BTC Sessions

WHY ARE WE BULLISH? JP Sears, Dave Bradley, Scott Dedels ep421


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1h 15m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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[MUSIC] >> What is going on everybody? Welcome to the show another Friday, another episode of Why Are We Bullish? Very excited to have this panel here. This is, I suppose, a little sneak peek of an event coming up in my hometown on July 2nd and 3rd called the Bitcoin Rodeo. We're going to have some awesome people out. So we'll do some intros of just a few of the guests that will be here in Calgary momentarily when we get them in here. But I hope you guys are all having a good week. This is my first episode back. I've been doing some traveling. I was in Oslo for the Human Rights Foundation Freedom Forum. I was in Prague for BTC Prague, and I've just arrived home back this week. So I'm stoked to be back in the studio and everything and ready to go. Of course, this is now again, alive. Anything can happen. So I defer to my friend Bill here. Do it live. Do it live. I can go out and write it and we'll do it live. F***ing thing sucks. If you have not already, please do like, subscribe, share all those things. They help with time getting this content in front of more eyeballs. I am Ben with the BTC sessions. This is your daily session. Before we bring in our panel, let's take a quick look at where we are in the market right now. I'm pulling up and simultaneously I'm going to pull up the live chat. Everything you say into the chat from here on in will be live for the world to see, for better or worse., we're sitting at $64,115 per coin. A single US dollar will snag you 1,560 Sats in terms of fees. Next block 24 Sats per byte. Anytime 8 Sats per byte and Bitcoin mine, 19.72 million of them. That is 93.88% of the total supply. We'll give a quick shout out to our sponsors and then we'll dive right in. So we'll see in a sec. Mission to enable independence by being one of the easiest and quickest ways to purchase Bitcoin in Canada and the US. The best part about it, every buy goes directly into your own self custody. They never hold your coins. You can add a Bitcoin address as part of onboarding. There's a transparent 1% spread, no hidden fees, no withdrawal fees, plus they have KYC free sells and bill payments on their website. They're also a publicly traded company under the ticker BTCW on the TSXV. Check them out over at Check out my full tutorial on how to use them and you can check out the links in the show notes down below and sign up today. has some of the best hardware on the market today to secure your Bitcoin. The cold card queue is an absolute powerhouse and is my daily driver. And on top of this, they have plenty of other goodies, including the mark four, the tap signer, open dimes, the block clock and much more. If you head over to their website, make sure you use code BTCSessions at checkout to get a nice discount. Links are in the show notes down below. All right, we're back in and we're going to bring in our panel again. Everybody in the chat, thank you guys for being here and keep those comments coming. I see a lot of love for a special guests that's coming in. So let's bring them all in and give some intros here. So I'll get them all up on stage first here. And I want to welcome all you gentlemen. I'll be seeing you in person very soon. But let's go down the line and do some quick intros. Who are you? What do you do kind of things? Scott, I'll toss it to you first. Welcome back. Can you give yourself an intro for those unfamiliar? Yeah, good to be back. Thanks for having me on. Super pumped to be here as always been. I'm Scott Diedles. I'm the CEO of Block Rewards and the host of the Block Reward, Bitcoin for Beginners podcast. And the author of The Dow of Bitcoin Towards a Cosmology of Energy Money. That's me in a nutshell. Hell yeah. Well, I'm glad to have you here, man. I'm excited to have you back in Calgary soon. And yeah, it's going to be a good time. So we'll jump down the line. JP, it's very wonderful to have you on the show here. But I will let you introduce yourself for anybody that may be unfamiliar. Who are you? What do you do? Well, because I'm a narcissist, this intro of mission, take more than 45 minutes. But first, I'll tell you who I'm not. I'm much less of a man than Scott. As you can tell by the beard, he's gone through actual male puberty. I'm still waiting for it. And compared to Dave, I'm much less of the cowboy than him, even though I live in Texas. And then compared to you and your hair, I'm obviously less of a vanilla ice fan. So that's who I'm not. What I do, I'm one of the leading experts in whatever I choose to talk about in the moment, self identified, respect my truth. Damn it. And I'm a Bitcoin fan. And by trade, I'm a comedian and lover of freedom. I love to use the language of comedy to help awaken people to protect and preserve. What I think is the greatest God-given gift will ever be given, which is freedom. And I think Bitcoin is the digital reflection of that. Hell, yeah. Well, I'm glad to have you and glad to have you coming up to Calgary. So thanks for being here. And we'll jump one more down the line to Dave, the man responsible for all of us getting together. But Dave, welcome back and give yourself a little intro. Thanks. I am Dave Bradley. I'm widely known as the strongest and best looking Bitcoin entrepreneur in Canada. I've got a few other titles, but I'll leave those off because I wanted to mention the reasons that I'm feeling good today, which is I have my raw milk white Russian. And this very rare limited edition bull Bitcoin cowboy hat. We once upon time made four of these, one for Francis, one for Madex and one for Jimmy Song and one for me. And because I was five years ago, obviously, Francis and Madex have lost theirs. Obviously. And so there's only two left now. Fantastic. And I will, I always like to do this because I know that you stated something that somebody might construe as, you know, opinion. But no, in fact, as stated on the official website, Dave Bradley is the strongest and best looking Bitcoin entrepreneur in Canada. And also, you can see here the quote, this is the premier of Alberta, quote, Dave is very handsome. And that is a real quote. So just, just if you were questioning, and if you're really curious, you can scroll down and see stakes that he has eaten. So it's a quality website. I encourage you to check out the But nonetheless, we're going to dive in. Gentlemen, again, thank you all for being here. Everybody else says joining in. Thank you for being here as well. Everybody in the chat. Keep those comments coming. Like hit that like button, give this a share. But we're going to dive in this show. If you're unfamiliar, it's called Why Are We Bullish? And simple premise to the show. Basically, each one of us, we've come with a reason for being bullish in and around Bitcoin. Something we're excited about, something that's currently top of mind. And that can take really any form that we please. The flow of the show is as such, number one, somebody's going to drop their reason for being bullish. This is their chance to rant and chat about whatever they are currently excited about. Number two, altogether, we're going to riff on that reason. So comments, questions, whatever rabbit holes we decided to go down. And then number three, we're going to rotate to the next person until we've all had a turn, simple, reason, riff, rotate. So we're going to dive in. I'm going to get started here, and then we'll go from there. So my reason for being bullish this week, and I've had this reason before, but I'm bringing it back into the fold, because it's coming just the day before the Bitcoin rodeo here in Calgary. And my reason for being bullish is we are hosting our third fat market. And what the fat market is, is we've gone together with local Bitcoiners, people from in and around Calgary and Alberta, and even from outside of Alberta, from British Columbia and Saskatchewan, people