a hammerhead how it's actually mentioned. Yeah. Yes. Those ships are actually designed to be breacher ships. That's the whole. But they never use them like that ever again. Well, they used them in. No, I think it's rebels rebel. Yeah. It's rebels. Yes. But yeah, because they show that you showed up first in rebels and then they got thrown in here, which I understand. They're in return to the Jedi. Yeah, they're in the battle vendor. They are, but they don't need them floating around doing nothing. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Like they never like we get that. I think that's another thing that I don't like about a prequel movies is that they end up like having things in them that we never see again. And there's no reason we should never have them again because they're super effective. Prequel movies are the equivalent of leveling up a character and then starting the game over. And now you don't have any of the cool shit? Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. It's like it's like your second run through of a game. Yeah, it's just like it's so depressing. It's like, oh, I can't do any of the cool shit that I know I can do anywhere. Yep. And I think I think that's one of the things that really kills it for me. That and I already know how the story is going to end again. So like along with solo, like I know that, you know, know these people make it out of there. Okay. I know that, you know, so and so dies this person dies. They end up getting the stuff that they there's no pay out for me at the end because I already know how it's going to end. So I normally agree with you on these like on that stance of like it is hard for me to watch a pretty cool movie knowing like I know where it's leading to. I think legitimately across the board, not just Star Wars, but movies in general, that this one does it the best. This one still made me care about. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean, yeah, I feel like they do good with the character. Like you actually caring about this ragtag group of characters, which is exactly what the rebellion is. Right. It's a bunch of random people with the same goal getting into it. And even though they may not all agree on everything, they agree on what they what their objective is. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I I think that would that you knew they were going to die. I still think you were rooting for him the whole time. No, no, no, it's okay. Look, I was rooting for them, but I didn't have to root for them because I already know that succeeded. So, but here's the fun thing though. The first script originally, Jin and and andor were going to make it out. Allegedly. Gareth Edwards was like, I don't really like that. Like, so he went to Kathleen Kennedy in Disney and was like, could we kill everybody off? And be like, yeah, sure, why not? Well, it's like, why haven't you heard of any of these characters again, if they like actually made it out. Sure. Exactly. And that's what I'm saying. That's why I knew nobody was going to live. And that, you know, I also knew that they were going to succeed. So really the only thing that I had in it. Sure. I mean, realistically speaking, but realistically speaking, they're transmitting that we don't actually know the distance between like where this happens and the rest of everything else, because everybody's jumping through light space, right? So they could be literally light years away from each other. If the characters didn't like did make it, it kind of makes sense that they wouldn't necessarily be like around for the rest of it. And then maybe they had their own like, I'm surprised that they did kill them off, honestly, because they really did then shut the book on them being able to tell additional branching off Star Wars stories of like additional resistance fighters going up and just like they could do like easy one hour one shots of like, hey, here's the battle of this. Here's the battle of that. Here's the battle of this. You know, with these characters. And I'm kind of surprised that they actually did close up. I actually kind of liked that they did. I'm kind of glad everybody dies in this because we finally get like one encapsulated done story. And it can sit and we don't have to worry about a sequel coming out to ruin it. You know what I mean? Yeah, we keep time and time again. Now, see what's going to happen is they're going to start a multiverse of Star Wars. And then we're just going to have these characters pop up as different people with different actors and then they're going to redo the stories, but they're going to change it. How they wanted Star Wars to go when they were kids as opposed to how it went. It just turns and gets so convoluted like the X-Men saga. I was thinking turns out that Leia was a clone the whole time. Yep. The real Leia shows up. Yeah. You've had my memories. I don't know where she starts. My brother and my husband. I haven't watched it. 97 yet. Oh. Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I haven't finished it yet and I already know everything that's going to happen. Anyway, I've watched something that Joey hasn't watched. Yeah. That's wild. I was. I thought I figured by now you would have covered it on a walk to the multiverse. Nope. That would go under Marvel Alliance. Oh, gotcha. And they covered the weekly. Yeah, no, I wanted to rewatch the original X-Men 92 series because I never finished it. And I think all I ever got to like season three. And then I tried to rewatch it and I stopped. And I'm like, I'll get back to it before the show starts. 97 starts and never did. So that's why. Simon and I watched 97. And then as we were waiting for the episodes to come out, we were going back and walking through 92. And I mean, we're still watching through 92 because there's quite a bit of seasons for it, but. That's eye seasons. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot of episodes. Mm hmm. Anyway, it didn't hold up for me. But anyway, I still love it. It's been great. I actually enjoyed making two. I didn't really care for it. You're like, watch a few episodes, but 97, I really dig in. I mean, like I said, I love that I did three and I'm just like, this is a drag. But see, I was a kid watching the 92 ones when they came out. I'm talking about these two youngins over here. Oh, that's true. Yeah. I watched it when it came out. I didn't. You would have been like, what, six? Yeah. So you remember that. You and I were like, you know, when I was. And I watched an expert in Spiderman back on Fox. Yeah. What I'm saying though is like, Joey and I actually got like the full feeling out of it because we had more processing brain power than you little kids did at that time. No, hold on. Hold on. I've had way more brain processing power at six than I do at 36. Okay. Yeah. It's grade level. Okay. Yeah. I mean, that explains why you like this movie so much. Oh, fuck off. That's a great way. How does it go to the world? Yeah. So there at the end when Jen is getting ready to, she has to realign the satellite. Did that tie striker like see her on the. It just are randomly. Yeah. Yeah. It's just sort of randomly shooting, but she was there. Simon and I actually. They knew that she knew that she was relinking it. So they just sent somebody to destroy the thing. He should have just shot the tower down is what he should have done. That's why I don't think he actually saw her. I think he was firing at something else like firing on the ground for whatever troop are on there. And that just happened to be in the way. The force was. It wasn't protecting her. Well, I don't know. There was railings. It's got a force force railings. So. And I so I this movie is everything that I love about Star Wars. It's a rebellion. Take on like the fascist empire. It's just a bunch of just a bunch of awesome like resistance dudes just killing stormtroopers. It's a mouthy droid that isn't like stereotypical like like solo was in that way. Every in my opinion, every battle scene like is exactly what I wanted it to be. Or troopers armor looked dope. I think death troopers are the best version of like stormtroopers in general because they're the they're actually like elite of the lead and their job is to just like essentially hunt down. Like defectors and something because they are essentially the inquisition or not inquisition Gestapo at this point. And they're just like hunting people down that they never catch the pilot then and. They did he escaped. That means they didn't catch him. I mean he games multiple times. He defected. Yeah, they didn't actually catch him. But they didn't know they didn't know about it. That's the whole reason they destroyed Jenna. Yeah, I think they knew that the defector was actually out there. They just knew that he they knew they know at some point because they say, Hey, one of you when they kill all the old guys, the old engineers. Because he's like what one of you is working with a pilot. Yeah. That's the only thing that we know. But they technically they don't know if he was a Imperial pilot. He could have been like a Rebel Alliance pilot. Also, it is, it does something that he's dead because he was on Jetta and they blew up Jetta. Right. Jetta City. It is interesting though that the Senate still technically exists. Like at this point. Yeah. So they prefer show so that the galaxy doesn't fall apart from the Empire's control. Right. But if the Empire say it's just like how we have Congress, even though they're not for us, even though they don't do anything for us. That we're supposed to believe that we are the ones that actually choose to elect them in and that they are doing what's best for us. Even though they're just mouthpieces for corporations, which is basically our empire. It's getting too real now, man. It's getting too real. This is what the prequels. I think there's a part of me that does think that the Alliance, the Rebel Alliance still kind of plays ball politically. Because, practically, they were part of the old system. I'm not in the Senate there. The Alabama is a senator. And they do have to play ball because they don't want to commit the war crimes. You know what I mean? Like in their brain. Well, they're tip towing that line of being like trying to be in the system, but also against the system. Like they're trying to fight from within, but it's just like a very hard thing to do. And now that the Empire has a Death Star, the very, like, very beginning of a new hope. Target comes to walk in. It's like, yeah, the Emperor has disbanded the council or the Senate. Like we don't need any more. It's all every plants governing themselves. Because he needed something to basically hold the fear of the Empire. He needed the senators to keep the local systems in life. Like he says, he's like fear will now keep the local systems in life. Like, or in line, like before it was like, okay, I need all the Senate to be on my side so they can go out to their planets and tell those people what to do. And everyone's like, sure, I'll do it because the senators telling me to do it. Now he's like, now if you don't do it, we'll just blow up your planet. So like I don't need these senators anymore. Yeah, Palpatine has absolute power. How close do you guys think we are to that? Hopefully not. It's already there, Ron, the Illuminati led by the reptilian overlords of the professional casual network control the system, don't you? Yeah, they live under the Denver airport. I didn't realize how much Chuck hated Dan until he just said that. Well, first off, Dan doesn't have any control actually on this network, just so you know. I thought you had the reason that Lee, they should have got canceled. Didn't they get canceled? No, no, no, no. See, Dan is Dan is the Wizard of Oz, but he's the big giant flaming head of the Wizard of Oz. Tim is the man behind the curtain. So he uses Dan as his scapegoat on a regular basis. It was really Tim's old. I want to feel better on that, but where are we going to get an