Grace Institute Online Bible School
Well good morning thanks to God this is Ty Moore bringing you online Bible school with a great sense of two and we are sharing this with our other discipleship group PowerPoint motivational word PowerPoint discipleship and favor media. I want to welcome you to our Wednesday morning edition as we enter into a brand new year same subject but a brand new year. Good morning sister prayer and so as we enter into this brand new year you know of 2025 we want to welcome all of you to the year of January 1 2025 but our theme is still the same as it started in September of 2024 retaining the faith of Christ for the end time good morning brother George and so as we continue our lesson here as we started of September 2025 the theme of the year we are our subtitle lesson today is that we'll continue dealing with the subject the conflict of the spirit through the flesh and all with the flesh and so there's a great conflict and the reason of those conflict is is so that you and I would not do those things that we have been born again to live by and so the conflict is we got the major reason for the conflict is because as we've been reading in the Genesis chapter 3 and using Roman chapter 5 Genesis chapter 3 showed that Satan himself became the Lord of this world system so he became the Lord of aversion through that perversion that came about it came about with sickness disease in all manner of evil that you and I can think of and so that's the reason why I call it the conflict of the spirit with the flesh is because through one man transgression we were all legally because we were all in Adam as I was indicating yesterday we were all in Adam and what I mean by that legally because God breathed into him spoke into him the breath of life and noticed this and then Genesis 128 the Bible said that God told bless him them male and female or empowered them that did to do what they were to be fruitful to multiply and replenish the earth and have dominion over the fish to see the files of the air and etc and we saw in Genesis 131 that God said that saw that everything he made it was good amen and so we talked about various things along those line just catching you up but let's go ahead on and make our faith confession and then we get into our lesson this morning so say it out loud women for the Lord is good and his mercy endures forever whom the Lord has redeemed from the hand of the enemy I will say to you once again good morning happy new year welcome to January 1 2025 and again you know I'm not making you know have a theme of some type of you know hyper thing that will bring people or give people something to look forward I think having the word of God understanding our redemption that we have in him in Christ you can't get any more hyped up you can't get any more light or any more of a better future and understanding what took place for you not only just in the flesh that most people or even if you don't understand the scripture of what it would bring for you know it's what was not seeing that give us the revelation and that give us the love for the word of God when I say what was not seeing it's like the disciples they saw the physical suffering of Jesus in 1 John 1 1 John 1 as the disciples said we sing and what they mean by that from the physical aspect they saw him being whipped they saw him carrying his own cross they saw him with the nails being put in his hand and in his feet they heard him cried out my God my God why has God forsaken me I mean they witness his body being taken off the cross and his physical body being embalmed and put into a tune they even witnessed that the tune that the stone was rolled away but the disciple had no revelation no spiritual revelation what they had was a natural revelation through different through their sense knowledge and that's the reason why if we don't understand to the two different types of knowledge that man and that's where religion come through see religion come through sense knowledge of knowing what happened using the disciples are mean of knowing of their their their indication of them knowing what happened they knew what happened from a physical standpoint but they did not gain revelation of what Jesus death his suffering his death his burial his resurrection and ascension met until the day of Pentecost when Jesus told them to go and sit in that upper room and they were to wait for the promise that's when they received a spiritual revelation that means what took place inwardly they knew what took place outwardly they saw it and I think that's one of the reason why is so hard you know for believers you know even especially those who have maybe a PhD behind their name in theology you know you have gone to Bible school and you have learned some great truth and I'm not against that but what happened is is that you have a a legal side of what Christ did for us but see vitally until you actually at - you actually allow what he did for us legally and what he's doing through us vitally until you can actually allow that transparency of vitally letting him what he had a legal right by you and I receiving him as the Lord of our lives then that give the Holy Spirit an empowerment to show vitally what our new birth represents and that's why I always point back to Genesis chapter one and Genesis chapter two because that is the very purpose of the new birth see the purpose of the new birth is to bring us back to Genesis one and two and calling those things be not as though they were God already called it he's already put it in place but because of the perversion everything fell below its glory remember Adam had a legal right and we were all made into the first episode which