BTC Sessions

WHY ARE WE BULLISH: Jake Woodhouse, Humble Warrior, Dale Warburton ep423


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1h 31m
Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> What is going on everybody? Welcome to this show another Friday, another episode of Why Are We Bullish? We've got an awesome panel today, very excited to have all of our guests. We'll be bringing them in momentarily to get bullish with you on a Friday evening for us for some of them a Saturday morning. But we're going to be diving in in just a moment. I hope you guys are having a great beginning to your weekend. I'm very excited. We've got the sat market coming up here on Monday, which is Canada Day. So we've got 30 some odd merchants coming together in Calgary all accepting Bitcoin. We're going to be doing that and then we're going into the Bitcoin rodeo in my hometown. So lots of people coming in for that. Niko's going to be up here. We'll maybe do some shows live together in the same studio for a little bit. It's going to be a lot of fun. So anyways, of course this is live. So anything can happen, I defer to my friend Bill here. We'll do it live, do it live, I can go write it and we'll do it live thing sucks. And if you have not already, please do like, subscribe, share all those things. They help a ton getting this content in front of more eyeballs. I am Ben with the BTC sessions. This is your daily session. Before we bring in our guests, let's take a quick look at where we are in the market. I'm pulling up as well as the live chat. Everything you say into the chat from here on end will be live for the world to see for better or worse. Back to, we're sitting at $60,315 per coin. A single US dollar will snag you 1,658 sats. In terms of fees, next block, eight sats, same for any time. And in terms of Bitcoin mind, 19.71 million, which is 93.89% of the total supply, we're going to do a quick shout out to sponsor the show and then we'll dive right in. We'll see you in a sec. 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If you head over to their website, make sure you use code BTCSessions at checkout to get a nice discount. Links are in the show notes down below. All right, we are ready to bring in our guests and I'll pull them all up right now and then I'll do a round of introductions. So we're going to be bringing up Jake and Dale and Humble and welcome you guys all to the show. I'll do a quick round of introductions, a quick round of who are you and what do you do for anybody unfamiliar. I'll toss it over to Jake first, returning guests to the show, glad to have you back. Can you give yourself a little introduction, man? Yeah, sure. Ben, thank you so much for having me back on. It's awesome to be here, how the times change. So I'll explain a bit more exactly what I'm up to in my why are we bullish question phase. But as a brief introduction, I got into Bitcoin very heavily, probably circa 2020 and have a background as a private investor. I ran a podcast called Bitcoin with Jake and just an avid Bitcoin advocate. I've also done a bunch of MCing down here in Australia, so I did Bitcoin alive and also went to Bali and did an easy Bitcoin conference. So yeah, pumped to be on BTCSessions. Thanks for having me. Dude, glad to have you back. And one of these days I will get back down to Australia. I've not been for a Bitcoin event, hard to Bitcoin alive. Guys, chat to me a couple times, just so damn far, man. It's commission, mate. I grew up in England, so I know all too well the kind of long distance flight to get here. It's a long way. Yeah. Yeah. I did back back Australia back in the day when I was younger, but it's been some years, either way. I'll make my way. And in Singh, so I'll toss it down to Dale here for another intro. Dude, give yourself a little introduction as well. Yeah. Thanks for having me with the show, Ben. So yeah, background is obviously South African, living in Australia, got into Bitcoin in 2020. I was a former lawyer and spent about a decade in commercial interstate in 2020, it was Orange Pull, then went down the rabbit hole, COVID madness and all that jazz, got me into Bitcoin in a big way and started working a little bit in the world of crypto publications, would you believe it, where kind of my, I guess, my conviction deepened in Bitcoin, because I really saw how the sausage was made and eventually when I escaped the world of crypto publication, which wasn't fun, I launched a podcast and I'm, yeah, I've been running a podcast called The White Bitcoin Show for about 13 months now. And yeah, it's been the single base thing I've done in my sort of personal career, absolutely love it. And yeah, it really pumped to be here. Awesome, man. Well, thanks for joining, appreciate it, stoked to get chatting here. But let's do one last intro, humble, I'm tossing it to you. Give a quick intro. Who are you? What do you do? Hey, Ben. Thanks for having me. I'm humble and prior to getting to Bitcoin, I was a business owner of a home care agency. And I started that and sold it. So that was fun. I got into Bitcoin 2021 and it found me at the right time. And now I am on a new venture. I started two Bitcoin clothing brands and I have an online storefront. So the brands are sovereignty and making Nakamoto, the storefront is the orange habit. And I'm having a lot of fun with that. Oh, yeah. That's awesome to hear. All right. Well, great. We're going to dive right in here. Anybody watching that's unfamiliar, this is why are we bullish? Pretty simple premise to the show. Each one of us comes with a reason for being bullish in and around Bitcoin. And that reason can take many different forms, as I'm sure we'll see throughout the show. The flow of the show is pretty simple. Number one, somebody's going to drop their reason for being bullish. This is their chance to rant and get off their chest, whatever they're currently buzzing about. Number two, altogether, we're going to riff on that reason, comments, questions, whatever rabbit holes we decide to go down. And finally, number three, we're going to rotate to the next person until we've all had a turn. Reason, riff, rotate, nice and simple. And so I'm going to get us started today. And I've kind of got a two-pronged reason for being bullish. One of them, I'm not going to focus on for the whole time, but I'm having a mini celebration today, so I wanted to mention it. So I'll do that first. I guess do a mini reflection on eight years today of doing BTC sessions. So I posted my very first video on this day back in 2016 and have continued to make videos ever since. Nobody cared for a very long time. I remember watching tiny and beautiful views coming in and was very excited the first time so many commented on anything. And gradually watching it eke up to 100 subscribers and everything. And eight years later, and 1,500 plus pieces of content later, and almost 11 and a half million sets of eyeballs later on YouTube alone. Here we are. We do full Bitcoin epochs of making educational Bitcoin content. And here's to at least a few more. So yeah, thanks for everybody joining on the journey. It's been a hell of a ride and I wouldn't change it for anything. So that's my mini reason, but I'm going to put that aside. That's not my-- I can't just focus on that for my reason for being bullish. So I'm going to do a little bit more of a technical reason that I thought was kind of cool that came up today. And that was BTC Pay Server has integrated a Noster Wallet Connect plugin. So what this means is there's this standard called Noster Wallet Connect where you can plug in lightning wallets to Noster clients and have them interoperate and kind of be able to remotely pull payments or create invoices in totally different applications. And so this can be super useful in the realm of merchants because it makes it as simple as either running your own infrastructure and connecting that way or using kind of like a middle ground, something like a mutiny wallet where maybe there's some of the infrastructure running on servers, but it's still your keys and everything, or maybe there's some sort of a fetament server in between. Or you could be using something as simply as LB or other things that support Noster Wallet Connect as well. And so this allows you to if you maybe don't have the skill set or the time to invest into fully running a node and the balancing liquidity and setting up all your channels and all of that, you can still have a far greater degree of self sovereignty with some of these lightning service providers plugged into various wallet options and just connect that to BTC Pay Server and then use that as you're lightning, I guess you're lightning onboarding and accessibility when you're doing online stores or direct peer to peer at physical merchants with a little Bitcoin eyes machine or with your phone or whatever. But it just opens it up to merchants and makes lightning a lot easier. And I think we're going to see a lot of integrations begin to happen. And it's not just BTC Pay Server that is doing it. So I'll just kind of show really quick what they said here. But it's an open, as I mentioned, an open payment protocol lets wallets interact directly with apps for BTC Pay Server. It means a single interface that allows users to onboard from numerous Bitcoin wallets. They do a little bit of technicals of how to connect it and everything. But yeah, it just makes things a lot easier. There is a company called Pay With Flash that is already doing this where they've integrated it as well and so you can have a nice, clean interface and just plug in whatever lightning wallet you're using. And that becomes your payment gateway on your online store and you don't have to think anymore. And there's no custodian involved if you're using that type of wallet. And I've heard rumblings that Zaprite is maybe looking at using Noster Wallet Connect as well. So I just think that's really, really cool that the merchant side of dealing with lightning, even though there's a lot of kind of front facing ease of use that needs to be built out, the backend stuff is beginning to work together much better using the standard of Noster Wallet Connect. So I just love the idea that somebody would be able to, you know, use mutiny wallet and then just say, oh, just add that to BTC Pay Server and everything will go directly to my mutiny wallet or whatever they're using. I think that's really cool. So that's my second and full reason for being bullish. So I'm going to kind of open that up to you guys here in terms of, you know, if you've ever used Noster Wallet Connect, if, you know, if you've had experience in a merchant setting or no people in a merchant setting, obviously, whatever your input may be. So what are your thoughts on this? Firstly, Ben, can I just say congratulations on the ages, man, it's a, it's a testament to your commitment because as a content creator, I noticed sometimes I feel like I'm screaming into the ether and it takes time to get traction and it's an incredible amount of proof of work. I wanted to add one, two sets on that, huge congratulations. I think you're certainly one of the more respected people in the space and it's really just education, man, showing up every day. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. That's very kind of you. Awesome. I want to, I want to second that you were one of the first ones I heard about when I came into the space in 2021 where there were just raving reviews on how real you were and how you weren't trying to sell anything and you were just really helping people. The focus at that time in 2021 was a lot of the sign-in devices and trying to figure out, you know, how to use those and, of course, Bitcoin, Twitter at the time. It got very technical and very scary and which one should you use and you were very helpful and you were recommended highly time and time again. So you're a great asset to, shall I say, the community? I like to think it's a community, a community of Bitcoiners, so thank you. Thank you. Thanks. I appreciate it. I mean, kind words aside, I'm also curious to hear you are, so off the top of the show, you said that you're a merchant and you are, you know, you have a couple different shops, things like that. What has your experience been in and around the payment space and dealing with on-chain and lightning and all of that? What are you doing? What, you know, does this apply to you here? Well, you know, I'm kind of tied in with the platform that is hosting my storefront. So I've got the storefront, which is the orange habit and then the two brands and eventually I'll have all brands on there. You know, it's not just for my brands. I wanted to find a place for people to, you know, kind of centralize, even though it's a bad word in our space, but centralize the clothing search, you know, because when you're going to conferences, you're looking for things. So that being said, my, I'm using Squarespace and Squarespace has BitPay, which is wonderful. You know, they've got like a hundred wallets that you can choose from. You know, I went through there and strike is one of them, so that's nice. So I'm not quite sure, so long as I'm hosting the Squarespace that I would be able to utilize these other, you know, platforms or the other services, but it's, I mean, it's up and coming. You know, there's so many different ones popping up all the time, so it's good to see more of that happening. Yeah, it would, I would, I would say that, that it would be good if they took a look at it because it would just make it that much more versatile. I think eventually most, most merchant spaces or plugins or services will begin to look at a common standard there. And I hope that maybe, you know, Nostro Wallet Connect can, can be that, I mean, it seems to be working cross platform for a lot of different things. So we'll see how trends, but I like the interoperability that it's offering. So yeah, Jake, I want to toss to you as well. Any thoughts in and around any of this? So I'm just giggling because yellows popped up in the comments saying, I look like breed love with only long hair and no creatine. There's no creatine here, guys, I can tell you that, you're absolutely sure. Well, I mean, yeah, let me, let me have a crack. And you didn't need to have two points, like 11 million individual views on your YouTube channel, like drop the mic, you know, we're done, we can, we can pack the show up. It's incredible. Well done. And as Dale said, like the, the, the amount of work that goes into creating content is often like an unsung process. And so it just takes true dedication. And for those of us that have, you know, really fallen down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, we have come to understand this phrase, proof of work, you know, like nothing valuable exists without some form of scarcity that requires proof of work. And I just noticed you're sitting at 330,000 subscribers, fucking bang. That's been done out of proof of work. And, and it's funny because you start to see that concept everywhere in terms of like, what do I hold valuable or what do I not find valuable in life? To riff off the, the tech you just mentioned, um, I come a Bitcoin from a kind of store of value perspective and an investor. And the, the day that I saw the diagram that was like, imagine all the future value of the world being built on this one foundation, you own a piece of that network. And you're like, fuck yeah, that's incredible. Rather than owning Facebook and Amazon and Google and whatever other growth stock, you know, pops up, you can just own this one thing that you can actually then have in self custody that is going to be a portion of all future value generated. And it's a big penny drop moment. And so when you then talk about these more intricate layers that are higher above, it just completely hammers home that initial thesis and, um, you know, you may not own equity in those companies, those companies may struggle to even create good revenues and, and even turn a profit. But in some ways, it doesn't matter because you own the underlying asset that is Bitcoin. So I mean, those, those two points you bring up are unbelievably bullish, 11 million individual sets of eyeballs, incredible. And then also just the development of the infrastructure on top of Bitcoin that ultimately will add huge value to it, which is really incredible to see. Well, yeah, yeah, I'm, I'm at, you know, after eight years of playing around with different tools and things being built, I remember when I started and I said, oh, I'm doing Bitcoin tutorials. Like the most common question I got asked was, are you going to run out of things to do? Like, are you're going to run out of things to cover? I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that the list of things to cover is growing far faster than I can ever hope to cover it. And that's a good problem to have. And because of that, we're seeing a ton more educators pop into the space as well. And that's also bullish as hell. So yeah, I mean, all around, it's, it just makes me happy to see people curious to learn, but also people building cool stuff for those people to learn and use. Yeah. So I guess I can put a little bow on, on that topic there, barring any last minutes, things that you guys need to get off your chest there. But otherwise, I'll, I can do a little rotation here. So with that, I'm trying to decide which direction I'm going to go. I think maybe I'm going to, I'm, I might go down to Dale first, I think, to, I'll let, you know what, I know Dale and Jake, you guys might have similar things. Should I be going with one person first or the other or does it matter? It doesn't matter. Okay. Then I'll go, I'll go, I'll go Dale. What does it? Or is Dale about to say it does? All right. I've actually got something different. I've got something different. I'm going to surprise you. Okay. All right. Is it going to, it's not going to spoil Jake's. Is it? Okay. Cool. Let's, let's go with Dale's. And then, and then Jake will, we'll come back to you in a little bit here. Brilliant. So obviously I guess I'm thought to this and I'd like to take kind of a, a bit of a different route. If you look at, I guess, on, you know, in the current affairs, um, I think the thing that I'm most bullish about is that politicians are talking about Bitcoin and says that we are a big enough constituency for them to care. And I can 100% see a candidate in the next decade who comes here, now comes along and says, Hey, I'm going to make Bitcoin legal tender, no capital gains tax. And guess what? You've got a hundred million like single issue voters and boom. So that's where I see all this going. But that's not what I thought I want to chat about in terms of kind of what I'm bullish about. I wanted to talk kind of on a, on a philosophical level, if I can take us there, if you don't mind. So I think when you think about Bitcoin, when I explain to people, kind of what it's a barely proposition, it's really two things, number go up, excuse me, and freedom go up. And so I think often we downplay the number go up side thing as a Bitcoiner. And often distinguish a Bitcoin from a Bitcoin investor is the Bitcoin and investor just cares about number go up, whereas Bitcoin is care about both the freedom go up and the number go up. So if I just kind of jump into the number go up side, it's of course the fastest horse in the race, as far as I'm concerned, it's like materially de-risk since I actually got it in 2020. It looks to me like a combination of Apple, Facebook, Amazon's IPOs combined, but you don't have the execution risk or the competition risk. There's no second best, there's no competition. You know, it's, it's absolute digital scarcity, it's the best and it's the first and best attempt at digital scarcity. And I don't think we'll ever see anything like