FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Friday 7-19-24.mp3

2h 3m
Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchow. I don't think I'm done in this way. No. Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porchow, and if I'm talking 10065, they should be with us on this Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday morning. Text line would be a touch with the show. Hit us up there, 2.5.1, 3.4.3, 0.1, 0.6. We got kind of in to juggle the schedule a little bit today, but you'll get all your regulars coming up here just a second, Todd Stacey, Alabama, Daily News. But in about a half hour, we'll hear from our Congressman, Jerry Carl, in to move some stuff around because he's got some travel arrangements he is having to adhere to. And then we'll be wide open in that 10 o'clock hour, so that's your opportunity to get in whatever you want to talk about. But we will spend some time on the convention and give you my thoughts throughout the program. But in 11 o'clock hour, we'll hear from our returning champion state senator Chris Elliott. So please, by all means, stick around. But joining us now on the line, as I said, he was very kind to a juggle his schedule to help us accommodate what we need to accomplish today. Todd Stacey, Alabama, Daily News, and the host of Capitol Journal. Todd, good morning, aren't you? I'm great, yeah. How are you? Doing well, doing well. Yeah, and I'm starting to get off the line for you to go on air here. I haven't missed one since 2000, these are RNC's. I've been to a few DNC's. But it was kind of watching it, actually watching it and being kind of, I will say, emotionally invested, but more so that I would be just watching a DNC. Todd, I ain't thought there were some things I would have changed about it. But considering the circumstances, Republicans had a pretty decent convention, didn't they? I'd say so. Yeah, I think there was no real convention in 2020, right? They kind of nominated Trump at the White House because of the COVID and everything. But I do remember Cleveland in 2016. And what strikes me is different. I mean, it's eight years removed, is that in Cleveland, they were nominating Trump. And many people were excited about Trump. But there was still a lot of division within the Republican party, right? Remember, there was going to be like this floor thing from Ted Cruz, and there was still plenty of division within the Republican party. And I think if you would have pulled people anonymously in that convention in Cleveland in 2016 about who was actually going to win the presidency, a big majority would have said, we're probably going to lose, right? We're-- Hillary Clinton's probably going to win if you just-- if they were being honest. And so those two things were different in Milwaukee. I just got back from Milwaukee this time. Number one, there was no division. Everyone is completely united behind Trump. Are there a lot of reasons for that? But there's not some factional thing going on in the Republican party anymore. And number two, if you pulled that convention hall in Milwaukee, 100% of people would say, we're going to win. And that's a huge change. Just what the last convention I attended. And so that was palpable. It was palpable in the convention hall. I spent a lot of time with the Alabama delegation. They're pumped up. They're ready for November. Now look, we've got what, 90 days? So it marked that between now and November. So plenty can change. We have no idea what the Democrats are going to do. But Republicans are fired up. They can taste it. They can taste the White House more and more. The Senate, and it may be a bigger majority in the House. So there's a lot of enthusiasm, energy, optimism, and confidence amongst Republicans coming out of convention. Well, and yeah, I'm with you here. I mean, I feel-- you do feel, for the first time, the sense of optimism, like an authentic optimism. Probably for me, I'd go back to '04, maybe. It felt pretty good. Like, in '04, when they had their convention in New York City, from that point forward, it just felt like George W. Bush was going to win. All the other conventions since then, maybe a little bit '08 with Sarah Palin before they had immediately had her away with her. But the rest of them, it was just, well, you never know, right? We got a shot at this thing, but this convention, they didn't do anything too crazy or too out there. And here's my theory, Todd. I'm curious to hear what you got to say about it. I think the Democrat convention is going to be chaotic. I think there's going to be protests. I think there's going to be a lot of turmoil there. And maybe they dialed it back a little. Now, Trump's speech last night did not do that. But as a whole, could they have dialed it back a little bit? And I know they're coming off an assassination attempt just to give a good contrast to the other side. Well, the Democrats did choose Chicago as a similar patient with that. It just decides all logic or reason. I guess the decisions are made years and years in advance, so maybe we shouldn't read too much into it. But Chicago in 1968, the epitome of a chaotic convention. But yeah, they're headed to another one. We'll see. I mean, I saw Mark Halperin's story. He's a good reporter. If I'm going to trust anything, I would trust that he's at least well-sourced and all that. But you've got a pair of other Biden sources pushing back pretty hard this morning, saying that he's not dropping out of the race, that he is going to nominate. I mean, yeah, it's very chaotic. And yeah, about Trump last night, certainly, I could tell just by what he was reading on the teleprompter was a dialed back speech. Of course, he goes off script and says things. But what I think about that-- it was like a 90-minute speech, which is far too long. So I think people-- we'll see what the ratings say. I think people probably tuned in to watch. And then after probably halfway through-- maybe even less than halfway through-- probably tuned out, because it was kind of boring. And boring is OK. Touring is good for Republicans right now. You don't need to make it spectacle. I mean, they had Hulk Hogan. That was all the drama that-- It was wrong, yeah. I mean, here's what I think. And this is the way it was explained to me why Trump felt that they had the desire to go that long. He was trying to show you how to stamina, especially coming off of the assassination attempt, but also to contrast himself. I don't know that it worked. But the wisdom there was to contrast himself to Biden. That makes sense. But again, I think people kind of tuned out. I did my best to try to watch it all, but even I paused. I just had to come back and watch some of it. But again, boring is good. Boring for Republicans right now is good. So I was up in Milwaukee this week and interviewing the members of the delegation. I know you're going to talk to Jerry Carl. That was one of the comments that struck out to me was I asked Congressman Carl, what do you think-- what needs to happen in its election? And he said, we just need to get out of Biden's way. Republicans just need to get out of Biden's way, let him do whatever it needs to do, because he's the best case for Republicans right now. And that's really a great point. We don't know. I think Democrats would be wise at this point to replace them on the ticket. But there's not a lot of great answers. I mean, polling on Vice President Kamala Harris isn't great either, kind of the W-No versus the W-Don't. But I just don't see it giving any better for Democrats. But again, there's a long way to go. And I think Republicans shouldn't get too over confident, too, you know, heuristic this far out. But everything's going their way. You have to admit it. Well, the JD Vance pick, this is kind of as a wager. I mean, I'm OK with it. Some people are really objecting to it. I just got done with Hillbilly Elegy. I mean, it's a fine book, whatever. I think it kind of hits to the core of the whole populism in the MAGA movement. And like to me, I don't-- JD Vance himself is fine. But looking at it and trying to analyze, why did they go in that direction, Todd? And this is kind of-- I'm curious you would say about this. And that Trump has got to start kind of going with his instincts now. I think 16, he was trying to use these cabinet positions and these different places throughout his administration to kind of be a bridge to other interests. And now I think he is going to be a little bit different and a little more like just do what he would do naturally and not listen to like a Mitch McConnell or whoever. That's probably right. But I think that that kind of cuts both ways. I think he, in the same way that, well, you know, if Trump wins and takes office, Mitch McConnell will no longer be around. Right. A lot of the-- Whoever the new Mitch McConnell voice in his ear would be. Well, yeah, again, I think it cuts both ways. You also think he doesn't feel pressure to listen to the Tucker Carlson's of the world or Alex Jones or whatever. I think being Trump kind of cuts both ways. He's going to do what he thinks. And, you know, it has an interesting to watch him because, you know, people talking about he's kind of a changed man after coming millimeters away from death. And I kind of saw that. I saw the emotion there. And there's something to that. And I spoke with Senator Katie Britt. And she talked about near-death experiences. You know, she was up there in Tuscaloosa, her and Wesley during that tornado. They had a near-death experience. And she said that it changed them. And so there's nothing to that. So we don't really know completely. I guess you've got to be pretty close within the Trump orbit. But he certainly, to me, at least, he's not acting so much as a politician anymore, more as trying to be a leader for the country, which, to me, is a very good place to be in terms of understanding the moment, understanding that you've got a president right now that is incapacitated. I mean, you've got 26 amendment questions going on right now. And so I think that's a proper state of mind to say it's not necessarily about politics. It's about getting the country back and getting the country back on track. So if that's a state of mind, then I think it's a good one. - Joined by Todd Stacey. I'll have a daily news here on the program for just a few more minutes. And the-- how do you feel about all the turmoil of the Democrat side? It's still hard for me to believe that-- I don't know what this looks like. I mean, we've never been in this situation before, Todd. But it's got to be a bumpy weekend. What do you think of the whole take it by and off to take it every place in him scenario? I'm still trying to make sense of it, because there's so many different reports out there. I mean, about this time yesterday, basically everybody was convinced that Biden's on his way out the door. He had acquiesced to the demands of Pelosi and Schumer that he dropped out. But then the White House pushes back pretty forcefully last night and this morning. So I mean, who do you believe? It's ultimately going to be his decision, I think, at least in the short term, whether or not he is the Democratic nominee. He's got some off-ramps. I'll say that. Like, he's-- he got COVID apparently. And so now he's kind of convalescing in Delaware. That's an off-ramp. He could say, look, I'm sick. I need to bow out for the sake of my health and I need my energy to go through being president. That's an off-ramp. Any kind of diagnosis is an off-ramp. But it doesn't look like he wants to take it, at least not right now. So if it really gets more serious, you wonder. Do