flying in, driving in, all kinds of great people. But it's all businesses that accept Bitcoin. And so we create a local market, we all get together, there's farmers with beef and chicken and eggs and all that kind of stuff. There's tradesmen, there's roofers, there's plumbers, there's all kinds of great people. And then there's also artists and creative people and musicians. And so we all get together and we just have a little market and we hang out and support each other. And the reason I think this is so important is as the world trends towards the totalitarian hellhole that it seems to be leaning towards, despite pockets of promise in places like Texas and the Texas of Canada, which is of course Alberta, you know, in a situation where we have that top down control, trying to stop the on and off ramps, if you're trying to low key stacks of Sats and and build your pile of freedom money, then that happens. And you don't have relationships, peer to peer relationships with people that get it, then what the hell are you going to do with your Bitcoin at the end of the day, right? You need to have those important relationships with people like you need to shake your ranchers hand, you need to have an egg guy, you need to know a barber that's going to take your Sats and will understand the value of that. And so that's what we're trying to build, we're trying to get people together, we're trying to get like-minded, freedom-oriented individuals that actually create good products and services that people actually need and aggregate them together in one place, not just for that once every three months or so that we do this, but for in between so that we all know each other, so we can all call each other up and help each other out whenever we need something that the other person makes or does. And so that is coming up on July 1st, we've got a lot of great people coming in. If you're going to be in Calgary, please do visit. It's free to attend. If you want to be a merchant, it's also free to be a merchant. I'm just from the cost because I think it's important to build this here. And yeah, I encourage everybody to come out and I'm sure some of the people that are in for the Bitcoin rodeo will pop by as well. I think we might do a little barbecue afterwards too. So anyways, that's it. The SAT market, that's what I'm excited about and I guess more broadly about creating local Bitcoin circular economies and actually using some of those SATs because I mean a couple of you gents know, but JP, if you didn't know, I've been living on Bitcoin since 2020. So I've 90 to 95% of my income is Bitcoin and I am very averse to dollars and if somebody wants to pay me in dollars, I charge you 20% premium. So yeah, I have as few dollars as possible. And I think this is the way to go. I quite enjoy it. So gents, I'll open it up to comments, questions, whatever little rabbit holes we want to go down before we do a rotation. But I don't know, Scott, you've been a part of the SAT market a couple times. Have you had a good time here? Yeah, I've been to all of them. I had a great time. I think personally, congratulations, been somebody needs to spearhead the initiative of creating a marketplace where we will freely be able to spend money after we've all hit our carbon limits, which is probably not that far in the future. And if you build it, they will come. You meet all kinds of people with SAT markets. And the coolest one I saw last time in a great conversation with a fellow as a business, helping people end to end, plan their sort of off grid property. So it's not just services, there's all kinds of really interesting people you'll meet there. And of course, build your network for other people who want to accept unstoppable money. Was that was that Dakota with the Cohen farms guy? He just we did an interview recently. And I think he just he just put it out today. But he's great. He does. He basically teaches people how to how to homestead and awesome dude, great dude to have at the market, like what a legend. Yeah, especially for a urbanite like me who loves to fantasize about having the ability to actually go off grid. We'd all I'd be dead in weeks, right? I don't even know how to plan a tomato. Yeah, Chris, Chris as well from chaos farm that has come down, you know, they're both great. So that's awesome. I personally, I think it's inspiring to hear that you think you could last for weeks. If it's the fan Scott, I don't know. I think I'm counting days, not weeks for myself. But I fought on the sat market. One, thank you for doing that, Ben. One of the things that I think is lacking that we need more of is creating the marketplace where we can use our Bitcoin to sustain our lives and thrive because obviously inherently, Bitcoin is worthless. What makes it worthwhile is what it can do for you. And I make the mistake too often of just looking at Bitcoin as an investment and having the mindset, well, I don't want to spend it because like, that's the thing that's going to go up in value. But realizing kind of like, you know, passing the puck to where the player is going to be, we need the marketplace in our future. Because when we're relying on our dollars, you know, the illusion is those are under our control. The reality is the banks, the governments that can just print more devalue that currency. We saw with a freedom trucker convoy just freezing bank accounts, shutting them down. So to truly empower ourselves today and where we might go, it to help make us not go where we don't want to go, more marketplace, more vendors, more stores, shops, individuals, accepting and receiving and sending Bitcoin. I love that. That's awesome. I'm glad you mentioned the trucker protest. You see this little light on the shelf behind me right there? That's my Bitcoin node. I set up the fundraiser that raised the Bitcoin for the trucker protest. And 1.3 million dollars went through that thing in donations. So yeah, that's, there it is. That's incredible. Don't tell anyone that anymore, Ben. Yeah. We're going to see federal agents coming up before the shows over. Yeah, I heard some weird noises outside. Is that Christian Freeland's bat signal? Yeah, Dave, I mean, you've been at the sat markets and everything. You know, what's going on? So first of all, I have to say that if we do melt down into a Mad Max post-apocalyptic society, I'm obviously going to be a pretty kick-ass warlord. And I'm going to, I'll thrive. It'll be fine. I might shave one side of my head. But yeah, I mean, I think the general premise, the important part is that right now in most of our economy, we're essentially asking the government's help and permission to transact with each other. And that's what happens when you're using dollars. You know, we've got in Canada, obviously a very well-liked dictator. And there are a lot of people here who do not like Trudeau at all, but still continue to use Trudeau's money. Like, why would you just use something that he can print for free? Let alone that the federal government can stop with relative ease whenever they want to. So yeah, I'm definitely not going to stop eating meat when they tell us we can't. And this is like a good step in that direction. The other thing I wanted to show is this app that I just mainly really discovered when we were in Prague last week for BCC Prague. This app is called Vexel. This is made by Satoshi Labs, the makers of Trezor and a bunch of other great companies, one of the oldest and greatest Bitcoin companies out there. And this is actually set up as a nonprofit. And it does a couple of things. First, it is a PDP marketplace where people can buy and sell Bitcoin to each other. You can set up a fee. It's not very different than a bunch of the other PDP marketplaces out there. Still potentially useful, but the thing that really caught my eye is the market listings where you can basically list anything you want on there for sale for Bitcoin. I have like a one third full bottle of like the original Sriracha sauce. I think I'm going to put up there for one Bitcoin. We'll see if anyone takes that. But