bring us back over here go back over here to Roman chapter five and what we're speaking of we're using Romans five in Roman chapter today I said we will continue along this line so that you can get a better picture a better understanding when we talk about the conflict that that we have in the spirit through the flesh and again the reason is is that these true these two true are opposing to each other the very reason there is again because one don't want you to come to do that which is of the heart to do or do what is right to do so you have one is of your senses and then you have one that is of the spirit so the spirit which is opposed it or the spirit losses against the flesh and the flesh losses against the spirit and simply just saying it don't want you and I to carry out what you intend to do meaning what you read what you studied what you understand of these true so when because you're listening to the word of God then the enemy through your senses want to bring you to a place where where you won't walk out what it is that you read so you won't walk out what you have learned amen good good good morning evangelist Charles good to have you brother love your man miss you and and I want to just say you know when you look at this think about this for a moment let's go back to Romans chapter five and notice here in verse 12 it says where for as by one man sin enter into the world see just take about that for a moment that sin that enter into the world was not a sin that was a physical death that sin that man that death that entered into the world was through a divine disconnect the divine disconnect was between the spirit of man and the spirit of God man received life from the life-giving spirit of God to do what to to continue to function to to replenish to subdue to have dominion on the earth man produce that type of life in everything all the animals whether it be of the marina world the fish the wells the shocks all these different thing whatever animals the lion elephant giraffe cougars leopards tigers you know monkeys they're all the birds of the air all these things were subject unto man all of these creature dogs cats you know horses all these they now they have to be trained and if you're not if you if you overstep you know the same animal that you train can also lead bring you to a death if you behave wrong with them but now they have to be trained or trained in order for you and I to come near them it's the same with your mind your mind has to be renewed it has to be retrained to do what through your born-again spirit the life of crisis in you you receiving life from your born-again spirit so that the soul can receive the word of God and as jane 120 said that the engrafted word is able to save the soul so soul salvation again is not a one-time event it's something that takes place all the time and it's a place in the rim of the spirit that you and I never graduate it's not like you're born-again spirit as of yet you don't have a glorified body nor do you have a glorified soul but you have one that's already been paid for but you won't receive the fullness of spirit soul and body until you leave here now one third of you and I it's already complete that's your born-again spirit it will not change it is you have just as the scripture says in first John 4 17 as he is so are we now first Corinthians 6 6 19 says we are one are 360 we are one with him see not one in the absence of another but we are one in the absence of another not one in two one in the absence of another in other words you can't tell what Christ began and where he in in me why because we're in him amen so our spirit is complete in Christ and that's where we draw life from it will it will overcome the stroke it will overcome the heart attack it will overcome the cancer it will overcome the diseases it will overcome every manner of sickness known the man and and I know yesterday we I shared with you yesterday and about how Jesus had to rebuke the disciples because of an illness that this young boy had but he not only had an illness but he had a demon that was hindered him from being healed okay and we'll get back to that in just a moment but let me just finish laying this file that just show you this that how this this this sin entered into the world see once Adam legally he had him legally me he had the right because God empowered him and God blessed him so legally what did Adam do let's go over here and look at Genesis chapter three again and notice here in Genesis chapter three and verse one said now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and when you think of the word subtle here it mean it was more cunning more crafty or meaning the beauty of it the beauty of that serpent if it was the beauty of it which in a position that you had to pay attention to it because of the beauty the craftiness of it and so think about this and notice this it says now the serpent was more come on you are Peter the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the fear which the Lord God had made and notice this and he said see notice is what he tried to do in Genesis one the Bible said how God created the heavens in the earth and it goes to tell you how he did it right and God said remember in verse three God said in verse six and God said I think verse nine and God said and it goes on about at least 10 11 times that and God said what's the point is the point here notice here in Genesis chapter three and verse one and notice this again I'll read it to see did you catch it he said now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman see that meaning the serpent said God said something but then the serpent said what did God say God said that everything he