The Darren Gray Circus Parade Morning Show Booth Chronicles

The dragon the cleaning ladies and one man

Put it off today!  - Yostu Pidas

2h 4m
Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Put it off today!  - Yostu Pidas

"Then those three holy ones caused me to approach and placed me on the earth before the door of my house. And they said unto me, 'Explain everything to my thoughts of Thy Son, and inform all Thy children that no flesh shall be justified before the Most High, for He is their Creator. During one year will we leave thee with Thy children, until Thou shalt again recover Thy strength. That Thou mayest instruct Thy family, write these things, and explain to all Thy children, but in another year they shall take thee from the midst of them, and Thy heart shall be strengthened. For the elect shall point out righteousness to the elect. The righteousness with the righteousness shall rejoice, congratulating each other. But sinners with sinners shall die, and the perverted with the perverted shall be drowned. Those likewise who act righteously shall die on account of the works of man, and shall be gathered together on account of the works of the wicked." Hallelujah, that's right, Hallelujah, is the daring gray circus parade, baby, listen to me, let me tell you something, I don't know what you've been doing, I don't know where you've been at, but me, I've been like, "Hey man, where you been at, what you've been doing, why don't you listen." I've already told you this before, and I will not say it one more again, no, people, I want to do it in the Darth Vader voice, praise the most I've got of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, how's everybody doing, this is the daring gray circus parade, I'm glad everybody is back here with me, I've been away for a while because I got to go away sometimes and get some new shit to say, I just can't be on here just babbling my mouth, telling you to get baptized in the name of the most I've got of Abraham Isaac and Jacob O'Hire, in the name of the Rocco Codesh and Yeshua Hamashiya has for forgiving to say your sins and the sins of your forefathers, I can't be just rolling like that all the time non-stop constantly because then where would you be, but wet, that's what I need you to be, I do need you to do that, this is the daring gray circus parade, I'm on all platforms, you can go check it out, any kind of podcasting platform, there's the daring gray circus parade, I went and looked at it for myself, it could be the daring gray circus parade, more than show booth chronicles, it could be the daring gray circus parade, it could be whatever daring gray you put in, put it in, google it, do whatever you got to do and get here and tell two people to tell two people to tell two people, even though we are globalistic baby, we are ever, day over day listening and china people, listen when I'm telling you we getting people baptized in China, do you understand what I'm trying to tell you, listen, been away for a while gathering up some information to share with you, I done did dog day afternoon because we got to dog day afternoon truck bag baby, that's what I'm talking about, shout out to all of you for dog days afternoon, if you know what I'm saying, this is the daring gray circus parade, hey man listen, let me tell y'all something, it's more people standing in that line that ain't, if you got some extra money, well you do got some extra money, but you need some more shoes, you buy more shoes, you buy more shirts, you buy more dresses, you buy more suits, you don't need no more of that shit, just the shit you got is just fine, go out and get somebody something to eat man, people are starving up in this bitch and it's gonna get worse before it gets better, like I said this is the daring gray circus parade, been gone, also, also never did forget to flip to tell you to make sure you understand what I'm saying, what I'm saying, what I'm saying, this right here is some good ass coffee, what is this shit, let me smell it, oh yeah that's good coffee, that's yeah right, listen to me, I'm hyped up on coffee, now you're subject to hear anything on today because I've figured it out ain't not good but God, ain't not good but the most I got of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, so whatever I play I'm just gonna be playing, you get to listen to whatever I wanna listen to on today, you just gospel music, ain't gospel music, them demons didn't show you, let me just say what it is, it's you, it ain't got nothing to do with what you're spewing, it ain't got nothing to do what you're listening to because everything here is scared to do one thing and that's to make you worship the beast, that's why it says it's gonna cause you to worship the beast, ooh it ain't been in the saddle in a long time, my mouth is chowjacking, ain't it, listen, I got a lot to talk about on this day right here on today boy, I got a lot I wanna share with you because I've been away for a while, like I said, sometimes, well I like I didn't say but I was about to say so I'm gonna say, when shows, people are listening to shows a lot, I don't try to, I don't replace it because I want them to finish, I like them for everybody to get to finish listening to the word of the boat, well it's not really the word of the most I got of Abraham Isaac, Jacob it's the word of me, and hopefully in it you get baptized, that's all I'm trying to do, I'm trying to feed you some water here, I want you to get some water on you and get yourself going, like I said, this is the daring great circus parade, ain't gonna hold you, we gonna get this thing started right about now, but first we gon kick this off with my boy Luke Cucini as a friend of mine, and we gon get this thing kicked off cause I wanna get cracking right away cause I got a lot of shit to talk about, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do that, cockadoodle do is a daring gray circus parade baby I don't know what you've been doing, I don't know where you've been at but I got news for you, I'm back up in this piece baby and I would not have it no other way do you understand what I'm telling you on today baby, cockadoodle do that, listen I got some things I want to talk about and I got some talk about I want to thanks, listen let me start this whole thing off let you know one thing and one thing that's certain about what is going on this right here, this is the year the dragon baby, understand it when I'm telling it to you, you understand all y'all don't watch this shit here, what is that, game of thrones and all this bullshit demonic shit you like to watch every time I step into one of my contractors, step up to some contractors maybe like hey man have you seen this devil shit I was like is it a devil scary killing and shit, yeah what's wrong with that and then you look at that and they got skulls and shit tattooed all over the fucking bodies and all kind of fucking demonic shit and pentagrams and shit all on the fucking hands and all these Mexicans out here with this santerea shit all on their arms, these hearts and fucking roses and all these storms and these skulls and these skeletons, you see all this shit this shit is demonic, this is a devil worship, it's mostly death worship but for the most part it's bail worship and that's what I'm telling you, they didn't set up some of them bail arches at Washington DC New York City, they got fucking dragons on this empire state building, they got dragons all over the building, they got a dragon on top of the fucking where they founded this motherfucking, because you understand New York was first, it was the capital first, they got dragons all over and what does it say, you must choose, did you hear what I said, you must choose baby, that's what it say, it ain't what I said, it's what it say, it say you must choose, now they wrote you in, in case you just forgot, in case you don't understand, had you watching Game of Thrones, now I think this is some sort of sequel to the shit or some shit, so you gotta go, you gotta choose, you gotta pick to go watch this shit, oh understand if you ain't covered up in the blood, you're gonna be having some problems, how do you cover up in the blood, you take your communion, except you eat in my flesh, drink in my blood, you have no life in you and for this cause many are sick and weak among you and men is sleep and you know sleep means death, my fuckers listen, take your communion on the daily baby, for real, anoint your head with the oil, for real, on the daily, blow your shofar on the daily, put your fringes on, I'm seeing women and fringes, that's how white women over there matter of fact, Jesus, what the fuck is this bitch's name, I'm gonna get real belligerent on my shit, now this old fake ass bum Jewish woman, see I said I wasn't gonna say that, she said she was gonna send me some fucking fringes, now I'm talking about it before, it's been long enough, she should have been done sent them bitches, she said she was gonna make them and send them, she had no nerve to tell me what does that mean, this means that, this means that, this means that, she still ain't sent to fringes, she make it, now I'll wait, but I ain't gonna wait that long, where you at, lying lambs, Jewishous, that's what they be, hey be Jewishous, anyway nevertheless, listen check this out, now pay attention to what I'm telling you, all this shit, they still doing the same thing, y'all don't, you know they giving you the little fake hand signs, all the little hand signs that they say this means devil this and devil that, and that's what the fuck it means, so if it means that, do you do it, or do you don't do it, even if it don't mean that and you, and they say that's what it means, do you do it, you understand what I'm saying, if you walk up to women and you snatch them and you rip their clothes off, you start sleeping with them and they gave you no permission and then you walk off happy jolly gold rancher and they say that's called rape, then that's rape, right, so if they say it ain't rape, do you do it, this is what I'm saying, do you do it or do you don't do it, see even if they say it ain't rape, do you do it, oh you don't, you fucking don't, because you got something in that tells you something inside of you, that says this is right, this is wrong, some people don't, you may not be, you might be the one that don't, but pay attention, if they doing the signs, it means something, now here they got Eddie Murphy coming right on back on this motherfucker, he talking about some okay, remember the okay, so you didn't know that nigga was doing okay, you thought he was doing motherfucking buckwheat, but buckwheat ain't doing no goddamn okay, that's motherfucking Eddie Murphy with the okay, now they got this motherfucker tap dancing and jumping, he's doing fucking Beverly's Hills cop 85 in this bitch, and this motherfucker to look the same age, hair, ancient, this niggas the same. What the fuck is going on? You gotta understand it when I'm telling them, do you think them people wanna keep doing this stuff forever? Do you think those people wanna keep being in them same? Oh my fucking ass, just old ass, just up on the screen, just still doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Remember that shit in Sesame Street? Oh, over and over and over and over and over and over. Remember that, no one wants to do that. I understand it when I'm telling it to you. When you see these people, like that boy, what's this fucking name? That dude from fucking, you know, with the X. Dead boo dude, he's on every fucking thing. This nigga, every Netflix movie on, that means that nigga is memorizing lines and shit, non-stop constantly daily. This motherfucker ain't even coming up for air. That's why you hear these people talking about, oh I died and went to hell, if they did that. And I saw Michael Jackson, and every time this nigga stopped dancing, they beat his ass. Every time Jimin Hendrix quit playing, they stop, every time Elvis stopped wiggling, his pelvis, they stuck something up his ass. You see what I'm saying? This is the same on the earth. And that's what I'm telling you. This is what they call the year, the dragon. So now, the Chinese, and thank y'all for listening over there in China. I know y'all booed legged it. I see it. Yes it did, praised both side. God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We'd have made a breakthrough, but you motherfuckers, it's over there listening. I ain't snitching, I'm dry snitching. Don't be, I'm not telling the authorities that y'all trying to get saved by the most. I got a Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you sure how much you rock hook a dash? I'm not telling them that. I ain't telling them y'all ain't over there worshiping all that voodoo bullshit. But look, if you can hear my voice, just start baptizing people. If you got a Bible over there, if you got access to the internet, then that means you got access to some bootleg bite. Get you the bootleg Bible on the internet and get to reading up on all the scriptures. You understand? You want to read the book of Enoch. That's what I read from earlier. That was from Enoch. You want to read up on everything so you would know what's going on up on this earth because you do not want to be the foolish. People perish for lack of knowledge and that's the problem with this world. We need to implement some motherfucking knowledge. You understand what I'm saying? Now, like I said, you got people like Eddie Scatty Murphy and with the symbols and shit. You got the people putting out. And these, you got to understand the shit. I was two years old when I was listening to Ross. So this nigga got to be 200. I'm drinking some pineapple soda pop. I'm drinking, 'cause it sound like a drink. 