seriously, I put an ad up there to try to buy raw milk because that's harder to get than cocaine in Canada. And yeah, I mean, I think these kind of tools, obviously centered around Bitcoin are really just going to cut the government out of everything that we want to buy and sell. Yeah. I think at the market, we should probably show this pretty hard because the idea of being able to list products and services, but also just like having the equivalent of like a Facebook marketplace type deal, but for Bitcoiners in the area is pretty solid. They've got an interesting way of doing things where you have like a QR code. And when you're in person with somebody and able to like physically vet them, you can scan each other's codes. And then that gives you linkages to each other's contacts. And so you build this kind of like web of social trust amongst everybody. And so when you see an ad, you don't necessarily, if you're not directly connected with the person, you don't necessarily see who the person is, but you see how you're connected to them and how many of your other contacts actually know this person. And so you have a degree of vetting through that because you know that your friends have been in direct contact with this person. And so I think, yeah, I think it has a lot of problems. I was actually, I tried this out early on, but they didn't have the marketplace aspect of it yet. And now that it does, I think this this probably solves a lot of problems for me or could. So it's important to mention also with the contact thing, you never actually share your contacts with Vexel or any third party, they just encrypt your contacts. And you have a hash of each contact. And then they compare that hash to everyone else's hashes of their contacts. And that's how they determine whether you know the same people. So it is like privacy approved, I guess. Yeah. And it's a sea funk in the chat mentioned, it's a web of trust. So this is a this is like a consensus algorithm of some kind that has been used for a while in the world. And some early Bitcoin projects use the same thing as well. Yeah, yeah, it'd be interesting to see, again, I see Ocean in the in the chat mentioning Noster, it'd be interesting to see if those two things those two worlds collide as well. But nonetheless, I'm just excited to see people keen to connect with each other and and have these peer to peer relationships coincide with also utilizing Bitcoin. I think it's a good step in the right direction. So yeah, so I'll put a bow on my topic there. But again, if you're going to be in Calgary for the Bitcoin rodeo, consider being here a day early on Canada day, actually, to check out the the sat market and we'll probably hang out afterwards as well. So yeah, with that, we're going to do a rotation and and we'll move to the next reason for being bullish and Scott, I'm going to call on you first. And I'll queue up with the same question everybody's going to get why are you bullish? You know, it's funny. I think that it's like it's been a sideways bull crab chop and everyone's caught up in the price of what's going on in the in the market in in general, it's almost impossible not to be excited about in my opinion. This week, we had Germany let us hand it a huge stack. And you know, the feds have been dumping their Silk Road stack at the same time. While sailor vacuumed up 11,000, there was a Bitcoin whale that hadn't bought in two years that picked up another 6,000 yesterday. And this thing that's going on with with Michael Dell and sailor tweeting back and forth, Michael Dell the head of Dell computers is has a net worth that's like 12 times sailor, like this is a gig of Michael, he's a he's the orders of Michael higher than sailor. And what's happening at the at the big level, if you zoom out enough, is people who either don't understand Bitcoin or don't care if it retains its value or goes up are dumping it into the hands of people who have no intentions of ever selling ever and care about how it performs and grows and thrives. And so like this is just a this is just a transfer of real wealth that it's occurring in real time. And in in the shorter time frames, it might not be great for the for Bitcoin's price and dollar. But in terms of what it means for us, you know, I think like the game theory around billionaire Michaels, multiplying in terms of their interest in stacking sets is just so huge because all these people on their own, none of them have an interest or any interest in having their own worth diluted and debased. And so they don't need any extra incentive other than understanding the technology and how it works. And and they're going to do it on their own. And so Germany has another 40 something thousand to to donate to the rest of people who who aren't ready to light their currency on fire. And I couldn't be more excited to watch it happen. I got I love when governments that can print their own money sell something that cannot be printed for the very thing they're capable of printing. It's it's like hooking a tube up from your own butts for to create your dinner. I feel like you're you're on a bit of a role orders of Michael and butt boobs. It's yeah. I don't know. I'll let you other gentlemen chime in on on this though. Yeah, the word is of Michael. I think that's a great new like aspect of the metric system. And also just like what the governments are doing. It makes me think of FTX. Like it it's kind of like the same except worse. And we we kind of feed into it pretend like we're at this giant Ponzi scheme of fiat currency is going to help us but it's like the our fate is so out of our control when we're you know investing in in a way putting our lives into that. So yeah I love hearing what you're saying Scott and love it when you invent new terms. Yeah, I mean again let us hand let us handed governments. Yeah going into convicted individuals that understand the value and yeah sorry go ahead GP. I just get a sad pretended like I knew what all that meant to it's like it's it's like if you could go back in time and reverse and say the European settlers already owned Manhattan and we're asking for beads instead. Like can we have those beads and you guys take the land we're good these beads look great our wives will love them. Yeah, I mean there comes a time where it's going to be interesting at some point and I don't know when this point will when the this threshold will be hit but the amount of Bitcoin that say the US government once held at some point will be on an unobtainable regardless of the amount of currency they print to try and obtain it because the currency will devalue too much as they race to buy Bitcoin with it. So it's like it at some point that that domino falls and that I I have to wonder when that realization will take place where they go oh my god like we we don't even have the mechanism to obtain what we once had like we've screwed up so bad and at that point it's just hungry hungry hippos but countries in Bitcoin. We don't necessarily have the best and brightest running any of our government so I don't know that they know about that foresight I think it's mostly about instant power gratification for these people. So yeah yes luckily we don't have our best and brightest running the governments. Thank god. I've been I've been kind of pushing this same idea in another way to some of my circle lately and as the as the strongest and best looking Bitcoin entrepreneur in Canada I obviously have a lot of oil bearings in my close friend circle and so talking to some of these oil bearings I've been using the same metaphor lately it's like you guys are getting scammed like you're you're pulling the single most useful thing in the world out of the earth and you're selling it for something that Trudeau literally just prints out of nowhere like it it's it's this this really nefarious deal that sort of underpins the entire USD based fiat system we're in the sale of oil for Bitcoin or sorry for for dollars kind of like validates dollars as a choice for everything else you know because pretty much everything