made was very good in Genesis 131 we know in Genesis 217 that God said for the day that you eat of this tree you should surely die right now again the death was not so much of a physical death because before physical death could take place it had to be spiritual death now again what is spiritual death spiritual death is the absence of spiritual life it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist it just simply mean it's a cut off of what you were drawing life from you know it could be like in a marriage if you gone through a divorce there's a death there if you lost a loved one there's a death there there could be certain relationship that you've had with friends or even with relatives and it's not it's not there anymore that's a death but you still exist is what I'm trying to say what this was a death a spiritual death that man was drawing life spirit soul and body all that God was was placed into man image and likeness so that man could communicate with God on the same level and I know that may be kind of hard for your brain to kind of handle because we look at things in life we look at look at life and everything in life even the gospel of history the way we do schooling in every fashion has been dumbed down so that we can now see things in the light but I'm just telling the Bible don't ever change everything else in this world may change now we may change the Bible whereas using maybe your iPhone or iPad and that's okay you may be able to take the Bible with different common terrors and strong dictionaries and even you know a biblical dictionary and and in history books of the Bible and it's all in in your iPad in your iPhone or your laptop or whatever I think that's a pretty good thing because if you go back away back forty-something a year forty-six plus years in my life and looking at these same I had books you know I'm sitting at a table right now that I do all of my teaching from well this whole table that I'm sitting it's a off the gun shake type table it will fill this table up you know because that's all we had now I mean I don't hardly relate to them anymore now because I've got so a customer looking you know I can do faster by look at more more scripture look at more understanding against it amen brother and so I'm thankful for the computer age that we have the tech age that we have that we can get more understanding we can have more of two different translation up at one time to see what the scripture is saying and et cetera so that's a plus that's a benefit so when I say the word never change it them the way we put it presented has changed which is I think it's good but it's it never takes the place of you and I and just using a Bible now that just me I still like to use my Bible and whatnot and some people because again that you know we got different generation growing up and they can use their Bible I mean use their iPad they they foam they can take notes in there and keep up I can't do all that but I'm not gonna condemn them for doing because hey you know it's a new generation and so as long as the truth of God's word it's not compromised the ways we may be able to get it is different but as long as the principle of the truth is not compromised I'm okay with that and so here what God was saying to Adam again if you notice here in in verse well I told you verse 17 they say for the day that you eat up that tree what would take play so that tree brought about what knowledge of good and evil and so therefore that was a spiritual disconnect is what I'm trying to show you a spiritual death that took place yet God still exists man still exists but the spirit that man was drawn life from or draw the life that man was drawing from God was severed so everything that God created man was his the last part of his creation and then he put man in authority of of all his creation and so when I say legally this is what I mean by legally legally we were all in Adam and so you say well how do you know that well Genesis 2 notice here Genesis good morning pastor called Genesis 2 and notice verse 7 says it says and the Lord God formed man in the in the ground in of the dust of the ground and he breathed into his nostril the breath of life and man became a living soul now when I talk about the word breath because this word breath has the same connotation that he spoke and so the point I want you to make it I want you to get here is that the essence of who God is spiritually God's breed or either he spoke into man and again and man became a living so happy 20 happy New Year's of you pastor 2025 amen and so God breathed into him I spoke into him and so now that man has the same ability to think in the same likeness to speak in the same likeness of God and it's the very reason why if you look over here God in Genesis 3 which is kind of skipped down here just for a moment and go back up and and notice here that in verse 10 verse 9 verse 8 after they have eaten of that tree of knowledge of good and even noticed it and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day now think about it not this is after they ate of this tree they knew that God come down every day that was no biggie that God come down every day and fellowship with them but notice on this day it said and Adam and his wife look what they did they hid themselves you see that they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the tree and I think about this for a moment to hear it mean they they were hiding what why did they why did they hide this because they knew a law of life that was in God was violated they knew that they knew that they knew that a violation took place now we're gonna go back a few verses scripture but because I'm speaking along this