episode, man? Listen, talk to your boss. He keeps dodging my, hey, we need to finish recording. And he won't release until we're done recording. Oh my gosh. It's just edging you, bro. You know what I mean? Think of that release when you finally get him in about a year. You know, that's all what the one guy who bought 10 shirts or 10 mugs, whatever. It's all like he's not getting his mind's worth. Exclusive right here. I do have another design in the works for a t-shirt. For us or for a late night? No, for a late day showdown, it will be me as Marie Antoinette being carried to the gallows by a juggalo, Fred Durst, Julie Bowman in an arctic wolf pelt, and Arnold Schwarzenegger with Tim as the executioner, who was wearing an executioner hood, but still has his glasses on over top. That is, that's the executioner. Make it with bald. Oh, man, I should actually tell Arnold. Also Arnold needs a sealer hat. That's the one. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. That's awesome. Yeah. Well, it's my hundred percent. I love it. I've got a people on it. So I originally hit this. Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'll just say my last thing is the dark rater scene at the end. Oh, yeah. So I had worried because I hadn't seen that I saw this like three times when it first came out because I watched it twice in theaters. I went to different groups and I loved it like unquestionably loved it full times. And then I watched it. It's like one of the last DVDs I ever bought. And I bought this like on Blu-ray when it got released. And then I never watched it since. And there was a part of me that went, man, I hope that this still holds up because we've been watching a lot of these movies that I used to love and it didn't hold up for me. Yeah. And I was like, well, I know that the last scene is like rad. Like even if the rest of the movie doesn't hold up, I know that that scene still holds up. It's just going to be really weird watching it, not having that Queen song play in the background. Because have you guys seen where people dub in? Hey, come a Mr. Farron. Hey, that song. Don't stop me. Don't stop me. Don't stop me. Yeah. But they put that over that scene. It actually fits in a while. It kind of ruins the scene for me without it now, but it's fine. I'm going to have to go search for this on the internet after this. Yeah. Yeah, you're going to have. Yeah. I would use the Google machine. It's pretty well. Bing. Bing is where I'm at. Oh, you're a Bing guy? I'm still an ass. James, dude. So. But yeah, but this, I don't know, every scene holds up. I think this is the best space battle that we get. I love the innovation of like, Hey, let's use the ships like they're supposed to be used. Why wings drop bombs? That's what they do in this. You wings are support. This is a multiple scene movie for me because it's real quick and real short. But when the, I think it's a you wing, a you wing flies in to start shooting the ad ads. And it's like that gremlin looking dude with the gun out the side just going, it's like blasting the side of it was the funniest fucking thing I'd ever seen in my life. I probably rewound that for like at least seven times just watching that dude just like unload the gun into this side of it and having a blast man. You can hear, but they were playing clear, uh, Credence Clearwater Revival. Yeah. Just black, I was, oh my God, I, if, because there's a part of me that's like, if I was part of the, that's the guy I would be just the dude out of the side of it, just gunning anything I could find. Oh my God, go back and watch that scene. Just it's like three seconds, but it's the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life. Cause it comes out of nowhere. You know what I mean? Like it's like we're in like, we're in like phase two of the most depressing shit we're watching as like everyone's just getting murked and all of a sudden this you wing just comes out of nowhere and just starts blasting it just cuts to the, it looks like a critter or something. I just love it. Oh, Chuck's dying over there. Yes, he can not keep it together. How he composed himself, Jordan, you have anything else you want? Yeah. I have a, I have a few things. Um, one, I think that, uh, they could technically still say, I'd say bail or gone as alive at some point because they say he's going to alder on to talk to people to get them ready. They never actually say whether or not he got there before the death star blew it up. So maybe he was on the planet during that time and then went into hiding and we're going to see him later. Just say the possibility. Yes. You're correct. I think they purposely said he's going back to alder on. So we know he was on all around. I think they wanted you to think that, but also expect at least expected. Um, we got it. We actually have sith lord. There you go. That's what we're going to find out later that he's actually the dude I'm forgetting the name in a soca. What was his name? Ray Stevens character. Oh. Um, um, um, uh, I am I joining a blank on his name? Yep. Wasn't it like pale in or something? Uh, was it pale in because that's what it's got. Hold on. Maybe, uh, just maybe I will say, I will say this to, um, upset Ron and maybe other people. I think I think Jen is a better character than most of the females that I've watched so far, uh, in the star wars, like, uh, for this, I think she's the best developed female character outside of maybe Padame at one time. I think Leia was pretty kind of in seemingly era. Uh, that's true. He says up to now. Yeah. Uh, makes sense. Mainly because a soca is a fucking terrible character. That's why specifically young Ahsoka's terrible. In the movies you are correct. Yes. Yes. I was going to say in the in the later seasons of Clone Wars in Rebels in the Ahsoka TV show. I understand that doesn't count for what we're doing here. So I'll be honest, okay, I've never, I did not finish, I did not finish a soca. I got like two episodes in because they really drop me or whatever