The Narrative Podcast

Episode 339- The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement and positive self images about original people and original culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

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1h 49m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

5280 Exterior's James Hardy sighting is a low-maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free, rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole-house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit 5280exterior' 5280exterior', a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exterior's, the altitude of quality. Thank you. [Music] [Music] [Music] You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen, the narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to another edition of the narrative podcast. The narrative podcast is the home of original people, original people peace, original people reciprocity, and original people positivity and I am your host Halsey Allen. Welcome to the narrative podcast, welcome all my narrators. First and foremost, apologies for no upload over the weekend, so as we all know, the weekend was 4th of July weekend, and I just couldn't do a upload because of the 4th of July festivities. It was just too loud, fireworks going off all night, people screaming at the top of their minds. It was just an audio platform, you guys wouldn't hurt it on your end because I got my headphones in and all you would have heard is just my voice speaking, you wouldn't hurt all that. But I did, I had my windows closed, I heard all the fireworks in the yelling and it was distracting, really distracting towards me when I was trying to, you know, do my content. So I'm like, I'm super good or I'm doing it from my crib, I don't got no soundproofing. So yeah, my crib is just random locations from time to time when I feel like not doing hearing. But anyway, for the most part, that's why I didn't do a weekend upload of the narrative podcast, it was just too noisy for me. So that's what I didn't contemplate when I said join me this weekend for a full episode of the narrative podcast, I very well could do my weekend format this evening, but you know, I'm going to try to keep my integrity and stick to my format and just do the weekday edition and scrap my weekend notes and give you guys some fresh material and try really hard to give you a full weekend episode of the narrative podcast and follow my platform. You know, I have two different format styles, a weekday format style and then a week in format style. So I'm going to just continue with the weekday format style this evening and this is a first, this is my first actual Monday doing a weekday upload of the narrative podcast. So yeah, me, but anyway, I got some good content this evening for you and I'm going to try to be as brief as possible. But yeah, and for those unfamiliar with my platform, those newly tuning into the narrative podcast, before I dive into the content, I usually give you guys a brief overview before diving into the content to familiar familiarize you with me in my platform, my mission statement, why I'm doing it and the way I be presenting the material before I present it to you. So that's how I usually do it. So here we go, diving into the weekday episode of the narrative podcast. I'm going to give you a brief overview and then diving on into the content. So here we go with the brief overview. So here we go with the brief overview of the narrative podcast, starting at the top tip be the name, the narrative podcast and name my podcast, the narrative podcast, because I don't like the false narrative that the media we use about original people and original people culture, I get to the original people part a little bit later on in the segment before diving into the content, but you know, that's primarily why I'm doing this podcast to counter how the media inaccurately depicts our images in our likenesses and the way we're captured in the media. So I want to create a platform where I'm uplifting and edifying our people and correcting these inaccurate portrayals of us by the media by providing the listening audience with positive frames of reference about our people and our culture to counter the media's inaccurate frames of reference that they provide everyone else about our people and our culture. So that's why I'm doing the narrative podcast. So hence the name, I'm changing the narrative with positive frames of reference about our people and our coaching, which I think is a perfect segue to my tagline. The narrative podcast changing the narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture. How do I destroy the negative stereotypes about our people and our culture by providing the listening audience with positive frames of reference about our people and our culture? So that's entirely what the narrative podcast is all about. I provide positive frames of reference about our people and our culture and bring awareness to the listening audience for why it's so important to do so and try to inspire the listening audience to do what I'm doing responsibly utilizing their platforms to provide positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. So that's entirely what the narrative podcast is all about. First thing you need to know about my podcast, I refer to my listening audience as my narrators and the reason why I refer to my listening audience as my narrators is because it's a nod to the era that we're living in. We're living the digital information age and we have information at the touch of our fingertips and that's how we communicate by telling or narrating our own stories. Every digital media platform, no matter what you're on, has some type of bio section. Something where you can give a brief, give your listening audience at this audio platform for your viewing audience, whoever's looking at your page, a brief overview of you as individual, your hobbies, your interests, your beliefs, your values, what type of content to expect by viewing your page or listening to your content, if it's an audio platform or if it's a visual like Facebook or Instagram or whatever you're on, there's some type of bio field where you can like present yourself to the world and usually, typically, when people do this, when they tell their own story to the rest of the world, they give the world the best representation of themselves as possible, you know, whatever you're, you know, whatever content you're uploading, you want the best possible version of yourself. You know, you want your content to reflect that. So, you know, whatever you're into, you know, you want the world to believe, you're living your best life, like nobody puts out, there's exceptions to the rules, but generally, everybody online, you know, they upload the best picture they have available of themselves when they're sharing pictures of themselves, when they're going out to restaurants, like I don't know what the little thing is, everybody nowadays take pictures of their food, you know, they want to get a good pick and then females, ladies, y'all notorious with it, use the filters because you want to give the world the best representation of you, you know, you want to use your filter, the filters, give yourself lines and contours and make you look slimmer than you really are, you want to, you know, give your face contours and lines and make the world think, you know, your complexion is clearer than what it really is, but, you know, you want to give the world the best representation of you in your life and, you know, whatever it is you're into, you know, that's what everybody does online, can be whatever you want online, so everybody tries to be the best version of, you know, whatever lifestyle they're trying to convey online, like nobody intentionally shows the worst version of themselves, I mean, it's exception to everybody, there's a few miserable people online, you know, I'm sick, pray for me, I'm in the hospital, y'all pray for me, I'm about to go to the dentist and get my tooth poured out, pray for me, there's people online like that, you know, they want the attention and they want the sympathy, but outside of that everybody tries to, you know, show themselves from the, you know, most positive perspective as possible, you know, they got the brand new outfit, you know, they're at the gym working out, they're doing something exciting like skydiving or, you know, as the hip-hop flame that says they might be capping, you know, 50 to 80 exteriors James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels woodborne insects and woodpeckers, through the month of July you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting, that's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free, but only for the month of July, call today for more details or visit 5280, 5280, a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 exteriors, the altitude of quality. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. and it's free, live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and more, enjoy a spirits competition, kid zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono, admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono, go to the city of for more information. No, I'm going, I'm hooping, you know, they have the basketball court for the gym in the court at the gym and they got the, you know, they got the shorts on and they gear on the basketball gear and might not actually be hooping, they might just be sitting on the bench but you know, they're supposed to pick, I'm hooping the day. The point being people try to put out the best version of themselves and that's why I call my target listening audience, my narrators, to tell or narrate our stories from the best possible perspective that we possibly can and what is the best possible perspective that we can tell or narrate our own stories. From the true perspective, who we truly are as a people and who are we truly as the people we're kings and queens, guys and goddesses of the universe, of the universe, excuse me. However, the way the media tries to portray us, we're thugs, we're all gangbangers, we're criminalistic, we're a moral, you know, we're lazy, we're unintelligent, we're violent. This is how, you know, the media portrays us. So when we're uploading content, we need to be uploading positive content, you know, us at our best, excelling and winning in life, doing something for our community, doing something for ourselves. This is why I call my target listening audience, my narrators and as a narrator, you know, that's kind of your job to, you know, change the narrative about how we're viewed, how we're perceived. It doesn't have to be, you know, you don't have to be uploading stories about celebrities, it could just be, you know, you can be uploading content, positive content about yourself, how you're doing in life. You know, if you're nine to five or you're accomplishments at work, you want to work on time every day, you got a job. You don't necessarily have to be in for a year of the month, you don't have to put out your business, oh, I just got to raise, but, you know, be doing something positive if you're nine to five or if you own your own business, hey, that's great. You know, I love to see those type of stories started off like this. Now I'm doing this. I love to see that transitional period for the entrepreneurs, see them one week, you know, got a picture of the storefront, week two, they're fixing it up, week three, grand opening, week four, you know, one month anniversary or week six, one month anniversary. You know what I mean, stuff like that, you know, doing things with our children, giving back to the community, helping each other, networking with each other, that's what we need to be conveying online, we don't need to be feeding into these negative stereotypes and other negative things that the media tries to stigmatize us with. So that's why I call my target listening audience, my narrators. Next order of business, this is a time sensitive platform. I try not to exceed one hour per broadcast and the reason why I do that, particularly do that is because, you know, this is an audio platform that's the first and foremost. So I got a, I'm a really difficult job keeping my listening audience attentive to keep you come when to come back and listen to my content. So like I can't, you know, I got to reel you in and I got to keep you here and keep you entertained and keep you informed. So what I can't be doing is I can't be going down rabbit holes and ranting. I have to have an actual point to everything I'm talking about. So that's why I try to keep it short, sweet to the point and, you know, keep my content, you know, fluid, keep it flowing nicely, transition from one point to another and try to alleviate redundancy and just make clear, concise points and then also try to make it entertaining for the listening audience of course and then also, you know, like I said, keep it short, sweet to the point, you know, so you don't have to clear your entire schedule to catch up on the episode of the narrative podcast that you might have missed from a previous week. So like you can like pick up, get, get with the uptake really quickly without, you know, being all day listening to the content. So that's why I try to keep it short and sweet to the point. Next point things, you know, about my podcast, this is a positive space. I don't engage in any negativity, any negativity, I don't stand gossiping. I try to really, you know, steer clear of it and advise my listening audience not to get drawn into the negative banter online between us and our community, the name calling, the bickering, you know, celebrity gossip, especially like me, myself personally, I never really got off on that, like, it's all right to be a fan of the celebrity, it's all right, you know, it's all right. I don't believe that you're, you know, being a sack writer or a D writer within, you know, just laying in our community to say, I like this celebrity, like, this is my favorite singer, this is my favorite rapper, it's my favorite actor or actress, you know, that's not, you know, weird to know about, you know, people that pick your interests. It is weird when you're, you know, to me, from my perspective, it's super weird when you want to know what they're doing in their personal life, you know, who they're dating and, you know, they're mating habits, their orientation and, and just things they do away from their respective profession, like what they're doing off the basketball court and off the football field, you know what I mean, that's just too much, like, you don't pay my, if it don't pay your bills, you can't give it, can't wear it, it's useless information. So like why, why fan the flames, why fan the flames, when they're going through something negative, because that's the media's job is to bring them down anyway. So why even, you know, why, why help the media, um, do their job, why are you doing the media's job for them? Like, you know, that's their job to bring them down and, you know, try to dismantle everything that they built by, um, gossiping and slander, to me, that was, it's just never a turn on to me. Like, I don't, when somebody famous is going through something bad, I don't, you know, I don't have any use for that type of information. And I don't think we, as a people, should have any use for that type of information. So I really tried to, you know, steer people away from even being interested in any, um, now, however, this, you know, I stay away from negative gossip and negative slander and name calling and all that, but this is a place of truth. I don't sugar coat nothing. You know, I tell it like it is, um, if I do feel there's somebody in our community who has really good sense and they're intentionally playing up negative stereotypes and, uh, like rattling the cage just to get clicks and likes and views, I will cause that individual out on their antics because, you know, it makes our entire community look bad on their platform the way they're carrying and conducting themselves. I will say something outside of that, but generally, you know, I don't, um, mention the celebrity's name within our community. If I do with not to clout chase, it's not to, it's definitely not to say something negative about them. If I do cover current events, um, whether it's globally, whether it's locally or, um, you know, nationally, excuse me or something going on specifically within our community, I will say something in that respect, I will do it like a brief synopsis, an overview, um, you know, unpacking it from our perspective. And the reason why I do that is to, that's me trying to control the narrative as the media go out of its way to have us looking and sounding, you know, bad as they possibly can. So I try to break it down, you know, from our perspective, um, from the bigger picture perspective and the bigger picture that I always try to break it down from is like, yes, negative things happen within our community. We got our in-house issues, we got to work on, we do, you know, we do do bad stuff to each other. But the reason why we engage