Main Street Magic - A Walt Disney World Podcast

682: Trip Review: Tiana's Bayou Adventure Opening (Merch, Food and More), The Edison, Hollywood Brown Derby, and a Random Disney Day

Jeremy and Rhonda share details on opening day of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure to talk the ride, merchandise, food and more, plus enjoy drinks and apps at The Edison, enjoy lunch at Hollywood Brown Derby, and play a new Disney game which has their entire day randomly selected for them.

1h 31m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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Jeremy and Rhonda share details on opening day of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure to talk the ride, merchandise, food and more, plus enjoy drinks and apps at The Edison, enjoy lunch at Hollywood Brown Derby, and play a new Disney game which has their entire day randomly selected for them.

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On this episode, we attend and share the details of opening day at Tiana's Bayou Adventure to talk about the ride, merchandise, food, and more. Plus, we enjoy drinks and apps at The Edison and play an all-new Disney game to have our entire day randomly selected for us. Today's July 5th, 2024, this is episode 682 of the Main Street Magic Podcast. Hello and welcome to another episode of Main Street Magic. I'm your host, Jeremy Stein, and as always, I'm joined by my lovely wife, Rhonda. Hey guys, make sure you check us out on the web at as well as follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @mainstmagic and on TikTok @msmpodcast. If you want to be part of the community and join the conversation in addition to live streams from the parks and our weekly live show, head to Facebook and search for the Main Street Magic community and ask to join. And don't forget to hit the subscribe button so you can get brand new episodes every Tuesday and Friday. Planning a trip to Disneyland or Walt Disney World can be overwhelming and at times just downright frustrating. But don't worry, because Mouse Dining removes the frustration of booking Disney dining reservations alerting you when they spot availability for your desired restaurant, date, meal, and time. Visit to use this free service. Hello friends, once again we recorded this episode early this past Sunday to be ready for a Friday release because we'll be gone on our normal Thursday recording date for the July 4th holiday down in Walt Disney World. Because of that we did not get a chance to record and share this week's poll as we have every week in our Main Street Magic community on Facebook. So while round is at work, I'm just filling in real quick by myself to give you the results of this week's poll. With Rock and Roller Coaster officially reopening this week, about a month ahead of time at Hollywood Studios, we asked what is your favorite roller coaster at Walt Disney World? Now we've got 9 options to choose from and you can only pick one of course. Coming in dead last at 0%, so nobody picked it, which makes me believe that no 3 year olds listen to the Main Street Magic podcast was the Barnstorm. Coming in at 2%? Shockingly Space Mountain. I can only assume it's because it hurts and the majority of our listeners are in their mid 30s to 40s like ourselves and so your body just takes after Space Mountain. Next at 3% was Tron Light Cycle Run tied with Rock and Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith also at 3%. Coming in at 4%, 7 dwarves mind train. I'm guessing most people agree and while we do love that roller coaster, the payoff at the end just isn't worth the wait or paying for an individual lightning lane. Give me less than 15 minutes or make that thing a walk on and it's worth it every time and I actually think it jumps up with best coasters. Coming in at 6% was Slinky Dog Dash over at Hollywood Studios. If you're doing the math, we've already gone through 6 coasters and only covered 18% of the votes. Because the top 3 fill out a whopping 82%. Coming in next, very surprising to me that it is not number 2, at number 3 is Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom with only 12%. Next up, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at the Magic Kingdom comes in at 24%, making it the second favorite coaster among our followers on Main Street Magic in the Facebook community. And then finally, you realize what's left, 46% voted for Cosmic Rewind. That is where my vote went, that is where Rhonda's vote went, so we don't blame you all for choosing that one. So that is this week's poll. Let's get on with today's episode. I hope you enjoy. Okay, so on today's episode, we are finishing up our weekend and talking all Tiana's and the rest of our wonderful weekend. It's been a while since we've recorded. We took a break for 10 minutes, said hello to Kaylin who just got home. So yeah, I'll go ahead and knock the rest of this weekend out. Super excited to talk to you, Tiana's. Let's start with that morning because we got ready, we wanted so Magic Kingdom was actually over at 8am. Should we start all the way back to 12am on Friday morning when your alarm went off and you actually got up to get Jeannie Plus. I did, yeah. So I woke up at midnight and got Jeannie Plus just because, I mean, I just thought, and it's funny because we're gonna talk about Jeannie Plus and then less than a month from now, this will all be obsolete. So you know, July 24th, they're making all the changes, the new lightning lane system, lightning lane, multi pass and lightning lane. Single pass, if you go back to the bonus episode I did two ago, there's about a 20 minute episode where I kind of lay everything out. We're still learning more. We're gonna plan to use it when we go down at the end of the month and check it out. So anything we do say about Jeannie Plus is just kind of for reference and probably will give our thoughts on how we think this new system will hopefully work better. But I was like, you know what? I'm gonna get it. I want to buy it. The chances of it selling out aren't high, but we don't know. Brand new ride. You can either get virtual queue for Tiana's at this moment. I'm guessing all that will change on July 24th and will do away with virtual queue. Or you can get it as a lightning lane under Jeannie Plus in the future, that will be under multi pass, right? So most likely by July 24th, you will have to do standby or purchase lightning lane multi pass to ride this is my guess. But I was like, you know what? I'll go ahead and get up and I'll buy Jeannie Plus and which is super easy to do. I went ahead and picked multiple park because it's the same price for Magic Kingdom as it is for multiple park. Perfect. So in case we wanted to use it anywhere else that day, I figured why not. So I went ahead and did that and then went back to bed and then we had the alarm set for about six, six, 15 that morning. Yes, we get up because Magic Kingdom was opening at eight and early entry was seven 30. Now, even though none of that matters for getting on the ride, it has nothing to do with anything. Right. It matters because we just like being there on an opening, you know, there's a certain energy when you get there at the beginning of the day, there's, you know, the cast members are excited. A lot of times some of the Imagineers are on hand, executives are on hand. There's just something cool about it. Plus there's going to be March. Yes. And people go nuts over March. And we wanted to get there to try and do that. So we were heading towards the bus and just shy of seven a.m. already purchased Jeannie Plus, already confirmed our party for virtual queue. So the plan was round it will get a virtual queue or try to get a virtual queue. And then I will try to secure the lightning lane with Jeannie Plus so we could ride it twice. Correct. So we're on the bus. We're on our way. And that's exactly what we go to do, right? How did that go? Well, I don't usually do this. Jeremy does. And unfortunately, I did not get one virtual queue. Yes. That's what you were going for. Sorry. Yes. And I don't know what happened. Jeremy said I just sat and stared at the blue button when because he was getting stuff and then told me to hit. And by the time I did, I think I don't think I had to hit that. I don't know because I kept hitting refresh and then I don't know. But then my brain was just not really working. And plus I'm not used to it. I don't know how to do these normally do it. No. So when I did hit and it said error or something, it like kicked me out, but then it said join virtual queue. And because they were gone. I was able, my whole point is, is I was able to get a Tron, which I was like, cool. I did get one thing. But meanwhile, Jeremy did thank God, get us and secure us a lightning lane. Yeah, not, not easily in the sense that the first four times right at seven a.m., I was hitting a purchase, which isn't a good screen. It's not that the screen there is not the same as having a refresh screen, you know, on the virtual queue system, which actually works very well. This one, you kind of have to refresh the whole list. And so it's just not perfect. So at seven a.m., I go in and it basically is like not available. Try again, not available, not available. Did it four or five times. And then all of a sudden it popped up and said 1050 a.m. for Tiana. So I grabbed it. Yes. Right. So we were very close though, on opening day for something that we've looked forward to for a very long time and plan for a very, a very long time, having not written, you know, if I had missed that, and a lot of people did because by seven a.m. and, you know, one second or something virtual queue is gone by seven a.m. and 30 seconds, the lightning lanes gone. So I was very lucky that I did secure it. And then of course you got a chon. So virtual queue. Yes. Just fast forward. So we don't forget about it. Once one o'clock was going to come around, I figured, all right, that's cool. We'll just try for Tiana's there and hopefully ride it twice today. Correct. We'll get the 1 p.m. Well, our group had not been called for Tron yet at 1 p.m. So we still had held a virtual queue. Mm hmm. And so when I went to look for Tiana's, it said, no, you cannot get it because you currently hold a virtual queue for another ride. So, you know, when you go back to the AP previews, you could get both. Mm hmm. And you could get them actually both at the same time and the same morning at the 7 a.m. if you wanted. So kind of knew that wasn't going to happen. But I was like, Oh, interesting. Well, at the same time, we're texting with Rachel. Now Rachel had had a Tiana's virtual queue that morning. She secured it at 7 a.m. her group had been called and she had already ridden by one because she didn't currently hold a virtual queue. She was able to then book Tron at 1 p.m. Yes. So again, just something to note over the next few weeks, right, while there is this double virtual queue