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Zohar for All. Lech Lecha. And It Came to Pass in the Days of Amraphel [2024-12-30]

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30 Dec 2024
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Shallam Alakulam. Hello everybody. We are reading from Zohar in its preparation. We will watch a clip of Rav Dr. Michael Eitren, the book of Zohar, it's a well-known book. It is the primary book of the wisdom of Kabbalah, that wisdom of Kabbalah deals with the revelation of the Creator in this world. And the book of Zohar is, of course, directed towards this. It is what Kabbalah is right, it's not in order for us to understand the structure of the universe, the feeling of the universe, it is secondary. If we think the book is about that, the Kabbalah is from the nature, want to deal with what's most important, that is what we need to know in order to reach in the fastest way possible to the revelation of the Creator, here and now. And that's why we need to not forget that it can be only by the upper light affecting us and by the upper light affecting a person, they can only have this done by the law of equivalence of form, this kind of similarity. And therefore we need to understand and learn what is the nature of spirituality, to which we need to resemble. The spiritual is bestowing and we need to bring ourselves to, at least in the external way to bestow by connecting between us in a group, in a ten and by that we can merit, can close or to the upper light and if each of us can annul ourselves toward others, that each one will increase the importance of the Creator, the force of a stole and love in the eyes of each and every one, that this will increase and this is known and it's written by the capitalists and the actions that we need to do in circles, our groups, our tens and accordingly the book of Zohar that we learn like the ten authors who put together the book, we invite the reforming light from the book of Zohar, who might not understand what a capitalist right about this great light, that it is the greatest that there has been in something in this world. So let's try to get as close as possible to each other and by that to be closer to the reforming light, that Zohar illuminates to us, so let's merit this and in the connection between us we will discover the Creator, that this is the whole purpose of the wisdom of Kabbalah, accordingly this is the revelation of the godliness in this world and let's try to do so. We will now read from Zohar for all, Lechlecha article and it came to pass in the days of Amafel, item 210, again article and it came to pass in the days of Amafel, item 211, so let's listen now with our united heart, seven firmaments did the Creator make above, which are the zat of Fazilut rikat Nahim, all of them are in order to know the glory of the Creator and all of them are poised to announce the matter of the high faith, 212, there is a hidden upper firmament above those seven firmaments, being a fazilut, the firmament that leads them and shines to all of them, it is hidden, meaning it's Gar, Abba and Ima, and it is doubted because it is unknown, meaning it's that you suit, since it is hidden and deep and everyone wonders about it, this is why it's that is called me, as it is written out of whose abdomen came the ice, this is the uppermost firmament which stands atop all seven firmaments, 213 below there is a firmament, the lowermost and it is not shine and because it is the lowermost and does not shine that uppermost firmament atop them, Bina which is called me, conjoins in it, this means that the uppermost firmament, me, the Hochma does not shine to any firmament of the zat, but only to the lowest among them, which is mauchuz and two letters, memued of the upper firmament, which is called me, contains them within it, it is called yam from the letters me, 214, because all those other firmaments above the lowermost firmament, which are forgotten he became strange and entered, it becomes the upper sea and bears fruit and various fish which are the mauchin that it gives to Bia, David said about it, there is the sea great and wide in which are swarms without number, animals both small and great, 215, it is written about this who has aroused one from the east whom he calls in righteousness to his feet, he delivers up nations before him and subdues kings, who has aroused from the east to Abraham, Abraham awakened the upper firmament called me, to bestoke Hochma upon the lower firmament called yam, he calls in righteousness to his feet is the lowest firmament of all seven firmaments which became a sea, delivers up nations before him, before him is the bottom firmament which takes vengeance and makes the enemies fall, David is praised in him and says, you have also made my enemies turn their backs to me and I destroyed those who hated me, this is so because the illumination of Hochma destroys all the external ones and the shells and since only the bottom firmament receives illumination of Hochma and the six that are above it, he says that he takes vengeance and makes the enemies fall and also he gives nations before him, 216, he gives nations before him are the nations that Abraham was chasing and the creator was killing