Dominic Carter

The Dominic Carter Show | 3PM Show | 07-18-24

Listen in as Dominic gives his latest thoughts on the Presidential race, the RNC, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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18 Jul 2024
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Listen in as Dominic gives his latest thoughts on the Presidential race, the RNC, and more.

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Tom, thank you for having me. I'm amazed you can read this. Look at this. You did it. What is that? My chicken's crack. What is that? My chicken's crack. What is it? My chicken's crack. So, let's start. Let's start. We're at the RNC. But let's start with President Biden, okay? Yes. Lots of speculation. Heavy Democrats pushing him to get out. How do you see this playing out, Larry Elder? Tom, President Biden is dead man walking. When you've got Nancy Pelosi coming out and saying he should go, Chuck Schumer coming out and saying he should go, Axelrod, who was one of Obama's top aides, which tells you that Obama is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Absolutely. They've never really liked each other. There's a book called Game Change came out in 2000, after the 2008 campaign, which Obama has quoted as saying, "How many more times is Joe Biden going to say something stupid?" Obama tried to talk him out of running in 2016. He was successful in doing that. He tried to talk him out of running in 2020. He was unsuccessful. There's no love law between the two of them. And Biden's frailties are there for all people to see. I don't know who that genius is, Dom, who told said that Biden needs to get out more in unscripted settings. Every time he does, he says something stupid, like saying he's the first black vice president or female president. Or pushing for an early debate that essentially ended your campaign. Yeah. And he goes on BET and repeats that same lie that he was involved in the civil rights movement when there's no evidence whatsoever of that. Even the LA Times, pardon me, Jake Tapper, quoted the New York Times that there's no evidence that Biden desegregated movie theaters and restaurants in Wilmington, that he did any of that stuff. And the biggest lie, though, Dom, I want to talk about is a lie that launched his candidacy in 2020, which is that Donald Trump talking about Charlottesville said there were good Nazis and bad Nazis on both sides. He said no such thing. He even said during that press conference, and I'm not talking about the white nationalists and the neo-Nazis because they should be condemned totally. That's verbatim. He was talking about the debate on whether or not there should be a Confederate monument in the public square. Even Jake Tapper, two years after the fact, said that. And Snopes, 70 years after the fact, said that. So that whole lie is the entire basis of Joe Biden's campaign. And virtually nobody pushes back when he says it. And he still says it. Fair enough. What do you, Larry Elder, expect to hear from Mr. Trump tonight? Obviously, he must say something about the assassination. Yeah. Because of that, I fortunately never had a close call like that. Although I must tell you, Dom, when I ran for governor, an egg was thrown at me. And while the media, because they said Larry Elder deserved it, the sheriff of LA County said that the LAPD should take it more seriously and he called it a hate crime. Also, my campaign was shot at 45 minutes before this happened, not with bullets but with pellets. And one of them went through a folder. One of my guys was holding. It could have gone through his eye. So a near miss like that changes you, makes you more reflective, makes you more compassionate. So I think Donald Trump is going to tone it down a little bit. The fire in brimstone that he normally does won't see that tonight. It would be a much more reflective, can we come together type speech, which is why I anticipate. You know, I haven't heard him speak. I've known him a long time since this happened, but he seemed somewhat subdued, somewhat toned down. So Larry Elder, I want you're a straight shooter. You call it the way you see it. What do you make of this entire assassination attempt and how much did the Secret Service drop the ball? Well, the Secret Service head should be fired. She was confronted on the floor yesterday and ran from all these senators who wanted questions. Obviously, nobody should have been on that building with that sight line to Trump. And apparently several people tried to alert the police that there was somebody on there calling up that building with a gun and nothing was done. So there are all sorts of problems that I can see. There'll be an after action investigation and I think a lot of heads need to roll. But what I think happened is because he survived it, it reminds me of George Washington. General Washington had his horse shot off under him, had a bullet go through his hat, had a bullet go through his uniform. He was never struck. And so the troops felt that there was kind of a shroud of protection by God around him. And that's how a lot of people in this arena feel, republicans are more religious than Democrats and independents. And so there's a real feeling in the building that Donald Trump was protected by God. I'm a big NFL fan, the greatest NFL catch was the Immaculate Reception. I call this the Immaculate Protection. Interesting. So you're referring to Franco Harris, I'll close with this. I believe that the Democrats are done no matter what. And if you put Kamala Harris up top, that's like that to be the biggest joke in America. How do you see it? Well, I think that we, meaning republicans, should be careful about underestimating Kamala Harris. And underestimating the immediate ability to resurrect her. Because when the media is done with her, assuming she's a nominee, and I believe she will be the nominee, they will construct her into a combination of Joan of Arc and Rosa Parks. And keep in mind this too, she's never lost an election when she's been on the ballot. She dropped out of 2020 before she got any contest, but she won DA twice in the Bay Area. She won as AG twice in California. She won as US Senator in California, and she won on the ballot with Joe Biden. And she tried to become president. She wants to be president. She's never lost an election when she's been on the ballot. So don't underestimate her. But more importantly, please don't underestimate the ability of the media to create this icon now. A person of color who's been ridiculed because of her so-called cackle. You're going to do an Obama with her? It's sexist, and it's racist, yes. Wow. Wow. Larry Elder, you- And one more thing, inevitably Trump is going to give her some sort of nickname. You know that. We don't know what's going to be this. Yes. Whatever it is- Give me an idea. What do you think it'll be? I heard something about her being cackling something or other. Right. Giggles. But Dom, it doesn't matter. Whatever it is, whatever nickname you get, or however gentle it is, however he expresses it, the media will accuse him of being A, sexist, and B, racist. Well, you know that's coming. It's coming. It's coming. Oh, yeah. It's sexist and racist. But I agree with you, Larry Elder. He's going to be a bit more subdued tonight. Yes. And in the general election, and nothing will stop him from going back to the White House. The will of the people was on his side. Larry Elder, you are a great American, and thank you so much for joining us. My pleasure, Dom. Thank you for having me. 1-800-848-9222, now also joining us live, is a Congressman from Tennessee, Tim Burchard. Congressman, thank you so much for appearing. Thank you, and thank you for saying my name, right? I'm glad we got it right. So, Congressman, even though we're here in Milwaukee, the RNC, the big story is Biden. Not if, but when. How do you see this playing out? I see it playing out. The governor of California will be the nominee. That's what I think. Really? Yes, sir. When he cut a deal with Hollywood, when they went on strike, if you remember, and he talked about giving them unemployment benefits. And as you know about unemployment benefits, in all 50 states, they don't go to people that go on strike. They go on people that have lost their job due to something other than themselves. And Hollywood will be the group that can recreate this guy, because his policy, his programs, his state is a disaster. The reason I know that, I live in Knoxville, Tennessee. The people that bought my house, when I moved, San Francisco, California, they couldn't get out of there fast enough, and they brought just everything, and they're more conservative than I am. And so I see that just all over the southeast, but they're going to have to recreate this guy in Hollywood, California, the land of smoke and mirrors. They're the only ones that can do it, and they hate our country. They hate our values. Well, you know, Congressman, you raise a very valid point there. When you talk about the governor of California, I don't see this guy being elected to anything. He's just a pretty boy. I mean, for lack of a better term, but what do you expect? I just asked Larry Elder, I'll put to you, Congressman, Mr. Trump has to address the assassination attempt tonight. Correct. And what do you expect from this? Correct. Well, I expect to say just gracious to, I hope he says to Jesus that he survived, because you know, I was on the BBC, and they quoted the president thanking the Lord for saving his life, and they were laughing about it. And I thought, how far Europe has fallen, you know, that, anyway, and they said to me, what do you think about that? And I said, well, I think it's the truth. And I said, you do. I said, yes, sir. I said, I'm a Christian. I said, my Bible says the Bible says, you know, if God knows that a sparrow falls from the sky or the number of hairs on your head, which I've noticed, and you don't have quite as many as I do, that's a solar panel for a think tank. That's a solar panel for a think tank, brother. But no, but he knows that then surely he had a hand in this. He