line to show you and notice this so we always talk about the law of first mention notice the word afraid here in verse 10 you know notice verse 9 the law is called to Adam and he said where are thou now that's a question now you can look at that from a physical natural sense point of view or you can look at that from a spiritual perspective I'm I'm looking at this from you know if you can use both but I'm looking at this from a spiritual perspective say where are you where are thou because now he's hiding this is an indication that he hadn't he wasn't hiding before so what brought him to what made him heed himself it's the same thing today that you and I if we done something in sin violated someone or something what do we do we were high when asked to me that should be the time that you run to God not high but that's what sin does see that's the nature even though you and I been born again you don't have the nature that calls you to live in darkness but the nature of the law sin and death left behind a unrenewed mind said and so therefore because the mind is unrenewed that's what it does that's why that's why believers when they sin or they mess up they hide and the reading again the reason is is because why they forget about their born again but it's a thing that they know that they violated it was wrong okay and so here Adam knew that it was wrong because verse 10 said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked I hid myself look at the law first mentioned it says afraid it has the same connotation that he was fearful he was in dread why because now his understanding and I think this is where the voice of conscious came in the voice of conscious came in through the senses it was made known that he now know and it's the same today your conscious either I think that's a Romans 215 your conscious would either accuse you or excuse you accuse you it will always put you in a place of letting you know that this was your fault or you could have done this if you know or it's never enough okay so you can't live by the conscious unless the conscious has been purged from dead works through the word of God and that's in you as Hebrews chapter 9 14 and 15 Hebrews chapter 10 verses 2 and 3 and Hebrews 10 23 talk about your conscious been purged or purify now there are other verses scriptures in first 10 when they talk about your conscious being seared and etc of acts I think it's 23 that his whole talk about how his conscious is void his conscious been void from the things that was taking place so what am I saying here I'm saying this to you that he said I was afraid because I was naked and look what the Lord said who told you that you and that thou would neck it has thou eaten of the tree where of I command it see that's why I call it was a divine command right here if you want to put something in your Bible it wasn't just a sin this was a sin unto death that brought that sever the life of God in man and so he said did you eat of the tree where ever I commanded that thou should not eat because it's an only way that he could if for him to gain a new type of knowledge he had to have eaten of that tree that gave knowledge that calls him to be inferior that made him afraid so when he opened that door to what the enemy will say now let's go back over here in Genesis chapter 3 and look at verse 1 so you you over there saw verses 8 through 11 so let's go back and look at how this came about notice this and a thing again that I wanted you to see in verse 1 God spoke in Genesis 1 and Satan spoke in Genesis chapter 3 and so again he spoke through the serpent so this is where I get you know faith is voice activated the world that we live it is word activated so both negative or positive we live in a realm that is word activated nothing happens without words being given it consent word open doors words open ways words make and when I say open door make way good or bad it's a it's according to what it is that you find yourself engaged in and so here if you notice in Genesis chapter 3 again the serpent said verse 1 he was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God made and knows it and he said see and he said God said something now the devil is saying something and this is the reason that you and I are calling the Romans 6 16 it says no you're not therefore to whom you yield yourself servant to his servant you become meaning you and I are the subject you become you could still be born again and speaking other tongue but you could steal you yourself as the servant of the devil to carry out something mischievous to carry out something wrong to carry out something that's shady or you can become the servant in the second part of Romans 6 16 righteousness under Christ you could you yourself as a servant of doing what displaying the righteousness of God by taking authority over all manner of darkness over all manner of sickness over all manner of disease see you me are the subject under the New Testament you and this is what I'm reading I say Genesis 1 through chapter chapter 1 through chapter 3 it sets the tone throughout the whole Bible until we get to Christ incarnated birth that reinstate us back in the glory of God itself but in order for us to live in this glory to bring forth his manifested present it is in Christ the anointed one see and his anointing that's why we you know and for years I always will share with the body Christ that Christ is not Jesus last name and when we talk about the anointing again the anointing means the blessing the empowerment what are you anointed for what are you empowered to do and so there are a general specific general in our general in what we are anointed in power for and there are specifics that