'Cause listen, don't that sound like a drink. I don't want people to think I'm in here drinking, but if I was in this motherfucker drinking, this is my shit. This is the, I'm not doing, and this one right here, this is watermelon. I think I got real scared of water. I mean, like I'll drink an occasional soda pop before the most part. We drinking out the same goddamn water that George Washington was shitting in. At some point, them chemicals and shit ain't gonna work. They recycle in the same water and it just kind of hit me one day. And I decided that I was gonna start drinking my water from fruits, melons and shit. And I was gonna, 'cause what happens is that water go up, come down, goes down into the earth. And when it flows through the dirt of the earth, look at my tongue, the dirt of the earth. Nope, the dirt of the earth. The dirt of the earth, the dirt of the earth, the dirt of the earth. It gets filtered and cleansed and shit. I saw a thing the other day where a dude took some fucking, he scooped some fucking, what does that water call? Some malaria looking fucking water. Had a little shit, flesh swimming in it. And he put it in a jar. Then he cut off a piece of grapevine and he cut another piece of grapevine and he stuck it in that side and the way the water sucks up. He dipped that down into a fucking jar. And I'm serious, in like two hours, he had a full jar of fresh, clean, spotless water. Sent it off to the lab, came back clean. Now imagine if your shit go down into dirt and all the way down, all through all the minerals and things of this thing that the most hot God of baby had my eyes to get Jacob to make to clean it and bring it back up in the form of a melon. Now, it's making me scared to drink the fucking water. I'm getting nervous about everything because everything they tell us ain't the goddamn truth. You understand why? Because this motherfucker is the year of the motherfucking dragon is what I'm trying to tell you. They got symbols and symbolisms and things of this nature. You just would believe all the things that's wrong. They got that damn way out there running. The one with the beads in his hair. I know y'all niggas gon' start putting beads in your hair and all this so shit. But whatever, I don't give a fuck. Listen, this dude, he doing all the little devil symbols like O.K., like Eddie Murphy with the O.K., come on, man. If this one and you put it up against your lips and all, if they say it's demonic, why are you doing it? What makes you wanna drop that bomb on a big dog like me? I don't understand what you people. If they tell you it's demonic and you doing it, what does that say about your ass? This nigga had Pokemon cards and shit. Pokemon names devil. That shit is all demonic, always has been. Don't look at what all those little cards mean. He flashing that shit. He ought to be flashing. Go get baptized in the name of the most I got of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In the name of the father. Y'all way, a higher. How come he ain't saying that? If it's all about God and they break down on their knees and they point up to God and they do kiss their hands and pointing all these olympians and they pointing and got on all this monkey ass, clown ass, nigga, clown ass, hair and shit. Don't wanna be who they are the most. I don't even know who them people is with that orange and green and pink and orange and this dude coming out in a glitter suit and shit. Just a run motherfucking track. What the fuck, man? Then for the most part, what's up with the clothes of that shit? Closes all up in the asses. You see the man's dicks and the women's all they parts in the front, the back, all they clothes all tight up in the asses and shit. This bitch don't need to have this shit on to turn fucking flips on the goddamn balance being. We don't need to see the inside of her motherfucking uterus. I don't. The shit makes me fucking horny and shit, I cut the shit off. I'm just being the fuck honest. I'm not a homosexual. I'm just telling you about me and my penis. I can't speak for the rest of the men. If I'm sitting up watching a woman with clothes on show tight that I can see that her inside. I can see her shit sack. 'Cause they're up in her ass. These is people's babies. And some of them kind of young, that would make you pedophile-ish. You understand, you gotta cut that shit off, man. I mean, what is its point? That motherfucker's good. Meme a long time ago, they used to have some fucking shit look like some stirrups of shit. Look like slacks. What happened? The flips are still be the same. My best friend Johnny Wilson, he's Johnny Wilson. His name was Johnny Wilson, like, yeah. This nigga used to turn flips in Kansas City like a motherfucker in some fucking Levi's. Huskies, they ain't bullshit. This nigga could flip in anything. He flipped all the way down the street, the whole fucking block. Now, I'm not making that shit up. Check the records, baby. Now, he didn't have to have all that shit all up in him in these things like this. What the fuck is going on? If people are perverted in everything that we got, it's perverted. It's like I said, this is the year to dragon. This boy racing. His mama sitting up in the stands with Snoop Dogg. What kind of shit is going on? Sometimes you got to ask yourself. Because even the ramen started this olympic shit, remember? But back when they was doing it, you got to understand. They was doing that shit, butt ass naked. You know why they wear them bangs and shit? Think about the album. What album, Darren? The year of the dragon album. What was they talking about? Could you have stumbled upon a gym? Cockadoodle-doodle-doodle. I don't race her just right with an exclusive baby. From the year of the album, dragon album. [LAUGHS] These days I feel if you would. [LAUGHS] This thing right here, you didn't think about that, man. Cockadoodle-doodle. What guys talk about? You know, the final things are like that. Check it out. Food that dress so scandalous, and you know another nigga's been handling it, so you're shaking that thing like who's the ish for the look in the eyes. So devilish, you like to dance all the hip-hop spots. And the cruise to the cruise to connect the dots. Not just her band, she like to pop. Because she was living love in that low guy. She had dums like a truck, truck, truck. Dazae, guah, guah, guah. Baby muya, guah, guah, guah, guah. I think I sing it again. She had dums like a truck, truck, truck. Dazae, guah, guah, guah. All night long. Let me see that song. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Yes, that's right. This is some silly shit going on over here And I got a whole lot more for you cuz that's what we do over here. It's their great circus parade now Listen, I got to say something cuz somebody kind of got their little feelings all up in their little feelings They've little feelings hurt and they kind of feeling something salty about whatever it is I think they think I did I don't know. Let's just pause for the calls. Could we please DJ Okay, everybody say Everybody say hi to DJ side feel please everybody say what's going on DJ side feel How you doing? You all right? All right? We didn't say nothing to you in the beginning raise the most high we saw We apologize I apologize Give me fuck no for real. Let's go on. Let's move on. Are you good now, dude? People with you know pride issues This is about the most I got a neighbor hair bodies to get Jacob We can't be remembered you we this is geared for is the most I got a paper I was like a Jacob baby a higher and that's what I need everybody to do get baptized in the day move It's your homo she a rock-o-cadesha and y'all are higher the father that created the most high Whatever name you call him god of spirits you understand He got millions of names pick one and get baptized in that sure homo she that's the name of the song baby Go get it done in the name of the song and she will homo she it as to who I coke a dashing She don't mess around me for real. This is gonna all help you in the long run It's gonna keep you from brimstone fire gnashing of motherfucking teeth You understand what I'm saying cuz if hell is there baby let me tell you some how I feel every day on the daily basis We all is going that's right every fucking body up in this bitch And I'm doing what I can to try to get just a toe up it out of that motherfucker Understand I'll just let me get her what that new say just let me Just let me I have that's what he said Let me just have just a little drop of water off this man's finger you understand See national teeth when they say it it's meant to be said cuz it's said it and it's gonna happen You don't want no part of that get baptized in the name of the most I got a baby Now listen I want you to know something just cuz we out here walking around and shit and everybody's all right And everything seemed like it's okay and things of this nature and you see these people these other nations things I hate to call them black and white because it is not a black and white thing It's nation against nation these people don't hate you cuz your color of your skin They hate you cuz they know you are the Jews baby get it right get it told get it No, so you know it in your mind And so you can reimplement it and put it back out there into the world that everybody know that you are God's chosen People you niggas, you know who you is all you people of color that don't have a motherfucking thing in a pot to piss in It's your shit. You understand what I'm talking about now listen to me very carefully now When you walk about the earth because now they are pushing all kind of things like oh my god call your mom up Ain't no motherfucking racist and this that's a motherfucking life this shit ain't changed and the shit ain't flipped These motherfuckers can't stand you know father that they can see and it ain't cuz of the color your skin is because they know who you are And until you understand that you have no fucking power You won't walk on water in this motherfucker understand who the fuck you are right the fuck now now listen When you see listen Listen when you start talking to people in the in the natural world Out here in this worldly world and white folks start telling you they views on shit And then you tell them your views they say well that ain't what it's saying then do you hit them with the who fucking wrote it? Didn't they want to give you the eyeball? Well, it was who what do you mean who wrote it? It's just how it is now nigga. It ain't how nothing is Everything is taught somebody you had to get it from somewhere. What's fuck me? Foreign occasion under the consent of the king. I went and looked it up cuz everybody cuz they all that's a horrible word now niggas fuck That's imagine somebody knocking on the door. Hey, I gotta fuck your wife before I Got a foreigner came under the consent of the king with your wife before y'all can get married You'd be like fuck see it's not it is what it is make it into what you want it to be is a word And that's where it came from you got to understand that and see when you tell these other Patty wackers Willie wackers and the wanky wankies about your stories. They don't give a fuck See my stories. I know where they come from they come out to buy bail So here we go. Let's do just a simulation of the thing that went on with me and one thespian We were talking about I don't know maybe the earth being round or so such. He was a pilot and I said hey man I said is the earth around He said yeah, I say you seeing some curvature. He said no. I said nigga ain't you flying? He said yes I say hi. Hi, but he said I go up about 10th out. I say nigga. You can't see no curvature I say what is motherfucker. It's what? He said well see here's the deal. I Don't get to go up that high new in