Grace Institute Online Bible School
Well, good morning, thanks to God. This is Ty Moore, bringing you your online Bible school, we're a great substitute. And we are sharing this with our other discipleship group, PowerPoint, motivational word, PowerPoint discipleship and favor media. I wanna welcome you to our Monday morning edition as we're coming down to the end of a year of 2024 we have one more day left in this year. But it is such an honor and a blessing that I can be with you this morning. And as we continue our lesson on the conflict of the spirit with the flesh, the conflict of the spirit with the flesh. And we talked about that these are two opposing truths that comes against each other. One represent the flesh and the other represent the spirit. So when we talk about the spirit, Jesus said in John 663, the words I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. And so, you know, we hear these scriptures a lot. And when we hear them, you know, because we hear them so much, all of a sudden it could just kind of like, you know, your conscious can be seared of something that words, it doesn't affect you anymore. Well, sometimes we can hear the word of God in the light or what the scripture says so many times that it had, it loses its effect. And one of the reason is, is because these are spiritual truths. You hear what your natural ear, you see the word, maybe on a page or on a monitor stream with your natural eyes. But it takes the revelation of the Holy Spirit to unveil in your heart what you can't see with your natural eye, what you don't hear what your natural ear. And that's why our lesson assignment for the year is retaining the faithful Christ through grace or through faith by grace. And the reason it is retaining the life of Christ through grace by faith is simply, it's simple because grace is God's willingness what he has done for us on our behalf. It's his part. And when the more I read about the gospel, the more I read about God's grace, the more I realize that no one else could have done it in such perfection and then give us the full credit as though we ourselves did it. That's a love that cannot be measured. It's a love that have no selfishness in it. It's a love that just steady give in spite of our us falling short of it. Not recognizing it, taking the glory to ourselves at time. This love, it's not partial. And a lot of the time what we have, in dealing with when we talk about the conflict, of the Spirit was the flesh. It's simply because we live in two rims at the same time. Some of us may not recognize it, but you live in a realm of this natural realm and then you live in the realm of a spiritual. Good morning, brother George. And the realm of the Spirit, the realm of the Spirit is, watch this, the realm of the Spirit, it is birthed out of the kingdom of God, okay? And so that which is flesh is flesh, meaning what we receive of the natural come through a natural birth, okay? Our understanding come from a fallen Adam, the first Adam. So our identification, in which we're gonna talk about in weeks to come, but our identification has to draw from two point of view. Number one, we have an identification with the first Adam, okay? Then number two, the redemption of who we are in Christ is through our identification of the second Adam, which what redeemed us from the curse of the law, okay? But this morning, I want us to go here and go back here and look at Romans chapter five, and we're gonna start at verse 12 in dealing with the contrast of Christ and Adam. And we're gonna see this in a light, and hopefully in a light that whereas we're gonna be able to grow with this and then maintain this divine revelation that we're gonna receive by the Holy Spirit. So having said that, let's make our faith confession that allowed women for the Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever, whom the Lord has redeemed from the hand of the enemy. So I wanna say good morning to you. Thank you for joining us on this Monday morning edition as we are preparing to close out. 2024, we have one more day left in the year 2024, and then we entered Wednesday morning, and we all was willing of January 1, 2025. And again, as we have no New Year's Eve service, I know some people have them and it's okay for them, but for the last few years, the Lord has not led me to do anything like this, okay? So we just, I think I have won in the last few years, and it was because of a word that He had given that He wanted to echo into the body of Christ. And so we did that, but normally I don't follow tradition, and again, I don't wanna make this lightly, make it look like because some people have a traditional New Year's Eve birth. I mean, New Year's Eve service, that's something that's wrong. No, 'cause I did it myself for years, but it just over the course of years or whatnot, in growing in this grace and thinking about for myself, not no one else, was I doing it? Because I had a revelation from God, it was something the spirit of God was leading me to, or was I doing it because others were doing it. I can't come against others because what they're doing, they may be hearing from God. But for me, I can only be