and I forgot about it. But I, I didn't really get it either when I saw her in like Mandalorian. Oh, you didn't get it. I never rule. Yeah, it just didn't do anything for me. You just probably, she was kind of like the edge Lordy, I don't give a shit angsty character again. She's kind of the edge Lordy. Angsty character. That's kind of what she's doing. Yeah, I inherently don't like the scary granted. I still not watched the Clone Wars to like get the point of like why she was good, but. Because a soca didn't side with the council or the like the Jedi like she left the Jedi because she didn't believe that they were actually doing what they should be doing. Well, she also left the Jedi because they abandoned her. That's what I'm saying, like they should. Oh, yeah, good point. Don't spoil that for chuckles. Right. I was saying we're going to watch it. Let's not let's be serious. That's not true. I got I'm just working through my shit. You know what I mean? If I ever get time, here's the thing, I started to try to watch stuff at work while I'm standing there disassociating for like eight hours pouring plan to cram into a cup. But I can't really hear so I got through all of all of the Clone Wars while sitting in my living room painting because I could listen to it and know it was going on without actually having to watch most of it. I don't have I don't I don't really have maybe the summer I can get to it, but I normally just don't have time to sit and watch even an hour worth of a show. So what do you do in your painting? I don't paint any. I think I get maybe 20 minutes before work the most that's that the whole episode right there. It's not enough for me anyway, um, anybody have anything else? Yeah, I was going to say we had a ball sack guy in walrus face. That's true. Yeah. Oh, wait. I know their names. Yeah. Ball sack guy in walrus face. His name is Pondo, I believe. I had his action figure. I believe it's Dr. something. Yeah, it never made sense why he was a doctor. He doesn't. Yeah. Dr. Yankum DDS. He just kind of a power drill going going on around the back. The other thing I wanted to mention is Riz Ahmed who played Bodie. Also great night crawler. Never seen that movie. So go check that out. But apart from that, that's everything I think I got. Actually, my only night crawler, man, that's a great movie. Now I'm going to read there. Is it good? What's about? Oh, my gosh. It is so good. Is it about where? I don't know what it's on, but it's it's like, I don't even know how to describe the movie. It's the genre. Genre is like LA noir, but modern version with with Jake Gyllenhaal playing the craziest character you've seen him play and he's played some crazy characters. It's on stars. Go watch it. It is so good. It's top. It's actually we have four posters that are hanging up in our media room and I wanted so badly to have a night crawler poster up there, but it was like a hundred and eighty dollars to get one. I was like, yeah, I'm not. Can't do that. But it's like. My only gripe with this movie is the death star changes sizes. That's my only cry. Well, so what happens is sometimes the death star is an angrier. It's going from being in an adolescent to an adult. So it shows its power level by how big it gets. Yeah, but it does it reverse. It's like gigantic when they're putting it together and then like when it kind of like when it's kind of like when it's kind of like when you see a guy in a big truck and you know, he's got a little peepy and you see a guy on a little car and you know, he's hung like a moose. I drive a smart car. I try to see. You fucking packing. Hold on. No, no, because they changed it to he drives me. So now we know he's just a woman. I just drive a Vespa. What does that say about me? There you go. You're dragging that fucking kickstand behind you, buddy. It's like, it's going off behind me because it's also metal driving 88 Honda that doesn't have any be steep belts. What does that say about me? I have walked everywhere. Anyway, okay, so I do you guys remember the trailer for this movie that like every scene it's in the trailer is not actually in the movie. That was part of the what I was saying earlier, how they had like they were surviving. Apparently, from what I read Gareth Edwards after they were done filming, they he let everybody just kind of do what they wanted. Like a lot of those scenes were used in the trailer. I think mainly like when they're running across the beach. Also, there was this scene where when Jin's going out in that platform we've talked about a million times, there's like a tie fighter like right there. The tie striker like comes up. Yeah. Yeah, or I guess it would be a tie farther, which is bad ass. It looked great in the trailer. Yeah. But that was also before they decided on how they were going to actually end the movie. They had changed the actual ending. Speaking of ending the movies, I did want to mention one thing here. For some reason in my head, because I haven't seen this probably in like four years was the last time I watched it. I remember Andor and Jin like kissing at the end and I was like when we were coming up to that scene, I was like, Oh God, that's right. Stupid. I remember that. And then they didn't do it. And I was like, Oh, okay, good. Good. They did the proper thing here. It seemed like they had a like an attraction to each other, but nothing ever actually I'm happy. Nothing ever actually was pursued or I was kind of hoping that she would get shot when she was on the walkway. And then Andor would see it and then shoot the guy and then, you know, get killed later on. I think it was a little fucked up that he held her back from letting her kick a dead corpse. I didn't really get why he wouldn't want her to do that. Yeah, he kind of got slim kicker anyway, like, right. The dude, the dude that shot his own informer in the chest. Yeah. Yeah. He didn't want her to kick the asshole. Yeah, it didn't make a lot of sense. He's like, he has a heart, I guess, I like the idea, I