Main Street Magic - A Walt Disney World Podcast

678: Dining Review: Steakhouse 71 (Breakfast), Bar Riva (Lunch), Cape May Cafe (Dinner), and Ohana (Dinner)

Jeremy and Rhonda share their recent visit with thoughts on Communicore hall and Plaza, ¡Celebración Encanto!, a new Magic Kingdom sweet treat, the change in beignets, Bar Riva, breakfast at Steakhouse 71, and dinners at both Cape May Cafe and Ohana.

1h 38m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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Jeremy and Rhonda share their recent visit with thoughts on Communicore hall and Plaza, ¡Celebración Encanto!, a new Magic Kingdom sweet treat, the change in beignets, Bar Riva, breakfast at Steakhouse 71, and dinners at both Cape May Cafe and Ohana.

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On this episode, we eat a lot. As we visit Steakhouse71 for breakfast, barriva for lunch, as well as both Cape May, Cafe, and O'Hanna for dinner. Today's June 21st, 2024, this episode 678 of the Main Street Magic Podcast. Hello and welcome to another episode of Main Street Magic. I'm your host, Jeremy Stein, and as always, I'm joined by my lovely wife, Rhonda. Hey guys, make sure you check us out on the web at, as well as follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @mainstmagick and on TikTok @msmpodcast. If you want to be part of the community and join the conversation, in addition to live streams from the parks and our weekly live show, head to Facebook and search for the Main Street Magic community and ask to join. And don't forget to hit the subscribe button so you can get brand new episodes every Tuesday and Friday. Planning a trip to Disneyland or Walt Disney World can be overwhelming and at times just downright frustrating. But don't worry because mouse dining removes the frustration of booking Disney dining reservations alerting you when they spot availability for your desired restaurant, date, meal, and time. Visit to use this free service. So today we are talking all about our trip and all about the stuff that we have experienced over our past trip food, uh, communicore hall opening. Let's see, what else? There's a lot. Yeah, there was a lot. We're going to save, um, talking about Riverside and French Quarter and do more of a deep dive for next episode. Okay, because this one is going to be lengthy as is because of all the dining and then some of the stuff like communicore hall and plaza and a few other things. So, uh, first though, we do have this week's poll. Okay, from our Facebook group. And the question was, which Walt Disney World theme park is your favorite, which is your favorite? Rhonda? Oh no, that's too hard right now. I know. Because I don't know. I don't know. I I don't know. I want to say magic. I just started to say I want to say magic. Yeah, I'll be honest. It really is. And if you want to hear more about Tiana's and our thoughts, you can go back to the last episode where we ranked water rides and we talked about the preview and our two rides on Tiana's Bayou adventure. But yeah, and a lot of the comments in this are, you know, some are just clear cut and somebody just goes, I love Epcot because of this or I love Magic Kingdom because of this. But a lot of them are, you know, it's dependent on who you're with on the trip on, you know, which park like my favorite park is the one I'm in. I mean, really, right, you know, I'm not, uh, like, I'm not like that famous meme of the guy with his girlfriend who's turning his head and looking at the other girl passing by, you know, I'm not an animal kingdom thinking about Epcot, you know, or whatever, like, I'm in a park and I'm enjoying that park. So but right now I would say Magic Kingdom, I think is our favorite, right? Yeah, I would. Yeah, I would agree with that. And we're, you know, we're going to magic now more because of Tron now because of Tiana's. So that's two big reasons to go with, you know, the newness of those two. And then we've been at magic. We've been trying a lot of new, uh, food items and snacks and stuff that we hadn't done in a long time or never done before. So, but here's how the poll went in case you're wondering. Yes, I would like to. Um, in last place, dead last at 12% was Hollywood Studios. Hmm. That I feel like that's surprising. I think I'm surprised that it like beat out quote unquote animal kingdom lost out. I guess you would say. Yeah, I guess I started saying it was next at 17%. Um, so not too far off, not too far off, but that's surprising. Yeah. For both of those, they really, there isn't enough to do for a lot of people. A lot of comments for Hollywood Studios is that there's just, there's not enough to do. You know, if you properly plan Hollywood Studios, you can be done with it in a half a day now. You know, if you're really like Gung Ho going at it. Okay. Um, I think animal kingdom has the luxury of, uh, spending more time in because of things like the exploration trails, the shows, you know, if you see Festival of the Lion King and Nemo, you've knocked out really between waiting, showtime, exiting two hours of your day. I just started to say, yeah, you know, no, okay, some could be said the same for just say, um, Indiana Jones, epic stunt spectacular frozen sing along once we get the little mermaid show back. Um, so it'll be interesting to see. Yeah. And second place at 32% was Epcot. Okay. And then in first place, of course, Magic Kingdom with 39%. So still not a huge difference between the top two, not a difference between the bottom two, but a huge difference between the top two and the bottom. Right. You know what I mean? So well, let's, because I think I would pick my second one would be Hollywood, but then I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. It's, you know, it's funny. Like we're looking at the end of the month, uh, when, well, heck, I'm sorry. We're looking at one week from now. Yes. When we go, um, it was months going quick. Uh, when we go back for Tiana's opening, we're going on the 27th of the day before and we're going to stay two nights and I had Hollywood studios booked. Okay. And because we were going to, I was thinking, you know, we'll go do like lunch there. We just hadn't been, I feel like the studios in a while. And then this morning, I was like, why would we start at Hollywood studios? There's no real benefit. I'm going to switch it to Epcot so that we can at least get a virtual queue freebie for Cosby rewind. Okay. Ride that. You know, then, then hop over via Skyliner to Hollywood studios and spend, you know, whatever time we need to there. Okay. Um, on that same day on the 27th, uh, if anybody happens to be around, uh, parks and resorts, we are doing a Main Street Magic mini meetup at Banana Cabana over at Caribbean beach resort at six p.m. Come out and see us. We'll be hanging out there for a little bit. And then, yeah, if, if anybody wants to hang out longer, I was thinking maybe if we had a couple of folks that wanted to pop in, we could take a vote, either to go see luminous over at Epcot or a little bit harder. You'd have to probably get there at least an hour early for Fantasmic. Um, but we might hop to one of those parks after we do a little meetup and, and check out a, uh, the evening. So, okay. Speaking of Epcot, let's talk Communicore Hall and Communicore Plaza, uh, which are now open as of June 10th. We got to visit these starting with Communicore Hall, which is going to host and house Mickey and friends, uh, the new dedicated character greeting location, uh, as well as, um, an indoor space with tables, chairs, uh, there is now a festival favorites that is located, uh, right in the Communicore Hall area. Uh, currently they're actually doing incanto inspired because of the incanto show. Talk about that in a few. Uh, and then Communicore Plaza is going to have year round, uh, live entertainment. Uh, this is an outdoor area that basically sits between all of these with the stage. Um, before we talk the incanto celebration show, what do you, what do you think of this whole space now that the walls are down, you know, now Disney was almost claiming like, you know, the overhaul of Epcot is complete, which isn't really true because test track just closed refurbishment. You know, I mean, they're just refurbishing it. Yeah. So they're going back to the, they're, they're supposed to go back. It's refurbished. It's being refurbished. It's still going to be a test track. Okay. But they're going to apparently go back to some of the, the things from when it was, uh, world of motion and kind of be like world of motion test track, like, I guess mashup to bring you test track 3.0. So we don't know exactly, you know, so we had the world of motion, then you had that go into test track with the crash test dummies. Um, not the band that brought us such a wonderful tune. That's the name of the song. Okay. The walls, the walls, this boy, with the guy with the deep voice. That's the crash test dummies. It's an outstanding video is even better. I think you should sing it the whole thing. But the, but I probably know every word is the crazy part. Wow. And then weird out did a wonderful security of it. But anyway, moving on to things that, uh, around Disney, um, then we had test track 2.0 as we just most recently know it, which we design the car and stuff. Are they taking that out? Don't know. We don't know what they're doing. I think it's going to be some sort of collaboration of everything. You know, world of motion was a much, was a slower, a much slower ride throughout the indoor space. I don't remember world of motion. I don't either. I don't know if I ever wrote it. I'd have to go back and look at the years that it was around, um, but anyway, so, you know, I don't know that Epcot is truly complete and according to Walt, no park is complete ever. But what do you think of this area in world celebration that is now complete? Um, I want to go back and like, look at it some more slash. I think we were hurrying. I felt like I don't know why. Um, so I felt like when we went in, I just, but I like it. It's, it's, um, a lot of space that will be interesting to see what they do with it. Time come of festivals because there was not, it just seemed a lot of empty space, but it was so nice to get out of the heat. It was very hot that day. Yes, very. Um, it was really nice to just go inside and hang out. Mickey and friends was super cute, a lot smaller than I expected. It is. Um, but we, we've rope dropped it. We were at that moment at the nine at the week. Okay, so we had early entry at 8 30 because we were staying on property, but we were arriving to Epcot and basically going through the turn style, uh, right around 8 55. Right. So by the time we got up to spaceship Earth, um, they were letting in nine AM regular park opening folks and we headed straight to Mickey and friends and we had zero weight. Yes. Basically. I mean, people started to line in a lot behind us. Yeah. But we were some of the first because we just be lined right there. I mean, goofy literally looked around the corner and he's not the first one. Yeah. Which I was like, uh, the doorway. Yeah. I think the space is wonderful. I like the fact that right there, we hit mini goofy Mickey. Yes. Um, they were, the characters were so, they interacted a ton. Of course. They were always, they were wonderful. Yes. So, uh, really, really enjoyed this space for the meet and greet. Yeah. When you go back to the indoor communica, communica or hall space. So Disney is saying in the description that this is going to, and this was built as a flex space. This was not built to be one and done. You know, now them opening it during the time that nothing else is going on is weird, but, but it's nice. Because again, like we were waiting on the in content and Mickey and friends was small where we were inside at the time. But if we would have had a bunch of people behind us, that's all outdoor waiting space. Now it is shaded. They have some more umbrellas too when the sun starts to be