each other in that manner, how we look at each other in that manner, it all goes back to systemic programming and conditioning. Um, you know, we can't blame air quotes, the white man for everything. We can't, you know, blame our government for every bad thing that we do. We do need to take accountability, but like a good 80, 90%, uh, the negative things we do within our community to each other, far as like committing crimes, you know, against each other and treating each other, um, horribly and calling each other names. That's because we've been systemically programmed and conditioned to do so. Like they put stuff, subliminal messages in, uh, movies, television, advertisements, um, books, all forms of media, you know, negatively, uh, portraying our images and our light misses in a negative way. And it's just like it says something to our subconscious. And on a subconscious level, we kind of normalize it and, um, give it cadence to our culture and we act out on it. And it like almost like activate some type of fight or flight mechanism. You know, within us, you know, as they say, we become triggered by certain things. They created these little emotional triggers with their, um, systemic programming and condition. So when we 52 80 exteriors James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels woodborne insects and woodpeckers through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free, but only for the month of July, call today for more details or visit 52 80 52 80, a James Hardy preferred contractor 52 80 exteriors, the altitude of quality. The Dacono music and spirits festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. and it's free live music from the war and treaty. This Daniels and the Kings is Callie and more, enjoy a spirits competition, kids zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dacono admission and parking are free. The Dacono music and spirits festival brought to you by Brecken rich brewery and City of Dacono. Go to the city of for more information act out on them. They try to act all surprised and look at these people, but they're the ones that did so that's you know, as an end result of their systemic programming and conditioning, that's how I try to frame it up from the bigger picture perspective. When I do mention famous people, it's only really to, you know, submit and solidify that point, never from, you know, trying to clout chase or insert my name into the conversation, the hot button issue, whatever is, you know, trending at the time or whatever. So this, that's that, um, time sensitivity, negative to the guy. One more thing I want, I kind of, you know, I want to just briefly touch on a sub point that I want to tack on about the media, why they do that, why they are so hell-bent in trying to destroy, trying to distort our images and our likenesses. It's, you know, why is that agenda so prevalent in media culture, why are they so, oh, so obsessed with trying to, you know, make us look like lower forms of life? So you know, first reason they do it is for money to turn, to garner a profit from monetary gain, because all negative things, sales, sex, sales, violence, sales, you know, that's just, you know, it's a proven fact, like all through life, that's, like if you go back and look at almost, all advertising campaigns is centered around something degenerate, something sexual, something violent, something like, you know, socially like tacky, you know, something low-brow and something tacky, like all the famous advertising agencies in the world use that tacky. But outside of that, besides a generate money, the media is ran by the powers that be and who are the powers that be, powers that be are elite society, aka wealthy, white people. They pretty much run the world and their agenda is to be the best. They want to be the face of sophistication, they want to be the face of high class, you know, high society, they want to be the face of financial wealth, capitalism, you know, they want to project that image, they surround themselves with status symbols so that they can submit that image that they're the best, they have the best air quotes that life has to offer, you know, they have the biggest houses, they have the largest properties and, you know, they can travel anywhere around the world, they get exclusive treatment, you know, they can like go and buy up a mall and just be only them, they can set them all down for the day, you know, stuff like that elite, elite stuff, like, you know, the inner circle, just us clubs, like only us, you have to be earning this type of money to live this type of lifestyle. So and to facilitate that point, what they tend to do is they vilify everybody, they make everybody who don't, you know, fall into their, you know, elite circle if they're not making an upward to five or six figures or better and whites, you know, they can't be in the elite club, they can't be in the justice club, you know, they're commoners, you know, if they don't have these status symbols of the elite class, the house, the car, the jury, the, you know, the exclusive, the private chefs in the, in all this other stuff you really don't need to enjoy life, you can't take with you when you leave up out of here. So don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shame anybody in our community that does have those means, they can do that, it does have a private shift, it does have a, you know, private masseuse and can't afford air quotes to find their things in life, I'm not shaming y'all, I'm just saying, you know, that's their way of life, that's their way of thinking, we're a natural people, you know, we don't need those things to be happy in life and, you know, that's why they spend so much time trying to vilify us, because they're so envious of us that we don't need all those things to be important. I mean, they do it to everybody, they vilify everybody, they try to make everybody look like low class and degenerate, if they don't, you know, believe in their philosophy of life, you know, they don't subscribe to the elite programming, you know, this life in excess, this mass consumerism lifestyle, just spending money just because you got it, you know, and then, fun fact, they actually don't use this green paper money to obtain their status symbols, they use like credit, they use insurance with living benefits, trust funds, hedge funds, they invest, if they do have like these opulent things, they figure out a way to flip it and make their, you know, cars and mansion and properties they own, make money for them, like, you know what I mean? They really don't use cash at all, like, that's the gotcha gotcha part and the other gotcha gotcha, they get our community real good, it's because they'll let us come around, they'll let us come to our, their parties and, you know, be up underneath them and expose them to their lifestyle, but the gotcha gotcha is no matter how much money that we make, that we generate will never be elite class because we're not white, so we can never be elite, so they keep on tricking people within our community to think they're elite class because they go to these little gala's and functions and be around all these people on their yachts, you never be in a lee class, to them you're nothing but the n word hard are, that's all you ever beat it in, and white people, other white people too, like, if you wasn't born into wealth, if you're not like a fourth or fifth generation of wealthy white person, you're a white n word hard are, you're Asian n word hard are, you're Italian n word hard are, you know what I mean? But yeah, that's, you know, their agenda, but that's why they spend so much time trying to single our people out and why they use the media to vilify us in everything we do and try to make us look like lower forms of life, next order of business, what I tend to do is I call my, oh wait, I kind of skip something, so, and way we can kind of disrupt this little circle, or yeah, I kind of skip something so, you know, that's why they spend so much time vilifying our people, why they despise us so much, another reason why is because our people were so influential and impactful, we influence and impact the whole rest of the world, everybody, everybody not mean everybody, tries to emulate us to some capacity, they look at us for example, you know, they try to dress like us, talk like us, act like us, you know, they're just everybody's infatuated with us, and what we represent to the elite class is the fall of their empire, because we don't need all those status symbols to, you know, be happy, and they're afraid that with