Tim Butterly’s Show

Ep. 026 - Diego Lopez

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Comedian, model, jiu jitsu black belt, host of A Little Time, Know Violence, and alter ego of Nihilift Diego Lopez took the brain damage train down to Philadelphia to goof around with us for an afternoon. Come chill with us and follow Diego here - |

We popped off for whole 'nother nice time over at

Come see me on the road! JUST ADDED Louisville, KY August 23rd

 Louisville, KY August 24th (different venue! weird, but cool!)

Columbus, OH August 25th

Portland, ME September 12th

Boston, MA September 13th

New Britain, CT September 14th

Janesville, WI September 20-21st

Tacoma, WA October 25-27th


Welcome back to Tim bodily show friends No, and I have a gift for you this week We're joined today by a very good friend of mine. I want you guys to Really sink your teeth into the the time we're about to have I know that you're in a truck on your way to you know Wash windows for a living. Okay. You're looking forward to being 68 stories high pressing your meat against the glass of a woman's office window Windex you're gonna be sweet. You're squeegeeing with your meat right now While you start losing your motherfucking mind Our guest this week. It's a very good friend of mine. He's a Brazilian juicer to black belt. Oh host of a little time podcast Yeah, he created the Internet's foremost Street fight video breakdown show no violence He's got more looks and charisma than ten male gypsies and 10 times to the faces. Oh, yeah Wow, thank you for having me boys for fucking making the track Oh, I made the trip I walked here from New York City and you know what it was worth every fucking second man I appreciate you coming down Might do my I mean what a thrill for me Diego's the fucking man We have trained together. He's twisted me into a fucking pretzel in a completely heterosexual Actually, it's the straightest thing ever because we're competing with each other It's nothing more beautiful than that without the competition aspect incredibly gay incredibly homework erotic But there's a winner and a loser and unlike gay sex for both more winners Is that always true though? Well, I'm not even gonna wrap up in a little bit of gay litigation at the moment gonna find out right now Cut the feet No, I'm I obviously I'm bound by an NDA. Well, I'm wrapped up in litigation against Justin Silver You know the the terms I took the settlement and you know, that's all I can really say about that, but okay This kind of came to the our our show kind of came together surreptitiously this week because I'd be I'd scrolled past a bunch of fight videos and a theme started to present itself and I go back and forth with my wife at this all the time Cool who I'm also a big fan of I'll make that very clear who my MJ's the fucking best She's the goat She so she she got a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. She under she at least understand She can't beat me in a fight. Yeah, but she understands fighting. Yeah. Yeah, and so I We have a lot of discussions about let's say Where's case scenario we you prep for the worst, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah worst case scenario I'm getting my ass beat in front of my family. Yeah, that's like so you're gonna you're gonna feel an urge to get involved and help She will right. Yes. It's never going to help. I don't like saying never always, but it's very very rarely gonna help But she is trained I but I think that gives her more awareness to just let me take the regular beating and not get involved Okay, a little bit that there's a lot of the again. I'm doing and this is why I'm glad you're here Yeah, there's a lot of variables and street fights that that take that can really take the fight and rent many different ways If it's a one-on-one and you're getting beat up and she gets involved as a skilled fighter she might be able to Arm drag or knee tap and and disable them enough until you can get back up to your feet and a little bit of an assist a little bit of an Assist. I don't expect her to crank on on a fucking Ezekiel with a hook up. Yeah, maybe grab his balls really hard But even then I'll be like, what was that? Yeah a little bit and you wanted to do that. You fucking already know this guy What you do with your mouth? But she sucked that guy off I was already not having a great time. Yeah as a purple. She's Aware of the discomfort of combat enough that she's not gonna freak out right if he like slugs her once or tries to move her around Or she can keep her composure. Oh, so she's not gonna turn into a shrieking moron Yeah, exactly right exactly where it gives you enough time to get back up and get to work So like someone who is skilled on a one-on-one situation. I'm like I get that I could see how that would be useful Because the thing with with street fights is you never know what someone's endgame is we you hope it's like, okay You beat me. I'm down. You're gonna move on with your day. You're gonna be a man about to help each other out. Yeah All right, man Yeah, no, you're getting your head stomped on to be back you and kill your wife for sure So you just picks up MJ and just fucking smashes or do I would do and then you guys are both just like defeated And then you get home, but then that's a quiet car ride home. That's kind of Bonnie and Clyde though That's a little bit romantic. Yeah a little yeah, but you guys are both just beaten up senselessly and you guys are both trained fighters I know and you don't want to take a what a bad look. I mean, it's truly Horrific stuff's akin. Well, so we were a couple weeks ago We were talking about you know the fights that you see it like a chunky cheese We're like, you know, maybe one or both combatants are holding babies Oh, okay And the the conclusion that we arrived at is that you attacked the baby first. Oh, wow. Yeah, I mean if you really want to win that fight Yeah, well, you don't want to be the second person to target a baby If there's two babies and one of them is yours You don't want to wait and let them get first of all, how many shots do you think a baby can absorb? I've tested it very few No, they back. They're good. Yeah, they're heads too soft. They just moves around. Yeah, the problem I think when you boxing a Mexican guy A lot of people don't know that The the issue with if if you are the first to attack a baby you forget Parents instinct to protect can get turned on and now you're fighting a superhuman. Oh, yeah, you flip their trap card exactly Fuck damn, dude. Mm-hmm, but at the same time If you're a baby's there, maybe if you're losing maybe if you're losing then you got to do wild cards You don't come out of the gate. You don't go First priority kill the baby. No, no, I surprisingly, I mean everyone who's listening that's on their board You try this shit, right and then a misdirect when you take one or two too many then it's like all right, man I'm gonna fucking you have a butter knife to the baby's throat. No, no, this is a fair one And then they'd be like the baby's like take the shot Are you fucking armed right now? So, um if if the girlfriends get involved in a street fight you know I In all the videos that I've watched I think they mostly ignore them or shove them I think shoving women is considered like above board. Yeah, and In a fight not just like a someone Cashier is just it gave you a little attitude like yeah, yeah, yeah, not the waitress who fucking forgot to check on you guys Uh, I'm talking no onions. Yeah, I told you I didn't like olives So I watched this one with my wife yesterday Okay, and the subject was a guy gets humiliated in front of his girlfriend, right? Yeah, and so it's clear from the beginning which guy is not really having much success and I will be to be fair This doesn't seem to be a very cool black guy. He's wearing a thrasher shirt. Yeah, isn't like a very hip fit, you know So this might be his one slides. Yeah. Well, that doesn't really indicate and and he's wearing black eye and tight pretty tight pants This is like, uh, you know, you've had you've had the benefits of going to a white school And you kind of took the worst lessons from it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's about to tombstone that kid you took the the lamest parts of uh white color and you know, I I grew up in the hood. I kind of understand the assimilation aspect. However Um, he should be beating this dude's ass way worse. Yeah, he's double double lovers Dars Little bit good ground and pound. He's keeping that the high ground. Yeah, took him