Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 07-18-24

On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic is live from Milwaukee at the RNC as he discusses the very powerful speech of Donald Trump at the RNC. He later sits down with Senator Marco Rubio of Florida to talk about the state of the Biden White House and democrat policy. Dominic also talks with Mayor Glenn Thomas Jacobs, Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee and also known as his ring name, Kane. They talk about Biden's debate performance and the assassination attempt on former President Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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19 Jul 2024
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On The Dominic Carter Show, Dominic is live from Milwaukee at the RNC as he discusses the very powerful speech of Donald Trump at the RNC. He later sits down with Senator Marco Rubio of Florida to talk about the state of the Biden White House and democrat policy. Dominic also talks with Mayor Glenn Thomas Jacobs, Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee and also known as his ring name, Kane. They talk about Biden's debate performance and the assassination attempt on former President Trump.

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[music] Now, now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. [music] I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America. [applause] So tonight, with faith and devotion, I proudly accept your nomination for President of the United States. Thank you. [applause] And Dominic Carter here with you live in Milwaukee. As we speak, this place is erupting as Mr. Trump has just finished his speech, accepting the nomination just seconds ago, the red, white and blue balloons are coming down on this convention, bringing it to a close. Trump's wife, the former First Lady Melania, just came out as he was concluding his speech, and the entire family is on the stage as we speak with the former President of the United States. What a sight here in Milwaukee. Dominic Carter here with you and Mr. Trump accepting the nomination, describing the quote in his words, "too painful assassination attempt, kissing the helmet of the fire chief killed in the Pennsylvania rally." So here's what's coming up this hour. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida will join us in a few minutes at the bottom of the hour. Mayor Glenn Jacobs of Nott's County, Tennessee, the mayor, he's seven feet tall. You may know his name because in a prior life, if you will, he was Cain in the WWE wrestling, and he's in the Hall of Fame. Now he is a mayor. So again, literally the balloons are coming down, the entire Trump family on stage, the former First Lady wearing a red outfit smiling, standing next to the former President. Standing next to her happens to be the first daughter wearing a white dress. The entire family has come together on this night and also on stage, Mr. Trump's running mate J.D. Vance of Ohio, and they were all standing there. Mr. Trump clapping the First Lady clapping. She received a rousing welcome as she made her way through this hall. And coming to a close, I can see one of Mr. Trump's daughters on stage, Tiffany wearing white. So now I see gold balloons that are coming down, red, white and blue balloons, the entire Trump family on stage smiling, smiling. Mr. Trump looking up in the air as we speak, you can still see the bandage on his ear. So one of the themes that Mr. Trump dealt with, and he responded repeatedly and talked about repeatedly the incident that happened almost a week ago in Pennsylvania Saturday. And Mr. Trump, you're going to hear it right now, stating numerous times, I'm not supposed to be here, I'm not supposed to be here, the crowd chanting back, yes you are, yes you are. Take a listen folks. I'm not supposed to be here tonight, not supposed to be here. Thank you, but I'm not and I'll tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God. And there you have it for yourself folks, Mr. Trump. As he's still on stage, I see the huge Milwaukee balloons standing behind them, big balloons that are gold, that are blue, that are white, and the family is on stage, he's standing there right now as we speak folks with the former First Lady of the United States Melania Trump, who made the trip on this final night of the convention. And here we are, the networks state with this, but normally, normally at a convention, things are done for the television networks, the remarks are wrapped up in time for the networks. But Mr. Trump continued with his remarks and live as I am looking at this from my vantage point, he is still standing here on the stage with his family. So also standing by, and we're going to be getting to your telephone calls 800-848-9222-800-848-9222. Also standing by Florida Senator Marco Rubio to talk about as it relates to President Biden. What happens? Does Biden stay in the race? Does Biden get out? But mentioning President Biden, I want you to listen to an extended remark of what Mr. Trump had to say, talking about the current administration. Under the current administration, we are indeed a nation in decline. We have an inflation crisis that is