they invoke the 25th amendment? Does the vice president and a majority of the cabinet-- especially it would take, by the way-- the vice president and a majority of the cabinet invoking the 25th amendment saying he can't be president anymore-- that actually doesn't remove him from the Democratic ticket, though, to hold a different question. So they're in a fickle. They really are. And I don't know how many more influential individuals can come forward and ask him to step aside. I mean, they basically have everybody at this point. So the fact that he hasn't yet and might not is pretty significant because I don't see these polls getting any better for Biden. No, me neither. And I mean, this is it. And the few Democrats that I talked to, has Biden done to ever make you think that he could throw the Hail Mary connect and pull off an upset? Because it would be an upset right now at this point. And nowhere else is a good answer other than this. I mean, Biden's been facing uphill climbs in his contested races his entire career. And they point to his Senate race and Delaware. And other times he's ran. But I don't know. The Chris Matthews, formerly of MSNBC School of Thought on this, is that America loves an underdog story. And they'll eventually rally behind Biden. But I don't know where they're going. They're going to find the energy to do that. Yeah, I mean, the best thing I could say for hope for the Democrat is there's just a long way to go. Like I said, 90 days, many things could happen. We just don't know. And so the unknown is their best case scenario. It's not going to get better. And I would say this, his 2020 campaign, Biden's 2020 campaign, was basically all about Donald Trump. Right. We don't want Donald Trump anymore and was able to convince enough people that chaos was worth replacing. Well, he's the chaotic candidate now, right. And when you look at the other side in Donald Trump, there doesn't seem to be chaos. He's been a much better candidate. I've got to credit Susie Wiles and Chris Lusavita. Like they have really done an amazing job scripting Trump, keeping him on message. It's just a different, you know, it's an idea. You're absolutely right. We put the screw up. Yeah, it's not the same anymore. We got to jump. But before let you go, folks want to know what you have capital journal or sign up for your newsletter, I can they do so. Alabama Daily News, AO Daily Yeah, Capitol Journal tonight, I'll be reporting on all what I saw in Milwaukee, including interviews with most of the delegation to tune in. That's Capitol Journal, Alabama Public Television 730 tonight. Touch Stacey, ladies and gentlemen, thanks, Todd. All right, we got to get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is a Jeff Porte show. What if I'm talking about 6'5"? [MUSIC PLAYING] More, much more than this. I did it my way. Yes, there were times. I'm sure you knew when I fit off, more than I could-- Welcome back to the Jeff Porte show at FM Talk. What if it's 6'5"? Well, disappointing news here. Jerry Carl, impacted by the software glitch, so probably will not be making his scheduled appearance on the program after all that. But we'll try to figure something else out between now and the end of the program. In the meantime, text slide 2513430106. And if you were listening to that last segment, just some thoughts on last night, long speech from Trump. But there was a-- there definitely was a strategy there, why he kind of went off script, I think number one. He just wanted to show-- he could do it. I mean, could Biden have given a 90-minute speech? Heck, could Kamala Harris even give it a 90-minute speech? They are going to-- they switch if they drop Joe Biden at this point. How do they have the moral high ground, any moral democracy? 14 million Democrats voted for Joe Biden to be their nominee, OK? So what if we got to-- this is the new precedent. We got two years into a presidential administration. There were some buyers remorse there. Well, we were just going to drop this person from our ticket, from our White House, from our Oval Office. And then probably be able to do it. They'll probably get away with it. But they got to own it. I don't think they can win right now. I don't know what I would do if I was a charge of Democratic Party. People say Michelle Obama, but come on, guys. They had to take her off to campaign trail in 2008. Never being more proud of my country. Well, back this is a Jet4 show at a fifth talk on 065. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Well, what's going on? What we'll do about Biden? The worst thing for the Democratic Party is to have this fight right now. Um, without knowing that there's an exit plan for Joe Biden, they're trying to just force him out. I don't think they're going to be able to force him out. You know what it's going to take? So take a bag of cash to get Joe Biden out of the White House and out of the nomination. It's going to take some wealthy liberal paying China Joe off to walk away. It's his only leverage. Well, I mean, he's got a lot of leverage just as a president, but it's only leverage right now with his own party guys. It's this nomination. Why would he just hand that over? And I think he's got loyal people on his side. I think Clyburn and the DNC chairman are solidly team Biden, but rest of the Democratic Party establishment is we got to get him out of here. We're going to lose it. And then they're right. They're in seats. Right. But here's the thing. I mean, you should have thought of this a year ago, guys, that there's no like, there's no like, Hey, there's repercussions from the way you do things guys on the Democrat side. Elections have consequences. And you had 50 something different elections to determine who you wanted as your nominee and buying one, almost all of them, if not all of them. And none of you guys objected then. And look, at the Democratic Party is a private organization could do whatever it wants. But somebody out there needs to be saying, Hey, look, is this what this what democracy is? Is this how your version of democracy, what works? 2513430106 on all a decent, I think a really decent convention for Republicans. Probably more decent than we've had in the past. I felt a little enthusiasm and 04 coming out of that. I thought the 04 convention all the way to the election just to really turn for George W. Bush when he's running gets John Kerry. But other than that, I mean, this is probably the best, at least to this millennium. Let's see here on the text. What do you Jeff? Is it odd to have an attempted assassination or former president presidential candidate almost a week ago and not have one press one briefing or press conference and four citizens about what happened. Thanks to you, Oh, man, they've had us few press briefings up in Butler Township. I remember immediately they did they did. And the secret member, the secret service didn't show up for one of them. And everybody was upset about that. And then the secret service did their own press briefing, but didn't really answer anything. So they they have had some press briefings. Now the press briefings have kind of halted, but that may be just more of a product of the news cycle. Uh, Pat Democrats hate Trump. He's so he's got to go. Now they hate Biden. So he's got to go. Everyone says Republican party is lost, but it seems like Democrats can agree on anything. John. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, hell F no. Be a little more specific next time. Uh, Daniel writes this jet to Democrats celebrate the assassination attempt and law fair. The last eight years plus Democrats have no high ground. Well, they do because of what happened on January 6. Most people, most sane people would agree that's not the way to go about protest in the election. Now they took a good hand. They do this every single time. They take a good hand. They overplayed it and they way overplayed it. Prime time hearings and all of that. Never moved the needle. Here we are sitting here today, July 19, 2024. And all of that dog and pony show from Jamie where he's six, uh, the impeachment's everything else they did. And your, your guy is losing. He's a loser. Okay. How does this work it out for you? So I think the lesson here in the long term is going to be, Hey, this law fair stuff doesn't really work. In fact, it's backfired. Why would you do it this way, guys? All right. Uh, good morning, Jeff. You said this before art. If you're going to use my way, at least you could do. In fact, what you should do is use the Elvis version of my way. Elvis sounds so much better than Elvis sounds better than Frank Sinatra. I don't know. I'm not not on that one. We have a lot of Elvis in the rotation though, art. So that's, that's the one I, that's why I was Sinatra there. Damn Yankee. I thought Hulk Hogan was more weird to kid Rock, but apparently they are both friends with Trump and both brought their big boy pants to the show. Uh, okay. Uh, Johnny, I will try to get in touch. Let's see here, I named Dexter. You're actually scared of death of Biden being replaced by every candidate you should be. Biden will be Trump, but a younger devil, I have a bigger, bigger win to top the bottom that Obama in 2008 against that loser Trump. You want to put something on that? I don't met with a nano textures, but, uh, you're insane. The people are going to look at a Democratic party and, and whoever it is outside of Kamala Harris is going to be like, who? I never heard of this person. I don't know who this person is. I'm not scared to death of a, uh, a little younger candidate. I'm not, no, that's, that's, Democrats, no matter what they do at this point, they got a lot of work to do. They're going to have to justify over ruling the will of the voters. Number one, number two, the age issue is not going to be the ticket here. The way it has the younger president, like with John F. Kennedy, this is a country that voted for Reagan twice. Maybe Bill Clinton in 92. I don't know. Obama didn't beat John McKay because he was younger. Is nothing to do with the age, but in fact, most people, the most reliable voters are older voters. So your premise is flawed in many, many aspects. Either one of your trolls or the fill in for Jerry Carl would be fascinating radio. Enjoyed listening to Sean's conversation radio, your unofficial show troll. He at least put a sentence together. The other one, Paul is a blithering idiot. Paul Finebaum has made a career of it. I think you got to have a certain blood alcohol level to be a Paul Finebaum troll. Great show, Jeff. The Ubers T-shirts are very inappropriate, but I'm a huge Trump fan. Jeff, I think Eric Trump has a feature in politics. If he wants it, the other speech was excellent, and Eric is a great defender of his father. And Daniel says, I will fill in for Carol. Oh, you mean Carl. Well, Jerry, you know, this Microsoft update has really screwed everything up. I'm just so sort of be told, it's kind of on me a little bit for not doing it a little more for planning. I have been on the road since Monday. I got in last night. I wanted to get one more gas to his up there. Milwaukee for the convention to kind of give us a recap. And Congressman Carl seemed like a good one. And I didn't reach out to handle about about a half hour before Trump took the stage. But everybody's traveling today. This is a tough day, like, especially in this time slot to do radio to get people on from that event, because this is when neurological come home time. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six would be a touch with the program. All you do is text me. And I'll see here. We got four minutes. I understand James, the unofficial troll is on the line here wants to talk on air, a rare phone call for the program. James, give it a shot here. Let me tell me where I'm wrong. Well, good morning, sir. Just want to say great show. And just want to press it. Yeah, I'm not really here. Right down the line there, Leanna. I'm sorry. Is this better? There we go. Yeah, I got you down, James. Okay. So just want to first off saying, hey, look, I at the war, anything with the violence that happened with Trump, I absolutely believe it is his show to lose at this point. There's nothing the Democrats are going to be able to do. They play their hands and they're done. No Democrats, other than Joe Biden, who's going to step up now, knows it's a losing cause at this point. It's really up to the Republicans to lose. Now, I am not going to vote for Trump and I am not a Democrat and I would never vote for Joe Biden and the destructive policies that he has. However, I will support Trump. I will, as an American, stand up. I won't post like horrible divisive posts or anything like that towards him. I want to see the guys to see. I mean, United States too. And I think that's where a lot of Democrats lose it or just people in general. This is for Democrats and Republicans. You lose it when, you know, regardless of whether you like the other Democrat or the other candidate or not, you have to be able to sit back and say, I'm an American. You know, they are the leaders. They're the chosen one by the people, right? So, I think that's where we need to get back to. I am absolutely going to put forth my best effort to do that, to be the kind of American that says, I did not vote for this guy. I don't like you for my own personal reasons, but that doesn't mean for the sake of my country and my fellow Americans that I won't support you. So, I end with that. I think you have a great show. And again, I just like to say, thanks for allowing me this time when you show, sir. Thank you. Hey, thanks for the call, James. Well, let me say this about the whole Biden replacement theory. And I don't, first of all, if Democrat party policies are great, then it wouldn't matter who they put up there as their candidate, right? Like it's more about the idea, about the ideology, and clearly you can implement that with a figurehead. But this is what the bottom line is. And they're not concerned about Biden's health. They are concerned about losing and the losing aspect of this. I don't think whoever they put at the top of the ticket is going to win. I agree with you there, James. I need to just more worried about damage control and having somebody on the ticket. This is not going to lose as bad. It's not going to drag the entire ticket down. And it's going to keep some kind of give Democrats at least a shot to win down ballot in November. This is all about that. They could care less about the top of the ticket because you're probably right. Whoever's at the top of the ticket, it's not going to matter. That person is going to lose. Republicans are going to win the presidency, but they're terrified of losing big numbers in the house and losing big numbers in the Senate. That's what they're afraid of. And they won't just say that. You have to hear. I mean, you're hearing it from all these back channel reports. But there's no, because the public's just myopically focused on the top of the ticket. But these members of Congress are looking at it and they're thinking, Oh, crap. So to me, though, you know, this is this is how politics is. You voted for Joe Biden to be your nominee. This is what they did in Alabama. Remember guys, they did it in Charlie Gratek. He got back so he held the ballot and that produced the first Republican governor in Alabama since Reconstruction with Guy Hunt. If I want three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six will be right back. This is the Jeff or show it up and talk about a six five. He said, you don't have to call me Mr. Mr. The whole world called behind. He said, Oh, can you make me more proud when you play the same? But the life that you in Jackson and I'll be dancing on the pony king. Let me drown how I just called it. How would you tell that between your legs? Yeah, go to Jackson. You big talking man. And I'll be waiting in Jackson behind my J pan player. Well, goodbye to the Jeff poor showed up and talk about those six five days. You're sticking around on this Friday. Friday, everybody coming back to town after a convention weekend and seems like the travel disruption has got a lot of people stuck in either in Milwaukee or at some point in between. But nonetheless, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six and acts the text line. Hit us up on the text line. Damn Yankee, by the way, according to Elvis is still alive. This time it's some guy in Arkansas, but he's actually from Canada. Well, that's fair enough. He also says, I thought, wait, do we? Yeah, we were red that one. I named texture Trump voter, but for the love of almighty God, hire a speechwriter, stick with it. It worked for Reagan. And just say we're closing the border and move on from the freaking border topic. No, I don't think I don't look. I to me, the border is important. It's a top five issue. For some people, it's all there is. It's all that matters. The border is the only thing that matters. And it makes sense to spend some time on it. For those guys. But I it's just not Trump style. It would be inauthentic if he stuck to the script. Not not that that's bad advice that you're offering. But honestly, I think trying to make Trump something that he isn't is just tinkering with the recipe a little too much. Like I said, it is probably more like, it's part of his charm. So you got to be careful. You got to be careful with that kind of money, that kind of a tweak to his to his formula, because it makes her everything else off. I thought the first 20, 30 minutes of Trump speech was ideal. Rest of it was meandering, but remember this, the reason he went so long last night was to provide a contrast to Biden. Do you think Biden could have done a 90 minute speech? And it was really important. This is what I've been told that they had their, their long speech, the record sitting speech, because he wanted to quail any doubts that the assassination attempt impacted him. And I think he succeeded in that. I mean, I know we're giving these guys too much credit with the 40 chess play here, but I do think that there's some merit to that. It seems like he maybe could have had a little bit better scripted speech. It was kind of a rally speech. But like, Democrats have nothing. They don't even know who their candidate is, but they have nothing to offer to counter it. They can criticize it. They don't like the mass deportation stuff, but they don't have like a policy response to any of it. 2513430106, we'll be right back. This is the Jeff Porchola at the Talk 10065. From Buck's pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchola. ♪ I don't think ain't done it this way ♪ Welcome back to the Jeff Porchola at the Talk 10065 hour number two now officially underway. 2513430106 is the text line, if you want to be in touch with the program. Still to come, we do have state senator Chris Elliott confirmed, our returning champion. So a long wait till then, hour and a half, but we will make do with what we got. Let's see here. We'll get through these texts and then we'll talk a little more about the convention. Let's see. The Trump voter here, we thought that would already. Eric Trump is really Gary Busy's side. I don't think that's the you're kind of the Walmart version of the of the trolling that goes on on this show there on a texture with the 239 prefix on a texture. The best thing I heard James say on Wednesday was he wouldn't vote for either candidate. This works for me. I don't like that. I think it's a cop out. I think you got a vote for one or the other. I guess you can go vote for Jill Stein or Cornell West or RFK Jr or whatever, but it's a binary choice. One of two people are going to be president of the United States. The Democrat nominee, whoever that is and and are, I mean, are Donald Trump. And I hear this all time for people. I'm not going to vote for either guy. I don't like either guy. But it's not how our system is. Do I like our system? No. I mean, it would be nice if we had some other choices, but it's just not. I can't fix the system. You can't fix the system. You got to pick one of the two. Dave, Jeff, I work with Dominicans to make his Colombians, Ecuadorians and Thai people in Orange Beach. They are here on various different kinds of visas. They are out here illegally without them. Orange Beach goes short to be so understaffed that they wouldn't be able to offer for its visitors. People should think about what they're claiming for border to close. If you're here on a legal visa, then fine. You come across the border. When they want the border to close, they don't want the illegal immigration to occur. They don't want that illegal migration to occur. I'll talk about this. And I think this is really important. We have a problem in this country with the problem with it. And I don't know, necessarily a problem. It's just economics. You talk about these labor shortages. Well, we're artificially supplying the labor market. That's what we're doing with migrants and immigrants from migrant labor. The justification when it comes to agriculture is well, the food supply is national security. We need to allow people to come in and work on these visas because there's just some jobs that Americans won't do. I guarantee if you want to pay me enough money, I'll be out there picking tomatoes, lettuce, watermelons, whatever. It's going to cost you a lot of money. And this is what I... The problem in this country, we've gotten away with it for way too long, is that we're not really paying the value of something. And it would create a little bit of inflation. But the value of a stock or salary is whatever somebody is willing to pay for it. The value of... So food, I guess we ought to make an exception for it because, like I said, we have nutrition and we have a lot of different things that come with the food supply. People just don't want to do hot manual labor, then you figure out another way to do it. But when it comes to construction and you bring it into legal labor, when it comes to these chicken farms or these poultry processing plants and you're bringing in these migrants, look, guys, that the deal with this is you just need to pay a fair living wage and people will come. It didn't even have to be a living wage, whatever people were willing to do the work for. And we've gotten away from this for far too long. But if you want to run a business and you've got to pay somebody a certain amount of money to get them to come to work and then you turn around and sell that finished product, well, it'll be baked into the price. And there's too much of this right now in America. We have a social welfare system that incentivizes people not to work. We have a labor market that's artificially supplied with, in some cases, a legal labor. Well, jobs are just some jobs people won't do. We'll pay them more. I name your price. Figure out what the price is. Hey, we don't have somebody who will swing a hammer down at the beach. We'll figure out what does it take to pay them to get them to do these jobs? Well, we'll just we'll take the easy way out. We'll bring in some illegal labor. Otto, Jeff, I love the fact that he says drill, baby, drill along with closing the borders, becoming the world's largest producer of oil makes very good sense. We also have