had a hand in this. So I think it's not too late. I said on my ex or Twitter account at Tim Burchin, I said, you know, when God puts his hand on our shoulder, we've got to quit slapping it away. When God puts his hand on your shoulder, you cannot slap it away, even if you want to. So, Congressman, assess the convention thus far, the general election going forward. Make the case for me, if you will, Congressman. I don't see any scenario where Kamala Harris can step in and have a chance and you know what of winning this race. The way I see it, and I've been doing this for 40 years, Trump is headed back to the White House period. I mean, even John King on CNN with his board behind him is saying exactly the same thing pointing to a blowout. Is there any case for Kamala Harris to be made? Yes, Wreckett, black turnout, maybe a higher turnout of women, but not enough to win. Anything, anything is possible and anything can and will happen. Case in point, Bill Clinton is before everybody knew just how bad Hillary was. That's a good point. I live in the South. My daddy's a World War II veteran. My mama lost her brother fighting the Nazis and mama flew an airplane during the Second World War. When it came out that Bill Clinton avoided the draft during college, Vietnam draft to go to England to study for six months or whatever it was. I said, you know, he's a draft doctor. He's gone. He's gone. And we got cocky. We started measuring the drapes in the White House. And George Bush, Sr., who was, my old accounts, was a legitimate war hero. The guy flew an airplane during the war, was shot down in the Pacific, fighting the Japanese. The other members of his group ended up getting killed. You know, it just, the comparison was night and day, yet we got cocky. When Bill Clinton became President of the White House, President of the United States, and the rest is history. So I would hope that we remember that. But I also remember, would hope people remember the other, the really the more important races, the local, the school board, the city council, the county commissions, the mayors, the state house, the state Senate, then the US Senate, then Congress, then the White House. We've got to remember all those things because that's where it's happening. That's where we're losing our country. Well, Congressman Bertrand, Tim Bertrand of Tennessee, thank you so much. And were you trying to tell me something, Congressman, about the hair issue? No, it's a great look for you, Dave. I walked up here and I go, I said, "Man, Isaac Hayes is back." I knew Isaac. Who's a cat that won't cut out when there's danger all about? Shaft. And I can dig it. Wait a minute, Congressman, you're quoting shaft to me and saw him here? Yes, sir. The man. That's my friend, man. This is life for another man. Shaft. Can you dig it? That cat shaft. He's a bad. Shut your mouth. I'm talking about shaft. Then we can dig it. Congressman Bertrand, thank you so much for joining us live here. God bless you, brother. Thank you. I made my day. I never thought the Congressman was going to come here live and quote John shaft to me and Isaac Hayes, but it's happened. We're going to take a break. When we come back live, your telephone calls, stay with us. This is Dominic Carter. Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter. We are back live here in Milwaukee, the final day of the RNC, Dominic Carter here with you. Now, the program for a few minutes belongs to you. We're going to take your calls, 800-84892-2. Let's go to Judith, Brooklyn, New York, Good afternoon, Judith. Welcome here to Milwaukee. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. Thank you. Well, I'm calling because I want to just give my impression of J.D. Vance's speech. I also want to put something forth that we're your part of this, okay? First of all, the vibes I got was he's God-fearing. That's number one. He's very bright and competent, genuine human being. I love his natural way of speaking. He's got solid values. He's a great patriot. All this stuff. I really think he's there for all the people of all colors. He's just fabulous. But listen, there are some parallel similarities between J.D. Vance and you, Dominic Carter. Absolutely. Both of you had amazing grandmothers with unfortunate dysfunctional mothers. I don't think there was a father in either your house or his. And both of you have succeeded in spite of these handicaps and maybe due to all of these supposed handicaps. So I found that very interesting. To be honest with you, Judith, I am aware of Mr. Vance's background. But I've tried to not focus on it too much because it's a little too close to home for me. It is literally a parallel situation where, in his case, his mother addicted to drugs. In my case, my mother severe mental illness. In his case, grandmother stepped up to raise them and as you mentioned in my case, my grandmother stepped up to raise me. We both started with absolutely nothing. And so I'm very aware of the parallels. And I think that Mr. Vance is going to be a remarkable candidate that is going to resonate