like the idea that they didn't like because much like how I fell about solo when I first watched, I was, you know, a really good story ruined by a half ass Brit and love story. Yeah. They don't do that in here. But I think the idea is like the attraction is there because it is just like so bad. Like everything, everything is bad right now. And we just have to like stay connected. And then you inherently just feel that it, even if it's not real, you just need to cling to something that feels good. Therefore, like yeah, like trauma bonding or like a little love addicty in that way too. You know what I mean? Just feeling this connection to somebody and you just inherently think that it's a romantic in that way. When realistically, it's like a mentor love kind of thing like, yeah, it's like a lot of the time people think like mentor mentees like have this like romantic feeling and really it's not. It's just because they have this bond with each other and it's often confused as like romantic. And that's why a lot of the time people assume that there's like things going on between and her mentees, but they're not. It's what it's what I specifically am afraid that they're going to try to do in season three of the bear is turn the mentor mentee between Karmie and the girl I can't even name now. His sue, his sue chef, I'm terrified that they're going to make try to make a romantic one in actuality, it shouldn't be, anyway, it's a different podcast, but it's Hollywood. So you know they got to throw a fucking love bear. That's the prequel to cocaine bear, right? Yeah, actually. Yeah. Okay. Well, there is a bear in the first one. So, yeah. Oh, is it really? That's fine. I've never. I highly, if you haven't watched, I highly recommend watching the bear on. Okay. I'll watch the bear. You watch Nightcrawler. Deal. I'll do that. Perfect. Oh, really? I actually meant really like the bear. Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm sure. I just wasn't full things about it. I'm really with you Chuck that finding the time to actually watch shows these days is hard. So I have to like kind of like, I still haven't gotten to the avatar. I really wanted to watch the live action avatar series and I still haven't gotten around to it yet because I want to give it the attention that I want to go back there with both of you because it's anything I watch now is for a podcast and my kids came down like, so what are you watching now? I'm like, I'm watching this. Oh, yeah. It's for this show. Oh, oh, what about this? You should watch this. I'm like, yeah, I might watch it for this show later. Yeah, if I do the podcast on it. Yeah. Jordan, have you watched the avatar cartoon? Oh, yes. Love it. Okay. So imagine that except it's only eight episodes long for the entire first season and they cut out all the character development and then that's what you have for the live action. It's not. It's not. It's good. No, it's not. Oh, man. That's such a bummer. Like, like I said, they cut it down to eight episodes, which, you know, is already going to cut things out of it, but then like they just, they just like all the character development that happens in the first, like season and even into some of the other season is just kind of like a mixed out of it and, but you'll have to watch it for yourself. But anyways, Joe was getting ready to say something about us moving along with this show and this podcast. I think we're basically. Yeah. So, um, so I'll go ahead and give it a kill count. I counted. I was in a kill count. 166. Whoa. Now, mind you, we're in Jeddah city one and one because because of the older, yeah, the older, the older on roll literally comes into play here. Got. Yeah. There'd be so many more. So are we supposed to believe though, actually real quick, because this also is like, in consistency, are we supposed to believe that because they aren't firing it at like full capacity, that's why it takes forever to blow a planet up now? Well, it's not blowing up the whole planet. It's just blowing up areas of it. The, the shock wave is what was destroying all the rest of like John, John, John, John, and then I assume that they were referring much like how like, uh, I don't know, like I know Tatooine is the planet, but there's only one city, which was like most easily. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. But that like hot, it's just hot, like yeah, yeah, and in Cora's eyes, obviously is kind of the whole planet. Well, the whole planet's the city because, you know, that's how that's how things are transformed in there's parts of Cora's son that aren't a city, I thought. I thought there were parts of it that were still like they left on the habit. No, it's no, it's all one big city. No, okay, never mind, um, but like majority of the planets, it's so like, it's the Hoth system. Right. And then like, yeah, and then the planet itself was off. Yeah. Okay. Uh, then like the, the, uh, what is the, is it end or? End or end door is a planet, the moon of end door is where we get to correct. On the fourth moon of end door. Yeah. But yeah, and I think it was the planet we never really see. Yeah. Cause I think they also have like a water moon and a, uh, it was another moon. They had like three moons, I believe. Anyway, I forget. We'll, we'll get to that in a couple of movies. Um, yeah, but no, you're right. Like there's only a few cities that they actually name. Everyone, everything else, it's planet name. And that's just there. Yeah. Hey, um, but yeah, no, I just always, like I get it. I guess I get this, like, because literally this is just World War two dropping nukes on Hiroshima, essentially. But, uh, I just assumed it was like the slowly blowing. Like the planet will blow up. It just takes longer time because it wasn't as much, but a single fire reactor. No, uh, it's just, it's blowing up the one area. It's not blowing up the whole planet. Yeah, true. Yeah. Might as well, though, I mean, I mean, yeah, here, the ecosystem of the planet. So it's, yeah, I mean, look at, look at Jenna city. Like when they pulled away, it was all in space. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it costs them all the way out there. That's an extinction level. Uh, you know, oh, yeah, you'll destroy it. So eventually, um, but yeah. So, well, you know, it was just a mining explosion. No big deal. Exactly. Um, so Jordan, who's got a bad feeling? Uh, K2SO has a bad feeling, but, uh, no one really cares or lets him voice his opinion. So we barely know it. That was very fun. Ron, where'd you got some big deal? Uh, dead parents, government interference. Um, identity reveals to friends and enemies. Um, we had unexplainable science, comic book, logic, um, a fight for control of something. Um, hero kills a reformed bad guy, a cameo. And I think that's it. Yeah. Who was the reformed bad guy? Uh, the reformed bad guy would have been Galen. Oh, and Bodie and Galen. And K2. Yeah. Yeah. So doesn't count droids aren't real, they don't have souls. So they don't count just like clones. I count them in the kill counts of the count in real life. No, that doesn't make any sense. All droids go to heaven. Oh, that is actually a really good question. If you can be repurposed and brought back to life, like a droid, does that count as a dev? Because you're a new person. It's like re and reincarnation. Are you? It's like the ship of theses, right? If a ship replaces all of its. All right. Anyways, though, what can go up to the spawn cave continuum there, Chuck? Uh, I mean, all right. Does this hold up? Yeah. Cause it's like not that old, like this movie is not all that old. I actually, yeah, I actually thought that. Um, what's his name? I can never remember his name. The ones that they target. Okay. I think that, yeah, I thought Tarkin actually looked better than when I watched it the first time. And maybe this cause I was watching on a television, not like a giant movie screen that I was. You see, I thought he looks terrible in the movie screen, but this, I was like, I don't know. Maybe they cleaned it up for like Disney Plus or something. It was weird. I also didn't think that Leia looked that bad either. I don't know. I, I guess like an animatronic to me. Like it looked like they were trying to make a cartoon animatronic. And they just cause again, their, their mouths didn't move. Like they, like your mouth actually moves when you're talking, like it was just going. See that's weird. I actually get it up making animatronics. They've been the Disney world. They're all over the place. I actually thought she looked about as good as them bringing in the original footage. And when I originally, when I first saw this, I thought it was just the original footage cleaned up. Like they just found like a way and then like just had Carrie like redo the voice or something. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. Yeah, I think I still think a whole lot. So I'm going to say, because I think we fixed the scale finally. So the numbers have to be close together for it to be good. So I'm going to say, because the space battles look fucking rad. And there's a lot of practical effects too. Oh, yeah. Like most of the most of the on ground battles up actually is all practical effect. Um, I'm going to say like a four out of seven spawncapes. Okay. Yeah. No, wait, don't let me further apart. I don't know. Would you feel like a hundred percent? I literally just ended the way that that I don't remember. I'm fairly certain that when you first started these, you said the numbers don't matter anyway. So yeah, I'm not keeping track. Yeah. But yeah, but you know, me, I still got to try to work like a monologue of logic. So I think we should stick with the original then, in which case, the, um, close to the numbers are together. The better it was, the farther away they are, the worse they are. So no, I know they have to be, they have to be close together because realistically, spawn is a one of one. It is a one of one of the scale because it's your control, which is it doesn't hold up. So I guess it should be four out of like, uh, seven hundred and twenty seven. Spawn games, but see, then you have to go back through and redo all the scores you've done up to this point. No, no, I can just reset it right now. Actually, I think I reset it like two times ago. It was a couple of months ago. Yeah, actually, the last time we did it, you went back to the old scale. But anyways, well, I'm changing it now. It's my scale. I can do for the fuck I want. There you go. You know what? You know what? It's only one kill anyway. So who cares? Anyway, um, so Ron, uh, do you want to rate the females? Are we not? Absolutely not. After, uh, after doing that, Chuck made me feel dirty and disgusting about following up his idea and, uh, that was terrible. Just like life decision. A hundred percent. Nobody should ever, ever take any advice I give them ever. That's a terrible idea, except for the bear. Jordan, go watch the one. You give me the one good one. Everyone gets one. One good. Yeah, yeah. This is the one who cried wolf at this point. Yes, go, go watch it actually. Okay, Jordan out of 10. What do you give this? Nine point four. Nice. Good thing I'm here. Moving on to Chuck. All right. Is this a Star Wars movie? Yeah. This is exactly. This is what I wanted to get out of solo. And I think that's why solo was such a disappointment because this came out. You wanted everybody to die. That's fair. I mean, realistically. But this came out after, this came out before solo, right? Yeah, yes. Yeah, because we had Force Awakens. Really, really good. We had this better. Then it starts to kind of fall off after that. And I think our expectations got set too high. This is everything that I love. I still emotionally get moved by this movie. Like it's everything. Yeah, there's some like potholes that don't make a lot of sense that you can kind of pick at and stuff like that. But I think overall, it holds up really well. I'm going to say a 9.98. Oh, dang. This is my favorite Star