The Darren Gray Circus Parade Morning Show Booth Chronicles

The Falling Away

Vengeance is mine - YHWH

2h 1m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Vengeance is mine - YHWH

The vision of Isaiah, the son of Amos, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Yazua, Yathom, I has, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Here, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Most High have spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. [Music] Kaka doodle doodle, you know where you get, right? This is the daring gray circus prayer. Listen, did I say pray? I said daring gray circus pray, which sounded like I said daring gray circus pray. Nevertheless, as we always do about this time, let's stop and pray anyway. [Music] Hallelujah, I hope you're sad and pray for everything that you needed, which is nothing, because you already got what the most I want you to have. And if you didn't have nothing, that means you don't want you to have nothing. So pay attention, baby, catch up, this is the daring gray circus parade. I'm here, you hear, we hear, and listen, this is about to be a wang dang dude. Listen, if you ain't used to certain words and customs and things, this nature that you might get, your little ears might be too goddamn tender to hear, you might not want to stay here. 'Cause listen, I'm saved by the most I got, a baby have my eyes, a chicken, a shoe, a hammer, a shirt, a crock, a dash, all of those things. But I speak the English language and in it, there's cursing, cursing, I'm in it. Listen, did we pay, we did pause and pray Hallelujah. Now listen, this is daring gray circus pray. I think y'all are for showing up, I think y'all are all for coming. I say thank you or thank you. That's 'cause I'm drinking this strong ass coffee. Now listen, I got a show for you today, you about to get your wig waxed back. Oh, yeah, okay. What's up DJ Sanfield? I be forgetting you man 'cause I be on the road. You good? I shot your boy in the head. I know he ain't your boy, I'm just saying. Dog, whoever he is, whoever boy, shot in the head. This is daring gray circus pray. So listen, go to any platform, you go to Apple, podcast, Google podcast, iHeartRadio podcast, podcast in Cambodia. In countries like Venezuela, Guadalcanalana, Picalana and shit I can't pronounce. And hey, shouts out to you. And most shouts out to you people in China 'cause I know y'all risk and death to listen to the daring gray circus pray. So shouts out to you people in China. Remember, get people baptized here, get you some word. You can bootleg me, fucking cut me off and go find the Bible, bootleg the word and get some people in the water 'cause what I'm saying is just, I might not can help you but I know who can, the most higher can help all of y'all. Now I got some shit I want to talk about on the day. Now I read the scripture, y'all heard me read it before the cockro. Now listen, I'ma read you the whole scripture 'cause what's going on on the earth right now is let, listen people, it's really, it's crazy out here, baby. It's crazy out here. I'm not even listening. I don't know how many times I'ma say listen because I want shit to hear me and when I say hear me, I want you to hear me, not nothing else. Just what I'm telling you, don't get it twisted around here. You know David shot this one, boy was his name Trump. They shot him in the ear people, in the ear. Listen, they shot this nigga all upside his head. He ducked and whatnot but he turned his head to the side. I don't think there's gonna be no more presidents 'cause I mean who the fuck is y'all gonna vote for anyway? Some of you motherfuckers, let me ask you a question. Today I'ma be real, real, let me just get some of my particulars out of the way so I can make sure I can still have me a place in the kingdom of the most I've got of baby headlines to get. 'Cause I like to talk a lot of shit. Now pay attention. I wanna get, I want y'all to go get baptized his name. Be sure how I'ma share rock, hook a dash. As for forgiveness of your sins, your forefathers, go all the way down in the water. I want you to repent. I want you to take your communion on the daily basis. I want you to ask for forgiveness of your sins. I want you to ask for forgiveness of the sins that you do knowingly and unknowingly. I want you to annoy your head with the oil. I want you to take your communion, not with no Kool-Aid. I want you to use real life through to the wine line. That's called wine. You say, "Oh, it's different wine 'cause no Moses asked God drunk off of Mad Dog 2020 just like the rest of these drunks." But pay attention. I ain't calling him Noah. Do I say Moses or Noah? I'm in Noah. Noah. I ain't saying he was a drunk. I'm just saying he was drunk. I ain't saying he was a drunk. He was drunk. There's, see, some people, it's a