it again. And so I think the risk reward ratio is incredibly skewed, it's asymmetric. And you know, if you're effectively at the worst doubling your money or you're purchasing power every four years, I think that's incredibly compelling. And the reason why I say that is the more you put into Bitcoin, obviously the more you learn about Bitcoin, the more you'll put into Bitcoin and the more wealth you'll accrue. And it's not just about accruing wealth for the sake of it, it's about, well, what can we do with that? And so like on a personal level, I'm super, that Bitcoin speaks to me in the sort of greedy capitalist side of me because it's like, I want to do good because I don't think governments are very good at educating resources. And for some reason, I believe Bitcoiners are going to be much more efficient capital educators in the future in driving change and creating a world that we want to see. And so when I think about storing my wealth in Bitcoin, I can't wait to have fucking money because I don't want to buy things, I don't want to buy new cars and yachts and all that kind of, or trinkets and consumerism and all that stuff. I want to do amazing things, I want to create a legacy, I want to make an impact. And I think Bitcoin enables us to do that like nothing before, and it's like this generation's opportunity to buy property as opposed to the boomers who bought real estate at three times medium income, we get to buy Bitcoin and at worst it doubles every four years, you just have to ride the volatility. So super bullish on number go up and there's been nothing that I've seen over the last four years, there's damp enthusiasm and especially after the last 18 months with the institutions coming in, that little bit alone just makes me uber bullish. And so that's kind of one part, guys, of what I'm super pumped about. I love that, it's again, and you contrast that to the idea of just sitting in your local currency. It's like a clip of some dude the other day, and the exact opposite experience where you're saying like, well, at worst, you're probably going to double your purchasing power every four years. He looked at a two-year-old Walmart purchase of groceries, it was on his online cart, and it had 46 items in it, and at the time he paid $126 or something like that. And then there was a button that said, reorder all, and he wanted to see how much it would cost two years later, and he hit it, and it was well over $400 for the same items, for the exact same items inside of two years, it's insane. So what you're saying, oh, you're going to double your purchasing power in a couple of years, and if you don't do it, in his case, if he's especially if he's living hand to mouth, anything that he did save, he's losing purchasing power by 2/3, 3/4, in the past couple of years here. I know that's not constant, but it's not looking good either way. So yeah, what choice do you have? You gamble on stocks that are massively overvalued, you maybe stand still with gold, or you actually maintain an increased purchasing power with something like Bitcoin. So yeah, I don't know. I'm curious to hear the takes of Humble and Jake here as well, so either of you can jump in. I'll jump in real quick. So have we fact checked that that Walmart thing, because inflation, I'm pretty sure Biden said last night, there's no inflation that we haven't been dealing with that at all. So we really should be doing some fact checking, or I know guys, seriously, let's verify this. That's all I have to say on that. That's what I was thinking, like, oh, come on, oh boy, yeah, that was crazy though. It really is. I mean, it's tremendous, and that's something that we talk about a lot, because let's face it, we're all dealing with it. Grocery bills are insane, the bigger your family is, the more you are doing some cutbacks. So it's tough times. It's aggravating as hell, too, when you see politicians doing victory laps, saying things like, oh, inflation, like we've got in Canada, we've got the deputy prime minister, which is the equivalent of the vice president. But a couple months ago, she was smugly on TV, well, you know, how about our inflation rate has come down to 2%, and I think we should all be so excited, not at all noting that inflation is cumulative. So what she really means to say is, hey, guys, guess what, prices are going up but less fast. Like she's congratulating herself on everybody being entirely fucked, but like, you're going to be slightly, you're going to be fucked at a slower rate from the next few months at least. Come on. I don't know. Jake, what do you think here? Well, Ben, that story reminds me. So in the UK, there's about to be a, just where I grew up, there's about to be a general of action, and the current prime minister is this guy called Rishi Sunak. And there's a video, and it's literally him with an iPhone, just like having his coffee in the morning. I mean, the production attempt is like minimal. I don't know if they're doing it to try and be like friendly maybe, I don't know, but oh, you know, since I've taken control of inflation and it's just the same thing, right? We've got inflation under control. We're amazing. Now you've got to vote for us. And I think what's fun, actually, just to riff off Dale's, I love listening to Dale talk about this. It doesn't fuck around. He's like, this is going to happen, and you can feel the confidence. You can actually feel it. And people that watch those videos of politicians and go, Oh, I'm saved. What gets their attention? I don't know. And we've got a hell of a lot of work as Bitcoiners to do to grab their attention. But one thing that works for me is that sense of confidence is like people have more optimism and of course they do because you can better plan for the future. Instead of having your savings cut in half, you're actually doubling your purchasing power. And it's actually something I talk about a lot again as an investor is people within the investment advisory space, they don't talk about the word purchasing power. And so you can go into these meetings with these people and they'll be like, here's your results for this year. What a marvelous job we've done and they'll deliver you like, you know, 3% or 4% or heaven forbid, like, you know, once I got a minus 8% in terms of the capital value and you're like minus 8 and you've still been paid 1% and your buddies with their funds have still been paid 1%, this is a shit show. And then what about inflation? Well, the real inflation rate was like over 10 and suddenly it just anyway, all these things stack up to make me completely mad about how the status quo system is essentially lying to everyone every single day. But then I like to listen to people like Dale, who just cut through that and you go, okay, that makes me feel better. And I think that's a very good approach for a lot of those people that would still like trust a politician and go, I'm saved, you know, I'm going to vote for that person. So it's, yeah, I guess it's like a, it's like what we all talk about, the orange pill, right? It changes the way you look at the world and one of the ways to bring people on that journey is just to kind of share the energy and I love seeing that. This is kind of also one of the first times where for the people that get it, that understand the problem and see the solution, we don't have to necessarily convince everyone to affect enough change to escape it. We can just use our own individual actions to shelter ourselves from it and then use that as instruction to others to say, hey, look, my life is getting better and easier over time. Why is that, you know, and so we don't need, we don't need to rally politicians, we don't need to coax people in positions of power to make changes on monetary policy and be more responsible. We just need to opt out of what they're doing peacefully and you know, we can shelter ourselves from that and then we can also show others that we care about how to do that as well. And hopefully they heed the warning and shelter themselves from it too. But it's very unique whereas before, you know, you kind of had to figure out how to play the game that was being played. You had to figure out, okay, if you did get that the whole system was predatory, you had to capitulate and say like, all right, everybody, you know, more or less, in order for some people to succeed, a bunch of others are getting screwed and having wealth extracted from them, you know, either I'm on the shit end of that stick, or I'm going to have to figure out how to play that game and be the extractor. And that's no longer the case. You can just kind of sidestep it and say like, hey, I'm going to, I'm going to try and provide value for others. I'm going to spend less than I earn. I'm going to save in money that can't be printed by another man. So you know, it's this nice easy formula for life. I think if you can manage to provide value for others and you can, you know, have good spending habits, then you can hopefully make it work. So I don't know, Dale, is there anything else based on what Humble and Jake or myself said that you want to tag on there? Is that pretty much encapsulate what you wanted to get out? It is largely what I wanted to say. I think, you know, what you've all sort of been insinuating to is that there are various forms of gas lighting that are going on, whether it relates to inflation and not disclosing how inflation actually is calculated, how there's hedonic adjustments, how they exclude volatile items like energy, I mean, you know, for God's sake, what's the point then, you know, if we're not going to include energy. And then the traditional financial sector, it's just, it's so ripe for disruption. And it just feels to me, and this is kind of my spidey senses, but there's just the growing global consciousness that the so-called, I call them the anointed, not the elite, that the anointed are starting to realise they need to