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USA Organic Republic Health Call

1h 53m
Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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Hi, I'm Paul from Global Voice Radio Network, and this is the USA Organic Republic Health Call for Thursday. Just a quick reminder, this program is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease and should not be considered medical advice. Viewers and listeners are urged to consult their own local health professionals. For more information on the topics discussed, please go to You will find there all of the information to be able to join us on the calls to join us on the shows. There is a call on Tuesday and a call on Thursday. They both happen at 8.30pm Eastern time and I can't wait to get started with tonight's show. So with that being said, without further ado, let's get this party started. This is Health and Wellness Radio, spiritually, physically and emotionally. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. The recording has started. Good evening, Phyllis. How you doing today? Good evening, ladies. I'm doing fine. Just having technical issues with my equipment here. So if I cut in and out, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm still getting help from the Verizon folks. And they're not always right on point with my problem. Right. Yeah. Well, that happens. Daryl, Daryl, if you could turn your speakerphone down a couple of clicks, we're getting an echo back from you. You should be just fine. Just crank it down just a tad. All right, Phyllis. Thank you so much. Go ahead. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the application and call for the States of America, a Republican form of self-governance for July 18, 2014, 30pm. I'm Phyllis. Call with the devotional out of Acts, Chapter 17, verses 27 and 8, and Hebrews 11, verse 1. I am nearer than you think, richly present in all your moments. You're connected to me by love bonds that nothing can sever. However, you may sometimes feel alone because your union with me is invisible. Ask me to open your eyes so that you can find me everywhere. The more aware you are of my presence, the safer you feel. This is not some sort of escape from reality. It is tuning in ultimate reality. I am far more real than the world you can see here and touch. Face is the confirmation of things we do not see in the context of their reality, perceiving as real fact, what is not revealed to the senses. And we, the people of the Republic, are people, lawful, private, corporations. In the course of human, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bans, connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the law minister and a god entitle them. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separate. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they get by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. And I'll turn it over to you, Daryl. Okay. Well, thank you, Phyllis, and welcome everyone to today's call. Tonight, down on the bottom, this is a continuation from last week Thursday. With Kat from New York, she's going to be sharing on the biochemistry where it is basically the chemistry of life, and the inorganic mineral salts, or cell salts. And down on the bottom, there's an updated little handout, it's four pages, and there's a little bit extra at the end. And I see there's a couple of corrections that were made, just a misspelling. So, you welcome to print that off, and I'd encourage you to print it off and save it. This is very good information, and tonight we've got Kat back, our special guest, to explain this, and she will go over this, and when she kind of finishes doing her presentment, she'll be open for any questions you might have. So, write down your questions, when she's ready for questions, and she'll try to answer them. So, with that, Kat, take the floor, and you've got the driver's seat. Good evening. So, I did update the handout. In the table, I gave you the numbering system that is in the US. If you ever come across any European sources, you will find that the numbers are slightly different. But the table, at the end of the handout, refers to the numbers as they are in the first table. So, I think we only covered six remedies last week, so let's quickly review the six, and then we'll do the deep dive on seven through 12. Okay, so remedy number one is calc flour, or calcium fluoride. So, calc flour works with the albumin, which is a most common blood plasma protein, to make elastic fibers. It's a constituent of the enamel of the teeth, connective tissue, and elastic fibers of all the muscular tissues. So, of course, a deficiency of elastic fibers can cause laxity or relaxation in the tissues, but not in a good way. And it can contribute to things such as dilation of blood vessels, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and hardened glands. It is a remedy indicated for the covering of the bones, so something called periosteum, so the covering of the bones, and the enamel of the teeth. So, when you think of this, think of it as elasticity, flexibility, toning both physical and mental faculties. And it's excellent combined with all other tissue salts. Remedy number two is calc phos, or calcium phosphate. Now, calc phos is a constituent of bones, teeth, connective tissue, blood corpuscles, and gastric juices. So, it also works with the albumin, and it gives solidity to the bones. It helps build teeth, and it enters all the important secretions of the body, such as blood and gastric juice. And this is a very great salt to combine with others as it gives all of the other salts kind of a boost and it intensifies the effect of all the other salts. And you can take this one when you're feeling low in spirits and low in energy. Salt number three is calc salt, or calcium sulfate. Calc salt is found in the epithelial, or skin cells, and in the blood. And it prevents disintegration or separation of the skin cells. So, a deficiency of this will actually cause kind of a prolonged separation. So, it could be kind of weeping of the wounds or any sort of skin condition that just won't heal. And salt number four is pharynphos, or iron phosphate. Now this is the first remedy to reach for in all inflammatory conditions, especially the very first stage of inflammation. It's found in the blood, of course, where it actually gives the red color to the blood. It carries oxygen, all parts of the body, and it gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of the blood vessels and the arteries. The next one, number five, is cali mirror. Cali is potassium. So, this one also works with the albumin to help form fibrin, which is another protein in the blood. It is found in every tissue in the body with the exception of the bones. And deficiency of this particular salt can actually release albumin and cause discharge, maybe think of like anything mucosal membrane condition. So, it could be sinuses, it could be other parts of the body, especially characterized by like white or gray tongue coating. It is indicated for glandular swelling and any sort of discharges where you have like a fake white or a white and gray mucus. And it combines very well with the pharynpos, which is sold number four, in any sort of like respiratory or inflammatory conditions. The next one is caliphosphatous potassium phosphate. And this is the great nerve and grain remedy. So, this affects the gray matter of the brain. And when you have any sort of nervous tension, nervous system symptoms, it could be due to a deficiency of this molecule. Can you get that in bulk sizes? I need that. Well, you could. I think the Highlands brand, you get 100 tablets. And, you know, you could probably do it on a day if you think you need them. Okay. Works for me. Yeah. So, the symptoms, you know, that indicate your need for this might be aggravation by any noise, maybe physical or mental exertion after, you know, any pain that starts like after period of rest, you start to know if you get pains, maybe pains that are worse in the cold air, anything that's relieved by, gentle emotion by rest. And anything that, you know, diverts the mind, this will help restore the nervous system. And I have seen this, this word miracles for people. Our next one is kelly sulf, which is potassium sulfate. Now, this is a carrier of oxygen, as well as other organic materials to the cells of the skin. So, it gives vitality to the skin, the epithelial tissue. And it is a constituent of the skin. It has an affinity for oil. So, any secretions that are sticky or oily or slimy are benefited from this particular mineral. And it's very useful for the third stage of inflammatory condition. I think, actually, that's, oh, yeah, I've gone past. Okay. So, we're going to actually stop here and focus more on kelly sulf because that's number seven. All right. So, some of the herbs that contain kelly sulf are melissa, which is at the Min family, watercrust, parsley, flex seed and mustard seed. And then, in the food family, we have carrots, plain yogurt, barley water. So, we talked last