The Narrative Podcast

Episode 337 The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive self images and positive reinforcement about original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

Tune into the Narrative Podcast and become a Narrator.

Let's change the Narrative!

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Visit the virtual online bookstore on and purchase my original book of poetry "The Black Card." Purchase the Black Card today or get your black card revoked!

2h 27m
Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
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Welcome to the Narrative Podcast. So, already, this is going to be a super late one. This is a week in edition. A full edition of The Narrative Podcast. Like, I never specify what day, but it's looking like it's going to be a Sunday edition. Because it's like late Saturday that I'm recording right now. So, I meant to do a upload earlier in the evening. So, I meant to have it uploaded by five, six, but not even on live. I was chillaxing, I was binge-watching some stuff, and some time got away from me. But, you know, I'm trying to get back on track. That's what happens when you take a step away from me. You kind of like lose your regimen. But, um, yeah, so I'm slowly making my way back on these podcast streets. Take some time off. Connecting with family, having family business, you know. But other than that, still doing pretty good. It looks like my following is growing and people are checking me out. And, you know, getting a little buzzing around. But, um, anyway, welcome to the platform. Welcome to the narrative podcast, narrative podcast. Like I said, it's the home of original people. And, you know, my mission statement is basically to uplift and edify original people and original people culture. And when I say original people, I mean our people, the original people of this physical plane. Black people, Negro, African, American, whatever you want to, um, monitor. You want to refer to what says, but, you know, original people. So that's, you know, my mission statement for this podcast is just to, uh, you know, uplift and edify our people. And provide positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. Um, and I think that is a perfect segue to my podcast tagline, which is the narrative podcast. Changing the narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture. How do I destroy the negative stereotypes about our people and our culture by providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. Hence the name, the narrative podcast. So this is a weekend edition. Um, yesterday was the weekday edition, but didn't get uploaded till, you know, Saturday, earlier on this afternoon. So I had started recording late Friday evening, like, you know, I'm doing it late Saturday. So if this one be uploaded, probably, you know, on Sunday. Cause we're just half an hour from midnight where I'm at. So, but anyway, welcome to the platform one. Um, and what I tend to do, how I usually start this thing off before diving into the content. I give you a brief overview of the narrative podcast and everything you need to know about it. Um, before, um, listening to it or to make your listening experience better. So you're, uh, caught up with the, uh, platform and everything that it's about. So first off, let's start with the name top tippy. And then my podcast, the narrative podcast, cause I don't like the false narrative that the media we use about original people and original people culture. So I want to do to counter that is design a platform where, you know, I'm uplifting and edifying our people by providing positive frames of reference. About our people and our culture to counter the negative frames of reference. About our people and our culture that the media, um, circulates about this. So that that's the, uh, you know, primary function is to, um, stereotype us and, um, stigmatizes. So that's what I wanted to do. This is why I exist in this space is to, you know, remedy that. And, um, just remind people, our people and people outside of our culture who we are. And who are we, we are kings and queens, guys and goddesses at this universe. And don't you ever forget it. But, um, anyway, welcome to the narrative podcast. More things you should know about this podcast. Um, first of all, I call my listening audience, my narrators. And I call them my narrators because it's a, um, a reflective night to the times that we're living in. We're living in the digital media, um, age. And, you know, what we're doing online is basically telling or narrating. Our own life stories online. You can be whomever you want to be. Um, online people put out the, uh, best representation of themselves as possible. And that should be our goal as a people is to put out the best representation of ourselves as possible because the media, you know, they only supply people with negative frames of reference when it comes to our people and our culture. So all people outside of our culture can go off on if they've never been around us is just the, um, frames of reference. They're provided by the media, you know, the music. Um, the movies, the television, the literature, negatively depicting our images and our likenesses. So they don't know the real deal. They only know, you know, what they, you know, seeing movies, what they see on television. Uh, what they hear over the airways in music. Um, what they see in advertisements, you know, how we're depicting advertisements. And, you know, that's how they're programmed in condition to respond to react to this. That's the, you know, all the frames of reference that they're giving about our people and our culture are negative ones. So, you know, that's why I exist to, um, you know, bring awareness to why it's important to share positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. And, um, you know, encourage the listening audience to do the same as well. But I think I veered off putting 'cause I think and I'm still not, you know, covering my basis as to why I call my listening audience. My narrators, um, so, yeah, basically, um, you know, like I said, we live in a digital information age. Um, every digital media platform has a bio section, you know, where you give a, you know, a brief little synopsis. About your hobbies, your interests, your turn-ons or turn-offs. You're just, um, painting a vivid picture of yourself to the rest of the world and people go off, you know, judge you and interact with you based on the type of content that you're putting out online. You're telling or narrating your own story. And typically, most sane, rational people don't put out, you know, that woe is me energy, they don't put out negative things about themselves. They, you know, that many instances exaggerate about how well they're doing in life, how much money they have, how traveled and cultured and refined they are. But they're telling a positive story, you know, posting positive pictures, positive self-talk, you know, they're, you know, they got the most money, they live an extravagant lifestyle. They're doing well in life, whatever platform that they occupy. And, you know, over-exaggeration is just a lie. You're shitting a lie on social media, but then you're also shitting. You know, we putting out woe is me energy and negativity and pray for me and stuff like that. But, you know, what I'm basically saying is most people use, you know, social media to tell a positive story about themselves. And we are currently not telling positive stories about ourselves. We're telling negative stories about ourselves. It seems like online, we're embracing these negative stereotypes and stigmas that the media places over us. We're embracing gang-bang culture. We're embracing, you know, criminalistic culture, like committing crimes, drive-bys, breaking the energy, selling and using drugs. You know, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, pimp culture, whore culture, thought culture, like we're celebrating all these negative stereotypes. And stigmas that the media places over us by sharing stories that are reflective of those lifestyles. So you see, in essence, what we need to be doing is responsibly monitoring and utilizing our platforms to put out the best versions of ourselves. So we should be, you know, telling and/or narrating our own stories. Because if history doesn't touch anything as taught as this, if you do not tell your own story, you will have your story told for you. So basically, when I call my targeting, listening audience, my narrators, I'm basically saying, you know, we have the power to tell our own story. So that's what I'm doing on this space. I'm telling our story. One episode at a time, as a narrator, you can tell our story, you know, one social media post at a time. So I'm not here to be, you know, the social media police. You know, we're all growing the dots. You can post whatever content you're interested in. You can post whatever content, piece your interest, you know, whatever you're interested in, whatever is appealing to you. That's your business. It's your platform. You can post whatever you like. But just know that everything that you post, you know, people are watching that. People are watching that. People are judging you. People are judging us as a whole because of which the type of content that you're posting. The type of content that you're creating, if you have a visual platform like a YouTube channel or a TikTok. Or if you're like actually doing, you know, got a streaming service and you're actually like doing full-on productions. People are gauging us as a people based on your projects. If you're, you know, what I'm saying, even if you're like doing skits. Just be aware of that and just know that and try to put out the best possible, you know, version of yourself and everything you do on digital media. That's all I'm saying. So that's why I call my target listening audience, my narrators, some more misnumbers. You need to be aware about this, about my platform before I dive into the content this evening or this morning by the time it gets uploaded. It's a time sensitive platform. I try to utilize my time wisely. I try to keep it short and brief until the point. I try to make, I try not to exceed one hour per broadcast. Primary reason is it's an audio platform and I don't want to bore my listening audience to sleep. And I don't want to go down rabbit holes. I don't want it to be a glorified rant. I wanted to have sustenance to it and entertain and inform at the same time and basically. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over 100 social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group void, prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. I don't want to talk in circles and just, you know, not really having a speaking point. I don't want to just, you know, ramble and rant. I want it to be streamlined, easy to follow, digestible content that you can get something out of and apply until your everyday want. You know, coming is in goings and navigating through life. Basically, I want my content to be a tool and, you know, a reference to about, you know, our people and our culture. So that's why I try to keep it short and sweet. I don't want to beat your head over, beat you over the head with the message. I just want to deliver the message. The next order of business, the narrative podcast, is a positive platform. I don't engage in negative anything negative. I'm solely here to uplift and edify our people. Bring awareness to our plight and put out the correct frame of reference about our people and our culture and just keep everything, you know, super positive. Super positive is basically a safe space and alternative for people to partake in, to get a break from the garbage that's floating around online, the gossiping, the negativity, the name calling, just landering, you know, the messiness, you know. And just this is a place where I'm celebrating our accomplishments and, you know, promoting positive self-talk, positive images and all things positive as it concerns our people. Because, you know, like I said, the media constantly embarts us with negativity and when they do that, it's basically like psychological warfare. They're trying to, you know, for us, for our people, they're trying to, you know, introduce negativity to our psyches and then we'll, you know, act out on that programming on a subconscious level when we commit crimes and do negative things and, you know, act out these negative stereotypes that they place over it, such as being lazy, being overly aggressive, being angry or defined, being criminalistic, being a moral and, you know, that whole thing. So, and just overall, generally unpleasant to be around. So, you know, that's why I'm doing this and that's my takeaway. I want my listening audience to get from this content if nothing else, you know, is the positive frames of reference. You know, like I said, I don't engage supports or endorse gossip. Gossip is destroying our people. We should be uplifting and edifying each other at all times. I'm not saying we should be in total agreements with one another. At all times, we can disagree. We can civilly disagree, you know. We don't have to get along. It's like impossible to get along with everybody. That's humanly impossible to just like everybody you come in contact with. So, it should be no different within our culture. If you don't like somebody, stay away from them. But what you don't have to do is, you know, drag them all over social media. You know, be nasty to them on social media and all that. We don't have to do that. We don't have to do the name crawling. Just, you know, if you don't like somebody, just stay away from them and, you know, comment and, you know, let that be the reason. So, basically what I'm trying to do here is just basically, you know, be the voice of reason for our people and just, you know, try to straighten the mess out. So, that's why I don't do any gossip, slander. As a matter of fact, if I ever bring up a famous person's name, it's just to solidify my underlying point that I'm making about our people, which is, you know, the why. Yes, we have, you know, violence in our community. Yes, we have degeneracy in our community. Yes, we have our in-house issues that we need to work on as all communities do. But the difference between our community and every other person's community is, like, when we do something wrong, it's highly publicized, you know, anything. We have one little slit. It's all over the news. It's all over social media, whereas any other group, they do something wrong. People typically, depending on what community they held from, and the severity of what they did, they'll forget it within a week. You know, people will stop talking about it within a week. Whereas somebody from our community, you know, they milk it to, they literally milk it to the cows come home. They're right into the wheel of small log. You know, we can't live down bad moments. We're always being caught in ultra-rearform, and I don't want to be the space to, you know, contribute to that. But, um, yeah, that's, like, primarily, like I said, if I ever said a famous person's name, I'm not trying to get clicks and views and likes and all that. I'm simply just trying to unpack it, whatever happens to them, you know, in a way that, you know, we can tether it back, or, you know, trace it back to why that particular situation, that negative situation, that they were involved in happening. And why it usually happens at the core of it, when you dig through and sift through, you see, you know, the systemic programming and the conditioning. It's, like, almost, like, 80% of everything that happens, all the crime in our community, all the degeneracy, everything negative happens in our community. Like, almost, like, 90% of it goes back to systemic programming and conditioning, because we've been programmed and conditioned to act out that way, to behave that way, to interact and react to one another in that way. Yes, we're grown adults. We need to be held accountable for our own actions, but we can't just not acknowledge this systemic programming and conditioning. We can't never say that's not a factor when something fast. Every day when you log in to, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose French fries over loaded French fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at now. And live the Chumba Life. B.D.W. Group, no purchase necessary, fully prohibited by law, in terms of conditions, 18 plus. How happens in our community? Another thing you should know about this platform, I refer to our people as original people. I refer to our people as original people for a few reasons. One, that we were and are the original people of this planet. So I do it, you know, for historically, for a historical frame of reference, just to put it into perspective who we are as a people historically, and then also to unify our people. And I saw on the historical side of it, I just wanted to be known that everything we do is, you know, everything started from us. We was here thousands of years before every single person on the planet. Before anything was we were. We were here first, the original beings, the original man. And so when we say man, it's implied that we also mean one man too. But we were here first, and contrary to all unpopular belief, being the first people here, we didn't evolve from monkeys. We weren't, you know, dwelling in caves, grunting, dragging our knuckles on the floor. That wasn't us. From the beginning, we've been highly civilized, highly advanced beings, capable of highly intellectual feats. We pretty much built everything. We pretty much invented everything. We were in our the original beings of this planet, that's why I refer to our people as original people on the historical side of it. And having said that, I want to tack on this sub point as I do in awe, you know, my breakdowns of my podcast. Even here first means we inhabited the entire world, like everywhere. Every single all seven continents, the seven continents right. Being original, we was on every single last one of them. We didn't get to all them other places on slave boats, especially here in the Americas. That's a false narrative that keeps on getting perpetuated in history. While, you know, chattel slavery happened, like the Trans and lettuce slave trade did happen, it's exaggerated about how long it went on, parties involved, and pretty much everything surrounding it. But the biggest just slapping the face is how they tried to symbiotically attach slavery to our existence, like that was the most definitive moment of our existence, like that was the most pivotal part of our history. And really it was so minor and minuscule. Like I said, it was here first. We were kings and queens. We ruled empires. Yes, slavery did happen. It was unfortunate. It was disgusting. It was barbaric, barbaric. But, you know, that's not the major turning point. But, you know, that's not the most important part of our existence. But yet, they always try to throw that in our face. Yet they always try to say, you know, exaggerate about our role that we played in slavery. They want to tell lies. They even got, you know, black content creators naming black slavers. And, you know, I'm just like in my head where you guys are getting your information. That's not even the real story, you know. But I don't like arguing with people. So I let people believe what they want to believe. As far as our involvement in the slave trade, it was more like, it was more like, you know, we had indentured servants. So we had prisoners of war and indentured servants. And so, eventually, they got to go free at some point. We can just keep people, like, like, whole generations of people, like, breathing women and keeping the kids until they go get grown. And, you know, none of that went on. We didn't beat them up. Like, from sun up to sun down, it was just like, okay, we waste war on another tribe. Take some prisoners and, you know, they served their purpose. And then, after time period, they was allowed to go. But yet, in history, you know, we participated in the slave trade and we had slaves. Like, knock it off. As far as us in America, like, less