our, how influential we are, we're going to wake the rest of the world up to march into the beat of our John, they're not one on one to, you know, subscribe to this consumerist lifestyle, let's life in excess, just buying stuff just because you got money, you know, that's what makes them important because they can buy the air quotes the best life got to offer, so if nobody else buys the air quotes best life to offer, then how are they important if people stop doing that, they're not important no more, and that's, you know, one of the reasons why they hate us so much, another reason is their natural historians, they study history, they're aware of their history and how they came to be, how they acquired their financial wealth, and how they acquired their systemic power, and they're also they're aware of our history, our rich history, how we came to be, how we exist, and they know from their studies, from them studying history, if there never was us, if we never existed, then that would never exist, so we pretty much, they owe everything to our existence, and you know, that's why they built all these systems, because they were so jealous of us, they would, they feared us so much back then, you know, because they couldn't be like us, but their biggest, biggest fear, this is the one that keeps them up at night, got them tossing and turning in the bed, this one, they're scared, their biggest fear is, that our people would get together. 5280 exteriors James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels woodborne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting, that's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free, but only for the month of July, call today for more details or visit,, a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 exteriors, the altitude of quality. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. and it's free, live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and Moore, enjoy a spirits competition, kids zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono, admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. The City of for more information. Unified and reclaimed, everything that they took and are currently taking from us, and that we would do to them, the same thing that they've done and are currently doing to us. That's the biggest fear that we would just usurp their power and then they would just be mere commoners. But we would never want to usurp their power. All we want is just to be left alone. That's what they don't get, that's what they don't understand. That's my last thing I wanted to point out about the lead class, but excuse me, part of them, but what I also want to point out about the media before I go into my last and final point that you need to know about the narrative podcast is like, although they're ran by some people with a wicked, horrible agenda, another way we as a people can change the narrative is just be, you know, true business people, because even though they're ran by people with a wicked, horrible agenda, at the end of the day is business and the first rule of business is supply and demand. Now, the media has created, you know, a trillion dollar a year business into selling the rest of the world degeneracy and they have made our people, the original people, the fakes of degeneracy, but how we can change the narrative is by unsubscribing to the notion of degeneracy, meaning like if we post positive content, you know, that need for degeneracy will decline, you know, if we as a community come together say, hey, we don't want to be portrayed like this, we don't want to be portrayed as violent and lazy and stupid, we want fathers in the homes united, we want black love, we want, you know, the women in demand together raising our kids, we don't want to be, you know, lazy, we don't want to have our guys with our pants sagging down to the kneecaps and gang banging and selling transerers and, you know, participating in weapon violence, gun violence and, you know, all that drug user and drug dealer culture, it is stopped. And on the women's side, you know, we don't want to be represented as, you know, hoochie mama, ghetto chick, you know, either leaving out the house butt naked or leaving out the house, you know, in pajamas and, uh, uh, what do they call them, Bonnie shower cap thingy, having the attitude, the angry black woman stereotype, we don't want to be portrayed like that, we don't want to be portrayed as thoughts and whores, they're stopped, they're stopped providing the market for that, we'll stop seeing that, because it's just business, it's supply and demand as long as we consume it, they'll keep on creating the product of degeneracy, if we stop consuming it, they're stopped creating it, simple and plain. I mean, I make it sound easier than how it really is, but, you know, supply and demand is the point I was trying to get across. So last thing about the narrative podcast before diving into the content this evening, on this platform, I refer to our people as original people, as opposed to black for two reasons, first and foremost, um, to denote the, um, you know, um, for the historical, uh, for the historical relevance, and then next, um, to unify us as a people, and what I mean by the historical relevance is, you know, first and foremost, we are the, in where and are the original people of this planet, you know, we would see a thousands of years before anybody, and being that we was without here, thousands of years before anybody, we lived in every single corner of the globe you can possibly think of, um, a sub point that I want to tack on to that, a false narrative that they keep on trying to perpetuate about our people is, you know, the importance of slavery. They keep on trying to get us to fixate on slavery, and most of the facts in history, that they, um, teach about slavery are wrong. They try to make slavery the most, um, important part of our history. And so while slavery did happen, you know, like I said, us being first, um, we didn't get to all these places on slave boats, we didn't get to everywhere on all these places on slave boats, spoiler alert, um, is going to be a speaking point later on in the segment, but, uh, we didn't get to all these places on slave boats. We was already individually located pretty much everywhere. There was a large concentration of us roaming around freely of our own free will from the original point of origin from all civilization, which is Africa, and, you know, it's debatable in the intellectual community, where Africa was originally located before the colonizers drew the map, and what was the name of Africa before the colonizers called it Africa. But um, we was indigenously located pretty much everywhere. There's seven continents who was on like all seven continents long before the slave trade. High concentrations of this everywhere, especially here in the Americas, while some of us did come from Africa, the majority of us, over half of us was already living here. So when they said, you know, the, um, pilgrims, they took the land from the Indians. We was the original Indians. Who was the original natives before they coined the term native Americans. We was already here. Um, you can go read, uh, Christopher Columbus's diary, you can go read Miles Stan, this is diary. They're referring to the original people of this land and their diaries, they called them black people that didn't call them red, they didn't say red people, they said black people, um, we existed in every Spanish speaking nation in the world to, um, all on the continent of Asia, UK, Britain, London, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Canada, the islands, every island you can think of Hawaii, who was in the Philippines already originally, said, uh, everywhere, everywhere and I mean everywhere, even North and South Pole was there. We had a whole history, a rich history, world history, long before the transatlantic slave trade, long before, uh, chattel slavery. But the next order of business, um, you know, before diving into the continent, of course, I referred to our people as original people as an attempt to unify us as one people, you know, as like I said, we held from, uh, many different land masses, um, we believe, uh, many different things, many different religions, political views, perspectives, um, but the one thing that we all have in common, we're original people, we are, you know, possess high concentrations of carbon, AKA, melanin, um, and we can all trace our lineage back to the original point of origin, which is, you know, Africa, now where was Africa? We