listen to the little people. And because it's not working as well as it used to. And you know, you've seen the populism arising kind of, whether it's the social side, whether it's the sort of inner arriving stuff, it doesn't matter, people are fed up with the status quo. And, you know, I think gradually people are going to start realising that there is something like Bitcoin that preserves their purchasing power and prevents people from being able to do things like, you know, stop their financial transactions. And, you know, you guys saw it in Canada with the truckers, you know, you've got people and places like, like, Afghanistan, who's to no fault of their own, are just unable to store their energy in a currency that actually lasts. They have to, they're sort of at the whims of corrupt politicians. And, you know, Bitcoin does offer so much hope. And it's not about persuading 51% of people. It's, I do subscribe to Corey Clipson sort of intronsigan minority. And you just need this small group of vocal Bitcoiners who are principled. And I think gradually, yeah, gradually people are going to be joining the team. I want them to join the self custody team, not the ETF team, but, yeah, that's all I have to say about that there. Yeah, yeah, you can't spend your ETF, you can't live under ETF, so get it. Get your Bitcoin I/O use out of there and get the real stuff, I think. But, yeah. Awesome. So, let's put a bow on that topic as well. And we're going to be diving into another rotation here. I got to do a quick little 30 second shout out to one other sponsor and we'll be right back. Humble, you get your reason ready and we'll see you in 30 seconds here. See you guys soon. Trading and lending, instant self custody and no KYC, PODL HODL is the place to be. You can sign up with just an email address and once you're there, you can start browsing offers immediately whether you're looking to buy and sell or whether you're looking to lend or borrow. You can check them out today at the links down below. All right, right back in is a quick one and we're going to, I think I'm going to go Humble first and then Jake, if that's okay by you guys, is that all right? All right, awesome. So Humble, I'm going to toss it to you, I'll queue you up with the exact same question everybody gets. Why are you bullish? I'm bullish on Bitcoiners and it's, you know, it's a lot about what we kind of just talked about, you know, the same topics of discussion. We're talking about politics a little bit. But for me, what I see with Bitcoiners is something I, you know, I've not experienced in my life before, you have this sense of camaraderie, of this sense of accountability, of the sense of seeking the truth and offering tough love at the same time. You know, we, there's tough love with each other, there's tough love with people who, you know, will label them as normies, right? People that are out there that aren't familiar with Bitcoin yet. We educate each other, you know, it's just, it's a community of people who really, truly care about each other, they care about this, the revolution. You know, yes, there's number go up, but I truly believe that at the heart of all of this is this desire to pass on what you've learned, you know, we're not going to just hold this to ourselves because how could you, you know, that would be so selfish? We have to let other people know because we found out, you know, maybe we were, I mean, we're all victims of the system, but maybe we were really absorbed in the system and we were listening to those politicians and they met us, you know, we were feeling more and fuzzy and you just really want to kind of get uncomfortable with each other about with people that we consider normies and, you know, say, okay, well, this is, this is really what's going on, you know, and yeah, so I, it's just, I'm really bullish on this community of people that really, truly care about others. I like that it's being a Bitcoin is pretty unique. Okay. Like you can even just waltz into any city on earth pretty much. And if you know where the Bitcoiners are at, you've got, you've got connections already and you can just kind of get together with somebody and you almost leapfrog the small talk phase because you know that you have a connection on a deeper level. You know that, you know, a good subset of your values are going to coincide and you have something to relate to the person already. And I love that like you can just, you know, I have been to a lot of places and like just finding the locals and just hanging out and getting to see and hear their stories and their aha moments and, and how they've come to it. And, and also how their thinking has changed since being exposed to Bitcoin because holy hell it rewired my brain for sure. I was, well, we'll just summarize and say I was lost, I lacked understanding in a number of things that have since drastically changed and a lot of my values as well. I think, I think I still wanted things like, I wanted humanity to prosper and thrive as much as possible, but the way that I thought it should be done has completely changed. Like I think in general most people, maybe not all, but most people still want humans to do well and be happy and be fruitful and lead happy lives. But I think there's a lot of people that are just have been very lost on how to, how to attain that. And, and once you see it, it's really hard to unlearn what you've learned. You kind of don't go backwards once your eyes have been opened, I think. But Jake, I'm, I'm curious your thoughts here and then maybe today after. Oh, I mean, as always a ton of thoughts, it's hard to, it's hard to kind of hone in on the most useful one, but humble, I mean, great point, it's, it's quite extraordinary. The experience of diving down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, and it does change you. A recent phrase that really resonates is Bitcoin doesn't change, but you change. And so many things start to suddenly make sense, but it didn't make sense before. And that can be in economics. I went to university, did a business management degree, studied like, you know, pretty high level economics. I never really enjoyed it and never really understood what the fuck I was talking about. And suddenly I'm reading about value as subjective and the Austrian School of Economics, the most saleable good. And you're like, holy hell, this actually makes sense. What the hell's going on? And shout out to the Wizard of Oz, actually. So one of the founders of a event here called the Bitcoin Bush bash, which I first went to probably 2021, but all the lockdown craziness was going on. And basically three friends got together and said, look, let's bust through the state borders when they open and have a meetup and talk about Bitcoin in the middle of nowhere. And they put it online. And before you know it, they had 30 people in a tiny town in New South Wales. Is that right, Dell? Murmurundi's when it started? Yes. That's the first location. Yeah. And I went to one then in Victoria, which is down in Melbourne. But he makes the great point, which is that Bitcoin is a Bitcoin social layer. So the network itself is nothing without the people that use it. And what's extraordinary is how as you use it, you change. And so I absolutely buy into the fact that the community of people that you see today in the Bitcoin space, hold what will one day be the central set of morals and ethics, productivity, focus and providing value. And that's what society will look like in the future. And you only get to realize that when you look at how inevitable Bitcoin actually is, and even Ben's point at the start about the interoperability of some software companies that are building products, it's like a snowball running down a mountain is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and faster and faster and faster. And eventually it's just going to explode and no one's going to be able to not use it. And a big part of that is how it affects us as people. And we feel better. Like we're more optimistic. We're more fun. We're more relaxed. And it's like, bring it on, basically. So yeah, very bullish. I love that. Yeah. I'd side note, Wizard of Oz, he, one of my fondest Bitcoin memories that I have. And that's saying a lot because there's been a lot of great experiences over the years, but I went to Baltic Honey Badger in 2019 in Riga Latvia. And I had stupidly been out all night. It was the morning and they had breakfast at the hotel. And I'm like, I better grab some food before I go back. And so I saunter in and I'm going to breakfast and it was Wizard of Oz and Canoot's Fan Home sitting there having breakfast. So I sat there with him and I was like, hey, go quiet chat about nothing. Yeah. And I figured I'd just have a quick bite and then I go crash. We sat there for like three hours talking, just talking about everything and where this thing is going and the implications. And yeah, it was just like this conversation just went everywhere. And it was just such a nice, intimate, like really connecting with these two guys on another level. Yeah. You know, one of those moments where, you know, it was just such a fond memory. So anyways, if you chat to them, let them know and say, hey, it'll be awesome and Dale, I'll talk to you. On Thursday. Oh, perfect. Perfect. Yeah. Well, tell them I say hi. Yeah. Awesome. And you go ahead. Yeah. So there's so much there. There's so much great stuff there from both Jake and Humboldt. I mean, you know, if I think about what Bitcoin has done to me over the last four years, it's kind of totally rewired my brain. And I tell people this quite often, but it really resonates with my soul. Because as a person who's always been kind of the black sheep, I think differently, anti-authoritarian, and deliberately so, I'm disagreeable, not just for the sake of it, but because I question everything. And I remember in third grade, my teacher saying the rhino was extinct. And I'd literally seen one with my family in the bush like a month before. And I said, no, it's not. I saw it. And she's like, Dale, please. And you know, that's just been my inclination. And so I discovered my Bitcoin tribe online in 2020. And this all coincided with lockdowns and all this kind of stuff, which I just found kind of deplorable being a South African unable to travel back to my friends and family. And so I started out as a total limb, ship posting, bitching and moaning. And what I actually found was by connecting people with people in real life and putting some skin in the game by actually being Dale, not by some sort of anonymous Bitcoin fellow on Twitter. I got so much value because to your point earlier than you cut through all the riffraff and you kind of just go straight to the meat and potatoes of it and kind of go, okay, we can speak the same language to any extent. And like, I'd be the last person to pretend that somehow I just agree with all Bitcoiners. I think Bitcoiners are, they generally are different. And so we're going to think differently. And that's fine. And I'm really happy to have like debates and discussions with people. It'd be weird if we all thought the same, to be honest, but it's so amazing to be surrounded by people who question stuff. And once you've understood kind of your question money, your question food, your question medicine, your question how the education system works. And that's what we all have in common. And so, you know, I'm having a, I'm having a child, well, I'm not actually physically giving birth, although I could identify as that person, but I'm having a child in too much. Right. And so who am I going to speak to? I'm going to speak to Bitcoiners about some of the sort of health decisions. I'm not going to go and speak to the Australian government like, Hey guys, what do you think? And it just speaks to where I believe the signal is like, Bitcoiners do the work and I have incredible confidence and trust that, you know, they don't get everything right. But there's just this amazing kind of willingness to learn and dig deeper. And that's what makes me so pumped to be a Bitcoiner and surround about Bitcoiners. So yeah, that's a great point, Campbell. Are you saying that you don't want the state to raise your child? Why not? I'm an extremely right, I think. That's great. I thoroughly enjoy that. Humble, I don't know if you have any, anything else after the, the gents had their reply. I mean, we could be here for a couple of hours if you get me started. So I think it's, I'll just say those are very good points and congratulations on the, the birth of your, it was your son, right, that you're, you're having blanks. I got it. Oh, okay. And two months. Two months. So it's the first. That's about 140. So get going. Congratulations. Okay. That's awesome. I was, I was, I'll say that I was, I think relieved to have a daughter first. I don't know that I was mentally prepared for a rambunctious boy to be, you know, like the son that I have now. I don't know if I would have mentally been prepared to, to be thrown straight into the deep end like that. So you know, I liked the daughter first and she's become very maternal to my younger son. So that dynamic actually worked out pretty well, in my opinion, but, you know, anyways, with that, we'll put a bow on that topic. Humble. Thank you for that. I appreciate it. And that we're going to do our final rotation and Jake, I am tossing it to you. I will cue you up with the same question everybody gets. Why are you bullish? Such a good question. And love the show. Thank you for having me on Ben. So I want to talk about entrepreneurial spirit. So forgive me for being quite, it's hard to put your finger on exactly what that is. But I'll try and do that with a personal story that then tees up where we're at. And it's making me feel slightly anxious actually even retelling it because it was a real roller coaster. But this time of year ago, if you told me that I would be starting the business that is launching today, I would have said you were completely fucking mad. And the reason for that is I was a, I was starting another business. I was the co-founder and managing partner of managing, oh, sorry, I was one of the co-founders and equity partners in a business called the Bitcoin Advisor. And as part of promoting the launch of that company, I joined Ben on his BTC session, Why Are We Bullish, early September last year, and 48 hours after that show, for a number of different combined reasons, I believe, I was no longer part of that founding team. And it was brutal, a couple of phone calls shouted out, and that was it. So friendship down the toilet, and a very, very disappointing end to what was something very, very promising. I will never fully know why that experience actually happened, and I don't have to respect it either. But what I have learned is that you have to accept these things, and that I have done. And so the resentment that can sit in people is like a glue for frustration and lack of creativity. And until you kind of move through that, opportunities do not appear, and things don't feel right, and it doesn't go as you plan. And so it's been a tough one to take, right? If it felt as old school as, you know, getting picked for the team that you wanted to be on in the playground, and then being kicked out of the team that you wanted to be on in the playground, like super basic relationship difficulties that bring up all sorts of emotions. Anyway, as I was kind of working through this, I took some guidance from a number of different coaches and mentors, and shout out to those guys, in particular Mark Moss and Samma, the spiritual guy that I was using at the time, doing lots of meditation. And out of the ashes has come another opportunity, and it arrived initially in a DM from Ben. Probably January or so of this year going, "Hey, Jake, you want to check out this thing I'm working on?" And it was called Bitcoin Mentor, and I was like, "That's pretty cool." And so I kind of popped my email address in and started looking at it, and then I got a video message, or I got a DM from Mike, and he said, I said, chat to me on signals. I got a video message from Mike, and he's talking me through who he was, and why he was building the Bitcoin Mentor, and how he really liked me, and how I fitted into his expansion plans. And really, that was the creative spark that began what is now going to be Bitcoin Mentor Australia. So as of today, we are launching a new business over in this side of the world. Thank you, Ben. Thank you, Mike, and Dale will be doing it with me. So with the four of us as the core team, we're building out the company here in Oz. And it really reflects actually something that I really wanted to build, which is a kind of education-focused consultancy company selling expertise from the best in the business, like 11 million different eyeballs, eight years of work. There is no man that has not turned over more stones digging around in Bitcoin than you been. So it's an absolute pleasure to get to partner with you and begin this next part of the journey. But to kind of round it off, the entrepreneurial spirit is in all of us. And it only comes out when you go through shit times, and you have to go through them to get to the positive times. And so as much as it's like, that sucks, that fucking sucked, I accept that it happened. And only through doing that can you move on. So we've already touched on the characteristics of Bitcoiners. And frankly, we are right on the cusp of the risk curve in terms of, you know, if you're adopting this stuff with your capital, most people think you're fucking mad. Now I happen to think it's the best decision I could possibly have made in the world, and that is information arbitrage. And it just so happens, I'm very, very lucky to have dotted together a number of experiences that mean I understand what Bitcoin potentially is and the value it delivers today. But on top of that, when you throw in your time and your expertise and your energy, you are all in on this thing. And of course, friendships are made. And of course, friendships break because you're trying hard new things. And that is the entrepreneurial spirit. So full respect, anyone out there that's trying something new, it's not easy, things can go wrong, and there are twists in the journey you will never ever expect, at which point I'll pass it back to you guys. But I'm unbelievably bullish on that, that trait of people. Well, Jake, I will say that I'm very, very happy that, you know, through a difficult time that, you know, I feel like it's just kind of come full circle. And I'm beyond excited to be working with you guys in, again, in terms of, you know, when you're talking about being able to educate people, because that's been obviously a passion of mine the entire time in Bitcoin and to have people that share that passion and align with them is super important. And if there's one thing that we know, it's that most of the world has no idea and no understanding of Bitcoin, which means there's a lot of people to educate. You know, I love being able to put out, you know, 100% free material that people can sort through all the time. But sometimes people really do want, you know, an extra helping hand, some one-on-one help and everything. And, you know, I was, I was getting to the point where I was so busy that I just, I couldn't, you know, there's only so many hours in the day. Time is the only thing more scarce than your sats. And so, you know, and it's through Mike and through getting together with you guys. And, you know, some other stuff down the line that we're, I hope to, you know, that we're all able to put in that work and help the people that need the extra help that maybe the online tutorials keep me, you know, aren't quite scratching that itch for them. Well, yeah, I think if anybody to work with them, I'm super