Kabbalah: Daily Lessons | mp3 #kab_eng

Preparation to the Lesson [2025-01-01]

Broadcast on:
01 Jan 2025
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(singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) Good morning, dear friends. (speaking in foreign language) All the friends on the screen, all the friends sitting here together in the study hall with that we're in a special state, a new state. (speaking in foreign language) The connection between us is growing stronger each and every day a connection of our books, a heartfelt connection. We can truly feel the heart of the friends, something we didn't have before. We're entering a state where as we read the love of the creator and the love of one's friend are truly one. It's something we didn't have before. And we're not waiting for the Congress, waiting for tomorrow, but right now in this lesson we, the whole Klee, we're together, we follow for desires, all the qualities, all of the yearnings of the friends. We awaken together, awaken our hearts, and the whole Klee holds on to a single point. It wants to adhere to the creator. Together in the lesson we're all as one man going together to adhere to the creator. (speaking in foreign language) Yes, friends, what privilege we've got. He chose us from all nations, friends. We are now telling ourselves that we're entering with one thought, one intention in this lesson, all of us together without compromising his friends, this lesson, all of us wish to ask the creator that we wish to be adhered to each other and to him we received the special force of love between us. No one receives such a privilege of studying what true love is, what bestowal is. And here we have a society that thanks to this special society where we are every day, every day we have the opportunity to give thanks to the creator and we give this thanks because we want to show him that in this fight that's it. In this lesson no compromises give this to us now to all of us, everyone around the world Klee, everyone here at every point, all of us friends together with one common thought, we all want that behind friends. Our bash says at the end of the day, this is a group of people who have gathered to be together in one place under one leader, with superhuman courage, they face up to all those who rise against them. Indeed they are brave men with a strong spirit and they are determined not to retreat one inch. They are first class warriors fighting the war against the inclination to their last drop of blood. And their only wish is to win the battle for the glory of his name. At the end of the day, this is the group of people who have gathered to be together in one place under one leader. We have superhuman courage, they face up to all those who rise against them. Indeed they are brave men with a strong spirit and they are determined not to retreat one inch. They are first class warriors fighting the war against the inclination to their last drop of blood. And their only wish is to win the battle for the glory of his name. Silent Workshop, dear creator, we need your help to strengthen in prayer. Silent Workshop, dear creator, we need your help to strengthen in prayer. Silent Workshop, dear creator, we need your help to strengthen in prayer. Silent Workshop, dear creator, we need your help to strengthen in prayer. We ask the creator to give us the strength so we can perform all our actions for you. It is a shame, meaning for the sake of the creator. Otherwise, meaning, if you do not help us, all our actions will be only for our own benefit. For we are powerless to overcome our will to receive, therefore help us be able to work for you. We must help us. We will remain in the will to receive for our own sake. Silent Workshop, let's raise together a prayer from the bottom of the heart to the creator to help us bestow. Again, let's raise a prayer together from the bottom of the heart to the creator to help us bestow. Silent Workshop, dear creator, we need your help to strengthen in prayer. Silent Workshop, dear creator, we need your help to strengthen in prayer. My sons have defeated me. My sons have defeated me. All in all, he wants us to reach him to become one and to call out to him from this one. We can ask about anything because a father wants to hear. He truly demands to hear what we are asking for. We want to break in as one man. We want to give him contentment, but all of this depends on one thing. Do I take my heart, so do I take the heart of the friend together with me inside? Do I bring the hearts of all of the friends into me? Do I live them? He will give you whatever you want. If you do it with love towards the friends, open your heart with the friends and you will see that he is there. He is already there. He will see that he is truly happy. We want to be in this occasion and give him contentment. Let's do it together because everything will come through prayer to him, the hind friends. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] We can then fully observe the Torah and its commandments, meaning to bring contentment to our maker. If they keep the air food to the point that each one cares for and satisfies the needs of his friend, then they can fully observe the Torah and its thoughts, meaning to bring contentment to their maker. [Music] [Music] Prayer of the friends, good and benevolent, your creator. We need your help to reach faith about reason. Asola Noliv, not please help us build a vessel so that we can discover you between the friends. Give us guidance on how to bestow correctly and in a good way on each other in a complete and beneficial manner so that we can reach a state of lishmak, a complete united world click, and that we may connect as one man with one heart. that we want to bring you contentment.