Kabbalah: Daily Lessons | mp3 #kab_eng
Arvut on the Way to Lishma [2025-01-01]
(speaking in foreign language) Hello, friends. We are studying in this part of the lesson, selected excerpts from the coupleists. On the topic of our vote on the way to Lishma, we've reached excerpt number four. You can find all the study materials in Srivatova, so in the Arvut system. So our vote on the way to Lishma, uh, Balasulam says, the Arvut, number 22, the impression that comes to a person when engaging in Mitzvot between men and the creator. In her Gesh, it's followed. He's completely the same as the impression he gets when engaging in Mitzvot between men and men. Keep calling Mitzvot, we have last since one is obligated to perform all the Mitzvot, Lishma, for her sake, without any hope for self-flav, meaning that no light or hope returns to him through his trouble in the form of reward or honor, et cetera. (speaking in foreign language) Here, at this exalted point, the love of the creator and the love of his friend, unite and actually become one. (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) (coughing) Again, item four from Barasulam Ljovut. Amagela, the impression that comes to a person when engaging in Mitzvot between men and the creator, is completely the same as the impression he gets when engaging in Mitzvot between men and men. (speaking in foreign language) Ljovut since one is obliged to perform all the Mitzvot Ljovut without any hope for self-love, meaning that no light or hope returns to him through his trouble in the form of reward or honor, et cetera. (speaking in foreign language) Here, at this exalted point, (speaking in foreign language) and the love of the creator and the love of his friend, unite and actually become one. (speaking in foreign language) Maybe if it's possible to explain the first sentence. What is the impression that comes to a person when engaging in Mitzvot between men and the creator? (speaking in foreign language) That the person who relates to the creator, (speaking in foreign language) he has a certain inspiration. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So he can see, he can measure. (speaking in foreign language) He can keep this impression that exists between him and the creator. (speaking in foreign language) According to... (speaking in foreign language) How much he has it towards the friends? (speaking in foreign language) Meaning... (speaking in foreign language) Can he give additional forces to the friends and direct his effort towards the friends? (speaking in foreign language) That we should see... (speaking in foreign language) How much he's attitude towards the friends (speaking in foreign language) brings him to change his attitude towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) That is, these are like two degrees. (speaking in foreign language) The love of people to the love of the creator. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Well, on the one hand, he says that there's no reward. Person works without a reward. On the other hand, he says there's an impression. (speaking in foreign language) So what's the difference between any kind of reward and this feeling of impression? (speaking in foreign language) It's the condition that he wants to relate to the creator. (speaking in foreign language) There's a place from which he expects nothing, (speaking in foreign language) but only for him to know, and to be able to keep his attitude towards him in full. (speaking in foreign language) And knowing that he can carry out this attitude towards the creator in full or towards the friend, or is it the same thing? (speaking in foreign language) The way to reach giving to the creator. (speaking in foreign language) What brings him to giving to the creator? (speaking in foreign language) He is the way that he builds through his attitude towards the friends. (speaking in foreign language) That impression is already giving, or is it before giving? That feeling of inspiration, he gets it from above, but later on he also develops it. (speaking in foreign language) So why isn't that inspiration or impression has considered reward? Of course it's not about honor or some other kind of desire, but it is a kind of inspiration. Yes, but this is what the creator gives, that created being because (speaking in foreign language) Without me, so he says the person can't do it, can't rise above his will to receive. (speaking in foreign language) He needs to feel his relation with the creator, how special it is. (speaking in foreign language) And how much it opens up for him, the relation to the creator. (speaking in foreign language) The person asks for that impression instead of all the other kinds of rewards. (speaking in foreign language) Yes, yes, he doesn't want anything besides that. (speaking in foreign language) So it's a kind of spiritual necessity, it's necessary. Yes. Yes. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) What exactly creates this inspiration for the person? (speaking in foreign language) That he receives from the creator some rail flight, and the person awakens as a result of that. (speaking in foreign language) That's from the creator, his inspiration. (speaking in foreign language) Yes, but the feeling itself is done in the person, appears in the person. And how does the person awaken this inspiration that comes from the creator or from man? It comes from the creator to the person, and the person should try to feel it, to get hold of it, capture it. (speaking in foreign language) From that starts his own inspiration of that creator. (speaking in foreign language) And the inspiration that he receives from the creator, he has to work back towards the creator. That is equal to the inspiration towards the friends? No. No. (speaking in foreign language) Unrelated, one is unrelated to the other. (speaking in foreign language) The brother, the person should already translate it. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) He needs to keep it, only out of the fact that he directed towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) So a person receives the inspiration from the creator, this ray of light, and he needs to work in return back towards him. So where the friends are, what are the friends needed for? (speaking in foreign language) Without the friends, he won't know how to direct himself towards this upper light that comes to him. (speaking in foreign language) So what does it mean when he says the inspiration that comes to a person when engaging in what's between and the creator is completely equal to the impression he gets when he's engaged in which what's between man and man. (speaking in foreign language) It should see that they are related, that if he wouldn't receive an awakening from above, he wouldn't be able to respond to it with an awakening from below. (speaking in foreign language) Another question, when he writes to the person who works without any hope or self-love, any reward, anything for himself, what is that state? (speaking in foreign language) But this inspiration, he wants to direct it truly towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) He doesn't want to expect anything besides the fact that this inspiration itself will appear. If I look at myself, then I'm a reactive mechanism. I have a response to whatever happens. Yes. So what does it mean not to hope, not to expect? Something has to work in me in return, in response. (speaking in foreign language) Here, a person seemingly has the possibility to pray (speaking in foreign language) on his own. (speaking in foreign language) And not to extend it to others, or to the creator. So here, one has to work with this inspiration such that it will appear in the right way, meaning that he will feel that he's receiving it from the creator, and that it is directed to towards him directly. (speaking in foreign language) And that he wants to give back that impression that the inspiration he received back to the creator. But what happens to the expectation? (speaking in foreign language) The expectation must exist because he has to direct himself towards the fact that he's doing it in order to look at the creator. (speaking in foreign language) Hope that he will receive something from him. (speaking in foreign language) So what does it mean what you said before that it's the condition that he wants to relate to the creator as to a place from which he doesn't expect anything he just wants to know to relate to him completely? There is what he should hope for. So he has hope, some expectation here, and it fulfills him. (speaking in foreign language) Relatively, he didn't receive anything yet. (speaking in foreign language) But rather, he's just performing the prayer. One has to completely nullify this expectation that he's doing something that he's working. (speaking in foreign language) He should organize himself with his friends in such a way that they're all directed towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) And they expect that their awakening will bring them through connection and love. (speaking in foreign language) And that this, they will want to pass on to the creator. Thank you. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Thank you, Raul. He's giving back the inspiration to the creator. Does it have to happen through the friends or it's only in prayer or in gratitude? (speaking in foreign language) Prayer and gratitude, yes. That's mostly. (speaking in foreign language) What we can activate in return towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) Well, basically when I get to what he talks about that love of friends and love of the creator is the same point. Ultimately, we measure our attitude to the creator and vice versa through the friends. It's not exactly the same thing, but rather one close in the other. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) And that is my attitude towards the friends. And I love it or extend it into such an attitude towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) But without my friends, I wouldn't be able to depict it. (speaking in foreign language) Or do anything like it. (speaking in foreign language) That's what I wanted to ask Rob. What is this vessel called the friends? The friends is a very, very special vessel. Yes. What is, what is that vessel the creator gave us? More than, we say many times that the environment is the most fundamental thing we need to reach the creator. What is this special vessel called the friends? (speaking in foreign language) He tells us. (speaking in foreign language) How much we can feel and understand. (speaking in foreign language) The person who raises his prayer upward. (speaking in foreign language) He feels that by that, he takes all of his friends. (speaking in foreign language) And reaches the creator together with them. The extent that he's incorporated in them and leaves nothing for himself. (speaking in foreign language) Then he's also incorporated in the creator. And it sees that there is nothing in the world except for his friends. (speaking in foreign language) This is basically the true reality. We're talking about that there's no other reality but the friends. Yes. Thank you. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) She, a question that Barcelona forms that bestowing to the creator and bestowing to the friend is equal. He says this equals that. (speaking in foreign language) Because both actions are done. (speaking in foreign language) So can you explain this equation? How is it possible that two actions are equal? Every action has its parameters. What influences everything is different? He says here this is equal. He integrates some equality here if I understand his explanation. It's because both actions are Lishma. So if you can explain the reasoning also. (speaking in foreign language) This is for the creator and that's for the creator. The meaning Lishma. So if both things are for the creator so there's no such thing as love of friends there's really only love of the creator 'cause what am I doing it for? Who am I doing it for? So if you could clarify that. (speaking in foreign language) It seems to me that you already answered it. But. (speaking in foreign language) Maybe I'll just try to repeat it. (speaking in foreign language) If I try. (speaking in foreign language) To do everything for the friends. (speaking in foreign language) And on that I seemingly have control. (speaking in foreign language) There is more within my feeling. So from that I can later on shift to the love of the creator who is the place, the source from which all of the influences come out to me. (speaking in foreign language) And so it turns out that I have no one else to direct myself to. (speaking in foreign language) But only this source of all of the influences and the pistol towards me from above. (speaking in foreign language) They actually reach me and build me. (speaking in foreign language) They change me. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) My ego which is directed to myself. (speaking in foreign language) It becomes inverted within me to a special attitude towards my friends. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) The person starts working, he works opposite the others. So does he have an opportunity to give to others even if he doesn't yet have such an inspiration from it? Is he still called giving? (speaking in foreign language) This is what it means that from L'Olishma we come to L'Olishma. (speaking in foreign language) What is good and clean action towards others? A person can't improve himself towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) That's why we have the other in the middle. And this other is actually the address towards which I need to direct myself. (speaking in foreign language) And as much as I try. (speaking in foreign language) Not to remember myself, but only the other. (speaking in foreign language) By this, I succeed more in the general correction. (speaking in foreign language) We have many opportunities to bestow to others more than to the creator. Now, the question is. (speaking in foreign language) How to make these actions in a cleaner way, a better way, more rich with discernment. 'Cause when the creator shines, then it's already okay. But most of our field of work is with the others. How do we improve in that? (speaking in foreign language) We need to think about the other. (speaking in foreign language) That he changes each time. (speaking in foreign language) In order to awaken within us. (speaking in foreign language) Let's start in the relation within us until he becomes whole, becomes whole in our eyes. And there, the other and the creator become one. - Thank you. (speaking in foreign language) At the point where a person examines his attitude to others, he sees he needs strength and he turns to the creator. He asks the creator, "Let me relate to the others correctly." What is it that equalizes the relation to the others and the relation to the creator? (speaking in foreign language) That a person wants to be still to both of them. (speaking in foreign language) And not to be dependent on others or on the creator. And by that he builds himself. He starts his corrections in that. (speaking in foreign language) He doesn't have the others or the creator. (speaking in foreign language) Until he begins to receive a special relationship special relation to both of them. (speaking in foreign language) And in this special relation. (speaking in foreign language) He constantly compares them. (speaking in foreign language) So that all his friends become the image of the creator, to which he wants to reach. (speaking in foreign language) So it turns out that when he wants to reach a division with all the friends, with all people, with all of the still vegetative animate and speaking, (speaking in foreign language) Like that, he arranges his attitude towards the creator. The creator becomes, for him, the all-inclusive, the sum total of the whole of creation. (speaking in foreign language) Turns out that you just have to pay attention to this deficiency that your attitude to others is still not corrected and that's it. No more is needed. No. No. (speaking in foreign language) So what are these stages of development as you described it? (speaking in foreign language) Stages of this development, a person received them from above, it's characteristic of every person. Thank you. Yes? (speaking in foreign language) You said many special things from the beginning of the lesson today about the transition between relating to the friend and relating to the creator and it's very, it's very awakening. I find during the day, a lot of blurriness in that, meaning I can't make this transition happen, that the attitude to the friend will always be on top of the attitude to the creator. So can I understand what I'm lacking daily to always make that transition? (speaking in foreign language) Only the work. (speaking in foreign language) Meaning each and every time. (speaking in foreign language) Try. (speaking in foreign language) Direct myself to an attitude towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) That his glory fills the world. (speaking in foreign language) And there is none else besides him, et cetera. (speaking in foreign language) In such a way, if I bit by bit close, complete all of these conditions that we study, then I'm indeed directed towards the creator. (speaking in foreign language) When we work towards the friends, there are some flavors in that, 'cause you're doing it for the friends, you're many years with them, and you love them, and all kinds of calculations a person has within. (speaking in foreign