going and try and plan your day around it. Yes. You know, going back to the virtual queue system, which has worked flawlessly for us up until this point, really, right, you know, it's if they're if this is going to stay around, I can't talk anything bad about it at all. Like this is just the way it works. Right. You know, it has amazed me in the past when people have not been able to get it because it has seemed so easy to me because I've gotten it every time. Correct. You know, I've gone through these steps and I've gotten it. There is a major flaw, though, when that join virtual queue button shows up, it should lock you in a position and give you that split second to hit it. But instead that split second, it can still go away, which is what happened to you. Yeah. Right. So I wish they would change that with the new lightning lane multi pass system and the new lightning lane single pass system. They are going to hold it for you is what it sounds like. So this sounds like you go to book, because here's the other problem with the way the genie plus runs. When I first saw it, after those four times it told me nothing was available. I went in and it said 10 20. I said, great, I clicked 10 20. I book it. It's at 10 50 because it doesn't hold it. Right. And it technically could have been gone or could have gone back to three, four, five p.m. Right. Right. So they're going to hold this in the new system, which I think will be a lot better. So I keep comparing it to buying concert tickets. You pick your seats for a concert and you got like 15 minutes to actually secure or to do the transaction, but your seat doesn't go anywhere. Right. They hold it for you. And I wish that they would do that for the virtual queue system. But that's okay. So we were all good there. We had not only a Tron virtual queue. We had the lightning lane at 10 50 a.m. for Tiana's. But first going in Rachel got there a little bit ahead of us and let us know that they were lining up already for March. Yes. And so they were doing the merchandise in the first section of the Emporium on Main Street. Yes. So critter co op was closed. Why? Well, it is open now as of today. It is. Oh, it is. I would assume because of what was going to be a lot of people. No, it's exactly what they said. Okay. That's what the cast members told us. I don't. Yeah. Yeah. The cast members said they did it because the critter co op entrance is still at the dump out and entry section for you adventure. They didn't want to make that any more crowded than it was already going to be because, you know, just like mobile order, even when it's not your mobile order isn't ready yet. You got plenty of people that are standing there at the counter just waiting. Yes. You get the same thing with this. You get people that are standing around for 30 minutes at the entrance as far as they can get waiting for their virtual queue to be called or their lightning lane time to kick in. So they said, we don't want that. So for this first two days, we're going to set up an entire roped off section in the Emporium. We're going to line up people in a queue outside of there. And then where Main Street is, we're going to split them. We're going to open up those doors to the right in between the confectionery and Tony's Town Square, where normally you would enter for after hours parties. We're going to open that up and we're going to dump the queue into there. And then we'll just, you know, direct people across Main Street to let them in, but we're going to hold the amount of people we're going to count who's allowed in. First, how do you think the merch went for that? Like, how do you think this whole work that the queue? Oh, it's fantastic. The checkout process. They were ready. When you think about being there on October 1st, 2021, at first thing in the morning in the Emporium for the 50th, which was not done this way. This is like night and day. Oh, yeah. They've learned a lot and they have done very, very well. And everything was great. We got in and I got a bag. And when first they're out there, you know, with this QR code and you can scan it and then you can see what is available. Now, everything that is on here, we're going to read is not everything that's for sale. Right. This is a selection. This is a selection. So, you know, they have your Pandora charm, your Dunian Burke purses and stuff. You have annual pass holder, few things, which is usually a pen and a shirt. Then you have what they're we were calling opening season. And then they have shirts and hats and pens. And then just regular shirts and spirit jerseys and zip ups that are just completely not the dated, not just a Tiana's Bayou adventure stuff, lounge flies, you know, more pens, ears. But then when you go into the, and this is all what I just read was all her said was all on the QR that you could scan and they were holding things to you could look at when you get into the Emporium. They had things like the fireflies that I wanted. They had spice rack. They had spices. They had the hot sauce. They had critters stuffed animals. They had pillows. I mean, cups and mugs. I mean, I feel like I feel like I've not seen a, I don't know. Maybe we'd have to go back and look at, see, Galaxy's Edge was so much of a hole. I'm trying. I don't know that I've seen an individual ride have this much variety of merch that we have seen. Yeah, it was a ridiculous amount. And I like the idea of this opening season stuff, like not to split hairs, but when you are there on again, there's being there on opening day, there is just there's something about it. Yeah, even though it's not as cool as it used to be, I miss getting up at 3 a.m. We're talking to our friend Greg, you know, the blue haired Greg about that and he kind of agreed like there's something about getting up at 3 a.m. and getting to the park at 3 30 and and they're supposed to open it seven that day, but it's five they open up. Right. And there's, there's this energy of being the first to ride on open and all that. And they would have opening day merch and you're a part of this like club that was there opening day. Yes. And then three weeks later, they'd still have opening day merch with the date on it and people are buying it and you kind of want to be like, no, you don't deserve that. You weren't there like, you know, like we don't, we don't, like we don't really wear things like that we haven't experienced or been to. Right. You know what I mean? Like, I appreciate that somebody would maybe go somewhere and be like, Hey, let me send you a, you know, whatever. And we're like, well, I don't know if I'd wear it because I haven't been there. But so I like this opening season. It's dated with 2024. They have, my guess is a set amount of when it's gone, it's gone. They won't reproduce anymore. Right. All the other stuff when you get into the spirit jersey, there's in a women's shirt, there's a unisex adult shirt with the log flumen all on it, that front fleece, the hat that I got, I'm wearing right now, those as they sell out, they will replenish. They will make more. These will be around for a while. So we thought of a lot of that too, when we were purchasing, I didn't get a spirit jersey, correct, because it should be there for quite some time. We don't need to harp on all of the merch a lot, but go ahead and talk about our fireflies. Oh, this is just wonderful and sad. So the fireflies are super cute. They're interactive and I'm super excited. I did get one. And then the more I got to thinking about it, I was like, I really do think I want to. So go ahead and go get another one. And then it was funny because Rachel was right there and she was like, what is this? And I tell her and she's like, Dad, come it, go get me one. You can put it on your shoulder or you can put it in the little firefly. It's a nice little Mason jar. Yeah, thank you for the flower in it and lights up. It's super cute. It's adorable. So here we are, you know, and we're just getting one of the things that we want, you know, and here's this person that has a stroller and probably 30 fireflies total, like on each of the handles that obviously they were putting on eBay. And it just, it was heartbreaking. We didn't make it out of the, I mean, this always happens. We don't make it out of the store before stuff's already on eBay. Yeah, it was awful. Yeah. With all that being said, it was super cool because first of all, the Dunian Burke was in the store across the street, plenty of them. That was very easily readily accessible. And then those fireflies were actually being sold at carts out around Tiana's Bayou adventure. There's plenty of plenty. And this is going to, this is going to continue, you know, Disney shut it down for a bit. They went after a lot of pass holders and actually, you know, revoked some pass holders and stuff that were doing this reselling stuff. You know, it's not going to stop until Disney stops it. The limit to per person obviously doesn't matter. You know, because like, for example, just you and I could have walked out with four of them. Yeah. You know, we could have walked out with four of everything with the two of us. And that's only two of us. Let's just say we wanted to, you know, team up because Rachel was there. All of a sudden, we've put everything to six. Let's just say we want to buy the four lightning bugs and then leave and come back and buy four more. We can't. There's nothing stopping any of that. You know, should Disney put a stop to it? Sure. But why would they? They're selling them. They don't care if they're on eBay within minutes. And they're more. They got their initial sale without eBay. They're not getting their initial sale. So, you know, I think that they can say we're going to limit to or maybe they can give you a little side eye while you're walking, rolling around with a stroller in no child, by the way, there are no children inside children that belong to this stroller. They're just using it as a pack mule. So basically take all this stuff around. Like, so it's, it's a shame. I mean, again, I'm very thankful we got everything that we wanted. Yeah. But we certainly have been on the side of things being sold out because these resellers come in and they buy them all up like crazy. And with that being said, it was very nice because I did hear there was a spice rack. I did not know that there was, and later we walked back. And at this point, there was no line. There was where you could just come and go in the Emporium as you pleased with all the merch still there. And everything was there. Yeah. So it wasn't like something sold out. Yeah. So I went back to look at it because I'm like, well, maybe we'll get it eventually. But it was nice to see that. It is sad. So I just want to be like, just hold off you people that don't spend a ton of money because that's something you want. Right. And it's understandable that you're not going to make it like I understand people who are buying some of the