
Rappers EXPOSE Demonic Agenda In Music | Candace Ep 28

Rappers discuss the demonic messaging in their music, Gavin Newsom signs a bill banning schools from notifying parents about student gender identity, and is Libs of TikTok right for getting people fired from their jobs?

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18 Jul 2024
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Rappers discuss the demonic messaging in their music, Gavin Newsom signs a bill banning schools from notifying parents about student gender identity, and is Libs of TikTok right for getting people fired from their jobs?


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Okay, guys, last day coming to you from Los Angeles, it's been fun, but it's time for me to get home. What do I have for you today? Well, are you familiar with that Count Libs of TikTok? It's rung by a young woman named Haya Raichik. She spawned an online debate because what she's been doing is capturing the really vile messages and rhetoric coming from left-leaning individuals on the internet. And she's been sending it, sending that content to their employers. She's been successful, by the way, because at least three people have been fired from their jobs based on their online rhetoric or something that they said. But people are asking, has this gone too far? Is the rights now behaving like the less? Is this cancel culture? What do you guys think? Plus, we have got to discuss one of the many reasons I think really should be the final reason that if you are still living in this God forsaken state of California, you need to pick up and leave. You are not going to believe or maybe you will believe the bill that Gavin Newsom just signed into law. But first, check out this photo, it's just the reason I'm in Los Angeles, by the way, of me and Nick Cannon. We've been trying to make this happen for a very long time. We had a wonderful discussion. I'm going to tell you a little bit about it because we agreed on many things, but we definitively disagreed on one point, which he labels, a conspiracy theory. All that coming up on Candace. Nick Cannon has been very kind to me behind the scenes since the very beginning of my career. Actually, he has been potentially the only black media host that has wanted to have me on, even when the entire world was coming after me for standing up against Black Lives Matter. Finally, we were able to make that happen this week. We spoke for hours upon hours, and I believe that's going to be released next month. It's a show that he has called Council Culture, where he speaks to a lot of voices who have been canceled or attempted to be canceled, and so he was happy to have me on. We discussed very many things, but there was just one point of contention, and I'm using that term loosely, honestly, we got along great, but we were discussing Black culture, or what he deems to be Black culture, and I pushed back and I said, "This is not Black culture. I am so sick of people telling me that the music that we are hearing, which is demonic and possessed, is something that we should be asserting claim over." Like, "Oh, you have to defend Black artists that are producing filth." I say, "No, actually, it's been very clear to me for a long time that Black culture has been infiltrated, that there is some sort of an intentional push to sign artists who are creating music that is more and more derogatory. In fact, I think that Black music and music all across the board has become somewhat pornographic, but especially Black music. I mean, I grew up listening to the temptations, Lauren Hill. You can't tell me that these executives, these record executives are crawling all across social media, and this is the best talent that they can find. Of course, it's not. They're intentionally signing these individuals, in my view, individuals like Cardi B, individuals like Sexy Red, because they are trying to impact our psyche. I believe the eyes and the ears are the window to the soul, and they know the soul is real and they know that God is real, but as I've told you many times on this show, they are Team Satan. Well, lo and behold, I was scrolling on Instagram and I came across this montage of rappers and musical artists speaking about exactly that to take a listen. I was on rap stages rapping about violence and guns, you know, that we get paid to rap about that stuff. They actually pay us more when we rap about more ignorant stuff, so I make sure I even online, they come on talking on stages like this. Well, what if Summer comes to you as pretty as she is and says, "Mom, I want to be a city girl." Shae got me no city girl. So Summer ain't allowed to be no city girl? Mm-mm. No. I want her to raise totally different, like, you know, I don't even want her to either see that either day like that. Like I already want her to just be like, you know, like never would of the school girl and she's on the whole other way, it's like. So to be clear to quickly recap, who you had, there was Meek Mill, who was speaking about the music that they are told to create, if they want to make money, Cardi B sounding like she was close to tears because she doesn't want to make that sort of music, and she uses this phrase that the music that she's making. It's activating demons, she says, and again, sounds like she's about to cry. And then lastly, that was an artist known as Young Miami, who, again, is creating this weird paradox of she's saying she creates music that she doesn't actually believe in and that she doesn't want her chosen to listen to. And there have been rappers who have spoken about the fact that record labels will force them to record demonic freezes and to say demonic freezes backwards and to insert it into their music. So what's actually going on here, and I pushed, Nick Cannon, as I said, you're calling this a conspiracy, but why aren't you listening to the artists who are saying that this is what they have to do? And by the way, this extends beyond music, I've spoken to models who say that they are basically told that they have to act like sluts, that they have to get naked if they want to get paid, even if they're not comfortable, they have to do these sorts of things, perform these sorts of scenes in order to get paid. This is how you make money in Hollywood and Hollywood is dark and Hollywood is demonic in my viewpoint. I feel it spiritually. As soon as I land here, I'm just going, this is a dark place. And so here's what's really interesting. I had remembered seeing a clip of an artist speaking about just that. His name was, he has since been killed. This was his rap name, rather, XXX, Tentacion, he released a song in 2016, which was entitled "I Spoke to the Devil in Miami," he said, "Everything would be fine," and I'm going to read you these lyrics slowly. He wrote, "The tears don't show, won't hurt me now, because hearts been broke. I hate myself, but it won't show. I constantly lose all my remorse, and it's 10 for the wolf and three for the shepherd, and it's one for the sheep who led by your leopard, took a bite of your apple, give me all you can offer. Now I'm trapped in a changing maze, setting my soul ablaze, couldn't control the pace. Where is this going, hey? My Lord, I spoke to a Baphomet. He said he would save me if I gave him one thing he needed. What is this thing I pleaded? Boy, it's the key to even. What you crave will soon be yours, but what I crave is already mine." Anima Vastre, which means your soul. He's describing there, if you're following these lyrics, that he spoke to a Baphomet, again, that is the transgendered deity that was created by Satanist people that worshiped the satanic kabbalah, and he is saying that he had to sell his soul, and then he was told that he would be okay. He went down to Miami. You're hearing this, and you're going, is he just writing this as a song? Well, we won't be able to ask him because as I said, he was murdered just two years after having released this, and he was speaking a lot about what was happening in the industry. Same thing as I mentioned to Nick Cannon, Kanye, who told me so many things that didn't make sense to me because it's hard to process that this could be happening in broad daylight. Kanye also wrote a song about how he sold his soul to the devil, that when he made this a record deal, he understood that he was selling his soul to the devil, and he wanted out of these contracts, which is why he figuratively blew up his life a couple of years ago. He did not want to be contractually bound to any person at all. So I'll ask the question, especially when you hear Tintasian speaking about Baphomet, right? You hear Cat Williams, as we have shown you many times on this show, who also said that he knew that Baphomet transgenderism, this deity that represents transgenderism, was going to be a thing in Hollywood, that he knew they were going to start pushing this down the pipeline to the masses. I will ask you, when does this stop being a conspiracy theory? When do people start listening to the many artists who are trying to speak out and saying that they are being controlled, that they are being told what they have to sell to the public, or else, some of them are saying their lives will be put into danger, or they will lose everything financially. When do you stop believing the media that all of these people are crazy, that all of these people are lying, and that they are producing this stuff out of their own free will and begin to instead start asking meaningful questions? I will conclude this by saying, what I always tell you, is that Hollywood was intentionally designed as an attack on our spirits, there are spiritual forces at play, they are creating false idols, and they are dragging people further and further into the perverse. So, don't have idols in Hollywood, okay, because there shouldn't be idols, period, if you read the Bible, idolatry is an evil for a reason, have faith in Christ and Christ alone. And that's all I'm going to say on that. Alright guys, it seems appropriate after speaking to that that we immediately pivot to speaking about hallow, if you want to get started on your journey, I know people, if you haven't been praying for a while, you don't know how to begin, I'm telling you just start speaking to God, but also if you download the hallow app, it can help guide you. And it will guide you in your prayer routine. A great way to do that is by engaging with the number one Catholic app in the world, and diving deeper and exploring your prayer life. They have thousands of prayers, meditations, and music, including new contemplative and contemporary Christian radio that you can listen to anywhere and anytime. This summer hallow has a number of powerful prayer challenges and scripture series that are coming up with biblical scholar Jeff Kavens, Jonathan Rumi from The Chosen, and even Jim Kavizel, you guys know him from the sound of freedom, and of course, the passion of the Christ. So do not lose your prayer habits this summer, maintain your peace, deepen your relationship with God, or begin it if you don't feel that you have one by downloading hallow. You will get three months for free at All right, now let's get into some stories. Now before we get into this first story, you know what I'm going to say. Subscribe. We've crossed 2 million followers, this, by the way, is going to be the last day that the Standus Cup is available. So head to That one is discontinued because it is the end of the week, and we have crossed 2 million subscribers. Very exciting. So California, yeah, a lot going on there. I know if you read that chaos book, you're wondering if the devil lives here down in Los Angeles or around Los Angeles as well. I have a lot of things that I would like to say about Gavin Newsom. And there's this real fear that they are thinking about replacing Biden, Biden with Newsom. And when you look at all of the laws that Gavin Newsom has signed into law, all the bills that he assigned into law, it would be terrifying if he replaced Biden and somehow Biden assumed the presidency. Well, let me tell you what he's recently signed into law. It is a bill that bans schools from notifying parents about student gender identity. So we knew this was coming, we have been speaking to parents, I get messages all the time. Well, in California, we're not allowed to say no to vaccines. Okay, that means that the state is in control of your children. If they can decide what they're going to inject into your child and you have no say, they're in control. Well, now you don't even get to decide whether or not you're a child who you know to be a boy or a girl because you birth them is going to be referred to as a boy or a girl as they indoctrinate them in the public school system. So let me cut to this video of Michael Shellingberger describing exactly what is going on with this bill. Take a listen. Hey, everybody. It's Mike Shellingberger for public. I'm afraid to have some terrible news. The governor of America's largest and richest state has just signed a law that puts 10 million children and adolescents in grave danger of medical mistreatment. The media headlines are all wrong. They claim that California Governor Gavin Newsom's new law protects children by stopping public schools from outing their gender to their parents. In fact, it does just the opposite of that. This new law makes children vulnerable to irreversible and lifelong medical abuse and mistreatment. And it's all based on a pseudoscientific idea that some children are born into the wrong bodies and that we can change a person's sex through drugs and surgery. Now, for any of this to make sense, you have to understand what's happening right now in Britain. Several years ago, the government there appointed a well-respected pediatrician named Hillary Cass to investigate whether it was ethical to block the puberty of children, give them opposite sex hormones, and perform surgeries on their bodies in an effort to make them feel better about their gender. Dr. Cass came back a few weeks ago and said no, absolutely not. Around the same time, the British government banned puberty blockers nationwide. And just a few days ago, the new Labor Party government affirmed that it would maintain the former conservative government's ban on puberty blockers. In her report, Cass said that so-called social transition, where children adopt the identity of the opposite sex, is not a neutral act and has psychological consequences. In fact, it's the first step towards medical intervention. What Gavin Newsom has done is actively prevented schools from informing parents that their children have been put on a medical pathway. This is an outrageous attack on both the rights of the children and the parents. Children have a right to go through puberty. No adult should be able to block their puberty. And parents have a right to know if their children thinks that they are the opposite sex or were born into the wrong body. We have seen with leaked internal documents from the leading gender medicine group WPath that these medical interventions, namely puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries, are not only irreversible, but result in sterilization and loss of sexual function. Children and adolescents are simply not mature enough to understand the effects of so-called gender-affirming care. They cannot, in other words, give their informed consent. The new law that Gavin Newsom just signed creates the grave risk that activist teachers, students, and outside groups will convince children that they were born into the wrong body and then hide their social transition from parents, which will lead to these harmful medical mistreatments. As such, the law that was passed is the opposite of what both children and their parents need. We need schools to immediately warn parents if their children think they are the opposite sex. After all, this is a diagnosable psychiatric condition known as gender dysphoria. And if your child has a psychiatric disorder, whether it's anxiety, depression, and eating disorder or gender dysphoria, you as a parent have a right to know. When schools must stop teaching children or allowing other people to teach children, this pseudoscientific and dehumanizing ideas that it's possibly born in the wrong body and that it's possible to change one's sex, it's not. As such, either the legislature, the courts, or a ballot initiative in California is required to nullify this law. Until then, it's important to spread the word to parents that California public schools are fundamentally unsafe for the millions of children who currently attend them. So this is obviously insane, and I can't imagine being a parent in California and deciding that you're going to allow your children to stay in the public school system. I mean, I have been telling parents for years to move out of California, and it's just odd to me that there are parents who believe that the system can be reformed when they're essentially saying to you, we will not only just implant these ideas into your child's head, but after our ideas have taken a hold of your children, we will put them on a pathway of medical tyranny which is in many circumstances and most circumstances irreversible. Once you start introducing hormones, puberty blockers, once you block your puberty, we have seen that these people, as he mentioned, will wind up down the line permanently impacted by that decision because these are the same drugs. And this is a fact. Lupron just got rebranded. The same drugs that are given to pedophiles in prison are the drugs that are given to children who believe that what they're doing is just blocking their puberty when in fact it is given to those prisoners in order to castrate them. And so that's, of course, what they're doing to children, it's going to have the same impact that's going to castrate children. Why is this being allowed? Well, we just showed you in monologue that there are rappers speaking out about demonic agendas. They are talking explicitly singers and performers about Baphomet comedians talking to you about Baphomet being an agenda. These people are here in Hollywood. These artists are here in Hollywood. These schools are surrounding Hollywood. California has become a dark experimentation state for the demonic and I do not say the demonic in a fun light way. Okay. Baphomet is a literal demon that these possessed people worship. And so I'm glad that that video went viral and that was in large part due to Elon Musk sharing it. Michael Schalenberger speaking about what was happening in California and Elon Musk said this in response, this is the final straw because of this law and the many others that preceded it attacking both families and companies. Space X will now move its headquarters from Hawthorne, California to Starbase, Texas. He also included this. I did make it clear to governor Newsom about a year ago that laws of this nature would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children. That is how I want people who are still in California to receive this message. You are required as a parent spiritually, emotionally, financially to protect your children. When you have a state that is at war with parents and you better believe that that state will win that war because they have your children for six hours a day. They are propagandizing them in the classroom. When you have a state that is declaring war on your children, when do you say enough is enough and pick up and find a state that will not allow your children to become victims of experimentation? Because to me, I would have picked up and left yesterday and I would have just figured it out. Oh, I have a job here. Don't care. Getting out of here. We'll figure it out. We just want to keep our children safe. That is the basic responsibility for parents to keep their children safe. All right, guys, I want to tell you about American financing. Obviously, you've heard me speak about them as a major sponsor of this show, a major sponsor of these conversations that we are having as Americans. And they understand that a lot of Americans are struggling right now. There's like basic bills. How do we feed our families? When the bills are higher every month, many people are in debt and they feel that the debt keeps adding up. Well, if you own a home, you should call my friends in American financing because they can help you break free from that cycle. They say people just like you and me an average of $854 every single month, which adds up to about $10,000 a year. I think everybody could use that sort of a bonus and even better, it costs absolutely nothing to find out how much money you could be saving. What they'll do is they will tap into your home equity line. All it takes is a quick call to American financing. And if you start today, you might be able to delight two mortgage payments. How about that? A lot of people need that break right now. So call American financing today and start your journey towards being credit card debt free. The number is 800-795-1210. Again, the number is 800-795-1210 or if you prefer, visit American So lives of TikTok has spawned an online debate between conservatives. We've been at each other's neck a lot lately. I think really kind of since the Trump assassination attempt followed by the RNC, people deciding what the future of the conservative party should look like. Are we becoming leftists? Are we behaving like the left? Well, Lisa TikTok is a very popular account online. Really has done so much important work. It is owned and operated by a young woman named Haya Raichik, who really just decided to start exposing the left, like she just kind of crawls the internet looking for clips of how the left is behaving. Really just giving it a larger platform and people really didn't like that. Well, she has become a true activist in the wake of the Trump assassination attempt by crawling the internet looking for how the left is responding so callously quite disgusting. I mean, the rhetoric has just been vile. Who could celebrate the death of a firefighter, the person who lost his life that day or be saying that you wished that Trump had actually gotten shot? I don't have that in me. I would never say as much contempt as I have for Hillary Clinton, for Joe Biden, for the lies that they are telling to the American people, I could never say, man, I wish I had just watched them get shot in the head. Well, that's what's going on online right now. I'll give you an example here. Lipsa TikTok shared this, meet