language) We always finish our work with bringing him contentment. It became like a kind of a reflex. That's how we think about it. But at those points where a person really self scrutinizes, and during the action, he really says, "Okay, now I do it for the creator." There's this phenomenon that exactly when you reach that point, the whole flavor of that work just goes away. Questions arise and so on, because basically you disappear, yes? And I want to ask about the prayer at that point. (speaking in foreign language) It's a point that keeps reoccurring again and again. The question is, what is the request a person should have at that point? Give me the flavor, give me the flavor, just to continue the action. When you feel that loss of flavor, what do you need to do? And he's left with adhesion. (speaking in foreign language) So what's the prayer? Let me feel adhesion, because at least in my mind, it sounds like a reward. (speaking in foreign language) Well, here adhesion is not a reward. Here adhesion. (speaking in foreign language) Adhesion is a feeling. (speaking in foreign language) But I relate to the whole of reality, the still, vegetative animate and speaking, through the creator. (speaking in foreign language) Yes, the desire to be in what you just said is there. But I'm saying as soon as you start aiming there, internally, everything is a two lights. The flavor goes away, but I'm asking what prayer to raise at that point, that's what I don't get. Ask the creator, let me feel adhesion, let me be in adhesion. (speaking in foreign language) I'm not sure what to ask there, in short. (speaking in foreign language) This is how a person reaches that point of unity. (speaking in foreign language) And in that, in attaining this point of unification, he attains all the flavors. (speaking in foreign language) Yes, you're painting the goal, I understand that. I'm saying, I'm at a point where there is no such flavor, you're just described, it's just not there. (speaking in foreign language) So at that specific point, what am I supposed to do? I continue the work with the friends, okay, I don't stop that. (speaking in foreign language) But what is then my attitude to the creator? (speaking in foreign language) The flavor is gone, I don't understand why, but (speaking in foreign language) What happens to you is that by that, you begin to feel the creator. (speaking in foreign language) Not with flavor or taste or smell or anything, but the creator himself. (speaking in foreign language) That he feels you. (speaking in foreign language) Without taste or smell or touch. (speaking in foreign language) But rather, you open up a new sense. (speaking in foreign language) So your advice is to keep trying that until the new sense will open up. It will open up. It will open up. And opening up this sense depends on some prayer or something specific a person needs to do. Only on how much you push more on that point of contact he has with the creator. (speaking in foreign language) Okay. (speaking in foreign language) From the second one is asking, in this connection between two points when he writes engaging in which it's what between man and the creator and it's what between man and man. There is a point, it's a very high point where he says there's no hope for any, anything in return. What is that point? What does the heart feel when meeting that point? We will reach that and then we will detect it. Next. (speaking in foreign language) Okay. (speaking in foreign language) What is it in the prayer that begets new relation, new attitude in me? The prayer. (speaking in foreign language) He's created. (speaking in foreign language) Before seemingly a man was created. Because it reaches us from the creator. It is a creator who wants it. He establishes it. He takes care of the prayer. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Therefore what is special about the prayer is that by it we adhere, precisely, to the creator's will towards us. (speaking in foreign language) The adhesion with the creator is actually the adhesion with the friend where there's no more gap between us if I understand that through our work. I wanna ask specifically in our work when I see any flaw, of course, it's in me. One judges through his own flaws as we know. (speaking in foreign language) What happens when I identify good qualities in the friends is that not a quality that exists in me as well? (speaking in foreign language) How do I work with that, with a good quality? First of all, clearly, (speaking in foreign language) Everyone has the qualities that exist in everyone. The only question is to what extent did they develop? To what extent does a person feel lack in them? Or maybe it's the opposite, he actually performs actions in them, and so we need to continue in short. (speaking in foreign language) What the mind, the intellect doesn't do, time does. (speaking in foreign language) No. (speaking in foreign language) A question by a student is our root, how we relate to the friends, and leishmize how we relate to the creator? (speaking in foreign language) So a continuation question from a student from Germany. She's asking, what should we aspire first? Inspiration from the creator, or inspiration from the friends? (speaking in foreign language) Basically, from the friends first. (speaking in foreign language) Okay, yeah. (speaking in foreign language) The illumination from above is felt as help. As a force that comes in order to help me work with the friends. The question is, how from that state, in order to give something back to the creator. (speaking in foreign language) That state, I don't see the friends just as a means. How do I transition from seeing them as a means? I mean, how does the love towards the friends connect into the love towards the creator? Or are they felt as a means so that I can give back something? (speaking in foreign language) That to us