out strong mount Got in the bottom clearly helpless on the ground obviously and and listen. Oh, dude getting led up like that He he lets him up and turns his back and I think that is now keep in mind This guy's girlfriend is here. Um, and I I did already watch this. Uh, the girl the girl muhive is Okay, turtleneck is the girlfriend. Yeah, she's gonna stop this fight and then help burn law mo that lawn Diego's allowed to make that joke. I miss man. I miss man. He is white passing, but he is Uh Yeah, so she's like stop and now look poppy. No right idea. Don't don't chase the l. Mm-hmm. Yeah You're making worse, but is he a seek with that hairpiece? Uh, I think this might just be mexican I think he's just gravity. His his hair's coming up. Oh, yeah, you're all fucking with rooster look right now. He um, that's an edger He's just in motion. He this is this is so true. I mean, I feel like uh this this this frame right here tells Such a tale. Yeah, he's he wants it back so bad. He's actually being for this split second He's being embraced by the woman he loves. Yeah, you have the renaissance painting. It's beautiful But you can't you can't accept the ill in front of him in front of her No, that's ego. Yeah, and you have to learn how to control and dominate your ego But he is still being dominated by his ego. His ego is making decisions and his ego will lead him to an early death Yeah, and unfortunately He just he can't he can't help him. He's dude Honestly, her last her only shot would have been just sucking him off. Yeah, like pull it out Yeah, break glass in case of a fucking emergency In case of a guy named his ego beating your fucking His ego J. I apostrophe Xego She wants she wants the best form and he wants to prove himself to her And he's proven something and and he might even know that he's chasing the ill, but he's like i'm not done You know, yeah, and so he's sure That was just holding him back. Yeah, the school hair out of the bun. Yeah, and he's and he's he doesn't really have any No, of course not And and his ego is cool the cucumber His ego is not phased at all. He already knows he's already got him beat and it's just like don't mean It's almost like don't make me do this. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean? Uh, yeah, look. Oh, he goes completely relaxed. Yeah, that's one vertical. He doesn't want to cause any more damage No, he knows he's warden. He can't get suspended Oh true, and you know, they're cool. You know, they're gonna be so much worse on him. Oh, yeah I mean, he knows he's gonna get a death penalty for this He executed by a lunch lady Just hitting it with one of those metal splatters until he dies. That's not fair He didn't he was defending himself for all we know And uh, and look this is where it really this is really where it all comes down He he wants it so bad and she wants the best form and it's like You know, you're you're going to meet your death. Yeah, you know, this is what most great literature is about. Yeah Yeah, he wants to he wants to meet his end hemmingway wishes he was as poetic Hemmingway could never And look oh that left hand is cocked and look dude That is caught and he's standing south paul. Yeah, pick your poison and she She's holding his hands out so he can't defend his hand. Oh my god And this is how it always ends it always ends with them just grabbing whatever they can A lot of times it's a wrist or an arm and so here we go At this point he just got to let him go Straight jab down the pipe. Oh no And again the punch is harder because he's running at it. He ran right into it. He ate it You couldn't hear his jaw snap his his teeth together. Yeah And the and honestly at this point the comfort is this feels like a million needles. Yeah, are you okay? I'd rather you seriously pistol with me Then put an arm around my shoulder at this point. He's got to be knocked out at that point He's taking a knee like it's I know fellow and they're doing the the anthem right now He is like really on that knee. He's talking to god. Yeah, hey man. Where were you just now? What the fuck was that about? My parents put me in that weird van every Sunday to go to church And this is what I get fuck and and you know, look you don't want to be comforted here You know, I honestly if I stub my toe in the house and I hear from far away are you okay? I go jump the fuck on That's poisoned to my ears. That sucks And it's like this is I did this for you. Yeah, let me see that jab again. That was a fucking good. That was clean. I mean Hmm Oh no, he's slightly so so watch how his ego slightly shifts So it's almost oh wait, it all went all the way back Yeah, it's like a check hook, but it's a jab whoa He falls into that pocket Wow, I've said it a million times in my videos stop running at people It's like you fight. I mean you have a faster way to close the distance A full sprint we talked about a little chin first. I was and because of his girlfriend He's kind of like Naruto running at him. Yeah All he needs is a big heavy backpack on Just slamming on his back. Oh, no, wow impact. Yeah, dude He comes over the top elbow up ball. That's clean. He's ready for a second punch too. He's ready for the combo Left hand is loaded Diego. You're his coach. What more can you ask for from his ego? I mean, I'm he's killing it I'm so proud of him get him in Satan's backyard. Absolutely. Yeah, let's get him in street beast immediately. You're ready Scarface would love this guy. I know a lot about street beast Is the best Oh, man. Yeah, that guy really ran into that jab. You ever been embarrassed in front of a lady Have I been embarrassed not in this way not in maybe not in kaya probably not in combat. I would say no no none calm I lost some jiu-jitsu matches in front of my girlfriend. That's not as bad. That doesn't matter That's it. She do jiu-jitsu. No, so she didn't even know what happened. She doesn't know anything You guys were laying down there for a long time Who won you're just gonna have something Yeah, nobody wins. It's always kind of a draw. Yeah, whoever wants to send the podium can it's all It's a really cool people here. No, no, no, I didn't I didn't want a minute. Why do you think everyone's wearing flip-flops and hanging moves? No, nothing like this. I've been very lucky to a not have that many girlfriends and be Not stick my neck out like an idiot and trying to fight dudes on the street now. You're too cool for that. Thank you Thank you Competition though Yeah, when you do it in a competitive setting, it's like hey respect for getting out there Yeah, absolutely here. It's like man. You had fucking leaves all over your back and yeah, dude You haven't had your after-school snack yet. Yeah, no energy. Oh my god, and then you got to ride the bus together Dude brutal brutal Yeah, I think I definitely can remember riding public transportation with a girl after either getting like fucking chomped or socked Brutal yeah, that's the depths man, but you know that's the hero's journey Sure to be completely destroyed like this and then rebuild from nothing. You need to rise from somewhere. Mm-hmm And I'll be in a hole. I've said for a long time. There's there's no better Occurrence for your average person than to get like punched in the face in front of people. Oh, yeah Yeah, it really shows you a who you are and b that specific type of hot Attention feeling on your neck where you're like fuck everyone's looking at me That now make you start working hard for something either training at martial arts and getting and bettering yourself or developing some sort of arsenal You can bring to school. I don't know what to do Getting very good at carrying a heavy double back. Yeah, there you go. Nice long trench coat now There's a humility from getting punched in the face Um, that doesn't feel cool in any way. It's actually impossible to enjoy. Mm-hmm. You can't enjoy any of the benefits from getting punched in the face All you can do is spend the rest of your life learning to uh, you know accept it and not, you know Fanta, you know, just fixate on his ego. Sure. Yeah, absolutely. You gotta like that guy get let him out of your head. Don't There's there's two losses in the fight There's losing the physical fight and then letting the person live in your mind So like losing the losing the physical one whatever it was in your day. No big deal. That's okay Losing the mental fight and letting someone stay in your mind. That is the bigger law And that's something that takes a lot of uh internal work. Mm-hmm to get good at because it's hard Yeah, you want to keep