on, you know, on that side. Um, but it's still muggy and hot. Yeah. So it was really nice to go in there and it was just quiet and so. It is going to be a great workspace during the non festival times. Uh, Disney Disney is saying that this is going to be a flexible gathering and event space, including art exists, art exhibitions, live entertainment, cooking demonstrations and more. That's what you said. I do. I hope we see back, especially food and wine, the cooking demos. Uh, right now, if there is, um, weather, you know, bad weather rain and all, they're going to bring the incanto show inside to communicore hall. So is it what Disney originally, um, promised and showed us? No, but, but nothing is all of these, right. You know, all of these things and plans that, that Disney shows or anything park or anything for that matter, you know, you could talk about, I mean, shoot, I'll look at the, the newest publics that they built near us. That was a completely different concept when it was first presented. It was supposed to be green wise. Yeah, it was supposed to be a green wise publics and it changed. And so now it's this hybrid of like a green wise and a regular and this is their new style. But what I'm saying is that projects change over time. They just do. Yeah. Uh, it would have been wonderful to have this original festival center that Disney promised and announced, um, through, through cuts and changes due to COVID and then coming after it's just the way that it happens. I do think this was built as a flex space. It's going to be able to house these events, cooking demos, live entertainment, all of those types of things. I think it's going to be great in the end. And, um, coming on actually Tuesday's episode will be I sit down with, uh, Daniel and Zach, the WDW aristocrats for Journey Into Imagination series. And we do talk about this, um, a bit. We talk about this space and all. And so I think if, you know, for, for folks like us that have watched this be built over the past five years, yeah, you know, we've, we've walked past the walls for five years. We know all the details. We know all of the little, you know, behind the scenes of what it was going to be and what it is now, it's easy for, for us and big Disney fans to sit back and go, well, this isn't what I thought. This isn't what they promised. You know, who doesn't care and has no idea? The average family, the average park goer. Right. The average family in park goer. That's going to come to this space and they're going to go, wow, this is a great place to relax and unwind. When it's hideout, it's going to be a beautiful space to go and sit. And they're going to have some different things happening in there. Grab something from festival favorites. You go inside. And during some of the months when it does get a bit cooler, you have this beautiful outdoor space that can be flex as well. Yeah. So, you know, Disney's going to always look for an opportunity to think about the possibility of Disney renting this out for corporate events or weddings or things like that. You know, this is another space that Disney can utilize and do whatever they want with it. So, has it really been five years? Yeah. I mean, it really has been. Yeah. If anything, out of all this space, you know, which we recently opened with Dreamers Point and in those areas now coming into communicor hall, communicor plaza, the only thing I think they really totally missed out on was having that big, odd looking planter. And they should have put back in some sort of fountain. I think they should have done a really good nod, you know, to going back to that. But this is what we got. So, let's talk in Kanto celebration. This is going to be where the whole family can play trivia, dance and sing along to some of your favorite songs from in Kanto. This is now showing at 9.45 AM, 10.45, 11.45, 1.25, 2.25 and 3.25. Going to last about 10, 15 minutes. What did you think? Because this is not an exact copy of what we saw on Disney Cruise Line on the Disney Magic. No, but it's definitely an upgrade from that. Yeah, there's not a lot of noise. Yeah. I sort of say children, but there is. I love that. But they don't and it's outside. So, I think it's way different and upgrade because it's outside, maybe because, I mean, maybe you put that inside and maybe it'd be loud. Yeah, it's going to be. It was great though. It was super cool because they did. They would do a little bit of trivia to go into a song. So, then you could sing along. You could dance. There's a turf, is that what you call it? Grass. Yeah, all this is astroturf. That you have to sit on that part because the concrete and the stuff that is not grass, if you're sitting, they'll ask you to move because that's where they're going to sing and dance and go down the aisle and have fun. So, yeah, I like that they didn't give the children things to instruments. Thank you. Yeah, that was a thing on the on the cruise was, you know, they were bringing kids up and giving them drums and maracas and tambourines and very loud instruments of noise. But again, I think it was because it was inside. Yeah, I really like it. You know, I wish, I do wish that there was some sort of seating out here. But I understand why there's not, you know, if you filled this with tables, yeah, if you filled it with picnic tables for people to be a little more comfortable while they're watching the show, then they may not leave when it's over and they want people to leave, obviously. So, you are sitting on the grass, but that's fine. It's comfortable, you know, everybody stayed sitting unless they got up to grants. So, your vision is not impaired. Correct. You're not the only one seating. There's umbrellas. Yeah, there are umbrellas that they put out. So, there's shade. I think that this is such a perfect family show. And when you have young kids, this is what this is what you want at Disney. These are where you make memories. This is super cute. You know, if your kid gets selected, they get to go up on stage. When your kid gets in a conga line or when your kid's up there dancing, when you're when you're doing all those things, you don't know who's going to get to watch. Oh, sure. This is what this is what you live for as a parent. Yeah, is to see this stuff. And that's exactly what this is built for. Now, as to mid 40 year olds who don't have their children with them at Disney anymore, we enjoy like I wouldn't go back and see it again. Yeah. And even if our children were with us, they're 14 and 16. Right. It's not really going to take anything. But if you have those younger kids, that's who this is built for. And I think it's I think it's perfect. I think it's absolutely perfect. And I'm super excited to see what they can do with this space. Now, this is not set up. It is a stage. It is a covered state, full video, audio, everything. Right. So I'll be very interested to see what they do here, because, you know, before I saw this space outside, I kept saying commuter core hall, that is perfect for cooking demos and things like that. You know what else is? This space. This is perfect for outdoor cooking demos. Yeah. So I'm especially with the screen behind it. Yeah, because they do those overhead shots and can I'm super excited to see what they do with this at food and wine. So Disney do it. You created this canvas. Now go ahead and paint it. Yeah. Right. So that'll be cool. Yeah. Speaking of shows, Rhonda Saul, for the first time ever, not in forever, because she's never seen it before. I got her in there. We went and saw voices of Liberty. Yeah. Which outstanding as always. That's really good. And then we went right for the 11.45 a.m. the first showing of the American adventure. This was an opening day attraction that has gone on some slight modifications since. Yep. Opened on October 1st, 1982. Okay. Buckle in though, because this is almost 30 minutes law. This features 35 audio animatronics that is basically telling America's history. Yeah. Right. And so what I think, this is just a little bit of like trivia. And then I want to see what your thoughts are on this. So below the stage is a 65 foot by 35 foot scene changer called the war wagon. Yeah. Right. And it moves show set pieces horizontally, basically into place using this drawer system. So what is amazing is as you're looking at this stage, one thing will pop up and you'll see it and you'll witness it. It'll go back down. But in that exact same spot later, another whole entire set piece and audio animatronics pop up. Yeah. So they're, they're literally, which is, you start to realize like when you first go in, you go, why am I going up these escalators? Yeah. Why do I have to go up? You go up. Yeah. Yeah. Because the first floor underneath has to be built for this, this war wagon that is literally interchanging in a drawer system set. They're moving entire animatronic set pieces into place, raising them, bringing them back down, taking them out, and then putting another one in, which I assume down there becomes a little bit, almost like a carousel system. What do you think? Just tell us your review of the show. What do you think of the show? It's a great place to nap. Come on, man. You didn't fall asleep. I can try. I nodded. I was tired. It's dark. It's cool. No, it was great. Yeah. It was great. It was, it was neat because it was like, first I go around the corner, I was like, oh, there's escalators that you go up. And then, I mean, there's stairs too, if you want to walk. And then, um, then you go around and I'm like, this place is huge. Like, I was shocked and I was like, a large theater. It is. And I'm almost surprised that something else hasn't gone, but, but it was a great, like, and it's, it's almost sad to see the way America was and almost the way it is now. But it's also neat to see. And I did. I enjoyed watching it. But yeah, it's a great place to nap. I mean, it's fair. This is only the second time I've seen it. Yeah. You know, because I don't think it's, it's not a repeatable. No, you know, but at the same time, if it's so hot and if it's something like, I'm just like, I just need a, we're going to be out late. I need a break and I just come in here and sit for 30 minutes. I mean, great too. If you have young kids, you just need almost a break too. But no, it was, it was super cool. The set pieces were really impressive. I think the boat scene was really cool because they reminded me of Universal where I don't know really almost what was moving. I think the boat was moving for a little bit, but then I think it stopped and then the screen was moving and it was just super cool. Yeah, I really, I really enjoyed watching it. There were a few parts in it that was a little air quote unquote boring. So that's where I think I was starting to nod. Yeah, this is, yeah, this is not a show to go in and be like, whoo, I mean, this is, but this is, it's me educational. Yes. I think everybody should see it once. But I think so much more you go not only for the history of America and the educational component of it, but just the way that it is composed. I mean, there's a part where an animatronic Ben Franklin takes steps upstairs and across. Yeah, that was crazy cool. Yeah. It's insane. Like, so just to see, you know, and again, this has been around for over 50 years. Yeah. So it's, it's pretty mind blowing when you look at that aspect of it. And I do think it's a good break, but I also think everybody should take the time to see this once. Yeah. And again, not only for the history, but for just, it's, it's a marvel of audio animatronic. Yeah. I think it's absolutely incredible. Yeah. So, but I'm glad we finally went in. Yeah, it would not surprise me if we, you and I never see this show again. Short of us being with someone and being like, you, let's go see this. We need a break and I think you're going to be super blown away by these animatronics and everything. So, I think honestly, the only time not is when there was no animatronics and it was the screens play in the like, right, that