Daf A Week

Nedarim 10A: (A2) R' Yosef Greenwald- נדרים י' ע''א בענין שבועה בעי שם ה'(שיטת הר''ן ב' ע''א לעומת שיטת ר''ת והרא''ש,מח' הרמב''ם והראב''ד בשבועה בלי שם ובנשבע בשמים וארץ

Broadcast on:
01 Jan 2025
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There is an Indian which is a w soy di verrojov that we left over on that base with generally its discussed. It is ziting on that base over here on that base and it is also ziting, but we left it over on that base over here on that base over here, this is the Indian of whether the etsy materials of a shawur is boyus shein. So the raid is bavus on that base, but it will show him on that base and over here come manish from chat in the mission of bayots. We have the mission of bayots on uramid alif of kinuian and the mission says that there are kinuian for an edder, there are kinuian for a carbon, there are kinuian for nezeros, there are kinuian for a shawur. And the gomara brings on that the rishlock is held as lost in shabatma of hakam, hakam invented codewords, whether that's their ice or their abon we discussed, but the first kabur over here on the staff and there's more what to be put up on that, but al-kabur is as it made, they made a lotion shabatma of hakam, the gomara says in order that one should not say la sham when he's making a shawur, the same idea as la shabur, that a person shouldn't say shawur la sham, therefore there are kinuian of a shawur that were invented by the hakam in order to get around saying the shabat sham, the la shawur does not need in order to create the hoives to listen to the shawur, the love of not listening to the shawur does not need a shabat sham. This is the twice as sweet by us, on that field adds the round on that base, the round adds furthermore, his first ride that he don't need shawurs is from that submission of kinuian, because if a person would say the sham has shams, what is he saying, he's saying a sham al-kim, let's say, I'm not eating this love of bread, that's a shawur, what's the enough kimina if the lotion is a lotion of shawur, if he said shawur, shluka, whatever it is, moi, he said a sham al-kim, I'm not eating the love of bread, that's a shawur, period, and the story, al-amai, you have to say he didn't say a sham al-kim, all he said was shawur or shluka, I'm a male or a shawur, okay, that's a lotion of shawur, shluka is not kinuian, stay talkin, shta kinuian works, look how it stays rise, shain a love chu, but it's definitely over here that there's no need to mention the sham al-kim or what makes a shawur. The vow was that it's seemingly a gomorbo for us, it's not that way, the gomorbo in shu is aedus, the ram brings it to gomor, shu is the plumb, and he, the shu is aedus boy, shain, the gomor, learns out the posseuk that says, although clearly the sham al-sham by shawur, we learn that allolom is aedus, but the definition of shu is with sham al-sham, there's no shawur that sham al-sham, shu is aedus, shu is trained vinitans to the sham al-sham, so that's true, why shouldn't that be true over here also, that's the kasha. So one mahalok is to say, this is the mahalokadarosh, to say that the rai is not a rai, because the word shawur, even if it doesn't say the sham al-sham, will be like a yodos for the concept of the sham al-sham, it means whenever a person makes a shawur, he says shawur, not eating the loaf of bread, it's like a kinu that he said the sham al-sham, I'm sorry not a kinu. The rai is obvious, it's obvious that the musk of the shawur is sham al-sham, we'll add the little results in depth after that. The word shawur, the rambanzas and pashas, mattos is hrotsul, the shawur, which is the word sha'va. Sha'va is nanhoga wakodish boku, running the world, not to get too fatigued, but the Indian, the way the rambanzas are advancing over the other kabbalah, but that we know that seven is nanhoga, there's seven days of the week, there's seven midi'dawi, seven sphiroi is nanhoga wakodish boku, whatever word you want to use, but the word seven, the number seven has to do with a kai'k rukmi. That kai'k rukmi means that it's the oldest, we know it's obvious that you mean the sha'va sham, the concept is that. So that's the case, then it works out to the others. Now the shawur is what they're not the whole of. Now let's fear us to rush his terrets, the music of yadawi's, look, the era is uniquely bal'yach'u dik'a music, the way we explain to the sha'va, the music of yadawi's is that the yad is enough to hold the obvious that we see what he means to say, that means the yad is not that when he says the word shawur he's saying the sha'va sham, but