people in your mind a little bit as like a fuel But then know when that fuels no longer a little bit of a water boy a little bit. Yeah, a little bit Yeah, I I got I got punched by a grown-up on time when I was in high school. Whoa Yeah, we were on accept the bus and we were uh heading through like a pretty shitty neighborhood And um, septic bus. Oh septa. That's our that's our fucking what do you guys have mta or whatever? Oh, oh, that's the the public transport. Yeah, yeah So we were going through some shit hole neighborhood and uh, yeah filled off. Yeah grown up. Yeah a guy who looked like uh I don't know fat Joe got on the bus. Okay, and uh, you know, it was full of high school kids I didn't have like a lot of friends, but like it was a crowded bus full high school kids and I'm standing I don't have a seat and two kids are like fucking around and end up like Pushing me and I fall backwards into this guy. Mm-hmm. No problem with the kids. They're fucking around, right? The guy is fucking pissed. Sure. And there was nothing no like real words exchanged It was just like oh my bad. I turned around said oh my bad and he just like glared at me And I was just like, all right, man. He's fucking pissed. I don't know what else I can do. Yeah. Yeah, I apologize. That's what more to do on So I'm standing. I'm holding on to the uh Railing the railing by the back door And his stop comes up way before mine. So he you know pushes past everybody gets to the back door And the doors open he goes to get off the bus and he turned around and he punched me in the face And then stepped off the bus and the door is closed. What the fuck? Yeah And I went home with a fat lift and I was just like, why I feel like I couldn't have done anything to avoid that Yeah Because here's the thing here's where uh, he kind of broke the I don't want to say guy code, but he broke the street altercation code where it's like if you the guy could where you don't punch minors, you don't punch minors, first of all uh two You you have a moment of okay, you're angry right now And it's kind of understandable if you swing at somebody but you Like like how how premeditated murder is worse than like just murdering someone right away Yeah, it's like you thought about this. You had time to cool down. You had time to It was a first degree sucker punch. Yeah, exactly. You're you're a fucking dickhead To wait as a coward. Like I'm up my next stop here comes. Yeah, it's a bitch move. You made you did a bitch Right. No, but let's go find. Let's go find buddy got me You don't expect it all the kids from school. Yeah, but it doesn't matter He got me in front of all the kids in school and I was like, no So that I think I mean until I started like taking real beatings in martial arts I think that's stuck with me for probably the rest of high school understandable to get hit by an adult When you're still in high school. It's an insane like yeah, unless it's your your parents, but like it's still it's a weird thing What a piece of shit guy like that's a real shit. That's a genuinely shitty move, but he got the W He don't like to eat it. Hell. Yeah, the W. I wouldn't qualify as a W for him Uh, he hate you and left Uh-huh if he would have if you would but you I bet you he didn't even register as an event in his day-to-day Possibly that's very that's very true in this city. You just probably a teenager is probably like swatting flies for a guy like that Get out of here. You know what the fuck man. Yeah, but the fact that you waited open to me Yeah, fight me on a crowded bus like a man Give me a chance to really embarrass myself. Let me spaz out and scream. Yeah, fuck your stop Let's go now. It means that much to you. You're willing to walk 18 blocks home Oh, dude imagine if I followed imagine if I jumped off the bus Yeah, get it back another bus is pulling away as I'm just being just mercilessly beaten In the gutter two losses. How'd I get this two losses? We should have a girl from the whole my wrist Yeah, here's a piece of shit moving that guy's part. Thank you for backing me up on that Of course, you know, I really care that guy. Here's another guy. It says he got embarrassed in front of his girlfriend And you know Okay, here we go This shit terrifies me like fighting in front of bars where everyone's already fucked up Yeah, it's an nightmare situation. Um, you don't really worries me though are when the bouncers turn into sharks They love they a lot of them love it. I I don't want to Uh, what's the word? I'm looking for generalize. Mm. I don't want to generalize I might not be the right word bouncers, but I've seen a lot of videos where you could tell they really relish knocking out blacked-out guys Yeah, I mean there was that fair very famous case of some bouncers throwing a drunk guy Out of their club and they threw him in the way that he I think Pro-plate glass window by his shirt and really like fucking Uncle Phil and jazzy jeff like chucked him and he like broke his neck and died And like luz laying there as a dead body for a little while. Yeah, they're calling him loser. Yeah, look at asshole He runs his pockets, but there's that that weird line of like A human being can only be so sympathetic to the same person Even though it's not the same human being, but it's like oh great another drunk asshole You can only handle that a couple times until you you become Uh apathetic to that that that person, right? Right. It's like gallows humor It's just kind of the same thing where you're like fuck this fuck. Ah break his neck. Oh break his fucking neck Yeah, man, it bouncers some of some cool dude. I bounced for a very little time Uh, but it's just like a lot of those guys also have anger. She's did you ever do you ever deal with like a super unruly? Customer no, no, I bounced like just a handful of times for an illegal bar So like they they hired me because I don't look like a bouncer. Yeah, I don't know I don't know a guy like you though like a handsome guy in like a leather jacket bouncing It's like whoa that guy's gonna do something fucking Well, that's because you know how to fight you let don't know. They're just like fucking skinny guy. Whatever Hey, don't dude some slick guy in cool clothes and forcing a bar. It's like whatever that guy's got up his fucking sleeve I don't want him part of it. He's gonna a shoe knife I'm gonna fuck it all wild bob west time. I'm gonna click his heels together. It's something bad that's gonna happen dude Let's go somewhere else. Yeah, let's go to a legal bar Get dangerous, but yeah this this situation was a bar street This looks like uh, oh overhand right no Oh and out out Way to shake his head around. Yeah twice his neck Does it do anything for you guys want a white guy wins a street fight against black guy? Yeah, it gets me pretty hype No, you got to get pretty Because it's always the opposite. Yeah, you see the opposite so much. It's true. It just reinforces a bunch of my tattoos um he also has uh Like kind of spazzy like if I if this makes sense to you guys he's got the vibe of like you ever see white boys fighting in a school bathroom Yeah, yeah, and it's like like dork fight. You know, yeah, it looks like when Bart fights lisa Yeah, so it's like, yeah, man. This is a this is a mountain climb there go Because he shoves her off creates distance. Oh, no, he walks and look and look dude. She's doing mummy arms between them. Yeah Oh No, she clogs up the route for it for for the guy who gets passed out his right hand Which again most of my right hand Uh Yeah, but most drunk guys are hoping to throw one big yeah one big shot. They're not setting up traps Yeah, no, they're not using footwork. No, they're not Leading something for four rounds down the fight. Yeah, I'm gonna let them wear themself out. Yeah And then uh, you know, I'm gonna keep them at range. Yeah, no, no, no, that's the jab and they're pop the jab in his face One big overhand right and then as soon as his girlfriend gets between us. I'm gonna show show the over right one more time I want to see if he creates space. Yes, dude. I love this shit. Let's see Okay, so he pushes her off who you're looking to create space here because I'm see first of all he doesn't stand in base No, he's he's crossing his he undertakers all the way up to his feet. Yeah With his with his arms way out to the side. I want to see if uh, why dude loads his right leg back into his stance I mean he's got he's got pretty good top pressure. Yeah pushes off south pot orthodox. Yeah Yeah, he back steps he shifts into orthodox As he throws the right so as his right