with Americans in ways, Judith, that folks didn't know was possible. So, Judith, thank you for the call. Dominic Carter, here with you, let's go to Paula in New Jersey. Good afternoon, Paula, and welcome here to Milwaukee. Yes, thank you. I'd like to share with you my feelings about Donald J. Trump as our warrior. He's a warrior for the free world and for the United States. There's a warrior go into battle without protective gear, without the appropriate protective gear. Of course not. I think that we have enough protective gear among our police to protect them, their helmets, and body shields that it would be logical for our beloved president and future president, hopefully, to where, when he goes out tonight or into the future. He should really have this. It should be technologically superior so that he gets the protection he needs from anyone who wishes to do him harm. Well, you raised some great points there, Paula. And I've said this before. The one thing I can tell you, going back to 1988, so I can imagine what the technology is now. When I traveled the country at times with the Reverend Jesse Jackson, when he ran, the secret service, the government, and I've said this before, I know for a fact, because I was there when he would put on the shirts. They gave him bulletproof shirts. They were making them back in the '80s, plus they gave him to wear a bulletproof raincoat. But the problem with that is if it's a headshot, or as like in the case with Mr. Trump, there's no bulletproof vest that's going to stop a headshot. Paula, thank you for the call. We're going to take a break. When we come back, Lee Zeldin, who ran for governor of New York, is going to join us live right here in Milwaukee. We will be right back. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Now, from New York City to the world, it's Dominic Carter, live from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Here's Dominic Carter. And tonight is the final night. We're back here live with you folks, Dominic Carter. And joining us right now is no stranger to this audience. He ran for governor in the great state of New York and came within an inch of winning. And that is the Republican candidate Lee Zeldin, the former congressman. Congressman, I'll get to you in just one second. I also want to say I'm joined by one of our new people, James Flippin. Thank you, James, for joining us. Congressman, how are you? I'm doing great. It's good to be here in Milwaukee with a great week, the unity. I got to tell you, Monday night when President Trump first came out was one of the coolest things, beautiful, powerful moments I've ever experienced. Politics are not politics at any point in life. And maybe ranking right up there towards the top of anything that I will experience at any point in life going forward. After everything, President Trump went through last Saturday, within 48 hours, honest feet alive and fighting. And I'll tell you, the passion, the electricity and that unity has only grown stronger as this week has gone by. Last night, I had the honor of addressing the main stage around 9 p.m. here local. We're in central time. And you could just feel it with the electricity in the room after the gold star parents were out there. And the UNC frat bros and the Nutra family, real life Americans talking about what they're experiencing. And clearly, we're in a moment where not only we know that the stakes have never been higher, but people are engaged and ready to ensure that they're not waking up November 6 with regret. In a moment, James Flippen will have a question for you. But Mr. Zeldin, and again, you came with an inch. You ran an excellent race against the governor of New York State. We'll come back to her, Cathy Hope, one a second. But New York, the numbers overwhelmingly Democratic, and yet you somehow pulled it off and came within an inch. If they didn't pull in, pull out every major Democratic all star from around the country, the last couple of weeks of the campaign, but that's yesterday's story. So what I do want to say to you before I turn it over to James. So I happen to be watching, I think it was the end of C-SPAN this week. I look up and it's Mr. Trump there, and I look and it's you, Lee Zeldin. You're right there with him. As a matter of fact, I only saw the two of you. Now explain that. How in the world with all that's going on, I saw two people this week, RNC, Lee Zeldin, former President Donald Trump. I am somebody who I'm such a big admirer of how with everything that's been thrown at him, that he has been able to just keep fighting. He is not deterred. You cannot silence him. You cannot make him quit. And when he was going through four years in the White House, I was in that foxhole with him. And he was taking so much incoming day in, day out, the multiple impeachment since with trying to lock him up for the rest of his life to bankrupt him and his family attempts to try to remove his name from the ballot and attempt on his life last Saturday. And along the way, we've developed a strong relationship because I don't feel