it's obvious that that's what he means, and because of that that's enough to be yeite to the din that when a person makes a nether in his macabre or something, and he's moite seed bisvah. So if it's called the kim of that din that he was mavate, lavate, it's called that he expressed it verbally, and because of that there's a kaloi sissa. That's when you're talking about a shawur in terms of a kaloi sissa, in terms of a kaloi s qiyiv to keep it, when you're making a shawur between two parties, your ami is something, and it's sha'va's avak that rueve did borrow from shim and didn't borrow from shim and the poet did die, it was nana, so he died the shi'va shi'va shi'va shi'va shi'va shi'va that has nothing to do with yadawi's. So Mela, when you learn the suki insata, which is, again, she's affirming what type of behavior she did or didn't engage in, and when you talk about music shi'va shi'va shi'va shi'va which is tain vinit mvahulle, avado over there the atzmiyos of a shunit shim asham, but he's at abi is even without saying the shim asham, that that's what he means, that that's where he's being with kabu, yeah, so Mela, the music of yadawi's makes a lot of sense. The shaitan of that base, we explain that the ran, another shayen, ramban, don't have that understanding of yadawi's, yadawi's means that the terribous makhadish, that since in those words lies the abi's intent of what he meant, that's called, he said it. So the word shi'va, like we said, which is rrozuf, the ramban says, in matters, from the concept of asham, shi'va means that shi'va's presence, he said it, thus says, does mean to us, that's what it means. So then there's no reason why it shouldn't work, even for shi'va's aid, when the person says shi'va that I don't owe you money, or shi'va that I don't have aid, is that somebody owes you money, he's saying the shi'va shi'va. The concept of yadawi's means, even though it's not completely expressed, that's called gazok, why shouldn't that work? Now let's go a step further. The ran on that base, in order to answer this kasha, brings a vort with a knehch, bersheme rabenutam. And he says that there's a fundamental hilik between a mushba, vipi aherrim, and a mushba piazza, when a person himself makes a shwar, he does not need to say shi'va shi'va shi'va. The sugi that's learning out shwar, sorry, this is when Bezden administers the oath, that's called, they give the shwar, and he says om mane, and that with that he signs on to the shwar. We learn now that saying om mane to a shwar is called gazok, says rabenutam, since it's only a mushba, vipi aherrim, over there he needs to say the shi'va shim, the shim, the shi'va that's made by the Bezna has to be with the shi'va shim, and when he says om mane, that would be enough because the shwar be shim a shim. Mashanken, if it was a shwar, that's not the shim a shim, so there if all he's saying is om mane, that's not called the shwar, whereas if he says it himself, that would be enough. Asoy, zok d'iran bisham hab, tiem hab, tiem hab, kodish, if om mane is called om mane means you signing up, and that's called you in, and the shwar has been made by you, so what's the difference of this mushba, vipi aherrim, the vipi aherrim, the vipi aherrim, that can sign up shat in rabbina tam, is good for what we just said, yodos would work only by a mushba mipi aatsmoy, what rabbina tam really means to say is that without the shim a shim it's only yodos, it's only a yat for sure, like the roshlets, and that's only by mushba mipi aatsmoy, and not the mushba mipi aherrim, what's the habana, what's the rash now, why yodos should apply by a shwar mipi aatsmoy, if the words come out of his own mouth, but now if they come out of here in his mouth poshok, the few we just explained, the concept of yodos is not that it's called that he fully said it, the kiddish is not that held gazok tasting gansing gazok, the kiddish of yodos is that when he says it, it's enough expressed that that creates the chalois, that's how on the dorm she'll believe, that being said, when the person himself is the one saying it, so those are his macchavos, his macchavos, his kabbalah, his affirmation of his own behavior, of his own truth, and a meadow when he expresses it, even if it's not fully expressed, that's enough to make a chalois give on what he said, but when it's mushba mipi aherrim it's yena's thoughts, on that is the yodos, he didn't say it, all he's doing is he's joining yena's words, he's joining yena's thoughts, mecha tase, so when yena says of gansalosh, and shuan, he says amen, okay, that's called gazok, but if the whole den of