"One of my number one priorities that I spend the first 60 to 90 minutes on is in the category of leadership." "The leader gets the result that they want by serving the people that are in their business, getting the things that they need for their life that they want to live." "My number one tip is what's important and what's not important." "You're able to execute on what it is you actually want, and then you actually start building self-identity, self-belief, that you can handle these hard things and these things that were hard before are just normal routine." "If you can hone in on that one to two priorities, that's going to drive the needle and these other things that you're doing on a daily basis, then everything else lifts up." "Maybe you just do something slightly different, just slightly, like you're not revolutionizing your life right now, it never lasts, never works, just slow incremental progress, 0.1% every day, 36% at the end of the year, and in 10 years with compounding interest, you're just a different human being." "Even if you're not the leader yourself, you still are a leader. You need to lead yourself. You can lead your leadership." "Where are you multitasking? Where are you just showing up and doing non-important tasks? I'm going to be the person that shows up with vitality. I'm going to be the person that does the uncomfortable things. It's time to perform." So, Level Up and Live. We say the name all the time, you see the logo, you see the name, we say the words at the end of every podcast, Level Up and Live, and the Run Club, all the social media, the marketing. The reason behind the Level Up and Live is because I mean Sean, we've known each other for 13 plus years we've gone on, and we've just only ever elevated each other. And he'd call me up and say, "Hey, you want to go play racquetball? I haven't played racquetball in like a decade." I'm like, "Let's do it. Let's go." Six months later, our competitive nature, we become almost, I don't want to say elite-level racquetball players, but we were smoking everybody in our vicinity, and we would play for hours to the death. I mean, we kind of went off from racquetball, you know, "Hey, it gives me a call, short period later. Hey, you want to play tennis?" "I don't play tennis, but yeah, I'll be there." And we do the same thing again. We get to be very good tennis players, and that's just the small analogy in the sport realm. We've done the same thing with our mindsets, just exercise, a business, man, relationships with our wives. We've always just discussed and leveled up, and Sean's built his business, and he's taken that himself and just leveled himself up all the way up to be this great leader for the insurance agency, built other businesses, sold them. And we've just continually been on this spiral up, and Sean got into coaching, and started coaching other business owners who went through the same struggles he did, and he was just so familiar with it, and we started doing the podcast together and just discussing all things leveling people up to the next level via our experiences. So we've always had conversation like, "How do we bring it to more people? How do we bring a service, a product, to more people to where they can get this benefit?" And we have a mastermind group, and we've had guys come into the group and seeing great growth. They're doing the same thing. They're thinking the same way that we think, leveling themselves up every day, that community being together, and that's a higher level product that we put together. But we really wanted something entry-level for people who are just, they've just now started their journey. They know what level up means, but they haven't actually done anything about it yet, and they want to, whether it's their health, their fitness, their wealth, their finances, relationship, any area of life, everything is level-up-able, right? You can get to whatever level you are, you can get to the next level. So a number of weeks ago, a number of months ago, to be honest, we sat down and like, "What can we do?" And we thought about, "Well, how can we impact the most amount of people?" And we thought about, "Well, what about a group coaching?" Shaun's done so well with the individual coaching. We do a great job of small groups, but what about a larger base where we could have a process? What is our process? How is it that we, obviously, there must be a pattern, because we keep doing the same things over and over again, in different areas, and then we keep finding ourselves really good at them, because that's where we spend our time. We've leveled up. So we really hunkered down and figured out, "Well, what's the pattern? What are the steps that break it down to minutiae, right? What do we do?" And we are able to come up with a curriculum for a large group as big as it could be, to be able to coach one hour a week where people could come in for a low dollar amount and start their level-up journey in whatever they set their minds on, they will get that thing. No matter what, who knows what the timeframe will be, could be fast, could be slow. That is down to the individual, but we want to provide a space where people could come in and get that community, get that mindset and start to reverse the things they've been doing that they didn't like and start introducing new things. And so we didn't just launch a brand new product and say, "Hey, come sign up." As all good business does, let's test that out first. So we put a beta test group together. We had 15 plus people accepted and their benefit would be that they would get to come in and experience the curriculum. We get to observe how did they find it, how were the results, what did it work, sharing this on a group level. And we would get testimonials that was part of the package and we actually just wrapped that beta test up. And I was nervous. I was like, "Are people going to hate this slate? Is it going to be a waste of people's time?" And it made my heart sing. My soul was lifted like that, it was only four weeks, five weeks, technically, four weeks worth of the curriculum, the