than 60% of us came over here on slave boats. We were the original indigenous people of this land. We are the original natives of this land, not the people that own the casinos and live in our reservations. They're not, you know, their descendants aren't the real deal. They're not, you know, they aren't the real ones that were born here. Like, most of their descendants are $5 Indians. Yeah, white people were allowed to claim native American lineage at the turn of the century for five measly dollars. And so, like, all the people sitting on tribal councils, you know, most of them descend from white people. Like, you know, it's just facts on facts on facts upon facts that we were the original people of this land. You know, here in America, any Spanish-speaking nation who was already there to all throughout the continent of Asia, that's why many circles in our community, they refer to our people as Asiatic. All original indigenous people, like, were fairly dark skinned. You know, and that's just what it is, like. Being in lonely climbing Mount McKinley, so to entertain myself, I go to At ChumbaCasino, I can play hundreds of online casino-style games for free, like online slots, bingo, slingo, and more. Plus, I get a daily login bonus. It's just too bad that up here, I don't have anyone to share my excitement with. Anytime, anywhere, play for free now at There's no such thing as an Afro Latino. There's no such thing as an Afro Cuban or Afro, you know, whatever. There's no such thing as Afro Asians. Or blasions, they call them blasions. There's no such thing as that, like, the dark skinned people were just like the original people. You know, they already lived there. Anything lighter, complex, was due to colonization. But, yeah, that's why I refer to, I got a little long winded, but that's essentially why I refer to our people as original people. The reason why I refer to our people as original people is, you know, to unify us as a people. Because, like I said, being here first and being the original inhabitants of all these different land masses, you know, we're all scattered out, we all believe in different things, we all identify as different things. But the one thing we have in common, we were all here first. We all possess high concentrations of carbon, aka melanin, and we can all trace our lineage back to the original point of origin for civilization. Now, that point of origin is debatable, but, you know, we all hail from that. Probably one thing I skipped over about why the media is so hell-bent on, you know, making this, our people look as bad as possible. The media does this because they're ran by the powers of B. Who are the powers of the B? The powers of the B are upper society, elite society, aka wealthy, white people. And they use the media to cement their status in society. You know, they are extremely rich, extremely powerful, but, you know, their power is false power. They only feel important because of their financial wealth and financial wealth status symbols that they surround themselves with. And basically, they want to promote mass consumerism and promote life in excess. And equate true happiness and true abundance with, you know, being super rich. And they want the whole world to, you know, think that as well. And they want to have, you know, be in this exclusive little club where, you know, you have to be in their tax bracket and you have to be white. Like, they basically want to form their own little members-only club. And they want to keep the riffraff out. And who is the riffraff? The riffraff is anybody who isn't wealthy anymore. Aren't these six figures are better? And who is it white? They want to be the face of refinement, sophistication, intelligence, class, you know, decorum. Dignity, elegance. So to attain that, they use the media to essentially vilify everybody that doesn't fit the stat quo. And they do it to everybody. But they spend trillions of dollars picking on our people. And why do they have such disdain for our people? Why do they fear our people the most out of everybody? Because they're aware of their history and they're aware of our history. And they know in their heart of hearts that they could never exist if we never existed. Their soul existence was based on jealousy and fear of us. They were jealous about, you know, how we carried and conducted ourselves and how we just by nature had a natural air of confidence. You know, we were just naturally regal. We were just naturally omnipotent, like, you know, they were just, they despised us. They went, they were so fearful and jealous of us that, you know, they just started creating little systems and ways to, you know, build power and make themselves feel important. So, like, that's why they spend all these thousands of dollars targeting our people with the media, trying to vilify and tarnish our images. As like I said, they're natural historians, they're aware of our history, and they're aware of theirs. And what our presence symbolizes to them is the end of their existence because of our natural impactful nature. They got everybody, you know, finessed into believing you need an excessively large amount of money to be happy. And we're just, you know, we're just naturally charismatic, we're just naturally trending. It's like, you know, we're just naturally cool. Everybody emulates us, everybody tries to be like us, talk like us, walk like us, just like us. And, you know, and there's like only a handful of us that are super rich. So, you know, for them, the elite society, that would symbolize, you know, the end of their existence. Because once people put it together, they're like, hey, I don't need to, you know, surround myself with status symbols. I don't need to spend money just because I have money. They'll no longer be elites. They'll just be normal. So their power, we represent their power being usurped. Because everybody wants to follow our, you know, our example, how we live and conduct our lives. You know, that's our true nature as a people where the most, the beings that are most connected to nature. So we don't need a lot to be happy. We don't need a lot to be sufficient. So like outside of that, their greatest fear is about our people is, you know, will, you know, put aside our differences as a people. Because they keep us divided as the people with the media, but their biggest fear is we'll put aside our differences, unify, reclaim everything that they took and everything that they're currently taking from us. And do to them what they've done to us. And that's why they use the media to vilify our people, original people. And that's why I exist in this platform is to, you know, usurp that power by providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. But, you know, another way we can reclaim our power is by putting out positive frames of reference. You responsibly utilize on our platforms to put out positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. You know, it's not the NRB solution, but it is a solution. Because at the end of the day, the media is just a business. And the first rule of business is supply and demand. You know, they create content based on, you know, the demand of the people. And the media has, you know, shifted the demand for degeneracy onto our people. We used to be the most wholesome people in the world. But they use propaganda and, you know, media influence to, you know, put drugs on us, to put violence on us, to put degeneracy on us. But how we, you know, shake it off is by putting out positive content. Therefore, they want manufactured products to accommodate the things they think we want. They think we want to be represented, you know, our images and our likenesses based on, you know, what we're viewing online and what we're looking at online. They think we want to be represented as a gangbanger. They think they want us to be. They think we want to be represented as, you know, thieves and murderers and, you know, unsavory people on the male side of it. They think our women want to be, you know, represented as whores and prostitutes, or, you know, emotionally unstable or overly aggressive or angry all the time. But we can take the power back just simply by posting positive content, simply by posting, you know, us excelling and doing well in life and winning in life. And, you know, contributing to the human experience, doing something that will uplift and edify our communities and give back to the world. Essentially, like capturing our, you know, accomplishments and, you know, just speaking life over us instead of, you know, pointing out all the negative things we're doing all the time. So, you know, that's a way we can win. But I think you're good and informed about my content. And if I left anything out, you know, I'm nearly 400 episodes in, you're still kind of gray. You can connect the dots on your own. But without any further ado, I'm going to jump on into the content. So this is the weekend edition of the narrative podcast. And on the weekend edition, I haven't broken down into sections. Each section has a speaking point. And I definitely try to time each section. Excuse me, pardon me. But, um, yeah, so diving right on into the content with the first section of the narrative podcast on the weekend edition is the highlight section. And in this section, what I'm doing is I'm highlighting businesses owned and operated by original people. The reason why I'm highlighting businesses owned and operated by our people is because we don't have a lot of frames, positive frames of reference about us, you know, doing for ourselves and governing our own business. Um, the very few frames of reference about, you know, us being entrepreneurs are tainted by real scripted reality television shows. The producers of those shows often intentionally, um, catch us an ultra rare form for ratings. You know, they're always showing us fighting on camera. You know, behaving badly on camera over endoging drugs and alcohol on camera, for indicating on camera and just carrying on like nobody attempted to try to raise this. You know, the overall plot of these shows get drowned, drowned out by the