drunk and then there is eat. Nevertheless, I digress, listen to me. Take your communion, break the bread. You gotta break it and say, "I break this. This is broken for the remission of sins." And you drink it, it's the cup of the new covenant. And you're sure how much he is going to drink that with you in his father's kingdom in the new? Y'all don't know what it is. Anyway, to keep brushed up on your syllabus and your infilevelibilis, ain't that the kind of shit y'all be saying at college? What y'all be doing in syllabus, this is the shit, book reports, things of this nature? Well, fuck out of that, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford, I give us a fuck. Whatever college you think you want to go to, you don't want to go there. You want to go to the Yale-Bangad, One Nation, One Power, Gattite University, Say it with me, people, Gattite University, I Yale-Bangad. I watched him the day he was tearing some Christian, one of you motherfucking church stompers. That's why. Because you niggas are still in church? God damn, y'all going to hell, I listen, I ain't mad at you, it's your thing. Maybe the most I didn't write his name down in your folk here, but you do have a choice in this bitch. You get in line, you ain't got to stay up in that motherfucker, because they ain't teaching. Y'all shit, y'all still talking about something. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever sold believe it to this, and he meant that for them, but he took a certain people out into the wilderness and Moses brought them some tablets, and on them bitches was the Ten Commandments and he only gave them to one people. That's why I read y'all that scripture and I'm going to read your whole thing in a few minutes after I play a cutter too, but I want you to know something. There are things in that Bible that's going to tell you things that you need to know. Can we get some else up in this piece, baby, I want some help, help 'em brother out of this piece. Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention, pay attention people. Damascus, listen, I need y'all, I was reading Isaiah 1 through 7. Now, it's something about supposed to happen to Damascus, because somebody please tell me what that might be. Y'all don't know, it said it's going to be destroyed, man, Syria. Do you guys understand that this shit is happening in real time? Why y'all looking at a nigga get his head face blown off and you wonder who you gon' fuckin' vote for? This thing is going down. It's not thinking about going down. There ain't gon' be no mother fuckin' movie version of this shit. It's what it says in the word. "Ain't y'all scared y'all might be old, you're way to hell. Don't you see all the babies telling you that you children of the most high children of the life? You're God's chosen people?" I mean, it says it's gonna, everybody's gonna know from the ends of the earth to the beginning. You got white folks telling you y'all, and you niggas still, when y'all don't believe white folks, y'all's some cold motherfuckers. Y'all done really got beside y'all's cells when y'all won't listen to white folks. You hear what I'm saying? Cause they're being notorious for that, don't you believe that the earth is round? I'll wait. I mean, don't you? What does the Bible say? Four corners of the earth, held up with the pillars? Oh, you believe there's an outer space, do you? I'll wait. Hold on. They've been to the moon and shit, okay. So how come when they blow off them nuclear bombs, they just mushrooms? What is that? Huh? Tell me something. Tell me something I need to know. Everything they tell you came on, they books. They forefathers wrote them books. They daddy's wrote them books. They daddy's daddy's daddy's wrote them books. They was over here. They was over in some country where the sun don't even come up and they write and shit. Now pay attention to what's in your book. Now you know he was in school and shit, he was like, now where is our books and shit at? And they could tell you what none of your books was, you know why they could tell you what your books was? Cause they didn't know what their motherfuckers was. Their books was hidden in plain sight. It's called the Bible. Now you go get your books and you show them when they show you what they forefathers wrote, show them what your forefathers wrote. My forefathers wrote that the earth was void and without fore. And the spirit of the most high moved about the surface of the deep through our coca dish. Moved, that means the most high self. And he blew a hole into the water cause whatever is void and without foream would be a ball of water, floating endlessly, endlessly. You hear me endlessly. I don't have to put nothing else with it. And then he went and he made a bubble. He exhaled and now we in that bitch. Now when he come back, he gonna