process, and there's a lot more to it, but we just wanted to test the start up. And people's lives changed from the first week to the fourth. And that's what it was all about. People had leveled up by coming, doing the curriculum, doing the work, talking. And it's been a beautiful experience. And this is all very real, very raw, very authentic, and it's all been very recent. And so we want to discuss it today. We're going to discuss that experience of why we did it, how we did it, our experience within doing it, building on the business side, providing this product, and then, yeah, what we've got coming for the future. So yeah, Sean, where would you want to jump in with all this? Man, would you be able to say, share that experience in under five minutes, just 18 months ago? No, it'd be 50. Give me 50 minutes. I'll stumble through. And no one would know what I was saying by the end of it. If you're listening to this, I'm sure all of our listeners can probably hear that conviction behind your voice. Every second that you were speaking, that is somebody that is actually doing the work behind the scenes. That is not somebody that's just reading it out of chat GPT. That is not somebody that's reading it out of a book. You actually see, that's authenticity, is you have actually experienced it in your own life, and it's leveled you up in just in that short five minutes, and that's the impact. That's how I received that in that experience. Obviously, there's trials and tribulations that came with the building of it the last 12 to 18 to 24 months, the conversations, the sleepless nights, the anxiety, the stress. What are we going to market? What is our product? And asking a hundred thousand questions it seemed like, but it's all led up to that five minutes intro that you just did, and you spoke from the heart, and you spoke from the soul. And if that doesn't tell you something, somebody level up and live community, then I don't know what does, because that's what spoke to my heart. So, man, you hit the nail right on the head. I feel like we should just end it right now, but that's what it's all about. I didn't realize it came out, which means it must have been authentic, because it was truly, I was just recollecting, to be honest, I was just thinking about what has actually happened. And you would have said, you would have done the same thing, man, I know you, and it would have been your version, but you would have said the same outcome, because it was your experience too. It was ours. It just makes me so happy that you share that, because I can tell you have deep conviction and authenticity behind that, and what you're saying, and you actually believe in the product. And, you know, you talk to individuals, you talk to people in your life, and sometimes it's like, okay, do what they're saying, it's like, I hear you, but do you actually believe it yourself? And in that, right, and when we have our episodes, when we have our podcast, we, sometimes it's easy to say, well, I don't know if I believe that, but because you believe it, you win? Because Sean, I'm going to believe it, and that's how I feel about this community. And just from my perspective, in this journey of building Level Up and Live, and along the way, I've always been the type of individual, it's like, look, I just want to help other individuals that are experiencing or going through what I've been through. And I know you do this, I know you're wanting to do the same thing. And so you have your perspective, I have my perspective, and it's such a beautiful glove fit. Right? That analogy of baseball, and people tell us that all the time, it's like that unison. And so we've been able to create this experience in this product, in this community, where we not only bring our own skill sets, but we also bring our own experiences in this community. And this curriculum is a guide, and also with the support and accountability, too. The number one struggle that people tell me all the time is, I struggle with accountability. You can do a four-week curriculum, but what are you going to be doing week five? What are you going to be doing week six, week seven? That's why the Level Up and Live community was born. So you can be a part of a community, a tribe, where you are building these relationships, and you're building your life and leveling up. It's not just Level Up in four weeks, and then call it quits. No, this is a journey. This is a north star that you are striving towards every single week. And so it's with great honor to be able to say and offer something like this, because it is taking, you know this, you in hours to come down and find a product that is for the public, for individuals that are wanting to level up and live their best life. We're not talking to the individuals that want to leave a mediocre life, they're complacent, they're fine where they're at. We're talking to the individuals that want to lean in, they want to be 0.01% better than they were yesterday. And they know that they're going to need help, they're going to need guidance, they're going to need support. They struggle with these things, just like we all do, but they're willing to invest in themselves, right? They're willing to invest in themselves or willing to take that leap of faith, take that courage. And so to me, that's what drives my conviction, that's what drives my authenticity to want to pour my time, energy and effort and to individuals to help them get to where they want to go. And I'm just speaking to my younger self, I'm just speaking to my older version of myself and bringing them, it's like the old Chinese Proverbs, go down the road, let's travel, but go down the road where it is that you want to go and they'll bring in, there's already somebody down that road. That's what the level of live community is. We're already down that road. We want to bring you with you. So in 2025, you want to level up. This is the community that's going to help you get to where you want to go and the curriculum to do it, the guidance to support the accountability to be 0.01% better than you were yesterday. Yeah. And so much went