glad that I can work with both you guys. So, yeah, I don't know, Dale, if you want to tag on there, given that very much pertains to you as well. Yeah, no, I feel very blessed and privileged to be part of this all. And I think we've got an absolutely cracking team. I've got so much to learn from you guys. And, you know, as someone who first discovered Bitcoin in 2020 and became obsessed with it, I've been thinking long and hard about where I can add value. What can I do in this space? And incidentally, I mentioned actually on an episode in my part that's coming out, and in the next few days, I created a consultancy in 2020, 2021. It just was unsuccessful because, A, I don't think I had any proof of work, and B, I don't think the market was there. I don't think there was sufficient mainstream consciousness or awareness around Bitcoin and what it can do for you. So, you know, I've said it before, but I'm incredibly bullish about a couple of areas within Bitcoin from an entrepreneurial perspective. I think Bitcoin back loans is huge, but the other is Bitcoin education. And it's something that I'm incredibly passionate about because I get, I got really pissed off when I started seeing how taken advantage of I was by traditional finance. Like, we've got what we call here a superannuation or pension scheme, right? And in South Africa, we at least had the ability to go and ask them, "Hey guys, what are you investing in? Tell me about your top 10 holdings in this particular fund. In Australia, they said that's proprietary." So, in other words, I get told that I'm investing in quote-unquote international stocks, but you won't even tell me which. Is it Nvidia? Or is it Boeing? What are we doing here guys? And so, it pisses me off that we've got these intermediaries clipping the tickets, adding fuck all value, when we've got something like Bitcoin, where I converted my superset last year and I'm up 112%. So I think I want to help empower people. I'm all about financial empowerment and financial literacy, and I think understanding Bitcoin is part of that. And so, I'm super passionate to be involved in this particular business. And yeah, I mean, it's really come full circle for me because I was figuring out, like, what can I do with my time? How can I, you know, it's hard to compete as a podcaster with your self-bend, with eight years of work. If you're talking about like a finite pool of people, you've got people like you, Nat Brunel, Peter McCormick, like, "I'm going to be the long tail of nobody," right? And that's not a Bible. That's not going to be a business. That's not a career. That's kind of a passion project, but to be involved with something like this and especially being able to lean on kind of your expertise and best practices then is matter to dream because I first dug into self custody in 2020 and it was your videos that got me going. So, yeah, full circle. And the last thing I'll say and then I'll stop talking is nothing worthwhile is easy. And, you know, I have a completely different experience to Jake in terms of difficulties, but in my fear of life, I've had to battle and fight to get everywhere I am. And it's all made me who I am today and I wouldn't do it any other way. And so I think that's just part of life. You know, we can't appreciate the good things in life without hardship. And so we all go through different forms of that and this for me is the combination of a lot of proof of work for me personally and I'm very proud and part. It's exciting, man. Well, again, love the sentiment, stoked to be working with you guys. And just again, general excitement about education, like there's so much work to do. There's so many people that are, and we're on the cusp of, I think, a lot more people being curious when something like Bitcoin, wherever you may sit on the political spectrum, becomes a political issue. That's a lot of people wondering why the hell is this, why the hell is this being debated about what's going on here, like there's curiosity because of it. So yeah, there's going to be no shortage of people to assist along the way. Hummel, I know that Jake's specific reason may not be directly pertaining to you, but in a broad sense in regards to education and where we're at right now and where things may be going. Do you have any general thoughts based on your personal experiences and around new people coming in? What needs to be addressed? What needs to be done? Well, I wouldn't mind actually addressing Jake and what he was talking about as an entrepreneur. I know the coin statement would be, "I'm sorry that you went through that," but in my opinion when you go through these things and you know this, it's a growth opportunity. And through that pain, it's like how many times do you have to fail to be able to figure out what it is that you're going to do or you're meant to do? And that oftentimes is a lot of soul searching and these failures and you think you're doing the right thing at the time, but that's not it. And sometimes it takes something pretty tragic and it is painful at the time to go through that to find your place and to find your true passion. And I think when it comes to education, both of my parents were educators. And the true form of payment in life is someone coming to you and saying, "You made a difference in my life because you taught me this or you were there for this or you showed me this perspective. You were looked at it that way because that's what life is all about. We're not here for ourselves. We're here for other people to help other people grow. And you only do that through your experiences." So yeah, I mean, I think it's this initiative that you guys are undertaking is awesome. And I look forward to seeing it. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you. Yeah, it's funny, isn't it? You have to reflect, obviously, in that it takes two to tango. And it's the positive and the negative, the yin, the yang, the hot, the cold. You don't really know why it happens, but it's important that it does. And that self-reflection process is really hard because you have to take some responsibility on yourself. It's not all someone else's fault that you felt like that or something turned out how it did. It's more than going to be 50% your fault. And you have to stomach that and it's like, "Ah, I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, you know? And for months, you can sit there stewing about it." And that's just completely unhelpful. So to your point, yeah, it's cool how that process plays out, isn't it? And it wouldn't be the first time in my entrepreneurial career that things have gone wrong. I mean, it's happened tons of time before, and it'll happen again in the future. But again, it's that whole process, isn't it, of continuing to push, continuing to try, dust yourself out, get back up and have another crack. And I guess a point that didn't come through earlier, which is another reason to be insanely bullish, is one can be more creative, take more risk, and try more difficult things when Bitcoin is in existence because we have a sound money, we have a savings technology. Your life's battery is better charged than it's ever been before. And so these processes we go through, I just only see them picking up in volume, right? Why wouldn't they? People would start doing even crazy things than before. And I've heard Bitcoin described as the critical piece of the puzzle for a true digital renaissance. And it wasn't until I started thinking about that, that actually it really made sense. And I tried to say that right now was a renaissance in investing because there was so much information that the retail investor could access, it was like the best time to invest ever. And the person that taught me this pushed back, said, no, the money system's completely broken. Until you understand that, you realize that you're investing in nothing, essentially. Or as Jack Manner so well said in his BTC Prague video that I watched last night, there is no spoon to quote the Matrix scene. So yeah, fascinating times and very excited about the future. Love it. Awesome. All right, well, I think that's a great way to round out that topic as well. We'll put a little ball on it. And I guess everybody can stay tuned when it comes to the coin mentor and the coin mentor in Australia and all the things, all the education coming down the line. And yeah, so I'm going to start rounding out the show. But there's a way that I'd like to usually round out these shows. And what I like to do to finish out is do a quick round of any final thoughts you may have just based on any of the topics discussed, anything that you last minute want to get off your chest. But more importantly and secondly would be if you have a recommendation for the people watching and this can take many different forms. It could be, for somebody to go check out maybe a video we watched a book you read, an article, something like that, it might be a new app or device that you think is kind of cool for people to check out, or it could even just be a general piece of life advice that you think people could benefit from that you've learned. And so I'll get it started and then you guys can kind of stew in the background about what you might want to throw out there. But in terms of final thoughts here, again, I think the reason that people continue to come to Bitcoin and this space continues to grow and we have larger and larger circles of friends and acquaintances and businesses and all of these people that are the brain drain that's happening is it's an ethos and it's a system that works and benefits everyone. And so Dale, as you said, not all of us always agree on everything, that's obvious. And that's inevitable in a system that can benefit anyone and everyone that is willing to put in some work and create value for others. And that can take many different forms, but at the end of the day, it's clear that there's something here. It's