the instrument Say then he gonna show me some shit on his phone that heard curvature on it like Google Earth's somebody may I said man somebody made that see that's all cold. Look at you in the matrix This is cold nigga move the cold out the way somebody made that shit What I'm asking you is have your punk ass seen some curvature you up there, right? There is none Because if there was some we'd season them you can get on a goddamn train on Amtrak and pay all the same amount of money You pay to get on a goddamn airplane you play thousands and thousands of fucking dollars And they got glass all on the ceilings and shit So you can look all out the window all up at the sky How come they don't have that shit on airplanes cuz they don't want you looking out the fucking window They get a little bitty ass wonder you can barely see Why is that? Ask you'll say they got a big ass window in the front nigga wrap this bitch in some glass We got all kind of space aid shit I don't see that shit y'all sent up from the Smithsonian up to the moon that shit don't look like it I'll make it up out of my yard. It's got fucking shower curtains and shit on if anybody better dismiss on you They know what I'm talking about Listen to be very carefully what I'm telling you to Pay a digit to what I'm saying If you got no curvature on this motherfucking from fucking tall buildings And even when you say oh look the boat is dissing up here when you zoom in that bitch come back There is no curvature on this bitch now. They want to tell you about we'll see you such and such The Hierophilus copolis stony in of the space a silly and puppet summer from 1756 back in 80 30 fucking second and they start kickling all that cackling noise And you say yeah, but somebody wrote that they say yeah, but that doesn't this is how it was That's how they know because they okay. Well, here's check this shit out See in the beginning the earth was voiding without form and It's in the spirit of the rock oak and ash moved about the surface of the deep the understanding what I'm telling you Didn't put a little bubble of the air of the breath of the most I got a favorite hair Mine's a good Jacob in there Didn't told you how to firmly came about the four corners of the earth four corners and the pillars four corners See all I got to go on is what the words saying well somebody wrote that ah Somebody wrote show us and somebody wrote mine my stories in this book your stories in that book You take what's in your book you running that way. I'm gonna take what's in my book and I'm going that way See what I'm saying? That's how I do it as I do it to them every time. So yours is right mine is wrong You've been telling me all about us history and all this old bullshit And when I've been asking you was my ancestors where my people's come from you talking about some Bitch on the front and sitting in the back of the bus and this nigga over here Ferricon You talking about Martin Luther the mother fuck king. What's that other nigga name that ferret this other nigga that guy shot Malcolm I didn't motherfucker think I should do in my history. That's the history. That was a great job Tell me about what we came from you can't but now that I know nigga I ain't gonna argue with you about what said your books versus what's in my I got one book that I operate with It's got many books, but it's one book in a twine amongst other books You understand what I'm saying because these people so goddamn hateful let me tell you so it's close But don't say god. These motherfuckers can claim racism is gone, but these motherfuckers is lying to you know pay attention I was sitting outside of my you know in my in the parking lot looking at Hang on tell you watch in the movie in my car with the cold air on cuz it was hot Then a motherfucker where I was at and I was waiting for somebody to come back to the car And I saw this lady at this pizza joint, right? So it's black lady. She just white dude Hey, boy shit. I get you fucking dot This white dude. He comes to the door With his pizza he got about fifteen thousand six hundred fifty two men seven hundred fifty three thousand pizzas in his left hand in his right hand He got one of them tubs, you know them little paper tubs that they gave you for you know hot dogs and chips and nachos The shit at the fair with the red one he got one of them bitches full of garlic season and shit up in it I mean that bitches all you know how the shit be dripping off the side Because if the thing is you know, it's not meant to carry that shit Them shit is slipping out so he opened the door with his leg and the shit come back on his ass So it was either the pizzas or the packets this nigga let the pack back Pockets is everywhere and then this black lady hold the door try to get there and this nigga flips out about her holding the goddamn door What kind of shit is this? What kind of shit is this? See the problem with it is is you can't it is instant got so bad That you can't even let a nigga help you a nigga can't even help you at this point your hatred and your Ignorance then got the better you that's the demon within you You so mad because we the real Jews that you don't fucking know what to do That's what it said you come into your calamity and I have no problem dishing out to you I'm dishing the shit right the fuck here right the fuck now If you want to be saved by the most I got a baby I'm eyes is a good check if you got a repent and take your ass down in the water red neck fucking racist ass cracker motherfucker because ain't no other help for you you got to do it just like everybody else Understand what I'm saying you can't get free from this shit Your ass ain't going to heaven cuz you hate people of color. It's not been a habit for you You gonna see the most highest son is sure how much he he is a nigga man He is a nigga from Negro land looking up Google the shit He ain't gonna look like you and if you hang on except that your ass is gonna go to hell So it's best for you to get acclimated now How do you get acclimated you get your ass in that motherfucking water right now you racist motherfuckers? I'm just saying y'all's asses is still out there. Don't get it twisted Everybody acting like oh this is a new day nigga fuck that bullshit boy You goddamn big boy pants up these motherfuckers is still racist you see these motherfuckers I can break about this motherfucker jumping in front of you getting mad won't wait don't say hi Do you have to stop speaking to these motherfuckers? I'm serious. I got that for this shit. Y'all better get your ass shit together And you don't give me nothing and I owe you nothing you understand what I'm saying when you see me You see the blessings of the most I got a vapor hammer you can shake up You could be jealous all you want to pull your panties up bitch I don't give a fuck everything you see on me came from the most I got a vapor hammer I just you want it take it You just be practicing on me cuz I'm gonna get some bullshit and he gonna keep cursing your funky ass I'm just trying I'm just listen. I'm just throwing this shit out here listen Let me say this other shit to you stupid motherfuckers listen Where you motherfuckers running niggas running around who you voting for bitch I ain't voting for no motherfucking body You got to be the stupidest motherfucker on the face of the planet How stupid how did you see these two mommy motherfuckers you tell me you so stupid you got to vote for one That's how motherfucking ignorant you is. Let me help you to fuck out This mother fuck over here look like a god-dip B-R-B-R-B-R-B This niggas stuck like one of them what was them dollars used to punch him with the with the thing punching You know rock them sock and robots this niggas like a rock them sock them robot This nigga just moving his mouth and his arms like a motherfucking puppet This motherfucker ain't talking about shit. That's gonna help your ass your people your children your motherfucking babies You understand what I'm talking about then we got this crook my fuck over here He bout to die too. They both about to die the fuck is y'all doing? You you're trying to tell me. Oh, I got a no Listen you ain't got to do shit. You already fucked up when you voted for Barack Obama How you gonna explain that to the most high you voted for this nigga? He say this dude signed some papers saying that to me and can get married you voted for that that's what you voted for I told you to pick me, baby. Always pick me you voted for him You're talking about some fire and brimstone burn you goddamn nuts off Y'all know how to venture to the most I got a baby I might as a good Jacob is laid down with out fucking remorse When he bring the raft bring the fucking wrap listen do yourself Do yourself a favorite this time listen don't fuck it up for yourself but your generations get your whole Generations of children your babies shit church listen to me I'm trying to help you with this shit here do not fucking vote for none of these motherfuckers this time Sit this one the fuck out listen It's the year to drag it and in case you didn't know you got to sit this bitch out Do you hear me very good when I'm telling them to you? I'm boy I'm not playing with you don't go down there and vote for neither one of them devils You know don't listen don't Don't vote for neither one of them devils you got to choose choose you this day whom you will serve Don't listen don't vote for none of them motherfuckers. Have you seen? The statue of Satan Gooly right now. Hey DJ Seinfeld since you ain't there shit I Wait a minute. I'll just I'll just play it Get him a second Go Google the statue people You gave it as enough time Google the statue the same go down to the ankle. See the chain. Mm-hmm. See the torch See the seven crown in his hand. Mm-hmm. See his face look like a bitch and a man Pay attention man, don't that bitch look like a statue of Liberty sitting down Right, this is the system we under if y'all still just walking around thinking don't none of this stuff mean nothing Then something is wrong Then I got people listening to this shit in places. I can't even pronounce Do you think they listen to me babble on like this cuz the shit makes sense it don't What makes sense is they know they got to get baptized They need me to send them to I yield band cat one nation one power first fruits of truth I yield band dad one nation one power first fruits of truth You understand that's what they need me to do Speaking of which and what I? Went to see jeano jennons. I ain't playing I did I saw jeano jennons I'm free to tell y'all about him when I come back You don't want to go nowhere. You don't want to miss nothing you want to hear what I got to say check this out though all the more crackers and shit Not the ones you eat well some of you do nevertheless I Listen to me. Y'all got to get yourselves together, baby. Get yourself together Get yourself together. I need y'all to understand it's a it's a painful thing to realize I Who DJ sign field even signed in on that it is it's a terrible thing to realize and I'm sorry that it had to be It had to go down this way It is what it is on today in today's market It's just you know it's our turn you finna see the curses rain down on you with the wrath and the boats I got it They would have minds who can shake it and step number one is like it says and what is that where they go to a and shit First step is just to realize you know who we who are we who? Who are we think about think about it shalom brothers and all of my sisters From the tribes of Israel Tribe of Judah Real Israelites this is the truth Is there anybody out there anybody out there that wanna hear the truth? Is there anybody out there anybody out there that wanna hear the truth We've been lied to from the beginning Way back when I was in high school the history was true Then I tried to throw the church and they lied again Since Jesus was a white man too, then I read we are the truth What you say is we are the Jews? We are the Jews And the Bible is where I read again There's no doubt nationality Not about our history then turn around try to be like us too But the Bible says we are the Jews We are the Jews We are the Jews With the Hebrew tears and lights Israelites people and we got our own style That's why they wanna be us Us where the Israelites says we are the Jews We are the Jews We are the Jews With the Hebrew tears and lights Israelites is the greatest nationality to be We can find out the truth With the Hebrew tears and lights Israelites are not even even in the ghetto sources Your God shows the people And if you're black and had it hard Bitch, treasure it's so hard You wonder why it's gonna be this way But the most I say That we would suffer For turning our backs and breaking all of His commandments We got