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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles and Brent Winters


3h 1m
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19 Jul 2024
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This mirror stream on the Global Voice Radio Network is brought to you in part by for support of the mitochondria like never before. Also,, brand new product still in pre-launch. Check it out It's also brought to you by and the Prime International iTerra care terrahertz frequency wand. Here's more info about that. The iTerra care device has the ability to awaken dormant stem cells in the bone marrow. Yes, we have slipping stem cells in our bone marrow as you keep blowing this on your spine and you're activating the stem cells. And guess what? You're going to create brand new lungs, brand new kidneys. Eventually, as you keep using this over time, you will have brand new organs, glands and tissues in your bodies. And that's a great news. You have to keep blowing this on your spine because this is what the great Hippocrates said. There's a way to hit the bones that all diseases can be treated. Activate that, awaken that stem cells in your bone marrow. Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the iTerra care classic terrahertz frequency wand, go to That's Moving and focused on freedom, you are listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Oh boy, is the old world a-changing, and we kind of want to help, but we also want to do ortory on it, which is why we're here, and it's the special Friday edition with my co-host, Brent Winter, and Brent's editor there morning, Francine, and I guess assistant or producer or whatever. It's the 19th of July, and I'm Roger Sales, Brent Winter's is he was it yet or is he not yet? If not, he will be soon, I'm sure, and of course we call our little get together the radio range, and we're on a number of different platforms. I don't know where you might be listening, but the keeper have said platforms is one Mr. Beaner, and so here we unleash him, bring him out from under the stairs, unlock him, bring him out, and he had to leave his gruel under there, so he comes out to tell us where all these platforms are, who they are, identify him, let him, know that we're grateful for them participating in our little project here. Don't we, Paul? Okay, I thought my breakfast won't get too short with after I do this. Good morning, we are on one of six point nine WVU FM in Chicago, terrestrial radio covering most of downtown and all of Lakeshore Drive. We're also on radio, thanks to Paul from across the bottle, across the bond. We're on, that of course is the flagship station brought to us by Pastor Eli James, we're on Global Voice Radio Network, and the links to Eurofolk and Global Voice Radio are on, and if you can't get that site to come up, another way to get in there is going to GoDaddy has something going on with them. I don't know if they got a bug up there in their bonnet, whatever, okay. We're also on and, we're on HN4 on, that's part of the Net, the Network, brought to us by WDRN Production Sport Collins, Colorado, and we're also on GoLifeTV and StreamLife.Tube, that from StreamLife Networks Inc. You're out of Hawaii, it's a rough gig if you can get it. For more information on the topics discussed, you can follow along with Just go there and lots of information, and you can also follow us into the second hour if you're on one of the 16 minute platforms, like BOU or radio soapbox. John and Roger, I have not seen that yet. Okay, we'll pop in here in a minute. The reason I did all that earlier is because back when John was alive, John and Glenn were very close for many years, and John would refer to Glenn as Baldrich, and he said, "We keep him under the stairs and feed him gruel." That's where I got that, Baldrich, wow, morning Francine and the audience, and we'll wait for Brent. I'm very anxious, Brent doesn't follow any news, I'm wondering if he knows the president was almost assassinated six days ago, of course, or whatever. You never know with Brent. Yes, he knows that, Roger. Okay, good. I'll tell you, that's developing, there's a whole lot of information coming out. These guys have been made on this one, and I don't know if you all have heard about the puts, you know, about the puts leading up to the last Saturday, you know, that stock market talk for shorts, you know, you can bet on a stock to go up, or you can bet on it to go down, and a put is a bet to go down, and there was a put of 35 million on that event. It went on for 12 days, it was building up for 12 days. There's a big organization in Austin, Texas, I forgot from public wealth or something, the bushes are involved in that, to some extent, George Soros, and they got caught with a huge amount of those, and what they do is they're a center organization that then distributes money to, like, there's like the ADL, a whole bunch of other of those types you, you organizations, and they got caught with this, you know, they're, oh, it's just a mistake, and this, that, and the other, and all kinds of cover-up crap back out of there, like a crawfish, but that pretty much seals the deal to me, you know, we'll find out. Excuse me, as we go forward, of course, as I think we're going to have started hearings next week on it, but these guys have been caught red-handed doing this. It seems to me, so we'll see how the proof smokes out, but, wait, unbelievable, and it's just how shitty the weirder. No, they're desperate, they're doing desperately, of course, now they had a bunch of puts on 9/11, too, if you're a member of a bunch of country companies, track back to the CIA, et cetera, but this is straight, Jew connection here, and then there's a lot of, there's several other organizations, and there's Jewish this, and Jewish Relief Fund, et cetera, et cetera, all those organizations had puts, and they were putting them on as late as Friday afternoon. So, and they were supposed to depend on the movement of the stock through the 16th, so they were set to make gazillions of dollars on this. Only because I've heard that, they would probably be wise to keep their puts in their kibbutts. These folks, they've been pretty well caught red-handed now, and it's just going to get worse, and we're only six days into this. So extremely important, I just was watching yesterday's Owen show, and he had a guest on. That's a guy that goes in and does ballistics and all kinds of deep investigation, he did a whole bunch of work on the Las Vegas shooting, and whatnot, and he came on for, gosh, they had him on there for 30 minutes or more, and he's got some video and some very persuasive stuff. He hasn't even come to a conclusion for sure himself yet, but he's investigating it that there are multiple shooters, at least two, and one of them from the top of the water tower, and another one from perhaps a tree on the edge of the grounds there. We'll see, as we go forward, we don't know, but it appears to me that the New World Order has pooped in its mesquite, and they don't have the luxuries that they had in 1963 when they shot Kennedy. Wait a minute. There has to be multiple shooters because the guy on the roof was so blatantly a decoy. He was the expendable decoy. They put him on the roof to divert everybody's attention to him, while the snipers, the actual shooters, were in more concealed places. That makes perfect sense. Well, could be. I saw at least two elderly, not elderly, but older couples that were interviewed on the scene after the shooting as they were leaving the grounds, and they both said there were multiple shooters. As I said, we'll see, as we go forward, it's an incredibly intriguing situation, and there are so many people with cameras. Like I said, they don't have the advantages they had in 1963 when they blew Mr. Kennedy's head off, which is exactly what they were trying to do on national television last Saturday. And you can imagine if that bullet, whatever the caliber was, because we still don't really even know that, but man, a 2-2-3 could have just flat exploded his head right there like a watermelon, okay? And I don't know how many of you have ever shot a 2-2-3 at M16 or 15, but boy, when that bullet hits, it tumbles and it explodes things, okay? And that would have been the scene, and you can imagine the horrific trauma and everything else that would have gone through, not only the nation, but the world. A lot of people all around the world are all over Trump, and, you know, if that wasn't an act of God, folks, I mean, this guy is just unbelievable, okay? I mean, look at it. He's got to be the cleanest guy in the friggin' country. He's been through two impeachments. He's been through all these show trials with all this discovery, with all the diggin' they're doing to try and find anything on him. They can't find anything on him. He's got to be the cleanest guy in the country, okay? So it's an incredible situation, and thank God he lived, and thank God that God spared him that little minute turn of his head that allowed that bullet not to pierce the back of his skull. And because boy, it would have been real ugly to see that scene for the world to see, okay? In 4K HD? Absolutely. Okay, so very interesting. Obviously, it's going to be a continuing point of discussion, especially through the election. The girl, Cheney, or whatever her name is, it's the head of social secret service, the little DEI hire. She don't actually put a cheetah. She went to the Republican convention, Joe, and it's there's some video footage, it was on Owen yesterday, a gang of about six or eight senators, an house member, congressional guys, jumping her at the assembly. Why'd you do this? What'd you do that? You answered to me. You don't answer to what's his name. And she's trying to get away as quick as she can, and they're chasing her in a gang. And she finally gets to some door and the secret service lets her in and protects her where they can't get at her. But that's another why in the hell did she under Democratic as the head of the secret service that just happened go to the Republican convention? Well, there was another head of the FBI, not that director, but one of the higher ups was sitting right behind Trump and started taking pictures just before this assassination attempt occurred. And then, you know, you saw the picture of the image of the bullet supposedly going past Trump. Yeah, right. And this guy is the took that picture is some kind of a hot shot world renowned photographer. And what was he doing in Batma, Pennsylvania, a small time, get together. What was he doing? Yeah. Oh, Joe, there's a lot of questions. Oh, there's so many. And our good old Senator James Langford was right there to confront Tittle about blowing his cover. That dude was getting a Pulitzer prize winning photograph. And to see the Democrats, they say, Oh, Trump stopped long enough to stage a photo op. These people are despicable. They're just absolutely totally despicable. The guy's so passionate about it, what he does. And he's very comes out, ducks his head out kind of forces the secret service guys back to put his fist out and say, fight, fight, fight. He's yelling at the audience. He's not doing a photo op. You idiots. They will these people will stoop to anything. Okay. And so it's very interesting here. We're seeing this in our time. And it's just a heck of an event where people been talking about they're going to have to assassinate him, trucker, Alex, a bunch of people barns for months. Well, here it was. Okay. And, man, they messed up with a capital F because it was divine providence. I don't believe there's any other answer that he moved his head that fraction of an inch that little bit that allowed that blood not to catch back his brain. Okay. So amazing things and amazing things that are coming out. And I'm sure Moore's going to come out. But all indications are these guys are nailed. Just those puts along where they can trace them back to that business, that whatever fun in Austin, Texas, with so many mechanicals and all the others. It's just a real telltale. So do you have something to say there? Is this a senior? Somebody act like they butted in there. Yeah, I was going to say something. There is a video of, and it's, yeah, Sam in Illinois, N.I.S.S. Capital C E.E. Got Social. She kind of covered everything you just said, Roger, but really disturbing is the secret service. One of the secret service men, when they were loading Trump into the black van, he was listening to him on his radio, points his weapon right at him, and then puts his weapon down. And they got it all on video. And there's an also a young lady who just before the shot, kind of ducked down. And then as soon as he got shot, she pulled out a camera light and was almost smiling. There's definitely, there's more than one shooter. That's a given. They did screw up big time. There's just too many eyes on these people. And it's sad to be able to, that we're stuck to just watch these people shoot the people that we love. It's just gross. It's just not right. I mean, there, I don't know of almost any president in the history of the country like Donald Trump. I just, the guy is just, he's unbelievable. Okay. So we'll see as we go forward, it is going to be with everything else with the World War three. Is that the trigger they're trying to also pull, you know, and that's one reason they want get rid of Trump, because he's publicly said, all in that little shin dig the first day in office, well, they can't stand that shin dig to be killed. That's the front part of the agenda of the new world orders long term take over the world. That's why they're against Russia so much. I mean, look at Vladimir. He's built 50,000 churches. He's no GMOs, no fags, none of this homosexual crap and, and that whole thing in the country. All in, on and on, how he, okay, I'll start my own damn currency worldwide. We'll start our own in our bank communication system where we can transfer stuff. I mean, they, Putin's their direct adversary, okay, and he's a big roadblock in the way of their agenda moving forward. So tremendously interesting times. You know, the old Chinese curse, of course, may you live in interesting times? Boy, do we. And it is quite a show to be able to sit home and watch simultaneously all over the world on the internet. But, you know, back to the Kennedy assassinations. Nobody had cell phones. Now everybody has them. So quite interesting. Anybody have anything to say or add on that? No. We have had the most lethargic audience this week. We haven't seen Brent yet, right? No, he's here. Oh, is he? Hey, Brent, I didn't know you showed up. Well, I don't know if you got the question I asked earlier. I know you don't pay attention to news. And I had to ask if you had found out and heard about the attempted assassination, Mr. Trump yet. I don't have to, I don't have to look into the news. People constantly bombard me with it. Everybody is interested in some politician getting shot. Happens all over the world every day. Of course, in this case, it's our man. We will be shot. And I think it's abundantly apparent from what I see about it. Of course, the evil empire. Well, first, let me start saying this, Donald Trump is not a saint. Donald Trump, just like the rest of us. He's a he's a sinner and probably more so from what I can read and then his whole family. He was raised Presbyterian. He was catechized. That means he knows that the fundamental doctrines of Christianity and the Bible, I should say, to be more precise. And he claims to be Christian. Of course, that's not something I'd ever know. And it doesn't make any difference. So it makes a difference. But it doesn't make much difference whether he is or whether he isn't. God is absolutely sovereign. And he uses the nastiest people to do the best thing of some time. And it seems apparent to me, whatever you think of Donald Trump, God's using him in his own way. He's using Joe Biden too. And I don't, we cannot plumb the depths of the councils of our sovereign God, what he's doing. But we do know, and I do know, and God wants me to know, and has told me, and he tells me in his book, that we want somebody in office who gives us an atmosphere of freedom of speech and action. That's what we want. We've already had him in office once. That's what happened. It provided an atmosphere of speech and action that was free. IRS prosecutions were down to almost zero during the Trump administration. And what does that tell you? That tells you that he's wanting to leave people alone. And he doesn't want war. He's not a bloodthirsty, scummy devil, like the Democrats are. If you're stupid enough to be part of that party, you're nothing but joining and helping and abetting and aiding bloodthirsty animals that love to slaughter people. It's that simple. And they love to be sex perverse. I mean, in the most grossest way, it's hard to plumb the depths of the evil of mankind, but the Democrat party has come to represent that. It's nothing new. It's been that way since the beginning. You go back to all the people and the presidents, let's just go through them real quick. And Roger, if I forget one, maybe you can tell me the first one, I remember what assassination attempts was Andy Jackson, Andy Jackson. And the pistols misfired. Pistols misfired and Andy by that time, an old man, the people said, sounded like a bag of marbles when he walked. He had so many musket balls in him from Newland and fighting and carrying on. By the way, he was a