clear that after 15 years and continued growth and excitement and I don't see people dropping off like flies once they come into Bitcoin. You get the odd person that may capitulate and rage quit if they're a controlling individual and Bitcoin doesn't do the things they want it to do. But even those people I think will come back around and realize like this is beyond all of us, it's kind of a creature of its own and it will continue to grow. And even the last person to adopt a Bitcoin standard, you know, way down the line whenever that is, even that person will still benefit from switching, they'll still benefit from moving to whatever are the remnants of the old system to Bitcoin. And so yeah, this is something that can benefit the entire world and it's going to continue to grow and there's going to be no shortage of new people to teach and on board and hopefully lead towards best practices. That's an exciting thing. That also means we've got a lot more friends to join us. So and in terms of recommendations, I'm going to throw out a thing that I thought was kind of cool. I actually am, I'm editing a tutorial for it right now. I didn't do this in the tutorial, but I thought it was a really cool little piece of technology here. So this is this is Keeper and Keeper is like a multi-sig app on a for mobile. And you know, there's a bunch of different ways of doing multi-sig and you can do it like in Sparrow or blue wallet or Nunchock is super awesome. Thea's a new one that I haven't been able to try yet. But Keeper also allows you to create hot wallets and do multi-sig vaults. But the unique thing about this video here that they dropped today is that they created a multi-sig vault together with two completely different pieces of software. So they used the thea app or not thea sorry the keeper app on the phone here. And then they pulled out blue wallet on Android and then Sparrow wallet on a desktop for Mac. And they created a multi-sig vault where one key is on the the keeper app on this one phone. Another key is in blue wallet and another key is on Sparrow on desktop. And they were able to piece together this this multi-vendor multi-software multi-OS collaborative wallet. And Bitcoin Keeper as they say here is the coordinator of everything. And then blue wallet and Sparrow are just signers basically the equivalent of if you had like a tap signer or a cold card or some external signer except for their just other hot software devices. But you know feasibly you could have you know a hardware device linked to blue wallet that is part of a multi-sig that's managed in Keeper. So again I guess alluding to my earlier topic of interoperability and how everything is starting to find common standards and just work together. All of a sudden you have something that up till now I was not aware as possible creating a multi-sig on three completely different pieces of software out the get go and having it interoperate just fine. So my suggestion along winded way of getting to it is keep playing keep trying new things. And if you get the chance test out what they did here in Keeper just to see what it's like to create a multi-sig with multiple different pieces of software. Because I thought it was really cool like it's I don't know the space is just moving so quick I'm having trouble keeping up but hats off to Keeper for innovating and trying new things. So yeah anyways those are my final thoughts and recommendations I'll toss it down the line maybe I'll go on reverse order this time around I'll go to Jake first Jake final thoughts any recommendations go ahead man. Well shout out to Anna and the team at Bitcoin Keeper I met him at Bitcoin Barley really lovely guy and been working hard for a long time. What it brings to my mind is I read about a situation so I'm in Australia Australia is a place made up of it's six states and one of the two territories I believe yes they're slightly different terminology but Sydney and Melbourne have been the you know the main drivers of economic activity in their different states and in Sydney and in Melbourne they had different regulations on the size of the railway carriages and so each time these railways would meet at the border you'd have to change the goods on each train. I can't remember the date in which they managed to like figure that out and then become interoperable so they could actually take a train from Sydney to Melbourne but what you've just shown is the beauty of working on an open source system where everyone can use the same technology to build on top of each other and then work together so it's it's extraordinary in terms of scale and network effects like we've never seen before because it has a money underneath it so it is insanely bullish that kind of thing and yeah for me I will well one shout out which is you know take a look at we're really chuffed with what we've put together and look forward to building that business and it's really a it's a consultancy company so if you want to learn about Bitcoin and you're worried about any number of different problems you might have then get in touch and we'll be able to figure things out for you and lastly in terms of recommendation this was actually something I've had found very powerful there was a book that I was recommended called The Artists Way by a lady called Julia Cameron and it's it's a field of study that is really around intuition and creativity and it's like miles away from where I would normally like spend my time which is either you know devouring Bitcoin books or if not then some kind of entrepreneurship business investing focus kind of stuff and it just really took me to a quite interesting place that I hadn't explored for so long and as creative characters as teenagers you know or as even younger you know we dream of being sports professionals or being musicians or being artists and I'm absolute sucker for this I shelved all of those instincts to focus on like making money in business and I always joke I was highly trained how to make money but never ask the question what is money obviously Bitcoin changes you in that sense and so this was a book that really helped me kind of think about what does it mean to be creative and there's a whole number of different kind of self-help tasks that the author takes you through such as you know waking up in the morning and writing a journal entry no one's allowed to ever read them you don't need to read them back but what it helps is stimulate like a creative flow so yeah I'll leave it at that it's an awesome experience to try out that's great I like I'm gonna have to take a look at that then sweet awesome well thanks for that Jake we'll toss it down to humble next again any final thoughts recommendations take it away okay so with the upcoming Bitcoin conference 2024 and Nashville I hope to see you guys there but I understand you're kind of crossed the pond a little bit so maybe you won't make it I you know my recommendation for those who have children and those who hope to have children some day bring your kids to the conference it was an amazing experience for my my daughter the first year we went we went was a 2022 I think it was the first year yeah and oh my gosh she it was amazing you know she has no idea what any of this is she just knows that mom and dad talk about Bitcoin a lot right but when she gets there it's just phenomenal you know it's just bigger than life and you know at that and I don't know if they'll have this again I don't think so because they try different things every year but they had a huge screen where you could stand in front of it and you would get laser eyes right and just so she loved that and everything was laser eyes and so then moving forward it's just like well yeah they're a big coiner because yeah they're but they're not a big coiner because they don't have laser eyes and you just everything was all about laser eyes but I think you know the coolest thing was the fact that she had no idea how to do a dollar sign but she sure as hell could draw the big coins but we'll be able to look there it is you know four years old so you know I think it's you know you don't want to shove things down anybody's throat it's just having them immersed in it outside of you talking about it at home and the little things we do and those fabulous books that people out there are making for kids to help them understand you know because that's what we want to do a lot of us weren't brought up knowing what was going on in the world so we have that opportunity as parents to do that and I highly suggest you know taking into the conference and getting them excited about it so they can feel it and I got my recommendation because I would this is the first thing that came to my mind so I'm just gonna run with it the next presidential debate you snapchat filters it's so much fun it makes it a glorious experience I mean it's just you can look back at it oh my gosh it's so much fun so do that that's great makes it much less depressing you've got a silly face right it totally does it it totally does that's it that's great I love it also again that's that is a thing to be bullish about families at bitcoin events because my first experience with that was in Madeira this year I brought the whole fam so as myself my wife and our two kids and we went out there and they they very much catered it to families like they had an entire kids area they had a kids tent with speakers at one point I think it I think Jack Mallors and Jack Dorsey did a talk for the kids like in front of a bunch of like I don't know like eight to ten year olds and they had like a really like basically like a nursery and they had hired nannies and stuff and they had a ball pit and all this stuff for for kids and like yeah they they've really pushed the family aspect to it and and it worked beautifully and I think because because we're coming out of the era of of how did I put it that the fiat nihilism and the