part can get a little boring. Yeah, but I mean, it was just, I think it was really cool that it was like, I was interested in all that. Yeah. What I think actually would be pretty cool is if to open up, just say, the space of, in the hall of president, presidents fits beautifully within Magic Kingdom and Liberty Square area. But I do think it would be cool if they renovated that space for something different and then did almost a combination of the American adventure and hall of presence in this space at Epcot. You know, I mean, and I don't know how you'd, but imagine if the last scene was all of the presidents. Yeah. You know, coming up. That's cool. From that stage and doing a smaller portion of hall of presence with the most current president and then all the, you know, ones that came before, I think would be pretty cool. But all right, we're going to move on to food. Okay. And we're basically going to go through the food. You know, we've done this before, or we just go like breakfast, lunch, dinner. Out of order of how we actually did it, but we're just going to go in order here of how we did things. We're going to start after at Tiana's bio adventure preview. We're at Magic Kingdom. We did. You did ran into a listener. I did. I ran into Tom. That was super cool. On Main Street. We were about to head out and he stopped me and I was like, Oh, you know, so thanks, Tom. I appreciate it. It was nice to meet you. Yeah. So yeah. And then we went to Main Street confectionery and ended up getting the Mickey mint chocolate chip cookie sandwich. Jeremy, it was super funny when they came out with the snacks and they came out with this. Jeremy's like, why does it look like mint chocolate chip? The merchandise line. Yes. Thank you. Sorry. And he's like, why does it look like the like it's mint chocolate chip? And we don't have one. And then all of a sudden they had one. So we were super excited. This is 779 and you do get pass holder discount. It's super sad because it's not ice cream. Everybody thought it was ice cream. It is actually two chocolate cookies sandwiched with a mint chocolate chip flavored like frosting. I'm not sure if it's buttercream or not. They say it is. It was very cold. Buttercream doesn't have to sit in cold. It doesn't and buttercream is creamier than this. This was. Yeah. What I think they did. Well, what I think they did is you're right. Buttercream does not need to be refrigerated. It's smoother. But buttercream. Right. But if you took room temperature buttercream and sandwich it between two cookies, as soon as you bid it, all of that would come out. So I think that's why they're refrigerating it to kind of basically firm it up. So it holds up better, which it holds up pretty well. Yeah, it does, I guess, break the buttercream some where it is almost crumbly. Why would you not make this a mint chocolate chip ice cream Mickey sandwich? I don't know. Nothing, nothing about choosing this Porsche or doing it this way over making that ice cream makes any sense whatsoever. I enjoyed the taste together because it was so cold. The flavors, everything was good. It was almost like I want another bite because it was like the mint and I liked all that. But I won't get it again. I was sad because it wasn't and the and the buttercream. And you said it best over at Epcot at caramel couche. If they had that type of center in the mint chocolate, then I mean they'd have knocked it out. Yeah, this would have been better or make it mint chocolate chip ice cream. If this had been chocolate chip ice cream, dare I say, this becomes one of the top three. Yeah, 100 quick desserts that you could get on profit 100% for people who like mint chocolate chip. I'm picking this over a Mickey bar every time. Yeah, I'm taking this over the standard Mickey ice cream. Like this would be out. Well, that's right. I don't understand. I thought why isn't this ice cream? Because that's what I just don't understand. The chocolate cookies are the same from the ice cream sandwich. Correct. I'm 90 percent sure. It's same. It's same cookie. It's now my guess is possibly because they make so many of these things inside of Main Street Confectionary that they're making these cookies on site in the confectionary as opposed to the pre-packaged Mickey ice cream sandwiches, which are coming from a third party location and being shipped here and then they're serving them. But here's an idea. Let these be an option. Pre-packaged make them wherever you have to is I think it's Nestle that makes these or Dove. I can't remember who makes the sandwiches, but Nestle Dove, whoever it is, have them just do one with mint chocolate chip ice cream inside and it is going to knock it out of the park. It will be, I think it'd be up there on the levels of doll whip and it's going to become a classic Disney snack that people want every time they go. So I'm glad we tried it. Yes. Would not get it again. Correct. And my review would be save your money for something else inside the confectionary. Don't you think like instead of getting, I wouldn't get, I personally, if somebody says, should I get the sandwich? I'd say, no, there's a lot better things in the confectionary if you had to pick one. See, and that's where it's hard for me because I would, I would say, yeah, get it one time. But no, that it's not the icing and no, just know what it is. Yeah, but I don't think we're selling it very well that if Disney's not calling us out to be like, hey, we need to move more of these units. Couldn't they listen to your episode to do so? We'd be like, yeah, that's probably not a good idea. I wouldn't say save your money. I'd say, but not, it's not that much. You know, you get past hold or discount, I think it's like six, it's a little over six bucks or something. The positive spin to put on it. It is good. The flavors are good. Yeah. It is not something. It's shareable. Exactly. This is what I was going to say. I would, I don't see someone sitting down and eating this entire sandwich. So it is a very good shareable snack. You could split this among a family of four. Yep. To each try it. Yep. Only spin 779 less if you're a pass holder and then I think it's worth it. Yeah. But if you're saving a treat for yourself for the day, don't do this. Yes. There's plenty of 100% and that's where I think I was just thinking because like again, I wouldn't get it again, but I think it was worth the money. I think it was good enough for you and I to share. I can agree with that. Yeah. I agree with that. Okay. And I will say this, we ate about half of it or so. There's a little bit left. Put it back in the bag. We were heading towards a trash can. With it. And I took it out and took another bite. So did I. And we nearly threw any away. Correct. So that is, that is fair. I just, I won't get it again. No. Until they make it ice cream. Correct. And then I will get it all the time. Real quick, cosmic rays, we had not eaten a cosmic rays in so long. You wanted some french fries, but right before you did, we were inside and somebody was walking by with chicken strips too. And I was like, well, just, I need some protein. Let's just go ahead and do that. Yeah. And we went, we met up with Scott and Michelle, and one of their sons who were, they were there. Altogether, Aidan was there with them at the main street mouse. And so after they got off Tiana's preview, we already done one early. They were like, we got to eat. Okay. Cool. We'll meet you where you're going. Went to cosmic rays, did a mobile order. Went ahead and got the chicken strips. The adult version is four strips served with french fries for 1099. Not bad. They're great. See, I'll be honest. I like these. Yeah. These tenders that we had there. I know they're like the same, but I thought they were better than the ones on the magic. I don't, I, or at least the same. I don't remember eating them on the magic, but go ahead. I did twice with room service. I thought they were great. Yeah. They really were. And now I'm thinking about it, because Scott got tenders too. I just, it's just coming to me now, what he was dipping his in. What was he? He mixed ranch and barbecue sauce together. Oh, that's interesting. That sounds super interesting. I did not like the honey mustard, actually. Oh, you didn't? I thought they were really good at the barbecue sauce. They were good with them. They were good with the ranch. Yeah. And then catch up's always good. Of course. And this is just a classic spot to go. Oh, 100%. Because we're always trying to do something new or have something new. I didn't really want it. Really? I got it. Yeah, you liked it. I got it down this whole thing was the sully slush. So this is Monsters Inc. Sully inspired blue raspberry slush with purple whipped cream for 649. I'm guessing this is a 16 ounce cup. Mm hmm. What did you think? It was so good. It was like kind of like cotton candy. I just started to say, um, I'm glad you found it. And because I didn't know what you got. And you just got a slushy. I didn't know it was the sully, which now it makes sense because it was this pretty light blue. And then there was purple in it. So, um, but it was super funny because I guess I didn't see any pictures or know what was it. And we were trying to place it. And I was like, I guess blue raspberry. But I guess because of this stuff together, it did taste very almost like a little cotton candyish. But it was fantastic. I like it. And I like the consistency of these. Now it's not very drinkable through a straw. But it is, it's much more, it's much more dessert than it is like, I'm going to have like a slushy with my meal. So, um, you can eat it with a spoon. Like I like the consistency of it. And I really enjoyed it. I thought it was great. I would get this again. Like I picked this over the mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwich or ice cream. So yeah, I automatically want to say ice cream. Yeah. But yeah, I'd pick this over that mint chocolate chip sandwich thingy. I would agree. I really enjoyed it. Yeah. All right. So let's talk Friday evening. Oh, yeah. This is funny. We ended up, we ended up at Kate Mac, Kate May Cafe for dinner, which was not our original plan. It was not. And I, uh, one of the surprises for Rhonda. Yes. What is when I don't. So surprises aren't always good. I think these were, but you never know how someone like a surprise to someone. I think of like, Oh, I have a surprise for you. It's just going to be something that anybody's like, Oh, that's awesome. I can't wait. Like I'm excited. I don't know what your thought was because you didn't know what we were doing Friday night. We went back to the room. Weather was coming in, right? Yes, it was. Weather was coming in. Yes, it was. And me knowing what our evening activity was in the back of my head is thinking, crap, because you and you're talking to Scott and Michelle, you're like, Oh, I think it's going to rain. We could really use the rain. Oh, I hope it rains a little bit. It'd be nice if it rained. It'll cool off if it rains in the back of my mind, because my surprise was going to H2O glow nights at typhoon lagoon was, Oh, no, would you guys be quiet? I do not want it to rain at all. So you didn't know what we were doing. We were back in the room and you went to shower. I was it was hot that day. And I was like, I think I stink. Yeah, go back to our our stinky people on our pet peeves episode. So I went and basically like took a like almost like a bath because I was like, well, we're going somewhere. I don't want to really shower and wash my hair and and I don't want to take my makeup off because I have to put it back on. So I get out of the bath. And look to see what I'm wearing that night. And I see that bathing suit and I just start laughing. Your face was I wish I'd been I would have I was going to videotape you coming out, but you came out in a towel. And I was like, well, I probably shouldn't do that. I'm going to make this for family TV. But yeah, your face was priceless. Was it it was this look of WTF? And then this look of wait, I believe there's an evening event that occurs. And then you said, glow nights? Because I like, I don't know if originally you thought in your head, like, are we going to hang out at the pool? Like what's up? I don't know what my I really don't. I think I just I think it was just to steer it was funny. So it was very funny. We are not going to bring you a glow night's review because we did not attend. So what happened was the rain was pouring in glow nights is from eight to 11. Yes, on select nights throughout summer. It's actually priced very well. It's about 60. I think it's 75 a ticket. 