Presbyterian too, and a very pretty staunch one, oddly, but I shouldn't say oddly, it's just that he lived a rough life. And the pistols misfired, and Andy almost beat the man to death on the spot with his cane. He's an old man then. So we had Andy Jackson, then what we have next, Abe Lincoln. Abe Lincoln got a ball in the back of the head. Yeah, at the theater. Well, that's what history tells us. And well, let's just, let's just stick to that for now. And Roger, you sound like you were doubting the fact maybe there's something. Well, no, well, there was an almost assassination before Lincoln of John Tyler. And I don't know if you've ever heard that story. I told it the other day I heard it on the radio one night. Well, let's stop right here. He was the one that was in any sick bed. He was in his sick bed. Was that right? No, no, that was Seward. See, there were several assassinations planned that night. And Seward, so it was one of them. But Tyler was another one. But go ahead. Do you want to, you're going to tell this? Well, this is very interesting. Don't you want me to? We can go through this litany of his shot. Let's go ahead and finish that up. I'll get back to it after. Okay, so Lincoln, Lincoln, and then there was McKinley and Taff. Right. And then there was, and then there was JFK. First, that was successful. Blue, he's had a, by the way, that round you guys were talking about a while ago, that 223 were found. That's the consummate vermic gun. And my part of the bullet was. And what people think kind of happened with Kennedy, of course, is that whoever pulled the trigger on that, that assassination, drilled a hole in the top of the round and poured liquid mercury in it. So, and then put a wax seal on top of it so that when it, when it impacted whatever it was going to hit, it would be hot by that time. Rounds are hot, you know, when you leave the barrel of the gun. And that, that mercury would have been hot and it would have exploded, which whatever hit, yeah, I'm exploded. And blue has happened. Yes, it did. So that's the story. The 223 is that way. But going on, then we get, there was Kennedy, and then there was. Reagan, Gerald Ford. Oh, yeah. Well, Gerald, Gerald Ford attempted squeaky from, you know, one of the Manson gang, and misfired, misfired like with Andy Jackson. And then there was Ronnie Reagan. He got plugged in the back and hurt an air loss day life. And now we've got this. And of course, there was Jack Kennedy's brother. He got killed in the kitchen of a restaurant coming out after speaking. He was running for president. But in all of those cases, the common thread that I see is every one of those men, whether they were left-wing wackos like the Kennedy's, or whether they were Republicans, every one of them stood against the federal income tax. And said we went, we need to print our own money every one of them. I see a clear pattern, even tapped, who became a Supreme Court Justice. He is the one that, that struck down the income tax as it was first presented, probably 1908 or 1909. And then there was a corporate income tax upheld at that time. But all these men were against income tax, of course, which is necessary to keep in the money-making machine from exploding. It's the pop valve that relieves the pressure on inflation. Well, that's the pattern I see. So DJ Trump, his hero, is Andy Jackson. Andy Jackson, the one that he vetoed the renewal of the Charter of the National Bank. And he said, he said that when I took a note to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, I did not take a note to support and defend it as somebody else understands it, including Supreme Court justices. I took the note to support and defend it as I understand it. And I understand it this way, there is no authority of the federal government to charter anything. And among other reasons, of course, he made it clear publicly, he called bankers, vermin, scum. I mean, the words couldn't have been stronger. We got to get him out of our country. You know, he was the first, he was the last president that was a veteran of the war for separation from Britain. He was just a 14 year old boy and he was taken in as prisoner with his older brothers who were actually, he was when he wanted to fight. And he did, but he wasn't supposed to. He was too young. But he was a fighter from the time he was little till forward. And one time his mother caught him crying when he was a boy. And she took him aside and said, no, Andy, girls cry. Boys don't cry. Well, what do they do, mother? And boys fight. Now, a little statement like that from your mother, I've had little statements from my mother. I know it's true, it does affect you. It does set, and your father, of course, and the statements from other people you admire when you're little, I remember statements people made to me and it changed my life. It drove me in a certain direction. Andy was driven in that direction by his mother. He was willing to fight when the British, he finally figured out where the British were coming ashore at New Orleans, New Orleans, I'll say it right then. Good. He was he was sitting in council down there with having a war council. He didn't know what was going to happen. He heard they were in camp. He stood up and slammed his fist down on the table where they were all his officers were sitting. And he said, they will not sleep on our soil. He screamed it. He was ticked. Of course, the reason he was ticked was because he hated everything British because when he was in prison camp, during our war for separation from Britain, I don't call it a revolution because it wasn't. It was a war for separation. That's a different matter entirely. But when he was, a British officer told the boy he was a galute to the kid, long skinny, and he told him he wanted him to shine his boots and Andy wouldn't do it. And the British officer and since whipped his his hanger out and swung it at him and slashed him across the face, he held up his hand, but he left the scar on him. And that single stupid act of that stupid British officer is the reason for a lot of dead British soldiers at the battle at New Orleans. No question about it. He wanted to mow him down and he did about 1200 of them. I think they suffered American casualties. Don't do stupid things like that. I take a lesson there too. Do not lash out. You're going to fight, fight on purpose. Don't fight and be violent like an old woman who's trying to protect her. Her babies are grandchildren. That's a different matter. She's supposed to be violent on instinct. I'm not supposed to do that. It's supposed to be violent on purpose, not on instinct. Well, that's what happened in that case. And every one of them, I was going to say, and then Roger, you're going to say what happened to Tyler. It's very interesting. There's a reason you don't ever hear about him. They buried him in history and it's this banking thing again. John Tyler was a junior. Remember Tyler, Tippecanoo and Tyler too? And so you've commented on Tippecanoo before, political animal that he was. Anyway, Tyler's father was Thomas Jefferson's roommate at college. They were very, very close friends. Say that again, say that again. On Tyler senior was Thomas Jefferson's roommate at college. They were extremely close. A lot of time interacting with each other's families, etc. Well, as John Tyler, a junior, a quiet young man, studied mostly love study in history and a Roman and the ancient information. Pretty adept at control of it and command of it from what I can tell. They were having dinner one night and he asked Thomas Jefferson, who was like his uncle, he said, "What are your greatest fears of the country for the country?" And Jefferson said, "The international bankers and us not electing men who were strong enough to stand up to them." And he said that in many ways, in other ways too. But yeah, that's wrong. I go ahead. Well, he told Tyler Jr. that verbal on it. I don't know if it's quoted verbatim, but close to that. And so as they went forward, and Thomas Jefferson finally died. And because of the closeness of Jefferson and Tyler's father, they asked Tyler's father to give his eulogy in D.C. A crowd of about 3,000, I think they said, was there. And came time for him to give the speech. And he was so distraught at the death of his dear friend that he couldn't get up and give the speech. And he tapped his son and said, "Go give the speech." And he's not any kind of an orator, any kind of politician, anything else. And he gets up there and he gives the speech heard around the country because it was evidently so good that the word of it and the copy, I guess for copies of it went all over the country. And he became pretty notorious almost overnight. And so as we go into the next election, you got Tip of Canoe, who, as you said, was a political animal. You ran that one of those battles up against the Indian French or the French Indians or whatever and got that name. Nicknamed Tip of Canoe because that was the battle of Tip of Canoe, I believe, correct, Brent? It was on Tip of Canoe Creek in Indiana. Yeah. So he was the political animal. John Tyler was the shrinking boy with no political ambition, just wanted to be a student, quiet kind of guy. And so he, because of his notoriety from that speech, he tapped Tyler Jr. to be his vice president. Well, you may or may not know that Tip of Canoe was one of the few presidencies that ever died in office of a heart attack. It was one month into the administration and he died of a heart attack. So now Tyler Jr.'s thrust up into the presidency. And so the bankers try to come back through and run in the bank again. And both parties passed it. And Tyler, remembering what Thomas Jefferson had said, vetoed it. And the backlash was incredible. Even his own party kicked him out of the party as a sitting president. And back at that point, the White House had no barriers, no guards, no nothing. The only guy in there was the butler. And the bankers whipped up huge crowds that came and besieged the White House and the butler and the Tyler family were hiding in the bedroom. Okay. And so finally, that's what happened. And Tyler went on and got out of politics, but that's the reason the bankers, they don't put him in the history books. You hardly ever hear about him, but I just thought that was a fascinating story. I'd never heard it before. That is fascinating, Roger. And it gets even more fascinating about that family. Did you know that Tyler's president, Tyler's grandson, I mean, his son, son, it was alive just a few years ago and may still be alive. And they live on the old ancestral plantation there in Virginia, I believe it is. Oh, no kidding. Yeah, him and his brother, you see Tyler, Tyler fathered a son at about age little or age 60. Tyler, one year, Tyler fathered a son little or age 60. And then that son fathered two boys when he was over age 60. And both the oldest one was born in 1926. His same age as my father. And so he'd be 98. And it's a year or two alive. And you can go to YouTube and watch videos of him being interviewed. And I remember one one interviewer said, but he said, he gets into our political arguments. This fellow that's still alive, his grandson, Tyler grandson, he gets in political arguments. And he gets frustrated. He said, he'll just say to people, look, I'll tell you what my grandpa told Tom Jefferson. And he said, your grandpa, people say your grandpa. And he said, yeah, my grandpa knew Tom Jefferson. You just told the story. His grandpa was that boy, see, that was born, I think, in 1799, his grandpa was born in 1799. And his, he's born 1926. And his grandpa was the boy you were talking about that made that speech that knew Tom Jefferson. And he still does that. But he said the biggest change, he said somebody said, what's the biggest change time your grandpa and who president, Tyler, and our times, he said, I'd have to say from what I understand history, the biggest change is the way men and women in the state of Virginia, for instance, look at people, African Americans or Negro people. I can't remember how he said it. He said, it's almost uncanny to me the way that's changed in the last 40 years. But he said, from the time my father was born and lived in Virginia, it was very much different. And he said the country is not the way the country was then, obviously. And we need to make adjustment. There's some very powerful men, powerful conservative men that are, we call them black, they aren't the brown like the rest of us in various ways. But there are very some powerful conservatives rising and saying no to the Democrats that have been abusing them for many, many decades, abusing their vote and keeping them in slavery. And as you've said, Roger, now, they're they're enslaving the white man with them. And that's what's happened. On and on the mat in the school, I appreciate bringing that up. Use the black man to enslave the white man. See, John used to say, if we could free the black man, we could free us all. And what I have come to understand was we've got to free the white man first to go back and free everybody the way it looks to me. And it's just quite, quite interesting in all this wonderful history. And I think this may be it may be the absolute fatal blow to the Democratic Party, all these things that have happened the last few years, and all the things that they're going to links now to try and desperately hang on to power. Well, what they only have one method. And I can say with all confidence, because I've experienced some of it, if they can't ruin your reputation, they'll get you in prison. As they've done, Steve Madden, and well, that other fellow's name just and Navarro, Peter Navarro, that spoke at the Republican Convention the other night. Did you know the day? Yeah, the day he got out of prison, he got out that morning, and he came and spoke that evening. That's true. And no, I was aware of that. And I wanted, I did watch that, Roger, because I'm being, I'm interested in people that get sent to prison, because that's what they did to me twice when I ran for Congress. And I have a feel for how what the method of operation is. And if they can't ruin your reputation without prison, then the next step is prison. And it's easy to send a man in prison that has been in the past. And then if they can't do that, they will kill you. They, the useful idiots of the evil empire, when I got into politics, I didn't understand how vicious the battle was. I have a full understanding of it. Now I should say fuller. They're bloodthirsty. They're blood dripping from their tongue. They love blood. They love to kill. They love war. They love to slaughter people. And you folk out there that are calling yourself Christian, maybe you are. But you're supporting that war in Ukraine for a group of Babylonian religious votaries that hate Jesus Christ. What's the matter with you? Wake up, smell the coffee. Try to rub the crud out of your eyes so you can see and try to unplug your ears. I don't know what the problem is. I know that only God unplugs ears and opens eyes and enlightens understanding. And it's done at his will. But being a mere mortal, I like to think that although it's not always true, I know there's not much you can do about it until God opens your eyes. But we're not here to support another country called Israel. We're here to support the United States. And if we can't support the United States, we're going to go down. And if we go down, all the rest of the world goes down. We have been the beacon of the world. Why? Because we are the only Christian nation that has ever risen in the history of the world that was truly a Christian nation with Christian nationalism. What is Christian nationalism? Christian nationalism is not an official decree of government. There have been other nations. You know, the first Christian nation in the world was the nation and the people we call the Armenian. Armenian. Yeah, they were the first Christian nation in the world. But don't forget that was a Christian nation by the decree of an emperor. Did a stick? Yeah, God used it. But we're the only Christian nation in the world that is or just Christian, because we're Christian. Just the way it is. And we started that way. We started with a group of men that can women that came here, hundreds of 200,000 of them, as a matter of fact, by the time the migration was over, that wanted to rule England from New England. They didn't want to come, they started a new country. They wanted to, they were English Brits. And they were, I say Brits, they were Presidents, the Scots, Presbyterians too. And then they came in droves from Northern Ireland later. And the English speaking people continued to come. But don't dismiss that as just something that happened in the past and didn't have any effect. The effect, the beginning of the thing is the most important element of anything. And our country began a certain way and we've never shrugged it. It's still here. We're still, we're still viewed as being prudence and puritanical by the rest of the world. And we are by their standards. Of course, the evil empire hates that. The evil empire loves bloodshed. They love sex perversion. They love everything upside down backwards, everything. That's the devil himself. He wants to destroy manhood. He wants to substitute women for men. That is fundamental. That's why that's narrative we have in the first part of the Bible is there. But a Christian nation has a critical mass of men. I'm talking about men, not women, a critical mass of men that take what we call our common law, the laws of nature. And they watch them and they observe them and they adhere to them. That's procedural. And they take the laws of nature's God for the final court or last resort. That's the Bible. That's exactly what those phrases mean. You can go to Blackstone and look it up yourself. You've written 11 years before our declaration was penned. Our common law, the laws of nature, the way things are and they aren't going to change in God's creation and the relationship between men and men, men and things and things and things. Matter, as Blackstone puts it. Matter, living and dead. There are laws that govern all of it. We observe them. We try to follow them. We plant in the spring. We harvest in the fall or we starve. You've got to live by those laws, but that's the application. But the final court of last resort in any cases of apparent inconsistency or application of those laws is Lex Scripta, the Bible itself. And if there's a critical mass of men and a nation that do that, that have that as their mindset, we will be a free people. And remember, a critical mass is not a majority. A critical mass is not a majority. A critical mass of the amount it takes to make the change. As a critical mass in chemistry for chemical substances that the amount it takes to make the change, whatever change you, a critical mass of heat to change the molecular structure of a subject, of a subject or a substance. We call that cooking. You apply a critical mass of heat. It changes the molecular structure so it feels better, tastes better. But critical mass is not the amount. What is the critical mass of yeast for bread? Not very much. But it's enough to make the change. And that's the way it is in politics. I was not growing up. I was my family. I'm my dad. I was teenager. But he was a member of the NFO, the national farmers organization. He was the secretary in our little county. And every county has a chapter. There was a farmer out of Iowa that didn't have a college education. I don't even know if he had a high school, no formal education to mount anything. But he got his pencil out and sharpened that and got an old grocery bag or something, started doing some figuring. And he figured that if farmers in America could withhold 10 percent of any agricultural commodity would be milk or pork bellies or eggs or whatever, if they could withhold, get 10 percent of the farmers to withhold it from the market, then the farmers could control the market and get the price that they thought was fair. And he proved to be right. 