for now still seems like like a sphere. (speaking in foreign language) That's built from many and many threads. (speaking in foreign language) And we have to find the beginning and end of each and every part of that sphere. (speaking in foreign language) Therefore, for now, we'll continue until it can develop before us more. (speaking in foreign language) So, here we should have certain discernments from this state of working on a 10. Where will it come from? From the work in the 10? Yes. (speaking in foreign language) Is there anything that a person can do with it right now in a state? (speaking in foreign language) Try to do as much as one can, actions in the 10, yes. (speaking in foreign language) I mentioned that it happens through prayer because but the heart doesn't feel anything. So, through prayer, through effort, through the effort. (speaking in foreign language) In both mind and heart. Thanks. (speaking in foreign language) No. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) When I clog in the friends. (speaking in foreign language) I see. (speaking in foreign language) Through his eyes, I feel through his heart. (speaking in foreign language) And the friend, Sunday, looks at me. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) And I feel everything that he feels when he looks at me. When I go back to working as myself in my vessel, how can I serve him? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Keep him, guard him in the best possible way. (speaking in foreign language) You work with his character in you. And that's how you advance. (speaking in foreign language) My question is, how can I serve him in the best possible way? (speaking in foreign language) From the moment that I felt him and what he feels, (speaking in foreign language) what should I do for him? (speaking in foreign language) Why did he approach me? And he let me see. (speaking in foreign language) He did more assert and beneficial reason. I'm supposed to serve him in a very effective way. So how do I find the answer to the question of what is my role in him? To help. I didn't hear you? To help. That's exactly my question. How can I help him? Besides the fact that he will always be with the one who is precious to him, is that what I have to be all the time to make sure he's with the one who is precious for him? Yes. Thanks. No. (speaking in foreign language) With the permission of my teachers, my presence in Mebruch accelerates on the peace. As it says, Israel hasten the time. I'm a holy Israel. It is what I was told from a very young age. Amen for everyone and for all of us as a nation. Thank you very much. (speaking in foreign language) Okay, yes, yes. (speaking in foreign language) Grab another question about that feeling of inspiration. Is the correct vessel for receiving it? Is it enough to just want the greatness, the glory of the Creator, as we heard before? Or should we also have a desire not to receive any other reward? This he writes here, not a reward or any other reward. Any other, not honor or any other return? (speaking in foreign language) The more you try. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) It seems to be faint. Maybe you need to fix your microphone. (speaking in foreign language) Is this any better? (speaking in foreign language) It's weak. Alex is coming over to fix it. (machine whirring) (machine whirring) (speaking in foreign language) In the meantime, I'll read the excerpt number four again until we fix it. (speaking in foreign language) Mutual guarantee number 22. (speaking in foreign language) The impression that comes to a person when engaging in a mixed vote between men and the Creator is completely the same as the impression he gets when engaging in a mixed vote between men and men. (speaking in foreign language) One is obligated to perform all the mixed vote (speaking in foreign language) without any hope for self-love. (speaking in foreign language) Meaning that no light or hope returns to him through his trouble in the form of reward or honor, et cetera. (speaking in foreign language) At this exalted point, the love of the Creator and the love of his friend unite and actually become one. (speaking in foreign language) Yes. Okay, now we can hear you well. (speaking in foreign language) My question was, you know, that to receive this feeling of inspiration correctly as a preparation to receive it, you see enough to only want the greatness and the glory of the Creator, or should we also be afraid of or not be in a state where we want any other reward, like honor, et cetera, as he says here. (speaking in foreign language) Right, these are conditions that thanks to them, we receive the influence of the Creator in a complete way. So we need both. (speaking in foreign language) I heard before that without the friends, a person won't know how to direct himself towards this light that comes to him. Why is that? Because this light passes through all the friends, and if he doesn't connect with them, and he also won't have any contact with the light. (speaking in foreign language) Okay. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Except number five from (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) One must always pray for his friend. (speaking in foreign language) Any of us, one cannot do much for himself. (speaking in foreign language) Or one does not deliver oneself from imprisonment. (speaking in foreign language) But when asking for his friend, he is answered quickly. (speaking in foreign language) Therefore, each one should pray for his friend. (speaking in foreign language) And thus, each works on the others' desire. (speaking in foreign language) Until all of them are answered. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Responsible also sweet for one another. Means pleasant from the word sweetness. As they sweeten for each other, by the prayers they pray for one another. (speaking in foreign language) And by this, they are answered. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Okay, understood? Questions? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) The person prays. But what is in the Creator that he wants the prayers so much, does he want the request? Does he want the relation? Does he want to feel that being is coming closer to him? Does he want the Creator to feel that he is the Creator? What is in the prayer that the Creator wants specifically this? (speaking in foreign language) The man will cling to the Creator. (speaking in foreign language) And hang all of his future on him. (speaking in foreign language) So the person can be in that relation without the prayer, and that means that he's always in the best state, or does it mean to always be in prayer? To always be in prayer. (speaking in foreign language) Yes. (speaking in foreign language) What does it mean to complete the prayer? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) With what he thinks is missing. (speaking in foreign language) In the complete appearance of the friend. I see that the things that the friend can do right now on his virtual path. How can I complete it for him? (speaking in foreign language) Do you connect? (speaking in foreign language) You get closer to him, you both connect, and in connection you complete each other. (speaking in foreign language) This means that when we connect he receives everything he needs in order to complete himself. Yes. (speaking in foreign language) To pray for a friend. We did such an exercise not too long ago, every day we were thinking about one of the friends in the tent, (speaking in foreign language) And you catch yourself, even if you write down that right now I have to think of a friend, pray for the friend, it doesn't hold on. You can't hold on to it, it's really difficult. What is the condition really that makes it possible for one to pray for his friend? What does it mean to pray? It's not just to think or say words, we need to truly feel him deeply, I guess. (speaking in foreign language) That a person really wants to cling to the creator then it begins to feel how much more qualities is lacking. (speaking in foreign language) And he's hoping to receive these qualities from the friends. If I'm interested in the friend, I want to know how he's living, what pains him feel, his qualities in the corporate reality. Why, does it, let me pray for him? (speaking in foreign language) 'Cause I want to feel him, I want to have some impression, some inspiration, I want to feel his lack because that's what's written. (speaking in foreign language) Otherwise, if I don't feel him, how can I pray for him? (speaking in foreign language) I can say that I see that he's lacking a spiritual desire, let's say, and pray only for that. (speaking in foreign language) There are many questions about here, also should I pray for every friend and intent specifically for him or that there would be a strong desire in the tent. - This is something that's not clarified and I guess this is the main thing that we need to do. - Yes, (speaking in foreign language) Okay, (speaking in foreign language) Try. (speaking in foreign language) - It's important is to get closer, that's clear. - Thanks. (speaking in foreign language) - Last one, (speaking in foreign language) - The person is between the friends and we make efforts towards our vote. You can feel that sweetness and you can also extend it and draw it throughout the day in their thoughts and in connections we have. We also say often that if we think about there is none else besides him, it softens the feeling, it gives us sweetness in things we go through. If it's during the day, these are bitter states where you can do it. You only see the result, you forget about the causes of kinds of events that don't let you feel that sweetness. So what is the thing that can bring the feeling of sweetness from there is none else besides him and as much as possible as we feel that between the friends? (speaking in foreign language) - When we are between the friends, we feel sweetness and confidence during the day when we're on the outside and we meet and counter all kinds of states and we can't justify there is none else besides him that he's good and that's good. We don't even have there is none else besides him and most of these states. How do we close the gap? So in this external world, we will feel the same sweetness that we feel between the friends. - Only by connections between us. (speaking in foreign language) - Between us, we feel it. What is this between us that exists on the outside if we can say so? (speaking in foreign language) - We want to be connected between us. (speaking in foreign language) - Such an extent that the governance of the Creator on us will be revealed. (speaking in foreign language) - As much as possible. (speaking in foreign language) - Between us, it's between us, between the friends. We wanted to spread over the whole reality actually. (speaking in foreign language) - Among the friends. - Between the friends, it will cover everything. - Yes. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - In the morning, the arab, if I feel something bitter. (speaking in foreign language) - And then some nice elation comes to me. And let's go with bitterness. And I'm here to the good thing. Does the bitterness go away? That bitter thing. (speaking in foreign language) - But did you correct it? - No, I simply took something sweet. (speaking in foreign language) - No, nothing happens then. - So where does this bitter thing go? Is it instant by waiting for me? - Yes, more will be revealed to you. - Thanks. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) - Let's go to a new stage. - We'll move to another part of the lesson before that. Let's sing together. (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (dramatic music)