and subdues kings, refers to the angels pointed over them from above, this is so because when the creator inflicts judgment in the world, he inflicts judgment on everyone above and below in the nations below and in their ministers above in heaven, 217, he pursues them passing on in peace, he pursues them is Abraham, since Abraham is pursuing them and a creator who is passing before him and killing them, passing on in peace is the creator who is called peace, 218, by a way he had not been traversing with his feet means that neither an angel nor a messenger was walking before Abraham, only the creator as it is written traversing with his feet, his feet are those angels that are under the creator as it is written and his feet shall stand in that day, the angels are called his feet and the meaning of the words is feet is the angels who will not come by Abraham's way at that time, but the creator alone was on his way, 219, when the creator awakened the world which is Malchud to bring Abraham closer to him, this awakening was for Jacob who is the east, since Jacob was destined to come out of him and to get 12 tribes, all of which would be righteous before the creator and the meaning of the word me which is being awakened the world to bring Abraham from the east, for the east is Jacob, since Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are called south, north, and east, he calls in righteousness to his feet, the creator was always calling on Jacob since the day the world was created and this indeed is the reason why he was called Cebic, which is Malchud, to his feet means bonding with him in his work and bringing him closer to him as it is written and all the people that are at your feet which is the people that are connected to you to his feet means bonding with him, 221, who has awakened from the east from which the light begins to shine, all the power of the light in the south is from the east, which is Tiferet, this is why it is written "who has awakened the light of the south, Hesset, from the east, which is Tiferet, who awakened him, Tiferet takes and is nourished first and then gives to Vak, which are included in Tiferet, in which there is the south, Hesset, the desire of the upper firmament, Bina is to bestow upon the east, Tiferet, this means that the one who receives from Bina is Tiferet, who is the main one from the Vak, half the woods, he gives to the edges, in which there is the light of Hesset, thus the south does not receive from Bina, but from the east, this is why it is written "who has aroused one from the east, 222, he calls in righteousness to his feet, his west, Malthud, who always calls to the east, Tiferet, and does not rest, as it is written, "Oh God, keep not your silence since the west, Malthud and called Elokim, always awakens to him, who will continue with the good. It is on the condition that a person discovers all the actions of the Creator and the reasons for it, what are the results that come to a person and then, the person understands that all creation was made for the person, because the Creator is the good, that does good whole, and there is nothing bad from the creation, everything that is good and not to be still contentment to the Creator to think and care for the soul, it is all in our language, in our lexicon, but the Creator is truly no truth to it, because the Creator does not enjoy from us, he sees and understands us already in the end of correction, and there is no consideration of time, there is no calculation as the calculation is toward us in terms of time, and this is all difficult to explain as we learn in the whole Bikidim Sultani, and that it is all organized ahead of time, and we are doing it in order to make this consideration toward ourselves and toward the Creator, we are continuing with 222. He calls in righteousness to his feet, his West, Muhut, who always calls to the East to fail it and is not rest, as it is written, "Oh God, keep not your silence, since the West, Muhut is called Joachim, always awakens to him, he delivers up nations before him and subdues kings, since from him from the East he receives the strength to subdue all the peoples of the world, 223, who has awakened from the East to Abraham, who took the awakening to the Creator from the East, because when he saw the sun rising in the morning from the East, he took an awakening for himself, which is the Creator, he said about the sun, this is the King who created me, and he worshipped the sun the whole day, and in the evening he saw that the sun was setting on the moon rose, he said about the moon, this one must be ruling the worship that he was worshiping the whole of that day, the sun, since the sun had darkened before the moon and is not shy, thus he worshipped the moon the whole of that night, 224. In the morning he saw that the moon darkened and the East illuminated, he said, there must be a king and a ruler over all those who leads them, when the Creator saw Abraham's desire, he appeared before him and spoke to him, as is written he calls in righteousness to his feet, righteousness is the Creator who called him and spoke to him and appeared before him, 225. It is written, speak righteousness and declare things that are right, all of the Creator's words are true and declare things that are right, because when the Creator created the world, the world did not stand, but collapsed to this side and to that side, the Creator said to the world, why are you falling? It told him, their Lord, I cannot stand because I have no foundation you sought on which to stand, 226. And the Creator told it, thus I will place a righteous one within you, Abraham, who loved me, and the world immediately stood and existed, it is written, these started generations of the heaven and earth, when they were created, do not treat it when they were created, but that of him, in Abraham, in Hebrew is the same letters, since the world existed in Abraham, 227, the world replied to the Creator, Abraham is destined to be yet sons who will destroy the temple and burn the Torah, the Creator told it, one man will come out of him, Jacob, and 12 tribes will come out of him, all of which are righteous, promptly the world existed for him, 228, it is written and he spoke, and he said, and each has its unique reason and he spoke, means in disclosure, which is Mahout, who is called the revealed world, this is the outermost degree and is not an internal degree like the ones above her, and the clear things that are right is the Mahout which is considered speech, 229, and he said implies to an internal degree above Mahout which governs the speech, Mahout, this is the clear things that are right, right is a high degree where Jacob is to fail it, as is written, you have established rightness, this is why it is written, declare hair and is not right, speak to indicate that it refers to to fail it and not to Mahout, 230, but it is written and he spoke on to you his covenant, as was said, speak regarding the covenant, he could have said it with Zedek, speaking he is also considered a covenant, he said, since to fail it and covenant are one, however you said, is it a degree that rules over the lower one, which is the speak righteousness and said it is possible to use spoke in it as well, although it is said that speaking is the lower most, it is a high and important degree, speaking indicates that it is filled with all the degrees and that it is a high degree, this is so because all those speeches the outermost degree, Mahout, Mahout is not called speech, unless when she is built and made of an internal part soothe, equal to the enpine face to face, at that time the enpine is called voice and a new kua speech, the bus on the one hand speech means Mahout, the most external and the lowest and on the other hand, it indicates to her complete construction face to face with the enpine at which time she is a high degree, we will continue with the next article, oh God do not keep silent, 231, the awakening of the upper one is only through the awakening of the lower one, because the awakening of the upper one depends on the craving of the lower one, 232, oh God do not keep silent, this is the awakening from below from the side of the new kua, so as to govern, and David said, oh God do not keep silent from awakening to the upper one, the enpine, and to bond with the right is hysset, 233, the new kua is to laugh, hokma without hosetim, and hokma cannot shine without hosetim, for this reason all the shells and enemies of cluscha raise their heads and for this reason, oh God do not keep silent from the awakening of the upper one, this is so because at that time the right of the enpine awakens and ties her with him, and when she is tied to the right, when the hokma in her dresses in the hosetim on the right, the enemies break since the illumination of hokma destroys all the enemies of cluscha, as it is written, your right hand, the Lord, glorious in power, your right hand, the Lord dashes tenamine pieces, continue with another kua, on a path in which we correct ourselves, we go through a few states that are called ness, a miracle, the miracle of the Exodus from Egypt, the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, and in the receiving of the Torah, and in the land of Israel, that they enter, the miracle of Hanukkah and of Purim, these points of development that are called miracles, these are special points, these five points, other than that, when we rise in degree, it's also like a miracle, because it happens only by the reforming light, and it lets us connect us in a special way, organizes us in certain ways, qualities that are according to the characteristics, and then builds a puzzle, a mosaic that's beneficial and more adapted to the upper light, and in that way the light is revealed in these different forms and colors. We need to care for having on our part a deficiency that is right, just the right deficiency, all the corrections are from above, half of our work needs to be done, and needs what we truly want, and when can I get to the deficiency to love others, that's it, at least somewhat, that each one will help, that it will be done in a circular way, and we will supply for each other an awakening for it, an awakening, and that by a bit we will be able to feel the Creator in some sort of inclination toward it in its mutual desire to feel the Creator, because we will start thinking of the vessel, that the light is an absolute rest, and we are just lacking the cleave, the vessel. See you on the Kriya Live.