foot is going back His right hand's going forward as the foot lands that creates a chain of power or potential power Yeah, oh wow, it's beautiful. I love that shit and again not sure I would I would be surprised if he was trained Uh, I don't know man. Yeah There's trained and then there's you know guy who got in a lot of neighborhood fights Sure, sure and I think they're both pretty effective What do you think the chances are or or I should say the percentages of? relationships maintaining the same amount of Passion after you see your boyfriend get knocked out like how long does a relationship last after the fact? I think that's the question where that's the drain we're circling right now. Mm-hmm And it's I don't know how long it can last Ladies call it now. You're gonna be fucking female listeners. Yeah, both of you guys both of you fucking broad Yeah, have you stayed with a guy after watching him get beaten up? Oh my god. I would love I would love it I do I do love how much women uh right now, especially we'll talk about like mental health online Yeah, but then they're fucking liars and hypocrites about being able to fight against their their own DNA there Yeah, well You're talking about biology now. Yeah, because you know There's there's the part of them. This is the yin and the yang of I don't mean to come at women so aggressively just now It's it's on the one hand They want to take care of a guy who just got knocked out. Mm-hmm, but they also want to Get comeed in by the guy that knocked him out. Mm-hmm. It's true. They will there and I think this is like the The basis of psychology. It's true Pythagoras penis. They're nice. Hey, give me a spot right there Uh they're the gatekeepers for strong loads. They want alpha busts only That's and thank god for that. That's why our society is where it is Uh, what mate selection? Yeah, there there are markers. Yeah that I think you know, uh trend towards, you know, uh Strong offspring. Yeah strong and funny. That's what the world needs. Danny. You ever get beat up in front of Jamie? um Kind of yeah, yeah, but it was lost carnival of combat. Yeah my competition No, that's you still feel all that you still I still felt all that you did, but did she That's the question, you know, I don't think you know, I'm literally one in five in But uh early early in our relationship. I got into a fight at a rooftop party. Mm dangerous Yeah, yeah, did you guys like roll over the edge holding each other by the collar? And the guy that wins holds him and pulls him back up with one arm Fucking strongest human being of all time even worth it But uh, it ended up in like a wrestling match and I was on top and when I was on top hidden the guy All his boys were like nah nah and just started fucking kicking the shit out of me uh As they should be The guy I was fighting was Puerto Rican. Oh, then him the boy qua Then his crew was uh mixed between wiggers and Puerto Ricans. Oh, that's a tight squat strong crew. Yeah Damn Yeah, a lot of air force one prints all over my body I'll get them all tatted on later No, I mean, yeah, that's these these These are unexplored dynamics in in relationships and you really do need to stay up late looking at the internet to even Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. Um, here's a little treat for you. Oh, I'm already enticed because of the ass We were just in a wall. Oh, yeah Sorry if this gets us flagged, but we were just uh Wow, we just we were just in a wall. Oh, and here's a nice little classic wall fight Damn dude. That's so much of your ass I know do you uh, I think ass has come out a lot in uh, if I've especially with the obesity epidemic Yeah, because ironically Most over way people don't have uh, ass this way that told your pants up. They have a lot of ass this way long Asses and it's just begging for pants to fall down long, but yeah And they don't wear belts a lot of times because they want comfort We gotta wear a belt You start out super thick and then you kind of taper in with your buckled knees Yeah, they got the knees knocking into each other It's your pants are obviously gonna fly down. Um, and Damn, this is awesome. It's powerful not fixing them Yeah Oh, no Yeah, look how fat on his man. Yeah, it's a wall. I'll do what you No It's everywhere double leg. Okay, nevermind. He smells penis and he got kind of back out of it He got a cheek full of balls. That's like nevermind. The Dagestandes are such dominant wrestlers They love the stuff on the fucking wiener smell It's got an over hook. He's almost has a strict guillotine. I can't tell what his hand is a bit of a front head He's adding some body shots From the bottom. He's oh, he's aiming a little bit longer now. That's what I would be doing Yeah, dude go all dick with these shots. I get under the gun. There's no rules True Okay, let's see. Yeah, but it's like, you know, you're you're as your average dude willing to do some gay shit To win a fight like squeeze ball. Yeah as hard as you can. I think so. I mean This is this is a long street fight. This is a lot of some sumo matches end up right here And then people start clapping. Yeah, because the hard part. Thank god. This guy's wearing a mask incorrectly Damn, I can smell that shirt by the way. It's crazy how bad this fight must smell You ever uh, you ever leave laundry in the washer? Yes Exactly what it smells like. That's one of the worst smells is the and they don't run it again They go whatever man. I washed it. It's all dry. What's the problem? Yeah Now he's got some shots from the top of sprawls Look at that. He pulls his knees back. Let's go. Let's go. All right Short hooks He has a tramp stamp. What is this tramp stamp? That's a sea boat back tattoo Oh my god, he definitely has poopy butt. Oh my god. Who's this guy? That's a black lady trying to now you get your get your hands off the ground My three tenders and mac and cheese. Oh motherfucker. Are you burning? I thought me wrong get my goddamn five dollar pizzas Yo, y'all better stop playing with my goddamn mouth Wow, he made tracks. That was amazing. That's amazing. I think I've someone sent me that one. I'm like, this is too long I can't fit this one Oh, man, it's funny how much they needed to rest like that whole uh leaning. It's like, yeah, they're tired. It's exhausting You know, uh, you know front headlock, you know, this you can kind of lean on them right here got down the bottom though You know giving up probably a hundred pounds to somewhere close. Yeah, the group home resident Those are you know, it's fucked up is uh, not having a day job. I'm on the schedule of group home people Yeah, so when I go to stores and supermarkets and stuff like that It's just me and like retarded guys being led all around by Jamaican ladies And the lace coming up to you like hurry up pick something you're like, no, I'm not with you Yeah, where's your guy? Where's your lady? Hey, where's your Jamaican lady? Where's your order way? Oh, just a regular guy. No, normal guy. They look at what I'm wearing in my glasses prescription to go. No, you're not No, you're not getting the van It just started holding my life. Which one are you? Yeah, thank god for my life Uh, here's uh, let me see Let me get bigger. This is um Danny you found this right? Yeah, okay. This is this is more ladies. Wait, do I let me make sure this is a clean jump Okay, I'm gonna show you this is what I think the lady version of that weird tarzan video I showed you before where guys get together and act like fucking Yeah, women are going on rage ritual retreats And they're encouraged to scream and swing big sticks in the forest to release their emotions without judgment It's like been doing that dude fucking welcome to the club Been talking about this you're going to walk before Never been in the woods. You ever been in the woods in your life. Yeah, they're paying $4,000 to throw big rocks into the creek. Oh my god No, dude the price range is About $2,000 to $4,000 Would you what's your reaction to this and would you join the rage rituals too? And we're not going to mention the uh page that it's on because fuck you fuck you page There's okay. It's impaired. I would love to Sorry, this fiery hot emotion from within us So it's called the rage ritual retreat and the founder's name is mia And she describes herself as a spiritual fairy godmother Give a black eye Oh Let it out It looks like she's taking a beating Women rather go to the woods and break sticks and go to therapy That's so stupid Not to say that hitting thing hitting things is cathartic. Obviously i'm an example I do