yodos means it's not completely, it's not completely gazok, it's only a function of that it's the enough expressed verbally to make a chalois on what's believed, it's in yena's leg, that doesn't work for him, so lachara, the rush with her benetam is one she turned, the two layers go together, again like we said, depends on this understanding of yodos, and not with yidiran, so we understand very well why the run disagreed with this sheet, and sure enough, the tour in sim and raishlam, it's Zion, brings from the rush, adeniyavi, a rush, kosive, efshud, llegoram, yodos, shuan, kishu, ish, the one whose colleagues there amban, avlan amban, kosive, the avishua, feel, bless, kosse, and belakinui, the amban brings the ride, the tase is written, the run will agree also because there amban, and the reed, and the run are going with their understanding of yodos, that's not an option, of how to learn this suge, and the rush give his his gong with the shita that he's never to under base how yodos works, and it stems verminitans, so that's the end, so the son you look at the brisk drop in his muktovm, in the kudushima and gusu, llegoramban, muktovm page, pay alif, and over there he explains the dims in mojibim, piyachem, mojibim, piyacmoy, he brings the shita verminitans, and he says there's no swore, and he holds like the run, there's no swore at me mukhale, payne haem, not me, if there's a hilik, it's only mukud, dosh that, it's a kosive, but look how the room has mukhale, it's very logical, fits very well with the structure of how we explain the shita, could be that the brisk drop is nemon to his understanding, the way he brings out yodos, kinuyim, davgimmel, in nozer, sounds more like the run, he does bring the darambam holds, not that way that was the shita darambam, that we discussed in kinuyim back in dav base, but he brings the habanadarand, that's called gazoch, and the feedback is no difference why it should be a hilik, between muskman, piaatsmoy, muskman, piaqe. We'll add something that we discussed already on dav test, and that is an emission of dav tasaminal, kinindirisho, in lukhule, state of the also bishruh, and the gamora, the rishanam, explained that over there is midin yodos, it didn't clearly say a netherish root, yodos, sab is what he meant, but it's, say, he didn't fully express it, so it's midin yodos, and the matimiya, that it's a mission with the sugium of urecious, that there's a concept of yodos, not only by the daramb, not only by the zeros, but not only by kobones, but also byishruh's, and you look at tasaminal, that base of the base, half of the world, tasaminal says, that the reason why in muskha shivuis, it doesn't say shivuis with yodos with kinuyim is, because there is no yodos by shivuis, iron job, and we explained that in muskha, a ground breaking concept from naphtoli, and this is like her in the same raid, is that the mission in shivuis at ekashtalt, with all of the shivuis in mind, the shivuis aidos, the shivuis tain vinitin, there's all the monetary shivuis, which have to do with being mamis in muskha shivuis, that if a person doesn't say clearly the shivuis, the love over there is not a discussion of whether there's enough verbally expressed to make a haloyse isir, or a haloyse he have to keep, that which he thought, that's not the noisei, that's the parasha of balyachal, it's true, in balyachal is also shivuis, balyachal includes also shivuis, true, but the etsim parasha vishua that's mentioned over there is the parasha of shwa shaker, shwa shawv, wa saqal bi shmila shawkar, wa sa shawvah, those lavin, in order to be over, the shivuis has to be fully expressed, it might be that there's a haloyse, that's hal on the person to keep, or to stay away from that which is the shivuis, that's the parasha of muskha shivuis, but the parasha of muskha shivuis, which has to do with the isir, of violating that, which was clearly said, has to be clearly said, yawd this is not that, and again, look at this mahalok fits, look at the way we express yawdoys, look at the shivuis to the rosh, it's not going to work, look at the ramban and the rams, so mam shad varam, oimid kitsu rosam, tabidovale finu, the way we're explaining the makhlokis between the shivis, where the shivu is by your shame, we're not taking a step back, whether it works within yawdoys is a makhlokis that's yawdistic, it's not a makhlokis in the nature of the shivis. There's another kakira, the shivis charade, this is the whole shivuis, when you learn that vase, which the way he handles, there's a yesh log, there's a kakira in what it means shivuis needs shame, that's claw