else is downstream from oil at some in some way or another right like there's literally nothing that you can buy use or consume that doesn't isn't made of oil or had oil used in the making of that thing and so I think that era is coming to an end yeah it's yeah I'm sorry Scott I was just gonna say it it echoes to me if you guys have read confessions of an economic hitman it echoes that right it's you know because the these countries and you know the IMF and the the BIS the and they'll go into these countries or the US will go into another country and say oh wow it looks like you have so many resources but it's really hard to get those out of the ground maybe we could give you a predatory loan to help you with that and you know it's they recognize that the resources are the true value not not the currency that they can you know create loans for out of out of nothing let alone the currency itself and then they you know they they screw over these people into eventually defaulting on loans restructuring those loans and eventually having to give up said resources to pay off or otherwise default on said loans and they just get again like all of the resources are extracted by these outside entities but it's just that on a global scale with again being remunerated in something that is completely useless that is printed from nothing. Scott sorry I interrupted you. Yeah no worries man yeah I mean the oil thing I also just what maybe two weeks ago now the client expiration of the petrodollar agreement with Saudis like it just makes me wonder how far we are away from countries genuinely wanting to settle oil deals in in something of genuine value and and so what happens next? Yeah yeah 100 percent I guess we'll find out sooner rather than later who knows and yeah all that also makes me think of a absolutely useless analogy but that may not even be accurate but I'll share it anyway as though it's true it's almost like oil is the bitcoin of the earth and like the green energy that's all attached to these green new deals offer your protection you know don't leave your home don't breathe either but like the green energy the windmills the solar panels cannot be produced without oil it's just to me though those green energies are almost like the fiat currency relative to oil being the bitcoin of the earth that I mean I think that's that's pretty accurate right is that checkout I don't know if I'm just too sleep deprived or what one thing that's funny is the way the the left sort of weaponizes language and they've got this idea that you've got organic food and inorganic food and really the fact is that like oil is organic right it's organic compound so we're serving top quality AAA Alberta organic oil yes it is it is finally produced for sure awesome well with that Scott again I'll I appreciate your your topic and we'll put a little ball on that one and and and do another rotation here everybody in the chat again thank you for being here make sure you hit that like button and give this little share retweet share on noster actually we are live to nosterous here as well so everybody in noster thanks for being here before we do our rotation down to JP next we we've got one last little shadow to a sponsor and then we will dive right in so we'll be back in about 30 seconds here In lending instant self custody and no KYC puddle huddle is the place to be you can sign up with just an email address and once you're there you can start browsing offers immediately whether you're looking to buy and sell or whether you're looking to lend or borrow you can check them out today at the links down below all right quick one and we're right back in and JP I'm tossing it down to you going to queue you up with the same question why are you bullish yeah I I think back to when Satoshi invented Bitcoin which I think is somehow he tapped into the collective consciousness and created a digital representation of decentralization which I think is the human way of living and a decade and a half or so ago and you could look at the world and maybe it'd be a little naive but you could have said we don't really need Bitcoin now that's arguable but you could definitely say that more than now but I I'm just blown away by the foresight of maybe we didn't need it then we sure as hell need it now and we sure as hell need it where the totally in psychopaths who weren't held enough as children want to take our world so I I look at what's going on in the world now down here in the US it's an election year boy it's gonna get good I mean indictments against Trump convicted felon Biden who's doing parkour every time he has a chance to fall off a stage and it's just becoming an absolute crap show the censorship the 1984 playbook you know the White House just came out and said those videos of Biden falling those are cheap fakes which is literally embodying the George Orwell quote that says you know the party's final and most essential command was to get people to betray their senses I'm paraphrasing the quote so things are intensifying and they're intensifying in a direction where if we allow ourselves to grow it to go that way it's just complete centralization power away from people power to the state the governments or whoever the puppet masters are controlling those so I'm bullish on Bitcoin because I see things getting intense in the world but I also see a massive awakening compared to four years ago I see way more people awake to what's going on in the world and they want to do something about it and a lot of people want solutions they're not necessarily going to come up with them on their own but they'll adopt them when they're presented to them and Bitcoin is absolutely a solution it's like the opposite of communism opposite of full centralized totalitarian control we'll tell you this is your money it's not we'll just you know let you play make believe this is your fiat money have fun with it you better toe the line or else our money isn't going to be pretending to be yours anymore so I'm bullish on Bitcoin because it it pisses off the tyrants but even more so to that defiance it empowers the people I think the old paradigm of people outsourcing their well-being outs in terms of food production currency marketplace staying alive it their thoughts instead of outsourcing it to something outside of themselves government media big food industry we're now seeing that paradigm crumble in the new paradigm is emerging it's a decentralized paradigm it's truly power back to the people if we continue to energize that track and Bitcoin you know decade and a half ago it's a blessing it's a fruit that is absolutely come to bear we've needed this fruit and it's growing on the trees right now so but the world wants to get nuts and I think we can we have a bright future we have a lot of work to do but we have a bright future we have great solutions and Bitcoin is one of those yeah I love that and it's you can see it happening in real time I I juxtapose a lot of people that I know that are just nihilistic about everything and I juxtapose them against all you know all of the Bitcoiners that I know that are so hopeful and their lives have actually despite the absolute clusterfuck that was the past you know a few years their lives have gotten better right everybody that I know in Bitcoin for the most part over the past you know since 2020 they're doing significantly better than they were and not just not just monetarily because I know Bitcoin has gone up a lot over that time but also psychologically and a lot of people I know in Bitcoin are taking better care of themselves and becoming more self sufficient and thinking about things a little bit deeper I mean a unique thing about Bitcoin is especially early on it was my first foray into realizing that the news doesn't always know what it's talking about and that would have been shortly after some major exchange collapsed in early Bitcoin and and I had barely dug into Bitcoin for more than a couple of months and and the news cycle was basically saying that Bitcoin itself had been hacked and then it was over