what we are anointed things to carry out for an example you know every born again believer has the potential of not only being born again but being filled with the baptism and the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other times I believe that's vital I really do I believe that that is so vital because without it a great percent I don't have a number the great percentage of your walk is going to be it's going to be hesitant it's going to be in a place where you can't really act out or stand up on the word of God as you are every book every born-in-game believer should be baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence and speaking in other in my opinion when I look at the scripture Jesus will feel with the Spirit Jesus told the disciple do not lead this place until you feel with the power or the promise of the Father I'm convinced this is where Jesus I mean where the disciples got the revelation that they're saying that the Apostle Paul got see the disciples had revelation about Jesus physical birth because they handled him first John 4 I mean you have first John 1 they handled him they touched the word of God they they watch they they saw him suffer in the God they saw the the the the whipping the strife that he took on in fact they witnessed him carrying across they witnessed the nail prints in his hand they witnessed the nail that they put in his feet they witnessed him hearing my God my God why has doubt forsaken me you know when I studied that out and I still studied that out and I still I looked at that again today and it's just like this is since knowledge of what they had of Jesus did you understand what it just if you understood what I just said if you'll be it it move me just like wow you see you could see it and and it's like it gave me a better understanding about the scripture when Jesus said in John 831 if you continue in my word then are you my disciple and then verse 32 says that it's the truth you know are another way in the strong dictionary the truth you experience will make you free they knew the truth but they never experienced it because he was with them so all they saw and knew of him was from sense knowledge now you can understand where religion and tradition can become so strong and they can have a great weight in the world in certain communities certain part of the country and etc. because sense knowledge is powerful but when you have no revelation knowledge which only come through the Holy Ghost then you are bound by knowing what he did but you have no power or no understanding to walk in what he did that's the vital side the legal side is that God redeemed and restored us back to Christ back to himself through Christ but then the vital side is what Christ have done in us that we are allowing the Holy Spirit to bring about the finished works of Christ I hope you can understand that even there's two sides you have a legal and a vital both right here with it what Satan did right here legally we were all engrafted into bought you know into Satan that the raft that he became our Lord because all of our spirit soul and body was all in the first Adam as I showed you in Genesis 2 and so here Satan say it in verse one he said and he said until the woman yes has God said notice it he did he presented it he just he just jumped in in a conversation yes has God said and he said to the woman yes had God said you should not eat of every tree of the garden and look at the woman response that well and you know she had to respond because even though Jesus when Jesus was in the garden notice is Jesus respond to when he was in that wilderness Satan did the same thing to defer what he did to the first Adam and he was in Adam the same way that words have to be respond because remember we live in a word activated world or world activated we're having on the saying it will it would be a word activated world so words have to be activated or articulated in order for something to go about in order for you to think on in order for you to act upon it and so here the woman say it until the serpent now it's the same as a Jesus said in Matthew 4 say to say if you be the son of God make these stones where turn these stone in the bread well two things here in Matthew 4 and I'm just using this because I can you know I didn't talk these things so many time and I want you to understand that I you know I'm taking Genesis 3 Matthew 4 or Luke 4 and this is the same thing man Jesus was in the wilderness to be tempted of the devil in the same way that this first Adam the sea because he had a legal right just as Jesus he even though he's God in his deity by the spirit but in his humanity he was born of a woman that mean even though he was God but he had to be taught and fed and nurtured and he did not do everything that he did as God he did it as an anointed man of God that's important that you understand that and I know even though as much as I teach this and every time I study this and I talk about this it's almost just like am I making sense am I really getting this and this is the reason why it takes the power of the Holy Spirit to do what to open the eyes of your understanding because no matter if it's me if it's past the call about the Charles of whoever brother Peter all you got this oh it doesn't make a difference who you are if you you teaching this word is it's gonna oh if you don't depend up on the power of the Holy Ghost to unveil what you're saying in your mind it'd be almost like am I making sense is this getting across because this is and this is more than what the natural mind can absorb why because again through your tradition and you understand what brought about tradition and religion is what you see