like he should be fighting this fight alone, that the rest of us need to be doing everything in our power. And as a member of Congress, I was on his impeachment defense team. I was helping him get his priorities across, whether it's defeating MS 13 on Long Island and elsewhere, whether it was the need to secure our border to strengthen our alliance with Israel from one issue to the next over four years in the White House. I was happy to fight with him every step of the way alongside him every step of the way. And I'm ready, just like tens of millions of other Americans are, to keep up that fight come January after, hopefully, God willing, he's sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. Lee Zeldin is our guest here on the Dominic Carter Show. And Lee, you know, one of the lines you had during your speech at the RNC was very poignant because you said, look, former President Trump is the only president and certainly most of our lifetime that hasn't started a foreign war. Why is it so important to remind the American people about that? The cost of war, the cost of treasure, and by treasure, it's not just financial. I mean, I have, my life is basically split in half pre-9/11 and post-9/11. I signed up for the Army before 9/11. I went on active duty right after 9/11 after I finished up ROTC. And I have lost so many friends both in combat and due to post-traumatic stress after returning home. We've seen thousands upon thousands of U.S. American courageous heroes lose limbs. The sacrifice that we have witnessed when you engage in a foreign conflict, it is a decision to send our nation's sons and daughters in a harm's way and potentially risk their life. I believe that too often we send our troops in a harm's way without a plan to win. I believe you should never send our troops in a harm's way unless there is a strategy to win that when they come home, we treat our service members, our veterans with love, dignity, and respect. We need to understand that we treat our friends as friends in our adversaries, as adversaries. That we ensure that the military option is on the table not because we want war, but because we want to prevent it. At this moment in time, when we look forward of what kind of commander-in-chief we have, what kind of president of the United States we have, I want a president who is pursuing peace through strength. I want a president who is committed towards stopping conflict, not starting conflict. President Trump day in, day out showed that commitment. God bless him for it. For four more years, I want more of it. That's Lee Zeldin. We're here on the Dominic Carter Show. And Lee, I'm going to take you back to that opening day of the RNC when former president Trump walked out on stage, that iconic moment, and he had the big bandage on that ear that was wounded. But a lot of people noticed his face as well, how much emotion there seemed to be in his face. What did you see in that moment? Same, I mean, he came as close to death as you can get. I mean, we're not talking about a bullet that was fired 30 feet away. We're not talking about a bullet that was a foot away from an arm. We're talking about a bullet that was an inch away from his skull. And it was through the grace of God. Thank God, his head at the last possible second ends up moving just a bit so that bullet ends up only piercing his ear. President Trump, I thought, had already been through everything you could possibly throw at him. And there was an assassin who woke up that day on Saturday committed to throwing something far worse than anything else President Trump has had to face combined. So thank God for his fight and his courage and how quickly he got back on his feet. James flipping with me and Lee Zeldin, the former Republican candidate for governor of the great state of New York, former Congressman, came within an inch of winning the race in New York. I know that I want you to respond to how the Secret Service handled this and what should happen. But in discussing this, the people, and look at this, you've lit up every phone line that we have here, but we're going to get to your calls, but not with Mr. Zeldin right now. Notice, as you were talking to James talking to me, you're really becoming emotional about this. Why is that? If you are an American, forget about a party that you might belong to. This isn't about a person who at this moment is a leader who you follow. This is about our country. And when President Trump has said through the years that they're coming after me, because I'm standing in a way of them coming after you, every single new time they come up with some creative next level way to go after him. And he just continues to fight through it. I remember before he had to deal with any of it, just seeing his schedule, the contacts that he would be making at 1.2 a.m. to people. And then all of a sudden it's 5.6 a.m. Man, you don't sleep. He just works harder than anyone, being able to do four rallies in four states, and you can't possibly slow him down. That alone was making me think, gosh, I hope that when I'm his age, that level of energy, and then you think about it like, gosh, I wish I had that level of energy right now. Right now, you know, I don't want to go back to a negative, because you went through a security scare when you were running as governor. The people were apparently running around your backyard. And as a father, I related to you because I have a daughter, and you have daughters. So I don't want to go back to that, but I do want to say, because you're getting emotional, and I want to change the vibe here. Your daughters, those young ladies, and I'm not going to say which schools, and I don't want you to say which schools either. I mean, unless you really want to. But those young ladies are now about to go off the college. Your daughters? Yes, my daughters, identical twin girls, 17 years old, Michael and Ariana just graduated high school. Just a few weeks from now, they'll be heading off to college, go spread their wings, go into colleges in different states. These girls who have been together in a womb, they've been through so much, they were born 14 and a half weeks early. They were less than a pound and a half when they were born, three and a half months in a NICU. They fought so much early, and they worked so hard through these years for this opportunity. So you just, you try your best when you're a parent. It's a lot, and I got to tell you, kudos to my wife who you were talking to, both talking to just beforehand, who's here, Diana, because I spent a lot of time where I'm down in D.C. There's some government shutdown. You miss a school play. I want to thank her for everything that she did, and for all the parents who were out there, it's not easy. And then you meet that parent who has like 11 kids. I mean, God bless you. And then you find out that her, you know, homeschooling, you know, five, six, seven kids, I don't know how you do it. And to all the future parents who are out there, we need families strong, we need to provide the best opportunities for our kids, and we all need to do our part to leave this country better than we found it. We only have three minutes left here, and I want James to ask you another question, but the Secret Service, what should happen? Should Director Cheetah be forced to step down? The buck stops with her, her words, not mine, and no one else has been held accountable as far as I know, not enough answers yet. That's for sure. I believe that we need full transparency. We need to understand that this isn't some investigation that a few months or a few years from now, if at ever we get answers in the middle of our presidential election with more rallies to come instantly. We need answers right away. This week in Congress, how this could possibly happen? Why wasn't a perimeter wider? Why were they relying so heavily on others non-secret service? Why was there not a Secret Service agent on that rooftop as a sharpshooter instead of an assassin? Why? It wasn't the warnings heated of witnesses that this person was up there. There are a lot of questions in need of answers, and the buck stops to the Secret Service Director, her words, not ours. James, the final question for former gubernatorial candidate of New York, Lee Zeldin. So, Lee, you know the guy so well. You've talked about his fight. You've talked about how much that's inspiring to you and so many other Americans. A lot of different things kind of enter my mind, his faith, his upbringing, you know, love of country. But what is it that makes former President Trump such a warrior? How does he do it? What is it? I think that he was a fighter before he entered the political arena, and I think that the fight that his political adversaries have brought to him have only made him stronger, have only made him more of a warrior, more of a fighter, more sharp. So I think that every single time that some type of negative energy was brought to him, not only did he deflect it, but anything, any power that was coming towards him, he tried to channel into more motivation to fight harder the next day. So, you know, God bless him for channeling all of this negativity the right way in order to still be standing strong on his feet, despite everything else doing his part to want to make this country great again. Well, Congressman and former gubernatorial candidate in the state of New York, Lee Zeldin, one, so nice to see you. Two, nice to see your smiling. Three, nice to see your lovely wife. Four, lovely to hear that your daughters are off the college. You are a blessed man, and we thank you so much for joining us. Yeah, you got it. It's great to be here. Thank you. Fantastic. James Gold, James Flippin. Thank you so much for appearing as well. We are going to take a break. We see all of your calls from around the country. When we come back, we're going to them, and I see your wife there now. But when we come back, we're going to go to your telephone calls. Stay with us. This is Dominic Carter. And now it's time for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Final thoughts. And folks, Tunnel to Towers does remarkable