
108: Overdunk Ep. 109 China Version Deep Dive!

1h 36m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] Welcome back to Overdunk everybody, your favorite competitive Pokemon Unite podcast. My name is Zoinks, I am joined as always by Bridget, but instead of dupes next tonight, we have a very special guest, the man, the myth, the legend, the Spanish Mamooch as I used to call him, as well as a man who has been no life in China vods. It is Gek O'Kami joining the show tonight. Gek, what is going on, man? How have you been these last few months? It's been too long since you've been on the show. So how have you been Gek? >> I've been okay, I took a break of the season. But I'm back, I got a good final run at regionals, and it was just warm up for next season. >> Okay. >> I'm ready to, I'm back and I'm ready to say and do a good next season. >> Awesome, the prize money and then a good run as well, that was sick. >> That does all of you, awesome. >> Yeah, that was a sweet, that was a sweet run. That was really fun to watch your team. Plus, you played Wiggly top, so it was kind of hype. >> I did, I did. >> Awesome, Bridget, how have you been this whole last week? >> I've been pretty good, honestly nothing too crazy. You play a little bit of Unite and a lot of H-O-K. >> Right, yeah. >> Some Unite, still some Unite. >> Yeah, you and I have been running it down in H-O-K a little bit. We've been- >> A little bit. >> Kind of getting farmed, but we're working on it. We're working on it. We're still trying our best. But yeah, it's been a lot of fun. But Bridget, you're also gonna be going to Pokemon Gofest in New York this coming weekend, right? >> I am, I will be at Gofest, I'm very excited. >> Very, very cool, have you ever been to a Pokemon Gofest before? >> I've never been to a Pokemon Go event. I've been to unofficial ones in the old city I lived in. We would do kind of big stuff for the global events. >> Oh, cool, yeah. >> Never like an actual sanctioned Gofest event. So, I'm really excited and I've never been to New York, so. >> Oh, sick? Okay. >> That'll be crazy. >> That sounds awesome. We'll definitely need your recap on next episode of how Gofest went down. All of the Unite events that were going on there, of course, we'll need to hear the breakdown of everything that's happening. Quick housekeeping before we actually get into the main topic of the podcast today, which I don't know if I've said, this is hitting the record button. But the main topic of today's podcast, if you haven't guessed from that title, we are going to be deep diving into everything we know. And by that, I mean everything Gekko Kami knows about the China version, or the current beta that is released in China for Pokemon Unite. It's going to be a lot of fun, we're breaking down basically everything that we can find on VODs and Billy Billy streams and all that kind of stuff. But in terms of the podcast of the episode, we're sort of in a little bit delayed on uploads. It's just a little bit of a mishap in our flow between do sacks and I forget some stuff set up, so we'll be caught up on the feed very, very soon. That aside, if you're watching this live on Twitch, make sure to look forward to this Friday, where the world's group draw show is going to be happening. I am personally very excited for that. They had Spreggles and Wondershelf out in the studio that we did a lot of the regional broadcast from. There did the random group draw. I specifically asked Jake to not tell me the groups because I want to live react to with that video, if possible. So tune in, potentially here on the Unite Mike's channel to maybe a co-street. It was a very big maybe, but at least tune in on Friday. And then next week's episode, we'll be talking all about world's groups, which I'm super excited because that's going to be a lot of fun and a good talking point. But all that out of the way, today, we are talking all about the China version of the game. Now, Gek, you are the resident, well, weekly, tough expert. But of course, other topics as well, you are known to be provisioned in. You have been watching a lot of these videos, very excited about this version of the game. Overall, I mean, like, obviously your wealth and knowledge will be getting into a few of the specifics, but overall, how you feeling about the China version of the game? Is it sick? Is it worrying? Are you pumped for it? Are you like, I don't know about this? What are your general vibes going towards this new version of the game? So my personal vibes, community vibes have been very hit and missed because I've talked to a lot of people about it. Some are like the games are different. It doesn't look as serious, looks like too messy, or on the complete different side of the spectrum of we're never going to get it. You know how many games have a different version in China? I will keep my hopes up. But when it comes to my actual opinion, I think it's very good. But to quote, actually, Spraggles on one of his videos, I don't know if it's just like the thirst for new content. It's like, just because it's new, I'm saying it's good, right? Just because it's new and we've been wanting something new for a while. Because Theta Sky Runians has been here for two years. From season, like, from year two to year three, not much changed besides new releases. But when I look at this game, I like it because even though it's the same map as we already played, Remote Stadium, it has a lot of good changes in my opinion, like quality of light changes that we're going to hit later. And even the fast pace, right? Which I think it's very common for Chinese mobiles to have this sort of pacing. And even when you look at League of Legends and you look at LPLs, which is China's League, the way of playing the game is also a lot more aggressive. And this game's very non-stop, always objective, always 5v5 fighting. I personally am down for it because I've been hating the tank treatment we've been getting this last season, where the tank just stays on bot lane for eight minutes until, "Oh, it's ready, come play." And I'm not very big fan of that. So anything faster paced, I'm actually down for. And taking away the time restrictment is the only thing I'm very iffy about. Because even though I do like it, I think it was a very nuanced aspect of Unite that made it different from other mobiles, where it's actually about the team that doesn't crumble to the pressure of clock ticking down. I think it was a very nice touch on this take of a MOBA. And now we're going to lose it. But we get another take, which is very good. But overall, I'm very positive. I like it a lot. And most of the things are positive. And if I had to choose between getting nothing or the whole thing, I would take the whole thing without a doubt. Okay. So yeah, we had those two options. And who knows, maybe we'll get none of it. Maybe we'll get all of it. Maybe we'll get something in the middle. That's a good point. But between those two ends of the spectrum, we take all of it. I think I tend to agree. Bridget, how about you? I know you haven't seen as much as... Obviously, no one has. Watching as much. But how about you? Just general vibes seeing some of the games, seeing some tournament play, seeing some streams. What are your thoughts on the general vibes spectrum? I would definitely agree. I feel like I like it. But I'm not sure if I like it just because it's a change, something new, or if it would actually be something I'd enjoy. I feel like I would. I feel like they wouldn't want to change the game so much that scares away what is the player base. But I don't know. I think it's pretty exciting to be honest, especially to see the quantity. It feels like there's a lot in here. That is what I feel like is inherently exciting. It feels like a lot more. Yeah. Especially, yeah, the items, almost everything. Yeah. There has been kind of a facelift on every aspect of the game and big changes, honestly. But it doesn't feel like they took away a lot. It feels like there's just kind of a base we have now and then just everything added for the most part. So, get before we get into some of the specific details we're going to go for. I'm just going to go kind of a quick overview, especially to audio listeners about what overall in a game of unite has changed so much that you would expect. For one, the biggest change, of course, like you already mentioned, the timer of 10 minutes is gone. And it is now replaced with basically a finish line. If you score 500 points or more, you are able to win the game. This, of course, is done by breaking enemy goal zones and scoring in the home goal zone. And much to the demise, maybe, of this podcast name, you can no longer over dunk, which is something that I'm lamenting. Also, trying to figure out how to fix. I don't know. Maybe one day we'll get it. So, that's the biggest change. The second change is that objectives have been almost entirely reworked. Now, instead of a regi spawning on the top and bottom side, instead, the regis have been kind of shrunk down and become almost like indeedy spawns a couple of times. However, the big changes for major objectives is that a few major objectives spawn throughout the throughout the time of a match in the middle of the map, kind of where I mid B spawn, including Regi Lucky, Regi Drago, Avalon, all having very different game enhancing effects. A Rotom will spawn in the top and bottom path at one minute. And when you knock at a Rotom, it'll walk towards enemy goals and then make them defenseless, just like kind of old school Rotom except spawning in a brand new place. And then the biggest change is Zapdos's back at eight minutes. Double time goal scoring is gone. For the most part, there's some caveats there. But when you knock out Zapdos, it'll walk towards enemy goal zones, shoot the goal zones to make them defenseless, not score it itself, but we'll keep doing so until it is knocked out. Every time a Zapdos is knocked out, a new one will respawn in 15 seconds after the last one was KO'd. This does mean that the timer is gone and the match will go on until someone has scored 500 points. However, for what I've seen, the match is 10 to go slightly longer than 10 minutes, but not too longer. I'm curious what your thoughts are on that gag. But basically, that is the general changes to gameplay. Now, Bridget, before we jump into Gex's information, is there anything in that that like heked a question for your brain? Because you're kind of our viewer perspective right now. A lot of people listening and watching this podcast have not seen very much of the China footage. So any questions you have like, okay, so how does that work then? Yeah. So thought there's so many things. I know. So the veggies are like in DDs, so they don't give you. So Reggie Steele and Reggie Rock both give a buff. There's no Reggie Ice as far as I can tell. Am I right on that, Keck? So for the footage you've been seeing on the tournament, there was no Reggie Ice, but they did that Reggie Ice's last beta. There's two Reggie Steele's bot lane on the further bottom side edges of the lane and top lane where the baltoy is currently. So on the middle one, the contested farm spot, it could be either Reggie Rock or Reggie Ice. Oh, interesting. Okay. So either a defense or a healing buff. Now, to answer your question, it does still give a buff. I believe the same one that the game is. I don't know if the stats are the same, but it only gives it to the same stats