and I was like well no that was just I barely know anything about this but I know for sure that completely untrue that was just a business that lost other people's money and but every news network was reporting reporting at the exact same and I was like if I if I barely have scratched the surface of this topic and all news everywhere is reporting this incorrectly what other things that I know nothing about have I assumed that the news is reporting correctly that it may be completely inaccurate and so that that was a jarring moment to witness that but being in Bitcoin and understanding it deep you know deeper more deeply at least than the general public it gives you that insight into oh sometimes people on the news are full of shit so yeah and again you see the juxtaposition of people that I've known over the over the years or the past few years versus the tick talks of nurses in cars that are like that started with a good wage and now are not even sure why they can't afford rent and groceries just because their currency is broken I think people will have to gravitate towards what shelters them from that reality whether or not they understand it I suppose like the comments to people the news sometimes sometimes there's where and I realized this maybe as a teenager at some point when you see something reported in the media that you actually know a lot about it's just always like almost completely wrong and then and a lot of people have experienced that and kind of written it off and you just assume that like maybe everything else isn't as wrong as the thing that I actually knew about but the reality is like they're they're almost always completely wrong about everything and they've like they put us in this spot now where like the the oral reference you know it's like two plus two equals five and they want us to accept this and we know they're lying to us and they know that we know they're lying but they still look us in the eyes and lie to us just the same and they think we're idiots they think we're just going to sit there and take their lives and not call them on it or at very least like not not change our behavior so as to remove the risks that they're putting on our lives with their lives and and that's essentially right and I think it's interesting to go back to what JP was saying about like when did we need Bitcoin and the reality is that we needed Bitcoin the moment they started devaluing the currency the moment they started printing money to spend money and taking that value out of nowhere and then spending it in a way that they deemed better than the ways that we would have spent that value that we created and we earned and we should have had the right to spend right and as soon as they started doing that we needed Bitcoin and there was a book that I hope most people watching this have read called The Sovereign Individual that really predicted Bitcoin in 1995 by basically saying that the internet and encryption will allow the creation of money without the need for the state and you know that was very predictive obviously of Bitcoin arising and I think you know that need for a form of money that can't be debased has been just growing and growing and in the last like four years it's really taken it's really taken a turn right like we need Bitcoin more than we ever have because even by like official inflation numbers I saw some stats the other day where you know based on official numbers we were losing a third of our purchasing power every 10 years roughly and now we've lost it in two years and so it's gotten a lot worse and the need for Bitcoin is much greater and I think that a lot more people are feeling that pain right like if you would have talked to an average person on the street about inflation in 2019 they probably heard of it but like didn't really care that much and nowadays it's like oh yeah like the price of stake has tripled like everyone who is poor enough to have to do their own grocery shopping has uh has felt this now and it's a real thing and I think that's contributed to a lot more of this awakening where people are looking at the two plus two equals five and being like fuck no two plus two does not equal five and you can't have my money and that's that's what we're going through right now and I think um that that's incredibly encouraging that you know there's there's way more people that are at least like ready to listen the solution to this problem that they've now identified David I'm confused man the news told me that paying a 30% surcharge on everything would prevent forest fires are you is that not true or I want to I got a riff on what JP said about collective consciousness because I love that stuff but uh it made me think of the really famous clip of a fellow named Terence McKenna from the late 90s and he's just talking about how there's just an acceleration of weirdness and things are just going to get weirder and weirder and more and more people are going to notice and at some point it's going to get so weird that eventually we're all going to have to acknowledge it and talk about it and at that point then in real sort of like mass transformation of consciousness can occur and I think we what we're experiencing as the 2020s roll on is this like ratcheting up of the of the weirdness and and it's translating through to money and this is the reason why uh you know Bitcoin is almost like a a visible way to measure uh people the number of people who are paying attention to the weirdness and that the price is like a direct uh yeah like a like a visualization of how many people are starting to turn off that old media and think for themselves yeah yeah there's it's it's interesting to see um I mean again in the in the realm I suppose of of politics did you guys see this past week I mean it's it's I suppose it's not surprising given the politician but um uh a while back uh orange pill app they they uh bought like 500 and something copies of the bitcoin standard and then they went to uh the house of representatives and congress and everything and just handed them out to to everybody like all all of all of the congressmen and everything and uh and and after after reading that book uh Thomas Massey uh he he cited it he was being interviewed he's like well I read the bitcoin standard and you know I already wasn't a fan of the fed but then I put I decided to put forth a resolution to end the fed uh and I thought that maybe I'd get like a couple co-sponsors and he got like just shy of 30 co-sponsors on the bill on the bill that he put forward and I think part of that may have been because other people are are you know maybe read through the book but also are recognizing what a racket everything is and I mean even just the fact that the term fiat is becoming more recognized that people even know what fiat currency is um you know and not everybody does but I had never ever heard that term used uh you know in a newscast or you know in a conversation with you know anybody that I know um and now it gets tossed around I hear it relatively regularly and not just in bitcoin circles but like on tv and with my quote-unquote normie friends uh you know it happens um so people are are you know and the meme money printer go bur that wasn't a bitcoiner that made that up you know that that was that was entirely its own thing and people are getting how ridiculous and again how weird everything is uh and they're starting to point it out and it is about to be the biggest accidental branding disaster for the car company since corona i'm like wait until people wait like wake up one day and they're like honey there there's actually literally an all-seeing eye pyramid on this on this bill it's been there the whole time is this been there the whole time it's been looking at us and we've been looking at it and I met when you mentioned like understanding the term fiat I remember a little over three years ago when I woke up to bitcoin it was by michael sailor and tony robin's interview and just hearing michael michael sailor talk about like it makes sense to me now so understanding oh the