Alison Scott, a teacher at Ardmore Tigers. That's a high school, I believe. She appears sad that the shooter missed and wishes that he had a better scope. These are the people educating your kids. Any comment, Ardmore Tigers, and she tagged the school directly. So an account posted on Facebook, say, gents that just shot Trump's ear, I got $500 to put on your books for trying to save us, homie, laugh, face, and Alison Scott, who is a teacher, replied and wrote, saying wish they had a better scope. So Lipsa TikTok shared that and guess what? The superintendent of the schools replied and wrote this. This is unacceptable, SDE is investigating. We will not allow teachers to cheer on violence against Donald Trump. And then he issued a follow up saying, I have investigated enough. I will be taking her teaching certificate. She will no longer be teaching in Oklahoma. Man, what do you guys think about that? And Lipsa TikTok shared this, meet Sean Rupp, the mayor of Burnville, Pennsylvania. He reportedly said, try harder after the shooter missed. A position is going around to get him removed after he allegedly bragged about no one being able to kick him out of office. Our tax dollars fund his salary. So she shared what he had to say as well. Again, she shared a police sergeant in Dallas. Here's a picture. Lipsa TikTok wrote, Dallas police sergeant Arturo Martinez has been placed on leave for posting aim better after the attempted assassination. Yup. And in fact, he did say aim better on social media. And now he has lost his job. So here's what I will say about those three in particular and people are saying, this is cancel. These are people that are teaching your kids. This is the mayor. These people are taking our tax dollars. So yes, actually their rhetoric does matter. Would you want somebody teaching your children who wants or is applauding an assassination attempt on a former president simply for the crime of being conservative? That's the question. And the answer is obviously no. So when it comes to teachers, when it comes to politicians, I say, tell us absolutely everything because they are making real world decisions about how children in this country are going to grow up. They face all the problems that we face today, just what we were talking about with Gavin Newsom passing this bill. Yeah, it's relevant to know whether or not these teachers and these public figures, these mayors, people that are leading cities, have psychopathic thoughts, whether or not they harbor psychopathic tendencies when it comes to conservatives. So I'm totally fine with that. It's this next one that I think is actually a bit more controversial. So what Lipsa TikTok came across was a Home Depot employee who shared on Facebook as they were all shared on Facebook too bad. They weren't a better shooter, Darcy Waldron Pinkney wrote and she just shared it and tagged at Home Depot. Lipsa TikTok shared it and Home Depot replied and said, "Hi, this individual's comments don't reflect the Home Depot or our values. We can confirm she no longer works at Home Depot." Now, I feel differently about that because I believe that people have a right to a private life. This is not a person that is working in a public capacity. This is a person who is vile. This is a person who is disgusting. But does she have a right to post on her private pages? What she may or may not perceive as a joke, maybe she's like, "Too bad they weren't a better shooter." And she could say I was just joking. And then she finds out that she was just her job as an hourly employee at Home Depot. I don't know about that. I don't know about how I feel about that. I wouldn't have done it is what I will say. But I also understand people that are saying, "We've been too nice. We've been too proper." They literally just attempted to shoot Trump. Okay? So what are we going to do? Just be nice until we lose the country or are we going to start playing by their rules? Are we going to start leveling up and saying, "Okay, you've done this to conservatives for years. You've crawled and tried to find out who is a Trump supporter and make them lose their jobs on the basis that they were a MAGA hat and the basis that they showed up on January 6th to hear the president speak. Is it time to get our hands dirty and play by the same rules? I don't have an answer. I'm just asking you guys. I mean, I think, yeah, I think it has gone very far and we can't not face reality here and realize who we are fighting. These are people who would very much if they could have a war who do celebrate the death of Trump supporters. And there's no greater example of that than the streamer destiny I told you about. This guy gives me weird vibes. I met him. I thought it was very weird. He registered to be as someone who, like I said, could potentially have a very dark sexual black male attaining over him. I thought that was a feeling I got that's not a factor to be clear, but my gut is usually my gut is things are usually correct. Anyways, destiny I shared with you guys, the discussing stuff that he said. He was proud, owned it, said, yeah, I wish Trump had died. I wish Trump had gotten shot and I'm okay with that sort of a rhetoric. And now he is applauding the death of the firefighter, Corey Camparatorre, who was shielding his daughter and his wife and lost his life when the bullet misfired into the crowd. Well, here is destiny saying, F him. Take a listen. F*** it. F*** the dude. The firefighter guy. F*** Trump. F*** the people that support him. I just want you to know. Okay. Just in case you're confused or it seems like I'm you don't whatever. If one of you were in the crowd and you're a conservative fan of mine and you end up, you know, getting blown away or whatever the f***. I'm making fun of you the next day on Twitter. I am. 100. That's all this rhetoric. I can tell you he's definitely facing some real world consequences. Destiny has been banned from kick. That is the platform upon which he streams and makes money from. And also, Elon Musk banned him from advertising. So he can't earn any advertising revenue on Twitter or X as well. And he's basically saying, oh, look at this is the right. You guys say you care about free speech and now look at what you're doing. I would push back on that person foremost. We believe in his right to say what he said. No one is calling for his count to be banned on X. But X has rules in terms of advertising to keep things advertiser friendly. You cannot call for violence. And he did explicitly call for violence on the X platform as I showed you a few days ago. And so we believe in free speech. We also believe in consequences for your free speech. And so if you say something and, you know, you can no longer advertise somewhere, but nobody is banning your speech. No one is taking you off of X, then I don't think of this as a conflict. And to be clear, I can, I can not even process what sort of a monster you have to be to have read all about Corey and to have read his daughter's post about how much she loved her father to know that they are getting ready for a funeral unexpectedly, a man who loved his two daughters tremendously, loved his family and was a firefighter served his community. And what you say is I laugh at your death. I worry, I genuinely. I worry about the soul of an individual who can do that so explicitly, so callously and feel nothing. And I mean, there are tons of hideous figures all throughout American history. I mean, I personally, it was difficult for me to watch John McCain being celebrated after he lost his battle with cancer, knowing how much he had done in the Middle East in terms of the military industrial complex, how many families were broken up, how many kids are killed overseas to support the military industrial complex that made him wealthy, but the idea of celebrating his death as his family was mourning, that would make you a special kind of monster. And that is the reality is that destiny is a special kind of monster. And genuinely, you have to pray for people like that you have to pray for their souls. All right, guys. Now, destiny is ugly on the inside. I actually think it's ugly on the outside too. One of the things that women worry about a lot is whether or not our skin is looking beautiful. Can we be more beautiful on the outside? And I'm so happy to introduce you guys to a new sponsor of this show, because one of the big questions I get all the time is Candice, what is your skincare routine? And I have to tell you how seriously I take it that we had so many advertisers approach us about skincare. And I said to my husband, it is a sin to mislead women. You have to believe in a product that you are sending them and saying, put this on your face. I'm telling you that finally I found the company, I found the product. I use the skincare routine every single night. And I love them. They are called NIMI and I am I very simplified daily routine, cleanse, bright and protect. It's also super easy because their bottles come with numbers on them. I hate having to remember whether you're supposed to tone and they just have numbers. So you know, this is the regimen that you have to follow. It is luxury skincare products for all skin types. They offer again, cleansers, toners, moisturizers, serums, so much more, but the most important part of this and I care deeply about this is that they have a clean line. They sent that to me. I used it and they have all of these products that are free from fragrance. They are free from the chemicals that often just disrupt your skin's natural microbiome. And so I don't like heavy chemicals on my face. I like clean products. I think less is actually more and I just want to feel good about what I'm putting onto my face. Like, is this organic? Is this good? Or is this going to harm me over time? So they are an amazing company. They also have our values. They are unapologetic about the fact that they support faith, family, freedom and that they proudly support Christian and conservative causes. So what's better than that? I'll tell you, even better, everything is made in America. I'm not kidding. I was just like, how could this exactly what I dreamed in my head that I want to create one day? I'm going to create a skincare line. They actually are doing this. They stand against progressive beauty companies that back anti-American causes and they stand against them in the simple means by just making everything here in the USA, employing people here, making sure people are being employed here to make their products. So here's what you can do, guys. Take Nimi's skin quiz today to find the perfect routine curated to your exact skin type. Nimi's subscriptions make it super easy. It's a great way to save big and ensure that you always have the products that you need to consistently get results. So you can sign up for a subscription to save 15% on your routine and save an additional 5% using a code canvas at checkout and you'll also receive a free gift on every third order. So visit That's to elevate your routine, the same products I use on my face. I swear I would never lie, ladies, ever when it comes to skincare. You will save big on your order if you use code canvas at checkout. All right. Now let's get into some of your comments regarding