that the love, the emotional being over shivuis, again, the love of being visual is not an acid that he created, of saying something that's false, of saying something that's meaningless, shivuis shad, shivuis shad, is less haul bishmi, less shivuis shad bishmi la chakira, it's a love of being makhl bishmi, that's where the terry express it, it doesn't say the word shivuis, less shivuis shivuis shivuis the "lashok" the terrorist says "al-gab-dish-sham-sham" the "lav" is the "hil" of the "sham-hasham" so if the "etzen" "lav" is the "hil" "hasham" so then a "shalua" by definition has to be expressed "lasham" in order to create the "is" of "lash-sham-lishmi" there won't be "lash-sham-lishmi" unless the "sham-lashmi" was said what is your this help for that? the "yose" it didn't look gotta be something being held but it's it's called he said the "sham-asham" there's there's no "hil" love the "sham" the other side is is like we said that the word "shavua" means "lasham" so it's there it's said some other for that it helps the others it just has to be expressed but the "mainum" the the the "pierisham" of the word "shvua" is "basham" so the "shalua" is more a "shilah" how far you could take that "nakudah" that "shvua" means "sham-asham" without having said it if it means that so then you could say the others helps for that if it doesn't mean that then how would there be a love without the being said but the way we're saying "lakhe'ra" it's it's a much better divide your "douis" helps for the "dinn" of "kaloise" "is" on a "kabbal" "masha" bully boy what does that have to do with the rest of the "shvua" it has to do with "nadam da baiz" "is suram" "nadah ha'al" and "shvua" is which I like "nadam" remember that the "pierisham" in "pierisham" matters that talks about "nadam" is "hefta" also has "is" a "gabra" of "shvua" there has nothing to do with the "lavin" of this "shvava" "bishmila" "shvakhe" or "shmila" "shv" has nothing to do with that "yodis" is a "halacha" that's unique to the "shvua" as "bitu" it so that "lakhe" that's a clearer way of dividing. Now this "etzen nikudah" that the fact that there is "tud-parsheus" of "shvua" and the two have nothing to do with each other also come out "biyachas" to the sheet of the "rambam" and "arayv" in this "in" let's go backwards we'll read from the "ran" the end of the long "stiklan da baizmanata" we've been quoting from "kamat baizmanda amid" he brings "elasha" "rivid omar" "bleniyi malkis" and "elake ela baizkora" "sashhem" "malkis" of "shvua" could only be "baizkora" "sashhem" "di bakulu la vidishkora" "shvua" "shvua" "shvua" "shvua" "sashhem" "lai sisashhem" "lai sashofu" "bishmi" "a valleniyi nis sura" "bloishhem nami" "iso" so it sounds ready that the "rivid" is "crediran" brings it "biktora" that sounds like it's "mamish" "disteperate" there's the "lavin" of "shvua" "lai sisashhem" "lai sashofu" "bishmi" "a valleniyi nis sura" "lagabe" "caloy" "sisah" "bloishhem nami" "iso" it also works now you could say out to your "doys" so you didn't say the "shhem" "shhem" "but it does create a "caloy" "sisah" but here's the million dollar question if the "lav" I'm sorry if the "baiyaka" will be "calm" within the "audis" let's say "santomimalkis" "lomatin" of "elasha" "manu" that in other it's made with "yodis" doesn't have "malkis" if it was "cal" it's "calfoli" and if somebody makes an "edder" with "yodis" there'll be a full "nedder" and there'll be "malkis" why shouldn't that be true here so that "nikuda" is not in this bar but the "atsum zog" "statey" and "erivate" that is the "lavi" of "shvua" "lai sisashhem" "lai sisashofu" "bishmi" "lai sashofu" "bishmi" "lashofu" and then there's the "isah" so it needs more work so now let's go back to the "rambam" and let's see for "state" the ramban is in hul hushua's peric base the ramban brings that the shua classic shua's bisham sham and then in halocha dalid again shua's peric base the ramban says oh my oh loi oh rishua valehishua's balehishua's balehishua's balehishua's balehishua's balehishua's balehishua's balehishua's he has to keep it sounds like teraisa i will any loi kehve lei may be carbon mai vao shua sachi but shame me na shame hois ami yukad wa kinim na kinim na kinim na sha bianu without saying the shame has shem they won't be malchus or carbon you stay through the ramban and again what's the chat if this in this term means it's kao it's kao wa sha live in malchus carbon shua la marshal we can be miyasha carbon shua's adin sha lemitzin of alaishamano except in the context of pashas vayikra and that is that second area of shua's which has nothing to do with