can debate about that. Many people believe that Africa was here on this soil, you know, and there's a whole lot of evidence to support it. But many people, you know, believe Africa is where it's at now, you know, but wherever it was, you know, was or is, we were originally from there, but you know, our trace our lineage back to there. So that's everything I believe you should know about the narrative podcast, if I, um, lost or glazed over anything, um, more than 300 episodes in, you can go back and look at any of my previously reported episodes to, uh, bring yourself up to speed about, you know, my content and, you know, my presentation style and all that. But so now that you're all caught up without any further ado, we're going to dive into the content for this, uh, week day edition of the narrative podcast and do me one favorite download this episode and our previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast, where it reached podcast information from and now diving on into the content. So this is a week day edition of the narrative podcast and what I typically tend to do on my weekday episodes is, um, I stay true to my mission statement, which is, uh, to deliver positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. And the positive frames of reference that I deliver about our people and our culture come in the forms of news articles. And the reason why I share positive news articles is because like I said, it's in an effort to undo the programming systemic programming and conditioning by the media about our people and our culture, um, is to, you know, share positive, uh, frames of reference. You know, just show, share with the listening audience that positive things do have 52 80 exteriors, James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels woodborne insects and woodpeckers through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free, but only for the month of July call today for more details or visit 52 80 52 80 a James Hardy preferred contractor 52 80 exteriors the altitude of quality. The Dacono music and spirits festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. and it's free live music from the war and treaty. The Staniels and the Kings is Cali and more. Enjoy a spirits competition, kids zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dacono admission and parking are free. The Dacono music and spirits festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dacono. Go to the city of Dacono dot com for more information within our community. They want a program is in condition is into believing, you know, nothing positive every happens in our community, you know, other than violence, that's going to be back and forth the jail and the live in each other committing crimes against one another, fighting each other and you know, tearing, getting on social media, tearing each other down. You know, that's all they want. That's, you know, that's the only notion that they want us to subscribe to. Meanwhile, positive things are happening in our community. People are, you know, excelling, you know, academically, financially, we're engaging in philanthropy, we're engaging in community activism and community outreach, we're not just helping ourselves, we're helping, like, the entire world, you know, that's not what they're not getting. They just see us on television, acting the damn food like nobody attempted to try to raise us. Like, we're not here to do nothing but cause chaos and havoc and destruction. You know, that's how we get portrayed on television. That's how we get portrayed in the, on the local news. That's how we get portrayed in, in movies and television shows and on the radio and music, you know, advertisements depicting those images, those negative images and likenesses of it. So that's why I share positive news articles is to just, you know, and an attempt to break that cycle of, you know, us subscribing to the notion on a subconscious level that, you know, nothing positive happens in our community, you know, don't expect nothing positive, you know, just accept, accept it, you know, that's the hood, that's the ghetto, you know, that's all we ever going to be. So no, we're not. We do excellent things. We take care of one of them, one another and, you know, we do positive stuff. So that's what I'm sharing this evening, people within our community doing positive impactful things for our community. So, first article on this week, the edition of the narrative podcast, the headline reads, Carmen, I hope I'm pronouncing her last name correctly, Tapio, T-A-P-I-O, founder of the largest black owned business in Nebraska. And her name, the name of her business is called North End Teleservice. She founded it in 2015. She's been in the teleservice industry since the age of 18. She is in her fifties now. So you do the math for how many years she has of experience in the teleservice industry. And to find out more about her bio, simply go to and you will see all the services her business offers, as well as other people on her team, their bios as well, what the community outreach and philanthropy they do for our community. She hires her own, provides us digital media education for free, instructs people how to use digital media teleservices to launch their businesses or if they already have pre-existing businesses, how they can garner more sales for said business using her service or just teleservices in general. But yeah, like I said, go to her website, to learn more about her brand. And join me in giving this sister a warm narrative podcast round of applause, Carmen Tapio and North End teleservices. All right, next article, there is a little bit more information. This article was a little bit more detailed. The headline reads meet the founder of the first black owned brand approved by the National Exima Association. And the founder and CEO of this brand is one Miss Jocelyn Ferman. And the name of her brand is Kaya Mel K I Y A M E L. Jocelyn is Haitian American. She's from Haiti. She came to America on a scholarship in the late 70s, early 80s. She was influenced to start her business by her mother, her mother back in Haiti. You know, she was a street vendor. She sold a wide array of products, you know, how they do over there, like basically, you know, anywhere from like pastries to fresh fruits to juice to, you know, dresses and things of that nature. So basically, her mother was a vendor, a street vendor, and she picked that hustle up to know, you know, when I become an adult, I want to sell, you know, some type of product. So her story kind of reminds me of like, I'm kind of a movie buff, but you remember that movie, Baby Boy starring Tyrese. And there's that scene where his character, Jodi is talking to Omar X, character, Peanut, about like e-commerce. You know, there was on like, I forget what black in California that was on, I was looking at all the people selling stuff. And he was like, yeah, you're either a buyer or a seller. But essentially, that was her thought process when she went to the business for herself. She didn't want to be a consumer. She wanted to be a seller. So, you know, that's how Camille was born. She formed her business in 2019. And the business became operational, totally operational by 2021. So to find out more about her bio, simply go to If you have direct questions about the product, email her at info@camille or call her directly at 302-321-9139. Join me in giving this sister a warm mirror to podcast round of applause for her invention, Camille. And, you know, let's give it up for Miss Joyce Lynn Fermi. All right. The last article for this evening, the headline reads, "Black Own Animation Studio" secures 500,000 deal on Shark Tank with Kevin Hart and Mark Cuban. And the name of this animation studio is called "Black Sands Entertainment." And it's ran by a one Mr. Manuel Gazelle. And, yeah, pardon me. So it was by Manuel and Gazelle Goldoy. I was reading it as one person. But, yeah, but the secured $500,000 bag was Shark Tank. It was on Shark Tank. So Mark Cuban and Kevin Hart gave them basically their Kickstarter fund for the Black Sands Entertainment brand. So basically, it's like an anime studio and then they also sell comic books. And basically, you know, the characters are like ancient commit, but they teach, you know, black history facts. And, you know, of course, all kinds of cool powers and all that stuff. So if you're into that type of world, that's definitely for you. If you enjoy sci-fi, fantasy, animation, definitely go check it out for black to learn more about the company. And that's the last article I have for