what you hear and what you are saying it can affect either your sense knowledge mechanism or with revelation knowledge it come forth out of your born-again spirit or out of the mouth of someone that's speaking and so the same scenario where man fell right here in Genesis 3 and after you for a Luke 4 man succeeded you understand what I'm saying man restored back everything that was lost but Jesus didn't really become one with us and we're gonna talk about the the laws of identity identification I'm giving you a little bit of brief history about the identification of first Adam and identification of the second Adam meaning Jesus himself but Jesus didn't become one with you and I until he was on that cross and the father made him sin that's when Jesus became one when he became the substitution and there for my sin and along with my sin came what sickness disease poverty defeat perversion of sex you know homosexuality transgenderism lesbianism all manner of thing that you could think of that the enemies trying to use right now why it's perversion see even though he's defeated there's still a people that's open there because they're dead in their spirit that dead and trespasses and sin they're still open to this realm of the enemy trying to use God's creation to put to bring about perversion see it's not me calling anything right or wrong I'll have the right but what give me the right to speak is the life of Christ that's in me so it's the only way the gospel can get out it's the only way the truth can get out is that someone have to stand up and bring forth the truth and so over time you bring forth a true or the true you know some will receive and some will reject it but as I was explained to someone the other day I'm not when someone reject what I'm saying I don't take it personally at least they're listening because it's not me they rejecting they rejecting the life of Christ they rejecting God's only way of salvation for mankind and it's not my word is here are you following me and so here I'm just giving you this paradigm or this I'll just show you the paradigm shield here one man failed and and mount and mapped you for another man succeed but this is where it all came in and this is the very reason of the same test that took place here he said why because we are a speaking spirit are you listening to me good morning sister share we are a speaking spirit and so because you are a speaking spirit that means you have to choose whether or not you want God to be involved in your life or you want to be involved in the life that God has for you all you choose not and so what Satan did here before you think that well I know too much word now I see you know I have a lot of understanding of the scripture and I and I'm happy for that but I want you to think about something what I'm presenting right here in Genesis 3 that there was no perversion everything was perfect everything was drawn life from God say why am I giving you this the point that I'm trying to make if they being in a perfect environment and open themselves up to a different way of thinking and you and I are not in a perfect environment what make you think that you can't be subject to this in some form now none of us are without sin so they already go to shore we all have fallen below the glory of God but thanks be on the God I'm calling first John 1 9 we can repent right not for my spirit but for my soul for my foolish act in the flesh and we can put it under the blood and we can get up from it acknowledging where we missed it and put and and it's like put road blocks or whatever we need to do to not ever travel that road again amen and that and now notice this so go back over here to Genesis 3 and you notice again I know I'm speaking a lot along this line but I it's like the Holy Spirit wants you to know God said something but Satan also said something and he said it to the woman knows it and he said verse 1 unto the woman yes at God said you should not eat of every tree of the God and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the tree or eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden which is true where she said but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you should not eat it neither should you touch it notice you just said the tree notice she said but the tree but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the God that was two trees there what she talking about did you catch that see what did God say in Genesis 2 17 say I'm telling you more I read this a more you study the more little thing that the Holy Spirit will show you that you did not see what did God say in verse 17 but the tree but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou should not eat of it notice she didn't say the tree of the knowledge that brought forth knowledge notice what she said the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the tree trees of the garden but of the tree what of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden hmm can you see that remember them I'm go back to verse 1 the serpent say it what did he do he spoke in a mist of suggesting or Satan used the serpent to speak and this is the best terminology I can put out that doesn't mean that it's gospel but this is the best terminology I can see of what was taking place here Satan was presenting a message a way of thinking in the light of God was withholding a holding out on them God was withholding something from them you know sometimes you you think that you know somebody's is holding something back from you and so therefore you keep pressing and you keep doing this and you keep and it just look like but they really wasn't holding anything out on it was a mindset mindset come