producers, uh, greedy, um, motives. So, you know, because most of the participants on those shows are people from our community earning an upward to five or six figures or better. You know, like people earning either five or six figures and have, you know, dozens of companies under their umbrella. Nobody sees that part. They just see, um, they just see a bunch of niggas on camera acting ignorant. That's what they see on these scripted reality television shows that negatively depict our images and our likenesses. So, here with the highlight section, um, you know, I'm sidestepping that by walking you through an entrepreneur's journey about how they became a business proprietor. You know, give me your entire journey. I'm giving you a brief bio about the person to start the business, you know, telling where and how they grew up. What inspired them to want to start a business, how they start the business, if the information is available, like how they got their funding. You know, I'm walking you through the entire process of becoming an entrepreneur because, again, with the media constantly bombards us with all these niggas. Every day when you log in to Chumbah, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at Chumbah now. Live the Chumbah Life. DDW Group, no purchase necessary, fully prohibited by law in terms of conditions in 18 plus. To be images and have us, you know, believing, it's impossible to start your own business. Because many of the entrepreneurs that I cover in this section, a whole lot of them, you know, they don't have the proper means. They don't, you know, a lot of them aren't traditionally college taught. You know, they're self taught. They just, you know, they researched whatever business they started. You know, they scrimped and scraped and didn't have a whole lot of money to start. They just stepped out on faith and just did it. And, you know, they achieved their goal. So that's what I'm presenting to the listening audience in the highlight section. So some other qualifying factors that I select the businesses to highlight. In the highlight section is, you know, of course they're owned and operated by original people. Of course, they hired their own, trained their own, hired their own. They do some type of philanthropy in the community. They either have their own nonprofit organization or they pay into a nonprofit organization. And then lastly, oh, they do some type of community outreach or activism. Like, they're involved in something, you know, giving back to the community. Like, like I said, either like they have their own nonprofit organization or they pray into a preexisting nonprofit organization and provide services for the community that they are located in. And the last qualifying factor that I use to highlight the businesses that I highlight in the highlight section is that they line up with my theme. And, yeah, so now that you know about it, I'm going to dive right on into it. So my theme, what I've been doing lately, is just like nationally recognized holidays. So this is the month of June. And June's almost coming to the close, but, you know, the, the thing for, you know, this particular day in June, it's actually a whole like month long thing. It is the month of June is do it yourself. Marketing month. So in commemoration of do it yourself marketing month. I will be highlighting marketing agencies owned and operated by original people. Now, typically I usually have three to six or three anywhere from three to six. It's using like minimum three maximum six. Yeah, six on a good day, but like it's usually like, you know, three, four, five, but today I just got to. And today I got to because those are the all the ones that came across those two interests me the most reading the bio how the business got started. And I felt in my opinion, because it's my podcast, that lines up with what I'm trying to, you know, the overall thing that I'm trying to lay out for the listeners. So the first business I'll be highlighting in the highlight section on this weekend edition of the narrative podcast is goldida. And goldida created and goldida created was established in 2018 by a brother by the name of Brian Taylor. Brian Taylor was born in Baltimore, Maryland, he grew up in the suburbs. His father played on professional football. He was in the NFL. He also played college football. He was attending the HBCU in Virginia and played college ball. And so, you know, he was always inspired to follow in his father's footsteps to be an athlete to make it to the league. So I think as far as he got, he played some college ball and the college that, you know, he attended and then midway through his journey, he had epiphany. You know, the light went off. He was like, you know, wow, everybody who joins the league or, you know, plays ball in college, don't go on to get drafted or make it to the NFL. So I better have me a fallback plan. So, you know, if that light went off earlier on in his career, his athletic career, and then the universe kind of helped bring his career path has changed his, you know, career trajectory in life by suspending him in college. The article didn't say what he got suspended for. It just said he got suspended in college. And while, you know, he was suspended from college for like about a year, he took time off and started putting some plans in motion and started his own business. So he returned to college and, you know, refocused on business instead of trying to make it to the NFL. And it's essentially, you know, how go leadeth was born. So, in this interesting name as well, it has African descent. You didn't say a tribe in Africa, like inspired that name. It means something. I forgot to take down what it meant in my notes, but, you know, it was reflective of that. So what says his business apart is that they focus on traffic integration, targeted conversions and website design. They also specialize in pay-to-click ads. So, you know, his consumer friendly, they have packaged bundles for whatever type of thing you're trying to do with your website. So like if you got a Facebook, if you're a content creator and you're trying to get your Facebook to pop, they got, you know, strategies to help you do that. You know, whatever digital media that you occupy, you know, they're there to help you, you know, basically, modernize it and get paid. They also have tutorial classes when you go on the website that you can pay for. Webinars, I believe they're called webinars, so they got a plethora of webinars that you can purchase to, you know, help you out with a strategy that will generate you some sales for whatever sites you are, whether it's Facebook, whether it's Instagram, whether it's TikTok, you know, they got you. So the web, so the physical address is 1,100, Wicom, Wicom O Street in Baltimore, Maryland, 21, 23, 0, and the telephone number is 443, 88, 3, 66, 79. And once again, that the name of the business is Goldita Creative and the founder and chief strategy officer of this business is a Mr. Brian Taylor. So join me in giving Brian Taylor a warm narrative podcast round of applause for Goldita Creative. Oh, yeah, and the site is All right, next order of business moving right along. The next business I'll be highlighting in the highlight section is a business located in Chicago, Illinois. I'm sorry. I got that all wrong. Atlanta, Georgia, pardon me, I don't know why I said Chicago, a business located in Atlanta, Georgia. I established in 2016 by a brother name, Jim Michael Mitchell, and the name of the business is called error bright. So right when you go to the website, which is error, you'll see his entire bio. It peruse the internet to try to get more in-depth details about Jim Michael's journey into becoming an entrepreneur, but they didn't have anything. So like what's on the site is that's just basically it. So as Brian on the site says he went to college and failed Georgia and earned a science degree in business management. And then he attended full cell university and earned a master's degree in science and internet marketing. And that's basically it. When I do these things, I like to try to give you their complete bio where they went to school, how they came up with the idea of their business and all that. Sometimes the information is just simply not available. But like I said, it lines up with what I'm trying to do here in this intersection. So, you know, it'll do. So basically what he, what his marketing agency focuses on is SEO. So they focus on Google ads, Facebook ads, and meta ads. They also do web design. The system apart for all the other agencies is like it's completely remote. So like they like, I don't know if it's a good thing, but it's completely remote. So basically all his employees are working from home. There is no office. There is a physical address, but there is no like corporate art office per se. It's all remotely done. What remote employees. So yeah, the physical address for it is 384 North. North yards, boulevard, northwest suite, 190, Atlanta, Georgia, telephone number four, seven, zero, eighty five, eight, eight hundred fifty one, four, five, SEO. Or four, excuse me, four SEO. So you got to spell SEO, which keep it. So it's eight, five, one, four, SEO is a telephone number. And then you can go to the website. And you know, they got a form that you click, the contact form, you fill out your personal information. And what you're trying to do with your website or what you want to contact them for, which it should be, what you're trying to do with your website or your social media page. And they'll help you come up with a strategy to optimize whatever platform that you occupy so it can make you some money. And once again, the name of the company is called Arab Rights and the telephone number for that is four seven, zero, eight, five, one, four, SEO. And the address, email address is And the founder's name is a brother by the name of Joe Michael Mitchell. So let's give it up for Joe Michael Mitchell and Eric, Arab right. All right, keeping it right, moving right along. The next section of the narrative podcast is the spotlight section. This section, what