stuff off eBay because they're never going to make it down. But there's still our services that will do it for you without jacking this up. And I don't, again, I don't have as much of a problem with knowing that there's somebody on the other end of this transaction that wants that item right now. Right. You know what I mean? It is very, again, and we've done it. It's very much if somebody had said, no, you know, hey, I really want the spice rack. Rhonda and Jeremy, do you mind picking it up for me? I'm not going to be down there in the next month or two. I don't know if it'll be gone. I don't even have plans to come, whatever. To me, that's a lot different. You have a purchaser and we're going to say, all right, here's the cost of it. And then here's what it costs to ship. We're not making a dime off of it. But it's still more understandable for somebody that would say, yes, I will go in and shop for you because you can't be here. And I will charge you a price for that service. But it's not just an auction. It's not me buying 20 of them and trying to make the most profit possible. It's saying, you know what I mean? Like, so, and again, it's a fine line with all of it. It just, you know, it's just sad to see. But I think Disney handled this incredibly, you know, the idea to move it. I can't wait to go back and actually walk and shop through Critter Co-op. Like, I'll be excited to see stuff there. But this was the way they had to do it. They did it beautifully. It was well organized. Once you were in there, I mean, you being able to use mobile order or mobile checkout is just a it's a it's a time saver for not only you, but Disney. It moves people through. They had very specific areas for you to exit and show your mobile order. We went a section further and they even spent time and made sure that they went and got boxes for some breakables and made sure they could wrap them up in paper. Like, they just handled this beautifully. They did. Now, knowing that everything was available at the end of the day, we certainly could have, you know, afforded ourselves some time by not doing this first thing, but you don't know. Correct. Correct. So that's the reason. And also, I like the excitement of it at first. You know, I like the excitement of hearing the person behind me who pulls up the menu on their phone and it's like, Oh, look at what they have. I really want, you know, it's just something cool about it. Yeah, but we bought everything and sometimes you feel that need. And now we're thinking, we're about spend the next eight hours in this park. One of those being while riding Tiana's, which we know you can get super wet on. We have all these bags. We have a ton of stuff. Disney is not shipping to front of park anymore. They're not shipping back to your resort. You can ship it directly home at that point. We're not going to do that because we live so close. There's no point. And we have a big old truck. What do we do? Well, and I'm pretty sure. Disney first for us. Yeah. And I'm pretty sure this was all Jeremy. But somehow we both started talking about like the stuff and then some about all of a sudden something about a locker came up. And oh, we've never used one here. So we did. We went to a locker, locker rental. Where's this located at? This is located. This is in magic. This is located up in the front, where you rent also your ECVs and strollers and stuff. Yeah, right side there, trains right before you go under the train station, you've already actually gone through the turnstiles with your key card and magic ban and then they're going to be directly to the right. But it is, it's tucked in there. So this is easy to miss because strollers, ECVs, they're out front. You got cast members ready. The lockers, you could easily miss, but they're there on the right side. Yeah. And so they are in every park. I mean, everything park. And they are the prices go as following. So you can get a small, which is 12 by 10 by 17. It's $10 per day. You can get a large, which is 15.5 by 13 by 17 for $12 per day, or you can get a jumbo. Now, this is Magic Kingdom Park and Epcot only in jumbo size, which is 17 by 22 by 26 for 15 per day. Now, your jumbo will supposedly fit three or four bags, but your large will fit like two. Yeah. I think we could have gotten like, we put our stuff in the large, the jumbo was sold out. We put our stuff in the large and still had room. Yeah. So this is very big. And if you're willing to air quote, unquote squish it a little bit, depending on what you have, like the some of the stuff was breakable. And the way I laid it in, I still felt because the way it was secured and wrapped, I could have still put two to possibly depending three more bags in there. Yeah. Because they were, yeah, there was, they were on the bottom. I could have put stuff on top to. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, these are this was fantastic. This will be a no brainer going forward. We have all day, March, like this. Yeah. I mean, and, and this, again, you could wait till the end of the day. But a lot of times you run out of time and you forget, if sometimes just when you want March in general, that's something you're not going to utilize at that moment, you know. Yeah. This is so worth it. Like just go do your state. You know what we're going to start the day with is shopping. Let's get some of that out of the way. Let's rent a locker. Let's go put it back in there. And then on your way out, you grab it, you go. It's super easy. It's convenient. It's quick. You pick your own little pin number, print out a ticket so you don't forget your locker number. And this was great. We'll do this again. Yeah. And you can. Small investment. Oh, yeah. Of 10 to 12 bucks. And obviously you can go back and forth if you needed to get something out of it. But I mean, again, this is what we would be using it for. Yeah. And then from there, we were like, all right, now we can like go and do our things. So we wrote like we I mean, and again, we don't need to talk too much about Jeannie Plus because it's going away. But we used it. We did. We did. We did. And we did more over the course of Friday and Saturday in the parks. I felt like then we have done in a very, very long time. I agree. I don't like Jeannie Plus. I'm glad that it's going to go away. I'm excited for the new system will utilize the new system, especially doing what we did with Jeannie Plus. And you know, looking, looking at it, it stinks. Nobody will ever be okay with the fact that we used to have free FastPass, FastPass Plus, right? Nobody will ever get over that. Understandable. But that's done. We're never going back to free. The new system is very much a paid FastPass Plus. It's going to operate in a lot of the same ways. It's going to be a huge improvement. Jeannie Plus has had its issues. I wish it would have never come out. I wish they would have gone right to this new system when they launched Jeannie Plus. It's what they should have done. But you have to live and learn. You do. And Disney did. They listened. They did whatever. This is coming. But you know, I was more in tune to using Jeannie Plus and how it operates and figuring it out again. But I was also more in tune to the people around us that were using it. You know, and I'll say this part because it really had me thinking, especially over these two days because I'll tell you this was one of my favorite trips we've ever done. Oh, hands down. And just going through this, you'll especially see when we get to the Saturday and our little game we played. This was so much fun. We rode so much. We did so much. We did Friday and Saturday like people that don't go to Disney all the time. We did it like much more average consumers, average guests, average park goers. That's how we did it. We figured out some things while we were there. We rode rides. We went and saw like, we still fill our magic. Oh, because of a storming. It was. But it was like, but that was on our radar. We wrote it haunted mansion. We did. Yeah. Well, I mean, what else did we all ride? We did. Um, Astro aerial, uh, aerial, little mermaid. We people mover. People mover. We did Tron, of course, for that return. We did like adventure. We did space ranger spin. We and here's the thing. We had a shut off time. We know we were leaving by like three. So I didn't plan past that. Yeah. Had I just would have been a perfect Magic Kingdom day and we would have done everything utilizing genie plus. Yes. Um, looking around and just, I was so much more in tune to everybody else around me. I can tell you with a lot of the negativity and all that has been around Disney lately, I feel like more than ever, especially, I mean, coming out of COVID, but now even more lately. Now we have another change and people are in uproar is about that. D. A. S. Just change. People are in uproar, rightly so. Yeah, rightly so. They're in an uproar. Yeah. I have a very bad feeling that the new lightning lane system is going to be an answer to D. A. S. For the people that don't qualify anymore. Right. I have a feeling they're just going to say, I'm so sorry you don't, but here you go. Mm hmm. You have to purchase this. Not saying it's right. That's a whole other thing. All this negativity, people are acting like Disney is the most expensive place on the planet that it's miserable, that there's no more magic that everybody there is doing nothing. Staring at phones, like they're all walking around like zombies getting on these rides. It was a it was that's the furthest thing from the frickin truth. Like I just watched and looked around at everyone. And if you focused on the good, there was enough of it to go around. Yeah, like, like, yes, there are people looking at their phone, but instead it was people going, hey, I just got this ride and their family was excited. Yep. There are people enjoying their treats or people. I mean, the, the buzz around Tiana's where not only are they have film crews setting up where they're pulling people that have come off the ride, average guests and interviewing them, you haven't and we've answered this before and spoke with Imagineers and cast members. As you get off the ride, they have tons of them that are have a notepad and they're asking you details about the ride. What did you like? What you didn't like? How was the queue? How was the wait time? How was the system using it? Did you diss this and this and they're taking notes and they're taking all that information? But looking around, like, I felt like everything was as magical as it's always been. Yeah. You know, and so focus on that when you go. Now, if I chose to focus on the person who didn't get the virtual queue and they were upset or the kid that was having a breakdown, of course, you can find those. But I can tell you, nine out of 10, when you put the focus on it, it was people just having the best, most magical time ever. It was, it was awesome. It was great. Good. So do you have anything else to