accountable for me, and the people that God has given to me, and then I owe you an explanation if we don't have a New Year's Eve service while we don't. And I spoke to my church yesterday, whatever, we're just, you know, we're not doing it because there's nothing that the Lord is saying to me, now that we don't continue on into. And again, you know, that is no discredit to anyone who do have a New Year's Eve service. You do, don't feel condemned, don't feel like, you know, maybe I need to think about this, no, no. Because the leadership and the vision that God give to that pastor or that ministry could be different, okay? Mise is more of a teaching ministry itself, functioning in a pastoral office, whether that's apostolic or noning. But at the same time, you know, my, the reason why for one reason for me or not having this, because up on teaching the word of God, we build from one foundation to another. And so I believe that as we grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are more, there's more things we can catch in the building of a foundation than to bring out some new way of expressing a New Year coming in. So I think for me, in my opinion, and the ministry that God has given me and the direction is to express, continue to keep expressing the grace of God by faith, okay? The grace of God by faith. And so if you notice our theme of the year, it's retaining the faith of Christ through grace for the end time, why? Because that's what, when we get a revelation about grace and knowing that faith is the response only, see, when we talk about grace, it covers every aspect of one's life. Regardless of how bad your conditions are, regardless of how severe the situation may be, grace have already made a way for your escape. But then faith is the only response to grace. And you see, you know, you say, "I know that." And you say, "Well, I've heard that. And I get it." Because that's how faith comes. But if you tune out, or tune off and say, "Well, I've heard that before." Or I've heard him say that many times. Well, the reason for hearing, for saying it so many times, because guess what, until the Holy Spirit gives you insight of what I'm saying, or any other teacher, pastor, or apostle, or evangelist speaking the Word of God, then you only have a mental way of conceiving, a natural way through your senses, through your nervous system, of receiving a spiritual truth, which is one way of how faith come. But faith come by hearing, and hearing until what? Until a revelation, until something in your spirit, until the Word of God awakens, and you understand it, and you now see what your spiritual eye verses your natural eye. Amen. And so, and that's basically what the New Testament is all about, is giving you a revelation of Jesus Christ in the mean to whereby you can live this life out by faith. And remember, faith is the response of what grace has made. And even though we hear it, we hear it, we hear it, but if it doesn't, if it doesn't unfold, if it doesn't open the eyes of your understanding whereby you can actually live it, stand in it, then you just have natural knowledge. Then you just have understanding that what the Word says. But you don't have a working knowledge of if I had to stand on this truth, can I do it? That's what I'm speaking of. I know what it says, I know what the promise is, but do I have enough in me to stand on it? And you see, you know, you say, well, how do I answer that? Well, the more insight of understanding what words mean. And that's where the Holy Spirit comes in and impact what you see, what you have studied out. He's the one that gives you the assurance. He's the one that gives you a confident that you can stand in this, you can walk this out. You can be for sure just going to turn into your favor. Only the Holy Ghost can do that. I can't do it as a teacher. No one else your pastor can't do it. Your spouse can't do it. You may have some mentors or coaches, whatever you want to call them. They don't have the power to do that. We all can encourage, motivate. We all can point to where the Scriptures are or what not, but only the Holy Spirit of God can give you the revelation of it. It has to be by revelation. That's why Paul, it was so emphatic about, you know, he said this, you know, enrollment chapter 16, I think first 25 and 26, he called it my gospel. And then in Galatian, as we've been talking about lately, Galatian 1 starting at verse 6 through 17 or whatever. Paul talked about how, you know, if anybody preach another gospel, let them be a curse. I don't care if it's an angel from heaven. How could someone be that emphatic about the gospel and speak in that term? Because he didn't receive the grace that we speak of by men or through man. He received it through Jesus Christ Himself by a revelation, or should I say by the revelation of Jesus Christ Himself. So it was the Spirit of Christ through revelation, gave the gospel of grace that we all talked about so much in these epistles. And so that let us know or let me know that, you know, these things are going to come together, come to you by revelation. Amen. And so here we are in Romans chapter 5, and starting going into week 