a chance to get it right With the Israelites And that's the best news I can hurt on my life When I read it We are the Jews We are the Jews We are the Jews And they stole our nationality They stole our nationality And they lied But the Bible is getting turned around Try to be like us too But the Bible says We are the Jews We are the Jews We are the Jews Do you know what I'm saying? The Hebrew tears and lights Israelites With the Hebrew tears and lights People and we got our own style It's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what they want to be, it's what The first one to a senior year This is gonna break down The curses that's on God's people And it matches when we move We were the slaves that was on those ships That came over through the slave trade The Bible talks about this We are the chosen people It's not them Jews over there In Israel claiming to be Jews We are the real Jews We are the chosen people We are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people It's not them Jews, we are the chosen people And sure how much she is naming grew I cook a dashes name, ask for forgiveness So you're seeing, since you're four fathers, repent That's right, repent Get all the way down up in that water Don't be faking and shaking like you Think you don't want to go down But go all the way down in that water, baby But so for real, quit playing Stop it And then get back out That's right, repent, baby It's feel how I feel You got to repent and all this type of stuff And going on out there and starting spreading the word And say you love me Yeah, I do most, I feed my sheep That's right, he told you to feed the sheep And that's what I'm doing, you hear my mouth flapping That's right, I don't stop I make it happen, baby Listen, I be blowing my thing all the time I ain't got time to even stop, baby I want everybody to know that the most I got 'em, Abraham, I hope you could Jacob is coming and listen I told you I was gonna tell you a little something A little something about something I, Darren, went to see Geno Jennings I've been out doing a lot of studying A lot of searching, a lot of things This nature right here, I try to figure out What needs to be happening so I can see what's going on You know what I'm talking about For myself You know, I went um, how did Why you be? Well, why you clown so much? I don't know, I just do, baby Maybe handing it I be, it's just like I be giving it to 'em Like it's candy, it's like candy, baby It's like candy, but listen I be throwing myself on the line For y'all, I ain't playing I go out of the way to find out I go, I pro deep You understand what I'm saying I pro deep in this thing There's no sense in me joshing around I take it seriously Once I came into the knowledge of the most I got of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I just knew what my battle was And got in line Oh yeah, I'm investigated All the way down to the wire You know, I went on the mountain Check out Iyo band-gad One nation, one power, first fruits True, sure did, went right on up there And had no problem with it Went right on back, went back Go back some more, go and keep on going And get some and rub it all over the face And come back here and report that You need to go up there on the mountain One nation, one power, first fruits True, now With that aside, I've done a talk On his people and things of this nature Now I went to see genie out Jennings, am I right? You understand what I'm saying? Went right there I've been drinking some of this watermelon juice This nigga juice, this nigga water Watermelon juice, your body needs melon You understand? You're supposed to have melon And then you're body Cause that's what you got and that's what heals you And you're supposed to get your water from melons Drinking, stop drinking that shit Water, George Washington took that shit in They just keep re-washing it You just keep drinking How many times can you wash a pair of drawers For you have to throw them bitches away Understand what I'm saying What I'm saying? What I'm saying? That water, some, that water One day y'all gonna wake up and be like Oh my God, we forgot to do do do Red alert, red alert It's got some crap shit in it That's not a baby roof It ain't care to be baby I just bullshit, but it's gonna happen Anyway, listen No, pay attention to what I tell you When I'm telling it to you Pay attention I'm serious for real Listen, I want y'all to think about this No, I ain't saying I'm just saying I went to truth of God Ministries I seen sciatica back Williams on the big bible ones and twos I see And Right Geno Genis Now let me tell you something Dem two dudes right there Right on Holy spirit, fed, bled Reading the word Ain't DBA From the planned feeding sheet Now here's where it gets tricky Now upon my arrival I'm coming towards the door I'm gonna give you a pamphlet and ask you All these motherfucking questions And all this old shit right here You understand what I'm saying Yeah, you gotta do all that old church Now, once you get through And you find it Finally make it to Your place of where they're gonna leave Yeah, you understand That's where you're gonna be at Before you get in this motherfucker You enter through the door of the ushers You know how the ushers remember ushers from church It's the same funky motherfuckers Uh, sir Hey, yeah, brother Brother, let me talk to you Catch you remove your hat Nick, I'm Hebrew Fuck as you talking about I'm gonna take my hat off When the word starts It's like you said in the word And then I showed him my scriptures inside my hat And he said Well, it's your hat I can't tell you what to do Well, what the fuck did you open up Your motherfucking mouth for? You know, I say it to myself 'Cause we at church Now see, here's where it got tricky Right then and there And then as I gazed about the room I noticed one thing And one thing only Here's where you people always seem to go back and forth on Y'all got this shit twisted I'm gonna say this This is gonna be some harsh words For a lot of people Then you can do what the fuck you want to With 'em, I don't give a fuck I'm just telling you We are all individually made And once you get baptized You become a new creature A new creation It's what the most I've said A peculiar people See, what happens is Every motherfucker becomes An individual, wow If you understand what an individual is That means You got on Jordan's You got on Jordan's You got on Jordan's You got on Jordan's You got on Jordan's If everybody got on Jordan's Ain't a motherfucker An individual And this motherfucker Y'all Jordan's You know, Jordan, I hear A motherfucker dying Getting killed Over these goddamn shoes And he ain't stop selling the bitches And brought the price down To $2 a pair of motherfucker He got enough money This nigga got race cars, race boats He went and walked What the fuck's up? Fuck the shoes, man If people dying What the fuck is you? What are you saying? Nevertheless, I digress You niggas keep wearing them Push to the side, that shit Let me think about this for a moment If I walk into an establishment And every motherfucker Bitch in their got their head Wrapped up the same way Y'all got on the same fucking Washcloth up beside your head Did y'all wake up in the morning And say, hey, let's tie our heads About the same way And we're at the same fucking Washcloth Did all you motherfucker Say, hey, let's wake up And put on the same goddamn Identical suits Let's all do this And let's all do this the same Same thing, let me slide on Over here to you motherfucker Over there with the purple and gold I love you motherfucker But y'all think some people Is going to hell When the word don't say That everybody got a chance To get baptized in the name of a high And show how much year We're all coke a dash As for getting us to the senses Or the faux foxes that go all the way Down in the water Everybody can get grafted in So what do you say? I'm just saying Why everybody got addressed the same In your camp? Where is this shit at That we got to be real Goddamn bots Why this motherfucker Got to tell me to take off my hat He don't know me I'm a grown ass motherfucker God upon this motherfucking earth In charge of my house And I worship and serve the most I'm made in this motherfucking image That makes me a god upon this earth You understand what I'm talking about? Don't do that And say come as you are Nigga if I'm dirty And my head is split open I got 15 stitches About the top of my head And I want to cover it up Is it your business? Did I ask you when I came in the door Please don't search me Please don't place your hands Upon this final inning I didn't say that shit I let you do your thing You know, 'cause if you push it too far Don't nobody want to come in that bitch And that's how the devil operates I know And I'm not just picking on you 'Cause a nigga named D worked in the church forever You understand, I was in all the churches Methodists, Jehovah's Witnesses Church of God in Christ's cool jig, baby Gator suits and alligator boots Hats galore I've been in all of them Ain't a camp, I ain't been in And in every camp The fish do as the fish does When in Rome do as the do-do How does that shit happen? How do we become robots? How do you say, "Okay, you all got this on So we got to wear that?" You got to go sit over here You got the men got to sit next to the man The woman got to sit next to the woman Just have a sign and say, "Girls, this way men go this way If you're married, sit the fuck in the middle" Beat down with this shit Quit directing and pushing and pulling on people And telling you, "Cakes, move up, get up, sit down dude" There's so many church customs in that motherfucker I know there's a thing called order I'm not disputing, I ain't attacking you I'm attacking you with love, baby I'm saying there's a thing called order But then there's a thing called Church See, holy is as holy does These type of problems and things of this nature You don't have Going into Dare I say, the white church What is it about niggas in authority and wanting to be in control of this shit? Nigga give a nigga a motherfucking usher Sit move, no, you sit It is so much confusion and shit when you go up in there It is mind fucking boggling I don't know who train these people But I think it'd be wise to just go about the earth just do this Sit where the fuck you want to sit And then once everybody gets seated Come out and say, "We want everybody to move forward in a seat" Fill up the holes and everybody just move into the holes Be done with it Order, then Now, you say you started 11 or whatever 11, 30? Then you go in and some dudes jump up there And see, this is another thing I'm just gonna say it again to you people and truth of God You can't just automatically just Holy Spirit in and out You cutting this motherfucker on and off You cutting the Holy Spirit You be riding the middle of the talking Yes, and today we was watching marriage Then you go, "What the fuck?" People who can, and everybody's Holy Spirit is exactly the same Mmm And then your Holy Spirit comes at the same time And your Holy Spirit, let me just say this I understand there's lots of cameras and things of this nature And some of you want to run down the owls And make it in mock memories and fools of yourselves I've been in church for a long time I know boys shit when I've seen I used to do a television show Called Walking By Faith Good morning, God bless you And thank you for tuning in to Walking By Faith With Pastor Terry D. Williams I just do the whole goddamn show You understand, I don't record people in churches and shit Listen, I don't been, I know fake church When I see it, bitches fuck you Fuck you mama fuck the truck you rode in Only mad at me, you get an attitude You do what the fuck you wanna do I don't give a fuck It's a bunch of you in every church I don't been in there I know the real people that church And I know the fake motherfuckers Yes sir Now, let me just say to the motherfucker on the guitar Playing the Jimi Hendrix shit during the gospel Was deliciously groovy motherfucker That shit, this nigga was all up over Jimi Hendrix up In that bitch And why is all the white dudes working the boards? I'm just asking the question on Y'all ain't got nobody over there They know how to fucking Do final cut and shit And they smell the fuck of that People of color I'm just asking Young tespians around this bitch Learning shit I know how it is in the church For everybody fighting over the same little jobs Especially if they paying Most of them should be volunteer I don't know It's like rigor mortis up in that bitch Especially when they get up in that spirit And get the flop in the same Now let me say this I did see Williams And am I right Judo Jennings And those two fellows right there I don't hold nothing