I do it every day and I don't know how people every chance I live their life without hitting things, but Hitting the floor with a stick is not doesn't At least hit a tree in a tree. It's vertical. You'll get snapping of the Have you never a boy? That's really what air saw fatty was doing. We just saw air saw What the heck? I want Where is this? No, this has to be fake This has to be fucking fake Damn that comment's pretty good. So they pay 4k to act like a woman actually Yeah dominant because he's oh They gotta like go into the body water in each other's pussy or something I mean, no way. This is the whole thing It is imperative that we allow It's correct dude. I do this in penny pack park. I'm not kidding. Yeah, that's what you just go outside I would like to see there the person Mia. Oh is her name? Oh, oh, yeah explain where that money's going to Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Why is it cost that much money? Uh, and does she have it? Magic there's no way. I can't see paid to see five dollars to see this woman naked Which I appreciate and thank you No judgment, but let me see The goods me a band due jay. What the fuck yeah bands? She got an instagram page Oh now rogan covered it whoops. Whoops My rage. All right guys on rogan. Well, he probably didn't make any jokes about it. So yeah, he's like he's probably just made He's like, well, did you see that jimmy heard about this? And then jimmy answers are going outside and he gets mad at jimmy for talking That's my question No, I mean you can't well that is that's a great witch costume. Yeah If I had listened to other people's opinions, I would have Existentially perished years ago. Dude soul crushing paralysis of fear too much writing and talk that talk this is This is the first six paragraphs from every recipe page online That looks like It's like yeah, bitch. I just want to remember how much fucking cream to use in mashed potatoes I don't need to hear about your fucking fear as long as hell looks like dr. Disrespects apology Was their contact with a really big stick was I using magic? Yes Do I think I committed a crime? Yeah, I have no idea who knows Wow, she really loves yaps POV your partner of more than five years moves out the day before your birthday and the divine designs your dream fairy tale Celebration craning all your wishes and you're fully reborn. This is a classic tool of a charlatan is the over Explanation and using flowery lea flowery language But I mean in this realm it's hard not to speak that way because it is not a real thing So it's like you're you got to say something. Mm-hmm true. Yeah. Yeah, you're your charlatan or you're not to even exist in this space Yeah, truly this it's it's what it is but again that it almost has the argument of the do the ends justify the means Where it's like are these women happier doing this? So it seems like there's no way these ends do seem pretty mean I was I was terrified of this birthday dude women love having feelings about each birthday Oh birthday is so distinct from every other birthday. Yeah I it's this Wow what this birthday means to me. I I finally am at peace with who I am And I know what I'm capable of and the next birthday. It's just like okay that boyfriend was also kind of a dick You know go to the factory. Yeah, get a job. Yeah, dude imagine imagine just inventing going outside And then truly paying people $4,000. This is the pink tax. It's coming from other women Did I wake up the first time he's not actually coming back and have to just go through the motions of celebrating feeling heartbroken Everything is a huge Obstacle. I mean it is her life. She lives, you know going through an actual breakup So it's like it's funny for us to like sit back and like make fun of it. But like you're right. It is funny Don't don't fucking bitch. Wow. Yeah, go to the woods and fucking scream. You know, yeah, maybe a barrel come out So oh my god, dude Yeah, of course you're holding a cat holding a fucking cat in a cat coat Well, then what can I do about it? And what I do was dude even magic This is mister and he's the only man that'll never leave me In childhood where I would be oh my god, dude. Yeah, this is nuts. This is uh, this is the evolution of mlm Yeah, they're getting bitches. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is the new lulu lemon or Yeah, or whatever it was you take two of your friends into the woods to break sticks Yeah, now I could get now it is four thousand dollars But I could knock off 1500 if you get six girls to come with you. Yeah. Oh, that's a good deal for me. They all bailed on me They all bail on me They all have their fucking boyfriends And they don't fucking care about me and it's whenever I try to make plans. It's like it always fucking falls through I'm fucking done. I'm leaving the group chat some hunter's gonna shoot her because he sees that dumb hat Some kind of weird bear some rare bear. He goes. Oh, hell yeah Oh, you fucking shot me Your bullets are toxic Well, he literally shot me in the woods. Ah, rifle's problematic Wow, this hospital trip really was an existential experience. Yeah, dude. She's bleeding out of her eyes What's up with that? Well the stick but bit back. Oh Yeah, you have to remember they have no form because they've never done this they've never trained They don't they have no idea that sticks break and fly back in your face They're clumsy. They're just falling down hills. Yeah, but this is how social media rewards stupidity in the way that this woman has a career now for doing something stupid Like the the hawk to a girl. She's got signed to a uh, uh, a talent agency For what? For what? Oh, I gotta mad him Like damn if you're just like it's it's Everyone is so stupid in the way. It's like oh that got attention. That must mean it's mo- we can monetize It's like maybe but not on that website Yeah, but I mean they see the they see the value and it's like scoop it up We'll we'll drain it later. You know what I mean? We just got to be first It's like toe-tuck drive toe truck hawk to a truck driver's after an accident. It's the first on the scene gets the fucking gig They're by the way women are tearing her down now. Of course they are they gave us maybe four days of enjoying that Yeah, and now they're just like can I just say I'm I don't think that's even funny. Yeah, of course you don't Uh But it is a problem in the way that like how how how quickly how short the attention span is online for it's like We've done with it like it's like you're gonna sign her and then put put on a sitcom for two lines It's like who's that again? We forgot she could be doing a fucking uh, like the general insurance commercial What could she do? And I don't hate her. I don't good for her. I guess but just like what is this? What are we doing? She's probably gonna do a season of a show on tubi. Yeah And they're gonna call it hawk to be talk to me. Of course That's gonna be her line super bowl commercial. There's gonna be super real commercial and no one's gonna remember her and they're gonna go Oh, right. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah from the meme You know what it is very funny to me about that style of social media is the people doing it Get nothing out of it Like the guys were walking around 16 gosses. Yeah, it's a little microphone. Yeah, no one knows who they are No one knows their name the person they interviews the one that gets any kind of clout or attention Yeah, it's like a hat's to get for and having no fucking talent. Yeah Stupidest fucking shit on the internet. Oh, what'd your body count? Shut up. Don't you think that uh, it's well? I don't know I mean we do those guys are almost kind of like performing a service then those are public servants I I don't disagree. I don't think they see it that way. No, they're like i'm gonna be a million Of the barrel of of of any kind of content creation. I'm gonna be a slut dog million Yeah, because it woke up to people like please you'll be interesting You embarrass yourself for four seconds so that I could make nine thousand dollars. Yeah from ad revenue. Yeah, I appreciate you Oh, yeah, no problem. Yeah, you know, my sister is a really funny bit Oh sick, and it's gonna go by the wayside now, but she started saying hawk to every time she sneezes That's funny. Isn't that a great girl? I like that bit. Yeah, it's a good bit and it's and she's a girl So it counts as like five times twice. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah It's inflation but in reverse. I guess I don't know Um, I guess our inflation we it's the pink text. It's a pink text We could probably put together a pretty good explainer Or for how to break sticks in the woods for girls. Yeah. Oh, yeah, we'll do a thing if you're if you're new to this Hold the by the bottom aim for the middle Get a good snap. Get a good snap girl. They always tend to hold like way higher up. It's like what are you doing? They don't they yeah, I mean they're they choke up because that's what they were told in And as a kid. Yeah, they're playing with the same bats as boys. No, no, no honey. You need to go a little higher up You know, I got the back muscles for that took up on it. I I uh, the Fuck I lost it. I went back to the baseball thing Fuck Oh, no, whatever. Yeah, it's fine. I bet it was awesome. I feel bad for girls. Sure. I feel so bad for them. They got tricked My wife has some pretty good theories on this. She uh my father-in-law stopped by today and he was saying that uh he and uh um my stepmother-in-law were on vacation and they went to like a women's like suffrage museum, okay, and my wife went She went uh who she said who said I have to work. Yeah, she hates it so much They ruined it. It was really smart of the government to convince feminists Convinced women feminism was a good idea so they can tax both people in household. What a fucking scottop dude brilliant what a fucking scottop and then it was like They they they really piped down about this but when they really started chirping up about like women being ignored in the board room It should be like yeah, dude sneak out leave get the fuck out take a nap under the desk Yeah, you know the fucking you know the men in there aren't like us. Yeah, those guys love being in there Yeah, they want to be there I'd rather fucking break my spine than be in there and you want them to fucking listen to you? Put them a wig on a mop and sneak out So fuck out of there put a wig in the table What a broom handle. Yeah, and the guys are black. She's got some great ideas. This is pretty cool today Lindsay's a team player For They're calling it broom women And it's causing chaos And fucking fortune 500 companies women are sweep quitting And it's becoming a problem all the linked in pictures. It just brooms googly eyes and mop heads Vacuum with wigs out of moving around the room Putting kids in glasses on a room. Yeah, absolutely. And again, this just shows you how dumb guys are Yeah, you're a severe woman. You should be laughing you would have compete with us in the morning with the idea Don't devalue yourselves. I'm trying to fist bump a broom a tense right now because I think I think she likes my idea You pay attention to the real shit. Watch us break shit in the woods That's the stuff you should be copying not fucking high power negotiations. Absolutely. Jesus Christ. Dude. That's fucking incredible I uh, you ever do you ever um, I'm a big pick and heavy stuff up in front of my wife I like doing that in front of your wife too You dog. Oh, you dirty dog ever impress my I would never I'm looking like that. No That'd be a tough weekend for me. Absolutely. Do you ever do uh stupid shit to try to impress ladies like that? Because I'm I'm not kidding every chance I get yeah, I don't care how I'll ruin expensive clothes I gotta say it's kind of romantic. I mean it might be my only it's very romantic to still and I don't know how long you guys have been together two three months Coming for like 20 years. That's crazy to to want your partner to find you attractive and like make effort like to me romance is effort and and like um And do show me more effort than trying to pick up a log that fell off of a tree. Yeah, that's beautiful That's beautiful. I actually genuinely very I find that really you know Um try to think if I've ever done anything like that. I don't or I had a girl. I can rephrase if it helps Please what are some uh, you know less than stellar ways that you've tried to display value Mmm Less because that's me. I don't I didn't go to college Uh, my career is kind of a fucking joke Literally Oh my god. Hey folks. Hey, hey All right, that's our show. Thank you Um, so I do have to kind of show her that like, you know, I'll put in an effort for something sure to show you, you know I've I've had some women that I've been seeing come to like one of my classes And they'll do like jiu-jitsu class come my jiu-jitsu classes and that's just me doing my job And I'm not necessarily like I'm not a guy does his job though. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm good at it Not like I'm uh, I'm the like I'm good at not that I'm the most knowledgeable guy But the knowledge I do have I'm very good at sharing that and that seems to be attractive to them They like when you're good at stuff. Oh, yeah, but I'm also I saw I never considered getting good at something I Also suffers a wrong word here, but I am uh, very confident In a way that's almost nihilistic where I'm not saying like I'm awesome. I'm saying like I am who I am you're like me or don't you're romantically blackbilled. Yeah. Yeah, that's very good way of putting so it's like I don't try to Display my value to anyone. I just believe I am valuable Whoa, and if they want to be a part of that that's on them if they don't go at home. He was someone else Dude, that's the most I know why I'm ever fucking heard I'm a I'm a hot guy who's funny and he fight. Well, I'm sorry Go good luck out there, honey. I don't know what to tell you Phenomenal eating pussy you kidding me Oh, I don't have any money. So what Oh the country's in the fucking gutter who cares. Yeah, no one has any money. No one has any money Not everyone has pussy eating not everyone has pussy skills and abs And can reference fucking really good movies for you Oh my god, you ever seen the piano teacher what? Yeah, so I don't really dream that only make effort. I don't make effort in that way. Mm You just split you just I just am you exude. It just value. Fuck man. This is useless knowledge for Almost anyone consuming this truly and I apologize. I'm not I want to make this very clear I'm not like you Different Your brain damage is cooler than theirs my brain damage is better. They are they're all fucking physically deformed Scars on their heads Actually, this is who this is who we're talking about This is the hero. This is who they wish they could be. This is who I wish I'd be so fucking sick dude To bring a gun holster to an arcade the show through the shoulder holsters for you're playing two player time crisis solo Headphones and he doesn't even need the audio cues from the big look at the breathing. He's out of breath Yeah, I got sent this by a bunch of dudes. Uh, I thank you for everyone that sent me this. Um, this is whoa Yes, he's doing gun food. Yeah, I'm getting mad at as like a person who knows guns like that. You shouldn't do that You need better trigger discipline shot up. It's a video game He thinks this guy's fucking worried about eating pussy dudes fucking loser. He has so much more space in his mind For knowing the strats for time crisis too. Yeah, he's got the entire game choreographed in his mind Oh my god, and he's killing and people are watching safety's always off. Mm-hmm. Unfortunately though This does not ever lead to sexual attention and he will Eventually transition. Yeah, and that's a fact This will be a lady and it won't be a real transition. No be a transition out of seek for attention Yeah, oh, yeah a transition. That's crazy. Yeah, this is wigs and makeup streaming in a year Yeah, if uh twitch isn't completely destroyed by its entire talent base being pedophiles filming yourself at a restaurant and getting mad when you're misgendered [Laughter] Damn dude, he doesn't even put the gun into the what is he right? He's gonna put the cysts in time crisis slay Oh, man, he put the he put a gun in a holster that wasn't the ones on his he was wearing or does he have another one in his hip See the yeah, he pulls it out of a hip holster. So he has what? one two, I think he has a There's one in his back left pocket. It looks like One in his right hip one under his left arm and one behind his right. He said I'm done. I can see him clear Wow, it's nothing to me Damn, he's gonna fucking wreck some curly fries after this. I love the detective shirt. Yeah He became an alcoholic just for this looks like he's in memories of a murder movie reference Wow, man Unbelievable his mom's gonna be so proud when he gets home for the rest of his life Are these his drink carts? Damn Yeah, I mean so yeah, you can you know, you can have the ladies dude. This guy's got you the