The Narrative Podcast

Episode 336 - The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive talk about original people and original people culture and promotes positive self images about original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

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2h 34m
Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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The home, the narrative podcast, promotes and endorses positive self-talk and positive portrayal of original people and original people culture. Welcome to the narrative podcast, welcome on my narrators. So yeah, I've been back, been going for a little bit. So I had gone so long, I know I said I was going to start doing regularly again after my first hiatus. So this time what happened was I had a loss in the family and then some family that had been gone for quite a while and are now back to where I'm at in the side to reconnect with them, spend some time with them and also deal with a loss in the family. So we're going to talk this second hiatus to family stuff. But anyway, welcome to the narrative podcast. I've got to reconnect with you. So basically what this podcast is about is about upliftment and edification of original people and by original people, I mean black African-American Negro, whatever you want to call us, just for the upliftment and edification of our people, because our people, images and the white misses are constantly being warped, skewed and distorted by the media. And so I wanted to create a platform where I'm showcasing and highlighting us in the best possible light possible to capture who we are as a people, our true essence, which is kings and queens, gods and goddesses of the universe. I wanted to create a safe space for us to give us an alternative to, you know, the rat should miss this floating around in the media about us. So we don't have to constantly just accept these negative stigmas and stereotypes about our people and our culture and ultimately on a subconscious level, act out these negative stigmas and stereotypes because we're constantly being bombarded with them by the media. But yeah, that's essentially what the narrative podcast is about. I'm gonna give you a brief overview before diving into the content this evening. So like I said, I've been gone for quite a while. And acquired a while, I've been gone. Some negative stuff has been happening, but you know, the internet makes the world small. So the stats say I'm not reaching a lot of people, but I'm reaching a lot of people because the mission statement of the narrative podcast is to put out promotes and endorsed positive content. And so we have been having a lot of negative anti-inflammatory content when it comes to about, you know, the way the media uses our people's images and our people's likenesses to promote degeneracy. So, you know, said all that to say, you know, my mission statement is to put out positive content. And in my hiatus, mostly positive content has been coming from content creators. Whereas before, before I started doing this, you know, we didn't get anything but negative content. People was like embracing the negative stereotypes and the negative stigmas about our people and our culture and, you know, since I've been, been away in this last month, I've been seeing a lot more positive stuff. So, I am making an impact. And I know who messes with me and, you know, for all the people to mess with me, I'm back. I just, you know, life happens. And so life was life and had some family issues. But I'm back to my regularly scheduled, scheduled program. So, all right. Before diving into the content, I'm gonna give you a brief overview of what my program is about. All the misnomers that you need to be aware of when listening to the narrative podcast, you know, my mission statement, what I'm trying to accomplish in this space and the format of my podcast, so how I'll be presenting the content. I'm going to tell you what the content is about, how I'll be presenting and everything you need to know about the podcast to be an effective, effective patron of the podcast. So starting up off at the top, Tippy the name, the narrative podcast, the name of my podcast, the narrative podcast, to reflect, you know, my mission statement, which is to reverse the false narrative that the media keeps on, you know, pushing about our people and our culture and the false narrative that they keep pushing is ignorance, violence, degeneracy, laziness, you know, that whole lot. So I want to create a platform where I'm highlighting us and how capturing us at our best moments instead of our worst ones is the media always captures us at our worst possible moment. They're always capturing us, you know, down bad, engaging in violence against one another, engaging in degenerate type behavior. They never show us, you know, us doing something positive, treating each other with respect and dignity. You know, they only want to capture the fights. They only want to capture us, you know, doing, you know, negative things that will shorten our lifespan, not increase our lifespan, increase our prosperity, increase our happiness, you know, they always just want to capture all the negative things about our people and our culture. So, you know, it's just like, it's too much at times. And, you know, we as a people kind of accept these negative stigma and stereotypes and people outside of our culture has grown to accept these negative stereotypes and stigma is about our people and our culture. So, you know, the narrative podcast is about is dedicated into bringing it back into focus, focusing the lens on who we are as a people and promoting positivity within our community instead of destruction and chaos. So, that's my mission statement in here, you know, it's a misnomer is about the narrative podcast, which is actually a perfect segue to my tagline for the podcast. The narrative podcast, changing the narrative one episode at the time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture. How do I destroy the negative stereotypes, the stigma is about our people and our culture by providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. So, you know, that's entirely what the narrative podcast is all about, providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. And also, to bring awareness to the listening audience, why it's important and encouraging the listening audience to, you know, do the same, do exactly what I'm doing, which is to responsibly utilize the platforms to promote positivity about our people and our culture, because the media's job, their goal, their key function is to keep havoc and confusion in our community. It's like, that's kind of what the key function is, you know, dedicated towards doing is to just keep on promoting and endorsing negative behavior. With a few exceptions, I would say, like, an exception to that rule would be like 60 minutes, you know, they had some really good segments on 60 minutes, especially at the time add Bradley when Ed Bradley was on 60 minutes. And then also, you know, good morning America, they really have a whole lot of segments where, you know, capturing when our people is doing something positive and impactful in the community and in the world. So, you know, there's a few, you know, exceptions to the rule, but mostly the media, their primary function is to capture us in the worst possible light they possibly can to make us seem and appear violent, hostile and unpleasant to be around. So, yeah, that's why the narrative podcast exists, is basically to, you know, counteract, you know, the media's agenda. So, first misnomer, you need to be aware of the narrative podcast is I refer to my listening audience as my narrators. And what I mean by that, what the term narrator is just reflective of, you know, basically the times that we're living in, which is basically the social, the digital media age and this digital media age, everybody gets the opportunity to tell or narrate their own stories of all these digital media platforms, you know, and social media platforms that basically have a section where, you know, they have like a bio section, like whoever created the platform, they usually come with a bio section in the bio section, what you're doing is you're, you know, you're sharing with the world or whomever is viewing your content, you know, your likes, your dislikes, your hobbies, your interests, your views, whether it be your social views, your economic views, you know, what you promote, what you endorse, what makes you, you and generally what people tend to do in their bio section and the content that they share is they share, you know, content and they put things in their bio that will reflect themselves in the best possible light as possible. So essentially, living in this digital information age, you can be whatever you want to online and people generally put out the best possible versions of themselves. So when they're telling or narrating their own stories, they're putting out the best possible versions of themselves. In the hip hop slang, they call it cat, you know, where it basically means you're exaggerating. But if you want to exaggerate, you might as well exaggerate in a good way. Like I said, it's an exception to the rule because some people are just miserable people and some people, you know, after down bad, they want to make their situation worse than what it really is. But for the majority of the people that engage in this digital information, you know, they want to put out the image that they're living their best life, you know, they want to promote positivity. They want to, you know, hey, I'm living the best life. You know, I got the most money. I got, you know, I'm doing so good in life. I'm so happy. And, you know, this, that and the third, and it's not necessarily a bad thing to put out, you know, positivity because when people view your page, you know, like a tracks like you want to circulate and promote positivity, especially if you're, especially if you're branding or content creating, you want to put out positive images to build your brand to broaden your horizons because nobody intentionally gets online seeking negative things. We kind of get negative things just thrown at us. And we kind of just, we have to look at it. But generally, when people get online, they're looking for something to, you know, lift your spirits to, to alter their mood in a positive way. Nobody intentionally seeks negativity. So that's my message. That's why I call my positive listening audience, my narrators, just, you know, being reflective of the times that we're living in, and also bringing awareness as to why we need to tell or narrate our own stories. And we need. Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. vgw group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. To tell and narrate our own stories, because, you know, if history hasn't taught us anything, it's taught us this. If you don't tell your own story, your own story will be told for you. And that's precisely what the media is doing to our people. They're telling our story from the perspective that they want to tell our story. And the perspective that they want to tell our story, when it comes to our people, original people, I get to be original part in a second. Is the story of ignorance? Is the story of violence? Is the story of degeneracy, lewdness? Is the story of laziness? Is the story of all around unpleasantness? Like nobody, like everybody wants to be black, but then nobody wants to actually be black, if that makes any sense, is because the way the media has marketed our people to the rest of the world. And, you know, contrary to their portrayal of us, black is where it's at. You know, we're leaving in arts and sciences where, you know, we highly excelled academia. And then, of course, we already know athletics. After anything athletic, you know, we already know we're dominating that. Culturally, the arts, you know, music, acting. Essentially, we are the world, spice, varieties of spice of life, and we're like the most the spiciest people in the world. Pause. I don't know if that's a pause moment, but you know, you got to crush your eyes about your teeth these days. But anyway, just saying, you know, our people generally enhance all aspects of life. But yet, we're always portrayed by the media as, you know, being a bird, being, you know, taken away from the human experience in this physical plane. Adding chaos and confusion in, you know, every space we occupy. Not bringing balance and order and joy and happiness and, you know, enlightenment, you know, which is the true nature of our people, but yet we're always, you know, displayed, engaging in something messy. But anyway, essentially, that's why I refer to my people as narrators and this, you know, why I want to bring awareness to the listening audience and why it's important to, especially our people, of why it's important to properly utilize your digital space to, you know, tell our story or narrate our story. All right, so now that you're aware of why I caught my listening audience, my narrators, something else you should know, or what, I want to attack on a subpoint about the media before I go on to something else, some more misnormous about the narrative podcast, you should be aware of before consuming the content, you know, how to properly take in what, you know, I'm sharing with you. So like I said, the media has an agenda to negatively share our images and our likenesses to the rest of the world. Primarily, they primarily do it for profit, but generally, it's because, you know, they're going along and stride with the agenda, with the people that runs the media, and who runs the media? The media is ran by the elite society, the upper class elite society, aka, you know, wealthy white people, wealthy white socialites at that elitist society, and they want to, they do that to the control images, basically to strengthen and submit their social standings in the world, they want to control all the resources, and to do that, they have to basically make their lifestyle, make how they live be, you know, the pinnacle of prosperity. Basically, they want to make themselves the image, the face of sophistication, refinements, elegance, grooming, class, all the finer things in life, air quotes, all the finer things in life, they want to be the face of that, and to be the face of that, they have to make everybody else, you know, who isn't in their tax bracket appear, you know, less than that, less than we find, less than elegant, less than sophisticated, less than cultured, less than intelligent, so in order to do that, you know, they manipulate the media, they want to make everyone else look, you know, like uncoach and swine, they want to make everybody look degenerate in nature, in comparison to them, right, so they want to be the face of financial wealth, this is like, well, financial wealth is supposed to be by the elite society, you know, these people who live life in excess, another word for their kind is, I guess, as capitalists, people who's just all about money, and they equate money to happiness, so basically, they want everybody to believe, you know, you need a mansion to achieve happiness in life, you need designer clothing to achieve happiness in life, you need to own acres and acres of land to be happy in life, you need like generational wealth, needy, you know what I mean, not just like keeping in stride what money is really, money is really a tool to craft the type of life you want for yourself, but they just, they want everybody to believe you have to be just obscenely financially wealthy to be happy and prosperous in life, and to do that, they use the image or the media's influence to, you know, warp and distort everyone else's images and likenesses who aren't in their tax bracket and who don't embrace, you know, their views about life. So yeah, they do it to everybody, but they primarily do it to our people, original people, and I told you I get to original part a little bit later before I dive into the concept, I promise, but they primarily do it to our people, the most out of everybody else, because they fear our people more than they fear everybody else, and the reason why they fear our people, the most is for a couple reasons, they fear our influence, they fear how, you know, the rest of the world basically copies off of us and tries to emulate us and be like us, they're fearful of that meaning because they're natural historians, they know the, you know, the history of how they came to be, and they know the history of how we came to be, and then they're, you know, scholastic findings, they know if there never was a us, there never would be a them, you know, they created all these systems, they created all these stacked clothes to basically keep themselves empowered, to keep themselves empowered, they surround themselves with these status symbols so that they can socially tower above everyone else, to make themselves feel important, to make themselves feel cultured, to make themselves feel valued in, you know, high class and high, you know, and elites, but why they're so fearful of us is our impactful nature, they know, they know our past, they know their past, so they know they came to be solely because they were so fearful of us, they were so fearful of us because, you know, the impactful influence we have over everyone that comes into contact with this, so everybody tries to emulate us and so, you know, who they are, their true nature are, you know, thieves, robbers, liars, rapists, conquerors, who, you know, take things by force and assert themselves forcefully and, you know, assert themselves in a manipulative manner, whereas we, our true nature is like, you know, regal, we're just naturally regal, we are connected with nature, so we surround ourselves with beautiful things, but we don't need the beautiful things that we surround ourselves with, our true nature is just beauty and that threatens them because we don't, you know, we just naturally obtain the finer things in life without, you know, lying, without, you know, trying to be something, we're not, you know, and basically, you know, we are a natural people, out of everybody on the planet, we are the most connected with nature and we know, for those who us are tapping in with the true nature of who we are as a people, we know we don't need all the status symbols to, you know, be important, so that's why elite society surrounds themselves with all these status symbols and the status symbol is like, you know, high, like the sports cars, the mansions, the five, like, mansions with the east wing and the west wing and all that five star preferential treatment, you don't need that in order to be happy in life, it's cool to experience it, if you have it, you know, it's cool, but, you know, it's not the end-all, be-all in life and our people symbolizes, you know, the end of that because like, people gravitate and try to emulate us in every capacity and they'll wake up and say, hey, you know, I don't need to buy this $1,200 shirt just because I have $1,200 in my pocket, I don't need to buy this $100,000 card just because I have $100,000 in my pocket, you know, I don't need to spend money just because I have money and that would ultimately come to, you know, the end of their way of life because the end of their way of life is to, you know, generate sales to, you know, manipulate the stock market and they basically represent mass consumerism and, you know, if everybody follows our lead, our follows, you know, our example that will bring the end to mass consumerism, the elite society is all about, you know, mass consumerism and, you know, we, our people symbolize the end of that because we don't need all those things to, you know, be important to be trendy, to be popular, we don't need any of those things like yet they use our images and our likenesses to sell all of those things and we get nothing back in return but, you know, that's why they pick on our people the most, that's why they spend so many trillions of dollars tarnishing our reputations. That's why there's been so many trillions of dollars making us look as bad as they can possibly make us look. That's why there's been so many trillions of dollars into corrupting our images and our likenesses. So promoting, you know, negative stereotypes, the stigma is about our people. They want everybody to believe, you know, their media influence of us, like the men in our community to be, you know, criminalistic by nature, you know, gangbangers by nature, thugs by nature, unintelligent by nature, they want us, you know, they want to promote, they want to fear monger the images of our men and then they want to defile the images of our women. They want to make them look aggressive in nature like they always just by nature have an attitude. By nature they want to make them look unsophisticated, unrefined. They want to promote and push lewdness and degeneracy. They want to promote, you know, that twerking culture. They want to, you know, that unladylike image of our sisters, that's what they want to push and promote. Those loose morals dressing like basically coming out the house butt naked, you know, only some dental floss separating them from their entire nudity, you know, no sophistication, no decorum. That's what they want. That's the images and the likenesses that they want to push and promote for our sisters and, you know, like they want to push and promote that they have, you know, no redeeming qualities. They got attitudes and, you know, they try to overtake every conversation they're in and, you know, they basically just want to push and promote things that aren't true within our community to have everybody outside of our community not deal with us and definitely everybody outside of our community not really try to emulate us, like emulate our true nature anyway, which is, you know, regu, which is people that aren't dependent on status symbols to be important, to be a step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. 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kind i just um i share um positive frames of reference about our people and our culture the narrative podcast is all about upliftment and edification of original people and original people culture um i don't you know i don't promote endorsed gossip i don't have you know personally i don't have any need for it i can't eat it or wear it or live in it you know it's useless to me i don't care who's dating who you know i don't care about what celebrities date and what celebrity what type of messiness they're engaged in in their personal life you know off you know screen if they're an actor and actress um i don't care what they're doing like off you know if they're an athlete you know off the field off the football field off the uh basketball court you know i don't care what they do in their personal life if they're an athlete i don't care what they do out of the studio if they're recording artists um so yeah i don't worry about i don't trivialize about celebrities and famous people you know their personal lives and the media has corrupted us into um you know being sucked into that world where we're using the media to basically you know trash each other online and say negative things about each other and use our uh platforms to basically um destroy one another you know create gossip hurl insults and basically try to take each other down and for what for some tractions for some likes and clicks you know so with the narrative podcast dedicated towards doing it's just about upliftment and edification of our people and to promote positivity and to normalize being normal and what do i mean by normal like normal for our people the true nature the true essence of who we are as a people is loved so you know walk in love be dignified uh and be united as a people not divided not nothing divisive about our people like we're all unified we all you know we all have our unique differences we all have our unique perspectives how we view life and how we conduct our own lives but pretty much by nature we all walk on one accord we all have an unspoken bond you know by nature we shouldn't be you know corrupt and add each other's throats and you know always trying to do something um negative to one another we should be building each other up we should be helping each other uh anyway possible we should be sharing resources you know we should be rooting for each other to win not praying for each other's downfall that's what the narrative podcast is all about i don't you know use this space to promote negativity to um hurl and slander in like hurl insults and slander however this is also not only is this a place of uplifting edification this is a place of truth so when one of us you know is intentionally utilizing their platform to be negative and to cause controversy for monetary gain i will call said individual out um you know with extreme prejudice but other than that i don't do any names dropping i don't try to do attach my name to certain things or certain people for traction and um you know clickbait and all that if i ever bring up a uh famous person's name it's really just to you know submit the overall point that i'm trying to make on this platform and the overall point that i'm always trying to make is you know us first so yes we have um negative things in our community yes we do have crime yes we do have violence yes we do have things that i need we need to work on as a people our issues we know what our issues are but you know if i ever bring up a famous person's name this is to illustrate the why and why anything negative in our community generally happens is because we've been programmed in condition by the powers that be and already they spoke slickly went over who the powers that be are elite society and what their agenda is you know we've been programmed mentally you know that's their control over the media is basically like uh psychological programming and conditioning because we're hearing it you know their agenda we're hearing and seeing it you know we're you know being programmed by the powers of the beavers we're hearing it in the music we're seeing um it in the movies in the uh network television programming in the advertisements and the literature that we're reading the books like how you know they want our images and our likenesses explored you know we're absorbing all that negativity so we're being programmed being conditioned by the powers that be so anytime something negative happens in our community just know we've been programmed in condition to act or react in that negative type of manner so you know like if i ever bring up a famous person's name it's just really to submit the wife factor and the wife factor that i always you know use to point out is you know we've been programmed in condition by the powers that be and this is why that happens so anytime i'm usually covering um celebrity news i'm covering it from that perspective you know i'm unpacking it from that perspective not you know the wave ride or try to make my brand relevant through whatever hot button issues going on in the world so that's that you know that's one misnomer um something else need to be aware of this is a time sensitive platform i try not to see one hour per broadcast and the reason why i just want to uh you know i'm an all audio platform that's first and foremost so i don't want to board my listening audience to see uh board my listening audience to sleep i want to keep it fresh and innovative as possible and i can't do that you know if i just have stagnant content so i want to keep you captivated as long as i'm speaking and also prevents myself from talking in circles and drowning on and on because i went you know my message to be clear and concise and i don't want to uh trail off and lose people and just turn you off from wanting to listen you know i don't know if you all you all grew up with the peanuts you know the t-shirt what what what what what what what that's how anybody sounds like if they're just talking for an excessive amount of time and they're not really talking about anything so i try to give myself a time limit i try not to exceed one hour per per broadcast i try not to exceed one hour per broadcast and that's how i try to keep it fresh and innovative as possible but uh yeah so i basically have a set time you know my weekday format differs for my week in format i broadcast typically during the weekday and they're on the weekend uh you know the two formats are different but they're both timed i try not to exceed one hour ideally i try not to go over 45 minutes during the weekday broadcast um but um yeah so that's you know another misnomer up near the podcast it's time sensitive i don't want to hold you all day long uh you know you don't have to clear your entire schedule to catch up on the episode of the narrative podcast you know you know have to clear your entire schedule to uh be up to speed with the content that i'm presenting to you i don't want to shoot over people's heads i don't want to and then i also don't want to dumb myself down and so finally last but not least um in essence to preserve who we are as a people our true nature as a people i refer to our people on this platform as original people and i do that for two reasons um the first reason is to be reflective of the origin of original like to be reflective of our true nation i refer to our people as original you know to be reflective of our true nature and to be historically accurate uh because historically you know we were and are the original people of this planet we were here thousands of years before every any anybody you name a person the ethnicity and nationality we was here first we existed long before everybody you know and that's just a fact you can prove it you know all kinds of ways you can prove what genetics you can prove it you know uh with architecture you can prove it you know with ancient writings and tablets and whatever you we was here first we were like the first people to exist in this physical plane so that's one reason why i refer to our people as original people you know to be reflective of you know historically to be historically accurate um and more a sub point i want to couple sub points i want to tack on to that not only is it historically accurate you know being first you know means like everything was derived from us first meaning like not only was everything derived from us first we pretty much invented everything first as well like whatever modern day invention we have if you you know do the knowledge do the history you can see there was an ancient form of whatever you know exists here in modern modern day thousands of years before whatever modern day convenience we now have there was like an ancient form of it and it was invented by us now speaking here in america us being the original architects and inventors like we pretty much everything in industrial revolution that they teach us in school in history you know what they're not teaching us that we was the original you know architects and inventors of everything so every modern day invention air quotes an america inventor invented was a lie because most all of them own slaves so the slaves invented pretty much everything and to mask the deed of stealing the slaves inventions they created the u.s. patent system so all these people in history books that say they invented this and that they didn't invent anything they just really just um stole it from a slave and put their name on it to be recorded in history because that's what they do that's what they do you know but everything really came from us originally with our our existence in this world we invented everything we invented the spoken uh language written language everything was derived from us nothing existed before we existed and being the original inhabitants of this physical plane um i want to quickly point out you know another false narrative that keeps on getting recorded in history inaccurately in history at that um slavery you know the powers that be they want to push and promote slavery they want to make slavery the most poignant relevant time of our existence especially for those that live here in america um a couple things so the transatlantic slave trade wasn't the most uh crucial era of our existence because like i said we as the original people we existed thousands of years before everybody so just scientifically knowing that that we was here before everybody um did you think we was just all existing in one point of origin did you just think the original people inhabited this physical plane that we only existed in africa do you not think that we also existed in the continent of asia do you not think we existed in the continent of europe which actually by definition isn't that a continent because the continent is a landmass surrounded by a body of water europe is a peninsula but you know whatever uh you not think we existed in europe you not think we already existed in australia in the uk and holland and finlin and like you know in india the middle east we existed there was large concentrations of us we was the first persons here so said all that to say we didn't get the- hey it's ryan seacrest life comes at you fast which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little u-time enter chumba casino with no download required you can jump on anytime anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes so treat yourself with chumba casino and play over a hundred online casino style games all for free go to chumba to collect your free welcome bonus sponsored by chumba casino no purchase necessary vgw group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply all these other places on slave boats who was already there so why translate land and slave trade did happen and it was real they did transport africans to different parts of the world forcefully unauthorized forcefully and did horrible horrendous things to them being an original people we was already there we already existed pretty much everywhere there's no such thing as an afro anything there's no such thing as an afro Latino there's no such thing as like you know afro Cuban afro Colombian those was the original people already inhabiting those lands the colonizer came in and you know put their spin on it put their name on it you know there's no such thing as an afro Asian no no such thing as an afro this afro that you know it was just the original inhabitants of that land and the original inhabitants of all land masses were dark in nature darkly complexed in nature possessing high concentrations of african bna that's so that's just a false narrative that they keep on pushing is that we all came from slavery and we did not come we did not all come you know through the transatlantic slave trade we are existing every single corner of the globe that you can think of and they really did a number on us here in america we are the original indigenous natives of this you know land mass you can read Christopher Columbus's diary you can read Miles Stanish's diary the pilgrims the rape the Indians we was the Indians you didn't say the red people in his diary he said the black people that live here but yet these fair skinned people to sit on these tribal councils you know for an order for us to get the money we have to prove our land image and we was the original people so you know i just wanted to clear up that misconception of slavery so why it was real and it was you know it harmed our people and divided our people you know all of us didn't come through this transatlantic slave trade to get to all these different ports we already existed before you know the slave trade was already living in all these different places you know just more of us came through you know through the transatlantic slave trade through chattel slavery but for the most part we already existed especially here in the Americas because like less than 40 percent of us came from Africa and then another mic drop moment is like where was Africa originally located before the colonizers drew the map because the go to the heart of it to true indigenous people you got to go you know do the geography of it keep in mind the uh jic that the uh this world changed several times throughout history land masses changed several times throughout history so what was Africa before the colonizers called it Africa where was Africa before the colonizers said it's over in one specific spot because many believe like this was African there's all you know kinds of evidence pointing to it but that's a different debate in the intellectual community but this you know particular platform is just basically it's a broadened everybody's horizons about original people and original people culture so that's just one reason why i refer to our people as original people you know on the historical side of it the next reason is because you know being original people there are many different types of us located in different you know regions of the world you know having we all have different beliefs value systems we are referred to ourselves by you know whatever nationality whatever religion but one thing that we all have in common as a people you know is that we're original people which means we have you know high concentrations of carbon aka melanin and we can all trace our lineage back to the original point of origin for all civilization so you know whatever difference is we got going on we are original so that's you know the second reason why i refer to our people as original people here on the narrative podcast is to unify us as a people we can get into it who deserves the reparations later but you know that's why i refer to our people as original people here on the narrative podcast i think i cleared everything up if you're still kind of you know in a gray space about what i'm trying to do here i'm over 300 episodes in so even though it's been quite a while since i did a recent upload you know you got nearly 400 episodes to bring yourself up to speed on the narrative podcast um know my content uh platform is growing knowing know that i am having a positive impact on the rest of the world you know stats do lie but i know and you know my impact and my relevance with my message that i got you know that my circle is growing that more and more people are listening and gravitating and responsibly using their platforms to you know share positive content about our people and our likenesses which is the overall mission statement of the narrative podcast is to get everybody sharing positive content and um going out and impacting the world in a positive way representing our communities in a positive way representing our um images our overall images and our likenesses online in a positive way that way um you know that way it'll be a less likely will be portrayed in a negative light because you know even though the media is ran by a wicked evil uh entity with the wicked evil agenda the overall the overall agenda of it is just basically you know its businesses supply and demand they can't put out negative content if we don't create the need for the negative content we create the need for the media's negative content by participating in it by blindly participating in the negative content we blindly participate in you know gangbang culture we blindly participate in you know criminalistic culture like violence gun violence culture we blindly participate in that by reposting any sharing it online you slept through your alarm miss the train and your breakfast sandwich cold sounds like you could use some luck i'm victoria cash and lucky land is where people go every day to get lucky at lucky land you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes go to and get lucky today no purchase necessary vgw proof void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply for our sisters y'all blindly participated uh blindly pardon me participate in the negative portrayal of y'all's images and likenesses y'all blindly participate in the degradation of you know black women posting ratchet content participating in ratchet content um twerking you know when you're doing your vacay there's a one going viral right now some sisters in like a sacred like place i think is somewhere in africa and they sitting up there twerking on the burial mound so when y'all do stuff like that y'all are blindly participating in thought culture uh you know flashing your nudity online just for attention and likes you know the exception to that rule is like if that's you know what you are if you are an exotic dancer or you are an adult film star actress you know then that makes sense but if you're doing it just to be doing it just for attention just for likes you know you're participating in the agenda of thought culture of horror culture so to break that cycle what we got to do as a people is you know narrate our own stories in a positive way is which what i do here on the narrative podcast i play a you know stories about us excelling academically um leading the charge in entrepreneurism you know advancing financially building our communities teaching our children taking care of our elderly solving our own problems and networking as a people working together to solve our own issues just all things positive is what i do here on this platform and i encourage my listening audience to do the same and so you know that's what we all need to be doing online not trying to police anyone else's content if you are like a gossip cop columnist or whatever you know even in that space you can still be positive because while the 90% of your content is you know geared towards gossip you can still like do a segment a 30 minute segment of where you're highlighting something positive in the community somebody doing something positive somebody being impactful in the community you know bridging the gap you know um breaking barriers breaking these stereotypes so you know we can all just you know wisely utilize our platforms to put out positive content so i think you're aware of all the misnomers like i said i'm nearly 400 episodes in anything you're hazing on just go back in my episode log but that's the narrative podcast internet share so having said all that to say let's dive on into the content that i have this evening soon to be morning um i'm on a mission statement to do as many weekday episodes as possible so just know when i'm like mia it's kind of just like either life is life in like i got some family issues um you know i injured myself or i just plan over don't feel like doing when but yeah that's the only time you just won't be hearing content from me other than that you know be expecting uploads of the narrative podcast and i try to broadcast you know during the weekday and the weekend so you know you want to keep your ear in podcast land all throughout the week so that you don't miss the newest episode of the narrative podcast but anyway this is a weekday edition of the narrative podcast i'll be doing a saturday edition um in a few hours but uh yeah probably late late saturday evening i'll be uploading be you know be prepared to get the uh saturday edition saturday evening this is like late friday but you know just a weekday edition and what i tend to do on my weekday editions to keep in stride with my uh objective of the narrative podcast and my objective is to share positive frames of reference about our people and our culture the positive frames of reference that i share about our people and our culture come in the form of positive news articles accompanied then by um commentary i commentate on um things going on around the world um within our community and like the reason why i do that is to control the narrative because the media go out of its way to you know have us looking and sounding crazy so what i do you know when i deliver my commentary is basically to bring it back into focus you know unpacking from our perspective whatever's going on you know either nationally globally or something specifically happening within our community just kind of breaking that down but um anyway just a weekday edition i got some positive news articles for you and the reason why i do that is because you know the media constantly bombards us 24 hours a day with negative news always showing us down bad always showing us disenfranchised and downtrodden never showing us winning never showing us doing well in life never showing us helping one another um you know like i said that's a form of psychological warfare when they do that so to balance that out you know i want to uh show the rest of the world positive things do happen within our community it's just not really publicized so that's the purpose of the positive news article i'm publicizing positive things happening within our community so having said all that let's get things underway but uh before that i'm gonna uh there's a bit of business to handle we just lost uh one of the most prolific actors of our time he's kind of like you know there'd never be another one of his caliber he was a so commanding and dynamic and everything that he appeared in um before moving forward with the consent got to acknowledge the recent passing of a veteran actor uh it doesn't they didn't get nearly enough accolades in life for you know his extensive body of work spanning over you know three decades in hollywood man was uh 91 years young when he passed so when he transitioned um you know we've got to take a moment of silence for uh the one and only brother mr bill cob so bill cob it's time for today's lucky land horoscope with victoria cash life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to lucky land you know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin so go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes get lucky today at no purchase necessary vGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply was you know a dynamic actor um this generation where we're probably mostly want to remember him for um is his role in uh you know the movie hit hit uh movie early 90s movie new jack city which was based on the uh crack academic in new york city in the 80s but you know that's one of his most definitive uh rose and uh where he basically unalived the uh what is it i'll i always get these mixed up i guess uh Wesley Snipes character was the uh i guess um Wesley Snipes character was the main antagonist of um that movie and he basically um attempts to or does unalive him it's been a while since i watched new jack city but you know his character he was a uh elderly gentleman in the series um he basically tried to stop Wesley Snipes character uh nino brown from selling drugs in the community he approached him and you know let him know as an elder you know what you're doing is wrong you need to stop doing that you're corrupting the youth and you know he had his um you know team like pretty much beat him down for standing on truth and you know at the end of it because he was like elderly in any way he's like he didn't really care nothing about his own life but you're not going to just keep on you know being that person and um continuing the cycle of destruction so to end that i got to end you and that was like why that his role was so dynamic and impactful because if we had more of those characters like real life characters in our community uh a lot of things that happened in our community wouldn't happen you know people that just stand on truth and um really don't care about their own lives but to bring about order at some point we're gonna have to get like that to to uh you know propel ourselves forward i mean like some people call it vigilante being the vigilante or whatever but in our community to handle our own business without having uh law enforcement do we we're going to have to get to that stage but you know that was one of his most impactful and dynamic roles um another some others like tv stuff i guess he was in like um uh northern exposure that was some mayonnaise stuff um another uh television show he was in is like Herman's head there wasn't as one all kinds of awards when it was an incindication when it was on fox um you know he had a whole a string of black exploitation films uh one of the biggest in the 70s that he was in was the hitters but like i said i'm not going to run down to man's resume but you know a dynamic actor um he just had that that balmy voice his uh presence was like real just assertive in everything he played in so of course towards 80s and 90s most of it i think it got typecast is just like a cantankerous old man but he's like he was a cantankerous old man usually with a message he wasn't just you know just a grumpy old man because he's grumpy he was like always a reason behind me and all the characters that he played but like i said you know one of his most impactful roles was you know new jack city and why that was needed in the movie to kind of push that storyline with mario mario van people's was trying to do in that movie you know just shine the light um from all the perspectives like you know everything we're doing we're all an essential puzzle piece in the grand scheme of things and that was his piece in that movie but um before diving into the rest of the content we're going to give our brother bill cob um um you know a moment of silence and then we're going to get into these new articles all right the rest in power to brother bill cob and you know narrative podcast and the love light and healing energy to all his friends families and associates and anybody who was connected to him in life so yeah now diving on into the first article of this evening soon to be morning um headline reads african-american team real estate broker from plaque me plaque in me i think it's called blue pronounced plaque in me louisiana earned six figures and a young sister's name is chakira scott's um chakira was motivated to become a real estate um broker by following in her mother's footsteps who was a real estate broker she got her a license at 18 so she graduated a year early to achieve this um she is now currently a fully licensed estate broker and a four-time student at lsu majoring in marketing she makes over ten thousand dollars a month her goal is to build uh duplexes and plaque in me um louisiana uh and she's currently uh one of the uh leading influence social media influencers online her tick-tock is averaging 25 000 followers and growing so yeah she's doing a lot in life um she also does the TED talks and um motivational speakers she always she also has motivational speaking engagements as well so yeah she's doing a whole lot of positive things in life and that's what i want to uh promote here on this platform and encourage other people that listen to this um podcast to do the same on their platforms to promote content not that content like that and not content you know in stride with the negative stereotypes and stimulus that the media portrays about is so this young sister at an early age wanted to make a difference in life you know wanted to be a real estate broker and got her uh a path laid out because she knew about the importance of you know owning your own land and building generational wealth and like only one sub point i want to tack on to that is that the elite society that's primarily what they do there's a uh by land and stuff um they surround their their sales with all these status symbols but the gotcha gotcha is they're not using that green paper money to do it they're using like credit uh life insurance with living benefits uh to basically you know acquire artist land and all these properties and they basically turn order status symbols into you know lucrative assets so they might leave out the house just to be seen with them they might drive that expensive car just to be seen with to be seen with it they might wear that jury just to be seen with it but trust and believe if they got insurance on it um their status symbols is earning them money they're not just doing it you know buying all these high pricey things just to be buying it so it's earning them money so the uh point said all that to say anything as a community that we were doing if it's not earning us money like what are we doing it for and not saying money of course isn't the end all be all money is a tool you shouldn't allow allow money to run you um you shouldn't compromise your um morals and integrity for money and act outside of your character just acquire money to buy things but you know you should be using money as a tool and wisely acquiring the things and make the things make you money so you can do more of the things that you enjoy doing in life not being a slave to it not you know bowing down or worshiping these status symbols like the elite society does but um this young lady she got it at an early age she got it that's what you need to do to um you know what is it called uh hacked it she like that's her life hack early on in life and she got it so message received and i know she's going to go on to you know build to bring her for which uh bring her vision to acquire these um duplexes into fruition and she's probably going to um at some point build affordable housing and probably have her own institution where she's you know teaching young uh people and or people of all ages you know the real estate game what they need to know about how to become a successful real estate agent and you know acquire properties and acquire land and all that we that we do need to do at some point is some juncture in life so without any further ado give our sister Shakira's join me in to giving our sister Shakira Scott the warmest round of applause narrative podcast round of applause for her accomplishment as a real estate agent at the age of 18 because she could have been swerking and having the only fans and all that but nope she a real estate agent all right next time next article of the week that edition of the narrative podcast that had line reads woman once worked at target now has her own clothing line in their stores and the sister's name is james Taylor if i'm pronouncing her name right j-e-n-i-c-e her passion for fashion started in high school while she was managing 200 target stores as did the highlights it was like you know her career path was more complex than that you know she's obviously she went to college for marketing as well and she had a plethora of jobs before that but you know i'm just doing the highlights like i said i'm trying not to exceed one hour for the broadcast and i did a lengthy intro but um she helped open targets first small format store on the east coast and now has her own clothing line and she is not only you know the new face of target you know her parallel and target but she's also you know a social media fashion influencer she's like one the biggest in the game right now the social media handle is high-low looks and looks with two x's e-l-u-x-x-e her flat her profile was set to private so that's weird that she got thousands of followers but you know her profile set their private i guess she's under you know like um serious she's operating on under you know serious influence only for people who's trying to do what she did uh doing like webinars and people interested in participating in webinars and you know sponsored content coming from her but you know that's extremely important these days to know how to uh utilize and navigate social media is if you navigate it the correct way it could be more than just a passive streaming income it could be the platforms and everything that you're trying to do in life and she's basically hack that um after the successful launch of her clothing line um at target and not for nothing target kind of is like it's target and then it's Nordstrom so like if you're a graphic design artist that's where you want to that and then also Walmart too but if you're a graph an independent graphic design artist that's where you want to have your merch because those places cater specifically to us like you're going to see target you're going to see like our brand's in target i'm a uh it's a double add sword to it so spoiler alert it's going to be kind of attached to my speaking point after i'm done with the articles but basically like targets Nordstrom and and Walmart so if like you're an independent graphic design artist or doing apparel that should be your goal to like get your merch in target or uh Walmart or Nordstrom is that those specific places have eyes dedicated to you know us you know we see representation in places like that and pick places like that they get it as you know supply of demand so they're not with that you know their race stuff they're all about the dollar they're you know they're not going to do nothing foul like stick your brand your ear face something with your face when the back where can't nobody see it they're going to put it like right in the center aisle and like put the uh you know they're going to try to get your Judy was boring hello then Judy discovered Chumba Casino dot com it's my little escape now Judy's the life of the party oh baby mama's bringing home the bacon whoa take it easy Judy the Chumba life is for everybody so go to chumba casino dot com and play over a hundred casino style games join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices chumba casino dot com no purchase necessary for you we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply see what's like for details whenever you're bringing this sold out in the first week but um anyway said all that to say that she was aware of that you know aware of that marketing aware of that positioning and use that to bolster her social media her social media presence and now she's like kind of dominating social media she does TED talk she got a youtube channel she's on every podcast you can imagine she's hosted thousands of events so let's give a one narrative podcast round of applause for Denise Taylor aka Highlow Lutz all right last article of this evening soon to be morning uh 12 year old black girl from florida makes history graduates from high school at least she hasn't seen 12 year old prodigy she's so exceptional skills at reading by age three solving problems by age solving complex math problems by age four uh she plans to attend community college then transfer to florida state university for pediatric training and plans to go to medical school by that time to age 17 so there she got a whole future mapped out um i got tons of articles that i've been accumulating since my hiatus but those are just the ones that stood out in my mind the most and that was the ones i'm sharing right now and um you know challenging you all to do the same shared positive content for positive content out there on your platforms um promote positivity to counteract negativity like one more misnomer i forgot to say about my podcast it's never the intent like you know i don't exist i don't care what people outside of our culture think about this i'm not trying to enlighten or um enlighten or you know educate people outside of our culture about our people and our culture the purpose of the narrative podcast is to uplift and edify our people and our culture by our i mean original people um an original people cultural life you know is at the end of the day you can't change a made-up mind they're going to believe what they want to believe you know because a whole lot of uh people the card itself not like in black people it's like they're they're aware of our history they're aware of the facts they just choose in their minds not like it's for whatever reason they even go one up and even hate it so you know it's not my intent to try to cater to try to be the bridge to try to um you know show them that we're not horrible people it's just you know i exist here for truth like if you want to tell our story tell it correctly tell it from the correct perspective of who we are as with people which is kings and queens gods and gods of the universe not not your uh nigga not your bitch not your thug not your whole none of that so but um anyway i got a little long windy um basically what i was saying for i got off hooding was um the young sister at least she understood the assignment at an early age she buckled down she studied she picked her trajectory in life hyper focus and you know got accomplished when she set out to do and that's something we can all do when we sit out unplug from the media unplug from all these negative images and um stereotypes and stigmas that were embargoed constantly and it's easy to say you can pick your trajectory in life you can choose your trajectory in life and you can't you can't you can be whatever you want to be in life you can do whatever you want to do in life and know if you're an original person aka a black person living in the world especially here in america you know there there is intentional roadblock set in front of you um we're exposed to psychological warfare to constantly bombard us with the negativity in advertisements um it's sometimes a subtle sometimes it's blatant but you know they're doing all these little psychological things that you really don't get a chance to unsee after you've seen it you don't get a chance to unsee it and when you're constantly exposed to it it takes root in your psyche and then on a subconscious level you start to kind of enact what you've been exposed to you're living circumstances we are reflective of what you take into in your mind so when you see one of us original people not operating at a certain level by a certain age just know that psychological programming and conditions play the large part of you so while we are at dark school grown adults we have to ultimately take accountability take self accountability just know there is an inherent agenda against us just know that fortunately this young lady was surrounded with positive influences positive imagery and you know got steered into the creek you know trajectory path and made a conscious decision which she went out of life she pursued it she obtained it and she still won so I do believe she's going to be a certified MD and with you know that the ancestors have anything to do with it she'll open her own practice and provide affordable health care to her community so without any further ado let's give our young sister shekinah or uh yeah i'm pronouncing it right Elise sorry i'm still on shekinah Elise Shelton is the young lady's name Elise is a hyphen but i believe it's Elise Elise Shelton all right that's it and that's all for the articles and now i'm going to dive into some commentary i'm not going to hold you too long with the commentary because like i said i had been gone for like several weeks close to a month now so i think my last upload was like what um late late May maybe early June not sure i got a checked episode bar but i've been on a hiatus but i think it was just a few weeks before few days or a few weeks before the uh June teeth celebration and which is a spoiler alert my speaking point so as we now know or we should know we just recently had june team and june team if you did not know so june team is basically a ceremony or a celebration commemorating the emancipation of slavery it's federally recognized on june 19 that's where the team comes from but celebrations kind of start you know as early as 13th through the 19th sometimes in some areas all the way to the um end of the month like some places depending on where we're at in america they'll go all the way to like the 30s but it's basically commemorating the announcement keyword announcement so it's starting in on galveston texas um where they announced to the rest of the south that you know slavery had been abolished slavery had been abolished um for months before the announcement ear quotes came out meaning slavery was over and you know basically what we're so well we're celebrating is the slaves getting the memo like slavery had been over had been over had been abolished there was like places in virginia where they were still on plantations getting whipped so like the slave owners they already knew just the slaves themselves so they had to have sent somebody out to remind them hey y'all know slavery's over y'all can't keep doing that y'all know they're right to not be you know whipping slaves and um holding them forcefully against their will so that was the day what june tink was all about the day they had to let the slaves go like they had like slavery had already been abolished prior to the announcement you know they announced it sometime later on in the tink in some like history doesn't say exactly which day you can do your googles there's no exact day when you know the announcement the official call went out and so said all that to say um you know not to crap in nobody's cornflakes the only reason why i had i kind of stayed away from it too it's because i kind of already did uh did did a deep delve into it um years ago not a cup like yeah a long time ago when i first started this on you know why june tink is such bs but you know this is basically a remix topic um yeah so it's not really a big deal they're giving us crumbs they're just letting us have our party but primarily in our community we celebrate it as an homage to like we survived everything y'all threw at us everything got bit to us um we survived we survived everything y'all did to us and everything you know that y'all sit in front of us we you know we ate that that's why we celebrate it's not the emancipation of the quote unquote slays because we're not still free like slavery never ended it just changed forms we don't have any real freedom and like they constantly keep showing us we don't have any real freedom when one of us steps out of line and we're under the um false pretense that money buys you freedom money just buys you liberty like when they get ready to show you who you are you get your um when they're ready to give you that negro welcome wake-up call no amount of money is going to save uh save you from their onslaught like the only way you get saved from the onslaught is when you already consciously make the uh decision to be free when you have the personality is uh i have some nice stuff but i'm still going to be who i am and if y'all strip me away i don't care you know i was who i was before i had all this stuff and i'll be who i am after y'all take it away and i'm not going to stop telling the truth you can unalive me if you don't if you don't want to if you have to have that personality for them not to come for you if you don't have that mentality then you know they're going to punish you they're going to make your life a living hell if you like not ready to you know die on truth if you don't have that resolved to die on truth you know they're going to torture you because there's only a select few that can popish in our community who have been getting money since since since that they ain't never came for because they know it's just uh it's a lost cause they're not going to um they're not going to crucify them they can't crucify them they can't make them but dance because they ain't scared of them but if you know you're fearful to lose your big house to lose your fancy car they're going to punish you and like i said it's only a select few in our community it's not afraid it's demonstrated on countless occasions they're not afraid of them and those are the people that they don't come for it but june tink is it's not really a big deal it's really just bait and switch because that's them giving us some breadcrumbs to deflect about what we should be having what's owed to us is reparations you know we don't care about fettlers recognized holidays at this point you know that don't do nothing for us to be able to take off work well hey june tink like we don't care about that um let's keep it funky that's like if you remember it like earlier i said you know i was talking about the young lady having a brand at a target um the retailers have locked in on our excessive need to be acknowledged you know and they'll promote the heck out of um june tink and black history month all these uh faceless corporations they'll promote that you know to generate merch because they know we're going to go out and buy it and support it to commemorate to commemorate it but shit will be celebrating june tink it is ryan c crest here there was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music no movies no entertainment but a better trend would be going to it's like having a mini social casino in your pocket chumba casino has over a hundred online casino style games all absolutely free it's the most fun you can have online and on a plane so grab your free welcome bonus now at sponsored by chumba casino no purchase necessary vgw group voidware prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply no we shouldn't be celebrating june tink all these thousands of dollars that we have the june tink block parties and celebrations we could be funding into our communities we should be building institutions we should be building infrastructures to you know allow ourselves to operate autonomous autonomously you know what the word i'm trying to say from this system but yet we spend all this money to say here look at me we're celebrating june tink but like we're free we're free and we're not free you know we celebrate in the fallacy we're not free they can at any given time tell us to get in line and there's nothing we can do about it so all these thousands of dollars that we spend on celebrating june tink we could be like building infrastructures building our own schools building our own um grocery stores building our own um communities housing communities like affordable housing like we can like literate legit on all the thousands of dollars we spend on these june tink celebrations we could be like legit buying in the block renovating old houses you know buying duplexes buying on building our own housing projects our own housing projects you know what i mean fixing up you know dilapidated hood projects all over the world in america i mean you know instead of celebrating june tink that's just what i feel because like from the advertising to the merch that's like millions of dollars and so it doesn't really need to be acknowledged because it's actually just kind of making this look foolish us celebrating something that hasn't actually happened we haven't we haven't gotten like true freedom i'm sure beats getting whipped on the plantation but we getting psychologically with we getting financially with so all we've obtained is the right to work amongst white people and eat amongst white people like that's what we were fighting the civil rights era it's uh to segregate the lunch counters and you know the school systems and when we did that you know it came at a price we you know we had our own and we was all you know we was financially secure there was like homeowners by the droves in our community like almost every person owned their own home there were very few people in our community before um you know integration before we integrated then lived in apartments there's like you know the vast majority of us was like homeowners the vast majority of us was married there wasn't so many people that were single in our community but when we integrated you know white women they made that feminist movement and got our sisters minds into it and then they created the welfare to separate you know take the uh black man out of the home and give her money and make her not need him to protect her and she got money and right so when in when right you know integration came that was pretty much the downfall of our community economically we had our own resources um some people felt they were impoverished but they owned their own house the house might have been dilapidated and constantly needed fixing up but it was theirs you know what i'm saying they might have had like only enough you know money for like they might have just been eating scraps every night but you know there wasn't on food stamps you know what i'm saying which was actually created for white people and i do a deep delve into that a little later sometime before the end of summer but yeah so definitely should be celebrated um zoom team been um fourth of july is right around the corner and we definitely don't need to be celebrating fourth of july we spend all these hundreds of dollars on fireworks i'm a few of us uh and never ceases to admit amaze me fashion wise it's red white and blue red white and blue we'll sit up there it's been you know all this red white and blue merch us wearing the banner of the oppressor instead of investing that same money and that same energy into uplifting and edifying and doing for self so these are basically what i'm saying fourth of july and june team for token holidays and we should be over tokenism at this point don't give us tokenism don't give us false sentiments give us what you owe us give us the reparations don't keep on spending it and deflecting it and you know just shimmy and away from us give us the money we don't want acknowledgement we won't we don't want you you know being the cool white guy well i let my people now have to work on zoom team if they don't want to we don't want that we want the money we want the reparations if you want to champion the cause to show that you're a progressive uh white person a progressive asian person a progressive Italian person a progressive whatever if you're truly progressive and you live here in america which you would do is your utilize your resources and your you know your talk show your podcast your tick tox and launch something for reparations to black americans that's what you would do not give us june team not give us you know fourth of july um i'm fifty fifty on black history because we do need to celebrate our accomplishments and let the world know that we are the ish and everything that we have in this country is because we built it so i feel black history does it like you know we're split in our community a whole lot of our scholars say that's stupid we shouldn't be celebrating in their son let's say we should and i'm uh i'm kind of on the side to say we should celebrate you know black history month because you know the world does need to know how great we are especially here in america the architects need a day to you know celebrate like you know there wouldn't be in america if it wasn't for us we fought in the two wars that um established america as a sovereign nation like it wasn't for us there would be no america so to all the immigrants that currently live in america you're welcome black americans did that for you no matter where you come at from in the world you couldn't have a place to immigrate to had it not been for us fighting in the wars and building america so i don't want to hear that from immigrants talking about well i came to this country with nothing and didn't speak the language and you got treated like a human being that's what you got you are treated like a human being a poor human being but you got treated like a human being you wasn't wet and beaten you know you wasn't raped you might have got some uh you might have got some shit paid you might have got caught a few derogatory slurs but she wasn't treated like we were treated and we built this country we built you you could not thrive in america if you're immigrant if you're art if you're ancestors were iris settlers were poli settlers came from ireland came from germany came from scotlin came from wherever y'all y'all's existence to us um yeah and i ain't going to just keep on going in on the europeans people in the middle east they'd be coming over here acting stanky um our people our brothers and sisters like come from africa like i already established like the majority of us did not you know the majority of us was we was already the indigenous located here um you know i at some point do a deep delve into you know the delodicey culture and you know the delta and all that of the original man in you know the original people indigenous tribe of america it's true years but uh yeah y'all be coming over here acting stanky from uh you know jamaica and parts of africa looking at us like you know we're being lazy and whatever whatever you think about us in y'all's mind we all be coming over here hatie barbatos gynator with you know trinity eepio pia yeah y'all be acting stanky man y'all be acting stanky when we built this country so all these people are these immigrants y'all should be and most of y'all immigrants has dominated um social media so y'all should dedicate y'all's platforms into you know launching trying to think psas and um launching content where you're educating everybody about you know reparations and why black americans deserve it instead of you know coming over here acting like we're the problem because how can you consider yourself american if you're okay with the system that doesn't pay the original american everybody's gotten paid except that people that built american and we keep on getting curved because we're tripping off of like you know nationality and you know all these little eosick recipes and misnomers like we can you know they're just like wordplay and just like jedi mind tricking us out of the reparations but now not to say there are actually some of us that got it you know some people you know filed individual reparations in the sixties and they turned around and gave a right back to their president they took their reparation money and put it right back into the system that took it from them in the first place but as a nation as a people we deserve it so there is ways to get it individually if you're diligently proving your lineage you know proving you know you were enslaved at some point you don't have to be an african slave to get the reparations you know because they enslaved the indigenous people that lived here so they curved us twice because then people on them uh reservations they're not the indigenous natives they're actually five dollar indians white people they descend from five dollar indians like white people you know at one point there was allowed to you know purchase native ancestry for five dollars to say they were native americans for the sum of five dollars to avoid paying taxes and the whole lot of them on uh these air quotes reservations are descendants of them not the actual natives of this land so a whole lot of them didn't come here they came from other places essentially they you're asians not native from americans which is a phrase that was coined by the powers of the beef but um yeah this ant land is rightfully ours on several different accounts on that account this land is rightfully our land on the account for the ones that did come over here on slave boats so we are the original owners of this land and y'all been ducking the bill long enough it's time to pay up you know stop giving us these token holidays and give us what you owe us and then we got to start you know going for the okey dokey and letting them get away with it because we saw we we went accepting so bad that we let them you know treat us any kind of way talk to us in the kind of way basically we sitting up there letting these people play with us in our face yeah we support we support you know june tathan we support black history month and we don't want you to speak like we're not mad that you support it but like you know if you truly progressive if you truly believe in everybody should be treated equal in support you know the campaign for reparations like y'all should be the immigrants you guys should be the biggest voices of reparations because us having reparations would benefit you the most us having our own neighborhoods and things that we truly own as a people that would benefit y'all the most because guess where they seem y'all anywhere they seem y'all when y'all first come over here that they seem y'all the black neighborhoods anywhere because white people don't want to accept you looking for excitement chamba casino is here play anytime play anywhere play on the train play at the store play at home play when you're bored play today for your chance to win and get daily bonuses when you log in so what are you waiting for don't delay chamba casino is free to play experience social gameplay like never before go to chamba casino right now to play hundreds of games including online slots bingo slingo and more live the chamba life at chamba bh group no purchase necessary boy prohibited by law c terms and conditions 18 plus so you wouldn't get you know scrutinized and made fun of in our school systems if we had our own schools you wouldn't get ostracized and made fun of you know in our grocery stores you wouldn't get mocked and ridiculed in our neighborhoods because you are you know of our blood of our lineage anyway you got african bna in you palestinian brothers and sisters you know turkish brothers and sisters Pakistani brothers and sisters Indian brothers and sisters like yeah y'all got african lineage and y'all so yeah you would benefit immensely from the american blacks having reparations asian people y'all have benefited immensely from us having reparations so so low income white people y'all definitely will benefit immensely from us having reparations because other white people ostracize you the wealthy working in elite class white people ostracize you and cheat you like better trash you but yeah so that's just what i want to end on my god i had tons more like i said i've been gone long i want to touch on a few more things but i think i say we were my next upload in a few hours so this is technically the friday weekday upload for the narrative podcast but i've been gone for uh so long but i'm trying to get back um but uh yeah this episode is a wrap join me in a few hours from now i should have my second uh my full episode uploaded probably you know this evening six seven eight nine something like that um but uh yeah join me next time for another edition of the narrative podcast all week um i've been gone so long i might do a weekday edition on sunday as well just to get my legs back to get me used because i've been gone for so long to get used to broadcasting because i was like you know i was doing like before i went on my little hiatus the first time was because of injury and in the second time like just now coming back because i had some family stuff going on but uh yeah so yep this episode is definitely a wrap join me a few hours from now um support the narrative podcast wherever there's your podcast information from download this episode and i'm previously able to record episodes of the narrative podcast wherever there's your podcast information from and just keep in mind i uh do weekly uploads and weekend uh uploads week weekend like usually saturday or sunday um technically friday's a week into if you want to get technical but yeah for the four episodes weekend episodes and the difference between the weekday and the weekend episodes there's more sections on the uh weekend episodes so like on my weekend episodes i break them down into sections uh the weekday episodes i just do articles and commentary and then i got like quite a few more sections during the weekend episodes that's the really the only difference between the four mats i'm nearly four hundred episodes in you can just go through my episode log to see the difference for yourself and i want to break down the differences but um thank you all for listening join me again later on this evening for another for a full weekend episode of the narrative podcast but this one is efficiently over if they throw off for listening i'm back y'all hausing out and the narrative podcast so what else do i got going on um i've written a book and that's another reason why i've been gone too because like on thursday i was going to do a upload but i had started drafting on my new book of poetry and so i just lost time so i had started drafting around seven eight and went all the way up to midnight just drafting working on stuff concepts and ideas and book covers and all that i lost track of time and i was like oh it's already midnight i don't want to start i are already midnight into upload so yeah that's why thursday didn't happen and really monday and tuesday too because i was just like going through it i was like oh i'll do it next i'll do it tomorrow i'll do it tomorrow but you know from here on i'm going to use the uh um rip car weathers i'm going to try to adapt that uh philosophy when the uh portrayed apollo cree there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow so more uploads of the narrative podcast come in your way keep on supporting um but yeah i got a book of poetry i would like you all to help support um it's available on it's called the black card written by me harsey alan and what that book is about is about a book of poetry um that encompasses us as a people it's about you know 30 a collection of 30 poems that you know reflects us as a people who we are as a people you know in our entirety definitely go check that out either make a good casual read and to make a good casual read a good gift coffee table read it's on if you're unfamiliar with what that is is a platform dedicated towards the novice writer specifically those that are like to write poetry but it's open to all forms of writing short stories even essays novels whatever brand of writing you like to do that's the community for you but they specifically focus on poetry it's in the name poetizer so and what they have is a feature that will allow the users of that uh community to turn their work into a book and so that's what i did in that community i turned um some poems into an actual book and the name of the book is called the black card go check that out on and the way you can do that is to have a virtual online bookstore so you go to go on go into their bookstore and look for my title written by me harsey alan they got titles written by everybody in their community it's a book store it's a you know it's a virtual online book store and you just type in the title that you're looking for i think they got genres and all that i'm not sure what my genre is it's been a while since i've visited this site since i wrote the book but uh check check my book out called the black card and go to the online uh bookstore uh and purchase my book the black card then also um yeah so like i said it's all comprehensive look about us as a people you'll enjoy it it's really it's creative it's insightful it's inspiring if you're an original person you're definitely going to connect with you know every piece in that poem if you're outside of our culture that's a great way to get enlightened about our culture so you can get a broader understanding of our people and educate yourself and then just enjoy us as a people so you know go pick a black card up today inside the book store on a black card written by me hossey alan purchase your copy of the black card today or get your black card revoked um also support my poetry blog called hossey's poetry photo on and my address is www.mysterhossey's and my tagline is hossey's poetry corner, hossey with a passion, hossey for all occasions. we'll read one of my poems you'll find out just what i mean and what that is is basically a amalgamation of uh random poems that i write um spontaneously in the moment um you know the poems on there don't really have a rhyme or reason i just write those spontaneously in the moment i don't contemplate on subject matter um the unique thing about it is they're so intentional and so you know detailed focus you would think that i uh you know kind of drafted them down before i posted them on you know the site but i didn't i legit just like whatever like the first thought that popped into my head that's what's on the poetry blog and the poetry blog although i do have written a lot of poems on there posted four-hour people original people um like basically anybody can you know read one of them poems and relate to um and connect with them so it's like really for everybody um you can explore some some part of your whoever you are as a person you know you're guaranteed to find a poem on that poetry blog that you can connect with that you can relate to and that's the unique thing about um the poems on that blog and the name of my poetry blog is Hause's Poetry Corner and that's on at www.MrHause' and the way you support that is share a poem featured on that blog or the link to that blog across all social media platforms so a poem featured on Hause's Poetry Corner blog or the actual link to Hause's Poetry Corner blog which is www.MrHause' shared a poem for the link to the Poetry blog um across you know our digital platforms and you know the algorithm and all that so that's how you know you know grow to grow that for me um so that's really all I kind of got going on the size of the narrative podcast and again you know download this episode in all previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast where you get your podcast information from well that's it and that's all y'all thank you all so much for listening and remember and check me out later on this evening for a full episode of the narrative podcast and to keep tuning in on a regular basis because I upload during the week day as well and so you know let's just do it man become a narrator put out positive content you know let's change the narrative about our people and our coaches just keep on putting out positive content if you're a content creator um but yeah thanks for listening this episode of the narrative podcast this is over join me again you know this weekend and every every single weekend and every single week day every other week day for uploads of the narrative podcast well I'm Ozzy Allen and I'm changing the narrative one episode at a time I'm asking you to help me on my quest to do that by becoming a narrator and while I'm changing the narrative on my end when social media posts as a time at a time as a narrator you can help me change the narrative on your end one social media post at a time or did I get that back really let's bring that back so while I'm changing the narrative on my end one episode at a time as a narrator you can help me change the narrative on your end one social media post at a time until next time Ozzy Allen's narrative podcast signing off and it's right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Ozzy Allen the narrative 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