a large effect on prices here at home. And the only reason we're not producing as much, it's all about the it's all about the environmentalists are making them happy. James of Loxley, good morning, Jeff James, the unofficial troll. Well, I have no right to complain if he does not vote. Democrat will Republican vote independent, but don't not vote. It's your American civil duty, civic duty. I say this James of Loxley. I think you've got to it's your right not to vote too. It's your right not to vote. But as far as this discussion goes, one of two people are going to be we don't know who the second one is, but one of two people are going to be president of the United States. Is that going to be a third option? James, well, Jeff, yes, pay a living wage or at least close come close to it. And people will work or fortune wheel out Americans to hire illegals without real consequences. I agree. Absolutely. And if you got to go up on your prices, then go up on your prices. They said the only exception that you can make an argument for, and I don't even agree with that is agriculture. But do we, you know, you pay the value of a for a head of lettuce, what it needs to be? Are you figure out? Now in the past, remember the Indian slavery? And we came up with the cotton gin. Innovate your way out of it. But, but just like idea that we have to rely on illegal labor. Now we have people who are capable able-bodied adults in America, and they're just not willing to work. And they're able, and you have to compete against the welfare system. But that is what it is. We decided a long time ago, wonder FDR that we would have some kind of social safety net, just like we have public education. The country decided it. We're not going to do away with it. So if you want good workers, you got to pay a fair wage. You got to pay a competitive wage. And then it had to be, I don't forget about the fair wage. You got to pay a competitive wage. You got to make it worth somebody's while to get out there, but it got to work. And then this is why all these businesses complaining that they can't find people to work will pay them more. And some of them are. Hey, you throw a bunch of money at me. I mean, they can't stay in business. Well, then it's not a viable business model. They can't charge $10 for a Chick-fil-A sandwich. Well, then it's figure out a way to automate it. I mean, this is just how economies work. Fire dog, I don't want any of the radiators to cross the border and enter the US due to the open border. Oh, wait, James and Jean already let that happen. Daniel, the country's problem is, and there's always been farm labor system in a government that will pay people not to work. The farm labor stuff is, is a little more complicated. And I used to be against subsidies and all that. But look, look at failing nations. And a lot of things that have led to failing nations like Venezuela is starvation. If a country can't feed its people and there's hunger in the streets, that is a system that is unstable. So what I think is, is it's absolutely doing things that aren't necessarily free market are important to the security of this country. Now, we want to get into like, who could get your taco bell to you? And that's, that doesn't, it doesn't apply. Or who can, who's going to be the, the masons helper on the job side at the condo they're building in Orange Beach? Or who's going to be working at that chicken processing plant? Not, not quite the, not quite the same. No, I think what you got to look at what's important is we could talk about agriculture. And if it has a national security angle to it, those have that discussion. But you want to pay, you can't find workers, you pay them what they're worth. Instead of importing cheaper labor to drive down wages, shut the border off. The people who are living here, who are legal here, who are able to work, those are the people you want to get off of the couch and into your, and into your business will make it worth their while. And that makes you have to go up on your pay, on your pay skill, then so be it. But we're, we've created a system that is way too business, like it is way too one sided on the business side. Damien, yeah, trying to get some work done on my home. Can I find anyone to do such cruel, Hispanic men don't know if they're illegal, but I fired them because they screwed it up and created more work for me. John, I say, if you're saying no minimum wage law, I say BS on that. I don't think the minimum wage law is necessarily a terrible thing. Because I think in 2024, I mean, if you want any kind of worker, you're going to have to pay more than minimum wage. I don't think that's a factor anymore. Joe, I hate my job, but I cry through it every day because it pays good. But that's, that's what work is. That's earning a living, that's earning a wage. They're paying you a fair price, a market price for your, your valued work. Instead of bringing in labor illegally, create some kind of security risk, tax into resources locally, it taxes your, your schools, your burdens, your schools, and your infrastructure. These people don't have a place to live, it burns your social services, public safety, in some cases. They're bringing it in and us, the taxpayer are having to subsidize that labor because they're not paying them a fair wage or collecting some kind of welfare benefit or whatever it may be. Whereas it's, it's a company that's using that labor and this is, let's assume this is all under the table, but the company is using all that illegal labor. They're profiting off of it. These people aren't coming from Honduras or Mexico or El Salvador for the hell of it. There's an economic incentive here. Let's get a break in here and be right back. This is the Jeff Moore Show. And if you talk, what oh six five. I can't get to sleep at night, barking lots so loud and bright, DC hasn't worked in 20 years, probably never made a single person cold, but I can't say the same for me. I've done it many times. Somebody take me home. We'll go back to the Jeff Moore Show at Fotalk 106.5. We gotta, we have a winner. John Merrill going to join us. He was a delegate up in Milwaukee for the convention. So John Merrill is going to make time for us here in about 10 minutes or so on the program. So stay tuned for that. We'll get his thoughts on what went down at the convention over the last four days to be tattoo five one three four three zero one zero six. You know you love it. That is the text line. That's the best way to communicate with the program. So we're going through the text line, but I think this, this idea is very important about labor and just getting, getting the market where it needs to be. Pay a fair wage and or I keep saying fair wage pay competitive wage and it could compete with all the jobs that are out there and all the disincentives or gets work and then you get, you don't have necessary, you secure the border, but you're taking care of your own people. So the texture says, no, no, no, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793. It may grow in cotton much more lucrative. I think cotton was probably their one export in 1861. Yeah, but like my point is, it kind of forced this innovation, whatever you want to think, ending slavery changed the economics of agriculture. I'll see here. California tried to hold living wage. They just slayed off workers. Yeah. Yeah. But there's a balance there. It's not always been explained to me, but I don't know that I necessarily agree with this. The, these, these, these manufacturing jobs and how they've gone overseas, the sort of economic elitist in this country, like, well, those are the kind of jobs you want. You want the more high skilled white collar. You don't need the, you know, the old manufacturing rust belt type of jobs. So, so Donald Trump's argument, and he always tried to have like, he always tried to hire good economic experts, but they push back against his philosophy here. Well, why can't we just go back to the way it was? You worked at the plant your entire life. You paid it to a pension. You retired to your house with your white picket fence or whatever, and that was the American dream. And the globalization changed everything. And we started exporting our jobs overseas. But the idea is that you would have, we don't need the work that would come to fill that void would be something safer, a better quality of life. We can do more with people and the human spirit or whatever. And we'd have these high skill high tech jobs, which would like an Amazon distribution facility, I guess, qualifies as a high tech job in 2024. Tim, what are your thoughts on ABC hire Tucker Carlson? I never liked Jimmy Kimmel. Uh, Tucker's, Tucker has bounced around a lot in television. I mean, first to tell you that, uh, you know, starting out at CNN and then moving to MSNBC getting fired air and then fired by Fox, which I told him was impressive. Uh, they say that that's not, that is a debunk. That is a that Tucker Carlson would take a job at replacing Jimmy Kimmel is not true. I can't imagine they would do that. The problem for Tucker was this at Fox. He had a hard, they had a hard time selling advertising. It was the same problem for Glenn Beck. The left demagogue did the media matters, guys, and all those guys went on a campaign against advertisers and they steered clear of guys like Tucker and Glenn Beck and even Rush Limbaugh to some degree. We'll be right back. This is a jet pour show. If I'm talking about the 65, my friend was gonna keep you free and clean. I'm looking back to the jet pour show. What if I'm talking about a six five eights or sticking with us on this Friday morning. Text line. You want me to touch it to show two five one three four three zero one zero six. We will get to your text here in a short order. So keep them coming. I always appreciate the feedback. Still to come. Stay centered Chris Elliott here in about an hour or so our returning champions will stay tuned for that. But joining us now, loading up the car, I'm told in Milwaukee about the head of do south to Chicago, but we're appreciative that he has come on on some short notice. Secretary for Secretary of State John Merrill is with us. Secretary Good morning. How are you? Yep. Always good to be with you, my friend. Hey, thanks for making time for us. We do appreciate it. Well, so you were delegate. You got to witness it. It's now over. This Republican National Convention is in the books. I'm sure you've been to many of these before. Where is this one kind of rake on the scale for you? Look, not only have we been to some before, but I've had the privilege, I think, to our friends at the cable satellite, public affairs network, these fans to watch all of the conventions that have been televised from 1952 until this one. And the only one that I think comes close to equaling the energy, the enthusiasm, the excitement, and the just wonderful entertainment value that we've experienced over the last five days is Reagan's re-elect in 1984. That's only one that I think even comes close to equaling this one. This is the first one I missed is 2000. And I think it felt a little slow getting out of the gate only because I think it was kind of fresh from Saturday and the assassination attempt. But it did seem to really gather steam there at the end. Was it that way in the building? Yeah, it was. There's no doubt about it. And I think it was phenomenal, but I will say this. I've got a friend that I want the friend to just say hello to all your listeners right now, and just let you know he's thinking about you down in Alabama. I think you'd love to hear from me. Let me just interrupt him right here while he's putting his stuff in his car to be able to head back home. I think you'll recognize the voice straight up. Yeah, coach. How you doing, man? How you doing, coach? How was it? It was good. You know, starting off anytime you start a convention off and attempting the assassination is probably going to be pretty good. I'll tell you, especially when it's a failed attempt. But it was a little different all during the week, but President Trump made it through it. I thought he was good. Speeches were good. Everybody spoke with good. We had a good time kicking off the next three months and trying to get him elected. Jeff, we couldn't have had a better chairman than coach. And I know President Trump and I had talked about coach doing that almost a year ago. And he is clearly the most popular elected official we have in our state today. And clearly one of the most outstanding leaders in elective office in the nation. And we're excited to have him leading our delegation here. I know he won't stay back because he's in the middle of getting his vehicle now. But I want to make sure you got to hear from him since he was right here. Right. Jeff, we'll talk soon. Y'all have a good weekend coming up. We feel like it's Sunday here, you know, at the end of the week. But but we'll talk to you soon. Say travels, coach. Secretary, let's pick it up here. I mean, if you're Republican today and even if you don't compare it to what's going on on the other side, don't you feel you feel pretty good about where Republicans are headed to November, right? Absolutely without question. I don't think that we could be in any better position than we are today with the nation having the conversation that they're having today. Obviously, there's a lot of variables in play when it comes to looking at the way that things are set up with the Democratic Party and the questions about President Biden and whether or not he's going to continue in his role as the presumptive nominee. But those are all things that are going to be resolved over the next few days because obviously, we're looking at a two-week window here. Well, sir, we have been lectured for the last five years about democracy. And, you know, I think they really misused democracy in this context. However, we've been lectured as Republicans, and it goes back to all those January shenanigans and everything else. But how dare they lecture us and then take their primary candidate who won all those primaries' caucuses and goes on to be the presumptive nominee and is yanked at rug out from under him. Like they can do whatever they want to. Democratic Party is a private organization, but just don't lecture us about the whole democratic process anymore. That you're exactly right, my friend. And that is something that is just really beyond reason why we would even expect that that might take place. I know they talk about broker conventions and we went through this. It seems like every cycle, but they're serious this time. They want to figure out a Biden exit plan. And it's strange to me. It's like, well, if your policies are so good, it's a Democratic Party position in 2024 is so good. We're not really voting on that. We're voting on the personality. I mean, that's a blanket admission that that's what this is all about, because it's more about them not wanting to lose than it is any of their ideas or anything else. I agree 100%. I don't think there's any doubt about it. And just one more point on this. I mean, we saw what happened when we tried it in Alabama, right with Charlie Gradyk and guess who gets elected, the first Republican governor since reconstruction. That's right. 100%. So would you anticipate like, I think you people, I don't know, like a backlash to that. And furthermore, speaking in your capacity as a former secretary of state, what does that look like if they do make a last minute switch here? Is there anything that would really change the way Alabama would have to do the election, you think? No, as long as they get resolved in the next couple of weeks, everything's found. There'll be no questions. The Democrats will be able to put whoever they want on the ballot at that time representing their parties, their nominee. So there won't be any questions or concerns as long as it's done within the next two weeks, because that's when it has to be completed. Well, talk a little more about the convention real quick. Any other takeaways? I mean, the JD Vance pick, do you feel good about that? What was the crowd reception to that? What did you, any other highlights stick out in your head? I do think that everybody enthusiastically received Senator Vance. I think his conservative bona fives are well established. Obviously, whatever concern and rift that there was that had been introduced from his interaction with the president prior to 2016 has been completely resolved. I mean, the president actually endorsed him in 2022 when he was running for election to the full term. Obviously, he's one of the most powerful and popular elected officials in Ohio. Matter of fact, I had the privilege to spend some time with Governor DeWine. I don't know if you remember this stuff. I was Governor John Hughstead, the lieutenant governor in Ohio's guest at the state of the state in Columbus about two months ago. And then, of course, Governor Hughstead actually introduced Senator Vance when he was presented before the convention on Wednesday. Oddly enough, and this is inside baseball, but I know you'll love it. John told me, he said, John, you won't believe this. I just found out that I was going to do this an hour before I did it on Wednesday night. He wasn't even prepared. He didn't even have a shoes. He didn't have his tie. He didn't have anything or even a jacket to be able to go ahead and present Senator Vance. But I think it's going to be enthusiastically received. He's a great speaker, great communicator, obviously through hillbilly elegy that's been well established. And I think that people will love JV Vance and his family and think about it. 39 years old, youngest person in the history of the Republic to serve in that capacity. Yeah, very young. And here's something else might take away from it. And you know, Donald Trump pretty well, the that he went with Vance against and not Scott Rubio or Doug Bergram tells me that and I think this is just maybe he's going more with his own impulses. He's not listening to other people. And then, you know, it's not going to be like 16 and 17 when he brought in people to kind of try to like bring the party together. The Rex Tillerson or or whatever. That we're going to see something kind of more on brand with Trump than what we've seen in the past. Yeah, he doesn't have to do that now because obviously he's in a different position because he's been president of the United States. He has his own people, his own base. People have long embraced him for who he is and who he represents for our party. So I think he was looking for somebody that he had confidence in that he knew would have his back and somebody that could communicate the message that needed to be communicated as we move forward in the process now, but over the next four years as well. Yeah, I think he's really going to go with his own instincts. And that's at least that's my hope. As far as JD Vance himself, I think he's perfectly fine pick. I just I don't know that it really matters as much people want to go out and vote for Donald Trump. The down ballot or the down ticket part of it is probably not as important as it may be and have been in the past. Absolutely. I don't think there's any doubt about that, brother. Well, sir, Terry, I know you're busy and you're traveling and I'm not going to keep you. But thanks for hopping on real quick and giving us your thoughts on the convention up in Milwaukee. Man, you're so kind to call us and allow us to visit we for a few minutes a day. I hope you didn't mind. I hope you didn't mind coach visiting with us a little bit. I thought you'd love that worry go to you. And I just wanted to make sure that he had an opportunity to share with your listeners too since he chaired our delegation. We appreciate that. John Merrill, former Secretary of State and Republican National Convention delegate, ladies and gentlemen. Secretary, thanks again. Thank you, brother. Talk soon. All right. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, and then like Secretary a little busy there getting down to Chicago. He told me he's going to hit a Cubs game down there regularly today. Let's get some of these texts out of the way because I got a bunch of Sean strip mall labor colony referring to the Patrick Howley is on there. Yeah, I mean, but even then, I mean, you know, we were talking about wanting to raise the minimum wage for those people. But if you stopped allowing a legal immigrant labor in, then the all these jobs would have to pay more. You have a finite amount of labor and you have a demand for it. And then the man must meet the whatever it takes to get the supply up and they would have to pay more. So rather than having a $17 $20 an hour minimum wage, like a lot of liberals want to do, you end the illegal immigration. You probably get there. The market does it naturally at some point. Passes dead on right there. No one in the market will work for minimum wage. They wouldn't even apply if you put it on that minimum wage is a mute talking point because and relying on the government, this gets back to your whole idea of self reliance, right? Right on the government to raise the minimum wage to make you happier employees. It's just the bad, bad. It's a bad way to live. It's a bad way to live to expect government to fix your problems, to make you happier. To just wait around for something like that, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. I'm a dental technician. It had been for 43 years and I love what I do. I can't believe I get paid to do this job. Being facetious, I mean, congrats then. I'm part of the generation that was raised to be the best at your jobs or someone could take your job and show up and work hard and give the company what they are paid for every time they give raises. I get one proud of it, proud to be an American. Thank God for me being born in this nation. I mean, we're just getting away from that whole idea that you control your own destiny. There's been a backlash against meritocracy. But if you if you if you stripped away the illegal labor, taking jobs lower, not even taking jobs away, but working for cheap, working for much cheaper than you and I would work or any legal citizen. Is that right? Is that morally right? Is that a morally right? Or are they, it'll say, is that a moral policy for your government to be engaged in? Knowing that if they allow someone to come across the border, they're going to go to work somewhere in that company that should be hiring someone here legally as hired somebody illegal because they could pay them a whole lot less. And the companies are just doing what they are going to do. But it's the government policy of not protecting the border. That is making it possible. Don't put the onus on the corporation or the company. They're a moral. It's your government that's doing the wrong thing. 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6, you'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk with those 6 5. [Music] Welcome back to the Jup4 show. I'm F.M. Talk with those 6 5. Thanks for staying with us on this Friday. Friday, it's finally Friday morning. Text on 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 will be a touch. But to show you text me, that's just really the best one. I made the exception today with James. Ah, pull it up. My row has a new movie about skilled worker and non college type degree type areas. And that's another. There's, it's not just as simple as like shutting the border down. We had to prepare workers for, for their, their, that their, you know, high school years for what they do after high school. But if you had that in this country, well, we didn't put such an emphasis on college at higher ed. And we didn't make that the end. I'll be all and then they're finally getting it here in Alabama. It would people go into the trades or would they just go be? I mean, like the way it ought to work is this. You don't go to college to go learn how to be a bricklayer. You show up at the job site, you're a mason's helper and then over time you learn the skills of them become the bricklayer. Same with the nutrition, same with any of the trades. And what we're doing is where we'll, we'll go to Juco and we'll teach all that. But they won't go in at the bottom level and learn these, these trades because they don't pay enough. It's a lot easier just to go to college and learn it. Probably in the air conditioning or whatever. And it's only for a few hours a day. I think there's a lot to this. Like instead of just like, Hey, here's an opening. Here's the job. If you do, if you do your work right, if you're a good helper as a plumber to the plumber, then eventually you'll, you'll be a master of the craft. You just got to start out as at the very bottom rung. And it doesn't pay enough though. You can't, well, and it's not that illegal labor is taking those jobs. I mean, maybe in some circumstances, but if you look at the job market as in its entirety and all the jobs and all the demands of labor and part of that job market is entirety is depressed, artificially depressed with illegal labor, then it drives all wages down across the board and these blue collar arena. If you just pay what somebody's worth, whatever the market dictates, create a good or service, and then whatever it calls for you to make a profit, that's the way it's supposed to work in free market capitalism. But we're letting the, we're letting the business side of it. The, the supply creators dictate the labor market. Derek about the labor thing not going to happen while straight to federal completely against the American worker. They would say so in Bloomberg every morning to get inflation or control, people have to lose their jobs and then be replaced at a lower pay rate. Once again, this is the CEO CEO saying this will battle on that everyone is against the worker, but oh, I know you're right, probably Derek, but it's just trying to make it understandable, I guess is what I mean. We'll be right back. This is FIT Talk 1065. From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchow. I don't think they've done it this way. Welcome back to Jeff Porchow at the Talk 10065. Thanks for staying with us on this Friday, Friday, Friday morning, hour number three. Now underway, 2513430106, as I get in touch with the program, it's funny. I'm watching MSNBC over the break. This poor woman, a Geno Molly Dixon, she's the Joe Biden campaign chair having to go on TV, go on with the lunatics, the emotional basket case is known as morning Joe and defend this defend Biden, defend Biden, which has to be just an absolute struggle. Watching that right now and thinking to myself, like, man, I just, I feel for this poor woman, but she continues to say they're in a toilet. They're not going anywhere. And every 10 minutes, we get some kind of breaking news exclusive from NBC News, ABC News, CBS News, whatever, telling us that the Biden family is seeking options of how to exit the race. How many days in a row are they going to tell us this? He's got to make a choice soon, but O'Malley Dillon says he's absolutely in it, and then he's got to show he is fighting for the American people. You've heard from the president time and time again, he is in this race to win, and he is our nominee, and he's going to be our president for a second term. And I guess why would you admit it right now that you're going to walk away? However, they're continuing their defiance. I mean, part of me just thinks they are, they are doing this too. The Biden, the Biden, Biden himself is not willing to walk away because it's the only leverage here. Is all this, I mean, there may be campaign debt or maybe once he got to do like maybe he had a other plans, I don't know, other Chinese, Ukrainian, Burisma kind of deals. Who knows? But if you're Joe Biden, sit here right now and you're Joe Biden, you're the president of the United States, what's your incentive to walk away from it? You're going to lose, well, so what? They're, they're just demanding that he does the right thing, but there's no reason to think. Guys, we know about the show all the time, right? Is there any reason to expect Joseph Biden to do the right thing? If we as Republicans and his political adversaries can expect that, why the hell do Democrats think that they would get that same treatment? Absolutely insane to assume they can get that. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. I see Doug Jones up there and he's been a longtime kind of by now live. I didn't screwed him though. He should have been a G, but they went with Merrick Garland and I thought about halfway through Garland with exit and they would bring on a Doug Jones and never did. They never did. So I need to check on what our former our former junior state Senate, our US Senator has to say about this. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. So we're just kind of watching this right now. It's, we'll see in Monday. It could be a different world. Biz Shapiro, neocons, West Coast, East Coast, Strausians, Democrats, all hate the kind of chronicle magazine belief system that goes back to the JD fans forbid about America being in real place and not an ideas bothering people. The reaction to it, let you know which side people are on. Yeah, the old America is an idea thing is so tired. I mean, it is an idea, but there's way more to it. It's not just an idea. Dodge Euter could be the third father, son, president after the is RNC speech. I think he's got some problems overcome. I don't know that they they I wouldn't be surprised to see him in a Republican primary in 20 years or 16 or even 12, eight, whatever. Tim, way to go, coach, you definitely been a surprise to have a Republican party. You're doing an excellent job. James, wasting your breath, Jeff. Your list, the audience, as I understand the concept of what you're saying, proof is in their response. Elaborate on that. I'll, and what, what regard James, the official troll, the Jeff Porsche. Uh, John, sometimes it's the politician who, uh, who's, who own companies that wants you to have a great labor. This includes both Democrats and Republicans. This is like me getting back to this whole idea. And this is what I yell at you about sometimes James. It's all idea of what draws people to Trump. Like why, why would somebody who is a regular church goer, um, tries to do the right thing and would, you know, objectively is mortified by somebody with the, uh, the track record Trump has accumulated over the last 40, 50 years with regards to his own personal life. Why would they flock to Trump? I think culturally, there's a bunch of reasons, but I think economically there, this illegal immigration thing is importing, it is importing cheap labor. And it is causing wages to not increase as an upward trajectory, even in line with inflation. And it's devaluing. It's disincentivizing just manual labor work work. It doesn't require some kind of skill. We're, we're just importing it. We would just no regard for any of what wants the best way. And it was just, well, I mean, this is the net effect and a lot of you think it's, well, it's so that Democrats can give votes and maybe that's partially true. But the real force behind it is there's a demand for cheap labor and that satisfies the demand for cheap labor. But would you, would you have a cheap labor when these guys are working for pennies on the dollar for why they would take to have someone legal perform that same duty? It depresses the entire labor market. It's kind of a trickle up effect because, well, you're not going to take that job. So the job is a few runs up the ladder. Well, they're, they don't have to pay as much either. So for example, the, the person who's out in the, uh, on the construction site is getting paid. Now as much as a burger flipper at McDonald's and a burger flipper at McDonald's is, hey, I want to raise. Well, no, we're not going to give you the raise. Well, then I'm going to find another job. What are you going to do? You're going to work on a construction site, make the same amount of money into hot sun. I don't know. Well, you better stick with your burger flipping job. Do you see, like it's not a fair apples to apples market. It's, it's, there's, there's this artificial labor supply. There's artificially depressing wages. Danny boy, um, ha, ha, ha. And in texture, I did a pretty ship for, oh, years as a deal technician, now master technician, but you had, but you came in and you started at a, at a, at the bottom wrong. What, what if we were saying, Hey, uh, link, non non Canadians come across the border here into America. And we were not paying them as much as we had paid you to be that did that bottom run ditto technician. We were using Canadian labor, illegal Canadian labor are, if you just like, and instead the policy response wasn't, well, maybe we should shut up the border to Canada and only allow legal people here. Instead, the policy response is, okay, well, they're going to take those jobs. But what we'll do is we'll send you to college. We'll teach you the same skills. And then you can be their boss someday. Doesn't seem very efficient. On a texture, you're right, Jeff. Instead of working your way up, you just need to start at the top. Well, it's kind of like me getting a radio show. I just kind of showed up one day and hey, you want to, we got a few hours to kill. Butterman, I think Jimmy Carter has a better chance of winning right now than Biden does. He's still eligible for the ballot. He only served one term. But they are being so disingenuous. They be in the Democrats in the media or being so disingenuous here with the reasons they won't Biden step aside. I mean, maybe there may be a truthful in this respect that they're worried about what happens down ballot. But it's never been about Democrat ideas. It's never been about Democrat policies. It's never been about the left of center approach to governance. It is about the personality, the person. Because it was, if it was something otherwise, if instead it wasn't anything but that, well, it wouldn't matter who the person on the ballot is. People would vote for the Democrat to do, but they're worried about Biden's health. And I think, I mean, I'm not saying that his abilities of this cognitive decline don't impact his ability to execute the job at all. But we would have had this discussion long, long ago about that because it's cognitive decline. It didn't happen overnight. It's been happening for a while and they knew about it. It was the CYA. This is, we're worried about down ballot. We're worried about losing the house and the Senate in a landslide. But Democrats, it's like being a Republican after George W. Bush and a number of the Democratic media did to George W. Bush and ended the 2008 election. But Kate never really had a chance because he's running against a historical figure in Barack Obama. But the Bush years there at the end worked that great after 2006. I say it really started for Bush in 2005 with Katrina. It was all downhill from there. Or what about human traffickers and kids working at car factories and such? Hey, they know what they're doing. These car manufacturers are using contractors to just grossly, blatantly, violating labor laws and it's insulating Hyundai. It's insulating anybody else from being culpable or responsible for the illegal labor. I mean, there's all kinds of just nefarious stuff that goes on to depress, to artificially depress wages in America, to make these guys have a higher shareholder price, the better their balance sheet. And I'm all about them getting rich and making as much money as they possibly can, but do it in a legal way. Do it in a system that is fair to everybody that doesn't allow one side to cut corners or the other side has to just take it and suck it up. We'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk 40-hour week for a living, just to send it on down the line. This is for the one who drives the big rig. The first thing I remember knowing was a lonesome whistle blowing and a youngen's dream of growing up to ride. Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Show to F.M. Talk Thanks for staying with us on this Friday morning. Text on 251340106 programming note coming up Monday on the program. Jennifer Fiddler, state representative from Silver Hill are one of our Monday regulars and then Dale Jackson, WVNN, who I, guys, I went to Dale Jackson's house on Wednesday. Just, it was like a dorm room, drink cups, pizza boxes, snack boxes, a, I don't know what he had going on with the sit up there. Oh my goodness, about what you'd expect. But he'll be with us on Monday. I'll see. On a texture, I think Sean and you actually giving James the troll a chance to speak actually, that actually may change his approach to the show. Don't be surprised if he will actually call it as opposed to texting. Al Gore and Hillary are just waiting for that call. Mike, maybe do caucus. Is the caucus still alive? Al Gore would be really kind of uh, never heard much Hillary talk. Derek, there's a boy making profit, but be fair. Is that what I heard? Sounds like a wage fed to me. Curious. What is the CEO of pulling per pay ratio to the great mega era of the past? What's the origin conversation? But, but, but, but, but, I, here's the difference. Uh, you're just paying whatever you're worth and if, you know, the CEOs, they get to where they are and they're able to secure these big giant salaries and so be it. These are private companies. What the private company does versus what your government does. Government policy is our business. The private, the private company, that's between the shareholders and, uh, the people that govern to speak for the shareholders on their boards or whatever, they can do what they want to do. It's none of my damn business, but it is my damn business to talk about the Southern border and government policy being lax at the Southern border and having more of an, you know, like, we make it way too simple, like, and fentanyl is a problem, but drug and human trafficking are all problems, but the big effect that's going to directly impact you, the law abiding citizen is that you're not going to have the ability to earn a higher wage because at the lower end of the spectrum, the wages are getting more depressed, depressed artificially. So, so, and then here's a good example, guys, where it happens on the other side of the equation, when China dumps their cheap steel in the United States, trying to force our steel manufacturers out of business, what did the US do? Oh, I didn't say, well, uh, you know, we'll, we'll send you, we'll, we'll, we'll make you up to college and you maybe you can make some of that, uh, make some of those solar panels or something. No, no, what they did is they put a tariff on Chinese steel. Well, if the government has that ability to try to even the playing field, it's not even even the playing or level of the playing field, but they did there. That was the aim. Why is the government put his thumb on the scale by allowing so much cheap labor across the border? Uh, Pat, and to add, I pay $300 a week more taxes than my helper. I'll set the end of your tax fund. So my helper brings home about more a week than I do. Yeah, the tax, I mean, the progressive tax structure in America, you say, well, is that fair? Now rich people tend to use or higher income earners tend to use maybe more government resources. I don't know. Maybe that's why. But we have a very progressive, you always hear this. The, uh, the secretary pays a higher tax rate than Warren Buffett does, but Warren Buffett is paying enough taxes to to fund an entire government bureaucracy, whereas the secretary is not even paying a week's worth of wages, you know, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, will be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show it up and talk for those six, five. So if I get stoned, I'm just carrying on and on and on. Pat. He's found it down, loaded up, and trucking. Are we going to do what they say can't be done? Are we cutting long way to go? And it's short time to get there. Time. He's kind of what I'm landing for. We're back to the Jeff Porte Show it up and talk 10065. They're just sticking around on this Friday morning Friday Friday Friday. What's a lot to this Friday morning? Um, text line, if you want to try to get into us, I just, I get bogged down in these things. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, uh, time permitting. I'll respond to some of your texts, but joining us now, we do it this time, usually this time every Friday, our returning champion, uh, state senator, Chris Elliott. Senator Good morning, are you? I'm doing good. It's a good day for paperwork because it is. I'm kind of nasty out there. Well, it is, uh, it is not a, it's not the, uh, the Baldwin County. I hope to, had hoped to come home to today or yesterday, but, uh, here we are. Well, uh, it's been quite a week, uh, since we last talked, but most of it on the national front, uh, I'm, I'm eager to hear like, you kind of watching this RNC unfold and what's going on there. I mean, you got to nationally, you got to feel pretty okay. And I, I, I sent some like kind of seeping, uh, pessimism into the idea of Biden is replaced, but all in, I'll take that out of the equation. You have to feel pretty good to be a Republican today. Oh, no, no question about it. I mean, coming out of a very well run, uh, convention with, um, incredibly powerful, uh, speakers. Um, and, and frankly, you know, you start looking at the conversation about unity and the diversity that was on the stage, you know, we're secure enough in our base with President Trump that you can start really reaching out to some of those other you know, demographics that, uh, that you might could bring on to kind of run up the score. And, and so I think that's what we did in the, in the convention. You saw, you know, very diverse, you know, folks up there, uh, talking about how President Trump and his policies appeal to what I would call non-traditional Republican groups. I think that's a smart thing to do when you're ahead, you know, go ahead and put some points on the board and, and the whole conversation of, of unity and, and coming together and supporting the party's nominee is a good thing. Uh, the Democrats are not going to have that opportunity because is there going to be trying to figure out who their nominee is? And they're going to come straight out of a nasty convention fight, uh, for fight probably and try to pick a nominee who is lucid and, um, and, and they're not going to have time for all that unity or to, you know, reach beyond their base. They, they want to have time for that. How do we really get about where we are? Yeah, I think so too. I, I just kind of watching it. And I, I think all of this like panic on the Democrat side, I mean, it's more about, I think they, they, they, they're okay with the idea that they may, we'll, we'll lose the, uh, White House, but there's a damage control here and try to protect what they can of the down ballot races with that. Well, it's clearly what they're trying to do. I mean, the party is in shambles. They, they didn't do what they should have done, which was have a robust primary. Uh, they've got an incredibly weak, hailing, aging, uh, candidate in, in, in the present who I frankly have concerns about him serving today, much less, you know, for another four years. And so they're, they're doing everything they can to keep from just losing the Senate and, and, and losing the house. But I, I suspect this is going to be a huge victory for Republicans at the top of the ticket. And that that's going to translate into games in both the house and the, uh, and the Senate. And maybe we can, you know, cut the, cut the crazy out and get back to grow in this economy. Yeah, I, I think at this point, I mean, you got to feel good about A.L. too. It's salvaging that seat kind of knowing like, here's my opinion on that. I don't think it matters who the Republican or Democrat nominee is. I think whoever wins that race is just writing coattails of whoever the Democrats put up at this point and Donald Trump. I think practically there's a lot of truth in that, but I would, I would hate to take away, you know, from the, the grassroots work that Fairly Dobson's done. I mean, she's just, she's done a good job. She hasn't run to the middle in a district that is, you know, with kids purple. Uh, she's stuck by her conservative principles. She's articulated them well. Uh, we're going to see her around for, for a long time. I've been very impressed with her. Uh, you know, conversely, you know, the Democrats have put up somebody who doesn't live here. Uh, you know, hasn't been here for some time and is a, you know, vestige of, of Washington DC that, you know, kind of came home and said, I'm, I'm the heir of parent. And, um, I don't think that's going to work very well from him, uh, for him, despite the, the fact that the, the courts have drawn a district, uh, so that somebody like him could win. Well, let me say this about, uh, you know, and, and not take away what we just said about riding the coattails, but if you want to win the second congressional district, is it really like you, moderating wouldn't be the right way to go about it anyway. I mean, it's, it's just turnout. I would think it would have to be turnout and motivating, which because there's not really, it's not as if there is a big number of kind of moderate squishy middle. It is that you, the balance really is much more stark than that. And they're going to go one way or the other side. It's going to go together. Well, well, there are monitors running around and there are, you know, squishy is your turn around. That's, uh, anyway, they upset them, but there's certainly plenty of monitors running around. They just don't vote. And so that's the, that's the issue. You know, when, when you look at the folks that are your five out of five voters that are at the polls every time they open, um, they are, they are your extremes. And, and, and they are the folks that are more conservative or more liberal and certainly in, in most of Alabama, I think including congressional district two, there are a whole lot more folks that are, you know, very hard, hard hours, right? The, the, the very sponsorly conservative. That was true in my district. Um, it's true for your listeners, I think, uh, by and large that, uh, that these are conservative folks. Uh, but most of your, your, your more moderates are just kind of go