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Zohar for All. Lech Lecha. Melchizedek King of Salem [2025-01-01]

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01 Jan 2025
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Shallom lekulam, su van agnaurem lekor, be sephir azzor, re'en agnaurem. Hello everyone, we're here to read the book of Zor, and in order to strengthen our common intention, that's what you clip of Rov, that will start our common reading. When can I prepare, invite the light that reforms the bigger light? And when I'm connected to it, when I connect it to it with my best all towards it, I ask and I demand, and then it comes to me. When does this connection happen? It happens during the time when I am reading the book of Zor, especially the book of Zor, which, unlike the other books, other books, there is no book as powerful as Zor that is able to draw. The light is big and strong, there's nothing like reading the book of Zor. So first of all, we want to achieve our put, guarantee, connection to half azzresse, basically everything that we ask in order to come to the resemblance of forms with the system, with the corrected system and eternal system, prior we had a shattering, and we read together the book of Zor, and we think all of the time how to come to the resemblance of form with the upper one. The extent to which we understand is not relevant, I don't have to understand anything, just during the time when I'm reading, I have to keep thinking that I want to be connected with everyone, with all reality, with all the stars, with all the friends, with everything good, everything bad for all of this to be connected together in the corrected shape. And I'm not able, and I don't succeed. It comes from above, and I don't know where from, from inside of me, at the moment when I'm become a little more connected with, to the same extent I reveal a spiritual world. Very simple. It happens to us, it's not that we need to fly away to some distant places, so to speak, as for a person that finds himself in the lack of consciousness, he's the picture of where he is, is revealed to him gradually, same thing for us, the concealment disappears year and their reality that we didn't perceive prior to that, and it only depends on me, with all the other parts. I am connected, and in this system of connection between us, it is what we reveal. So we read together the book of Zor, for the people, Volume 2, Chapter Lechlech. Name of the article is Melchizedek, King of Salem, paragraph 242. The lower world, the Nukva, receives blessings when she bonds with the High Priest, the right line in Bina. At that time, after the Nukva received the blessings from the High Priest, she blessed Abraham, as that is written, and he blessed him, and said, "Blessed be Abraham of God Most High." Similarly, the priest below in this world should make ties and unite unification and bless this place, Nukva of the ranten, so she will connect with the Hasadim on the right of Bina. By that, the two worlds Nukva and Bina connect and become as one. 243, blessed be Abraham of God Most High, maker of heaven and earth. This is a blessing in which there is the correction of the intention, that we must intend in all the blessings that we bless, since blessed be Abraham is similar to what we say in every blessing. Blessed are you of God Most High, is similar to what we say in every blessing, the Lord our God. maker of heaven and earth is similar to what we say in every blessing, king of the world. This verse is the blessing, and he blessed him and said, "Blessed be Abraham of God Most High, is the order of intention from below upward, and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand, is the order of the intention from above downward. The intention of the blessing is that first abundance is brought down from Bina to Zon to elevate the Bina and elicit all the mochin in her. This is considered from below upward, raising Zon from their place up to Bina to complement her. This order is in the first half of the blessing through king of the world. Finally, the abundance is extended from above downward, from Bina to Zon and to the lower ones. This comes at the conclusion of the blessing after king of the world, who the explanation is that the merit of Zon to receive the mochin from Bina is only because they rose and complimented the mochin of Bina with the middle line that comes out on their screen in three that comes out of one. At that time, Zon too are rewarded with the same amount that eliminated in Bina thanks to them, in one that is rewarded with all three. Therefore, if we wish to draw a degree from Bina to Zon, we must first elevate the Zon to Bina to cause additional mochin in her. Afterwards, they will receive that same addition that they caused in Bina to. Also, the ascents of Zon to Bina are through the letter's alley of Ela king. During Bina's diminution, they come down to Zon and during her good luck, when she brings the letter's alley back to her, they raised the Zon to her along with them. This is why the first half of the blessing is arranged from above downward, from below upward to elevate Zon as to compliment the Bina. Also the word "blessed" implies drawing "allet" from the katnut of