term fiat currency that's a term it created a distinction and amongst other things it did for my mind is it let me know this isn't the only thing it's just one thing but I think the you know if we're kind of sleeping through life it's pretty convenient when people think this is the only thing it's not fiat currency it's currency and you know been you mentioned something a few minutes ago that I think is just so important um you mentioned some people have an nihilistic perspective low quality of life psychology is probably not enjoyable to live in and then a lot of people in the bitcoin bitcoin or community there's there's like optimism and overall like a better quality mindset in life people have I think that's so important because I'm a fan of humanity I think it's important to enjoy life now and have a good quality of life there's other things that are important too but that's one of them and there's a uh a distinction I see within the call it awakened community people who are enlightened that you know what we're being told in the world is going on in the world isn't what's going on we see what's going on some of those people depressed sad pissed off angry that's their emotional home others and that's they have the same level of enlightenment they're awake to the same things but they have a good quality of life they're relatively happy and optimistic and they they contribute to the better men and people around them as a result in the biggest like difference I see whether they're like nihilistic and like crappy life or optimistic good life they're taking action taking action is what moves someone from hopeless I see what's going on but I'm hopeless I feel helpless we're all doomed versus if you start taking action now you're feeling the sensation of change happening because you're doing the change and that automatically lets someone have hope and it's not you know delusional hope it's founded because it's hope based on the reality of your you're being a part of the change and obviously bitcoin is an action to take when you're buying bitcoin you're using bitcoin you're being part of the change and I think that's one of the reasons why bitcoin or communities on average are going to be a higher quality of life a happier person than those who are awake to the same stuff but not taking action yeah yeah it's it's um you're right it's there's there's this defeat amongst people because and it's because the the currency itself incentivizes that right you're basically you're spinning your wheels you're you you even though you're you're getting a raise in nominal terms you're you're purchasing power is less than what I mean my wife has been a nurse for for almost 15 years now and um she was like I feel like I have less money even with my wage increases over the years on top of like gaining seniority I feel like I have less money now than I did when I started and we did the math and with with the devaluation of the currency she actually does make less money now she can purchase less stuff at 15 years into her career with this with her paycheck then she could when she started what one of the components of human happiness is making progress but if you're putting the accelerator down in your car then you do the math like you and your wife did by the way thank you for bragging about your heterosexuality and pointing out but so wife accelerators down you do the math and realize we've been sliding backwards that that of course can feel very defeating but progress is what naturally makes happiness blossom and weird how bitcoin uh makes you feel progress by the way I've never met someone in the bitcoin community like asleep like someone who like says you do the news is what's going on did you see what's going on and Ben you're the only person who I've ever seen elude in the bitcoin community to like sometimes they don't know yeah I don't know that you're ever going to live that down yeah I mean uh you look at my hair so if i'm gonna say something like that totally off base yeah it's uh it is interesting to to see and I I often say that um a lot of people I think they're so disillusioned because um when you when you pour your blood sweat and tears into earning a currency um that you then expect to like when when you spend your paycheck you're basically communicating your values and typically what should happen is where you allocate your funds in the fruits of your labor those things will be both those products and services and wherever it goes should be bolstered higher than you know the other service that you don't support or whatever but when you can debase a currency you can print like half of it over a couple calendar years um you're basically undoing half of every person's actions and so you're these people are disillusioned because you expect to see your values reflected back at you by the world at least partially due to your actions but when you don't see that you you lose again you become disillusioned and so your values themselves actually degrade over time because it's like well why why am I being altruistic or or doing things I believe and why not just whatever let's just uh doom spend and and be a complete degenerate and whatever because it doesn't matter anyways I think yeah anyways we left you hanging there yeah sorry yeah like drop yeah um okay well I guess I guess we can we can uh put a ball on that topic as well and uh and go into our final rotation so thank I I like the the uh um I guess slightly more philosophical rabbit hole we went down there uh that was nice but uh with that I'm gonna Dave I'm gonna jump to you next as our final topic I'll queue you up with the same question everybody gets why are you bullish well I usually come on here and tell you why I'm not bullish um and I think that the all the reasons that I've articulated in the past not to be bullish are still true I think there's way too much short-term enthusiasm in the market and way too many people in bitcoin that are hoping to sell their bitcoins for more dollars soon um but that said I'm I think I said this last time too I'm becoming more and more bullish on the bitcoin community I feel like it's coming really together in a way that um it hasn't right back to when I got started in bitcoin and I think that's most obvious seeing the number and quality of the conferences that we're seeing these days and I know you're you're on the same I I think Scott's been to almost as many and we're we're hitting a lot of conferences this year and you know Madeira, Prague, Montreal have all been amazing conferences um Prague is probably the best bitcoin conference I've ever been to that was just phenomenal yeah the level of execution on everything there and the quality of the content and the the vendors and everything was just amazing we've obviously also got our own conference here the bitcoin rodeo that um you know we're not going to be anywhere near the scale of those kinds of conferences but I think we're going to compete with any of them on the quality of the content it's really geared towards um talking about why bitcoin is useful and relevant in the real world you know we're trying to stay a little bit away from the macroeconomic or technical topics that dominate some of the conferences and the big reason for that is because we're trying to draw in a lot of this sort of like freedom community which we have a huge huge uh group up here in Alberta the trucker convoy COVID all that stuff really woke up a lot of people and I've spoken to a lot of those groups recently and they're definitely ready to hear what we have to say they're ready to look at the solution for sure and I think it's just going to keep going you know we've got um you know Nashville coming up I don't think I'm going to go to that conference but I might go to Nashville um and then recently announced was the learning bitcoin conference in Victoria another Canadian one that looks pretty cool that uh I'm definitely going to go to I think that's September 28th um so yeah I mean that that's probably the biggest thing for me is that like bitcoiners as a community