Kabbalah: Daily Lessons | mp3 #kab_eng

Baal HaSulam. Study of the Ten Sefirot. Vol. 3. Part 8. Part 8 [2024-12-31]

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31 Dec 2024
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Shalom, dear friends, how joyful it is to meet again, our program, reading, studying returns, we have this joy of our meeting, this great opportunity ahead of us to open this special book to connect together, to request together, request for a force that we bring closer to each other and to the degree of Ishmael, which is our congress, which we are about to, let's start with the video, we have. It is not possible after breaking all the vessels when we start correcting the vessels from the shattering that we are correcting them, but in the parts. The parts that we are correcting, they need to join some kind of correct mold. Let's say there is some mold and we can feel it with all kinds of stuff. That those things, we need to adjust to the mold, like Legos, or yeah, like Lego. So, therefore, the mold of the potuf, which is arranged correctly, all the way to the final correction, not including final correction. In a second restriction where we go and we join more and more parts, this mold is a mold of 10 short and 3 lines. This is a mold that is where here I drew. And this mold, that our parts exist, that's how every spiritual potuf exists. Also, the upper potuf, where we raise man, also from the middle, also exist according to this mold reader. Yeah, friends, we also will remember to raise man and we will open the study of the field. We are in volume three, part eight, page 644 in Hebrew text. There is no English text for this. We will continue in the words of the early in item 46 and let's do this reading together. Item 46, words of the early. And here we explained how Zellan Pinchu, when it doesn't have his mochin, which is the light of his inner, a smooth, the true thing, one, which is in his good loot, if he doesn't have in his posterior clothes, Neheo Vima and Neheo Vada. And on this way, all the parts of him are the same because then he of the upper one is their externality. They become the clothing for the mochin of the parts of which is below him. Everything enters and expands in the ocean and they go through the, to that lower pot soup. And now we will go lower it to the part of inner light. Item 46 and inner light, we will read how. But some explains this part of that they already wrote. Item 46, all the parts of him are like this because then he of the upper one, their externality. Far from the clothing to the mochin of the parts of which is below it. And everything enters and expands in the ocean in the goof to the parts of which is below. It was already explained well above that the matter of the he of the upper one, which is clothing in the lower one, they are Neheo, the tense field of the wash that comes out in the wash of the upper one from the force of the inclusion of the lower one in the coupling of the upper wash. That then he, this additional Neheo are not at all, then he of the upper tense field. As they are below its level, for example, then he of wash of attic, they are Neheo of the level of kettle, but then he that is added in attic because of the inclusion of Alejhandpin with the man there, they are Neheo of the level of Hochma, as mentioned in the book. And this is what they are read, makes more accurate that their externality become as the clothing to the mochin of the parts of below, because the level of the third phase is called externality to the level of the fourth phase. And Alejhandpin took the Neheo of the third phase, therefore he took only the externality of Neheo of attic, and on this way all the parts of him, they do not take the Neheo of the upper one, but the Neheo of the level of the lower one at the time that is included in the upper one, which is always in the degree, one degree lower than the upper one, and it is called because of that externality of the upper one, or the posterior of the Neheo of the upper one, remember that. And here Neheo of the upper one becoming as clothing to the mochin of the lower one, and they descend with him as he exits the wash of the upper one to his place, because this is the matter of the light of the level, clothes in the Neheo. And then he are clothing with the mochin in the vessels of the lower one in the way that these Neheo, they are the middle point between the lights of the lower one and the vessels of the lower one. Also you should know that there is in this Neheo, tensed holes filled of ocean goof just like the wreaths to the mochin that receive in them, because Neheo and Haud, they are the vessels of Gara, and in them are clothing Habbat of the mochin. And yes Haud is the vessel to all these zat of the mochin, which are Haggat in the hymn. Now we are going to watch a video of Haud, how? Let's watch it. Haud. The lower one raises the upper one, yes, something for him. The upper one makes a coupling by himself on the kat note, the smallest, doesn't it anything else? And this is a very great pursuit. Yes, as much as the lower one would ask that the upper one has the option to distribute everything, but with respect to the lower one is now in addition. Coupling on the desire of the lower one, that means that he is making a coupling in his osh, right? Yes, so there was a man on behalf of the lower one, what is this man grows up to the osh of the upper one, let's say in the coarseness of phase three, and the upper one makes a coupling on the coarseness three, and there is always a tens field, a tens field. Another one needs to receive this tens field, and this will be his structure. This