against them I'm not just these niggas that's Preaching the word And doing they thug There's them niggas that's little It's all outdoors Them niggas that's Listen And listen To you people Going to the motherfucking show Oh, I didn't finish Let me eat this shit Oh, hold on DJ Seinfeld, can we just Break These things Wait a minute, baby Can we just break this shit down a little bit? I got something I'm only saying About this shit right here Let me ask y'all a question Why the fuck y'all gotta Just do Like I said He went into the holy spirit On cue I don't know if he's in Mexican Or whatever So he stands up there And for almost an hour, dude He's just picking random Testimony And And then the band kicking And then people started singing And shit songs I can't fucking understand What songs they singing Who they singing What the fuck they singing About You know them dudes in church They used to do that one song And went like this And I Oh, no Yeah What a... I love my mom She's... She's always cracked up when I'm... She knew the words and whatever that shit was But that's how they sounded And I'm in a just randomly picking people too Oh, why don't you testimony? And then the person Listen, one dude broke lizard One dude broke out into a tossed testimony They had to cut this nig out He was testifying his little testimony And then a lady and somebody in the front And the arena just kinda yelled out "Am I right?" And he's like What? Right in the... Right in the... Right in the middle of his testimony And he was like What? Right in the middle of his testimony And he was like What? And she said That's what Pastor Buddha said He would have said "Am I right?" And the dude was like Well, what I was saying was And then the Mexican dude up in front cut his shit off Cut his mic off nigga Fuck it, let it, let's keep going And I was like What kinda shit is this? So they stretched that shit out For like an hour So if you go and see him And you just wanna hear the word like Darren I just wanna hear the word I don't wanna hear no choir I don't wanna hear no singing I don't wanna see no jigger booing No tap fucking dancing I don't wanna see no fake Ruachoka dash When the Holy Spirit show up We know she there We know when she ain't Quit playing with the church May y'all boy Y'all gone suffer I'm telling you I'm just Hey, don't get mad at me Other than that If you go I see why they just Put the word on that bed Then they stick the camera on And your motherfucking face Why you trying to pay attention To the word this nigga kept I went and saw my fat ass on there I was like What the fuck this nigga Keep sticking He preaching Hey, I should have said that right in the camera This nigga over here is the one preaching That shit out of my face I can't even enjoy the word And the last but not least Right when they got to the Ruachoka dash parts Where you could get the Holy Spirit When they got to the parts Where you could get the Holy Spirit You couldn't understand what they were saying Cause there was so much echo in the room I was gonna say Who are these dudes on the sound You understand Who's working the sound Round this bad bad bad boy Anyway They were awesome in the collection Of the sorta They took up a collection They took it up old school And they could look Look here They fucking Passed a bucket Dude I ain't seen this shit Nigga they need to pass one of them swipers Nigga or just throw it on the screen If you wanna hear Cash app boom So people can just cash app You the money Or have it before you even come in That way everybody ain't got to see you doing it Cause once you do it before me And then you have your reward That's kind of what's awkward about The fake Holy Spirit Not only do you not get no reward But your blaspheming against the Holy Spirit And you will be served Like them dancing Ooh you just got served You better quit playing with the most You know all you people in these churches That dressing Even whatever church you go to I bet everybody in there Whoever the head church or is That's always some person With a bunch of money go to a little church You know what I mean? They go to a little church And everybody wanna be that person That the church and I make that person That the church feel like a big person So they just keep going there They may not be getting fed Or know things like this right here I'm just saying they ain't even real I'm just saying they go to church They didn't everybody wanna be them people It's one in every church The ones with the money Everybody like ooh this is selling So patting yourself after them And they started trying to dress like that Person now all up with TJ Max trying to get the shit they got on the fake Whatever Same thing Purple and gold Everybody ain't gotta have on low pay Purple and gold shirt and shit And everybody's tassels and Fringes and titties and Tits whatever zities Whatever you call them Be the same They ain't gotta be that Cause at the end of all that shit They say if you have no such custom in the word At the end of everything It says if you have no such custom So if you don't wanna grow too Stiggly wiggly curd If you don't wanna keep your head covered You don't have to You do what the most high leads you to do But in your doing it Respect and honor other men If you let a motherfucker walk up in your place With a goddamn dress on some lipstick A dress on some fucking weave And act like looking and acting like a bitch Don't fucking say shit about my goddamn hat nigga I'm just saying Come to fuck as you are Is what it say? You might save me out of my hat But I don't think that's possible Because my shit ain't coming off to the word Come on That's what the words say Your head is supposed to be covered baby Cover your head Y'all trippin' boy y'all Y'all don't know some of that word Just you just want some of it So with that I'm givin' Genons and scratch master Hey DJ something you sleep n***a That's why I don't nobody be sayin' nothing to you That's why I don't nobody be sayin' nothing to you Scratch master sciatica back of Williams Listen, Williams was cleaning out a motherfucker I ain't wishin' this n***a suit look like motherfucking Boy listen to me I wanted to brush up on him I wanted to listen Now let me just say I did want to run up on Williams Put my hands on it And I wanted to put my hands on You know, Genons I wanted some of that You know, wanted to rub something out of noise And that's what I do When I see I.E. or baguette I squeeze him so hard I be tryin' to pick him up Tryin' to squeeze some of that spirit I mean, ugh n***a I mean, squeezing him so hard Tryin' to get some of that spirit I want to do William in the same way But they look like they might have love What's it called? Protection? Security, carrot a n***a out And there's Lenin's suit Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go Listen, Genons clean this fuck through them n****s This clean this safe way chitter lanes Blind boys should clean and tiny men Little bitty dudes That's why Gina always talkin' about fighting this n***a Little man singin' N***a always wanna talk about n***a You ain't gotta fight all time We know you can whoop some people's ass n***a We got ya We see ya Ain't no marks on your face We know you held it down, you in soup N***a's not my d***a run fast Look how small these n****s is They oughta be able to fly I'm scared to run up on 'em, man Look at this big ass giant ass n***a Comin' up on us But I tell you what They do the right thing, gettin' outta there Listen, when he tell ya'll Now fuck the dumb shit Hey, DJ Sanfield, break this shit down right quick There's these n****s here boy Ya'll boy, ya'll ain't listen Ya'll don't listen What's wrong with black people? Instructions Everybody that won't prayer Come up here right now I'ma pray for ya'll All the fuck at once That's it You all up there? Get the fuck on If you stick around for some old prayer That's vain repetition You don't believe that the first prayer Worked in O.G. of little faith Your ass gon' die He pray for everybody Down to go sit your asses down Or go home or go get baptized Go do whatever it is You gon' do Don't be tying up that dude's time like that That's why he got to run out the bat Listen, he oughta be Listen, he oughta be That's why he run up on Williams These n****s oughta be free To run about Walk about the earth n***a If they wanna sit down And have one-on-one chit chat Them n****s will sit out in the lobby And you can come out and talk to 'em But them n****s got shit to do Wait until he's sitting here His ass up there yawning His shit with his feet crouched That n***a be looking deaf in there Them n****s is clean Ain't but shit Listen Let me tell Them n***a I see people trying to emulate All up in the church Cause you can tell the ones They brought with 'em Them ones they brought with 'em Ain't fuckin' no nonsense They got a job to do N***a They tryin' to do it Best they can Praise the most high for 'em Listen Them dudes Be tryin' to emulate that shit Them n****s is clean I don't know Some of them suits look like They from 2000 years ago But them suits is Listen They got them bitches fit right Some of them the pales are still wide And shit but he's still wearing them I mean that n***a smart with his money Y'all need to do the same thing And another thing To see n****s dressed like that Him and him Not the audience Cause they be putting on what they think they see This ain't that N***a this what you see them See there's a standard To buy which motherfucker Like to place themselves Sometimes Them motherfucks is at it And that shit Ain't mad at 'em But damn Everybody got to be yourself Women You ain't got to have the kind of hat on the bitch next You go get one of them big ass hats Like some of them couches be wearin' Put one of them hats on Come on, come on, come on Come on up in Your head is covered Your head is covered Your head is covered Your head is covered Your head is covered Although you ain't got to Everybody ain't got to start dressing the same You know, it just Why does that happen with us? N***a we having a family reunion What you wearing? I don't know it no matter cause we gonna put these bright orange ass shirts on that say Johnson family crossed the motherfucker front N***a know I'm not doing it Do you want one? Hail to the n***a What the f*** am I gonna do with it? It's gonna wind up in the garage sale 20 miles away outside of Seattle somewhere In a f***ing two-for-one bin With oil stain on the side of it And some monkey paws F*** no I don't want no goddamn t-shirt N***a I know where I went We know where we had We go too far I'm just saying We go too far Let's get together mentally And collectively Let's get together on this word Let's stand on this word without church Or ritual Or religion You understand? People getting mad cause Jay-Z said Church starts Whatever What the f*** he said when church ends Whatever He was telling the truth Church is a practice thing Started by the Roman Catholic Church The Romans, remember the Romans? They ran you away from Israel You understand? You Jews, God's chosen people That's what happened For those that don't know now you know You understand? But like I said People perish for lack of knowledge So if you want to get some word Heat air But notice going in When you go to one of the things You just gonna have the same old ritual Same and would you like a little proof in this bitch? I can give you just a little taste Of some proof if thou wish it did Cause you know I got receipts You understand what I'm saying? I don't mean to Be in anybody With so ever But I've seen crefalo Same thing I've seen you boy What's the name? Sex dude With all them fine ass bitches up in there Up in Baltimore? What was his name? He moved this shit down You know he got the Bentley's and shit And the hoes and shit all up in Whatever his name He cousins with Geno Genis I can't remember the boys name Jamal Jamal, that's that boy name Jamal Yeah, we talking about that boy down there Jamal Bryant Him, I went to his church Same bullshit Everywhere you go To these black churches And shit, that's the way they are Now when I seen Jesse Duplantis Ain't nobody searching it Hey slide this way Sit right there Go sit over and sit What the fuck you want to sit? Even when I saw what's crefalo's Daddy name The one who was like I don't just made that point So we keep a hand by What was his name? Kenneth Copeland I wouldn't see this nigga Oh yeah I used to do a lot of that old devil worship Sorry That old church I mean devil Which one is that I'm so confused It's the same thing Confusion is not of the most How why would you go to church? There you go See all of it went in a nutshell If you can decipher what I just said And you are Falling up on the right Soil These seeds are dropping in your ear Get up out of the