10 percent. He figured it out. I've there's a book on it. I've read the book. I forget the formulas he used, but it's a matter of economics. And that's an example of what a critical mass is. It is hardly ever a majority. A critical mass could be one man. It could be DJ Trump. It could be you, my friend. It could be Roger. We're doing our little thing here. We're talking. We're trying to talk the truth. Not much. We may not be making much of a splash. But we're not trying to get a majority. I'm not Roger. I want a critical mass. That means you got to get the right guy at the right time. Is DJ Trump the right guy at the right time? Could be. He's in presidency once. He could be in there again. Now, when we're dealing with politics, we're dealing with gang warfare. And the only question is the question here isn't Donald Trump a Christian man. That's not the question. Hope he is. Don't see the boy go to hell. But we're on the world stage here and God is sovereign over all men. And the question is, is God the question is, which gang do we want in charge right now? Which gang do we want in charge right now? Well, if you put Biden in charge, you can see what you get. If you get the Democrats in charge, the cities fall apart. The murder rates rise, the sex perverts, the abuse of women and children goes through the roof. If you get the Republicans in charge, they have some restraint about them for some reason. Why? Well, the party platform calls for it. And the Republican Party, by the way, draws Christian people, whether they're informed or uninformed. It does draw people with Christian sensibilities. Can you point to any Christian people with Christian sensibilities drawn to the party of sex perverts and child molesters? I don't see that. I remember when I was in politics, I went to 100, probably thousands of meetings. Of course, the Republicans, I was in the Republican Party. I didn't want to run the Democrat running for Congress. And I ran and I'd go to the meetings. They'd have Lincoln Day dinners. There were 27 counties. It was a very rural district. So there were 27 counties. As a matter of fact, if the largest congressional district, east of the Mississippi geographically, the only one that was comparable was the second district of Maine and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. And both of those areas had more moose than they had people. And we might have had more ground dogs down the rise from them. We didn't have any moose, but a pretty brutal district. And so on Lincoln Day dinners, every and then the Democrats would have what they call Kennedy Day dinners. The Lincoln Day dinners were pretty big back then. That's been a few decades ago, but boy, it drew a crowd. And they called them "Lincoln Day" dinners. So Lincoln was the first president that was Republican. And so at the Lincoln Day dinner, all the people were running for office, everything from the county, from the sheriff up to the president of the United States, if he was there or representative. A lot of the governor would show up. The guy's running for governor. And we'd all be setting at a table up front because we'd all get to say something. And by the way, never try to talk to a crowd that's hungry and wait to eat. I had that happen a month. And here's the problem. 27 counties and how do you get to all the Lincoln Day dinners if they, some of them are going to occur on the same night? Well, we had a crop buster there and had a plane out the airport. And he said he'd fly me around to have another fellow that ran a chain of 13 farm stores called Rural King. Now he's got something like 50 or 60 over probably 25 states. He really, but he had a helicopter, a helicopter back then. And he said, I'll give you my helicopter and you can fly from one meeting to the other. And you can, that way you can go early to one meeting and you'll get before the, before they eat, you can say something there. Well, I found out you don't make speeches to crowds before they eat. You might get up high and leave, but don't ever say anything. They'll hate you for it. They're hungry. They want to get at that food. And then when you speak at the crowd afterward, it's a lot better. But I remember all those meetings before they ate, they'd bring a preacher in somebody, somebody would invite a preacher and they'd pray before we ate. Nothing fancy. You know, just thank God for the food and be some preacher to country church. Usually some guy, I got to know a lot of them that way. And I remember one fellow even down there in Edwards County on the Wahl Bash River and he prayed before we ate. There must have been 500 feet, 500 feet. Probably 500 people there, maybe more. And then I got up and made my little speech, whatever it was. I usually said some of the same stuff. And he, I sat down beside him. They set me at the end of the table. I wasn't that important, I guess. But he said, do you remember the story of Samson, slaying a thousand listings with a jawbone of an ass? I said, yeah. He said, that's what I see some of these some politicians doing here running for office. You know, you get up and run your jaw for a while and puts people to sleep. Well, I found out too, of course, if you eat, you do get sleepy. That's true too. But it politics is warfare without bloodshed. And when it moves to bloodshed, politics is war with bloodshed. And that was what was attempted. And no question, it was the Democrats trying to do it. The Democrats try to shoot Republicans, they've been doing that for years. Republicans, I don't think, can you think of any Republican been trying to assassinate Democrats? Never. I don't, I don't think Republicans do that. No, but Democrats, don't tell me this wasn't put up by the Democrat Party. And well, the powers that be that control the Democrat Party. Yeah. And it's always some crazy guy, right? Some recluse kid who is insane, all that crazy stuff. And then they say what they found on the laptop, who knows what they found on the laptop. The FBI and the CIA have developed lying to the highest degree. Who started all this stuff? Hoover started the FBI. Why? Because he wanted power. And then he wanted to criminalize people who weren't criminals. And he promoted, promoted petty criminals, and then made them national criminals so that he could look, he couldn't even, when Edgar, Edgar, who restarted the FBI, he was just a punk kid. And it couldn't even fill the flagship prison he built. Alcatraz couldn't get it. Why? Because there weren't any federal laws that were criminal. That's why our constant to the United States only mentions crimes. And it doesn't make anything criminal except treason. Treason is one of those four kinds of crimes, a counterfeit in the current coin and securities in the United States, violations of international law, piracy and felonies committed on the high seas and treason. Those are the only four kinds of crimes that you could even remotely say, of course, I'm jurisdiction over. That's the only four kind. But yet we have now in the neighborhood, at least in the last statistics I read on a study of, it was back in 1998 or '97 and '99. And there were over 5,300 federal crimes on the specific federal crimes on the books. And the study was called the criminalization of federal law. And Edwin Meese, former attorney general, was the head of the committee that did the study. But you can't live in America without committing a crime. I say they're throat now. Is it Steve Bannon? Yeah, Steve Bannon, right? And he's in jail, as I speak. Navarro sent to jail for a short time. But listen to me, friends, listen to me. Prison is prison. I don't care if they call it a work camp or federal prison. You go to a place like that, you come out, you tell me it's not hellish. You tell me. You'll change your tune. You've got color TVs and weight machines and they just got it made. They get fed three times a day. You go there and you come back, tell me that it's just wonderful. That ain't the way it is. Prison is prison. To the degree, Roger, you make this point. It's a good point. The most fundamental definition of liberty is freedom of locomotion to go where you want. That's the most fun. Freedom of travel is another way to say it. You're in prison. You don't have that. And life liberty and property, life, freedom and property. That's the Anglo-Saxon word. Those three is all you've got in this life and all you'll ever have is life, liberty and property. And to the degree you lose one of those, to the degree you lose any one of those, life, liberty or property, to that same degree, you will lose the other two. That's the way it works. That's the way it's always worked. And they send you to prison. You lose life and property along with whatever liberty you lose. Now, is there other freedom that is possible besides freedom of bodily locomotion? Of course. He who the son makes free is free indeed, the son of God. And he's the one that truly indeed makes men free. You know, you can be in prison, like Bannon's in prison, Roger. Bannon's in prison. He's lost freedom of bodily locomotion. He's lost freedom, a lot of other freedoms, what about time with his wife, intimate time? That's a vicious way to treat a man. That's a vicious way to treat any male. Prisons are not biblical. Prisons are against God's law. That's a fascinating subject we can talk about sometime. Prisons did not exist in the English speaking world to punish crimes until after America got going good. They didn't have any. Oh, they'd hold a man in prison awaiting trial, but that was never for punishment. The sentences were either death or they'd tie you to a post and whip you or they'd put you in stocks and ask anybody, ask Bannon when he gets out, would you rather have 40 lashes or be locked up in prison? I never talked to anybody in prison that didn't say I'd take 40 lashes over here in prison any day. If you haven't experienced it, you don't know what it is. Well, that's all I'm saying. I don't want you to experience it, but listen to the people that do experience it. Navarro just came out and he stood up at the Republican Convention, Roger, if you saw it, I'll just repeat it. He just got out of prison that morning. I didn't see it, but I really don't respect Navarro. Okay. Guys, although we've got to dump out of Chicago, Brent, hold the phone. No, we've got three minutes for Brent to talk about common lawyer dot com. All right, Brent, you want to tell the Chicago folks and everybody? Yeah, and thank you, Paul, and I much rather talk about things than myself, but I know it's necessary and people, I want people to know what we're doing. Go to common lawyer dot com w w w dot common lawyer dot com. What are we doing? We just want our country back and we're trying to do something about it. And there are two, we'll do that. John Wickliffe, the 14th century, he did it this way and it worked. He said, I want, we got to have our common law taught at Oxford. Our common law must be taught at the law of the city's Rome's canon civil law university. No, we got to supplant that. The law of the city with all the land are common law. Number two, we've got to get the Bible into English. So the boy that walks behind the plow can read it. We got to get the word of God, the word of God written like scripta, the laws of nature's God into the hearts and minds put down in his mental sod, the word of God, what God said. And we've got to get our common law in the University of Oxford on the same thing through today. Without those two things, we don't have freedom. We won't have freedom. We must know what our common law is. We're trying to teach it there at the law school, winter's in, go to common lawyer dot com. And by the way, sign up for the next course supposed to start here pretty quick. On the Bill of Rights Sheriff, Sheriff Darleaf of Berry County, Michigan. And I've been teaching these law courses stuff I should have been taught in law school and wasn't. I was taught some good things. I teach those courses, courses on evidence course on trust courses on contracts and understand that all that all that and also now we've taught a course on the militia clause of our institution, the office of sheriff, we call the course on that. Now we want I want you to sign up because that's what keeps us going. Put put some contribution to it and we don't want to give things without contributions. If somebody, well, if somebody gives a contribution, we want to give something in return. That's the way to say it. I want other people to learn our laws of nature and our laws of nature is God. These two volumes, the first unwritten and the second written, these two volumes are a fundamental law. And of course, we're a crisis. Yes, we're a crisis. Why? Because we don't know our law. You can't have a country without knowing what all is. A conversation, Christian nationalism is not official. It takes a critical mass of men, the militia themselves that know the law of God, the laws of nature unwritten and the laws of nature of God written. They know it. They have a desire for it and inclination for it and they're learning and the mean and good. By the way, that's Magna Carta's two standards for judges. That's a common law, expression of a common law, Magna Carta. Our Constitution, and now we're whistling. So let's try to quit. Yeah, oh, weird. I don't know what was happening to the Whistler, but we literally only have seconds to leave the VU of 106.9 Chicago and radio If you want to follow us into the second hour, please do so by going to and click on any of the links right there near the top of the page. Thank you. Thank you, kids. Brent, I got a pause here. I was going to say, I don't know what kind of a Christian Mr. Trump was before last Saturday, but he's more of one now. And that funny, not hilarious, but as Huckleberry Hound used to say, not funny, not funny, ha ha, but funny, she like whoa, you have a bullet with by your head and bust the cartilage in your ear. Well, he maybe had to go change your drawers. I don't know. If he did, that would have been a natural and a healthy response. God mimics us that way. He puts us into certain conditions, but right at that time, what's that, Roger? I was just gonna say, I don't know if you were on or when I was going over that at the start. This guy's got to be the cleanest guy in the country. Well, Roger, two impeachments. He's had all these lawsuits with these guys with discovery that could dig up anything. Nobody can find anything on him. That's fascinating. He's going that's it's an adversarial tradition where common law is, and that goes when politics too, we depend upon the other side to find something wrong with it. And that's the way it is. I'm not so but you can push that too far and trying to shoot people as against the law. I'm ticked because assassination is not part of our common law tradition. It is not. And when that happened against Lincoln, people were aghast. And of course, the first attempt was just an attempt and it didn't make much press when Jackson was attempted to kill him