inhale and he gonna suck that bitch. Listen to me, everything I'm telling you is real. Y'all better get yourselves together, get yourselves together. If you ain't figured this thing, I ain't afraid he's drying up. Okay, if he's drying the fuck up, what does that mean? That tells you something. There's something strange going on and it's called the word. Demiscus is getting blown up. There's 10 commandments you're supposed to keep. There's laws, statutes, commandments, things you're supposed to be doing so far are supposed to be blown. You ain't doing that. You're being rebellious, fringes, fringes make them afraid of you. For you, you don't have to open your mouth. When you got your friends' own and your friends ain't gotta be like that man's friends. We're all individually made. That's what it's saying in the word. You ain't gotta put on a purple and gold shirt 'cause this nigga got on purple and gold. You ain't gotta wear them curtain fringes 'cause he got curtain fringes. You gonna get the titties. Let me tell you something. You see all that shit? You see them Jewish people doing it. Didn't they say they hijacked our religion? They jerked our religion? That be in the case. Do what they do. They watched us and then they took it and they implemented it. That's what I do. What else makes sense? What else makes sense? They don't wanna know the truth, right? 'Cause they watched us do it. What do you think they got basketball, football, and all this shit from? They was doing this shit, folks. Listen, they was doing all this shit then we was doing it then they came and saw it and they went and did it. Listen, I'm gonna tell you where you get your ear for. You need to go to Gaddai University, baby. For real. Gaddai University. Gaddai, you'll be in Gadd when nation won power. I'm not making this shit up. Go there on the YouTube before they cut this nigga off. 'Cause that's what it's saying. The word is gone go away. And y'all motherfuckers at church ain't getting no word right now. No way. What difference does it make? I had a certain thing I was gonna do when I started on this day but that didn't go down like I thought it should. And it's going the way it wanna go so I'm gonna let it stay in the hands in which it's in. But I am going to say this one thing that I did want to talk about. I got a question I'm gonna, I got, there's this dude, do you say I got a question? I got a question for you, this is this is too. This is to be very careful. You make money, what's it for? What is your money for? Let me ask you a question. This people, the temperature is all over these entire United States. I'm talking about 2 billion degrees last I read. Is people fucking outside burning, starving, hot, hungry? What's your money for? I mean, when you all get down to the end of the day, what is your money for? Are you storing it up? You're saving it. You're gonna pass it to your kids and they gonna give it to their kids, kids, and all the shit this shit does not get ready to happen. If you got some money, you saving it up and you're gonna give it to your kids, the motherfucker says it's gonna spin it. You know your motherfucking kids, you earned your shit, do they look like they own that same goddamn path? You was on? I don't think so. But if they are, then you good, but if they ain't, you still good. Here's the deal. Take some of that goddamn money that you got that the most I don't bless you with, because I got news for you. There ain't nothing you can do. You can't run fast enough. You can't win no motherfucking races. You can't win no gold records. You can't. There is nothing you can do. You can't train hard enough to be the winner, but nothing. The most I can say, "I want you to go fight this man. You gonna win." He's been training all year in Samson and whatever. You gonna whip his ass. That's David Goliath type shit, because everything happens because the most high say so. You have no control over nothing. So that'd be in the case. You could be one of these people outside in this hot ass heap, and it's hot too. And I'm saying this with every fiber of my being, because everybody that I know has more than enough. I don't have not one friend that does not have more than enough. I don't have one brother, one sister, one cousin, one uncle. Everybody I know shit, they all seem wealthy to me. But the trick is, everybody's got a give, and until everybody starts giving, this shit's gonna remain fucked the fuck up. Now all you Hebrews out there niggas, God's chosen people, not you black people, y'all gon' be that one third, but the rest of you Hebrews niggas, Israelites, Jews, children of the light. There's many names for you, beautiful, nappy hair, motherfuckers. Y'all, y'all need to start giving to the most high people, and to all listen to me very carefully when I say this, VJ sign feel if