what we're learning nothing to do with baliaka in pashas ne doram so here the velt says babusti ishivishirade but skiboid on the ramban himself you look at the ramban at the beginning of hilchus shua's and there's a tremendous riddish there even though when we open up pashas matros pashas ne doram this ne dor a shua ishir asers said in the version of the territory includes shua's lemise you look at the ramban at the beginning of hilchus shua's the ramban does not bring paayakal for malchus kesnishla's matros miyasha miyasha miyasha miyasha miyasha miyasha does not say in hilchus shua's that there's a love to get malchus alts paltiakaal tepela the mise of the raid is already yadua in tesvus and other rishainiman shua's dafqafama base could very well be that even though the muscig of shua is mentioned in the baliakaal but the existential pashas of lessar ishir al nafshoi ish the pashas ne doram is shaffing lissah kefta that's the full toikif of a debar that has malchus of bayaakal dvaroy is a debar that's calena kefitz a debar that's not calena kefitz it's only nissah gavra is in the pashas it's also but not the gansa pashas dance it's hard even to say it meketasey it's in the pashas somehow the ramban is not clear maybe learned enough of a sugien shua's that's what they're busy with but the ramban understood that it's like a kacha shua it's not the full pashas you give a a vital example the same idea possible halo for instance or any other mahalo sashus which also is surihana the ramban happens to hold that you get malchus only on achila naran hano the ramban yeah it's not clear why you're looking around them say famitzvus and the ramban seems to say that it works like this let's say this is orla klaim or possible halo the kefta possible halo has a chalese kefta desuura the fullness of that chalese kefta is in achila the hano which is a step removed it's more able it's not against the violation of the esu kefta it's only like a kacha shir of the hano the musig the other eyes you can bring the with the ramban has an isir where there are different levels of the isir and one is enough to be an isir the rice but it's not the fullness of that it's like a kacha shir asa so the ramban will say the same thing will be it was some the partial of pashis matos pashis nadon the gansa pasha is the pashis of an isir hefta that's kao and an either a shua that not we would a shua have malchis and we would have a carbon that's when it's a gansa shua where it's awesome it's at pashis of the sashof wishmila shoka of lacesish mashof so that would fit very nicely with what we're talking about is the galoys of the shua with the others for hula vu hula that's that's not gonna have that's by acaldic that's by acaldic orade it's not going to be to the port to the to the price of malchis the right of it is masik and the right it says which again we used to be war magnum it's paksora that's the right that the ron brings that leum would sinu leum would source your shame in our shame is for the kina mr. kina mr. kina mr. kina mr. kina mr. kina mr. kina mr. kina mr. the whole idea of shamos with kinaum for shamos that created shua is vashos aedus shua's pikado terraces all over the coil and we learn it out from soy to mamish de ray that we said before our shua's b-tuy i feel the myth that i used to show him on my myth that leu hula shua evens examples over there i thought that there'll be an esir and then the rivate says the honey milli carbon the kina milli bali acald our lamalkis be in on shame the simply sees the shame and show him like acaldic stuff when do we say that's enough any lotion of shua without a shame for a carbon shua the positive value grow or for bali acald it's nothing about a shame there have a lamalkis the love in all the civilised sees the shame and show him what's wrong with shua's shakanami never let's show him it says be shame and show him so in the rivate we have the same problem if he says karbonos sorry karbon shua and bali acald you will have without a shame so let them be malkis for bali acald let them be malkis for bali acald so look how we'll have to say in the rivate the same type of raid that there's no malkis baklama by acald so that parashavada will be called without a shame the shua itself creates a color sissor the only color between the rivate and the rambam is that the rivate holds that the karbon shua which is a person so even on a shua's b term parashas vayikra that he if he violates the biyakali can bring a carbon the malkis there won't be a carbon there could be for that it's enough neither neither has bora if it's only like a katsi shear