church And you know it's a church Cause everybody is dressed Like robots baby But you know like they say This is the Darren Gray circus parade And You know we all make mistakes And there ain't no other way To put it up in this bitch I can do it too I ain't mad at them Showing I ain't mad at all Figure it out Oh this is my cut You caught me guilty Taking the pieces of you That night you took a flight I couldn't decide What to do I won't let a safe bet Continue to make me go blue I could go solo Would that be the right thing to do? We all make mistakes And we do I learn from you We all make mistakes And we do I learn from you Tip, toe, too slow Out of the door to your house I know you know That this way leads me out Outside, too bright You're within, I'm without You're within, I'm without We all make mistakes And we do I learn from you We all make mistakes And we do I learn from you Please sleep softly Leave me no room for doubt Please sleep softly Please sleep softly Leave me no room for doubt Please sleep softly Leave me no room for doubt Please sleep softly Leave me no room for doubt Leave me no room for doubt We all make mistakes And we do I learn from you We all make mistakes And we do I learn from you We all make mistakes And we do I learn from you We all make mistakes And we do I learn from you Please sleep softly Leave me no Please sleep softly Please leave me no room for doubt Please leave me no room for doubt [Music] Daring Grey Circus Parade [Music] What I gotta do to do is Daring Grey Circus Parade Baby, what's going down? Visit to me when I'm telling it to you Cause I'm telling it to you But it's true Get baptized in the name of a higher Show how much you rock, hook a dash As well for giving us all your sins It seems that your forefathers And go all the way down in the water Repent, come back up Start taking your communion Keep the law statutes and commandments Repent And go check out IELVANGAD One nation, one power first Fruits of truth, baby All live the end, the above And don't slip and slide on it Because time is of the essence When I'm telling it to you Now, DJ, this is pretty appropriate Let me speak on something Knowledge is key, baby Check this out Did you know that in Norway? That's what I said Norway What's the word called? Giving away free college Listen, if you need to get you some knowledge Cause some of y'all don't know what knowledge is Yeah, you really don't I'm explaining to you But if you need some Bible knowledge And you think that that Bible I mean some of that College knowledge is gonna help you It's gonna save you It's gonna throw you into Full, forward speed Whatever It's not gonna help you Trust me when I'm telling you that You don't gain knowledge that away College ain't gonna do nothing for you Y'all gonna arm some money And they gonna get you some paper It's paper for paper, baby You get em some paper They gonna get you some paper You can put it on shit But I got a whole bunch of friends That didn't even graduate from high school That'd be filling out the shit And going B.C. or who's a shit And don't nobody be asking them shit They just up in that bitch You just be looking at how you get up in there Man, I just filled out the application Nick told my little CEO Nick, it ain't be there for real You be like, what the fuck? You got it, Nick, it ain't paying me, Nick He just be looking at him What the fuck is going on? You got to ask yourself What the fuck is going on And that's wild what I tell you Knowledge is key People don't understand that shit Pay attention to what I'm telling you You can go somewhere for it Here's, let me think about it like this You go over there for four years They teach you a whole bunch of stuff You know, cause that's what they did In high school they programmed you to be You know, you hear that bail ring It's time to do this It's time to do that It's time to get over here It's time to stand right there But you don't get knowledge that way The way you get it Is out the word And the word tells you All the time It takes a village to raise You see what I'm saying? So, here's a fucking scenario I have I know these cleaning ladies You understand? Let's just call them cleaning ladies They own a particular cleaners You understand? They clean clothes They press them and I Listen, let me tell you something These are almost called images Shame on you, doubter and grey Listen, they ain't got one of the You know how some places have When you pull up to the window and shit And they got the little thing And they turn it in the air Or blow out So your air from your place Don't come to the day place You know how to wipe out They ain't got that Because you know, you niggas I see clothes in there Nigga go pick your shit up If you get your shit and you pick it up They can paint the sign They get new signs and shit Niggas shit just hang Some of the shit I see is hanging in there From the last time I was in there And I'm saying this Because see, we got to We got to do better It's black people You say I'm a patronized Black people Shouts out to Edward Sizzahan Because that's why I went over there Because I saw a picture of him See, he promoted them So I said Man, I keep forgetting about So I went over there, right? Pleasant ladies Beautiful place They place this nice and clean And friendly And inviting You understand And it's black on But you niggas Boy, let's let me tell you something I be seeing y'all all over there Why I was in the yang clean What the fuck? What you doing? What is it? Find out who got what And then when you do it Go pick your shit up Don't leave your shit up In there to the next concert And shit come on And you go get my shit It's a funeral Look at this It don't say cleaners And storage in that bitch It say the motherfucking cleaners And let me tell you something Now I went up in there With my linen and shit You know I'm real particular Because you know you don't mix The fabrics according to the word People are like you like the word In hell yeah that's what the word Say And only mixing fabrics and shit You're supposed to have just Cotton as shit It should just be cotton Don't even flip flop them When you put them on Because some of that shit Is designed to kill niggas I mean they successful And the shit that they make The killers But the killing of us can't be done Because the most high has his hands On us So they can keep making all this Wacky shit But I'm just going about what the Words say So I carry my linen up And then the lady was like I can't remember her name She's a fabulous, thespy Enough of a woman I'm talking about an artist Shit I'm talking about Gifted Just the most high Some people you could just feel Stuff on them And some people you know It's called discernment Daring got it But anyway Never the deadside digress She was all somatic You understand I saw the first time I went in And the second time when I went in And she's always there She's putting it in I don't know if she got on a piece Of the rock or whatever But she's a cold piece Anyway I was talking to her And she's like look here I was like I want my shit Linen, I want my shit She said you don't want it Starched up I said well yeah I do comment I want my shit You know in my brain I want my shit Because see my thing is this Linen is supposed to wrinkle in shit So when you start shit You can ball it up And undo it And it's all wrinkly in shit Cause I mean when you get to good shit It's a guaranteed to wrinkle See some of y'all don't pay attention To the finding of things in life Cause you motherfucker still walking around Sinking when you're supposed to be walking on water But you're not keeping them all statues in commandment So your ass is broke Be that ass is made I'm speaking for me When I shot I shot for good shit I like nice shit I don't give a fuck if I'm buying it Out of the motherfucking thrift store Or out of somebody's motherfucking garage In a trunk for 50 years ago And they then pulled it out And it's all dusty and shit Daring getting it You understand what I'm saying What is that right there? Yeah that right there You want that? Mmmhmm That right there Them Sears and Roebuck shoes Let a nigga get them You understand? That's me Now I understand y'all like to go buy a bunch of shit With a bunch of people's names On the outside of it And that gets your dicks hard And all this shit But I don't like nobody's name on my shit Unless somebody gonna put my name on a shit And I'm too lazy to go get it embroidered So with that happening I ain't fucking without I don't want no FFs And no JJs And no BBs and none of that shit But I won't starch on my shit You understand? Hezy, I want my shit to crunch up Brinkly, wrinkly So the lady's like Mmmhmm You don't want that They gotta They got something they do To the clothes Like she was a runaway slave Like she knew a secret Oh my God They got something they do To the clothes And boy you gon' love it And I'm thinking to myself Man I'm saying Let me tell you right now If my shit ain't right I'm coming out here And that sign that say X it that ain't painting I'm painting that I'm crawling up there And I'm painting a new fucking sign up there That say what this cleaners is When I come back I'm gonna be, it's gonna be Death and destruction To the bosses Negative so So like I pick my stuff up right And then they yelled at me For pulling up in the damn driveway Cause my air freshener Was different And they air freshener I like my air to smell a certain way And they like for their air But they ain't got one of them things Like the white people That push their air out That When you pull up You know how sometimes They gon' kill me They gon fuck my shit up I'm picking my shit gon' be fucked Ah! Listen My crease gon' be crooked and shit Down the back of my lid What the fuck is this shit? No listen This is to me very kill You know what I'm talking about? Anyway listen Listen to me when I'm telling it to you I took my shirt I came and picked my shirt I went back to take something else I had And I walked and said Hey Ain't you the lady that told me That I didn't want no starch In my shirt In my linen shirts You know like that And she went Wait a minute Wait And I said I'm asking you Wait a minute I see why she worked there She's security too Don't fuck around I know people's names But I like I like to protect people Cause I see shit different Didn't they see it? But listen I'm not boy shit So So I'm like Ain't you the lady that said That I didn't want starch In my shirts And she said And there was a dude standing I said Why she gonna keep on ya Listen It's whatever If you did I said I'm just asking I said she gonna Answer the question To him and he He intelligent See You gotta understand When people have Get stumbled About a bit of knowledge You can tell Cause he's like Stop See that's what the Holy Spirit Be telling you to do Shut the hell up So he made a couple of The most I made A couple of us You know Everybody ain't the same So he was like Ain't saying He took a sip of his coffee Like this right here See how I snuck that in Cause I was thirsty And then finally I said she ain't gonna She ain't gonna say She said What is it? What? Like that And I said Man whatever that is That was perfect And then she kinda I don't know what they did To these motherfucking shirts Let me tell y'all something Them motherfuckers If I didn't put my Stinky smells on them I could still wear them And I'd be throwing my I'd ball my shit up I ain't bush it And that motherfuckers I don't know what they doing Over there I would Have y'all the name But Listen I ain't even told y'all The goddamn knowledge part About this Now listen I was looking at their little thing And whatever Facebook And they was hiring And so I stumbled About some young You know Some young girls Or whatever And they're like You know Yes y'all know I'm trying to figure out How to be And I wanna do And you know They always say this kinda shit What they wanna do And how they wanna do it And how they wanna become Knowledgeable What they call wealth See there's a difference Between knowledge And wealth There's a certain thing Knowledge brings you to the wealth See you gotta understand that There's Solomon You know What did he pray for? Knowledge, wisdom, understanding He didn't pray for money And cars and shit He prayed for knowledge Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding That's what the words say And to some of you Holes out here Running with your stupid asses When I say Hey look Let me tell you something There's a business up there And it's got These black ladies And black people They running it These black ladies Is running it They doing business And the shit is all polished up And it's beautiful And you could learn How to become Wealthy From these women Here's the problem with that Since y'all are in