Mint & Matara's Summer Special Podcast

We're Sick in Japan, Answering your Questions! - Mint & Matara Podcast Episode 12

1h 30m
Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

And we are live. >> We're live. >> We're live. Hello, everybody, this is episode 12 from Japan. >> 12 of Japan. >> And we can just have the editor, sorry, insert all the tweets so that they know what's going on, just the tweets, like, tah, tah, tah, tah, tah, tah, tah, tah. >> What do you mean? >> We're sick, is what I mean? >> Yeah, I got sick from you. >> It's true. >> It's your fault. >> It's my fault. >> We're never brooming again together. >> Welcome to episode 12, I am Matarra. >> I'm it. >> And we are in Japan still. >> I'm in bed. >> Geez. >> I might actually lie down in bed in a bit. I just got up to press play. We just want to apologize, there is a delay on the Patreon episode as you may be aware we got sick, so we haven't been able to record it. Even this morning, I was not feeling well enough to record, so. >> No, you're, you went and threw up. >> Yeah. >> I'm spilling your beans. >> Just as you did. >> Stop beating my meat. >> I think it's because I took my meds on an empty stomach and I was told not to. I told you. >> Well, I forgot. >> I wasn't on the package. >> I had two bites of a little croissant, but the problem is Japan pastries are really sweet. >> I don't. >> I don't. And I wanted just like- >> Yeah, they're really, really sweet. >> Mm-hm. Yeah. >> So, today's episode, unfortunately, we are probably just going to look at a few questions and answer and just kind of yap it out. It was not part of our plan to get sick, to stay sick, to be sick. >> Essentially, this episode was supposed to be something else. >> Yeah. >> Because we couldn't record it because we got sick, we're going to have to come back and record it when we're feeling better. >> Mm-hm. >> So, you can. >> No, baby. >> I'm forward to that. >> I'm trying not to cough when you're >> I wonder if you sound like horizontal. >> Do I sound? >> Cuz you're lying down, right? You sound different when you're horizontal. >> Horizontal. >> She's horizontal. You know what, I'm going to get horizontal, too. Let me move. Let me move. Yippee. And we're going to hold hands. >> No, we're not. >> Please. >> No, you're from me hands. >> One thingy. >> You don't wash your hands, though. >> That is not true. I wash my hands every time. >> You don't. I heard you come out of the bathroom one time. >> I wash my hands. >> I'm not going to smell you. >> I wash first of, okay. That is, it's one thing to tell people that I puked, but like, you can just lie. I wash my hands with soap all the time. >> You piece of shit. I know where it was. >> I remember, though. There was one time on stream that you said you don't wash your hands up to you. >> Yeah. That's on stream. >> That's on stream. >> [LAUGH] >> Oh my God. I feel so attacked. I feel so attacked by you. >> Tell them you like me and I smell nice. >> Thank you. >> Well, not after the attacks. The personal attacks that you've been saying on to my name. Sorry, if you guys can hear that. My pal is texting me and I have my new iPad. So now my iPad like picks up my text. >> Oh yeah. I don't know what the mic is like on this. >> Oh, we'll see. Yeah. >> Tell them I'm not stinky. >> She's just a little stinky. >> [LAUGH] >> They're like, I need to shower. >> I did one time say I need to shower and then I didn't, but in my defense, I'm just not feeling well. >> No, we're both, yeah. >> Yeah. >> Boopy doo doo. >> Yeah, yep, yep, yep, yep. >> Well, that is an help. >> You're such a little sh*t. >> What? >> Nothing. Telling them I'm stinky. How dare you? >> You say I'm stinky all the time. >> Yeah, but I don't mean it. >> Did you get a cuticle pen? >> I did. Wait, hold on, I need my glasses. I can't see it. >> I got the little oil that you have. It smells like lemon. >> Just slide it back in. You just inserted it, just pop it back in. Yeah. And then I have this little guy that pushes. >> Ooh, oil and cuticle- >> I'm like doing my nails right now while we're talking. >> Yeah, she is. >> Wait, is that the same one I have? >> Yeah, that's why I got it. It smells like yours. Now I'm going to think about it. >> It smells like lemon though, right? >> It's nice. It smells like detergent a bit. I kind of like the dish soap. >> Yeah, yeah, it's good. >> I like it. Like dawn or gain or whatever they're called. >> It's a call, let me see. So just in case people want to look it up. It's called, me nuts. [LAUGH] >> Ooh, me mints, M-I-M-I-T-S. >> Me mint. >> Me mints. >> Me mint. >> Me nuts. >> And I got oil and cuticle pusher pen by Beauty World. >> I can't smell it. >> Oh, really? >> No, I know. >> I can smell it a little bit. Oh, shit. Oh, girly. >> You guys hear that? Shh, shh, shh. I can't smell anything. >> She's, yeah. I thought, the funniest thing is I thought I was doing better until this morning. But I think it's because I was, I grind my teeth when I sleep. So I think the pressure of like grinding my teeth plus the congestion plus then my jaw was hurting. >> I told you my jaw was hurting too when I don't grind my teeth. >> It's just a side of it, if you had COVID before, this is your jaw, did your jaw hurt? >> The thing is, my COVID first time was not nearly, it was less bad than my COVID second time. >> I've heard that it gets worse every time you get it. >> Oh, that was bad, because this was your first time, and it was that bad? >> I told the Tara this morning, I thought I was going to have to go to the hogs. >> Yeah. She couldn't breathe at one point. I would have given you CPR. >> Let me die again, let me stay dead, I don't need to be a ghost. >> There's a lot of stuff actually. You know what we should do? This should be the complainer episode. Not super complaining, but a little bit. >> Nobody wants to listen, I was complaining for an accident. >> Not even about, not two hours, but like you can complain about Metal Gear. >> Can I talk about Metal Gear? >> Yeah, a little bit. >> I don't have anything to complain about though. >> Well, you missed out on the sold out thingy. >> Yeah, oh my gosh, you guys. I was, since we're in Japan, and things are being announced, but they're being announced for the Western world, like the collector's edition of Metal Gear Delta got announced at 4 AM JST. So I missed out on it. But I think they'll release more, I just gotta be vigilant. >> I hope so. >> I don't think, because a lot of the places, they don't even say sold out, they just say coming soon. >> Mm, I see, I see, I see, yeah. >> So, I think it's, they'll release more in other places too. >> Yeah, I hope so. >> So, that's how it is usually with the collector's edition stuff. >> Yeah. >> But there was a lot, today is, it's Tuesday, June 11th in Japan. >> So it's like June 10th or then? >> No, technically I think it's now, technically I think it's, okay, Miss Midnight. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, midnight is tomorrow. >> [LAUGH] >> I have COVID chat feed. >> It's 1 AM, it's 1 AM in EST. >> Or, okay. >> So, technically in PST it's still 10th, give up. >> That's true. Well, they don't care because they're going to be listening to this on the- >> [LAUGH] >> Next week. >> I'm 17. >> Yippee. >> My baby. >> [SOUND] >> My little baby. >> If I was your baby, you wouldn't have gotten me sick. >> [LAUGH] >> Okay, I do have to say, when I first- >> She's gonna blame this on- >> No, I'm not blaming, but I will say though, when I first got my- test, I said I can book a different hotel room. >> I didn't think I would get sick. >> That, you know, so you can't fully blame me cuz I was completely willing to like, you know? >> I should have just get out of here, sicky. >> Yeah, I could have just won downstairs and be like, hey, can I get another hotel room, please, in the same hotel? >> No. >> Then I would have gone to another, there's like a million hotels. >> I guess so. >> [LAUGH] >> It's my fault, you heard it again. >> No, no. >> She's victim-blamed. >> No, but like, you know what I mean, you can't just be like, the moment I tested positive, I offered to get another hotel. And you weren't positive yet, so. >> I wasn't, I tested the day before, and then the literal day after, no. Well, the day after I started feeling, you know. >> I think the day after though you still tested negative. >> No, I only tested once though. I tested, I tested and it was negative. And I was like, I feel totally fine, but it was after I had made a Twitter post, being like, we got COVID, but I thought, you know, I just had super duper mild symptoms. I was like, I feel totally fine, just a little bit of a cough. And then afterwards I tested and it was negative. And then the day after I was sitting in bed and I was like, I feel kind of woozy. So I laid down and took a nap, and then I woke up and I was like, oh no. It's one of those things where I think, I think yeah, we should have just had me book another hotel room. >> Yeah. >> Live and learn. >> Live and learn. >> I'm dead. >> Live laugh, he, he, lactate. >> I still learn. >> No. >> One thing though that I do have to say, we're getting different rooms for MGS. >> We can. Yeah, absolutely. I can book. What was I going to say? I do have to say, like, I saw some comments being like, oh, what's something you learned about yourselves? No, no, no, no, no. I think considering the fact that we came from a convention, we were tired. We took the trip. We had our periods. We got sick. We're like, y'all don't understand how small a room is, like we're staring at each other. I think we could have had like really bad fights. I think we could have been like real crusty to each other. >> We've been pretty good about, yeah. >> Yeah, even when we're sick, we're like, we banter and we're just like, but we haven't had any like. >> No. >> And even sometimes like, yeah, I'd be like, oh, don't do this or you'd be like, oh, you know, like, we're pretty good at being like, hey, like, like, you were writing an email and I was being silly and you're like, wait, like I have to concentrate. >> Yeah, let's just like shut up to break the email. >> Yeah. So I do have to, I do have to say, like, I think, like I've traveled with people where less things went wrong and we got into huge arguments. And for us, I feel like so much went wrong, genuinely, and like, it's not just a trip for fun, right? Like, it's also genuinely things went wrong with work. And then there's like, we have so much stuff and we still didn't like, take it out on one another. >> I