I'm doing is I'm spotlighting impactful people in the world that, you know, you utilize their platforms or their social media presence to uplift and edify to impact our community in a positive way, whether they're doing some type of advocacy, whether they're doing, you know, some type of philanthropy or just speaking on the power issues in interviews. Every day when you log into Chumba, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose French fries over loaded French fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at Chumba now and live the Chumba life. Just something to uplift us and edify us in a positive and impact us in a positive way. The reason why I feel it's necessary to spotlight people is because, you know, unfortunately, we have been programmed in condition to believe, you know, to be relevant, to earn money or to have any type of presence online. We have to be messy. We got to drag each other through the mud. We got to tell lies on each other. You know, to basically have whatever you're doing pop, you got to get messy and dirty and grimy with it. And, you know, that's just not true. You know, you can stand ten toes down and play the game the right way. But, you know, for us to be messy towards one another is incentivized and pretty much endorsed and promoted by the powers to be to, you know, incentivize us into messy behavior online for profit. But, you know, so what I'm attempting to do in the spotlight section is just basically what I have done in the spotlight section is basically to create the healthy habit of, you know, utilizing your brother, utilizing your platform to say something nice about a brother or sister being impactful or, you know, doing something to uplift and edify our community and make us look back or make us look good instead of making us look bad. When I started the spotlight section, I typically just only spotted a lot, only spotlighted entertainers. Pardon me, I've been up. I guess I'm getting tired. It sounded like I've been drinking or something like slurring. But, I promise you I don't drink. It's just like, I don't know. We're getting kind of tired. But, anyway, excuse me. So, basically, you know, what I wanted to do or what I have done is just put out the energy to utilize your platforms to congratulate a brother or sister for, you know, their accomplishments and how they, you know, influence all their followers and, you know, all the good work they do but in the past, I've just only spotlighted entertainers such as, you know, actors, actresses, comedians, recording artists, social media influencers, commentators and, you know, things of that nature, religious figures. But what I've been trying to do lately is just spotlight normal people because I don't want to, you know, perpetuate the negative stereotype of, you know, all we know how to do as a people is entertain. But, I am kind of switching gears on that because a lot of entertainers get a bad rap. You don't know about all the good they're doing because all you see in the media is like when they're being carted off the jail or, you know, engaging in messy behavior, you know, never know about all the good that they're doing. So, I think I'm kind of, I'm going to slowly start spotlighting entertainers again out of our community. Because so many of them have, you know, they get a bad rap. Now, this next person I know I'll be spotlighting isn't an entertainer per se, but he definitely is a public figure. But before I spotlight this brother, I got to just kind of toot my home horn a little bit. You know, I created the way for spotlighting. And he can fact check it. Because before I added the spotlight section to my platform, the narrative podcast, nobody, nobody was spotlighting anybody. Now, everybody that I occupy some type of media outlet every time they're interviewing a guest, every time they're featuring a product. Like, every time they're doing anything innovative, they'll often start with the phrase, "Today will be spotlighting this person after interviewing something after, you know, trying to promote a product that's, say, on today's spotlight." You know, nobody was spotlighting nothing until I added the spotlighting spotlight section to my podcast, the narrative podcast. And as I say, imitation is the best form of flattery. So, you know, all the people that are doing it are, I'm definitely flatter by it. That lets me know people listen to my platform, like the internet makes the world really small, like people can, like, legit admire you, admire your work from afar. And I know so many people, so many famous people are admiring my work from afar because they incorporate, you know, my content into their content some type of way. All my, you know, everything that I say, the way I say it, my vernacular, you know, the way I speak, how I speak, the things I say on my, you know, platform, kind of, they just kind of like, try and incorporate it into their some type of way. Just let me know that they listen to me. It's not technically trolling per se. I don't know why I don't know, just come out and be like, "Yeah, I effed with, you know, Halsey Allen and the narrative podcast." For whatever reason, they don't just, you know, just spot on, endorse me, but, you know, as the old saying goes, what's understood ain't gotta be explained. So, a wink is as good as a nod. I'm not here for the acknowledgement or the, you know, the compliments or nothing like that. You know, I know when somebody's listening to me. But anyway, like I said, I created the way for spotlighting. You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen. The narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. In a real way. All right. So without any further ado, I'll be unveiling the spotlights in the spotlight section of the narrative podcast on this weekend edition. So the spotlight goes to none other than motivational speaker extraordinaire, Mr. Eric Thompson. He has pretty much dominated social media with his brand of motivational speeches. So he does Ted Talks. He, you know, works with large fortune, 500 companies motivating their employees. He also appears at hundreds to thousands of schools in the United States speaking to school children motivating them at all grade levels. And his approach just basically tells us, you know, he had a really earnest upbringing. He just basically tells, you know, stories of his personal life. You know, stories about where he got tested and had to, you know, search inside of himself to muster up some courage to, you know, strengthen himself and to develop a resolve and where with all. So, you know, how we can just project his voice like a whole lot of motivational speakers. You know, a lot of them just do yelling. Like they just get up doing that. You know, and they just get up and they just yell at the camera. They're like, what you waiting on? Stop making excuses. But, you know, they're never actually motivating you. They're just yelling. But, but that's not the case in his case. He actually has sustenance. He actually, you know, he don't just, you don't just point out the problem. He actually, you know, has a solution in mind. You know, some steps on how to get to the level that you need to get to other than just, you know, say, stop making excuses and you're the problem. Like he actually has a systematic way to win behind his, you know, stories and motivational speeches. So that's what he has over like all the other motivational speakers coming out of our community. What makes him so believable, makes him so credible is like he actually has a method to it. It's just not a whole bunch of yelling. He's also not afraid to show his vulnerability and a whole lot of his motivational speeches. He, you know, he breaks down in cries when he's talking about, you know, his mother and how he was raised in the south and all that. But, um, yeah. So like I said, you know, he speaks at tons of schools, tons of Fortune 500 companies. He does TED Talks, you know, all his social media platforms. He has, you know, over 100,000 followers. So he's going viral every every speech he drops goes viral. You know, and he's just so impactful and believable and intentional and actually like not only that actually has a plan. If, you know, you're ready to receive it, like, you know, he actually has steps to get to the next level, not just telling you, you need to get off your butt and get to the next level. So, you know, and a lot of, you know, motivational speakers, they're just like really capped. They don't got a plan. They just, they're just, they're just yelling like, yeah, do it now. Get up. What are you waiting on? Stop making excuses. Stop being a little punk. But, um, yeah, like I said, you know, he's down the earth. You know, another thing about his brand of motivational speaking is, you know, he doesn't come from a place where he has arms. There he has all the answers. Many of his speeches, he says, I don't know, but I figure it out. And I know this situation is here to test me. And, you know, I'm going to get up and I'm going to figure it out. And, you know, that's his brand to not put pressure on you to have the answer, but, you know, just don't give up. You know, his overall speech, his overall methodology is just not to give up and inspire you not to give up by, you know, telling you about, you know, his life as, you know, you know, just telling the listeners about his experience. Growing up in Chicago, like I said, he's a motivational speaker, author, he talks to these Fortune 500 companies with youth, he talks to, you know, he motivates NBA players, NFL players, he speaks at these big AME churches. I think he's a pastor to you. So, like, you know, he's just like, he wears a whole lot of hats. You know, he didn't grow up with a silver spoon in his mouth, so he doesn't, he doesn't have trials and tribulations. He, you know, went through it, but, you know, overall he got a really good message. And he gives back with his story. You know, that's the prime example why I'm choosing him to be the spot like this week here on Meredith podcast because he's narrating his story. And by him narrating his own story, he's helping out being impactful to thousands, millions of people, millions of people within our community that need to hear that message. To get up, you know, to like, you know, overcome whatever they need to overcome, to face whatever they need to face, to hear that. So, he's the, you know, he's the catalyst for that. So, without any further ado, join me into giving our brother Eric Thompson a warm, narrative podcast round of applause. Then up next we have the health and wellness section. The health and wellness section is just what it sounds like on giving tips about health and wellness. And why am I giving them tips about health and wellness because, you know, our people, original people, we unfortunately struggle with that the most. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today. No purchase necessary. VGW group void, we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. Our people, original people are also out of everybody living here on this world. In this world is, you know, under attack. We're being attacked mentally. We're being attacked spiritually. We're being attacked emotionally. We're being attacked financially as well. But I don't give out financial advice because I believe health is well. However, on the opposite side of that, you know, if it broke that is a spiritual, like something wrong with it if you don't ever have money. But anyway, said all that to say, the purpose of me, you know, doing the health and wellness tips is to, you know, basically, four to five people with knowledge, basically, the health farmer us up in all the areas that we're being attacked. With tips that will help prolong, sustain life and live life more abundantly. So, yeah, just basically, that's what the health and wellness tips is about to fortify us in all the areas that we're being attacked, which is mentally, physically, and spiritually. So, examples of the types of tips I give in the health and wellness tips section of the narrative podcast weekend edition. It's basic like, for example, like physical on the physical side, like if you usually like the health benefit of a vegetable fruit plant herb extract elixir that you can ingest or apply topically to improve your overall physical well-being. Or, you know, some type of physical exercise you can perform to improve your physical well-being. On the mental side of it, something you can exercises, mental exercises, you can perform to help improve your mental wellness. So, you know, things you can do incorporated regimen in which you can promote a healthy way of lifestyle, a healthy thought process, mental clarity, and mental focus, such as mindfulness, mindful breathing, meditation, identifying, you know, your past traumas, how to sit through them, how to heal yourself from past trauma, identifying your emotional triggers, all kinds of techniques that, you know, put your mind at ease and make sound emotionally intelligent decisions. And then on the spiritual side of it, because we are under spiritual attack as well as the people, you know, it is spiritual warfare out here in these streets, like it's real, there's some dark forces all around us, and we need to be aware of that. So, you know, I come up, I usually give tips and techniques to help you navigate and defend yourself from spiritual attacks. So, yeah, I'm really thorough with it. But anyway, that's basically what I talk about in the health and wellness section up in there, the podcast, small little disclaimer right quick before I unveil the health and wellness tip of the week this week. You know, my podcast is for anybody that wants to listen to it, to keep an open mind and apply it and help themselves, and whatever area that they need, helping in this section. All my content on the narrative podcast, you know, my primary direct demographic that I'm trying to relate to is original people. So, you know, all my content is geared towards original people, but, you know, if you're happy, if you possess an open mind and you want to listen to the content to, you know, be more progressive and engage us in know of our people and know about our culture and, you know, just so that you could definitely check out this content, but just know that all the content, everything I talk about is usually geared towards original people. But out of all the content that's geared towards our people, this content in the health and wellness section is especially geared towards original people, you know. And another thing I want to point out, the misnomer that we just, we are all one, you know, dogma, religious dogma that they just try to inflict on followers of Christianity, followers of Islam, followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, whatever is Buddhism, like it is, but then it's not true that we are all one, like varieties of spice of life. Everybody has unique differences were made different for a reason. People have different genetic makeups, different physiology, different psychological triggers, different cultural behaviors. So in short, we're all different and, you know, with strengthens one culture, we'll weaken another culture if, you know, a different culture lived by that culture is that quote, like, you know, so we're not all one. Because if you go into any Christian church, any mosque, you will see the difference in the Buddhist temple, you will see the difference in the very, from region to region, people to people, like just, you know, just look at black and white. Like, I don't mean to be always sound like I'm picking on Christians, but like in Christianity, you got all kinds of different denominations of Christianity. You have, like, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian, Pentecostal, Mormon, you know, and those have different distinct characteristics and varies from region to region in a neighborhood to neighborhood. On how they view it and interpret it, but it's all coming out of the same book. Like, especially if you go into a black church and a white church and you look at their praise and worship segment of the church. So are we the same? We're all one? Or are we different? You go and look at the artwork and the wall on a black church and a white church. How is Jesus depicted? Are we the same? Or are we all one? Or are we the, you know, different? Like, we got a quick straddle in the fence. We're all different. So meaning we all have different constitutions. Things that will strengthen my anatomy will weaken your, you know, anatomy world. We can, you know, weaken your genetic makeup. Case in point, like melanated people, like the sun strengthens us. It improves our skin. You know, our hair gets longer with the more we're exposed to. Our skin gets better. Sicknesses in disease flee our bodies the more we're exposed to sunlight. Whereas, you know, another people, when they get exposed to too much sunlight, they develop lesions and cancer. And they get sick. The hair falls out. They get sunburned. So we're not all the same. So therefore, we have, you know, different things that make us well, physically, mentally, and spiritually. So I'm talking about the things, the wellness tips that will improve the wellness of original people in the health and wellness section here on there to podcast. I just want to clear that up. And, you know, like, let's bed this, we are all one. Well, we're all one. We're all one into some tragedy happens. We need to get over that, you know, and celebrate the differences, acknowledge the differences, celebrate the differences, but don't fall into this. We are all one dogma, BS. God loves a soft sound. But anyway, today's health and wellness tip is on the physical side of it. Today, I'll be talking about the health benefits of bladder rack. Bladder rack is basically, it's in the seaweed family. It's found along mostly in salt water. They have, you know, it's like really hard to find in fresh water, but there is some. It's more like we have to go into like the Great Lakes to find some bladder rack in fresh water, but it's primarily, you know, in salt water. And it's loaded with medicinal properties. It helps fight weight loop loss, it has antioxidants, which equate weight loss. So anything that has antioxidants in it burns fat, so you lose weight for us. Bladder rack also helps, you know, battle fatigue if they're constantly feeling weighed down. Your energy levels are just filled with rain, you know. Bladder rack will boost your energy levels. Bladder rack also improves healthy brain functions. It eliminates brain fog. It helps for people suffering from dementia. It improves like short-term and long-term memory. And it also improves heart health, skin, and healthy oral care. So like, it kind of has antibodies in it, so to keep your, you know, the kill germs in your mouth, keep your breath fresh and all that. Also, and within women, it helps with the administration flow for women that are heavy bleaters, you know, to help with that. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It's good for heartburn, good for people to suffer from. Thyroids, it's good for battling and suggestion, heartburn, wound care. It helps you heal wounds faster, so like if you injure yourself, cut yourself. Which I probably need, bladder rack, because I'm always scraping myself up some type of way, I don't know how to hurt. It also, if you're a singer, you know, it's really good for your vocal cords. It helps prevent a horse or a weak voice. It also regulates your hormones, so like in men, if you have an excessive buildup of estrogen, it will help you. Get rid of any estrogen buildup in men, and then women, you know, any testosterone women might have, so it helps balance you out that way. And then, it also helps with constipation as well. So if you're all bound up, so it helps with gut health, you know, it'll clean you out if you're blocked up. And then if you're suffering from diarrhea, it'll help alleviate diarrhea symptoms. So like when it's basically a superfood, it looks like it's more heavily focused on your digestion and brain function. So, you know, definitely go get you some bladder rack in heavy rotation in your diet. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes that up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW Grabboid, we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. In your herbs, and then as always, make sure it's coming from a reputable source, because there's just some really rotten people out there. Just want to make a quick book and we'll sell you an invitation. Anything, you know, they'll grind up some pencil shavings and sell them to you. So you've got to check where you're getting your herbs from, check and make sure it's legit. There's all kinds of websites that verify, you know, if your herbs are legitimate, like if they, you know, they're authentic. Where the source is coming from, you definitely don't want to get your herbs from sketchy spots, sketchy people. It's going to be expensive, of course. Real, you know, official, like, Bladderrat, it's going to run you anywhere from, like, 12 to 24 dollars an ounce with some Bladderrat. But, you know, what's your health worth? You know, you spent just as much as fat on alcohol, things that will harm you. You spent just as much money on marijuana on, you know, stronger drugs for people to do stronger drugs, pills and heroin and cocaine. So why not, you know, invest in your health? Something's going to help you and breathe life into you. So, yeah. Okay, moving right along. Speaking point of the day. So my speaking point of the day is basically like, I'm covering current events, whether it's globally, nationally, or just something happening within our community. And the purpose of me doing that is to basically reclaim the narrative, because the media go out of this way to have this looking and sounding crazy. So, like, I do commentary on my weekday editions as well, but as you can see, you know, it comes much later in the programming on my weekend section. But it's not really to talk about nothing super, super duper that we need to talk about, other than the upcoming election in November. Well, scratch that lawmakers are starting to unveil all this legislation coming up before the election. They're trying to basically pass a law that will give states the opportunity to resurrect or to enforce old statutes and old laws. And by old, I mean, like laws and statutes and I'm saying statutes, I mean, ordinances. That was the word I mean, old laws and ordinances. They came out, you know, in the Jim Crow era. The days far back as the Jim Crow era acquired me. So I don't even have to tell you about the ramifications, what that could potentially mean for our people. So, you know, that's what they're doing in Congress. They're trying to basically bring Jim Crow back. They're trying to pass all these old laws and ordinances that were, you know, created during the Jim Crow era. Like, they had a law called reckless eyeballing, where it was against the law to make eye contacts with white people. They're trying to bring, you know, laws reflective of that era back. So those same laws were also with most definitely suppress voter rights. Those laws and ordinance would also make it even more difficult to purchase homes and property. Those laws, if they go into effect, will also make it more difficult for us to be involved in like city affairs of the state. Having to say so on city councils and, you know, Capitol Hill and just anything going on in the nation where you have to cast a ballot. Like, we couldn't like, you know, even go up the city hall and, you know, address the floor if laws like that came back. But like, not like most of us doing anyway. Some of us, we don't like to, you know, do anything. We like to point out the problem, but not actually do anything. You know, it's trying to bring that back. And how they sneak us in, how are they sneaking it past our radar, because like they're using the media. They just always, they keep us busy with celebrity gossip and sports. And we forget to tune in to important stuff like that. So yeah, that's going on. And then anybody see the, I don't even know what to call it at the bay. This is just two guys trying to, like, out, I don't give a fuck contest. It's like who, who don't give the biggest fuck? They would have literally having a zero-fucks-giving contest. Like, they was trying to out, I don't care each other. Like Biden, he was just having, looking like he was having senior cities in moments. Not cognitive, not, you know, engaging the questions at all. And he, and then Trump, he's just like he's rapid fire lying. I mean, all politicians are liars anyway, but Jesus Christ. Wow. The lies he was telling. And it sucks because like that's all we have to choose from. Who's the latter? Because neither party still has anything in the legislation for our people. You know, reparations still ain't on the table on either side. So this puts us in an awkward position yet again. Which devil, which devil is the lesser devil? Or what is the lesser of the two evils? Because whoever wins, we're kind of screwed. And it don't matter if you're grassroots, it don't matter if you're independent. Don't matter if you're green party. Don't matter if you're libertarian. This is like looking very green. Because like they're trying to, they're trying to bring back Jim Crow laws. They're trying to bring back the draft. So that's how they was like really kind of, you know, getting rid of his two. They were sending us the jail and those that didn't win the jail was overpopulated. They were sending us a broad to fight for this country that does not care about us. That doesn't have anything for us in regards it into his fight. That will help improve our way of life. So that's just something to really think about. You've got to constantly pay attention to what's going on in the world. I know we hate reading the news. We hate watching the news, we hate, you know, watching these super boring cabinet meetings, but like that's, you have to, you have to. In the world we're living in, you have to pay attention to that stuff. Because if you don't, they'll sneak something past you and you'll be like, "Dang, well when did that happen?" Probably when you was online trying to get by the New Jays. Probably when you was in the club. Probably when you were sitting up there on social media and trying to slide in somebody's bins. Probably when you was capping on the ground. Probably when you was trying to sound intelligent in the comment section of somebody else's social media platform. That's probably when they slipped that legislation past you. One of the biggest thing is when you're on social media slandering your own kind. That's when they really get you. We'd be so caught up trying to drag each other through the mud. We forget it's an all-out war against us by the "you know who's" and they get us every time. So, you know, we just have to be more vigilant and paying attention about what's going on in Congress. I know it's extremely boring to watch and listen to, but it's very important. So, make time to do that. Make time to stay informed. Make time to stay in the loop about what's going on in this country. So, you may not consider yourself a U.S. citizen even though you hate this country. Because this country hates you. It has done nothing for you. It doesn't love you. I get it. But we still got to pay attention to what's going on in it at all times. As long as we're on the soil, you know, it should never be a day where you're not picking up a newspaper or not looking at what's going on in the Senate, in the Congress, or, you know, what's going on locally in your own, you know, cabinet meetings, public sector meetings, you need to always monitor that. So, they don't slit nothing by you. All right. That's all I got for current news. And now we're at the end of this thing. And my final section is my wise word of the day. So, my wise word of the day on this weekend edition of the narrative podcast is discernment. Discernment means just basically to be able to tell what's for you and what's not for you. And then I kind of got a little bar. You should be able to discern true concern. A lot of people will be acting like they're concerned about you, but they're really not. They're really harboring resentment towards you. They really hope you feel that they're trying to mask it with concern. And so what you have to do is you have to discern whether the concern that's being, you know, shown towards you is actually they're really worried about you. They're really trying to help you. You know, the sentiment is authentic or are they harboring some type of malice towards you. Because a lot of times, like, stop me. If you heard about this one, you'll be out and about. And then somebody said, "Oh, I've seen so-and-so and so-and-so asked about you." And then you'll be back in your head like, "Oh, yeah." So you got to discern, you know, for the person that ran up to you and told you they had met somebody to ask about you. Like, what was the conversation like? Because don't so-and-so have your telephone number, you know, but yet they don't call you. They don't call your phone to speak to you. But every time seeing people, like when you do, like, when you're out and about and you see other people and they're telling you, like, "Oh, you have seen so-and-so and so-and-so asked about you." And you're just thinking, "In the back of your mind, will someone so-and-so got my number?" Lucky Land Slots asking people, "What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky?" Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? Uh-huh, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car, before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW Group would be recruited by law 18+ terms and conditions apply. If they don't never want to talk, they want to do the call me on Facebook. They want to, you know, they want to just, you know, how you can call people's phone number on Facebook. They want to call you from Facebook, but they want to give you their number. You know what I'm saying? They want to DM you on the gram or whatever, but they don't actually want to speak to you. So is that legitimate concern or is that just someone so-and-so being nosy? Is that someone so just hoping for your downfall, hoping that you're not doing good? Praying for your downfall. Because if they have a means in which to communicate with you, but they don't never exert that proper means to communicate with you, they only want to, you know, give you false sense of me only when to reach out on you on your born day. You're living in the same city. You're living in the same state. Every time you leave your residence, you're seeing somebody in the street and saying so-and-so. And ask about you, you know, so-and-so ask about you. You got to really just, like, reassess that. You got to evaluate that. You're so-and-so asking about me because they're really concerned about me. They really want to help me. They really want to see me doing well in life. Or is someone so secretly my opts? Is someone so really trying to plot on my downfall? Because so-and-so knows how to get in touch with you if they wanted to. They know where you be when you used to hang out with them. You haven't changed too much. Your circle hasn't changed too much. They know how to get ahold of you if they're really interested in talking to you. So you have to just, like, discern who's concerned about you, who really has authentic concern for you, and who's just me and knows you. And nine times out of ten, the person that's coming up on you and saying so-and-so asked about you, they're in cahoots with so-and-so. Talking and gossiping and lying on you. Calling your names behind your back. (silence) So, why is word of the day? Discern me. You have to discern genuine concern for fake concern. (silence) Alright, so that's it, and that's all. Hope you enjoyed this episode of The Narrative Podcast. Join me again next weekend for another full episode of The Narrative Podcast. And remember to keep your ear to the ground for our future. Weekday episodes of The Narrative Podcast, wherever you get your podcast information from. Remember to download this episode and I previously recorded episodes of The Narrative Podcast. That's it, and that's all. The best way to tune into my podcast during the weekday is to follow me on YouTube or on X. Because this medium that I'm broadcasting on, broadcast directly to YouTube and X, and I'm pausing out on YouTube, I'm pausing out on X, formerly Twitter. Like I said, this medium that I'm on, broadcast directly to X and YouTube. Like, immediately as soon as I conclude the broadcast, it automatically uploads to YouTube. And X, so that's the best way to stay current with my most recent episode of The Narrative Podcast. Follow me on either of those YouTube platforms. You will be informed, so on YouTube, follow me, Halsey Allen H. I don't know, it says Halsey Allen, and it has a little "8" on the theme. But, yeah, that's my username on YouTube, and it's just my viewer channel. I don't have an exclusive channel just for the Narrative Podcast, but if you go on my user's channel and go onto my videos, you'll see every single, you know, last episode of The Narrative Podcast. You know, follow me on YouTube, and you'll be up to date with the most recent episode of The Narrative Podcast. So, when you follow me on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube channel and click "Notification All." And you will be informed about my latest episode of The Narrative Podcast. Or follow me on X, and I'm Halsey Allen on X, so still not proficient. Using X or communicating and navigating and networking on X, but, you know, maybe I get the hang of it eventually this year. But, yeah, if, you know, for all intents and purposes, also follow me on X, Halsey Allen. I stay good on X, Halsey Allen on X. And you will be well notified about the most recent upload of The Narrative Podcast, wherever you get your podcast information from. And remember to download this episode and I previously recorded episodes of The Narrative Podcast, and that's how you help the podcast grow. You'll help me, you know, keep on broadcasting eventually, have guests to interview and just level up on the podcast scene by downloading this episode and I previously recorded episodes of The Narrative Podcast. Now, for the downloading of the podcast, I would say follow me on X, because you click the link on X and you will see just like what you need to do. You will see the download button. You will see the little heart shaped light button, you need to click that, click the download button, which is like a little arrow pointing down. The heart shaped light button, and then also the comment section on that, leave me a little comment. Comment anything you like, anything you don't like, but leave me a comment. That helps with the algorithm, the more stuff you do, the more actions you take, the more clicks or whatever. So remember to do all those things, download, click the heart shaped light button, and leave a comment. And then, of course, click through three little bubbles and share them to all, you know, social media platforms. But yeah, do that, download this episode, and I previously recorded episodes of The Narrative Podcast. Follow me on YouTube for X for the most recent uploads of The Narrative Podcast. And then also, check out my Book of Poetry. I'm working on another one. That's why I'm uploading so late. But check out my current Book of Poetry. I have out on, it's titled The Black Card. The Black Card is basically a 30 page Book of Poetry. It's all comprehensive. All encompassing, look at us as a people, original people, everything we experience as a people, positive and negative. It's basically a snapshot of us as a people, everything we go through, everything we experience in life. You know, all our unspoken bonds, all our misnomers, everything you need to know about us as a people. Go check that out, The Narrative Podcast. Yeah, so check me out. So like I said, The Black Card is a 30 page Book of Poetry, available on If you're unfamiliar with, what that is is an online writing community for writers, especially those that like to write poetry. You can go check those out. They have their own online bookstore for people that are active members of that community. What they have is a feature that will enable people that participate in that community to turn their work into a book. And so that's what I did with my work on there and, you know, transformed it into a Book of Poetry. And it's titled The Black Card, so go to inside their virtual online bookstore and purchase my book, The Black Card, written by me, Halsey Allen. Or get your black card revoked. Also, check out my personal poetry blog on It's titled Halsey's Poetry Corner. The tagline for that is poetry with a passion, poetry for all occasions. And when you read one of my poems, you'll find out just why. 'Cause they're that impactful, they're that versatile. The unique thing about poems featured on that blog is that they're all spontaneously written in the moment. And the unique thing about that is they're so intricate, so detailed and so specific. It would be under the impression that I wrote them beforehand before I posted them up on there, but that's just the contrary. I wrote all those poems on that blog spontaneously in the moment. Like I wasn't giving any thought to the title or the subject matter, I just typed it and that's what it was. So it's comparable to a freestyle rap or a spoken word poem. Except the difference is, of course, I wrote it instead of performed it. But yeah, it's just that spontaneous. And the poem, the poetry featured on that blog, anybody can enjoy it from any walk of life. I have a lot of poems specifically for our people. But for the most part, it's for anybody to read, anybody can get a connection from it, anybody can relate to it. It's relatable poetry. You'll definitely enjoy it. So to read that, to read poems featured on my poetry blog is simply head on over to Hause's Poetry Corner at And read them. And then of course, for the algorithm, hit the heart shake like button. Leave me a comment after you get there on the site. And definitely share the best way to help me share either the link to Hause's Poetry Corner, which is Or share a poem featured on Hause's Poetry Corner across all social media platforms, digital media platforms, whatever a platform you're the most active on. Share either the link or a poem featured on Hause's Poetry Corner. So that's all I got for you. Thank you all for tuning in, listening and supporting. And I'm getting back, I'm getting my legs back. I had taken a little hiatus. I'll be posting a more normal time set. I think it's officially Sunday now, but this is a week in addition of the narrative podcast. I think probably later on today, I give you another episode of the narrative podcast, except in a weekday format. So I give you a bonus. It'll be like you're getting two episodes today. I'm going to post this this week in addition, and then I'm going to do a weekday. Another upload, but I'm going to do it in a weekday format on Sunday. So then I'm going to hit you with some more during the weekday, and then another full episode this weekend. And they'll most definitely be at, you know, a more sensible time, like should be like uploaded six, seven, eight, nine, nine p.m. at the very latest night. Plant midnight in 10 and 11, none of that. So like I said, I'm getting my wings back. Thank you all for supporting and checking out the show and, you know, giving me enough resources to keep this show moving. But yeah, that's it, and that's all. Soon and again, next week for a full episode of the narrative podcast and, you know, all throughout the weekday for weekday episodes of the narrative podcast. I'm Halsey Allen. I'm changing the narrative one episode at a time. And I'm asking you to help me on my mission to change the narrative by becoming a narrator. And while I'm changing the narrative one episode at a time on my end, as a narrator, you can help me change the narrative one social media post at a time. Until next time, all the M in the narrative podcast signing off, and it's like that. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen. The narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. 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