means that this is called that the upper one is given birth to the lower one. The upper one, the lower one, the lower one has no anything on his own. He just requests and receives from the upper one the complete form. The request of the lower one comes to the upper one, and from the upper one descends the externality of the upper one to the lower one. That is called the new Nehi. What I wrote here, the is Nehi. They are tens field, tens field, washed off of itself. The entire parts of this is just how it's called. It's only called that is Nehi. These are ten complete fields. You can say you're reflected like this. This is just names. We need to get used to it. I raise mine to the upper one, and it brings everything I need to me. It's ready. I just need to be willing to receive everything. Reader, less, renew our intention, and continue to the words of the array, item 47. Let's build it together. Item 47. Here, there is no mochin, which is less than three phases, which are Horma, Bina, and that. The Horma is the line of Hressa, and then the Bina is the line of Gua, and that is divided into two. Half of it is Hressa, and half of it is Gua, to make a decision between them, because to the opinions of the creator, there are two opinions. The Hressa is as five Qasadim and the Gua, as mentioned. Let's hear the video now of what we're doing to this material. Why do we have already three lines? Horma Bina, that, because we are talking about the correction of the vessels, after the shattering, that it's impossible that the Horma Bina will operate in a direct way between them, and that's how, eventually, the vessel of the Mahut and the filth, and the filling will be constructed. We need to see here the necessity of the breaking, in which is given a place for the lower one to scrutinize. We don't see it yet, because this is what we're doing here, the system is scrutinizing. After the first restriction, the light makes the vessels, it makes the water, which operated on the desire and made from it everything that is needed, and he filled it. There is no action on behalf of the created being. There's still no created being. Also, after the breaking of the vessels in the world, there is no created being. But still, we can learn what will happen later on in the souls. And now, when we start scrutinizing, also from above downward vessels, still the light is working, but it is working in three lines. It already starts from above downward, to assemble these de greases. Abiya, which are all made from the middle line, meaning according to the correct combination from the will to receive in the will to bestow. Meaning, what are the degrees that were in the world that I'm going to know? This is just a carbon zone. There was nothing special in them. There wasn't any revelation in them. The light was prior to the vessel. After the breaking of the vessels in the world of the nickel, the vessel comes before the light. There are deficiencies. There are deficiencies. And these deficiencies, they are awakening the actions. The vessels, they are broken. The lights, the records, they awaken the vessels. You can say, "Ah," but you just said, "That the vessel comes before the light." You say that the light's sag is making all the actions. After the sag is making the actions, the vessels below awakens. Surely, that no one is awakened, if not awakened from above. But this action is concealed from us. So, we say that the vessel is awakening. Yes, friends, this is concealed from us how the creator is awakening us. But we will try to awaken, to ask for forces, to ask for the light to think about this as we are together in this reading. And we will continue. We continue to item 47 in our light, item 47 below. There is no "mohin" in the light. There is no "mohin". There is no "mohin". The "dad", "mihlak", "lebed", "lebed". "Hrezio", "Hrezio", "givor". There is no "mohin" less than 3. The phases, etc. Here the "horma" is the line of "hrezio". And the "bina" is the line of "vua" and the "dad" is divided into half-resident half-vua. And according to these things, according to those things are keys to all the "mohin" of "axiloutes", it is... We shall elaborate the streak about them. And here it is already explained above that all the "rashim" to "rash" that extended in the beginning of the correction of the "axiloutes". And even in the coupling of the "gudlut" in them, they were as phase 2 back, because "binao-wash" doesn't change her way from the "gudlutes". And she stands always in the posterior to "aba". And it is found that "binao-wash" is... ...stalling the "zona-wash" from expanding from her and outside, because the "zona" is not revealed outside from the "bina" only with the elimination of "horma" on the way of "zona" of direct light. As it is known, and says that "binao" is in the posterior to "aba", and she doesn't have anything but the light of "hasadim". It is... the "zona" are found included in her, and they are not revealed outside. Oh, love! We always say "horma" in "binao". And here is "zirampin" and "mahud". "zirampin" and "mahud" they are the "zon". If the "zon" lays "man", then "binao" turns to "horma", receives from there, and she delivers it below. If there isn't, then always "horma" is in "paneem" and "binao" is in "aho". This is the regular study state, phase 2 back. And according to the "maud", then they become face-to-face. That same request, request, prayer, "man". It is all called "zedron.". This is the future vessel. Why do we have to suffer? Why do we have to cry? Why do we have to all the time be in this fitness? Because this fitness, this is the vessel of that, the future vessel, in which we will receive the revelation. All of our sufferings become true sufferings. That just gives me. They become that. That's why we say the more beatings one receives becomes wiser. Friends, we will continue in 47 winner light, page 645 in the Hebrew book. Now we continue reading the video of the first column. By this, you should understand why the "rashim" of "aciluta" are named "gar", because they don't have only "kachab", but "zon" is lacking in them, because of the reason of the "binaud" is standing in the posterior to "aba", and is not facing up. They are facing "aba" besides raising the "man". And by this, you understand the source of the "mok", the "mok" of that, because by the raising "man", by this "man" raising, the "binaud" is awakened and returns face-to-face with "aba". And the level of tense field on the "man" is being expanded, and then "zon" is born, and we're reading the "rash" of the upper one, and they go, which over until now lacking there, because of the posterior of "binaud". And now the "binaud" is face-to-face, now we watch another video, love. And under this condition that you will make your will according to his, meaning that the "man" will precisely be equal to what the upper one wants to give you. Meaning, deficiency, that now you will find the "rash" of the "poletsuf" and the "man" from the "garra", "garra" that is called the "vilikr" that determines the creator. Give me like this, this is called "dhat". So "dhat" is a "dhat" of the "dhat" of the "dhat" is part of the upper one. This is the participation of the other one inside the upper one, the other one enters the upper one, and inside the system of the upper one, he constructs himself a source. And this source is called "bore" and "kadosh dohu". We don't know what's above that. This is the source for us, meaning I create the creator, I construct it. And the creator is amazing. We continue, friends, we are in the first column continuing, and these new zones that were written in the "lush", they are called "dhat", which are really only the seven lower of the "lush", which were now added by the "raising of the man". And even though they are just "zone", they still have complete and filled "gal" and "zat". And that is because they have illumination of "hohma", and therefore it is considered that "hagat" are becoming "habad", and nets are holding them are becoming "zone". And all from their source there is nothing besides only five "hasadim" to the "ziranpin" in the "dhat", which is "hagat", nets are holding "hasadim", and the five "gluot" to the "nukva" in the "dhat", which are "hagat" nets are holding "gluot", but that in the two "hasadim" of "hasadim". "hasadim" of "hasadim" of "hasadim" of "hasadim" and "gluot", and three "hasad", one-third "hasad" of the upper one, which is in "tiffed", they return to be "hohma" being "adat" from the force of the illumination of the "hohma" in them. And likewise the two "gluot" and the third, which are "hasadim" and "gluot" and the upper third of "tiffed" on behalf of the "nukva" become "hah." There is nothing new here. There is no new sphere, no new essence, but this is a combination of the details that were there before, but only a new combination, which is what is new. We always have all these combinations between their characteristics and all the attributes. What's new here is that now it comes from on behalf of the low one, which is the low one awakened, the low one demands, the low one establishes this. Therefore, the "nulad" is so important. The newborn is so important. Friends will make an effort with the intention, with the connections, to extract as much as light from our occlusion and we continue now. And it is explained above that also the "nehi" of the upper one, which are the clothing of the "mokhen" are divided also to "tencephiot." Therefore, they are divided to three-thirds to the three lines, "netsachod" which is "netsach" divided into three-thirds "hochma" and also the left line which is "hod" is divided into three-thirds. The same goes to the middle line, which is the "sod." It is divided into three-thirds "dhat" to the middle line which is the "sod." And now, friends, we will see a final video. If I scrutinize now which restes, I can work with which I cannot. This is only in front of me. There are two forces and I choose their combination. Meaning I scrutinize how much I am able and how much I am not able to, how to say, to combine them together. We will combine them together. There are here, there is here a plus and here there is a minus. I open here the tap, how much can I take from here, how much can I take from here, in a combination between them. I determine. And accordingly, I receive. The same forces, but I become here as the one who holds the scrutiny, the one who determines and in what? By having this question mark, how much I am able to and how much I am not. Meaning, if we look on behalf of the creator, there is no problem. That's 40% and here that's 60%. No problem how to combine things, how they should be connected with attributes and volume in quantity quality. But the main thing is me. I am the one who wants to make the scrutiny and then the scrutiny makes my vessel. Therefore my vessel is called that I am constantly scrutinizing, scrutinizing how this has been combined within me in a way that it will exist. The maximum and maximum equation back to the creator, to the kettle. Well dear friends, we will conclude with this. Thank you so much everyone for their attention, for participating, for holding each other like that, with mutual intention. We will continue to get our preparation for the Congress and we will see each other also in the Zora lesson. Thank you everyone. [Music]