did have a bit of a breakdown when you left the walk though. >> Yeah, which I mean, I also broke down. >> Yeah, you did. >> So don't worry, like that that's normal. >> We've cried. We cry a little bit, we're in touch with our feelings. >> We even, we're leaving soon. >> It's one of those, sorry, I'm just going to interrupt you real quick for this. Obviously, I'm very, I like to think positive just because if I think negative, I stew in it forever. Obviously, I know we can come back. I know, I can just do a few more sponsors, I get it, but it fucking sucks. And you know, it's whatever. >> I think my biggest thing is I overbooked myself for July, so in August, so I'm just like, when do I have time to stream? >> Mm-hm. >> Basically. >> Ooh. >> And also I was like 100% and 100% planning on streaming here, and then the room was small. And then I got sick. I was embarrassed to stream because I was like, everyone's going to hear how sick I am. I will say though, for real, there are times when you would talk and your voice was just not doing it. It was not great. >> Yeah, my throat was really hurting at one point. >> Yeah, yeah. At one point, you slept the whole day. >> Yeah. >> Like at one point, you slept the whole whole day. >> I felt, yeah, you're right, I did. >> No, it was like I fell asleep at like four or five. >> But then you slept until like nine in the morning. >> Yeah, I did. >> Yeah, that was the first day that I got sick. >> Yeah, that's one thing I do have to say to us, I'm genuinely really proud of us. When you add layers of we're working together, there's an audience, we're friends, and we're on vacation, but it's also work. There was so many ways that things would have gotten really bad. And yeah, I just think we, and then for anybody who doesn't get periods, let me just explain really quickly, two days before it or a day before it, you just get annoyed at everything. You can't help it, it's just your body's releasing hormones, right? So the most mundane things will happen, and you're like, I'm going to tell you. You just become so- >> I can usually tell, because I notice I get annoyed even sometimes on stream, I'll get annoyed sometimes, and I'm like, why am I annoying? >> I know, we tell. Somebody would be like, hello, Matara, and then they're going to ask a question. And in my head, I'm like, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. And then later, I'm like, oh, what a great question, thanks for hanging out, thank you for spending time. And I genuinely mean it like a few days later, I'm like, man, I can't believe I was upset that somebody was like, hey, what game is this? >> It's so crazy though, the day, when you get your period, the immune system happens, the day that I got, mine was the day I got COVID, so it's just like, I was fine. I was totally fine until that day, but my immune system decided to go get milk. >> No. >> And then I- >> I'm sorry for laughing. >> I can't breathe. >> I'm sorry, baby. >> I'm a mouth breather. >> Yeah, we are mouth breathers right now, that's true. >> You're breathers? >> Her mouth breathers? >> I was like making a joke to Mint, and I was like, just being a little self, like, I can't believe you didn't do this. And then I accidentally fumbled the two words together, and then she just kept making fun. >> I was like, you're lucky you didn't say that on stream. >> It was, I think it was like, signal boost and post, so I said signal boost. >> Yeah. >> It's so dumb. >> But I was like, I can't believe you can do single boost. And she's like, haha, boost, boost, boost, boost, boost, boost. >> That wasn't even supposed to come on this trip though. >> Sorry? >> Actually. >> Yeah, it's true. >> I invited you because- >> Thanks for inviting me. >> Thanks for inviting me on this super awesome trip. I stayed inside the hotel, wait, hold on, how many days? >> Like four days now. >> Yeah, we came here on this, wait, I don't know. >> We came, we saw, we conquered. >> We got here on the six, and I went out for two days. >> Mm-hm. >> And then I stayed in the hotel for three days. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, we came for like a thing, well, you came for some other stuff. >> Yeah. >> And I came because we had an idea for something we wanted to do at the podcast. >> For the podcast. >> Yeah. >> And that obviously didn't happen. So hopefully, you guys can see it in a future episode. >> Mm-hm. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [LAUGH] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Man, what a, what a time. >> Yeah, so because of that, because this was supposed to be the episode. So I have to breathe. >> Don't you upset it. >> The thing that we were supposed to do, instead we're answering your questions. >> Yep. >> It's an AMA. >> Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup. >> And we'll add a bunch of stuff into it. I do wanna, I guess we'll probably get a lot of metal gear questions, so. >> Yeah, you asked me about metal gear. >> Ooh. >> Can I talk about metal gear? >> No. >> I talked about the collector's edition. >> No, no, I said no, you shouldn't. >> And how I, but you really shouldn't talk about metal gear. >> But then they also- >> I think you should stop. >> I think you should stop. >> They off loaded, and they off loaded a video of David Hater talking about it. And it shows some of the first stuff of Snake with his head back. >> [LAUGH] >> Why are you? Why does that make you giggle? >> Because it's so good. >> [LAUGH] >> And I saw a lot of little things in the court. >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH] And- >> I'm trying not to look at my timeline too much, cuz I'm getting, I don't know if it's a spoiler or not, but people are talking about it, so I'm like, ooh. >> I think everything that's been shown so far is from, it's from stuff. >> [LAUGH] >> I think everything that's been shown so far. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> I have to clutch my butt every time I call. >> One of my favorite things about coughing is then later your abs hurt. You're like, yeah, I got stronger. >> It's like hurting my hip bones. A hip bones, a hip is gonna like them. >> I don't know where that's all from. >> I don't know. It's like bones connect to your elbows, elbows connect to your >> Hold on, I will lie down. We're gonna be the gang in the gang. I'm gonna lie down. Like, I can stare at you. >> Okay. >> I hope my shorts aren't too short, by the way. >> Don't look. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> You brought him, you got my glasses. >> [LAUGH] >> I can't see him. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> Okay, I do have to say about our sleeping habits. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> In this bed, you know when you come into a hotel room and the bed is made up? You just sleep under your hotel bed and like, it almost looks like the bed is still made up the way that it was. >> Yeah, because I'm not a beast. >> [LAUGH] >> Like you. >> They, I usually don't get my bed changed too much at the hotel, but she changed my bed sheets and basically she like, so the first time I slept, how do I call it? The cover came out of the bed sheet in the way that I slept and then she changed them. And now, the next night, the cover came out, like look, my bed sheets and the cover, they're not the same. >> They're completely everywhere. >> I don't even know what, where's your pillow? >> I'm on it right now. >> Okay. >> [LAUGH] >> Like you sleep, like you will sleep on one side, on your back or on the other side. You have your little like headband on your head, that's it. >> Me? >> I am all over the pose. >> You're doing gymnastics and you're asleep. >> [LAUGH] >> So they over you. >> No, yeah, I also do this thing when I sleep where I like to like take my feet from under my blanket. I really like that. Sometimes when it's like warm enough, I like take one foot out or I take my arms out. >> I don't think someone's gonna grab your foot. >> I like it. >> I want to grab my feet. >> You want to grab my feet? >> Yeah, I'm lonely. Grab my feet, please, monsters. >> Yeah. >> Please. >> I guess so. Nobody wants a bug toe. >> No, I like my bug toes. Bug nails are selling for a lot of money. My chitin nails. >> Your what? >> My chitin? >> What is that? >> My chitin. >> What is that? >> Chitin. >> Chitin. >> [LAUGH] >> What is that? >> It's like the skin, my like armored skin. Chitin. >> Oh. >> Is it chitin? >> I don't know. >> Okay. >> Google it. >> I have a good question to you from Roming Tuna. >> Oh, Tuna. >> Have y'all discovered any pet peeves while traveling with each other? >> I think most of my pet peeves about you already knew. >> One thing I learned about you is that if there is a packaging to something, you just take it out and then throw away the box. Even if we need the box, even if we need the box, it's like the chocolates over there. Your house was like, wait, the chocolates are melting. Where's the box? And you're like, I threw it out. >> I threw everything out. And then what? >> And then also the medicine this morning, I was like, okay, I'm going to take it, but I also want to take my migraine medicine. I wonder if I can mix them. I should see what the ingredients are, but as soon as the boxes just got, all the pills are lying on the table and the box is gone. >> Yeah, I throw, I don't know, I like to recycle and throw my stuff out. >> You also learned that I drink really quickly. >> Oh my gosh. >> I like to hug my little boss. >> We'll grab a bottle, okay. She got some coffee early. >> Like the little boss can? >> Yeah, she got a little boss can of coffee and a vitamin drink. And she was like, okay, I'm going to drink these real quick and I'm like, I look away for two seconds and I look back and she's drinking the vitamin coffee. She's like, oof, maybe I should have waited on the coffee. >> Cuz it was after I puked. >> Yeah, she was like, it's making me feel a little woozy and I was like, did you already drink it? And I was like, you need to learn to save her? >> Apparently that's an ADHD thing. >> Is it really? >> Cuz you want dopamine? >> Yeah, but don't you get the dopamine from the flavor? >> Is it not like- >> So some of the bottles, we've been getting this thing called BB Tola, which is vitamins. And it tastes awful, and the faster I chug it, the faster the flavor is out. >> Do you? Are you cooking shots? >> And I like the sound it makes. I love taking shots. >> Let's see, I've never taken a shot before, so I don't know how to do it. >> Mm-hm. >> I