I'm never going to have a family because there's no way I'll ever afford it into a realm where as you increase your purchasing power over time and you're able to actually save your future gets brighter and so then families are back on the table I think we need to embrace that I think we need to embrace the idea that this there's a whole new crop of people that aren't put off from having families because for no other reason than they can't afford them that's going to change and I'm glad that that's changing because it's it's a pretty sad state of the world when you know somebody might have had kids or might have had a family and and you know built a legacy and everything but they didn't simply because the money was broken so stoked about that uh Dale I'll toss it over to you again final thoughts recommendations it's all you go ahead man all right um so I don't think anyone here focuses a huge amount of price but um I recently just put something out there that all the price action in a given year is confined to 10 days and it's like 2.3 percent of the time or something like that so it's really not worth your time spending a huge amount of of your energy focused on the price looking at that all day every day uh instead stay humble stack sets I think most of your listeners would subscribe to that but it's just something to to keep in mind because I was prone to thinking hugely about price particularly in the early stage of my journey but as I get older uh or more experienced in the space I just sort of stack sets and sure from a recommendation perspective there's a couple things going through mind here so in my field life I'm like a professional closer like um in this like in sales right and this book that I've read has honestly changed the game it's called Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss shout out to my friend Gas Lockinger recommended it absolute game changer now while I'm telling you this well I've got this thing working at home now where um I say to my wife like if we've got stuff that needs to be done around the house like we're gonna build a granny flap okay um I've got all these professional fees so I'm going to negotiate those fees done guess what I'm going to do with the savings I'm going to put into Bitcoin so that is the new rule in the house I'm the guy who negotiates everyone down and the difference goes into Bitcoin and I was like saying to life like if we compound that over 10 years and you start thinking about all these little wins that I've had over the years it's going to be incredible so my recommendation to people is if you're working with people on professional services negotiate and save the difference in Bitcoin and eventually your life will be different and then the other thing is and this is something I've been dabbling with of late um other than listening to broken money uh audio book which is phenomenal um I've been doing cold plunges and it's not something we can do very easily here in Australia you guys in Canada can just hop in a lake or what not but uh walk out the front door and yeah yeah so so I've been jumping in a chest freezer um uh sort of two to four degrees and I did it this morning because um I just felt like I needed to be sharp and it's like yes you just wouldn't believe what it does to your energy it's just it's such a hack and within two weeks I've gotten comfortable in two to four degrees um virtually submerged so it's it's something that's uh a lot of you know Bitcoin is talk about um you know the biohacking side of things so we've all got we've seen that image of road breed love in an ice in the last bath but um I can say that it works so that's what that's the other recommendation I have I love that are you sure that it wasn't Jake in the bucket all right well that was great um I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for joining me on a Friday evening slash Saturday morning for getting bullish with me here it was a lot of fun um and uh of course um everybody that's watching make sure you jump into these show notes and give everybody here a follow uh that'll all be listed down below and you can keep up with their exploits and uh to all of you guys that joined me um thank you so much for being here again and you're all welcome back anytime yeah thank you so much Ben yeah thank you it's been great awesome thanks again cool I'll see you guys soon cheers all right and everybody else please do stick around for a moment actually I'm gonna do something a little special before we round out the show I hope you have your lightning wallets ready so get out those phones uh because I'm gonna do uh a little thing that we've been doing it on simply sessions with Nico but hell I'm gonna do it at the end of why are we bullish so if you stuck around the whole episode then congratulations if you're unfamiliar this is the uh the Bitcoin well wishing well and uh and basically by using Bitcoin well by doing buys and uh and and various things there's a little breakdown you get certain number of points each time you do something but you can redeem 500 points to throw a coin in the well and it will draw from a pool of sats uh and it will give you anywhere from 500 sats up to if you're super lucky a million sats so it depends on the role you get you know you use you know so you may get a bunch of 500 sats in a row and then eventually you get uh one of the one of the sweeter ones but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna throw a coin in the well and it's gonna be an ln url withdraw so you gotta have a lightning wallet handy the first person to scan it it'll ask you to redeem and then you can take the sats whatever it may be so I'm gonna use the points or redeem it and here it goes into the wall I'm gonna make it big so that you guys can see it there you go 500 sats so whoever scans that first will snag the sats so do it quick so that you can claim it but there you go and we do this every thursday on simply sessions as well so whoever snags at first uh congrats enjoy the sats and uh and if you snag it and you happen to be in the live chat as well let us know otherwise shoot off a tweet or a note on noster and let me know if you he claimed it uh but with that I'm going to round out a couple quick uh housekeeping items uh common up we've got the bitcoin rodeo and Calgary I absolutely can't wait I'm so happy to have people come into my hometown here uh so we got jpc's coming into town uh we've got of course Preston Pish Nico from Simply uh Francis on his way in Madex of course Dave Bradley co-founder of bull bitcoin as I said jpc's Graham Wardell uh Harry Suttick out Adam O'Brien from bitcoin well co uh founder of bitcoin well uh and a whole bunch more scott deedles steve barber called and sold and flow from love is bitcoin ben harper dale from uh quick bit see phone coderic filled a brand Simon Raven Noah Kramer yellow uh a new addition he's gonna be roasting me they're doing a roast of myself deserved uh uh bj dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit step bunny brett oll and david harman and uh Sebastian Olani uh so it's going to be a good time and the day before we're going to be doing the sat market we got another sat market happening we are getting together all of well not all of but a whole ton of bitcoin merchants here in Calgary and it's not just like bitcoin trinkets and stuff like that it's actual stuff it's farmers bringing you know jerky and beef and and chickens and all kinds of stuff like that it is uh people with apparel it is it is uh tradesmen roofers and and people who can do your floors and plumbers and you know there's my barber is going to be there doing haircuts there's going to be all kinds of stuff there artists um lots of creative people so make sure you come down if you're already in town for the bitcoin rodeo uh and hit up the sat market it is on uh july first which is canada day and it runs from 9 a.m to 3 p.m we're at the deerfoot in a casino it's going to be a good time it's free to attend so just come down and enjoy we've got a whole bunch of merchants and it's going to be a lot of fun and make sure you follow the handle at btc sat market you can keep up with everything that's going on there uh we're very excited to have everybody out so uh and with that uh last little mention by the way uh if you are coming to um if you're coming to bicorn rodeo you don't have tickets yet you can use code btc sessions get a discount and speaking of events i'm also going to be i was talking about it earlier in the show i'm going to be back to rega rega Latvia for the first time in five years uh to bolt a honey badger so i can't wait for that so let me know if you're going to be there would love to say hi and if you do need uh a discount on your tickets btc sessions is the code as per usual excited to be back um and then of course we're talking about it in the show but i usually do this at the end of the show anyways if you're sorting through the tutorials on the channel again there's a ton of stuff there and hopefully it will help you learn but if you need a little bit of extra hand holding you need some additional help then please do reach out to the team at or bitcoinmentor now australia uh and uh you can check them out and uh we've got an awesome team assembling here the avengers of bitcoin to help you on yourself custody journey and uh and you can get some one-on-one help with everything that you need so again check out or bitcoinmentor australia uh for those of you that are watching from down under uh but with that i'm gonna round out thank you guys so much for being here as always like subscribe share all those things they help a ton getting this content and for no more eyeballs you can always hit the hit up the previously mentioned sponsors in these show notes and that is it have a wonderful day or evening wherever you may be i'll see you guys next time for your daily session huddle bitcoin you [BLANK_AUDIO]