making life unaffordable, ravaging the incomes of working and low-income families, and crushing, just simply crushing our people. Like never before, they've never seen anything like it. We also have an illegal immigration crisis, and it's taking place right now. As we sit here in this beautiful arena, it's a massive invasion at our southern border that has spread misery, crime, poverty, disease, and destruction to communities all across our land. Have you ever seen anything like it? Then there's an international crisis, the likes of which the world has seldom been part of. Nobody can believe what's happening. A war is now raging in Europe, in the Middle East. A growing specter of conflict hangs over Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, and all of Asia, and our planet is teetering on the edge of World War III. And this will be a war like no other war because of weaponry. The weapons are no longer army tanks going back and forth, shooting at each other. These weapons are obliteration. It's time for a change. This administration can't come close to solving the problems. We're dealing with very tough, very fierce people, they're fierce people, and we don't have fierce people. We have people that are a lot less than fierce except when it comes to cheating on elections and a couple of other things, then they're fierce, then they're fierce. And with us right now, a major Republican star, and that is the Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Senator, thank you so much for joining us. I was looking around to see who else you had on the show, I didn't know we were talking about that. So Senator, I want to ask you this, I've seen you sitting right next to Mr. Trump on all the national newscasts and so on, you were a major contender for the number two spot on the ticket, put on your hat to guess what's going to happen with President Biden. Do you think he stays in the race, or is he gone? I don't know. I mean, I don't know because the Democrats haven't consulted me on it, but I have a lot of questions about this. First of all, they knew that the sky's condition, okay, they knew it, they had been exposed to it, it was not a mystery to anybody, and they covered it up. And I think there's a lot of tough questions to ask of people in this administration of senior Democrats of the media who knew the sky's condition and covered it up and hid it from the American people on the conspiracy of lies. That's the first thing. The second thing I would say is it seems highly undemocratic to have voters select someone in a primary and then have eight or ten party insider elders just come in, parachute in and kick the force the guy off the ballot. Third, if he's not up to the job of being a candidate, how can he continue as president? Because the candidate is easier than president. That's a good point, Senator. And the fourth is, if he's not up to the job of being a candidate of who's running the country, who's running the country right now? If what they're saying is that this guy is not capable of handling a campaign, I think it's a legitimate question to ask, who is making the decisions and running the country and who's been running the country for the last three years? These are all legitimate points that I hope the media will ask of senior Democrats if they carry out this plan, this internal Democratic coup d'etat. Senator, a lot of press is waiting for you, so I'm only going to ask you one more follow up question. And that is, you have worked with Kamala Harris in the Senate. As you know, speculation, she may be a top of the ticket. I think it's a complete joke, but that's my personal opinion. You know a lot more in this than I do. What do you think about her as the Democratic nominee? I treat everyone with respect. Always have. I never had a bad relationship with Kamala Harris, but I reckon she's a left-wing Democrat. She's a California Democrat. And every idea that you can think of, the most extreme ideas on the left, changing, packing the Supreme Court, you know, the Green New Deal, putting every American on one insurance that run by the government, she supported all of these ideas. She supported all of them. She would be the most far left candidate of a major party in the history of our country. So I think that will be exposed in a campaign. And we're already these far left policies have done tremendous damage to America. She would be catastrophic. So I think, you know, it'll be a different campaign than against Biden, but it's maybe in some ways an easier one. I don't know. We'll see how it all plays out. I think that the ending Trump's not going to win because he's running against Biden or Kamala Harris. He's going to win because he is the guy that's saying, I am going to put the interest of people first, not white people, African Americans, Hispanics, Republicans, Democrats, people. And what do people want? They want higher paychecks, lower prices, safe streets, a secure border, and America to be respected in the world again. That's what they want. Who's against that? I guess it's probably some lunatics that are against it, but the majority of the American people are not against it. And he's very clear about what he's fighting for. That's why he's going to win, no matter who they run. They don't have anybody on their side that's for any of that one eight hundred eight four eight nine two two two. Thank you, Senator. And the Trump family remains on the stage here in Milwaukee. The balloons continue to come down. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to take a break when we return. We will start with your telephone calls. It has been an electrifying night here in Milwaukee. We'll hear how the remarks of Dana White, the remarks of Hulk Hogan, an African American pastor from Detroit that is praising Trump for coming to his church when he says Biden and Obama never did. And coming up at the bottom of the hour, so in between your telephone calls, we will talk to the mayor to the mayor of in its mayor, Glenn Jacobs of Knox County, Tennessee. And this guy is also seven feet tall. He's in the WWE Hall of Fame. And he's known as Kane will talk to him, but we will be right back live as the big parties continuing and coming to an end tonight live from Milwaukee. Stay with us. What's next at Moss Adams? That question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting consulting and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry focus insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at From New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. I'm in the tough guy business, and this man is the toughest, most resilient human being that I've ever met in my life. The higher the stakes, the harder he fights, and this guy never ever gives up. Dana White. Speaking before, Mr. Trump, as this convention is coming to a close, folks are still celebrating as of right now here in Milwaukee at the convention. Another one that rocked the crowd tonight happened to be former wrestler, Hulk Hogan. At that point, Hulk Hogan ripped off his shirt, and this crowd just went crazy as he had on a Trump's shirt underneath, Dominic Carter here with you live, at the RNC that has come to a close in Milwaukee. Let's go to a few of your telephone calls. Let's go to Alex and Brooklyn. Good morning, Alex. Welcome here to the RNC in Milwaukee. Hey, good morning, Dominic. Thanks for taking the call. I thought that was one of the greatest speeches that Trump gave ever, and the greatest lead up definitely in the history of RNC conventions and probably any convention ever in the history of conventions, the kind of lead up that led to Trump starting to speak, but it was a really emotional speech that he gave, and it was the kind of emotions of patriotism and positivity. That was the real message that I felt came here, and that was the goal of it. And I think that the Republican party has never been such a positive party as it is right now. It's such an exciting party to be a part of in the movement of MAGA. And an expanding party where it's there really are becoming a big 10th party under Trump. Continue, Alex. Yep. And it's the most united it is ever been, and now especially with Biden who's going to be dropping out, we're going to need that united Republican party to beat him and really come out in this election, but I think the voters right now have a choice between voting for the Republican party who happy mongers and delivers good policies that make sense and work, and or the Democratic party that fear mongers among the American people, and that these past four years, they told us they have solutions and those solutions didn't work, and that's really a decision that everybody needs to make. And I think they should go with positivity over negativity. Correct Alex. Thank you for the call. Let's go to Joe Lenbrook. Lenbrook. Good morning. Welcome here to Milwaukee as the RNC is coming to a close right now, Joe. Good morning. What's on your mind? What's going on? Do I call you Dominic or John shift? And to folks that don't know the reference, hey Joe, that's a good one. You caught me off guard. That's not easy. That's not easy. We had a Tennessee Congressman on my three to four Eastern Standard Time show, and don't ask me, Joe, how it started, but he started singing the song from John Shav on the movie Live on the radio. But go ahead Joe. Yes, I heard him. Do we favor? Both of you don't sing anymore. Anyway. Anyway, if he's Democrat delusional, Trump is going back to the White House. Those are about it. So he's going back. They can be as delusional as they want. And do you think Kamala Harris is going to beat Donald Trump? If you believe that, hey, you know, Joe, I've got to take a break, and I wish I had more time. But maybe you can give me a call tomorrow, a three to four show, because I've got a toss to a break here. But no, Kamala Harris can't beat Donald Trump. Let's get serious. Let's get to Trump is already the president and waiting. I've been telling you this, folks, from day one. Dominic Carter here with you live at the RNC. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back live here at the RNC, and I just noticed that this individual was walking by, and all of these folks are stopping to take a picture with him. And he's the mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, Mayor Glenn Thomas Jacobs, better known as Glenn Jacobs. He's in the WWE Hall of Fame. Mr. Mayor. Thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me on. Man, you're told, Mr. Mayor, you look like an NFL linebacker. So I was actually going to play for the Bears. Makes sense. 