this weekday edition of the narrative podcast. So join me into giving Manuel and his partner, Gazelle, the warmest narrative podcast round of applause for black sands. Entertain me. So, all right. Well, in dive in, I got a couple of speaking points tonight for my current events, things, you know, trending currently in the news right now. And I already told you the reason why I do that is basically to control the narrative because the media go have us going out of their way to have us looking and sounding all types of crazy and just, you know, uninformed or just overreacting or whatever. But anyway, first article that I've kind of preserved me a little bit. So I don't know how many gamers out there heard of any gamers listening at night. I don't know. I won't know until I upload it. But so there's this popular game called Assassin's Creed. And there's a whole lot of controversy going around about a black character that they installed in its mythos. They're trying to say accusing the creators of the video game of cultural appropriation, because it's coming out, it's supposed to, it's not even out yet. So it's supposed to be coming out this November, of course, writing time for, you know, black Friday and all that. But on Assassin's Creed, I don't know the title of this installment of the video game, because I don't keep up with video games, all like that. I mean, I play them, but I'm not just like super into them. But anyway, this latest installment is supposed to come out like in November, and it's already a big backlash online, or simply because they're introducing a black character. And a black character is, of course, a samurai. So when you delve into the world of Assassin's Creed, you have playable characters hailing from different, you know, places of the world. You got a guy who is an ninja, essentially a ninja. He got like a ninja cow. He's from Ireland. You got another character who is essentially a ninja from the Middle East. But for some odd reason, this black character stirred up controversy, stirred up so much controversy that they're actually circulating an online petition to, you know, they're not going to buy any more Assassin's Creed. They're going to destroy all the, you know, Assassin Creed games they currently own and purchase with their own money and just really, they're in a big funk about it. And it's mostly coming from the Asian community. Now, taking a look into the character, the black character who was a samurai was based on an actual character that existed in feudal Japan in that era. And the samurai, the characters was based on a black samurai in the feudal Japan called Yusuke, or Yasuke, if I'm pronouncing it right, Y-A-S-U-K-E. And he was a personal bodyguard to the feudal lord of Japan, of that era, lord, oda no bunaga, B-N-O-B-U-N-A-G-A. But anyway, he was like the personal bodyguard. There's all kinds of pictures of him in history, you know, black hair, black African hair, but he had like the samurai, you know, bun, you know, had the armor and everything. But remember, when I gave us our little history lesson about, you know, the original man we existed everywhere, especially on the continent of Asia. That's why many circles that refer to our people as Asiatic. As a matter of fact, the martial arts came to Asia, Japan specifically, through an African, a guy from Africa, called Bodhi Hamero, and he bought over there the Matsu Arts that existed thousands of years, hundreds of years, before the martial arts, and the Matsu Arts was basically invented in like ancient Kemet, which is now Egypt, but it involved fighting with the staff. They did a whole lot of aerial summer salts, so he had to be agile and flexible, to do the Matsu Arts. And then also, they had a few offensive strikes in it as well. There's something like on the hieroglyphs back over in Egypt. So like basically, this is what the personal guard of the pharaohs, they knew how to do. In Kemet, which is in the Kushite Empire, not only that he bought, you know, enlightened me, Buddhism over there. Meditation. Not only that, they're brightest scholars, all the Asian philosophers, you know, Confucius, Ho Chi Minh, and a whole like host of the, you know, philosophers and feudal lords of Japan, they all studied over there, and I like, you know, a whole lot of Chinese philosophers and Japanese people, important Japanese of the royal family, they all went over to commit and study in the library, so they made trips back and forth to, you know, the northern region of Africa to gain knowledge, to learn as well as a whole lot of other people in civilization. Everybody in the Mediterranean, like ancient Greece, they went over there, you know, all them Plato, you know, Asop, if you read Asop's Fables, they ain't nothing but old African Proverbs. So like, everybody, you know, borrowed from our culture, especially on Asian culture, like, you know, they wouldn't have a culture if it wasn't for us, like, you know, pretty much if you do a split comparison and look at time periods, their greatest time periods, and then compared it to African culture, you will see, you know, you'll see the parallel, you'll see how close it mirrors, you know, African culture, and then the funny thing about it, history repeats itself, because now in Asian culture, you know, it's like a billion dollar business, a year business, for Asians, no matter what part of Asia, Korea, Japan, China, wherever, it's been in thousands and thousands of dollars trying to alter their hair to resemble our hairstyles, you know, how we're doing the coils and locks, you know, with the, in Asian culture, they're doing that, you know, the little, the lock brush, so they're trying to make their hair frizzy enough, fishermen and, like, all kinds of money on enhancements to make their hair frizzy enough, just the fellas, so that they can get coils and locks. Now, on the legs end of it, you know, they wear the box braids, the boxer braids, the micro braids, this is Asian women, the same Asian women, when they come over to America and open their little shops, they don't want to service sisters, they don't want them in the beauty supply shops, they kick them out and treat them back, they don't want, you know, when they go to get spy treatments in their beauty stocks, they don't want to give them to a proper treatment, they want to treat them all foul and talk to them all back, but then they turn them around trying to look like them, you know, and don't even get me started on hip-hop, you can go on TikTok right now, right now and see how many thousands upon thousands of Asian artists that are rhyming in what is called dubbed either drill wrapping or in the cadence of what we call mumble wrap, thousands TikTok right now, do it, and see all these Asians trying to rhyme like black people, and we don't say nothing, but they don't even want us to participate in a fictional game, this is a fictional game, but the character is based on the guy that actually really existed, he really existed, like he's in history for real, all the other characters are made up, but this guy is based on somebody that actually did, actually did protect the feudal lord of japan at that time, but then they want to have, you know, they want to, you know, sit up there and sign a petition to remove the character from the game, and that's crazy because like the biggest consumers of anime and cosplay and pretty much all Asian culture right now, guess, it's us, we're the biggest financial supporters of all things Asian right now, in America, nobody spends more money on it than us, but they don't want us to enjoy a character, and the game ain't even came out yet, accusing the creators of cultural appropriation, like let me tell y'all in that for something, you can't ever accuse the original of being a copy, we are the original beings of this planet, everything, and I mean everything came from us, you can trace everything back to us, everything came from us, we invented everything, every modern day invention, currently existing in the world today, you can go back and find the ancient version of it, when you dig into our past, I guarantee you, I guarantee you, especially here in the America in the so-called industrial revolution, we invented every single thing, the colonizers took it from us, that's why they invented the patent system, so they didn't have to credit the slaves with the invention, so they didn't have to pay the slaves for invent- 5280 exteriors James Hardy's sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels woodborne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting, that's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free, but only for the month of July, call today for more details or visit 5280, 5280, a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 exteriors, the altitude of quality. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park, Saturday, August 3rd, from 2 to 10 p.m., and it's free, live music from the Warren Treaty. Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and More, enjoy a spirits competition, Kid Zone and fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono, admission and parking are free, the Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to the city of for more information. I just don't get it why they hate it so much. They don't want us participating in their culture, they want to keep their culture, but they want to come and hear pop culture and be amongst us like they good enough to listen to the music and like in the sense some Asians are like worse than white people, they good enough to sit up there and listen to our music, come around us and enjoy our food, but they keep, they try to keep their secrets, they don't want us like involved in nothing. The tree is so bad over there, so I'm told I've never ever actually been over there but like well actually I've heard mixed reviews that some people with some of my friends that went over there they said oh they treat us like you know depending on what parts you go in like they treat us like guys over the year I don't know not all that well traveled but before the most part they really can't stand us a whole lot of them really can't stand us. Well that's all I got on that one and last order of business was kind of making a stink on the internet right now is Hulk Hogan. It's not really a shocker when I heard it because everybody knows about Hulk Hogan's blatant racism when uh his daughter I think her name is Blake, Blake Hogan I think that's her name something like that I forget Haley Blake I don't know but um he has said something like super duper racist back in the day when her daughter was dating a black dude you know what I said I don't know per bed and I can't do the direct quote but I think it was something along the lines of well if you're going to date an ugly n word hard or you can least can uh date a nice looking one you date in the ugly one you know what I mean that's what he said something like that I don't know and it's not shocking because you know Hulk Hogan kind of finessed us with the whole hocka hocka mania thing like this whole bunch of people be like yeah he's the biggest a-hole ever you know had everybody thinking my chill man was the a-hole but it was really Hulk Hogan yeah brother I'm trying to tell you about the Hulkster a whole time ago bigots he's so dull but um anyway you know he has you know a history of disrespecting our people disrespecting our culture but his latest win is like the insult to end all insult so there was a sister by the name of Essence uh John I think Essence Jean or Essence John Essence I'm gonna just call her Essence but uh hold on let me get her name right Essence Jean my bad I sometimes I cannot read my own handwriting associate but anyway the sister's name is Essence Jean she took the TikTok to um break the story um he had a beer brand and she he hired her to be the uh beer the ambassador of his uh beer brand the name's not really important because we're not promoting I guess it's called well I guess I gotta say the name of it so we can't so we can boycott it real American beer so she's just kind of like blindly uh putting application and the most likely how it was sounding the way the story broke I think it was a remote job so like they got a lot of remote jobs and um you know for stuff like that to be brand ambassadors and then they got some stuff called uh affiliate marketing so it sounded like an it sounded like an affiliate marketing type name and she was going to promote the brand on her page that's what it sounded like the way I'm reading the story and he caught wind of it caught wind as she was black and he didn't want her to promote his brand so we fired her on the spot after he found out she was black and like I said it's not a shocker coming from Hulk Hogan it's not a shocker coming from any of these fortune 500 companies to do that you know but fortunately in this case the sister got evidence she got proof because it's really really hard to you know get a lawyer to defend you uh to like file a uh failure to hire civil complaint against companies like it's really difficult to do that because most most states they got a civil agency what they'll do you file your complaint your civil complaint and they'll investigate it they'll leave it open for 180 days the file and you know to ask them a bunch of questions you know woo woo woo and they'll go back and forth you know you got to type up your allegation and all your you're supporting documents to the civil agency and the civil uh agents the uh investigator for the civil agency will go to the person that denies you you know whatever rights whether they uh won't hire you or if they fired you if you was working for them and they'll go ask them a bunch of questions and you know usually how they end is like um they usually you know their investigation they'll usually just um conclude that the employer wasn't in the wrong for not hiring you or or firing you and they'll give you the option if you want to take it to district court and get what is called the right to sue and you know you can have the right to sue and then that's the whole little process you know you have to do like um I think like they send you a letter you got to send our letter request to right to sue the uh company and then they um you know from there you can get you an attorney if you can find one and good luck we'll find an attorney in that scenario because most likely they'll be like they'll hit you with the "oh" um yeah it sounds like you got a case but our case load is too big we can't take your case but um fortunately for this young lady it happened on social media so there's no way she's not going to get some type of settlement out of this and like Hope just makes me want to just really burn my whole childhood because like I was super big in the pro wrestling I can't say I was a hoke of maniac but I did enjoy um watching him wrestle I did enjoy uh you know his special guest appearances on television shows especially like the 18 when he did that crossover episode with Mr. T like he's a real embarrassment we need to just rip him from the fabric of you know professional wrestling from the fabric of American culture because he's like you know self-proclaimed the real American hero like you still wear the uh you know the red white and blue and uh and just talking all that old you know positive bullshit and he's part of my language but he's just the biggest fraud in the world like he's a horrible person he does not deserve followers he don't deserve nothing like he's really a crumb bond he had us all food have us often this this dude is a piece of feces like don't make me call Booker T on you Hawk he's just a I'm coming for you nigga he had a little slip up a long time ago in the uh press if you know anything about professional wrestling so like Booker Booker T he had a little slip up called Hulk Hogan the N word but Hulk Hogan is a piece of he's a piece of shit for that like you will rather miss out she can probably like promote the crap out of that brand got the credentials to like take it to the next level but because she's a sister you don't want her promoting your brand like you don't even make sense like you don't like money everybody likes money so you would rather not have all those millions of dollars just because she's a sister you don't make sense bro well that's it and that's all for this edition week the edition of the narrative podcast join me again this weekend for a full episode of the narrative podcast I know I said that last weekend but I can almost guarantee you that I'm gonna be here this weekend for a full edition of the narrative podcast I'm gonna hit you a couple more times this week with a week day edition of the narrative podcast two as well I think I'm gonna do it two more times this week maybe three I don't know I'm gonna try three this week this weekend might be Saturday might be Sunday but definitely this weekend for a full episode of the narrative podcast and you know check me out all this week the best way to stay in contact with me the best way to keep up with the latest episode of the narrative podcast is to you know follow me on YouTube or follow me on X and the