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Radio Ranch with Roger Sayles


2h 11m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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Hit the bones using the future of medicine, which is frequency. This is your time. Grab your wand device right now. For more information on the ITERRACare Classic Terahertz Frequency Wand, go to That's Forward Moving and Focused on Freedom. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ Tatch the ridge, feed the pole, gel around the old, rich old pole. ♪ ♪♪ Brian, we're sure trying. We're going to try again for another couple hours today here on the 18th of July, just a little over the mid part of this important month here, at least for me. And it is Roger Sails, of course, your host here on the Radio Ranch, where we try and give away freedom. Any takers? We're reaching out on a bunch of platforms, and Mr. Beiners, the keeper of those, and knows them all, and intimately, and I'm letting share their calls and their identifying nomenclature with you so we can thank them for participating in our little project of freedom here. So Paul, take her away. Let's do this. This being Thursday, we're on 106.9 WBOU FM in Chicago, like we are Monday through Friday, but also Thursday and Friday, we're on It's a Europe team station, and we're also on, speaking of Europe, thanks to Pastor Eli James. We're on Global Voice Network. That's a spreaker channel, and that is And the EuroFolk and Global Voice Network links are on, which is where you can also find archives of previous shows. You can find the historic archives on Castbox and the links at the top of the page. You can find the recent archives on Global Voice Network, just by clicking on the Global Voice Network link. You will also find the links to join us via free conference call or Zoom, so you can actually join us on the show. We're also on on channel HN4,, and GoLiveTV and And that's about it. If you join us, you press star six to mute or unmute, and dial nine for one to raise your hand if you have a question. And nine for star to put your hand back down. That's pretty much it. It's all I got. Okay, did you just send me something? All righty, well, okay, well, just showed up. So let's get started here and see if we can salvage some of yesterday's disaster and to pull it back into a little tight pile. Hey, look, what? That's a tight pile of freedom. A tight pile of freedom is piled up in front of your palm. And that's what we're here for. I mean, honestly, for me, I probably, if we didn't weren't doing this and I didn't have this on the plate in front of me, I'd probably be bored stiff. You know, there's nothing like not having anything to do on a regular basis. And it helps because this is a passion of mine, and it's been a part of my life for quite a few years, 32. Starting on the 33rd year here, since yesterday, the hell of a day to start the 33rd year fall. So anyway, I mean, I love all you guys. I love doing what we're doing. And I mean, I know because I've been involved in it for so long and had so many years to think about it and analyze it. I know what we've got here. Many of you have not reached that stage yet. Okay. I mean to the power of what we've got a little hydrogen bomb right here. Yes, sir. Technically, your anniversary did not start until later in the evening. Right? You're marking the date. You're marking the date that you attended that meeting with Bill Benson. No, no, no, no, no, I'm marking that day from the tape that I watched that was by a fellow named Al Carter out of Utah, who was basically stolen the work of Phil Marsh and was trying to go out and make money on it. It just so happened. That's the tape I saw. I never heard much about Al Carter after that. Honestly, that I remember Phil Marsh. Some of you old timers may remember some of this. Phil Marsh was the guy that was going around the country and he put a, put a word in the lexicon of untaxing Paul. He was going around untaxing people. Okay. And man, they let him go for five years. All around the country. They even had him on ABC one Friday night with, it was either Stone Phillips. I think it was Stone Phillips. Maybe Geraldo Rivera. One of those two, I believe, is Stone Phillips. He's a pretty good reporter. He's still around. And they just let him go for five years. And finally, they threw the net over him and called him in. Now, at the very same time, John and Glenn were teaching this stuff. They only let them go for six months. So Paul, being an astute young man, what does that tell you? It tells me that they feared John and Glenn more than the other guy. Now, why would that be? Why would that be? Because John and Glenn didn't know it, didn't know why, but they stumbled on the feudal system. They didn't know what to call it, but they stumbled on it. They were really close to connecting the nuts. Well, John knew definitely about the feudal system. He lived it a lot of his life. Obviously, well, what this tells you, if you really look at it and throw the tea leaves around a little bit. And it says, if you're not, if you're teaching BS or not over the target, they'll just let you go because you're going to attract all of the people that are interested in this topic. And then they're going to have a lot of people that might participate in the future against them. So they let's run and run and run until they throw the net over you. I liken it to Paul, do you know much about fishing for Bill Fish? Big game fishing? No. Okay. Well, it's very interesting sport. I know that sometimes if you want a really big fish, you got to go fishing for the little ones because you're catching the fresh bait to get the big fish. Well, that's part of it. Now, what they use for fishing for Bill Fish, and I include in that, uh, sailfish, marlin, you know, black, blue, white marlin and all that stuff. Uh, and some of those things get to be over a thousand pounds. I mean, they're huge fish. Okay. Very cautious and it takes a lot of gamesmanship to get them. So what those boats do is they'll drop out a couple of teasers, you know, things that have little streamers behind them or spark holders or something that catches the sun and they'll throw some of those out so they get their attention. See? And so what they'll do is they'll drag those behind the boat and they'll raise a fish. So he'll be down deep. He'll see that. He'll hear the motor or whatever. Come up to the surface and he sees these shiny things and these Bill Fish before they eat something, they strike it with their bill. That's what they've got a bill for. Okay? And so you're on the boat and you can look back there at the teasers. They're not too far behind the boat and you can see those big fish when they come up. And they start trying to kill the, what's called the teaser with their bill. Okay? And so while they're doing that, you take and take usually a Ballyhoo is the type of preferable bait. It's a special kind of little fish, a little minnow fish, a little bit or bigger minnow. But it's specially wrapped on the hook with the hooks buried in the Ballyhoo. And while that Bill Fish is playing around with those teasers, you just drop that Ballyhoo out and stream it out right by him. See? And then you kind of pull the teasers in and there's the Ballyhoo with hook in it. And so if you get that, and he comes up and starts playing with it with his bill, and then he takes it in his mouth. Okay? Well, at that point, you throw the bail open. You know, with the dragon all that, where you would normally roll him really men, you throw that bail open and you just feeding the line. And he eats that fish and eats that fish and gets it down in his stomach or deeper down in his throat. And then all of a sudden you throw that bail back and you got that thing locked and you yank and set that hook. And it's on. Okay? I mean, sometimes they fight those fish seven, eight, nine hours or longer. So anyway, that's what the IRS does. They just feed you the line. They're feeding that guy that it ain't a bait. It's a teaser. And they just let him go and all the other menos around are coming around. What's this guy got? What's this guy got? And when they got a whole bunch of you right there, then they throw the net over you. Okay? So that's why if you're teaching bad stuff, they'll let you go. But if you're like John and Glenn and you were over the target, they ain't going to let you around because they don't want any of those people that are going to come to you to get any accurate information. So that's what happens at that point. I heard John, Phil Marsh died in prison and I believe his wife also. I still, this is, that was around the mid nineties. So we could put that in a search engine to come up with some exact dates, because around the big nineties. Do you know, Paul, that I still get people contact me, Tom, Tom was one of the listeners from RBL. Well, I was a Phil Marsh follower. I've got a post office box and I know this, that and the other and all these evasive things that are doing to the IRS. And he kept up with the movement so little that he's been doing that for 30 years. Another one recently, I was a Phil Marsh student. Can you tell me how to get a credit card? Yeah, file this paper, go up in a bank account and apply for a credit card. I mean, all these people are chasing their tail doing all this evasive stuff. No, no address, no this, no bank account, no that. Insanely over all this old patriot information. Listen, there's probably still people doing it. Okay. So, there probably is. I don't know why you're, I've heard from two of them. Those are the ones that kind of went, Phil Marsh, God, you're still doing that. Why hadn't you kept up more, you know? But that was the origin of kind of where I came from. And that's why I say I was so fortunate. And that six month period of time when John and Glenn were teaching. And here I was just a little old guy with always had a bunch of questions. Now I had a lot more questions and I just happened. Thank you, Lord, to cross paths with John and Glenn. And for the audience that hadn't heard this before, this is fairly important. Because what John and Glenn were doing is they'd found what they had found was revocation of election. Except we were instructed to file our affidavits in the property records office because they had not understood or realized about the Secretary of State connection. And the importance of the absolute mandatory going through the Secretary of State because he's the Lord of the Man are overall things, including in charge of citizenship. So we didn't know that. So we were filing them in the wrong place. So we had not completed it. And that was what brought John and Glenn down. Was that fact that crackle that all of a sudden they could come back on them. That's not what sent them to prison. They had like, I think, 90 charges against them. Just all BS. They'd gotten involved with some Canadian female that was doing something with the stock market and a lot of the stuff was off of that. And I don't know all the charges. I just know that a U.S. Attorney handled the case. A U.S. Attorney had a Salt Lake. And if it's any kind of a tax case, they won't let local U.S. Attorneys handle them. They always fly in a tax specialist. So that right there tells you it wasn't about the taxes. They just wanted to get these guys off the street. And the reason for that is because they had after the raid where the home office was in Vegas, they had moved back to Salt Lake and John was running against. Oh, what's his name? Was it famous Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah? He was running against Orrin Hatch and Glenn was running against whoever the representative was there in that district of Salt Lake. And they were out on the campaign trail teaching all this tax stuff. That's why they came after them. I believe. So anyway, I just hear along this line, let me tell you something because we're dealing with a situation with the book United Slaves of America right now. And the fact that it was for sale over on the book patch and because of Chris and Tennessee that had the high high definition scanner that pageant found the book online, I totally forgot about it. Okay. I mean, I just had crossed my mind in years and Patrick goes, there's something from John and Glenn. I go, holy smokes. So we got it to Nashville. Chris got it scanned. We got it back. Thank goodness to Deborah Bieber. She got on with publishing experience and was used to get into the back office and set it up on the book patch and something happened and I still don't know what it was. There's some kind of screw up with one page on the scan or something. And so the book patch stopped selling it. And that led to all the discussion we had here a couple of weeks ago after the show Paul with you and Larry and what it on. And, and let's see if I can get all this straight here. And anyway, so we, you put it on the website, right? I believe I'm told. And a copy or two got out in PDF and there's something somebody stole the copyright and it's just all these. GD problems that I'm not good at this stuff. We had, you know, getting into back offices and manipulate and all that software and doing all the things you got to do. So anyway, that is out there a little bit. And what I would prefer to do having discussions right now is to set up a new account and get the little glitch fix that caused all of this CRAP. And, and get it back available for those who want a hard copy book. Okay. Now it's a big eight and a half by 11 book. It's the, it was when I was still a student, John and Glenn wrote this book. He's called United Slaves of America. Obviously, when it was written in the early 90s, it was more written from what they knew and the track they were on. It's got a probably a bunch of IRS stuff in it. But there's a lot of background on the feudal system and stuff in there too. You know, there's some powerful stuff that somebody came on and read something about it the other day on the year. And so, I would just as soon have the book available. It's an eight and a half by 11 format. It costs $32 just to print the thing. Okay. And we were selling it for $39. I'm not interested in making money on this stuff. So I would prefer to leave the one open e-book for people that want to download it that maybe can't afford $40 because I'm sure there's people out there today that can't afford $40 for a book. Okay. But would love to have the information. I'm more interested in the information getting out there than any form of money or any amount of money. Okay. When my book was put out, we offered both the hard copy. They're on the book patch and we also offered the e-book copy. For five bucks, I think. Well, you know, it goes out of e-book. It's very two shakes of a lamb's tail. The thing was on the Internet. I never went back and wrote letters, demand, and take this off. And I'm the copyright holder and all that stuff. I'm in poor. I'm interested in getting the damn information out. I could care less about the money. Okay. So anyway, I believe that's the track we're going to take on this book, the United Slaves of America. We're going to get this whatever this snappy was. It started all this CRAP. We'll get that straight. We'll get Deborah to go over and set up a new account and put it on the book patch where people are able to purchase it. If you're one of those people and I'm one that prefer a printed hard copy than reading off the screen. And then we'll keep one, I guess, open now that it's on the Internet on our site. We'll keep that up there for the people that would like to have the information, but don't have the $40. So, but my cause here, folks, is to get this information out. I mean, I think I've told you a couple of times there may be some new people on here that have heard this. But in that six months that John and Glenn were teaching, they only had 1,200 students. It cost $1,500 to go through that course 30 years ago. Okay, I don't charge you a dime. All right. So it cost $1,500 and then they would get a piece of what you got back on revocation of election. But John and Glenn did not have the Secretary of State Angle, so they imploded all that. And of course, that's what we're doing now that we've got that angle. We're doing that for you for the people that would like to have us do it for you. And we're having success because now we understand that like that court case said in order, unless the person can prove they're not a citizen of the United States, the IRS can proceed. Okay, well, we prove it. We prove it with that affidavit and they recognize it. And so now the IRS has got an open flank and that's what we're trying to take advantage of. And so anyway, just a little background on something that's very topical and very timely. And a little background for those of you who just stumbled in here may be new and have no idea of what's gone on to offer you this freedom on silver platter for free. All right, over 100 years, over 100 years of three men's lives and research historical and legal. And I'm just the lucky one that stood on their shoulders that found the golden key and can offer it to you. I don't want to charge you. I don't think you ought to charge for freedom. I do expect you to pay, though, in learning the information and having command of it. Is that the least you can do? Yes. Because unless you do, you're not free. Okay, and the more you have control of that information, the freer you are. And so all those things combined into what I was going to say is in that six months that they were teaching. They had 1200 students. They had some pretty illustrious students, Don Rogers, Senator Don Rogers, a great California senator, highly, highly respected, was in one of the seminars we went through. Sir Richard McDonald, a California state citizen guy of some repute. He's not with us anymore. But Richard McDonald, zany, zany, the guy had a wonderful personality, funny as hell and just a joy to get to know him. But out of those 1200 people, I was the only one that took this further. After they got raided by the IRS, everybody else got scared away or that was the motivation and the reason they were in there. And I put a lot of thought into this over the years, actually. And what I've come to conclude is you've always got the dialectic involved here. You're either going there for something, okay? Either you're trying to avoid pain or you're trying to get knowledge. Well, all those other people, for the most part, were trying to get some problem away from the IRS or get the IRS off their ass. So they were there. Well, let's just say, somewhat of a negative thing. But I didn't have an IRS problem. I'd never made enough money to have an IRS problem, quite frankly. And so I was there because all the way from the '60s when I was a young man in college, I just knew there was something wrong. And I'd never been able to put my finger on. I'd go, you know, watch the news and yell at the television set and want to put my foot through it and all that. And then all of a sudden, somebody comes up to me at an MLM meeting and says, income tax is illegal. And I went, oh, yeah, yeah, sure. And I said, no, no, we've got a tape. And I said, well, I'm open-minded. I'll watch a tape. I had to get the tape down from Virginia, took a couple of weeks. And when they got it down to me on Tuesday night, and I believe it was a Thursday night when I had time to watch it and sat down. And that was the night Bill Clinton's acceptance speech and all that stuff as of July 16th in 1992. So all of that and all these years subsequently that I've been doggedly, determinably chasing this to try and find some answers and put a few things together. And lo and behold, lo and behold, through a series of events, I end up after my wife dies back at the family home. And that's when the little voice came to me the first time there in 2007 and said, you need to get out. Well, that was when Obama was running the first time. You need to get out. Where did that come from? There's nobody else in the room. And so I blew it off and put it on the back burner. And I don't know a few days later, a week later, ten days later, it came again. Well, at that point, I learned when you hear that voice twice, you better take heed. And I had been watching a program on public broadcasting called Globe Trekkers, which is some Brit kids that go around the world. It's probably still on replays, maybe goes all over the world to different countries. And I knew my buddy had been trying to get me to come down there with him to Argentina. And I'd always ask him, you know, same dumb question everybody asked me when I got down there. He's a close to Boeing and Cyries. Oh, no, it's only the other country I'll buy the Andes. Well, that night on that show, that's where they were. And they went right in that part of the country and drank matte there on with some of the locals and whatnot. And so I had already kind of been interested in Argentina. And so the next morning, I called my friend, I said, well, I think I'm going to move to Argentina. And so now I had to go get a passport. And reluctantly, because I'm like almost everybody listening here. You're scared of the federal government and their bully tactics and the way they do things. And I very reluctantly went to the post office, picked up orange and purple. That's the used to color them. I don't know if they still do. DS 11 was orange and DS 82 was purple and brought them home and put my feet up on my desk and started reading them and low and behold. Here this, I've been chasing my tail for 15 years. And there at the top of the first page is the answer I've been looking for. I mean, you want to talk about revelation. I just go holy smoke. I've got these bastards. I remember my, we had a Florida room at the house kind of a walkway room from a small to a small apartment. My grandfather had built to live and die in. And my brother, when I was there, my brother walked through and I said, George, George, I said, I've got these bastards. And he goes, yeah, sure you do. And kept on walking. You know, I'm going, I got them. And I did have them. And so here we sit. Now, the question that is still bother me, just titillates me a bit. Did I hear the voice to get out and we all know what's happened subsequently? Or was it telling me to get out so that I could, for the very first time, get a passport and find the answer at the top of the first page I've been looking for? And I don't know the answer to that. It may be both. Okay. But, but that was the series of events that led us here. And what I've been broaching on mentioning here for a minute was, you know, out of those 1200 people. People like Senator Non Rogers and Sir Richard McDonald. Nobody took it further. I was the only one. There's a few for after the raid. There's a few that hung around were still loyal for a bit. And they were particularly interested in IRS stuff. I just figured there had to be a bigger mechanism to be looking for. And so honestly, if it wouldn't have been for me, and I'm not patting myself on the back, I still don't know why I was chosen to do it. But if it hadn't been for me, we wouldn't know this folks. We would not because look at the rest of our movement, still how they're floundering around out there. A man living on the land. I got to destroy the trust. All that garbage. Okay. We wouldn't know this. So please be grateful. All right, because I am be be grateful that we've gone through all this, but that we've got the answer. And we got the answer. No doubt. Okay. Oh, I mean, you get the eye. I can't imagine a bunch of young David Duke and who's the guy with the sons of Liberty. I heard him on the interview the other day. I turned it off. I asked a bunch of junk. Well, those aren't the people we're looking for. Okay. We're looking for people like you that that for whatever reason this information resonates with. And I wish I knew the reason if we could isolate the reason we could go back and find a bunch of people like us, but I don't know the reason. I still don't know the reason. I've been quizatory over it for 30 years. Why? What makes us different? Okay. So anyway, here we are. Freedom in hand, offering it on a silver platter to anybody that wants it. And you almost can't give it away. Till I've often wondered, should I charge $1,000 for a charge $1,000 for one sentence on one piece of paper? And oh my God, he's charging $1,000. It must be something to it. Is that the answer? Charging people for it? I don't think so. I don't want to do it. I want it's open to everybody. I want to affect change. The way we affect change is we get this information to a lot of people, but they don't want it. Very few of them want it. What do you do? Samuel? My just said Roger there. Who's that? I think that was Sheldon. Yes, Roger. Your book. I know you said hardcover. Your book, softcover, $60 on thrift books. Very good condition. There's one left. I'm done. God, you can go to the back book patch and buy it for 25. But somebody wants to pay that for it. I guess that's all right. So I don't know. That's where we are. Where we are is here, but that's a little background for some of you that may be new. Some of you have been around for a while. I've heard that before. But that's what led up to where we are. Glenn was still involved as being a mentor of John and a very close confidant. And so he got here's the rest of the story on the IRS thing is Glenn and John, of course, found all those books on people that had written on the X checker. And it came from a court case in the 1850s called Murray's Less E versus something construction and improvement company. Hoboken, New Jersey. And in that case at the bottom because there was a due process case and the Supreme Court said, well, we don't have anything about due process and tax law in the Constitution. So I guess what we do is we got to go to our country we came from and go to their methods. Well, that's where it led to the X checker. And there were, I believe, if you want to go look at that court case, you can find it yourself. There's about five reference books that they the court back in those days went to. Or at least referenced in that situation. And I know one of them was by a guy named Price. Another one was by a guy named Chitty C H I T T Y and there were a couple of others they had written. They had written books on the X checker and his processes. And so way before that kind of stuff was on the Internet early 90s, John Glenn went to the only source they had, which was the interlibrary research deal where you can get all the libraries in the country that are connected to search their contents. And if you find something, you can get your hands on it. Well, they went to the interlibrary search thing and they could only find two copies of all of those books and all those authors, only two copies in the United States. Two copies, one at the Library of Congress and one at Texas A&M University. And so if the question being now, when you talk about tax attorneys and tax judges and tax court and all this stuff, there's only two books in the whole country that go over the processes being used against you. Well, how accurate do you think those judges and attorneys are going to be? Well, they're not going to be. And so John and Glenn eventually got all those books or released enough of them where they could read them and understand the processes that were going on. And that's when they got it with all of the trial and the jail stuff that took five years to get them in jail. And so they went their own separate ways. Glenn went up to northern Minnesota to a minimum security place. I don't know what town. John was transferred, was sent to one of the only unair conditioned facilities in the entire Bureau of Prisons in Petersburg, Virginia. That's pretty hot and hot and sultry there in the summertime for a man that's in his 80s and bad health. And only by a thing, what I call fickle finger of fate. Glenn being very spiritual wanted to get into this pastoral program there that they offered. And whoever the bureaucrat was that was over that particular situation, the fat finger of fate, sending to Petersburg, Virginia. And so for four years, John and Glenn got to sit there together and spend the after an inch together and talk about that. Those books and the process and discuss it enough to where they really had a handle on it, and then they started writing their book. The book is over on the book patch taxation without representation, the truth about taxes in plain English. And Glenn edited it and helped write it and John and he put it together. And I typed a lot of it for them because they didn't have a typewriter there and they hand-rided it out and sent it to me in Florida. And I'd type it back up because I was a pretty good typer and send it back to them. And then Glenn finally scrounged a typewriter there, not supposed to have it, but he would hide it real well so they could type it up up there and take that link out of the chain. And so after they got out, they had that book and put the final edits on it and got it in print, well, then John died. And so Glenn, knowing all this stuff, I was on shows back then without a lattice for about a year, year and a half, I think, on Wednesdays. And through this story and whatnot, Al knew a guy, oh, his name escapes me right now, but he had been studying. I don't know if any of you have ever gotten into the IRS stuff and how much depth, but IRS has got these manuals. Have you ever seen one of those, Paul, one of the IRS manuals? On all the computer stuff that they do, Paul may be off doing something. Anyway, this guy, I was hoping his name had come to me, had been put all this study and all this time into those manuals where you do this to achieve this and you put this code to put this in and all that stuff. So I was able, and with the help of Al, able to connect this fellow with Glenn. So this guy had all the internal mechanizations, and Glenn knew how the system works. And they got together and they figured out that the weak part of the system is push code 09. And push code 09, see the IRS computer is programmed correctly. And part of the programming of the computer is that there has to be a statute staple or a 1040 filed in the process. And so if somebody's got a failure to file like this doctor that I'm going to tell you about in a second, he had filed a couple of years. And so when the computer gets to the point where it's got to go to assessment, if there's no 1040 filed, it can't go forward. And so push code 09 is the internal designation where they stop the operation on that account. And an agent of some sort puts in what we used to call in the movement a dummy returned because a dummy puts it in there. But regardless, it's called technically a substitute for return or an SFR. And because there's no 1040 filed and the computer can't go forward, once you put this document in there, then the 1040, the computer sees the 1040, it goes on to assessment and goes on to collections. And so they figured out that push code 09 is the real pivotal move here on the entire IRS operation. If it comes to somebody with a failure to file. So they found a fellow who was a doctor in San Diego, I believe, who was under indictment for failure to file. And they got the law firm to agree to represent him using all of this material that John Glenn had come up with. So Glenn would literally write the process and send it to them and they'd carry it into court. Well, they, the lower court conviction, they're in San Diego. And I remember Glenn saying, said, Roger, it's so complex that not only can the jury not understand it, but the judge can't understand it. And so they appealed it up to the night circuit and the lower decision was affirmed. And at that point, John Glenn, Glenn got pissed off, he walked away from all this, still is, still is to mostly, he's off doing other things. But you go and you got him cold, you got him in the court, you got everything out there and they can't understand it still. Well, I'm beating my head against a wall because it feels so bad when we stop. Of course, I've always gone on a different track that on this and as I've come to understand it, we don't have to deal with courts. All we got to do is write out one sentence, go get it doctored up, send it to this one guy that's responsible for all this. There's no judicial, there's no nothing, there's no even dealing with the agency. You just drop them that little one sentence and you're done. They can't do anything, they can't object, they can't rebut it, they can't do anything but stand mute. That's what I say, it's not threatening, it's not threatening at all, it's not expensive at all, it's simple as hell. And who would have guessed that one sentence on one piece of paper to one guy could totally relieve you from the system? I mean, how many of you would have ever thought that, none of you? Me included. But here we are. We find ourselves with the Excalibur. Folks, every one of you got Excalibur in your hand, do you understand that? You know what Excalibur was? Excalibur was the sword that was buried in the stone. By the way, over in Europe there is some sort of a sword in a stone. Over there's been there for God knows how many centuries and some of these Muslims came and cut it off. Somewhere over in Spain or somewhere recently. It made me want a puke, it made me want a puke. But anyway, that's the background of why we're here. I'm pleased don't take it lightly, you got over a hundred years of research at three minutes' lives, over 100 years of sacrifice. Digging, chiseling, picking at this information to try and come away with some answer. And we finally got it. Please don't think lightly about this. This is very serious stuff, you got the neutron bomb in your hands. You got the biggest, baddest son of a bitches that have ever walked the face of the earth running the earth right now. And all they do when you put this up like you're putting up garlic to a vampire. They just stand mute, they shrivel away. Do you understand what you got in your hands? This time, this place in history, the first time to my knowledge, anybody's ever had these guys in this type of a situation where you got their game. We stole their mojo, okay? I don't know if anybody else has ever done that. There may be, I just don't know about it. I mean, what does that mean to use it, not important? It sure seems damn important to me. So I don't know what it's going to take. I don't know if there's some magic pixie dust that somebody's going to sprinkle over a city and they wake up and go, "God, I need some truth this morning." Or whatever the events may be. But we've got a whole card here, we got an ace card, folks. It is powerful. So powerful, it makes the biggest, baddest bastards ever to walk the earth, sit there and stand mute and possibly even shrivel over in the corner because they've been red-handed, caught, red-handed, slaving, and building this whole illusion that they have so incredibly benefited from. And it's been so detrimental to most of us, and they just stand mute. Yeah. Okay. I figured out why you couldn't hear me. Zoom muted me. Okay. But I was here. Well, I just want to get off on that roll. I don't know why. Maybe just try and make up a little bit, put a band-aid on yesterday. But I try and impress you, folks. I mean, I really try and impress on you what you got in your hands. And many of you, and I know it's new. I know it's complex. I know it takes thought. I know it takes time. You have got the mother of all remedies. I mean, really in the history of the planet, folks, right in your hands. Was that you, Mark? It was. Hey, man. Really good stuff. Can you hear me? Okay. Yeah. Here you find loud and clear. I mean, that's the obstacle path I've gone over over all these years, man, and how it just happened. It fell in my lap, but it didn't fall in my lap without me making some effort on the front end to get to a point where it could. And I'd understand it. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing, Roger, because like, you know, from time to time, some of the listeners will reach out to me. My email address is That's Mark, It does not have to be capitalized. But it's interesting because the industry around the taxes is so huge. And people have worked so hard to structure businesses and LLCs and corporations and all this stuff to reduce their taxes as much as possible. And then when they hear your message and they're like, "Oh, I can be a national." "Oh, that puts me in a different category when it comes to taxes." And then they realize that they're basically exempt for most of their income is exempt from taxation. And it's hard for them to grasp it. I had one individual here and it's been probably over a year ago. We were consulting and he was like wanting to put trust together and have money flow into one trust and into a different trust and an LLC and, you know, so on and so forth. And I said, "Well, if you're a national and that income would normally be exempt from taxation, why do you need that?" And I kept drilling down, "Okay, well, if you're this way and you have this status, what do you need that?" They're like, "Oh, I guess I don't." And then finally, they're dawned on. "Oh, oh, I don't have to go through all this mess to try to reduce my taxes." And then it just came down to he simply needed a trust to hold property, to protect this property that was it. And it was like the light bulb went on and we still got people, even in your audience, right now who are nationals and they're still kind of wrapping their mind around it because we have been so indoctrinated that this is the way it has to be, and this is this whole new concept of being a non-U.S. citizen, non-resident, non-U.S. citizen, it takes a bit to get your mind wrapped around that. But once you do, it is so liberating and so empowering. And we've got people that are, you know, starting to get refunds from the taxes that were withheld from previous years. We know it works and it's just the beginning of it. We haven't really got into, well thankfully, we don't know of anybody else. It's really, you know, got caught up with any kind of government agency trying to go after them and battling over jurisdiction. But I think the Supreme Court is helping open those doors where we're going to have, hopefully, a better time to fight back some of these government agencies regarding the Chevron deference, being overturned. So, you know, things aren't changing. But as far as getting the message out there, it really, it takes, and I don't know that our people are doing this, but, you know, it really takes getting into the social media and finding where somebody popular has just released a video maybe relating to government or taxation, and then saying, well, you know, here's a solution to that or, you know, here's how you can get out of that system and then put a link back to maybe like one of Rogers' video interviews back with Spingola and get them turned on to that. And it takes a bunch of us doing that, or we have to automate it with some software that can go out there and do little shorts and put it on, you know, short videos and put it on TikTok and YouTube and Facebook and so forth. And you're pumping that out there to the masses and the people it resonates with will show up. That's what it takes nowadays. >> May I? >> True, go ahead. >> Wayne was unmuted, I just muted him because there's a noise coming from his line, but I will unmute you again, Wayne, when I'm done with this one, quick comment. You don't want to jump through hoops to position your finances so you can avoid taxes because every entity you create that adds evidence that they will hold against you for tax evasion, for money laundering, if you're moving money from one entity to another, and then filtering it down to yourself tax-free, whatever, you can get it a whole lot more trouble with tax evasion charges and money laundering than you ever could with tax avoidance. It is not now nor has it ever been my intention to not pay any tax I lawfully owe. That's the position you want to be from. And thank you for that morsel of gold, Mark. >> Mark, you know the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance? >> About 20 years. >> I don't know. >> A cell wall. >> Yeah. Well, that statement that Paul brought out, you know, it's not now nor has it ever been my intent to avoid paying a tax that I lawfully owe. That's what you're born for. And he recommended any correspondence with the IRS that you start with that because intention is required to prove criminality. It's the difference between murder and manslaughter. If you accidentally killed somebody, you had no intention of doing it, that's manslaughter. But if you intended to kill somebody, that becomes murder. >> Yeah. >> And when you get over into tax law, if you're intending, if they can prove that your intention is to break the law, then when it comes to taxes, now we're talking criminality. Big difference. >> I love the another quote along those lines from, again, learned at hand. And he said tax avoidance, tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is your duty. >> Yeah. >> You have a duty to avoid paying taxes. The other one that my old buddy Ron Brown came up with when he was fighting the IRS, some quote from an old Supreme Court case, you'll like this one, Mark, he said taxes is like plucking a goose. The object is to get the most amount of feathers with the least amount of hiss. >> That's funny. >> That's a good one, isn't it? >> Well, our job is to get your ass out of the system, and totally unless you just like doing it. You know what else amazes me is all these people are the Hunter Biden, the now acting chief chief of staff with the president that just got, got, you know, Biden got COVID? Biden's been diagnosed with COVID, so he's going to you know, Delaware to go recuperate, so is this. >> That's why he won the last election. >> So the last election was because of COVID and he stayed in his basement. He made a statement that if he was diagnosed with some sort of condition by a doctor, he'd consider stepping down, that may be a prelude to this, would just have to wait and see. But even Hunter Biden, his son's going, the president's son's going to California on a tax case of not avoiding this, I think of Asian. And so the point being is even at these high levels, those people don't know what we know. >> Yeah, well, that's how they brought down Al Capone was on taxes. >> Yeah, exactly correct. So this is what we've got here, folks, and you can see it illustrated by the mention of tact is with important high level people all the time. They don't know what we know here, else they wouldn't have be under any gun for any taxes because they know this have something on file and wouldn't be paying anything and wouldn't be responsible for paying any. So this knowledge that we have here that I'm giving away to you, even those people don't have it. >> Yeah. >> Please understand what you've got in your hands here, please. >> Yeah, I think too, like people that are complaining about child protective services, you know, you could find those videos and put a link to the interview with what was her name, Anna? She's an Anna, Anna, that had her daughter taken by the Colorado. >> That was Sarah. That was Sarah. >> That was Sarah. >> Thank you, excuse me. So Sarah's testimony would be a good one to put a direct link out to where people who are on YouTube looking for content regarding how to battle child protective services, you know, that they could see that if they'd had their status set correctly, that they could have, it's not a guarantee, but they potentially could, you know, get their hands off their children. >> Well, you know, and I think a couple of weeks ago, Mark, you watch Barnes, and Barnes came out and said that's the worst agency in the entire federal government. There's over 600 of them, and he figured CPS has the worst. >> Yeah. >> Most corrupt, I mean, he just went off of them, will lie to you, and it's all about them filling their beds with children, has nothing to do with the welfare of the children for the most part. >> Of course. >> And I've told the story, maybe, where I've worked with a gentleman who's, he spanked his kids, and I guess accidentally left a mark on one of them, and the, or the kids told the school that their dads spanked them, and this is here in Oklahoma. They turned, they reported that to the Child Protective Services, and they can't got his kids, and he had to hire an attorney and cost him a whole lot of money to get his kids back. And so, accurate, it was all said and done, he was like, ooh, you know, glad that's over, and the attorney says, oh, they'll be back, and he goes, what do you mean? He goes, well, at the end of the month, if they don't have their beds full, they look at previous people that they have brought suits against, and they'll show up at your house and try to take your kids. And as soon as that guy heard that, he literally sold his house, packed up, him and his family moved to Texas, because he was not going to be in their system, he was not going to sit around waiting for them to show back up. Now had he known about, or had I known about the national status back then, I think he could have changed the status, and then if they showed back up, it would be a matter of do you have jurisdiction? Well, we've got that happen with our buddy down in Florida said that happened with his grandchild, who died, I believe. So yeah, it's just so important, it's just so important, and it just astounds me. Why we don't have thousands of people on this call. Have these people been institutionalized? You know, like the guy that serves 20 years in prison, he gets out, and he's miserable and he go commits another crime, so they put him back in prison because he's institutionalized. Is that what we're dealing with here? Yeah. Yeah. That's hard to say, you know, and the other thing too is once you grasp this information and you're free, you're kind of free to go on and live your life. You know what I'm saying? So it's not necessarily something that everybody has to touch base with on a day-to-day basis, and we've had people come in, show up, ask questions, learn material, file their affidavits, get their passport, and we just never hear from them again. There's a whole bunch of people like that. Speaking of freedom, we got a free radio soap box, and Chicago, I think, here, Paul, well, please, I hear the whisper. And off, about 6.10 WVU at Ben and Chicago. So, radios, check out English Live at 3 o'clock, 3 p.m. this afternoon, read them by the piece. That will be on Paul English Live on Rumble, it will also be on You can catch the links to join that show. Thank you for being with us, we're on 6.9 WVU FM in Chicago. If you want to follow us into the second hour, go to and click on neurofocal or global voice radio there. Thank you, and you're ready to go back. Sayonara. Yeah, I see you there across the pond cousins. Paul, so you got double duty today. You're going to be working with the other Paul. It's the Pauls. It's the Paul triple duty. It's the Pauls here, and this afternoon. Do you know what Mr. English has planned? Have you discussed that with him? No, I don't know what he has planned. I don't know who he's planning on having for a guest or anything. I could probably find out throughout the course of the show, but I try to avoid bugging Paul on Thursdays because- Do you understand? I mean, the show he's prepping for it. Right. I would think he would want his upcoming show promoted, though, so if you can, and he's got somebody special, I'd certainly like to support him, and if you all are not familiar, some of you have heard Paul on here before, but he's just a great guy. He's another one of the real people like Mark and Paul and Merka and Dave and Kay and the other folks that kind of stand out because they make themselves involved. They're motivated to do that, and we owe all this to Paul English and the sacrifices he's made. That's what people that stumble into this don't know and understand is the sacrifices that have been made by so damn many people to have this platform and this message. You just don't understand. Right. So we've gone over a lot of oratory here for about an hour. Is there anybody in the audience that had any questions or comments or anything to say? We'd love to hear from you on all this if you do. It's star six, I guess, and there's a star six, I think, right there. Yes? Nobody? Yeah. Roger? Yes. Yeah. Hi. This is Sam. I wanted to say this earlier, but I didn't want to interrupt anybody. So the young girl that was, I remember you told the story, she ran away and, you know, in the hospital caught up with her, right, okay. So they couldn't touch her because obviously they were no longer a property of the government. Correct. And right, okay. So property cannot own property, but if you own yourself, you own your children, right? Yes, correct. The only way the child could be in servitude is if the parents were in servitude. It's the child can't do anything and under 18, they can't make those kind of decisions. So it all goes back to the parents. Yes. Well, go on, Sam. Okay. So that's their property. I just want everybody to understand this. I know this, but I just want to reiterate it. The other question is then, and Mark would probably know this, then, and maybe you do, and maybe not, but as, as owner of yourself, of your own property, your property, your body, you know, everything that you own, your DNA, everything that you own it. So you take it out of the hands of the U.S. citizen being the government, the property that you own, how do they have jurisdiction over that? They don't, because they don't have jurisdiction over you. It's only when they have a property right in you that it encumbers you from owning things. That's the system or end. You use debt money to discharge another debt. So you're not paying the debt with a Federal Reserve note. You're just discharging it, okay? And when it is, whatever your purchasing is, a car, a house or whatever, you can have possession of it, but you don't own it. That's why your car has a certificate of title. That's why your house, if it's on the property rolls, even though it's paid for, and you don't pay the taxes, then come sell it on the courthouse steps, depending on what state you're in, of course. So those are examples exactly of why you can't own anything, even though they give you the appearance of ownership. Right, so, but be as a national, do you owe taxes then for something that you own? No. So how would you pull yourself out of the property tax roll at this point? Well, that's a little different animal because that is with local municipalities floated by bond issuances that you okayed when you went to vote because they put them on the ballot. Do you okay this bond issue for schools or whatever it is? And so now bond, don't forget, bond edge. And so it's floated by a bond. And so you've got to go and get your property clear and get it off the tax rolls. Now you don't have to pay taxes on it. But do I just can say there's nothing to do with the feds? Okay, I don't need to do with the feds, but yet the internal revenue, there's the finance service link here in Chicago, and that's why I probably wanted to hear the people to hear this. The Department of Finance is responsible for revenue collection, utility bills, taxes, working, all that. And they have a, it's called a my doc. So the last time I went, when I put it in a trust, you know, the property, they required before I could record the deed that had to go upstairs, she stood there with her hands folded, she would not let me go and record the deed until I went upstairs and gave them, I guess registered it. So I'm going to read, I'm going to do a quick claim deed now and see what's going to happen. And so I'm wondering, I don't know anything about this at this point, you know, I don't know how they're going to go at me when I go to read deed it. So I don't want it on the tax roll, because they don't own me and this is my property. Well, that has kind of a question, you might not know them. No, there is, it's all local and it's all state, you know, and so my old teacher Gary Bryant, who I don't know if Mark ever heard of, or crossed my doubt if you crossed paths with old Gary, but he would always all property laws, state law. Well, this 14th amendment thing is the exception, because that's federal law and it turns us into property or has property right on us, otherwise all property laws, state law. And so what you're dealing with, and I don't know much about it, Sam, because I don't want to own a house, at least I haven't for many years, and so it's not on my, at the top of my priority list to sit down and spend time on it, you know, but I know it's very important to a lot of you guys, or at least some of you. Yes, there's a comment from a female, let's see what it is Sam, yes, I think it's Kathleen. Oh, no, it's a net. So after our, there's a few people that, hey, how are you? Oh, I'm all right. All right. There's a few people that's going through the process or have done it, if I'm understanding. So after hours is a good place to talk about that. After the show? Yes, or I wish some of the people that were really interested in this would start their own. Look, we're going to get together on Wednesday night, or Thursday night, or whatever night, and you guys bundle up and you go discuss it amongst yourselves, you know. But I know it's super important to some people, and there's like, especially like me, I just don't care about it, you know, one way, less I own the happier I am, okay. So anyway, but there's a resource for it. There's a need for it. I've only known of one person who's ever officially effectively done it, okay. And some of you probably heard that story, if you haven't, I'll tell that again. But all right, well, Al Adams, the guy that I used to do shows with, he's very used to be very well known and highly respected in the Patriot movement, he's in Dallas. He was a roofer. He had a roofing business, Sam, and he got involved in a divorce in a child custody battle and got into court, and that's the door he came in through, you know. And for many years, he had a publication, you can probably still find copies of it online and call the anti-shyster. And he would write articles, other people would contribute and it was all about legal stuff and different stuff. Well, Al had a listener out in Oregon who had achieved a loyal title on his land. And so Al was in a situation in Fort Worth, and like he put it living in a cat box. And so the guy said, "Come out here, I've got a cabin just about finished I'm working on, and you can come out here and live." So Al took him up on it, and he went out to Oregon, and they were finishing off the cabin. They got it right to the last thing they did was put in a gas water heater, and Al had even moved all of his stuff into the cabin. And they didn't do something right, and the gas water heater caught on fire, and so all of a sudden, now the cabin, with all Al's belongings in it, is on fire. So they call the fire department, and the road is right next to where the cabin was. And the fire department shows up up on the road, and they go down and tell the owners that, "We can't come on your property because you're not on the property rolls." And then the cabin burned down. So my advice to you is should you go through with this, every year you take check for $250 or $500 or whatever you can afford, and you go pay the people, like the fire department and say, "Listen, I'm off the tax rolls, but I still might need your services, and I don't want you to think I'm alienated from you. So here I'm going to help you this way." So I'd suggest if you do achieve that, that you go out and pay them some of those services like that, and what are you going to be doing effectively, Sam? You're going to be paying your taxes, aren't you? Yeah, it's pretty high in Illinois. So I'm in the process of the L'Oreal title, and I understand it, yeah, I get that. And I also would keep insurance, but just to not have, not giving them jurisdiction over my life, again, I don't want to give them any jurisdiction for them to come and tell me, and the biggest beef I had was, I don't have a problem replacing my rules. My house was brand new when I built it, and it's more like, "Oh, you need a roof, you've got to have permission. You want to put a fence? You need permission. Wait a minute. I'm not your child. I don't need you. You're not in the finances. You've got to have permission to replace your roof? Absolutely. You can't put a fence up, they're going to tell you how high they have your ticket over. I'm in a domain." Well, I didn't know you had to get their permission to put a roof on. I've never dealt with that. I don't want to be in my family or anybody else's house. How about this? You've got to get permission to paint inside of your house. Oh, my God, screw you, people. Well, listen, this is an individual decision for each of you, because you're in your own individual situation, and Sam needs a little title, so to get out of all that crap, then go chase it. But it's just not an issue. Here I think your freedom is everybody's interested in it. On the tax situation, everybody's interested in it. On this issue, some people are interested in it, not everybody, but it's not that it shouldn't be covered. I'm not dissing it. It just doesn't apply to me, so I've never spent a lot of personal time investigating it or getting my arms around it, because that's just... Right. I want to rent. Yes, it works. I want to rent. Yes, you work. I want somebody else to be responsible for putting the roof on. I want something breaks. I want somebody else responsible. I want somebody else to pay in the damn insurance. I want somebody else to pay in all that. I don't want to have to deal with it. No, Roger, your national status works. There's no question. 100%. Absolutely. I mean, what a difference. Absolutely. I want it all encompassedly, though, not just one area, but that's just... You're right. This is my point of view. And I'm in the process of the loaded title. I didn't know how to address the city of Chicago, Cookin County, when they combat me, and when I go... And I thought maybe someone had an answer, but it's fine. I'm going to have to figure it out once I get there, and then, you know, I'll go from there. And I'll let you guys know. Well, you've always got a brain, and you've always got a brain trust here to fall back on, you know. But it is complex, and like I said, out of all the people, Samuel here's been trying to do it for 10 years or more. All these other people trying to do it. I don't know if anybody else has succeeded officially, except this guy in Oregon. And I spoke with him personally, okay? So he did effectively remove his property from the property rules, so it can be done. But again, I think this is one of those jurisdictional issues. Some jurisdictions may be easier to accomplish that in than others. Mark, let me ask Mark, Mark, do you know anybody who's ever effectively removed their home from the property rules? Yes. Steve Emerson. You. Okay. So now we got two. We got two. But his was not based on a low-deal title or a land patent. It was based on their state law that exempts your primary residents from property taxes. Yeah. And my good friend Jeff. His videos are on YouTube. My dear friend Jeff, in Panama City, he's wanting to do this too. And I did not hear this guy Emerson's talk. But I do remember it, and my friends in Florida, he could probably do the same thing there without having to chase a low-deal title. So maybe there is two ways to do it. And we. Yeah. Give me my email address, and I'll send you the video that I listened to, and Steve ripped it off real quick. But he named the state law that he used to back it up with, and the tax assessor hung his head over and said, "Okay, I'll take care of it." And Steve was like, "Well, I didn't know what that meant," and he goes, "I'm watching to see if my property is going to get hit with taxes, and no, it didn't." So yeah, that's pretty exciting. Hey, Andy. Andy all in Florida, you ought to be real interested in that, okay? Amazing. Amazing. Well, Jeff, also, hey, Paul, I think he's about ready to submit his affidavit. He's a dear friend of mine. You know, about this stuff since I was in Florida, you know, and he never had done it for one reason or another. Well, now there's some circumstances there. He's ready to do it. And so I got him hooked up with an affidavit and all that stuff. And also in the conversation, I think he's about to drop that Dwayne Rogers tape in the mail to you. So keep an eye out for it, because I'm dying to hear what's on there, and I'm dying to play it for you guys. Did you ever hear him? Mark Dwayne Rogers? No, I don't recall that name. He used to travel with the Rommel School of Law. Remember those guys? Oh. Yes, I do. Do you remember that name? Mike. Yeah, Mike Brown and Peter and all those guys. We traveled with them. He was one of the most fascinating guys I've ever met, really a herd. And what happened to him, and I don't remember what the circumstances were, but he got thrown in jail, and there wasn't a Bible in there. The only thing that was in jail was the dictionary, and he memorized the dictionary from cover to cover. Wow. And you should hear this guy talk. You're going to get to here pretty quick if we can get that tape to Paul. It's the only tape of Dwayne Rogers I know of in existence. And back when I was putting all my stuff away and I was trying to get everything special, poured it out and I came across that tape. I said, I'm going to stick that here in the little house out back because one of these days I'm going to get my hand on it and need it. And bam, when the household Jeff went over there was going through that stack of stuff I had put aside and said, what about this tape with Dwayne Rogers? I go, yes, yes. So we have it, and y'all get here here pretty soon as soon as we can get it up to Paul. And he's got a cassette player and can get it over digitalized and we can pass it out far and wide. I don't remember what the guy said, but I remember the impression I had of it was enough to have saved that tape and go through all that and knowing how precious and unusual it is. So, I mean, this guy is pretty impressive Mark, I'm telling you. So you'll enjoy that when you get to here it and we'll play it one day on the show here as soon as we can get it and get it converted. So, I look forward to it. Yep. So, okay, so Sam, did we answer your question, Sam or do you have any more on your chest you want to get off? No, it's just basically I get to just go through it and see what's going to happen. Again, I'm going to stand my ground on my, I think this is the key to just about every part of your life as far as freedom. That's how I look at it. Well, it certainly is a big one. You know, if you've got one of those houses you've been in, it's real special to you and you don't want to move and all that stuff and, you know, then this is certainly an option that you might want to look into. It takes a lot of at least some research, you've got to trace that title back to some sort of a land grant to my understanding. And then you've got to bring that forward where, okay, you've done all that, okay. So it's not like falling off a log or walking into the property record. So I'm a national, getting my damn house off that roll, it's not going to work. So you definitely got, no, no, you got to go through some research and I don't know what all this entailed with it. Ron Gibson is supposedly the expert on it. We found his stuff may not have that much expertise. I don't really know. Again, this is not my Baliwick. My Baliwick is your freedom. That's what I'm here for. And to try and explain to you how you got into that mess, how you did it and how you, yourself can get out of it and they recognize it. It's not threatening. It's inexpensive and there ain't nothing to it. Okay. To where you get people go, it can't be this simple. That's the response. You can't be this simple. Yes, it is. That simple. This is the thin edge of that razor that they've used to trick you and get you to enslave yourself and love it, as Bertrand Russell said, they would love their slavery. And most people, I think you'll admit, love their slavery. Of course, it's getting to a point now with the pressure and the screws getting tightened, you might not love it as much as you used to. I think it's more not that they love their slavery, but they fear their freedom. I mean, you got to go through a lot for it. I keep thinking and flashing back when we get into these conversations on that one little part of that H. L. Menken quote, or it says, "Most men who are free are intolerably lonely." And I know and relate to that because I've been there, okay? And some of you may be there now with this and the people that you are surrounded with that call you ugly names and point fingers at you, okay? But that's why part of this show is so you don't have to be intolerably lonely anymore so that you can tap into a source where there are other people that think like you and feel like you and have gone through this process and they're free like you. Yeah, well, I encountered a couple different kinds of people. I tell a lot of people this, I encountered just recently such disbelief, like are you out of your mind? I mean, it's almost like you could see their fear. You're crazy. That's not possible. And I'm telling you, I'm doing this. You know what? You're out of your mind. You know, and it's like, are you crazy? Yeah. Let me be crazy. I don't care. I love this freedom. This is awesome. I don't care. But that's what I see. It's pretty cool. I was just going to say and then like Mark was alluding to the fact earlier, it takes time to get into this. It's complex. You got to shape your personal and your worldview and you got to go do all that stuff. But as you get control of the information, now you got the direct connection back to your maker and now you're responsibly getting right from God knowing him, the duties and now you start becoming empowered and you overcome that fear factor because now you're empowered and you realize they're nothing but a bunch of damn paper tigers. They're nothing but a bunch of damn slavers that have used fraud to get you enslaved. And once they're confronted with it, they run for the hills, folks. It's true, it's true. Hard to believe. It's true. Anybody else in the audience got any contribution here today or do you want us to just continue all this valuable information? Well, there's somebody right there. Yes. This is Thomas again, it's El Florida. Hey Thomas. Yeah, I heard that listening in about the property taxes and like you say, the people they don't even want their freedom, they're scared of it. I was involved in a thing back in 2007 down here in Florida where we were trying to get the state to basically abolish property taxes and it was called Florida Ballot Initiative. Still, I found it, it's still, if you go far enough, scroll far enough, you can find it. And it was based on the fact that here at Fort Lauderdale, we have a paper called The Sun Sentinel and there was a newspaper article and I actually have a copy of it right here and it says, "Some cities get by without taxing residence property." And then it goes on to say that there's 26 Florida cities who people have decided they don't want to have property taxes. Really? People don't realize. Well, yeah. So what turned out was the state of Florida has all kinds of laws concerning property taxes, but they don't demand or mandate that municipalities charge them. And so if you're a municipality, like for instance, this is close to you, Panama City Beach, city manager Richard Jackson, synthesizers of other local government officials across Florida who are grappling with property tax cuts ordered by the legislative, no, no, no. This booming resort city in Panama in the panhandle population, 10,005, is the largest of 26 Florida cities and towns without municipal property tax. And it goes on to say that, well, yeah, see, so if you tell, well, one of the things, we almost got this thing going and, well, it's a long story and there was sabotage. Rubio was involved. There were death threats and the whole thing fell apart. I mean, I wouldn't go into it. It's a whole story. But anyhow, we had people going. But one of the first things though was the people, you'd say to them, you know, we want to borrow property taxes and they actually were like, well, what are you going to do if you don't have property taxes? In other words, they're like the, you know, whatever, the dog on the chain, you know, around the tree taken off and he still goes around the tree. We said, no, no, number one, you know, you don't have to have them if you don't want them. But one of our poise was somebody did a financial study of Palm Beach County, which is big, and found out that only 20% of the revenues were covered by property taxes and they were sourcing 78% of all the money they took in and other sources. And this is what the Panama City found. They did it in Panama City Beach because they had some kind of a bed tag. They had to do with tourism. They just threw extra taxes onto bill tax and they covered the bill. Why do you think the state of Florida doesn't have a personal income tax because all the tourist taxes take care of it? Oh, they collect a lot. I had some relatives who came down the state in the temporary way back, you know, over on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, and I remember looking at the bill. They were paying close to 20% and extra charges just because they were in a, it was the bed tax, basically, that the Broward County, I mean, we're rolling in money here and yet we still have outrageous property taxes. But so the bottom line is if people wanted to, see, we were going at it at a state level, but so we could take care of the whole state. But any municipality, if they all got together and said, "Hey, we're not going to pay property taxes," and they had to push it and have it in the initiative or whatever, they could abolish taxes in their local municipal taxing district. They don't even know they can, and then when you tell them, they don't believe you. Yeah. Believe it or not. And it's been about the whole thing with the vote. Right. Well, that's why they put those bond issues on the vote on you. And they want you to dictate that that's going to happen and they're going to impose that taxes on your property because it's going to be for new school or raises for the sheriff or the police department or whatever it is, you know? I don't know if you remember, but do you remember a lady named Deborah Medina, who was a, she was somewhat of a, I think her husband owned her ranch and she was, they're probably fairly well to do people. I'm just guessing. She was a teacher and she was running for governor back in 2012 in Texas, and one of the main platforms she, parts of her platform where I'm going to abolish property taxes in Texas. And boy, they went after her big time. They got somewhere after her. Very frivolous reasons. And I remember Ron Paul talking once, way back when he was doing his thing to the president of Kansas City, and he just kind of went through it quick, and I did a double take when he said it. He said, yeah, I want to abolish property taxes and reinstate private property. And I'm going, did anybody catch that? What he basically was saying, if you've got taxes on your property, you don't have private property. If we can abolish property taxes, I can reinstate private property, because if we effectively don't have it, if someone can take something, you local municipalities can take your property if you don't pay them the rent. Yep. But it's very local. Very local law. It's very local law. Yeah. And see, that's one of the people that come on, people that come on here and you say the word tax, and they just automatically think of income tax. And most people, because it's a really crappy subject, and who wants to spend their life investigating taxation? I mean, really, it takes, you know, it's like, what kind of man wants to be an OBGYN? You know? It's kind of like that, and you've got to understand, there's a lot of different types of taxes. There's two categories in a whole bunch, and all taxes are not the same, folks. And this property tax, and your people come on here, we're talking about get you out of IRS, well, does that get me out of property taxes? No, that's a different animal, okay? One of the places that reason the property taxes there is because your fellow citizens in that city voted it on themselves, and you, by voting it in on bond issues, okay? That's how it happens. So again, not our emphasis, by any means, I know it's certain people, some of you are living in incredibly high tax districts, what about California? Any of you California folks on want to talk about how much Gavin Newsom has increased your taxes, and that's happening all over the country, they're, evidently, they're going to the board in the cities, municipalities, and they do this on a thing, I believe this is correct, called Advilorum, which is the value of your house. And so these committees go in, and they just up your Advilorum, and they just raise your taxes, and they've got an appeal board, and you can't do anything at the appeal board, so it seems to be another mechanism of the new oral order to get you out of there, out of your house, so BlackRock can buy it and rent it. But that's again, that's again why I wouldn't want to own anything right now. If you're in Florida, how's your insurance down there in Fort Lauderdale, Thomas? Well, I self-insured since 1999, I just read the, I basically said I, whatever, I haven't paid it for all those years, and I feel sorry for a lot, I couldn't, I mean, I've raised our insurance down here so high, that I met a guy the other day, where we were doing a dog park, and he's an old guy like me, and he said, "Yeah, my property taxes are going, my insurance is going to 15,000 a year." I said, "Hey, why don't you take a loan and pick off your house, and then you can cancel your insurance?" I said, "It's got to be a better deal." And that's the other place. Florida's a hell of a go-to spot now for people all over the country. You know, at one point, here a couple of years ago, there was 1,500 people a day moving to Florida. Well, what do you think that does to demand for the housing market, okay? And the people that get down there and want to buy new taxes, if you got to take out a loan and you don't have at least 20% to put into it, then you've got to carry those taxes for hurricane and stuff, and a whole bunch of the insurance companies have totally moved out of Florida. They don't even offer it, and the other is incredibly expensive. Am I wrong, Thomas? Well, yeah, as far as I know, you have to carry insurance if you have any kind of a loan on your house. It lets it's a private loan from a private individual who, if you've come to the agreement that, "Hey, I'm not going to ensure what you're loaning me money on." If there's any kind of a mortgage, you have to have the insurance. There may be a level. Now, it used to be 80/20. If you had put 20% down, you didn't have to have PMI. I don't know if all those things are changed. That's right. I think you have to have it no matter what. You have to have it. Well, they've got everybody buy the short hairs because there's nowhere else to go. You can't go shop around the world for insurance. All your insurance has to come out of the street as far as I know. So it fits pretty bad. But I mean, people who go out of line all over this country, Texas, California, here in Florida. If you go on like YouTube and just kind of poke around, you'll find there are people that are actually selling their houses because they said, "I bought my house by taxes for 3,000 a year. Houses around me have sold and gone higher and higher." What they do is they base the taxes on your house based on comparable sales all around you. Sure. So if your house was 300,000-12 years ago and now it's 700 or 800,000, they're kind of taxing, they're saying, "Yeah, my taxes are about 8,000 a year I started out at 2,500. We're leaving. We have to go. We don't have it in our budget. We're older. We only have so much and we don't have $150 a week to spend on property taxes," which is what they made. What they used to do, Thomas, was all the, especially the Canucks, the Canadians that have moved down there to St. Petersburg and Tampa and Miami, where you are, all down there in warm Florida. And as that started happening in Florida, up in the Panhandle, it wasn't like that. And those people would sell their homes and make an incredible profit and move up Panama City. But now it's encompassing even up there, I believe. I think it's everywhere, but I think Michigan right now, I think Michigan, they have something on the ballot up there where they want to abolish property taxes. I'm kind of following it to see if it goes through. It's always shot down because it's such a, if a state actually, I don't think there's one state in this country that doesn't have property taxes. Some are pretty low, but the whole idea, the principle, is there. It's in people's brains that, oh, you've got to pay taxes on your property. But if that's ever broken by one state, it could be an avalanche, it'd be a real godsend for the average person. There's a lot of extra money to have in your, for your annual spend if you don't have to crank out, you know, anywhere from whatever, three to, I mean, I know people that are paying over $100,000 a year in property taxes here in Florida. Yeah, yeah, I wonder what the, I wonder what the tax, free properties in this town. And he's paying over $100,000 on those three properties. Oh, man. What do you think Trump pays on Marde Lago? Oh, he's, if he's up there, he's next to Rush Limbaugh, I mean, you can, what we used to figure is for every million dollars is about $20,000 a year in taxes. The way they add to the law, I'm goes, it's a rough measure. So you go figure, if his place was worth $30 million, $30,000, I mean, did we have people here in Florida that are paying, oh, I mean, just on a single property, I heard one guy paying like $160,000, but I'm sure more, I don't want to, I don't, I don't want to live on the beach or the canal that much myself. Well, no, it's reached the point where if somebody gave you a beautiful home, you could not afford it. Yep. If you don't have the 80s on your taxes, well, all that's going to crash. This thing's coming. I'm surprised we haven't had the crash already. They continue to try and pump it up and wait for the opportune time for them. We'll see when they decide to do it, but we're flat up against the wall against the biggest financial catastrophe that's ever happened in the history of the planet. We're that close and it's that big. Okay. Hey, Roger. For many. Yes. For many years, I've been preparing trying to get myself debt free. I've been debt free mostly with exception of a couple of years here for 20 years. I've got all any extra money I had years ago as in gold and silver and I rent and I live below my means. So that's the position. A number one thing you need to do if you're not and if you can is get your butt out of debt. That's the big deal right there. Yes, Dave. Yeah. Thanks, Roger. I just want to chime in on this conversation just for, you know, FYI for the gentlemen. I lived in Poppetle Beach when I got out of high school for about three years and ended up in Broward County general hospital, got in a couple of wrecks and anyway, I have a friend that just died a few years ago, Hagen Smith. I'm not sure what part of Florida he was in, but I met him, you know, on that with those Colorado boys, you know, that somebody was talking about yesterday, Al, that are in prison right now. Hagen Smith was a big constitutional guy and, you know, we were talking on conference calls about private property and taxes and all that stuff just like 2015 and he got his county tax assessor. He lived in a mobile home, you know, and him and his wife and they were older and, you know, on a fixed income and he got the tax assessor to change his designation from, you know, residential to private. And then when he went back, he had a team of men with him and Hagen was a big dude and but he was older and he got a huge fight with this tax assessor. He did not want to take his property off the tax rolls. Hagen got so mad at the, in this argument with this guy, he had a freaking heart attack and died on that guy's office floor. So anyway, I got to take a call, but great, great conversation. I'll be back. Thanks. All right, Dave, go get your call there. Anybody in the audience got anything to contribute here today? You all just want to sit there like a bump on a log soaking it in or what? The audience is real bright these days, Paul. Oh, there's Marka. Hey, Mark. Oh, let me switch my headphones. I'll be right back. Hold on. Well, now you're clear. You're clear. Oh, good. Okay, good. Because this one does thing usually work. Anyway, so I was going to say I've been getting some students double checking the information that is being used on affidavits or cover letters. And sometimes, you know, I tell people, I just kind of tell them, like, we're not asking for permission. We're not asking for, you know, we don't have to explain ourselves. This is what we're doing. We are doing the research, finding the factual information and putting it on there and informing them, noticing them that this is what needs to be done. And if we are getting bluffs, it's probably because people are putting things on their cover letters or affidavits that are questionable or easy to come back at you for. Don't have too much information. Yeah, I'm just saying like this. I don't think a new student should be plowing off and writing their own damn affidavit. If you want to, that's fine, but I think that's very ill-advised. Another thing that I've noticed on cover letters, they're using, it's kind of like you're asking for permission or clarification or requesting authorization or confirmation. It's a lawful legal notice. You're noticing these people to tell them, this is what you are. And this is how we're handling it because it's your private life. You're not asking them to come back and explain it. You don't have to do it yourself on a cover letter. It's just, you're telling them. I think it's one of the most important concepts that we need to stress to new people because I know that this problem exists that you're describing is what you have is your choice. What set of laws you choose to live under is your choice, not theirs. If it's their choice, it's tyranny. I'm telling you you're this, that's tyranny, folks. You've got the power, you're telling them what you are. So again, this is that overriding, threatening SWAT team mentality and yeah, they had jurisdiction on it back then. It was plausible deniability. They'd never tell you how they were able to do it, but I'm telling you how they were able to do it. You can change that and they can't do it anymore. It's your decision, not theirs. I'm not going to explain something that I've seen on affidavits and cover letters. All this extra information on an affidavit, it's like your affidavit is so simple that it's so effective and there's nothing that they can come back at. It's why we keep saying that. There's nothing to rivet. There's nothing for them to come back at or bluff you to see if you really truly know the information and know how to defend yourself. So on a cover letter to the IRS, especially because I've seen some of that too, it's like don't give them anything to come back. There's no reason for you to say, oh, I will pay for whatever, you know that you will, they should know that, they can look it up. They're the legal people, they're the ones that are charging people, the taxes, they should know their whatever it is, law for the IRS that they're trying to impose on people. You don't need to explain yourself on there, you don't need to tell them, I'm for sure going to pay whatever I need to pay, then they'll just give you another, they'll send you a bluff, see how they can work you to get intimidated. As they put in there, I intend to pay all 871B and 877B taxes ever owed, that's not what I don't think you're talking about. Yeah, that one's fine. That's the regular. I highly, I highly try and motivate you people and I know many of you, you stumble into this for the first time, but you've been studying this stuff for years and you want, you put a lot of hours into it and a lot of sacrifice and you want to use that information and put, I'm Suey Juris and all this other crap on there, don't do it. Keep it simple. And you know Roger, please find the enclosed affidavit now on file with the Secretary of State of the United States of America. Please adjust your actions, your records and your agents actions accordingly. What more do you need to put on? Roger. You know how we always kept it simple and it's all coming in with people that are coming in from other groups and or researching things from other groups that out of our group and getting all these ideas and confusion into their minds and sharing it with others. The people that were here long time with you, Darryl and Padgett and you know a few of us here that have been learning and researching very deeply, yeah, well for sure, we keep it, we don't add anything to it. Do you, like I have the tell in my telegram, National Status Freedom, I have it as simple as possible. You don't need to add anything else into your affidavit or cover letter, just that's all you need. Do you understand folks that are trying to do this, and this is a point you need to bring back to them, Mark, I'm sure you have. The more stuff you put in there, the more you risk a chance of giving them something to confront you on. Why do you want to do that? Why do you want to do that? Why do you want to do that? Exactly. Thank you, Roger, for seeing that because that's another way to explain it so everybody can get it. So just keep it simple, the path has been paved for you, and just keep it simple, it works. It works that way. They know what this is, they perpetrated the damn thing. You don't have to tell them. And if they don't, right, if they don't, Roger, they can go back and review it. Ignorance of the law is an excuse, right? Yep, yep, goes all the way. That one right there, folks, that ignorance of the law is no excuse, goes all the way back to Leviticus. Yep. Okay. So okay, thank you, thank you for bringing that up, and it needs to be accentuated to the new folks, because, and I understand why you do it, you know, look, I did a lot of study, too. I've had to dump out fortunately for me, I was weaned on the right law. I was weaned on the truth. And as I went through and saw people like Ramos School of Law and the Right Way Law group and all the rest of these traveling road shows that used to go around the country, and they're talking about stuff up there, and I'm going, well, that's not true, because it doesn't fit this parameter here. So I had the correct information to gauge all this other stuff by those of you who weren't that fortunate, who didn't stumble on this show first. You've been out chasing the Hanavon rights and David Strait, and they have filled your brain with crap. And the lingering, and the lingering students from them are teaching the same thing. So fear, mongering continues, and they're going to confuse you. Keep it simple. That's it. Learn the information. We'll check everything. I mean, yeah, you know, go back to the one sentence on the State Department policy statement there on the website, non citizen, non citizen nationality thing, and they're at the bottom of the page. Thanks to Alan. Alan brought it. Alan's another one of those guys we hadn't heard from in a while. I'm sure he's still listening. He brought it to us one day, because he went in and did a lot of additional research, and he came on the show and they said, "Roger, would you like to hear one sentence, a disclaimer? I said, sure." And it's at the bottom of that page, not a certificate of non citizen nationality. "I, Roger, sales, do you solemnly swear my intent to be a national and not a citizen in the United States?" It's as simple as it has to be, and that's from the State Department, folks. Ding, ding, ding. Well, it's ding or mer, hammer. I was just thinking about that sentence, yeah, "I" in your name, being duly sworn, which I switched out for, being affirmed by God, declare my intention to be a national and not a citizen of the United States. That's simple. So all you need to do, you're totally out of the whole damn shooting match. Not one sentence right there to that one guy, Secretary of State, and you're out of it, folks. That's how complex this is, right there. So if you're new and you're listening, please don't read too much into this, into what they've done and how they've done it, because it's only a trick. They tricked you in your mind, they tricked you to answer those two questions, yes, complete and agree with the contract that's fraudulent. That's why they recognize the affidavit, it's all based on fraud, and you're out. You're out. No more income tax, no more federal agencies, no more not. That's for free. I'm giving it to you right there for free. Roger, I've seen a lot more people, a lot more groups, a lot more material being posted, you know, wherever websites, sites, media, like Telegram, it's crazy how hard they are working to confuse people. I see it. There's so much more out there now. Yeah. Well, I work real hard to unconfuse you, because it's not, it ain't, I mean what they, how they've set it up is complex, certainly, but all they've pulled here is a simple bait and switch they used fraud. More heart, less ego. Don't think you know just because you've been to these other places, trying to straighten down everybody here. Just listen. Don't, don't, don't emulate Ron Avery, who's made the biggest fool, public fool out of himself that I've seen anybody in this movement do, okay, Ron Avery took the head fake on American Samoa, stood me up, lied to me, to his audience all just because no, I've got to be right. I've got to be right. That's ego shit. Okay. That's true. He has had some success with different things that he's taken to the Supreme Court there in Texas over taxes. He said no yet and he lost both cases. Yeah, but he has had some success in the other areas that he went there for. So I'm just saying we can't discount everybody because we disagree with them, because that plays into the hands of the enemy. See what I'm looking for is the person that knows something's wrong, wants to do something about it, has an open mind and is willing to listen. You can't do this with groups. You've got to do it with individuals. Why? Because your freedom is your individual freedom. It's not the group's freedom. You got to do this individually. And if you decide you need to do it, you don't have to necessarily go any further than that at that time. No, you don't. Think it's true. Find out, you know, before you do a passport or whatever else you intend to do. You know, that's your choice, but make sure and don't worry yourself to death about it. Like I hear some of them, you know, they're so afraid, like you say, to contact the government for fear. They'll be retribution. You know, so. Well, and I listen, I was there once to that. That may be the reason I never had a passport before. And then all of a sudden, I have to have one and I go get them and I look at them and on the top of the first page is the answer I've been looking for for 15 years. Well, that shows us all in God's hand, isn't it? They're paper tigers, folks, these people are paper tigers when you've got the goods on them. If they're not, they're formidable adversaries. But when you got the goods at them, they're just nothing but paper tigers. I know that's hard to believe for some people. I promise you it's true. I promise you. Okay. Oh, and so will a lot of these other people back me up, okay, because all they ever get is confirmation that what we've taught them is true and Merck and the California people. They put the Attorney General of the state on notice and they go back, well, we can't give legal advice. And if you need any legal advice, go over here and talk to this punch corrupt bastards at the bar. But by the yada yada and we do recognize our private citizens, by the way, right? Anybody acknowledged the private individuals is what he said, so it's kind of awesome. So anyway, everywhere we turn, we get confirmation everywhere we turn. Yeah, somebody's got a hand up here. Okay. Good. Well, let's hear from them here before we close out. Paul. Let's see. Sketch. Is he sketchy seven and wait, very good. Who is that sketch? Yeah. It's knows how to get on here. So it's a shame on you. Yeah. Hey, that's good. Well, I'm looking at a seven and eight area. Okay. I yield. No, I don't. I just I also see a four, three, five area. Okay. Carl. Okay. But somebody knew or whatever. We don't have much time to get one of them on. That's good. Sketch in here first. He's usually pretty quick. We'll do it. Hey, that's Carl. I'll take it. I'll take it. We're going to do you first. We're going to do you first, Carl. What you got? Yeah. This is more of a question from Mark, I think, but and something I was messaging yesterday. So listening to what you said earlier, which I felt was towards me, but it obviously wasn't because of time frame, but an LLC, I've got a business that is high, high risk business. And an LLC is in my understanding probably the best way to go about it. I'm not trying to protect my money, essentially. I mean, obviously I want people coming after me and my house, but just to separate the business from my property, is LLC the best way or what do you, what do you think? Mark, the best way is to put in real estate areas. Yeah. The best thing. And I don't have a problem with LLC if it's used properly. But as a US citizen, most people will file taxes for their LLC as an S corporation, and then the net profits end up going to them as income, and then they put that on their individual 1040 tax. You don't have to do that as a national. The money can go right through the LLC to you personally without a quote using an S court. And that's a good way doing it. Now the other common problem is people think LLC protects them individually, it does not. The LLC, and I've seen this time and time again, if the LLC gets sued, they're also going to sue you, your individual capacity as the owner of that business, because you are financially responsible for the LLC. So in my opinion, it doesn't really protect you any when it comes to a lawsuit. So at that point, I should put my house into the trust, so it's separated. Yes, exactly. And put your automobiles and their own individual trust, it's very simple to do. And then that way, you want to become uncollectible. If you do happen to get sued, then there's nothing they can take from you. Okay. So going back to the email earlier, can we follow up on that so I can get you to do that with me? Sure. Did you send me an email yesterday, just the last couple days I have. Okay. I'll follow up on that. I thought I responded to everything. So you did. You did. It just, we haven't quite got results. Okay. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Sounds good. And by the way, for Marco, you sounded, your audio today was awesome. That's the best. Yeah. It's good. Yeah. I felt like I could really fully hear you today. Damn. So that's good. Thank you, Carl. Thank you. Anybody else through their hands up? We can serve us here. We've got, um, um, um, and still has this hand up, Sam, you got anything else? I don't think so. He'd be right on it. So who else is waiting? I didn't know. I didn't know. I was still off. How do I get it to go down? Just nine, four, one. Nine star. Nine, four star. Uh, Raj, there is one thing. I've got a consolation for you as far as you agree. Yes. Yes. Okay. He's still paying taxes. That's good. Good for him. He's the one that deserves to. Who was the one that had tried to get in there a second ago? Sketch had his hand up for a minute, but he put it back down. Somebody just said something there is, hello? Come back. Well, I know there was somebody that said something was real clear. That's probably an accident. Jimmy, do you have anything to add? Okay, we've got about a minute left in the program or so. If anybody's got to say something, you better say a damn quick. Hi. I just want to do a good stuff over there. Yeah, that's Jimmy. Okay. Well, we got background conversation. Uh, okay. Well, I guess that wraps the program up today effectively. We'll hear the whistle in just a second and a little bit out of the ordinary, but I think that history that we covered today is important for you guys to know and put it into perspective of what you got in front of you and what you got in your hands if you've already moved on it. Uh, and I realize it just takes a time because you're changing everything in your life, including your thinking. But I promise you, this is the root of everything in the world, folks, is because they use money to, to effectuate all their agendas, COVID, pay the hospitals, pay the to Wal-Mart and not Wal-Mart, but CVS and Walgreens, you know, they paid them $2 billion, not to sell Ivermectin and hydrochloroquine. Yep. Okay. All of these initiatives are all greased with money. And this is the way they get all that. What we undo here, as far as Walgreens and CVS are criminally rivaled or holding an effective treatment. They all should be. Hopefully we'll get some lawyers. We've got several lawyers out there that are really, well, I mean, they're client rich, Betty, for the rest of their careers off the last couple of years, okay? So anyway, we'll be back tomorrow, it's Friday, of course, and that means Mr. Winters will be with us and we haven't talked to Brent since the attempt of assassination on Saturday, so it'd be interesting to hear what he's got to say on all that and the developing events day by day. We didn't talk about that much today, but every day brings new questions. You know, my orcas, the Congress is trying to get this female from Secret Service Inn and my orcas steps in and won't let her go to Congress. So now we've got the guy at DOJ, whatever his dumb name is, Boshi Garfunkel, he's under contempt to Congress and we're about to have my orcas who's already been impeached by Congress be in the same position. It's a lawless bunch, folks, running the country and not one of them has the validity of an oath in office and all of them are frauds. Okay, recording stopped. Okay. Well, there we are, kids. Now all the people with questions that wouldn't come forward, come forward now. Yeah, let the mayhem begin. You've had a very unresponsive audience here, Layle, Paul. I have a comment. I have a comment. I wanted to say this earlier. Can you guys hear me yet? Yes. Yeah, this is Sam again, just the fact, okay, I'm an honest person, I've always been brutally honest to the point where people are shocked, but I'm going to tell you this right now. Did you do something like by accident, let's say you, you, with the taxes involved, let's say you go and you scrap a piece of metal or something or you get some kind of funding from something where, you know, you don't put, you don't put it on your taxes. They have such control when you give it to them, they can come back to you. Oh, we need seven years of your tax return or everything. They wanted to come at you. It's, it's so easy for them, why give them that ability, it's not even worth it. I mean, if it's so freeing, I don't have to keep any taxes now, I don't keep nothing overseas. No, no, no, remember, you remember when you were doing that in all year, you saved those little pieces of paper man and comes around in April and you got to devote a whole damn weekend sitting there with a calculator, piles of little papers, going through to get all your deductions and filling out the thing. What a waste of frigging time. What a stress. What a, I was self-employed my whole life. What a stress factor. It's not worth it. It's like anything to get out of this and you're giving it away for free. You don't get this, but it's, it's, it's, it's, you know, yeah, I guess it's, it's, it's given, he's given it away for free. Hell, it couldn't be anything to it. That is so wrong. I know it. Well, he, you know, quite said, don't bring a statue, right? Yep. Don't bring a statue. Okay. Does it? Anybody else got anything for me today? Stay healthy, Roger. Yeah. And then, well, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go. One of the things I got. Oh, the other thing is why I say real, real, the other thing I want to say, real, one thing I want to say is you also support the people's decisions. So when there's an issue, you answer the question. It's not like you say it and you run. Well, to the best of mine, all the time. Well, I know how complex this is. You know, if I wasn't here to explain a lot of these basic things to people, they'd never understand it because it's extremely effectively well done and implemented. I mean, you got to give these guys credit for what they've done here. That this simple little trick has allowed them to control the world for what, 91 years now? Oh, I mean, it's brilliant. Okay. I hate them. Yeah. 33. Yeah. Oh, well, sketch. We've been dealing with you all show. What do you got? Well, I just wanted to say I put it in the chat. The bolster you're arguing about property can't own property. It's the 40 document, 43 Senate document, 43 of the 73rd Congress's first session is that there's a link in the chat. The bolster your argument, if anybody like me asked you, what do you mean property can own property? And thank you for today, Roger. Yeah. I yield. And enjoy your life. There you go. All right. Hopefully I will. It's a lovely day. Again today. It appears. And the construction workers are just about to go off to lunch. They might have already done that. So anyway, I'm going to do the same. I'm going to go see if I can go by a farmer, Saria and say, Necesito para prostado. So I was told they have some prostate pills that are over the counter that are good. You're going to go try and check on those. I did get an order into info wars the other day. That was interesting. It took me an hour and six phone calls between info wars and Wells Fargo, customer service. But I finally got it done. Okay. So that's a step in the right direction. And otherwise in that, I guess I'll see you all tomorrow with Brent. We'll see what happens the rest of the day as things unfold. There's a bunch of stuff unfolded on the assassination. And hey, no question who did it and who's behind it. So that's very, you know, pretty interesting and we'll see what comes out today. I guess Vance's speech. I heard a little bit of it last night was very, very good. He's a very impressive guy. Okay. I think Trump made the right choice. But things look good for the, for the, the freedom seekers and bad for the empire. Okay. All right. Nobody's got anything else for me. I'm going to ask again. No one's gotten anything else for me today. I've been running my mouth for two hours. I'm going to go fill it with something. Do what? One, one, one comment. He was shot at, at six, 11. People should look up at Ephesians, six, 11. Exactly that moment. He was shot at. And it's the armor of God. You can't get anything. Listen, there's a lot of people. I saw some people being interviewed as they were coming out of the place yesterday and two separate people said there was two shooters that were there. Okay. So we'll see as we go forward. And the new world order is caught red handed with this one. Red handed. So they're washing off the roof. Okay. Well, yeah. Oh, did you hear, did you hear the, whatever that woman is that's running the secret service? Did you hear what her excuse was yesterday, Paul? They didn't have any people on, yeah, because the roof was too sloped. They didn't have any agents. And yet right in the building adjacent to it, the roof is steeper and they had two or three agents up there. Yeah. There's people, they're coming out with anything and they're getting caught every excuse they put up. And the secret. Glory. Glory. All right. That's the only thing they need to admit to. I'm going to take off. You guys take care Mark, you know, I need to compliment both. Thank you for the dinner bell. I mean, all of you really, but I sure do appreciate Mark and Paul on here. Merkett to and David K and all the others that add Devon and things, but Mark being this paralegal and having this on the ground 20, your experience here is fantastic. He can help a lot of you with a lot of your trust and other problems and stuff that I couldn't help you with from here. And Paul who allows all this technical stuff to be put together. I don't know where we'd be without Paul right now. And I know Paul English appreciates Paul also. And don't forget Paul showed today at three. So anyway, I'll see y'all tomorrow. Have a great day. Okay. Thank you. All right. All right. Touch out. Have a great lunch and go shopping for healthy stuff. And does it for the radio ranch with Roger sales on, 106.9 WBOU FM Chicago radio, home, free to make your life TV and spin life not to for more information on the topics discussed, please go to the There's a new student section where you can see he interviews and important videos like award emergency power radio from Dr. James Broder. We're still trying to get him on the show. Also, you can go to join the telegram group, the PPN radio ranch, and radio ranch that. And those links are there as is work as telegram group, national status freedom. And also you can go to the national status info, another website, you can go to get information. You have trouble bringing up the matrix to go to That is just another door, it reads to the same house. I'm palm out of here and don't forget Paul English Live 3PM on right here on, bye now. Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide, you're listening to the global voice radio network. Bye bye, boy. Have fun storming the castle. ♪ Now you're breaking the truth ♪