week, barley water, you just take some organic barley, you rinse it, and then you soak it in some water, and then you drink the water because it has a lot of the nutrients that it absorbed from barley. Oats, lettuce, endides, hickory, cottage cheese, almonds, rye, and whole wheat. This particular mineral is affiliated with those born under the sign of Virgo. So, as we talked last week, people under Virgo specifically might actually be deficient in this particular mineral. So, they might experience conditions that this mineral would help alleviate. So, let's see what those might be. Well, as I mentioned, it is great for the skin and it maintains the connection of the lining cells of the skin. If there's a disturbance in the lining, then that's when you get a discharge. It could either be flaky or dry, slimy. So, this particular mineral helps keep everything together, and it helps oxygenate the body. And it also helps with the removal of worn out cells. Does it help with like eczema? Yes, yes. Okay. Yes. And specifically with respect to barley water, can you sprout barley? I mean, I think you would have to get younger seeds for sprouting. I haven't actually tried myself sprouting. I think you can purchase sprouting barley. Definitely see not. Well, I mean, if you get barley seed for sprouting, and you do like sprouts and microgreens and things like that, which are crazy healthy, and you can soak the seeds, and then you can instead of dumping out the water that you soak the seeds with, you can drink the water and then just exchange it and then you're sprouting your barley seed. So, you get the best of both worlds, right? Yes, I would say if you do that, make sure you rinse more frequently. So, you wouldn't let it soak for more than three hours. Because when I sprout, I usually just rinse twice a day, like once in the morning, once in the evening. So, by that time, the water might start to get some growths that you might not want. So, if you were to do that, then you would just rinse more frequently. You would drain the water that's more fresh. So, it has accumulated some nutrition, but hasn't yet started to grow unwanted things. Good point. Thank you. Yes, I would just keep that in my mouth. Okay. So, essential treatment for psoriasis, eczema, itchy, dry skin, any sort of rashes, warts. It could be scalp as well, a ring-warm, dry patches, dandruff, and baldness. It will help heal any eruption on the skin, a pimple, or even a herpes blister, red skin and fungal attacks. And if old skin cells have been damaged due to disease, Cali's self will help with the repair. Before considering a facelift, try Cali'self first. It's a skin-red jubinator. It can help with visual disturbances and failing vision. And, of course, the eyelids also have skin. So, anything with eyelids, it will help. Pitching, swollen, even conjunctivitis, any sort of crusty discharge, Cali'self is the one to reach for. If you have congestion of your sinuses and they're blocked and maybe even with a headache, Cali'self can also assist. It can help treat some hair loss, not necessarily old hair loss, but it can definitely help for some hair loss. It can help bring lifeless dull and kind of straggly hair back to life. And it helps with dandruff, flakiness, alopecia. You might actually first see an increase in the flakiness in dandruff because the skins need to be renewed, like the cells need to be renewed. For these types of conditions, you take it three to four times a day until the condition cleavers. Deafness due to chronic sinuses in the ears, blocked ears, dark wax, thick yellow discharge, Cali'self can help. Any sort of chest infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, any third or later stage, chronic cough, and asthma, Cali'self can help. You would take it four to eight times a day until you see a clearing or an improvement of your condition. It can help promote perspiration, so it's actually good to take when you have a feverish cold because with perspiration, we don't want to knock it down because it is a natural response that the body is using to heal. So we want to promote the fever and promote perspiration because that's how the body will eliminate the toxins, so Cali'self can support that process. In conjunction with Megfos, which is the next one we're going to look at, it can help with sugar breakings. Cali'self can relieve uncomfortable feelings of fluores in the gut, especially if you have sulfur smelling gas, or either thin black stools or diarrhea. It can cool hot flashes that might accompany menopause. I think we already talked about fungal skin infections, but it can also help with nail fungus as well. For nail fungus, you could actually both do a topical preparation, like you can just dissolve some tablets in water, or you can see if you can get mother temperature, which is just the solution without the lactose tablet. Then you can mix it with a little bit of cream or aloe gel and apply it topically. Then internally, you would take two tablets, four times a day for about 10 days, and then after that, twice a day, until the condition fully clears. Boss of sense of smell or sense of taste, Cali'self combined with net mirror and net salt can help resolve. Cali pain, such as rheumatic pains or wandering pains, ache and joints, stiff joints, uralgia, especially in the face and the jaw, can be helped by combining cali'self and megaphos. And cali'self has an affinity for people born under the sign of cancer. Wait, I have that wrong in the hand. There's an eye set, Virgo. Oh, nope, it is Virgo. Sorry, cancer as in cancer that we don't want. So there are medical doctors who have been using cali'self in the treatment of cancer and they found it exceptionally helpful. Specifically vaginal cancer, uterine cancer and intestinal cancer. So there's some research mostly in Switzerland and other parts of Europe where it was used in severe cases, taking it up to, you know, four to six tablets up to ten times a day. The spine is Virgo. And so the people born under the sign might be irritable in patients over meticulous. And so some of the problems that tend to play people under the sign are either, you know, digestive sensitivity, lack of vitality in the skin, irritability, delay-keeling process, which can all be helped by cali'self. The next one, number eight, is megaphos. Now, megaphos is always always great to keep on hand. It has a lot of curative abilities. So it's magnesium phosphate or phosphate of magnesium is another name for it. And it is excellent for treating pain, especially pain due to damaged nerves. It is a natural pain killer. It helps with muscle relaxation and anything like, you know, like cramps. It's a great antispasmodic. It is found in Lizzo's teeth, brain, nerve cells. So if any of these are experiencing problems, this is your salt to help restore balance. Shaking of the hands, like as in Parkinson's, can actually be helped by this salt. You can help with sharp neurologic type headaches, full stabbing pain over one eye. So kind of at the start of a migraine, I've actually had migraines kind of seize. I nipped them in the bud, just by really taking a lot of megaphos, megaphos. It can also help with any sort of nervous tension type headache, any feeling of a tight band around the head. It helps to harden until an animal. And it can relieve any toothache, especially any sort of stabbing pain in the teeth. Facial neuralgia, as we mentioned together with Kelli Self, can be helped by my class. Again, it can help vision, especially when you have maybe seen colors, flashes or sparks in the eyes or blurred vision, especially like one might be accompanied with a migraine headache. Or when you find that you're squinting a lot, any sort of eye strain, maybe due to being in front of the computer or just anything that causes you to strain the eyes, make boss can help. Twitching of the eyelids, of course, it's a spasmodic condition, so megaphos can help. It's helpful for ringing in the ears or any pain around the ears. It can relieve your earache that is deep inside the ear. And it has been used to treat deafness, especially if it's stemming from anxiety or extreme nervous tension. It can help relieve heartburn, abdominal, colic, nausea, and it can feel hunger pains. And a lack of this cell salt is actually connected with intestinal malabsorption, maybe severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, and chronic liver disease, especially caused by alcoholism. It can help with irritable bowel, spastical and loaded colics. It's a prime remedy for any constriction of the respiratory system, especially in the throat, maybe due to nervous conditions. But it will help with bronchial spasms so it can actually help relieve some of the spasmodic coughing. And you would use that together with calendar number five, four-group or asthma or any sort of thick hiccups. You would just take two tablets every 10 minutes. And it can help with a loss of smell. For painful urination, retention of urine, pheasmodic kind of urine retention, and it can also help bedwetting in children. It's excellent for alleviating menstrual cramps