reason why you want to follow me on YouTube and X because this platform that I'm broadcasting on automatically uploads to YouTube and X is linked to you know back to you know this site this medium that I'm using to do this podcast and it's linked automatically to YouTube and X so like right when I'm done broadcasting it automatically uploads to YouTube and X and I'm harsey allen on both of them so I'm harsey allen on YouTube harsey allen eight actually on YouTube and then I'm harsey allen on X I stay good at harsey allen on X so download this episode in our previous new quarter of episodes of the narrative podcast and follow me on YouTube subscribe to my YouTube channel harsey allen click the notification button notification all for YouTube I don't have a YouTube channel school to be designed for my podcast that's my viewer channel but if you go into my videos which are all set to public none of them are on private you will see every last episode of the narrative podcast there that's the only thing I have uploaded to my channel um and then also on X and I would really prefer it if you follow me on X because when you click the link on X you will see where to download it at as well as the comment box and as well as the little heart shaped light button doing all those functions equal you know the algorithm clicks so download it is the downward arrow shaped button that's the download button and then also for uh click the heart shaped light button that'll do it for me and then please please please please if you can if you got the free time leave me a comment let me know what I'm doing right um you know give me some feedback let me know what I'm doing right let me know what I'm doing wrong what you want to hear more from me which you want to see more from you know just comment say you like it say you don't like it say something though in the comment section when you see the link and then of course also those little three little dots click the share button and share it back to your favorite platform as well that also does it for the other rhythm so all those things but the most important thing is the download click the download button as well is the heart shaped light button comment and share you know the narrative podcast on all across all platforms also you can purchase a book of poetry that I've written titled the black card the black card is available on is a medium for uh writers people didn't enjoy writing specifically poetry but all forms of writing essay short stories um novels even journal writing is welcome in that space if you you're you like the journal that's welcome there but what uh has is a feature which will allow you to turn whatever work you share on that uh platform into a book and you can arrange it any type of way you want to um you can even set your page to private and in that way nobody could like read your work and you can just put it in book form but basically uh you know you can transform your work into a book they have a virtual online bookstore and what you want to do to support me is go to uh poetizers's virtual bookstore and purchase the title of my book which is the black card the black card is a 30 page book of poetry that um captures the true essence of our people is basically like a us snapshot of our people um everything we experience both positive and negative everything that encompasses us as a people I got 30 poems that are reflective of our experience by our experience the black experience you know like every original person can relate to these poems and you know people outside of our culture can enjoy that poetry as well if they're you know open-minded and progressive and want to learn more about us you know you can definitely um purchase the book you know and read it and enjoy it as well um so go on over it right now to and visit their virtual online bookstore and purchase my book the black card purchase the black card today or get your black card revoked and remember it's written by me hossy out all right and then last thing I need you guys to support is my personal poetry blog it's on and the name of my personal poetry blog is called hossy's poetry corner and the site is www.misterhossy's the tag line for my uh blogs blog spot is hossy's poetry corner poetry with a passion poetry for all occasions and when you read one of my poems you will find out why you know I use that particular tag line to describe my poetry because they're so um versatile so dynamic um so relatable you can be from any walk of life and read one of the poems featuring on hossy's poetry corner and you know get something out of it now I do got a few that's um you know specifically for our community I got a few that's you know old's two people from our community I got like one you know for uh Reverend Dr. Martin King I know about one for uh for Malcolm X I got one um for Prince and Michael Jackson but um essentially you know for the most part it's just like and I got some uh poems on there you know reflective of you know police brutality and our our people's experience here in America how we're treated things we have to uh we're though we have to face them we have to deal with that on a daily basis but other than that you know they're totally relatable you're guaranteed to um get something out of them they're guaranteed to resonate with you if you read them so you can go and uh check out a poem on hossy's poetry corner and the address is www.MrHossy' and how you can um help me you know get the clicks or whatever the algorithm is you basically uh share either the link to hossy's poetry corner or a poem featured on hossy's poetry corner across all platforms like whatever platform that you're active on you know share either the link or a poem featured on that blog across whatever platform you're occupying so like whatever platform that you're the most active on you know share the link or a poem featured from that blog on whatever like facebook twitter tiktok whatever and i will say for the visual ones you might have to actual actually like shout out hossy's poetry corner shout out whatever little poem that you like that you read on there and like oh i like man go over to uh hossy's poetry corner and uh read well whatever whatever poem that you like you know you might have to endorse it like that on a visual one like youtube or tiktok but other than that just share the link or a poem featured on that blog site across all platforms and then also click the heart shaped like button and then also when you visit the site leave me a comment please please please leave me a comment it's basically like signing the autograph book when you leave a comment in the comment section you know let me know you liked the poem let me know what you didn't like about the poem and you know just talk to me in the comment section that's all so that's it and that's all this episode of uh the weekday episode of the narrative podcast is officially a rat join me later on this week for more all new episodes of the narrative podcast yeah that's it and that's all thank you taste families and you love light healing energy to everything that you're doing in life right now join me this weekend for a full episode of the narrative podcast and it'd be saturday or sunday i don't know but this weekend for sure and you know keep an ear out for me all for the rest of this week um download this episode and i previously reported episodes of the narrative podcast narrative podcast is officially out of here check check me out check y'all later um i'm halsey alan i'm changing the narrative one episode at the time i'm asking you to help me on my quest to change the narrative by becoming a narrator and while i'm changing the narrative on my hand when posted when uh episode at the time as a narrator you can help me change the narrative on your end one social media post at a time until next time halsey alan near the podcast signing off and it's right there so thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much you are now listening to the narrative podcast with halsey alan the narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time 5280 exteriors james hardy siding is a low maintenance siding made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels wood one insects and woodpeckers through the month of july you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house siding that's installing additional insulation behind your siding for free but only for the month of july call today for more details or visit 5280 exteriors dot com 5280 exteriors dot com a james hardy preferred contractor 5280 exteriors the altitude of quality