work, a message that spreads from New York all the way here to the RNC and Milwaukee Dominic Carter here with you live up until the top of the hour on this final day of the RNC. So directly to your telephone calls, Liz and Florida. Good afternoon, Liz. What's on your mind? Hi, Dominic. Oh, wow, you are there. That is the coolest thing. So what I want to talk about is I really hope Biden stays where he is because the Democrats who still hate Trump will vote Democrat, no matter what, no matter who will be running against President Trump. And I do believe they will try to reinvent Harris as he would run. They'll pour money into this campaign and through lies and propaganda, and many will buy it. Harris might be a slight threat, not today, but tomorrow when she becomes a candidate to become the very first black woman president to make history. That's what they're going to see. That's what they think is best for our country. But that isn't, of course, that's why I think Biden should continue on his path because he will not win. Well, you know, I wish Democrats with Liz make a decision based on what's best for Republicans. But one, no matter who they put up, Mr. Trump has headed back to the White House. It's going to be different, maybe different with Vice President Harris, and she will be reinvented to go from a complete joke to all of a sudden she's Obama number two. If you believe in the media, all the hype that surrounded Obama when he first ran, and we see how that all turned out. So, so we'll see. But I just don't see a scenario where Mr. Biden stays in this race. Thank you so much for your call. That's now go to Ralph and Manhattan line five. Good afternoon Ralph and welcome live here to the RNC in Milwaukee. Well, I do like the Isaac K shaft reference. I got a big kick out of that topic. And, you know, that made the whole program for me. Wait a minute, Ralph, I got to put you on the spot. You got to give me a verse of the song as well. Go ahead. Live. So, that cat shaft is a bad mother. I can't say the rest. Right. I can't play the rest. No one. I don't want to talk him but his woman. John chef, whoever thought a congressman from Tennessee would sit here live and tell me that I have no hair and then start singing John chef. Anyway, go right ahead, please. He certainly had a good sense of humor. You know, I'll tell you something about what happened to Cheetos over hope over her head from the outset. See to me, she wasn't qualified. You're talking quotas when you see, and this is not very popular when I'm about to say when you see an in order and amount of women that are about five foot three, five foot four and relatively small stature. Trying to deal with a six to I'm talking about Donald Trump, a six to two hundred sixty five pound. I'm being kind, pound individual. You're talking about incompetency. You're just throwing numbers out there because you want women represented. This is not the way we should be going. I want the biggest strongest guy, the most masculine guy, the guy who had can do the job the best. But wait a minute, because you're a masculine guide, it doesn't mean you can get the job done. And there are some tough women out this. I mean, I don't think we should break it down to gender. I think that's a mistake. But go ahead. You have the final word before I move on to the next call. Well, before before you get the wrong idea about what I'm saying, you know, if you get a woman who's who's a competent and you know, you know, a larger woman, it's just not logical to put a small in stature person. I'll say this man or woman in charge of a huge guy. You know, all I saw were people running to the States after the deed was done. I saw a lot of incompetency beforehand, Dominic. Fair enough. Thank you. Thank you so much for the call. Let's go to Sandra, the great state of New Jersey. Sandra, welcome to the RNC here in Milwaukee. Thank you, Dominic. I'm on page 55 of your book and I'm loving every word that you write. Oh, that's very that's very nice of you to say, Sandra. Thank you for supporting the book. I wasn't going to plug it today, but let me just say this before you go on folks around the country. If you're interested in my book, it is heart wrenching. But you can go to my website, Dominic Carter and order a copy is personally signed. But anyway, Sandra, go right ahead, please. Oh, thank you. I wanted to say, regarding J.D. Vance, he had in a year process of change. He made a dramatic political transformation from a blue collar guard and self. He was against Trump as we know, but then he changed and he became a hard-edged mago loyalist and the defendants of Donald Trump. Now what I want to say, Dominic, is there's a strong, amazing grace. My mother's favorite song in that song. It says, I was blind, but now I see. That's what happened to him. I hear you, Sandra. I would love to have you finish the story, but I'm completely out of time right now. Perhaps you can call the midnight show on this day four of the Republican National Convention. 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