backwards ass Taught your children How to think They don't know what to think And they don't know what to do And they ain't got no knowledge No understanding No wisdom No nothing You got 'em and they ain't even going To these fucked up churches Even getting a little shit dripped off So these bitches is missing out How do you not Let me tell you something If somebody told me Right now Hey man You finna open this They got dudes over here No, no, no, wait Fuck, let me back up Look at you with the sound effects DJ Seinfeld, you stayed on task I ain't gonna let me just say it like this There's a certain gentleman I know And I take mentorship from Ain't no sense Let me just say it And that's what I do I go get knowledge from Like the Joe Clydeses I get from the Ricky Earl Walkers These people I call 'em The Benjamin Myers Esquires You understand I call people When I need to know something When I need some knowledge When I need to get FASSA, EDGE and MCCATED The IELBANGAD One Nation One Power See It's not about You gonna read some books And these books telling you What somebody did To gain their wealth And whatever It's not about that Knowledge is You gotta Two women Over here In this cleaning place And it's ran perfectly And it's making money And then you go over there And you get everything You can from there And here's the key Shut the fuck up Close your mouth Everywhere you go If you don't have a place Like that Shut the fuck up I used to go I used to go heads Eddy With Tom Tan's beer It's a Pakistani man When he made me say Dad and I need someone To run my business This motherfucker Was not lying He wanted me to work At both places Run both places Operate all aspects of it All the way down To telling people You want this motherfucker And when I slip up He wanna get all The Pakistani And throw in shit And talking all too fast And I just would smile I would just laugh at his ass Cause what else am I supposed to do? Nigga this yo shit I'm not gonna argue with him About his I mean I would But the knowledge was I'm not gonna argue with him To a point where I'm like Fuck it I ain't doing it like that I'm doing it just like this man Say and now And I walk away From that knowing Every time I do something I say this nigga Show me this shit I used to argue with him About this shit He showed me this And I used to argue with him About this shit You can't argue with somebody Doing something Your ass ain't doing If you ain't got If I send you over to work there And it's cleaners And you ain't got no cleaners Nigga shut the fuck up All you got is a washing machine And a dryer may be A stackable bitch at your house That cheap shit You ain't even got these front load Of shiny motherfuckers like right And we got a hall up in the studio And it's bitch Just for washing towels and shit Cause motherfuckers be out by poosy shit Fuck the dumb shit Quit playing Nigga Don't go work At a restaurant I'm talking about you Gonna open up a restaurant You in there Don't fucking know Nigga you still working on operating Oh that shit cost $15 Nigga how much does it cost To make that one plate Is what they operating on And how long did it take A motherfucker to eat it Before they repeat it And I know it That's why they're giving you So many soda pops Over at the motherfucking buffet Tell the motherfucker You don't even want no water Watch how they fucking These motherfuckers the bitch You tell them You don't want no You don't want nothing to drink You don't want water Now I don't want no goddamn water You don't want no water How do you go? You choke You choke Don't want nothing Nigga they get so mad He don't want water We must put him out this bitch He's gonna eat too much Shrimp shrimps As I don't do Nigga for real So listen Knowledge Motherfucker you can't There is no school Of come work here And learn this You motherfucker be Y'all play too much They got people right now Y'all sit the brown bird Crying about who the fuck the president Gonna be This dead dying motherfucker That's already dead bastard Both evils Oh I'mma pick the lesser of the two evils There's no such thing You said evil was both of them I choose the most high I ain't voting for Motherfucking thing I ain't been voting Quit doing that shit Long ago Lits it to be buried Can't believe what I'm telling it to you Get yourselves together people Put your mind on what you need to do To make sure your generations And your people And your children Become prosperous They can't become prosperous If you keeping other people's rules and shit That's they rules That shit don't work on you It don't work for me You gotta go there When I was coming up If I had to learn something I had to go there and do it Motherfucker you had to go Do hair at the beauty shop and shit That's what I had to go to the beauty shop I couldn't read no fucking They didn't have nigga hair in fucking cosmetology But I went to school They had that nephew shit Gotta put this lie This sodium hydroxide On ladies shit down Take the pH up and back down Close up the cuticle layer And all this shit like this here I had to go learn that shit from some nigga people About nigga hair And understand the rinsing You bitches running around You understand why you losing your hair Cause you ain't rinsing the shit out of it You gotta rinse your hair on the daily You gotta rinse and when you think you through rinsing Keep rinsing that shit Cause everything sticks to your hair Especially if the cuticle layer is open And it is cause you bitches is covering your head up With the tears of dead people But I didn't say that Anyway, like I said Get your knowledge from somebody If I say go over there and work with them Go work with them If I say go do this go do this Cause see I'm gonna send you to the right place baby So I don't you know And I ain't gonna pressure you Hey Cause that's what the kind of shit you need to be Looking for you young black despons Who wanna be entrepreneurs Y'all just jump out there What you doing Oh I sell Kool-Aid Oh nigga I sell graham crackers I sell dump trucks One nigga be doing 50 things And ain't doing none of 'em Because you gotta go somewhere and somebody mentor Gotta sit you down and say Okay what you wanna do And when you figure out what you wanna I don't care if it's a white man A green Pakistani man Find somebody doing that that you desire And walk up to him say I come over here and work for free motherfucker Don't say the motherfucker part Think it I'm gonna come over here and work for free Hear that sniff that sniff with motherfucker Say that to yourself And do it That's called internship See that's what they do to you when you get out of college They give you an internship That means bring your ass over here and work for free So you can learn how to do this shit Then we might pay you Maybe nigga you might have to go somewhere else Same thing You can skip all that extra reading about what somebody else thinking Without and broke down And this one piece is on that and the tooth is on this shit So your knowledge can just be about the shit that they said Is what it is And it don't have to be that it just is what they said it might be You see what I'm saying? The shit is all fucked up ain't it? You gotta ask yourself Go find somebody If you wanna do blondes find a whole black man cutting yards Say "Nigga I'm coming to work for free" They'll put you out there too You'll be on that thing standing up "Nigga I've been on the ride with you" I just think I want to ride on them bitches so bad Listen Whatever it is you gotta go there Get the knowledge Quit being stupid And quit being dim with it Anyway Nevertheless I digress You know I always get sidetracked Let me just say this right here Shout outs Out to them damn cleaning ladies Over there This is the daring great circus for a baby Is once for ya'll caca doodle doo A clean up woman Is a woman who Gets all the love we girls leave behind The reason I know So much about her Is because she picked up A man a man Jumpin' slick Was my ruin 'Cause I found out All I was doin' Was makin' it easy For the clean up woman To get my dance love Oh yeah Just makin' it easy For the clean up woman To get my baby's love Uh huh Uh huh I took this dance love And put it on the shelf And like a fool I thought I had it all to myself When you needed love I was out having fun But I found out That all I had done Was makin' it easy For the clean up woman To get my dance love Yeah that's what I did I made it easy For the clean up woman To steal my baby's love Oh yeah The clean up woman Will wipe his blues away She'll give him plenty lovin' 24 hours a day The clean up woman She'll sweep him off his feet She's the one who take him in When you dump him in the street So take a tip You better get him To the clean up woman 'Cause she's tough I meet you really clean love Got to do Shout out to those cleaning ladies I'm comin' pickin' my shit up Listen to the magic of question over there Can my shit be out by the mile? I brought my ass over there Oh motherfuckin' I was bad as they all too Fuckin' fake ass Juneteenth Them niggas didn't know they was free and shit They had a paper sign on the time of the week closed Niggas know these niggas didn't know they was free for days Over this shit up I don't give a fuck 'em slave Niggas What's that out here in the back DJ Seinfeld? Country Country and Western Let me ask y'all a question When you're driving through the towns And cities and stuff of this nature The fuckin' Only stations that work Is the country stations And the Mexican stations How come Let me ask you a question See you hear that right there in the background Niggas like that right there They like that right there You hit 'em with some onus Check this out Oh, talk to me They know what that is Come on now They know that Y'all know this Watch everybody start sayin' Listen, quiet listen Listen You just been my night See everybody knows this shit Why? Why come? How come? Let me tell you somethin' Now, all of a sudden Beyonce You know Taylor Swift What's that one boy's name? Play the guitar They think he can play He ain't sayin' he can't play I'm just sayin' he ain't the only Mom fucker That can play What's the name? John Mayer If you started lookin' now All these niggas got a country Got a country record Country album Now here's the deal This is it How come See listen to that And since I've been data Listen Let me just tell you somethin' Let me tell you somethin' right now Let me tell you somethin' right now They broke my goddamn Man 10 off my mother fuckin' truck You understand? Broke Broke my shit So, now I don't hear nut butt country And every time I turn Push the little radio buttons And be tryin' to listen to some It's country I'm like what the hell This is country music All day long And it be soundin' like Orange be hip hop And the original Are soul blues It all sound like Nigga music Why is that? Why is Beyonce got a country album? Why I keep seein' all these New black country dudes Not like Charlie Pride Ain't talkin' about this nigga here I'm talkin' about real life Nigga's been doin' country music for years Why I like this shit right here Playing in the back so much So that's something I've been playing D. Jason I'm food That's my shit Playin' playin' playin' I know it ain't All that labor you should probably That's my shit right there Not under nuts See, why is it that? See, that shit listen to it That's not like some our killing type shit right? Hmm See, this is what I don't understand But I do Okay, now if you go to all these other Different types of music You go over there where I see eyes born And their men stay Got the devil horns Doin' all the signs And all that demonic shit Then you go over there They got the rap And then the first nigga had Six, six, six on the back of his head Was motherfuckin' Busta fuckin' rhymes Way back when he was in that group Leaders out of New School On some video and shit That's when the shit started Nigga, this music shit Listen, let me tell you something You motherfuckers wanna know what's what I'm finna hear Listen, check this shit out You really wanna (laughing) You really want your mind blown Listen, pay attention You've seen this, uh, uh What's that shit called? (laughing) Hit 'em with a DJ sign Feel why don't ya? Yeah, remember this right here? Sparkled in your eyes We have something for you children Open up all of your souls And dump them out on the table Cause we're about To sign you all up For the good ship lollipop Pay attention, people It was one night back And I don't know what year this was right here You hear this shit right here? You remember this shit? Listen, who is that? As Lionel Richie? Who is that? Singin' on top of him? Who is this? Hear that? Who is that? All these motherfuckers Singin' on this shit They all became big ass All at the same time Everybody