1991. I was a free agent just coming out of college, but I hurt my knee and I couldn't pass the physical. But yeah, I was at the Bears training camp. So Mr. Mayor, the same question that I just put to Larry Elders, what do you think first happens with Biden? Is he in and out? That's hard to say. I actually at this point think that he's out because Obama came out today questioning his viability as a candidate. So that says a lot, initially after the debate, Obama said, "Hey, we all need to rally around Biden." It was kind of funny because they were like, "Everything has a bad debate." And I was like, "Guys, that's the best it gets, okay? He's not going to be better than that." But initially he, Bill Clinton, were saying that he needs to stay in. Now you have Adam Schiff, even Pelosi rumors are that she's saying that he needs to step aside. So I don't know what's going to happen. They have a dilemma on their hands because, I mean, I think literally unless he passes away, he can't be removed on some states. The law's going to allow that. So it's going to be very interesting to see what happens going forward and who would take his place. The worst option to wow, you just finished answering your question would be Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket. Yeah. And I don't know, as unviable a candidate as he is, I don't know if there's anyone actually more viable. And certainly you can't pass over the Vice President of the United States. So I don't know what they're going to do. And not the first black Vice President of the United States. So Mr. Mayor, you are a legend, again, you're in the WWE Hall of Fame. What do you make of what happened? We're what? It's five days removed from what happened in Pennsylvania, the attempted assassination. Your take on all of this? Well, first of all, there's questions that need to be answered. How an individual has a clear shot at the president from 150 yards away. You know, I shoot all the time down in Tennessee. I'm not a great shot. I can hit that shot all day long. A novice can hit that shot, you know. So how in the world was someone allowed within that perimeter that close to the president? And the fact that it wasn't seen until he had the shot, you know, the snipers didn't have to shoot the guy. But when there's a there's a dude, a suspicious person on the roof with, we think, a gun, why are you not pulling the president down? I was really proud last night, Senator Marshall Blackburn from Tennessee, along with Senator Brosmo from Wyoming, confronted the director of the Secret Service. And of course, she just ran away. So I hope this is not one of those things where we're talking about this now. There's investigation. And then we just all kind of forget about this is a big deal. Well, Mr. Mayor, in closing here, I don't want to piss you off. Mr. Mayor Glenn Thomas Kane of the WWE Hall of Fame, now the mayor of Knox County in Tennessee. Mr. Mayor, it's a great honor to chat with you. Thank you so much. And folks are still here. They're still here on the floor area at the convention location, 808489222. That's here in Milwaukee. So going back to your questions, to your comments in just one moment live, Dominic Carter here with you. But I want you to listen to one of the speakers, a pastor, David Harris of Detroit. I want you to listen to what he had to say. He's African American, and he's praising Trump because Trump came to his church in Detroit, the heart of Detroit, and the pastor says, Obama and Biden did not listen to how pastor Harris here makes a correlation to what happened to Mr. Trump on Saturday. To all my friends back in Detroit who are Democrats, I'm going to ask you just one simple question. You can't deny the power of God on this man's life. You can't deny that God protected him. You can not deny that it was a millimeter miracle that was able to save this man's life. Could it be that Jesus Christ preserved him for such a time as this? Could it be? Could it be that when we prayed for him when he came to the round table in Detroit, that Jesus asked and he received that we sought him, and then he found protection? Could it be that the King of glory, the Lord God's strong in mighty, the God who is mighty and battle protected, Donald Trump, because he wants to use him for such a time is this. If you believe that, come on, put your hands together and give up great God and great glory. And a rousing response there as this convention is coming to a close a bit later, a bit later, will let you hear what Mr. Trump said in great detail. He says it's the only time he's going to talk about it, and he did. Right now, back to your live telephone calls, Andrew in New Jersey, line one. Good morning. Andrew. Welcome here to Milwaukee. Welcome. Yeah. That was hilarious. The chef comment I was listening, and um, paraphrasing, then he had a good follow up. He said, um, and God knows, protects the sparrows of the sky. He knows every hair on your head, but he said, but how does that work with you, Dom, because you're involved? Right. You are correct. And so, and so the Congressman from Tennessee was, he was getting in some good, uh, digs at me there. But go ahead, Andrew. Yeah. It was amazing that pasture you played, I was streaming it, listening through my headphones. And um, I just thought that Trump is the president, that even people that don't like him have to admit he's the real president, and there could have been election fraud. But either way, what do you feel about the past, that Biden's not the president. And that was our president, like you said, in waiting, and it was an excellent convention. I wish Trump would have talked about what he did with the black community, speaking of the black pasture, as far as the school choice act and the prison reform acts and platinum plants. And um, so that was, you know, but other than that, I liked his tone and he was serious, you know, in the beginning, and I thought it was very astute when he said, don't, you know, bring the country unity between the parties. So stop using lawfare against me to that. I thought that was a great point that he said. And uh, I love your, your look cool with the bald head, like fleek, like you're the modern day chef. And you, thank you, thank you so much for the call in New Jersey this morning. Let's go now to Michael in the Bronx, New York line five, Michael, good morning. Welcome here to Milwaukee as the RNC has come to a close. Good morning. What's on your mind? Good morning Dominic. My wife and I had discussed it right now. We were streaming between Newsmax and Fox. And then at the end, we said, let's go to ABC and BC and CBS. We went to NBC with Lester Holt and he was bad mouth in Trump, saying about fact check there. Then we went to ABC, the same thing, CBS, they were saying the fact checkers are, are going to be lying. He's doing it. I can't believe it. I hear you, Michael, but you have to understand, and this is what I try and explain to people. Half the country, half of us love Trump, half half the country hates Trump. So part of their base that's watching that newscast hates Trump. And no matter what, they're going to find something to criticize. No matter what, he could walk on water in that speech and they're going to find a way to criticize it. So I wouldn't, I wouldn't really let that bother me. Why does it get under your skin so much? Well, it's the fact that we've been, we've been lied by these people, they're the liars. And also, I don't believe that half of the, I don't believe that with 50 50, I don't believe that America is divided. I believe more like a 60 or 65, 35, but I don't believe that you don't, you don't believe that America is divided. How do you think Biden got to the White House? The entire election was a referendum on Trump that, that that people, you know, many of us, I think those that, that, oh, I don't like what he tweets and blah, blah, blah. They now realize that without him, the country's in deep trouble, but, but the country is highly polarized. You don't see that? I, like I said, I believe, I don't believe what anybody's telling me anymore. Not that it's not you. I'm just talking about anybody on, on, on, on, they're not two reporters, they're opinionists. And I don't believe all their propaganda this. And I don't believe that any of them, I don't believe where that divides. There's only, okay. 70 million people voted for a Trump, 80 million people voted for Biden, that's 140 or something like that. There's 350 million people in the United States. You can't say half the country because only, I can't, Michael, I, I can't argue with you, with you on that. If you don't believe it, you don't believe it, but half the country loves them, half the country hates them. That's the bottom line. Thank you for the call, Michael. Folks, I want you to listen to before we go back to your telephone calls. Mr. Trump said this is the first and only time he's going to discuss it. I want you to listen for a few minutes here. He talked in great detail about what happened Saturday in Pennsylvania. Take a listen. Let me begin this evening by expressing my gratitude to the American people for your outpouring of love and support following the assassination attempt at my rally on Saturday. As you already know, the Assassin's Bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life. So many people have asked me, "What happened? Tell us what happened, please." And therefore, I will tell you exactly what happened. And you'll never hear it from me a second time because it's actually too painful to tell. It was a warm, beautiful day in the early evening in Butler Township in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Music was loudly playing and the campaign was doing really well. I went to the stage and the crowd was cheering wildly. Everybody was happy. I began speaking very strongly, powerfully and happily, because I was discussing the great job my administration did on immigration at the southern border. We were very proud of it. And me and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership. The numbers were absolutely amazing. In order to see the chart, I started to, like this, turn to my right and was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which I'm very lucky I didn't do. When I heard a loud, whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear, I said to myself, "Wow, what was that?" It can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. My hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. I immediately knew it was very serious that we were under attack and in one movement proceeded to drop to the ground, bullets were continuing to fly as very brave, secret service agents rushed to the stage, and they really did, they rushed to the start. These are great people at great risk, I will tell you, and pounced on top of me so that I would be protected. There was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way I felt very safe because I had God on my side. And the rest of the saying goes when God is on your side, who can be against you? We are going to take a break with coming back live here to Milwaukee, the conclusion of the Republican National Convention. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. And we are back live here in Milwaukee as the RNC has come to a close. Back to your telephone calls up until the top of the hour, let's begin now with Sherman in Manhattan, line four, the morning Sherman, welcome to Milwaukee. The morning, Mr. Carter, thank you very much for taking my call. I want to first say you've done an outstanding and fantastic job with the coverage, but honestly, I expected that from you. And I also want to say I was very impressed. I don't know the gentleman's name where he spoke to in the beginning of the coverage. And he got into detail about how no one has been holding or no one even attempted to hold President Biden accountable with his actual history in terms of his association with this gentleman from Virginia with the outlandish and disrespectful statements he made towards the black men in terms of being predators and my own personal thing that I want to mention. I just find it preposterous that his own vice president had issues with him in the beginning. So they can't say anything about JD Vance, I just find that to be laughable. And I think it's projection, Mr. Biden's always mentioning racism. I just find it very offensive how Democrats have always been one trick pony. They're always mentioning racism. Black Americans, anybody here in me now that's black Americans should be extremely offended by the Democrats always playing that card in that game with you. It's time for black Americans to stop, I mean, people preoccupied with racism. And so living in the past and not being in the present moment, fully aware of reality. If you look at the Democrat, they are not only a man, Sherman, you are so correct. Stop living in the past, get out there and make it happen for you and your family. Stop quite. I'll let you finish before we move on. And just quickly, because I know it's your show, I just want black Americans to finally wake up. The Democrats have no respect for you. They take you for granted. They've allowed all these people in the country illegally because they don't respect you, particularly the black American community. They know respectfully and I'm saying this without attempting to be rude or disrespectful. They know that black Americans are stupid enough, they're going to vote democratic no matter what, even if they're being disrespected right in their own faces by having other people come here illegally. How can you start a relationship with somebody that's coming in the country illegally and you're going to have a relationship with this individual? In some cases, yes, there should be an exception. Most cases, no. Agreed. Agreed, Sherman. Thank you. I have to move on. What a wonderful call. Folks, play back the tape of what Sherman just said. That's what the problem is in urban America. Stop making excuses, stop depending on Democrats, give Trump a shot, see what he'll do, and if he screws up, then you go back. But what do you have to lose at this point? Look at your schools, look at your health care, look at everything around you. What do you have to lose by giving this man a shot and taking a risk? It's really not a risk. Norman Brooklyn, New York. Good morning, Norman. Welcome to Milwaukee. Good morning, Dominic. Okay. I watched Trump's speech on Fox tonight, on Fox five, and when the speech ended, it went to a guy named Mark Fiesen. First, I love the speech, okay, but I'm the base. I'm a conservative. So I don't know. Mark Fiesen, this guy, was saying it didn't change anything, but I don't think it was this speech. You know, I've got 35 seconds left for you right here, right? But let me just say this to you. I hate when people quote these morons from T. I don't know why you folks give them so much credibility. They're clowns. They don't know their opinion is just as valuable as yours. Go ahead, Norman. You've got 20 seconds. Well, you make me feel better, Dom. I hope, you know, listen, I mean, he, whatever, I mean, I look, I hope to, I hope that speech reached out to not just people like me. It would, I hope that speech will reach out to you a little more, a bit more. Yeah, Norman. Thank you. Norman. Thank you for the call. Folks. It's been a great honor coming to you from Milwaukee here at the RNC. I will be here again tomorrow for my three to four p.m. show Saturday coming up at the left versus the right. Have a great day from Milwaukee, folks.