too. Interesting. But it only gives it to the Pokemon that knocks it out, not an entire team wide buff. So basically a shrinking down of these objectives, but it is now a pretty important, especially in the top lane, a very important contestable objective. That's very interesting. Okay. Cool. All right, Keck, start talking to us about some of the changes in the game. What are, what are the ones that come to mind when you first think about it? So the one of the first changes is clearly the wincon, right? And now we actually win through scoring. Yes. We already won through scoring, but when we actually look and boil it down, we actually are playing for that last fight. More often than not, we're playing for that last fight. And actually using the prompt you just pulled off on the screen, we can look at the top side of the screen shot here. And the players can actually see the points as they're playing. Oh, yes. Good point. We can see the points. So there's no more people guessing the points or trying to count them out and being slightly off, or actually some of the most memorable competitive matches has been when both teams think they're ahead. And neither team know who's ahead by like 10 points. So that part's gone, I guess. It was very fun. No more math game. Yeah, but now we actually have the points splattered on top. And people, I've had some people say, I don't like the change. It was a skillful part of the game. Well, the reason we need to see the point in the in the Chinese version is because of that wheel you're seeing on the left side of your screen. Yes, which is, I don't know what to call it, but I'm going to use Zoinks words as like power-ups you get throughout the game. So here you already has three, yes, two to select. So when you start the game, right off you get to select one, which you can see was like the purple axagon, he shows. So right off the bat, you choose one, you get out of three to select from. And then once you score, once your team reaches a total score of 50, you get to select another one. And so far, so forth, it was at the beginning of the game, 50 points, 100 points, 200 points, and 350 points. So you get a total of five power-ups as your team scores. These power-ups goes all the way from combat modifiers to way to acquire points, way to acquire XP, conditional stuff, like speed outside of battle, or neutral mobs like wild Pokemon give you more points, or your next attack on a wildmon gives more damage, or even a effect that raises you basically. If you're going to die, you get a big chunk of elf regen, for example. Yeah, like a basically a focus band on an upgrade. Yeah, I've seen some other interesting ones I saw is basically gives you a second charge of your battle item was one that I thought was really interesting. There's one that actually allows you to respawn quicker and recall to base quicker as well. But just again, this is a tough one for just audio listeners because we're going to bring it up a lot of examples of video and photo and stuff. So check us out on YouTube if you're if you are just an audio listener might be the best way to listen to this episode. But just for audio listeners, like we mentioned, you get these upgrades at 50 100 or sorry, the start of the game, 50 100, 200, 350 points. It's denoted by a little wheel on the left hand side. And each time you hit one of those thresholds, you get to a choice of three different upgrades. Now, this is the team's collective score. So it's on an individual score. Once your team reaches 50 points, everybody on your team gets that choice of their second upgrade and so on and so forth throughout the match. So it doesn't incentivize you to score early to get your upgrades faster than the enemy team. But also this game is so objective focused that I don't think you could just force a ton of scores. But yeah, we'll probably talk more about the augments or powerups that I called them a little bit more in the show because there's so many to talk about. But Gridget thoughts on the upgrades on the upgrade wheel. I really like it. It's just it adds just another like kind of fun complexity and like layer to the game. I do really like it. And the scoring mechanic, I mean, like you said, like we've already won by scoring, but yeah, see, it's just crazy seeing being able to see the points. Yeah, that is a big switch planning around it. I don't know. Yeah, there's a really big switch. This one makes it feel like it's actually about scoring. It's all you mean through scoring. The game's actually about scoring. Yeah, because our game right now, right? It's about scoring, but it's also you win team fights and then you score like that. That's kind of the that is the actual play pattern of unite as it is. But now it does feel like, okay, you better be scoring after these fights or otherwise we're going to be falling behind. So yeah, because there's some examples on like the competitive video you guys made the video for in your channel where a team gets he's playing slower than the other team. And then you look at the augmentation table they actually have on broadcast and you're like, well, one team has four power ups and the other team has one power up, right? Right. So it's it's kind of snowballing as well. Yeah, which is so interesting. I will say, I know this is literally the first well, we've kind of talked about two changes right now. We've talked about the the score, the end goal being different, the points being visible, and now the score upgrades. I will say, I think the score upgrades are my favorite part of the entire version. I think this is the most interesting thing to me. I love this concept. Now, I will say I messaged. I think it was Bridget and Drew Snacks earlier last week because I was watching someone do a video of this or play a game of ranked, I believe, playing the China Beta. And I screen-capped and Google translated every single one of the score upgrades they got. And I was like, oh, these are probably just every single one that you get. And now I'm looking at this screenshot that Gek has given us and they are three different upgrades that they are possible. So we don't know. It's also with replayability, right? Because every game can be different because you get different upgrades on your Pokemon, right? So do you know how, we don't know, right? Like, why you get different upgrades in some games? So I've seen an emblem page. Like the way emblems work are completely different. It's not stat-based, it's something like this. Also, shout out to Sherry on YouTube because I took some of the screenshots from their YouTube channel. As you can see here, and from what they explained on their stream, it's like you collect. So as you where you can see the clef and the Clefairy, you have like five emblems you collect, you get those five emblems, you get access to that one power up in-game, right? Interesting. Now, the thing is, as you can see here, there's six of them. But once you get in-game, you can only choose off three. So I still don't know where out that makes it. I don't know if it just that just widens the pool of availability you have, which sounds weird, because then I can just not unlock the bad ones and just have the good ones. So this is very uncertain. Maybe you can only fit so many emblems to the point where you can fill up three of these sections. So then it's like these three themes of upgrades because they look like defense, moving, scoring, attacking, healing, and I don't know what the lightning one is, maybe all of these icons I've only seen on the 350 power up. Oh, you've only seen these icons on the 350 power. The lightning bolt is almost how aesthetic shit works in legalism. Okay. Okay. Again, audio listeners, please just watch on YouTube. It's impossible to explain. But basically, we're talking about now emblems in this game, which already I'm seeing Electivire on screen. So Gen 4 emblem, very cool. But the emblem screen is totally different. It looks like a case that you're filling up. And if you fill up one set, you highlight a an icon in the middle. There are six icons. Currently, this screenshot cherry looks like they just have the starters filled in, which is a star with a heart in the center. Very care bears ask. I don't know what it does. It's neat. I'm cool. We're not too sure on emblems. I think that's one area where pretty tough to gain information from, but which we also ensure on the power ups, but we do know they have some correlation somewhere in there on our board with red string detective style. But there is a connection, which we can't say that power ups are fully randomized because clearly there's a way of somehow like controlling it, I guess. I'm not sure. But those two are connected in some way, shape or form. Okay. Okay. Good, good, good. All right. What is the next major gameplay thing that you want to talk about, Gek outside of the scoring clock and augments? If you can go back to the other screenshot, there's actually a lot of a lot to unpack. Yeah, this is a good screenshot. Exactly. So if you ignore the power up wheel, we can go back to our bottom right of the screen, where we can actually see that we have this purple icon, where usually the scoring button is. Yes. And then we have this circle thing on where usually a jack button x attack full wheel is at. Okay. So this purple indicator or this purple icon, it's actually the new eject button. And everyone has it by default. So everyone, any character doesn't matter as this new purple icon, which is actually the new eject probably has a new name, I don't know. But there is a new eject. Everyone has eject by default and a second battle item or actually just one battle item. Right. It's just stop being a battle item just to just be something that's built in the game. So everyone has the blink plus a new battle item. And the Chinese version does come with four new battle items. If I'm not mistaken, this one being one of them. And the one on the screen is basically freezes everyone in a circle. It slows them down basically. It's a one tap smoke slow screen, no slow smoke and not an actual snow smoke, which sometimes stands sometimes slows. I don't know depending on what. But sure. Basically, that's the gist of it. Okay. Yeah. All right. So interesting. Everybody is eject. Now one thing I though super interesting to get you were mentioning this one, you can't use the new eject on goal sounds, because that becomes a scoring button. The same button correct. Right. Now, the also the interesting thing is with this dash, it's like a drag, like it's not a roll fella. It's a direct person. You picked light strong forward. Okay, great. Everybody's got rolled teleport on their score button. Cool. Basically, without the without the empower attack is only a difference. Okay. But the way you use it. So why does why does that matter? That basically matters. Because now you can actually eject without being a set distance. You can make a shorter eject or a longer eject. It's very you can you don't need to eject all the way if you know what I mean. Yeah, it's like a set distance. This you actually have more control over it. It's going to be very hard for the switch users to control it to be there. Oh, absolutely. It's mobile time, baby. Come on. I'm a switch player myself. That's fine. I mean, I don't know. Usually max wind ejects always good with slow bro, but that does make some but sometimes if I flash forward, right, and my enemy dash just passed me now, I mean, it's weird