Wars movie of all time. Yeah, mine too. And I was going to go higher at like a 10 out of 10. But then I was like, no, you can't do that. You have to be, you have to be at least like a little bit below that. Because I don't, if anything, okay, if you want to check my letterbox, it is five out of five stars in my letterbox. So. That's fair. I never believe in giving anything a perfect score. Like I'm not Dave Meltzer. I'm not going to break my own system here. By giving like a six out of five stars. But I think that this is almost, there's enough awesome stuff to make this almost a perfect movie. Yeah, I know this is, I think this is honestly, which is a sad thing to say. I think this is the best Star Wars movie we are ever going to have. I'm still excited to see what's out in the future, but I don't think you could, the mix between nostalgia, where the mix between the nostalgic stuff for the original trilogy mixed a little bit with what we have in the sequel trilogy. It just was done very well. And I don't know if they can do, if they can bring this magic out again. Yeah, they're never going to. Everybody's expectations are been ruined by seven, eight, and nine. Yeah. The only way that they can really redeem themselves is just put out really good miniseries and stuff like that. Yeah, that's what we're doing great right now is the miniseries. Yeah, yeah, I agree. Eight kind of split the fandom into like, "Oh, last year that was amazing. Last year that was the worst thing I've ever seen." Like it just... It can't wait to see where we all fall on that spectrum here on the show. I could tell you I'm up in the higher ones. I really love last year that I've been. I'm not going to tell anyone what mine is till we get there. Okay. I think I'm going to follow Jordan on that one because, yeah. I mean, look, this is what it is. Yeah, but speaking of how we feel about movies, that's so right. Yes. Ron, what'd you got? All right. So, did I like this movie? No, really. Did I like it better than solo? Fuck, yes, I did. Okay. As much as I want to burn this, just so you guys can't have your high-ass fucking score on this, I'm not going to because realistically, I did like this better than solo. And realistically, it was not a horrible movie. I just find like, like I said, I hate it when they go back to movies like this because I don't have any, I don't have any stakes in it. Like, oh, are they not going to get there? Are they not going to send a signal out? No, I already know they fucking send the Death Star plans out because guess what? That happened fucking 500 years ago, you know? I already know that, you know, nobody survives because hey, guess what? Nobody pops up ever again, you know? I already know that, you know, like, all the cool shit that's going to happen here is never going to happen again in a Star Wars movie because they don't do any of the cool shit that they set up in these earlier movies for the, you know, like these prequel movies. Having said that, I gave it a 4.22. That's almost a whole point at a solo, so. Okay, that didn't vomit as much as I thought we were going to have it bombed. No, because it's not that bad of a movie. Like, I mean, I just don't like want to have it to babies like you guys do. I'm not down there sucking it. It's not like this idea, you know? It's not this idea that like, we all like different things. Like, that's what ultimately breaks down. I think Willow is a bad movie, but I get why you like it. You know what I mean? Because it plays for the high fantasy thing. What do I, what do I love? Space battles and fucking like 10. This movie had the great space battle. It's all 100. Great. And like I said, like I said, dude, and the way they use the ships in this, like that was what made the space battles good in this one. Because they were actually doing things with like, it's like, oh, if you, but at the same time, if you guys can do this, why were you guys never doing this again after this? Not to mention too, the space battles were filmed in a very unique way that none of the other Star Wars films were filmed in this was as much as Star Wars likes to take in the whole dog fighting idea of World War II. This was that idea, but like ramped up to an 11. Like some of the, the, like, um, like the point of view shots they had were just insane in these space battles. I thought it was so well done. Yeah. Yeah, it's very good. So Joey, what you got for the score on this one, bud? Uh, I'm, I love this movie. It's, it's one of my favorite top three Star Wars easily for me. Um, but Revenge of the Sith still beats it out. I love Revenge of the Sith more than I like this. That being said though, I'm still giving this an 8.52, which I gave Revenge like 8.7 something. So like it, there are still, there's a few minute problems that, which we, you know, talked about a little bit, but I love this movie. This movie is, is wonderful. I wish I'm happy we got it. Um, you know, we've got Andor coming in to help. I guess supplement some of his character in this movie, but that's, you know, that's a different thing that when this movie came out, we didn't have. Um, K2 is great. One of the, one of my most favorite droids of all time. And similar, like, I was sad and see everybody die, but we had to see them die. That the, this is the story of them dying. And that is one of the drive for me. I don't want to say drive, but one of the factors of like, watching them do the mission and succeed in the mission while still failing was just, there was some beauty of that. And yeah, like it, I love this movie. Uh, so that gives us a combined score of 8.03, which puts it at number five on our list. Okay, uh, it's just behind V for Vendetta, uh, with 8.16 and just above meteor man with an eight. What are the other four above V for Vendetta? Uh, in this order, three, two, one. Oh, sorry, three. Dick Tracy Superman from 78 and Baden Beyond Return of the Joker. Okay. Well, two of those, I don't know how they're above Rogue one, but sure. Dick Tracy was