are really crystallizing in a way that we haven't before and especially without the sort of back-end support of the shit coin industry which for a long time a lot of conferences were kind of like funded by that stuff because all their sponsors were selling shit coins and whatnot and I think we've moved past that to the point where the bitcoin industry itself can stand on its own and we can have conferences and uh you know our our we can have our own conferences we can have our own media we don't need to piggyback on this sort of grift that has so much uh spending power that we've seen from like ethereum and and whatnot infecting all of the conferences and so um yeah that's the biggest thing for me I think is just I think the community is amazing yeah and and I got I got to touch on one thing that I noticed in the chat here that we haven't brought up is we're gonna be doing the the roast of BTC sessions it's wonderful at the at the rodeo and uh c-funk who's gonna be in the roast as well is trying to convince yellow to join and we have no one joining remotely at this conference but I think I would make an exception for yellow if you wanted to join remotely to join the roast I would I would permit that I would have of anybody to to call in from across the planet and and roast me now Dave I'm curious is the benchmark for considering it a successful roast if he's so offended he actually leaves the bitcoin community I feel like there's a line we don't want to cross because I think he's a great asset if I if I become like a dot eth that that very evening oh I feel like if if if you can or anyone in the roast can be toxic enough to make Ben become an ethtard that's a win oh we've got we've got we've got confirmation from yellow uh he will he will uh zap he will zoom himself in and uh and he he will roast from afar so yellow start formulating your uh your digs now so yeah I've Dave I've heard you've been busy um trading notes with people and you know I mean should I be next is like am I going to be crying here or what you know the funny thing is you're you're like in some ways you're like very easy to roast but in other ways like everybody everybody loves Ben so it makes it a little bit harder to roast him because he's such a nice guy but I think I think the the group of people that we have assembled um JP is the only one that doesn't really know you well and but he has the advantage of being a professional comedian yeah and the rest of us um you know I think we all know you well enough not to pull any punches great and FYI an actual roast it's a combination of insulting while honoring the roast recipient and and I'm not necessarily confident that that balance is gonna be made uh it might be a lot more insulting but we'll see how that turns out yeah yeah I'll uh I'll you know I'll take it as best I can I suppose it should be a good time you're a brave man Ben I admire that brother awesome well uh gentlemen um I'm I'm conscious of time and and uh you know I'm gonna gradually begin to to round out here but I do like to kind of round out episodes in a certain way and so the way I usually like to do this is is do one last one last around the circle um where anybody can give kind of any final thoughts on any of the discussions that we've had anything that you maybe didn't get to get out or you know summaries that you'd like to throw in but secondly I like for guests to give a recommendation and recommendation could be um anything that you think would be helpful to people that are watching this episode and it could be Bitcoin related it could be just a tangential topic it could be you know a pod you listen to a book you read um maybe it's like an app you tried or a device you really like or maybe it's a piece of life advice that you think would be good for uh somebody to follow um whatever it is again it's whatever you decide uh but I'll start first to give you guys a moment to stew with that um so yeah I mean the the theme of this episode to me has been very I suppose community focused and different types of communities right like you know from local to kind of global to um even even uh looking to communities that are are far financially better off than us like the the Michaels of the world um you know unfortunately I'm I'm a lowly Ben but uh we are legion we are strong so um either way the the communities in and around Bitcoin are growing and as Dave as you said are able to stand on their own under their own merit without having to pull in external funding and I think Bitcoiners as a whole are getting to be a powerful bunch and I think that's all all that's required is for individuals to go out into their local communities and actually assemble these people in a place where you can actually create meaningful relationships because if you're unorganized then you're effectively useless but in a group you can actually affect change and make each other's lives better and so I think it's upon every person and I guess my summary is tying into my piece of advice and it's more a piece of life advice or a my suggestion to everybody is go into your local communities and and rally together and see how you can be useful together what do you do for a living what skills do you have what products and services do you offer um you already recognize that Bitcoin is the better money it's a no-brainer that you should be accepting it but it's not enough to just throw up a sticker in your shop you need to meet the other Bitcoiners in and around where you are and tell them that you you're doing this thing and that they should you know come in and and and frequent your location and you should support others that are doing the same that provide value to you so you know come together bring your local community together and support each other as best you can and it can be as simple as going to your local meetup or starting a local meetup and just chatting to each other about what you do and how you can you know build your local community together and have events and be friends but with that I'll toss it down the line to Scott and Scott I'll get your final thoughts and recommendations that you may have yeah I think maybe just to touch on a point of the day made there are a lot of Bitcoiners that have never been to a Bitcoin conference and a lot of closet Bitcoiners and if you haven't been to an event like you got to get to one it's an experience that will change your perception of how Bitcoin how Bitcoiners interact the vibe but all of them is is off the charts and rodeo is going to be amazing so if you're anywhere in western Canada or the on the northwest US get yourself to Calgary next weekend it's going to be awesome and I maybe what you were saying Ben about it's like Bitcoin's like the horn of Gondor you know we're not just magnetizing Bitcoiners we've got the freedom people we've got like you know this we're just going to show up on the battlefield of freedom and I was recording a pod the other day with a guy who said Bitcoin is the first form of money that doesn't take anything it doesn't ask anything it only gives and so to me there are no barriers for recruitment with Bitcoin all we need is to sort of be be ready available and help as many people as possible understand this idea learn how to interact with it and and I think as Bitcoiners your conviction grows when you meet others and when you sort of take the step out of just owning some and actually going to spend some on meet others and hear the the presentations and topics so so that would be my my two cents on it I'm going to take a shot to to plug the block reward pod it is a a podcast that's geared for people of any level of Bitcoin and so if you have a spouse that is not interested in listening to this stuff I try to record the episodes in a way that you might be able to have it on and not get in trouble anyone with any level of Bitcoin can listen we did an episode with Ben February Dave came on back in November JP's not booked yet but we will be confirming that at some point soon so you can find it it's on all the platforms the block reward. Awesome