into being able to deliver that, everything you just said, like to bring it to the forum that it was and to be able to test it out and try and see if it's going to work a couple of tidbits, it was virtual. So we had everybody sitting wherever they were checking in and we've done in person stuff before and we know that's where the money is at in person. And so that's always concerned when we go virtual, are we going to get that same impact? So a lot went into that mindset of, well, when the camera turns off and they're done with the laptop after the end of that hour and they've done the work through the week and then we discussed the curriculum at each Q&A, we had a live hour each week and a curriculum that it could work on through the week to really establish what it is, their wise, their clarity, accountability and really hone in on what is the one from like, was it health, was it wealth, was it relationship and what do they want their lives to look like and how do you actually get people to take action? That's our main concern. We don't want people to show up and say, oh, I had a great time and then they don't do anything because that's not helping them and that's all we want to do is get people to take action and make a difference for themselves so that they can level up because we know it will anyone in their vicinity will also level up, that's contagious. People who are after it will draw in other people who are after it too so that was all a big part of our concern and so to me, the feedback we got, I was always just constantly surprised. I'm always optimistically pessimistic, you know, I'm always like what could go wrong. I always hope for the best and plan for the worst, it really is the best way to summon up and so I'm always listening, like, what are people's responses to this and you can tell what's real and what's fake and then some people are getting really vulnerable. A lot of people are really sharing what was on their minds, on their hearts and I wouldn't have seen a number of those things coming because they're not my experiences, it was theirs but the curriculum was designed to where it's going to fit into anybody's goal because it's a process to level up. It doesn't matter what you're leveling up, it's a process and it draws out the questions that you need to ask yourself and people who are asking those questions, they were having to answer them, be the curriculum and so when they saw those things that brought focus, attention and accountability so now they're able to hone in and so when people are sharing their experience and what they're struggling with and then we're seeing activity in just a short period of time, four weeks, it was fascinating to me, I was so grateful, so glad and I just, I didn't see a lot of it coming to be honest, I thought the whole thing was going to be a flop and it was a success and I just... I remember one of the first members that you had actually invited to come and be a part of the beta testing, I remember after our first class session, we had went through, we had everything lined out and had a Q&A at the end, that's another powerful key ingredient is and I remember saying is like, you got access to the one and only, you and Hanymar, you know, you got to come in here and ask a Q&A and get it from himself and I remember after that class, the energy, the vitality and the experience, just doing something different, right? It's getting out of that call, getting out of that rat race of trying to do life alone, I always say this, isolation, we put ourselves in isolation and so it's so easy to do that because we do with what we're familiar with and we don't want to get outside of our comfort zone but when these members showed up and they went through the class, I remember you telling me that because we were like, ah, we're just going to leads, beta testing, you know, and we gave it our all, we left it all in the playing field and we had that one feedback, you had jumped on a phone call right after the class and you had said your individual had said, hey look man, like this is going to be for me, you know, this is what I was very grateful. He said I needed that man, I needed that, yeah. And so just that right there, that one little confirmation tells me that that's not the only individual out there that needs this, right? And so that's what we've, that's what allows Level Up and Lift community to continue to drive to where it's going in 2025 is by that feedback and of course, is it perfect? I don't know any business out there, it is perfect but that's the whole point of coming into a community like this, having beta testing, making sure that we make the tweaks and the adjustments to get it to exactly where we want to provide an exceptional experience, excellent experience for these individuals. But I know one thing that's by having a group like this and getting outside of your routine on a weekly basis, by being able to come in and ask questions to a group of individuals when everybody else, I remember by the fourth class, we got feedback after the fourth class and people were like, man, that was a little, that last class was a little different, that hit different. It hit differently about it and they said it just, it felt raw, it felt real, it didn't feel fake, it didn't feel masked, it felt like I could come in and actually share with you a vulnerability, what's on my mind, what I'm struggling with and everybody else was engaging, we would be able to help with, you know, whether it was guidance or it was support or whether it was a question to be able to not only confirm and validate, hey, we hear you, you're not alone, but here's what we've experienced and here's what we found with it and just that right there can change the trajectory of anybody that decides to take that leap of faith and invest in themselves and it's the hardest thing to do. I don't know why it's so hard but to me, it's like once the person experiences it, they're like, man, I want more, like, what do I need to do, I want more, you know. Yeah, I think because it's not in our culture, you know, how many other people were joining us when over the years where me and you are getting after it competing and I didn't really know anyone else that was pushing that heart, like you would set up a space and I'd step in and I loved it and then we would keep spiraling up and we've always been very honest, very open, very vulnerable and just like really, and so that's the space that we knew we would bring to folk, so anyone that would come in, they get to share that and whether it's like you're struggling waking up early in the morning to work out or if you're eating habits are off or you're not responding back to people or if you're procrastinating on things, this is where you have business owners in there, we had high level salespeople, we had all sorts in there and each of them, even though they all have different things going on, different things they want, it's all the human experience, right, like these things they're dealing with where it's all between the ears, the brain, it's our brains, our own blocks, there's nothing really going on out here in the world that's actually stopping us, it's how we relate to those things and so just creating a space where we can see clearly that being able to speak it out and realize, and man, a number of times people would say it wasn't even on the curriculum but it was based off of the work they were doing, they were like, you know what, I had this thought myself and it made me do this or it made me shift this direction and that wasn't, we had not planned that, but it sparked their minds, right, because that space, that openness and yeah, I hadn't really realized that until you said it there, but each week, you know, first week people were like, well what's going on here, you know, we explained, hey this is what's going to happen, and second week they're like, okay we're into this, you know, third week, I think they felt the trust that they could say whatever they needed to, so it was a space of leveling up and you have to be vulnerable, you can't fake it, like you can't pretend to have it all together and be like, I'm the man because no one is, no one's the woman, you know, that's just a facade, it's not real, and then by the fourth week everyone was just kind of like, the floodgates opened up, you know, and everyone was, and that's one of the special things I'll say, I learned this in the mastermind group, I'll never forget, two guys were talking very serious, like very intent focused conversation we're all listening, there were six of us there at the table, and as they were talking it wasn't relevant to me at all, it wasn't a problem I was dealing with, but I was able to relate something that they said that I did not know I was dealing with a blind spot, and I was like, oh, that is exactly what I'm dealing with, and I remember, and I would not have happened if they had not been having that conversation, so that even though it wasn't relevant to me, it was very relevant to my experiences, what's going on in my life, and I think a lot of that happens with being vulnerable with people, especially in the group there, people could say, oh, what they're dealing with over there, so I'm dealing with that too, in my own ways, and so now they can embrace the conversation and the answers. People feeding each other, that's what I realized that people were getting, and honestly, that's why we started the mastermind group too, you started that because we were alone, no accountability or focus, no outlet to be able to, that is almost like a pressurized can of soda, you just open it and the pressure is relieved, and you don't do that one time, you have to do it daily, to be honest, but weekly is better than anything you've ever experienced if you've not been doing that. It's just a release and a place to come and just level up, how else do we describe it? One of the things that I've been able to visualize, and just for anybody listening to this, is I want you to picture yourself the possibility here of the version of you that's doing what you're doing right now. There's a reason why you've listened 19 minutes in a step and feel like, man, this is intriguing, this is interesting, this is insightful, really like what these guys are doing, literally like what they're building, I can see myself in this, the version of you that continues to listen to the podcast, it continues to YouTube, it continues to doing the same thing without actually taking action and investing in yourself, I want you to now picture and visualize yourself taking action, getting comfortable, getting uncomfortable, and saying you know what, 2025, 2024 is good, but 2025 is going to be great, and I'm going to get outside of my comfort zone, and I'm going to invest in myself, and what I mean by that is one of the things that I learned when I pulled the trigger on coaching three years ago was that it was in that moment where I, the transaction of paying for the coaching, but here's my point that I'm driving home, in the group, in the community, in the level of live community, when I was doing coaching, when I do private coaching for my business owners and entrepreneurs, here's the key ingredient, Ewan, they know that if they're experiencing frustration, burnout, lack fatigue, maybe they're feeling like they're in the hamster wheel, or they're doing the same thing over, and they're not getting anywhere. They know, in the back of their mind, they've got some, they've got a weekly phone call coming up, and I can resonate with that. When I knew I was going, I'm like, dang it, man, I'm experiencing the same thing, I got a coaching call coming up though. I'm going to, like, pour my heart and soul into this guy, and when I talk to him and get it out, it's not that he would solve the problem, because I got it out and I was able to talk to somebody, and he was able to guide me, that's essentially what we're doing in the community, when the people are able to, like, oh, I can't wait for the community class, I can't wait to get on here and to share, because my friend doesn't understand, my wife doesn't understand, my spouse doesn't understand, nobody understands. But 15 plus 20 