leaderboard There are it's funny. There's some things That if you're too good at them, it's embarrassing Yeah video games like this video games in general and I play for tonight. Don't get me wrong Video games like this bowling darts What else thank god for darts. Yeah, because the red golf carts or go carts You think go carts is embarrassing if you're good. Yeah, if you come to the go-kart thing and you have your own jumpsuit That's fucking embarrassing wearing wrap around Yeah, you got we got those weird pullable Ferrari sneakers anything where you show up with your own gear Your friends have to stop at a kiosk to sign waivers. Yeah. Yeah, that's embarrassing If your homies are wearing rental. Yeah, yeah, you have custom. That's a bad luck. Yeah Yeah, have you tried rock climbing? Fuck. Okay. I'll tell you this a years ago my buddies took me to go to a rock climbing gym in brooklyn And I don't we were already training. I was already I think I was a pearl bell at this point And I was mad at doing anything that wasn't jiu-jitsu like anytime. I wasn't doing jiu-jitsu and doing something physical I can't use it. What's the point? I can't use this in the street, dude Yeah, and I went to rock climbing gym and this girl's like oh, you guys have to watch a video For safety. I'm like no, I don't And she goes yeah, you have to like look at me. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be dismissive I'll be fine And she's like, okay fine. Yeah, the 17-year-old girl is not gonna give me instructions on something. Thank you I can handle it, but there's big crash pads There's big like big fluffy mats. We just had the auto belay Uh, okay. No, I was just fucking jiu-jitsu throwing my friend into the crash pads because I'm like, I'm not gonna waste an opportunity Yeah power bombing and so not yeah Fuck it. Uchi Mata someone into a crash pad. I'm doing it. Damn. So hot guys still rough house. Okay, absolutely very cool But rock climbing I find uh again if you're gonna do it once in a while That's awesome If you do there's a rock climbing gym near my gym and I'm very judgmental to those guys because there Here's the problem with men. Here's one of the problems with men When they're good at something they equate it to being tough So dudes were good at rock climbing and today Sean Strickland's being Posted about on twitter and if you saw that him almost getting a fight in a rock climbing It is it is weird how things are kind of like helixing in my mind But yeah, uh, Sean Strickland and his brother almost got no fight in this years ago Yeah When guys are good at something they think they're tough because of that fact and rock climbing is good at getting out of fights Not being in fights. There's something about This is my activity and my space. Yeah, and you're the new guy. Yeah, you there. Yeah, this is the video So this is you have see former you have seen middleweight champion Sean Strickland and his brother uh Scooter Strickland And they're being ejected from a rock climbing gym because Sean Strickland I guess started chatting up a guy's girlfriend and that's the other thing Girlfriend hobbies. Mmm. When you when you involve the girlfriend in the hobby, you know, Jake Shields Yeah Will not shut up about how you shouldn't bring your girlfriend to jujitsu. Yeah, I noticed that because she's gonna get a whiff of the alpha Yeah, yeah, and she's gonna cheat on you It's like I like how these guys think that every girlfriend is like an ape like a little ape or is like oh, yeah Which there's a degree to that but not a hundred percent these guys get so zoomed out and you know They just spend so much time noticing, you know patterns about like jews minority. Yeah They want women in there. Yeah And you know women didn't show up on 9/11 to work Yeah, I was actually eating all their pussies. Uh, they all got a text message that morning They all super matched with me that morning as weird Um, yeah, dude. Look at this little dude like you get fucking wreck. Yeah, but I'm I have muscles. I have like a little tiny short dexterity I literally had a joke about this at a joke and it didn't do very well because I was just Making fun of me. There was no punch like but about how dude that rock I literally was like rock climbing dudes at rock climb and you walk in and you're wearing rental shoes They look at look at you like it's like it's your first day in prison. Yeah, it's like stop calling me new fish I'll beat the fuck out of you, bro. That was the exact feeling I had and it's like, okay You guys can respect all these fucking big women here. Mm-hmm. I promise you none of them can run faster than me No, them can beat me in a fight. Yeah, honestly, I could probably climb better than a lot of them too It's just a stupid scobby you you think I think it Cuz again, here's why I like it and I and I don't mean to get no no, please. I please I like it because Doing it is the thing that makes you more fit. Yes. You don't give me that To work out to do like look I hear from I hear from You know quote-unquote fat losers all the time and I hear from people who say like I want to I want to like do something But I'm fat. I need to like lose weight first. It's like just Find a thing that you want to do that'll make you less fat. Don't don't I couldn't agree more wait and then find an activity So I like rock climbing for that especially if you don't want to touch guys And get their sweat on you and smell them and stuff like that. First of all coward But that's a yeah, I Agree, I actually rock recommend rock climbing to people rock climbing is a tough hobby if you're fat That like people that are good at something or I'm never surprised by their anatomy Like every guy know that does rock climbing is like oh, you're 140 pounds. Of course. You love rock climbing. You're immediately good at it people Love immediate rewards, right? Oh, you're six. You're you're a immediate reward Absolutely, you're five foot six and 300 pounds and you like powerlifting who would a guest? Wow. Yeah, holy shit That's crazy. And again a deadlift that doesn't come that far off the ground this one. It's not fully extended But yeah, absolutely I couldn't agree more when people do ask me for advice for fitness. I go find something a physical activity you enjoy Find enjoyment and then that will fuel Physicality they'll feel you what's your go to they go. I absolutely no combat sports. What do you what do you hit them with? Man if you're gonna say water balloon fights. Yeah, water balloon fights is great. No, I don't I mean I'm a huge fan of kettlebells because if you get one yeah, but then okay, that's I know good That's fitness that's working out But the thing about kettlebells that's interesting is that you have to focus so much And it's such a faster moving thing that it kind of Scratches that like activity part of your mind. Okay, I can see that now. I I can't I can't say that most people would agree with you No, probably I can see what you're saying. Yeah, they go next. What do you hit them with after that? What's your backup behind them? Go fuck themselves like Are you paying me for my advice like if you ask me for a question consulting you as a podcast Yeah I think it's paying someone I like I think jujitsu is the greatest thing and you won't 98% of people could do I think so so many Such a high percentage of the population could benefit from jujitsu now. Let's say you're like, I don't want to do it. Okay, fine um Go play basketball, you know, you're you're running but there's there's a there's a thing there oddly enough Some of the most injuries I hear from comedian specifically is from basketball Yeah, because of the the quick directional changes, right? They they just can't handle it and the generally poor physical shape of the players jumping and landing It's just hard for people. So I don't know If you don't want to do combat sports then just stick to a regular sport and see if that helps You know, one of the major sports football soccer baseball, but I don't give a shit I'm already in shape. How should I get in shape? Go fuck yourself, dude Fuck yourself until you're thin backslash nylift. Follow my fucking workouts if you want. I don't give a shit dude five dollars, man But again find a physical thing you like doing I know because most people have no fucking discipline and it's not your fault Your parents fault It's hard to create discipline in your 30s. That's almost impossible I know but I also think that it's useless to try to Get someone to motivate themselves into discipline. That's why I'm trying to trick people That's absolutely exactly the same. Yeah, yeah, so trick them into discipline is great So jujitsu or rock climbing I think are the two things that I'm because what happens with jujitsu Which is funny is people start doing it and that in itself is exercise and that that creates that Attachment of physicality and enjoyment of physicality and they're like well I want to be if I was a little bit better shape. I'd be better at jujitsu. Yeah, and then it's and then it's just don't it's no balls for sure Ecosystem of health, but what but we're talking to the masses now Diego. I'm speaking more from like a Lated fault like I don't know Get a really heavy from this guy Uh, get into hiking. Yeah, get a lead vest. I fucking hate hiking. I love I hate Here's what you need about hiking. No, no, I don't hate nature. Here's my my issue with hiking Uh, I personally I either want to be sitting there's no one. Don't look at my face That's what it is No one's uh impressed with my beautiful Bone structure. No, it's just me my fucking thoughts out here. This sucks. You can't eat pussy on the trail What the fuck barely any chicks out here dude? Uh, I mean squirrel pussy all day. It's not the same It's tiny Any idea how small a clit is on the squirrel Possible to find I I want to be either sitting completely still or working my fucking ass off Anything in the middle I get bored Hiking is like this awful middle ground of like sweaty walking where I'm like, I like nature. It's but you know, it's nice But like if I'm walking for four hours, I'm furious. Wow. No, you gotta hit the right ones You got to do some some some like bolder scrambles. Don't talk to me that way Wrong Diego. I don't know. Let me let me let me wax for a minute, dude. It's professor Professor Lopez, you don't know what the hell you're talking about Off mats and this is me as a civilian. I don't think you've bowed once to me Take his shoes off though. I did. I bow before I walk in the studio Yeah, I like to I like to walk and just imagine being a painter I like to imagine I'm a gifted painter and I look at stuff and I go I would make such a beautiful painting What I'm looking at right now, I'm looking at Danny as I say I like you Imagine if I was so good at painting and I could just show people what I'm looking at right now And I look for a long time and I go back to fucking chafing my asshole. Yeah, yeah It's not for me. I don't think it's it's I don't think it's a stupid thing to do it But just add it's just absolutely not my thing. Hmm. Well trail running that gets interesting I did that on accident. That's grueling Technically in Hawaii where I I was with a girlfriend and we're gonna go do a diamond head So sick do you know what diamond head is is that a hike up to the top of a thing with like the steps and stuff? Yeah, so diamonds like a big like a mountaintop or the volcano I think and We were gonna go up it, but she got like sick and she's like just go like we were at the base She said do whatever you want and she's like no, she was very cool She's like just go just do it and she knew I wanted to see it and I'm like, okay, cool And I just started running instead of walking up it and like the walk is 45 minutes I ran it in like eight minutes, but it was like a trees and like stairs I'm like oh it's fun. There's like an obstacle course came back down. I'm like, yeah, it's high up. That's whatever So that trail running I understand a little more But just hiking is not for me I want to get into and we got to take a break But I want to get into mountain biking with like jumps and stuff mountain biking. I think that's nuts Do you think that's doable Danny? Do you know anyone that mountain bikes? I feel like you might Yeah, you look like someone who wouldn't be like nah Danny has boys in every single room Look, I've been seeing a lot of videos about how the Ozark trail mountain bikes at Walmart are surprisingly good for the month Oh, you know what? I actually didn't know some of them Danny knows a guy in everything. Yeah, I don't know why I heard that too The people at Walmart are really getting into our heads in my head. I'm like I should go get this bike that I would never use But I'm saying it's a good deal. I want to jump off of stuff I I can't actually hook you up with someone when you go to Tacoma. Let's go And by the way, that's Tacoma Washington beat the Tacoma comedy club. Very sick and September october I forget one but Tacoma one of the best thrift stores I've ever been to my life is there go go to and find out where i'll be in your town Tim's so funny guys. Go see my life. He's really One of my favorites. No stop. I wouldn't say if I didn't believe it You are you are seriously the most handsome and charming guy in the world Get um tell them where to find you before we take a break. My address is signal At this Diego Lopez on twitter and instagram And my podcast is called a little time pot. I do my best friend. We're just best friends at you um No know that has everything Has my kettlebell patreon has my fight videos my podcasts, you know, whatever. I have merch I don't you know if you like me, that's cool. I respect that Hell yeah, yeah, you're a guy. I recommend anyone keeping in their life. Thank you brother. I appreciate that. Um friends come see me on the road Uh, I I've been working my fucking dick off and I actually I have a team of uh very close personal friends helping me with this But I it's it's been such a struggle to as an unknown You know relatively new headliner to even get these places to allow me to perform my art In them and so there's way more to come but we got Louisville, Kentucky. I'm doing two nights in Louisville, Kentucky In at the end of august uh the 23rd and 24th. I'm in columbus, Ohio the next night on the 25th Uh, that's some of the oh high on some of the best crowds I've ever done They're so grateful good comedy. Yeah, good comedy crowds in Ohio and they're wholesome They're wholesome and grateful and Uh, you know, you could suck any one of them off and you'll have a good time the uglier the city the better the comedy crowds I'm always believe yes Take me back to detroit, please Uh, speaking of ugly boston, Massachusetts. I'm coming back to your town Uh, I've got a new england run. Uh, that's gonna be september 13th I'm sorry 12th 13th and 14th portland, main boston, Massachusetts new britain, kinetic hit I it's Just coach and there's gonna be more and follow me on all the stuff If you want if you want to find out the the new dates that are coming Um, we're achieving liftoff and uh, I couldn't even gotten here without all of you guys So I really appreciate you fucking retards. You're the best You can continue, uh, having fun with us over at There's plenty of extra there's double the content over there. There's, uh, archive live streams and I'm announcing this right now this friday night, uh, danny with time Uh, five o'clock friday night five p.m That's a little bit early for rush hour, but we'll get started Uh Don't you like like I got to be out of here at seven so be out of here at seven on friday. All right So five p.m friday, we're going to, uh, do a little movie night stream Oh For travis the ultimate documentary, which is just a little fun piece of but also this episode's coming out After we're oh fuck so forget that you So Just cut that part just forget. I hope you enjoyed it. Yeah. We had a great time. We got that shit. Um, the lottery numbers are seven No, a show in the piece that you're working on this is beautiful. I'm impressed and we need to I haven't seen it at all yet perfect Look at that. He lands that punch We're getting there. It's gonna. I gotta iron out the details, but you know, we're getting there Wow Great job, dude his ego and that is that is the shot. Yeah, that's the shot. Look at his left hand is down Just like it is in the real life. Yeah, damn mustache. I love that. We're getting there That's gonna be tough to see with the uh background. Well, I'm gonna cover it You know, we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna fill out the green follow. No is instagram. No is paint where you can see The detailed shots of these things and we are The gallery is in the works the gallery is in the work. That's exciting the gallery. I'll get a gallery Gala the gala. I'm gonna do a song and dance to start it off I might have my gay friend DJ the event. He's a DJ. You don't Come on. You should say my straight friends. Well, all right. Cool. My straight friends are doing podcasts Well, we'll see you over to uh Thanks for everything guys. See you later. Bye Bye!