with those plant log pistols. But when Lincoln was killed, whether you liked Lincoln or didn't like Lincoln, that's the law of the city. It's been that way since the founding of the city of Rome, Remus and Romulus, the two brothers, one killed the other. And assassination has marked the Babylonian system. All every country in the world's under that system except a few common law countries. Let me get back to Navarro, I believe his name is. A particular interest to me to watch him. I remember I was thrown out of prison twice. One time they wanted to get me out so fast when they found out we of course made a motion to the federal telecourt. They wanted to get me out so fast, they threw me out with all my prison clothes on and didn't even give me time to call anybody. I mean, they were scared. I'm not exaggerating. I'm telling the blasted truth. And you find out that everybody in the evil empire and those useful idiots that work for the evil empire, like prison guards, a lot of, you know, they're not bad guys. Otherwise, you want to make a living, but why would you want to submit yourself to that kind of perversion? But hey, some of them were nice guys. Some of them remember it. So I ran for Congress where I was thrown into prison. And a guy came, one of the men came to me when I got it. It's, aren't you so and so the county chairman's buddy, old Robert said about Bob, I said, yeah, the old county chairman, the guy to come to all the meetings and bib overalls, he was the county chairman, and he was old Bill Roberts. He said, well, Bill's the one who got my got me this job here. And he said, I'm going to run for sheriff when I get out. And he sat down and told me a lot of things about what to do and what not to do. You know, you go into prison, you don't know what's going on. What to do and it's dangerous because there are people that run the prison. That's not the guards. And we sat me down and told me all those things. And they threw me out. But what it came down to is this. And people wonder, well, what happened? Well, here's what happened. The simplicity was this. They tried to find something on you like they did on man. And then they try to convince a jury, you're no good SOB. And they put pictures of your, if you've got a fancy house or a fancy car, they flash all that up on the screen in front of the jury. The judges go along with them because they're afraid of the IRS and all those other kind of people, the bureaucrats. But what happened was if you run for federal office, like Hillary Clinton ran for president, she loaned her presidential campaign organization or something like a million or two million dollars. What's the difference? A million here and a million there. Pretty soon you're talking about some money. It was some large amount. And then you take back a note. This is the way it works. You take back a note. The person that loaned the money is the candidate. Take back a note that says that the campaign organization will pay you back if they can't. And you file that note, by the way, with a federal election commission, with your reports, you put reports in every month, and then come down to the last 30 days. And you put reports in every 48 hours. Money comes in. Let's tell it closely. They watch it. And so they have a complete record of who donate and all that stuff. Well, the truck run by outside. Oh, it's getting quieter. So if you don't mortgage your house, oh good. If you don't mortgage your a rent for office, federal office, you don't mortgage your house and put every dime you got in the bank into your campaign, people will not support you. And then you put that on record. It's you have to. Well, the law says it and you put it on record with the federal election commission, they did all these things. Then people can go to the record, look, oh, he put everything he's got into his campaign. I'll give him money. See, people that have a lot of money will give you their their donation. It'll be substantial. A lot of times, if they think you put it all in the line, that's the way it worked. I didn't know that when I started, you know, I just went into the clerk's office. Like I said, a week or two ago, I had my bib overalls on, been feeding the livestock and I asked, how do you run for Congress around here? And guy told me, or he was a short tail cousin of mine, old Doc Adani's grandson, but he was Democrat too, by the way. But in a small county, you know, that doesn't count as much as it does in a large county, where there's a big political machine. But any rate, I took that loan back. It was just about $31,000. And then I lost the election. And I realized now I probably won the election. All right, it was close enough. I realized the unions were calling people in, people in from East St. Louis to vote, you know, and they'd stick their pencils and the little holes on the ballot and break off the lead so you couldn't poke through it, you know, they had all these tricks they use. I didn't think much of the time. I realized now that this voter fraud, it came to light with the last presidential election, but it's they've thrown a lot of elections that a lot of Democrats have ever since they've been stuck in ballot boxes that Irishmen there on the Lower East side before it became a Jewish neighborhood, but they learned how to stuff ballot boxes and they made ballots but they could pull them and stick them into slots. That's the way it works. Well, any rate, I took back a loan, then I didn't win and I didn't wasn't. Nobody's going to give you money if you lose an election to pay off those kinds of debts. And so the guy I did in my taxes said, well, you can write off a bad debt. It's a bad debt. You're not going to get it back. And so you write it off at the tune at $33,000 a year. That's the way you do it. Some of you probably know that. Well, they came to me and said, you can't do that and indicted me with a federal grand jury. By the way, it took three or four federal grand juries to indict me. I got the records later, you know, and they said, you and other people can do that, but you can't do that. See, they'll make something up if you have at the end. And and all through the said, it was the truth all through. And I fought them for years trying to keep it out of court, you know, I fought them in court trying to keep an old trial for two years and did a pretty good job because they're wasn't much there, but they they'll try to say, well, the laws unclear on this, you know, I don't think it applies here. And we've got this person that and that, and they'll tell you from the past. And it doesn't make any difference what the law is. They'll they'll try to run you through the mill and take you for a ride. And if they don't win the prosecution, they've taken you through the ringer and ruined your reputation, but not. It's the Supreme Court ruling was an obstruction of process or whatever they charged all the Jan six guys with that just got over turned. And I heard somebody going in a lawyer from Louisiana, actually from a town I used to live in Alexandria that represented Stuart Rhodes. And he was going over the Supreme Court recent decision. And the fact that this was a whatever the statute was, it was C two. There was C one and C two. And they pulled C two out and charged all these people with it. When C two is attached to the actions spelled out in C one. Well, I want to, I want to repeat, thank you, it just did confusion, constant chicken manure confusion of forms and numbers. And he said this over there. And that and the jury doesn't know. Well, Navarro got a prison. Navarro came out of prison that morning. And I know what it feels like to come out. You when you're in prison, every antenna, if you're smart, every antenna is up and you guys are mouth shut and you're watching everything and everybody, you don't know what's going to happen. Because you're not under your own control anymore. You don't choose what you'll eat. You don't choose what socks you'll wear up. Don't choose where you'll go. You don't have any choices at all. Other people are controlling you and they're controlled by perverts in government. I can tell story after story. Anyway, that happened when they let you out, you're up, you're on a emotional plane up here. Your eyes are open, your ears are open, your antennas up has been is constantly 24 hours a day. It's leap of one eye open. And then you're thrown out. And all of a sudden, you're trying to adjust. And it's quite an adjustment. I was, I have, I have four honorable discharges from the military service. Because I get out and then they talk me into coming back. I did that four times. Oh, one time. And I come, I liked it too. And I liked military service. I like what I did. It was enjoyable. My point is, when you get out of the military service, I'm all told then it was about 13 years. It takes a long time to review just to not be under under martial law. But that was a pleasant experience by comparison. Prison is not a pleasant experience. You're in the, you're in POW camp then. And don't tell them we aren't political prisoners. It's POW camp. The feds have no authority to set up prison. You know, every federal prison that was put up before jagger Hoover, everybody that went to federal prison, they either went to a navy brig or an army barracks. That was the only federal prisons we had until, until Alcatraz really. That was it. And the reason was people, the reason they went to federal prison was for counterfeiting the current coin and securities of the United States, piracy and felonies on the highities, violations of international law and treason. That was it. So very few cases even came up and remember. A large part of that is Admiralty, if you notice. Federal courts do have Admiralty jurisdiction and most people in federal prisons. Yeah, the most people in federal, the exclusive Admiralty, state courts have none according to our constitution. But most people that go to federal prison until jagger Hoover and prohibition. Prohibition is the jumpstart to the criminal law industry in America. And the feds getting involved in criminal law, all criminal law, almost all of it was at the state level. As a lot of it still is, of course, but still the feds got more and more powerful because of the interstate commerce clause perversions and all sorts of crazy things. Well, coming back to us watching the viral. Now, here's what he said. Now, and I expected him to say this. I said the same thing. I could just feel watching him what I felt when they threw me out and made that motion of the court, the appellate court. And he's smiling of course. He's with his wife. He had his arm around her. But don't tell me that he was having any relaxing time with his wife. He put his, he would want to hold her. I don't know how it is. You want to hold her. You want to, but love and honor, but you really can't. No, you're still in combat mode. You got your antennae. You can't relax. You don't know who the enemy is. I know. Once you emotionally get into that state, it takes a while to get out. He said, getting out of the military, you know, that was a pleasant experience, really. But it takes you a while to get used to getting out of martial law. Well, you're in federal prison. You talk about if that's not prison, that's prison. Well, he gets out. He stands up. People were clapping. He walks out. He just kind of shuffles out, you know, his whole attitude is now different. He sees the world through different eyes. Once you get locked up, once they take your liberty, everything looks different. You see things, the best education I got, Roger, I went to quite a bit of graduate school, law school, college stuff, and all those dinky doctors and punky professors, all and all and all, and every learning, but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. And then, of course, I'm a Christian man. I'd already done a lot of Bible study and taught the Bible for years. Well, I went to federal prison. I got an education that was incomparable. I learned. Well, we go off the bottom and I can tell you, I can tell you stories of how I learned, but you learn because the people that are there, they know, have they been there a while and you talk and you get educated about what's really going on and how evil, vicious, and dirty and low. Well, we live in a dangerous world, friends, and we're not going to survive it. Let me add a point on that. You remember Timothy Leary? And he was a big-time professor. Yeah, you, you, you, Cal Berkeley, I think. They arrested him and his comment was, yeah, his comment was when that jail door slams, you get an instant education. Oh, he did. Well, I didn't think I'd ever identified with that as a drop in Creek, but they'll not one I'll agree. We all, no matter who we are, Robert Rodgers, no matter who we are, we have the common identity of mankind. And we all experience some of the same things God has helped us and we're all nothing but starving. Like the Bible said, the Bible says that every year, the Israelites were to confess the following words. Our father was a starving Assyrian. Well, who is their father? Abraham. Abraham wasn't an Israelite. He was an Assyrian. He's the father of the Arab world and of the true Israelite world. But our father, and that's who were, were, were, were beggars. Nothing in my hand I bring, but only to thy cross. I cling, other refuge have I none, hang with my helpless soul on thee. You can't add anything to what Jesus Christ did, but coming back to our mortal state. God help us. I'm smiling. I'm smiling, Roger, right now as I say that, because my sins, oh, the bliss of this glorious law, my sins not in part, but the whole are nailed to the cross and I bear them no more. Even so, it is well with my soul. I don't fear hell. I'm zeroed in. God has birthed me from above. I'm a new creature. I can't undo it. And he says he won't. And you can be free, free by the new birth. Yeah, that's good news, but not be free indeed, Roger. There's a difference between being freed by the new birth and not facing hell. And in Jesus Christ, whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. What does that mean? That means that he teaches you his law, the laws of nature, unwritten in the nature of creation and the laws of nature of God, written in the Bible. He is the disciplinarian. He will, the Father, our Father is perfect. He will teach you the Son is free to you, God the Son. Now you are really free to learn the truth, Roger. Well, anyway, getting back and that's what we're trying to do here in our midway. We don't know what we're doing. We're just trying to say the truth, Roger. Go ahead. Let me add something about Navarro and who's the other guy that's in now? Steve Bannon. Both of those people served time off of that bogus January 6 committee that didn't have an equal amount of, it was not authorized by Congress. They stuck it out there, made it a Hollywood film production. There was not an equal amount of Republican and Democrats as it's supposed to be in any committee, I guess, from Congress. And they took Liz Cheney and a couple of those other turncoat rhinos and stuck them in as Republicans. And yet those guys are one of them just getting out, the other one's just going in. And yet from Congress with true subversion and people that didn't respond to subpoena. And that would be Merrick Garland. And now the impeached Mayorkas and maybe coming up more with this girl for Liz, the Secret Service, they don't do nothing to them. But they take a bogus committee. And who and who the legislative branch started all that mess? You just tried to describe it, but you can't because it's too confusing that there's a Jezebel, many Jezebels in the world. And you don't know who Jezebel is, you need to go look her up. What a whore. Well, that's Hillary Clinton and most of Pelosi. There's just nothing but low down whores. What about this woman, this gal in charge of the Secret Service? Who's she has been to get in that position? Don't tell me that's not at work. That is the way it works. It's just like Hollywood. You don't bend the people you think going to be famous. And yeah, that's the way it works. What's that, Roger? I don't know if you caught this. What's that? We're coming into the show. I was talking about it. I was just watching a video right for the program. She's at the Republican convention. Oh, yeah. She got ganged up on by about eight congressmen and senators. They were chasing her. She's walking. She wouldn't answer any questions. And they're going, "You report to us. We're your overseers." And all that stuff. And she wouldn't answer. And they ganged up on her, walking. And finally, she got to a door where the Secret Service learned through and they shut them out. But I'm shocked what she's doing at the Republican convention. That little Secret Service gal is on the stage. Now you're clipping for just a second. Let's get these packets running and flowing again. So little girl, Secret Service girl is on the stage, I heard you say. You mean the one that couldn't push herself away from the table? Uh oh, does that mean we lost ground? Okay, we got some sort of a glitch with Brent here. Let's see if we can get this thing straight and back out. You actually come back. Brent, you're hearing one word of about 20, I think. Can you hear me? Okay, I wonder, should we get Brent to hang up and call back in maybe? What do you think, Paul? Yeah, we can try that. Or I can bring him in on Skype, but it'll take me a minute to get that done. Okay, well, one of the other, Brent, if you can hear me, why don't you hang up and try calling back in and reconnecting? Maybe that'll straighten it out. Now let's... Anyway, we've talked about those two gals in the Trump detail. One of them couldn't get her gun in the holster and the one, if not the same one, another one, he had behind Trump when he instead of getting in front of him to stop any bullets. They were short and, like I said, had one too many biscuits and not exactly. And because this gal, the head of Secret Service, is a DEI hire. Period. Okay. And that's being reflected in what we saw last Saturday. Yeah. All right, let's see if we can get this to work. Yeah, Brent's always traveling somewhere, so... That familiar skype cone. Let's see, we get your Brent? Yeah, you got me. I'm here. Okay, we got you now. Yeah, you had dropped out. We were getting one word out of 20, so we had to go through all this rigamarole, but you're back. You're back. Oh, I think. Give me one second. Just give me one second. He's got the skype cone. Okay, that's right. Hang on a second, Brent, I'll be right with you. Hang on a second, Brent, I'll be right with you. Where? Where is that echo coming from? Live radio. Oh, I... No, he's still connected. No, he's still connected. All right, let me mute him. No, this isn't going to work. No, that's ugly. Brent, we still got you calling in, or did you dump you out just now, Paul? No, I can hear him in there. Brent, you there? You usually have that kind of a problem. There he is. Yeah, he's trying to come back, him. All right, let's hang up, skype. There we go. I'll bring him back in there. Come on, Brent, come on in. That shouldn't have done that. That should have worked. I think what was going on, oh, no, he disconnected again, and he reconnected. He still... He still had a connection to Zoom, so when I added him on skype... Oh, you got feedback. Yeah. Can you kick him out of Zoom, Paul? He's still joining. Okay, I'll remove him from Zoom. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't report. He's still trying to join Zoom. Well, it's unusual for us to have these kind of problems, but that's the way life's been lately. Yeah. One technical challenge after another in this land of IT that we live in. He's still having trouble joining Zoom. Let me try and bring him in on skype again, see if I can get that to work. Well, he's still trying to join Zoom. All right, let's try this. Also, I had a memory problem. I had to free up some resources so we could put him in here. There we go. Okay. Come on, little skypey. Come on, little skypey. We're not getting all the skype noises, is there some? Oh, you know, Brent's always traveling, so he's off somewhere, I'm sure, in the boondocks. Okay. Skype isn't letting me dial out to him, so I just sent him a message asking him to call me here on skype. Okay, we bring him in that way. All right. Well, as I was saying, while we're working on all that, it's more of the dichotomy of two governments, two sets of laws, even though when they arrest somebody, it's always well, there's no one above the law, except us is the unspoken thing. Yeah, it's like this, which truly a fence against Congress is done by the sitting communists. Well, they don't honor it, but they write through the people in jail off of a bogus committee and bogus charges. And there you have it. Let's get the communists out of here, and hopefully they'll never get back in. Right. Hey, Brent, are you there with us? Yes. Oh, good. Okay. So we were talking, we got the point we couldn't hear. We couldn't hear but one word out of a bunch from you. So that's why all this commenced and happened. We were talking about the fact that Navarro and Steve Bannon are in under bogus charges from a bogus committee. And you've got Mira Garland and Mayorkas. And maybe this head of the Secret Service is going to fall into the same gauntlet of being charged with real congressional committees, charges, and they float. So more of the, there's not, there's only, there's only one law for everybody. Right. There's not too much confusion as possible. Great much as much confusion as possible. They'll prosecute their own. They'll kill their own. They don't care what the bloodthirsty devils they are. They don't care who they kill, who they hurt. And now I repeat what Navarro said, I'm going to try to play this clip tomorrow. I can't play it today. I'm going to play it tomorrow on a plate of soapbox and comment on it because he makes a couple of good points again. As I say, I saw him with his arms around his wife. His wife, of course, wanted to see him and she wanted to look pretty when she saw him. And you can see all these dynamic things going on. She hadn't seen him in four months, been with him, or else she'd probably seen him but hadn't been with him. But he wasn't in the mood to do much anything with her and be intimate with her because if he hadn't been, it wouldn't have been enjoyable to him at all. He's just not there yet. So I can just tell this to him. He's not he's not there yet. Now with his wife, it's going to take some time, but he did say, I understand something. If they can do it to me, they're coming for you. He told them that at the convention. If they can throw me in prison, they throw you in prison. I second that. Absolutely true. They're nobody they can't come after. And remember, they have a monopoly on force and violence. That's why the militia of the several states are so important. We're coming down here to force and violence. The evil empire is trying to murder our office holders and those running for office. What do you do? You better be ready. What does God wants us to do? He wants us to be ready. You say, well, what's that got to do with the laws of nature and the laws of nature is God. We'll read the Bible. God says the militiamen have two responsibilities. Defense of the land against enemies foreign. That means armed defense as a member of the militia and defense of the law of the land against enemies domestic. That oath that office holders take here in America is over. Well, over a thousand years old. I found it repeated in a document going back to the time of Alfred, which had been in the eight hundreds. That's an ancient common law oath and it's the oath of the militiamen. We still use it. Our Constitution of the United States demands that every office, holder, state, and federal take it. And our Constitution of the United States calls itself the law of the land. What is that? Well, that means it's a brief, a slice of our common law of government. Our common law is the other the Magna Carta's phrase for it is law of the land. The word common law wasn't used when Magna Carta was penned. By the way, the guy that penned Magna Carta is the man that gave us our chapter divisions to our Bibles. Stephen Langdon. Our Christian tradition of chivalry and common law is ancient and necessary. It's not just ancient history. If we don't use it, if we don't use it, the abuse of women and children will continue to spend out of control. And as Magna Carta points out in the first 11 chapters, we got to take care of orphans and witters. That's what the Bible says. True religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this. Said James the Apostle in the Bible. True religion. True religion is religion good. Yeah, if it's the true one and if you haven't got religion and got the true religion, you're nothing but part of the problem. True religion before God and the Father is this, that we take care of orphans and widows. We care for orphans and widows. And that's what Magna Carta stresses up front. That's what chivalry is all about. And we have to keep reminding ourselves, in the days of Magna Carta, they had forgotten that. And Stephen Langdon, a consummate Bible student, they, for most Old Testament commentator of his day, directed Magna Carta and he makes that point right up front, he drafted it fast. And when things that are written that are worthwhile, they're usually done, well, as they said, America, the Declaration of the Constitution were drafted while the men that drafted it still had gunpowder hanging in their noses. They could smell the reek of it. Well, that's the way it was in England. Magna Carta was drafted. The Pope of Rome had positioned armies on the coasts to invade England. King John had hawked England up to three people, hawked it up, hawked the taxpayers up. That's what that means when government does that, indebted them to three people. The Islamic Sultan of Morocco, John said, give me a golden silver so I can fight the landholders of England. He said, I'll give you all the gold and silver you want. And just promise me you'll make all of England Islamic. Things haven't changed that way. And then he hawked himself up to the Pope of Rome. Pope of Rome said, I'll give you all the gold and silver you want to raise armies to fight your own people if you will make all of England my feet them. That means I get all the rents and rents and profits forever. He said, no problem, I'll do it. And then he'd hawked himself up to the Jewish, the Jewish mind lenders in England, the users to the tune of anywhere but from 43 and a quarter percent to 83 and a third percent annually. Three religions. It hawked himself up to the Roman religion, the Islamic religion, and the money lenders, the word Jewish and Magna Carta has a lot to say about the Jewish money lenders. This is just history friends. This is not anti anti-Semitism but to be against ARabs too, you know. There are some might's kids, sons of Abraham. Let's use our to see all this terminology to thrown around as false. Well, you want to speak truth the way God speaks to in the Bible Abraham was an Assyrian. Israelites are sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who God renamed Israel. That's Israelites. Arabs or Edomites and other people of different tribes of the Arab world are sons of Esau and on and on we can go. But let's just be precise here and what we're talking about as much as we can. That means what comes down to words. If you don't pay attention to the meaning of words, you don't care much for your life, liberty, or property because that's what is wrapped up in the meanings of words, life, liberty, and property. You don't care about it. You wouldn't care about words. We want to look at words, look at them close because we lose our lives of liberties and properties. What do they do to me? What do they do tomorrow? Let's get back to him. They twisted words against him. What the reptile do in the Garden of Eden? They twisted words against our grandma. Our sweet, our sweet grandma Eve. Eve, she wanted nutritious food for her family that was pleasant to look at and made a beautiful plate and she wanted her family to be healthy and wise. The serpent picked that natural inclination of the female, the species, and twisted it into something that will destroy her own husband. Her own husband, our grandpa Adam, he gave in to it, knowing exactly what he was doing. Eve didn't know she was orange-walled. So I say men are the problems in the beginning right on through. That's the theme of the Bible. My people, that's my militia, my men who are called by my name if they will humble themselves, not the women. The men humble themselves. Are men humbling themselves and pray? No, they're depending on the women to set up prayer chains. Is that going to help? Well, not in wrong with women, pray. It's a good thing for them, but it's not going to change the country. No men came out for the great set. I need three kinds of men to have a successful country. I need men that are willing to work. And I need men that are willing to pray. And I need men that are willing to fight. He understood 2nd Chronicles 714, way back there in the 9th century. The ladies, you do do what's right. It's so good you do what you, but understand God has set up the way he works things so that the men must humble themselves and pray before he's going to do anything. Men, get on your faces on the carpet, better yet, go out in the yard and the dirt and get on your face. Buy yourself and confess your sins to God, as many as you can remember. That's where it starts. You want to do something for your country? That's where it starts because the God of all war, our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the Bible, the sovereign of the universe, the creator of all things, the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, their control of everything. And unless they give the Word, it ain't going to happen. Man does not live by bread only. No, he lives by the Word of God that allows him to have bread, and if God don't speak, you don't even get nothing to eat. Give us this day our daily bread. It's a prayer that will be answered. God said, "He'll put out the Word and you'll get bread. He'll put out the Word and he'll save your country." Ladies, encourage your husband to go back to Navarro, so he's there. He just got out of prison. He shuffles onto the stage. Of course, he's happy to be of his wife, but he's not emotionally down to the ground yet, so he can pay attention to her like she needs him to. But he said, "Dad, be coming after you. If they come after me for what happened there, they'll come after you and I give you the same message. They come after me. They come after you. Don't think they can't. They'll destroy everything. Who did they in prison? The injustice system he called it." Oh, it's simple. You hear that said all the time, but have you experienced it? And when that happens, it's a sentence, not against the man they throw in prison. It's a sentence against his wife, and it's a sentence against his children. Do they give two hues and a holler and a barrel of horse manure? No, I softened that up a little bit. No, they don't care. They're bloodthirsty devils, and don't think they aren't. They're useful idiots or the devil himself, and some of them get into the lust of it. They love the blood. They love to kill. They love how the power gives them. Roger, you say something. I am. It's like a pack. They're like a pack of hyenas. Yeah. And there's no pride, no dignity, no desire for a fair fight. They are all actors, and they're actors that want to look like they're somebody. They ain't. That's why Jesus Christ said to the Pharise sites of his day, "Whoa, unto you. Hoople cratos." The Bible doesn't translate that word. It transliterates it. It doesn't tell us what it means. It just tries to reproduce the sound of the Greek word that Jesus Christ used that's recorded that he used. Hoople cratos. Hoople means under. Cratos means to answer. I was in, well, when I was running for office, I introduced, they asked me to introduce Charlton Heston. He was just getting started talking about the Second Amendment, and there was a fellow running for U.S. Senator there, and he held a big fundraiser for him, and they asked me to introduce Heston, well, I've gotten nervous about it, because I've never met any people that will know, and I don't suppose at that time. Well, I'd met maybe some senators and stuff. But I made a point. I read his autobiography, which had been written not too long before that, trying to think of something to say. I said, Charlton Heston has taught us, and he did. He was an actor that had an agenda to teach. He taught us that a world without heroes would be a land and depressing place, a world without heroes, and the evil empire wants to make the victim the hero. They don't want a Donald Trump kind of hero. They want a victim. They don't even want a Jesus Christ hero. They want a victim. You see the fellow that Trump appointed vice-president, what a running mate, he is a victim, and he's made famous because he wrote a book, "Elegia of a Hillbilly," kind of fascinating to me. His mother was from Kentucky, my mother's family from Kentucky, and it was a good move politically that he appointed, or that he took him as a running mate. Don't get me wrong, but recognize it appeals to the victim mentality, and that's the story of his life, victim mentality. He wrote a book about it. Ron Howard directed the movie they made about it. Understand what's going on in the world a little bit about the victim mentality. Well, I said Charlton Heston told us that a world without heroes would be a land and depressing place, and then he got up to speak, and he made the point. Well, I had said this, I had said this too. I said that the Democratic Party at that time, they were just trying to fool us. I said they're actors. They're actors, and Jesus Christ said, "Whoa," and to you, scribes and Pharisees, "stage actors," because that's what Hupo Kratos means, and their world, and the Greek tongue, their world for stage actor was Hupo Kratos. Why? Because Hupo means under, so preposition, the Greek preposition, is prefix to the word Kratos, which means to answer. Hupo Kratos means to answer, it's short for answer from behind the mask, answer from behind the mask, and Greek play actors, and that day held masks to their faces, then they could play up to three parts. They had a mask on one hand for one character, a mask on the other hand, for the other character, had a little handle on it, and then they could play a part without a mask, and every time they played a different part, they held the mask up to their face that applied to that part. "Whoa," and to you, scribes and Pharisees, play actors. These people you see that are in the evil empire, Biden, and all of them, they're just play acting, they're trying to, they're pretending to be people they aren't. Charlton Heston then stood up after I said that when he made his speech for the senator, and he said, you know, when my boy was in school, they did a little round robin when he started school in the first grade, and they said, "What is your daddy do? What is your daddy do? What is your daddy do?" And I asked my son, "Well, what did you tell him?" And he said, "I told him my daddy makes a living pretending to be other people. My daddy makes a living pretending to be other people." And Charlton Heston said, "That's dangerous." Well, he ought to know. He spent his life doing it and doing a pretty good job, but he was pretending to be other people. That's not really a healthy thing to do. I mean, I live in North Hollywood. I met a lot of people who are washed out movie actors. They were insane. They spent their whole lives pretending to be other people. Very dangerous. And Jesus, and you know, in that, what's that, Roger, go ahead. Good. No, I would just agree with you. Roger. Oh, sorry. Well, you know, in that world, just like in the South, just like in the South, damn Yankee used to be one word, damn Yankee. Well, in the ancient world, horrors, drunks, and play actors was one word too. If they wanted to criticize something, they'd put them in that category, horrors, drunks, and play actors, because play acting is dangerous. So you're pretending to be somebody you ain't will destroy your personality. That's not what God wants. Well, he said, "Woeing," he describes in Paris, he's play actors, and all of the evil empire, they admire people that can act like somebody they ain't. That's what they admire. Even in politics, Bill Clinton could could act. He could get by with things. And I remember the Democratic commentators admiring him because he pulled the wool over somebody. It's a political point. That's not what God wants. He wants us to be who we are. Hey, look at me. I am what I am. That's it. Like whole Popeye, go ahead. I was going to say, I remember somebody saying about Bill Clinton, he could get caught with a live girl or a dead boy and get away with it. It's because it's their culture to play act. The culture of the Pharisees and the Bible, that political party, was play acting. They were always acting like somebody they weren't. And I know we've all engaged in that. We've all wanted to be something more than we are. And we've all said, "Well, let's fake it till we make it," to some degree. Oh, that's not healthy. And as we grow older and become more mature, we should do that less and less and be who we are. And people will love you for it, friends. Listen, the Bible says that King David was successful in his kingship. We're talking politics here. Successful in his kingship because all of the militia of Israel, he went in and went out in front of all the militia of Israel. They knew everything about him. He didn't try to hide things. They loved him for it. That's the way we ought to be. Oh, they'll come after you. They'll try to make mince meat out if you ever tell the truth about yourself. But the truth is, God wants you to be who you are and do that, friends. Ladies, be ladies. Follow your instincts as women we want you to. Matter of fact, we like it. It makes the world a more interesting place for us men and men. Don't follow along after the women. No, no. Be a man. Do what you want to do. Oh, you're going to make mistakes. I heard somebody the other day say a story about the guy. He said, told him, because he told his fellow, he said, "Well, I can't believe you're as successful as you are." And he said, "How did you get to be that successful?" He said, "By making wise decisions." He said, "Well, you learn to make wise decisions. By making unwise decisions." He said, "Yeah, it's a way to make wise decisions. Hebrews by exercising your discernment, your ability to make decisions wisely, make decisions, men. Take control of your life." Oh, you'll take people off. You're going to sin. You're going to make mistakes. That's what God wants. Just remember this. If you're a Christian man, you don't fear hell anymore. If you make mistakes, just keep what God the Bible says to do. Take control of your jurisdiction. That's God's government. That's his kingdom. Can you see it? You have a jurisdiction. Eddie over here has her wives and husbands and children. That's where government is. Well, Roger, let me shut up. It's about a quarter-tail somebody got something. It is. I certainly want to open up the comments question. You are. I wanted to make the comment. No, I'm here. I wanted to make the comment. I'm talking about Charleston. No, no, no, no. Hang on a second. Brent, you got to move closer to the router again. Move closer to the router. Yeah, he was propped down. Well, he was perfect. He was perfect there for a while. Okay, there you are. Yeah, you got to stay closer to the router. Yeah, I remember hearing somebody that was introducing Charleston Heston in those days when you were. And the guy goes up and says, "How do you introduce Moses?" Talking about being somebody else. That's what the people said. They got up. You know, you had somebody introduce somebody to introduce somebody. And the man that introduced me said, "We've said that." He said, "Well, we've got to hear a guy here that is going to try to introduce Moses." I didn't say it, but he did. Yeah. Well, it's somebody to have him around. Yes, I can imagine. Well, let's see if anybody in the audience got something to add to the conversation here today. We'd love to hear from you. We don't have much time. Come on in and be be one of them kind of people. We'd love to hear from you. Brent, have we mesmerized the whole audience? There you go. There's a question. Yes, ma'am. Hello, we got two females, I think. Who's the one that said she had a question? She's first. That was me, Laura from Washington. I have changed my jurisdiction already, the state citizen of Florida, my birth date. But an officer, you know, was not interested in that and gave me a court date anyway regarding lack of a Washington license. So my question is, is there a way I can look up my status for them since they were refusing to look it up? I have my passport information. You could do a FOIA. I don't know how much good it's going to get. I tell you what, can you, Laura, can you call back in tomorrow? Because we'll have more time to deal with it and discuss it and find out the facts and everything. Because we're right at the end of today's show and today's kind of different with Brent, generally, on board. So we'll look for talking to you tomorrow, okay? All right, sweetie, thank you. Okay, thank you. Okay, was that Joan? Bye-bye. Was that Joan the other gal? There's two gals that one say something. I went to Laura because she was first. Who's the second gal, please? Hello, is that Joan? Yes, thank you. If Trump is considered the free speech choice for president, what about him saying anti-Semite should have death penalty? Well, I'm sorry that he has that opinion. Joan, you know, we're not going to find anybody perfect. Trump's the best we got, okay? And he's got that. He made decisions. He married his children into Jewish families, very wealthy Jewish families, her son and a daughter. He's got that idea. And I wish he really knew I'm not anti-Semite. The people that I don't like and that are running the show aren't Jews. And Jesus tells us that in Revelation 2, 9, and 3, 9. If you're not going to listen and take Jesus' word for it, where are you getting your information? Okay, so there's confusion there and I don't have an answer for that, Joan. I just wish it wasn't like that. But it's the way it is. He's the best we got. They hate him. And we're going to have to back him and hopefully God will change his mind or help him see the light. Thank you. Okay. Now, who else? Nobody else. I don't have a problem with the death penalty for anti-Semitism because the people that are the problem aren't semites. The Palestinians are semites and they're being attacked. The people that are the problem are descendants of Shem. Yep. So I think more power to you, more power to death to anti-Semites. I think what you do is you pray that Trump receives the real straight scoop on this bunch and they're chameleon-like tactics and who they are and all that. Let's hope that happens. You might prefer that, Joan. Ironman, quick. Brent brought up the essential involvement of males only in the establishment and maintenance of valuable institutions. Now, with a female Commander-in-Chief coming at you next week in the person of Kamala Harris, followed by Michelle Obama, who will take the oath on excuse me, on January 25th. Excuse me, January 20th of 25. I've got my numbers twisted. Anyway, that being the case, can you suggest a modus operandi, Brent, for males in a degraded situation where your Commander-in-Chief is a female, not only in the person of Kamala Harris, but also in the person of Michelle Obama. Was that a question? That's Michael. Michelle Obama, that's Michael. Michael, big Mike. What has he got between his legs? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what's between Michelle's legs. It doesn't matter what's between her legs. She's coming at you as Commander-in-Chief. How can we, as real men, sustain our self-worth with two consecutive females in the position of Commander-in-Chief? I'll give you an idea. Number one, get on your face before God, like it says in Chronicles, and humble yourself before Him as a man. That's the first thing you do. You don't have to humble yourself before anybody else, but you humble yourself before Him. That's the first thing you do. I say that to old men. If you haven't done that, you better get with it. You're the problem. I don't care about your political positions. I don't care about all your bravado. It means absolutely nothing. You're an effeminate if you don't do that. What is effeminate? See, the Bible defines it. It's all there. If we come on back, then the second thing is, I would recommend this. This is important. Now, there was a man in Scotland named John Knox, and he wrote the first two writings called the first and second blast of the trumpet. I think it's called the first blast of the trumpet and the second blast of the trumpet. He was a, of course, a Bible student. Maybe one of the translators of the Geneva Bible, John Knox. He was exiled to keep his head getting chopped off, exiled to Geneva, and him and seven other English-speaking men from England and Scotland translated the Bible into English. Mary Queen of Scots outlawing. He realized the whole country was with him, so it came back, because nobody was going to kill him or bring him in dead or alive. He requested a meeting with Mary Queen of Scots at Holyrood Castle and later on the line for her. He also wrote the first and second blast of the trumpet, which were treatises, biblical treatises, against why a woman, namely Elizabeth, daughter of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Mary Queen of Scots should not be Queen of Scotland and England. And great biblical detail. Like this is a new idea, and we've not plumbed the depths of it. Oh, those fellas back under reformation plumbed the depths of the Bible and did a very good job. But John Knox, by the way, was good friends with Queen Elizabeth I, but he laid it on the line to her. No, Queen Elizabeth I. It's just God's judgment. It's God's judgment on us when these things happen. Are you going to reject God's judgment? No, you don't reject the judgment. You do something about it. What does he want? He wants you to change your behavior. That doesn't mean grab a gun and go raise a militia and say you're going to fight the Democrats. That doesn't, that's not what it means. It means you fall on your face before him and you get it straight and you keep it straight. You see there, if you're a Christian man, you're free from hell forever. But that doesn't mean you're free indeed. Jesus Christ says he, who the Son has freed, is free indeed. In other words, there's a difference as a Christian man between position and practice. And your position before your maker is absolutely perfect because it's Jesus Christ's righteousness, not yours, that God is applying to your account. But as a practical matter, you're not perfect. You're so far from it. It's stickening and me too, all of us. But God wants us on that path of discipline to learn the laws of nature and the laws of nature's God apply them and do them. Only God can take us out of the slavery to Jezebels. Jezebels, again, will Jezebel suffer? Yes, Jezebels will suffer. God will judge them. But who's responsible? Ultimately men are. You know, they're men in Congress promoting the draft for women, promoting the draft for women, sending women, their daughters and their wives and their nieces in their place to go catch bullets and trap them. That's sick. That's cravenly, cowardly attitude. And that's what they've got and calling themselves men. They look like men. They talk like men, but they. And how do you be a man? How do you be a man? You humble yourself before God and confess your sins, your shortcomings and allow him to get you on the path. That means you learn and you safeguard. And if you learn, you will safeguard and do God's law. What is the law? Law is the will of the sovereign. He is the sovereign and his will is law. And we're at the end of the time here. Thanks for bringing that up. Just worry about well, there we go and get away from all the indignation and be addicted to indignation, the paralysis of analysis. Let's get on with it. And we know what the problem is. Let's do something about it. This is Brent Winters. Brent Winters, Brent Allen Winters., Join us for our course, Sheriff Darleaf and I are a course on the Bill of Rights that helps us. I think it'll help you. Oh, you know, Brent, we had a gallon from Barrow County from his county this week. Send him notice. Yes, send him notice and all that stuff is kind of interesting. Yep, sure did. Okay, folks. Well, it's the end of the regular week, of course, and we always appreciate Brent being with us and his comments and he's a very learned man if you hadn't figured that out yet. So a lot of wisdom and we like to hear what he has to say. And we have liked what you had to say for many years now, Brent. So I appreciate you and I know the audience does too. We'll be back tomorrow. And as usual, although I have a implant appointment this afternoon, so hopefully I'll be in good shape. Okay. And we'll see you tomorrow. We'll answer the ladies' question about call from Washington State and all that kind of stuff. And we'll have that show tomorrow. So hopefully you'll join us. And if not, we'll be back next Monday. And we'll see you either then tomorrow or next Monday, then see you. Just a heck of a time. It appears the Lord's doing working behind the scenes and in the front of the scenes pretty heavily, Brent. I don't think anybody or even enemies couldn't identify what happened as divine intervention. Well, God's sovereign in control of everything, whether we understand it or not. I'm glad you brought up about your implant appointment and I'm hoping, of course, and praying that that'll be successful. Is it just on one ear? It should be. No, and that's not one on a ear, a ton of tooth. Yeah, just one tooth. Oh, okay. Yeah, and it's an eye tooth that came out a while back. And I've been going around. I got some others out and I looked like Joe Snacklepuss from the back 40. And so at least this will alleviate a little bit of that. And then it's just this continuing thing of not taking care of my teeth when I was young. It's my fault. I take full responsibility. It's me. Yeah, I didn't learn how to do it as opposed to either, but and that my mom didn't try. But I got my teeth. I'm okay. Well, thank you, Rod. You're appreciated. Oh, always a pleasure, Brent and Francine. We always love to have Miss Francine over here. And we'll hopefully see you next Friday and see what develops between now and then it's a fast moving environment. It's target rich. Yeah, I would encourage men, men, as opposed to ladies, to comment more on this show. I always get a couple of gals chime in, but I want to hear what the men have to say. We had one fella. Brett, Brett, can I ask you a question? Yeah, I've been dying to ask you. First of all, I wanted to clarify. You're absolutely right, Brett. Roger was. You are a national treasure. God is first. That's a given. When I said I love Trump, I like him. I don't know him personally, but I respect what he does. But you talked about Jezebel and how she had killed what was it? 450 prophets of God. Who was it that killed Jezebel? Can you talk to that? Well, yeah, Elijah killed the prophets of Jezebel. He chopped their heads off. My mighty act. And then he grew afraid of Jezebel. Jezebel was pushed out of a window and died. You can go read about it in the Bible. And the dogs licked up the blood. The dogs licked up her blood. Yeah. And she sat in the window and had had had, as my great-grandma Douglas used to say, gussied herself up. She she was probably she was a looker. At least she thought he was. She got a lot what she wanted in life just to parade in her body and her looks. And but she was a murderous old city. And she was setting up in the window. I remember this that part of the story and trying to look pretty, had her hair all fixed up a certain way it's had. And long came a fella and knew that she was evil, showed her out of the window and she hit the deck and killed her. The dog came and licked up her blood. That's the how she died. Yeah, that happened. That's what happened to them. Other Jezebel. Right. I think he pushed throughout the window and decided, you know what, before I bury, I'll go eat something. You can kind of see that in some people that are in politics. Yeah, they didn't care one way. Yeah, that's right. And that's why politics is politics played out to a natural conclusion is bloodshed. Always. If the people in politics can't get what they want, they take it that far. And it can get so brutal that it just thousand and thousand people are slaughtered. That's what's going on in the Ukraine. That's not necessary. What happened in the United States at our war, our internal war. That's what happened in World War II. My father was at the Battle of Okinawa, the largest battle of the war. 7,000 sailors died and that many marines and the whole object of the battle was to make it as bloody as gory and slaughter as many Americans as possible. They knew they could win the war. Same thing happened in the south when they went very long after Gettysburg, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson and those other generals, Longstreet, they knew they could win the war and they set down and they set a policy. We're going to slaughter like animals as many of these union soldiers that we can. Bloody or the better, the bloodier the better. And that's what they did. They knew they couldn't win. They wanted to just discourage the north. That's no way to fight. If you know you're going to lose, you know, especially your own people, that was not the right thing to do. There's no justification for Americans doing that to each other. I don't care what anybody says. That whole war was unnecessary and evil. Evil. 700,000, almost 700,000 African Americans. God help us. And that's what those, that's what, hey, go ahead, Roger. Brent, I think I can prove, I think I can prove to you when you look at the operation of the 13th and 14th amendment, how they were installed, that that war was fought to bring this system in with those two pieces of the amendments. Because these people knew what they were doing and it controls the world 100 years later from what they did that day. There's never been any kind of clear cut definition on what started that war. It's been bugging me my whole life. I'm from that part of the world. Okay. And, uh, and now I think I finally found the answer and I believe I can prove it to you in the way those two were written, how they were put into the Constitution and how they operate today. So maybe one of these days, you have to do that. I'd love to show it to you. Well that, oh, well, you've done that on this show before you can do it again. That's, I mean, it's good to consider, go back and reconsider the amendments to the Constitution and that one, you're talking about the 14th, I take it. And the 13th, the 13th sets it up, and it's constitutional. And 13th is not the work together. Yes. And others after the Bill of Rights, just plain unconstitutional, contrary to the whole purpose of the Constitution of the United States. But, um, the same thing happened. And, um, um, Paul English came on a few weeks back. And I had an opportunity to ask him questions and he, uh, was forthright, but he made the point that really he didn't say it this way. But this is what I took from what he said. The Civil War of around 1640 and beyond was the same thing. 80,000 dead men in England and in Scotland, 80, 80,000 in a country, uh, the whole island of only about 5 million people. That's a lot of dead men. For what? Yep. For what? Who orchestrated that? And it's orchestrated on both sides by the useful idiots and minions of the evil empire. Some of them, bad to the bone, know what they're doing to bankers. They, on the international level, they got to figure it out. And from that then came, of course the usury came back to England. It's all the evil empire picks up pieces of, they create confusion and out of the confusion of bloodshed and the craziness of war, and it is confusion, war. And people say, what, what were, just like you have a fight with your wife or ladies have a fight with your husband. If you ever had this happen, then you stop after it just gets escalated to a point that makes everybody feel bad. Then you ask yourselves, what's it, what are we fighting about? And you can't really put your finger on it. Don't tell me it hadn't happened to you if you've been married in the length of time. That's what happens to countries. And Roger just said, I can't even figure out how this thing started. Well, I can point to many things that used on both sides to full men, many things. But not all of them, I don't know all of them, but I can point to a lot. And there was no reason for any of it. And I know, including, we talk about the taxation and all that, but even Sam Houston, and Bret Senators and Bret Hart from Missouri, Sam Houston from Texas said, no, no, no, no, don't do this to the point that they both lost their reputations and their home states and lost their careers. They went out with knives in their backs after all of that accomplished because they believed it. No matter how bad things get, don't do this. And I'm of that opinion as well. Things can get pretty bad. Is there a time to fight? Yes. When is it? Well, we've got the definition right in the Declaration of 76. He tells us when the time comes to fight, when a long train of abuses and usurpation pointing invariably to, I forget the words, tyranny, tyranny, tyranny. Yeah. And then even, yeah, but the idea, a long train, that means one thing after another, all going in the same direction and pointing toward the same thing, men are patient and they'll put up with it for years. But once they have that much evidence, then they need to say, no, I'm not going to be a part of your government. Now, is that a call to violence? No, that's still not a call to violence, Roger. And no place in the Declaration of 1776. Can you hear that, gentlemen? Let's see if he's still there, right? He must have stepped away from the router again. There you are. Oh, yeah, you got to stay close to that router, dude. Yeah, you'll be able to stay on the side of this hill. I'm running around here back and forth. I look like a chick with my head shut off. I can do a lot of things at once. I didn't know I could do, but we're back here. And if somebody said something, you got cut off at the Constitution of 1786. Oh, no, you've got the Declaration of Independence. There's no saber rattling or even a hint of it in the Declaration of 76. And even when it says where we throw off these governments after a long train of abuses and usurpations covering decades, now we're justified and say, no, we're separating ourselves. But even in separating themselves, there's still no call to arms. There are no threats to be violent. But if anybody comes and tries to kill you, destroy your family, burn down your towns, incite the merciless, I'm quoting the Declaration of 76, incite the merciless Indians tribes against us. That's just one example. And they tried to infest the slave population of America with smallpox in order to destroy the militia of the American states. They did all those things instead of protecting the colonies, which was the duty of the British army and navy. They tried to destroy them. They said, well, we're not going to do that anymore. Obviously, you don't like us, even though we are kinfolk, you don't like us. So we're out of here. Now, as that's saying too much, does there come a time in a man's family when he says, that's enough? No, you're no longer part of my family. The answer is yes. I think it's Matthew chapter 10. Even those of your own household will be your enemies. That's what Christianity does to people. That's really true. But at what point does it come to violence? Don't let yourself be the one that begins to violence. No, suffer like a declaration of 76 lays out the standard. Be willing to suffer abuses for a while. Be long suffering. Be long suffering. That doesn't mean you let other people enter your jurisdiction and destroy your jurisdiction and impede you from the jurisdiction that God has delegated to you. You don't do that, but you use minimal violence. You do not fight on instinct. That's not your job, man. Your job is to fight on purpose. If you have to, meeting force with force, force with force, that doesn't mean too much. That's what our laws always said. Enough to stop a man. I've had a friend in the Marine Corps. He'd been 32 years in the Marine Corps. His name was, I won't say his name, but he had been shot in the hip and he was crippled. Shot in the hip someplace over there in the Arab world. I don't know where it was. 32 years. And we got to talking about, he was about my age. We got to talking about Hawaii. Well, he was stationed in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor. I was too, and we got to talking about that. And he got to talking about, he was assigned, you know, the Navy is a Marine Corps bodyguards for the commanding officers. And he was bodyguard for sink pack fleet, the seventh fleet, we folded there and all that. And that one big headquarters building, he's got all those 20 millimeter holes in it where the jap shot it up. They didn't ever fix them. They just left it that way. And he was in the hallway. It's supposed to be, and I had a 45 caliber pistol back then, not a nine millimeter protecting the admiral. He said a high ranking officer came in and and wanted to see the admiral. He said, well, sir, I don't have authority to let you see him right now. He said, well, I'm going in right now. He said, if you do, I will stop you. He said, you will. He said, yeah, I will. And he said, well, you're going to try to kill me. He said, no, I don't think I'll try to kill you, but I'll stop you. He said, I'll blow your knees apart if you try to enter. I'm not here to hurt anybody, but I got to do what I got to do. I got to follow orders. And the Marine will do that if they're trained properly. And most of them used to be out there. And more, you got a lot of transvestites and stuff. And the Marine Corps of musical young boys that come in. That's how ugly it is. But he made the point he didn't want to kill somebody. And buddy, if he had to meet force, he had to do what he had to do to do his job. And he was willing to do it. He'll disable the man if he has to. Of course, he had specific orders about that. That's the way men are supposed to be. They're not supposed to try to just be bloody to be bloody. You know that in the movie, Patriot, with Mel Gibson at the end, he kills all those after they kill his boy, he kills all those, all those British soldiers and then him and his boys. And then he gets bloodthirsty and just won't start stopping packing the last one up with his atomic hog. That was ugly. That shouldn't have been in the movie. That's a bad example for young young men and older men. You don't let your... No, no, that was evil. Everything that comes out of Hollywood is no good and twisted. That was evil to set that kind of example. I remember Hollywood will always do that. Don't do that. Men, that's not what we'd do. Just let ourselves go and be bloodthirsty. Never. God says he'll get you if you do that. There are rules to warfare, and the Bible lays them out real clear. And torture and bloodlust is not one of them. It's not the way to fight. No men are to fight on purpose. Men are to be trained, well-trained, to deliver violence effectively, but improper measure given the circumstances. And to be ready to, God help us. What is manhood? We don't even know anymore. Don't have a clue. Here we are suffering the judgment of God. That doesn't mean give up. That means do what God says. Back to you, Roger. Now we've got to get men strong again and go into the next phase. Strong men make good good cultures, and we're going through the transition right now. Yes, Roger is in wonder. They hate DJ Trump. Yeah, DJ Trump presents whether what he does, and he presents to the world a picture of manhood. Now how true it is, I don't know. Well, I tell you what, and I was going to ask you about what you think about the photo with the fist, that they're saying, "surplancy wojima photo." And the Democrats are so apoplectic about it, they're blaming him for creating a photo op. That's your dollar. He's encouraging violence and bloodshed by holding up his fist like that. I've heard that. All right, come on. Just silly or hobble attention to that kind of talk. They rabs. They rabs have a saying, Roger. An old ancient saying, and the saying goes like this, the camels walk and the dogs bark. The camels walk and the dogs bark. And the camels, of course, carrying the load, the caravan, the dogs bark at them, but camels don't pay attention to barking dogs. Apparently, I've never been over there. I've heard that. And we don't need to pay attention. All their racket. Just get away from it. Try to shut them off. You can shut them up, shut them up, but otherwise just let them go. They're nothing but yapping hyenas. That's all they are. Well, all they're doing is exposing themselves, you know, when they make comments like that. And God bless DJ Trump. He's obviously got the Lord's hand on him. I mean, look what he's been through. Okay, I wonder how many of us could even take one smidgen of the pressure he's been under with all these attacks on him for all these years. It's been eight years now. Okay, they've been on him. And just very interesting times, very interesting times. He's an exceptional guy. I remember before he walked down that escalator to declare his candidacy, hell, everybody loved him. He's a TV star and forceful and manly and built this huge empire, even though his daddy left him a little to start it, you know, but he's just an exceptional guy. I go back to the point of all they put him through. They can't find one dirty thing on him. Not one. All right, I don't know how many other men in the country could undergo that kind of scrutiny and come out clean like that. Okay, so exceptional guy. I know there's people that don't like him. I've never been able to figure out why really. Oh, I hate that SOB. Well, why? What do you do? He's only done good things. He's never gone out and besmirched people. He, you know, I mean, he's just led a heck of a life. And he's a heck of a guy. I got a lot of admiration for him. The town. You want to leave us alone? Go ahead. What's that? MERS got something to add here. What about the Talmud? The Talmud, yeah, tells them to. That's why. And they push it continuously. Of course they do. But, you know, before before that day, he came down the elevator and declared himself a candidate. You know, I said anything but nice things about him. As far as I know, he was highly respected. And boy, they turn on him real quick. Yeah, and that was even like forecasted in the in the Simpsons where the poster drops behind the glass wall and everything, you know. So they're scripting things. They kind of know what they're going to put in there. But he is the only one. Now they some try to say he's a pedo, but I don't think he is. He's the only one from the research I've been doing here quite a bit of to be going truly going after the satanic pedophile. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Brandon, did you hear the first? Did you hear the first of the show about all the puts? I don't know if you were on with us when I was talking about that, that they found, you know, all the shorts on his, his holding company that holds true social. That's what they were shorting. Did you hear that? Oh, no, huh. That's that's a sure sign. It was real. 35 million. 35 million. Did you hear their nail trying to say it was a fluke that they only shorted a thousand dollars. And you can go to the records and see the the actual numbers on there, plus a number of other Jewish organizations. But this big one out of Austin is something wealth group. The bushes have some sort of involvement. It's a Soros organization, and they take and redistribute money to operations like the ADL, etc. And they're the ones that had 35 million shorts. 