people in this group, they, we all, somebody's in there going to understand, so my point is being able to share that with somebody or a community, and be able to get it out, you're not the only one, but that's where, that's where the magic happens, is being able to, to come forward and share what you're going through, and because one or two things are going to happen. One person's already been through where you want to go, or there's going to be somebody that's going to resonate, that's going through where you want to go, and you can hold each other accountable and go through it together as you work through that. Isolation is not your friend, you know, you can probably audit your life, like, how isolated are you, and you might have people around you, but you can be lonely in a crowded room. It's because it needs to be the right kind of people, and we're seeing the right kind of things that you need to, to get away from the isolation, so you're, like you say, having that, who's next to you, who are you hearing, seeing the same things that you need to hear, that you didn't know you needed to hear, because if you have a blind spot, you don't know what it is. We can all say, I say this all the time, I know I have a blind spot, and I don't know what it is, but even that, that's the inclination that I think I know, a blind spot, you have a zero clue, whatever you think it is, it's way, the other direction, you know, in places like this is where you find it, accountability, progressing through, that's where you find it, you know. So, to me, you know, we're talking, the beta test is finished. We wrapped it up, we're getting feedback testimonials, so you can hear it from people's mouths, and their experience, and what they got. We are launching early next year, what is to come, we're finding a few things, but it's going to be open, available to anybody, and we're super excited about it. We will have an official date, we'll launch that out there, but man, who knows what it is for you, because we don't, and it doesn't matter what we think, it's what you want, right? Like, do you look to make six figures for the first time in your life? Do you want to be under 10% body fat, like a better relationship with your wife, with your husband, a better parent, any of those things? Just accountability for your business, are you procrastinating, are you not making the calls you need to make that would allow you to step in a bee who you want to be as a human being, having more confidence, just building the identity of someone that levels up, and knows they can take on a hard challenge, and man, taking on hard challenges is hard. Doing it alone is even harder, doing it with people, having people have your back and a formula, a curriculum to walk you through, whatever you put down is that goal, that outcome. That's what this is going to be when it launches, that's what you can expect to have. And again, it's priced ludicrous, we don't even really talk about that, it's not like where it's not a money maker for us by any means, it should be other equivalence of this is far, I mean, 10, 20x more expensive, this is dollars on the pennies on the dollar, we just want to do this to get people involved, get them and see where this leads for us. We have other products, but this one allows people to just come in and make an impact for their life, and then we want to see what that does for them, and it's going to do something for us, I know that's for sure, when I see people excelling, that levels me up. When I see people do that, so yeah, we'll have more details coming out, and I don't know if you want to speak to that, like what to expect or what's going to come, and yeah. Now you hit the no right on the head, yes, so January 2025, rolling out the product, we're super excited, we're going to be tweaking, making adjustments in between, just making it that much better, we've already gotten positive feedback, so we're going to make these small little adjustments, and if you're like, let's rock and roll, I'm ready to move forward, 2025 is going to be my best year yet, ready to level up and live, and following you guys, cool, we'll have the link in the show notes for the pre-launch, so you can just sign up and you'll make sure you'll get the, you'll put your name and your email, and you'll get the newsletter, or the newsletter when the launch date actually rolls out, so super simple, go to the show notes, and then if you don't want to go to the show notes, send us a DM, we're on all the social media platforms on a level up and live, and we'll make sure we respond to you and get you the link, but outside of that, man, we're super excited, and we appreciate you being a part of this journey, we appreciate you being a part of this experience, and it's all about serving and impacting, and leveling up, and living your best life, so come join the journey, come join the community, and I promise you, you will not, if you come and say, Sean, that was not worth my investment, that was not worth my time in New Jeffery, we'll refund you the money, like, not a problem, you know, promise, that's how much we believe in the product, and that's how much we believe in what we're trying to do, so not one time has anybody that I've ever coached or, you know, gone through coaching, has come through and said, you know what, I want my money back, want my refund, okay, cool, here you go, but, so outside of that, make sure you share this with somebody that you want to level up with, maybe you have an accountability partner, maybe you have a friend or a family like, this is what I've been looking for in 2025, this is what's going to level me up, these guys will help me, they'll guide me, they'll support me to get to where I want to go, and like you and said, in these different areas of life, and so we've put some things together, the curriculum, and it's a beautiful product, it's all packaged, it's going to have a bow, and that'll be rolled out in January 2025, so take action now, get your seat, the links in the show notes, outside of that, level up and live, level up and live. (music) (upbeat music)