amazing, was way better than I had anticipated to be. We, we all went into it with like low expectations. And yeah, kind of one from like the late 80s early 90s or whatever. Ninety 90. I did 90. Yeah. That way. If you haven't seen it, go back. Yeah, realistically, go check it out. It's really good. It's really good. Okay. It's a fun movie. Okay. Yeah. Or listen to our episodes, which it's what you know now. So yeah, go check the archives over. Okay. I will say I'm not a fan of the old Superman movies, but that's just a personal opinion. But I do think. Here's the thing. The Superman one, that was just Ron and I. Baden Beyond was just Ron and I. And Baden Beyond anything Baden Beyond, I'll give you as being good. So I'm not mad about that one. Yeah. You know, the Dick Tracy one, like I was shocked because I was expecting to hit it. And it was very, very good. Go check the archives. I go. Yeah, I'll have to. I'll have to listen to that episode and watch that movie. I am slightly shocked. It's very good. But already, we didn't work and they find yet. Well, before we forgot one cameo in this movie, we didn't talk about was C-3PO and R2D2 were in it. Yeah, actually that with C-3PO, Anthony Daniels showing up, this marks. He's been in every single movie, every single Star Wars movie. Yeah. So I don't know. It's nice that he can have that title. But I also was like, we didn't need him. It wasn't me. It really wasn't me at all. All that's telling us, oh, Leia is on Yavin 4 right now. Yeah, exactly. Which we knew because she was in the ship, being attacked. Exactly. Yeah, no. And I will say going back to Yavin 4, we actually felt like a war and blanket in this movie. But anyway, we're done talking about this movie. Where you can find me, go on my Instagram, BS in craft beer. Go check that out. Check me out once a month on this show. That's about it. Very nice. Chuck? Yeah, I also think they do a really good job of making of like character involvement with Darth Vader in this and making him actually feel like an absolute fucking menace to society. You can find me over at kicked out of the hood knowing and kicked out Instagram and TikTok. Follow my hobby page, I kicked out of the hobby on Instagram. And MJF is back. Holy shit. Hey, Mark Jacobs Friedman. No, what's this? Where does the MJ stand for? Maxwell, Jacob Friedman. Maxwell, Jacob Friedman. And he's walking down in a leather jacket with a denim vest over top. Allah, like Triple H in the early 2000s. Wow. Nice. Here for the next three hours, I just want Chuck to color, commentate to me everything that's happening in AEW right now. It was an early paid for it. So now it's actually on. I missed, oh, Will Osprey won the international title. Nice. So it's a good stuff. Ronald, where can I find you? You can find me on Instagram and TikTok at good at this game. You can find my art on Instagram and good art this game. And obviously you can find me here on this podcast. And you can also go get a shirt that I made on T-Public and Redbubble. I said those right this time? Yes, I did. You did? Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, it's great. And it's comfy. And I was in fucking Joanne fabric. And the old lady that was running the counter was like, "Oh, that's so great. It's Joe Cool killing the Wains." And I'm like, "Yeah, it is." That's awesome. That's awesome. And the wild got it. Yes. And I'm just like, "Fuck, yes." And she's like, "Oh, yeah." She's like, "I'm a bit of an old comic nerd." So I'm like, "Dude, that is so awesome." I'm still about to show. Yeah, I told her we had to show. And I showed her the little symbol on the shirt. I would have had the stickers in my car. I was going to go get her one. But I didn't have any in there. But as soon as I got home, I put them in there. So the next time I'm there, if she's there, I can give her one. Perfect. Joey, where can I find you? You guys can find me on Instagram and on threads at comicbook rundown. You can email us, come back rundown at Rate and review us on your podcast. You can have the choice or on the social medias. We'll read them on an upcoming episode. We've got merch, like Ron said, over on Redbubble in T-Public. And our song was done by Cam. Our next movie will be Blade Trivy from 2004. Finishing up the Blade movies, finally. Our first hint of Deadpool. Oh, I hate Brian Reynolds in this movie. So we will save that for next week. It's Van Wilder, the vampire hunter. And I fucking can't stand him. I don't think he is in any of the blades, but the first one. First one's the best. Everyone's trying to skate uphill, man. All right, everybody. Motherfucker. Later, guys. We'll see you later. Catch you later. Ron, are we friends? Of course we are. Always. Well, then, Ron, would you like to scooby-doo us out? Scamper now, scamper now, but it was scoby-doo, and fuck you too. I'm Mark, I'm down the field. I'm down the field. I'm down the field. Thanks so much for listening. If you enjoyed this show, check out all the other great shows here at the Professional Casual Network. Like what, Danny? I'll tell you, on Mondays we've got the Lost Omen's podcast, our Pathfinder 2E actual play, hosted by me playing through the Extinction Curse AP. Also streaming on at 7 p.m. Eastern Time, you can check out, oh yeah, the Power Phase, our Marvel Crisis Protocol Live Battle Report show. On Tuesdays, the podcast version of, wait, did I rule a wild? Our Marvel Crisis Protocol Povelog is available. On Wednesdays, alternating releases on Patreon, we have, Settling the Southlands, our homebrew Wolforp actual play, and the Slythering, a Pathfinder 2nd Edition actual play. And on Thursdays, live at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on, we've got, wait, did I rule a wild? Our Marvel Crisis Protocol Povelog. You can also check out, back episodes of Elite Eight Showdown, and the first 39 episodes of the Lost Omen's podcast, the first 24 episodes of Settling the Southlands, and the first handful of episodes of the Slythering on the YouTube at