episodes past. So Amber Rose, she obviously divided the conservative movement by appearing on the RNC stage. This local mojo boy wrote, "Conservatives don't need to be on the side of abortion. When people like Amber who are starting to wake up and are dipping their toes into the conservative pond, conservatives need to be more understanding." Yeah, I agree with that. I think that, like I said in my episode, everybody starts somewhere. She didn't get up there and pretend to be a Christian. She simply said what she believed at the time to be true and she believed that she was lied to by Donald Trump. And her signaling that to her very many tens of millions of followers online is in fact a good thing. If you have a gripe against the RNC for so quickly throwing her on stage without fleshing out more of her opinions and her beliefs, that's fine, but I think that going after Amber Rose just seems unfair and you're going to put her in this weird purgatory where she can't go back to the left and she's not allowed to make any friends on the right. I went through that weird purgatory and when people questioned who I was when I started making videos and I don't want to make it so that other people have to go through and it's just not fair. Regarding whether or not we believe the FBI's incredible story about this remarkable failure of intelligence and just in general, does anybody trust our intelligence agencies anymore as you dig deeper and deeper into their very sinister history? They've always been corrupt, always since their existence. They actually exist to be corrupt. It's like the gangs that became the government. Well, Jackson writes at this point, anyone who still trusts the FBI or the CIA is beyond. I agree. I would say they are sort of viable. Shannon adds, she writes, "I'm so glad to know that Americans are finally starting to wake up to the evil of our government. Me too, that is the reason why we all have to do our part to just quicken this awakening. I mean, share the video, start these conversations. You can see this mass awakening happening and the only way that we can make sure that the government doesn't win, that the deep state doesn't win is that we all have to do our part. We all have to share this information and we all have to be bold and be encouraged because there is, of course, more of us and there are of them." This individual is writing all the way from Syria. He's a Christian and he wrote this, "Canvas, I am a Christian from Syria and I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you. For speaking up for us Syrians and Middle Eastern, growing up in Syria, I experienced the horrors of war firsthand. As a teenager, I faced life-threatening situations. There were moments when survival seemed impossible and the constant fear took a heavy toll on my spirit. I am grateful to be alive today. I am now a student pursuing my education with dreams of a brighter future. Syria has a rich history that spans thousands of years, making it a cradle of civilization with some of the earliest human settlements. Damascus holds significant importance to the Christian faith, as is mentioned in the Bible. Jesus Christ walked its streets and Paul the Apostle experienced his dramatic conversion on the road to the city. Additionally, the head of John the Baptist is in the Umayyad Mosque in Old Damascus, part of my appreciation. In Syria, despite our diverse backgrounds and faiths, we are united by a common desire for peace and a better future. In the face of destruction and chaos, our communities have found we to support one another. We are human, just like everyone else, we dream of a world where peace and prosperity prevail, where children can grow up without the constant threat of violence and where families can thrive without fear. We seek and dream of a better economy, but the minimum wage isn't $30. Your advocacy brings us closer to this vision of a peaceful and a better future. Thank you for standing with us and for your unwavering support. I really love that comment so much, which is why I wanted to read it in its entirety and it is very true, guys, even nobody knows the heck America is doing in Syria, why we have people there that are bombing and it is true, actually Assad, who we have learned is so evil, has been protecting Christians. And yes, he works with Putin and Russia is a Christian country, and yet you see people here, the warmongers, who are trying to not have us view them as our Christian brethren. It's like I said, they want to convince Christians in the West to be okay as they destroy and bomb and murder Christians in the East. The more that I began looking into it, I very much believe that it has and will forever be a holy war. And as Tucker said, Americans began to be deluded about that. At some point following or during World War II, we were led to believe that these were political causes, political reasons we were bombing, old Christian structures, we wiped out the oldest Iraqi Christian civilization that took place during the Iraq war. It was like 2,000 years old. And we never hear about these stories because we're supposed to believe that we're dropping these bombs righteously and we're not. I think something way more demonic is going on, but I'm glad that we're talking about. I'm glad that we are speaking about it, and I'm glad that we are able to, while we still have free speech. And I believe in free speech radically, it is the only guard against a government that is becoming increasingly more corrupt. And generally, that's all the time that we have for today. See you tomorrow. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]