add to actually, Tiana's the ride? We had our ride. Everything was working except for the shooting little water parts when you're kind of underground with the whole frogs, with all the frog area. Yes. That was all the animatronics. Yep. We're working really everything. I don't, I don't know why maybe because now we're settled in. It was only our third ride, but we're settled in. We know what to expect. It felt a little, it had a better energy to it, but maybe that was just because it was an opening day. I, I loved it. I enjoyed it more than I did the first two times. It was great. Yeah. Really enjoyed it. Got to sobbing wet. We did. So it was very hot this day. This Friday was very, very, very hot. But it was great because we got literally drenched like the front row. Yep, front row and got all wet. But yeah, it was great. It was a great ride. I really, really enjoyed it. I think I was kind of happy we weren't riding it again. Really? Oh, like, because I was sobbing wet. Yeah, because we did start to dry off and the rain came and then we got wet again. Then we dried off again. Yeah. I love it. And we bought the commemorative photo package, which we don't know how long that'll be available. So that was, yeah. We lucked out. We were in the front row. Yes, we did. But as Jeremy did say in our live that I would, if you were going to plan on buying this, I would ask if you could wait for the front row. Now you might get drenched, but you're going to get the best photo. You are going to get the best photo. Yeah, you end up in any other row, you chance the person in front of you blocking you, whether it's their hands are in the air or whatever is happening. So if you want that perfect photo, I would ask and wait for the front row, but I love the little package. Comes with two recipe cards, which we're going to make. The yays and gumbo. Awesome. Speaking of gumbo. Yes. And speaking of beignets, only there was a place to get beignets and gumbo at Magic Kingdom. Well, you can, Jeremy, at the Golden Oak outpost. Well, that's outstanding. Only available, though, from June 28th through September 6th, which Disney, if you're listening, please keep it. Keep this. Yes. This runs from 9.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. You can use a quick service dining credit here. This actually opened that day, I believe before even 9 a.m. I don't know how early, as opposed after 7.30 of early entry between 7.30 and 8.30. But there was a very long line. And they are serving shrimp and shrimp gumbo with sweet potato fries for $11.99. They are serving a hot honey chicken with sweet potato fries for $9.99. And they are serving Tiana's famous beignets for $6.99. They were also doing a lavender lemonade, I believe, that was a Naveen situation. Yeah, I think it was $6.99 as well. Yeah. It's a minimade premium lemonade, but it's got like lavender in it. Yes. So when we went to get the beignets, they did not have the lemonade then, but I will skip ahead and tell you that we did get it for lunch. So let's talk about the beignets first. These read light, sweet, and fluffy beignets with powdered sugar and a drizzle of honey. Let's do a history of beignets real quick for anybody that doesn't know, hasn't listened. Beignets have been available for quite some time over at Port Orleans, right? You go in and get Mickey shaped beignets in there. It's cat cats, club cafe, it's got cat club. You used to be able to get them in the main dining area at French Quarter, you can't anymore. So these were nice, light, airy, Mickey shaped beignets covered in powdered sugar, get some dipping sauces, they got boozy beignets, they got specialty beignets. Even I'm an oyster beignet sliders over in scat cat club, but they were delicious beignets. We love them. Then we got a chance to go to New Orleans and we went to Cafe du Monde and we had legit beignets. Those are as beignet as you can get, right? Beignet. Yes. Yes. But for us, honestly, they are a little bit denser in the dough portion, but they're still light and airy over there. I think for us personally, we kind of really liked the Mickey beignets at French Quarter. Two weeks ago, went to French Quarter, they have changed the beignet recipe. It is much more now like a dense donut. Still delicious, not exactly a light and airy beignet. Yes. Back for February, they did special beignets, Tiana's famous beignets at Golden Alkposts. We had them that came with a strawberry dipping sauce covered in powdered sugar, but they were like pillsberry croissants or grand biscuits that had been cut up and then deep fried. Yes. Again, still delicious. Still delicious. Not beignets. Correct. Now let's get to Tiana's famous beignets as they're being served at Golden Alk Outpost. And I think these are the closest that you would get to real Cafe du Monde. Yeah. Beignets. When you took a bite of them, they kind of had that whole, I feel like, where they're light and airy. And it just, these were fantastic. And I felt like absolutely very more realer, beignets. Yes. 100%. So we love them. You only get three with them. They put the powdered sugar and the honey on them. Again, fantastic. Love them. Absolutely great. I thought it was outstanding. I will get these a bunch more. I would like, we don't know what they're going to do with Pecos Bill or they're going to possibly refurb that and do something with Tiana's. I think this is close enough. It's set up enough. Just go ahead and just rebrand this now as Tiana's foods and keep these around all the time. Absolutely. Are there's any other reason to go back to chicken tenders and fries or I mean, you could add it to here. Yeah. You know, and do because they're doing the chicken. Right. So let's talk about those. So we went back for lunch. Yes, we did. We got the lavender lemonade, which is outstanding. Very good. Really refreshing. Yeah. Very refreshing. I love lavender. I love it. Yep. Yeah. So and then we got the shrimp gumbo and we did the hot honey chicken. Now shrimp gumbo is shrimp and dually sausage gumbo topped with Cajun spice sweet potato fries. Hot honey chicken is chicken nuggets tossed in hot sauce honey served with New Orleans olive relish and Cajun spice sweet potato fries. Let's start with the hot honey chicken because I think it was probably the lesser good of the two. It's not even how you would have said. Yeah. These both dishes. Let's just say that both of them were amazing. I would get both of them again. Yep. The hot honey chicken was not real hot. It's Disney, which was great, but still really good flavors and everything. I would ask for a little if they could either a put a little extra hot honey sauce on or get some more on the side. Yeah. Because it didn't feel like enough with the sweet potato fries like the gumbo did. Yeah. It was it was so good. You just you wanted it. Oh, it was so good. It coated the it coated the chicken and it well, and here's the thing too, is I wish they would do and I don't this is they're putting the chicken in and they're putting the fries in the thing and then they're pouring the sauce over the chicken. I wish they would toss them. Yeah, because I think you'd get a lot more sauce with it because the chicken the chicken was great with it. But then once you got to the fries and you're eating the fries specifically, there wasn't any sauce left and you wanted it. Yes. Like we get sweet potato fries at two creeks that we love near us and we always ask for a side of honey. Correct. I need it like a dessert. Now I'm gonna put if we do that again, I'll put hot sauce in the honey and eat them that way. Yeah. This was really good. They're your standard chicken nuggets from Disney, but tossed in that sauce. Yeah. And then dude, how'd you like the olive relish? I mean, I got pieces of olive on mine. I wasn't spitting them out. Like I didn't purposely try and eat it. I don't think it's needed. It's not needed because I like olives and stuff and it was but I didn't even really notice it. I just ate it all together. It was it was fantastic. It would be really good with this. If they didn't place of that would be like a slaw. I think would go with this really well too instead of the olive relish. But I would 100% get this again. Yes. And then I would just say is there any way we can get a small cup of the hot honey on the side or just but some more can use that more on top. Either way. Because again, I liked the whole thing and that's I just wanted more sauce. Yeah. That was good. It was. What did you think about the gumbo? Super cute little shrimp salad shrimp. They were little which is great but it didn't need giant like shrimp in it. The the andouille sausage was great but that whole gumbo-y sauce there was a plenty. B when you really like just pretty much mixed it like a bowl. And just toss the sweet potato fries in it. I mean this was this outshine the hot honey just because it was so fantastic. All of it together. Yeah. These flavors were insane for what we're considering a quick service meal out of a kiosk out of a little hut. It was great. And when you mix the gumbo and the sauce and all that with the sweet potato fries because at first I was like I'm really going to miss rice. I'm going to want this to have rice. I didn't miss it at all. Yep. Either now I hope that I hope that this has a deadline because they do have plans for Pecos bill. Like I don't want Pecos bill to go anywhere. I like it. But if they want to change it out for a Tiana's quick service you move these three items over. You add like an Etuffé, you add a Mofolata sandwich you or either do that or again turn this into Tiana's foods and rotate some items out. I would love to see what they do with an Etuffé or a Mofolata sandwich or something like that. I was really blown away if this sticks around or if this quality of food goes into Pecos bill. It could be in running for best quick service on property at that point. Like with a satuli canteen or you know Captain Cooks and all like holy moly this was good. Yes it was. We'll like we'll get these again. Absolutely. And we try not to do that a lot. We try to get something new but we'll be like yeah maybe it's a day we just eat what we love and man. We freaking love that. Yes. All right let's talk a few more Tiana's items from the Main Street Confectionary that we got now Main Street Confectionary. This did not have a deadline of September 6 on these items. They just said that they were available on June 28th. It runs from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. You do get a 10 discount in the Confectionary if you're an AP or have Disney Visa. Let's start with the treats that are right there in the Confectionary. What are the two main items that we got? We got a crispy rice cereal treat lily pad for 649 and then we got the Pecan praline caramel apple for 12.99. No idea that thing was 12.99. That's caramel apples. They're always that much. Yeah. Anyways we have not tried that yet and unfortunately got a little melted but I'm sure all the flavors are there and the cast member was super sweet and said this one's really good so you need to eat it but that crispy rice cereal lily pad. I don't know why it was fantastic but it was super super good. Yeah. Like I don't know if it's just extra marshmallow in it or what but it was great. It's real marshmallowy. Yeah and it's I loved it. Has this green fondant icing on top that adds and then that green sour apple gummy for which they sell in the bags. Oh no. Get a bag. It was super delicious. Oh yeah because you ate it. Did you not get a piece of it? No I did not. It kind of just sat on our counter last night and every time we walked past it you'd take another bite. I absolutely loved it and then they also had it was I believe 4.99 is a chocolate bar. Tiana's banana foster chocolate bar. This is out. Yeah it is. It has all the flavors of banana foster. I loved it. I would get this. It's in our put it in your fridge. It is really good super cold. Put it in your fridge or freezer. Yep. All right then after that because it is a separate checkout area and location we walk back to the kernels where they have all the popcorn because they do have some specialty tiana's popcorn. Yes. Which one did we get? So they have two and the one is just very normal to what they've sold before. Yeah it's all sweets. It is. It's caramel popcorn and stuff. Well this one is called Tiana's Bayou Crunch. This came with Cajun cheddar popcorn, peanut butter M&M's, cheddar crackers, pretzel pieces and then a white chocolate drizzle for 12.99. We didn't make it home with it. Jeremy ate this whole. You ate a bunch. Not nearly as much as I did. Not nearly as much as you did. But it was really really good. I think it was hardest almost taste some of the Cajun cheddar popcorn because of all the sweets and stuff mixed together. But kind of when you got a little more popcorn and a little less sweet that's when you could kind of get that kick of the Cajun. It was fantastic all together. I love this place. We've done this a couple of times. Yes we have. Whether it's whatever like a specialty one that they just make up right and then put it all together right in front of you. You know so everything is fresh in that sense. And yeah, whether you make your own like this place is so good. I think this should be our once we leave our ending. Yeah, I agree. Because it just really is really great. It's just a snack on the way home. Oh it's absolutely love it. I did want to say hello to Scott a listener that we ran into in the queue for Little Mermaid. Yeah that was super cool. Yeah got to chat with him for a quick minute or two. We just I mean honestly we were out of there for like three or so. Here's the reason why. Yeah. Because we had moved as if you remember our H2O glow night at Typhoon Lagoon from two weeks ago to now this coming weekend which was our weekend. So Jeremy had us leaving by three so we could get home. Well I was watching the weather and I'm like oh Lord this is not going to be good. So we went back to our room and started hanging out and it started pouring and thundering and lightning and it wasn't supposed to stop till 11 p.m. So we actually instead of going anywhere called the AP line to try to change the ticket again and Jeremy said the next time we will be there is July 26 I believe. So wonderful cast member Leonard and I were talking and we changed it and because we changed it and because it's more expensive he did say we do have to charge you a total of it's like twenty dollars to change. Yes and I'm like that's fine. So we yet again changed it and I'm hoping we can use it this next time. I feel like rain or shine. Yeah we're gonna have to. We're gonna run out of summer. I feel like so we'll yeah we'll just and this is the chance you take and it goes down to the same as last time. We could have gone I don't believe it was canceled that night but it was one of those situations again even if it cleared up by eight o'clock and it was not going to rain at all anymore for the rest of the night it just probably wasn't going to be the same evening because it had just poured for the couple hours prior like it just wasn't going to be the same. So in the fact that we've been able to switch it I was like let's just do it again. So now here we are again going all right what do we do at that evening you know let's let's figure it out let's pivot let's change. Yes. What are we going to do now and it really was raining where we ended up going to Disney Springs because they weren't selling rain jackets in our resort whereas they did have one. They did but they did have one at where Rachel was hitting animal kingdom. So I was like well Jeremy you need let's just make sure you have one. So we went to Disney Springs bought him a four park rain jacket. And then we put it on and from there we just went out and started doing stuff but you grabbed an Edison's because we hadn't eaten there in a while. Yeah. So you grabbed a time dining time and we went there and this is located at the Lending at Disney Springs this is American this is casual dining. Dining plans and discounts you get one table service credit dining plan and then 15% AP discount which is good. Yeah. Your times run from 1130 a.m. to 355 p.m. for lunch and then dinner is 4 p.m. to 1030 p.m. Yeah we the last time I think we had been to the Edison I don't know what year it was but it was it was Thanksgiving time because they were they used to do a burger of the month. And so they were doing the Thanksgiving burger and it was a turkey burger patty. It was topped with stuffing. It was in top I believe with mashed potatoes gravy. I think it had a slice of cheese on it cranberry like compote and then it came with a side of sweet potato fries and I ate all of it. Yeah but tell them that's not the worst part. I mean that would have been fine. Well yeah so I'm saying it was a run Disney weekend and we had to get up at 3 a.m. the next morning to go do a 10 k and all this was just sitting on me. It was awful. It was so bad and I had to go do the 10k with like 18 pounds of food. I think we're still just sitting in me like I mean my body had not even had time to digest. It was and it was delicious but it was it was awful. I felt awful like sweating like I had meat sweats even the next morning getting ready to go out and do the 10k. It was oh but we hadn't been there in a while so I was like you know what let's go there. We weren't even sure what we were gonna eat but I said let's just go ahead and if anything we know it's a great place to get some zero proof or non alcoholic cocktails. Ronda wasn't drinking that Friday having anything at all alcoholic and so went there and they have three on their zero proof menu and I will say if you are an alcoholic kind of sore and drinker like Edison is a place to be. Oh yeah. They have an incredible cocktail menu there you know again I'll put it up like when we're talking about narcoses they're doing so much stuff here from scratch they really are crafting you know like a speakeasy all these cocktails the the atmosphere is amazing. Speaking of that. Yeah it was super cool I mean the singers it did they were like acting like they were on air and then we were the audience like and then they looked from the 1920s glitz glamour. 1920s style and they're doing yeah they're doing amazing and they're taking modern hits yeah and then they're putting them into this time period yeah it was amazing yeah like the was a band post modern jukebox does that yeah you know and it's just super cool so and we had a table on the second floor like right on the edge they're overlooking and being able to see down there so but yeah this is the place to go get a craft cocktail like it's amazing yep they do have three zero proof cocktails one of those is the phonograph this is red bull tropical and then it's got lime juice lemon juice Rhonda got the apple propellant for eight dollars this was apple cider honey lemon juice and ginger ale how did you like this it was really good really refreshing it did not remind me of fall but I feel like the way it reads you could like associate it with fall but it was it was just great it wasn't too over apple it was just great I really really enjoyed this one I thought yours was very good until I had mine I know you did and then it was like oh wow so I've been doing a lot of mocktails and zero proof stuff this is number one so right now this is number one so I ended up getting the heart and soul so across Disney properties one of the free spirits the zero proof spirits they're using is this seed lip growth so this has seed lip growth 42 seed lip seed lip spice 94 a house made cinnamon cordial pineapple or get and fever tree ginger beer for 12 dollars this is this was so good it's the best zero proof I've had and I'll be honest if this had had vodka like if I was still drinking vodka and this was a vodka drink this would probably be up there with one of my favorite cocktails on property so if you can add I mean if you can go there and add a vodka or rum I'm sure you can it was so good um have you seen this tag yeah you need to cut it on the hat they I'm wearing my Tiana's Bayou Adventure hat and the tag is a CVS or C is a CVS receipt and so if you don't put the hat on properly then it's going to hang way down the side so I have to drape it over my head like a comb over and tuck it up under the hat is what we have to do here but no I thought that this yeah this is the best zero proof cocktail I've ever had mocktail whenever they're calling them yes it was very good um and we weren't very very hungry so I wanted something that probably had more of like um shares and nibbles or whatever so we actually got um the clothesline candied bacon which is 18 dollars and the cracklines which is 12 dollars and the candied bacon is maple black pepper and a sweet and spicy pickles and then the cracklins are your pork rinds with chili lime seasoning house ranch dressing and a bourbon barbecue start with some cracklins yeah uh first of all like for 12 dollars they gave you a ton of them which was great especially because you're getting two dipping sauces yes and I love the ranch yeah they were really yes it was they the cracklins were cooked really well they had a great seasoning throughout it and they were really good yeah I loved it in the bourbon barbecue um the ones we ate were really good there were some of the really weird overly crunchy bits like there were some pieces of those yeah so I was a little disappointed because I would say about a third of them were inedible oh but we didn't need them because we were full on the ones that we did eat because they're nice big yeah crunchy light pork rinds so I loved this the DB clothesline candied bacon I mean you 18 dollars for four pieces of bacon they bring it out on a clothesline it's got like house made pickles with it yeah they're coated in in maple and black pepper and it's just one of those things I feel