35 is one of the biggest shorting operations in the history of Wall Street. And there were other they did it for 12 days. There were other Jewish organizations that did it too. So anyway, a lot of stuff's coming out, man. They're caught dead rights. So we'll see. That was called Austin Private Wealth. Austin Private Wealth. That's it. Yes, we're in Roger. Did I hear today from somebody that Biden has dropped out of the race? Is that true? He may. He may. He made the announcement if he had a some sort of an illness diagnosed by a doctor, he could drop out. And then a couple hours later, he came out with the announcement that he's been diagnosed with COVID. And he flew from the Nevada, I believe, where he was, and flew to Delaware, and that's where he is now. So it gives him an excuse to to drop out now. Yeah, he hadn't got any COVID. He just trying to find a way out. The leaders of the Democratic Party want him out clearly. And we'll just have to see what happened. So what about this? There's a number of scenarios. There's a couple of scenarios floating around that are very interesting. A couple of them involve both of them involved the Obamas, one of them of Barack and the other Michelle. And what if they run Kamala Harris, who's not qualified to run because she's not a natural born citizen, she's not qualified to be in the office, she's in for four years. And they run Barack Obama in as vice president, and then have her resign. Yeah. Oh, they're they're in a step in a fetching like their hair is on the fire in the bucks or catching. Sure. And they don't have much time. There's several swing states that they've got ballot problems on if they don't do something in the next couple of days. So they're under that gun, too. Well, Roger, thank you again. I better go. Okay, Brent's got to go. He's facing on the side of the hill. We'll see you next week, Brent. Well, we love you. Hey, Brent. Hey, thanks. Brent, thank you. Brent, thank you. Okay. Okay, he's gone. Now, I'm going to feel a couple. I'm going to thank you, Brent. Have a good week. Okay. Anybody got anything for me? It's Terry. And I just have a question. Kamala Harris has to be part of the presidential run, so they can use the booty collected already provided. Isn't that it? It doesn't go to her. No, it in this instance, if he steps down, they've got to give that those donations back to the original donor, then they can do a deal with it, what they can. They can't just hand it over her. Oh, okay. I thought since they were a duo, so to speak, that if we're transverse over it, that's not. No, no. Thank you. But the Dems have got a whole lot of problems. And the other solution is they're talking about putting Kamala at front and either Michelle Obama or God forbid Hillary Clinton as a vice president. So we don't know which one of those. Oh, yeah. They don't know which one of those three we'll find out together here as we go forward. But it appears they're going to make a change. Okay. Anybody else? Well, just to further that, Joe Gilbert did put out a new documentary about the show and that she has set the stage and she's walked the same path that Obama did in 2007. Like she introduced Biden in 2020 at the DNC. Supposedly, she doesn't want to have anything to do with politics is what the word is. So, we'll see. Are we pretending? This Joe Gilbert is a Jew and he's just like does stuff the same with the dreams of my real father. There's a lot of truth in it, but there's a lot of lies. Same thing with this. I don't know, Mer, we're all going to find out together. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. I'm not sure you do. The guy that went back and did the whole documentary on her and went back and went over her whole childhood in Chicago. He never said anything about her being a man. So, we don't know. You don't know either, even though you think you do. Don't believe you're stinking eyes. He's not isn't this. We're not dealing with Billy Hicks here, Mer. Okay. So, I'll see you tomorrow. Happy birthday, Monday. Yeah, Bill. Well, I'll be here tomorrow, whatever you want to do is your choice. Okay. But, Mer, you were real adamant about that Jones is Billy Hicks for a long time, and that never came out in any of these trials or anything else. And you know, damn well, if that was true, it would have. Okay. So, you're sometimes, sometimes your stay, sometimes your stances are not as firm as you think they are. Mer, okay. I'll see you on the market. All the time, the courts are crooked. All right. Thank you very much. Roger still there. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Did Mert leave? Yes. Okay. Well, you know, I just have a question. And if what she says is true about Joel Gilbert, is that maybe possibly paving the way speaking into existence that Michelle Obama will be the nominee for the Democratic Party, and that it's just as it being spoken into existence and us believing it in therefore making itself. I don't know. But I'm with Mer, it's Michael. Right. It does seem strange. But maybe that's a ploy too. I don't know. Maybe that was all faked. Who knows? I don't know. Why would they fake Ed and parts to him when he was pretending to be a woman? It's big Mike, and I mean big. Yeah, no shit. Very noticeable, especially when he was gross. I don't know how to talk that if they choose to. So, all I'm saying is that who knows what to believe anymore? Well, I personally don't want to go find out. All I want to say is when it comes to politics with their agenda, it's very well planned out way ahead of any time that we think it is. So they've always had plans. And as far as Biden, all of a sudden, possibly getting out, it's all part of their plan. They make plans even decades ahead of time. Yeah, someone said on Jeff Prince last night, they couldn't let Biden speak in Vegas. He might have opened his mouth about what really happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. That's why they wouldn't let him speak. So that's why they said he came down with COVID and sending back to Delaware. Of course, they had to eat COVID, which has not even been an isolated virus. I agree. It's an excuse. Kathleen, many families went along with that. And do you know how many barbecues and family functions for cancel as a good excuse not to have to deal with family or funerals? -Actually, 1990s they made an African card tell you everything about what's going on right now. -Yes. Just another way to keep the fake COVID out there in front of everybody for perpetually for who knows how long forever. They're so stupid. Joan, you should hear from, I think her name is Jan C. What's up, Lindsey. And they were having a scene with him. And she thought the most powerful scene. I don't know what that noise is. Is the head of HHS. You Sarah? Who Sarah? And he's an attorney. He's not even a doctor. And they already have the powers. We're in emergency powers until 2028 for Marburg. -Except nationals are not. -Nationals are not. -Correct. But I don't know. Does a restraining order, words on a piece of paper, protect a woman in danger? You know, the principal is there. I get that Joan and there's purpose for it. -I hear you. I hear you. You're talking about that meme that's been going around. We've got a picture of late teens, early 20s girls carrying an AR-15. The caption reads, "Fathers, teach your daughters how to shoot because a restraining order is just a piece of paper." -Yeah, I saw that. Ironic it. It's absolutely true. -Yeah, it's- -You guys gonna sit here in the wine problem? Are you going to talk about prepping? -Well, I wasn't whining. I was just making a comment. -Well, I was mainly getting on them, but you happened to pop into the picture. -Oh, okay. So I'm guilty by association. Okay. Now I see how this is going to work. -No, you just happened to pop in. -Just kidding. Just getting a hard time, right? -Well, I would consider it whining, Brent. I would just be putting forth out what the true situation is, and a lot of people aren't aware of it. -Well, the one effect you can have on that truth is your defense. -How do you force them to recognize it, Brent? -You don't force them to do anything. Somebody comes after you, you put the dog down. -Okay, fair enough. -You try and take care of your square, and maybe a couple of squares around you and stuff. That's all you can control. I want to see you guys an old age, or at least talk to you. Then we have to make plans to get you there. We know what they want to do to us. Our job is for them to fail doing it miserably. How are you going to do that? They want to starve you. They want to drug you. They want to do all kinds of crap to you. -Yupers. -Okay, guys. I'm going to take us. I'm going to take us off. -Before you go, Paul, may I just reiterate what Brent said. Girls are supposed to cry. Boys aren't. Fair enough. That's just in our defense, Brent. -Well, these new kids nowadays, even into their 30s, cry. -What do you mean we can have feelings? -Oh, Sherry. -Yeah. I mean beyond what we were like at a funeral and in certain events, yeah, it's cool for a guy to maybe shed a tear or two and wipe it off real quick so no one sees it. But these suckers go and out and out cry like a girl and nothing on y'all. It's not befitting them. -On TV, too. It's weird. -Oh, Sherry. -I'll tell you this and I don't admit to this at any time usually. I watch that movie, The Sound of Freedom, and that one, it was like uncontrollable stops. That movie tore your ass up. At least it tore me up. Okay. And the part where the part that really got me, the other parts could have got me before, but when the girls were singing and the guy asked, "Oh, what's that?" And he said, "That's the sound of freedom. That tore my ass up." And then afterwards also, the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis. Some of that got me. But that was only wipe a tear and uncool. But, you know, there's certain little things. -Well, I think it's okay for a man to cry, particularly the loss of a loved one, a parent. I mean, it's a true emotion, but I think the difference is, you know, a man just being weak and, you know, just not having a backbone and just not being a man. I think it's a big difference. -Yeah. And in Hollywood, they notoriously feminize men and make men, you know, weaker of the species, and I'm just so tired of it. I mean, it's hard to find a man in this day and age that has a backbone. That's why you see a lot of foreigners, staying with females. Women don't know how to be woman. I mean, men have lost their spher ovaries. Females, they feel independent and run all over their men. And we shouldn't be doing that. That's not biology. That's not how God set us up. And I loved Brent Show last Friday. I mean, it just hits the nail in the coffin. You know, but they're doing this on purpose because they want the female to, you know, have a say over the females. And that's the way it should be. And same with that shooting. What in the world were two females? They're protecting Trump. I know one has plenty of extra weight to do it, but she didn't have the height. They don't have the strength that a man has. -Feminism. -I know. I can't stand it. Women should not be in, what do you call that, security. Or in the military, in the front lines, I wouldn't want a woman trying to protect me. I would want a man. I mean, they're very different. They just are naturally stronger. -Right. Well, it's probably going to end up in a red Don type of deal. You'll get your taste. Women in general, not you personally. Well, you might. I also think men make better leaders. Men make better. Well, I mean, mainly leaders. I mean, females can be really good managers. I think men definitely make better leaders. -And husband. -Yes. Well, there's some women that make really good decisions. It depends on how they were raised and what have you, you know. But then there's a lot that where did that come from? I'm sure you've seen it. I hope we don't end up getting one of those female candidates trying to run this country. Oh, it'll be a farm time. You'll get to put a lot of things into practice. Yeah, practicing with our AR-15. -Well, I didn't say that. I just said you would get a lot of practice. And if any of you who aren't on my email list, if you're friends with some of the people who are who are on here, like Barry and Paul, you can ask them for some of the books that I've sent out. They'll do you well, like on how to pre-position or cast things for later use. I'd like to get on your email list. Um, are you on a phone or what device do you want? Uh, well, everybody knows my email address anyway. Let me see who's on here. Paul can also send it to me. Well, are you ready to write? Um, I can put it on my phone notes. Hold on. Okay, I'll say it and then I'll spell it. It's spelled And just put me subject who it is. Just put my name in the subject line and the national group. Yeah. The It's Y-a-m-a-g-o-m-o-r-i1958. Yeah. Yamagomori. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'll put you on my mailing list and I'll send out some of the things I've previously sent out. There's always some stragglers, so I always do a straggle up email to people I missed. And you can learn such things as government grade driving on about four hours of video. The government grade driving? Yes. Like CIA driving, the way they drive, when shit comes to get. You mean how to spot them basically? No, no. How to drive, how to do the shit they do in movies, but it's how they really do it. And it's by a former CIA guy. That's pretty neat. I got the shit. If you haven't sent that one to me, please do. This is Annette. I think I did send it to you. Cool, cool. Okay. I need to get back into my Yahoo account, which, don't worry, I will. I just haven't yet. Okay. I've got some jewels out there. They want me to come into work today at one, and I have to finish cutting my hair because my Clippers lost power last night. Oh, is your power back on? My power's always been on. Oh, yeah, that was out from last Thursday, not yesterday, but the previous Thursday to Saturday afternoon. Oh, mercy from a store? No, from old parts in corrosion of a wire. Are you able to fix it? Go ahead. Yeah, I found the I found the crucial part and the friend came over and fixed the wire and a sweat. Oh, no. And it's back up and running. What state do you live in, Brent? I'm in Las Vegas. Oh, my God. Did you do it? COVID? We have the Biden night out here. What'd you do if you didn't have power or staying cool? Live with it. There is one email I sent out, and it's from that CIA guy. It sent it out about two weeks to go now, and it's on how to make your own spoiler deal, the dollar generator. And depending on what you spent, it could be the equivalent of these $5,000 deals that people have. So that's innovation right here. And you can run your house. Well, the only thing is I don't trust that when the government was giving those discounts for people getting solar. And I think that they've got in the solar panel, you know, that smart technology that could literally wipe out your house when they do. Oh, yeah. Well, this ain't that stuff. These are components you buy and configure them, and you have your own deal. So, my mom, she was thinking she was doing good for herself, and she got some solar panels. I think it was like $20,000, $25,000. Let's see. I think it was either like $7,000 discount or higher than that, you know, not not, you know, anyway. I'm not sure how much, but it was a significant from the government. Well, they told her, "Oh, you're going to have power when the power goes up, and it's wrong. That's only if you get batteries, and the type of inverter does not have the ability to hook up to batteries." So, anyway, so they sold her a bill of goods, basically. So, when there's power out, she's out of luck. She has to go to that area. She can make work around. She can make a night switch to cut her off from their power, because you don't want to backfeed into their system. You need to disconnect, and then, you know, have your setup, and also, you can make, you know, connections to a battery bank, but it's going to need to be well-ventilated. Okay. Yeah. Probably have a plan. Well, first they could have a sheet. Go ahead. When they're planning their grid takedown, at some point, they could do a huge power surge that'll take out a lot of people's solar, etc. Well, if you kind of get into that beforehand, you can disconnect. Yeah, but we're not going to really know. However, people can get surge protectors, and I would recommend anybody that has solar to do a surge protector on it. Expensive ones. You want the ones that, you know, do it like in nanoseconds or faster. The EMP shield. Yep. That would be the class. And they make them for your cars as well. Well, the best thing for a car is to have a 1986 or older car. That way, you ain't even got to deal with it. You might have to change your point. That's about it. And make sure you have a good supply of those. No, we don't. We own seven of them. EMP shields. Hey, Britt, what's your point? What do you mean by point? I haven't heard the car. In your distributor, there's a little electrical gadgetry. It's a wire and kind of a Morse code type of deal in there. And as your engine spins the distributor, then, you know, it has your points moving mechanically. And that's what fires your spark plugs. They were maybe what, back in the day, they were like maybe three to five bucks per set. And you said 1986 or older? Yep. Okay. They don't have computers in them. Oh, okay. There are mods that you can put in those that have transistorized emissions. So, beware that you may have an electronic module in your distributor. It can't be converted. It's 72 old cars. I didn't have that. It's 72 and older for GM cars that are points. 73, they went to electronic ignition. Really? Yeah. With the module and they're still better than the new stuff that's computerized, but you better have a couple spare modules with you. Yeah, it's still friable. Put your module in a Faraday cage. Your spare module. And not just one. What the module led to getting expensive. Module is an electronic device that replaces the points and condenser in the distributor. Oh, thank you. And a lot of those older vehicles have General Motors that my East has been converted from points and condenser to an electronic module. The swap out's pretty easy. And if you have one that has an electronic module in it, you can take and swap out for a swap out distributor for one with points and condenser in it. The only one said HEI. And not to jump subjects, but this is a necessary jump. Get your NBC capabilities up to snuff. Failure is not an option in that. If you live in a big city, especially, they're going to be throwing tear gas and all kinds of crap. And if you've ever been exposed to it, you're going to wish you weren't. Because you ain't going to be able to handle that truth. Honjo. I'm assuming you're talking about gas now. That may correct. And NBC stands for nuclear biological chemical. Nowadays, officially, but they always refer to in BC. They call it CBRN.