don't know how to open my, I mean, you also eat the mobile. So you're still opening your- >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm still thinking unhinging my jaw. >> Yeah. >> I don't know how to do that. >> I'm trying to think, cuz I feel like if anything I hate to admit it, I actually think you're even cuter. >> Stop. >> Stop. >> Just make something up, say I'm a loud peter or something. >> No, you're like, I'm thinking, I'm thinking- >> I've left a mess on the couch, it's been there since we've moved into this- >> My mess. But the thing is, your mess doesn't bother me cuz I'm also very messy, right? >> We are, our room is pretty messy, but I was like, God help the cleaning person when they come in. >> Yeah, your mess doesn't really, when we say mess, we mean like, we have like, my clothes are kind of like in a little pile. My computer stuff is in a little pile. I have like- >> And I'll say to the laundry. >> Yeah, after this. No, I'm trying to think pet peeves. I think the only thing, but it's not really a pet peeve, is like, I feel bad for it that like on this trip, there was a few times where like you wanted to kind of like, complain to me. I'm not, I'm kind of like in the place where I'm like, it's gonna be okay bestie, we're doing great. >> So that's on me that like, I feel bad that I can't meet you at that level. But I just like, I'm a rager. If I let myself get upset, like I will be upset for a week. >> There was like that earlier, I was just like, sometimes people's positive comments just annoy me. And I was sitting there like, I just wanna be in my sadness. >> So if anything, I think like that's like, that's not a you bet. See, this is what therapy does. I don't blame you for things. I blame me for things. >> But my things weren't like a pet peeve. I just was just like, you throw away the boxes. >> Yeah, like is that, I don't know what else you are. >> I'm sorry. >> Sometimes you walk a little slow. >> Okay, you did say the pet peeve doesn't have to be your fault. It just has to be, you asked me to come up with something, and now you're like a fit. >> Because it's my legs. >> Please just come up with anything, comes up with something you, how dare you? >> What else grinds my gears about you? >> You don't give me enough attention sometimes. >> But God, that tweeves kept sending me this morning. >> I send her the tweeves in the morning and it's like, I will wake up and it's to me. And she goes, stop. >> No, genuinely, like I said, I'm very, yeah, that's why I said I'm like, I think we treated it pretty well. >> Yeah. >> We're both kind of on the same wavelength on a lot of stuff. For example, I told you that I wanted to stream and I was a little bit late, but you didn't pressure. You weren't like, you said you were going to stream, why aren't you doing this? And vice versa. I feel like we're very good at making feel guilty, like how do I say that? >> Yeah, we were. >> Yeah. >> Even for the podcast, sorry to interrupt. We were going to record this, I think yesterday, but then both you and I felt sick. And stuff and more like, hey, no, we said we were going to do it. If this was in normal life, yes, we'd be like, hey, we said we're going to do it. Let's follow up. But we're both sick. >> Yeah. >> So we're both being really gentle with one another. >> And we. >> Come here, let me give you a kiss. >> We have time. >> So it wasn't like a, it wasn't like a, oh, hey, I'm leaving for the airport in two hours. >> Yeah, yeah. >> We've got to record this. >> Mm-hm. >> Let's do it, whatever we can, we're just kind of taking it easy, taking it easy. >> Yeah. >> I think it's the most we can do because otherwise the situation just sucks so much. >> Yeah. Yeah. I was, it's funny, you said this and then you looked at me and I just nodded at you. And then I realized I'm nodding. They don't know I'm nodding, so I have to actually be like, yeah, yeah. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Obviously, I didn't need this test in our friendship, you know? Like I think our friendship was strong enough without this test. >> But it is like a good learning experience, like learn autistic in this hotel room. I sound like I'm going through puberty, but I still can't believe like nobody caught it earlier on in our friend group. And then even you were with me for a few days and nothing. >> I know, that's why. >> Like that's what I'm so shocked about. >> Yeah, like where did it come from? >> Where did it go? It's a very long time ago. I was just like, I'm never going to in person conventions over again. >> All right, let me see what else we got. Hold on. I just had the tweet open. Give me a second. >> Oh, let me pull it up. >> You took your glasses off. >> Oh, I can still read. >> I can read this. >> Okay. >> Look at me. Look at me. >> [LAUGH] >> I'm blind. >> So I was saying read this so that I was showing her my middle finger. >> She looked at me and she had to squish it. >> She can't see that I'm holding it. >> It's worse too, because even squinting doesn't do anything anymore. >> So bad my vision is gotten. >> What is your second favorite thing about each other? >> Second favorite thing about each other. >> Because you probably asked her favorite. >> I just think you're really funny, you're easy going. You're charming. >> She's coming. >> You're fun to hang her. You're really, really fun to spend time with. And like I said, even in our absolute misery. >> You're so miserable. >> A verge of tears every day. >> I still think it's been really, really fun. >> Yeah. >> And I like that you're very, even though you do joke, I showed you, because basically you showed me a story you really liked. And then I instantly bought four things there. >> Yeah, you're good. >> I like that you're always- >> You can get them before you go. We can get them when we come back. >> I can get them for you if I stay a few days later, if you tell me your size. >> I already have the shoes. >> The shoes. >> Oh, you mean the other ones? >> Yeah. >> I wanted to go back if I feel better, if I don't manage to change my flight earlier. >> Okay. >> To get some. >> Are you going to stay here? What are you going to do for a- >> Yeah, I'll probably go downstairs. No, I'll probably going to go downstairs and book it. I'll probably do it now on like an app after this. >> Yeah, that's just in case. >> You should go to the one that we meant to say. >> To be honest, I don't want to like bring all my stuff. I'm going to probably buy another suitcase because I want to buy some shoes and stuff like that. >> Shoes. >> Let's get some shoes. Yeah, what's your second favorite thing about me? >> That person performed that recently, the shoe, so I don't remember their name. >> Where did they perform it? >> I don't remember. I saw a TikTok of it. >> Mm-hmm. >> My favorite thing. I think it's also just I can appreciate that I am a kind of person that just wants to take a second to wallow and sadness, but it is good to be positive and I can appreciate that you are trying to be like, hey, I'm not trying to be so silly about this situation, but I do want to just be like, look, it's not as bad as it is, as it seems, we can just come back and try again and this, that and I can appreciate that and like that about you. >> She says frowning, but I definitely should like meet people more at their level sometimes. It's fine. Like I always worry that if I let myself get negative, because you've seen me sometimes and I'm like, I'm a negative, especially a few years ago, like I really like I'll stay. Like I remember one time we had a call, we were watching anime and I just cried for like two hours and then like, it's so hard for me to get out of that energy. So I just, but I can complain with you a little bit and get out of it after, right? I don't have to like go so deep. >> Well, that was two years ago when you cried while we were sitting. >> Actually, I think it was last year almost. Oh my God. >> No, it was two years ago, I think. >> No, because this July, this July 7th, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. If you know, you know, is one year. So this must have been like- >> It was earlier in the year though. >> It was earlier in the year. So it must have been like a year and a little bit. It wasn't two years ago, but it was like a year and a bit that I was, because you're watching anime about Antarctica. >> Yeah, I know. >> Oh my God, yeah. Wasn't that long ago? How quickly and dramatically life changes? >> Baby asked, "Famima lost in her 7/11." Which one is the one that has your favorite dessert? >> Famima. >> Famima. I just don't like that Famima, like if I pay cash, I have to like hand them the cash. I can just put it in the machine and it's like, it counts it for me. >> I never do cash, I always just pay card at all of them, so I never think about that. But Famima has the best food options in my opinion. >> Oh, yeah. You said it has your favorite dessert, right? >> Yeah, it has like this roll cake. >> And it's not a roll cake, it's like a crepe, you know, it's like really-- >> You showed me. Yeah, yeah. >> Yeah, I bought it so good, I like the Famima, and they also had a-- >> What's the third one, family mart 7/11, there's a third one? >> Lawson. >> Lawson. I think I go to 7/11 the most and then Lawson and then Famima I almost never go to. >> Yeah. >> 7/11 is okay. >> Everywhere, it's so easy, I know what they have, 7/11. There's like three 7/11s everywhere you go. >> I know a friend though that likes the Nana Chiki over the Fami Chiki. >> Really? >> Yeah, but also 7/11 has little spaghetti in it, if I like that. >> Yeah, yeah, she had some spaghetti this morning. >> I couldn't taste it. >> Little spaghetti monster. >> Mm-hmm. >> Mm-hmm. >> I can smell it a little tiny bit. I do have to say, it only took me coming to Japan like five times. I am officially overcome beanie food. It should have happened after my first trip, but because I feel like when you first-- >> I don't think it happens even after your first trip. >> I feel like when you first come to Japan, you're so like, oh my God, the convenience store food, it's amazing. >> Oh, yeah, sure. >> The sandwich is the everything. Now I'm like, yeah, I'd much rather get everything else, but I do go there for the coffee, for the water. The big jugs of water, because they're easy to carry. Coffee, water, the jellies, what is it called, the hangover drink? >> Over drink. >> They have the little drinks, let me-- >> Like the chocolate as we get? >> No, there's like a specific, it's basically like you drink