won goddamn Grammys Fuckin' Everybody on that shit had a Grammy How can everybody be good? How can everybody be Outstanding at the same time Bruce? Madonna? All the greats Everybody that you can ever think of That's making money dead, nigga People making money dead Some of them dead They make it more money dead Than they are when they lose a lie Let me tell you something They all sold their souls That night them bastards did I'm for real Check out anybody on the list If they ain't still tab dancing Then jumping up and down like a goddamn monkey For them? Cause some of them got to be 83,000 years old They still tab dancing Motherfucker got to be tight Singin' them same old shit So in this music thing They playing a gang baby In this new country music It's about to be the new forefront Of this shit Cause they ain't got them all the way to Monica It's stay turned And I think that's gon' just about do it And we gon' that We gon' sew everything up Can y'all think of any other music they ain't hit? Yeah, everything else is already taken care of It started with the classical And em niggas was already demonic You know from which they came They just eat emites Gentlyans Ooh, get this shit off this I put It's puttin' a heartin' on my ears Baby, when I tell you that I'm not makin' Thank you boy, boy shit That shit right there Yes, you got to think about it A whole group of people Decided to come out and sell their souls And have a great big old ritual and shit Remember they put prints ass and jail That night he didn't want to go in This nigga didn't want to go in They put em in jail Y'all got to pay attention to what's goin' on Roundabout this bitch Now the shit is so far-fetched They let a nigga put one album out Sell his soul and the motherfuckers You dead the next weekend We can just keep makin' millions Off of that one trap Oh, Superman this whole Be careful So you got to understand Devil, Beyonce, country music Taylor Swift, everybody It's comin' for the country music It's gonna get that Mexican music next They rapping just like us And they probably already got them Motherfuckers now They already look demonic On they fuckin' Sinkos, Sinkos [Laughing] You didn't even turn Aw, but ass nigga Big titty bitches Flippin' around and shit On fuckin' TV with some bullish shit You understand? Listen to me I ain't playin' I'm tryin' to tell you, baby This shit is really rockin' and rollin' And if you didn't know Now you know And you heard about it On the daring great suckers parade Man, gottin' nothing else to tell you But the fact's the truth And the fact of the bad of yours In the last days it said That the beast will cause you to worship And he say it's gonna make you It said cause you Everything you see is a trick Everything every movie you watch That's why you gotta be covered in the blood That's why you gotta take your communion And you can't just have no little cracker And you gotta break it Break it, break it You gotta take that one You gotta drink it Not cool-aid Not a little packets and shit Not some ritual You gotta do this shit For you to your house And I ain't your head with the oil Don't laugh that shit on And say just I know that your head Cover your doors With descriptions you're supposed to Ezekiel And dude around me You know what scripts are supposed to be up there? You're supposed to know How come you don't know? Matter of fact when I was talking to the people At the cleaning lady's place They knew all this type of stuff That y'all don't even know And see that's what shocks me Every time I run into somebody I said "Hey Hebrew?" I was like "Yeah they said I'm a Hebrew too" And I would like to see that Shalom brother didn't it Next thing you know from now And it's Shalom's And you see what Cause we out there And you got to share And you got to be willing To share it And you got to open up this knowledge And you got to share with everybody When you walk up on people You got to be willing And say "Hey let me tell you something I need to feed some sheep" I need to tell you about the Mosai That's what it's all about And if you ain't telling people About the Mosai Somebody want "Hey let me" For who keeps the fuck? None of this other shit is important You want to save Yo so It says wherever the head house is saved Everybody in the house is saved Now if you ain't saved Up in the third of the head The house is saved And it's fucking in it All that shit up in there is in vain Are you getting what I'm saying? We got... I'm telling you This thing is not a joke It's not to be played with It's not a game You got so many signs You got everything going to go look up it Go look up the 12 tribes of Israel They ain't gonna look up the Edomites On they list And it says nation against nation And see who's fighting They fighting with each other They have what they're doing The thug dizzle I don't love them Everybody say How they gonna line up And all this seal Is over here in the line The Judas And this is Man let me tell y'all something This thing about to be A creepy scary monster And a little bit For some of y'all All I can do is Be joys You understand I tell you this all the time But people don't be paying attention This is a new day Baby don't be scared of the dark Baby it's the return of the bump squad Baby ain't gonna wear by How these people be acting You ain't gonna wear by What they thinking about People talking about I'm moving over here by I know the liquor This right here Is the owls of the sea Go look at it Go look up your history This is called the owls of the sea That's what this is All this over here belonging to you All the elephants and giraffes And all that shit came from over here That's why it's all in the zoos They got more in these zoos And they do over there in Africa The giraffes and shit That's cause they locked them all up And in the Jewish A type of Jew people Shipped them all over there It's record They say You give us some niggas We'll get y'all some animals It's in there They said they shipped all that big shit Over there Don't get mad at me Cause I can read niggas I'm just saying Sometimes you gotta go check the facts Baby And trust me Be aware of your ears When it comes to this country music It's gonna start to sound so good Remember they teased you with that Nelly track? Ooooh And I'm gonna teach you with this Because I'm finna play one of them Ones I like Praise the most I gotta baby Ain't not a good one I could play some gospel music right now Make you feel out tingling and tingling and shit But it ain't really real It's just an emotion baby It ain't the Ruach It's an emotion Kick that song off I like that country one Shouts out to all This is my track, baby See that I've spelt to the ride Talk-a-doo-doo I'm so cold and lost It doesn't seem to rain true I couldn't bear the cross For everything I've been through And each day I knew I needed a change But there was no way No way Then God whispered your name And that's when everything changed I love came out of the way I talked about being saved Suddenly I won't live More than I ever did I'm never gonna be the same When God whispered your name I can see the sunshine For the first time in a while The girl it's like I've been baptized And by the warmth of your smile We'll call it fade to fade We'll call it crazy In the way It's amazing All amazing grace Oh when God whispered your name And that's when everything changed I love came out of the way I talked about being saved Suddenly I won't live More than I ever did I'm never gonna be the same When God whispered your name It's just what I needed to hear, babe It couldn't be more loud and clear Oh when God whispered your name And that's when everything changed I love came out of the way I talk about being saved Suddenly I won't live More than I ever did I'm never gonna be the same When God whispered your name Oh yeah Oh yeah I can see the sunshine Sound through your pretty eyes, baby Like a man who needs to stop feeling real Got my hands open Got my hands up to the sky Don't say you thank you [Music] See, that's how much I like it, I play DJ Sunfield, that's right, played a whole [Music] Oh I love that song right there Y'all get mad if you want to They got some country funk out there boy Why are you so loud there? I don't know, DJ Sunfield, he wanted to do what's the car What's that shit called? DJ Sunfield [Music] Why you mad? Calm down Boy [Music] Hey man, he wanted to do Man, I understand, dude, you get to do it next time Nick, I ain't been talking in a minute Nick, my mouth wanted to run wild Nick, you know how Nick is Ain't been on here in a minute My people want to hear from me Don't get a jealous nigga, this ain't about you It ain't about your DJ Sunfield scratch Nick, you don't get to scratch when it's rich What? I'm just playing [Music] I'll just be playing with DJ Sunfield He'll be getting all the emotional Tied up Ain't no listening to him on the scratch He should've said something, it's too late now We've got to get up out of here The only reason I came back on here I was gonna throw a double I was gonna be like DJ Sunfield Hit him with a double whammy I was gonna say, give me it When I say I was gonna tell him what to do I don't like to, you know, push my own button [Music] Pat myself on the back like I just did That was a simulation of what I was saying I don't just know I'm just walking around doing that, I'm saying [Music] But he do DJ Sunfield is an intricate part of this operation of the Darren Gray circus parade He makes sure all the people do what they're supposed to do I'm serious, I'm serious as the dude does more than Y'all don't even understand man, praise the most high forward Thank you DJ Sunfield, without you we could do no wrong [Music] Did you hear what I said? Nevertheless, I digress Listen people, go get baptized in the name of a high age You sure how much you rock, hook or dash? That's what for giving a safe sense And then you're the forefathers go all the way down in the water Listen, do it It's the most important thing to do for your life Repent, I know it's hard But it's easy, it's hard and easy at the same time Cause all you gotta do is take one step Two steps coming right back at you Maybe like playing hopscotch with the right rocks You understand what I'm saying? Do this thing man, it'll be for you People, for your people, for your people For your people, for your people Especially if you wanna take your rightful place upon the throne You gotta be able to, you wanna step up your game You wanna come up out here in the front with the rest of us I'm telling you what you need to do baby Cause that's for me and my family At least they're the most I got of Abraham I just can take up a higher yaw Got of Abraham I just can take up Yaw, higher, yaw way We give reverence to the rock, hook or dash And to the shoe on her machine You keep the law statutes in command It's all ten of them, keep the Sabbath Friday when the sun goes down To Saturday when the sun goes down Damn what everybody else doing Do you, do what he told you to do If you don't love him, if you don't keep his law he said He said, well I came to fulfill the all them people Practice some religion telling you that bullshit You better go read it for yourself Lawless ones, that's what he calls you Do all the church and you wanna do Keep the law statutes in command I'm finna get up outta here I'd like for there to be joy and happiness in my camp Hey! Bet you ain't heard this one in a long time Shouts out to your piece DJ Seinfeld to me we bout to go Praise the most higher, higher Got of Abraham I just can't take up a shoe on her machine's name Hallelujah to him, be all the glory We thank you for listening Kaka doodle doodle It might seem crazy what I'm about to say Sometimes she's here you can take a break From a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air that I don't care baby by the way Huh, because I'm happy Clap along and give you feel like a room without a roof Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you know what happiness is for you Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Here come bad news talking this and that Well give me all you got and don't hold it back Well I should probably warn you I'll be just fine No offense to you don't waste your time Here's why, because I'm happy Clap along and give you feel like a room without a roof Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like a room without a roof Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like a room without a roof Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like a room without a roof Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do Clap along and give you feel like a room without a roof Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along and give you feel like that's what you wanna do [BLANK_AUDIO]