2 of this lesson. In verse 12, it says, "Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world." Well, yeah, entered into the world. And that sin is not just a sin to the flesh. It was a sin that severed the fellowship, the relationship, well, the fellowship that we had with God. Man still had relationship, but he didn't have the fellowship. Okay. And so it says, "Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world." And again, that sin was a divine command that Adam violated. It wasn't just like a disobedient of not cleaning the, you know, making your bed up or taking out the trash, you know. This was something that had the effect because it was spiritual. It was the life of God in it that was breathed into it, that he conceived. Man's spirit had the life of God in it. And so when man went against the life that gave him life, it shut off the flow of the divine way of God. It shut it off. Are you seeing that? And once it was shut off, then everything from that point on, whether it be, remember in Genesis 1, 28, God said, "And God bless man and woman." And he said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply." And take dominion over the fish of the sea, the files and everything else. Well, the moment man violated that divine command, all of that was cut off. See, now the life that we gained from the first Adam, once he violated that divine command of God, then he put all of humanity subject now to a new law, to a new command. And Satan was and still is the God of this world system. He not the God of the world because God created the world. But Satan is the God of this world system. And that's the reason why, I mean, Romans 12, 2 says, and be not conform or another way of saying, be not fashion after this world. See, because why? And that's what happened. Adam, through one way or four, through one man's sin, into the world and death by sin, that death was a spiritual death. Spiritual death is the absence of spiritual life. So man went from spiritual life to spiritual death. And then in Christ, we went from spiritual death back unto spiritual life, those who have received him. And so, when we look at the divine command that Adam violated, come on, this is to share. It's not just something that happened to Adam and his family. It's something that happened to Adam and the whole creation of God. Excuse me. When I say the creation of God, I'm talking about everything that God created, the trees, the grass, the ground, the weather, the seasons, man, woman, everything from that point, everything from that point on when Adam's sin, it corrupted. Everything fell below the glory of God when he breathed or spoke into Adam the breath of life. And when Adam violated that divine command, everything that God created now was polluted. And so, this is the reason you have these crazy weather patterns on the earth. I mean, just think about it. Just a couple of days ago, we, you know, that were power outages all around us that were, you know, that were flooding, that were excessive wind in some places of Acadianna. I think that was maybe one or two tornadoes that kind of touched down and not power out in different areas of Acadianna. And this is December. You follow what I'm saying? And, you know, and when Gustin up, you know, probably up to 50 miles an hour in certain places or even more. But all of this come from one man disobedient. See, but I don't want to just leave you hanging there with that, but through one man, act of obedient. Or you say, where grace did abound. In verse 17, it said, "For if the offense, for if by one man offense, death reign, that spiritual death, that reign mean it rule." And we could still see in some places, in some area, it's still ruling. Excuse me. It's still raining. It means it has its way of shaping, its way of bringing destruction. See, it says, "But by one much more, they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness should reign in life by one Jesus Christ." Now we look them on the support. Now we can rule and reign what the first Adam, the divine command that he violated under the second Adam, it all has been restored. But then faith is voice activated. Meaning, if I don't speak to the weather pattern that come to bring destruction, bring harm to me, my family, then guess what? Whatever happens is because I let it happen. See, and I'm saying this to each of you because each of you have the same authority. It's just that when we hear of bad weather patterns or things that take place, we, again, with the senses become what is that? We become to the place of thinking, "What can I do?" The meteorologist said, "This is going to happen and it's going to happen, so I'm going to prepare for the worst and believe for the best." I don't understand that. So I get what they're saying, but the best is what? For the righteous? Remember that if Adam violated a divine command and then we obeyed, part took of the divine command that meaning everything that was undone through the first Adam, Jesus redeemed us, put us back in place that God's original intent can still function through those who believe. Now, if you feel to believe that you can't do anything about it, then guess