along, get along and they don't always show up at the polls. Um, I, I try to represent them just like I do the, the conservatives, but I mean, I've seen the results. I've seen the numbers and, and the hard hours, the ones that show up every time, the ones that elect somebody in a primary, those are, those are very conservative people. They just differed in Alabama because it goes, yes, AL2 is a purple district, but it's not purple because there is a big number of moderates. It is purple because there's balance between the two ideological sides or the demographics or whatever. I mean, yeah, it's plus two, probably Democrat, but I mean, that's, that's within the, the margin of error. And I think it's, it makes it a different sort of election and say the I for corridor or Cuyahoga County or Bucks County, Pennsylvania or whatever, where people could go either way on something. I think you're right. I mean, I think you've got folks that are either, I think ultimately, you know, positive and negative, there is no in between. Um, or you've got folks that, when you start getting into the racial politics that are just, I get Mr. Democrats are always going to be Democrats, parents for Democrats back to FDR and JFK and that's not going to change. And, and I got it. You know, I understand, you know, the, the folks that, you know, who I know who have the, you know, the picture of Barack Obama in their living room are unlikely to, to vote for a Republican. And, and you're not going to change that. But I do think that, that to back to co-tales that you start looking at, at Trump and the inroads into the African American community and the Hispanic community, who, who came here legally, who are hardworking and, and believe in and live conservative values of hard work and saving and, and raising your kids in church. Those, we are, we are making inroads into those communities. And, and I think President Trump speaking, you know, from a populist standpoint is a conservative populist standpoint and, and valuing issues like, you know, and values like hard work and family values matters to those communities. And we're going to see, we're seeing significant gains because of that. We're going to talk a little bit about this kind of populist moment we're in. I mean, obviously, I think it's like a big driver of it is economic and economic policy and the border and wages and whatever. But where it differs is, or maybe not, it doesn't even differ. It's also a pushback against this sort of cultural creep into woke land, right? That people still want to be able to say Merry Christmas was kind of the 2016 thing. Well, now it's just like people just want people to use the right bathroom and not have the wrong locker rooms and the right people, male, female participating in their gender specific sports. And like all this really, really crazy stuff that really, I think there's more of a, an under a cultural undercurrent with the populist stuff than, than there was even in 16. I couldn't agree more. And I think that's where Democrats have really missed the boat, right? They've been focused on this crazy, absolutely insane, fringe woke nonsense. And they've lost a good portion of their base. The blue collar folks out there that get up every morning, that go to work, that earn a paycheck, to support their, you know, their family and go to church on Sunday, are looking at what the Republicans are talking about and saying, Hey, these guys support us too. They're about the free market. They're about valuing work and valuing family. And the Democrats, you know, have gotten, you know, gotten away from that and are out on, on the fringe of crazy land trying to come up with what's just weirder than the last thing we supported. And you look at some of these bad in the point these, and you're just like, how is this even real? Right. But if you look at it, Senator, and it's like, they, this is how they, they view it that there, this is the, you know, you win politics with addition, not subtraction. And this is their way of adding into their base. But I think they lose a lot on the other side. But, you know, people talk about Trump and him not exactly living a, a sterile, a stellar moral sort of lifestyle over the years. But, but I would argue this, when Trump never was about him being the Boy Scout role model, it was just about a guy that would leave this stuff alone and stop with the social engineering, stop with the attacks of meritocracy, stop all that nonsense. And you could go to church and you could practice your religion freely without Obama, Biden, or whoever telling you that you will do this or this through government fiat. Well, that's it. And I think the message of limited government and, and live your life and, and we're going to, you know, we're going to try to stay out of your way is really resonating with, with folks. And, and to your point about you add, you know, you add folks to your, to your base by, you know, the bigger tent, I get that. But you also can alienate folks, you know. I mean, I don't think the welders and the truckers and, you know, and, and, and the rickmasons and the carpenters and the folks that, you know, I'll prefer the construction industry are a bunch of woke guys, you know, that's not it. And these folks, especially when we start talking about, you know, labor that, that have good, high paying jobs, work with their hands, you know, like I said, get up every morning, go on a good, good living and take care of their family. They're turned off by this, this ridiculous cultural engineering that the Democrats have engaged in. I don't want any part of it. And, and they're, they're seeing, they're seeing the Republican Party is, is a better place for them. And that's just it. And they won't, in my, I, I talk about this on this show all the time. Democrats, if they lose this election, just like they lost in 16. But when they lose this election and they, they don't learn from their mistakes, it's Russians, it's Vladimir Putin, airfaring in our election are it's, you know, it's just racism or whatever. It's never like, Hey, we just had this big referendum. And you guys lost, you need to change your ways. They're always excuse making. And that ought to only work only like one cycle every now and then. But it feels like we've been under that sort of approach for the last eight years at least. I mean, they squeaked one out in 2020, and they acted as if that was some kind of mandate election for more of this, this cultural shift. But like we've been as conservatives as Republicans, like been on defense against this stuff the whole time, rather than having been on offense. Well, and I think that you had an opportunity with the Biden administration to see just where the Democrats are on this, right? All this environmental green new deal wasted stuff, the, you know, the infrastructure investment of jobs act, which, which had like a tiny, tiny bit of infrastructure and the rest of it was nonsense, right? Things, things like that. People that were in the middle, that were on the bubble, have had an opportunity to see what kind of waste the Democrats, you know, are embracing here. And then they see the lack of strength, the lack of strength at home and the lack of strength internationally. I mean, you compare and contrast what Joe Biden has done, you know, internationally on the world stage and where we are held, how we are regarded on the world stage, as opposed to where President Trump is, President Trump was seen as strong. America was seen as strong, and nobody dared mess with us because they did not want the mess with President Trump. Conversely, we have people messing with us all over the world right now, because they know Joe Biden didn't go and do anything to him, except for Senator Mundell the cash. Well, it's just brand, it's flag-waving American flag and just really proud to be an American kind of thing versus Biden, where it's just multiculturalism, globalism or whatever. And I think just like at its core, in its DNA, America is going to reject that at some point. You may get, I guess you can get away with it for a while, but really the strength of Trump is based on all this populism and people kind of wanting to like, you know, a little, a little progressiveness is fine in the equation, but not these big leaps and bounds that we've been having full thrust upon us. Not at all. And, you know, people talk about the labor movement in particular, and it's, you know, fascination with Trump and leaving Biden to some extent. And I look at it, it's just pure capitalism. You know, it's what Ronald Reagan talked about, as far as trickle down economics goes, look, the market dictates wages. That's where, that's where that wage comes from. Are you, is your skill work this? Yes or no? And is your skill is worth more? You make more money. That's a free market principle. We have made the minimum wage concept irrelevant today, because most people that are working are making twice what the minimum wage is right now. You feel just show up for a job. And so the market dictates that. That's the most conservative of conservative principles. You'll need a labor union for that. You see the war card and have a good strong economy with a government that stays out of the way so that you can get businesses in here with, with little, as little regulation as possible and grow your economy and grow wealth for everybody. State Senator Chris Elliott there with us. Said we got to get out of here, but thanks for embracing the, the big picture national politics scene this morning. Well, we'll get back to state politics soon enough. Y'all have a great weekend. All right, our returning champions, hey, Senator Chris Elliott, we'll be right back. This is FIT talk one oh six five. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. Look back to the Jeff Moore show it up and talk one oh six five. Thanks for sticking with us. So what's left of this Friday morning. Coming up here shortly midday mobile Sean Sullivan broadcasting from the deep sea fishing rodeo down at Dolphin Island. So they'll stay tuned for that coming up Monday on the program. Well, Jennifer Fiddler and Dale Jackson, a guest to be named later. Hopefully we have that resolved before the program airs instead of the leads. We kind of work on the fly here today, but definitely appreciative of our guests, including John Merrill for coming on at the last minute. Let's go through some text messages here. Uh, shot a lot of trade schools also include the licensure the government requires you to have to work that trade. Yeah, they're trying to fix that, but I just need these apprenticeships. The way we used to do it. We don't do it anymore because we have just found cheaper labor. And if you want to be in that trade, I feel we'll just send you to read state technical college or whatever. Hey, that's what you'll learn. Uh, Scott, fun fact, Jeff. A second by term would include raising capital gains taxes from 19 to 44 percent. Canada just went to 66 percent. Prave for Trump. Uh, squirrel. Interestingly, the open mind democratic to where the moral minorities as part of a working class will power workers only imagining the image of white Christian bigots being bothered by their fanatical gender nonsense. And then finally, uh, male man writes, uh, he sends me a picture of an accident on, uh, 65 closed because there's a truck in the middle of the highway. That's a, that's a gruesome look at Rick. Anyway, I got to get out of here. It has been a pleasure. I will try to do better on Monday. Sorry, Phyllis. I forgot to say goodbye. This has been the Jeff Moore show on FM talk one Oh, six, five around the way.