and the moodiness that might accompany these cramps because it uses constriction of the blood vessels. Some of the other things you might use this for are insect bites or dings, like from bees, Wasp, scorpions, extreme exhaustion or some stroke for limb jerking, restless sleep. You can reach for megphause. And it might actually help with alcohol condition. You know, an addiction type of the scenario. It can help with some chest pain, such as an angina. And it can help with lead onset diabetes. And conditions related to it, such as maybe tension, maybe spasmodic coughing, breathlessness, convulsions, sciatica, you know, those types of things. And if you are playing a musical instrument and might experience cramps, let's say like a guitar in your hands, this can also help. It can help with dizzy spells, avoid ability to concentrate, or forgetfulness. And it can quench thirst for sweet, cold drinks. So herbs that are rich in neck, colosse, which is in the mid-family, and also peppermint, chamomile, oats, sage, stain, metal, dill, valerian, and dandelion. In this case it's dandelion leaf. In fact, if you ate two dandelion leaves daily, you might be getting sufficient quantities of megphause, assuming sweet soil. And you would also be getting vitamin A, C, and D, and getting some detoxification action as well. It's foods that are rich in neck loss are peas, lettuce, green leafy vegetables, apples, plums, bananas, oranges, grapes with lemons, almonds, walnuts, lentils, dried, and fresh figs, and dry beans. And the sign that this salt helps the most is lio, because lio people might actually be more deficient in the salt. Because lio's personalities, they tend to be fearless. They might be prone to access, which might cause stress in their life, and so this salt can really help them cope. Number nine is nat near, matriotic or choroid of soda, or sodium chloride. Of course, not the table salt, sodium chloride, but the mineral that is rich in seawater, for instance. It is a constituent of every part of the body. It is a water distributor and maintains the body's water balance by a small sis. And it helps to shift the moisture in and out of the salt. And it can really just help control the ebb and flow of the fluids to maintain perfect balance. So without this, this mineral normal growth and function of the body cannot take place. And so when there's a deficiency, you can either get excessive moisture or excessive dryness. And of course, it's because it is not really to salt that we're talking about here. So you wouldn't be able to correct this imbalance by taking table salt, because table salt is dead and stripped of everything else. So nat near is one of the basic headache remedies. And with any first-hand tip of a headache, you could take two tablets of nat near, and then keep taking every 10 minutes for about 40 minutes, which the headache usually clears by then. And actually, Queen Elizabeth, because the royal family had a homeopaths as their family physicians. And so Sir John Weir was the equivalent Queen Elizabeth's physician. And he actually stated that he personally suffered with appalling headaches. And the only thing that could help him was Calimia. It is a very important remedy for treatment of sunstroke. And of course, you know, overheating dehydration and headaches in a company being overheated for dry and itchy eyes or like watery fluids, so watery discharge, whether it's from the nose or the eyes, as in like hay fever or tears. So that really indicates that nat near is needed to help balance that water distribution. It can help with puffiness around the eyes and legs on your the eyes. And at the start of the cold, so when the discharge is still clear, nat near is the one to reach for. Then also, if you have extreme dryness, so like dry nose, dry itchy, scratchy painful eyes, dry throat, nat near is also your remedy. It can help with ulcers on the gums. Excessive celebration, like think of maybe teething or speak before other reasons. You would reach for this particular mineral. It can help with fever blisters around the mouth. And people who actually eat too much of the dead, you know, bad bleached salt, actually might find that they have a craving for it and then taking nat near in this particular homeopathic preparation can actually help balance that out for them. Excessive thirst can also be helped. And it does play an important role overall in the digestive process. It helps in the process of metabolism because sodium actually unites with carbonic acid to create sodium carbonate in the blood. And so any condition of insufficient hydrochloric acid, such as indigestion, heart, heartburn, and colic, nat near is the one to reach for. But too salt will make it worse. Dry painful constipation cracks around the anus. Or it could be the other extreme watery diarrhea. Both will respond to nat near because you can't think of balancing the water in the body. It can also assist with eczema. So both dry, scaly chink skin, as well as weeping skin. So like, I think I like psoriasis or blisters with watery discharge. If you have cold in the extremities, blue hands, blue hand, sensitivity to cold, net American help. And it is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, especially like if you added to a lotion to stop a clean. Frequent trips to the loo, especially the watery color loss urine, will be helped by this remedy. It can help with regulation of menstruation, especially if you find that the menses are irregular due to stress, on the happiness, irritability, maybe disturbed sleep. So all of these can be helped by that mirror in terms of the cycle. It's great for pregnancy. It's actually giving great comfort to the body. You can kind of settle the stomach, maybe to help prevent some morning sickness, as well as if there's a hair loss during pregnancy or hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This would be the salt to reach for. And it's all just a general well-being. So if you feel like your mood needs to be lifted and lightened, net American people want to reach for. So if you have allergic rhinitis, hay fever, endocrine imbalances insomnia, asthma, jerking limbs, during sleep, diabetes, sinusitis, hemorrhoids, irregular heartbeats, maybe hysterical spasms, stability, swollen ankles, or other limbs, constipation, poor immunity, cracking joints or arthritis, warts, depression, grief, tearfulness, gastroenteritis, constantly sneezing, thirst and sweating, being hot all the time, stuffy, itchy ears, kind of like an allergic reaction tip of a thing. Those can all be due to a deficiency of this middle. So herbs that are high in naphneur are comfy, an old-fashioned healer. And this particularly good for in topical applications. Mustard, calendula, chickweed, celery, dime are all very rich in naphneur. And they could be used, like if you didn't have access to good quality, you could use those herbs, because they are so high in this mineral that you actually can impart that savory salty flavor onto your food. Melissa and Camamil also have some naphneur in them, and happen to be natural tranquilizers as well. So it's dead rich in naphneur are all sweet seafood, cabbage, spinach, parsley, asparagus, carrots, lentils, beets, beef and lamb are especially rich in naphneur. Almond, sesame seeds, figs, apples, strawberries are great, or some of the foods to include in your time. And this is the tissue salt that can most help those born in the design of queries. Aquarius, the water bearer, right? So aquarius doesn't meet their water balance the most. Okay, so the next one is number 10, which is matriotic phosphoricum or phosphate of soda. So this is a biochemical antacid, an acid neutralizer, and an acid alkaline balancer. So this particular mineral helps to break down lactic acid, which if not decomposed, will irritate the tissues and cause excessive pain. So when lactic acid is broken down into carbonic acid, and then it can be broken down further into water. So to keep carbonic acid in the blood until it reaches the lungs for exhalation, that's where naphose can really help. It can help with the simulation of fats, and if you have like a bilious feeling, or jaundice, so maybe due to a biolinsic deficiency, this is the salt to help. Eureic acid can, I guess, be prevented from accumulating, if not false, is present in your diet, because it helps keep it soluble. So think of the things that just gout and stuff, right? Eureic acid in the joints. This remedy can help. If your food is not digested properly, it cannot be utilized or eliminated properly. So that is definitely an indication for naphose in the body. So think of like maybe churning of the stomach, maybe late night cravings, not feeling satisfied after a meal, or maybe just being, you know, picky eater, maybe painful sour reflux, stomach ulcers, repeated hard burn attacks, belching, you know, vomiting of sour foods, any sort of discomfort and golden feeling after eating. This is your remedy. So we already mentioned gout, but you can also help with the rheumatic and/or through the conditions of the joints, any sort of acute inflammation in the joints, creaking or cracking joints, stiffness, weakness in the legs, chronic backache. So if you have acute gout in your condition, then you can take two tablets every 15 to 20 minutes until the media discomfort goes away. And thereafter, you would do like 48 times a day until you have complete relief. And if you have like having an attack of gout, you will also add their boss because remember that's the mineral you reach for in any inflammatory condition. If the headache is due to kind of sour belching or hard burn and vomiting, so any sort of intestinal caused headache, net loss, combined with net salt, which is the next one on our list, can really help restore normal balance to the body. This is excellent working junk to bite us. And any sort of creamy color discharge and crust around the eyes. It fights excessive acidity, including anything that might cause aggravation of the skin, such as hives, itchiness, eczema, again, drives scaly scalp. So many modern day shampoos can actually create an imbalance of the acid alkaline, of the skin biome. So, you know, I'm causing some of this itching. So this mineral can really help with gut balance. If you are grinding your teeth at night, this can help. Cystitis or vaginal secretion that are acidic can be helped by this mineral. And then a general neo-nausea, vertigo, giziness, can also be helped by taking net loss. So, herbs that contain net loss are coriander, caraway, cumin, and it's ginger. They are all, of course, excellent digestive aids. So you can chew a few seeds or you can make a tea or maybe even some of these you can find in a cold pressed oil, which would also contain the mineral. Fennel, any abundance, dill, basil, nettles are all herbs that you can add into your diet to get ample net loss. And the foods that are rich in net loss are rice, celery, beads, apples, peaches, apricots, papaya, raspberries, mulberries, plain yogurt, shrubberies, raisins, grapes, carrots, and asparagus. How much of the herbs can you take? Do you get enough with just taking herbs with your meal or eating some of these foods or does it take a whole lot more than that? Well, I would say, of course, oil depends on the quality of the soil. But let's say the soil is well nourished. And if you use these herbs on a regular basis, then yes, they can take help. Obviously, you're not going to take an herb once right and get what the body needs just from one time use. But if you use it kind of regular, it's a sufficient amount. Yeah, I mean, think of some of the traditional recipes like in India, right? They use a lot of the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, ginger, and they're cooking because it is a digestive seed. You know, fennel, they use a lot of fennel seeds as well. Yeah, so just thinking of how people traditionally used to combine foods and herbs, not only for flavor, but because of their medicinal actions. Well, I know some of the supplements, you know, it says, well, like, you know, to take a couple of capsules, you'd have to eat a bushel of spinach or something like that to get the same value. Yeah, it depends on the soil conditions that the spinach was grown in. But certainly there are some herbs that would be much richer right in the chlorophyll or in some of the minerals in the taste of spinach, like stinging nettle, right, is extremely rich, especially if you can wild harvest it. Think of a forest floor, right, with the leaves falling and just feeding and possibly feeding the soil. And it's not being sprayed, so singing nettle would be highly nutritious grown in that sort of condition. Okay. I always try to incorporate, you know, kind of the humble parsley. We see it on the list over and over again for most of the minerals, dill, basil, you know, some things that are easily available year-round. Some of them are actually very cold tolerance. You could grow them yourself, or maybe not till, but parsley. And basically, you could probably do like a little aquaponic container or just grow it on the counter. Or maybe even with sprouting just to get both the flavor and the benefit of those herbs. So net sauce has a special affinity for those born under the sign of Libra, because Libra tends to be anxious and worried. And one that happens to might be engulfed by indecision. And then when the emotions build up, they can cause acidity in the body. So this is a great salt to help balance them out. So number 11 is net salt, which is a metrium sulfate or sulfate of soda. It is a cell cleanser. So it specifically detoxifies the liver and is an excellent decongestant of the liver. It's an extraordinary regulator in the body. It helps control the density of the intracellular fluid. And it helps the cells eliminate excess water and excess toxins. It helps with the bioflow. And therefore, it can help with fat absorption. So net salt in supplement form is actually sourced from a place in Russia. There is a salt lake where sulfuric acid and sodium chloride combine. When it's manufactured like in a lab, it's called glauber salt. But the best source of course is from the natural salt lakes. So just as sodium chloride will attract water in the body, sodium sulfate will clear it away. So as a waste remover and a cleanser, think of any ailment that might be aggravated by moisture or humidity or dampness will be improved by this tissue salt. It has a stimulating effect on the lining of the cell walls. It can help with the nerves and the bioducts themselves. So not just the bioflow itself, but the bioducts. So I would say it would be beneficial for gallstones. It can help the pancreas and the intestines. And it can help with the filtering tubes of the urinary system. So it can clear toxins there as well and flush them out. It helps with secretion and stimulation of various body fluids, such as in the pancreas, which is very important for diabetics. What may be one note, if you are diabetic, you might consider finding a lactose free form of this mineral. So highlands brand has the lactose tablets, but there are brands that do a lactose free preparation as well. So if you are having a hard time losing weight, especially around the abdomen, the thighs, you like cellulite, this would be the remedy to include in your weight loss plan. Because the build-up of that fat actually indicates toxicity in the body. So the body, the liver is looking to park some of the toxins that it's not able to eliminate and sparks it in the fat. If you are suffering from debilitating, nauseating headaches accompanied with vomiting or a migraine like headache, this is a very helpful mineral. You would take two tablets every 10 minutes until the conditioner uses. Self is a great friend for those suffering from asthma, especially if it's brought on by like damp and humid conditions. By taking it, maybe even up to 15 times a day, especially when you know that you are in a climate that might cause any type, it just keeps taking this mineral, it can tremendously help. So it will help with tight, wheezy, cough, any thick phlegm that might be so productive, like a yellow phlegm type of a cough, any cough it fits. In fact, you can dissolve this in some warm water and sip it frequently, it will definitely have some of those coughs. And this is a great remedy for shooting the flu. You can combine well with califler, which is for number 1, pteromphos number 4, calimure number 5, and that's near number 9. It's helpful in a variety of digestive ailments, especially those related to the liver and a cold water. And this would be helpful for hangover. And those that may have overindulge and sweet. So cakes, sugar. Yes, it can be helpful in there as well. It's also very important for the well-being of this skeletal structure. So the lower back, shoulders, knee, ankles, abnormal joints, especially if there you can see in like a dramatic type pain. Again, due to moisture and humidity, this is a great mineral to reach for. And if you have itching of the skin, like not really because you have a condition to just not explain, maybe you've just gotten into bed or you just stick a bath and then you have this accompanying itching feeling or maybe even like a checked feeling of the skin, net-self can help there. And actually if you have a deficiency of this, you could be very fearful or dreadful, you could have nightmares, you could be very discouraged or despondent, melancholic or depressive, or maybe feel like you're alone and unloved. So any sort of mental conditions as such can greatly be held by net-self. And it is a great remedy for those who suffer with insomnia. So you would take a few tablets, maybe a few hours before you go to bed and then a few right before you go to sleep. I mean, you could even start like, let's say if you go to bed at 10, you can start as early as 5b. You would take it maybe every hour. So the herbs that are rich in net-self are burdock. Mullen, I think Val talked about Mullen, what I recall, maybe not the manner she presented, but I think it came up in the conversation. So Mullen is, I love Mullen, it's a two-year plan. So in year one, it has these rosette arranged leaves and the leaves are great expector and a wound healer, an anti-inflammatory as well as a light sedative. Now the second year, the plant will grow a very thick stalk with yellow flowers on it. So the stalk, it's actually, the flowers are actually great for back pain. So Mullen is rich in net-self. Yarrow is a great herb, parsley shows up again here, celery, cayenne pepper and horseradish. And foods that are rich in net-self are the cabbage family, such as broccoli, pretzel sprouts, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, especially like the green outer leaves of the cabbage, which people sometimes taste hard, they're actually very rich in net-self. Onions, leeks, both beetroot and the leaves of the beets are also rich in net-self, pumpkins and pumpkin flowers, green peppers, paprika, cucumber, bananas and pumples. And this is a tissue salt for those born in the sign of tortoise. They tend to suffer from a sluggish metabolism and easily put on weight. So, and they can also become depressed and eat too much to kind of compensate. So net-self is definitely a salt to help them out. Okay, last but not least, silica or quartz. It is kind of slow-acting, but it is a great toxin, lemon, neater and cell cleanser. It is known as the homeopathic surgeon. So, for instance, if you are not perspiring sufficiently to eliminate toxins, that means you are deficient in silica. It is naturally present in the skin, hair, nails, bones, blood, bile and the myelin sheath and the mucus membrane. It's a main constituent of all the connected tissues as well as the tissues, the connected tissues of the brain, the spinal cord, the nerve fibers and so the imbalance in this mineral can result in poor memory, absent mindedness, maybe slow thought process and it can also have pain and swelling in the body. And so let's see, I get through the foreign things in the body. So, if you get a splinter or maybe an abscess, you would, so you would take other salts and that we've covered, if you look at your chart to help, like let's say build the pass up and then you would take silica to help get rid of it in the final stage. And elderly people without exception need silica twice a day. But be aware that if you have any sort of foreign object in your body, such as metal plates, pipes, screws, tubes, it is so powerful that it can actually dissolve some of them and push them out of the body. Even like breast implants, it can, yeah, it can dissolve them. It's great for anything that has to do with the head. It helps after like a sunstroke or even a regular stroke because it can help absorb the hematoma. It can help promote, you know, thicker hair based in leading hair follicles. It might even help in baldness. It can treat dandruff, split ends, dull lustrous hair. It can help with falling out here, just generally keeping the scalp healthy. It can help disperse lumps in any sort of nodules on the scalp. And of course, the nails will sample if you replenish this mineral. And a chronic headache that doesn't seem to budge, this is a great soothing remedy. As well as headaches that can be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, maybe something that starts around noon and continues into the evening. As well as forgetfulness or its ability, this is a great mineral to reach for. If you have sunken eyes or twitching of eyelids, silicone can help. It can clear red eyes or eyes on the eyelid and it helps clear the tear ducts that are blocked. Again, it helps with a together with calc floor for this particular remedy and it can help with dissolving cataracts. The lens of the eye actually contains a very high concentration of psilocya. So anytime there is a disturbance such as in cataracts, psilocya is one of the minerals to be taken. If you have gumboils or sores in the mouth or the corners of the mouth, any sort of around the teeth and the gums, so if it can help, ulcerated gums, spongy gums, any sort of infectious abscess, so if it can help. If you have carries of the bones, so if it can help, it will help strengthen the spine to ease back ache, especially in like a sciatic bowel lumbavo condition. Any general debilitating condition, maybe like hip joints, disease, stiffness, anything that results from just malnourishment or pore postures, so it can help. So the reason I think we say that this is great for the elderly is because any sort of chronic week, they think of pain, spondylosis, tumors, around the joints, osteoporosis, all of these can be helped by silica that we tend to call these more like aging ailments, so silica can definitely help together with kelp loss and net mirror. It can also help with assimilation of food, so it supports a digestive process, and it's actually one of the greatest remedies for chronic dairy, and if you have a respiratory infection that is slow to heal, maybe a bronchitis or ammonia, tonsillitis asthma, and silica is also the bacteria to reach for. Silica, taking four to six times a day, can help with any prostate problems or any sort of sexually transmitted conditions. It improves the condition of the skin, it can clear like pimples or any sort of bumps, bumps, subcutaneous cysts, it helps on any open and infected skin, and if the skin is healing slowly from wherever it ails it, then silica can help. And if you have an unpleasant odor in the skin, so just maybe bed like bed smelling perspiration or it's l-e-pete, then silica can bind with kelp salt and that loss can clear the problem. And silica is also known as an antistress salt, so in our stressful world, we can all use a little bit of silica. And if you happen to work in a, I don't know, like a mine or any sort of a mill anywhere where you get stuff that might enter your lungs like whole or stone, silica can help clear. So it's maybe painters, potters, just anyone that is around, you know, fine particles, just maybe also if you live in a polluted city, again silica is great for flaring waste products on the body. Hot flashes especially at night, silica can be a lifesaver for you. Serbs that contain silica are a dandelion, stain metal, California poppy, horse tail, and country. And fruits that are rich in silica are the grain family, so wheat, corn, barley, oats, buckwheat rice, lentils, carrots, celery, hickory, soybeans, spinach, lettuce, oranges, lemons, apricots, apples, pomegranates. So make a rule to make to, you know, the eight eight of these servings in your diet every night to get ample silica. If you do have an arthritic condition, rheumatism or gout, maybe avoid wheat, but you can certainly eat rye bread. In this case, this is a tissue salt that has affinity for those born under the sign of sedgerias. If sedgerias can become very depleted and exhausted, especially from mood swings. So silica can kind of help them give strength to them. So that's number 12. So as we mentioned last week, bioplasma is a combination of all 12 in the right proportions that are contained in the blood. So if you were just to try one single remedy, get the bioplasma because you will be getting a little fall. And I give this to my dog every day and I take this myself every day to just help support the blood. So let's see. So I've given you some combinations here that you might want to consider. So for prevention, it's seasonal illness. So this is as a prophylactic, you would take number four, which is fair and false in the morning, and you would take number five, which is Calimir in the evening and you do the same thing in the final. In the spring, you would do number five in the morning and number one, which is Calitular in the evening. And then in the summer, you would do number five in the morning and number ten in the evening. Now, if you know someone who is undergoing cancer, the cancer formula would be four plus five plus six plus seven. So if a remedy appears here with a plus, that means you actually take it all combined into one. So what you could do is dissolve all of like a top of one of each and some warm water and take it that way. And if a remedy appears as a comma separated, then you would spread those out, like it would take one, fifteen minutes, you would take the other one. So the flu formula, we mentioned it earlier, but number one plus number four plus number five plus number nine plus number eleven. For high blood pressure, you would take four and six. So four is pterampus and six is caliphoths. And if you have low blood pressure, you would take two and nine together and then you can take eleven and four together. Now first stage of inflammation of any kind, you would take number four. In the second stage, you would take number five. And in the third stage, you would take number seven. Some things to take for insomnia are two, three and six combined. Or you could also include four, six, eight is great because that's my main cause, so you know my museum is a great relaxing remedy. Number nine, number ten and number eleven. For insect bites, you can try three, eight, nine, and ten, and specifically for bee sting, because those are a bit hotter usually, number four for inflammation and number seven. A toxin-aliminator formula is three, ten, eleven, and twelve, and you would space those maybe like every fifteen minutes. The great acid alkaline balancer is number ten. Our throat is formula, you would take five, eight, nine, and twelve. For anxiety, you would take six, eight, eleven, and twelve. And a great brain tonic is six, nine, and twelve. And Alzheimer's is six and twelve. Minor burns, we have three, four and five, and minor cuts, three and four. Ask your perosis, two plus nine plus twelve. So you would, you could maybe, again, combine them. So, I would say if it's two, like for instance, digestiftonic, ten plus eleven, you can just take one tablet each together, right, and then the tongue may be right before a meal, may be right after a meal. But if you're getting into three or four of them together, you might consider diluting them in some warm water. A great oxygenator for the body, it would be four plus seven. And this is actually also great for treating anemia. Long inflammatory conditions are four, six, and eight. Parkinson's formula, four, six, and eight. If you have swollen lymph glands, you would do two and five. And a great lymph and blood cleanser is just five by itself. A blood cleanser is, make you do three and ten. High perglycemia, so elevated blood sugar would be ten, eleven, and low blood sugar would be four, eleven, and two. If you have a toothache, you could try number one for placate, for pain and inflammation, and then six and eight. And if you have any tooth decay, maybe like a caries or cavity, you can try number one and number two, combined. For rheumatic pains, rheumatism, you could try four because that's the great anti-inflammatory remedy, number nine and number eleven. And if you have chronic rumatism, you could do one, two, five, eight, nine, eleven, and twelve. For the urinary system, a great alkalizer would be number ten. More incontinence, you can combine four, ten, and eleven. And cystitis would be four plus ten together and followed by five and seven, and then ten and twelve. If you have kidney stones, you could try two and ten, combine, and then eleven. A great liver cleanser would be three, ten, and eleven. If you have a sluggish liver, you can try five. And if you have a tender distended liver, you're trying number eleven. So different kind of coughs can be supported by different tissue cells. So if you have chronic cough, you could try two, four, six, with eight together and seven. If you have a dry cough, you would try five and eight. If you have a productive cough, you could try one, three, and seven. And if you have spasmatic cough, you would try one and eight. A great cold formula would be one and two. You could do three, four and seven combined, five and nine. A great formula for depression would be four, six, nine, and eleven. And just a mood lifter, two, six, and eleven. So Paul, you mentioned you need a lot of number six, but maybe you just want to combine two, six and eleven. And then a great restorative tonic is actually called a five-phosphatonic. So our phosphates are calc-phosph, which is number two, pheromphosph, number four, calc-phosph, number six, natphosph, number eight, sorry, natphosph, number ten, and natphosph, number eight. And so I think we talked about highlands is one very accessible brand in the US. United remedies, they do shoot to the US and they have other, they have some of the European brands of tissue results, as well as like mother tinctures, so liquid tinctures you can get from them and maybe lactose free options. In questions. Yeah, where you don't have a, when you don't have a plus in between the numbers, you would just like alternate them. Yeah, you would alternate, like take one and then another one, a few minutes later, you know, 15 minutes later. Okay, let's stay some 15 minutes apart. Yep. This is Phyllis cat. What would you take for low thyroid? I think I sent you an email on that. So low thyroid is actually probably more complicated because it could be due to a sluggish liver. It could be due to pituitary, kind of not communicating properly to the thyroid to produce some of the hormones are going to be due to adrenal exhaustion. So I will look at supporting the liver, supporting the adrenals, supporting the brain, because that's where the pituitary gland lives. I think what I didn't mention in email, you actually may consider humming because I will physically stimulate the thyroid. So I think I gave you some formulas to try specifically for adrenal support, but you know, anything here that would benefit the liver will also ultimately benefit thyroid. I guess I must not have bred that all the way through. Yeah, you know, support, stress, redex, and thyroid. Yeah. And actually feeling though, even though the cabbage family, right, it's very rich in some of these minerals, but they contain what are known as gorytrigens. So I know people with a thyroid condition, I generally told to not overdo it on the gorytrigdonic foods. So I would watch those. Maybe don't overdo them in your diet. So think of some of the other foods. So you took the bioplasma, which is a good one to take. Would you just continue taking that forever or you take it for a while and see whether things improve? I just take it as my daily, you know, daily balancer. I mean, sometimes I forget or, you know, I'm rushing or I'm traveling. I mean, you know, I've forgotten to pack it, but generally I keep it next to my bed, and I might even take it in the morning and take it in the evening. My dog loves them too. So we'll take it. Okay. Anybody else with a question? If you're muted, you get a press star six. Well, this is a lot of information and it's very involved on some of us here. But do they have this in like combination of some of these here? So Highlands only has the bioplasma, which is a combination of all 12. But if you go to United Remedies, they do have different combinations. So Rekaweg is a German homeopathic company, and they do have, I want to say, 26 different combinations. So for instance, they have to buy Phosphtonic. They might have like a formula for the teeth or the formula for the skin or the formula for digestion. So there's yeah, like they have a headache formula. So they do a combination of various of these tissue salts in one tablet. Question? Yes. What about the like the 12 in one bottle so you can get an Amazon? The bioplasma. Yeah. Yeah, a smaller amount of all 12 salts. I wouldn't say they're smaller amounts necessarily because the size is actually the sugar pill itself, not how much minerals it contains. But if you look closely at the ingredients, some of the salt are in a 6x potency and some are in a 3x potency. So what we discussed last week, it is a standard homeopathic preparation. So you start with the mother solution, and you take one part of that x stands for 10. So you would take one part of the mother remedy to nine parts water, so 10 parts in total, and you would vigorously shake it. Actually, the traditional preparation was to pound your beaker or whatever you put in on a leather about Bible. So that would be 1x. And then you would take the resulting mixture and you would take one part of that to nine parts water, and you would repeat that pounding process. And then you would repeat it one more time, and that gives you 3x. And then if we repeat it 6 times, it gives you 6x. Now in homeopathy, the more times you do it, the more potent the remedy is. So for instance, and maybe we can do another day where we talk about some of the homeopathic remedies, which would just be great to include in a first aid kit. So for instance, my son broke the bridge of his nose, and everyone was like, "Oh, he's going to have a black eye. I'm like, not if I can help it." So I literally gave him arnica for bruising and shock and hyperpericum perforatum. So arnica is mountain daisy, right? In an herbal preparation, we only use it topically because it is kind of toxic, but in a homeopathic preparation. Chemically, when you test a homeopathic preparation, when you get to like a 30c, so 30 as you do the process 30 times, c stands for 100 times, right? So a dilution of 1 to 100, 30 times repeated. So there's chemically no more mountain daisy left in that preparation, but the energetics of that herb have been imprinted. And so he had no bruising, and then I gave him hypericum perforatum, which is St. John's work for nerve pain. And so that's the only thing he took, no bruising, no pain. Wow. And then, and then, I mean, he was an 11-year-old. So go, you know, try like not to give him something for pain, but he didn't complain. Like no pain, no bruising healed very fast. So yeah, but with these minerals, so the 3x and the 6x, you can still have like they're still chemically those minerals in the remedy. It's extremely bioavailable form. So in the bioplasma, some of the minerals on an are in a 3x and others are in a 6x because that is the specific proportion of them in the blood. Whereas if you get single ones from, from islands, I believe they're all 6x. And then you have to, you have to adjust dosing of each one based on what the overall balance should be. Well, no, no, no, not first. So if you're, if you're thinking of just supporting the blood, I would just do the bioplasma and just take that. And then with the other ones, like if, you know, you might choose one for your specific zodiac sign, right, as your constitutional salt, and you would do that one. Some people, because we talked about when you are in, there's 12 tissue salts, right, 12 signs of the zodiac, but you're only in the room for nine months. So that means you're only at nine of the tissue salts. So what a lot of people do is they take the one of their birth sign and the two either subsequent ones, or they might do the one, four and the one after, and just take those, let's say like four months, right, just to build up. Okay. All right. Thank you. So I, like, I always have, like, when there is a sale, I always stuck up on number four because that's anti-inflammatory. Anytime there's sort of throw it in the family or any bumper brews, I would reach inflammation. I would reach for number four. And number five, that's like the next one to use for any sort of cold remedy, right? So four and five together. And that's our kind of winter and fall preventative as well. Number six is great to have, if you have nervous tension, any sort of, you know, anxiety. So think of like nerve and brain tonic. So if that's, you know, what it enables you, I would reach for number six. I am Capricorn. And so I do notice that I have a deficiency and a tendency to ailments of the bones, connective tissue. So in teeth. So, like, that's, that's what I reach for. So that's my remedy. Does anybody else have a question or comment? Do you like to add? Yeah. Let's just, yeah. Good evening. Yeah. My question is, John from New Jersey, connective tissue. That would be number six, right? He said, no, that's more for the nervous tissue. Okay. Well, say if you had a hernia, that's connected to tissue, right? I mean, it could be due to like the Lexid he, right? So calc Flermite might be the one to, to reach for like what type of hernia? Well, it's a lower hernia. It's not a higher hernia. It's a, what they call that, a lingo hernia down in the groin area. I mean, you, yeah, you could sit our number one, right? Calc Flerm, because, you know, you would want to strengthen kind of the resiliency of the connective tissue. So that'd be Cal. And maybe number four as well, for, you know, to kind of help with any inflammatory condition that might accompany us. Yeah. Well, would it be better just to take the bioplasmid and just because you're getting everything there? I would say bioplasmid is more of a tonic. If you were to think of using something like therapeutically, I would go with the Calc Flerm. So I would do bioplasmid as my tonic and then Calc Flerm every targeted therapy, because bioplasmid you could do once a day, twice a day, but with Calc Flerm, you could probably do four to six times a day. Okay. Would that have something to do with my first time? Did that would be weak in that area? Um, I'm a Gemini, but may, may, end of May, May 24th is my supposed birth date, but I was there, but I was real little. I can't verify that, but I'm just kidding around. Well, so for Gemini, it's counting mirror, which is number five. It's a general and inflammatory, especially any second stage of inflammation. It is a blood and lymph remedy, digestive aid. So you can also consider that as well. Okay. So you got one number one, number four, and number five, right? Yep. And then you can use four and five as your seasonal preventatives in the winter and fall. Well, it seems like, well, right now it's been so hot and you're sweating and then I seem like I got to amp up on the magnesium there or I'll get leg cramps or I can start feeling it and then I'll just and I throw and I ran out of potassium. I take some potassium and magnesium and I would just take some magnesium oil and just like spray it right on the legs on my tummy, whatever rub it in. And then it just goes white, you know? Yeah, definitely. Yep. And then you get supported with make-foss, right? In the home, in this homeopathic preparation. Because the reason we call them tissue salts is because they work on the cellular level, right? Obviously some of the bulk minerals also have utility but the body absorbs minerals that are in food, right? That's why we know we talked about the herbs and the foods that are rich in these foods. Of course, again, depending on the growing conditions of and the soil condition. So these specific preparations are just very observable on a cellular level. Yeah. Yeah, I noticed that the burdock root is like really top on the list for blood cleansing and stuff. In fact, they got a whole bucket I pulled out of the garden. That stuff just takes over the burdock. It just grows like crazy. In fact, in the winter, I even eat the leaves with the burdock edge. It's real bitter, so it's got to be good for the liver there. It's very good for the liver and the bile for the cold bladder, yes. Yeah, yeah, I got to clean it because you got to get the sand all in. And getting it out of the ground is like, you know what I mean? It's a little bit of a tour getting out of there because it grows roots real deep in there. Sometimes you feel like you've got to bring the back all out just to dig it up. You know what I'm saying? It's yeah. I noticed you used to buy it in a store. They used to grow it in a tube, but be long and thin. Well, it doesn't grow that way. And normal, you know, in my garden, that thing's, you know, it got tendencies. It gets a big tap root on it. And sometimes you just can't get it out of there. You can dig down and yank on it. And you only get half of it. You know, it just breaks off, you know. But every year, I have something that I didn't even eat last year. And I really need to eat that. And I keep, it's one of the things procrastinating. You get busy doing it. So, man, yeah, I got to get that cleaned up and put in the refrigerator. But anyway, yeah, I appreciate the information. It's all low on minerals. We're a little low on everything there. But yeah, we got to keep the mineral. I noticed if I don't take some mineral, like spiraling or something, I don't feel quite as good as I usually do, or like kelp. I think kelp has a lot of minerals in it, does it? It does, yes. Yeah. Well, anyway, okay. Why are you? Thank you. This is Darryl. Isn't Berdach root, isn't that the source for echinasia? No. That's purple cornflour. Yeah, echinasia is purple cornflour, but you use the root part of it. Berdach has like these prickly pink flowers. Like really, like, yeah. It might have been, I think those little flowers might actually stick to you, right? Like they're their little balls, like prickly balls. Yeah, I know what it looks like. Yeah. It's different than, yeah, it's different from the information. Okay. Anybody else to get any questions or comments? Sure. So we close? Berdach. Yeah. Who is this? Berdach? Berdach. Go ahead, Berdach. I was trying to, you guys mentioned the numbers where you get the number chart from. It's in the handouts that was shared. I think Paul, did you upload a more recent version? I think you uploaded it last time somewhere for folks to copy if you are not on the distribution list from till it's. Yeah, I took the one from last week off and I put the updated version on, is attached for tonight. Okay. I got the email. Thank you. Yeah. Up on the top, it'll say 18 July, 2024, continued from 11 July. So. Okay. Thank you. I yield. Okay. Is there anyone else to get a comment for a question? Do you hear me? Scotty, New York. Go ahead, Scotty. I have a question actually for you and for Paul, but for Katarina, I was actually following first the earlier chart without the numbers, and I, because I didn't understand where the numbers will come from. That was from the 11th, and then I was following the one from tonight to continue that had the numbers and a little bit, but I'm still a little confused with the astrologer, like Leo's and stuff. But the question that I have for Kat is when you have like muscle stasms or like flinching kind of stuff, what could that be? And one other thing, I have a tooth that was loose that a year ago. They said it was number three and they couldn't save it. And I started taking gelatin in my tea each day. And it's like 50% better. And like notice today, it's like, it's not tight, but it's way different than it ever was. Is there anything else I could do to add to the gelatin, to do with that? So, it's like actually two questions. I yield. So for the cramps, Meg Fos, like spasms, spasms, right? Meg Fos, which is number eight. And for for like loose teeth, you can try number one, which is Calc Flur. Yeah, I still don't know what that is, Calc Flur and all of Calc fos and a little bit of a confusing bet is, but it's natural soaps that are in the body. All right, yes. So Calc Flur is calcium fluoride, right? So I think a few weeks back, we talked about, so there's fluoride in the water, which is the toxic version of fluoride, but fluoride is an essential mineral for the body. And when it's in the calcium fluoride form, it is especially assimilated by the body, and it supports bones, it supports teeth, and it supports tissue elasticity too. So for loose teeth, you want to strengthen the gums around the tooth, right? So think about supporting those connective tissues, right, that hold the tooth in place. And I mean, and gelatin, right, collagen was great for that, right? Because it also supports connective tissue, so that was a great choice. You might actually think of vitamin C as well, because vitamin C helps with collagen building in the body, but as far as tissue salts, you would do number one. Now you talk in vitamin C from oranges and stuff, or like the pills? Probably to get sufficient amount, you might consider supplementing citrus. So the vitamin C is in the pit that's in the white part, it's not in the actual fruit. So if, yeah, so what you might want to do is so take your citrus fruit, you take the zest off, and then you peel, and then that peel that's left, you can add that to your smoothies or whatever, and that's where you get your vitamin C. Oh, well, you're totally confusing with the white stuff, I was thinking I can have those white stuff. No, no, no, the piss of the citrus. Yeah. Okay, so now you clear it up. So the number four is ferium far, so far to far state. Correct. Calcium sulfate. So those abbreviations, that would have been better not after the abbreviations, have a coat. But what's the fifth one, Cali Muir? What the heck is that? So Cali, K is the chemical symbol for potassium. So Cali is potassium nureatricum. So is there like a coat to figure out what those are? Because I really was scrolling and scrolling, you were talking, and I didn't follow some of it. I can, well, so Cali Muiratricum is a chloride of hot ash or potassium chloride. So Muir is chloride, and Cali is potassium. Let me grab, let me grab one of the highlands bottles, because I know on the highlands, on the highlands bottle, they use this particular, because Dr. Schusler, who discovered these remedies, that's what he used. So in fact, on the highlands bottle, it will use the, like, Cali sulf, Cali Muir, so it won't give you the full name, right? It'll give you that abbreviated name. Okay, the potash, isn't that like the acid thing? We used to use that in the Keshe foundation, making the ganzas and stuff, mixing it with hydrogen chloride and acid, but really dangerous. You got a patient. Yes, the rock, yeah, the rock minerals, right, are not really observable by the body, but in this specific combination, potassium chloride is very important for the body. Potassium chloride is potash? Yeah, chloride of potash is, yeah, the other chemical name for it. That stuff, I don't understand that law stuff for years and years. Now I get it, but for years, I never understood that. All right, thank you. And the other question for Paul is, some reason, free conference that I've always joined with free conferences, the first time we'll listen on the phone, or the last week I'll listen on the phone, it won't give me the audio. It just says at the bottom, it usually has a picture of a microphone, and I mute it. Oh, I don't see. Anyway, for some reason, it's not letting me join. I tried to get a Rogers call we other day. I think Saturday and last week, I had to, for some reason, three conference calls telling me, enable the audio in your browser, which I didn't disable anything. So, all of a sudden, for some reason, I can't hear audio if I join the free conference call or speak. So, I've been listening to the call for a week. So, would you know about that, Paul? Paul, you might be amused. Okay, he could have felt he worked all day at home, and what he does, he may make it look easy, but what he does is anything but easy. Okay, no problem, I won't take time on the call. It's getting late. It's actually late for you guys. Okay, okay, yeah, it's getting over a ways. And I'll talk you privately, Dao, because you didn't actually look at the forms or any ideas that I had suggested to you. Okay, so thank you so much, Katarina. Thank you. Okay, is there anyone with the pressing question that they'd like to ask quick? If not, then we can close out. So, if there's anyone that's new on the call that does not receive the notices for the Tuesday or Thursday night calls and would like to receive the notices with all the attachments and information, you can send Phyllis an email. She'll give out her email here in a little bit. She'll want your first name, your state, and who invites you to the call, and a phone number. And we do not share any contact information, but if there's somebody that would want to reach out to you, they would send Phyllis an email and she will forward that on to you, and they'll be up to you to reach out to them at your convenience. Phyllis, you want to give out your email quick? Phyllis? If you can hear me, it's Blue Ridge 11 1 at Blue Ridge 1121 at Okay, and Paul, are you here? That we've been announcing that picnic in New York there, I don't have the details. What's that? That's Saturday. Yeah. Do you have the details on that, Scotty? Well, I don't have the address where it is, but it's Saturday around noon, and it could go to about eight or so. They usually get several hundred people, three or four hundred, and I'm expecting there's going to be more this year, and it's from Americans for the number four legal reform, I think that or whatever, but it's Americans, and then the number four for legal reform, and there's more details there, that would have the address, but it's out in South the county, and they're going to allow tables to let people promote their groups and stuff within reason, a couple of minutes. It really sounds like they're really doing what you have been doing there, getting people together. These are the kind of groups that never merge and never want to lose their listeners, and you and now Carl and Sarah, who is one of the creators of Americans for legal reform, are actually merging together all sorts of different people. It's an amazing thing. We needed to do this 15 years ago, so you can find out the final detail that Americans know the four legal reform. I think it's .org. It's .com or it's .com. Okay. Okay, yeah, so that's this coming Saturday, the 20th and the rain date will be the next day, same time, same place, so if you could make it, you're more than welcome, and it's kind of networking and trying to get people to work together to bring this country back to being a Constitution Republic, what it was intended to be, and to be able to unite and work together to achieve that goal. Free food, don't get the free food part. Yep, and there'll be a free barbecue, so you're welcome to join. And tomorrow morning, at 9 a.m. Eastern time, we meet for a prayer call, and that number is 605-313-5583, and the access code is 768918-pound. So, and that's at 9 a.m. Eastern time. So, you're welcome to join that. And on attachment, and there's like the 20-24 current videos of important events, there's a lot of good information on there, and it's attached down below. So, you can take a look at that at your convenience. So, if there's anyone that would like to close an order prayer, step forward. If not, then I will. Heavenly Father, we come before you to thank you for all that you've revealed to us. We just ask you, Lord, to continue to help us grow in the knowledge of the things that you've provided in this creation that we can apply on for our health. We just thank you, Lord, for Cat, and the information that she's brought forward to help to comprehend the many minerals and the salts that you have provided for us in nature that we can apply to our daily regimen to help us to deal with different health issues. And we thank you, Lord, for the information that was shared. We ask you, Lord, to continue to help us to grow in the knowledge of your handiwork and to apply it in our daily life and to help those that have the knowledge of it that we may be able to share this information with others to help them. We thank you, Lord, for this day and for all that you've given us and ask that you continue to draw us together, that we can work together and harmony one with another and apply the love that you have placed into our heart. What is said and done is for your glory and the name of Yeshua. We commit all things into your hands. Amen. Well, thank you, Cat, for sharing this information. It's very deep for most and, you know, but it's definitely a foundational part of what we need to provide for ourselves in our body that seems so small but have such an importance in the work that they do. So with that, we'll say good night all and Lord be with you until we meet again. Next Tuesday, we're going to have David Spring present basically on is the website, but he's going to be talking about the national status and basically the importance of basically being recognized different in this corporate system to maybe be separated a little bit from the tyranny that's imposed by it through the different statutes they apply to the status. So with that, we'll say good night all and Lord be with you until we meet again. This session is no longer being recorded. [silence] Goodbye. [silence]