of the passion adorim but it's enough in the pasture to bring a karbon shua okay that neither has been the rambam canary doesn't hold that word that's the malkis bali gabi they had some hilly divide between the pasture of shua but shame of the two lavender we mentioned shua's and the pasture biyaka according to the rivate also karbon shua that they're both masking what's it's okay in godl the first one have a hard time understanding is another rambam arrived this is a rambam arriving in shua's parakute based alokan gimmo the they're talking over there legabe a gimoran shua's that if a person is nishba basha maimba orits it doesn't say a shame nim baasha maimba orit shua it means the one who made shua maimba orit but it says it's nishba basha maimba orit according to the rambam it's not a shua at all the rambam says the only reason why the gimorra says that a person who makes such a shua needs a torus the rambam should be mizazal etc so we we making go through the process of a torus but not a time shua basha the rivates is not about the needs a torus they rise so there's no common there's no malchus we asked according to the rambam there's an isa de risa ballerua the shua doesn't need a shame he made a shua basha maimba orit's lucharua era he made a shua there for the passion by eros enough you want to tell him it's no malchus fine but don't tell me it doesn't need a torus de risa the rambash of blatant steering the rambam and according to the right is also such a hand because according to the rivate why is he said there's no malchus and no carbon hare we just learned in the rivate that without a shame you still have the passion shua's bitoi which the rivate holds the carbon of shua's biti and passion by eros does shtim with the gudurm of balyachan you don't need a shame so his mama shall often steer between both the rambam and the rivate his afshazoi it's true like the rambam that the lavin of the shame lisa kao bishmi lisa shava bishmi those lavin are not relevant when we talk about the passion by eros person made a shua even without the bishmi there's a lavin it's had a caloi sisu the passion by eros include shua's however that's not to say that shua doesn't need shama sham why because let's go back to the raid that with the way we said before when we told my yodos in the meaning of the word shavua shavua means shava in the meaning of the word shavua shava lies shama sham just even when a person doesn't say it's inherent that that's what he's doing and that is midin yodos now yodos makes sense when a person says i'm making a shavua then i'm not going to eat this love for bread so we say that even though the word shavua is basham that's the nature of a shua he doesn't have to say it it's enough midin yodos but what happens if he said he's nishmi lisa my voice you can't be muchland this is the raid from that base that kinuim when a person says agansa loshin even though it's obviously what he means you have to say that kinu is like he said it it's like you could say it in chinese why don't we just say yodos because we know what he means because yodos only works when he says half and he leaves the other half and dangling like a yad to a cleat but not when he said the whole loshin when he said the whole loshin he killed the ability of yodos so same thing when he says nishma shama even though it's you can't be mashtlim the purish amillum of shavua lashaam so you're left with that anything you're left with that as sure not because of the love of lisa kala bishmi lisa shama bishmi lashaam because that's the meaning of shvua and you killed it because you said basha my voice that would be the husband like to ramam before it's not another at all it's i'm sorry it's not a shvua at all when he said a shvua without a shame so there it's it's it's chalen isr and it's chalen isr without the parish of the lavan of shvua why there's no malchus like we said ba'yaka doesn't have malchus it's not the parish of shvuis missaka shvuis you don't have because there's no shmi ba'yaka shmi lasha of it there's a chalois isr but when he said to my voice you don't have to see left without a shvua at all good that makes sense the right is not alchavar because according to the right vid if you're going to learn the same way we just learn that without a shame at all it works within yodos so what you're saying is that there's a there's a lot of ba'yaka you want to say why there's no malchus because there's no malchus on ba'yaka like we said in the ramam that's okay but why does he hold that even without the malchus of ba'yaka there's carbon carbon of shvua's bittui he's willing to say there is the right it there's no malchus but without a shame at all but there's a carbon so then why by nishba shammai l'orets is there anissa the mother shaka of it works within yodos see you have to make up your mind if yodos works or not the right vid still needs work so look at what you're going to have to say is that the right vid does not hold that the reason why it works without a shame by stammen by nishba without a shame the reason why it works is not within yodos he doesn't hold that the existential touch of the shvuaish war ba'shamm and the only reason why you don't have to say is because we're matched with the burui like yodos that we'll say in the ramam that works for ba'yaka that works for an isabama it does not work for not for a carbon shvua's bittui and it doesn't work for any of the laven the shvua stick of laven the rivet will have to say holds that the partial of shvua the etsum keftse of shvua does not need la shvua la shamm does not need ba'shamm the type of shvua is shvua is the most equal to shvua without the shame by shvua however you don't need to be matched with the buri alteodos however in the parish the laven of shvua is specifically the terry says ba'shmi so there has to be not a shvua it has to be a shvua ba'shamm voice to shvua voice to shvua ker has to be in the shame it has to be daftkin the shame my shank in the etsum parish of shvua avada is a shvua da'shamm shvua so it's not alteodos that's what is an isor that's why there's a carbon shvua is beat to it and that's why you argue with the ramba the ramam holds it's a denyodos it's a unique den in pashis mathesdik a pashis in the dorm ba'yaqildik so there's no malchus there's no carbon but there's an isor according to the riven the reason why there's an isor is not alteodos the reason is because it's a full shvua but you just don't have the laven so then you can have a carbon shvua as well the carbon shvua watch them now nish wa la shammai wa'ar it look here the shvua is a shvua maybe what we might have to write with is is that in a hanami when he said ba'shammai wa'ar it's he was makalka in the shvua shvua means shvua la shamm you don't have to say it that's what it means the word shvua like we said hotsu min mila shava they mean shvua la shamm he doesn't have to say it but if he said ba'shammai wa'ar it's he made calio so they call it pashis shvua because he said the word shvua means la shamm since he sent the ba'shammai wa'ar it he gave a different interpretation he took it out of the pashis shvua that's why there won't be a carbon but since there is a parashah shvua which is another way of accepting on one's self an isor with ba'al yachal somehow even without being a krefs of the shvua it's enough linked up to the musik of the shvua because there is such a concept and he said shvua that there should be ba'al yachal to make an isor the carbon shvua is only when it's a krefs of the shvua it's not a krefs of the shvua because he said ba'shammai wa'ar it's instead of saying shvua shamm if he'd leave it blank it would be fine because the word shvua means ba'shamm if he says shvua ba'shammai wa'ar it's he's not saying ba'shamm so it's not a krefs of the shvua but it's enough the parashah of ba'al yachal which the general net there is a kind of all different things have ba'al yachal kabbalus lemoshul kabbalus we had kabbalus lem waymitzul it's stuck of a kule so all that would be bakhal clapi the parashah ba'al yachal it's enough clapi that's a krefs of the shvua it's not enough that's why there's no karben shvua certainly he didn't say the shamm some amel there's no less kalbishmilo so shvua ba'shmi that lakhaira is the maitzid varbaifen that the rambam and the rambam are arguing whether the haslama of a shvua without shvua shamm works within your doys according to the rambam then since it works within the others it's unique to patras mattes doesn't have that patras vaiikra and not the lavin of shvua is according to the rambi the shvua without shame is a krefs of the shvua unless you make kalbishmilo or it's that's the prandak de mora for ba'al yachal it'll be enough for the general parashah of ba'al yachal dvaria will be enough there's no malchus hein later on hein later on hein later on ba'al yachal of shvua it's only ba'al yachal of anissa hefta vene dariz and kamur the raid of the rosh and remain at time that we explained where yodis comes into this parashah and the nikudha that's on the shvua to the mujmipi atz might not the mujmipi atzemba we explained this well like jishmaki indian and it takes us back into a lot of the onion we discussed very special