through how something is perceived so Satan have to give her a perception of seeing things in the light of what he's saying it just look like it just sound like and how often a will move by something that look like something that sound like something that has familiarity and the only way you can dissect any conversation or anything that is is that by the spirit sometimes people can say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing but their heart that their heart is not saying that's who they are so you could do an idiotic thing but that doesn't make who do that make who you are it just go to show you the effects of what you were thinking where you was at at that mind frame mindset or whatnot what what could happen here again in a perfect environment the enemy is putting up before them notice this she said in verse 3 but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the God she didn't even say trees because that was too up she said but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you should not eat of it neither should you touch it let's you die well two thing wrong here she didn't say the tree of the knowledge that because God said the tree of the knowledge tree that gave knowledge of good and evil if you eat of it you should surely die she said tree and then she said she added something here she didn't put something in and she left a added something we shouldn't touch it God said you have to in order for you to subdue it in order for you to read or watch her you have to touch it it wasn't the touch of the tree it was the eating of the tree because it's what it has to excuse me you have to be see whether be natural or spiritual in order for me physically to enjoy the nutrition of what I'm eating I mean what is good for my body I have to eat it the same way mentally in my soul is in order for me to enjoy the fruit that bear witness in my spirit I have to eat of the word so that my mind can be can come together with the same mind of cry so I have one spirit but two mindset so when I eat of the word what am I doing I renew in my mind along with the mind of Christ so that I can walk in agreement so you eat naturally for physical strength but you eat spiritually so that you're mentally your mental ability is able to be renewed with the word of God so that it can draw life from the spirit of Christ that's already in you or you're saying this see it's Christ in you that's what we talk about in the epistle Christ in Christ in Him in whom all of that is you and I through your born-again spirit so as a spawn-again believer we are we we are in Christ or we are in the anointing of the anointed one or you are in power through the anointed one and his anointing and so here Adam and Eve because in Genesis 127 the Bible said God created he them male and female so even though when God created Adam he spoke all this to Adam and Eve was not present physically speaking but legally she was there within him because light because God breathed into him and so God created God put Adam to sleep and so when he did that he took real from him but the same light that Adam had in him Eve had in her so that was they both understood their function there was no need to have one being over the other they both understood their function they both had God in God inside mind and let me add this Adam was not separate from Eve it wasn't like Adam was on the other side of the world creating stuff Adam was right there well all this was going on so if the question may be in your mind like it is in mind why didn't he say something why didn't he step up I still don't have the answer to that now maybe some of you may I still don't but as I closed with this notice this she said that the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God had said no she didn't say the tree that brought forth knowledge because God gave specific see she's speaking in general but God gave specific instruction you shall note for the enemies that yes yet you shall you shall not eat of it neither should you touch unless you die well we'll see that she lied right there because he didn't say that but look at verse four and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die see you shall not surely die well what did God say but the day that you eat of that tree that brought forth what knowledge what knowledge all the stuff that's in the world today all the stuff that keep coming up on the earth but Jesus has already I don't know the best another way I'll say he already undone undo the works of the devil they are undone the works of the devil is only enforced to those who are ignorant of the truth that's why you and I in the body of Christ that are spirit safe spirit feel and and and walking in these true you and I are the epistle to do what to continue to manifest the work of of our Lord and Savior Jesus said in 1 John 3 8 we want to turn there he said for this purpose was I the son of God what manifest what was he manifested for to undo the works the devil did well guess what they still undone legally vitally you and I have to be the one to a first of all received what he did for us that mean get born again hear the gospel get born again get filled with the baptism in the Holy Ghost whatever this is speaking in other times begin to sit in a good Bible base of Bible teaching or a class that you could hear the word you could feed on it you can go from it and then begin to stand up and be counted far as the righteousness of God and begin to make a demand in the earth make a demand in your commute make a demand on something that Satan is illegally benefit from you have the right to stop it but you have to be spiritually educated you have to have a working knowledge or