love it man and looking forward to seeing you soon as well JP I'll toss it down to you any final thoughts recommendations for yourself. Yeah before the recommendations the thought and not to sound like I'm just piggy backing but it's it's what I had in my mind from the initiation of this round the community aspect so important I think the the positive of people who are awakened to Bitcoin we share the value of freedom to one degree or another it's probably a large degree and with that you know left unchecked we're all like a bunch of feral wild cats out doing our own thing but the community events like I'm so looking forward to being at the Bitcoin rodeo and Calgary and the sets market that's where magic happens that's where organization of powerful values and technologies happens and then I love your call to like also local like get things going in your own community because that's where the the power is really harnessed and I've seen I've been in rooms where it's just magic happens you put humans together and things that you weren't going to predict ideas you weren't going to predict that's where it happens so get yourself to conferences Calgary is top of my list next and then as far as recommendations say what you think period and you know I think if you want to look at centralized thought you watch the news but if you're a Bitcoin or you're into decentralization and decentralized thought comes from us and we're living in a time where we we need that expressed we we need to have the little bit of courage it takes to say what you think about whatever it is so for me that's like an embodiment of what Bitcoin represents say what you think and then lastly if you know what really turned me on and helped me understand Bitcoin was Michael Saylor so if you're a relative newbie to Bitcoin or you're looking to show people the light my recommendation would be go on YouTuber wherever find interviews with Michael Saylor where someone is you know it's a host bringing Michael Saylor in not to just preach to Bitcoiners but to preach to an outside audience his way of explaining things is a bridge that is very easy to see very easy to cross because he he's a very smart dude so that would those would be my two recommendations awesome awesome love it Dave I'll toss it to you last again final thoughts recommendations go ahead yeah so I've been in trouble a few times for saying what I think I got in trouble from our know the board of a public company and I at one point got in trouble from the board for saying put the socialists in the ocean I thought that could be considered calling for the murder of socialists but I also noticed in the same um in the same thread that somebody named SW Moore in the chat has saying that his his wife is ready to divorce him for watching this so like I guess if she's single get her to call me but other than that I got a few things to show so obviously we've got the Bitcoin rodeo coming up Bitcoin or if anybody watching this wants a special rate and is willing to pay in Bitcoin they can DM me on Twitter or or telegram if you can't figure that out I don't want to tell you I mean if they can't figure that out they probably can't figure out sending you Bitcoin either yeah exactly and we have up there um some some combo tickets with learning Bitcoin in uh in Victoria and their VIP tickets that they have um it ends up being nearly free to add the second ticket it's an extra ten dollars to add the ticket which is I think a two hundred and fifty dollar value um so if you're able to make both conferences that's probably a great idea and then I'm going to show JP's show which um in theory I also have a promo code four JP is going to be performing his stand-up comedy show in Calgary on July 27th and 27th to 29th yes I think I've got it here to have shopping Calgary yeah last I heard update this morning Dave there were it was next to sold out only four tickets left that was this morning so okay if any of y'all can slide in awesome and if it's fully booked out make sure you're at the Bitcoin rodeo I'll be there yeah it's basically it's sold out so tough shit that's what we're getting either way yes come to the Bitcoin road it's sold out so you may as well come to the rodeo um great uh no that's awesome that's super awesome um well this is great uh I'm again very excited to see you gents all in person very shortly again if anybody has not yet grabbed tickets to the rodeo or to JP show which is sold out again so tough shit but uh you can find those uh both again if you go to lash a laugh shop Calgary maybe maybe there's a ticket or two left you can snag them and bitcoin and uh you can grab some tickets for that as well and the sat market uh you can find that just you know hit my hit my twitter hit my nostra I've been sharing links to it but it's also on and it's going to be at the deerfoot in a casino on the morning of July 1st that is uh Canada Day and it's going to run from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. I believe and uh and then we'll go from there and we'll we'll be hanging out we'll be doing some talks we'll be uh doing all kinds of stuff down there so it's uh it's free to attend and if you are a merchant that would like to be a part of it then please do reach out you can email and uh just say hey I have a good or service that I would like to uh uh chill at a table there and I accept bitcoin we will be happy to have you so anyways with that gents I suppose I will round out I want to thank all of you guys for taking the time to be here and getting bullish with me on a friday night I really do appreciate it and also a big thank you to everybody in the chat that was joining us all evening uh had a couple couple thousand people tune in uh over the last hour and a bit uh to say hey and I'm sure there will be many more over the the next few days that will watch this and listen to the audio version of the podcast as well so thank you guys and we hope to see you at the bitcoin rodeo as well but with that gents thank you so much I'll see you guys soon and you're all welcome back on here any time that you like appreciate y'all cheers guys see you later and everybody thank you for being here again everybody in the chat make sure you smash that like button give this a share show it some love uh and um of course uh subscribe if you have not already uh again bitcoin and you can find everything you need there and I hope to see you guys at the sat market as well and just a side note if uh if you've been uh a fan of the channel for a while you've been watching you know the years and years of tutorials and everything that I've been doing and uh and you need a little bit of additional help with that um and you need somebody to help hold your hand through that a couple months back I launched my company bitcoin mentor and I've aggregated a bunch of legendary uh awesome incredible educators in and around the bitcoin space um they were hand selected from a crop of 350 people that applied we've got 16 that we whittled it down to and uh and they're always on the ready to help you with anything you need whether it be again uh key management hardware multi-sig running a node um you know hobbyist home mining but whatever you want to get into uh they will be happy to help you and uh and I guess my big thing when I when I touch on this is don't become a bitcoin luddite um quite oftentimes people will learn their one thing that they do in bitcoin and then they just kind of stand still so be curious keep learning obviously again there's a ton of free content on the channel with all the tutorials but if you do need some help and you're you feel a little bit stuck then please do reach out at bitcoin mentor dot IO so with that uh I'm gonna round out thank you guys so much for being here um and I guess that's it I'll be seeing you guys next week keep your eyes peeled for everything going on and the bitcoin rodeo is just 10 days out uh so have a wonderful day or evening wherever you may be see you guys next time for your daily session bye! 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