Bina, the upper blessing, and to bring them down to "hagat" of Zeratmen, which are three circumcision. You are the Lord, our God. You, His hased, the Lord is Teferet, our God is Vura. After Ela were extended in "hagat" of Zeratmen, we intend for the Bina to bring her Ela back to her degree, which time the Zon rise along with them and compliment the mochin in her in the middle line. At that time, Bina is called "king of the world" because the mochin have been completed in her. Afterwards, in the second half of the blessing, we draw the mochin from above downward, from Bina to Zon and to the lower ones, because they are rewarded with the same amount that Zon has caused in Bina. It is written, "Blessed be Abram of God, Most High, Maker of Heaven and Earth," this is the arrangement of the phrasing of all the blessings. The first three words, "Abram of God, Most High," implied to "hagat" of Zeratmen, receive Ela from the upper blessing. Just like the three words in Hebrew, "You are the Lord, our God, Maker of Heaven and Earth," is like "king of the world." When Bina brought Ela back to her, when Zon rose along with them and complimented the mochin with her, at which time Bina is called "Maker of Heaven and Earth" as in the rest of the blessings, when she is called "king of the world." Thus far, and he blessed him, and he said, "Blessed be Abram of God, Most High," is the order of intention from below upward, when raising Zon from their own place up to compliment the Bina, and "Blessed be God, Most High," is the order of intention from above downward, when drawing the mochin from above, from Bina down to the Zon, like the second half of the blessing, like the rest of the blessings, is written, and he gave him a tenth of all, meaning he gave a tithing to the nukra, to adhere to the place, since the connection is died below, in the malhood that ends the elimination of the nukra. So as to prevent a gripping to the outer ones, and the tithing ends her elimination. It is written, "To David, and to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul? Why does it not say a Psalm of David, or a Psalm for David?" 245. David spoke for his own degree. And the praise he said was for himself, "And to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul? Means to you, Lord, above my soul is David, who is the first degree malhood, the first one from below upward, I lift up, as in I will lift up my eyes unto the mountains. Since throughout his life, David tried to raise his degree to Bina, to crown it above, in Bina, and to tie it there in a complete connection, as it should be. So now let's strengthen our intention and watch together another clip of Rob. Light of Chohma can be drawn only after when we have the connection between us, and we want for this connection to receive the light of Chohma, receive the revelation of the Creator between us, because light of Chohma is the revelation of the Creator, to create a being. Therefore, if we unite in the group, and we want the connection to be with us, the mutual connection, where everyone wants good for the others, and good means bestow all, and reveal the Creator to the others. So then we find ourselves in this between us, in the connection that is called our vut, guaranteed, our vut, and this connection, this unity, we care about each other for everyone to obtain revelation of the Creator. If we connect this way, then we circle out a certain territory between us that is completely for the sake of the soul towards one another, and this is called a place blessed by the Creator, the field where the Creator dwells, blessed by the Creator. This is how we connect between us, and we build the place for the Creator between us, in order to bring him contentment through this. Okay, we're connecting in order to bring him contentment, we continue in the paragraph 246, similarly, it is written to David, blessed the Lord, O my soul, and all my insides. Blessed is holy name. He also said, blessed the Lord, O my soul, for his own degree. That, meaning of, is to connect to be not, and all my insides are the rest of the animals of the field, meaning the spirit of the nukva, as it is written, and my insides were moved for him. He said, blessed my soul, for his own degree. The Lord is the wholeness of everything, the whole of everything. Yet the, is malhot, the Lord is the ranten, and the Lord is the complete unification of the ranten and nukva, 249. It is written, I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for my own sake. One I is at Sinai, and one I is when the world was created. I is the name of malhot, and this is in Sinai. But in the creation of the world, it is the name of binah, since with the ascent of malhot to binah, binah is called I as well, like malhot. I am the Lord, your God, is in Sinai, and one when he created the world, as it is written, I have made the earth. Here it includes malhot and binah together, showing that there was no separation between above binah and below malhot. It does not say removes your transgressions. But wipes out your transgressions, so they will never be seen again when it writes for my own sake, it is to reveal the mercies that are dependent upon me, as it is written, for the Lord your God is a merciful God, 251 who wipes out your transgressions for my own sake. With their sins, the wicked of the world make a flaw above. This is because when the sins go up, the mercy, the upper light, and the suction of the blessings do not come down. Since this degree, the nukwa, which is called I, does not receive blessings from above to nurse the lower ones. This is why it is considered a flaw for her. This is why she says, for my own sake, so the blessings will not prevent me from nursing everyone, 252. Similarly, it is written, see now that I, even I, am he. There too, the first I indicates binah, and the second I indicates malhot, to show that there is no separation between the binah above and the malhot below, 253, similarly when they are righteous in the world, the blessings are extended to all the worlds. When Abraham came, blessings were extended to all the worlds, and thanks to him, there are blessings above in the upper worlds. And below, in the lower worlds, it is written about that, in you, shall be blessed, which is the lower ones, and it is written, and I will bless them, that bless you, which is the upper worlds. When imparting blessings below, they are blessed first. Because it is written, and I will bless them, that bless you, 254. During the days, Isaac came and announced to all that there is judgment and a judge above to avenge the wicked. He evoked the judgment in the world, so that all the people in the world will see the Creator. Jacob came and evoked mercy in the world and complimented the faith in the world as it should be. Abraham drew the hessal, the right line of faith, the nukwah, Isaac drew the judgment and the gvura for her, her left line, and Jacob complimented her by drawing mercy, the middle line, 255. During the days of Abraham, it is written in Melchizedek, King of Salem. This means that the throne, nukwah, was crowned in her place in Bina. And then the nukwah is a whole king, shalem, like Salem means a whole in Hebrew, completely flawless. And the nukwah elicited proper nourishments to all the worlds. It is written about it, brought forth bread and wine, meaning that all the worlds were not devoid of the blessings. Brought forth is as it is written, and the earth brought forth, meaning the nukwah, which brought forth nourishments and blessings from the upper degrees to all the worlds. And he was the priest of God the most high, meaning that everything is in the uppermost wholeness, as it should be, in the wholeness of Bina, who is called God above. This indicates that as the wicked blemish the world and prevent the blessings from the world, the blessings come to the world thanks to the righteous, and all the people in the world are blessed because of them. And he gave him a tenth of all, meaning Melchizedek gave him of those blessings that come out of the all, which is Yisod. This means that Melchizedek, who is the nukwah, received the tenth, the blessings from Yisod, who imparted upon Abraham. It is from Yisod, because this is the place from which all the blessings that come down to the world come out. Another interpretation, and he gave him a tenth of all, means that the Creator gave a tenth to Abraham, one out of ten, ten out of a hundred, the malchud, and her katnut. There is only one sfira in her kettar, at the time it is one out of ten sfiraat in Zorunpin. In her kettar, she has ten complete sfiraat, and then she has ten out of one hundred sfiraat in Zorunpin. Creator gave Abraham this degree, and henceforth Abraham was admitted into proper existence above, meaning he was rewarded with the complete attainment for all eternity. It is about two hundred and fifty-nine. Rabbi Shimon said that anyone who does not wash his hands properly, Nithalat Yadayam, ceremonial washing of the hands, besides being punished for it above, he is punished below in this world too, for he inflicts poverty on himself. And according to his punishment, so is his reward above and below. And one who washes his hands properly brings upon himself blessings above. The blessings are properly on his hands, and this blessed below with wealth. So we have finished before we fully end, let's watch together a clip of Raff again. This is called our wood guarantee, without me supporting the others, the others supporting me. I did not achieve a state where I feel that the whole clearly is mine. It does not mean that I owe them, and they owe me. These are actions that are way deeper than just a regular external support. Another, I awake myself by this to know, to get to know what a clue is. Sometimes I am thinking about unity inside of the killem, but in understanding this I awake the light. If I conduct actions that lead to unity of the killem, because the light is one, and if I don't work through one killem, I don't awaken it. Therefore, I have to perform such thoughts over the general kille that I am for them, one day for me, and we exist in our wood and guarantee, our wood is basically, that tiny hole that through which we reveal opening of the light, through it, we allow opening for the light. What means that you connect with the others in a way that is similar to the light in its oneness. Their oneness and the oneness of the light are similar. So their unity, their oneness and light's oneness and unity are similar.