what? You're right. Why? Because your words have already set you up to a place that nothing you can't do anything about it, especially when you have the word of God. Are you following me? So the thing about it is that we got to come to the place and recognize, we got to come to the place and recognize and have an understanding that when we get to the place of walking in the word of God, understanding what the word means, what it represents to us, then guess what? Then all of a sudden, we will stand up and we begin to walk in what we have a right to. So again, when you look at verse 12 or Romans 5, you say, whereas by one man, sin entered into the world. And so again, that sin was a divine command. So what do we do? Because again, we live in two realms at the same time. You live in the realm of the spirit and you live in the realm of the flesh. Whether you born again or not, you still have two realms. The only thing about a person that's not born again, they just functioning along with their flesh, the life of the spirit that they have and of the flesh is walking hand in hand. The difference for the believer is that in the spirit, we are born of God and we take size with the word of God and we condemn that of this natural realm that wants to act up in a manner the way God did not create it. That's why the writers are here to subdue, to replenish the earth. We are here to say, no, tornado, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. When weather pattern that's wicked or twisted, no, I command you to cease and to cease. Move away from me. Wake up, whatever. However, the words of eternal life that God gives is not how you use someone. Just speaking your own name, but speak with an understanding that you're speaking from a position of knowing that I have a direct command from God through the Holy Ghost. Your direct command is because you are born of God as the righteousness of God. And therefore, the kingdom that Jesus came to establish is so that the law of Genesis 1 and 2 can still function. Amen? So, let's get this. Notice this. So, it says, "Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men." See, death. That's spiritual death. The absence of spiritual light. That's why all of us was whether we were born at a certain time where you born, how you didn't have anything to do, you and I were already condemned in darkness. Not because of what you did, but because of what the first Adam and he, we were all made in him from a spiritual perspective. So, every human spirit was condemned, was judged, already had judgment on it because it came through the first Adam. And this is the reason that Satan could, you know, had, you know, free reigns, so to speak, to commune through human to do what? Because that's how it happened. If anything going to happen good or bad on earth, it got to come through a human being. It has to come through one with a voice to activate. Let me say that again. It has to come through one through one of a voice that will activate either good or bad. Amen? And so, we see here that it says, "Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin." See, that's spiritual death. And notice it, and so death has to put all men for all have sin. That's why it said all, that's what Romans 3, 23 said, "For all have sin and come short of the glory of God." Meaning, you didn't have that ability, that confident, that awareness no more because the fellowship of the oneness which a creator was shattered, the fellowship was broken. The relationship remained, but the fellowship was broken. So now, whether God communed with man in his spirit at that moment, now fellowship or communing has to take place outwardly. So God used his creation to do what, to commune with us. Why? Because he couldn't commune with us inwardly because the divine command of what God told Adam was violated. But now, through the second Adam, I'm just trying to show you the contrast or the conflict of the spirit with the flesh. And just to keep laying this foundation to you for your, that you can understand when something of the flesh come up that tries to dictate and take control of you in the flesh, you, the real you, the spiritual side of part of you that's born of God, will rise up, the righteousness of God will rise up to correct and to direct. Let's say it again, to correct and to direct. See, in the way that God would think, in the way that God would do it, are you following me? Yeah, yeah. But you see, the power lies within us. The authority lies within us. If we, as a speaking spirit, don't release by faith the words of Christ, the words of God, then we will live in our captivity. We'll continue to keep fighting things in the flesh. Some days is good and some days is down, some days, you know, whatever. You know, as far as sometimes you hear people say, well, you had a bad day. I get what they'll say. But there's nothing to combat a bad day, spiritually speaking. You can't, you know, the bad, they base their bad day and they're good. They're based on how they feel physically, medically. I want you to base every day that the Lord made is a good day. And whatever my physical status is at the moment, then guess what? I am able to do what, to combat that and command my physical status, status, whatever that may be, to come in alignment with what Christ have done for me. Not to continue to submerge myself, victimize myself in this realm because of what is. Faith, in God's word, is calling those things that be not as though they were until they are. Why? Because that's what Christ did for us. The first Adam put us all in this condition, spiritually speaking. But the second Adam, Jesus being the second and final Adam, redeemed us, restored us and placed us back and right standing with the Father. But as a spiritual being, just like it was in Genesis 1, one has to say. And so here, as I close, this is our opening dialogue of the opening week, as I close with this, notice this. Verse 13 says, "For until the law sin was in the world." See, sin was in the world, but that was no law to do what? To bring it to a place to point wrong to you out. That's why I say, the fellowship was broken, but the community relationship with man, God could still speak with him. God still spoke through him. And God didn't hold him accountable for the wrong that he did. He told him what would happen. The accountability for the wrong did not show up until the law came. See, this is what that verse says, "For until the law," see, sin was in the world. So sin was already in the world. But sin is not imputed when there is no law. Just like what we talked about with Abraham and Sarah and everything that took place 2000 years, how Cain killed his brother. I mean, not Cain, yeah, was it Cain? Yeah, Cain killed his brother Abel. You know, that was no law. Instead of a law of him being punished, anyone that touched him, he was protected by God when you look at the book of Genesis. Now notice this. It says, "Nevertheless, death rained from Adam to Moses. Even over them that had not sinned after the semitude of Adam's transgression." That's what I've been explaining for the last 30 minutes. We all were subject. We all were product of the first Adam through spiritual death. We all had spiritual life in him, but the moment he violated a direct command from that moment on everything became spiritual, it was functioning opposite of spiritual life. You still could function. It still exists, but it exists with limitation. It exists with disease, with some type of affection, some type of defect. See, it still exists, but the facts came, affection, a lot of things that took place that shouldn't take place. Okay? So nevertheless, death rained from Adam to Moses. Even over them that had not sinned after the semitude of Adam's transgression. It said, "Who is the figure of him that was to come?" So, notice this. "But not as the offense, so also as the free gift. For if through the offense of one, many, be dead, much more," see, "that be dead is those that live under spiritual death." You still exist, but the life of God has been shut off as far as walking in the rim that he originated until Christ came. And notice this, and he said, "Much more, the grace of God and the gift of righteousness, which is by one man," that's called my Jesus Christ, "has abound unto many." Now, you have a choice to choose whether you're going to live in your sin, or you're going to live unto the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus that redeemed, restored, and put you back in right standing with the Father. So that what? I can make a demand upon the earth that God created. And I can walk in this rim and fulfill God's will that he has for me uninterrupted, because I have his authority back in place. I have been empowered by the Holy Ghost in carrying his name, amen? So nothing shall be impossible to him that believe. Well, this is our opening day dialogue on Monday morning. We'll pick this up tomorrow, and we'll go through the rest of the Roman chapter 5 here in sharing with you the conflict of the Spirit. With the flesh, I wanted to show you the truth. This contrast, how it comes about, why it is so, it's a 24/7. The thing that we dearly have to put up with, that you have to set your mind in how you're going to walk, and how you're going to speak. Amen? The two realms still exist. The spirit of death, the spirit of darkness, and the spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus. Remember, the two laws that we live by, and Romans 8 too, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. See, that spiritual death, that death that has, you know, that calls us to fall below, calls everything to fall below the glory of God. But the life that we now live in Christ Jesus had made me free. So if I'm free from it, then everything that God created and how He created, I can bring it back to its ultimate level in functioning for me, or for whatever God has called me to, and so can it do for you. So we'll talk more about it tomorrow. This lesson will be uploaded on your podcast, Grace Institute Online Bible School, PowerPoint, Motivational Word, PowerPoint, discipleship, and favorite media. So we love you. We thank God for you. And as we always say, until the next time, may God's best and his favorite be with you. Love you now. We'll do it again tomorrow. Bye-bye everyone. [BLANK_AUDIO]