it before drinking. So 7/11 for those, but food, I'll just wait and eat somewhere else all the time. >> Yeah, it's great for if you need something like quick, like an own eating. >> Yeah. >> But to eat there all the time, I'm like, I don't know why, because it's just, but at the same time, there's like something about it that I'm like, okay, I'm sick of it. But what was I saying earlier, Fami Ma, when I was here last, they released a butter chicken curry. >> Oh, that sounds good. >> It was so good, I don't know if they still have it, but I was like, I'm eating this. This one is from Piappi, who takes more food picks. >> You do. >> I think we both take about the same amount, no? >> No, I don't take, I only take food picks once you, I take food picks at like themed cafes. >> Yeah, you're right. And I take food picks all the time. >> Yeah. >> Cuz I've talked about it a little bit before, I don't really take photos of me anymore. >> Yeah. >> Because I'm always scared that like, if I accidentally post one on, you know sometimes you like fat finger your phone on Twitter. So if I do that, or- >> I just have finger all the time. >> Yeah. >> Or like if, I don't know, my phone gets hacked, I don't know, I'm always like thinking about that. So I don't wanna take photos of me or anybody I'm around, cuz I don't want them. But yeah, I do take a lot of food pictures. What's your gotta have it food when you visit? >> Must burger teriyaki rice bun burger. >> I haven't had that yet. >> I get it every time I hear. >> We'll have to get it if we feel a bit better before you go. >> I've already had it. >> Ooh, you can write it to me and then when I feel better. >> I don't have it again. >> You introduced me to pepper lunch? >> Pepper lunch. >> It was really nice. I really enjoyed it. >> It's called right here, motherfucker pepper lunch. >> It was really nice. I enjoyed pepper lunch. But my gotta have it is sushi. That being said, I guess now I understand that maybe it's because I was losing my sense of taste. But we went for sushi twice in the first two days before I started feeling bad and I didn't like it. I was like, this sushi's so good. We went to Kula, which I get is very mid. >> It's cool, it's whatever. But we were like, let's get some food and then let's go shopping. >> But it was more mid than usual. >> Probably because you had no sense of time. >> Now I get that, yeah. My gotta have it is sushi all the time. I first burn out on sushi and then I have other stuff. >> I do. I do really like getting, because I just get a bunch of eggy. It's so cheap here. >> I am really craving good isakaya food. We're not talking trash. Isakaya food, we're talking like a good Takawasa, we're talking the good gyoza is like the good. Why are you giving me that look? >> Because we went to that isakaya. It was so bad and smokey. I opened the menu like we're getting out of here. >> I went just to go pee. >> Yeah. And then we got it. I was walking down the street and I was like, I don't think I'm gonna make it. >> We were so indecisive that night, that was funny. >> I was fine. We went to first, we went to a ramen place. It was in Shibuya. We went to a ramen place. And it was getting later. So it was just like, you know, that isakaya and the ramen places that were still open. Like not even family restaurants were open at that point. They were like closing in within like a half hour. And the first place we went to was a ramen place and I was like, oh yeah, they have chahan and ramen, which is like my favorite combination ever. I know it's just carbs and carbs, but it's so delicious and I was like, I can't wait to eat chahan and ramen and I'm feeling this so much, I'm gonna sat down and guitar is just like, I'm just not feeling it. >> I'll be honest, next time I think you could be more pushy. I think you could have been like, hey, I really want to eat this. So if you're not decisive, let's just eat here. >> Okay. >> I promise you. >> Because I really missed that I didn't get to. >> I promise you please next time, like, because I was in that indecisive mood. >> Yeah. >> So you were like looking at the menu and you were like, I'm just not feeling ramen. >> I could have gotten the dumplings, the gyoza. >> Yeah, you should have thought that we're where did we go? I think we actually, we didn't go anywhere. >> Didn't we just get food and eat at our hotels? >> Yes. >> God, we're so lame. >> We're so lame. >> Yeah, after that we went to, we were walking around a little bit more and then I was like, it's like, what do I really have to pee? >> And it also was like, I looked at the menu, it was like the most touristy menu, it was not great. >> It was touristy, just the pictures didn't look very good, I think it might be. But also, when I'm around people that smoke, if there's smoke, I don't have asthma, but my throat will just like clamp. >> In Japan, you guys have to be careful, there's a lot of restaurants that you can smoke inside them still, especially zakayas. And there's even restaurants where you're outside, but people are smoking. And it's happened to me before when I came to Japan many years ago where somebody asked, is it fine if I, we were outside, is it fine if I smoke next to you? What am I gonna say? No? >> I don't. >> And even if they do. So yeah, and even if they do, I'm still gonna. So just be mindful of that, there is a lot of smoking in Japan. But yeah, we, I did really like pepper lunch though, that was really, really nice. >> Pepper lunch. >> It was good. >> Pepper lunch. So yeah, we had, they had a kaiju eight collaboration. >> I thought we got stuff from the collab, but we didn't get anything. >> We did get stuff from the collab. >> And we didn't get anything. >> But they didn't give us our clear files. >> Yeah. >> [BLEEP] Sorry for my language. >> Oh, because they were like, oh, this bug and this ghost, they don't know what they're, what this is. They just got it cuz they wanted it. No, I wanted the clear files. >> Me too. You guys, come on. >> Spam goose asks Hong Kong. >> Oh. >> Hong Kong. >> Hong Kong. >> Hong Kong. >> Hong Kong. >> Hong Kong. >> Someone who doesn't know Japanese will be the best thing to do to prepare for the trip to Japan. Learn, get deep ill. Do not be afraid to like use your phone to translate things, just say. >> You did do that, yeah. >> Yeah. >> Like, [FOREIGN] which is, I don't understand Japanese or you can say, [FOREIGN] >> Yeah. >> Another thing that I've talked about is like be prepared with your texts. So for example, when I go to the kombini, I bring my stuff to the cash. And then I say, [FOREIGN] which means bag please. I do not wait for them to say bag please because they're gonna add text into it that I don't understand. So I just will go and I'll say, and then before while he's starting, as he's finishing up scouting my stuff, I'll be like, so I will basically say my text before they, cuz if I say the text, I say my three words that I know by heart. But if they say the text, it's gonna be like, and I don't know the word for cash. >> And they like use the K go. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. >> Yeah, that makes it. So basically like, don't let people speak, it's my advice. Yeah, don't let people speak. Don't be afraid to use an app. Can you pass me the chocolate, please? >> The melon one. >> And the one under it. Yeah, both of them. >> I tried this. So we have a dar's chocolate. This one is what? Melon? >> Melon, yeah, like the green melon. >> You can't leave it on the bed though. It's melted underneath because you didn't, you got rid of the >> And this one is a lemon cheesecake. >> I felt a little bit of, I like, I swallowed my saliva a bit and I was like, well, that tasted a little. I'm fine. I'm fine. >> Don't throw up on me, please. >> Mm-hm. >> I tried it earlier and I could only taste it a tiny, tiny, don't eat all of it because I wanna try it. >> Mm-hm. >> By the way, y'all had two squares, we got like 12. This is really good. >> Yeah. >> Oh, yeah. I wanna try it when I can taste better later. >> Mm. >> Mm. >> Mm. >> Yeah. Someone says current events not withstand, oh, this has got to rough end. Current events not withstanding. How flexible are your schedules when you go on a trip? You have a strict series of events or places you wanna visit or you open to go anywhere at any time as soon as you get to your hotel. >> Mm-hm. >> I think that's the best way to do a trip is to not have a schedule. Like have a schedule but also don't have a schedule because if you're schedule, like I would have a list of places you want to go. >> Mm-hm. >> But then, don't say on this day I'm doing this, on this day I'm doing this. Because what if you're just like on this day I'm going to Leno Park, but it's raining. >> Yeah. >> And so I would have it so that you could switch it like, oh, I was going to go to Leno Park, but instead I'm going to go to this aquarium, which we also said we were going to go to. >> I mean, we're sick. >> I know. >> I'm a little bit different in the sense that I like to have loose plans. Like for example, I'll say I'm meeting my friend's Monday. >> Yeah. >> Like I need to know that I'm meeting my friend's Monday because I am busy and my friends are busy. But maybe it's, we're going to go shopping, maybe it's we're going to have lunch, maybe it's we're going to have breakfast. Like I need that to be kind of open. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. >> Like I think having- >> I have one thing planned a day usually. Like a rough idea of what I'm doing every day but maybe not like I'm planning lunch and I'm planning dinner and I'm planning because sometimes let's say you meet your friend for lunch. You know what? Let's go get sushi. Sorry, sorry. Let's also go walk in the park. Actually you have lunch with them. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why I think it's important to like have stuff planned because then you could be stuck like us where you're just like, I'm indecisive on what to do or what to eat or what to eat. >> Like you should have something but I think for this sketch or for this time. We only had a few events, a few couple of days that were pretty strict. We were like, okay. You had your animate saying what you were still able to do, which is great. You had your, you already spoke about the- >> More Hammer Cafe. >> No, it was today where I didn't go. >> Yeah. >> That's okay. >> And then we had our thing that was supposed to be tomorrow and then we were meeting with a couple of people. >> Yeah, yeah. We were meeting with a lot of people too. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> So it kind of really did throw a wrench in our- >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But again. >> Yeah, I feel like when you travel, it's nice to have a main plan and that's kind of the biggest thing I learned is leave a lot more room or, because if you go shopping, right? Like when I went to get my iPad, I didn't just say, oh, 30 minutes to get my iPad. It was really nice that we went shopping, we walked around, we went for sushi, like kind of leave it a little bit more open. >> Yeah, it wasn't so like, okay, I have 30 minutes to do this, okay, now run this. >> Yeah. >> Now I have an hour to do this, okay, now do I do this? >> Mm-hm. >> Yeah. >> Thanks for all your questions, by the way, everybody. >> Thank you, we really appreciate. They're fun. >> Yeah. >> Have you picked up any habits? >> Mm-hm. >> Yeah. >> Thanks for all your questions, by the way, everybody. >> Thank you, we really appreciate. They're fun. >> Yeah. >> Have you picked up any habits, mannerisms, or sayings from each other, and if so, what are they? >> I don't think so, have we? >> I think we mostly, like, if something happens, we'll tend to repeat it. >> Yeah, we'll tend to repeat it, or like, yay, but that's, you know, we didn't pick that up. I don't think, I'm trying to think of your vocal tics. I just imitate you sometimes, because you'll be like, yeah, yeah. >> I've noticed one thing that you do, I don't, I have not copied this, but I've noticed something that you do, which, okay, I think it was from, there was another podcast, the one with Trisha Paytas in it. >> Mm-hm. >> I've never watched it, but I've seen the clip where the guy makes fun of her, and he's just like, do you know that you end your sentences with mm-hmm. >> No. >> And you don't do that, but you do something very similar, where like, if I'm talking you go mm-hmm. >> Mm-hm. >> Mm-hm. >> Mm-hm. >> Mm-hm. >> I'm an active listener, and one of those people are like, yeah, mm-hm, keep going. >> But are you very specific to your mm-hmm? >> [LAUGH] >> Another thing I do, if somebody's talking to me and I'm not able to make eye contact with them, let's say I'm on my phone, I'll be- >> I'm listening. >> I'm listening. >> My God, it tries to be insane, I'll be talking and she goes, I'm listening. And I'm like, I know, I don't need to hear you, I don't need to see you looking happy. >> I think it's my neurodivergence, baby girl. It's like my neurodivergence and my need to explain that I am paying attention to you. >> Yeah. >> Mm-hm. >> I do that. >> [LAUGH] >> I think that's a Slavic thing to be honest. >> Maybe. >> Because everybody I know that is Slavic, I'm like, mm-hm, mm-hm. >> I do it now because I'm a weeaboo, and I pick up active listening because of- >> Japan. >> Yeah, because of Japan, so I'll be like, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. >> Yeah. >> [COUGH] >> No, I'm an active listener. >> Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that you do, but that's kind of very normal where sometimes you'll say things cuter or things like that, but everybody does that, I think. >> Yeah. >> You're not special or unique or different? >> Nope. >> I have no charisma, uniqueness, nerve or talent. >> What? >> [LAUGH] >> What was the last thing you said? >> Charisma, uniqueness, nerve or talent. >> Nerve or talent, where's that from? >> A RuPaul. >> Aww. >> Mm. >> I learned what that means recently. >> Nerve? >> No, the whole, okay, take the letter of each thing and make it into a word. >> Charisma? >> [COUGH] >> No. >> Yes. >> [LAUGH] >> Nerve? >> Oh, charisma? What was the second one? >> Uniqueness. >> Okay, I genuinely did not think it was cut, I just said it to be. >> Wow. >> I didn't know it was that. >> Charisma, uniqueness, nerve, talent. >> I call it. >> I didn't know it was that. >> You got c*nt, girl. [LAUGH] >> You re, because we're tired, like the reactions are registering like half a second later. >> [LAUGH] >> You got c*nt, girl. >> I just, I just snapped and I don't know what even that means. I'm just going to answer this one real quickly because Richard asked, are you going to get the Metal Gear Board game? And yeah, I've been getting the multiple ood of emails they've been sending saying, "This is the last chance to update your game or your address before we send it out." >> So, yep, I got it. >> I have a question for you from Steam Bent. >> Yeah? >> What was the last that we cried? >> Uh-uh. >> Yesterday? >> Yeah, I think yesterday. >> Me too. High five. [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> Hey, why did you cry? >> Cuz I also was like a little overwhelmed. It wasn't a big cry. It was like a small cry. >> Uh-uh. >> It was like, I also was overwhelmed. >> Yeah. I have a lot of feelings and emotions. >> I know. >> I think by crying, your cry were a little different because you probably had a breakdown cry, right? You said? >> Yeah. [LAUGH] >> My name is Kyle. I'm happy, but I'm upset, but things are good, but it was one of those bittersweet kind of like, I'm sad, but I'm also, yeah. >> I just wish that, I mean, I went shopping and I got some clothes, so I'm happy about that. I just think, if our plans had been canceled for think, I mean, this was outside of our control. >> Yeah. >> But if it had been canceled on their end, I think I'd be less frustrated because I could be like, okay, well, I'm still gonna go out and get, like, do stuff so that I can- >> Go to maid cafe. >> Yeah. >> You would be aquarium. >> Yeah, so that I can have experiences to still talk about, but what experience do I have now being like, so I laid in bed and then I blew my nose and I watched TikToks and then I blew my nose. You come back from vacation and instead of having these fun stories to tell your chat, you're just like, guys, we just watched TikToks and did a little bit of work. >> Yeah. And so I have nothing, I now can go back, I go back and I'm just like, yeah, I spend a bunch of money to lay in bed in a hotel room and- >> Yeah. >> And also like the 13-hour flight. >> I know. >> Yeah. >> And now we're gonna have to do it again. >> Yeah. >> In like the same month, baby. >> Yeah. >> Or within a month's time to go back and do the stuff that we wanted to do. So it's just, and I get frustrated the most I think because I'm just like, in my mind, I'm just like, if I'm not producing content for my channel, it's just, I'm not going anywhere. >> No, I agree, that is definitely like the streamer mentality. >> Yeah. >> And you're here and it's all like you even have good stories to tell. >> No, yeah. >> So yeah, I agree. >> Yeah, it's just really overall. Like I know we sound probably really happy and optimistic, but I think to be honest, we're just really upset and sad and we're just trying to cover that. >> I think once we're back to like, there's a lot of games you want to play. There's a lot of stuff. There's a lot of deadlines. There's a lot of things. >> Yeah. >> So I love Japan, but coming back to Japan for like four days, taking a 13-hour flight there and back is not mine. >> Yeah. >> Today, we're privileged to be able to afford that and we're super duper lucky and so we're not taking that room. We're not taking that for granted or anything, but it is, I mean, at the same time, we wasted, we get our money from you guys donating and stuff and so for us to come all the way over here and spend the money to get here just to sit in a hotel and do nothing. >> Yeah. And chocolate. >> Yeah. >> Oh, big waste. >> I agree. >> Yeah. And I, there was the one thing that I thought of that I thought was a good idea, but like overall, like I got- >> Yeah, you're a good idea. >> Yeah. But overall, like I've just feel like I've been getting like, you know, the thing that I wanted for next month for my anniversary is probably not going to be able to be ready in time because they were like, oh yeah, we're going to need another extra 30 days. So it's just been kind of like a pile of, like I feel like I'm not progressing. I'm just- >> Where you want to be. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> So. >> And unfortunately too, when it comes to your really good idea and stuff, like we can't really, you want your audience to be surprised, then you want them to have a gift. So you can't even, we did work on a few things you and I here, but we're not going to really be able to talk about it to you guys. >> Yeah. >> Because there's such like future and yeah, we're sorry, we love you. >> Yeah. >> So much. This actually goes perfectly into a follow up question I had. >> Okay. >> But now I lost it. >> Oh my god. >> I was like, do you miss us? >> Yeah. From Funky. From Guy, I'm just for you. Do you miss us? Absolutely. We missed you. So much. >> We miss you guys. >> So much. >> I think by the time this is out, we'll be back. So. >> I hope so. >> I miss you all. >> Oh, maybe not you though. I think you're exciting. >> Yeah. >> If I'm not able to change my flight, yeah. >> Yeah. Yeah, didn't you say it was like a lot of money to change it or something like crazy? >> When I looked, I actually have to pay money to change it quite a bit like a thousand. >> Oh my god. >> So I'm going to take a look. Maybe I like look to the wrong website. Maybe if I call, so we'll see. >> Yeah. >> Also, you know what else really sucks. Everyone told me Japanese summer would be awful. The weather's been amazing. >> It has. >> And we first thought here the weather was so good. >> It was so nice. It was a little warm, but it was so breezy and hey, I told you not to put this chocolate on the bed. It said, you're, it goes to your bed and the ads come, they come for you. This is how you get ads. Who you want ads? >> You want ads? >> Cuz this is how you get ads. >> No. Terrier mine says, who's the best boy in Inuyasha? >> Who's yours? >> Koga. >> Bitch. >> What? >> That's my best boy. >> Cuz he is the best boy. >> First of all, okay. Who are we going to? >> Niroku. >> Yeah. >> So Shombarou Inuyasha, all trash Koga is the best boy I've said it before. Okay, there is the fact that he's technically bethroated about to be married to another girl. And he like all's in love with Kegomate. But you know what? >> But okay. >> What matters to us is that he is a simp. >> As a kid, I would have said Inuyasha 100%. >> Yeah. >> Cuz I loved Inuyasha. >> Yeah. >> Also, was it Koga's an arranged marriage? >> Yeah. >> So you can't help the girl liked him. >> I'm sorry, but like, am I supposed to, if someone likes me, I'm just happy to- >> No, I