like you should just you just want to make fun of until you eat it so good like you want to be like really you really need to do this whole thing it's got it like they had to make these little clotheslines somebody made these and they even torched them to give a burnt wood effect and then it's got a piece of rosemary that has been lit on fire and then put out so it's a little bit charred rosemary and it's hanging on this clothesline with clothespins and there's four pieces of bacon dripping or hanging down and you're just like what in the hipster god awful stupidity is this like this is really holy moly yeah yep it's the best bacon you'll eat yeah I think yeah oh so great they're thick they're crunchy they're sweet they're like oh my gosh they're kind of chewy yeah a little bit chewy it's it's almost to a level of bacon jerky yep I think they're so good yes I do too but we were we were full are you were full we decided not to do dinner like yeah we were we were trying to figure out it was super funny because they do have fried calamari on the shareables and nimbals and we were I was I was like wanting to but then I'm like I just can't because we went to mama and I just can't so let so let yeah so let's and we hadn't eaten here in so long and we were gonna go back to like we were trying to pick it between a burger and a um the tomato soup and that sounded and I didn't see it but sounded amazing but we're in Disney Springs and pizza ponces right there yeah it is and my favorite which is your um parmakata which is ricotta and holy moly so I was like joking like let's do that and then let's like get that later so not only did we do that but we also went to salt and straw oh he sure did and had a really good so they had a birthday cake in blackberry which was the newer one um and I just said I'm not even gonna taste it I'm gonna just get it I'm gonna put it in a waffle cone and that was really good um and then why try their one they have a goat cheese and I think it's poison berry or something I tried it it's super good it yeah like this is this is what I imagine they wish their tart tasted like at mama melrose you know what I mean like so they did this very well but then I went with um they had it was a vegan actually which I've done twice now they're vegan ice I've never I don't know if I've had their full dairy ice cream so I can't even imagine how good it is I mean I've tried yours but uh so they had a banana bread right with strawberry jam holy moly this was delicious I it was bananas yeah bananas and strawberry but like in such a different inventive way I love this place yeah it is my favorite ice cream oh and because it was raining um and the storms and the whatnot did cancel the first um dreams that soar show yep they were planning on doing the 10 45 show but at this point we got our pizza ponte and we wanted to go back we had been up since 6 a.m. and this was this was 9 30 ish yeah and I'm like I it is 9 30 by the time we get back and get in our room it might be 10 I can't I can't stay up yeah and we're hoping to catch dreams that soar here on July 4th however that looks but yeah but it was funny because we did our we did our appetizers and mocktails yep then we did the ice cream yep then we went and got the pizza um yeah I got a big Roman it's a must it's the best cheese pizza it's so good do you think you needed three I know I yeah and I said let's just get two let's get my parm con and then let's get yours parmakata parmakata sorry and then you were like wanted to get the big Roman and then I got the gerano which has like jalapenos and sausage and it's like a deeper dish one um I ate most of the big Roman and about half of the gerano one but I'm no yes we needed three no we didn't I love pizza ponte all right we're gonna go on to Sunday yeah so then let's say so we finished Saturday yeah Saturday so we finished Friday night like that and then um Saturday we were coming home but you know it doesn't get dark till you know almost nine o'clock here in Florida so we knew we could have a regular good day yeah so yeah have a full day at the park yeah so um I said do we have to do anything so what can I sleep in because it was late we were getting there and everything like that so um with all that being said you're music yep I'll I'll I'll get up I'll do everything so I wake up on Saturday he's not there and I'm like all right he's probably getting coffee and doing the virtual queue stuff so I go and start to get ready and get in the shower and he comes in and I'm like so how did it go yeah because I plan we're gonna go back to Magic Kingdom we're gonna ride Tiana's again um I think the virtual queue system is a travesty I don't think it works I think oh no it needs to be changed immediately um I would like uh I would like some sort of payment for my pain and suffering um so outside of any IT error this is the first time I did not secure a virtual queue and I did again did everything and exactly as I always have refresh refresh refresh leading up using world clock join virtual queue pops I hit it as quick as humanly possible and it aired out um so again that is what can happen that's where I wish that they locked you in yeah so it defaulted me much like it did to Ronda the day before it defaulted me back out to the main screen and it's still showed um join virtual queue for Tron so I just hit that and joined Tron um so I was like all right now out of curiosity I wasn't gonna do it out of curiosity I went and said what if I all right I didn't get Tiana's but I want to ride it today so one day at Magic Kingdom um I went to look at purchasing if I purchased genie plus before I would ever even purchase it it already showed that lightning lane was gone for the day so it is nice that you can see that ahead of time now you don't go ahead and buy it and then but technically remember if you had bought it prior to 7 a.m. thinking I'm only getting it for a lightning lane to for Tiana's you could still not get it you know buying it after the fact and it's gone so it doesn't matter so I was like all right that's fine we did everything we wanted at Magic Kingdom on Friday it was one of the best Magic Kingdom days we've ever had like that is like core memories all around loved it it's like we don't need to go back there um what can we do so Jeremy had a great idea and he's like I'm gonna put this stuff together while you finish getting ready and then we actually went into the main street magic community and lived Jeremy's little idea and he are you calling it a random Disney day game sure yeah yeah so you can play this at home if you would like yeah all it takes is um uh some a little bit of Disney knowledge or looking it up on the internet what's available um a piece of paper will help in a pen um and some money you're gonna need some money right but if you already had your day budget it it's fine so because Magic Kingdom was out of the picture I double checked as pass holders we still need to make park reservations yep and even though we had Magic Kingdom I just checked to make sure I could switch it to any of the other three yeah because if if I couldn't then you'd have to go scanning at Magic and Park Hop whole big thing we all know it's silly so all three parks are available I said all right here's what we're gonna do is we're gonna I'm gonna write down the three other parks we're gonna put them in a hat and we're gonna select one at random and that's the park we're gonna go to yep so we went live in the main street magic community did this uh and Rhonda picked out Hollywood Studios yay cool I was happy about that one immediately there I had my Disney experience or the website was already up so I switched to Hollywood Studios our reservation no issue then I said all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna shop in one place at Hollywood Studios we're gonna see one show we're gonna ride at least we're gonna ride at least one attraction we're gonna do at least one meet and greet we're gonna get at least one snack or a drink and we're gonna eat lunch somewhere but that's not fun just go there and just do one of those things and pick right no we're gonna let the universe select yep so we went through for each of these and with the community who had thought some ideas said all right let's list the shops yep all right we started going all right we've got and I can't remember the names of them all so I'm like well you know we'll just say Batu Toy Storyland you can shop anywhere in there um the five and dime on the right side that shop on the left side yeah so we started naming shops wrote them all down crumpled them up put them in a hat selected one yes right we got Toy Storyland we did which means that we had to shop and buy at least one item in Toy Storyland next we went through shows Indiana Jones lightning McQueen you know stuff like that right frozen sing along so we go ahead and throw in for shows pick out beauty and the beast yes we have to see the beauty and the beast show mm-hmm next up is an attraction mm-hmm so I looked and said because I didn't want to pick like rise of resistance and that not be possible correct for us right just because we didn't want to burn two hours and a standby queue or spend money whatever so he said all right let's look genie plus was still available to purchase and most rides were accessible he said all right we're fair game with any of the rides we'll make it work put all the rides in there picked out Mickey and Minnie's yes we went ahead and immediately booked a 1050 I bought genie plus right on site because I wanted to do the Toy Story mania and then there was a few other things that we could do so he was like you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and buy it it was only 26 dollars I think per person that day which I mean it's not awful it's not awful yeah during this same time Rachel our good friend Rachel was gonna be there yes and she ended up because she wanted to ride with us purchased us a rise lightning lane which was super awesome and so she's amazing so next we had a meet and greet we dumped all the known meet and greets mm-hmm right we didn't do some of the pop-ups yep that aren't guaranteed a time or place dumped all those in we pulled out um stars the red carpet stars Mickey and Minnie yes we got to meet them then put in all the areas for a snack we pulled out ronto roasters yes and finally put in all the places for lunch and pulled out hollywood brown derby yes immediately I was able to book for the hollywood brown derby at one o'clock or somewhere around there for lunch so we get in the car we drive over to hollywood studios and we start knocking these things out yeah and utilizing genie plus and um connecting with Rachel we were able to ride not only Mickey and Minnie's we did tower of terror we did mania we did a walk on standby for alien alien swirling saucers we rode rise of resistance with the individual lightning lane that Rachel was so generous to purchase for us we did star tours as a walk on a standby and again this was knowing we were going to shut our day down around three pm if we had gone into the night we could have done everything we could have killed killed at hollywood studios so uh just in general we also did uh meet and greet with solly yes we met frozen yep and down there it was awesome because when we were doing the live um kelly was like hey i'm gonna be there too and um yeah it was super awesome to see her and then um we went over to ronterosers and it was so great hanging out with um Rachel all day and then she had her um neff nephew it's her cousins cousins is that second cousin i don't know he's family yeah like yeah tj and he was 15 and amazing so it was his first time and it was just so fun like it was just such a great day it was and this i loved it again this made it so fun like again this is one where you could play this game yourself you know and we had like the best frickin day you know we haven't seen the beauty in the b-show since who knows when possibly when like it's like sick yep you know so it just we haven't gone back and it forced us to do a lot of these things like like i was saying earlier i might have been last episode now because we recorded this all the same day like we were doing the parks the way that people do the parks that we've fallen out of some because we get to go so often so like i just found this whole new like love and appreciation again on doing the parks that way yeah and it was just an absolute blast um we for our ronterroasters as part of our little game and and we kept we kept updated we went live with a bunch of stuff in the community and then we just i just kept updated on social like here's the next thing here's the next thing we made a pit stop at you know to ride alien swirling saucers or do mani or whatever um we decided to do the triple sun's breakfast wrap not the regular breakfast wrap which we love more than anything in the world yes and we've done it multiple times so many times this is their plant-based wrap and we thought we've never done it let's give it a shot so we can tell people about it a plant-based egg a smoky chickpea onion slaw and roasted tomato sauce wrapped in pita bread for 1179 so it's very good it's good it's very good um it's just we're used to the breakfast wrap and we love it so much but this is really good the chickpea was really good um the plant-based egg i couldn't tell a difference at all in that aspect um and it was a little on the spicier end do you feel like um which again when you hear spice with disney usually it's toned down but this was not um this was this was good um if i was plant-based absolutely this would be fantastic and i'd get it every time yeah it's good just it's not when you can eat meat and the regular breakfast wrap is in existence right you know i'm saying like that it's so good i will say i would choose this over that ever again but i will say i was a little sad that knowing that they can do plant-based sausages that they didn't have that in there they need to just make the breakfast wrap plant-based but not change anything else i'm sure the peppercorn sauce you can do plant-based you can we know you can do the sausage plant-based because they've had impossible brand sausage just use that it doesn't have to be the exact same flavors they do a great job with the egg they've got the pita yeah just do it that way um and then i think i had their their lemonade because they don't have i wish they had some specialty non-alcoholic beverages but they don't they have the sarly sirlak or whatever uh oh they do have one but it had um green tea in it yeah so it's caffeine-based so green tea doesn't have oh then it's it's not green then it's some tea that does have caffeine because i looked it up yeah and it does have caffeine in it yeah um so what we'll do is we'll go ahead and finish off but this game was so fun we will play it again play itself at at home this was super great i mean you could literally play it at home here's the go we're gonna bring this to you coming to target soon on the shelves in the video game video game the board game second this could be a game where you play at home and then you like strategize like okay well how would you complete this day when we had all these random things i think Gary Gary would play Fernando i bet he would play that game at home he would be excited about it but let's end with the hollywood brown derby uh which is one of our favorite places i think is severely underrated yes uh over over there at hollywood studios go through some of our points and then let's talk hollywood brown derby all right um this is obviously located at hollywood boulevard at disney's hollywood studios this is american this is fine slash signature dining your dining plans and discounts you do get for um lunch and dinner you do have to use two credits your annual pass is ten percent and your dis disney v says ten percent your lunch runs from eleven a.m. to three fifty five p.m. and dinner runs from four p.m. to eight p.m. and our waiter was stanley he was the best and he was wonderful yeah very wonderful i love too when he asked about you know to discounts or anything we said ap's and we were just talking some and he was like did you take advantage when it was twenty percent like yup we did ohana we did kate make taffee like he was like oh that's great yep then we talked about ohana a little bit uh yeah he was just he was outstanding yes he was he was great we had wonderful service all weekend all right so let's talk uh menu my only thing i hate about this place is that they change oh you know what i mean like this is one of those where that i mean the crab right the crab wangoon wand time thing they used to have crab wand time he used to love they got rid of the burger with the egg on it but when they replace it they replace and they do it's always good it's always good and that's the part that's awesome yeah uh we love the crab lui there yes this is a crispy olive bread citrus blend fried capers and lui sauce a whole bunch of jumbo mum crab with it as well um i believe we've actually done the tomato soup here before i think so and then we were looking at the treso spice mushroom croquettes until we saw the stone fruit barata for fourteen dollars and we were each getting our own meal and we were driving home that day so we were like well let's go on the lighter side as an appetizer um so with this stone fruit barata it is um seasonal stone fruit pistachio crumbs prosciutto fig jam vinaigrette for fourteen dollars um this seasonal stone fruit was peaches millions of peaches peaches for me yes we're just talking about we've been talking about peaches yes and here it was yes uh two good um mounds of barata yes right and three three slices of peaches that look like a tomato yes they did i thought it was the way that it was partly red and like and it was really cool beautiful colorful oh my gosh had this vinaigrette the fig jam vinaigrette served i mean a beautifully presented oh gorgeous gorgeous mmm uh this was this was amazing this was such an incredible take on barata yes it was with the sweetness of those peaches and the prosciutto was so good oh the prosciutto those yeah that's right it was layered with a whole thin cut piece of prosciutto on the bottom and when you got every bite together like i was telling stanley i was just like there's so much going on but in one of those ways that works oh yeah sometimes there's too much going on it doesn't work yep um before we get to our entrees can we just talk about the bread real quick because yes absolutely go ahead um they bring out some rolls and then they bring out butter with cracked pink Himalayan sea salt which get Himalayan sea salt on butter is just a game changer yes it is now these rolls are not anything special i don't know that they're making them there their dinner rolls uh they're much like the ones you can go get a big bag up at Publix they're good they're light they're fluffy it's good bread they come out wrapped in the napkin and they're warm mm-hmm these are the exact same rolls that they served us on the magic which were cold and crunchy and gross but like i said to you we are not all coming in at 5 15 and a line of you know so they are able to warm these up i'm assuming whereas when you go on a cruise and you're you could just keep them warm okay you just have a big bread bin it's just warm or how long does it take to throw these in a convection oven for a minute if you want them toasty i mean yes this this was fan this bread was fantastic it's so good i just found it funny i'm like this is the same bread they gave us on the magic it actually felt like they were literally homemade they did taste they were fantastic they just came out of the oven i loved them uh let's move on to entrees this does switch up a lot uh they still have a filet mignon on there that i've had in the past it is outstanding they still have the cob salad yes of course they have the cob salad so this was really hard coming in here it is it is and it was really hard because it was really hard for both Jeremy and i to go all right let's go ahead and completely get something different because i would have gotten filet mignon and i would have gotten the famous cob salad but we did um and we were looking so i was looking between the lamb shake and the root beer brined pork now they are only a five dollar difference the pork is 40 and the lamb shake is 45 the lamb shake has a saffron couscous which i love um a harissa mix and what's that other words uh nuts satorium chamola yeah and the root beer brined pork had creamy polenta which i do love polenta they had pickle corn tomhanks corn from big uh-huh yep uh herb chimera sauce and then bark's root beer lacquer which is like a barbecue sauce yeah um so i was basically asking Stanley which is better should i get the between the pork and the lamb shank and i don't even remember if i even pretty much got even the el to lamb shank out and he's literally like pork pork pork and i'm like oh and he said the polenta is really creamy and i was like oh okay then there you go that's my decision yeah so it's this tea so it's a t-bone big t-bone like pork yeah because i'm going to explain this yeah it's it's brined i think he said for like 24 hours and then it's sous vide it's done sous vide style so it's slow cooked in that warm water bath for hours and then basically finish with char grilled over fire and i mean yeah what do you what do you think of this um you don't like pork i don't like pork like like t-bone pork like that type of pork i like a pulled pork yeah but when you just eat pork like a steak yeah i i no thank you uh this is the best pork i've ever had it was absolutely fantastic i was a little nervous cutting it because it wasn't like butter i like had to cut it but putting it in my mouth and chewing it it kind of melted it was amazing like i don't know how else to explain it whether then it was probably done to perfection yeah it was great um i mean it was so good i was almost gnawing on it because the t-bone was still in there afterward and that bone adds so much flavor to everything so good i loved your yeah i loved your dish every part of creamy polenta holy moly was phenomenal yeah and the the pickled corn little the little like tiny there was two pieces of corn i think and then there was like a uh shallot or something and i don't know if other a piece of okra or something it was trying to be it was fine but it was not needed but it was also like good so yeah it's one of those things they kind of like it's like they put they put it there because they think it needs to be there but it really doesn't like maybe this would have been better with like a corn and okra suck attached or something maybe i mean i know they need something there because it's the the polenta and then the like it's like it's basically like a steak and potato and you need a little bit of vegetable well it's like yeah when you go back well when you go back to my steak dish at california grill that vegetable was not needed it felt like it was forced that's how this felt was a little forced a little but this still was good right which is good yeah if they able to pull it off it's like why are you doing this so little yeah like there's only like four pieces i think total i felt like maybe there was more but it was it was fantastic and then i was like do i want the shepherd's pie do i want um well it was basically between the pork shepherds pie and then the lamb shank so i'm so glad i was i'm so glad you got yeah um i decided to go with the torizo stuffed free range chicken for thirty eight dollars so this is has comes with seared gnocchi english peas comfy onions and then a pea pea naj it's like i mean it's a sauce like meat sauce uh this is beautiful you know when you just think like okay you're just getting chicken you know like how do you elevate chicken this is how mm-hmm this was a quarter chicken and it actually had the drum where they had peeled like for presentation it had the bone from the drums sticking out of that section mm-hmm but they had peeled back the main part of the drum where it would connect to like does that make sense it just was beautifully presented yeah it is split wide open and you can see all the torizo stuffing in it um fresh peas on there and this sauce coming out of it and then handmade gnocchi because everyone was a different size and they they were soft and they had a nice sear on them they had crust where they had seared them in the pan the chicken was didn't even need the torizo it was super moist and delicious but then when you got the bites with the torizo added so much flavor and depth the peas were great i don't really like peas but they were fresh peas i i just like you go all right what is the hollywood brown derby well it's supposed to kind of represent you know hollywood in the the 20s maybe through 50s and this is where the hollywood elite came this is where the stars came this is where they ate you go okay what would an elevated chicken dish look like like an ai would spit this out i mean that's exactly how you do it and same with yours you know i mean it'd be really easy for them to take that same dish which isn't a signature fine dining establishment and it's not on the bone you know it's just a little pork tenderloin or pork chop or something you know same with mine it could have just been a stuffed chicken breast with no presentation and the oh by the way the skin on this crispy and so flavorful you know sorry magic but you did crispy duck and then had our waiter even tell you yeah by the way the skin isn't crispy like this again this is one of those where what we got here beat anything we had on the magic by leaps and bounds you know now go back to mama melrose that was the quality we got on the magic in a lot of situations i felt like but yeah this is i just feel like this is such an underrated restaurant this should not the morning of have reservations available yeah this should be this should be at 60 days people are scrambling to get this restaurant i don't think it was very busy that day though no in general and it was very hot this weekend because even the lounge was still open lots of spaces which that can book up very quickly within the first few minutes of opening really sometimes there's a lot a very long line yeah i mean availability of lightning lanes and and even that stuff showed you that this was not a crazy busy day but in general i mean hollywood yeah hollywood brown derby is it's oh you also had a little drink oh yeah i got uh it was sprite with watermelon yes with a little low cube and i tasted it was fantastic they had um three or four i believe spritzer one would be a kiwi and then i'd believe they had a grapefruit one because they're big on grapefruit because they do that grapefruit cake and yeah and i did not want one i think i just wanted to do water um but then of course um he because i almost was like i'm full but he said something about um cert and i'm kind of like yeah um so he starts to name him and crumbler lay he says and i'm thinking oh yeah i've had it here before let's just do that again um which i'm kind of sad because they do have an orange angel nut chocolate cake we probably should have tried or the decadent chocolate cake or the poached pears and panna cotta um just because we were doing the other things and we have done the crumbler lay before but i mean i'm glad we did the crumbler lay it's perfect it's perfect it's what when you get crumbler lay this is what you want yep that has the cherry compote on it but it's not even needed but it's delicious with it but it's just a plain crumbler lay this is tops it's like a piece of shortbread in between shortbread and a biscotti yeah the very yeah like not quite but it was good that along the side of it just i absolutely love this place i do like i you know and for me the decor it's cool like you got all the sketches and you got the you know the hollywood elite and their photos and autograph and it's neat but the place it it feels it feels like it's i wish they would find a way to refurb it where you feel like you're taking place when it's supposed to take place to me it feels like it's now 1940 and this was the spot 20 years ago so it's it's kind of outdated it's kind of you know what i mean does that make sense it feels a little bit older as opposed to being in its prime like it doesn't have the feel like a movie star is going to walk through that door at any moment it has a feel like a movie star walk through that door 20 years ago right you know what i mean like so i it'd be neat if they could find a way to bring it back into like you're there during its prime yeah which they did during jolly wood nice yeah by having live music and just the way it felt in the decor now this was the holidays but it felt like this is this is this restaurant at its absolute prime and now it feels like it's not even though the food quality's there and it's amazing yeah so uh there you go there you have it that was our that was our wonderful weekend yes all started with just going down for tiana's opening it turned into one of the best and back to that and us doing saturday ending saturday um i think you know our loungels were on our side tiana's wealth ran so well on opening day it did had a little downtime for web fantastic ran beautifully it did but the second day it did not and today it has not it has they've evacuated it on sunday the third day of operating they've already had evacuated and drained all of the water um the last i saw and that was about in two hours ago that i read that headline so i mean again you know it just wasn't meant to be in because even if jeremy would have gotten a virtual cue we would have been over there and we'd have just been sitting around and we probably wouldn't think advantage of others and and we had such a great day with rachael it was much needed um so i i'm happy that the i'm so glad i missed that virtual cue yeah i'm so glad and we just had a wonderful wonderful day um but that's what we talk about that a lot you know again not having your checklist not having make or break items and being able to pivot you know um i mean i had a plan now it's not devastating to us if we had decided saturday morning oh we didn't get the virtual cue you know what let's just go home again it's not devastating for us but we took something where oh we didn't get that's what we wanted to do today we had in our head we're going back to magic kingdom here's what we're gonna do we're gonna ride tiana's we're gonna maybe do this that and all of that to be basically taken away and go you know what let's just pivot let's change our day and have one of the best days ever yeah and i think i think that's something just to be said that maybe you know anybody that is taking a long trip because we are four genet we can come often but if this is something where this happens to you and you're like holy crap this is my once a year trip and then you're really upset do something like we did have this play game and you know you could end up with the best trip ever and then go wow yeah you're right i don't you know this didn't really upset me now and so and you and you could actually do this game if you wanted instead just so you have a family of four like us for each one each person puts into the hat for that you know so you go all right restaurants we each get to select one restaurant that we want to represent instead of taking all of them absolutely so four restaurants go in but it's at least one that each of us have said four attractions whatever 100 do it that way you know this will go along like bus roulette you know and we talked about that almost like do we just walk out and see what bus comes first let that determine our day we almost did that Friday night we did but it was raining and we were like all right we didn't want to be stuck in a park house yeah we got we had to like really strategically think about what we wanted to do what we needed to do and so yeah but it was so much fun it was many more adventures like that to come yeah along here so if you want to follow along with those you can search for the main street magic community on facebook and ask to join or you can hit us up on our regular facebook page on instagram on what's your own twitter uh at main st magic emissim podcast on tick tock of course hit that subscribe button get brand new episodes every tuesday and friday and finally as long as you're out there ronda and i would be so very thankful if you could please leave us a rating and review because it helps our show grow that's all we've got we'll see you real soon jeremy and ronda are more than a little pond of disney world so they made this podcast to share it all with you reports and resorts top 10 lists of all sorts main street magic springing at home for you [ Silence ]