scenario because I flash too much forward. If that makes sense, right? Now, if I can just do the eject to certain distance I need, I don't I'm not lagging so much behind after that. You know, if you basically you can select it's good possibilities, good always good to have more possibilities. Yeah, with our eject more control sick. Okay. Bridget check in how we feel it about everybody's got flash on the score button. Oh, it feels crazy, but I mean, I guess if everyone has us, I can't be mad. Right. That's true. Yeah, even some points. You can't. You couldn't be like double eject. Like you just it's just like, no, there's no eject button. Yeah, there's a similar, well, it's not really that similar. But I don't think it's like, yeah, it's like, now everyone, yeah, now I can play Gardevoir with eject and balloon. Yeah, balloon for context works as a folio. You get immune to CC and you get to fly away in safety. Basically, it is kind of adorable. You do Mary Poppins your ass out of there. It's pretty funny. So, for example, mages are a lot safer now because they have eject by default and then they also can get to Balunua or Shaddinja doll or even potion. So you have more flexibility towards it. But with that being said, we can also go eject button, X attack, mimic you, right? Let's go. Now we're talking. Yeah, we can double down on defense, but we can also double down aggressive, you know. Okay, sick. Okay, so we just talked about two of the new battle items, the freeze AoE hit. That's similar to slow smoke. And then the balloon escape tool, which is kind of like a eject button, meets full heal, but slower than both. And then what are the use that there were two more? Do you remember what those are? Yes. So, there's one that I've never seen being used. Okay, it's got to be bad. But okay. Yeah, but basically worse like power swap on Mr. Mine. It's basically just connects to someone and they keep healing as long as they're in range. So it's like a support option. Cool. Yeah, it's like a targetable heal. That's interesting. Okay. Yeah, but I've yet to see it being played. So I don't know, like details, I've just read the tooltip. Okay. And then you have one that is actually being played a lot. Because if you look at the games on the land they already have, because it's on, there's recordings of that. One they use a lot, and I've been watching streams and watching ranked gameplay from the beta. One they use a lot is this shield. I think it translates to spiky shield. Cool. So it actually doesn't shield you, I think. No, it doesn't shield, like it doesn't give a shield. I'm not sure if it gives damage reduction or resistance. I'm not sure. What I do know is that after you take damage for a couple of seconds, it actually reflects the damage you just taken to the enemy. Oh, wow. Okay. So it's like, like the name goes spiky shield. So there's a lot of melee's being used in this version. They just slap that on them, go into enemy, turn it on. And it's like, you're going to slap me. I'm going to slap you back, basically. It's what the item says. Great. So that's, that's basically, I think those are the four new ones. I haven't seen any other. Yeah. I remember this is just a beta. So who knows that on full release, they might have more that these might have changed. But as of right now, that's what we're looking at. Okay. Very interesting. I mean, they seem pretty cool. I personally love the idea of having everybody have a check button. It just allows you to be way more creative. I'm a huge fan of that change. But awesome. Okay. I caveat with everyone has a check button just to scare the switch players even more. This means that exact button is going to the X button. Of course. So I'm going to see a lot of people using the wrong one by mistake, if we do end up getting this. Oh, yeah. It's going to be a bit of a learning curve for sure. A hundred percent. People are going to need to know why every time. Because we're so, we're so used to pressing Y. Yeah, exactly. It'll take some time to learn, but maybe one day. We'll see. Exactly. Okay. Cool. Cool. Um, Bridget. Well, actually, get out of those four, which one are you most interested in trying out? Shield, icy spray balloons, or I forget the line balloons. Yeah, I think balloons are probably going to be the most impactful for the way we play the game. But then again, that's not how we play this game, you know? But the one I'm more excited about, of course, the shield because this fits my tank gameplay, right? Yeah. Unless I just want to balloon in, bro. No one stops me. I just balloon in. I balloon in and then engage. Sounds good to me. The air drop sounds sick. I grow a balloon. The ODST Pokemon Unite Gameplay. I do it. I just balloon in. No one can stop me. Okay. So you're balloon fan. Um, I'm gonna lie for my playstyle, having a button that I can press to run it down with shield sounds pretty sick. Um, Bridget, how about you? Are those four new items? What sound the most interesting to you? I mean, it's got to be the balloon. It sounds like the most fun one. It also does cool. It's ridiculous. Cool. Yeah, I think it's a two. The animation purely is like me, but you know, unbelievably good. Um, okay, let's, we got, we got way more topics to move through. So let's keep moving. That's battle items. That's some of the controls. Gek, take us to the next one. What's the next gameplay change you want to talk about in this version of the game? So, uh, for example, something I want to touch on on the things you mentioned, these objectives, so a lot of objectives. And even when objectives are down, you have mini objectives, basically. So mini objectives being these veggies that you share in line. So LaDia Contessa, they still give the same buff, but to a singular person, like Zoox mentioned, what we have on top of that is on the recent beta, they changed before it was dreadnought and analog. Now they changed it to Reggie Drago and Reggie Lecky. Reggie Lecky does the same thing as ours does, but it spawns at the middle of the map and will then path into the closest path available. And Reggie Drago gives you a shield, the team wide shield, and increases your scoring speed throughout the game. That's which, uh, yeah, which with this game, which this, with this game being so focused around scores and wanting to hit the thresholds where you get the powerups, I think that's something that can be very impactful towards the game. But the Reggie Lecky paired if timed, because I think once we get more high level gameplay of this version of the game, you can time these Reggie Leckys with the lane rotums and have a 7v5 push, for example. Just an onslaught of electric types, that's so sick. Exactly. Okay, that's, uh, that's awesome. Okay, so, um, a quick reminder of the objectives, you can see the Rotom here on screen. If you're watching on Twitch or on YouTube, uh, the Rotom here is, it's worth 10 a.0 synergy, but once you knock it out, it will walk towards either side. Now slight change to the goal zones in this game per path. Instead of taking the same uniform points, top path goes, uh, the first goal zone can hold 60, the second goal zone can hold 80. In the bottom path, the goal zones can hold 80 and 120, I believe, uh, in that order. So, uh, basically top path, you can break a lot quicker, but there's less experience in the bottom path. There's a ton of experience with those two register deals spawning in and things like that. Now, Gek, you mentioned the Reggie Lecky will walk towards whatever goal zone is closer. Um, just wanted to explain that to anybody who has not seen it or the Reggie, or Reggie Drogo, who does the same thing, but basically it walks, it spawns right in the middle of the map, but then it walks up and down. So basically up to the top end of the central area of the map, and then walks straight down to the bottom and it goes back and forth. Wherever you knock it out, it goes onto that side of the map. Yeah, it would walk where, um, lane B spawn at 8.50 currently in our version. And then from there, we'll run down the lane. If in a rare occasion, Reggie Lecky, you got a Reggie Lecky and you have broken both your ones and tier twos, it would actually run straight mid just right through the jungle. Let's go exactly directly into the main, uh, main goal. Very cool. Okay. I mean, same with, same with Zaptos, by the way. Zaptos will always do the path top or bot and then run down the lane. Or if all goals are broken, it will just run right past everything and just go directly towards mid. Yeah, Zaptos is one of the most interesting ones, obviously, just because it works so different in our game. It actually works similar to the catchum mode. If anybody played the like quick mode game in our version of the game, exactly, which is really interesting. One of like, it opens up a lot of things. I talked about this earlier in the episode of how once you knock out a Zaptos, a new one spawns in 15 seconds, but one of the interesting things about the Zaptos is that it doesn't score itself. So when some of the tournament videos I was watching is the enemy team had vision of all the remaining members, however, they had a Zaptos walking towards them that was scoring in a goal zone of theirs. And they were like, no one's even close enough to score where that Zaptos is making this goal zone defenseless. Let's not knock it out and try to get some like game position before we go back and knock out the Regioleki. So they instead left the Zaptos like making their one goal zone defenseless, ran to the other side and broke a bottom to your goal zone and then knocked out the Zapt and then tried to take the refight at the news app. And I was like, okay, there's some creativity possible here in the end. There's no time to catch your breath, basically. As soon as you knock it out of a new one spawning in 15 seconds. And something worth mentioning when it comes to talking about objectives is death timers. Yes. So death timers in this game for someone that plays our version are completely crazy. So once you hit like the on average level 11, level 12, level 13, you're going to start seeing those 30 second death timers, even though you're not like 30 kills deep. Really? And if yeah, and once it gets to the Zaptos timer, it's very common to see 45 plus on the death timer. That's so different. So get ready to drop your phone, drop your phone, Google, drink some water, come back, you're still dead. Mobile experience incoming. Oh boy. Yeah, because the developers actually made an interview, it's fully in Chinese. You can find, you can find the translation. I actually have the link, I could find the link, I don't have it right now. But the developers did make an interview. And they said most of these things is because even though the timer, as you can see on your top left of the screen, if you're watching the live stream or the YouTube video, it goes from zero upwards, because there's no time limit. That's right. And what they what they trying to achieve with this, the power ups, or even the death timers, is they want the game average time to still be 10 minutes, but not be restrained to 10 minutes. They can be faster, they can be longer, but usually around that ballpark. And if you don't increase the death timers, being that the only way to win because of no overdone and least points per base, because it goes, like Zoe said, 60, 80, 80, 120, you can't possibly win without scoring on main base, right? With the short death timers who have in our version, we could literally defend the main goal forever. I die, spawns, I die, you spawn, I die, and we always defending, right? Yeah, so they needed to do this with the death timers. So it's, it's going to be also touched on defending objectives is the paths now, actually don't yield you. So we see a whole lot of a whole lot more of recalling. Okay, interesting. So they still shield you every two seconds, if I'm not mistaken, but they don't yield you anymore. So once you draw below, you actually have to go back to base. And then so you see a lot more of recalling, which also been changed. It's funny you mentioned. Citrus Berries don't give as much of a big burst of healing. They give a small burst of healing and then the yield per second, just like our Blissey soft boil would. This makes it so sitting, yeah, sitting on a pad just by yourself, it's not good enough for defending. The pad is not yielding you. The Berries don't give you a burst of health. If you're getting consistently DPS, you're going to have to give that goal away. Again, making the focus of the game more about how well can you defend without it just being, I'm on pad, I'm forever safe. Interesting. Okay. Okay, big change. Also in a rare moment of math genius, I opened a calculator just now, and I added all the goal zones up. And interestingly, like I said, 6080 and 80120 equals 340 points. So that is how many points you can score without touching the home goal zone. So very interesting is that you would either have to break a lane and then score in the home goal zone to be able to break into that 350 point. And reminder, 350 is your last upgrade on the like total team score choice of upgrades. So you're going to like to actually get into that threshold, you are going to either need to fully crash a lane and start scoring in home base or break both goal zones and score in home to be able to get to that final point in time, which is going to be, that's kind of cool that like the final objective for upgrade is like, you know, a very, very lofty goal. But I like that a lot. Yeah, exactly. And this last, this last bar is substantially stronger than the other one. Yeah, some of them are crazy. They're like your next goal zone, your next score is like double or instant. And you can hold up to 100 points. Yeah, I love that one. That one's whole. I've just watched the tight ran. It's our walking around with 100 points. What is happening? You have like 60% extra movements here outside of combat. You have things like once you would be KO'd instead of being KO'd, you get a big burst of healing, working like guardian angel in League of Legends, if people are familiar, things like that you have something that makes your points worth double, I think. Yeah. So you have a lot of it's very, once you're 350, it's like, okay, we have a significant advantage. We should like get Zaptos go for a final push and try to make it work. Feels like you're game to lose if you get those final upgrades, for sure. Exactly. Okay. If you have it, an enemy doesn't. All right, interesting. So we've talked about the objectives in the game. We haven't touched on all of them. I guess the last one is Avilog we didn't talk about, which still happens on the new version, right, Gek? Do not believe so, no. Really? Avilog doesn't spawn at six minutes anymore? That makes me sad. No, I guess like he's a similar effect, but not quite. Okay. Interesting. Yeah, because I think Avilog, it's because of these new values. You could force the Avilog to run top and Avilog would never. So the way Avilog used to work is Avilog just has 100 points flat. If you damage it, the points start going down, just like Regilaki would in our version. But what happens with Avilog is the moment he connects to the base, he loses the amount of points needed to destroy that base and keeps going. What happens is because of the tier two being 80, he can actually just walk there and keep going to the main base and was almost as strong if not stronger than Zaptos, which is a little bit of a problem. I don't know that. I'm not a dev, but as a player looking at that, that looks a bit too strong. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. I mean, it was a team effort to knock out an Avilog. Like the amount of HP it had was kind of reading. Exactly. Okay. All right. Fine. I'm okay with that nerf. I was excited as the Avilog in the game again. It's a Pokemon that I think I'm gonna make it back because I keep taking things in, putting things back in. Yeah, it's clearly a testing phase for them. That's true. Okay. Cool. So objectives, of course, changing a ton. We didn't talk about the Rotomps too much, but they spawn at one minute. And then from what I could tell, get correct me if I'm wrong, every minute after that. Yeah. So a Rotom will just keep spawning in. That includes when it hits eight minutes and the time changes. There's no double scoring period, but Rotomps will just continue to spawn in. So a constant mini objective that you can threaten to make goal zones defenseless by knocking out. And they walked in the lane. Again, Rotomps were similar to our quick modes that we have now. It makes competitive much more interesting, in my opinion. Yeah, because it's not a death ball at Zapdos, because there's two Rotoms on the side of the map and the Zapdos in the middle. If you only have your main base, I can literally ignore Zapdos, take both Rotoms, and I'm getting pushed from two angles. Okay, you got Zapdos, but I got two Rotoms, right? So like, it's like, okay, you didn't win, right? What I like the most? Yeah, what I like the most about this version of the game is like a big, a big, actually going back to the first question you asked me is the game doesn't boil down to the last five to five. That is the biggest thing. For sure. Totally. Exactly. Because we've seen games go, you have three Zapdos done, games still didn't go over. You have teams fighting with Zapdos at one HP and be like, whatever, I'm not going to go for the flip because the flip doesn't win me the game, right? Like, the actual game wins me the game, not the flip. So I do like that aspect a lot. I'm totally with you. Bridget, how do you feel about that specific vibe? Yeah, I love anything that makes, well, Ray less of a flip, but I guess Zapdos? I don't even know. Sure. Who knows? Maybe to be requested by the time, but that's on the next beta rules around. Who knows? But yeah, there'll be a complete different map and it's just using this one as placeholder. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Can you imagine? That'd be awesome. There's no way they put all this work in a remote and not. Wow, man, maybe though. Oh my God. My opinion is remote is still new for them, right? Of course. So it makes sense for them to reuse to reuse this. And the thing about remote is that it does like the brand kind of just the feel of remote feels very Pokemon Unite branded. I don't know. The purple and the oranges are very vibrant and kind of like seen throughout the map, which is a big thing for the game. Like, I don't know, just the general look of the game feels stylized into a remote where the sky ruins feels very different than the overall brand of the game so far. It in my, it kind of feels a little different. Yeah, a little different. Yeah. Okay, Gek, I want to talk about moves because these are very different from our version, like all of this is, but this is very different. And this is something that a lot of people have talked about a bunch. And I think we should too. So I, and also, honestly, we just need to get on a new screenshot. So let's, let's talk about these moves. Um, we're looking at something very interesting. We are looking at bone rush close combat, which means you choose your move before you go into a match. Correct. Okay. So there's that. And also from the looks of this, you also choose your move upgrade before you go into the match is that right? You like each move looks like it has two plus versions. Am I right here? Exactly. We have a plus version for every single ability. So this includes the ultimate. And they seem to be classified as this blue icon or the orange icon. Right. So as far as I've translated, the blue icon seem to be more utility based and change a bit more mechanic wise. Well, the orange ones just make the ability stronger and more damage based. It's more, it's one more utility focus and the other one more like, damage focus, if that makes sense, like more aggressive. Okay. Interesting. So just for example, uh, for those of you watching right now, we're looking at bone rush and close combat. We're looking at Lucario's move options. You have to choose obviously before the match starts. Now the move upgrade options. So the blue or upgrade on bone rush, this is according to Google translate, uh, is a cool down reduction bonus, which reduces it by four seconds. So once you get bone rush plus, all of a sudden the cool down would go down by four seconds. The second option, the orange icon is a tax speed increase. After using the move, the attack speed is increased by 70%. Okay. Wow. So Lucario punch very fast. If you choose that upgrade for bone rush, so cool down reduction or taxi bonus. Never close combat. The blue icon is, uh, says reply volume is increased by 100%. I don't know what that means. Um, close combat call. Oh no. So on close combat would be, um, so close combat does damage per punch. Okay. It just, uh, makes you punch twice as more. Oh, good. Okay. Okay. Two times more punches. All right. Well, Google lens, failing me there. So you, you punch 100% more neat. And then the second one is extra punch hit an extra punch with extra remaining health damage. All right. So my version of the translation, I don't know which one is correct, by the way, using different tools, but it's the same thing. I will tell you this. Mine does not feel correct. Okay. So mine, my interpretation of what mine said was, uh, it gives you an additional final punch, which, uh, as an extra life steal onto it. Oh, like a kind of a, like almost like a scissor bullet punch kind of thing. Yeah. So yeah, all close comets, uh, takes ilio, but the last one will elio extra basically. Okay. Cool. Interesting. All right. Fun fact, these, uh, tax speed on, uh, bone rush might look very unnatural, but that's also because they reworked, uh, Lucario's empowered auto attack, which not only does it knock up, it also resets the mark on extreme speed. Yeah, you can, you can speed it auto attack, auto attack, auto attack, speed, speed, basically. Oh my gosh. So that's why this, uh, this extra attack speed can be very crucial to look out. Wow. Okay. That makes a lot of sense. I will say four seconds looks a bit ridiculous. Yeah. Hold on. We actually have a, a little GIF on Lucario that, uh, get sent me. So let's watch, let's watch some Luca gameplay here. Um, this is insane. Watch the footage of it. It's Lucario level seven. So they did not have the plus version of extreme speed or bone rush. However, uh, you can see it just moves way smoother than in our version of the game. Yeah, that's wild. All right. Cool. See. Yeah. So the main, the main point of this gift specifically that I sent you is, uh, there's a couple of abilities in the game that have been reworked in a way, not reworked as in the Duke something completely different, but that's some work on to be smoother. For example, if you look at the last millisecond, basically of E speed, you can see how you can almost already move while still in E speed. Yeah. That makes it easier to aim the next E speed, which I'm sure once the overlords of this world pick this character up, it's going to make a big change. What do you think already is crazy? I think it's going to look crazier now because of how smooth it is. And other ones that, uh, that have this same feature would be Zorak with Faint. And, uh, we have the other aspect of there's a lot of abilities that kind of stand lock you. Uh, example being a memo swine earthquake, slobra scald, uh, blastoise hydro pump, which on the shinies version are just so smooth. Like you hydro pump with blastoise and you can already start walking whilst the animation is ending. So it's like this quality of lives can make like CC shining or even just not getting caught because I see it a lot, like a slobra stops us cold, stuns itself for one second, just gets caught right after, which is very sad to watch, right? So it's like, it's a very good quality of life change that I believe they added to the game on multiple months. Cool. Yeah, even more quality of life stuff you were sending us some pictures of obviously Gek is, uh, one of these you can now choose what move you want to upgrade or what move you want to learn first, which is very interesting. Um, you can go, I don't know why would you do that? But you could go bone rush first and then eat speed. Sure. So you could stay, you could some quick attack bone rush, for example, but even though you show that order, you can still reverse it on the plus. So we can learn bone rush first and eat speed second, but get speed plus first and bone rush plus a second. Now on Lucario, it's a very bad example, but on some months this could be very good. Yeah, that's interesting. Okay. Sick. I feel like pretty ninja maybe one of those. Oh, I don't know what was looking at there. Um, okay. Cool. Well, yeah, moves are looking entirely different. That's pretty sweet. Um, at this point, maybe, I mean, we've talked about so many in game mechanics that have changed, right? That we have talked about objectives, general gameplay, Pokemon moves, uh, score augments as you're learning battle items have changed. Uh, let's talk about something that I'm not entirely positive on. Uh, and that's held items. Let's discuss held items. Now, Bridget, have you heard anything about these? No. Okay. Well, no, that's okay. Most people haven't for looking at a screenshot right now. Um, this may come to some of your attention that this person has three razor claws in their inventory and two choice specs. That's because items as you own them are all different and provide different effects. So get talked to us a little bit about what you know of held items in this game. Okay. So the energy system we have for emblems in their version is actually used to gacha for items. The big bad word, the gacha word. Okay. Okay. You use your energy to gacha for items and items. Uh, all items have three stats, basically. Uh, these stats have been attributed colors, as you can see. And, uh, a good example we have on the screen right now. It's, uh, the choice specs with three different colors, but then you have choice specs with orange, purple, purple. I don't know what the color is assessed to. I know the green one is HP. I know that the red one is like damage, but basically what does this mean? Okay. So the biggest example that would be very practical is, let's say I'm playing ganger and I want to go fast. Well, Flowstone is kind of troll because it gives a attack damage, right? Okay. Now, now I can have a full flowstone with cooldown reduction, special attack, and I don't know, something else. I've seen scoring speed on these, by the way. What? Okay. Yeah. So, so, but I've also seen HP, HP regen, something else. So point being, you, the items now are just passives. Okay. Got it. It doesn't have the base stats because the stats are based on, uh, the stats are based on what you get on the gacha, right? The way to obtain them is kind of suboptimal. Of course. Yes. I do think the idea is very good because I can have a rescue hood. For example, a rescue is not the best item. Yeah. This, this is also what you just brought up. It's actually very good. The item stats scale based on level. Good. So your item makes it a different items as well. No. This is your leveling game. No. This is your level in game. Okay. Yes. So as the game progresses, your item gets stronger with you. So it's like the items are not a big chunk of HP at the start and everyone just thank you from the start. It actually scales with you while you're playing the game. Okay. Got it. So when you say gacha for items, that of course is a big scary word for a lot of people. But the items don't actually give you different amounts of stat based on how rare they are. They give you different kinds of stats based on which ones you roll out of the gacha. It's, it's like, uh, I don't know. I, I haven't played, but I don't know a lot of people have played MMOs. You have to, you have the same item. You have to reroll for the stats on that item. Okay. It feels more like that than, oh, I got lucky. I got a best info item and you didn't. I don't have items. Very late engine. Yeah. Basically. Okay. Let's bring this up now then. So this is a new menu that they have. Uh, there's a trading post in game for items, for emblems. Uh, I guess if you got a scope lens that's all attack damage and you really wanted a special attack version of scope lens, you could put it up for trade and see if anybody's looking to swap. That is. There's a glacier in twos. Yes. Looking for a special like, uh, scope lens. I can't remember the market. Um, but yeah, this is interesting. Now one interesting thing. We talked about the colors, Gek, about how we don't know. I will say these two are purple. So maybe the color isn't always the same stat. Like it's just similar. Oh, no, no, no. So for example, in green, you have, uh, ill ill, ill, ill, um, ill per second, like, uh, health regen. Yeah. And I haven't translated, but I would assume anything related to HP. Okay. You could have. So, yeah, the what we're looking at with this twisted spoon on screen is two purple stats and one green stat. The purple stat, the first one is, it's like a zigzag shape that says it's hindrance resistance. The purple shield is special defense and the green arm with the plus on it is recover, stamina or health every five seconds. So a health recovery item, I'm assuming it's going to be the still well outside of battle. Um, okay, I don't hate the gotcha element nearest much as I thought I would. It looks very good for sober instead of just special. For example, that's so true. Okay. Now, so this is what is in the Chinese version of the game. What we have to talk about, though, is if this version, if we ever get this version, essentially, is what I'm saying, if Pokemon Unite global ever merges with the China version, this, even if it's cool, and I like the concept of this, because I actually do now, now that we kind of explained it a bit more, people are going to be kind of mad who spent a lot of life, if they spent money on item enhancers, right, to like upgrade all their stuff, they spent time, you know, upgrading all their items to level 30 and everything. That's that's a pretty big change. No one's gonna be more mad than the people playing this game the most, and having to play the same game for two years, which, which comes to the argument of like, that's true, nothing or everything. Okay, that is true. If it's not there, everything. Okay, this doesn't outweigh it to the nothing. Okay, fair enough, fair enough. I think the mechanic and idea, because it makes it very nuanced, right? Because I mean, this is probably going to be hell for the casters, but probably guys wouldn't even mention it. You guys probably wouldn't even wouldn't even mention it. But for example, I run my spoon with this stats on this one, but then let's say, bruv runs the same item, but with different stats. Who's right? What's better? Is this situational? Do we need to have one perfect copy of every item for any scenario? It's like it brings a lot of nuance to the game, which it's always good, in my opinion. Yeah, I like that a lot. The way of obtaining them is like, well, what do in competitive do we just get to choose from everything, right? Or do we actually have to fucking farm them outside the game? Well, no, I have a feeling that being said that tournament most been pretty generous before like the tournament morning game right now, because you all licenses and everything emblems are weird outstanding. Interesting point about how each item gives you three different stat bonuses. Clearly those combine. So this Charizard, who seems to be highlighted right now on screen, has a razor claw and a focus band equipped. The focus band has all three green colors highlighted on the quick preview and two orange and one green on the razor claw. Well, actually, that doesn't make any sense because on the right hand side that it's showing four stats, two of which are not color coordinates. So I'm not really exactly sure what we're looking at there. But either way, you still get three held items, each of which increase three different stats. So, all right. Okay, I mean, all right, Bridget, a lot of customization basically. So much Bridget, I got to get your opinion on this held items gotcha to obtain a terms of stat increase. Stats aren't bulk stats anymore. They scale as the game goes on. How do you feel about this? I'm super down for this. Yeah, I know. It's sick. I know people personally, I have a lot of energy rewards if they put them in that. Yeah, just talk just be like, haha, sorry, and give me like a billion energy rewards. Yeah, I'll gamble them all. That's like a fair way to do it, right? It's like for every, I don't know, if they have like a level 30 item, they give you X amount of energy rewards and so on and so forth. So I was like, if you were to level 25 version of this item, they give you this many energy rewards. And, and I think that would be a pretty safe respect. Isn't it similar to emblems? I have a question for dad. Actually, yes. However, emblems are different in this game, which we don't exactly know how yet. So that we haven't gone too deep on emblems in this game. I actually feel like it's emblems done right. Yeah, I totally agree. It is emblems done right, Gek. That is less complex and put it on a on a platform we already used to, which is items and none getting items do. And now we choose the stats. Right. And there's no negative stats, which is an insane decision they made with emblems. So yeah, literally. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Cool. Yeah. I, I, wow, I went into that subject being like, Oh, the gacha part. And now I'm like walking away from this cover. This is pretty positive about that change. That's cool. Okay. We're, we're getting up there on time. We got lots to talk about. So we'll keep going as long as you two want to. Yeah. Let's, let's move on. Now, I think we've talked about a lot of the in game systems, basically to the point where I think we can discuss them on the show. So let's talk a little bit about Pokemon. Any, any changes to any Pokemon that you specifically are excited about interested in that like have piqued your interest. So clearly, I think crease has made it sweet about it. You guys made the video is the weekly tough rollout. Yes. It's insane. It's bananas. The rollout, the dazzling lame, such quality of life here, which makes, makes me completely jealous, which not because I like it, just because, and now it's my, uh, crying time, get crying time, which is look our wheeling. The same developers are to make so many different maps, so many different small quality of light changes that we could have gotten for so much time now. It's like, nah, look at us doing it for China, and we can't even make you control your own rollout. You guys can starve, you guys can starve in there. Why they make it. Because they went completely past the reasonable. Yeah. Because something we haven't mentioned, it's like, you can, we can, you can go and share is a YouTube channel and see the bare amount of mini games they have with dedicated maps, completely fresh maps. It's not like we use Shiver City or we use Remote Stadium, no, no, no, no. It's brand new maps made from scratch. Uh, ability is working completely different, which is the example of rollout, or they just taking that, you know, that delay on earthquake on memo. So I'm just taking that away, makes the gate, you look at the competitive, it's being first picked. The memo is being first picked, right? Yeah. Because of how good that makes them. Like, such a small change would make a Pokemon so much more enjoyable. And everything that we've asked or thought of is there. Basically. It is. Yeah. And more. And more. That's true. I mean, it's the land of experimentation right now, right there. They get to start the word beta phase on it and they get to try whatever they want. And clearly, they are having fun and there is, again, very clearly, there are big resources going into this version of the game and points it everything. The hour-long podcast we've had talking about all the time. So, uh, weekly tough is a big one for you that you were really excited about. I know Sprigles was talking a lot about Machamp on his video because dynamic punch, you like leap into the moon and hit the ground was very interesting. I actually was wondering and I don't know, probably I know, but if Machamp's dynamic punch, because he gets like a vertical hitbox, if he could hit a balloon target, that would be insane. I don't know if that's how it works. Three dimensional Pokemon Unite, probably a bit too much, but thing is, uh, balloon makes you immune to hindrances. So probably it would do the damage and he would just fly away still. Joy ended, but still would be cool. Um, one Pokemon that I think I was getting pretty excited about. Well, when was it now? I was trying to remember there was quite a few. Um, we were talking about Gardevoir's Unite move. It's plus move makes the Gardevoir Unite huge. Uh, Gek, you were sending me, um, it's a 20% more radius. So that's quite a big Gardevoir Unite. It's sick. I like covers the entirety of the race circle. It's insane. Um, the level patterns, by the way, Gek, you were sending them to me. Exactly. I have some, they're completely wild because they're not consistent. No, not at all. They are not consistent at all because you gets like, don't they like get their first move at two or something? And they're United six. So for example, it's weird because, uh, for example, both Pikachu and Intelian, no, which are both like attacker, mage style, completely different. So Pikachu gets their first move at level two. Okay. Second move at level three, while in 10, you then gets the first move at level three. So Pikachu is rocking Voltaku Evil. While, uh, our Intelian just got Felstinger. Oh, right. Or or snipe shot because you could choose because you could choose exactly. You're right. So you could level three snipe shot. Oh, okay. Because you're walking, your biggest, you're walking into lane and then you just get snipe shot. And, uh, for example, just to make it even worse, there's a big people more, uh, panic. You can start the game with the argument that, uh, with a power up, right? The zero point power up that reads start the game level four. So these Pikachu can start level four. And another thing is Pikachu gets United level five. Yeah. So again, we don't exactly know what, um, influences your choice of three upgrades per score tier, but you're right. Get one of them that some Pokemon get sometimes is start the game at level four. Again, we think it might be tied to your emblem loadout. We don't exactly know. It is interesting, but that is an insane upgrade. But some of the early upgrades though could be other. Like, I mean, I'm probably choosing the struggle for one every time, but there is like do more damage to wild Pokemon or like your first move does like extra damage or whatever on a cool down, that kind of thing. So what I've seen on the early ones is XP related stuff. Right. So a lot of it is usually start level four off bat or every wild Pokemon throughout the game gives you double XP. Oh, so you can start level four, or you can just scale to 15 faster, right? It's like, uh, that one early game or one late game type thing, right? But for example, Pikachu, bro, I'm starting level four, farming a little bit, get level five and put that all it's going. Uh, just keep uniting, United, United. Uh, and a cool fun, uh, fun fact that you can't farm your night. It has a set cool down healing, uh, wild Pokemon doesn't make you cool on shorter. So it's actually a set cool down. Uh, it seems to have less farm on the map as well. Maybe that's why they show us to do it. There's less farm, more objectives. Yeah, when you're that, yeah, there is Vespa Quinn and B spawns in the middle of the map sometimes that like makes it a bit, I don't know, bulky amounts of farm, but, um, but, uh, as of breaking of T ones, it doesn't spawn the three ordinos or two ordinos in the back. It actually spawns one. It actually spawns one. And it's key and the farm in the middle of the land keeps spawning. So people would have to contest that even if you don't have a pad. So, this game forces you to interact with the opponent a lot more. Yeah, there's no, there's no bad times, right? Like it's shoving you towards the objective. If you ignore the objective to release the game, I think that is, but they do a good job of giving you lots of objectives to focus on. So it's not like, I don't think your team feels forced to. All right. Well, my team's not showing up here. We lose like, all right. Well, they're going there. So I guess we focus on that one and they, you can allow to rotate, go to the Rotom. We go to this Rotom. Do we want to fight over the Reggie's Drawgo? Or do we want to try to push this Rotom and score with it? Who know, like, there's options, which is cool. I like that. And, uh, these, the level of better also makes the game so much faster, right? Because you have a five V five's happening as soon as minute one, right? So you need your moves. So you have increased the speed of leveling and earning you moves. Yeah. If you're nice at level seven, you have unites, but the common ones, right? You have intelligent getting united level seven. You have Lucario getting united level seven. Okay. And then they get their plus ability at level nine and 11. It's like, uh, so you're, you're going, like this, this plus ability that you're choosing before the game, you're actually getting them going very early onto the match. Yeah. So you're actually playing with the customization you just picked because we have customization on the powerups, customization on the moves, custom message on the pluses. So a lot of customization per game, which usually tends to help with replayability of the video game. That's interesting. And, uh, because basically you're hitting your plus moves more consistently at the midway point of a match. You're like, because you're hitting, like maybe a five minute. So you get to play with your plus moves a lot more where in our version of the game, oftentimes you're hitting 13 and you have one more fight in the game's over. So like, biggest pet beef once and that's kind of it. My biggest pet beef with United is that I've played how many games of sobering competitive. I've yet to eat telekinesis plus, which is the most fun, which is the fun, the most fun plus of any defender in my opinion. Okay. Right. It's, uh, but in this version, everyone gets 15. You've seen the games. Everyone gets 13, 15. Everyone gets to that ballpark, right? Everyone gets to play their actual Pokemon with their, the maximum extent of what the Pokemon is. And another thing worth touching on, the game as a, okay, it's either or either everyone's tank here or everyone's doing less damage. I have yet to see someone just get out to right one shot. Okay. In first, I never see it. There's more them. There's more. There's damage on the powerups. There's damage here, damage there, earlier levels. We say a snapshot level three is scary, but I have yet to see someone get one shot in this game. I don't know what they actually did because I don't do numbers and I actually don't have access to the numbers, but I don't see people get one shot. I see Zorax have to land two full combos on a mage to actually kill them. Interesting. Okay. So I like that a lot as well. Because we'll, we're currently, like the current meta of our game, a slobber will get one shot like it's nothing. Yeah, for example, if you play against a guard of war, something like SB on Chandler, the tanks will die very fast. In this game, I have yet to see people get one shot, which I'm a tank player. So I fuck, I love it. Right. So either, yeah, I like that. So we don't know for sure, but either everyone is either bulkier or does less damage. I have to imagine it's the bulkier side, just with all the stats getting added into the mix. Well, Delph bar doesn't look bigger, which is why it makes me think, but it's why it makes me think it's just less damage overall. Makes sense. It's just less damage earlier too, because items scale now. It's not like they're giving you a big chunk of the start anymore. So a very funny example I've seen is I've seen slobber all to do a total of like 200 damage. Okay, yeah, they took damage away from things that don't need to do damage, for example. Wow, that's fine. Yeah. So, and I've seen Zorax land two full combos at level 15 and not kill attacker. Yes, okay. But they also don't die fast on the bounce back. So it's just you have more rotations of spells each fight, making fights more like content heavy. I guess there's more things happening within the team fight. I like that. Okay, so leveling patterns obviously insanely different. Bridget, you're a support main. Now you can't choose Hoopa because the reasons we'll get to in a moment. But what is one support Pokemon that you're like, oh, if I could hit my levels and moves way faster and have way more fun with. I mean, Wiggly's a good one. Yeah, definitely. I know. I actually was thinking like surf plus on slobber, which really isn't that hard to hit. But getting it earlier, which is so much fun. And you'd have two different versions of plus, whichever they may be. So who knows exactly what the two versions are. Another wave stun. Yeah, fun one to bring up is a elder gloss leaf tornado mocks up. Yes. That's sweet. And the old the awesome. Okay. And the old old plus on elder gloss makes everyone mock up. Wow, a lot of boots. So did we ever answer the question? Get to the ultimate? They only have one plus, right? They don't have no, they have to. They also have two. You choose a plus on your unite. That's crazy. That too. And some some characters I've seen get to pick the the United move plus as early as level 13. So you actually get to play with it for a bit. Okay, depending on how the game lasts, because I've seen games last seven minutes, and I've seen games last 17 minutes. Right. So, okay. Wow. Interesting. Bridget, though, to answer your question, a support you'd be excited to try if you could blitz their levels. Is it just slow, bro? Um, I mean, all of them, obviously, I don't know, to say what the heck she's. That's true. It's able. I might be a fun one. They can go crazy on the pluses. Yeah, plus scoring's a good luck in this game. So I'm sure you could try to leverage that. That seems very cool. Okay, sweet. All right, we are definitely are running over. We're running some overtime. So get let's hit quality of life changes. I know you wanted to talk about a few of those. So what are just some big quality of life changes? This game is done to get you excited about, I don't know, seeing more of this game or hoping that we get some version of this game. I'm going to hit them very fast. So the biggest one, which I think is temporary, unfortunately, but a lot of people love it. There's no yet spoken one. That's very good. But then the lobby looks completely different. You have the overworld where you can walk around, see your friends online. That's right. The whole thing. Even when you go to the menus, everything, I mean, it's on phone and it's a new version. So of course it's smoother, but they look better. The ranks look better. It looks more like a typical mobile system, bronze, silver, gold, and so forth. That still end up at master. You have the mastery levels look better than the badges we currently have. It goes from a level one to seven. Yeah, on the screen, you can see some of them on the top left. I think looks much better than the ribbons, but that my personal taste. You also have a lot of mini games. You have mini games that last as long as one minute and 20 seconds. It's perfect to pick up on the train, play one game, go back to work or something. You can also play when you play the game on standard instead of ranks, it only goes up to 300 points, just so you can play even faster. Whoa, that's a huge change interest. So if you're running on the train, you have a short bus ride, or even if you're working from home and you have just three minutes or hey, God forbid you go to the bathroom. You just want to play one game while in the toilet. I don't know. Who am I to say? A very controversial one would be the exactly in-game chat. That is one change. I do not believe we'll be coming to the global version. Yeah, exactly. But there is in-game chat, which can be very hit or miss. I'm sure some people are going to love it for the wrong reasons. That tells you enough. Also, there's some idle mini games, which you can also check on Sherry's YouTube channel, which you can just queue up and while you're in queue, you can just go hoop a bit. You just throw some hoops, like basketball, you can do some archery, you can do a lot of things. Yeah, you can do a lot of mini games while in queue for mini games. So it's like it's a real exception. You're your avatar. You're not a Pokemon. Like it's in the open world. You was your avatar walkover to like little arcade hoops games or like archery shoes. Yeah, exactly. I want like the open world Bobby so bad. Yeah, Dextro Sagan's in chat that the switch can't handle it. I mean, switch to maybe hopium. Hopium, hopium. This is the ranked. That's true. This is the ranked key, by the way. Very cool. Very cool. The stance we choose for a trainer card actually plays a role there. So we can actually remind them what the trainer car we did is actually worth evaluating. Oh, sweet. And then to touch a little bit more on the roster, EX's are not the only Pokemon missing. I know some mythical ones are missing. Mew and Upa being the biggest outliers. Comfy, Blazikun, AG slash are also missing. Oh, interesting. So I don't know why some ones are missing. Maybe they're still working on their plus abilities or something because how the hell do you give Blazikun a ult plus? Yeah, yeah. That is rare. How do you do? How do you do Upa unite plus? There's two Upa unbound. Yeah, I'll do. Yeah, the Comfy is also a bit weird. It's like some of these ones have weird interactions with other plus abilities. Yeah, with the in-game mechanic. Yeah, that is interesting. Exactly. So that's a common thing I've seen within those Pokemon. And the EX monster is not there, which I think everyone likes it. So I'm not going to complain about that one. Yeah. And something that Zoings has mentioned in my DMs that he likes a lot that we actually didn't mention at all is a small little magnumite at the entry of the base. Oh, yeah. We have a picture of that. Once we lose our tier one, we have this small little dude. There's a magnumite holding a camera, which basically gives you vision of your whole side of the map, which basically answers the question that some people might have. Well, if the game's about scoring, why don't we just run score comp? Well, because you're ignoring objectives, and I'm just going to run you down with two Rotems, three Rotems or two Rotems and one Regelege. And because we actually have something that works like a ward, gives a total vision of our side of the map to warn us about those backups. Because you can only win by scoring our main goal. And we have this thing giving vision of our whole side of the map. So we can actually recall in time to stop you. Yeah, it spawns it where Zatu does, by the way. So this is a picture. It only gives one AOS energy. It's very funny. We have somebody running it down against them here. You can see on screen. And then Yaki also sent this screenshot. This, this like outer red ring is everything that the vision covers. So it covers all the way to the outside of your tier two, basically. And if you want to take a look at the minimap, that little eyeball icon on your minimap means that your magnumite is still up. And it is giving you vision. The thing you told me, Gekt, that I thought was crazy, is that magnumite reveals Sableye. Yes. So Envis Pokemon get revealed by this ward. Well, if you're playing Sableye, you need to tell your team, let's go kill this magnumite. Yeah, that's objective number one. I can't play the video game. Yeah, Snacks hates that change. But if you murder the magnumite, it's gone the rest of the game. I don't know, one minute. It's a one minute timer. I mean, that makes, that's cool though. Like, if you break it, almost then they lose vision. Like that's a fun little mini. Something because we don't have enough things to fight for. Right. Let's get another objective in there. Yeah, they just keep giving us things for teams to fight for. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. And basically, it's another thing of, for example, if the Zapdos is pushing, you can see exactly how many people are pushing with it because of the magnumites, right? So it's another thing that adds more depth into the game. So I pretty much like it. I like it a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you mentioned it. I really do think it's a super cool change. I'm a big fan of it. It's a way that it covers these huge, by the way, like I was, it covers your entire jungle, basically, and dear outer two twos, which I think is pretty sweet. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Cool. Any other, yeah, quality of life stuff you were saying? Well, there's only two things I think I haven't mentioned that I'm a member of top of my head, is a unite moves don't give the unite buff, like that shield and that speed that doesn't give it. Okay. Unites is just a unite. Got it. Just a move. Basically. And whatever the plus version does. And the funny, or funny, the jump pads are in this game. Oh, yeah. We haven't talked about the jump pads at all. That's right. The jump pads from base sends you to the middle of your jungle, always. Always the middle of your jungle. Okay. That's why in, if you guys are going to broadcast more games of the tournament, you're going to see they never take the base jump pad, right? It's because it only sends them to the middle of their jungle, never into their jump pads. Okay. And then you have one at the edges where our objectives usually are. So we're already like here's and where our bot's ready are is you take the jump pad all the way to the other side of the map. Basically. You can rotate from bot to top very fast. And even the jump pads in our, in our jungle send you to a different place. They don't send you to the elbow shred in front like ours do. It actually sends you a cross. So if you take the jump pad on the bottom left of your map, it is a jump as you into the top right of Zaptos. That makes sense. It does like a, it does like an X piece of pad to where you go. Yeah. That's very, very interesting. Okay. Cool. And I can see that the some of the Chinese, Chinese players are very used to it already because maybe this is something for you guys to pay attention next time you look at some gameplay. They get off that pad fighting like they're getting their moves. They have an idea of what they're landing. And they're there because I've seen a small, like seamlessly right after he lands every time hit three people. Oh, wow. They're, they're so used to it. Right. That makes sense. I mean, it's very funny sending you an enemy territory. That makes a lot of sense. Like you wanted to air drop in with the balloons. Okay. Sweet. Uh, what else was on your list, Gek, that you wanted to hit? Or is that it? I think this is pretty much it. I have some examples, but I could stay forever. Same examples. Yeah. Whatever. Whatever. What the plus moves do, but basically the biggest take out of all of things, I'm just basically going to repeat what I said at the beginning. Games are faster, less one shotty. Yeah. More even though they look more brainless, because I objective spawn do it, objective spawn do it, objective spawn do it. Well, actually no, because the objectives don't mean win. Right. Right. Right now we're like, we get bot Reggie, we have more XP. We're more likely to win. Because for example, I think it was first worlds that the team that got the first dread at like 80% win ratio or something like that. Yeah, it was a little absurd. So if we want to talk about brainless, I think our game has been pretty brainless, to be honest. And this one, having so many, you have to choose, right? Because I wrote them spawn at the same time, then the objective needs spawns right after. And then if you take too long there, so there's a lot of decision-making and the comms are going to be messy as hell. Yeah. I can already imagine. So I was fighting Rotem, which one? Bot top? I don't know. Right. And top Rotem, yeah. I think we're going to everything from the items to the power-ups, to which objective to fight for. Do we push it? Do we not push it? Is actually going for this core worth it? Are we going to get a power-up? It has so many layers of deafness to the game. I just can't say it here, after playing the same game for two years. And say it's a bad thing. Personally, I take everything with open arms. Actually, not one of the changes, I say it's bad. Besides the way you obtain items. Yeah. And even then, it's not as bad as I expected, but yeah, I see what you mean. It's more, they gave us a fix for the problem they created. It's like, oh, we can, we can trade them, and then we can trade items. Well, we only need to trade them because we make you make us gacha for it. Right. Clearly. Give us a solution for a problem you created. Sure. Thank you, I guess. There you go. That's kind of thinking. Perfect. I like it. Yeah. But basically, I personally like everything. I think, what about your opinion broadcasting it? How did the game feel as a caster, for example? So I definitely went into with that same mentality that you were just mentioning that a lot of people have of like, Oh boy, okay, they're just literally running everywhere, blah, blah, blah. But as I was casting some of the games, and especially, I will say, as we started spectating more and more teams who made it farther in the tournament, you can see like what teams were starting to like, it was starting to click a little bit. I was like, Oh, I like get it. Like they are, I don't know, the objective gameplay made a lot of sense that unites being in a set cool down is very interesting and does change the game a lot in terms of like, when do you take basically, you could take more fights more consistently destroys our notion of Unite Timers as well, right? We're so used to alter the first objective, then alter the next objective. Exactly. And he is like, well, two of them altered, but two of them saved it because the next objective is spawning in 20 seconds. Right. And that's exactly what I was going to say. It also like blows it up because well, there's just more objective. So which one do you choose to use that is very, very interesting. So I don't know, because I think just without the sheer number of objectives they put into the game, I would be like, okay, I'm not like, I don't know, it's fine. It's new. Sure. But like, just with that many objectives, I'm like, no, no, no, it's very creative. I think teams that are, like it's going to favor coordination way, way more, which is one of my favorite things to cast about a game is like what I can see a team is really communicating well and like comboing really well. So and doing team fights really well. So that's it's hitting all those buttons. So I'm very, very excited about it from a competitive landscape. If like, if I get to cast some China games, I guess I'm really hoping. But obviously we'll be trying to do that more on the YouTube channel. But so far, I've been really enjoying it. I am, I'm with you. I'm begging for just the whole takeover. Just push this version global. Just do it. It's so cool. And then get rid of it. Get rid of the EX Pokemon. And yeah, you're going to get you're going to get flames on Twitter from all the people who bought the Pokemon. I know it's going to happen, but just is what it is. But maybe that they get this dev team, they can balance them. Who knows. Oh, Bridget, how about you? Overall thoughts on this different version of our game that we may or may not get. Yeah, it really feels hard to be mad about almost any of this. Like, obviously got to asterisk aside, but I think there's that one. There's maybe the timer not being 10 minutes restricted anymore. Like, some people have talked about that as a negative. Yeah, I don't personally, but I think it is like, it is one of the talking points that circulates of people saying, I don't like this about the new version. But anyway, sorry to continue. It does feel like a big appeal of the game is like, Oh, it's only ever going to be 10 minutes, like tops. And people already kind of freaked out when we added and draft and that added, you know, three more minutes. And people were like, Oh my God, I can't do this. So well, standard only goes to 300 points. So that's a great spot to be. Push them in there. Literally. No, but I'm super into all of this. And I do think even just like talking about it and like knowing what I do, like what limited information I have looked into it about, it seems great. Like I feel like I would actually enjoy like, playing it as well. So agreed. I hope we do get all of it, or at least some aspects of this, because I don't think the Xbox One are going anywhere. Yeah, that's like the biggest, that is the outlier, that I'm like, they're never getting rid of me too. Like, that's just what I think about this game. And it's money making model. They're just not getting rid of that. So I don't know, I hope there's some way we can bridge it. I think if there's to bridge it, there's one way. I mean, I want the 500 point mode yesterday. I think that game mode is so cool. It comes over. A lot of the Pokemon reworks are so interesting. And I would love that. If the old items stayed the same, if that's what we had to sacrifice to get some of that new stuff, that's saying on the cutting room floor, fine. But yeah, anyway. Okay, well, if you're watching on YouTube, we just really want to know what you think of this new version. Thank you so much for staying to the end of the video listening to us ramble about a game in a different country. But if you want some of these aspects, please let us know down below in the comments. I'm really interested to see what some of you think. But before we get out of here, let's do some plug shout outs, sell outs, all that kind of stuff. Get your, our guests, anything you want to shout out? You know, free shout outs, stages, all yours. Yeah, I'm Gego Kami on Twitter and Twitch. I haven't been streaming much because I've been going through like moving and while moving my graphic card, suffer the big bump, which if I pull if I pull anything, if I make my PC do anything that's remotely like demanding is going to go boom. It just goes blue screen. So I haven't been streaming because of that. But I'm going to be streaming soon as I'm going to get a graphic card, I think at the middle of this month somewhere. Awesome. So about, so I should be starting streaming soon. I'm going to plan to do some. I doubt I'm going to do solo queue. So probably dual queue. Dual queue yourself. Yeah, some dual queue or some five stacks. Maybe I got some dual queue. Get him in there. Exactly. Exactly. Look at this. Give me trick. Give me trick. We go. Am I, I'm actually in some dual queue. I'm thinking about streaming worlds. Sweet. That'd be so sad. Yeah, doing a watch. Actually, this, I don't know if I should be announcing this because I don't know how true it might be. But I do have a time, a possible time to shine team meeting to watch worlds together. As in, the team members are going to fly over here. And maybe I'm, I have to talk with them. Oh, I actually just came up with this as we're talking, by the way, because I know, because I know they're coming to Portugal. So we watch worlds together would be some, it would be Luca, Shelvin and Eberling, the original roster. And we're just going to watch our, we're going to watch our, the last team member, the fifth, hopefully win world, which is you, hopefully wins world. If someone wins worlds from Europe, I would rather be me than him, but I would still share for him. I'll still share for him. And yeah, so I will be streaming on Twitch soon. Hopefully I'm going to be around for next season with no one's getting rid of me. So expect that next season. And hopefully, there's no need to do a watch party next year. That's about all the shots. Let's go. Dude, if there is a time to shine to watch party, I'm, I'm so pumped. I'm too in the end of that. Okay, that'd be so fun. Before we jump into Bridget's shout outs, Gek, I think you, you said you wanted to shout out a couple of places where people could watch some of this footage of the China gameplay. Go ahead and drop those now. Okay, so maybe go on to Bridget while I pull up the links. Okay, perfect. All right, Bridget, go ahead. One of you to think I have plugs. I'll hit some if you don't, but go for you now. I know we talked about it at the beginning of the show, but I'm really excited to learn about the group's world stages. Groups like world. My words are not wordsing. You guys know I'm talking about the world group. Yes, decision making stream. I don't know. It'll be on the official unite YouTube. I'm assuming it'll be on Twitch too. I think it's just on YouTube because I think it's just, I think it's a, it's a premiere. It's like a YouTube. So I think it'll just be pre-recorded. Yeah. Okay, YouTube, but probably swings on Twitch. Maybe. That's a huge maybe. I mean, it's literally like if I get around work somehow, but we'll see. Yeah, yeah. Check it out. That'd be sweet. Are you going to do any IRL streaming a Go Fest? No. Fair enough. Okay, other shout outs for Unite Mike's channel. I already told everybody to comment on the YouTube thing, but remember, Unite Mike's mayhem is upcoming very, very soon. A little this week. Get to send me those links. I'll put them in. Oh, okay. We will be streaming a bunch of days. It's starting July 10th and then running for four weeks. If you don't know what Unite Mike's mayhem is, it is an invitation tournament that we run on the channel. We did a sponsorship earlier this year. That's basically funding the whole thing. So thank you so much for your all support earlier on in the year. But we're going to be inviting a bunch of top NA and maybe some Lat Tam teams to be competing in the event. Basically, it's three weeks of qualifiers for teams, single a limb, so quick, easy matches, very fight night kind of format. They go down on our Twitch channel right here, where you're watching. And there, if you win, you win the $100 cash prize and you're invited to the finals tonight, where Nemesis is waiting because that team won the last season of Unite Mike's mayhem. So tune in, watch the games all starting July, Wednesday, July 10th. It's going to be very, very fun. I hope to see you there. But all right, Gek, we got some links from you. So, first one is a scrobot, which they did a video. They did some videos about the Chinese version on the earlier beta. Okay. And you have Shari currently, which I think is the only channel on YouTube that is consistently uploading some new videos. They stream every so often. I catch most of the streams. They also upload the, they're uploading gameplay of every single mini game, standard game, they have some ranked gameplay. They translate sometimes. Awesome. Sometimes they have translation on the screen or they even explain it on the video or. So, where it comes to English speaking, and actually having some translations, that's the place to go. And then you can also just adventure in Billy Billy and try to find the streams and the videos they are over there. Not the easiest thing to do in the world. Take it from me, who struggled through making an account and trying to figure that up. Eventually, we did it. So yeah, Billy Billy, the spot to be. I don't know how long this beta lasts, by the way. I'm not sure if you know. I'm not sure. But it's been going for at least a couple of weeks now. So I can't imagine it's going to be going for too long. But yeah, I think that will be closing up our show now. Obviously, we all talked about how much we really want this version of the game to hit global. I think it'd be so cool. I know a lot of other content creators, like Spriggles and Chris in the space have all talked about how it'd be really positive for the game. And I think we all agree. And then so, so without further ado, we're going to be ending of the show reminder, next week on the opening podcast, we'll be talking about the group draw and watching the groups from world. It's going to be very exciting. So we'll see you all next time. And thank you so much for joining us, geek. Bye bye. [Music] [Music]