revealing knowledge of this truth because why the moment you the moment you stand up for righteousness and I will lesson going to be very very strong tomorrow because tomorrow I'm going to show you things about how ways of how demons are cast out how the sick is made heal made whole you never deal with the person you deal with the spirit are the infirmative itself because that's where you have power and that's where you have authority over so tomorrow if you you don't really want to miss this you and it's not because it's me it's just that God has over the year has taught me some things and I'm still learning and it doesn't mean I know all but I've experienced enough to see the dead rays to see demons cast out to see blind eyes open to have the deaf ear to hear I've been a part of all of that and I'm like I am right now it's just a baffles my mind and it comes down to again it comes down to this this simple truth but you have to be awakened from within that you're willing to make a stand on the truth because the enemy in some ways will try to call your bluff but when he recognized that you are not speaking from self performance self effort when he recognized that you're speaking from a right standing of who you are in Christ Jesus why cuz he know Jesus is Lord Jesus was not Lord when he overcame Satan in the in the spirit where Satan was Jesus was born Lord that's the that's the human that's the that's the deity side of God he was already ready that's what the angel that came and told the ship would come and see where Christ the Lord he was Lord as a baby in Luke 2 9 through 14 but that Lord he exercised he exercised the lordship that you and I have a confident in when he was raised from the dead by the glory of the father when his spirit spent three days in the place of of the prison of where Satan and in his co-host war not his body his spirit and suffered the full judgment punishment of what sin what sickness what disease no matter what it is what it did that's the reason why I say we got power over the devil over all manner sickness over all manner disease we can cast the devil out we can see the sick healed and made whole but it's up to them to maintain it is up to them to walk in it because we can't control that but it's important that we let them know now that you've been raised from the dead you need to eat something at me has to get all of their organs and immune system and digestive system working again so I just said something there if you don't catch it you raise someone from the dead they got to eat so the physical the physical side to do what to kick in because there raised the spirit of Christ that spirit come back in but then that's two-part man the spirit and man is a body look I'm already our old seven minutes over and I pray that this lesson is blessing you it's giving you a great understanding where these conflicts are and how you can avoid the pit these conflict these pitfalls that want to get you and I to live in the flesh but I believe that we are a remnant that is growing in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and we're gonna take back we are taking back everything that Satan stole when you get a revelation of a truth understanding I want you to get angry not with people but I want you to get angry at the work of darkness and recognize that hey my Lord has already paid the price with his own life and gave me the right he imputed unto me his righteousness so that I can do what I can do something about it raise God well look we're gonna stop right here and pick it up again tomorrow but this is again want to say happy New Year's all of you this is January 1 2025 and this is the first teaching for me of the New Year and those you that does follow us tonight we will not have a service at the favorite church tonight this would be the lesson that I do today and all the favorite church members can grab hold so make sure that you go back and listen to this again or dissect it over listen uploaded on the podcast and you could feed on it from there and I believe that the Lord do the Holy Spirit will really reveal some things to you other than what I'm saying to you so if you love to be a part of our Wednesday morning a gift a giving this would be the first day of the New Year of sowing your seed into 2025 and I believe you reap in the same year as Jacob the Jacob gave and received a hundred four in in the same year that he gave but again all of these things don't happen just to happen they it happened when you have knowledge when you have understanding so if the word has increased you if the word is enlightening you and you desire to sow a seed into the favorite churches on your screen cash out the favorite church and you can sow financially into an anointing that does what it's it's either strengthening you empowering you or it's giving you a new way of thinking about the life that you have in you and you want to continue to keep feeding on this well that's what we're here for we're here to continue the brainful of the gospel of Jesus Christ not only just what he did but they revealed to you and I how to live it by faith and so tomorrow God willing I'm gonna begin to reveal more things from here and show you how we counter the works of darkness and you bring for fruit I'm death tomorrow we're gonna do that okay so I love you I thank God for you and I seriously got people joining us it's so good to have all of you are joining us but it'll be upload on the podcast and it be you know you can go back and listen to it on Facebook if you desire to so we love you we thank God for you and as we always say until the next time may God's best and his favorite be with you love you now have a great day of January 1 2025