60 a ticket if you're a pass holder. So 120 all in bought these couple months ago for us at a start. This would be fun. It's something we've wanted to do. And we've never done. Right. And we're just trying to do more and more of that, bring you guys more content, more reviews. So we thought, okay, let's put our bathing suits on and let's head over there and let's just find out what the deal is. If if Disney is basically going to say, there's nothing we can do. And this is pretty much what it is. They're basically saying we can cancel the event. If we do, you will be offered another date. If that other date's not going to work for you, you can talk with them. They're going to refund your money. But they're not automatically just going to say it's raining. So we're canceling. Here's your money back. Like, when it wasn't just raining, it was thundering and light. It was. And so we got over there. We got over there. We started head over there. We drove over. It was close to probably seven by the time we were. Yeah, because we were waiting for a bus and that took forever. And then transfer. You have transferred a Disney Springs and then to typhoon. So after waiting for over 30 minutes at a bus, we decided to just head to our car. Well, because then we were also watching and it was not looking like it was going to go away. Yeah. So we were like, well, what if we don't even stay? And it was cooler. Like I was almost cold and I'm like, I'm supposed to get in water. Like I'm going to freeze. So we headed over and it was raining. While we when we got over there, we walked up. We still like the cast member real quick. They said, we will if we're going to cancel it, we're not going to cancel it until much closer to the eight p.m. timing. Correct. And so we said, you can go to guest services. You can talk to them. You can, you know, whatever. And so we went over to guest services, basically ended up chatting with them, said, look, we understand that it could clear up and this event could still go on. We don't we don't want to go tonight. It was not going to be as enjoyable as it could be. And so we didn't ask for a refund. We simply said, look, we'll be back in two weeks. I already looked. There's another one on the 28th. We'll be there on the 28th. I said, is there any way we can move it to that evening? And they basically said, yeah, no problem. And they moved it for us. Yep. So I'm excited. Yeah, I'm yes. Well, hopefully the weather will hold up when we go back here a week from tomorrow now. I believe that it went off that night because the weather did end up clearing up. But it was still cool. Very cool. And that's what I'm saying. And our thought was, even if the weather, even if it stops thunder, it stops lightning, it stops raining by eight p.m. This evening is not going to be as enjoyable as we initially had hoped for. Therefore, if they let us move it, we will. Now, they said, no, the event goes on. You either go or you lose your money. We obviously would have gone. Right. But we decided not to. So they moved it. They were super cool. The price did not change. Had the price changed, they would have either had us pay the price difference or they would have refunded, you know, if obviously it had gone down. So we will be bringing that to you after our next trip. Yeah. So from there, yeah, we were starving. And we're still in our bathing suits. We're like, we've got to go back to the resort. And we've got to change. We're not wearing our bathing suits out to dinner somewhere. And I just started, I just looked up what was available and what was available for about the next 30 minutes or so. So we landed on Cape May Cafe for a 815 dining reservation. Yeah. So we went back to the room to change. And then I was like, let's just drive. It's just easy. We can park because we have a dining reservation. Yep. They're super great about that. Super great. So we did. We went over there. And of course, this is located at Disney's Beach Club Resort. This is American and seafood. This is casual dining and character dining, but breakfast only, which I was very grateful for. And this is buffet. And we love the breakfast. We do. And I just didn't want, I just, at this time, as mood I was in, I was like, I just want to eat. I don't want anything. You weren't in the mood for anything. It wasn't immediately. We're like, let's find a place that does Mexican or American or seafood or anything. And we knew, hey, a buffet like this, you're going to get. Well, you started reading and I was like, yes, that sounds amazing. Your pricing is only 47 per adult plus tax and gratuity, 27 per child. And you know, you do have some dining plans and discounts. You have one table service for breakfast and dinner. And currently with pass holders is 20% off until June 26, which usually is your 10%, which adding that extra 10, making 20 big difference really does. You still have a Disney Visa, which is 10%. But yeah, I'm like, what else can we do before June 26, which kind of is sad because nothing. Well, we do one more. We do we actually do some other stuff. But I mean, I hate that it's going away. And here's the thing, I'll tell you, after the discount, adding tip, this was $100 for the two of us, which for dinner for two at Disney already is a great price. And for a buffet like this is outstanding. You know, I'm looking right now, we're looking at doing mama Melrose on the 27th when we go down for a while. And I was looking at the menu real quick. It'd be easy for us to get to $100 pretty quick at a regular restaurant. If you got an appetizer, you each get an entree, and then you get a dessert to split. You know, like you're you're at probably 80 bucks easy right there. And you only have a minimum amount of items that you can drag. And it's what you get is what you eat. You know, there's not an all you care to enjoy. And so when you think of the pricing of this for $100 all in for the two of us, I think it's outstanding. Yeah. What type of offerings do we have here? Because it is everything from seafood to American. I mean, it's it's a it's a giant buffet and it's a like wrap around. It's not like a linear buffet. It's a giant square in the middle of the restaurant that you can make your way all around with offerings and steaming things right there too. Yeah, right in the middle there, they're steaming seafood and all. So what kind of things do we have available? Well, everything from, of course, salads. You have a Caesar salad, a plant-based seasonal soup, soups, seafood pasta salad, which you read that and I was super excited about. That was really good. Yeah. You have like, you know, some fried seafood selection. You have paella, paella, paella. You can get snow crab legs, but they are $29 per pound. Yes, you did hear that right? Yes. Crab legs were included in pre-COVID and stone crab claws used to be included. But you do have some steamed shrimp. You have some boil, no, cold shrimp, peal and eat shrimp. You have some fish, mussels, clams. We've got, yeah, we have a whole American section that's include things like ribs, roasted chicken, your kid's section has, you know, pizza, macaroni and cheese, chicken, pasta, meatballs. I was blown away and loved everything here. I thought this was so good. Yes, I was shocked at the ribs because I feel like seafood would have been more of the like, how do you say it? Like focus and everything. Those ribs were shockingly outstanding. They're better than outside of heading somewhere like a polite pig. They're better than any other other place on property. You're not getting ribs this good at hoopty-doo, which is ribs. Which is odd. I don't know why hoopty-doo isn't serving these ribs. These are 100 times better than that. You're not getting these at Regal Eagle. These were outstanding ribs. The chicken was really good. I had some of the meatballs that tasted like house-made meatballs of the kids station. You had a pizza because I brought it to you. I had a slice of pizza was just perfect. They have a carving station with pork that was really, really good and beef. Yeah, you gave me that and that was good. That was very good. A New England style clam chowder. That was good. I really enjoyed that. With a whole big thing, oyster crackers to go with it, which was outstanding. The New England captain's fried seafood selection included Oh yeah, shrimp, calamari, all were outstanding. That fried shrimp was so good and the calamari was absolutely perfect with a little side, excuse me, a little side of marinara to go with it. Then in the New England traditional steam boil, you had the steamed clams, mussels, shrimp, corn, and red potatoes. What I liked is that they were all served separately. Right, because then they were cooked correctly. Yeah, they were. They were all cooked absolutely perfect. For somebody like Rhonda who isn't going to eat, most likely the mussels and clams. You could just focus on the shrimp. You didn't have to go through a big pot of stuff and just try and pick out shrimp, or whatever. Next up, they also had, and these were hot, like you said, they also had the cold peel and eat cocktail style shrimp. Everything here was so good. They had cornbread and rolls and garlic or butter, and then the waiter did ask if we did need some melted butter. I said no, so you could do with that with your shrimp, with your clams, mussels, whatever you want. Yeah, we're really good. I loved it. It was outstanding. Oh, gosh. Oh, wow. I can't remember them all. I can't remember them all. It was one that was peanut butter and chocolate I loved. There was so good. So good. So good. I loved this. This will, I think this can be like our new go-to. I know. I mean, really, and even, you know, the 47, even if you're paying the straight up 47, you don't have a passholder discount or a Disney Visa or any of those. It's well worth the $47. 100%. Would you think of the price to go anywhere for all you can eat shrimp three different ways? Yeah. Mussels, clams, calamari, fish, you know, you said this was good. Yeah. I really, because they were little, I love that and really actually reminded me of New Yorkshire. Yeah, the way Yorkshire used to be when I had the smaller, really good. I just, I loved it. I will go back. I mean, you know, if you think of sitting down and getting an appetizer of calamari, most places are going to be 18 bucks on property. 100%. You know, a fried, even a fried shrimp platter, first of all, they're not going to give you a ton. I kept eating. I ate so many shrimp. He did. I mean, I wouldn't put it beyond. I bet I ate at least a dozen, if not more, of each of the shrimp styles. Really? Easy. I kept going back for that fried shrimp and calamari. And then the peel and eat shrimp was outstanding. Yeah, it was. We were so hungry. We're talking about all this food. We each had three plates worth. Yes, we did. In some manner. We each had a plate of dessert and we were in and out in 30 minutes. It was like record breaking speed. It really was. I think we were just starving. So what I love about that, you know, for me, seafood is not heavy. You are. And so here is a place that I think you get more bang for your buck as much as I love Boma and Boma dinner. A lot of the foods there are much heavier. You can't really, you don't sometimes get as much of your money's worth as opposed to sitting down and eating a couple dozen shrimp, which just doesn't fill me up personally the same. Yeah. So I like and I didn't feel bad about going back again and again. And it was, it was outstanding. Yes, it was. I loved it. Yeah. May Cafe dinner, breakfast, this, to me, is a very underrated gym. Yeah. This is one I feel like it has a little bit more of like a cult following, you know, where you either go to someone and be like, yeah, Kate, may cafe and they'll be like, Oh, I've never been or you tell somebody and they go, Yeah, that place is amazing. Yeah. But I don't, I don't hear it talked about enough. So we're going to talk about it. Mm hmm. We're going to spread the love. All right, let's move on. That was our Friday night. And so the very next morning, we were staying at Port Orleans Riverside and we were going to head down to French Quarter to get our bignets. Mm hmm. And then we were going to head out to Epcot for Saturday. So they do different Mickey shape bignets here. They do have some specialty bignets that sometimes like I know I saw one that was like chocolate covered with sprinkles, some that'll do like cinnamon sugar. They do have the Baton Rouge bignets, which are two bignets jazzed up with your choice of Bailey's Irish cream liqueur, kalua or ramchata. They've got some dipping sauces and that's basically what they're serving here. And this is at Scat Cats Club Cafe. Mm hmm. So they used to have these inside of the food court there. Yeah. And they're no longer doing on that. Mm hmm. I don't know if that's when things changed in the recipe or not. Mm hmm. But we went ahead and got the three bignets served with your choice of one dipping sauce. Mm hmm. Which is salted caramel we got. Yeah. They're what salted caramel chocolate and then like a strawberry like dipping sauce. So 779, three bignets. They serve them in a platter. They're covered in powdered sugar. We went outside and had them. What's up? I guess I don't remember them being like before. I mean, I thought they were good, but then when you started pointing out that, unfortunately, it was more like just a big donut, basically. I think I was just just so excited to eat them. And I still thought they were good. Yes. But yeah. So I think you asked me, yeah, if they were better than Cafe Duman and I'm like, actually now no. No. So. And they used to be. Yeah. They changed. And I don't know if they just for whatever reason, they change when they move these over to Scat Cats Club Cafe only. I don't know what happened. And I'll review these the same way I reviewed the quote bignets that they had a golden oak outpost. They're back in February over in Magic Kingdom for Tiana's, you know, famous bignets. These are not bignets. They're delicious. They're not bignets. Right. You know, these are dense. They're thick. They're a donut and they're good. I do enjoy them. It's not what I was hoping for. The light, airy bignets of the past are gone. It appears. And so I would put Cafe Duman over these days. I used to like the old version better than when we had Cafe Duman. I agree. You know, I was still good. They would change it. They were a really good thing going. Yeah. We'll have to see when they bring them to Magic Kingdom next Friday. We'll find out if what they're doing at Magic Kingdom, if they're bringing back those croissant, you know, fried croissant mash up bignet things they had in February. Are they bringing these here? Are they doing true bignets? I would, I would like to see them bring true bignets. And here's the thing. You can walk into the gift shop and buy the Cafe Duman mix. Yes. You can buy the mix. I don't, and that's probably what they're still using. That's what they used in the past. I just think the way that they're doing them is different. We'll have to do a anyone can cook with bignets and that Cafe Duman mix. We can do that sometimes. So I just, again, overall, I was disappointed. I would never, I wouldn't say don't get, this is a, this is the perfect breakfast. Oh, yeah. You get this and a cup of coffee and you sit outside. Capicino? Yeah. Capicino, like, this is perfect. Yep, it was. It's just, it's not what it was. Right. And to me, they're not traditional bignets. So, oh, well, that's fine. I would get like, if we're back, now here's the thing in the past, I can see making a point of going to French Quarter, even if you're not staying at Porter Leans in general to have gotten the bignets. Now, not so much for me. I would not come from another property to go over here. Now, maybe if I was at Disney Springs, boats are back running because we had a ton of rain. Yay. You know, I could see being at Disney Springs and being like, you know what? Let's head over to French Quarter. First of all, it's an incredible atmosphere, it's an incredible resort. I could see that, but I wouldn't make my, I wouldn't go out of the way, the way that in the past, I probably would have. Yeah. You know, I'd be interested to see, like, Rachel, Chuck, Amy, a lot of times they would leave their resort, check out they go to French Quarter to have bignets before going home. Do that again, y'all, and let us know if you still would now. Yeah. That's what I would be interested to see is to make that point. All right. So, we did that in the morning. We headed over to Epcot. We obviously checked it out, communicore Hall. We checked out communicore Plaza, the Encanto celebration, Joe, and then I got word that there were some new menu items over at Barriva. We've not been in some time. So, we wanted to go to Barriva and we wanted to try out some of the new menu items. Tell us a little bit about Barriva because we have not been in a while. Yeah. Well, this is located at Disney's Revere Resort on the Skyliner. So, it's super easy to leave Epcot and get on the Skyliner and get off at Revere Resort. This is casual dining. Dining plans and discounts. Dining plan is one table service credit. And your times it opens at 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Yeah. So, we are going to go, we're going to stop by next week. Just, you know, well, we're going to be going from Epcot to Hollywood and we're going to see Marcy. We've not seen Marcy. Oh, yeah, okay. She'll be working. Yeah. Maybe we'll eat something. I don't know. But they do have a few new items. One of those being a new grilled chicken pasta. This is Campanelli pasta with fennel, sun-dried tomato, spinach, capers and herbs tossed with ovelette sauce. You can get it with, it's $18.99. You can add shrimp, make it $22.99 or add salmon and make it $22.99. Maybe that's what I'll get then because that sounds good. Well, we'll be on our way to eat at Mama Melrose. Oh, then never mind. We'll be on a full meal. But I did see it and it looks super good. Nice. And they've always done stuff well here. So to the new items we did get, one of those was the signature burger. This is a new signature blend brisket and chuck burger, Swiss cheese, caramelized onions and mushrooms, a truffle aioli served with parmesan-erbed fries, which they've always had love for 1749. Yes. We split this. Yes. To start and then we had another item. What did you think of this? This is fantastic. Jeremy was a little worried because she didn't ask us how we wanted it. Cooked. Yeah. And it was a perfect medium, which was perfect for us. If it's not for you, obviously you'd probably cut into it and then unfortunately, one it a little more cooked. But or just note to say, I like mine well done, please or something. But I thought this was fantastic. He did cut it in half. Unfortunately, I think he got some more of the truffle aioli than I really could taste. But it was still fantastic. The burger, everything was great. I would 100% get this again. I would too. This this goes on burger list. This goes on top burgers on the list, I think. It's better than three bridges beat up the bison burger for me. It's better than the three bridges burger after the changes. The previous three bridges signature burger was better. It it's a little bready. It comes it's not on the description. It comes on this onion roll. Yeah, that's super good. That's true. It's a it's a little thick. It is a little bready, but all of the individual flavors come through. And you know, a lot of times you get something that has truffle and it overpowers and it's too much. This was the perfect hint of trouble. Yeah, I picked off some of the larger mushrooms. Yeah, but it wasn't like it had this overly mushroom flavor. I love it. This is one of those things where first bite, you're trying to kind of like comprehend it a little bit. And you're almost like, okay, it's not bad. And by your last bite, you're like, dang it. Why is that my last bite? I want more. It was good. We're not splitting it next time. I can tell you that much. I loved it. Top three top three burgers now for me on property. Let's move on to the boneless chicken tenders. Okay, which is weird. You like boneless chicken tenders. Okay, so chicken chicken tenders at Disney. We're getting the same thing we always get. They're going to get cosmic rays. They're just going to give us those. You can you get a choice of tossing them in a parmesan garlic sauce or a chipotle agradolce sauce with a truffle aioli for 1249. These are not your cosmic rays tenders. These are not your standard Disney tenders. These are like, I think these are hand breaded tenders. You do. They were. I mean, awesome. The garlic sauce, parmesan garlic sauce was fantastic on them. So good. Super garlicky. Yeah, but you have to like garlic, but so good. This these now sauces aside. I know I keep going back to this, but it's only because everybody promised me that Disney Cruise Line had the best tenders ever. This is what should be on the cruise line. Okay, it's diff because it's different. Yeah, these are not your standard tenders. In fact, I think I think on the printed menu, they're buffalo chicken strip or I'm sorry, buffalo, they're boneless chicken strips. They don't call them tenders. Okay, the breading is super crunchy. The chicken inside is super tender, like cooked to perfection. I love them. We there's a big port. It's a big portion. Yeah, a lot of them. It's a really big portion. We took some with us. Yeah, we did put them in the fridge and we got back to the room. You ate them later. I had one later that was a good cold. Outstanding. Nice. Absolutely outstanding. I love them. Yeah, so good. And I think what's great is knowing when we had younger kids, how picky they were, you know, the type was like, you know, it says you guys have mac and cheese. Is that craft mac and cheese? Please let it be because they won't eat anything else. I think if you veered off with a picky kid and got these, no sauce, obviously, probably, like, we're gonna still love them. They're not going to be like, Oh, this is too fancy. It's hand breaded. It's not the frozen ones. I'm used to any kid would love this. Anybody would love it. I like, I would go back and get the burger and these again. I know we'd have to split them, but still, it was perfect. And then you got a new dessert. Yeah, you got to try to keep it from you. But then you peaked because you went to the bathroom and I ordered it. Yeah, you didn't know what it was. You didn't know what it was. You didn't know what was new. But then I know you saw it. I think you saw it on the menu. I did. I was like, Oh, no, it's real because I just wanted them to bring it out. What is it? Well, then we had to ask about it. Yeah, because I think they had forgotten. They were so busy. They were slammed. But yeah, Desiree and Tina were killing it. They're awesome. So it was a Riviera cookie skillet. So it's a warm Riviera cookie topped with pistachio gelato for $7.99. The pistachio gelato was interesting by itself, but it was a chocolate chip cookie. And altogether, stupid good. It was very good. So good. It comes a little skillet, but it's not cooked in the skillet. It's actually a plastic skillet for safety reasons. I would assume they're not going to bring you a hot skillet direct out of the oven. That's saved for Mexican restaurants and fajitas. But I really enjoyed it. I think it could be a little bit better, but I loved it. And I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I think it was the pistachio gelato. I think if it was possibly because it was a chocolate chip cookie, if it was just plain vanilla, it would have been good. But I mean, it still worked. Or cookie dough ice cream or cookies and cream or something that fits a little bit along with the chocolate chip cookie. But it's up. Yeah, again, very shareable. It was delicious. I would get this again there, too. I really enjoyed it. All right. So let's move on to that evening. We got we got a couple more things to talk about here. We're going to go in a stop at Narcoses. Yes. So we love Narcoses. We'd love to go now. Go there and rope drop at five p.m. If you want, if you don't have a reservation, you just want to grab a drink or maybe some apps, or you can access their full menu, you can go sit at the bar area there. So we drop by not only to go there and see our friend Chris, but we just like sitting at the bar area. And we're meeting up with Jess and Landon from Vacation Grocery to Larry. So this was a great spot to do so before we headed over to dinner. And they have brand new beverages. Yes, they did. We had heard about several months ago, we were working on and they're out now. Yep. If you go back to episode 618, 655, you'll get some dining reviews and some of the food. Right. They do have a new dining menu as well. They do. We're gonna have to. Yeah. One of those items that I don't know we will purchase is the Narkusi's chilled seafood plateau. Why not? Which was recommended by Sergio. Yeah, who works the bar. I would do this. It comes with king crab, tuna poke, colossal post poached shrimp and coconut Thai mussels. Those you could eat, but I would eat everything else. It's $139. Do you think that would be shareable? And if not, 100% shareable, but I don't know that it's going to be your meal that you're going to walk away from. This is an experience. This is, you know, when you go to fancy steak houses, they do seafood towers for an appetizer. It's a shareable appetizer. And this is about the price of what you would pay for that. So the price is not insane for what you're getting, especially when you look at king crab legs on there. So I could see doing this. I could see sitting at the bar area, having something to drink and doing this. Yes. So let's talk about the new drinks. Yeah. So the one that we did not try was the yuzu black peppercorn gin and tonic, or I should say ronda did not try. It's monkey 47 gin and aperol liqueur house made yuzu black peppercorn tonic, lemongrass beetroot and soda water for $16. This is what Jess did get. And she did enjoy it. She did. I did not taste it because I was like, no, it's all right. Because not only did I get my drink, but Chris also made us another one. And I thought he was just going to kind of make us a taste. He made us a whole one. And then was like, you don't have to drink it all. Which then I did share kind of with landed and then Jessica tasted it. And then I did end up drinking. And this was the spiced basil cocktail. I did drink the rest of it when we were sitting because we were just hanging out. This is chili oil washed. Do you want me to read it? Yep. Okay. This is chili oil wash, siette, misterios, mezcal, grandmagné, liqueur, saffron, basil, tincture, strawberry, agave, and lime for $17. Yes. When you when we go through these and you hear these strange ingredients like a saffron, basil, tincture, and the the yuzu black peppercorn, all of these are being made in house. Chris made us down the way that they make all these different things. And it's absolutely fascinating. Yes, it is. It is outstanding. They are like, you know, using. Oh my gosh, why did I just completely lose what it's called? When you, Suvei. Yeah, Suvei. Thank you. They're surveying. Like the saffron, basil, and yeah, like it's just, and so he was walking us through the steps of making these in the yuzu black peppercorn and all and it's just, it's unbelievable what they're putting into the beverages here. This is like, you know, I don't know, I'm trying to think of another Edison is doing types of things like this, you know, this is the ice plant that's down here in St. Augustine. This is truly craft cocktails, you know, where they are making every single ingredient, and they're infusing different liqueurs and they're like, it's amazing what they're doing. Yep. So what did you think of all of this? I really, really liked it. The mezcal was the smokiness of it, which I kind of got that the most. I honestly didn't know Grenmonier was in it. I love Grenmonier. And the saffron, basil, like, I didn't get one punch, punch of major, except probably the smoky mezcal, but all of it together was just fantastic. It wasn't spicy to me and just doesn't like much spice either. And so she tasted it and she was happy that she didn't get. So if you're looking for like, it says spice basil cocktail, if you're looking for spice, like, you're like really wanting that, you're not going to get it, I feel like with this. But it is fantastic and I would absolutely get it again. And that's what they do such a good job here of is composing these drinks to work collectively, as opposed to saying something like, I mean, again, you think peppercorn, like, all right, I'm putting peppercorn, you know, in my drink, that could be overpowering, but instead it just, it's that hint that helps with all the other flavors, and they all work congruently together. And it becomes amazing. The one that you are so excited for was the salted mascarpone espresso martini. And he had told us about this before. And we were like, as soon as these drop, you let us know and we'll be back. This is Gregu's vodka, Kalua liqueur, Joffrey's coffee, Italian espresso, and cane sugar with a Marzca pon de Serrano liqueur foam for cheese fellers. Yeah, yeah, Marzca pon is Marzca pon cheese foam. Yeah, it's cheese foam that they're foaming up and making this right in front of you. And then they put a little parmesan crisp in it. So good. This is $18 if you didn't say it. Oh my gosh, this was. I want to say who thinks of this stuff, but I know who. Yeah, because we know Chris. Yeah. So you loved it. I loved it. Yeah, absolutely loved it. It's the best espresso martini, uh, space two twenties. Mm. That's hard. It's very different. It is very different. It's kind of like me with talking about the smash burger. Yeah, I would not on the same plane. Yeah, I would still say space 220 has my favorite espresso ever. But this one, I mean, yeah, I would absolutely get this one again. So it's a great, it's a great, it's a great sipping drink, right? Like, it's going to last your meal. Yeah, which is nice. Yeah. Uh, so I went with, so they have a new, now they have on their, there's your proof cocktail menu. They now have three. Uh, they still have the London pink spritzer, which can be found in other areas on property. And then the Galway one that tastes very much like a spicy margarita. Uh, so the new zero proof is the lemon grass tonic, which is, um, pulling all those flavors from that, uh, yuzu black peppercorn gin and tonic. So this is basically like a non-alcoholic version. Yes. This has seed lip, which is that brand seed lip garden 108 non-alcoholic spirit, the house made yuzu black peppercorn tonic, lemon grass beetroot and tonic water for $12. Uh, beetroot was, was throwing me off. And when he told us about this originally, I was like, Oh, because I don't care really for beats. I know Lucy loves them. Yeah. Um, but this was, this was so good. This is, you feel like you're drinking a cocktail, you know, and I don't drink cocktails anymore. And I miss them. I miss them a lot. Like, I really miss alcoholic beverages. I'll be honest. You know, uh, I don't know who everybody else's journey through sobriety looks like. And, and, and I know some cause I follow these groups and all. And I know it can be different for everyone. I miss them. I want cocktails again. I miss whiskey, like crazy. So thanks a lot, for sure. Um, if you got me into it a year before I quit at all, but like, I said it before, you know, I don't want to go somewhere and just get a lemonade. Oh, look, we have non alcoholic beverages. Yeah, it's a lemonade. Right. This again, they're putting the time in for this Yuzu black peppercorn tonic to have lemon grass and beetroot. You know, they use this seed lip garden, non alcoholic spirit. I felt like I was drinking a drink, like an alcoholic beverage. And I get to watch them make it at the bar where they're making everybody else's drinks. And this is one of those first times along with that outstanding menu on the Disney magic. This is one of those times, like I didn't feel left out. Right. And it's real easy to feel left out when you spent the past 25 years going to bars and restaurants in Disney and drinking with everyone. Right. You know, and it's easy to feel left out when, uh, you know, somebody orders a drink and normally they're like, you want to try it? Yeah. I can't now, you know? And so I didn't feel left out. I didn't at all. And so I appreciate that. And I hope that this starts to infiltrate more and more into some of the other bars around property. You know, we talked about that before, the non alcoholic and the zero proof crafted beverages are becoming more and more popular with younger generations. So I think we're going to see more and more at Disney and I just appreciate it. So thank you guys. Thank you, Chris. All right. Dinner that night was a surprise. So we had another Rhonda's gonna gonna come out of the shower and I'm going to lay out on the bed her outfit for the evening and we see if she can guess where we're going, which you did not for quite a little while until I find it was like, dude, do you have any ideas? Yeah. So what did you come out of the shower to find? I found my, my dress that we got on the wish, excuse me, the magic, um, at Castaway Key. And, um, we all have matching me, Chuck, Amy, um, have matching clothes, and Jeremy. Um, yep. My button up laid out that matches your dress. Tommy Bahama pants. I've gotten more use out of those pants. I'm so happy than anything I've spent $100 on in life. Good, good. Um, we'll wear them later tonight for funsies. Okay. Are you so comfortable? Good. They could double his pajama pants. As much as, as much as the Tommy Bahama shirt, again, I love the look bothers me with its upkeep. You need to iron it. Yeah. These pants are out. You could ball these pants up and stick them in your pocket and walk around the parks all day and then, and then, and then put them out of your pocket and put them all out. Okay. Not a wrinkle. Okay. Well done, sir, Bahama. Okay. You've done very well. Yes. Move on. So, um, he ends up saying, you know, and, and my dress is a very pretty, like, um, like, cruisy, like, um, beach, like, um, got some Hawaiian flowers. So, he's like, we were doing narcoses for, for, for, yeah, I did. Yes. I did. I did know that. Do beverages. Yeah. You knew that part. I knew that part. Yeah. So then, um, he was like, do you know where we're going? And I was like, well, I would say the poly, but there's no more, um, the spirit of Aloha one. So I was like, and then all of a sudden, I was like, oh, oh, and you were like, yeah. And I was like, oh, you know, the last time we ate Ohana dinner. I mean, I really don't because we've actually at Tambu are able to get a lot. So, yeah. Last time we had dinner at Ohana was February 14th, 2019. Wow. Okay. With girls. Okay. And we sat at the window and we were able to watch the fireworks. Yeah. That was super cool. Yeah. So we, we made our way back to Ohana. We did another one. I've, I've kept an eye on and, um, I've been wanting to do again. And especially now, it's like, we got the 20% discount, right? With the annual passholder stuff. So that was really the time to try. So give us a couple of our Ohana bullet points. Well, just like I said, it is located at a poly. This is American Polynesian. This is casual dining and character dining at Brockford's only, which has stitch, which you should go see if you know that. Yes. Um, this is family style, uh, pricing $62 per adult and 30 per child, of course, not 40 per child. Sorry, 40 of course, not including, um, gratuity and tax. You do have dining plans and discounts, which, um, dining plan for breakfast or dinner is one table service. And as of right now, it's 20% off until June 26, but you do get your 10% off times. Breakfast is 70, 730 a.m. to 12, 15 p.m. And then dinner runs from 3 30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Yeah. I love Ohana. I really do. I forget. So, I mean, okay, doing Tambou is fantastic. And, you know, that's where I love my noodles and stuff. But holy crap, I forget about the signature Ohana bread with honey butter. Yeah, this coconut bread. Oh, dude, I wanted to put the other loaf in my purse and you wouldn't let me. Well, it wasn't going to fit. Well, I didn't care. I guess you were smuggling a loaf of bread and your new, tiny, uh, demean Burke stitch. I know, which by the way, you got the wallet. I did. I haven't even opened it yet. Thankfully, you got the purse. Yeah. Because at least that Magic Kingdom they were sold out. Now, did she say they're sold out across property or just with that? She just said because I said, um, and she's like, you have the person. I'm like, I'm just curious, man. And she was like, yeah, we don't have any bread was not fitting in. I would have fit it. I sure they, I'm sure you could have just walked out with it. I'm sure. I'm not used to like a football. I should have a rapid and so good. I thought it was a baby. If you walked out. Good idea. Bring a, baby Bjorn with you. And then you just put the loaf of bread in the baby Bjorn as you walk out and nobody would be the wiser. But yeah, oh my gosh, that bread is so good with the honey butter. We had a great seat. We did. Wonderful seat. As far as the two top goes, we were only, uh, basically one table over from a view overlooking the pool of seeing Magic Kingdom and Cinderella Castle and Space Mountain lit up in the distance. So we had a very, very good table. We did. It was perfect. Let's talk about everything that comes. First that comes to the table is the mixed green salad with a citrus vinaigrette, which is a waste of stomach space. It is, but we still try everything. And it was, it's really good. And good salad. Really good. I'll be on it. They served that a tambou. Yeah. That's salad. And you could get like grilled shrimp or chicken or something or steak on it. I would order it as a meal over there. Yeah. It's really good. It's fresh. Yeah. Citrus vinaigrette is good. Um, so I love that. So you get through the bread and you get a salad. Then they bring you your next, um, little skillet in what comes in that school. Oh, you're on my pork dumplings, tossed in a garlic chili sauce, my Ohana noodles and chicken wings. And then unfortunately, um, for the healthy people. Unfortunately, because I don't need none of that vegetables on my plate. I tried. I want stir-fry vegetables. I did too. I had a baby corn. Yeah, you did. I did. Yeah. Did you eat it like Tom Hanks? Yes, I did. Remember? I started to. I enjoyed video. I did. But I just, my noodles and my pork dumplings, like I didn't even eat the wings because the last time we had them got them at tambou and they were fantastic. I just wanted my, my stomach room for noodles and pork. The vegetables were good. They were cooked, they were cooked right. They said a little bit of like snap to them. They were fine. I have to say this or because my brain fix it on things and then I'll be lost. Do you think when they were, do you think somebody wrote that into big into the script that Tom Hanks character picks up this baby corn at this fancy party and eats it like a regular corner of Tom? Or do you think that Tom Hanks, I'm sure it's out there somewhere I could look up? Or do you think Tom Hanks took that upon himself as kind of like an ad lay above? Wouldn't that be funny if I ate this tiny piece of corn like a regular corn on the top? He's supposed to be a child and an adult body. Correct. So I mean, do you think I'm saying what's written into the script? Oh, I don't know. Tom Hanks, you know, character, um, baskins. What's his first name? You know, picks up baby corn, eats it like regular corn. Like was that written somewhere or did he just come up with that because it's brilliant? I think he absolutely came up with it. He's a very brilliant man. Yes. So Tom Hanks. All right. So everything there was good. I think, I don't know if it's because, because these all come in one, right? So your wings, yeah, your, uh, nudes, your, um, pot stickers and your vegetables all come in one skillet, right? I don't know if it's that the little bit, what are the honey coriander wings? I don't know if it's some of that, that sauce and a little bit of the sauce that the, the vegetables were stir-fried with or that liquid and then the chili sauce from the, um, pot stickers. I think it's the pot stickers. I think it's the pot stickers because, um, they're better than when you just sit and get noodle only bullet tambos. So normally when I, uh, tambos, I get pot stickers and the noodles, but they come separate and two separate. They do, but because of all the, um, sauce, I have put the noodles with the pot stickers before. And that's where you go. So the next time we go to tambou, we'll just take the pot stickers, bowl, pour it on top of the noodle bowl and just eat them like that. Because these noodles are better than when you sit and get them at tambou. And now if you don't, obviously, if you don't want to take the time and you don't want to spend the money, still highly recommend you just go to tambou and you order noodles, pot stickers, wings. That's fine. Um, but because you're going to give in good, um, the rib, no, right ribs, right? No ribs there. Yeah, which are not available here. Correct. Uh, you can't get skewers of chicken. That's right. I believe you can get the shrimp there still. So everything in this is delicious. Yes. And if at this moment, if you didn't know better and they said, this is the end of the meal, do you want dessert? You, I don't think you'd be disciplined. No, I, I wouldn't. Those wings. Yeah. Or stupid good. Yeah. Might be the best wings on property. Ooh, they're cooked perfectly. They have those little bits of crispiness. And then the sauce, honey curry sauce is amazing. Um, they're so good. But that's not it. That's not all. Wait, there's more. Ah, because next you get a trio of meats that come out in their own separate little adorable skillets on top of this wooden board. And that includes your wood fired grilled teriyaki beef, peel and eat shrimp coated with Ohana seasoning and your grilled chicken. Mm hmm. Let's start with the chicken. Okay. Because they, they said it was teriyaki chicken. No, I thought they did teriyaki's with the beef. This. Sorry. Now I forget what it's, it's different on the printed menu. What did they say? It's a sweet and sour. That's what it was. That's how they describe it. Because I'm like, hang on. I knew it was something. You're thinking the local Chinese place with the little fried kind of tempura chicken bites with the right sauce. Kind of excited for that. Yeah. It is not that. It was not. No. And it was not sweet and sour to me. No. It was grilled chicken, which was good. And it was, um, white. So it was, um, cooked perfection because it was not too dry for me. Super moist. Very good. Um, but I got no sweet and sour from it. It was really good though. I was very sad on that because when he said sweet and sour, I was like, Oh, okay. I absolutely loved it. I agree. It was not what you thought was correct, but it was delicious. But the teriyaki beef was, I loved the most. Did you? I did. I would put it third amongst the meats. Okay. I liked it the best. Of course, pilonade shrimp. I mean, we had pilonade shrimp all weekend and it was fantastic. So much shrimp. So good. I'm going to turn into a shrimp. Okay. Yeah. I eat the, the, the steak is very good. I loved it. For me, personally, it wasn't the star of the show. It was cooked to perfection. Like it was like a nice medium, if not medium rare. My piece was more on the rare side. I loved it. Yeah. I did. I liked it. And I think the teriyaki is good with it. I would, and here's, we're back to what Ohana was, as far as menu items and flavors, pre COVID. The only difference is they're not bringing them out on the giant skewers the way that they were before. You know, these bring them on the giant skewers. You want to make a piece of chicken? Take them off the skewer. That's only difference. Everything else is back to the way it was. And I do think the steak is very good. But I'm not going to go here for steak. I'm going to go here for the other stuff. I would rather see them replace the steak with kalua pork. I think that would make more sense. But the steak was good. Mine was a little bit more on the rare side, the piece that I had. And there were three good fillets and medallions, really. And so I do enjoy them. It's got a nice crust on the outside. Everything tastes super grilled because it is. It's like, I think it's one of the largest open fire cooking pits in America or something. I think I remember hearing recently on Lou say on WDW radio, podcast, I believe Lou Mongello was saying that on there, something like that. It's like one of the largest in either the US or the world of this big open fire. Well, that's cool. So it all is really good. It's outstanding. I actually think for me, if I had to put these in order, it would be shrimp chicken steak, pretty personally. And we did not get any more of anything. No, but you can. Yes, you can. I could have seen getting more shrimp. Yes. And then we'll talk about this portion in a second, because let's finish with bread pudding. Okay. So it finishes with a Hana bread pudding, a la mode with a homemade caramel sauce on right. So good. And there is gluten free available. Because Miss Amy got some when we were at Tambu. This thing is so good. Oh, I can barely talk about it. It's that good. Yeah, I want more. I do too. And you can get this at Tambu. Yes, you can. You know, you definitely can. And again, the gluten free version. It's it's one of the best desserts on property. It really is. And it's one of the best bread puddings I think that we've had. Yeah, I love bread pudding. It's dense. But that's okay. Like the flavors are just like punch you in the face. Good. There's this caramel over top is this house made caramel. The ice cream is perfect. I love it. I do too. So here's what we go about. So it's understandable when you go to Cape May Cafe, for example, yes, and you pay one price for a buffet. It is understandable that you are not allowed to take anything leftover on your plate with you. Correct. Because I could easily go fill up an entire plate until it's falling off with shrimp and then say, yeah, can I get a doggy bag? I want to take this with right. That's not right. Agreed. Correct. In these areas where they bring you a set amount of food, a la family style. And you came up with the perfect solution. Yes. Because I said, you know, you, whatever they bring you on your initial one, whatever's left, you should be allowed to take home with you. We should have been no qualms if we wanted to ask for that loaf of bread because they brought us to there was no need to bring us to. Correct. They brought us to. Right. They're wasting the second loaf. That's right. Right. Yep. We would have taken it with us. There was probably a leftover wing or two. Yep. Might have been a leftover pot sticker. Very small portion of noodles, some leftover vegetables. Yep. We ate all the shrimp. Yes. There was one medallion left because again, they brought us three steaks. Right. There's two of us. Right. They're wasteful, not us. They brought three chickens. Three chickens. You ate. Did you eat both of them? No, no, no. I did not get the other one. Okay. So there was a piece of chicken leftover. There's a piece of steak leftover. We should be allowed to take that. Yes. And I think the second you would have asked for more shrimp because you were thinking of it because he did come around and say is there anything else you want? Do you want more shrimp? If you would have said yes, then it's taken off the table of everything you cannot take anything left over. I agree. I think that's the way it should be done. But when that initial, everything comes out that they're determining, again, it's not like they say, um, are you going to be enjoying the shrimp steak and chicken this evening? Right. How much would you like? Right. No, they're what if they set portion to your table? So again, the fact that one piece of steak went to waste because we were full isn't our fault. That's theirs. And I know that they compost and they make good of much of this stuff. But I would have eaten it later. We 100% cold. We would have brought it home ate it cold later or we would have packed our cooler and brought it home Sunday and had leftovers. So I do wish they would do that. But I like the idea. If you even asked for one more chicken wing, then they tell you, yes, I can bring you another chicken wing. But just so you know, that means you're not allowed to take anything else that's left over with you. Yeah, I think that'd be fair. I agree. So listen up there, Disney. Yep. We have one more, we have one more restaurant to talk about. Oh my gosh, I'm so hungry. You see now why I've gained so much weight and I can't seem to knock it off at all. Seriously? It's all a sweet man. Like, it's just it is. I'm telling you. All right, we did finish off. We had breakfast for the first time ever. We've done lunch here at Steakhouse 71 over at the Contemporary. Yep. We had a wonderful breakfast meeting. Yes, we did. More on that to come in the future. And we're not going to touch that part right now or who we had breakfast with. Little vague, vague posting, vague podcasting there for you. But cool stuff is happening. All right, so let's talk about Steakhouse 71. They do have appetizers for breakfast, which I feel like is not something you don't see an appetizer section, right? Yeah. But they've got oatmeal that is plant-based. They've got a fresh fruit plate. They've got fresh baked breakfast pastries. This is one of those places that I think it would be neat. Now, this is not like topolinos for breakfast, you know, where you you it's per person and you get to pick an entree. It might be neat if they did it that way. I think it'd be neat if they brought out fruit and pastry for the whole table to start. Instead of being an extra cost. Even if they decided, hey, we're then going to add on set portion per person for you to pick one entree or whatever. This is included. But we've got everything from a classic American breakfast with two cooks, two eggs cooked to order and potatoes. You get a choice of bacon pork sausage or chicken sausage. They got regular eggs Benedict. They got Steakhouse 71 seasonal pancakes, which were peach cobbler. Yes, peach cobbler. Yep. That sounds good. And then she was saying that you could get them aside. You could get them, however, you could get them as a side. You could add on. You could. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. I kind of wish we had done that now, but just to try them. Not me because it's peach cobbler. If they would have said banana, peach cobbler. Oh, okay. Really? Peaches are delicious, but to you. Peaches for me. And then the song. Yeah. The president of the United States of America. Okay. What were you talking about? Oh, if you. Peaches. Peaches is the fruit, right? Uncooked peach. When you get one that's perfectly ripe, like a pear, that's hard to beat. The problem is getting them perfectly ripe. I just. Now, if it would have been a banana foster pancake. Oh, heck, yeah. We get. Oh, we got a side of that easy. They do have Walt's prime rib hash. They've got a ham and cheddar omelet. They've got avocado toast, Western omelet, veggie omelet. I thought you were supposed to get the Walt's hash. When it came down to. I Zach said, I know, I know he did. We ran into the sack again, saying it riverside. I love it. Our buddy Zach. We every, we don't run into him every time we go to Disney, but he runs into us every time he goes to Disney. And it's hilarious. Yeah. I love it. He's. He's one of the nicest human beings. Wait, his wife is amazing too. They're the sweetest couple. You know, I want to. It's always running into each other and then spending a couple minutes talking and parting our way. Like what Zach, let us know when you're going back. Like let's the four of us sit down and like, yeah, that'd be fun and get to know each other better because yeah, like they're some of the best people and he's just one of the best dudes. Like, yeah, absolutely love him. So I, you know, I'm not big on hash. Like, I'm just not. And okay. And so I don't want to, I don't want potentially waste a meal on it and not like it. Okay. So I didn't get it. No, I was going to get, I'll tell you exactly what I was going to get. I was going to get the Floridian Eggs Benedict. Why? Well, because it's two poached eggs and a crab cake with Hollandaise, a top toasted English muffin served with breakfast potatoes for $19. And I was all set to order this. I was excited to order this. And then Rhonda went first and you ordered this. I did. So I decided not to. Yeah. So talk about it. I did get, you did give me something. I did. You get two. And I ate one whole one and it was fantastic. And then all of a sudden I realized, Oh gosh, let me go ahead and give Jeremy some because I don't want to eat it at all. And this actual like crab cake tasted very, very crab cake like Jeremy likes. So I thought it was fantastic. I would absolutely get this again. Yeah. I mean, it was, it was so good. Like the eggs were cooked perfect. The crab cake was perfect. The Hollandaise sauce was great. Yeah. It was so good. There was somebody posted in one of the groups, Facebook groups the other day where do you get a good crab cake on property? And because all the comments to follow were like, well, it depends where you're from. Yeah. You know, are you from Maryland or Delaware? You don't you don't you don't. So Jessica tagged me and said, I think this is a question for tag me Jeremy Stein. And I responded and said, there's really not. But what I didn't realize is that they have these crab cakes available on the dinner menu. Oh, and these are good crap. Yeah, they are pretty. These are about as close to Maryland or Delaware crab cakes you're going to get. So I'd like to go for dinner and get the crab cakes because these were outstanding. Well, let's go for dinner. And I thought right now, I'm so hot. By the time we got down there, we could eat dinner. Yeah. I loved it. Thought it was outstanding. I went ahead with the steak and eggs. And this is two eggs. Any style I got mine over medium or easy. With breakfast potatoes and a burnay sauce, which is served on the side, which I appreciate very much for $21. Eggs were cooked perfectly. You know, when when you eat eggs like this, and you actually eat the egg, the white portion, and you're like, dang, that's good egg whites. Like you're doing something right. Yeah, like the seasoning was great. They were cooked perfectly. Nice, runny yolk. I got the steak medium rare. And it was cooked to perfection. It is this piece of sirloin steak, the potatoes. So good. I almost feel like there's a hint of truffle oil in them. Okay. They're great. They're not like your, I love a good home fry. Right. That is pretty much just a fried potato. Right. Nothing else to it. Maybe a little salt, maybe a little pepper. You put some hot sauce, they're great. These, I think, are done on a skillet with a ton of flavor and oil and like they're outstanding. Everything here was good. It was great. We'll go back. I'll go back to it. If you had served me this at Palo, I walk away as happy as can be. Okay. This is what should have been at Palo, you know, and the steak was delicious. I loved it. I would get this again here. Well, it's super funny because you did not eat no as much as I and I was even like I was conversating with our guests. You were a lot because we know I'm the talker. And yes, the dreamer, but something was wrong. I did. Because at one point, was it Palo when I was like, do you like, and you were like wanting to be like shut up, Rhonda, but you never said it. Yeah. And I'm trying to remember the restaurant we were at because it was like, are you okay? Is every, and you really, you wanted to just tell me to shut up because. I would say shut up. Okay. I would say, I'm not prepared to talk about this right now while there is other company amongst us. Well, anyways, I was like, oh my gosh, does he not like it? You left so much like on your play that I absolutely, when we walked away and you did say you loved it, I was so happy to hear that. I was just, I was talking with our guests a lot, you know, and we were. And would you say you were nervous? Sure. Okay. Yeah. But I, this was the steakhouse 71 is really good. Like we loved our lunch from there, you know, and we haven't been for dinner, you know, I would like to go for dinner and I'll get crab cakes, you get a proper steak, and then we kind of split them, you know, and go back. It's, and again, you can't beat the location. You're at the contemporary, much is kind of, you know, razz, the contemporary, you know, and it looks like an old airport inside and they're getting, they just filed permits to refer Bay Lake Tower. So we don't know if they're going to bring those incredible themed rooms or what they're going to do there, but they are going to do it. We then walked over to ride Tiana's again, and we walked back to our car after, because you have the three hours to park, you know, and so we went ahead and we took advantage of that and walked over to Magic Kingdom and came back within our window. And I was like, dude, as much kind of stuff as we sometimes give contemporary, because we just don't get it. Man, nothing beats that walk. I told our guests that I would love to stay in the rooms inside the main building because of how they were built off property and then taken to the contemporary and pushed in like a cassette tape or something. Right. I know. Super freaking cool. Man. It was good. It was really good. I contemporary Steakhouse 71. And I know that you can go sit at the bar area here in order as well. So that's something I could see us doing. It's not a super hard reservation to get. Nice. You know, it's not like crazy or anything. So dinner will be on the list for the future for sure. Well, that's what that's it. That's all we ate. That's all we got, folks. Yep. Yep. That's all I got to say about that. Yeah. So anyway, again, if you want to catch our weekly livestream that we're doing every Thursday evening, we'll be doing one this evening. Oh, what are we doing? Oh, yeah. That's right. Our weekly livestream. We'll have a whole host of topics and news and stuff. You can join our Facebook group, Facebook community, Main Street Magic. We also do now in Park livestream. So we did a room tour of Riverside. We streamed the whole and condo celebration. Did a couple of the things there. So that's super fun. We did the Mickey mint chocolate chip, not ice cream sandwich, but head out to Facebook search for the Main Street Magic community and ask to join. Of course, if you hit subscribe, you get brand new episodes every Tuesday and Friday. And as always, Ron and I would be super duper thankful. If you could please leave us a rating and review because it'll help our show grow. That's all we've got. We'll see you real soon. Jeremy and Rhonda are more than a little pond of Disney world. So they made this podcast to share it all with you. Reports and resorts, top 10 lists of all sorts, Main Street Magic's bringing it home. [Music] [ Silence ]