you will. All people is the most high people. One more again, all people is the most highest people. One more time for the stupid motherfuckers in the back, all people are the most highest people. That's right. You get mad, you get all twisted, and everybody get all up in, and they feel, and let me show you something. I'm gonna tell you something. You need to know this shit right here. Why the fuck are you here, you're here to save the world. Think about it like this. This is the kind of stuff they tell you at church. We are supposed to be like your shoe-ohama shit, but yeah, are we? What did they do to your shoe-ohama shit? Remember what they did to them? Remember how they beat them? You seen passion of the Christ, remember how they hit them with them whips and shit? And all that shit they did to them, all the worst shit you ever seen in your life. And then, didn't they hang his ass? Now, they told you it was a cross, but that's a lie. They hung him just like they hung us. Go look it up. And nevertheless, check this shit out. Then they turned around and do us the same way. Yeah, they did. You know why they did? Wouldn't they hang us? Wouldn't we slay? Wouldn't they hit us with whips and shit? All that ain't spitting on us, raping us, beating us, just doing all kind of foul shit to us, right? Same shit they did to your shoe-ohama shit. Now, here's the thing. Didn't they do it to you? Yeah, they did. So they did to your people. Why? Why did they do it to your people? Because you have to be just like your shoe-ohama shit. So that's what the most I did. He said, get them, and they got us, and we got got, and we endured just like your shoe-ohama shit. And then after all that, what did your shoe-ohama shit do? They looked up and said, forgive them, for they know not what they do. And even though the beginning is the end, because the most I've already said everything in the order, and that's so begins, it ends, he's already started it back, he knows what's going to happen, right? Right. So check this out. And what he did before he got hung up there, he told everybody that they need to be loved and everybody, that they need to get back, that they need to do that, that they need to do, that they need to do this, they need to do all of these things. Take care of me. All the stuff I tell you, he told you that, right? So now think about it like this, niggas. I'm gonna start calling y'all, which all is y'all's niggas. Now when you get your stripes, or your fringes, or you get yourself in the water and start calling your Hebrews, but until that time you niggas is niggas, because that's what she is. Niggas, listen, this is what I want you to do. Think about it like this. They beat us, whipped us, did all that same shit they did to Shuhama Sheer. Now what are we supposed to be here doing right now? Right. Moses gave us 10 commandments, and we supposed to be saving the world just like Shuhama Sheer, just like Jesus. This is how you become Jesus. We in turn have to feed people. He said, "Do you love me Darren?" I said, "Absolutely." He said, "Feed my sheep." I said, "I'm doing it right now." Now what the rest of you ignorant fools believe, that's on y'all. But what I'm trying to tell you is, your job as God's chosen people, as a Hebrew, Israel like nigga, not Jewish, not 10 people over there perpetrating the fraud, you supposed to be saving the world. You supposed to be telling everybody about the Mosai, and not that church shit neither. I ain't talking about you supposed to be like, "You need to go to church, join the choir, and listen to this stupid ass nigga with this fucked up haircut and these glasses, these fucked up suits, and these robes, and these shoes, and all this, these hats, and all this bullshit." None of that. None of that. Even the crosses of facade, the cross itself is not even, see the Roman cat, let me go play some music. Anyway, let me take a break as my lips is flapping, it's strong. Let me tell you something about this coffee right here. And I got it on ice, supposed to be talking about nigga, we was talking about money, and DJ Seinfeld, you should put a song on for money, but I don't want to hear that. I want these people to know that these niggas, we done fucking returned up in this bitch, you understand what I'm saying? We here to stay, and the Mosai has blessed us, and if you do what you supposed to be doing, your shit is going to be sold up tight, and you're going to get everything you want. And that's just what it is, man. Y'all need to listen, go read your Bible, this shit is coming through ahead faster than it ain't, you understand me, because God's chosen people that they, man, we here. This return of the motherfucking bump squad right here, on the Daring Great Circus Parade baby, cocka doodle doodle. 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