agree. I think Koga was the best guy. >> Yeah, I think so. >> I think Koga was by far the best guy, and I liked him a lot. >> He was kind to Kegomate, he helped her out, he liked her life. >> Yeah. >> He was a gentle man. >> He was a toxic. He had a toxicity moment because of his fighting with Inuyasha, but Inuyasha was a dick to Kegomate. >> Yeah, he was. >> And Miroku would have been nice, except he also was in love with every second woman that passed and always tried to grab some of those butt. >> Yeah. Miroku, I don't know why she's stuck with it. >> He's cute. >> He's cute. >> I think so. >> He's cute. >> I think so. I think Miroku's cute. >> Let's see. >> Oh, in Rainbow asked so Delta thought, I'm so glad you guys didn't at all want to talk about Metal Gear Solid. >> Go, go, go, go. I'm listening. >> Oh gosh, what was I talking about before? Oh my gosh. Okay, so I have so many thoughts. >> And prayers, girl. >> I really like, I know some people were kind of lukewarm on how they redesigned some of the models. Like some people who didn't like how they redid Snake's hair, but then when you see him with the bandana, oh, he looks so good. Oh my gosh, I can't wait for it. And then I'm just really, I'm excited to see how Eva looks because I wasn't sure how she would look or I didn't like how she looked in the patchy slot or you don't know her yet. >> Should I be quiet? Should I? >> Yeah, I don't listen. Okay. And also a lot, we saw him for like two seconds, but I also didn't like how he looked in the patchy slot because I think they made his face too lumpy. So I'm excited how he looks in this as well. And I'm really excited for the Cobra unit because I think that their designs are kind of like the most iconic for the game, you know, like, I don't know. When I think of the Cobra unit, or when I think of MGS3, I think of the Cobra unit and like how each distinctive member of the Cobra unit is and how cool they are as bosses. So super excited about that. A lot of people have pointed out that like the boss, she looks a lot different, not a lot different. She looks pretty different. But I think a lot of people have pointed out that she like has like these dark circles under her eyes. She looks like she's been doing some stuff. She looks so, but everything about it to me looks promising. I like that you have the two different kinds of camera angles. So you can do the legacy, you can do the original way, or you can do like a more modern camera angle if you prefer. And the only, my only gripe is not having the yellow filter, but I really hope that they put it in as a toggle because, you know, some people might not really want it, but I really want it. Like, MGS3 is one of those games that you can look at and like, you can just smell it because of that filter. So far, I'm just, I'm really happy with it. I feel really optimistic about it. And I think the voice actors also seem really into it and really optimistic about it. And that means a lot to me as well. And Cynthia Harrell, she's going crazy on Twitter. She's just like, yeah, everybody's making her world. And I think this can just be, this game will ultimately end up being some people's first Metal Gear game. And I would prefer that over MGS5. So I'm just, I'm just overall very happy with how things are kind of shaping up. And even when David Hader talked with like the producer of the game, I'm sorry, I can't remember your game. But when he talks to him, sorry, sorry, one second, sorry, please continue. I will continue. When he talked to him and the guy was just like, yeah, we know that when we released the Master Collection, it like had some bugs and it had, you know, people were unhappy with this and that. We're still addressing those things. I was like, yeah, you know what? Yeah. Own up to that and talk about that and, you know, they acknowledge it. And they have been, they've put out so many patches to fix it. And I know that there's people's complaint that it's just like, well, if it wasn't perfect to begin with, they shouldn't have put it out, remember. But that has always happened. You know, it's not a perfect game that is actually extremely hackable and really buggy is Pokemon like red and blue. Okay. So, you know, it's true though, it's true that game is so poorly called. Great argument. It's so poorly called. Great argument. They couldn't do. They couldn't put out more patches. So anyway, why what do you mean great argument? What are you drinking? It is point three alcohol, look, point three. I can't see anything. It's basically like a wine cooler. Oh my God, she's still drinking even after she threw up twice today. Once and then throw up twice. Stop inventing things about me. You almost threw up a second time. Yeah. I like felt it a little bit of my throat. And now you're drinking. Because now if I throw up, it's going to taste better. Because this is going to taste good. Yeah, those are only a few of my thoughts. We'll have more discussion once I'm back. Thank you, everybody. I hope you spell that all over yourself. You gave me. You gave me such a dirty. Are you sure there's not more you want to add? How do you feel about this being people's first metal gear? I think it's fine if this is people's first metal gear because it's the first in the timeline. It doesn't take away from some of the other stuff. Well, I'm a release order believer. I will die on the hill like some people are just like, when I replay, should I replay from three? No, you should replay from one. Because if a series was supposed to be told in release or in timeline order, it would be released in that order. But there are little nuances that you get from playing MGS 1 and 2, that when you play three, why are you doing the can can? What's it like? I'm stretching. When you play MGS 1 and 2, that once you get to MGS 3, you're just like, ah, oh, ooh. But you don't get that same kind of excitement if you play it out of order or I play it. So that's kind of what's been happening with me playing Halo, where we're basically playing Halo 4, 1, 2, 3, and a lot of people are saying you're supposed to play 1, 2, 3, because then when you get to 4, it's like the prequel. But I really liked starting with 4, but a lot of people did say if you had played the other ones, 4 would hit you so much more emotionally and so much more. That's why it's just like, that's the issue with releasing things out of a timeline order because you'll get people that will be like, no, no, play it in the timeline order, because it makes more sense. But I'm like, well, I have a big brain and so I can comprehend when I can form the connections in my brain without them being laid out in a chronological order. >> I just think sometimes going back in time allows for a better story. >> I think so too. >> When you have Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, there's so much that you don't know, you just know a little bit and then you kind of then piece things back together. I like that a lot in stories where you piece things back. >> Yeah, don't you want a little bit of mystery and that you're just like, what is up with this, you hear about, I want to say something so bad, but I don't want to spoil it for you. >> Can I close my ears? >> I don't even want to say it, but you learn about things that they've talked about in one and two that you're just kind of like, what is this? And then it kind of like, it was talked about more. >> I'm guessing it has to do with like, I guess Metal Gear spoiler, the clones and the brothers and like that, all that is probably. >> I mean, there's already so much. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> There's so much that could be. >> Yeah, that could be. Yeah, yeah, yeah. >> I'm not going to confirm it. >> I tried, everybody. I tried. >> Yeah. >> But there's so much that like you're kind of just like, wait, how did this start? Where did this come from? Okay. Like don't you kind of want to be able to solve that, not just it handed to you in the first episode? >> Yeah, I agree. >> Yeah. >> I really like, this is why it's so funny to me when people will be like, pay attention, this part is important. Every part is important because you don't know what every, but like you don't know what was important and what isn't. >> Yeah, exactly. >> So when people are like, you have to pay attention, this happened, or I know I've made this complain a million times that people are like, you didn't hear the important part. Because I don't know, because I don't know what's the important part because I've never played it. I'm listening, I'm doing my best, but I'm not going to retain 100% of all the information because I don't know what I'm retaining. >> God, I'm like moving my body like Seinfeld, I'm like, you really know. >> It's because I was in bed all day, so now I'm stretching. >> We can take a walk after this. >> I think so. I think that would be nice. >> Are you feeling, I was feeling dizzy when I was stood earlier, but. >> I'm feeling fine. I'm going to take a super quick, I'm not going to wash my hair, but I'm just going to body rinse really quickly. >> Is it okay if I wash my hair? >> Yeah, yeah, that's why I was going to say if you don't mind if I go to the shower first because I'll be faster. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I'll be fast. >> Yeah, you told me before you like washing your needle hair. >> Yeah, I have to wash my hair every day, every day, yeah. >> I'm excited, I'm really excited that I'll be coming back and playing and I'll message you about it. We can talk about it every week because I thought Metal GearCon was at the end of July, it's mid July. So I'm coming back and I'm like 12 hour streams of Metal Gear. I hope y'all are excited, I hope y'all are ready. >> Yeah, I'm really excited to come back and play it again and just get into it. >> A lot of people are asking about MGS3 trailer stuff. Someone said, can you please recite Pi to 100 digits from memory? >> No. >> 3.14. >> 1.6. That's it. I did my contribution. >> I don't know anything else. >> Yeah, 3.1416. >> Put that away. >> What? Why are you lifting your shirt in front of me? >> I'm like poking my belly button. I think the zumis are getting to me. I think the sugar and the zumis are getting to me. >> Someone said, "Koguma said quarantine episode, said face." >> Oh, one thing at the yod. Let me see what other questions we got. I'm looking. >> Look, this is you. This is a person holding a cat. >> A really tidy cat. My timeline has been amazing. It's all just cat photos. It's so happy. >> Minty Fresh Kyle asked, has Matah gotten better at Japanese? >> I doubt it. >> No, I think you have. >> Really? >> Because there was something I asked you about. >> And I. >> And you already knew what it was in Japanese. >> Yeah, because I basically, it was like numbers, I think. Yeah. >> No, I think you have gotten better. >> Thank you. >> And more beautiful. >> But also, she does this horrible awful thing, which instead of saying, "Arigato," she says, "Arigato," or instead of saying, "Sumima," she goes, "Sumima," which sounds like it would be a trendy thing, but I think it's not at all, nobody does that. Only she does that. So if somebody bumps into me, I'll be like, "Oh, go in there." >> Yeah, she says, "Go in there to everybody," but I think that's more excusable than if you were like, "Go." >> Yeah, I don't know what's up with me. It's because in Japan, they do this thing where they shorten everything. And I think I'm just trying to be cool in Japanese. It's like, "Arigato," "Arigato." >> I need an explanation on dozo. Can I say it back to people, dozo? What does it mean? >> It can mean us several things. If someone's, if you're handing something to someone, dozo, if you're telling someone they can go ahead of you, "Oh, dozo, dozo." >> So if I'm on the combini and I'm leaving, can I be like the dozo? No. >> No. >> Okay. >> When you're leaving the combini, you don't say anything. >> [LAUGH] >> I say, "Arigato." >> Yeah, I mean, when you leave, when you pay, you can be like, "Arigato," and it's kind of like when there's like, I've seen several. So saying sayonara. >> Do it, do it. I've seen like, when you- >> I say matane as well. >> When you go to like take Japanese classes, like beginner Japanese classes, they'll show videos of like someone walking into a combini and the person going, "You're actually my friend, and then repeating it back," and they're like, "Yes, it's just a greeting, it's just a greeting." >> [LAUGH] >> And the person being like, "You're saying that, do me." >> [LAUGH] >> Enjoy your food. You do. >> No! >> [LAUGH] >> It hurts. >> I almost say- >> I usually say matane. >> Didn't we also say that at the airport where they were like, "Have a nice flight?" And we were like, you- >> I don't remember. >> I think I almost said it to him. I thought it was either you or me, I mean- >> I don't remember. >> Who else would it be? >> [LAUGH] >> No, I'll say matane. I don't actually say sayonara. Usually I'll end the conversation with like, arigato. >> Yeah, I think that's the easiest. >> Yeah. >> I say this, but you don't like it, I'll say jane. >> [LAUGH] >> I told her, it's like you're talking to your bestie like jane. >> [LAUGH] >> And my emphasis is on the- it's not on the jane. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> Jane. >> Jane. >> I like that. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> If you're actually wanting to get better, I can't tell sometimes if you're regressing or if you want to get better. >> You're saying- >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> Sue me ma. >> [LAUGH] >> I have no in between. I'm either like, goodbye, sayonara, it's like farewell or I'm like, see ya, nurse. >> Yeah. >> Bye. >> [LAUGH] >> What do you say to a cash register in your hometown when you like leave? >> Cheers. >> Cheers. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> What? >> [LAUGH] >> I think cheers all the time. Sometimes I do, but I go cheers. >> These are good news talk. >> They're good, huh? Another thing. >> Look, it tastes again. >> Yes. You know sometimes when the car stops in front of you to let you pass, I'll just do a peace sign. >> [LAUGH] >> I do it back home in Canada. >> This is why I say extroverts are terrifying. >> Who goes around saying cheers? >> Cheers. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, sometimes like even- >> You say chow also? >> Chow. >> No, I think I used to say chow a lot when my flesh woman was in high school, she would say chow. >> I'm going to start being quirky and say- >> No, I'm telling you the best is when the car stops to let you through and you just go with the little way you can go or sometimes that's the car. >> I do wave though. I do wave when someone lets- >> No, sometimes like- >> If a car lets me go or somebody, I'll just wing. That's it. >> You just winked? >> [LAUGH] >> My God. >> You're just flirting with everybody out here. Wait, I thought you said you couldn't drive. >> No, if a car is stopped, I can't drive. If a car stops to like, let's say I'm walking across the road and like, you know they have to yield? >> Okay, okay, okay. >> And they stop, I'll- >> I thought you meant, I thought, okay, for some reason I was like, I thought you said when a car lets you in. >> No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I mean like when I am. >> But yeah, I'll say cheers a lot. I say cheers, I say cheers as a thank you sometimes. Like if somebody's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, like, cheers. >> I've never heard you say that before. >> Really? I say it all the time. >> No, clearly you don't. >> Well, it's cuz- >> I think in your head you do. >> No, it's cuz we haven't really been to like many restaurants in America. >> Maybe, maybe, maybe. >> We've been to Pliny. You're a Senorita awesome. That's who you are. >> Who the hell is that? Have you never seen that clip? >> No. >> I think it's from Scream Queens. And it's this girl who like goes into a coffee shop and he's like, he's just like, what do you also want a double scoop espresso latte bla bla bla bla bla? She's like, no, I just want a regular coffee. I'm not like, I don't want one of those fancy coffees and he's just like, all right, who can I make the name out to? And she goes, Senorita awesome. [LAUGH] >> That's the vibe. >> I think it's, when I say cheers, it's like very casual combo. Like let's say you're like bumping to someone like, sorry, cheers. No, I don't say that. >> You keep it when you bump into something. >> No, no, no, no. But like I'll definitely be like, let's say like you're getting a coffee, I'm like, cheers. >> Am I the one, am I the one in the wrong here guys? You can tell me if you're just like, come on, stop having such a stick up your butt. People say cheers all the time. I don't feel like I hear that very often. >> I think it's because every time we've been like at the airport or stuff, like I went to get like we took turns going for stuff. I think that's why you didn't hear it. >> Maybe. >> Are you really? >> [LAUGH] >> I wanted to see if I could find this. >> I thought you were understimulated that you took out your TikTok, I'm like, damn girl. >> No, I wanted to see if I, if I saved this one. >> Sorry that I booked by the way, I hope you didn't hear it. >> What do you say? >> When what? >> Just, I don't, we haven't been to a lot of restaurants together, but I'm usually like super polite to the wait staff all the time. >> If someone serves me, I just say thank you. Or like if I'm checking out, I say thank you, like a normal. >> Sometimes I'll like, if I say cheers, it's when I'm not talking. Otherwise I'm like, hey, how are you today? If I'm in the Uber, I'm like, are you just starting or ending? >> Yeah, you do ask that a lot. Yeah, no, I never have heard you say cheers. >> That's crazy. >> I think you're lying to me. >> I swear to God, I say cheers though. I am tweeting this, I am tweeting this for anyone who has met me in person. Do I, I have to type slow with these nails. Do I say cheers? Men said she never heard me say cheers before. But I say it all the time. >> No. >> Maybe instead of tweeting it, I should just DM our friends, I think it can be easier. >> Yeah, maybe. >> Remember the guy at the panel that was just like I went to at home? Why? He asked him the thing, he was like, is Otogi, that's his ocean. >> Yeah, yeah, I wrote a boot eyes to son. He was like, is she doing well? >> We didn't see her. >> We didn't get to see her boot eyes to son because we're sick. >> Sorry, boot eyes to son. >> Yeah, sorry. >> If I get stuff, can I put it on your card? Can I just be like, Bryce Sufson has a card on file, I'll put it on your tab. Cheers. >> I can't believe you've never heard me say cheers. >> I've never heard you. >> Now you're going to start saying it over. >> Sorry, I'm like moving the microphone, so I'm not going into it, I'm sorry, I'm so gross. >> Now, what was it, I don't remember what I was going to say. >> But I say son, cheers? >> Yeah, now you're going to say it all the time because you're just like, I totally say, I feel like I'm being gassed right now. >> I swear to God, I say cheers quite often. >> I think it's just because I like, if I'm with you, I'll usually focus the conversation talking to you and not so much to like other people. >> I guess so. >> Maybe? >> I don't know. >> All right, let me get one more question, maybe two more. Time is a flying. >> Yeah. >> Actually, I have a question for you. Why did you say, you good, question mark, question mark? So this morning, on my tweet- >> Okay, no, no, no, no, I clarified underneath. >> I totally clarified what was your delusions and what was reality. I read it again though for people that didn't say it. >> Yeah. Oh, you want me to read it again. >> Yeah, you have a- >> Mint said, you can't watch the Metal Gear Solid trailer, but then she said, you should watch the Metal Gear Solid trailer, then after that, I think she said, leaves in tray and be the autocon to my snake, but I'm not sure maybe I jumped it. What do you all genuinely think? >> Hold on, hold on, hold on. You left out the context, that was your tweet. That was your tweet that you tweeted. >> Yeah. >> Yes. >> But, but, but. >> Because you have to think, there might be people listening to this, like, recently. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But you said that, that, I think, in my brain. >> No, okay. >> Then I responded, hold on, let me just go to your Twitter. I was- >> Yes. >> I was keeping the hashtag open or the tweet open so that, okay, mint, metara, so that I could read the questions out to people. >> Mm-hm. >> Wait, let me actually just go to my replies, that might be fast. Replies to you. >> Sure. >> A reply to, okay, and I wrote, okay, so metara wrote that and I wrote, you good? >> [LAUGH] >> With like 25 questions. >> With like a lot of question marks and then under that, I clarified, to be fair, I did originally tell her not to watch the trailer, because I forgot she played the first part of Metal Gear Solid 3, but then I remember she played up to where the trailer ends. So I said she could watch it, but the rest are her delusions. So I never said that you should leave Zentreya to be the autocon to my- >> Wait, you thought it. >> No, I did. >> [LAUGH] >> But at some point, like right now you were thinking it while you were reading. You were thinking those words while you were reading the text. >> So that I did not mean their intention. >> Why not? >> Because I was only reading the text. >> Damn. >> Yeah. >> My heart is broken. My heart is broken. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Ruined. Yes? >> My gosh. Okay. I learned something today. >> Which is? >> I learned what raw dogging means. >> [LAUGH] >> It went gone. >> So I said that I was raw dogging COVID because- >> [LAUGH] >> Because I wasn't teaching any medicine and I always heard raw dogging. >> I have to unclip my mic cuz I'm gonna laugh a lot. >> [LAUGH] >> You don't have to laugh that loud. >> [LAUGH] >> Go on. >> So I've always heard it in the context of doing something without needing help or doing things like I'm raw dogging this medicine or something, you know? >> Usually in the non-sexual way people will say I'm raw dogging the weak and that usually means like not taking medication or alcohol or drugs. >> So that's what I always thought it meant and so I said I'm raw dogging COVID. >> [LAUGH] >> What did people tell? >> And people were like- >> People were like, I'm sorry I delete. [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> People underneath were like, what do you mean by that? And so I was five followed up and I was like, this raw doggy don't mean what I think of it. >> [LAUGH] >> And so- >> I'm tweeting this. >> There was somebody who says like, you see post deleted by author. >> I don't believe. >> Hold on, hold on, hold on. You see post deleted by author, post deleted by author, then you see there were five from someone saying it does. But most people often refer to it's sexual origins and so I was like, what were these tweets? [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> I'm bringing you back to shame. I'm tweeting. I can't believe men tweeted. I'm raw dogging. >> Because I thought like, yeah, I'm going COVID no medicine. >> Did you write dogging and raw in one word or two words? >> I think it was two words. I don't know why. It's so funny. [LAUGH] While I slept, if you had- >> Yeah, while you were asleep. >> If you had just told me this, what do you think do me? >> Well, I now know what it means. I thought it was just a phrase because people say it normally now, and now I understand the origins of said- >> God, that is so, the implications. Hold on, hold on, I'm sorry. The implications of that are like, you're basically like taking, like if I swab my nose, right? And it's got COVID. The implications of you raw dogging COVID is like you putting that same swab like in your nose or your mouth or like those are the implications too. >> I don't think so. >> No. >> I think it would be like, yeah, I'm raw dogging COVID. I'm not taking medicine for it. I'm just like, I'm just taking it. Because I wasn't, I wasn't, I hadn't taken any medicine for it and I was just like, man, I feel, I feel like doo doo, and I think that's what that meant. >> I wish I was awake for that. >> I'm glad. >> It's okay, I tweeted just now. So- >> What did you say? >> Anybody missed it, they'll know that you said that. They'll know that you said that and they'll know your shame. >> No. >> I can't believe men tweeted, I'm raw dogging COVID. And while I slept. And Laul Cat's 16 replied, she's a champ for that. >> Yeah. >> You're an absolute champion. That is the craziest move I've seen you do. >> No. >> Yay. >> No. >> No. >> One last question. >> No, yeah. >> Because I think I need a coffee. I've been meaning to tell you, I want to say, I'm not noticing that I'm so tired, but all I do is drink like eight cups of coffee and I'm still tired and sleep. And I'm like, I'm not that much more tired than usual. Yeah, I am bitch. >> Yeah, because you said that you had so much coffee, you're like. >> Yeah, and I'm still tired and I'm still like, I will drink a coffee and then sleep. >> Why did you have to tweet that? >> You want me to delete it? >> No, it's not. >> I was like, Ayo, seeing that pop up on my notification board, she has such a way with words. >> My God, it was so funny. >> I think that's one of the funniest things you've tweeted in a while. >> Even though it was unintentional. >> And then I was just like, yeah, medicine, medicine, it took the medicine and my head, after ten minutes, it just went away and I was like, my gosh, I feel so clear right now. I felt so good. >> Am I more medicine today? >> Yeah, we can walk to the pharmacy and get some stuff. Yay. >> Yay. >> Raw dog in COVID. >> Not anymore if we get medicine. >> Yeah, you can pick the last one. >> I can pick the last one. Let me pick the last one and then I think we're gonna call it here because I am starting to dip a little bit in my energy levels and we still got a lot of stuff to do. Thank you everybody for being so patient with us on this episode. That isn't like an episode. It's just two girls being sick and kissing and also last couple of episodes because we were like planning for a certain thing. >> No. >> Sorry. >> Well, the last one last weeks was off-chi, so we did talk about off-chi, the off-chi episode. >> The off-chi episode. >> Yeah. >> Have you seen this? >> I had him on my phone. >> Oh, you're a little naked, right? >> Yeah, I had him on my phone. >> Did you say that like a photo? >> Yeah. >> How do people know is it because of the thing at the bottom? >> I think it's because of the quality. >> I took a little photo, yeah, I think I was just so shocked to see a naked man. Also riding, I thought he would be like more twinkie, like I thought he'd be like more thin and like on muscle, even though he's clearly a soldier, like he's got to be muscled. But then seeing him naked, I was kind of like, whoa. >> He is twinkie, man. >> I think you and I have different definitions of twinkie. >> A pair to snake. >> God, those are some nice tattoo placements, okay, I'm sorry. My last questions, I got distracted. >> What were you even looking at? Stop looking at tattoos, we're answering questions. >> I know, I know, it's because I went on my profile to go find your tweet. And then I got distracted by naked men. >> My God. >> What? What? What? >> I'm getting hungry, I just realized. >> Yeah, me too a little bit. >> Mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm. >> I do that a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot. >> You do, I'm telling you. >> Mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm. >> He's getting a driver's license horned. >> I failed this first driver's license test, and I failed it immediately, you wanted a lie. >> Why? Why don't you talk a lady down? >> The, yeah. >> Wrong doctor with her car. >> It's not at all, but I was going to say. >> Why did you, why did you think that? >> Go on. >> The parking lot was like, it was like not wide enough to be two lanes, but it also didn't have like a, so it didn't have like a middle, you know, like a stripe in the middle to designate which side was which, and I drove on the wrong side because I thought it was just one. >> That is so funny. >> And immediately the lady was like, stop, stop, stop, I was still in the parking lot. She's like, stop, stop, stop, and she's like flailing her arms, and she's like, oh, stop. I was like, what's wrong, what's wrong? She's like, you, you drove on the rocks out of the road. And I was like, I might not, I, this is not a one-way place, she's like, no, no, go back to the parking spot. And sadly, what drove back to the parking spot, and really, embarrassing walked up to my dad. I was like, I feel the biggest. >> That's so sad, I'm so sorry. >> And then it took me a long time to go take it again because I was so mad at that one instance. I was like, that lady sucked. >> I'm sorry, that does suck. >> Yeah. >> I have a good one from Basupi, between the two of you who spends the most time on the phone. I think, me, but we're pretty close. >> I think we're pretty close. >> No. >> When I'm, when my social battery is getting like really low, I have, I'm like, I'm just doing the following. >> Yeah, same. >> Mm-hm. >> I think we're both on our phone a lot. >> Yeah. >> Are you sure that was a good one to end on? >> Favorite Japanese vending machine drink from Mugi Cara? >> Corn soup. >> No. >> [LAUGH] >> I almost never go to the vending machines anymore because I like going to the convenience to see all the, there's more selection. >> There is more selection now. But sometimes, actually, sometimes the vending machines will have this, will have like a gel, like a grape jelly. It's kind of different from the jelly I get, but they have those. I saw, I saw a TikTok earlier of one that I want to try. It's like a water, but when you shake it, it turns into a jelly. >> I've never seen that before. >> And then if you put it in your freezer, it turns into a slush. >> I've never seen that before, we need to find it. >> We need to go find it. >> We need to go find it. >> Well, if we can leave. I mean, we can leave and walk around, and we'll be safe, everybody. >> No, I think so. >> Yeah. We do still need to eat. >> I think, I agree. I am getting, I am getting hungry. Thank you, everybody, for listening to another episode. >> Yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you. >> We will be back on track soon. Thank you to our patrons, you guys here. >> You guys are all the patrons. >> I'm sorry if you can hear me burp during the Patreon song. >> I'm singing. >> You are, you look really cute right now. >> Why do I look at it? >> You look very cute. >> Shut up. >> No, it's true. How about in the comments, we try to use the word cute. That's a pretty easy one. >> That's a pretty easy one. >> That's a pretty easy one. >> I don't want to make us feel better. >> It will. Both sick buns. >> You're not allowed to say mint or matara if you're using the word cute. You're not allowed to say ghost, you're not allowed to say roach, you're not. Basically when you say cute, you're not allowed to refer to us. >> Us, yeah. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. >> Hard mo. >> Yeah. >> Ow. >> Ow. >> Oh, what was that? >> I rubbed the couch. >> I think she just farted. >> Yeah, by rubbing the couch, that was a very, very loud. >> Okay. >> Yeah. >> Goodbye, everybody. Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye